Volume 50       May 8, 2019


By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho

(An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 2, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "Biocosmic Nervo-Reflectant and the Theory of Material Reflection in Man, Inner Development and Social Upheavals," July 1973 - September 1974 Discourses, Chapter 7, Section B: "The Nervo-Reflectant," pp. 182~199)





1   On Lenin’s Reflection Theory


Our 5 sense organs reflect the external phenomena, include external forms of matter.  The point is this, when one of the sense organ ceases to function, say the ear, then all the sound aspect of our material world cease to be reflected by the ear.  But nevertheless, this so-called sound expect of nature still exists. It does not therefore means that this sound aspect of the external world, does not exist at all.  This does in fact show that there existed forms of matter independent of our 5 sense organs.  Molecules for example exist independent of our 5 sense organs.  When all our 5 sense organs cease to work, all external phenomena cease to be reflected into our “being”.  The nervous system is therefore a form of matter with psyche, the highest biological form of matter, found in human beings all other animals and in plants.  This form of matter, that is, this highest form of matter, possesses this very important property – it “glows” and reflects external phenomena like a mirror, and it is a psyche matter.  There is direct interactions between this highest form of matter and the external objects  ……  that is sound, light, heat, etc. must interact with this highest form of matter embedded in only “living organism” – so far known to biological scientists.

This highest form of matter undergoes changes in forms, that is, it probably has development – real material development or real motion. At a certain stage of its development, it ceases to function and this is the stage when we called a man is dead. The highest form of matter has reached the endpoint of its functions.  It comes into existence and once it has matured from the womb of the organic bodies it is negated. Immediately, after this highest form of matter, let us called it nervo-reflectant, a reflectant (simple mirror image) of the nervous system, is negated, the other superstructure of the nervo-reflectants disintegrates.  By observation, that is, empirical observation shows, decaying of all these superstructures of the nervo-reflectant – our bodies decay.


2   The Nervo–Reflectant in Organism


The nervous system in all organisms has mirror properties formed from a myriad of simple into complex mirrors. What the nervo–reflectant is can be studied by the biologist.  It is found in the so-called nervous system of man with its huge network of neurons as mirror or “simple images” and is also part of this system itself.  This nervo–reflectant possess the property of reflecting external phenomena although it is incapable of reflecting all external phenomena, the neurons there are doing the works of reflection like what the mirror does.  The neuronal system here in the body does mirror work of reflecting and producing images of the outside world.


3   The Nervo–Reflectant and the Superstructure of Nervo-Reflectant


The nervo–reflectant has its history.  From the fusion of sperm and ovum therein, forming man plays a leading role in “creation” of all the super structures of the nervo–reflectant.  Until at certain stage of this development of the nervo–reflectant, the superstructure as can be observed is of the blastocyst form.  This in turn changes its form into embryos……then the superstructure is of the fetus form and finally of the “adult form”.  This “adult form” is the last stage of development of the nervo–reflectant, their super structure only undergoes minor quantitative changes.  The followings are the quantitative changes:

 i.  Weight of small child and weight of adults and weight of old man.

 ii.  The increase in size of head, limbs bodies, o.k.

 iii. There is no change of quality thereon.

Conclusion: The development is dialectical.  This is an example and proof of the validity of dialectical behavior of the development of the nervo-reflectant.


4   Forms of Nervo–Reflectant


In the stage after the conception to the blastocyst – the nervo–reflectant is in a definite form.  The nervo–reflectant undergoes quantitative changes.  There is in this stage another form, an antithetical form of nervo–reflectant, existing in this stage.  This new nervo–reflectant replaces the old nervo–reflectant.  It brings about new forms superstructures, the embryo form.  Here too there is a transition from blastocyst to embryo, quantitative changes takes place.  Then there is a transition from the embryo into the fetus and therein further development.

Let us called the stages of this development as:

1. For “needs” – blastocyst

2. For blastocyst to embryos and

3. From embryo to fetus.

In 1, the nervo–reflectant has underdeveloped reflection capability.  In 2, the nervo–reflectant has different or still not so develop form of reflection.  In 3, the nervo–reflectant has reached its highest developed form initially that is when the baby is just born out, the nervo–reflectant in the child is “learning to stand up form”.


5   The Point which Proves Decisive for the Dialectical Gap is this:


The child, immediately, been born, has exactly the same reflection of the external phenomena been aged man you see a cat a child also see a cat.

From this stage the child’s nervo–reflectant undergoes quantitative changes. The child, in one word, has to interact with external phenomena …… his nervo–reflectant and his superstructure is one piece – whereby the nervo–reflectant controls the superstructure.  The most develop form of the nervo–reflectant lies in the so-called head that is the brain.  This is the location one of the most complicated and highest form of matter.  All “voluntary” parts of the body are control by it. The consciousness of man, the will of man and the conceptions of thought capacities all come into existence at this final stage of the quantitative changes of man in this “adult stage”.  The “nervo-reflectant” in other species has different forms of development although the development is quite the same.


6   The Superstructures of Nervo-Reflectant in Adult Form


The superstructures constitute the various muscular system, skeletal system, etc. these superstructure are protected by the nervo-reflectant.  Any damage in the superstructures will lead to the agitation of the nervo-reflectant which in turn directs the “curing” of the damage superstructures.  The nervo-reflectant is both ontological and not ontological-both god and not god; it is the highest form of biological matter that is, it exist in one of the categories of material form.  The material form of it is very dull, still constitute polymer; but when it is in motion or performance it is very “complicated”.  No wonder any decay in your body, the wound can often be healed, by the so-called internal development.


7   Nervo-Reflectant and its Superstructures are Interdependent


When the superstructures are destroyed the nervo-reflectant also gives way. This is the case when killing a man by shooting etc.  When the nervo-reflectant disappears or dies off as in the case of the death of man due to old age, the superstructures also dies off that is decays of.  This so-called dying off of nervo-reflectant is simply a transformation of the nervo-reflectant (material form) into so one other form or performs other kinds of function or negated by a different form.

Quote:  Death is certainly the antithesis of life.


8   Production and Reproduction of Nervo-reflectant


At a certain stage of the development of the nervo-reflectant, that is, immediately after a child is born, the nervo-reflectant has reached a stage where its future nervo-reflectant is reproduced.  This can be detected by the existence the sperms or and therein also the existence of penis and virginal.

I believe if the nature of this nervo-reflectant is studied in great detail perhaps it is also possible to “direct” development of this highest form of matter.


9   Nervo-Reflectant and the External world


The nervo-reflectant of man specifically, not to mention of other forms of animals and plants cannot possibly reflect all the external phenomena. But what is reflected into a man, that is what all of us can see, hear, feel, smell and taste are all seal external phenomena or in one world they exists.  So if you see a car you say it exist because the car possess certain properties (light) to interact with the nervo-reflectant cannot interact with all external phenomena, such as a molecule striking our sense organ, but by many interactions with external phenomena.  There arises ideas, a function of the nervo-reflectant, the possibly of the existence of molecules, more lunch interactions with this so-called phenomena exhibited by nature which gives the idea of molecules, that is carrying out more scientific experiment can lead to the conclusion of the existence of molecules.  Ideas are the highest form of the nervo-reflectant and concentrates on the head.  This is another way of saying “only with very careful very quiet conditions that scientist can perform delicate experiments successfully certainly.  If a dream is circling around him he will be quite unable to achieve the results well.

The idea or concepts of nervo-reflectant, is the highest or last amongst the groups of nervo-reflectant.  Thought is the reflected, the root of an idea.

So far known to us, there is only matter in motion which constitutes the whole universe.  The matter has its forms.  There are always interactions with forms of matter.  One of the highest forms of biological matter is the nervo-reflectant in human being.  Its final form is the thought and the concepts.  This thought is a form of matter and matter is eternal and in constant motion. It has diversities of forms and that it undergoes changes of a dialectical kind, etc.

The god believer holds that God creates matter and direct all the changes in the form of matter.  According to our knowledge of the function of the nervo-reflectant it is the man specifically the nervo-reflectant which did the job of creating God, that is, just as scientist tries to conclude the existence of molecules.  Molecules can be proved to exist but God cannot be proved to exist.  That is God does not exist in material form.  So far known to us it is matter that changes matter and God a product of the thought, of the highest form of matter and cannot materialize in God forms.  But it can materialize, that is, through practical activities of man himself in cultural forms as observed in Bible, the Koran, the Bhagavagita, etc.  The standpoint is on the reflection of the reflected.  The more important standpoint is on the physical process leading to the physiological processes and to the psychological processes.

The nervo-reflectant not only responds to external phenomena but it also plays an important role in building up its superstructures.


10   The Distinction between Termino and Reflections:


A termino is called a termino because this whole nervous system with the brains that possesses it is itself perfected to the note TI in the biocosmic octave which is found in modern man, and modern man falls on the note TI which is the last note, therefore, the terminal stage to a new technocosmic octave which is also fully developed to-date.  Such a being-material nervous system has a termino with psychic properties.  The terminos are most developed at the brains. The termino is the highest level of the nervo-reflectant of modern man.  It “housed” reflections – concepts, ideas and thoughts after the deep process of reflections, whereas nervo-reflectant is quick impulses or minuscule reflections at a lower and simpler level of sensation, perceptions and reflexes.

Although the termino is undergoing quantitative changes in the materially sense, nevertheless, this does not mean that the reflections (specifically the idea, consciousnesses, etc.) also undergo quantitative changes and therefore no transition points in idea.  What is a reflection?  A reflection (bio-mirror reflection of the external objects only and not the internal “objects”) is a reflection of external objects in this sense.  Nature is always in contradictions for example,

 i.  “Material” bourgeoisie and “ material” proletarians

 ii.  Actions and reactions in motion of objects

 iii. Coming-to-be and ceasing-to-be in organic development of beings

All these external contradictoriness are reflected in the mind by the termino.  No wonder in our reflections there are always contradictions.  The process of changing ideas is in small “leaps” – thesis, antithesis and synthesis and so on.  This is a dialectical process in the mind.  These little “leaps” are steps towards knowing of the whole.  The little “leaps” are analogous to knowing holism from the fragments of music, literature, languages; bourgeois politics, ideology philosophy, etc.  The consciousness of the unity of all these fragments leads to the conception of the so-called Absolute.  No wonder many people have as many kinds of “leaps” in their ideas.  Each “leap” is a realization of the Absolute.  Yet is the Absolute is eternal?  No, the Absolute itself is contradictory innerly as an autoegocrat primordial seed.

It can therefore be said that there are continuous “leap” in the ideas of the reflection of the reflected external phenomena but certainly the terminos are still under quantitative changes materially.

The termino itself after it has reached its psychic “boiling-point” also changes its nature led qualitative leap and all reflections turn into fetters.  The nervo-reflectant cannot reflect anymore.  But nervo-reflectant can reproduce new “needs’.  The organic bodies therefore undergo production and reproduction of new ones.  The so-called life span of the termino is short, it can only reflect all that the termino can possibly provide as a base to the reflections.

Reflection, on the other hand, is a process of formation of deep thought that is rooted in perceptions, sensation or immediate mirror reflections. Termino is the harvest of the brains in the nervous system of modern man. Immediate reflections, sensations, perceptions (grouping of sensations of the same or different) are harvest of the nervo-reflectant.  Concepts and thoughts are harvest of the termino.  The termino is a group of being-psyche hydrogens.


11   Termino and the so-called Logical


The logical is the reflection of the historical processes of the real world.  The real world or the real external phenomena undergoes a process of flow and, changes which lead from one into another.  Even if you have fallen down “accidentally”, there is actually is a process with causes and effects, one leading to the other and that when you fall, your motion is determined.  The process which nature works is a dialectical one.  The dinosaurs come into existence and then disappear. Planets come into existence and then disappear.  This process is copied or reflected by the terminos in the brain centers.  And it becomes the foundation of the so-called logic.  To logic own procedure is a continuous “flow”, one “logon” leading to another, a deductive process that flows.  That which does not “flow” is illogical.  Pure logic is quite useless as it lacks real basis of the material phenomena.  Certainly, the most logical is the direct interpretation of real external phenomena.  That is, to think in terms of what happens actually in nature and not what our sheer subjective impulses dictates.

The logical is the nature of the termino base, whose integrated wired network in the brains makes it possible.  But higher termino can be illogical in behavior or fuzzy logical, the later being higher.


12   The Nervo-Reflectant Review


Unlike the termino which is the produce of psyche hydrogens of the head brains, the nervo-reflectant is the psyche hydrogen produced by the nervous system (lower instinctive brains) of the human body.  In order really to understand the nervo-reflectant, the approach is twofold:

  i. From the standpoint of the reflected

   ii. From the standpoint of the material

a)    What we can see, can hear, can touch, can smell or can take are all reflections.  They are reflections due to the nervo-reflectant, which is made up of the nervous subsystems. It is the harvest of the work of all the subsystems in the nervous system of man.

b)    Material is the basis, and the reflections are its properties.  In a word, this means that the complicated motions, transformations and changes that are going on in our physical body and the material forms of our nervous system, and nature can produce in reflections.  Reflections that lead to the reflected.


13   Relation between Matter and Reflection


The material world undergoes continuous changes independent of man’s will, consciousness, ideas, perceptions, conceptions, images, etc,…..every change in the material forms specifically of living bodies results in varying degree of reflectional changes in the process of reflections.  When a person is dying, the amount and degree of reflection diminishes; when he is completely dead, the degree of reflection is said to be equal to zero.  Man and all living beings die.  The reflection capacity of the nervo-reflectant therefore changes with the change in the development of nervo-reflectant, especially with the changes in the network of neurons that can reflect the outside and the inside world to the human body.  The fundamental change is natural - the molecules, the genes, the chromosomes, the cells, the tissues and the organs undergo various degree of development to natural automatic act of body creation.  That “thing” which really exist is matter and in the universe matter forms. (Material forms) always change.  At a certain stage of creation, a matter form comes into existence, and that is the nervo-reflectant.  With the formation of the brains comes a termino matter which in turn carries ideas.  Ideas too changes with every change in the development of the nervo-reflectant and the termino that reflects and house materials from outside world.  There is evidence that nervo-reflectant plays a part in idea formation but more importantly is that its major function is to reflect, collect impulses from the objects of the external world for the termino development.  It is determined only the varying degree of reflections and the degree of reflection is simply a dependent property of the higher form of matter, that is, the nervo-reflectant.


14   Nervo-Reflectant and Reflections are Interdependent


It has been pointed out that the nervo-reflectant is the higher form of matter, and capable of performing very complicated interactions within matter, that is, in the body and that of the so-called external to the body.  The effect or the resultant effect of this complicated, minuscule interaction of the nervo-reflectant constitutes the reflections. “spirit”-like or “mirror”-like or “photograph”-like property of all the molecules, neurons, neuron groups, brains and the nervous systems,.  In generally, we can identify the nervo-reflectant as playing a major role, as follows:

  i.   To collect impulses from the outside world through the five sense organs

  ii.  To sort and transmit them to the brains for deep reflections

  iii. To direct regeneration or repair body or healing including all the superstructural construction of the nervous system

Important note:

For (a) the collection of impulses is considered to be sensing and observing both the inner and the outer world

For (b) the sorting is considered to be perceiving after sensing and the reflections can be generally considered as conceptions leading to thoughts, in the psychologist sense. (will, consciousness, ideas and thoughts).

For (c) the process of repairing and regenerating the superstructure is likely to involve reflections.  So the role of the nervo-reflectant can be generally said “to reflect” both elements from inner and outer world of man.

Nervo-reflectant is interdependent as it is the superstructural (emotion, desire and cultural) collection housed in all the brains of the great nervous system of modern man.  The function of nervo-reflectant determines the reflections for the termino, which consists mostly of mental and cultural collections housed in the upper brains.  The reflections itself can lead to will or desire which in term determine the quality of the nervo-reflectant enabling it having properties capable of improving the quality of the s superstructures.  No wonder, the church (Bible) evolve out of the functions of superstructure.  The philosopher has only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it. (Marx)


15   Nervo-Reflectant, Termino and the External World


The only way the nervo-reflectant can reflect objects in both the inner and the outer world.  The reflection mirror acts fast and direct.  Practice is reflected fast by our nervous system in the service of deep reflection for quality ideas and theories; therefore, practice is the father of theory.  Where do quantum theory and wave theory come from? They come from the practice of observations and scientific experiments with deep reflections of the fine real ones outside us like the lights, sounds and electricity.  The more practice that you engage yourself in, the more sound you can hear in your knowledge.  If you want to know the lives of the proletarians, work with them, teach them and learn from them.  Be one with them in practice.  Only then you can have their “I AM” as your “I AM”.

The nervo-reflectant of man undergoes two kinds of changes throughout the development of man.  It is subjected to:

  i.  Quantitative changes

  ii.  Qualitative changes

  iii.  The laws of Negation of Negation, which is the seal of genetic encoding, preservation and reproduction at the next higher or lower level

  iv. And subjected also to the Law of Uneven Development

Somewhere in the final stage there is a qualitative dialectical “leap” from there onwards.  Soon after a child in born there are no more “leaps” until death.  All changes in this stage, termino of the nervo-reflectant are quantitative changes of the termino.  Knowledge is a quantitative measure; the more the interactions of the termino with the external world, the more is the amount of knowledge (includes maturity subconsciousness, ideas, etc) accumulated in a man.  No wonder a child is less matured, generally, than an aged man due to unfinished quantitative nature.  But why is it that some children we more matured than an old aged man?  This “maturity and knowledge” is quantitative measure.  It is dependent on the “number of stored interactions” derived from the external world with termino (this includes the “digestion” too) and not the time, strictly speaking, although in general, certainly, the longer the termino “live” the more is the “number of stored interactions,” the more is the knowledge.

Termino, the final historical stage of the development of the nervo-reflectant in man for which termino has in it the residue of the earlier nervo-reflectant, a sub-consciousness so to say.  That is why when we talk about the termino we say it has in it the nervo-reflectant and when we talk about the nervo-reflectant we say it has termino only when the higher brains of cognition, affection and psychomotor are present.


16   What is thought?


Certainly, at a time when the termino interacts with all the external elements it eats and digests them for its own growth.  External phenomena are therefore perceived as a “group of holistic foods” rather than in single sense.  The combination of many senses results in perception.  Human being therefore perceived not sense.  But perceptions can be brought together and further analysed by the mind or dialectically explored in the domain of its origin, development and termination, in terms of main causes and secondary causes, and in terms of parts and whole.  The physics method of “breaking” nature into heat, light, sound, etc. is certainly a correct categorization based on the natural observation of nature.

At first, some kind of external elements interact with our neurons and a reflection of these phenomena results.  Now, this is more important, what will happen if the external elements disappear and no more performing their interacting with the neurons?  But we can still “remember” the missing phenomena.  This is where it becomes necessary to introduce the concept of memory as thought which is something stored in this memory held by the psyche hydrogens of the termino.  The ability to retain the “something from the external world” which is no longer interacting with the neurons is called the memory and thought is stored in this memory.

Termino nervous systems have thinking and feeling functions, even higher ones within quantitative change limits.  It is the nervous system of Homo Sapiens Sapiens.


17   Dialectical “leap” in Knowledge Specifically


Dialectical “leap” in knowledge that is, total disappearance of knowledge occurs when a man dies.  But before a man dies his knowledge does not seem to decrease but increase through a process called learning at least tremendously.  Attempts to meditate knowledge away or de-learning only to produce thought concentrates with more space and time for more knowledge.  It changes the properties of matter in termino form.  In proportion, the higher the fineness of matters of the termino, the higher is the knowledge quality.  When the matter of the termino has reached its “boiling-point” the termino changes its quality.  No more essential product, that is, knowledge is manufactured because the “factory” has changed its quality.  All knowledge, ideas, and consciousness have thus ceased to exist.  The termino cannot reflect any more.  The superstructure disintegrates.  The being disintegrates as the man dies.

The motion of internal nervo–reflectant (physical shape of the nervous system and has higher psyche in it) and its superstructure (tissues, organs, systems and the holistic body which have various grades of lower psyche in them) is a contradictory motion.  The many forms of the superstructures of organic bodies are therefore products of various forms of the nervo–reflectant quality which are operative.  Every qualitative change in the nervo–reflectant of organic bodies leads to the production of new kinds of superstructures.  The superstructure of the adult is therefore different from that of the fetus.  The termino has its descending “history”.  The god’s theory is simply the essential products of the termino.  Once the termino “leaps” materially, the “God’s theory also “leaps” reflectedly.  The existence of god reduces to the functions of the termino.  The nervo–reflectant controls the superstructures.  The lower form of nervo–reflectant controls the so-called involuntary superstructures in the fetus stage in particular come only although in adult stage, nevertheless, this does not mean that all the remnants of the old forms of nervo–reflectant belonging to the fetus stage are totally got rid of.  This explains why in the termino stage there exist so-called voluntary and involuntary actions in the superstructures.

External objects of sensing termino and products of termino, that is, ideas concepts theories, wills, etc.  The sensing termino is a self-working “organ”, just like another organ.  Its function is merely to produce ideas concept, theories, plans and wills.  It lies in the head of man when sensitive termino and external “phenomena” interacts, the resultant force of which acts along the diagonals of the parallelogram.  This force is responsible for the “manufacture” of the ideas, concepts, theories, wills, and etcetera of mankind.

The importance of dialectical conceptions in organic and social developments:  From the explanation of Marx as society and from the explanation of Darwin on organic developments, it can be realized that dialectics is “something” which we cannot ignore.  In a word specifically in order to understand society and the organic development well and the development of nature in general, the best approach is dialectical and “discontinuity” principles.  It is impossible to understand nature by claiming that the cause is here and there.  Some tend to play leading causes some tend to play secondary causes.


18   The TERMINO is the name I give to the last and highest biocosmic stage of development of the nervous system (brains) of Neolithic-to-Modern man when the FA-Historical Biocosmic Octave has struggled, ascended and dominates during the Ti-Holocene Epoch (12,000 years ago of the Neolithic man through the Modern Man till today).  During this epoch, the biocosmic octave (with its cellular genetic coded nuclei and lower instinctive-moving-sex brains), the technocosmic octave (with its techno-knowledge upper brains) and the sociocosmic octave (social brains), and all their related historical biocosmic, technocosmic and sociocosmic species are actively vibrating in the 4 bodies of man.








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