THE FOURTHWAY MANHO E-JOURNAL Volume 37 September 26, 2018 |
(An excerpt from the original work,
Real World Views, Book 7, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The Tritocosmic Venture, The Fundamental Sociocosmic Process and the
Lateral Sociocosmic Venture," October
1976 - April 1977 Discourses, Chapter 4, Sections K & L: "The
Exploiting Process and the Reciprocal Destruction Process," pp.
1 Contemporary theories of lower level have fallen into the hands of evil masters. They become instruments of enslavement by work for the pleasure of the controlling class. Exploitation is a result of disharmonies in a given ‘master-driver-horse-carriage’ sociotechnocosmic setting. In bourgeois society it is disharmony in the exchange of labor and money. War is a form of removing or unhorsing drivers and masters by other drivers and masters. When people gather into a group for a specific purpose such as for production (P) at the factories or for distribution (D) at the transportation and logistic warehouses or for consumption (C) at the retail and mall outlets of products or services or at banks, stocks-securities-futures market, finance-insurance-real estate agencies (E), you can see the hierarchical connection immediately ‑ master-driver-horse-carriage (MDHC). Productive and non-productive sociocosmic units are always configured in this unique order Master ‑ Driver ‑ Horse ‑ Carriage. Organizations always configure this manner despite our subjective conviction otherwise. If you are to create any organization, you must be prepared to accept and reproduce this order. It is not harmonious. You have to accept the fact. And in such a unit there is a least one chief aim. The chief aim of the Tax Department is to shear money from the petty and bourgeois class for regulatory functions. Now each “MDHC unit must have a main ‘I’, almost a permanent one, the other lower bodies must subordinate in a harmonious way to this ‘I’. When an MDHC unit is too big, it is a bad sign because in it there would be many ‘I’s speaking and sooner or later there will be disharmony. The only resolution is splitting and branching of the ‘sociocosmic tree’'. When a group operates for a long period of time leadership succession must take place and certain drivers must be ascended to become masters and certain masters must disappear, forever or being driven off to unknown destiny. In other words, a master must descend to the throne so that the old master may disappear elsewhere. You cannot form a group if in the bodies of these beings there consist of many ‘I’s. A group is possible only when in the body of these beings a somewhat permanent center of gravity ‘I’ is formed. All in a group must have one ‘I’. However, sooner or later, it will take the shape of a MDHC serving a socialistic-essenced collectivism or serving a capitalistic-essenced individualism peculiar to the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism or the transition of the 4th sociocosmic gravity-center vibration into the 5th sociocosmic gravity-center vibration along the sociocosmic Pythagorean Harmonic Scale.
2 The materialized products of labor are all concentrated on the surface of mother earth. You have only to recognize their material existence by ‘sensing’ them. In order to produce anything or to change anything through labor injection, a certain order (if it involves an organization) must be set up to struggle with the materials concerned. This order is the Master-Driver-Horse order, or in contemporary terminology, Bourgeois-Managers-Workers order both fixed and mobile in space. In such an order, forces or vibration must proceed from the top to the bottom, and there should be harmony in them. Man finds himself placed in any one of the three levels in an organization as he enters sociocosmic responsible age. He may be a master or a driver or horse. But the basic question which all contemporary men must face is: How to harmonize the sociotechnocosmic movement in this unbalanced MDH structure? How should this be balanced by managers and by nature? I hold that master must come down to the driver and horse levels and the horse must move up to the driver and master levels, according to the law of ascending and descending forces proceeding in the establishment, that is there should be rotation of function. Not only this, labor and money functions must be coordinated in a harmonious way. But contemporary masters are very wise. They have devised hundreds of conditions, rules, regulations and laws to keep themselves in position, at the 1st level and prevent any opportunity from the lower level to reach the upper level. Thus the top hardly descended to the bottom or vice versa, without some forms of intentional effort and suffering.
3 What probably happens to the three levels is this that something is constructed between masters, drivers and horses ‑ and constraints are devised to link and keep them intact. And these constraints I just call them buffers, and they are “certified” or recognized values or legal duties run by the obedience and acceptance rule or strategic possession of power, property and money. Each individual is an ‘I’ and between the many ‘I’s are just these buffers. And contemporary buffers are weak owing to the increase intelligence and potential awakening of man. A clerk often peeps at his manager but he cannot pass to his position without changing, weakening or removing the buffers that separate them. And it is even probable that he shall remain there the rest of his life if he does nothing or the manager does nothing. It often happens that the ‘I’s clash with one another as soon as consciousness expands, as soon as functions interfere with one another ‑ one ‘I’ begins to interfere another ‘I’. As an ‘I’ begins to experience suffering it begins to observe and question the function of the other ‘I’s and as a result gradually bring about a hidden antagonism in the whole order. In the end, the masters, the drivers and the horses become frustrated. To maintain this right rhythm, all kinds of devices are developed to perpetuate a latent antagonism. The movement of money, labor and consciousness never proceed harmoniously. If you want peace, this master-driver-horse antagonism must be harmonized. The top tends feeds on the bottom. If the bottom becomes too clever, it will start to feed on the top and move upwards. Scams become rampant. In the exploiting process there are many wolf-in-sheepskin beings roaming hungrily in the body of the Great Sociotechnocosmoses!
That energy flowing
continuously in the body of a biocosmic human being for extractive
exploitation in terms of labor hours is only 24 labor hours a day,
not a second more or a second less. The energy flowing in the
body of a separate technocosmic padrigine being for extractive
exploitation in terms of machine hours is also 24 hours a day, not a
second more or a second less. For products and services
creation, delivery, consumption and exchange, the extractive exploitation must
come from these two 24-hours - biocosmic labor hours and technocosmic
machine hours. There is an optimum hour of extractive
exploitation for which they could function productively. An
optimum extractive exploitation on living human labor through a 996
rule (working from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm and 6 days a week) is a
blessing source of your own growth only when the 'pital/value'
accumulated is sociopital/value for common prosperity but a horrible
curse of your own depravity when the 'pital/value' accumulated
turns into stolen private capital/value for the prosperity of the few.
If the reward is a cane-food-and-water it is ancient slavism and
medieval feudalism, if it is a modern salary-wage with means of
production-distribution-consumption ownership alienation, it is
horrible capitalism that would create the ultimate grand global
monopoly capitalist oligarchy, a curse to humanity; and if it is a
salary-wage plus a profit-sharing on a common means of
production-distribution-consumption ownership, it is socialism in
the making, a common prosperity with blessing dignity, and needs
only occasional adjustments when inequality of wealth distribution
goes off-balance on the way in the socialist system.
If it is neither this nor that with a hidden disguise of a
third factor, as it always happened to man’s social relations of
production-distribution-consumption promises, black and white the
same, the law of three is at work - you are blessed and curse in the
1 The propaganda strategy always leads to the same end ‑ the “destruction” of the target enemy. If we are not fully aware, we easily fall prey to the destructive consequences of such propaganda. One can be used like a toy to one’s own detriment. The propaganda message brainwashes and fits into the souls of many something bad that would unite the sociocosmic entities against the target.
2 I conceived a group of beings who would define themselves their own brand of communism and to destroy without mercy every such defined beings, even their fathers and mothers. With their deadly weapon, many killings, and deserve the honor of The Great Murderer Force. They have become criminal with a thick buffer that prevents them from seeing their evil crimes. Not only are these cows capable of ‘lining-up’ instinctively one by one into the slaughter house, they are trained beforehand to die quite willingly one by one. The prison is an organization, very similar to other organizations, for processing the beings called criminals ‑ some to be locked up, some to be caned, some to be hanged, some to be tortured and many to be processed based on the newly invented techniques of body and mind transformation. This organization is connected to the court that is connected to the police and the organization that makes laws, the parliament. The three-brained beings are the targets for regulation. Break the laws and you will be put into the proper channels, like cows being lined up one by one into the slaughter house. But man has not yet devised a “prison” for “torturing” snakes and cows. It must be understood that losers have to be put on trial one by one for crimes, imagined, invented, conspired or real. The first act, whether institutionalized or not, of group by group and of group on the individual falls into the category of the winners circle. Laws are regulatory weapons for “shooting” down people whom you dislike only on the one black spot on the huge body of a spotless leopard. Unless many of these “laws” are invented, executed and regularly reformed by the right individuals, the suffering of the people might not be elevated.
3 The armed force moves through information, strategies, diplomacy, maneuvers and actual wars. Its movement can also pour from the empty into the empty leading to disastrous ends. When the armed force expands too rapidly, others suffer because there are more people who do not carry out productive work.
4 Reciprocal fear leads to suspicion. Hasnamussian action would produce the ‘imprisonment-of-bipeds-by-bipeds’ and according to what are called ‘laws’ and even justice for that matter. The unfortunate qualified bipeds are locked-up in cages called ‘prisons’, where impression foods are provided in limited quantity. Here only air and ordinary food are given to the bipeds and the impression food consists only of propaganda and brainwashing materials, and even white- colored prison room.
5 Being-manifestation of the type, ‘striving-to-overpower-the-prime source-of-spirit-issuing’, that is to say, similar to ‘what-a-being-receives-knowledge-from-another-being-that-knowledge-is-in-turn-used-to-hit-back-the-very-person-who-gives’. Destruction that aims everywhere, even at prime source-issuing, is a sign of weakness in the being.
6 According to the law of reciprocal human attraction and repulsion, the disciples often come into conflict with the master partly because they have received too much radiation to become masters in their own right and also their new power begin to pose dangers to the existing master. The hierarchy in the group and organization always follow this accurse anomaly.
7 In confronting a destructive “machine” one should, in order to balance the forces of destruction and construction, emanate constructive behavior – always ensuring reciprocal destruction harmony. Construction and destruction are two ends of a stick. The eventual outcome depends on the pole he gives you. For some people you have to give the destruction pole so that he gives you the construction pole; for others you have to give the construction pole so that he gives also the construction pole; there can be situation such that even if you give the construction pole, the other gives only the destruction pole. When in doubt, always give the construction pole.
8 The present international world power, the United States of America, the Soviet Russia and the People’s Republic of China are in a state of “equilibrium”. Should any two of them fights, the other will gain strategic advantageous position. So they would not fight! Should any two of them combine to fight the third, the third would collapse whilst the winner could be permanently ruined. If one of them becomes too strong, the other two will combine together to balance the increasing power of the first. I must relate to you this story of “The Crane and the Clam.” “Chao was going to attack Yen. When the King of Yen heard about it, he sent for his senior officers. “Can you tell me what to do?” he asked them. Su T’ai said, “I have a plan. Let me go and speak to the King of Chao.” The King of Yen agreed. When Su T’ai arrived at Chao, he saw the King. “Your Majesty,” he said, “when I was coming here this morning, I passed the River Ye. There I saw a clam lying in the sun. Suddenly, a crane came along and tried to open its shell and eat it up. The clam caught the crane’s beak in its shell. The crane tried to free itself but was unable to do so.” “You can try as hard as you like," the clam said, "but you cannot escape.” “Unless you let me go," the crane answered, "you will not be able to return to the river." “Neither of them wanted to give way. Not long afterwards, a fisherman passed by. He stopped and caught them both without any trouble.” Now the same situation will apply to three “triangulated” powers. Two opposing powers fighting to their death will both be defeated by the third power.
9 A society whose organs of production which have somehow become more or less functionally fixed and the whole being of man somehow one-sidedly conditioned to service to satisfy the requirement of the sociocosmic scheme, is but a passing phase of a grand sociocosmic construction process. Each organ, if it could speak of its inner life always and everywhere will tell you that the certain-certain most demanding works make them more dead than alive – that is to say, we are coming to an epoch where the planners’ social demand must come into conflict with the all-powerful nature’s wrath. To clarify the point, the life of man is so ruined by many of these wild directors of sociocosmic stopinders that the region called ‘sociocosmoses’ of our biocosmic octave become more and more abnormal. And abnormality leads to further abnormality and it would not be impossible that a spark may create great wars within the sociotechnocosmic octave. Man sees man in its use-values, that is, using things in consumption. And they feed on them in a scientific besides devouring. Unless man is on guard against being “eaten up” by beings of various kinds including his favorite being-friends, he is easily gobbled up. So long as man remains asleep, not on guard, a new sociocosmic bud can never shine; a new structure can never be built. But he must not be asleep. Once asleep, the fattened “pig” would find its way on the menu.
10 They move about without any useful ‘I’s, like beings lost in the midst of a dark forest. To gather and centralize them to a number of locations and to guide them to pursue ends as part of their life activities is a long task that would never move smoothly. A being is fished out from these groups from time to time and scape-goated.
11 So long as ‘it’s rule a nation, peace vanishes. ‘It’s are not objective, run by raw instinctive forces that thirst to kill, derive pleasure from destruction and lack moral values. ‘It’s replaces ‘I’s and we act mechanically. Always and everywhere reformulate your ‘I’. Set a time for formulating them. Without available time it is difficult to formulate even an ‘I’ of a somewhat simple form.
One of the subtlest realities of life is that opposite
sociotechnocosmic vibration always unite and form a unity of
opposites each revolving round another.
Two people of exactly
contradictory essences, if deliberately arranged to meet and
communicate one another, would ultimately leads to reciprocal
conflicts and they can revolve round each other trying to annihilate
one another.