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THE FOURTHWAY MANHO E-JOURNAL Volume 34 September 2, 2018 |
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By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho (Chen Wanhe)
(An excerpt from the original work,
Real World Views, Book 17, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The
Astrological Ages: Influences on the
Historical Sociocosmic Octaves or Marxian Historicism, The Age
of Aquarius, HEIGRENS Concept and the Guiding Principles," January
1992 - September 1993 Discourses and 2012 Discourses, Chapter 5:
Astrological Ages – Influences On The Historical Sociocosmic
Octaves Or Marxian Historicism – Different Approaches To
Astrological Ages – Axial Precession – Exchanges Between The
Constellations And The Organic Film On Earth – Astrological
Influences On Periods And Octaves – Chronological Orders Of
Influences On The Psyche Of Man – The Age Of Aries – The Age Of
Pisces – The Age Of Aquarius – Views Of The Astrologers
Transmission Mechanism: Fine matters (or being-psyche hydrogens or beyond quantum force field carriers or cosmic consciousness) mostly from all 12 Zodiac Constellations received from the 6 Northern Zodiac Constellations and 6 Southern Zodiac Constellations alternatively between an equinox over 1 platonic year (25,772 years) and also to a less extent from the non-Zodiac Constellations (88 in all both zodiac and non-zodiac) with cosmic properties strongly received by our Sun (a transmitting station) and transmitted to Earth and us as impression foods plus direct fine matters received from the constellations to Earth and to us. The 6 northern zodiac constellations are in our current platonic year 1. Pisces 2. Aries 3. Taurus 4. Gemini 5. Cancer and 6. Leo. The 6 southern zodiac constellations are 7. Virgo 8. Libra 9. Scorpio 10. Sagittarius 11. Capricornia and 12. Aquarius. These are the civilization-producing zodiac constellations for mankind changing and transforming the biocosmic, the sociocosmic and the technocosmic cosmoses on the psyche hydrogens receiving organic film and now organo-machino film on mother Earth's surface at the MI-FA Interval of our Ray of Creation. It transforms Marxian historical periods from Primitive Communalism of the Gemini/Taurus constellational influences, to Ancient Slavery Society of the Aries constellational influences, to Feudalism of the Pisces constellational influences, to Capitalism also of the Pisces constellational tail-end influences, to Socialism of the Aquarius constellational influences and finally, to Communism of both the Aquarius and Capricornian influences. If the tilt angle (currently between 22.1 - 24.5 degrees) of our Earth's axis changes significantly, certain non-zodiac constellations will become a zodiac constellation and certain zodiac constellation will become non-zodiac constellations and changes cosmic influences to Earth. There are additional seasonal fine matters (Spring fine matters, Summer fine matters, Autumn fine matters and winter fine matters) from our Sun over a year besides all the other fine matters received from the zodiac constellations due to an inclining yearly Earth revolution round our Sun. After 12,886 years or 1/2 the platonic year of 25,772 years, due to the gyration of the tilt angle of our Earth, the Seasonal Summer becomes the Seasonal Winter, the Seasonal Autumn becomes the Seasonal Spring and the Seasonal Spring becomes Seasonal Autumn and vice versa. This precession of the equinox or gyration of the tilt also causes the less obvious different yearly Platonic Zodiac solstices* of the Zodiac Spring, Zodiac Summer, Zodiac Autumn and Zodiac Winter to our Earth (geological Ice Age theory, civilizational theory and sociocosmic historicism theory) over 1 Platonic Year of 25,772 years besides the very obvious different yearly Seasonal solstices** of our Seasonal Spring, Seasonal Summer, Seasonal Autumn and Seasonal Winter. Nay more, there is a possibility of reversal of magnetic polarity of the Earth where the magnetic North becomes the magnetic South and vice versa. [ Note: * The Precession of the Equinox, and the subsequent Milankovitch theory, named after Serbian geophysicist Milutin Milankovitch, which proposes that variations in Earth's orbit around the Sun, known as eccentricity, obliquity (tilt), and precession, are the primary drivers of long-term climate changes, including the onset and duration of ice ages. These orbital variations affect the amount and distribution of solar radiation reaching Earth's surface, leading to changes in climate over tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years is the first factor. It is caused by the Earth's tilt. However, the gyration of the same tilt which has a second factor (secondary drivers) for which the backdrop of the 12 Zodiac constellation has come into astrological, cosmological and taikonological influences to our geocosmic Earth - especially to the Earth's civilizational changes and the sociocosmic historicism PDCE changes. ** A seasonal solstice is a first factor (primary driver) astronomical event due simply to the tilt itself within a positioned gyration of the tilt that occurs twice a year when the Sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at noon, marking the longest and shortest days of One year. The summer solstice, which occurs around June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, is when the Sun is at its highest point, resulting in the longest day of the year. Conversely, the winter solstice, around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, is when the Sun is at its lowest point, leading to the shortest day of the year. ]
There is additional daily day transmission of
fine hydrogens especially light from the celestial suns and our Sun to
Earth and to us as impression foods. There is also additional daily night
transmission of fine hydrogens especially direct starlight from the
pole star (now Polaris and later Al Deranium, Deneh, Vega and Alpha
Draconis during a Platonic Year) and the sidereal stars and the main
reflected moonlight from our moon in the night sky.
1 An astrological age* is a time period which modern astrologers postulate “higher psychic influences” from heavenly bodies or higher cosmic stopinders in the Ray of Creation (the Worlds) could have led to parallel major changes in the development of Earth's inhabitants (the Organic Film), particularly relating to the Homo sapiens’ (modern man) fundamental and lateral sociocosmic stopinders, his Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE), his Politics, Economy, Socio-culture, Technology-science, Legal-ethics, Education and Security-defense (PESTLES+) and Noosphere being-psyche hydrogens as well as major events in history (Historical Sociocosmic Octaves or Marxian Historicism) and his Civilization in general. It is a “postulation” of the cosmic influences on humanity at the MI-FA Interval in the Ray of Creation. According to ancient views, there are twelve astrological ages corresponding to the twelve zodiacal signs in western astrology. At the completion of one cycle of twelve astrological ages, the cycle repeats itself. Astrological ages occur because of a phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes. One complete period of this precession is called a Great Year or Platonic Year of about 25,772 years. In this Great Year there are 12 Astrological Ages or Great Months, so each astrological age is about 2,148 years. The sociocosmic octaves and the Marxian Historicism is another approach based on a more detail and specific observation and study of culture, society, politics and major events in history on 3 of the 12 cycles in the Great Year or Platonic Year, namely, the Arian cycle, the Piscean cycle and the coming Aquarian cycle, and concentrates on the cosmic, natural, general environmental and other influences on the Homo sapiens (modern man) over a long period in the Darwinian evolution. Whereas the astrological approach is based on the “hypothesis” of the possible psychic influences of the constellations and the solar systems on the behaviors of man and all living things at the MI-FA Interval (located in the habitable zone of their parent star), the sociocosmic octaves is based on Cosmic Laws of Triads and Octaves and the Marxian Historicism is based on the general Laws of Dialectics and the Laws of Discontinuities (Sociocosmic octave stopinderation). While the former view is probabilistic, the latter is based mostly on direct observation, common sense and verification. Man’s physical body feeds on ordinary food and water derived from mother Earth, his astral body feeds on air derived from the atmosphere on mother Earth surface and his higher being-bodies feed on impressions derived from our Sun Being and all the stars beings in our galaxy and constellations. The energies which we use to drive our psychic engines are basically from outer space, and the energies which we use to drive our physical body is from the Earth and its immediate atmosphere. A collection of stars forms a galaxy and a collection of galaxies forms a constellation. A is a massive, luminous sphere of plasma held together by gravity forming a solar system, and our solar system is in the galaxy known as the Milky Way which Galactic center is in or in the direction of the Sagittarius Constellation. Marxism is an Aquarius philosophy over Piscean religions and feudalism.
* Astrological Ages, Cosmological Ages and Taikonological Ages will be accepted and treated as having the same meaning and the same thing. The origins of these words are respectively from the three civilizations - Latin European (Astrology), Russian (Cosmology) and Zhongguo (Taikonology)
2 Different Approaches to the Astrological Ages Though so many issues are contentious or disputed, there are two aspects of the astrological ages that have virtually unanimous consensus—firstly, the link of the astrological ages to the axial precession; secondly, that, due to the nature of the precession of the equinoxes, the progression of the ages proceeds in reverse direction through the zodiacal signs. Normally, during the course of the astrological year, commencing around 21 March at the vernal equinox, the Sun moves through the zodiacal signs commencing with Aries, then Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and finally, Pisces. After Pisces our Sun Being enters Aries and commences the cycle all over again. However, the astrological ages proceed in the reverse direction. Therefore, after the Age of Pisces, the next age is the Age of Aquarius, followed by the Age of Capricorn, the Age of Sagittarius, the Age of Scorpio, the Age of Libra, and so on. Note that our Sun Being is very special as a “station” in the scheme and it is a receiver and disseminator of “something” as it moves through the Zodiac signs - sends and receives this “something” to Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, etc. There is a third aspect of the astrological ages that has very wide consensus amongst astrologers. Though astrologers cannot agree upon the year, century or millennium for the start of any age, they generally agree upon the core historical events associated with the recent Ages since the start of the Holocene Epoch. For example, the Age of Leo with massive global warming that resulted in the deglaciation of Earth at the end of the last Ice Age, Age of Cancer with domestication and the Biblical Flood; the Age of Gemini is associated with the invention of writing, the Age of Taurus with Ancient Egypt and its massive pyramids, the Aries age with the Iron Age and the Age of Pisces with Christianity. Astrologers claim that each zodiacal sign has associated archetypes, which are often referred to traditionally as 'rulerships'. For example, Gemini rules the hands, dexterity and communication and draws upon all these archetypes to produce the first written word in the Age of Gemini, specifically in Sumer, Mesopotamia. There are three broad perspectives on the astrological ages:
1. Archeoastronomers are interested in the ages because some researchers believe that ancient civilizations often depicted sociotechnocultural references to the ages. Archeoastronomers in general do not 'believe' or fully accept in the narrow and highly inaccurate horoscope astrologies, but they study the civilizational and sociotechnocultural traditions of societies that did refer extensively to astrology. They often search for remnants of Primitive Communalism, Ancient Slavery and Feudal astrological civilizational and sociotechnocultural sites or gravity-centers where cosmic astrological influences have been actively concentrated before. The futurist astronomers are interested in the coming and emerging Socialism, Communism and Datongism civilizational and sociotechnocultures. 2. Astrologers have been interested in relating world history (macro events – historicism and civilization) to the astrological ages since the late 19th century; however, most astrologers study horoscopes (micro events – individual human psychology and life), not astrological ages. 3. The general public has become aware of the ages or at least of the Age of Aquarius where the sociotechnocosmic octaves and mentating-reasoning vibrations are very active – thanks to the visible and obvious contrast created previously in the Age of Pisces where the biocosmic octaves and the emoting-ethic-king vibrations were once active, but now becomes resistive, reactionary and adaptive. We often remember what happens during our period rather than something that happened a few thousand years ago. In astronomy, precession refers to any of several gravity-induced, slow and continuous changes in an astronomical body's rotational axis or orbital path. Precession of the equinoxes, perihelion precession, and changes in the tilt of the Earth's axis to its orbit, and the eccentricity of its orbit over tens of thousands of years are an important parts of the astronomical theory of ice ages. * The universe has psyche and being, therefore consciousness ... and quanta and thus needs noumenal and psychological approaches to understand it and would be a complement to the scientific, empirical, physical, phenomenal and non-psychological approaches. All material gravity-centers especially the stars and planets which are "stations" for the transmissions of being psyche hydrogens or quanta that are related to psyche, consciousness, minds and behaviors of all material beings in the universe are linked in laws which we have been exploring and imploring since we became conscious as a natural material being. The astronomical and the astrological are both intrinsically bonded in a trialectic, and the third is the synthesis of an 'uncertainty' and 'confusion' outcome. The geography of the four seasons is a scientific approach but the geomancy of your minds, behaviors and life experiences is also very real and factual. The astronomy of the zodiac constellations of the 'something' received by us from them at the speed of light and more than the speed of light is a scientific approach but the astrology about what will happen to mother Earth's organic film's minds, behaviors and civilizational life experiences is also very real and factual. However, the astrological interpretation is full of "worms" and much wiseacring conmancraft, as it always natural to psychic matters which are endowed with much freedom of motion.
Axial precession (precession of the equinoxes)
Hipparchus is the earliest known astronomer to recognize and assess the precession of the equinoxes at about 1º per century (which is not far from the actual value for antiquity, 1.38º). The precession of Earth's axis was later explained by Newtonian physics. Being an oblate spheroid, the Earth has a non-spherical shape, bulging outward at the equator. The gravitational tidal forces of the Moon and Sun apply torque to the equator, attempting to pull the equatorial bulge into the plane of the ecliptic, but instead causing it to precess”; slow rotation of the ecliptic plane itself, presently around an axis located on the plane, with longitude 174°.8764) and the proper motions of the stars.
Diagram showing the westward shift of the vernal equinox among the stars over the past six millennia (1 millennium = 1000 years)
The precessional eras of each constellation, often known as Great Months, are approximately. (From Wikipedia, April 15, 2012)
South Celestial Pole Skymap Receiving of being psyche hydrogens from this pole. If no star then no transmitter.
Polaris is the current "north star" the stable receiver and transmitter of the special additional fine matters (besides our Sun) with cosmic properties to Earth at the North Pole and is related to aurora borealis.
North Pole Celestial Skymap Receiving being psyche hydrogens from this pole. Polaris as transmitter.
A small gyroscope in motion to illustrate this precession “The precession of the Earth's axis has a number of observable effects. First, the positions of the south and north celestial poles appear to move in circles against the space-fixed backdrop of stars, completing one circuit in 25,772 Julian years (2148 years rate). Thus, while today the star Polaris lies approximately at the north celestial pole, this will change over time, and other stars will become the "north star". The south celestial pole currently lacks a bright star to mark its position, but over time precession will also cause bright stars to become south stars. As the celestial poles shift, there is a corresponding gradual shift in the apparent orientation of the whole star field, as viewed from a particular position on Earth.
Exchanges between the Constellations and the Organic Film on Earth Note that these are the 12 "seasons" to the time-line Human Civilization or human history specifically, and to the Earth's Organic Film generally. We are assuming 1 platonic year = 25,772 years and 1 Great Month (or 1 astrological Age) = 2,148 years.
** The Stone Age (Paleolithic findings) of one-story three-brained Homo sapiens at the archeological site (180,000 years site) at Wanshou Park, Sanming, Fujian, China (Please visit this Wanshou Park in China).
Psychic Hydrogens (Fuels) and Celestial Influences from Constellations
Chronological Order of Influences on the Psyche of Man
Astrological Ages
--------------------------------------------------------------- PAST ↓ (About 250,000 years ago)
- Primitive Communalism or rather ending Advanced Communalism 12. The Age of Aries (The Arian Age) - Slave-Owning Ancient Society ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Astrological Age Cycle begins:
1. The Age of Pisces (the 2 decans plus before the last 1/2 decan of the Piscean Age) - Serfs owning feudal society - Feudalism; Chinese Feudalism will be the most comprehensive and most complete reference for a full perspective of everything ---------------------------------------------------------- PAST/PRESENT/FUTURE ↓ 1. The Age of Pisces (The Last 1/2 Decan of the Piscean Age 1788AD - 2148AD)
- Serfs-Owning Feudal Society
2. The Age of Aquarius (The Aquarian Age - to begin in 2,148 AD) - North Celestial Star = Polaris about to exit from the north pole sky- Proletariat-Exploitative Employing Capitalism in production at the MI-FA Interval give way to Workers-Partnership Socialism in production from the TI-DO Interval into the MI-FA Interval or vice versa in polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism - Socialism dwells and stabilizing at the MI-FA Interval while Capitalism exiting from its origin dwelling place at the MI-FA Interval - the Will of Communism independently enters as infantile human will-energy at the vacant TI-DO Interval
Words come when consciousness prolonged
- Biocosmic men vs technocosmic spiritual robots/machines in a HEIGRENS balance - ....... unfolding
The Age of Capricorn (The Capricornian Age) - Unknown and unfolding -----------------------------------------------------------
Through the lens of this 'Real World Views" observation dipicted in the octet-graph above, where a spatial-temporal motion arises with these hethormen Homo sapien biocosmic beings reproducing and stopinderating gradually in larger and large numbers and populated on the pangeacosmic Presente of the FA-stopinder of the pangeacosmic octave and her unique geological, geographica and geosophical impact to them on Mother Earth's surface at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, and for which the human civilization octave has initated a strike in qualitative presence through its first note (DO) of the monochord of human civilization according to the Pythagorean Harmonic Scale known as 'the Primitive Level Communalism (DO)' which is a Communalism Level 1. This strike in the initiation of the human civilization enneagram began in the astrological Age of Virgo (Year Entering: 12,948 BC - Year Exiting: 10,788 BC) according to this astrological yardstick. Having in spatial-temporal motion on the pangeacosmic Presente (FA-stopinder) for 2148 years for which human civilization entered into the Age of Leo (Year Entering: 10,788 BC - Year Exiting: 8,628 BC) where its qualitative transformation took place along its spatial-temporal nodal line and the next note (RE) has also struck to form 'the Intermediate Level Communalism (RE)' which is a Communalism Level 2, and stayed there for another 2148 years before it became 'the Advanced Level Communalism (MI)' as it entered into the Age of Cancer (Year Entering: 8,628 BC - Year Exiting: 6,468 BC). Having stayed there for another 2148 years incubating the idea fixe or essence-crytallization of the Fallen Angel's being-psyche hydrogens as it continued in spatial-temporal motion and objectively fell into the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinder Octave. This occurred, according to our own unique astrological calculation in the Age of Gemini (Year Entering: 6,468 BC - Year Exiting: 4,308 BC) where there is also an influence from a sidereal zodiac constellation known as the Canis Minor to assist in the grand fall into an ABYSS. It was during this Age of Gemini that Ancient Slavery (do) made its first ill-fated and maleficient strike to the monochord of the fundamental periods of non-antagonistic cooperative social circularity and created a black hole filling the dark noomarkhian being-psyche hydrogens logos at the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave - creating the ABYSS where severe aberration of social classes and social pyramids manifested. From then onwards, the severe aberration no longer follow the harmonious spatial-temporal motion and qualitative tranformation and development of the astrological Ages. The waves of the 1st lateral antagonistic periods of social pyramidization has begun at this MI-FA Interval starting the from the Age of Gemini (Year Entering: 6468 BC - Year Exiting: 4308 BC) to the Age of Taurus (Year Entering: 4308 BC - Year Exiting: 2148 BC) to the Age of Aries (Year Entering: 2148 BC - Year Exiting: 1 AD) where in between there is influence from another sidereal zodiac constellation known as Perseus to assist the transformation of ancient slavism into feudalism, to the Age of Pisces (Year Entering: 1A D - Year Exiting: 2148 AD) where all the 1st lateral stopinders from Ancient Slavism (do), Feudalism (re), Capitalism (mi), Colonialism (fa), Imperialism (so), Fascism and Nazism inclusive (la) and imperialistic-essenced Hegemonism (ti) in the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Specie-Stopinders Octave would end and the "New Age" of the Age of Aquarius (Year Entering: 2148 AD - Year Exiting: 4296 AD) would begin. In this astrological age, after this MI-FA interval, the dark noomakhian logos of negative being-psyche hydrogens under the law of reciprocal destruction would dissolve and in its place the light noomakhian logos of positive being-psyche hydrogens under the law of reciprocal nourishment would gather and concentrate in the noosphere of sociocosmoses and Earth civilizations on Mother Earth' surface as the spatial-temporal motion enable the return to the mainstream fundamental periods of non-antagonistic cooperative and social circularity through the nodal line of Transitional Socialism (the red-colored MI-FA Interval and FA-stopinder knot) of inverted social pyramids to the next monochord note known as Communism (SO-stopinder) full of social circularity but would still have to enter into the next monochord note known as Datongism (LA-stopinder) that would further harmonized all the sociocosmic and civilizational notes and continue to the next monochord note known as Sroboticism or spiritual roboticism (the red-colored TI-DO Interval and TI-stopinder knot) before the astrological Age of Capricorn (Year Entering: 4308 AD - Year Exiting: 6468 AD) arrives to end the possible dark noomakhian logos for the biocosmically conscious (Bio-C) three-centered hethormen Datong Man and the technocosmically conscious (Cosmic-C) three-centered Padrigine IV Srobots and transforming them in the next higher sociocosmic and civilization octaves, where interplanetary, interstellar and intergalactic triads and octaves must continue to stopindrate after the Omega Point where earthian Datong sociocosmic and civilization individuals with Organic Life and their sociocosmic-civilizational stopinders have integrated harmoniously and living together with the Srobotic technocosmic individuals with Synthetic Life and their sociocosmic stopinders. The Platonic Year of 25,776 years would be complete when the Age of Libra ends amid the complicated sidereal zodiac constellational influences from the Crater, the Corvus and the Hydra constellations to and for the sociotechnocosmic, civilizational and padriginal triads and octaves, and preparation for the next platonic calendar.
3 THE AGE OF ARIES: The Gravity Center Focus is the Instinctive-Moving-Sex Center or Physical Power Center
The AGE of ARIES was about expansion of the Ancient Empires;
Chinese, Greek and then Roman. Each of these civilizations sought to
always bring more land and territory under their control. These
Empires did so by conquering the indigenous peoples of the lands as
they expanded outward. Many Empires raped and pillages their
conquered lands.
hydrogens beget civilization, ancient empires and old kingdom type
of brute and barbaric ‘political systems’ headed by conquerors and
warlords for a historical period of about 2,160 years and commencing
somewhere from 2,500 BC and ending somewhere in 300 BC.
Each one of these civilizations had as its leader, one central
figure [Emperor or Precept] in a far-off capital and was controlled
by the military.
The power
structure of each of these Empires was administered by its large
dedicated military officers.
MOSES is thought by many in Western Society to have ushered in the
Age of Aries.
Aries is A FIRE Sign, and fire radiates outward in all directions
from a center.
It seems
very natural then that individuals with ARIES SUN SIGNS tend to be
the adventurers.
Martin Seymour-Smith
(1981) suggested "Initiative is expressed aggressively, impulsively
and probably very emotively".
a suggestion for keywords he offers:
Competitiveness, aggressiveness,
impulsiveness, rashness, impatience, courage, spontaneous,
assertiveness and self-reliance. The instinctive center, the moving center and the sex center of man were the most active centers. Physical power and the instruments of the chariot, swords and bows-and-arrows are the dominating focus. They are also used as instruments of physical control and preservation of slavery.
Astrological influences and
other influences leading to the making of conscious man from Man No.
1 to Man No. 7 of the time
Some of the Great Books written during the end of the Arian Age
Unknown, Sumer, ca. 2000 BCE.
The Epic of Gilgamesh. Unknown, India, ca. 1700–1100 BCE. The Rig Veda Unknown, Egypt, ca. 1000 BCE. Egyptian Book of the Dead Homer, Greece, ca. 800 BCE. The Iliad, The Odyssey Unknown, Israel, ca. 800-200 BCE. Genesis, Exodus, Isaiah, Job Unknown, India, ca. 800-500 BCE. The Upanishads Hesiod, Greece, ca. 700 BCE. Theogony Sappho, Greece, ca. 600 BCE. Hymn to Aphrodite Confucius, China, 551-479 BCE. The Analects Lao Tzu, China, ca. 550 BCE. The Tao Te Ching Aeschylus, Greece, 525-455 BCE. Agamemnon, Libation Bearers, Eumenides Sun-Tzu, China, ca. 500 BCE. The Art of War Sophocles, Greece, 496-406 BCE. Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone Herodotus, Greece, 484-425 BCE. The Histories Euripides, Greece, 484-406 BCE. Medea, Electra Thucydides, Greece, 470-400 BCE. The Peloponnesian War Aristophanes, Greece, 448-338 BCE. The Birds, Lysistrata Plato, Greece, 428-348 BCE, The Apology of Socrates, The Republic Various, India, ca. 400 BCE. The Teachings of The Buddha Aristotle, Greece, 332 BCE. Physics, The Nicomachean Ethics Mencius, China, ca.320 BCE. The Mengzi Chuang Tzu, ca. 300 BCE. The Chuang Tzu Valmiki, India, ca. 300 BCE. The Ramayana
Euclid, Greece, 300 BCE.
The Elements Vyasa, ca. India, 200 BCE. The Mahabharata Unknown, ca India, 200 BCE. The Bhagavad Gita
Unknown (Essenes),
now known as West Bank, 150-70 BCE.
Dead Sea Scrolls Lucretius, Rome, 60 BCE. Of the Nature of Things Julius Caesar, Rome, 50 BCE. Commentaries on the Gallic War Cicero, Rome, 45 BCE. On the Nature of the Gods Virgil, Rome, 19 BCE. The Aeneid Ovid, Rome, 8 BCE. Metamorphoses
Ptolemy, Egypt, 90-168 AD.
Almagest Li Bai, China, 701-762 AD. Li Bai's 900 Poems and 20 volumes of writings Note that these Great Books were already Piscean as they arose during the end (3rd decan) of the Arian Age. The higher level of the mental and emotional centrums were active only in some sacred individuals in this period. Sacred individuals tend to appear during the last third (decan) of a declining astrological age and the initial first (decan) of an arriving Astrological Age. “May Arian Gods give way to Piscean Gods; may Piscean Gods spared Arian Gods.”
4 THE AGE OF PISCES: The Gravity Center Focus is the Emotional Center Every 2,148 years, a new age begins. From 300 BC to the year 2,148 AD, the spring equinox occurs in the Pisces constellation. Consequently, we are technically in the Age of Pisces. It should be pointed out, however, that an age's influence is strongly felt around 500 to 800 years before the exact juxtaposition of the signs and constellations. Therefore, the coming of Christ into this world inaugurated the Age of Pisces. The Age of Pisces, an artifact of the Precession of the Equinoxes, is the time span extending from about 200 BCE (or up to 600 years even earlier) until the current day. The Age of Pisces is - The Age of Monotheism (one God), Spirituality, and the Fish. It is characterized by the rise of many religions such as Buddhism (600 BCE - now), Judaism (535 BCE - now) and Christianity (50 AD - now), Islam (610 AD – now). This represents the "spiritual" nature of Pisces. Throughout most of Pisces though this spiritual side – Love, Hope, Faith and Conscience perfection period for man’s involuting inner bodies – is for the most part seen as the truth hidden behind the five senses, spirituality was seen in relation to the world, not through an innate knowing of divinity.
Thomas a Kempis, Germany, 1418.
The Imitation of Christ
Thomas More,
England, 1516.
Utopia Francois Rabelais, France, 1532. Gargantua and Pantagruel Xu Zhonglin, China (Ming Dynasty), 1550. Fengshen Bang Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, France, 1580. Essays Christopher Marlow, England, 1587. Tamburlaine Wu Cheng-en, China, 1590. The Journey to the West Francis Bacon, England, 1597. Essays Miguel de Cervantes, Spain, 1605. Don Quixote. William Shakespeare, England, 1601-1613. Richard III, Hamlet, The Tempest John Donne, England, 1633. Poems Rene Descartes, France, 1637. Discourse on Method Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Spain, 1636. Life is a Dream Thomas Hobbes, England, 1651. Leviathan John Milton, England, 1667. Paradise Lost Moliere, France, 1666. Tartuffe, Misanthrope Racine, France, 1667, Andromache John Bunyan, England, 1678. Pilgrim’s Progress Basho, Japan, 1702. The Narrow Road to the Deep North. Blaise Pascal, France, 1623-1662. Pensees John Locke, England, 1690. Second Treatise on Government Samuel Pepys, England, 1669. Diary Daniel Defoe, England, 1660-1731. Robinson Crusoe Bishop Berkley, Ireland, 1710. Principles of Human Knowledge Alexander Pope, England, 1714. The Rape of the Lock Jonathan Swift, Ireland, 1735. Gulliver’s Travels Pu Songlin, China (Qing Dynasty), 1740. Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio or Strange Tales of Liaozhai (Liaozhai Zhiyi) David Hume, Scotland, 1740. Concerning Human Understanding Henry Fielding, England, 1749. Tom Jones. Ts’ao Hsueh-Chin, China, 1750. The Dream of the Red Chamber Voltaire, France, 1759 Candide
Note that these Great Books were already Aquarian as they arose during the Piscean Age.
“May Piscean Gods give way to Aquarian Ideogods; may Aquarian
Ideogods spared Piscean Gods.”
5 THE AGE OF AQUARIUS: The Gravity-Center Focus is the Intellectual Center Democracy, Republic, Constitutional Monarchy, Capitalism, Commercialism (business), Socialism, Communism, Peace Assemblies, World Integrations, Nationism or sociocosmic stopinder focii from the individuals through the groups and to the organizations, Matrix World, Science & Technology, Culturism, Artificial Intelligence, ‘Buildings Kingdom’, ‘Machine Kingdom’ and New Age Religions (or Recycled Great Religions using ‘something’ from the Aquarius Constellation instead of from the Pisces Constellation and in accordance with the General Law of Negation of Negation send to MI-FA Interval) emerge early in the Age of Aquarius and remains the gravity-center or ‘eternal brain hypnotite’ for every kinds of mind manifestations of our own three-brained systems. They are gaining ground each year as the dominating the forces in the ‘Bio-socio-techno-AI’ (Biosociotechnocosmic) film – the reality of that living piece coating Mother Earth or GAIA surface for which the sociotechnocosmic component is the new Aquarian reality, and the representative energy of Aquarius in contradistinction to and earlier Piscean reality (also real) which is the representative energy of the Pisces for which the same coating on Mother Earth surface is the biocosmic component. Because the biocosmic component is negated into the new negation (Biosociotechnocosmic film), Great Religions are recycled into Great New Age ‘Religions’ and the Great Religions of the old become conservative, resistive and reactionary and at times misfire leading to occasional terrorist activities in the name. Ages are believed by some astrologers to affect mankind while other astrologers believe the ages correlate to the rise and fall of mighty civilizations and cultural tendencies. Aquarius traditionally "rules" electricity, computers, flight, democracy, freedom, humanitarianism, idealists, modernization, astrology, nervous disorders, rebels and rebellion. Other keywords and ideas believed associated with Aquarius are nonconformity, philanthropy, veracity, perseverance, humanity and irresolution. The appearance or elevation in status of many of these Aquarian developments over the last few centuries is considered by many astrologers to indicate the proximity of the Aquarian age. There is no uniform agreement about the relationship of these recent Aquarian developments and the Age of Aquarius. Some astrologers believe that the influence of a New Age is experienced before it arrives because of a cuspal effect or Orb of Influence. Other astrologers believe the appearance of Aquarian developments indicate the actual arrival of the Age of Aquarius. As previously seen, technically speaking, around the year 2,654, we will experience the Age of Aquarius to its maximum. Until then, we will feel its influence increasingly. It is an age characterized by technical progress, by technology, by spectacular inventions: printing, media, medication, internal combustion engines, automobiles, airplanes, rockets, electricity, electric lights, water heaters, telephones, radios, televisions, movies, photography, photocopiers, fax machines, watches, clocks, radars, telecommunications, Internet, information super-highways, satellites, high-tech household appliances, voice mail, answering machines, microwave ovens, computers, compact discs, CD-ROMs, magnetic cards, smart cards, automatic teller machines (ATMs), walkmans, stereo systems, tape recorders, video cassette recorders, headphones, projectors and more. Digital technology becomes one of the main gravity-center of all the industries.
During the Age of Aquarius, there
are four kingdoms for the organic film at MI-FA Interval in the Ray
of Creation on Mother Earth.
Two biocosmic kingdoms are the plants and the animal
technosociocosmic kingdoms are the buildings and the machine
All in there
are four for our new organo-sociotechnocosmic film.
This film is also called Biosociotechnocosmic film.
The components are in the state of growth, harmonizing or
reconciling with one another continuously seeking equilibrium or
The Great Scientists (of the Age of Enlightenment) were:
Andreas Vesalius, Belgium, 1543 De Corporis Fabrica
Johannes Kepler, Germany, 1609
Astronomia Nova
Francis Bacon, England, 1620
Novum Organum William Harvey, England, 1628 On the Circulation of the Blood Galileo Galilei, Italy, 1632. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. Robert Hooke, England 1665. Micrographia. Isaac Newton, England 1687. Principia Mathamatica. Giambatistta Vico, Italy, 1725. The New Science. Carolus Linnaeus, Sweden, 1735. Systema Naturae. Antoine Lavoisier, France 1789. Treatise on Chemistry Charles Darwin, England, 1859. The Origin of Species, Descent of Man, The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animal, The Power of Movement in Plants and The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms. Sigmund Freud, Austria, 1899. The Interpretation of Dreams.
Peter Demianovich Ouspensky, Russia, 1878,
Tertium Organum,
Dimension, A New Model of the Universe, In Search of the Miraculous,
The Fourth Way, The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution, etc
Rodney Collin, England, 1909, Theory of Celestial Influence, Theory of Eternal Life, etc. Albert Einstein, Germany 1916. Relativity: The Special and General Theory. Max Planck, Germany, 1915. Eight Lectures on Theoretical Physics. Jane Jacobs, US, 1961. The Death and Life of Great American Cities Karl Jung, Switzerland, 1961. Man and his Symbols. Thomas Kuhn, US, 1962. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Rachel Carson, US, 1962. Silent Spring. George Gamelov, Ukraine, 1966. Thirty Years That Shook Physics: The Story of Quantum Theory. James Watson, James Crick US/England, 1968. The Double Helix. Carl Sagan, US, 1973. The Cosmic Connection. Richard Dawkins, England, 1976. The Selfish Gene Douglas Hofstadter, US, 1979. Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid Stephen Jay Gould, US, 1981. The Mismeasure of Man. Richard Feynman, US, 1985. QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter Oliver Sacks, England, 1985. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat Stephen Hawking, England, 1988. Brief History of Time
Diamond, US, 1999.
Germs and Steel.
Adam Smith, Scotland, 1776. Concerning the Wealth of Nations Immanuel Kant, Germany, 1785. Groundwork on the Metaphysics of Morals Hamilton, Madison and Jay, US, 1786. The Federalist Papers Edmund Burke, Ireland, 1790. Reflections on the French Revolution Thomas Paine, England, 1791. The Rights of Man Mary Wollstonecraft, England, 1792. Vindication on the Rights of Women James Boswell, England. 1791. The Life of Samuel Johnson William Blake, England, 1794. Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Germany, 1808. Faust George Fredrick Hegel, Germany, 1807. Phenomenology of Mind Shelley, Byron, Wordsworth, Coleridge and Keats, England, 1812-1818. Poems Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, England, 1818. Frankenstein Stendhal, France, 1830. The Red and the Black Alexis de Tocqueville, France, 1835. Democracy in America Alexandre Pushkin, Russia, 1837. Eugene Onegin Jane Austen, England, 1837. Pride and Prejudice Edgar Allen Poe, US, 1839. Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque Nikolai Gogol, Russia, 1842. Dead Souls Soren Kierkegaard, Denmark, 1843. Fear and Trembling Ralph Waldo Emerson, US. 1847. Poems Charlotte Bronte, England, 1847. Jane Eyre William Makepeace Thackeray, England, 1848. Vanity Fair Karl Marx, Frederick Engels. 1848. The Communist Manifesto Herman Melville, US, 1851. Moby Dick Walt Whitman, US, 1855. Leaves of Grass Henry David Thoreau, US, 1854. Walden & Civil Disobedience Charles Baudelaire, France, 1857. Le Fleurs de Mal Gustave Flaubert, France 1856. Madam Bovary John Stuart Mill, England, 1859. On Liberty Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Russia, 1870. What is to be done? Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, The State and Revolution, etc. G. I Gurdjieff, Armenia, 1877. Views from the Real World, All and Everything (Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson, Meetings With Remarkable Men and Life is Real Only Then When ‘I AM’ ) and Herald of the Coming Good Maurice Nicoll, England, 1884. Psychological Commentaries of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, Dream Psychology, Living Time and the Integration of the Life
The Mark,
The New Man:
An Interpretation of Some Parables and Miracles of Christ Mao Zedong, China, 1893. On Practice, On Contradiction and Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong
Note that the Aquarian hydrogens arrive always at the last third (decan) of the Piscean Age just as the Piscean hydrogens which have reached earth in the last third (decan) of the Arian Age. This special pattern deserves attention in the study of the astrological influences on humanity as a whole. “May Aquarian Ideogods give way to Capricornian Energies at the end of its rightful period…………”
THE AGE OF CAPRICORN: The Gravity-Center Focus is the Higher
Emotional and Higher Thinking Center
As the trend has indicated an ascending
Gravity-Center Focus which is moving from the lower centers of the
human being to the higher centers, we generally predicted that for
the Age of Capricorn capricornian psychic hydrogens supplied by the
Capricorn Constellation would enable human beings, if they still
exist, to create life to their technocosmic and sociotechnocosmic
beings. Machines would have been sponsored with life and
consciousnesses, and have ‘I AM’.
David Williams David Williams claims that the Age of Aquarius arrived about 1844, with the harbinger of the Siyyid Alí Muhammad (1819 AD–1850 AD), also known as the Báb, founder of Bábism. Williams adopts a sub-period approach to the ages whereby each age is divided into three decans. The three age-decans of the Aquarian Age in chronological order are Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. Williams states that the world is currently in the Libran decan of the Age of Aquarius which is why the world has been so affected by wars (due to Libra) and revolutions (due to Aquarius). He relates ideologies such as Socialism, Communism and Fascism to the arrival of the Age of Aquarius. Though he acknowledges great progress since the Aquarian Age arrived about 1844, the world will have to wait for the Aquarian decan of the Aquarian Age before the true fellowship of humankind is experienced in the world. (According to Williams's calculations, the Aquarian decan of the Age of Aquarius will arrive in about 3284, lasting until about 4004).
Marcia Moore and Mark Douglas Marcia Moore and Mark Douglas promoted the view that, although no one knows when the Aquarian Age begins, the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and the discovery of electricity are all attributable to the Aquarian Age. Moore and Douglas make a number of predictions about the trends that they believe will develop in the Aquarian Age. These include people becoming more impersonal (detached), yet more altruistic and humane. Developments involving flight and space travel will result in decentralization. Inner cities will shrink and burgeoning outer suburbs and industrial areas will reduce congestion.
Vera Reid Vera Reid takes a common position expressed by many astrologers and New Agers about the Age of Aquarius. Reid sees the Age of Aquarius as that time when humankind takes control of the Earth and its own destiny as its rightful heritage. As such, humankind will become the "Son of God" (Aquarius13). Reid believed that the keyword for Aquarius is 'enlightenment'. The destiny of humankind in the Age of Aquarius is the revelation of truth and the expansion of consciousness. Reid also believed that the many crises the world is experiencing are attributable to the waning days of the Age of Pisces meeting the incoming tide of Aquarius, with the transition between ages lasting approximately 280 years. Reid also promoted the idea that some people will experience mental enlightenment in advance of others and therefore be recognized as the new leaders in the world. When the negative Hasnamussian energies weaken, the anti-Hasnamussian energies strengthen.
Robert Zoller Robert Zoller is a proponent of medieval astrology. Zoller’s predictions for the Age of Aquarius suggest that the Pisces world where religion is the opiate of the masses will be replaced in the Aquarian Age by a world ruled by secretive power-hungry elites seeking absolute power over others. Families will dissolve completely, or family ties will be hidden. Zoller also believes that knowledge in the Aquarian Age will only be valued for its ability to win wars; scientists may even be able to precipitate earthquakes for military means, and the danger in the Aquarian Age is that knowledge and science will be abused, not industry and trade (they are used for exploitation). Zoller sees the Aquarian Age as a Dark Age wherein religion will be seen as offensive. What fuels the locomotive of the Age of Aquarius is not just the positive energies of the good men but also the negative energies from the Hasnamussian beings.
Neil Spencer Neil Spencer provides another sobering overview of the Age of Aquarius stating that the rise of scientific rationalism combined with the fall of religious influence is possibly an indication of the Age of Aquarius. The growth in demands of human rights since the 1780s, though remaining unfulfilled, is another indication of Aquarius. Spencer points to the exponential growth of technology, especially of computers and the Internet, plus the growth in flight and space travel as examples of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Spencer also questions the New Age utopian view of the Age of Aquarius with the modern astrological perspective that each sign is different but equal. Possible negative examples of Aquarius include dumbed-down media and consumerism and rapacious international corporations. Finally, Spencer states that nuclear power must be a manifestation of the Aquarian Age and comments on the parallel between the 25,000 years it takes for uranium to decay with the 26,000 cycle of the astrological ages. No isotopes of uranium have a half-life of 25,000 years though, naturally occurring forms have half-lives of 4.46 billion years (U-238), 700 million years (U-235), and 245,000 years (U-234).
Louis MacNeice Louis MacNeice reports that Rupert Gleadow saw the Age of Aquarius ruled by Uranus and thus in the Age of Aquarius the attributes of Uranus such as inventions, machines, worldwide organizations, international collaboration, and the fellowship of humankind would spread. MacNeice also states that Ingrid Lind believes the Age of Aquarius has already arrived and the recent appearance of modern ideas and inventions supports this assertion. MacNeice also reports that Gleadow believed that the recent conflicts in the world (presumably the 20th century) correlate to the conflict between Saturn, ancient ruler of Aquarius and Uranus, modern ruler of Aquarius. Gleadow states that Saturn represents control, restrictions, and slavery, while Uranus represents culture, civilization, and intelligence. Though Gleadow viewed Uranus as a good planet, the famous astrologer Raphael believed Uranus to be evil and truly malefic.
Ray Grasse Ray Grasse provides a guide to the Aquarian Age analogous to a travel guide for someone entering a foreign land. Grasse suggests that if you want help navigating through the Aquarian Age, you should leave room for silence in your life; create a center in your life (preferably involving a connection to the Absolute); and resist the deadening of your world, so instead of filling up your life with manufactured goods or artificiality, bring living organic things into your life. Furthermore, you need to maintain a compassionate heart; be involved in a network or group; become more self-reliant; avoid being hypnotized by the "group trance"; and take control of your everyday attitudes (i.e., do not depend upon external events for your inner fulfillment). This last point is relevant, as Grasse states, "How do we know if the Age of Aquarius will be 'a utopia or an Orwellian nightmare?'" The HEIGRENS principles of Dr. Tan Man Ho fall into this same view. The Gurdjief Teaching and the Fourth Way are all in line with the Grasse’s view.
Yogi Bhajan Siri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji, known as Yogi Bhajan founder of 3HO and Master of Kundalini Yoga/Aquarian Humanology, taught that The Age of Aquarius began on November 11, 1991 and fully transitioned from Pisces on November 20, 2011.
Common Cultural
Associations The expression Age of Aquarius in popular culture usually refers to the heyday of the hippie and New Age movements in the 1960s and 1970s. The New Age movement is more accurately a phenomenon and yet seen by many as the harbinger of this future changeover of values associated with the arrival or imminent arrival of the Aquarian age.
Although more rock than
New Age
in genre, the 1967 musical
with its opening song "Aquarius"
and the memorable line "This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius,"
brought the Aquarian age concept to the attention of audiences
worldwide. However, the song further defines this dawning of the age
within the first lines: "When the Moon is in the
seventh house,
and Jupiter aligns with Mars; then peace will guide the planets, and
love will steer the stars." According to Neil Spencer, the words are
"astrological gibberish" as
aligns with
several times a year and the
is in the 7th House for about two hours every day. These lines are
considered by many to be merely poetic license, though some people
take them literally. An example is the identification of February
14, 2009 (Valentine's Day) as the "perfect alignment to support our
collective manifestation of love and peace and dawning of the Age of
Only this I must let you be aware of without you being brain-washed, used or been hypnotized into the serious drama of errors in your daily life activities:
“When looking into it (the teacher and his disciples’ teaching)
as one of your outer world’s observations, try to distinguish
between a Piscean Havatvernonis (religion) and an Aquarian teacher
or ‘Great Leader’ or Aquarian ‘Man-of-Science’ for their ability to
integrate their three great centers – feelings (higher and lower),
thinking (higher and lower) and moving (ordinary and skill) and
whether the teaching level belongs to a Man No. 1 or a Man No. 2, 3
and 4 or the great ones of Man No. 5, 6 and 7.
When looking into yourself from your inner world together
with this it, try to be presence with your own master and really
have your own ‘I AM’ without giving yourself up to someone’s dictate
of his projected perfect ONE because behind this veil is the source
of untruths, lies, impurities and imperfects.
The most perfect is ONE WORD and is ‘TAO’ but there are many
words behind this veil, so the sources of the errors are here too
behind this veil.”
A close up image of a star, our very own Sun Stars are born inside clouds of gas and dust known as nebulas which exist throughout the galaxy. Some nebulas form from the gravitational collapse of gas in the interstellar medium while others are the result of the death throws of a massive star. Hydrogen Hydrogen clumps together inside these clouds of gas growing ever larger and hotter until eventually the early stage of a star called a protostar is formed. As gravity collapses the protostar temperatures and pressure in its core become high enough to trigger nuclear fusion. The star is now fusing hydrogen atoms creating an enormous amount of energy, this stage of a star's existence is known as its main sequence and depending on its size it could remain in this state for billions or possibly even trillions of years. Together the stars light up the universe in a variety of colors and most importantly our own star also provides the energy which allows life to flourish on our planet. Stars are enriched with hydrogens, elementary particles and cosmic properties (psychic properties), the quality and quantity of fineness of matters varies from star to star. Our Sun is also a transmitting station for psyche hydrogens from other suns in the World of Suns, and our Earth and our Moon are receiving stations!