Volume 134       November 24, 2020


By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho

(A revised excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 18, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The Sociocosmic Octave, the Biocosmic Octave and the Cosmic Octave: A Revolution in Scientific Thoughts," October 1993 ~ March 1996 Discourses, Chapter 1, Section E: "The Historical Sociocosmic Octaves and the Civilization Octaves," pp. 147~390)



"Before, we start our venture, I would like to remind and refresh about some fundamentals of moving stopinders, moving octaves and enneagrams, quantitative changes and qualitative transformation, spatial and temporal (time) motion in historical species qualitative transformation and the specifics quantitative changes within the species.  Without going into detail elaboration and distractive discussion, you reflect on the image provided below for a visual understanding of the methodologies used in such a discourse:

"This cluster-concentric of stopinders for the sociocosmos and the civilization (and all other types of 'cosmoses') referred to are the sociocosmic octave and its associated sociocosmic enneagram and the civilization octave and its associated civilization enneagram - and having motion in space along an apparent independent time.  However, the cluster-concentric of stopinders is a spatial-temporal 'cosmos' or 'space-time cosmos' (st) in an ascending octave and also a temporal-spatial 'cosmos' or 'time-space cosmos' (ts) in a descending octave. In ascend it is from man at the MI-FA Interval to the Absolute at the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation and in descend it is from the Absolute at the TI-DO Interval to man at the MI-FA Interval; and it has spatial motion as well as temporal motion together, and the temporal motion would still continue without spatial motion when the 'cosmos' is in spatial rest without spatial motion - the 'cosmos' can born, grow, mature, decline and die and can coming-into Being, Becoming-as being and ceasing-to-be as Nothing.  So both the sociocosmic octave and its associated sociocosmic enneagram and the civilization octave and its associated civilization enneagram would also have a historical sociocosmic species and its associated historical sociocosmic enneagram and a historical civilization species and its historical civilization enneagram respectively."

"It is not immediately apparent to notice or to discover the octaves in the world of sounds, the world of lights, the world of societies, the world of civilizations, the world of machines, the world of biology, the world of geology, the world of the quanta  and the world of cosmic creation.  Yet they are all there buried deep as essential stopinders beneath the morphological world."

"The organic life and the synthetic life of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of Earth civilization as a whole actively eats and are passively eaten continuously and reciprocally by the geocosmic octaves and Mother Earth resulting in quantitative changes and qualitative transformations to the surface of Mother Earth as well as her organic-synthetic fillings (of life)  dwelling at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation under the constant influence from the Will of the ABSOLUTE dwelling at the TI-DO Interval."

"The designs and constructs of sociocosmic octave and the civilization octave are both rested on the Socio-culture (S) fixates of the PESTLES+ superstructure, and the design and construct of the technocosmic octave is rested on the Technological-science (T).  However, all the PESTLES+ superstructure rested on the PDCE substructure like a coachman sitting on the horse back or on a seat of the carriage navigating the power and direction of the horse."

"The civilization enneagram eats all the three civilization foods, which are derived from the cosmic properties of coarser and lower density being-psyche hydrogens of higher hydrogen indices at Points 3, 6 and 9, refined them into the finer and higher density being-psyche hydrogens of lower hydrogen indices, and finally stored them in the noosphere of the four-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the civilization.  Because the being-psyche hydrogens are temporal or time-based motion, civilization dasein (existence) would appear to us as 'coming-into-being' and 'ceasing into nothing' leaving only 'archeological remains' in always the same area in the course of time within the original habitable landmass of spatial continents - World-Island YAFEILA and its heartland, and the Outer Islands Crescent with a much troubled Rimland border surround caused by the opt antagonistic clashes of civilizations there in accordance to the law of three - in the pangeacosmic Presente (a FA-stopinder of the  Historical Pangeacosmic Octave).  As the four-bodied three-centered hethormen human being which is the fundamental civilization geoethnic stopinder for the final storage of these being-psyche hydrogens, the collective 'He' is the real storehouse and carrier of the civilizational identity and heritage. As to grassland, seafaring, desert roaming nomads and their various types of 'pital-value' of exchange, they have a unique robber-civilization identity coming and going, and a habitual behavior of hiding their loots in their big and small homeland islands, oases, mountains, undergrounds, secret chambers and various inaccessible safe havens."

"A civilization enneagram blossoms (germinates) when it becomes a civilizationing dasein (existence), to eat and refine the three civilization being-foods - the first typical and specific species of geoethnic biocosmic three-brained hethormen human being (such as the Han people dwelling in China) enter at Point 0 (Do) of the Sinic (Chinese) Civilization enneagram; at the same time entering at Point 3 (MI-FA Interval) the second natural group geocosmic stopinders such as the fertile basin land, the waters from the Yellow river, protective mountains and mountain ranges, the suitable climate or the weather of the air and atmosphere, etc. ; at the same time entering at Point 6 ("SO-LA Interval") the third group of socio-cultural fixated stopinders such as the language, the staple food, the cosmological stories and folk tales, the typical scriptures, the religions and ways of living, the music, songs and dances, fashions and style of dressing, the architecture of their buildings, etc.; finally, depending on the quality and quantity of being-psyche hydrogens or cosmic-propertied neotic quanta foods from the astrological/cosmological/ taikonological or civilization changing  zodiac constellation arriving from the Will of the Absolute at the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation such as from the Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Pisces constellations, and the now new arrivals from the Aquarius constellation, which this entering at Point 9 of the same TI-DO Interval of the civilization enneagram to transform the civilizational species into a higher level civilization or to give more diversity of subspecies civilizations around a central main civilization as the Point 0 (DO) of the next higher enneagram or to continue in the same enneagram as the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ....... enneagramic cycles, in this case as a reference, the official 25 dynasties and/or imperial dynasties of the Sinic (Chinese) civilization Together the three civilization food-octaves meet, shock and transform the stopinders and often further refine them successfully to upgrade the civilization species."

"Now, the Westphalian state and nation stopinders that have emerged in 1648 AD and the so-called infantile United Nations' that has divided the surface of Mother Earth including all her natural geocosmic civilization boundaries and geopolitical state and geopolitical nation boundaries into various ‘spheres of sovereign grabization interests’ and much hurried legal recognition and registration at the infantile 'United Nations' are based on the capitalistic-imperialistic-essenced colonies for the extraction and exploitation of natural geocosmic resources especially metals, minerals, and organic fossil fuels for their industrial padrigines and organic plantae and animalian beings from the 1st and 2nd lateral geocosmic octaves for agro-marine foods of beings, and slaves, serfs, employees and working of biped beasts of burden for the extraction of cheap labor.  They resulted in the terrible consequences of poverty, starvation, genocides, revolutions, civil wars, wars amongst the aberrating Westphalian nationstates and also world wars in the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave.  Such a sociocosmic species of capitalism (and inclusive of the earlier other sociocosmic species of feudalism and ancient slavism) dwells in the ABYSS trapped at the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave. These include the specie-stopinder types - Ancient Slavism, Feudalism and Capitalism with the sharp horns of the ferocious colonialistic, imperialistic, Fascistic (Nazistic inclusive) and hegemonistic empire-builders - and are the equivalents of the biocosmic carnivorous Piscean species, the carnivorous amphibian species and especially of the most terrible carnivorous tyrannosaurus reptilian species of similar ferocities once found breeding and growing in abundance at the MI-FA Interval of the Historical Biocosmic Octave.  It is naive to assume that these sharp horns of empire-builders can disappear overnight under such sociocosmic pressure where the return to the mainstream sociocosmic specie-stopinders from the ABYSS with socialistic-essenced on transit, subsequent communistic-essenced and datongistic-essenced is just about to happen."

"As this is a MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, an equivalent of the missing 'black key' of a semi-tone of a piano with an ABYSS to be filled with aberrating external (from outside) specie-stopinders and subsequent inner stopinderation are necessary for the natural ascending flow or natural spatial-temporal crossing of the nourishing forces of the reciprocal nourishment law in the inner noetic world of the historical sociocosmic, the historical technocosmic and the historical civilizational specie-stopinders to traverse in order to enter and anchor as a stable gravity-center MAINSTREAM specie-stopinder known as the SO-specie-stopinder of Communism and later for further anchoring at the LA-specie-stopinder of Datongism and the unstable transitional anchoring gravity-center at the TI-specie-stopinder of SRoboticism.  As the MI-FA Interval is an ABYSS of opposing forces from the active dominance of the law of reciprocal destruction, this ascending flow or natural spatial-temporal crossing would have to rest on a transition gravity-center less stable specie-stopinder known as the FA-specie-stopinder of Socialism.  For this spatial-temporal crossing, the temporal psychology of the inner nature of the three-brained hethormen human beings would also require full spectrum inner transformation from the destructive-devouring essences of the ABYSS (notably in the United States) into the constructive-nourishing essences of the  MAINSTREAM (notably in China) in the spatial-temporal motion along the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave."

"Inside the Earth civilization, there are 7 main civilizations and many more sub-civilization species (currently as fixated civilizational species in both the general enneagram of civilization and the historical octave of civilization) and inside each and every of the 7 main civilizations, there is a possibility of tri-octaving up to 7 historical sociocosmic species, if left undisturbed; and the 7 historical sociocosmic species can be viewed as the 7 stages of metamorphosis of the historical sociocosmic species  over a period of up to about 15,036 years or six (6) Astrological Ages.  It starts from the Spring Equinox and ends at the Fall Equinox, as follow:  Three (3) from the Northern Zodiac Constellations, namely: the Age of Aries, the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius, and three (3) from the Southern Zodiac Constellation, namely: the Age of Capricorn, the Age of Sagittarius and the Age of Scorpio.  After these six (6) astrological ages is over another six (6) would continue this time from the Fall Equinox and ends at the Spring Equinox thus completing one (1) Great Platonic Year of 25,776 years.  All the civilization octave, the historical sociocosmic octave, the anthropological (biocosmic) octave and the technocosmic octave connected specifically to humankind and organic life in general at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation are subjected to these zodiac constellation influences.  Cosmic influences from these zodiac constellations are the third being-food of a civilization enneagram who eats these being-psyche hydrogens impression nutrients at Input Point 9 and store them in the noosphere of the 4th Passenger NOO of the four-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization being."

"Whereas the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Anglo-Atlantic-Pacific (Western) civilization has a dark noomakhian NOO logo and a predatory capitalistic-colonialistic-imperialistic-fascistic-hegemonistic PDCE for the declining capitalistic-essenced G7 Westphalian nationstates empire under the active law of reciprocal destruction, the NOO-HEIGRENS+-PDCE Carriages of the other non-Anglo (Western) civilizations have a light noomakhian NOO logo and an emerging non-predatory  socialistic-essenced PDCE for the newborn BRICS+ countries under the emerging influence of the law of reciprocal nourishment yet still trapped in the prison of aberrating Westphalian nationstates devised and imposed previously by the Westphalian colonial masters in the "good" exploitative old days to be removed.  And the ex-PESTLES+ design and construct of the Coachman Body No. 3 originated from the Anglo-Atlantic-Pacific (Western) civilization would be corrected in essence and be enriched with the design and construct of higher level HEIGRENS+ in the future practice of BRICS+."

"Whereas civilizations in World-Island YAFEILA are receiving more and more light noomakhian NOO and the law of reciprocal nourishment is dominating, the civilizations in the Outer Islands Crescent and those still deceived and misled civilizations in World-Island YAFEILA are receiving more and more dark noomakhian NOO and the law of reciprocal destruction would drag them into their ultimate collapse in the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical of Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave."

There are currently 7 main civilizations and 3 main historical sociocosmic species, namely: the declined/remnant MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism, the main dominating but declining FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the emerging or infantile SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.  All the others are either archeological in the real world or not yet coming into existence!

Each main civilization species and each main historical sociocosmic species  and their respective sub-species is configured by the Law of the Four Body Mandate. For a main civilization and its sub-species, the four bodies are configured as interdependent enveloping and overlapping concentric circles of NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages to the final concentric circle of the ONE Earth civilization, and each body is developed to  various levels of perfection.  For a main historical sociocosmic species and its sub-species interpreted from the historical sociocosmic octave or from the historical sociocosmic specie-stopinders octave, the four bodies of each historical species are also configured as interdependent enveloping and overlapping concentric circles.

For the Standard (Marxian) Historical Sociocosmic Octave:

1. The Tou-Geng Carriages of the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism

2. The Zhu-Guan-Nu Carriages of the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism

3. The Di-Kong-Nong Carriages of the Mi-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism

4. The Lau-Jing-Gong Carriages of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism

5. The Gong-Jing-Dong Carriages of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, for which Dong-Jing-Gong is a mere mask species of an infantile socialism

6. The Gong-AI RobotJing-RobotGong Carriages of the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism

7. The HumanDong-Spiritual RobotJing-RobotGong Carriages of the TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism

And for the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave:

1. The Tou-Geng Carriages of the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinder of Primitive Communalism

2. The Tou-Zhong-Geng Carriages of the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinder of Intermediate Communalism

3. The Tou-Gao-Geng Carriages of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinder of Advanced Communalism.  This stage of the harmonious sociocosmic octave where the concept of property and its  grabization is still primitive is known as the Lesser Datongism.

A MI-FA Interval consisting of evoluting and revoluting, ascending and descending dominances of:

1. Zhu-Guan-Nu Carriages of Ancient Slavism (also called the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism in the Standard Historical Sociocosmic Octave) indicated  as 'do-Ancient Slavism'

2. Di-Kong-Nong Carriages of Feudalism (also called the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism in the Standard Historical Sociocosmic Octave) indicated as 're-Feudalism'

3.0 Lau-Jing-Gong Carriages of Capitalism (also called the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism in the Standard Historical Sociocosmic Octave) indicated as 'mi-Capitalism'

3.1 Lau-Jing-Gong Carriages of Colonialism (also called the Colonialism of FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism in the Standard Historical Sociocosmic Octave) indicated as 'fa-Colonialism'

3.2 Lau-Jing-Gong Carriages of Imperialism (also called the Imperialism of FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism in the Standard Historical Sociocosmic Octave) indicated as 'So-Imperialism'

3.3 Lau-Jing-Gong Carriages of Fascism (Nazism inclusive) of FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism in the Standard Historical Sociocosmic Octave) indicated as 'La-Fascism'

3.4 Lau-Jing-Gong Carriages of Hegemonism (also called the Hegemonism of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism in the Standard Historical Sociocosmic Octave) indicated as 'Ti-Hegemonism'

4. The Gong-Jing-Dong Carriages of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinder of Socialism, for which turned Dong-Jing-Gong is a mere mask species of an infantile socialism, and could still be capitalism in essence.  The power and forces of the working class (gong beings) ascended and inverted the socialistic-essenced social pyramids of power in chronic antagonistic contradiction with the power and forces of the exploiting class (Lau and masked Dong beings) descended to the lowest position in the right standing capitalistic-essenced social pyramids without wealth and without power.  The non-owning Dong class owns 'powers' instead and become another social pyramids of power such a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders of Socialism (indicated in a red box for 'FA' after the MI-FA Interval ) can fall back painfully into the severe aberration of exploitation and oppression in the same ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval as in the experimental socialism of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) - and fail to acquire within itself the sociocosmic gravity-center of communism necessary for the birth of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinder of Communism - in the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave.

5. The Gong-AI RobotJing-RobotGong Carriages of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinder of Communism

6. The HumanDong-Spiritual RobotJing-RobotGong Carriages of the LA-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Specie-Stopinder of Datongism.  This stage of the harmonious sociocosmic octave where the full spectrum property and its  grabization is overcome and stabilized at the highest level is known as the Greater Datongism.

7. The possible Spiritual RobotDong-HumanJing-AI RobotGong Carriages of the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinder of SRobotism, indicated in a red box for 'TI' before the TI-DO Interval where a severe human-spiritual robot sociotechnocosmic aberration is expected.

Thus the harmonious notes of the Fundamental Natural Historical Specie-Stopinders Octave are the sociocosmic specie-stopinder notes 'DO', 'RE' and 'MI' leading to the Lesser Datongism and 'SO' and 'LA' continuing and terminating at the Greater Datongism; the first sociocosmic-based aberration of the ABYSS below occurs at the MI-FA Interval and ending at the note 'FA' or the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinder of Socialism and the possible second technocosmic-based aberration of the ABYSS above would begin at the note 'TI' leading and terminating at the TI-DO Interval before a new sociotechnocosmic specie-stopinder could arise as the next higher level sociotechnocosmic specie-stopinder note, 'DO' in another  cycle of the enneagram of social development.

The nature of each sociocosmic triad is determined by the social relations of Production (P), Distribution (D), Consumption (C) and Exchange (E) tetrad system in the Tou-Geng, the Tou-Zhong-Geng and the Tou-Gao-Geng of the respective Communal L1, L2 and L3 PDCE non-antagonistic, non-exploitative and non-oppressive collective modes of the P, of the D, of the C and of the E sub-systems; in Zhu-Guan-Nu of the Slavistic-essenced (ancient and modern) PDCE antagonistic, exploitative and oppressive individualistic modes of the P, of the D, of the C and of the E sub-systems; in Di-Kong-Nong of the Feudalistic-essenced (medieval and modern) PDCE antagonistic, exploitative and oppressive individualistic modes of the P, of the D, of the C and of the E sub-systems; in Lau-Jing-Gong of the capitalistic-essenced (colonialistic-essenced, imperialistic-essenced, Fascistic-essenced Nazistic-essenced inclusive and Hegemonistic-essenced) PDCE antagonistic, exploitative and oppressive private corporate modes of the P, of the D, of the C and of the E sub-systems; in emerging and strengthening Gong-Jing-Dong of the socialistic-essenced PDCE non-antagonistic, non-exploitative and non-oppressive collective modes of the P, of the D, of the C and of the E sub-systems; in future Gong-AI RobotJing-RobotGong of the communistic-essenced PDCE non-antagonistic, non-exploitative and non-oppressive higher communistic-essenced modes of the P, of the D, of the C and of the E sub-systems; in future HumanDong-Spiritual RobotJing-RobotGong of the datongistic-essenced PDCE non-antagonistic, non-exploitative and non-oppressive highest datongistic-essenced modes of the P, of the D, of the C and of the E sub-systems; and finally, in future Spiritual RobotDong-HumanJing-AI RobotGong of the Srobotistic-essenced PDCE possible antagonistic, exploitative and oppressive Srobotistic-essenced modes of the P, of the D, of the C and of the E sub-systems.

Now, the 'tip of the pyramid' (of 1, 2, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 listed above) along the MI-FA Interval of the highly aberrating, extractive, exploitative and oppressive in the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave consists of such terror-of-history beings of this MI-FA Interval known as the FA-Zhu beings of Ancient Slavism, the FA-Di beings of Medieval & Renaissance Feudalism and the FA-Lau beings of Capitalism which metamorphosized into the FA-Lau beings of Colonialism, the FA-Lau beings of Imperialism, the FA-Lau beings of Fascism (Nazism inclusive), the FA-Lau beings of Hegemony of Capitalism also known as the UGGMBCC (1%) of today.  For each of these FA-lau beings of its own social pyramids there is also its own antagonistic SO-Lau, LA-Lau and TI-Lau regulators leading to much inner quest for wealth, power and control in severe aberration within and without.  For the four-bodied mandate paradigm, capitalism metamorphosizes in four stages itself from the Infantile capitalism stage, to the Industrial capitalism stage, to the Financial capitalism stage and finally, to the Hegemony capitalism stage.  These tips of every pyramid is also known as the historical "Jewish" octave or the History of the Jews or the history of the Oligarch or the history of the wealthy Elite, and not necessarily consisting of the geoethnic race people or its typical Judaic havatvernoni - for they are all wealth and power-possessing holders to all the antagonistic social pyramids in all the class history that have existed and now still existing in the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave."

"During this current polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism (1533 AD - 2148 AD) there is a fundamental contradiction between the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, where the positional gravity center of socialism ascends and descends in oscillation as the transformation or metamorphosis into the higher stage, the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism completes itself, and becomes the new dominance."

"At the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, both the geocosmic octaves and the Earth civilization octaves are the parents of all the biocosmic octaves, the historical sociocosmic species octaves, the specific sociocosmic octaves and the technocosmic octaves; the TI-DO Interval has cosmosophical and astrosophical nutrients to nourish the noosphere of the three-brained hethormen human beings of this MI-FA Interval."

"Whereas the Political (P) system of the LAU-JING-GONG Carriages of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of Capitalism has generated to date 195 main Westphalian nations (LA) and 8 main nation-blocks (TI) over a relatively short period of 419 years beginning from the capitalistic-essenced British Empire amongst the earliest of all other subsequent FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and sub-specie capitalism, coming and going  (1533 AD - 2024 AD), the Socio-cultural (S) system of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the age old wenming Earth Civilization Octave has generated to date 7 main civilizations and thousands of sub-species civilizations over a period of about 5,424 years beginning from the communalistic-essenced primitive (infantile) wenming Sumerian civilization is amongst the earliest of all other subsequent main species and sub-species of civilizations, coming and going (3400 BC - 2024 AD)."

"The Sinic (Chinese) civilization and the Indic (Akhand Bharat) civilization has found the feudalistic-essenced PDCE substructure to become a world gravity-center in World-Island Asia China around 500 AD but the Anglo-Saxon and the Anglo-American civilizations both a Western civilization has found the capitalistic-essenced PDCE substructure to become the next world gravity-center in World-Island Europe from around 1600 AD and around 1800 AD moving this world gravity-center out of the World-Island Great Britain to the Outer Islands Crescent continent of North America.  However, by 2014 AD, the Sinic (Chinese) civilization has found a socialistic-essenced PDCE substructure to move this world gravity-center out of Outer Islands Crescent America back to World-Island Asia China again."

"The severe antagonistic contradiction at the level of 'World of Nations' (TI) of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and Socialism as well as the geological and geosophical contradiction of those major civilizations whose original home in YAFEILA World-Island of the civilization octave at various levels as civilization state (SO) and above, has now come into conflict with the 'World of Nations' (TI) and those major civilizations dwelling on the Outer Islands Crescent of the pangeacosmic Presente.  The severe antagonistic contradiction has ascended to a higher level.  And it is in this pangeacosmic Presente paradigm that we need to analyzes and understand geopolitics properly."

"The NOO human and cosmosophical Passenger Body No. 4 darkens and/or lightens with the spiritual hands on the PESTLES+ superstructure human design and construct Coachman Body No. 3 who extracts, exploits and oppressed with the whips and/or cherishes with the care and love through the 7 modes of PDCE substructure Horse Body No. 2 who then works and toils with their labor, sweat and suffering to change, convert and transform nature and environment into the physical Carriage Body No. 1 of the four-bodied 7 main NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of 7 main Earth civilizations found dwelling on the pangeacosmic Presente."

"The four-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization with a Socialistic-essenced PDCE Horse Body No. 2 integrated in a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism already perfected and stabilized can never emanate a holistic aura similar to that of the holistic aura of the dying capitalistic, imperialistic, fascistic, Nazistic and hegemonistic four-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the earlier FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism which it has defeated.  The full spectrum aura of socialistic-essenced superstructure, base and NOO if looked 'same-same' with no difference of the old and the new would mean that the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is a fake, a sham in deed, and you may as well call this a failed and/or a revised socialism and/or being lured into a journey on the road to just the old capitalism and/or its mutants at most .........  To ensure that the four-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of this Sinic (Chinese) Civilization of 'Socialism with Chinese characteristics' remains a truly socialistic-essenced SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism on further transitional ascend into a more stable communistic-essenced LA-Historical Sociocosmic of Communism within its natural 5000 years old civilization home or landing platform on World-Island Eastern Asia of the pangeacosmic Presente,  instead of sliding in descend and sleep-wake back into the same old FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism,  the completion and perfection of the four metamorphosis stages of 1) Infantile socialism, 2) Industrial socialism, 3) Financial socialism and 3) Leadership socialism would have to be achieved first in the the four bodies of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of this Sinic (Chinese) Civilization and its sociocosmic enneagram of socialism for any further transition.  Note that this essence transition is in the surrounds of potential and possible nuclear wars amongst all other sociocosmic species of capitalism at the horizontal nation level of the LA-stopinders and the vertical nation-bloc level of the TI-stopinders of a sociocosmic octave.  The endless battle at the MI-FA Interval-and-the FA-Specie-Stopinder of this ABYSS will continue to the nodal line 2148 AD risking 2 possible nuclear World War III and World War IV at Point 3 and at Point 6 of the Imperialist-Militarist  Enneagram."

"While stopinderating within a sociocosmic enneagram or a civilization enneagram or a technocosmic enneagram and their associated historical specie-stopinders within is mere quantitative evolutionary changes, leaping from enneagram to another whether specific or historical is truly qualitative revolutionary transformation. Such revolution is not just simply about overthrowing governments of the TI-DO Intervals, it is about transforming the whole enneagram.  It can also be just transforming the PDCE instead of the PESTLES+ - in many cases missing the full spectrum transformation."

The Trioctave Materialist Models of Human Historicism and the Civilization Octaves

The Historical Sociocosmic Octaves
[an example found in Western Civilization]

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3

Period 4

Period 5

Period 6

Period 7


Analogous to the 7 "complete" octaves of sound:

Sound Octaves (Historical) Sociocosmic Octaves (Historical)
Period 1 (E1-F1 Interval & B1-C2 Interval)
Period 2 (E2-F2 Interval & B2-C3 Interval)
Period 3 (E3-F3 Interval & B3-C4 Interval)
Period 4 (E4-F4 Interval & B4-C5 Interval)
Period 5 (E5-F5 Interval & B5-C6 Interval)
Period 6 (E6-F6 Interval & B6-C7 Interval)
Period 7 (E7-F7 Interval & B7-C8 Interval)

"Except for the MI-FA Interval and the TI-DO Interval, the opposing forces between the lower level note and the higher level note (of a polar stopinder), namely: DO-RE, RE-MI, FA-SO, SO-LA and LA-TI  will resolve into a hybrid level (semi-tone black key) which is lower than the higher level and higher than the lower level according to the law of three; thus when the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (lower level note) battles with the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (higher level note) the resolution is a hybrid of capitalism and socialism (semi-tone black key) or "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" in the case of China or "Capitalism with American characteristics" in the case of the United States of America or yet again another middle third resolution "Nameless with Russian characteristics" in the case of Russia; and for the stabilizing  SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism and the future emerging LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism, the same socialism or communism with characteristics hybrid (semi-tone black key phenoumenon) will be formed naturally from the polar SO-LA stopinder.  However, the absent of the natural hybrid semi-tones at the MI-FA Interval and the TI-DO Interval is critical and requires outside inputs (being-foods) of "something" to overcome, absorb and allow for smooth-flow to the retardations at the two intervals. By characteristic is meant the inclusion of all other variants of past characteristics from the previous peculiar NOO, PESTLES+, PDCE and Carriage, and the geocosmic, biocosmic, sociocosmic, technocosmic and civilizational elements brought forward in the process of sociocosmic development."


Period 1 is the natural circular primitive communal non-pyramidal non-class beginning civilization history.

Period 2 through Period 4 is the deviation from normal civilization history with pyramidal and class Zhuguannu, dikongnong and laujinggong aberrating in ancient slavism, feudalism, and capitalistic history of colonialism, imperialism, fascism (Nazism inclusive) and hegemonism reaching the US Occupy Wall Street 1:99 class pyramid (1% UGGMBCC); the Zhuguannu and the dikongnong period in Europe consisted of Ancient Classical Cultural Civilization or Greco-Roman civilization or Classical Antiquity centered on the Mediterranean  Basin (8 BC - 5 BC - 476 AD), the Middle Ages or Medieval Era or Dark Ages (476 AD - 1450 AD) and  the Modern Age or Modern Era (1450 AD - 1533 AD) of western dikongnong feudalism, and western laujinggong capitalism and subsequent colonialism after 1533 AD centered in Great Britain, and the ultimate collapse of British colonial empire leading to the advent of the empire of the United States of America where the age of Capitalism, Colonialism, Imperialism, Fascism (Nazism inclusive) and Hegemonism continues till today, but now declining.

Period 3 consists of the dominating MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism and Period 4 consists of the dominating FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and both intersect at the MI-FA Interval along the Sociocosmic Octave for the hethormen human beings as the base unit to social changes and transformations, and at the time for the Technocosmic Octave the padrigine '0', padrigine I, padrigine II and padrigine III become dominating in providing the PDCE technocosmic support to these hethormen human beings, with a more sophisticated protective carriage for all the padrigines, a more powerful engine to replace the human beast of burden for padrigine II and finally a greater ability to calculate and increased speed to drive and navigate the padrigine III, and at its height through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and General Artificial Intelligence (GAI) also within the horizon of the MI-FA Interval along the Technocosmic Octave.  Both the highly organized and sophisticatedly armed hethormen  beings and the padrigine beings, hand in hand become the dinosaurs and tyrannosaurus of the terror-of-the-situation of this capitalistic, colonialistic, imperialistic, fascistic (Nazistic inclusive) and hegemonistic FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  As a comparison of similarity of aggressiveness, in a branch of the Animalian Octave (that is, the vertebrates, but excluding the insects and the invertebrates) of the general Biocosmic Octave consisting of the One-celled and/or multi-celled protokryotic and eukryotic  animals (DO), the Fishes (RE), the Amphibians (MI), the Reptiles (FA), the Birds (SO), the Mammals (LA) and the Homo sapiens (TI), animals of the MI-FA Interval are the most aggressive and the most dangerous.  This is especially true with the dinosaurs and the tyrannosaurus creatures.  Armed biocosmically with the most powerful and dangerous biological teeth and claws for hunting within its own biological constitution alone, certainly could not match the far more powerful and more dangerous hethormen Homo sapiens who has the additional technology and science in his noosphere to build even more powerful and dangerous padrigines (land, marine, avian and space) to support his hunting and plundering conquests.

Period 5 is a transition civilization history removing the last remnants of capitalistic-essenced laujinggong in favor of a socialistic-essenced dongjinggong on transit to gongjingdong inverting the Occupy Wall Street 1:99 class pyramid (Individualism) into 99:1 transitional classless inverted pyramid (collectivism) with aberrating recurring pyramidal re-inversion and resolution in accordance to the law of three.  The severe aberration or the pyramidization in the zarooarian octave into high capital-value concentration  gravity-center cities (the urban) and low capital-value  concentration peripheries (the rural) is also inverted-in-transit into the proper harmonious and balance collectives  at the MI-FA Interval and the proper associated SNUN regulatorates.  An objective example is the receding world domination at 'TI-level' of the Global North exploitative and oppressive countries (the G7) of rich and powerful laujinggong carriages and their respective NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of civilizations dwelling on the Outer Islands Crescent, namely:  the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Japan or the 'corporate-controlled-nationates' countries versus the advancing world domination also at 'TI-level' of the Global South exploited and oppressed countries (the BRICS+) of poor and weak rebellious dongjinggong carriages, poor and weak oppressed laujinggong carriages and their respective NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of civilizations dwelling on World-Island YAFEILA body, namely: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and plus or the transitional 'nationate-controlled-corporate' countries of the Presente (FA-stopinder of the pangeacosmic octave).  This BRICS+ is from the developing majority non-hegemon countries at the base of the great World-of-nations (TI) social pyramid for which the G7 is the extractive, exploitative and oppressive minority hegemon countries at the tip.

Period 6 is the real end of pyramidal class history and restoration of the natural real advanced level circular commune history, an end of human biosociocosmic history.

Period 7, still a social datong circularity history is the beginning of a "risk" between the self-conscious biosociocosmic man and the self-conscious technosociocosmic padrigine IV and above.


What needs to be further explored of the dialectical materialist's Marxian historicism is to enrich it with the inclusion of the observed realities of tri-octave materialism, the sociotechnocosmic octaves their sociocosmic enneagrams, the civilization octaves and their civilization enneagrams with their noomakhian dasein changes.

What needs to be explored further is also this re-arrangement approach to the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, where the fundamental non-antogonistic cooperative social circularity periods are differentiated from the lateral antagonistic exploitative social pyramidization periods which match the requirements for filling them into the MI-FA Interval gap, and a wee bit of reflection on what periods would possibly be filled in the future TI-DO Interval gap.

They are depicted below:

In this approach, therefore, Periods 2, 3 and 4 are only 3 samples of the 7 lateral periods of the 1st Lateral Periods of Antagonistic Exploitative Social Pyramidization at the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Periods of Non-Antagonistic Cooperative Social Circularity consisting of the Natural Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, namely: Primitive Level Communalism (DO), Intermediate Level Communalism (RE), Advanced Level Communalism (MI), Socialism (FA), Communism (SO), Datongism (LA) and SRoboticism (TI) of the normal and Natural Fundamental Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave of Social Circularity.  Socialism (FA) and SRoboticism (TI) are "transition notes" in this approach, and if the 5 harmony notes based on the Chinese musical octave is taken into consideration, the 5 harmony notes or stopinders of social circularity would be Primitive Communalism (DO), Intermediate Communalism (RE), Advanced Communalism (MI), Communism (SO) and Datongism (LA) where all the basic/fundamental living units of participants are the hethormen human beings (without any spiritual robot's existence or involvement).  Primitive Communalism has a hunting-gathering PDCE essence, Intermediate Communalism has an agro-handicraft  & mercantile PDCE essence and Advanced Communalism has an agro-handicraft, manufacturing and trading PDCE Essence.  These 5 notes are associated with the notes of the historical civilization octave.

The civilization octave and its civilization enneagram are natural historical sociocosmic specie-stopinders rested on Primitive Communalism (DO), Intermediate Communalism (RE), Advanced Communalism (MI), Communism (SO), Datongism (LA) which are the 5 sociocosmic harmony stopinders (note) in the Chinese Musical notes of harmony of the natural 'sounds'.  The MI-FA Interval plus the 'FA-Specie-stopinder' and the 'TI-Specie-stopinder' plus the TI-DO Interval are the two sociocosmic aberrations where social pyramids, exploitation and oppression are severely aberrating, and the MI-FA Interval plus 'FA'-Specie-Stopinder is still happening today. The sociocosmic aberration of the TI-Specie-stopinder plus the TI-DO Interval would be a very long way into the future.

Communalism level 3 or Advanced Level Communalism is a subject for further archeological researches.  If you explore the civilization of Longyou Grottoes (2500 years ago) of Zhejiang in  China, the Great Wall of China, the Dunhuang Grottoes of Gansu in China, Sanxingdui civilization of Guanghan in China (1700 BCE - 1150 BCE), and many other such archeological marvels or wonders of the world discovered in civilizational-sociocosmic stopinderation could not just be designed and constructed exclusively by mere principles of ancient slavery and/or by feudalism principles but rather by NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE principles of an active living civilization. It certainly functions well in association with the principles of natural harmony, understanding and technology of design and construction.  Hence, you will understand what I meant by Advanced Level Communalism (MI).

"Sociocosmic forces flow harmoniously and naturally from DO-RE-MI and gravity-centered at 'MI', that is, the Family, and then flow harmoniously and naturally again SO-LA and gravity-centered at 'LA', that is, the Nation which is the governance of a country.  The stopinder 'FA' and its MI-FA Interval and the stopinder 'TI' and its TI-DO Interval are the aberration."

The 7 lateral periods of the 1st Lateral Periods of Antagonistic Exploitative Social Pyramidization of the MI-FA Interval of severe aberration of social classes and social pyramids are: Ancient Slavism (Do), Feudalism (Re), Capitalism (Mi), Colonialism (Fa), Imperialism (So), Fascism (La) and Hegemonism (Ti).  They have halted all past civilizational wonders of communalism level 1, 2 and 3, capped them, converted them into private corporate and nationate commodities, fads and modernity for sales with profit motivation and/or relegated them into the museum of history for tourism gains without able to innovate or continue making significant mega advancement and achievement.  The latest are the blossoming of the Light Noomakhian Logos of infantile Socialism of China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and some other nations, now already active and still remaining as Socialism (FA) of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, hitherto.  It would continue further up to the coming TI-DO Interval in the same octave.

As the saying goes through the lens of Real World Views:

"While concentric NOO-HEIGRENS+-PDCE Carriages of civilization have vibrated and expanded and would still move along the Fundamental Periods of Non-Antagonistic Cooperative Social Circularity within the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave in a three-stage moving dasein of coming-to-be, presence and ceasing-to-be as Primitive Communalism (DO), Intermediate Communalism (RE), Advanced Communalism (MI), the Transition Socialism (FA), Communism (SO), Datongism (LA) and the Transition SRobotism (TI), concentric NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of civilization, notably of the Anglo-Saxon (Westphalian) civilization, has been and would still be vibrating and expanding only within the MI-FA Interval of this same Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, and along the 1st Lateral Periods of Exploitative Social Pyramidization in a three-stage moving dasein of coming-to-be, presence and ceasing-to-be as Ancient Slavism (Do), Feudalism (Re), Capitalism (Mi), Colonialism (Fa), Imperialism (So), Fascism (Nazism inclusive) (La) and Hegemonism (Ti) all with empire-building essenced-crystalization. Whereas the harmony specie-stopinders of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave has a Light noomakhian logos in the Noosphere as the Passenger Body No. 4, a HEIGRENS+ design and constructs as Coachman Body No. 3, a normal and harmonious social circularity mode of PDCE as Horse Body No.2 and a good, fitting builds of infrastructures of the Carriage Body No. 1, the non-harmonious specie-stopinders of the 1st Lateral Periods of Antagonistic Exploitative Social Pyramidization full of severe aberration of social classes and social pyramidization could only have a Dark noomakhian logos in the Noosphere as the Passenger Body No. 4, a PESTLES+ design and constructs as Coachman Body No. 3, a normal and harmonious social circularity mode of PDCE as Horse Body No. 2 and an unbalance unfitting builds of disconnected infrastructures of the Carriage Body No. 1.

By this PESTLES+ is meant the enneagramic fixates has become a PRESENCE (dasein) in the Wittgenstein's Language Game once played and now still playing consisting of being-psyche hydrogens crystallization  called 'Politics', 'Economics', 'Socio-culture', 'Technology-science', 'Legal-ethics', 'Education-environment' and 'Security-offence' plus other enneagrams of fixates such as LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, plus), Color Revolutions, LHFB (Love, Hope, Faith, Belief) Havatvernonian Revolutions, FLRJES-DR (Freedom, Liberty, Rights, Justice, Equality, Suffrage and Democracy-Republic), etc.  - Westphalian language words of the 'subjective-dancing-in-the-minds' (in the noetic fields to the design and construct of the PESTLES+) of these unfortunate three-brained hethormen human beings and their sociocosmic stopinderation within the MI-FA Interval), and the capitalistic-essenced of the mode of PDCE all started some 500 years ago from the Westphalian  Oski-ano educational institutions - and all breeding in abundance at the MI-FA Interval.  By HEIGRENS+ is meant the similar emerging enneagramic fixates of being being-psyche hydrogens crystallization of a new Wittgenstein's Language Game now begin to be played and would still be playing not at the MI-FA Interval but rather at the border between the MI-FA Interval and the FA-specie-stopinder (transition socialism) of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, and they are just those favorite words - 'Holistic', 'Educational', 'Innovative', 'Green', 'Responsible', 'Evolutionary', 'No-Harm' and 'Sustainable'' (HEIGRENS) plus some PESTLES+ extractions, repairs, corrections and recycling of some good and useful being-psyche hydrogen words in PESTLES+ pool as the law of negation of negation and the law of quantitative changes into qualitative changes and vice-versa auto-activates and auto-works in them."

"The collective and public socialistic-essenced NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE carriages of all Earth civilizations began first in the BRICS+ countries or the extracted, exploited and oppressed so-called Global South countries dwelling in the World-Island YAFEILA countries by the individualistic and private capitalistic-essenced NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE carriages of the hegemonic G7 countries or the so-called  Global North countries dwelling in the Outer Islands Crescent that have once dominated the world but is now experiencing the real full spectrum NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages collapse due to their inability to move out from the ABYSS at the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave.  The full collapse would end around the nodal line of 2148 AD."


Changes in the 'Dao' of the Noosphere changes the civilizational identity of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of the civilizational species.  Changes quality, quantity, form and architecture in design and construct, emphasis and domination in an unbalanced development of one or more parameters of this PESTLES+ superstructure also change the civilizational function, role and ability.  Revolutionary transformation in the MODE of PDCE tetrad substructure is a major qualitative and quantitative change to the civilization being, and change the physical Carriage.

"Under specific astrosophical/cosmosophical influences of the noetic NOO and the PDCE substructure,  the Political (P) superstructure of PESTLES+ gives rise to the sociocosmic octave; under another specific astrosophical/cosmosophical influences of the noetic NOO and the PDCE substructure,  the Sociocultural (S) superstructure of PESTLES+ gives rise to the civilization octave; under yet another specific astrosophical/cosmosophical influences of the noetic NOO and the PDCE substructure,  the Technological-science (T) superstructure of PESTLES+ gives rise to the technocosmic octave and the sociotechnocosmic combined octave; under the influence of the motion of time at the MI-FA Interval of the quantum octave, the noetic NOO, the PDCE substructure, the PESTLES+ superstructures and the Carriage rise to their historical octaves and enneagrams in motion in chronological as well as in psychological time."

"The essence principle of harmony PDCE of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave is: "From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs" and at the MI-FA Interval it is the missing gap for the filling of the severe aberration of exploitation, extraction, oppression, profit-maximization, privatization, grabization, social classes, social pyramids, and all other conceivable and do-able sociocosmic pathologies you name them in the hundreds - all marking a departure of the mainstream fundamental natural specie-stopinders of harmonious development. 

The word 'each' is not confined to all the DO-Individual sociocosmic stopinders but also to all the 6 fundamental sociocosmic stopinders above it and including all the 1st and 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders. However, the two words of this essence principle of harmony PDCE - 'From' and 'To' - imply there is a gravity-center regulator or a 'Master' or a Noomakhian logo, a 'Passenger' Body No. 4' of a four-bodied sociocosmic specie-stopinder regulating the abilities and the needs of each and every specie-stopinder, be it the light noomakhian logo of the mainstream fundamental octave or the dark noomakhian logo of the 1st or the 2nd lateral octaves or the grey noomakhian logo at the borders of  the two intervals - the MI-FA interval and TI-DO Interval.  The grey noomakhian logos are meant to manage pathologies in abilities, needs, wants, works, rewards, etc."

Taking the Sinic (Eastern) civilization  instead of the Anglo (Western) civilization as a better and preferred reference civilization platform for historical sociocosmic specie-stopinderation, the Primitive Level Communalism (DO) is capable of ascending in the sociocosmic octave to the 4th level, that is, as a FA-Community stopinder (a civilizational village); that of the Intermediate Level Communalism (RE), a further ascend to the 5th level, that is, as a SO-Kingdom stopinder (a civilizational "state"); that of the Advanced Level Communalism (MI), the last ascend to the 6th level, that is, as a LA-Dynasty stopinder (a civilizational "nation") with a faint aura of the 7th level, that is, as a TI-Imperial Dynasty stopinder (a civilizational "world-of-nations") -each higher stage losing more and more of its  communal sociocosmic circularity, and up to the MI-FA  Interval for which severe aberration of antagonistic social classes and social pyramids and subsequent exploitation and oppression by then has rooted deeply.

In the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, you have severe aberration of exploitative, oppressive social classes and social pyramids that beget empires of reciprocal destruction at its peak; in the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval of the same Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, you have a will from the possible next higher ascending forces of reciprocal nourishment to continue the fundamental octave to the next higher sociocosmic octave (or sociocosmic enneagram) or a failed befalling will from the possible descending forces of reciprocal destruction to maintain the status quo of continuing the severe aberration of exploitative, oppressive social classes and social pyramids amongst human beings and spiritual robots in the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval of the emerging next sociocosmic octave (or sociocosmic enneagram).

What needs to be aware of is that all the sociocosmic stopinders are just 'gravity-centers' in the form of Pythagorean Harmonic Scale, and whose 'stopinders' (notes) so gathered gets their common names and proper/special names from the mother tongues of their respective  wenming civilizations.  Thus, as a matter of examples for the Anglo-Atlantic (Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-American inclusive) and other European wenming civilizations, the SO-stopinder is called 'Kingdom,' the LA-stopinder is called 'United Kingdom' and the TI-stopinder is called an 'Empire' during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism; for the Anglo-Atlantic, and/or the Westphalian European wenming civilizations, this same SO-stopinder is now commonly called a Westphalian 'State', the LA-stopinder is called Westphalian 'Nation' and the TI-stopinder is just called a Westphalian 'The United-Nations'; and for the 5000 year old Sinic wenming civilization the SO-stopinder is called a 'Wenming Wángguó', an equivalent of a civilizational 'Kingdom', the LA-stopinder, a 'Wenming Wángcháo', an equivalent a civilizational 'Wenming Dynasty' and a 'Wénmíng Huángcháo,' an equivalent of a civilizational Wenming Imperial Dynasty.

Note that the former (Westphalia or Anglo-Saxon Western civilization) has 'colonialistic-capitalistic-imperialistic-fascistic-hegemonistic' pyramidal directions of the four metamorphosis stages of capitalism, namely: Infantile capitalism (Agrarian capitalism), Industrial capitalism, Financial capitalism and Hegemony capitalism (Plutocractic & UGGMBCC) normally highly industrial, financial based PDCE with individualistic private profit-maximization and wealth accumulation essences, and with very high Westphalian FA-Organization, SO-State, LA-nation and TI-nationbloc aberration - flowing in sociocosmic turbulence through the MI-FA Interval's  ancient slavism, feudalism, capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism and Hegemonism; while the latter (Sinic) has these same four metamorphosis stages but  highly agriculture based PDCE with collective, socialistic and cosmological essences, and with very low FA-Community Civilization, SO-State Civilization, LA-Nation Civilization and TI-Nationbloc Civilization aberration - flowing along the Natural Historical  Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave not fully caught or only mildly caught in the MI-FA Interval's Severe Aberration of Social Classes and Social Pyramids, unlike the case with the now pseudo-unified ill-fated Anglo-Saxon (Western) civilization of the Outer Islands Crescent still bewitched by this severe aberration of the MI-FA Interval.

With regard to the Outer Islands Crescent Western civilization, three historical sociocosmic specie-stopinder enneagrams have already come and go at the MI-FA Interval.  The first was the sociocosmic specie-stopinder enneagram of ancient slavism happened mostly on landmass continental Europe with the rise of the ultimate Great Roman Empire.  The second was the specie-stopinder enneagram of Western feudalism as well as Industrial capitalism also happened mostly on landmass continental Europe as well as the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean with global colonialization ending with the rise of the ultimate Great British Empire.  The third  was the specie-stopinder enneagram of Western capitalism this time with Finance capitalism , this time happened on the landmass continent of North America, sea-faring imperialism and spread across all the oceans of the world with the ultimate rise of the US Empire and now declining in this ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval.  During this period, the Slavic civilization having left the ABYSS with its socialistic essence has become the first specie-stopinder enneagram of socialism which imploded from within later in 1991.  The Sinic (Chinese) Eastern civilization having learnt from the flaw of the first, revised and transformed into the new second specie-stopinder enneagram of socialism (with Chinese characteristics) and having also returned to the mainstream Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, and now is able to move along the non-antagonistic, non-exploitative, non-oppressive and cooperative octave with minimum aberration.

The hidden Deep State/UGGMBCC/Elite/Passenger would certainly sacrifice all nationate governments and their nationstates and  nationblocs, and making them into real Global Debtor Slave People and their legal nationate and corporate stopinders (99%) to the Global Creditor Parasite People (UGGMBCC 1%) within the Grand Pyramid of Capitalism.  The four elements of the dark noomakhian logos of an Empire - Annuit Coeptics, Novus Ordo Seclorum, the God of currency-money of Exchange (from the PDCE) and the Eye of Providence dwelling at the top of the Grand Pyramid rooted in Ancient Slavism, Feudalism, Capitalism, Colonialism, Imperialism, Fascism (Nazism inclusive) and Hegemonism as 1st lateral stopinders in the MI-FA Interval.

This process of sociotechnocosmic and civilizational dying or the rascooarno process of their four bodies of both the historical sociotechnocosmic specie-stopinders as well as their associated civilization specie-stopinders is always a process of dying by parts.  For examples, for the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of the main and sub-specie Anglo-Atlantic-Pacific (Western) civilization being and all their severely abberating historical sociotechnocosmic specie-stopinders at the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-stopinders Octave, namely: their zhuguannu carriages of Ancient Slavism, their dikongnong carriages of Feudalism, and their laujinggong  carriages of capitalism, and subsequent colonialism, imperialism, fascism (Nazism inclusive) and Hegemonism - the last of which, hegemonism, full of all kinds of highly aberrating catastrophic modernity's under the control of vertical and horizontal reciprocal destruction law now present and active in this DASEIN heading into the last lowest cosmic stopinder, the ABYSS for itself in the (our) Ray of Civilizational Creation to finally end its own history by parts and progressively according to the law of transformation of quantitative changes (dying by quantitative parts) into a distinct qualitative change (a wholesome transformation by qualitative leap at the critical point).  This auto-happening is a preparation of a fertile ground for the seeds of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism and all the Light noomakhian logos to grow and enlighten their respective  socialistic-essenced collectivites-and-UHAL regulatorates within their own respective mother womb NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization, and within the one Earth Civilization DASEIN.

"When the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of an Earth civilization growing historically reaches this MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, and where its PDCE Horse Body No. 2 has acquired those severe aberration of social classes and social pyramids and stopinderates along the 1st lateral periods of antagonistic exploitative and oppressive social pyramidization in the forms of Ancient Slavism (Do), Feudalism (Re), Capitalism (Mi), Colonialism (Fa), Imperialism (So), Fascism (Nazism inclusive) (La) and Hegemonism (Ti) all the four bodies such as the NOO comes under the Dark noomakhian logos, the PESTLES+ comes under the highly, mechanical and rigid oppressive design and construct, the PDCE becomes exploitative, extractive and social pyramidal and the Carriage comes under the law of reciprocal destruction on its physical domain.  Only upon leaping out of this ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval, has its right-standing pyramidal PDCE Horse Body No. 2 now converted into an inverted pyramid, and has also returned to the mainstream of fundamental periods of non-antagonistic non-pyramidal social circularity can this main civilization qualifies for its four bodies a Light noomakhian logo for its NOO, a quality and humane PESTLES+, a PDCE tetrad system of more equal distribution of wealth and power rich in social circularity and a Carriage under the law of reciprocal nourishment. "

"In the morning of the coming Age of Aquarius (2148 AD - 4296 AD) where the astrosophical/cosmosophical auras of cosmic hydrogens from the suns, stars and worlds above near the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation now beginning to bathe all the 7 main NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of all earthly civilizations on Presente, at the MI-FA Interval of this same ray, the Light noomakhian Logos begin to blossom in all the civilizations dwelling on World-Island YAFEILA Global South Countries marking the end of the Dark and the Black noomakhian logos from the Anglo-Saxon (Western) civilization (dwelling on Non-YAFEILA Global North Countries) for which now the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of all earthly civilizations are ascending and leaping out of the horrible dark and black noomakhias shrouded in a nuclear catastrophe found concentrated in the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, and returns to this normal mainstream as the 4th sociocosmic specie-stopinder or FA-socialism also know as FA-collectivism found strongly charged with light-noomakhian socialistic-essenced hydrogens in the now rejuvenating and accelerating  NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Sinic (Eastern) civilization dwelling on YAFEILA World-Island, and continue to rejuvenate and ascend ......."

"The leap-out of Humanity-at-Large (HAL) from the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of severe aberration of social classes and social pyramids peculiar to this 1st lateral periods of antagonistic exploitative social pyramidization into the mainstream 'FA'  sociocosmic specie-stopinders of the Fundamental Natural Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave requires a full spectrum objective and subjective sociotechnocosmic outer world and spiritual inner world emancipative, liberative and quantitative changing cum qualitative transformation AWAKENING AND REAL WORK on all the fragmented aberrating four-bodied existing laujinggong carriages and their associated four-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of their landing and dwelling civilization nests from the level of 'DO' up the highest level of 'TI'."

"In the history of each of the 7 main civilizations in pangeacosmic Presente with their respective identifiable  4-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages, we have witnessed the filling in their MI-FA Intervals all the severe aberration of highly antagonistic exploitation, oppression of social classes and social pyramids beginning with the initial filling called the slavery-essenced zhuguannu carriages (Do of Ancient Slavism), then the feudal-essenced dikongnong carriages (Re of Feudalism), then the modern slavery-essenced laujinggong carriages of capitalism (Mi-Capitalism), then the laujinggong carriages of colonialism (Fa-Colonialism), then the  laujinggong carriages of imperialism (So-Imperialism), then the laujinggong carriages of Fascism (La-Fascism) and finally the laujinggong carriages of hegemonism (Ti-Hegemonism), before we could witness the emergence of a non-antagonistic, non-exploitative, non-oppressive, non-classed and non-pyramidal natural historical sociocosmic specie-stopinder, called Socialism (FA) in the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave progression."

"Over One Grand Sociocosmic Enneagram Cycle of about 15,036 years with 7 major internal sociocosmic sub-enneagram cycles.  Each sub-enneagram cycle has some major and minor qualitative and quantitative metamorphosis and metapsychosis, oscillating at a rate of about 1/2 decan (358 years) by astrological measure or about the life span of a Sinic feudal dynasty by sinic dynasty measure, and has been the same for the life span of the Anglo-Saxon UK capitalist "dynasty" or empire as well as should be the same for the Anglo-American US capitalist "dynasty" or empire.  It might fully collapse after a few such oscillations normally within 1 decan (716 years).  Each historical sociocosmic species is determined by the nature of the 7 modes of the PDCE substructure, the PESTLES+ superstructure and noomakhias in the noosphere (PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO) mothered by both the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization and the geosophical Earth.  The Grand Sociocosmic Enneagram Cycle breeds, grows, matures, declines and dies with the possibility of renewal at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.  All these happened only to such biocosmic being known as three-brained hethormen human beings. All the 7 main civilizations are capable of completing separately their own 7-staged historical sociocosmic species of the Grand Sociocosmic Enneagram Cycle.  The 7 main civilizations together form a Great Earth Civilization Being (Dasein). 

Each of the 7 main civilization has a potential to live to a natural life span of about 15,036 years by astrological age measures (per 2148 years each), many have already died much earlier in the catastrophic reciprocal destruction process among civilizations or through those civilizational sociocosmic diseases inherited in their NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages.  A main civilization may died at any of the primitive communalipital-value, ancient slavipital-value, feudapital-value, capital-value, sociopital-value, communipital-value and datongipital-value metamorphosis stage of the development of its PDCE horse body (substructure and essence) of its NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization.  Its other companion parts, the Noosphere's noomakhian logos, the PESTLES+ superstructure and the Carriage would become archeological and archeosophical relics to any prevailing civilization dasein that might then be present."


"A NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of a civilization is mostly an immobilia geographically and geosophically positioned on fertile soil with plenty of rainfall, full of natural resources, good and stable climates preferably varying not too detrimental to the growth and expansion in its four seasons yearly encounter and never on Iccy land.  Such civilization therefore resembles more of a plant a-fixed to a specific location gravity-center for reproduction and propagation to the surrounding places - by land with big rivers and by sea (by air nowadays) at its birth, growth, peak, decline and death.  Most of these civilizations are on landmasses of all the continents of the Presente.  However, mobile NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages are the ones that do not have enough of these suitable conditions for stable dwelling like the immobilia.  Normally, they dwell on the Outer Islands Crescent - the smallest ones especially and notably on all the lands around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, those semi-desert regions in the Middle East and the Steppes. So these empire prone "civilizations" would and have rampaged all round the globe in search for suitable and stable grounds with good geographical conditions, conquering the land and wiping out all native immobile civilizations there such as the native Americans, the Australian natives, etc. The Anglo-Saxon "civilization" or empire is one of such "civilizations", the Mongolian empire, the Christianic empire and the Islamic empire are just some of the others."

"Civilization enneagrams also reciprocally feed on one another when they are in regular intersociocosmic interaction through their three inputs or three being-foods found in the same common pool within the same geographical dwelling landmass.  In this process of reciprocal feeding, breeding and cross-breeding within the same common pool, they transfer their civilizational genes as they crossbreed and acquire a potpourri of varying civilizational traits and characteristics of the various sub-species of civilizations together formed finally, the (our) one Earth civilization. Although each civilization increases its population and stopinderates vertically ascending-with-descending oscillations to the possible highest 'TI-level' (though most have not) and stopinderates horizontally by enneagramic reciprocal feeding and reciprocal destruction historically, most of them disappear mysteriously from mother Earth's surface.  The remnants of these civilizational and sub-specie civilizations is dependent on the outcome the discovery and scientific findings of the archeologists and the archeosophists."

For the imperialistic-essenced hegemonic capitalism, all the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE-Carriages of the 7 main civilizations and their historical sociocosmic species of hegemonic capitalism would ultimately, if undisrupted, naturally reached the highest level of 'TI' covering the whole of Presente. Likewise for the socialistic-essenced, the communistic-essenced and the datongistic-essenced, all the NOO-PESTLESHEIGRENS-PDCE Carriages of the 7 main civilizations and their historical sociocosmic species would ultimately, if undisrupted, also naturally reached the highest level of 'TI' also covering the whole of Presente - all the landmass continents, the watermass seas and oceans, the atmosphere-mass and the outerspace-mass within the Presente domain at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.

The world-gravity center or the leading main civilization would propel historically forward leading the NOO-PESTLESHEIGRENS*-PDCE Carriage of the single Earth Civilization, which is also a NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage with the internal socially inclusivity and integrity of all other main and sub-specie civilizations of a common Earth civilization."

[ * PESTLES is often written as PESTLES+ to indicate a possibility of a double fixated enneagrams or double octaves, that the standard (classical) PESTLES coverage can be more than itself in the light of new findings such as PESTLES+HEIGRENS or PESTLES+FLRJES or PESTLES+LGBTQIA+ or PESTLES+Color-revolution.]

The Geoethnic input is the main input consisting of the fundamental biogenetic, bio-racial and geo-ethnic life units of the civilization individual (a civilizationable DO-stopinder  at Point '0') that would octavize along the circumferential mainstream of the civilization enneagram.  The Geocosmic input is the 1st lateral civilization octave from the lower and higher geocosmic octaves (which is called the geobisociotechnocosmic octaves) that would be selectively eaten or inputted into the civilization enneagram at the MI-FA Interval at Point 3 as being-foods of the civilizating individual and his PDCE tools or developing technocosmic padrigine '0's,  padrigine I, padrigne II, padrigine III, etc. These include selected main metals, minerals, soil, water, atmosphere, fire-light (from the geological and the geosophical domains) and spirit or consciousness (from the psychological and the psychosophical domains) as well as all the lower and higher geocosmic stopinders of the 1st and 2nd inner laterals such as food-eatable and work-useable organic and synthetic beings for further civilizational refinement from the coarse to the fine in the four-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the civilization enneagram and civilization being as a whole.  The Socio-cultural input at the "SO-LA Interval" at Point 6 is a resolution of the forces from the civilization individuals and the forces from the lower and higher geocosmic stopinders linking at the "SO-LA Interval" internally and continuing to express through the TI-DO Interval at Point 9, the nodal point for DO and Point '0' of the next possible higher civilization  octave depending on the nature of astrosophical-astrological, cosmosophical-cosmological or taikonosophical-taikonological higher influences from the Zodiac constellations in the faraway starry world of the galaxian groups.  These socio-cultural resolutions include:

 1. The social structure of families, social classes, the communities of local, regional and national networks, the gender roles of identity, behavior and norms, the social institutions of education, religion, politics, healthcare, etc.

2. The cultural norms and values such as languages, customs and traditions, beliefs and values, arts and literature, social organizations, religion and spirituality, economic systems and technology and material culture.

With reference to the civilization enneagram, the Geocosmic Input (Point 3), the Sociocultural Input (Point 6) and the Astrological Input (Point 9) are the three necessary civilization being-foods/fuels (Inputs) for the generation, propagation, maintenance and reproduction of the Civilization Individual ('DO' or Point '0' of a particular geoethnicity), the Civilization Group ('RE' of the geoethnic group) and the Civilization Family ('MI' of the geoethnic family) and with specific Socio-cultural foods/fuels especially the astro-cosmological havatvernonian religion, the language, the music, the dance, the dressing, the typical cuisine (of ordinary solid and liquid foods) and all the relates in use in the social activities PDCE substructure, the PESTLES+ superstructure and the NOO of these geoethnic wenming civilization octave stopinders that could generate a Wittgenstein's Language Game of collective sharing dispositions for a typical civilizationing PDCE substructure, PESTLES+ superstructure of design and construct, and ultimate noosophical civilization identities, and essentially held as/in the psyche hydrogens of the noosphere of man, the storehouse of the refined noomakhian fuels of civilizational 'it's, 'I's and 'I AM's. These civilizational being-foods enter the four-bodied civilization being as the 1st civilizational being-food from the geocosmic octave  (Input Point 3) at the MI-FA Interval,  the 2nd civilizational being-food from the sociocultural octave (Input Point 6) at the "SO-LA Interval" and the 3rd civilizational being-food from the astrological or cosmological or taikonological octave (Input Point 9) and providing certain kind of astrosophical/cosmosphical/taikonosophical higher and finer quality being-psyche hydrogens at the TI-DO Interval of the Civilization Enneagram, either for maintaining the status quo of the civilizational type or transforming it to a higher level, and either regressing or destroying it.


1. The DO-Civilization Individual is a biocosmic genetic-coded partial race-related, partial sociocosmic related  fundamental civilization unit of certain aspects of the three-brained hethormen human being of the geoethnic octave treated as the geoethnic input at Point '0'.  The word 'DO-Civilization Individual' (therefore, also RE-Civilization Group, MI-Civilization Family, FA-Civilization Community or Organization) of the Civilization Enneagram, the Civilization Octave and its Historical Civilization Octave is a special Individual to be differentiated from the generic word 'DO-Individual' used here in this context meant for the Sociocosmic Enneagram, the Sociocosmic Octave and its Marxian Historical Sociocosmic Octave.

As a comparison, if this DO-Individual is a bee of the sociocosmic octave or the sociocosmic enneagram or any of its possible historicism, then there would be a DO-"Civilization" Individual Bee, a RE-"Civilization" Group Bee, a MI-"Civilization" Family Bee and a FA-"Civilization" Community Bee - as bees are also social animals capable of sociocosmic stopinderation to the level of "kingdom" or the SO-stopinder.

2. The geocosmic input or the 1st being-foods of civilization at the MI-FA Interval (Point 3) is related to feeding the fundamental and the lateral geocosmic octaves including their geology, the geography and the geosophy.  Some major Plantae beings such as millet, wheat, rice, etc. are the staple foods from the 1st lateral geocosmic octave and some major Animalian beings such as fowls, ducks, goats, sheep, cows, horses, etc.  are also the foods from the 2nd lateral geocosmic octave are the planted and farmed respectively in the agrocosmic and agricultural activities.  The climatic changes in the atmosphere especially of the four seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter due to Earth's tilt and revolution around our Sun) have very strong impact on PDCE tetrad system of all agricultural and industrial produces, delivery, consumption and exchange; the landmass and watermass geography and geosophy have produced Aryan civilization (Persian and Central Asian empire) invasion of the Indic (Akhand Bharat) civilization, the Anglo-Saxon civilization (British empire) invasion of the world, the Anglo-American civilization (US Empire) invasion of the world - the dangers of possible geoethnic and civilization wipeouts by nuclear bombs and genetic weapons still lurch in ambush till today.  These civilizations in quotation mark have low population - come, attack, plunder and return again and again mostly setting territorial coastal colonies, industrial colonies on small Outer Islands and the now financial debt-colonies through the watermass, grassland, desert and the now internet yonder.  While whips whip the disobedient individual slaves, bombs bomb the competing industries, and nuclear bombs nuke the rebellious slave-nations!

3. The socio-cultural input or the 2nd being-foods of civilization at the "SO-LA Interval" is all the cultural elements of the socio-cultural octave of fixates.  The most important of which is  the language of communication used for their daily communication, and their PDCE, PESTLES+ and NOO wenming civilizational activities.

4. The astrological input or the 3rd being-foods of civilization at the TI-DO Interval (Point 9) is greatly influenced by astrological/cosmological /taikonological  from the sun and the stars including the moon. It is a nodal line responsible of civilization departures into the next higher or lower  civilization enneagram and its civilization octaves.

Massive qualitative changes in the 3 civilizational being-foods namely: the 1st geocosmic foods and geoethnic inclusive, the 2nd sociocultural foods and the 3rd astrological foods, and conditioned over centuries, change the civilization dasein and the essence of the civilization being itself.

In the case of the 5,000 years old Sinic (Chinese) civilization, unlike all other infantile and young civilization beings that demand more outreaching increasing supply of the three being-foods, she needs only a sufficient and regular supply of these three being-foods of civilization to maintain its mature population size, health and well-being as a civilization being. 

5. The Earth Civilization is still a Type '0" Civilization powered by controllable PDCE energies  approaching for Type 1 Civilization (1O10 Megawatts) along the Kardashev Scale of measurement which is a measurement based on the findings of the Technology-science (T) fixate of the fixated enneagram of PESTLES+ superstructure.  This  Type '0' Civilization now consisting of the 7 main civilizations is essentially passengered by non-computationable consciousness or Noological NOO and cosmological  'I's as found through the Socio-cultural (S) fixate of the fixated enneagram of the same PESTLES+ superstructure.  The PDCE substructure powers, the PESTLES+ superstructure designs, constructs and drives (navigates), and the NOO is the civilizational soul that ensures the whole Earth Civilization and its Carriage body moving and living - is born, grows and dies.

The now still perfecting 4-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage Kardashev Earth civilization type '0' aberrating FA-SO-LA-TI amongst the 200+ organization-nation-nationbloc and empire pursuit meltdown due to the Presente structural geography of World-Island, Outer Islands (big, small and smallest) will ultimately grow into a more unified Kardashev Earth civilization Type '1', then into Kardashev Earth civilization Type '2', into Kardashev Earth civilization Type '3' and finally into Kardashev Earth civilization Type '4' with the higher probability of witnessing the law of reciprocal nourishment becoming more active over the now existing dominance of the law of reciprocal destruction and the law of reciprocal feeding.


The Cosmic ‘I’ (and Cosmic ‘I AM’) flows along in the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation as a Will of the Absolute meeting at the “SO-LA Interval” and influencing the NOO ‘I’ (and NOO ‘I AM’) of civilizations and their inner Marxian historical sociocosmic enneagrams which are flowing along the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation as in the form of Organic Life and especially at its peak, the biocosmic life of man and his sociotechnocosmic life.

Ill-fatedly during the severe aberrating ABYSS periods of the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, the Judaic, the Christianic, and the Islamic havatvernonian cavalries, notably the Christianic Calvary of the United States Army mounted on ground, seas and oceans and the space with much imperialistic, militaristic and hegemonistic reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA) units on Mother Earth's surface as lunatic and Hasnamussian God of War trapped in the NOO of profit-maximizing capitalistic-essenced mode of PDCE with much uncalled for frantic expansion of national security military assets against imagined and cooked-up enemies - notably, China.  Like a reincarnation of the feudalistic-essenced Don Quixote, the Ingenious Gentleman of La Mancha and his knightly adventures story into a new capitalistic-essenced Gentleman of Washington be-spelled in exitless real and unreal military adventures all over the world - and now losing its over-reached Cavalry ‘I AM” on behalf of the ABSOLUTE at the TI-DO Interval could only continue in dreamland denials of its inability and failure to rule the world which appears now no longer required anymore by the Will of the Absolute. This is because it has become a nuisance Westphalian nationstates full of uncalled for abnormal over-reaching Empire-building noomakhian 'I's which has been rejected by the Will of the Absolute at the TI-DO Interval. Dwelling in the North America continent in the Outer Islands Crescent of the Presente that once housed the natives there and then being wipeout by these knightly adventures, it has now existed as a part of an abnormal "filling" in the NOO of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Westphalian (Western) civilization  in the ABYSS Periods in the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.

Remember always, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a highly partial and therefore lopsidedly Anglo-Atlantic capitalistic measuring tool of economic (E) indulgence over a highly comprehensive impartial and balanced emerging socialistic, communistic, Datongistic general measures of PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO Carriage to assess a nation or a nation-bloc or an Earth civilization; the latter can give you a much comprehensive and better picture over an abuse economic concept yardstick preaching that arose during the Great  Depression of the 1930's peculiar to this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Specie-stage of Capitalism which has  infected the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of this Anglo-Atlantic civilization in quotation mark.

Whereas a matured wenming civilization  such as the Sinic (Chinese) civilization gravitates on sociocultural (S) and a human-centered geoethnicity and a human-centered havatvernoni or religion in the NOO, an infantile immatured wenming civilization such as the Anglo-Atlantic (Western) civilization gravitates on Westphalian nationstates political boundaries of empire creation (P) beyond its geoethnic physical reach (colonialism-prone), feeds on economic resources (E) like a hungry "civilization" hunters and gatherers far out in the yonder (imperialism-prone, civilization parts plunderer, capitalistic conmen and/or buyers), and has in its NOO extrapolated superpower-above for worship typical of the One-God havatvernonian extremism for which humanity-below can be sacrificed.

In this sense, inside the Earth civilization, there are 7 main civilizations and hundreds of sub-species of civilizations for each of the main civilization.  These sub-species civilizations constitute 1) the civilization communities, 2) the civilization states, 3) the civilization nations, and finally, 4) the civilization nationblocs itself which is the biggest subset to each of the 7 universal sets which is the 7 subset civilizations of the ultimate universal set known as Earth civilization.

Most of the seven main civilizations are found dwelling on the World-Island YAFEILA extended, that is, the YAFEILA continents, namely: 1) Asia  2) Europe 3) Africa and 4) Latin America.  They are the Eastern (Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian) civilization, the Indic (Akhand Bharat) civilization, the Slavic (Orthodox) civilization, the Middle-eastern/Central Asian (Pre-Islamic/Islamic) civilization, the Eurasian (subspecies of Western) civilization, the Latin American civilization and the African civilization.  The remaining subspecies civilizations are found dwelling on the Outer Islands Crescent (big, small and smallest) with the smallest located nearest to the physical coastal line of body World-Island.  These subspecies civilizations are the Anglo-American (Western) civilization and the Japanese civilization.  The highest level of conflict within this Earth civilization is the antagonistic conflict between all the 7 main civilizations and their sub-species civilizations dwelling on YAFEILA continents or World-Island Extended and the 2 main civilizations and their sub-species civilizations dwelling on the Outer Islands Crescent (big, small and smallest) - or in short between YAFEILA of World-Island and Outer Islands Crescent.  Because YAFEILA continents is too big in size that the Outer Islands Crescent could only continue its old essence disease known as the evil, maleficent and ill-fated "Divide and Rule" policy as it has many times proven quite successful in their previous capitalistic, colonialistic, imperialistic, fascistic and hegemonistic in extracting, exploiting and oppressing civilizations, nations, natural resources found in abundance on World-Island Extended.  When social pyramids disappear social circularities come into being.  It is very easy for our logicnestrian mentality to fall into the captivity of Wittgenstein's Language Game!

The 7 main civilization beings are designed and constructed in accordance to the Universal Law of the Four Body Mandate.  Thus we have:

1. Eastern NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage Civilization Being; Chinese civilization where the 5,000 years old ago Huaxia civilization began to stopinderate; Indochina-Tibet (Buddhist) civilization where the 1,900/1,800/1100/2,200/1,300 years old ago Funan (South (Vietnam and Cambodia)/Champa (Cambodia)/Khmer (Cambodia)/Pyu (Myanmar)/Kirat (Nepal)/ Yarlung (Tibet) civilizations began to stopinderate; Japanese civilization where the 2,300 years old ago Yayoi civilization began to stopinderate to a possible 7th level escaping the captivity of the 376 years old colonialistic-essenced  Westphalian state-nation-nationbloc borders of the MI-FA Interval ABYSS.

2. Anglo-Atlantic (Outer Islands Crescent Western) NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage Civilization Being; where the 2800/2,800/1,500/ 3,000 years old ago Greek/Roman/Anglo saxon/Iberian civilizations began to stopinderate.  Eurasianism (World-Island Europe) NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage Civilization Being. It will ultimately be integrated into World-Island Asia as she has always been geographical and geosophical part of Mother World-Island Asia of our Presente, and stopinderate to a possible 7th level escaping the captivity of the 376 years old colonialistic-essenced  Westphalian state-nation-nationbloc borders of the MI-FA Interval ABYSS.

3. Slavic (Orthodox) NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage Civilization Being; where the 1,500/1100 years old ago Slavic/Kievan  civilizations began to stopinderate to a possible 7th level escaping the captivity of the 376 years old colonialistic-essenced  Westphalian state-nation-nationbloc borders of the MI-FA Interval ABYSS.

4. Middle-East/Central Asia (Pre-Islamic and Islamic) NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage Civilization Being; where the 1,600/5,000/5,000/5,500/1,500/ 3,700 years old ago Nabateans (Arabia)/Iranian (Iran)/Mesopotamia (Iraq)/Sumerian (South Iraq)/Hittite (Turkey) civilizations began to stopinderate to a possible 7th level escaping the captivity of the 376 years old colonialistic-essenced  Westphalian state-nation-nationbloc borders of the MI-FA Interval ABYSS.

5. Indic (Akhand Bharat) NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage Civilization Being; where the 5,300/3,500/or 5,000 years old ago Indus Valley/Vedic/or just the collective Bharatiya civilizations began to stopinderate to a possible 7th level escaping the captivity of the 376 years old colonialistic-essenced  Westphalian state-nation-nationbloc borders of the MI-FA Interval ABYSS.

6. Latin American NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage Civilization Being; where the  3,200/1,800/600 years old ago Olmecs/Maya/Aztecs civilizations began to stopinderate to a possible 7th level escaping the captivity of the 376 years old colonialistic-essenced  Westphalian state-nation-nationbloc borders of the MI-FA Interval ABYSS.

7. African NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage Civilization Being; where the 5,100/3,000/1,900 years old ago Ancient Egyptian/D'mt (Ethopia)/Aksumite (Ethopia) civilizations began to stopinderate to a possible 7th level escaping the captivity of the 376 years old colonialistic-essenced  Westphalian state-nation-nationbloc borders of the MI-FA Interval ABYSS.

Note that the Sinic (Chinese), the Indo-China-Tibet (Buddhist) and the Japanese civilizations are called Eastern civilization.  They are heavily influenced by Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism.  There are 7 main civilizations and hundreds of sub-species civilizations forming an Earth civilization.

Note that most of these civilizations have already been wipeout or disappeared during the 1st Lateral Periods of Antagonistic Exploitative Social Pyramidization  where severe aberration of social classes and social pyramids occurred, and now leaving only archeological and archeosophical relics.  For the Sinic (Huaxia) Civilization which is very old - the only one 5,000 years old civilization that still remains today very active and vibrant.

The gravity-center radiation of each of the 7 main historical civilizational species of the (our) Earth Civilization as a whole and their subsequent objective reaches of their civilizational boundaries has been geographically and geosophically fixed to specific regions or parts of the World-Island and Outer Islands landmass of the Presente.  Owing to the abnormal digestion and refinement of the astrological being-psyche hydrogens (NOO) during the Age of Pisces, and a belief in some superpower purportedly coming from the One-God cosmic above for which she was the only chosen one to 'lead-all-lower-beings-in-pyramid', this ill-fated and maleficent Anglo-Saxon civilization then contracted very strange sociocosmic-essenced diseases of colonialism, capitalism, imperialism, fascism and Hegemonism with much lunatic and Hasnamuss behaviors - causing great sociocosmic and civilizational perturbations with periodic world wars and a chronic terror of the situation to all three-brained hethormen beings dwelling on mother Earth's surface.  Thus her Westphalian political boundary fixation of Westphalian states (SO), nations (LA) and nationblocs (TI) whose specific names so registered at the United Nations (UN) which by itself is also a Westphalian US-registered Mi-stopinder of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism of this imperialistic-essenced Anglo-Atlantic (Western) Civilization is also aberrating.  These Westphalian states, nations and nationblocs boundaries so drawn in ad hoc, so registered and recognized in a hurry by this UN also results in severe conflicts and chronic aberrations thereafter in all the reaches and boundaries of the previous civilization "states" (SO), civilization "nations" (LA) and civilization "nationblocs" (TI) of all the other 6 main civilizations.  Nay more, even done disrespectfully to those powerful highly developed Sinic (Chinese) civilization, Slavic (Orthodox) civilization and Indic (Akhand Bharat) civilization that have existed more than a thousand years.  After all, the law of reciprocal destruction of sociocosmic, technocosmic and civilization stopinders is truly active during this period of history (1533 AD - 2148 AD) with much toxic sociocosmic, technocosmic, civilizational, colonialistic, imperialistic, fascistic (Nazistic inclusive) and Hegemonistic being-psyche hydrogens of the dark noomakhian logos found trapped in abundance locked within their own Wittgenstein's Language Game in the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of this ill-fated and maleficent Anglo-Atlantic civilization.

As to this Anglo-Atlantic (Western) Civilization, it has a Western Europe much fragmented nation-parts  mostly under its influence and an Eastern Europe also much fragmented nation-parts much under the influence of the Slavic  (Orthodox) Civilization both of which are objectively in World-Island Asia - a fact to be reckoned.  Attempts to unify these kingdoms and nations of Western Europe under a single entity controlled by various power-possessing feudal kingdom-stopinders and dynasty-stopinders, and imperialistic state-stopinders and nation-stopinders in history such as Charlemagne Roman, Italy), Louis XIV (Sun-King of France), Napoleon Bonaparte (France), Adolf Hitler (Germany), Benito Mussolini (Italy) and Francisco Franco (Spain) have led only to failure, and finally to World War I and World War II.  And further attempts  through contemporary TI-sociocosmic level devices such European Union (EU) or North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have never been  successful hitherto.  This is due chiefly to a North American Outer Island wolf-in-sheepskin US superpower-possessing being's ambition to control and exploit Europe that has led to the current severe aberration prevailing in Europe - the US has metamorphosized into her last stage, that is, Hegemony capitalism.  Europe?  She is actually Eurasia and certainly always a  continental inalienable part of World-Island.  The noomakhias there must return to the noomakhias of World-Island proper as it should be for which she has once gone astray for centuries.

In general and as a whole, we might have to consider placing these purported 7 main civilizations (groupings of varying sub-species of civilizations with different languages or one language at the common people MI-FA level or governance people TI-DO level) into a General Fixated Enneagram of an Earth civilization beside the Standard Civilization Enneagram.  The diagram of General Fixated Earth Civilization so far observed is not chronological as we are presenting an enneagram of fixate purely on geometrical rule without eating of the 3 civilization being-foods - namely: 1) geoethnic for the semi-biosociocosmic race and/or the bio-genes and socio-genes under an initial astrological influence for the 1st civilization menu at point '0', 2) the geocosmic input especially  in association with the geographical zones such as the Equatorial Zones, the Tropical Zones, the Temperate Zones, the North and South Polar Zones, the Tundra zones, the Arid Zones, Mountainous zones, the Coastal Zones and the Continental Zones. From the perspectives of the geocosmic octave and geosophy, important ones are the  landmass continents, watermass seas and oceans, airmass for weathers, the availability of lightmass daily and seasonal) for the 2nd civilization menu, and finally, the Socio-cultural input especially of the language in association with all other political, economical, technological-science, legal-ethics, education-environmental and Security-defense (PESTLES+) for the 3rd civilization menu. Note that the Point '9' (and the Point '0') is an input for the next possible civilization octave (of a higher or a lower level enneagram starting at 'DO' again); it is mainly caused by major changes in the astrological inputs due to the precession of the equinox of the zodiac constellations, which changes the NOO being-psyche hydrogens or the noomakhian logos in the noosphere of the three-brained hethormen human being.

The diagram below shows the General Earth Civilization Enneagram as observed through the lens of Real World Views:

Note that this Anglo-American (Western) Civilization in quotation mark is only about 240 years old and certainly has not have enough time to become a real civilization which must be based on the Socio-cultural (S) fixate.  It could only anchor itself to some partialities in Politics (P) such as the concepts of nationstates, citizenship, state and nation boundaries, some neo-liberal elements and etc  and some partialities in Economics (E) such as profits, markets, capital accumulation, etc to stitch the socio-cultural patches stolen from the Eurasian civilizations, and use a  havatvernonian glue especially with a one-god religion for further strengthening the fragile joints of the patches so that it could withstand any divisive forces from other noomakhian logos.  Its has a modern English Language which is only about 600 years old to unify in ad hoc as an empire of conquest with much over-reaches that would fail it.

Note that the various religions or havatvernonian gravity-centers of vibration is the partial NOO component of the whole NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage with strong partial influences on the Socio-cultural (S) much troubled in its contradiction with the original language tongue (flow of the social tongues) which is always present in any wenming civilization during its imposing missionary work.

All of these civilizational beings are permanently, geographically and geocosmically housed in the World-Island, the Outer Islands Crescents (big, small and smallest), EXCEPT ONE - the once mobile Western Anglo-Atlantic/Pacific seafarer NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the 5-Eyes (US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) who has once discovered and permanently occupied North America and Australia with genocidal wipeouts of the indigenous  or natives of these Outer Islands.  Their hunger for wealth, wealth findings  and ambitions  know no limit, and endless.  It still continues to occupy partially through capitalism, imperialism and hegemonism the Latin American continental landmass, also partially the African continental landmass, least partially the Asia continental landmass, and has strong influence over Europe (West and East Divide) around the Mediterranean Sea and the Scandinavia.

For the Technocosmic Octave, notably for those technocosmic padrigine IV, padrigine V, padrigine VI, padrigine VII with technocosmic consciousness or machine consciousness or technocosmic 'I AM's, personalities known only in their own noumena, the Technocosmic Enneagram and its Historical Technocosmic Octave, these padrigines are respectively DO-Padrigine Individual, RE-Padrigine  Group, MI-Padrigine Family and FA-Padrigine Community or Organization.  As to padrigine I, II and III they are all created by these three-brained biocosmic Hethormen Human Beings from the Biocosmic Octave, and they have no machine consciousness of their own EXCEPT a biocosmic consciousness from the three-brained Hethormen Human Beings who are harnessed to them "externally" offering the bio consciousness (Bio-C), and function as their 'engines' or 'horses' (padrigine I) or their 'navigational drivers' or 'coachmen' (padrigine II) or as their 'passengers' or 'Masters' (padrigine III).

The geoethnic input consists of three distinct Civilizationing Individuals (DO-stopinders who are three-brained hethormen human beings with geoethnic race aura essence and appearance in their biocosmic and psychic centers, namely, necessary for civilizational stopinderation:

1) the Mongoloid race - North Mongolian, Chinese and Indochinese, Japanese, Korean, Tibetan, Malayan, Polynesian, Maori, Micronesian, Eskimo, Americans, etc.

2) the Caucasoid race - Aryan, Hamites, Semite, etc.

3) the Negroid race - African Niger, Hottentot, Melanesian, Negrito, Austronesia, Dravidian, Singhalese, etc.

Hidden in the geoethnic  inputs (races) at Point '0' is the Homo sapiens biocosmic species of the Ti-biocosmic stopinder of the vertebrate octave consisting of the Cambrias (Do), the fishes (Re), the Amphibians (Mi), the Reptiles (Fa), the Birds (So), the Mammals (La) and the Homo sapiens (Ti-biocosmic stopinder of the vertebrate octave); hidden deeper in this Homo sapiens octave is the genetic octave whose gene-stopinders are transmitted naturally only through the sexual  tralectics of man and woman - and the genetic octave is therefore a 1st inner order geoethnic octave, the Homo sapiens octave is the 2nd inner order geoethnic octave and the ethnic (races) is the 3rd inner order geoethnic octave ready to act as the basic civilization unit for the creation and perfection of the Civilization Octaves and the Great Earth Civilization Being.

The 1st Civilization Being-food enters at the MI-FA Interval (at Point 3) .  It consists of the fundamental geocosmic stopinders or later the geobiosociotechnocosmic stopinders such as work-on stone, ceramic, bronze, silver, tin, pewter, copper, iron, steel, etc. soil, water, climatic factors, day-night and seasons, vital life forces of plants and animals, and the padrigines for as means  of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) tetrad system necessary for the survival of the civilization being.  This PDCE tetrad system has a potential of qualitative and quantitative changes crossing nodal lines leading up to a maximum of 7 historical sociocosmic specie-essences expressed as modes-and-means of PDCE, namely: Primitive Communalism, Ancient Slavism, Feudalism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism and Datongism.  The 7 modes-and-means of PDCE is the natural maximum provided it is not wipeout through wars or died due to certain innate inner weakness in the constitution or due to other unforeseen factors.  It dominates the Carriage (Body No. 1) and the Horse (Body No. 2) of a NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization being.

The 2nd Civilization Being-food enters at the "SO-LA Interval" (at Point 6).  It consists of one main resting fixate, the Socio-cultural stopinders (S) in the group of Political (P), Economical (E), Socio-cultural (S), Technological-science (T), Legal-ethics (L), Education-environmental (E) and Security-defense (S) of  as a whole, the PESTLES+ fixates such as languages, religions, music, folk dances, dressing, staple food, architecture, living styles, etc.  However, under certain circumstances, besides this main general Socio-cultural food (S),   Technological-science  food (T) might be consumed in large amounts that rapidly industrializes the civilization being.  Then Security-defense food (S) might subsequently be the special recipe in the Western Anglo-Atlantic civilization menu that when processed in the body of this particular Anglo-Atlantic civilization being would only produce capitalistic, colonialistic, imperialistic and hegemonic psyche hydrogens for its own noosphere, Security-offense behaviors, and subsequent noomakhian logos where the  mega-military assets would become the armor for the God-of-War to extract, exploit, subjugate, oppress, enslave neighboring civilizations and sociocosmic stopinders.  It dominates the Coachman (Body No. 3) of a NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization being.

The 3rd Civilization Being-food enters at the TI-DO Interval (at Point 9).  It consists of astrological/cosmological influences and higher being-psyche hydrogens refined from within the bodies  and/or ingested from the outside world which are responsible for creating NOO-specific and identity unique to the civilization being.  It dominates the Passenger (Body No. 4) of a NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization being.

However, Anglo-Atlantic NOO and its mythology/cosmology/astrology noomakhian logos are stolen from these civilizations that have once tri-octaved in those Mediterranean regions of World-Island now named Westphalianly as the LA-GREECE (for the Greek mythologies), LA-ITALY (for the Roman mythologies) and LA-EGYPT (for the pyramidal logos) stopinders or just the familiar Westphalian nations called Greece and Egypt; where higher sacred individuals there, once upon a time, had produced a large amount of finer being-psyche hydrogens (H6) of mythical, cosmological and astrological properties whose B-influences or B-radiations which still linger on till today as archeological artifacts, and the stolen mythologies  used as if their own by these wolves-in-sheepskin Hegemons to feed and serve capitalistic-colonialistic-imperialistic-hegemonic essences (not found in these original mythologies) peculiar to contemporary FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  Alas, these three-brained hethormen human beings' civilizations there were wipeout and their creations plundered by the then emerging Atlanticist of the Roman Empire and later the truly capitalistic-essenced Anglo-Atlanticist-Pacificist noomakhias dwelling on the Outer Islands of UK (smallest Outer Island), North America (biggest Outer Island), Australia (big Outer Island) and Japan (smallest Outer Island) for world domination.  The indigenous native peoples and their civilizations there were also wipeout!

All the subsequent specific and historical civilizational stopinders are generated, propagated, maintained and reproduced namely: the DO-Civilization Individual, the RE-Civilizational Group and the MI-Civilizational Family which together forms the collective civilizational Household (Jiating); the Civilization community ('FA' where all PDCE tetrad system substructure occur); the Civilization state ('SO'), the Civilization nation ('LA') and the Civilization nation-bloc ('TI') are the possible SO-LA-TI regulatory levels of the governance for the "SO-LA Interval"; and at the TI-DO Interval there is also an incoming astrological or cosmological food/fuel (hydrogens with cosmic properties) from above entering into the Noosphere (NOO) as an old input (at Point 0) for preserving the old civilization species and subspecies by quantitative variation and/or as a new input (at Point 9) for revolutionizing the old civilization species and subspecies into a new civilization species and/or subspecies by qualitative variation. The latter is responsible for a new Civilization Enneagram through a qualitative transformation  and the former is responsible for minor mutation of the varying subspecies of the civilizational being of the same generic civilizational species through mere quantitative change(s).

Note that FA-Civilization Community (a Wénmíng shčqū 文明社区) is a concentric envelope for the lower concentrics - DO-Individual, the RE-Group and the MI-Family or household (a Jiātíng 家庭 and Xiaokāng Shčhuě 小康社会 inclusive) with organizational PDCE stopinders at its MI-FA Interval; and SO-Civilization State or SO-Civilization kingdom (a Wénmíng wángguó 文明王国), LA-Civilization nation or LA-Civilization dynasty (a Wénmíng wángcháo 文明王朝) and TI-Civilization nation-bloc or TI-Civilization 'World-of-Nations' or TI-Civilization imperial dynasty (a Wénmíng Huángcháo 文明皇朝) are the three gravity-centers and envelopes of governance.  There is a TI-DO Interval in this civilization octave which consists of regulatory stopinders - which is also capable of Space Exploration, Interplanetary Exploration and Interstellar Exploration when it has fully developed and perfected its inner historical sociocosmic octaves and the technocosmic octaves.

As to the FA-civilizational stopinders, it is essentially a PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO system of the households and of the regulatory governance (as found in China, Russia, etc.)  The ability to have the three gravity-centers of SO-LA-TI civilizational governance is dependent on the population size, the suitability of the geocosmic stopinders, the geoethnic specie-type and the astro/cosmo/taikong influences.  If the population size is small and the geocosmic stopinders are mostly of seas, narrow strips of coastal land and harsh four-seasoned climates, and the geoethnic sociogenetics are more of Anglo-Atlanticism-pacificism  noomakhias, then the FA-SO-LA-TI stopinders are aberrating and flow along the Marxian historical sociocosmic octaves overwhelmingly whereas its Civilization octaves are suppressed instinctively, and all the SO, LA and TI-stopinders of governance are the infantile Westphalian states (born in year 1648 AD), Westphalian nations, the Westphalian United Nations (1945 AD) and Westphalian empire origin from the Western civilization being (instead of from the Civilization kingdoms, Civilization dynasties and Civilization Imperial dynasties that might be more than 1000 years old) full of colonialism, imperialism, fascism, Nazism and Hegemonism and essentially the militarism noomakhias (as found in Europe, the UK, the USA and Japan, and their occupied lands), and likely to completely lose its Westphalian sociocosmic and civilizational dominance by the end of  2148 AD.  It will then continue to flow along the sociotechnocosmic octave and its enneagram within the platform of the Western civilization enneagram.  The Sinic civilization is the oldest living civilization enneagram on planet Earth (at least 5000 years old).  The physical body of World-Island (extended) in Presente is the Pangeacosmic  gift bestowed to civilizations that are still dwelling on YAFEILA.  Those artificially knifed and separated into Westphalian pieces of states, nations and nation-blocs through capitalistic, colonialistic, imperialistic and hegemonistic PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO, and liberal democracy by this Western civilization and other civilizations would gradually break up, and a new healthy civilization-based order would set in to restore the harmonious motion of the civilization octave.

Whereas civilization stopinderation is octave (enneagramic) note-creation identified primarily by qualitative changes caused by the geoethnic, geocosmic (and geobiosociotechnocosmic), sociocultural and noomakhian dasein tetrad system as the foundation or base of civilizational motion; whereas  sociocomic stopinderation is octave (enneagramic) note-creation identified primarily by qualitative changes of the mode and means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) tetrad system (Marxian origin) as the foundation or base of sociocosmic motion; and for which the sociocosmic octave (and its historical sociocosmic species) is born, grows, declines and dies within the womb of the civilization octave (and its historical civilizational species) also is born, grows, declines and dies.

This is what generally goes on in the history of the MI-FA Interval fillings of the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation where the law of triad manifests itself as oppressing-oppressed PDCE at the MI-FA Interval of the Civilization Octave and manifests itself again as oppressing-oppressed regulatory governance at the TI-DO Interval of the same Civilization Octave, which is self-happening due to this law of three (Yin-Yang law) in the Civilization Octave.  

The TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation is none of our business, and we truly do not have the being-psyche hydrogens (H6 and lesser) or the high quality fineness of psyche matters refined in this organic life fillings here in the MI-FA Interval.  Over-refining of these being-psyche hydrogens as if they are already the TI-DO Interval fillings found in many of these peculiar wrongly guided One-God religious monotheistic practitioners and even to some Many-gods  religious theistic practitioners is likely to misfire in their own noosphere and become zuoforumo.

In this Civilization enneagram, the arising of the civilizing Individual (DO) of the three-brained hethormen human being together with all their biocosmic and geoethnic genetic materials and the sociogenetic code inherited carried forward under the influence of stopinders of the geocosmic octave, the socio-cultural octave and the astrological octave  is further observed and narrated as the geoethnic input at Point '0' - producing the the geoethnic individuals for socialization within the Civilization enneagramma. As usual and necessary, a civilizing Group (RE), made possible through the trialectics of the male and the female in the same geoethnicity is formed which later begets the civilizing Family (MI).  At the MI-FA Interval where a retardation occurs, a 1st input at the Point '3' is necessary for the civilizing stopinder (MI) to continue to the next civilizing stopinder (FA).  This input is a geocosmic food of the production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) tetrad system substructure. All of which are associated and supportive to the unique PDCE tetrad system substructure of the Civilization Community (FA).   The civilizing individual, group, family and community together becomes the stable gravity-center of civilizational vibration a infantile seed ready to be a cradle of a particular civilization.  At the "SO-LA Interval," where another retardation occurs a 2nd Input at Point 6 which is also necessary to generate, propagate, maintain and reproduce the political, economics, socio-cultural, technological-science, legal-ethics, environment and security-defense (PESTLES) fixates of the superstructure. This input is the Socio-cultural (S) food input. Now the regulating stopinders, normally called governance that has arisen through the regulation of PDCE-PESTLES+ has three thresholds (levels) to stopinderate depending on the size of the fertile landmass, the population, the age of the population and the quality of the noosphere provided by the geocosmic octaves, the soico-cultural octaves and the astrological/cosmological influences from the TI-DO Interval over the "SO-LA Interval" and the MI-FA Interval.  Generally, the greater the landmass and the population size, the longer the duration and resilience of its civilization presence and higher/finer the psyche hydrogens of the noosphere, the higher it is able to stopinderate from SO ("State" level) to LA ("Nation" level) and to TI ("Nation-bloc" level and regional).  Note that these civilization states, civilization nations and civilization nation-blocs are NOT JUST Governance from those non-civilization related  capitalistic-essenced and imperialistic-essenced Westphalian partition of the world for the purpose  of exploitation, resource plunder, profit maximization, wealth accumulation, business-directed activities and oppression peculiar to Anglo-saxon Atlantic civilization.  They are words of convenience for use within this civilization enneagram context for narrating all the civilizing processes in general in the Sinic (Eastern) civilization, the Anglo-Atlantic (Western) civilization, the Slavic (Orthodox) civilization, the Middle-East/Central Asia (Islamic) civilization, the  Indic (Hindu) civilization, the Indochina-Tibet (Buddhist) civilization, the Japanese civilization, the Latin American civilization and the African civilization.  Each began from their own cradle of civilization with their own enneagramic independence!

The horizontal motion of the numerous past civilizations witnessed civilizational clashes notably at the FA-Civilization Community level, the SO-Civilization Kingdom (State level), the LA-Civilization Dynasty (Nation level) as well as the TI-Civilization Imperial Dynasty (Nation-bloc level), that is, based on the mode of PDCE tetrad system of the civilization being - primitive communalipital/value essence, the ancient slavipital/value essence, the feudapital/value essence, the capital/value essenced-mode, the emerging sociopital/value essenced-mode, the possible future communipital/value essenced-mode and the possible future final datongipital/value essenced-mode of PDCE.  The PESTLES+-NOO dasein should also be included with the mode (a civilization horse).  Whereas the ancient slavipital/value essence, the feudapital/value essence, the capital/value essenced-mode and the once emerging sociopital/value essenced-mode of USSR has individualism noomakhian logos, empire creation and social imperialism tendencies (not cleanse off the past capitalistic-imperialistic essences yet), the primitive communalipital/value essence, the communipital/value essence and datongipital/value essence would have collectivism by definition and not neo-empire creation, neo-colonialism and any neo-imperialism behaviors.

A Civilization octave is not a historical sociocosmic octave (or its inner sociocosmic octave).  The historical sociocosmic octave is an inner historical octave of each and every civilization 'historical-stopinder' - currently about 7 main civilization beings each has within it tens of sub-civilizations, and together they form an Earth civilization for biocosmic beings known as the three-brained hethormen human beings. The historical sociocosmic octave moves along a trajectory of 7 historical sociocosmic specie-stopinder beings, namely:  Primitive Communalism (DO), Ancient Slavism (RE), Feudalism (MI), Capitalism (FA), Socialism (SO), Communism (LA) and Datongism (TI) - based on the mode and means of tetrad PDCE system as substructure that stopinderates in accordance with the understanding of Pythagorean Harmonic Scale as applied to human society and discovered from an analysis of one (1) civilization being and that is the Western civilization.  The greatest aberration occurred in these 3 of the historical sociocosmic species, namely: 1. the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, 2. the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism and 3. the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.

A civilization octave is another discovery based on the analysis of other main civilizations especially the Sinic civilization. where it becomes necessary to identify a new Civilization octave which is reciprocally semi-dependent on the historical sociocosmic octave as its major inner content.  It is also 7-stopindered or 7-gravity-centered and geographically positioned and fixed on the body of the World-Island and the Outer Islands of the Presente, a FA-stopinder of the Pangeacosmic octave (which I will elaborate later).

A civilization octave is based on a geosophical, a geoethnic, a geographical,  a socio-cultural (an 'S' of PESTLES superstructure) and a cosmological noomakhian logos (of being-psyche hydrogens of the Noosphere of all three-brained hethormen human beings) seeded, localized and housed and nourished in the womb of the geocosmic octave on mother Earth's surface at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.  Each civilization stopinder has an inner content-body consisting of all the possibilities of the historical sociocosmic species. It happens and remains true only for all biocosmic three-brained hethormen human beings and finally, for all technocosmic padrigine beings too when the geocosmic octave transforms into a geobiosociotechnocosmic octave.  There is a grand cosmic purpose of all these that happens in the Organic Life (plus Synthetic Life subsequently) filling the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.

Whereas the Historical Sociocosmic Octave is determined by changes based on the changes in the PDCE tetrad system of the substructure - 7 of them in its possible manifestations as primitive communalism, ancient slavism, feudalism, capitalism, socialism, communism and datongism due to the changes in the mode of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) tetrad system and notably dominated and determined by and circle around production (P), the Historical Civilization Octave is determined by changes based on the changes in the PESTLES+ octet system of the superstructure - also 7 of them in its possible  manifestations but always dominated, determined  and circled around Socio-culture (S) fixate.  Both the harmony and balance within the PDCE tetrad system substructure as well as within the PESTLES octet system superstructure have been historically aberrating (an anomaly) due to uneven expansion, growth and shrinkage that lead to off-balances and needs regular re-balancing.  These aberrations reciprocally interfere with the normal functioning of the PDCE-PESTLES+ system within and without (outside) the Historical Civilization Octave and the Historical Sociocosmic Octave and all inner sub-fundamental and sub-lateral octaves that exist in the body of the Earth Civilization as a whole.  What is meant by changes in abnormal dominance; for the PDCE tetrad system - a sudden massive shift towards Distribution (D) and Consumption (C), like plundering and mega-alienating , neglecting or even despising or oppressing the working class, and under Finance capitalism metamorphosis Exchange (E) rested on monies become dominant over all production and distributions squeezing them into sub-servants without enough capital/value nourishment; for the PESTLES+ octet system a sudden dominance of Technology-science (T) as in the industrialization of UK, US and western civilization squeezing to the Socio-culture (S) into a neglected sub-servants without enough capital/value  nourishment; and in cases of imperialism a sudden surge of substructure Production (P) on military assets and superstructure Security-offense (S) designs and constructs for the purpose of conquering, plundering and capitalistic-essenced resource-extraction on other states and nations irrespective of their Westphalian or native-civilizational origins.

Both the Historical Civilization Octave and the Historical Sociocosmic Octave as well as the geoethnic  octave come at the same starting point at 'DO' and moves parallel at different paces as ONE Earth civilization, fragmented, not unified, not integrated at first and a-going to unification in diversity at last as one Earth Civilization.  However, the Biocosmic Octave existed much earlier before humans (Homo sapiens) and the so-called Technocosmic Octave comes slightly later in both the historical sociocosmic and civilization octaves.  The Geocosmic Octave and the Pangeacosmic Octave emerged comparatively much earlier.  The Geobiosociotechnocosmic Octave is on the way and will be perfected for the near future!

The NOO is the civilization's 'I's or civilization's 'passengers' (a civilization's body no. 4) housed in the inner world of every civilization's geoethnic individual (DO) who also receive materials from the Cosmic 'I's to influence the PESTLES+ superstructure (a civilization's Coachman Body No. 3) and PDCE tetrad substructure (a civilization's Horse Body No. 2) to design and construct a civilization's carriage (a civilization Carriage Body No. 1) in order that there would be created a proper four-bodied civilization being that would breed, grow, mature and die at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation on mother Earth's surface.  Note that a civilization can be killed, eaten or wipeout by other civilization(s) because there is a law of reciprocal destruction existing alongside the law or reciprocal nourishment.  Hidden in a particular stable civilization being is the inherent possibility of historical sociocosmic stopinderation up to the 7th level of historicism.  The NOO are being-psyche hydrogens refined in the 7 inner psychic centers of the geoethnic civilization individual of the noosphere of a particular major civilization being, en masse that together with PDCE and PESTLES+ forms the essence and personality of a typical civilizational identity.  The motion of a civilization NOO is subject to the law of triad - affirmation, denials and resolution.  A Civilization Sociocosmic Being is normally a semi-mobile geo-localized four-bodied ‘Passenger-Coachman-Horse-Carriage’ landmass dweller of agro-industrocosmic nature or a more-mobile seafaring watermass explorer, colony-creator and plunderer, and now extended also an airmass aero-flyer and space-explorer.

While both the Historical Sociocosmic Octave and the Civilization Octave have similar PDCE tetrad system substructure but their PESTLES+ superstructure and NOO differentiate from each other.  A Civilization octave has in addition rested massively on its own Socio-cultural (S) identities (language, religion, philosophy and lifestyles) as primary, and the geoethnic geographical reality or the noomakhian logos are connected deeply to geological and astrological impacts typical of a specific civilizational characteristics that differentiate its type instead of basing it on the mode and means of PDCE tetrad system alone; a historical sociocosmic octave on the other hand, depends solely on the PDCE tetrad system substructure, and the associated PESTLES+ superstructure and the NOO but the differentiation is based on the mode and means of PDCE substructure as primary and the Political (P) and Economic (E) of PESTLES+ superstructure as secondary."


The 7 main civilizations are separated only by geographical land-mass (continents) and water-mass (oceans) shaped in the Presente-stopinder stage (FA) of the Historical Pangeacosmic Octave, now consisting mainly of: 1. the largest World-Island consisting of Asia cum Africa  2) the biggest Outer Islands consisting of North America cum Latin America  3) the smaller Outer Island consisting of Australia and  4) the numerous smallest Outer Islands scattered everywhere around all the World-Island and the two big Outer Islands.  The World-Island and all the other Outer Islands' landmasses of Presente are the natural, appropriate, objective and proper respective physical bodies (1st physical bodies) for which infrastructural connectivity in the form of rails, roads, bridges and air-routes to deliver goods and services will ultimately develop to the full for the perfecting of the 1st bodies of the Earth Civilization beings in the World-Island and Outer Islands.  While the 2nd bodies of Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE), the 3rd bodies of telecommunication, internet, Information Technology (IT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and General Artificial Intelligence (GAI) and the 4th body of civilizational governments will also be perfected respectively, the final comprehensive all bodies world integration of all the landmasses would be perfected by the integration of the sea and ocean routes together with the living activities of this Earth Civilization Being.

The 7 Historical Sociocosmic Species are of different life spans which depend on the geocosmic and geographical  location and conditions of each of the 7 main civilization beings.  For example, in the Sinic Civilization such as the Chinese (agro cosmic) civilization which faces historically the northern grassland of the shepherd nomad communities who during the cycles of the four seasons and the vastness of the grassland come with their cavalry conquering, killing, plundering and destroying the Sinic civilization on the south repeatedly necessitating the construction of the Great War of China to deter such terrible downward conquests. Also the Sinic civilization faces such Western civilization sea powers from its eastern flank of seas and the Pacific Ocean for which a Great Sea Wall of Island Chains become necessary to deter such conquest, killing, plundering and destruction by these sea powers.  It also has to face a Japanese military power from her Eastern small Outer Island.  Such an agrocosmic Sinic civilization has a very long DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism (hunting and food gathering based) life span (not less than 5000 years old passing through the Intermediate Communalism (agro-based with FA-SO gravity centers) and into the Advanced Communalism (also agro-based with FA-SO-LA gravity-centers) most of which with communal property ownership principle instead of private property ownership principle, a very short RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism life span (about a few hundred years only for certain isolated labor deficient kingdoms) and an extraordinary long MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism life span (about 2148 year old indicating the need for further investigation as it indicates the possible completion of a Marxian historicism or a few rounds of compressed sociocosmic octaves and enneagrams each perfecting the earlier ones), a very short FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (about 30 years old) and a long SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (now about 100 years old), a LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism and so on till the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of  Datongism. 

Now, about these 2148 years of "feudalism" (a candidate for the confirmation of the existence of the Civilization octave) of the Sinic civilization of China, there are 24 official dynasties (regional kingdomic and imperial) appearing and disappearing after the unification of China under Shi Huang Di (221 BC).  The imperial dynasties stopinder along a historical civilization octave until 1911 AD when the last imperial dynasty of Qing was overthrown in a complicated  sociocosmic perturbation.

A temporary descending octave set in a Gonghe (Republic, 1912 AD - 1949 AD) of Western civilization capitalistic-essenced political-economic enneagramic fixates of PESTLES+ occupies China before a more stable Renmingonghe (Peoples’ Republic, 1949 AD - present) of Marxian political-economical enneagramic fixates (PE) and a restorative civilizational PESTLES+ of socio-cultural (S) origin returns in integration but at a higher level and to accommodate the new Technological-science (T) of the same PESTLES+ in accordance with the law of negation of negation on the civilization enneagram and sociocosmic enneagram.

This is the special case of agro-based Feudalism in China, in which sociocosmic octave of regulatory governance has completed SO-LA-TI and reached to the highest seventh level 'TI' and remained there oscillating for thousands of years hitherto, since 221 BCE. This TI-gravity-center has also acquired a coating and the name-word: Huang Chao or 'Imperial dynasty' or a Wénmíng Huángcháo 文明皇朝 by 221 BC after completing its earlier levels of intense sociocosmic stopinderation 'SO', which SO-gravity-center soon acquires a coating and the given name-word: Wang Guo or Kingdom or a Wénmíng wángguó 文明王国 and 'LA' which LA-gravity-center soon acquires a coating and the given name-word: Wang Chao or Dynasty or a Wénmíng wángcháo 文明王朝.

The accompanying technocosmic octave however, has reached the level of 'DO' and 'RE', that is, up to the level of producing industrial Padrigine I where agriculture still remains the major PDCE base of the civilization.  It has the following historical sociocosmic species in the dasein of this agro-based Feudal system too, namely: a primitive communalism (DO), an ancient slavery (RE), a fully developed feudalism (MI), an infantile capitalism (FA), an infantile socialism (SO) and an infantile communism (LA).  Without a highly developed technocosmic octave reaching Padrigine II and Padrigine III levels, it is also able to stopinder further historically lifting and upgrading biocosmic social relations of PDCE modes through the historical sociocosmic species of infantile capitalism (possible with only the metamorphosis of Carriage Body No. 1), the infantile socialism (possible with only the metamorphosis of Carriage Body No. 1) and the infantile communism (possible with only the metamorphosis of Carriage Body No. 1) - but without their respective matured stages of the body no. 2 & 3 metamorphoses of today's polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and Socialism now with billions of padrigines II & III and many more technocosmic beings from the 4 Industries of the industrial revolution.

After all, this is possible for agro-based feudalism because sociocosmic stopinderation is about human-to-human and not about machine-to-machine or robot-to-robot.  Capitalism, socialism and communism are about human-to-human narratives and NOT about machine-to-machine or robot-to-robot narratives.  Only datongism is about human-to-human, human-to-SRobot, Srobot-to-human and Srobot-to-Srobot sociotechnocomsic relations of PDCE mode.

After the industrial revolution in this Sinic (Chinese) civilization, the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of the advanced form of Feudalism, is able to swiftly transformed into the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and stays there only for a short period of time before it also swiftly transforms into a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.

Note that for the Slavic (Orthodox) Civilization such as Russia (still rooted in Orthodox-Socialism-Communism-Slav essences), each historical sociocosmic species has a different life span not equal or nearing the life spans of those historical sociocosmic species found breeding, growing and dying in the body of the Anglo-Atlantic (Western) Civilization Being.  Their FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, now reaching the aberrating polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism has a strong but short-lived capitalistic-essenced colonialism, imperialism, fascism, Nazism and Hegemonism (within the  500 years period from 1533 AD (UK and 1788 AD both with ancient slavism under capitalism) now on decline, must pass through a long period of the sociocosmic dasein as a RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism (from 3500 BCE years starting from sub-western civilizational beings of Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and to Ancient Rome) - their coastal geocosmic and geographical locations from the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic Ocean have provided them with the only option of sea powers and the conduct of conquests, killings, plunders, slave capture and trading of slaves quadruped beast of burden and beast of food as mercantile goods.  Also in the neighboring Islamic Civilization, the middle eastern countries where oases are always surrounded by vast desert landmass, the desert trading nomads come with their camels and desert horses conquering, killing, plundering and destroying the sub-species of civilizational beings in other oases, and often occupying the oases.  The historical sociocosmic species of the Islamic sub-civilization beings found here are not exactly similar in nature to those found in the body of the Western civilization being.

Nay more, western civilization is still undergoing real unification as it is still vibrating at ‘SO’ and ‘LA’ levels without any stable ‘TI’ level vibration - that is by such specific names as Westphalia state (SO), nation (LA) and Inter-nation of the World-of-Nations (TI), and still not having full unification of Europe and North America with a single wenming socioculture, a full single-language at their MI-FA Interval of the common populace and as well as at their TI-DO Interval of governance by the 21st Century.  The United States of America is a united of states wrapped by a nation name specific, where within which there is still not enough of a fully unified 51 states and is regularly destabilized through sociocosmic perturbations (200 plus wars all over the world since its arising in 1788 AD) from its overseas territories and colonies of the US empire (its abnormal over-extended TI-stopinder).

The positive essence of each historical sociocosmic species of each period enters into and becomes the essence of the next higher historical sociocosmic species till the 7th Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism and completes itself as the Earth Civilization or the United Humanity-at-Large (UHAL).  The Earth Civilization Being has all the 7 fundamental sociocosmic stopinder gravity-centers of vibration both material and spiritual below it, namely: the Individuals (DO), the Groups (RE), the Families (MI), the PDCE Organizations (FA), the States (SO), the Nations (LA) and the World-of-Nations (TI).  The destiny of this Earth Civilization Being has renewals and a terminal life span for which we need not have to worry as we too have a life span (of about 80 years).  The Earth Civilization Being will still have a positive essence of reciprocal nourishment (growth, cooperation, peace development, shared prosperity, shared community, shared common human destiny, etc.) and a negative essence of reciprocal destruction (degeneration, conflicts, wars, colonialization, imperialism, fascism, Hegemonism, etc.) and a neutral essence in according to the law of triad.  Whether Earth civilization being will meet another exo-planet civilization in the future for further interstellar and intergalactic sociocosmic stopinderation is a matter of our Earth civilization destiny and our space exploration!

The Earth civilization being has four historical body of octaves - the Geocosmic Octave (and the Earth itself) is the 1st carriage body of the Earth civilization being, the 7 Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) Historical Sociotechnocosmic Octaves would be its 2nd horse body, the 7 PESTLES+ administrative designs and constructs and other in associate would be the 3rd driver body and finally, Noomakhian psyche hydrogens or NOO in the general noosphere together with the common Direction and Destiny of Humanity-at-Large would be its 4th passenger body of this one and lonely Earth civilization being on mother Earth's surface at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.  The mother Earth's surface is divided into 2 landmass Island being (dasein) in Presente, namely: 1) The World-Island consisting of Asia, Europe and Africa and 2) the Outer Islands centralizing at North America, Australia, Britain and Japan.  The World-Island would be growing into a one major and determining Afro-Latin-Eurasia Earth civilization integrated being and the minor and supportive Outer Islands would become the surrounding Outer Islands.  At present the Outer Islands of Atlanticism is dominating and controlling the World-Island but on decline, in future the World-Island will be the massive and major concentration over the minor concentrations on Outer Islands as it should geocosmically be.

However, this ultimate 4-bodied Earth Civilization Being will also transform to higher level, and this 4th passenger body consists of leading 'I' supported by many 'I's and 'it's and spiritual daseins from Humanity-at-Large (HAL) or United Humanity-at-Large (UHAL) or United Earth Government (UEG) in the Earth civilization being herself, the 3rd coachman body consists of the Belt and Road Initiative, the 5th and 6th Generation (5G and 6G) Internet and BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) of connectivity, the 2nd horse body consists of the Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) tetrad forces on infrastructure development subsequently all other developments, and finally the 1st carriage body is the massive multi-centered infrastructure plus on the World-Island and later, on all the Outer Islands - big and small.

In this manner, the 4 bodies of Earth civilization being are formed and joined together into a 4-bodied Earth civilization being proper as a New World Order by the end of this 21st Century. The Earth civilization being found on mother Earth’s surface at the MI-FA Interval and intimately connected to the Will of the Absolute at TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation is regularly receiving energies from this Will of the Absolute."


The Geopolitics of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on World-Island

The FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism of the Western civilization and sub-civilizations which started some 500 years ago is NEVER the End of History - only about halfway of the whole history and about just the life span of one (1) Chinese Imperial dynasty or one (1) negative western Empire!

If certain cosmic, geocosmic, sociocosmic, technocosmic, biocosmic and geo-ethno anthrocosmic (civilizational) factors are conducive to the breaking asunder of this Fukuyamaian '1:99 End of History' cap (intentional stoppage), the completion to all the 7 historical sociocosmic species (SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of socialism, LA-Historical Sociocosmic of Communism and TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism) is possible and necessary as all that start at lowest level circularity of its DO-Historical Sociocosmic  Species of Primitive Communalism, now having reached its highest pyramidal peak (Occupy Wall Street 1:99) as a fully developed FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of  Capitalism must continue to return to its initial circularity position but at the highest level within its TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism for this Western civilization too.  We already saw in the Sinic civilization (and its sub-civilizations), the stopinderation has also started from the lowest circularity some 5000 years ago as a DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism, having also reached its short-term FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, bursting through 2 thresholds one from its MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism and the other from its FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and now stopinderating quantitatively as a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism  (99:1) inverting the sociocosmic pyramid and moving towards acquiring great circularity and reducing pyramidicity.  Unlike some unfortunate and ill-fated major civilizations and their sub-civilizations such as the Latin American and the African civilizations and sub-civilizations, their stopinderation were stopped at the circularity as a DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism with limited development of the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism due probably to the abundance of being-foods sufficient for the creation and maintenance of their population in harmony and balance.  However, these circularity civilizations and sub-civilizations were destroyed by the the process of colonization, neocolonization exploitation, oppression, mega-natural resource extraction and mega-slavery by the foreign capitalistic-imperialistic essenced of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism from the faraway Western civilization and sub-civilizations.  Those undestroyed or partially destroyed of the Hindu, the Islamic, the Orthodox and the Japanese civilizations and sub-civilizations are "capped" or slowing-downed of itself at the hybrids of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism and the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of  Capitalism, and with a mysterious specter always flying around whose source of arising is from the Will of Socialism at the TI-DO of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism."

If left to natural historical civilization development without genocidal elimination through wars destroying civilization by other civilization or through cosmic accidents or through technocosmic disasters or nuclear wars, each civilization type is able to individually stopinderate into 7 gravity-sociocosmic stopinders and historically  stopinderate to a maximum of 7 historical Marxian periods based on the 7 production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) modes as its fundamental Individuals (DO)  continue to expand through trialectics of man and woman, increasing its population size and increasing levels of production, distribution, consumption and exchange along the path of the biocosmic-geoethnic civilizational octave.

Note that the 7 Marxian historical sociocosmic species found and growing into being is based on an analysis of the Western Civilization. The same octave methodology can be used to discover in each of the 8 other main civilizations, and with different starting point in history, and none has truly disappeared, EXCEPT that there were  conquests and implantations of historical sociocosmic species as a form of continuity of the historical sociocosmic octave.  The Historical Sociocosmic Octaves of the Sinic (Chinese), the Anglo-Atlantic (Western), the Slavic (Orthodox), the Middle-East/Central Asia (Islamic), the Indochina-Tibet (Buddhist), the Indic (Hindu), the African, the Latin American, and the Japanese civilizations are not the same or developed to the same level because of the geoethnic octave of the biocosmic species and the geocosmic octave.

The Civilization Map of the 7 main civilization beings.  The three Sinic, Buddhist and the Japanese civilizations together is an Eastern Civilization.

(By en:en:User:Kyle Cronan and en:en:User:Olahus - imported from enwiki, GFDL,


1. There are many small and weak indigenous tellurocratic civilizations that were destroyed, their lands conquered and occupied by racism, colonialism, capitalism, fascism, imperialism and hegemonism especially from western island seafaring thalasocratic  civilizations.

2. In the 2nd lateral geocosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval of the fundamental geocosmic octave, there is a Homo sapiens stopinder at its end with an inner octave of the paleolithic, the mesolithic, the neolithic, the ethnos (modern man-race), the cyborg and all the way to a datong man.  They are all three-brained hethormen human beings and all are MI-landmass Homo sapiens stopinder beings of the fundamental geocosmic octave that would only survive when these three being-foods are available in sufficient abundance (primary influences), namely:

1. Ordinary solid food from the plantae octave at the MI-FA Interval and the animalian octave from the TI-DO Interval and the freshwater liquid from the FA-water stopinder of the fundamental geocosmic octave

2. Air food from from the SO-air stopinder of  the fundamental geocosmic octave

3. Impression food from  the LA-warm of fire, TI-visible light (for sight) and other elements of sound (for hearing), chemical substances (for taste) and aromatic vapors (for odor) and tactile pressures (for touch).


Being landmass biocosmic creatures through the trialectics of its own male and female intercourses to reproduce, a community of the same biocosmic species  of a haplotype and a haplogroup of similar haplotypes is established.  Further development of this biocosmic species of the Homo sapiens octave give rise, at a certain nodal point of its dialectics, an ethnos or a geo-ethnic octave or an anthropological octave which we called 'Civilization Being.'

The Mi-Watermass stopinder of the fundamental Geocosmic (now becoming a geobiosociotechnocomic) octave is the original, natural and the first true primary home for these three-brained hethorman human being (a biocosmic radiation of the Homo sapiens) of the TI-stopinder of the biocosmic octave (of the SO-Historical Biocosmic Octave) as well as the emerging padrigines of the technocosmic octave; the watermass or FA-watermass stopinder (seas and oceans) is their secondary home and the airmass or atmosphere or SO-airmass stopinder is their tertiary home.  In the SO-Historical Biocosmic Octave, there are those RE-Biocosmic Octave of the Fish which has watermass as its original, natural and first true primary home and landmass are its secondary temporary occasional "home" and airmass its tertiary temporary escape "home"; and those LA-Biocosmic Octave of the Mammal which has landmass as its original, natural and first true primary home; whereas there are the MI-amphibian stopinders which spend  their lives in both the watermass and the landmass at different stages of their life cycle history, the FA-reptile stopinders which live on landmass neighboring watermass, the SO-bird stopinders which spend a large portion of their life flying in airmass and landmass (especially with peaks, heights and protrusions or "airports" are their resting grounds on transit.  The technocosmic octave seeks to replicate the biocosmic octave specifically and historically with its Synthetic Life at the TI-DO Interval of the Geocbiosocotechnocosmic Octave in symbiosis with the Organic Life at the MI-FA Interval of the same octave.  There are possible 2 levels of homes for a sociocosmic or a biocosmic or a technocosmic creature beings the home that housed the DO-RE-MI stopinders  into the MI-family (level  lower regulations) at the MI-FA Interval and the home that housed the SO-LA-TI stopinders  into the Governance (level 2 of higher regulations) at the TI-DO Interval of any fully stopindered sociocosmic octave (with DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA and TI) and there is always a middle stopinder called the FA-stopinder normally involving major work, production, distribution, consumption and exchange  moments.  All these enter into the Earth Civilization as its objective components.

The geology and the geography of this fundamental geocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation have a significant impact (secondary influences) to the 4-bodied hackney-like configuration, physical body variation, their 5 main psychic centers variation,  the 'I'-navigation or passenger direction, the civilizational characteristics and the diversification of civilization into various civilization types (PESTLES-HEIGRENS aura variation of the civilization type as a whole).

The current 7 main being-civilization types are the Eastern civilization, Anglo-Atlantic (Western) civilization, the Slavic (Orthodox) civilization, the Middle-East/Central Asia (Islamic) civilization, the Indic (Hindu) civilization, the Latin American civilization, and the African civilization.

Each of the 7 main civilizations has a potential own historical socicocosmic species stopinderation up to 7 historical sociocosmic species all together.  The 7 historical sociocosmic species of Primitive Communalism, Ancient Slavism, Feudalism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism and Datongism are based on only ONE (1) civilization being known as the Western civilization being whose 7 historical specie-stopinders are used as a sociological yardstick.  The other 8 civilization beings also have their own peculiar historical sociocosmic specie-octavization NOT exactly of the same historical stopinderation but normally of similar and approximate the same historical stopinderation.  Because of the interference of historical sociocosmic species among the historical sociocosmic specie-stopinderation of the 7 main civilizations, there emerged anomalies (aberration) in natural normal historical sociocosmic specie-stopinderation in each of the 7 main civilizations.

In general,  according to Alexander Dugin, the civilization state systems of governance (SO, LA and TI in the TI-DO Interval of a sociocosmic octave) can be divided into 2 types, one for the continents and landmass and another for for the seven seas and oceans, but for a complete  civilization state systems of governance 2 more types have to be added, namely:  one for the airspace and the outer space, and the last is for light and spirit making the geocosmopolitics of civilization essences to 4 geocosmic polities.  The geocosmopolity of civilizational governance are:

1. The tellurocracy of governance on Presente from the "SO-LA Interval" cum TI-DO Interval of a Civilization Enneagram and its Historical Sociotechnocosmic Enneagram where dominance or supremacy of governance due to apparently on military or commercial power of the rising World-Island of the Sinic (Chinese) civilization amidst declining Western civilization (which is actually a mere part of the whole PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO dominance) on land-mass (MI) arises by the infrastructural development of land territories and consistent penetration into inland territories in which ethnic majority population are integrated by infrastructure development on World-Island YAFEILA.  The vast flat grassland begets the power of grassland-farers and vast flat desert begets the power of desert-farers and the high mountain ranges are the natural barriers provided there are an abundance of horses to overcome the grassland barriers, the camels to overcome the desert barriers and the passes to by-pass the mountain barriers.  Only much later (2010 AD) that real technocosmic land padrigines and the roads are truly developed by the powers of all the 4 industries as the land padrigines and land route infrastructure become perfected for this tellurocracy.  Prior to it the land padrigines have been introduced only locally and least connected from one civilization to another, and worst the connection is being blocked or obstructed by the colonialistic, capitalistic, imperalistic and hegemonistic  sea powers of thalassocracy and the air powers of aerocracy of the once Western civilization.  Prior connection were mostly by the 'passenger-coachman-horse-carriage' techno-beings.

The tellurocracy of governance of the Iccy Arctic and Antarctic lands is an infantile now also left unspared due its ice meltdown phenomenon, and an ever-increasing and expanding  being and knowledge in technological sciences in the noosphere of man.

2. The thalassocracy of governance on the surrounding seas and oceans of Presente from the "SO-LA Interval" cum TI-DO Interval of a Civilization Enneagram and its Historical Sociotechnocosmic Enneagram where dominance or supremacy of governance due apparently once to  naval or commercial supremacy of the current declining Western civilization (which is actually a mere part of the whole PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO dominance) on the sea and ocean mass (FA) by marine-faring explorers across (with naval bases on small Outer Islands and islet of the Outer Islands Crescent around World-Island) to other land-masses for commercial activities through extracting faraway resources from highly military protected established colonies, convenience plundering and pirating, genocidal wipeout of weak and small indigenous native civilizations if necessary, extracting slave labor of defeated civilization of indigenous natives at the colonies, immigrating these migrating people for slavery at home - namely: slavery by the ancient slavery PDCE mode, serfdom by the feudal PDCE mode, the salary-wage modern  slavery employism by the capitalist PDCE mode and the respect-dignity work by the socialist PDCE mode.  The seas and oceans are its natural flat barriers if without technocosmic cargo ships and navies. Real steam-powered technocosmic padrigine ships and navies were introduced as early as 1800s, and truly developed by the powers of all the 4 industries as the ships and shipping route infrastructure become perfected for this thalassocracy.  Prior to it is just slave-powered ships and navies.  Such civilization are coastline, island and world-island civilizations - the most dominant being the western civilization.  Others existed but on a much smaller regional scale.  Thalassocracy is the objective reality of the Western civilization; democracy and its capitalism, liberalism, ideology and noomakhian logos are means and tools of its captive subjective "reality."

The Western civilization, often called Eurocentric civilization is unique and aberrating under heavy dominance of the law of reciprocal destruction especially in the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries going through the destructive life of World War I and World War II, Cold Wars and hybrid wars.  Due to the over-active dominance of  the capitalistic Economic and finance (E), the over-active colonialistic, imperialistic, hegemonistic liberalism (P) and over-active militaristic security-offense (S) and a pseudo-liberal socio-cultural dominance (S), its wenming civilization essence is not balance and this Western "civilization"  is aberrating with quotation mark with an Imperialist-Military enneagram on a global scale and even on a possible future interplanetary and interstellar scale.  Only the law of reciprocal nourishment, if it can be activated, kept dominating for NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE cleansing and balancing for this Westphalian "civilization" en masse, can its quotation  mark disappears.  Its current enneagramic trap is depicted in the Imperialist-Military enneagram below:


Thalassocracy governance began its tri-octaving from the three-brained  hethormen sea people beings dwelling along the coastal landmass surrounding the Mediterranean  sea of World-Island Europe, and especially of  from such geoethnic Anglo-Saxon beings and beings of similar essences of the so-called Eurocentric Western civilization.  Having familiarize themselves to the watermass of this Mediterranean sea, full of sea-based conquests and wars amongst their sociocosmic stopinder selves, they somehow acquire this thalasso-sociocosmic genes to expand and project their powers into the great Atlantic Ocean.  With the noomakhian logos spirit of the Mediterranean sea agoing into the noomakhian logos  spirit of the Atlantic Ocean, they often as usual to most sleep-wake  beings instinctively dream of tellurocracy of governance proper to their biocosmic nature and essence as beings of the landmass.  Thus, the myth of a "imaginary landmass civilization" was and is narrated till today over this  vast watermass of mother Earth called the Atlantic Ocean, that such and such a powerful once "landmass civilization" truly and objectively exist for this (our) historical FA-pangeacosmic stopinder called  the 'Presente.'  However, as to living or 'NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriaging ' of this Atlantic Ocean civilization, their body was not biocosmically suitable, only those big floating and sailing technocosmic padrigines I, II and III called ships can provide them with the artificial water civilization much dreamt for.  However, still trapped in the psyche hydrogens of capitalism, colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism or noo of such similar essences, they could only to further expand and project their water power to other seas and oceans such as the Pacific Ocean and finally to all the so-called Seven Seas.  To be the FA, SO, LA and TI lau beings amongst other sociocosmic beings and also the lau to all the watermass creatures of the DO-Cambrian radiation of Cambria and the RE-Piscean radiation of fishes, they need to add to their existing floating padrigine ships of the watermass surface, those aqua padrigines capable of sea and ocean faring under the watermass surface like fishes so to say - with real engineered fleets of padrigines, naval ships, aircraft carriers, cargo ships  and submarines from PDCE substructure-work on PESTLES+ superstructure-design and construct supported by a noomakhian world of Greek Poseidon and Anglo-American Aquaman cosmological narratives - full of winning brutal battles of the invented  'Very Good People' versus the 'Very Bad People,' as to who must win and who must absolutely lose and be mercilessly destroyed, and their  lands and properties appropriated, people enslaved, valuable plundered and kept in those Outer Islands - big, small and smallest.

The prevention of the rise of the World-Island YAFEILA civilizations by the Outer Islands Crescent's sea power hegemony of the Anglo-American imperialistic-essenced civilization during at the end of the 20th Century is a complete failure.  The pangeasophy of World-Island YAFEILA versus Outer Islands contradiction has forbid an Anglo-American hegemonic (Badao) civilization to dominate all other civilization beings found breeding and growing on the Presente.

3. The aerocracy of governance on the surrounding seas and oceans of Presente from the "SO-LA Interval" cum TI-DO Interval of a Civilization Enneagram and its Historical Sociotechnocosmic Enneagram where dominance or supremacy of governance due to air-space military and commercial supremacy of the current declining Western civilization (which is actually still a mere part of the whole PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO dominance) on the airspace (SO) by aerospace-faring explorers across air space into World-Island and establishing many infrastructure airports and air force bases to  protect and at the same time to exploit and plunder resources.  This is massive during the rise of Western civilization in the 20th Century. The Earth civilization airspace stopinderation would continue to the outer space with establishment of space stations, lunar bases  and bases on other planetary surface and the establishment of Earth civilization colonies on these planetary bodies - for future "commercial activities" (if commerce still exist) through extracting faraway planetary resources for usage by earth civilization colonies there and here.  All these are truly developed by the powers of all the 4 industries as the aerial padrigines and air route infrastructure become perfected for this aerocracy.

4. The taikonocracy of governance centered above the Earth's atmosphere beyond in the outer space for which padrigine space-crafts, padrigine space-stations, lunar and planetary bio-dome bases as well as Earth Re-entry Vehicles, rockets, missiles and all kinds space weaponries in a network of governance are all further development of aerocracy.

5. The cyberocracy of governance on the surrounding  Presente from the "SO-LA Interval" cum TI-DO Interval of a Civilization Enneagram and its Historical Sociotechnocosmic Enneagram where dominance or supremacy of governance due to information technology, particularly the internet and digital systems, plays a central role in AI and GAI decision-making and governance supremacy of the current declining Western civilization (which is actually still a mere part of the whole PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO dominance) on the Light (LA) and Spirit (TI) by quantum-faring explorers across space everywhere on World-Island YAFEILA and the Outer Islands Crescent of the Presente and establishing many infrastructure 5G/6G platforms on land and sea, and satellites in the geostationary (geosynchronous) orbit of the outer space to  offensively disrupt, destroy, fake and/or protect the flow of information, and at the same time extracting (for common good or evil or neutral), exploiting and plundering information resources.  It envisions a system where cyber-technology facilitates and guides political process, potentially minimizing human intervention in decision-making, and the use of unmanned aerial drones (UAV), driverless land vehicles and robots and marine padrigines controlled remotely or pre-programmed autonomously to operate and accomplish tasks to serve various purposes - surveillance, reconnaissance, photography and delivery.   All these are developed by the powers of all the 4 industries, and notably the 4th Industry  as the electromagnetic wave, speed and quantum octave  infrastructure become perfected for this cyberocracy.  This is massive during the rise of the Sinic and the Slavic civilizations as well as the declining Western civilization in the 21th Century.  The Earth civilization airspace stopinderation would continue to the outer space with similar establishment of space satellites, lunar internet platforms  and many more platforms on other celestial bodies.

Unlike contemporary dualistic-essenced vulgar politicians still trapped in the spell of Westphalian politics of  the some 23 polities of governmental personalities, here geocosmopoliticians have identified the essence of civilization polity of governance of the Earth civilization.

As already mentioned earlier, each civilization being type is able to stopinderate, that is, generate its own fundamental sociocosmic octaves (DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA and TI), its own sociocosmic enneagrams, its own PDCE organization and stopinder-systems and the PESTLES+ superstructure auras associated to the civilization types.  However, the social relations or the Mode of Production (P), Distribution (D) and Consumption (C), and Exchange (E) among the three-brained hethormen human beings flows in the essence or as base to all the civilization types, their stopinderation and their historicism.  These mode of PDCE are 7 of them, namely: Primitive Communalism PDCE mode (a primitive/intermediate/advanced circularity mode), Ancient Slavery PDCE mode (a pyramidal mode), Feudalism (a pyramidal mode), Capitalism PDCE mode (an advanced pyramidal mode), Socialism PDCE mode (an inverted pyramidal transitional mode), Communism PDCE mode (an advanced circularity mode with the withering away of the FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic stopinder aberration and  the emergence of real human democratization in the communist mode of PDCE) and Datongism PDCE mode (an advanced circularity mode of datong man and spiritual AI robot at Omega Point with the further withering away of the FA-SO-LA-TI sociotechnocosmic stopinder aberration (if any) and  the emergence of real human democratization extended to the spiritual AI robots in the datongist mode of PDCE).


Base-Superstructure-Noo (BSN) Pyramid (Right-standing)

Base-Superstructure-Noo (BSN) Pyramid (Inverted)


There are 7 main four-bodied PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO Civilization Beings and many more civilizational, cross-breed and hybrid sub-civilization species today!

What is in the noosphere are the refined hydrogens with cosmic properties from the three being-foods  in matters eaten by the hethormen human beings at the MI-FA Interval below and the existing more refined cosmic hydrogens of the Sun Absolute at the TI-DO Interval above of the (our) Ray of Creation; which through certain perfected sacred individuals (Man Nos. 5, 6 and 7) of the four ways sociocosmically influencing en masse to produce some 7 main civilization beings and tens of sub-specie civilization beings from each of the main.  Many of the sub-specie civilization beings have already been destroyed, even within the same geographical location, hitherto.

The being-psyche hydrogens of Man (H6, H24 & H96), of Angels (H3, H12 and H48) and of Archangels (H1, H6 and H24) can be found radiating from the  total body Earth Civilization and all its internal sub-specie civilizations - the current and the archeological which still radiates B-influences as past impression forms through remnants of past civilizational artifacts.

The Foods/Fuels for all Civilizations and their levels of Development - Earth, Interplanetary, Interstellar and Intergalactic Civilizations

A collective living Earth Civilization being or Earth Civilization Enneagram or 4-bodied Organization of a Great Earth Civilization Being (‘PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO Carriage’) can ingest, process, refine and use psyche hydrogens or matters with cosmic properties or hydrogen indices within the natural living Earth Civilization (Kardashev Type ‘0’ and Type I civilization) Range of H1 through H3072 (Twice-Scale-Down of the Density of Matters).  At its higher Interplanetary Civilization level of celestial being-existence (Kardashev Type II civilization), it might have the ability to ingest, process, refine and use psyche hydrogens within its natural living Interplanetary Civilization range within H1 through H6144 (One-Scale-Down of the Density of Matters); at its next higher Interstellar Civilization level of celestial being-existence (Kardashev Type III civilization), it might have the ability to ingest, process, refine and use psyche hydrogens within its natural living Interstellar Civilization Range within H6 through H12288 (Zero-Scale-Down of the Density of Matters); and finally, at its next highest Intergalactic Civilization level of celestial being-existence (Kardashev Type IV civilization, if there is any), it might be able to ingest, process, refine and use these same Zero-Scale-Down of Density of Matters horizontally across all other Rays of Creation.

The Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange tetrad or PDCE tetrad is the base of a human society specifically as the base of all historical sociocosmic species; the Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological-science, Legal-ethics, Education-environment and Security-defense or  enneagramic PESTLES+ fixates is the superstructure of this society and the NOO is the spiritual, psyche, soul, 'it's, 'I's and 'I AM's or  noomakhia being-psyche hydrogens deep in the human dasein in association with cosmic dasein.  Together they form a right-standing BSN pyramid (Base-Superstructure-Noo pyramid) or an Inverted BSN pyramid, that is, normal Base over Noo (right-standing pyramid) or aberrating Noo over Base (Inverted pyramid) depending on which is the active dominance in human consciousness and actions during the time period.  The base has always been the foundation or passive dominance, a hidden common player often overlooked due to its "everpresence" that dulls our perception and consciousness.

BSN represents  Base (B), Superstructure (S) and Noo (N); the Base (B) consists of the Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange phases and circulation (PDCE); the Superstructure (S) consists of the Political, Economical, Socio-cultural, Technological-science, Legal-ethics, Education-environment and Security-defense knowledge fixates (PESTLES+) often complemented with the associated socialistic-essenced processes such as the Holistic, Educational, Innovative, Green, Evolutional-revolutional, No-Harm and Sustainable moments (HEIGRENS, a Socialism nomenclature of the emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism); the NOO (N) is the social being or social being-existence of social dasein or sociocosmic souls closely related with instinctive-sex-psychomotor-logies (Action-associated), the emotionologies (Religion-associated) and ideologies (philosophy-associated) and the civilization beings - all of which are influenced by being-psyche hydrogens or matter of higher (lower) materialities or quantum wave-particles with cosmic properties from the 1st and 2nd lateral quantum octaves  (of Dimensions) in the (our) Ray of Creation.

The first sociocosmic dominance occurred in the 'instinct-sex-motor' centers of the Noo (brute shamanistic and paganic forces) and descended as sociocosmic PDCE-PESTLES+ in the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism.  Then the second sociocosmic dominance occurred deep in the lower and higher emotional centers of the Noo (mystical religious feeling and enlightenment) and again descended as a different sociocosmic PDCE-PESTLES+ in the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism. The third sociocosmic  dominance occurred in the lower and higher intellectual centers of the Noo (mystical philosophical thinking and enlightenment) and again descended as a new kind of emerging sociocosmic PDCE-PESTLES+ in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  The fourth sociocosmic dominance is now in the process of dominance in the all the 7 centers - instinct, moving, sex, lower feeling, lower thinking, higher feeling and higher thinking centers of the NOO (combination of harmony search and yoking of the brute shamanistic and paganic forces, the mystical religious feeling and enlightenment and mystical philosophical thinking and enlightenment) and now descending in the fourth kind of PDCE-PESTLES-HEIGRENS dominance in the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. All the 4 Noetic daseins are present in the body of the Great Sociotechnocosmos today.  Which is dominating is what we need to recognize, observe and analyze.

The source of the arising of BSN (Base-Superstructure-Noo) has its origin in the 7 organic psychic centers of the biocosmic four-bodied three-brained hethormen human beings and in future also includes the possible inner synthetic psychic centers of AI and GAI spiritual four-bodied technocosmic padrigine robots during the datong period at the Omega Point).  They would be  telecommunicatedly linked together in the body of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being and keep the BSN alive and continuously providing the sociocosmic dynamics of quantitative and qualitative changes of the Great Sociocosmic Being - in parts and in whole.  Outside the BSN is the external environment or nature consisting of the geobiosociotechnocosmic octaves EXCEPT for those Homo sapiens and their technocosmic padrigines I, II and III (and the possible future padrigine IV and above) that are already part of the BSN constitution itself.  The dynamics of BSN generates the sociocosmic essences, designs and constructs of the 7 historical sociocosmic species of 1) Primitive communalism, 2) Ancient Slavism, 3) Feudalism, 4) Capitalism, 5) Socialism, 6) Communism (AI-GAI Hitech)  and 7) Datongism (Spiritual I-robot inclusive).  The sociocosmic essences are respectively: communalistic-essenced, slavistic-essenced, feudalistic-essenced, capitalistic-essenced, socialistic-essenced, communistic-essenced and datongistic-essenced.

Now for each of the continental base-civilizations, they are first naturally rested on the geocosmic land-platform (MI-stopinder) continents and islands of varying sizes millions of years ago after the biocosmic crossings of water-land divide line where the water-based biocosmic beings evolved into the land-based biocosmic beings and finally through the mammalian octave and its higher final Homo sapiens octave into man (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, the ethnos (modern man-races), the cyborg and all the way to the future datong man with geo-ethnic and anthropological stopinderation abilities for civilizational presence, existence (dasein) and power projections.  Whereas their historical sociocosmic species stopinderation at DO, RE and MI merely cover only their land-based hinterland and sea-based coastal ports and lines, and depending on their ships and shipping technologies for seafaring, they are capable of projecting their sea power by crossing the vast water and set up colonies for extracting natural resources, slave resources, serf resources and man-made artifacts from other civilizations.  However, once they have developed into the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism with industrial marine and avian modernization they would have the capability of full marine and air power projections establishing neo-colonies and military bases all over other land-based continental civilizations and also space stations all over the geocosmic orbits on mother Earth's outer orbits for mega-power projects.  The 7 major base-civilization beings are capable of all the 3 front mega-power projections - land power projection, sea power projection and air power projection if truly unified in PESTLES+ as FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (Individualism).  They are indeed formidable with their TI-power projection and their capitalistic-imperialistic-fascistic-hegemonistic essences of reciprocal feeding and destruction for nutrients of other civilization.  Only after crossing the Capitalism-Socialism Divide Line or the Individualistic-Collective Divide Line where the content of each and every of the 7 major base-civilization beings is filled with socialistic-essences of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (Collectivism) and beyond can Humanity-at-Large live in a new era of peace, balance and harmony where the law of reciprocal nourishment can blossom across purely socialistic and collective divide and sub-divide boundaries among the 7 major base-civilization beings.


“That which emerges independent of our will appears like dependent on our will; the Wills from the TI-DO Intervals become expressed as our wills at the MI-FA Intervals.” (Tan Man Ho)

"The forces that emerge from the MI-FA Interval are essencely different and oppose to the forces that emerge from the TI-DO Interval of the fundamental sociocosmic octave.  Both are essencely elusive and intelligent opposites (maotuns) in unity as they ascend or descend along the sociocosmic octaves." (Tan Man Ho)

"The organic life is always a visible PRESENCE to us at the MI-FA Interval evolving deeply, silently and very slowly forward in time with revolutionary jerks along its journey from the invisible past, to the semi-visible present and into the invisible future.  What sprouts from the TI-DO Interval tends to be a Will of the/an Absolute always from above and coming into PRESENCE as the new and materializes only when it settles into the coming MI-FA Interval on the same existing MI-FA Interval." (Tan Man Ho)

"A MI-FA Interval of a fundamental sociocosmic octave for each historical sociocosmic species is filled with the 1st lateral sociocosmic production-distribution-consumption-exchange stopinders to a maximum of 7 PDCE stopinders; a "SO-LA Interval" and its inner linkpin TI-DO Interval of the same fundamental sociocosmic octave is filled with the 2nd lateral sociocosmic regulatory stopinders also to a maximum of 7 regulatory stopinders.  This is its principle of sociocosmic creation for all the 7 historical sociocosmic species." (Tan Man Ho)

"If you have a MI-FA Interval you cannot not have a TI-DO Interval; likewise, if you have a TI-DO Interval you cannot not have a MI-FA Interval." (Tan Man Ho)

"While the horizontal and vertical triadic FA-laujinggongs of the MI-FA Intervals everywhere fight with work strikes, police actions, boycotts and street fights for limited destruction, the horizontal and the vertical triadic TI-laujinggongs as well as TI-dongjinggongs of the TI-DO Intervals everywhere fight with armies using very dangerous destructive military weapons - chemical, bios, nuclear and the like for mass destruction." (Tan Man Ho)

"The 7 historical sociocosmic species are all three-centered sociocosmic beings.  DO has begotten RE, RE has begotten MI, MI has begotten FA, now FA is begetting SO, SO will beget LA, LA will beget TI and TI will beget DO of the next higher sociocosmic octave - and finally, everything will become the ultimate sociocosmic rascooarno or death of humankind.  Now all the 7 begettings happen in a general historical forward ascending motion of gravity-center of dominance (with resistances and descending temporary fall backs) for each emerging and stabilizing historical sociocosmic species, and the general motion is about losing and gaining dominance, losing by reach and severity in ceasing-to-be and gaining by reach and severity in coming-to-be respectively in a inclusive transformation of the old into the new with a dominating new and a submitting old through a law of negation of the negation." (Tan Man Ho)

"The 7 historical sociocosmic species and internal sub-species reciprocally feed on one another and belching loudly with satisfaction the many "good morning" auras after each meal.  The law of feeding and the law of nourishing are absolutely obeyed without fail.  So wake up!"

The Great Sociocosmic Being emerges at various geocosmic gravity-centers or civilizational spots on mother Earth surface, scattered, socially linked internally and growing and breeding in ever larger number of the sociocosmic individuals, the sociocosmic groups and the sociocosmic families separating from one another as the sociocosmic branches grows over a historical timeline.  Although not fully integrated in the beginning of their arisings on every fertile, suitable, safe, sustainable and survival corners on mother Earth's surface essentially and beginning on the land before the waters, nevertheless, the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being has always been in the integrating sociocosmic rising as the only Great ONE whose maximum size for His spatial growth is the surface area of mother earth's crust and its atmosphere above and soil and water below.  It grows in accordance by the law of three and the law of seven principles, qualitative changes took place through its quantitative growth due chiefly through its distinct changes in the mode of production (and of distribution and consumption) causing distinct qualitative sociocosmic species to arise along this historical timeline of thousands and thousands of years. The distinct mode of production, distribution, consumption and exchange are identified as Primitive Communalism (DO), Ancient Slavism (RE), Feudalism (MI), Capitalism (FA), Socialism (SO), Communism (LA) and Datongism (TI) which would return to the first historical sociocosmic species (DO) but rather to the 'DO' of the next higher historical sociotechnocosmic species; the changing modes of which are produced through sociotechnocosmic revolutions and motion of the same mode continues quantitatively with minor qualitative changes is known as sociotechnocosmic evolution in wait for another sociotechnocosmic revolution.  The whole development is multi-lateral along the main or fundamental sociotechnocosmic trunk and finally concentric in nature, that is, like we throwing a number of stones once in the historical timeline at various locations in the pond (mother Earth's surface), the emerging strong circular waves moving outwards, meeting, uniting, integrating, sub-setting, negating of negating one another producing real objective history and alongside subjective historical interpretation, misinterpretation and/or uncertainty interpretation in the psyche (noosphere) of these same learned three-brained beings, hitherto.

Time itself for this Great Historical Sociocosmic Being, we neither know of its source of arising nor its ending as it is ENDLESSNESS.  Time blends independently and separately to this sociocosmic being for which our objective perception and subjective introception could only detect its presence as emerging, growing, declining and disappearing distinct biocosmic, sociocosmic and technocosmic phase of events and activities which we called them as the various phases or events or epoch or ages or even sociocosmic species of history or more correctly, 'His Narrated Stories.'  But this Great Historical Sociocosmic Being is a small mini-cosmic being to the large Great Biocosmic Being and the larger Great Geocosmic Being at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation up to the much larger Great Zodiac Constellational Being and finally, to the largest Great Absolute Cosmic Being of the TI-DO Interval of this same Ray of Creation, for which this same Time blends independently and separately to all of them but in relatively different being-times or time-spans from the less of a second of the most microcosms, to the more than a second, to the minute, to the hour, to the day, to the month, to the year, to the century, to the millennial, to the zodiac astrological age of 2,148  years, to the Great Platonic year of 25,776 years, ...... all the way to the Eternity and to the unchanging Great Eternal Presence Endlessness Being.

Each of the 7 historical sociocosmic species depicted in the models above has an astrologically calibrated life span of 2,148 years with 3 decans of 716 years each for the 1st decan of birth and growing, the 2nd decan of matured adulthood and the 3rd decan of aging and final demise, with numerous distinct quantitative changes of ruler-ship lineage within the same historical sociocosmic species during the three decans, although they may also live and died much earlier due to cosmic accidents and various other accidents from anomalies arising in the geo-ethnic biocosmic extinction, sociocosmic conquests and geocosmic catastrophes. 

These 7 historical sociocosmic species in terms of the Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) modes of the species over 7 Astrological Ages listed above emerge approximately and respectively, above all the first group of the primitive infantile civilizationable (wenming civilization) DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism where the basic sociocosmic stopinders (DO-Individual, RE-Group and MI-Family) of the fundamental sociocosmic octave which is highly geo-ethnic and biocosmic  based flowing at naturally and least aberrating into its natural (herdian) primitive Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) of this FA-sociocosmic stopinder of the same biocosmic species, same anthropological species, same geo-ethnic and in the same infantile wenming civilization, all of which happens (as it is still happening today) in what is known as a geographical-based 'community' or 'village' and with 'zarooarian towns' in the making.  In the infantile wenming civilization, there is a necessary fundamental regulatory enveloping stopinder known as the 'SO-State' which has its cosmic-astrological  influences from the emerging 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders of the TI-DO Interval above.  Because of the existence of the MI-FA Interval to this fundamental sociocosmic octave, there also arises diadic sociocosmic shock absorbers (tougeng) due to the semi-exploitation, petty unequals, unfair usage, etcetera of one another's family members for production, distribution,  consumption and exchange of produces - crafts artifacts, agro-plantae cultivation, animalian farming, fish culturing and manufacturing, etc. - all growing and expanding qualitatively and quantitatively along an infantile 1st lateral sociocosmic octave. In the souls and spirits or the noosphere of these hethormen human beings arises the infantile PESTLES superstructure, the sociocosmic psyche-essenced root of a wenming civilization which in its 1st phase of development is based on the struggle with the Plantae 1st lateral geocosmic stopinders, the animalia 2nd lateral geocosmic stopinders and the fundamental geocosmic stopinders (natural elements).  such a struggle is known as the Agricultural Revolution(s) and such wenming civilizations are agrocosmic in essence.  Subsequently due to the active accumulation of the technocosmic octave and the energy/power (watts) which propel all the padrigine beings of this ever-growing technocosmic octave and all its PESTLES+ noosphere particles (hydrogens and sub-atomic quantum energy bits with cosmic properties of eternity, consciousness and timespace especially of those in the realm of the non-computational Planck length and Planck time dimensions) created and refined in the inner bodies of these hethormen human beings, ....... the later revolutions are mostly industrial and the wenming civilization becomes wenming technocosmic civilization(s).


The PESTLES+ are sociocosmic crystallization of Marxian superstructure that arise from the PDCE base in accordance of a society or a civilization in accordance to the law of an enneagramic arising, whose being-psyche hydrogens exist in the following systems or  clusters of crystals, namely: Political cluster (P), Economic cluster (E), Socio-cultural cluster (S), Technological-science cluster (T), Legal-ethics cluster (L), Education-environment cluster (E) and Security-defense cluster (S), and plus (+) a few more possible other enneagramic  fixates cluster such as FLRJES fixates, LGBTQIA+ fixates, Color Revolution fixate, HEIGRENS fixates and Havatvernonian fixates.  The intersections and interactions are geometrical, and therefore aberrating often with much wrong work of the fixates (of centers) such as Socio-cultural cluster (S) talk and behavior like it is a Political cluster (P) or a Legal cluster (L), etc.

The PESTLES+ fixate enneagram as a superstructure rising from its own PDCE base mode within a civilization enneagram growing on a particular geoethnic species or biocosmic anthropological race that distinguishes  a civilization from another are civilization identity-producing 'one-language one socio-cultural (S)' wenming lead amidst all the surrounding PESTLES+ fixate, deeply and essencely rooted in the inner psyche of the three-brained hethormen human beings, his consciousness and sub-consciousness as well as his Marxian superstructure trialecticalizing and octavizing over centuries and millennia, hitherto.  Many have been wiped out due to the law of reciprocal destruction and the natural selection of the fittest of specie-civilization.  Some wiped-out ancient civilizations are the Mesopotamia civilization, the ancient pharaoh civilization, the Mayan civilization, the Aztec civilization, the Indus Valley civilization (7000 BC), the Sumerian civilization (5000 BC), the Minoan civilization (3000 BC), 'Kingdom of Kush' civilization (2450 BC), the Mycenaean civilization (1900 BC), etc.  The most important fixate in PESTLES+ is the socio-cultural fixate and notable in the written language, the communicating glue of man-to-man PESTLES+.  When a particular written language is born, how long it survived before it died, that is, the life span of the language determines the emergence and the ultimate decline and death or renewal of a civilization.  The Chinese civilization with a written Chinese language found in bone oracles began as a Xia dynasty (2070 BC) until the Peoples' Republic (Renmingonghe, now 2023 AD)  and tri-octaving from one sociocosmic enneagram into another in a PESTLES+ civilizational identity varied only quantitatively, highly populated and with high PESTLES integration revolving around the same biocosmic geoethnic species itself, that is, and with the same controlling written language both vivifying and emanating at the MI-FA Interval of the common people (jiangfu) and at the TI-DO Interval of the official elite bureaucratic ruling class (guanliao) is the longest surviving civilizational creature on mother Earth surface to date, and still continuing with the same language and its PESTLES+ civilizational identity.

Divide and rule wiseacrings to the unity of PESTLES+ fixates widely and rampantly abused by the Atlantic Hegemony nations generate more contradictions and worsen them to disastrous sociocosmic perturbation.

Man is only found at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation and the PESTLES+ fixates should naturally and logically revolve around this MI-FA Interval man instead of, and in contradistinction to, a revolving religion or ideology (a Socio-cultural 'S' of the PESTLES+ fixates) of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism that rests on a One-Invisible God supra-projection above who dwells in the TI-DO Interval far far away or evervast everywhere and for which the biocosmic geoethnic species is only an insignificant sinful sheep or lower beings (as preached), without dignity and deserves a place in the cosmic order as beasts of burden to be exploited, oppressed, taken advantage of and to be sacrificed to the God(s) by the cunning and real MI-FA Interval messengers, preachers and the teachers purportedly realizing the Will of these God(s).  However, a revolving around science and technology 'T' of the PESTLES+ fixates in the form of industrialization that produces industrial corporate bourgeoisie and proletariat at the MI-FA Interval and nationate bourgeoisie and proletariat at the TI-DO Interval and in the form of financialization that produces financial corporate creditor capitalist and debtor employees at the MI-FA Interval and nationate (oligrach) bankers and debtor nations occur during this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and within the sociocosmic turbulence of a polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.

The HEIGRENS fixates for the emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is shown below:


Together, everything discussed here is a subject of the Paleontological Octave of the Organic-Synthetic Life in the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.

There are Four (4) Technocosmic Revolutions and four Industrial revolutions in the 3rd Technocosmic Revolution. The Industrial revolutions are in the form of Industry version 1, Industry version 2, Industry version 3 and Industry version 4 is where AI and GAI such as ChatGPT emerge, and perhaps more in the making.  The 4th Technocosmic Revolution is the self-revolution (inner revolutions of synthetic life ) of Padrigine III to become Padrigine IV with cosmic or technocosmic or synthetic-related consciousness. The 4 Industrial revolutions are as shown in the picture below:


"Man is born, grow, mature, decline and die so must a historical sociocosmic species - also is born, grows, matures, declines and dies.  The fate of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism shares this same destiny of its final death to be reborn with major qualitative differences, as a species should always be, into the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.  Positive care should then be provided to this new non-predatory historical species of socialism rather than to lament over the very sick, old and dying predatory historical species of capitalism." (Tan Man Ho)



By wenming civilization is meant a bio-ethnic community of three-brained hethormen human beings existing, living, working, maintaining and reproducing together and with a common language for communication both at the MI-FA and TI-DO Intervals within its own PDCE (production, distribution, consumption and exchange) base, PESTLES (political, economics, socio-cultural, technological-science, legal-ethics, education-environment and security-defense) superstructure and Noomakhian dasein being in the inner world subjective and outer world objective environment divide dwelling on a specific geographical region (World-Island or Outer Islands) on mother Earth's surface and surviving resiliently over long periods of history.  These wenming civilizations are bio-ethnic bases for which Marxian Historicism which is based on the trioctave the mode PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO sociocosmic design and constructs of a Great Sociocosmic Being where pital-value, energies-forces-labors, products & services and noo-psyche hydrogens move through them.  The biocosmic, the sociocosmic and the technocosmic specifics and their historical tri-octaves and the enneagrams move in them independently together the Marxian Historicism changing and transforming the mode of PDCE without substantially changing much of their wenming essences, forms and appearances and thus keeping these wenming civilization essences sociogenetically intact if not wiped out by wars, epidemic diseases or natural catastrophes.


1. Primitive Communalism (and Early Ancient Slavery): Beginning Age of Taurus/or earlier (4308 BC /or earlier - 2,148 BC), Earlier means from ...... into the Age of Leo (10,752 BC - 8,604 BC), Age of Cancer (8,604 BC - 6,456 BC), Age of Gemini (6,456 BC - 4,308 BC)

Able to give rise to different 'Paleolithic and Neolithic communal with primitive wenming civilizational' types when population increases and unifies at FA/SO levels

Life History:

A DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism is born  somewhere during the Age of Gemini (6,456 BC or earlier) when the Homo sapiens (Ti) of the upper level of vibration of the mammalian sub-octave began to actively vibrate in the sociocosmic realm (of production) as a 'Paleolithic/Neolithic/primitive civilization' or Primitive Communalism on Kardashev Scale Type pre-'0'.  Beyond primitive communalism were two (2) more levels, namely, matured communalism (perhaps a few historical sociocosmic enneagrams or pockets of wenming civilizations) and advanced communalism (perhaps a few more historical sociocosmic enneagram or pockets of higher wenming civilizations such as the modern man wenming civilizations in South West Iran, Syria, Turkey or Algeria or South Africa  or the paleolithic Wanshouyan Hills in Sanming Fujian, China (193,352 BC - 167,580 BC) within this very primitive DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism where the sociocosmic enneagrammic gravity-center vibration moves from the DO-Stopinder (individual), the RE-stopinder (group), the MI-stopinder (family), the FA-stopinder (working community) and finally to an infantile SO-stopinder (kingdom).  So would be the three-centered hethormen human beings dwelling near the Tigris-Euphrates rivers in Mesopotamia. Iraq (3100 BC - 539 BC), and also in Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, Indus Valley of India, etc.

What, where, when, who (often with Paleolithic/Neolithic/primitive civilizational proper names) and how it is born is a subject of the psyche hydrogens food astrologically provided and available by the zodiac constellation of the Age of Taurus (plus/minus) or earlier astrological zodiac constellations at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation subject to the nature of the fundamental and lateral geocosmic energies and influences of the platform for which this DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive/Intermediate/Advanced Communalism emerged, the inner essence process of the biocosmic octave itself and the noo-octave of its psyche hydrogens during the process of consumption of the three being-foods.  Its life history is born, grows, matures, declines and dies as a primitive/intermediate/advanced communalism civilization finally gaining agrocosmic know-hows...... will continue surviving to renew, repeat in spiral cycle again and again probably ad infinitum losing qualities and quantities each time in its life cycle until the final extinction of the Great Sociocosmic Being.

The DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive (Intermediate/Advanced) Communalism with an inherent inbuilt diad sociocosmic shock absorber known as tougeng chieftain at MI-FA Interval and becomes tougeng masterate at TI-DO Interval in this primitive communalism growing to maturity or adulthood  become known as a developed and mature communalism (losing its primitiveness) with a certain high degree of comparative wenming civilization, full of quality psyche hydrogens and aplenty of egalitarian sociocosmic relations.

As to the vertical or "classed" or pyramidal or sociocosmic shock absorber or tougeng ascending ability along the fundamental and any rising lateral sociocosmic octaves, being-tougeng of the MI-FA Interval can from RE-tougeng/Re-tougeng through MI-tougeng/Mi-tougeng and to FA-tougeng/Fa-tougeng within the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism (infantile/primitive, matured/intermediate and advanced stages).  At the FA-level of sociocosmic vibration, the tou-beings, the geng-beings and all the human beings accepted into by the "masterate" of this herdian community or FA-sociocosmic stopinder were coated by the "masterate" with a sociocosmic identity known as the 'community-members' and the highest power-possessing hethormen human being was the 'masterate' himself.

The forces of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) is the innate power within this DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism which created, maintained, repaired, replenished, supported and prolonged its life.  The forces of this PDCE enable primitive intermediate/advanced communalipital/value to gather and station essentially into the three (3)  communalipital/value compartments or centers in its whole build-up, that is, its production center, its distribution center, its consumption center and its exchange center - all of them built to only the 1st level of complexity assisted mainly by manual limbs of the biocosmic man and his simple technocosmic tools and instruments.  The DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communalism is therefore a three-centered being.

The DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communalism is born, grow, mature, dominate the world, then decline losing its world dominance, fade to "zero" and finally crystallize into a fundamental DO-level note in the body of this One Great Historical Sociocosmic Being existing today  lengthy fading aberrating stopinderation over thousands of years hitherto.

The concept of property is only blur-blur in the sleep-wake consciousness of these three-centered hethormen human beings.  It is a primitive "communism" at the lowest level of human evolution in wait to become property-owning-and-class forming '-ism's.  The primitive means of production is at its lowest natural normal sharing-common point as it is as yet 'property-owning-and-holding capable' at a slightly higher sophistication.

The laws of reciprocal feeding and reciprocal destruction, the laws of reciprocal nourishment, cooperation, harmony and peaceful relationship exist at animalian and primitive level.

This primitive communalipitalship a period of unstable infantile property often becoming intermediate and advanced,  and little of human-slave ownership and even of the beast-of-burden ownership consciousness, has lasted for a few millennia.

The DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism could only move forward to the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, if conditions have not enable it to develop to its intermediate and advanced stages (this is unlike the Sinic (Chinese) civilization which has successfully experience through thousands of  years for both her intermediate and the advanced communal stages); its infantile ancient slavistic essence at the TI-DO Interval could only descended intrinsically eating primitive communalistic essence in the MI-FA Interval and move everything forward as a matured RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism as it has now at the same time to encounter its own polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Ancient Slavism and Feudalism in the making.

However, in actuality, many of these SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism were destroyed in battles with encroaching vassalistic-essenced foreign powers of the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism and later the more advanced colonialistic-essenced foreign powers of the MI-Historical Socicosmic Species of Feudalism.  Instances like the islandic polynessian hethormen human beings of primitive communalism in geo-Polynesia in the Oceania in the South Pacific as one of the major gravity-centers of  sociocosmic vibration and enneagramic formation, each of which are gravity-centers with origins from one another (from Taiwanese, Indonesian, Papuans and even with the Amerindians and later the Europeans as revealed in haplo genetic lineages) through the process of the biocosmic reproduction in the trialectics of man and woman there.  Having also endured through the manifestation of the law of reciprocal destruction and the tensions caused by the forces solioonensius ordeals consisting of sacred askokin extraction there.

Primitive communalism still existing today in the world are the Aleus (Alaska), the Ainus (Japan), the Bedouin (Sahara & Middle East), the Bindibu (Australia), the Bushman (Kalahari), Chukchi (NE Asia & North Siberia), Eskimos (Greenland, North Canada & N. Siberia), Fulani (W. Africa), Gobi Mongols (Gobi), Guicas (Amazon forest area), Hausa (North Nigeria) and Hotten tots (Hot tropical Africa).

There has been a primitive communal "marketing-to-consumption" to bring three-being foods to the hethormen human beings of this period.


2. Ancient Slavism (and Early Feudalism): Beginning Age of Aries (2,148 BC - 1 AD/or debatable 300 BC)

Able to give rise to different 'ancient slavery with wenming civilizational' types when population increases and unifies at SO and LA levels

Life History:

A RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism is born  somewhere during the Age of Aries (2,148 BC or earlier) when the same modern man (Ti) of the upper level of vibration of the mammalian sub-octave began to actively vibrate in the sociocosmic realm (of production, distribution and consumption) as an 'Ancient slavery wenming civilization' on still on Kardashev Scale Type pre-'0' and also where the technocosmic or know-how energies especially the agrocosmic energies is mainly on material processing stone, woods, bronze, iron, etc. revolving around an agro-based gravity-center - crop-planting, domesticated farming and fishing.  Note that agrocosmic octave and the energies associated with it is a sub-octave or inner octave of the know-how technocosmic octave, where the focus is slave-labor to cultivate 1st being-foods such as crops, farm animals, birds, fishes and other useful organic beings found breeding both in the 1st lateral plantae and the 2nd lateral animalia octaves of the fundamental geocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval and the TI-DO Interval respectively.  Payment were often in the form of slaves.

What, where, when, who (ancient slavery wenming civilizational proper names) and how it is born is a subject of the psyche hydrogens food astrologically provided and available by the zodiac constellation of Age of Aries (plus/minus) at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation subject to the fundamental and lateral geocosmic energies and influences of the platform for which this RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism emerged, the inner essence process of the biocosmic octave itself and the noo-octave of its psyche hydrogens during the process of consumption of the three being-foods.  Its life history is born, grow, mature, decline and die as an ancient slavery civilization ...... will continue surviving to renew, repeat in spiral cycle again and again probably ad infinitum losing qualities and quantities each time in its life cycle until the final extinction of the Great Sociocosmic Being.

As to the vertical or real classed or pyramidal or sociocosmic shock absorber or zhuguannu ascending ability along the fundamental and any rising lateral sociocosmic octaves, being-zhuguannu of the MI-FA Interval can rise from RE-zhuguannu/Re-zhuguannu through MI-zhuguannu/Mi-zhuguannu through FA-zhuguannu/Fa-zhuguannu and to SO-zhuguannu/So-zhuguannu within the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism (infantile, matured and advanced stages).  At the SO-level of sociocosmic vibration, the zhu-beings, the nu-beings and all the human beings accepted into by the kingdate of this Kingdom or SO-sociocosmic stopinder were coated with a sociocosmic identity known as the 'the king and his slave subject' and the highest power-possessing hethormen human being was the 'king' himself.  The psyche hydrogen 'subject' in the lens of the king under the sociocosmic influence of the TI-DO Interval becomes dominating and the psyche hydrogen 'master and his slaves' loses this dominance but still retain its influence at the MI-FA Interval, taking a second level masterate juxtaposition of power between the higher level kingdate and the lower level ‘general slave-subject’ of the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism.

The same forces of production, distribution,  consumption and exchange (PDCE) is the innate power within this RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism which created, maintained, repaired, replaced, replenished, supported and prolonged its life.  The forces of this PDCE also enable ancient slavipital/value to gather and station essentially into the three (3) ancient slavipital/value compartments or centers in its whole build-up, that is, its production center, its distribution center and its consumption center - all of them built to the 2nd level of complexity assisted mainly by biocosmic man and his technocosmic tools, instruments and simple ancient slave-powered and/or beast-powered machines (padrigine I).   The RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism is therefore a three-centered zhuguannu mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange being.

The RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism is born, grow, mature, dominate the world, then decline losing its world dominance, fade to "zero" and finally crystallize into a fundamental RE-level note enveloping the DO-level note in the body of this same One Great Historical Sociocosmic Being existing today  lengthy fading aberrating stopinderation over another thousands of years, hitherto.

The gravity-center concentrations for ownership of the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange motion are slaves (sociocosmic individuals DO/Do) to lands (geocosmic soils MI and water-ways FA plus certain 1st lateral cereals such as rice, millet, wheat and etcetera and 2nd lateral domesticated animals such as cows, sheep and goats) to property (technocosmic buildings such and tools) to commodities goods and services (produces) to finance/money (slavipital/value copper coins, silver ingots/coins and gold/ingots and even paper money).

In the geocosmic continental piece of land along the Yellow River in ancient China some 4500 years ago and in the millennium before 2148 BC during the Age of Taurus, a community of three-centered hethormen beings breeding in large numbers in the Xia Kingdom (2070 BC - 1600 BC) of China, a sociocosmic vibration capable of a Xia-family-based (MI) 'SO-kingdom stopinder' at its height, there existed in objective history a King by the name of Da Yu in Xia kingdom who was a 3rd level SO-Kingdom stopinder SO-Zhu ruler after graduating himself from the 1st village-level and the 2nd district-level SO-Zhu rulership, the lowest level at the TI-DO Interval of the RE-Historical Species of Ancient Slavism.  As according to our sociocosmic enneagram measure and estimation, he was a high level Zhu-Kingdate three-centered hethormen human SO-Zhu being far above the FA-Zhu being of the MI-FA Interval of this same historical sociocosmic species.  In fact, China's RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism began comparatively earlier in the 2205 BC much earlier than the Xia kingdom.  During this period of history, the yellow or red waters (FA) of the fundamental geocosmic octave in that area from that time till today peculiar to this Yellow river, that is, occasionally unpredictable disastrous mega floods that killed hundreds and thousands of these beings in the mature communalism.  Being a wise SO-Zhu or King being, he discovered a very effective and efficient flood control solution or red water repair and maintenance of the yellow river where his kingdom is located.  This was done by constructing flood and irrigation control canals in his kingdom with his wise leadership and those many other guan-controller and nu-follower working beings, with proven success.  For this reason, he was remembered till today with his monument built in his kingdom location as Great Da Yu unification of China in the Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC) at the LA-stopinder level, which later also witnessed another higher Shih Huang Ti unification of China in the Qin Imperial Dynasty (221 BC) at the TI-stopinder Level. Despite the strange legendary 'mentation-by-form' peculiar to the writings on bone oracles and subsequent language of these Chinese beings, even today, the lens of the enneagram of the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism (Ancient Serfdom in China) could only point to the normal positive existence and presence of this king Da Yu as this type of flood control and irrigation work must objectively and necessary happen in a conscious manner to all three-centered hethormen human beings dwelling and cultivating there.  The Shang dynasty (1766 BC - 1122 BC) is a mixed of the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism cum MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Medieval Feudalism in Europe.  The Zhou dynasty (1046 BC - 256 BC) in China is probably the first MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Medieval Feudalism till the Imperial Qin Dynasty when the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism (proper) began.  Western Medieval Feudalism began in 5 AD in Germany under King Clovis, 8th-10th AD in Europe and in England after the conquest under William of Normandy in 1066.  After the 13th Century the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism (proper) began.

Two great massive sociocosmic gravity-centers of the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism with different civilizational PESTLES  identities have existed in the continent Asia - the first was the Chinese Civilization in East Asia and the second was the Indian Civilization in South Asia.

The laws of reciprocal feeding and reciprocal destruction dominate over the laws of reciprocal nourishment, cooperation, harmony and peaceful relationship.

This ancient slavipitalship, a terror of the situation for the ancient slaves, has its grip on mankind for about 2 millennia.

The RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism could only move forward to the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism; its infantile feudalistic essence at the TI-DO Interval could only descended intrinsically eating the ancient slavistic essence in the MI-FA Interval and move everything forward as a matured MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism as it has now at the same time to encounter its own polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism in the making.

There has been an ancient slavist "marketing-to-consumption" to bring three-being foods to the hethormen human beings of this period.

The Nu-beings survive feeding on the extracts of nature through its constant hardwork-essenced struggles with the geocosmic octaves in its life history during the Historical Period of Ancient Slavism; the Zhu-beings survive feeding on the extracts of the Nu-beings through slavistic-essenced exploitation and oppression; the Guan-beings are intermediary jugglers of the two essences.

The western world of ancient slavery society was the Roman Empire (27 BC - 380 AD) existing for about 407 years and the western world of medieval Feudalism cum Capitalism UK-US Empires (1533 AD - 2023 AD) for about 500 years, both about the same duration equivalent to the duration of a Chinese Imperial Dynasty of unified civilizational society (221 BC 1911 AD) of oriental Feudalism.


3. Feudalism (and Early Capitalism): Beginning Age of Pisces (1 AD/or debatable 300 BC - 1788 AD)

Able to give rise to different 'feudal with wenming civilizational' types when population increases and unifies at SO and LA/TI levels

Life History:

A MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism is born  somewhere during the Age of Pisces (1 AD or earlier 300 BC debatable amongst some astrologists) when the same modern man (Ti) of the upper level of vibration of the mammalian sub-octave began to actively vibrate in the sociocosmic realm (of production) as a 'feudal wenming agrocosmic civilization' on transit to 'capital wenming technocosmic civilization' on Kardashev Scale Type pre-'0' on transit to Kardashev Scale Type '0' and also where the technocosmic or know-how energies is still on material processing stone, woods, bronze, iron, etc. revolving around an agro-based gravity-center - crop-planting, domesticated farming and fishing but this time witnessing a proper unification and integration of serf-labor man and free handicraftman, his beast of burden such as cows and horses and his instruments of production where 'the passenger-driver-human/horse-carriage' mobilias and immobilias gradually emerged.

What, where, when, who (feudal wenming agrocosmic civilizational proper names) and how it is born is a subject of the psyche hydrogens food astrologically provided and available by the zodiac constellation of Age of Pisces (plus/minus) at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation subject to the fundamental and lateral geocosmic energies and influences of the platform for which this MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism emerged, the inner essence process of the biocosmic octave itself and the noo-octave of its psyche hydrogens during the process of consumption of the changing three being-foods.  However, somewhere during its last 1/2 decan (1788 AD - 2148 AD) of this Age of Pisces, the 1st Technocosmic Revolution of Material Processing  for the 'carriage-body' of mobilias and immobilias has been near-perfected and the 2nd Technocosmic Revolution (known as the 1st Industrial Revolution for which steam engines were invented to replace the humans and all the beasts of burden that provided power to sociotechnosmic production stopinders) began mostly in a wenming technocosmic civilization in a country called Great Britain located west of the great Asian geo-continent called Europe.  Its life history is still and always the born, grow, mature, decline and die as a feudal wenming agrocosmic civilization ...... will continue surviving to renew, repeat in spiral cycle again and again probably ad infinitum losing qualities and quantities each time in its life cycle until the final extinction of the Great Sociocosmic Being.

As to the vertical or real classed or pyramidal or sociocosmic shock absorber or dikongnong vertical ascending ability and dikongnong making history of horizontal expansion amongst feudalistic sociocosmic stopinders of the same level along the fundamental and any rising lateral sociocosmic octaves, being-dikongnongs of the MI-FA Interval can rise in the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave from Do-dikongnong through Mi-dikongnong through Fa-dikongnong through So-dikongnong through La-dikongnong and even to Ti-dikongnong; being-dikongnongs of the TI-DO Interval can also rise in the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave from Do-dikongnong through Re-dikongnong through Mi-dikongnong and even to Fa-dikongnong which is the highest level of this sociocosmic octave for which so far known.  So-dikongnong, La-dikongnong and Ti-dikongnong were not created at that period of history as our infantile technocosmic octave has not risen to these advance levels of space exploration (So), interplanetary exploration (La) and interstellar exploration (Ti) today and only remained geocosmically influenced by visible elements of land/soil (MI), water (FA) and perhaps metals (DO)/minerals (RE) such as stones, copper, bronze and iron and the geo-lateral octaves such as the edible and usable plantae and the animalias; and at the same time expand horizontally to make sociocosmic shock absorber triads amongst same leveled fundamental sociocosmic stopinders from MI to FA to SO to LA and to TI levels, that is, making MI-dikongnong (family-dikongnong), FA-dikongnong (organizational-community dikongnong), SO-dikongnong (kingdom dikongnong), LA-dikongnong (dynasty dikongnong) and even TI-dikongnong (empire-imperial dynasty dikongnong) by conquering and/or subduing other  families (MIs), other organizations and communities (FAs), other kingdoms (SOs), other dynasties (LAs) and even other empires (TIs) - all found within the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism (infantile, matured and advanced stages). This can be found developed to full level integration with one single MI-FA and TI-DO Interval common language and high population mass only in the wenming civilization of the now more than 5000 years old current sociocosmic being-China.

According to the law of quantitative changes in sociocosmic process within a given historical sociocosmic species, this current sociocosmic being-China has lived through some 25 sub-species of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism or 25 independent sociocosmic enneagrams in the form of sociocosmic wenming civilization with organic sociocosmic harmony within each of these sociocosmic enneagrams replaced by the next sociocosmic enneagram only after its disorder and chaotic disintegration mainly due to class contradiction within or destroyed by another wenming power from without.

A dikongnong triad of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Species of Feudalism, is necessarily found as its own inner lateral octave  at the MI-FA Interval of substructure PDCE and TI-DO Interval of superstructure regulatory governance and function as its own sociocosmic shock absorber to ensure continuous and smooth less bumpy flow of forces from one sociocosmic stopinder to another sociocosmic stopinder ensuring also a continuous and smooth  subsequent ascending and descending octave both in the fundamental and in the lateral octaves. Although dikongnong triad performs its shock absorbing function well vertically within its own sociocosmic octave, this does not mean it can perform horizontally too - it is never built for this function.  Nevertheless, must depend on the sociocosmic stopinder’s ability to defend and/or to offense itself from and/or against other horizontal sociocosmic stopinders of the same level and against diagonal powers especially from above.  As a case example for a similar but different historical sociocosmic species, a laujinggong triad of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, a Huawei corporate stopinder of China was caught  by such diagonal powers for which it had to find ways to counter the offensive diagonal powers of the nationate stopinder of America with a sanction imposed on Huawei in 2019.

In this Sinic civilization, such dikongnong triad at both its MI-FA and TI-DO Intervals repeats themselves over and over again 24 times due essentially to the law of quantitative changes and a minor "as if mega" qualitative transformation, and each time over one (1)dynasty life span of about 1/2 a decan, that is, about 358 years.  The total dikongnong triad repeats can continue to one astrological age of 2148 years.

The independent sociocosmic enneagram began di-beings, the kong-beings, the nong-beings and all the human beings accepted into by the dynastate of this Dynasty or LA-sociocosmic stopinder were coated with a sociocosmic identity known also as the 'subject' as these hethormen history-writing three-centered historians for some unknown reason have not found a name to it and the highest power-possessing hethormen human being for the some unknown reason is the 'dynastate' himself - all under the banner of the 'king and his subjects' or the 'emperor and his subjects'.  The psyche hydrogen of this for-some-unknown-reasons new feudal 'subject' becomes dominant and the psyche hydrogen of the old slave 'subject' loses this dominance.

This time, the same forces of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) is the innate power within this MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism which has created, maintained, repaired, replaced, replenished, supported and prolonged its life.  The forces of this PDCE also enable feudapital/value to gather and station essentially into the three (3) main feudapital/value compartments or centers in its whole build-up, that is, its production center, its distribution center, its consumption center and its exchange center - all of them built to the 3rd level of complexity assisted mainly by the biocosmic man and his more complicated technocosmic tools, instruments and higher level serf-craftsman powered and/or animalian beast-of-burden powered and/or natural flowing geo-water-powered machines.   The MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism is therefore a three-centered dikongnong mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange being.

The MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism is born, grows, matures, dominates the world, then declines losing its world dominance and fades to "zero" and finally crystallizes into a fundamental MI-level note enveloping the DO- and RE-level notes in the body of this same One Great Historical Sociocosmic Being existing today  lengthy fading aberrating stopinderation over yet another thousands of years hitherto.

The gravity-center concentrations for ownership of the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange, and motion are serfs (sociocosmic individuals DO and Do) to lands (geocosmic soils MI and water-ways FA plus certain 1st lateral plantae-cereals such as rice, millet, wheat, corn, fruits and etcetera and 2nd lateral animalia-domesticated animals such as cows, sheep and goats) to property (technocosmic buildings such as house, workshops, boats/ships and simple tools, manucraft machines and etcetera) to commodities (goods and services in circulation) to finance/money (feudapital/value copper coins, silver ingots/coins and gold/ingots and even paper money in circulation). 

The MI-FA Interval production-distribution-consumption-exchange bagua-like or octave-like fractals with  2 intervals (MI-FA and TI-DO) or Well-Field System of the Fengjian System.  The sociocosmic shock absorber is 'landowner-control-serf' or 'dikongnong'.  The geocosmic platform of feudalism is land (MI) of the fundamental geocosmic octave and together with the plantae rice, millets, oats, and etcetera, and some useful animals such as cows, horses, goats, sheep, fowls and other domesticated animals of the 2nd lateral geocosmic octave of organic beings from the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, the production-distribution-consumption-exchange system is formed by the feudates (vassal kingdom powers) at the MI-FA Interval through the decree of the dynastates (dynasty powers) through at Fengjian system of political ideology and governance at the TI-DO Interval of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism was developed.  Note that, this Fengjian system is a bagua-like, hexa-like, octave-like and enneagram-like initial discovery and usage of an infantile sociocosmic octave model governing the development of the human societal development - after all the sociocosmic octaves, like the octaves of elements and the octaves of elementary particles are always there and meant only to be discovered by man as he is created during the long production and reproduction of the trialectics of man and woman with the available coarser geological psyche hydrogen fuels at the MI-FA Interval laboratory of the (our) Ray of Creation with the influence of the finer astrological psyche hydrogen fuels from the TI-DO Interval of this same Ray of Creation. However, the many enneagramic sociocosmic cycles from dynasty to dynasty to imperial dynasty till the last (ceasing in 1911 AD), that is, the Imperial Qing dynasty have perfected and provided a historically foundation of a resilient Chinese wenming civilization far beyond the demised Fengjian system and has now become a very strong and powerful emerging Chinese wenming technocosmic civilization after absorbing, integrating and perfecting the technocosmic octave that emerges from within itself - therefore have become a ready locomotive of Marxian Historicism to become the stable SO-Historical Species of Socialism to the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism and finally to become the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism for which Humanity-at-Large would then be able to tame Spiritual Robonity-at-Large properly.  It would be more historically prepared and ready to handle human destiny better and correctly instead of walking on the disastrous path of abusing maleficently like wild horses unduly excited with their oft created weapons of Robonity-at-Large to be used for subjugating and destroying other civilizations or other states (SO), nations (LA) and nation-blocs (TI) without ever maturing as an evolved civilized humanity with a matured and right humane moral compass.  The perfecting of humanity needs long civilizational periods and the perfecting of robonity is just the beginning; coercive competing, hurrying to win, war and hegemony would be a wild ride of wild man over powerful machines!


The four occupations (simplified Chinese士农工商traditional Chinese士農工商) or "four categories of the people" (Chinese四民)[1][2] was an occupation classification used in ancient China by either Confucian or Legalist scholars as far back as the late Zhou dynasty and is considered a central part of the fengjian social structure (c. 1046–256 BC).[3] These were the shi (gentry scholars), the nong (peasant farmers), the gong (artisans and craftsmen), and the shang (merchants and traders).[3] The four occupations were not always arranged in this order.[4][5] The four categories were not socioeconomic classes; wealth and standing did not correspond to these categories, nor were they hereditary.[1][6]

The system did not factor in all social groups present in premodern Chinese society, and its broad categories were more an idealization than a practical reality. The commercialization of Chinese society in the Song and Ming periods further blurred the lines between these four occupations. The definition of the identity of the shi class changed over time—from warriors, to aristocratic scholars, and finally to scholar-bureaucrats. There was also a gradual fusion of the wealthy merchant and landholding gentry classes, culminating in the late Ming Dynasty.

In some manner this system of social order was adopted throughout the Chinese cultural sphere. In Japanese it is called "Shi, nō, kō, shō" (士農工商shinōkōshō), although in Japan it became a hereditary caste system.[7][8] In Korean it is called "Sa, nong, gong, sang" (사농공상), and in Vietnamese is called "Sĩ, nông, công, thương (士農工商). The main difference in adaptation was the definition of the shi (士). (from wikipedia)

The four occupations were the shě (士) the class of "knightly" scholars, mostly from lower aristocratic orders, the gōng (工) who were the artisans and craftsmen of the kingdom and who, like the farmers, produced essential goods needed by themselves and the rest of society, the nóng (农/農) who were the peasant farmers who cultivated the land which provided the essential food for the people and tributes to the king, and the shāng (商) who were the merchants and traders of the kingdom.

Zōngfǎ (宗法, Clan Law), which applied to all social classes, governed the primogeniture of rank and succession of other siblings. The eldest son of the consort would inherit the title and retained the same rank within the system. Other sons from the consort, concubines, and mistresses would be given titles one rank lower than their father. As time went by, all of these terms lost their original meanings, yet Zhūhóu (诸侯), Dafu (大夫), and Shi (士) became synonyms for court officials.

The four occupations under the fēngjiŕn system differed from those of European feudalism in that people were not born into the specific classes, such that, for example, a son born to a gōng craftsman was able to become a part of the shāng merchant class, and so on.

The sizes of troops and domains a male noble could command would be determined by his rank of peerage, which from highest to lowest were:

  1. duke - gōng 公(爵)
  2. marquis or marquess - hóu 侯(爵)
  3. count or earl -  伯(爵)
  4. viscount -  子(爵)
  5. baron - nán 男(爵)

While before the Han dynasty a peer with a place name in his title actually governed that place, it was only nominally true afterwards. Any male member of the Han nobility or gentry could be called a gongzi (公子 gōng zǐ), while any son of a king could be called a wangzi (王子 wáng zǐ, i.e. prince).

The brown border between the farms resembles the character for 
well (井)

The well-field system (Chinese井田制度pinyinjǐngtián zhědů) was a Chinese land distribution method existing between the ninth century BC (late Western Zhou Dynasty) to around the end of the Warring States period. Its name comes from Chinese character  (jǐng), which means 'well' and looks like the # symbol; this character represents the theoretical appearance of land division: a square area of land was divided into nine identically-sized sections; the eight outer sections (私田; sītián) were privately cultivated by serfs and the center section (公田; gōngtián) was communally cultivated on behalf of the landowning aristocrat.[10]

While all fields were aristocrat-owned,[citation needed], the private fields were managed exclusively by serfs and the produce was entirely the farmers'. It was only produce from the communal fields, worked on by all eight families, that went to the aristocrats, and which, in turn, could go to the king as tribute.

As part of a larger feudal fēngjiŕn system, the well-field system became strained in the Spring and Autumn period[11] as kinship ties between aristocrats became meaningless.[12] When the system became economically untenable in the Warring States period, it was replaced by a system of private land ownership.[11] It was first suspended in the state of Qin by Shang Yang and the other Chinese states soon followed suit.

As part of the "turning the clock back" reformations by Wang Mang during the short-lived Xin Dynasty, the system was restored temporarily[13] and renamed to the King's Fields (王田; wángtián). The practice was more-or-less ended by the Song Dynasty, but scholars like Zhang Zai and Su Xun were enthusiastic about its restoration and spoke of it in a perhaps oversimplifying admiration, invoking Mencius's frequent praise of the system (From Wkipedia)

The wise grandson said, "In this 9 square # matrix dream in the psyche of the kingdates (or the 1st level dynastate of imperial dynasties) and their political ideology of governance was conceived in their head stopinders and realized into the objective world as landed forms of land division of China geocosmic octave stopinder land (MI) for the housing of the 'dikongnong' feudates consisting the 'di' above and the 'nong' below consisting of the serf-beings, the craft-beings, the artisan-beings and scholar-beings of the 4 occupations each with 'kong' or controller-beings in the middle truly peculiar to that infantile MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Medieval Feudalism in ancient feudal China.

9-Point Fengjian system (Bagua Enneagram Approach)


However, this '9-square # matrix conception' is related to the 'Bagua enneagram conception' where the 8 'gua' are the 8 feudates (equivalent of private land in capitalism) and the Yin-Yang Center is the kingdate (public land in socialism) and the fundamental sociocosmic octave with 2 lateral sociocosmic octave for which the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval of the Real World Views would necessary housed the 9 squares into it with a special "SO-LA" Interval linkpin square in the center whose PDCE produces and services are meant for the kingdates and/or dynastate which consist of the emperor of the Imperial Dynasty (TI) and the kings of the dynasties or kingdoms (LA), and other lower nobilities of the Prefectures (SO) of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of Advanced Feudalism.  Whereas an analogous comparison to the international bourgeoisie (capitalist class) of the 'World-of-Nations' (TI), the national bourgeoisie (capitalist class) of the nations (LA) and the state bourgeoisie (capitalist class) of the states (SO) of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism of our time would be the best fit for this scenario.

When the absolute feudal monarchy is constituted by capitalistic parliamentary system on transit in the polar paradigm of the two sociocosmic species of Feudalism and Capitalism, the bestowed of the land to the ‘gua’ through the lens of the bagua enneagram and the cosmic laws associated to it generally take the form, as depicted in the Bagua Enneagram of a capitalistic monarchial system of land, colonies, territories and sea-route division through the respective 'gua' stopinders below:

The dynastate is replaced by the presidentate in the republic system (or the democratic system) during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism with most of the 8 'gua's still retaining intact in its forms, according to cosmo-political principles which are also geo-political principle-inclusive.  The lack-of-human-face long tentacles of these capitalistic 'gua's are most oppressive, exploitative, greedy, toxic and all the dirties you can name them as you like.

While ancient slavism has an ancient slavipital/value for slave-owning platformship, medieval kingdate feudalism and advanced imperial feudalism has a feudapital/value for land-owning platformship and capitalism has a capital/value money-owning platformship, socialism would have a sociopital/value common-sharing-ownership-on-transit platformship over the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange."

Land or fief is often used as gifts or payment or as "salary" by the king/emperor to blood-relate noble relatives and other gentries.  In this Fengjian System, the 1st lateral octave of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism is an octave but at the MI-FA Interval of the Sociocosmic Octave.  Each "private-ownership" PDCE stopinder will be able to host 3 fundamental sociocosmic stopinders, namely, the Individual (DO), the Group (RE) and the Family (MI) and there are 8 observable land divisions of the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders [quantitatively and qualitatively varying geocosmic-tuned & influenced Well-field system types, namely: Well-field system type 1 (do), Well-field system type 2 (re), Well-field system type 3 (mi), Well-field system type 4 (fa), Well-field system type 5 (so), Well-field system type 6 (la), Well-field system type 7 (ti) and Well-field system type 8 (do)] well-like '#' or bagua-like 'feudates' for production, distribution, consumption and exchange by the then four (4) occupations .... (4 industries and diversifying.....) at the MI-FA Interval.  There is ONE (1) TI-DO Interval PDCE "Public-Owned" or "fief and/or king-owned and/or emperor-owned" linkpin at the center of the well or a "state enterprise" owned by the "community" or "village" (FA) but at that time would be the 'fief and/or landowners" or under a decree of the emperor to a 'dynastates' of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval for production-distribution-consumption-exchange at the "SO-LA Interval."  Both feudates and dynastates are MI-family-based system.  This public is maintained by the private (serfs) below for the dynastate (nobles) above.  The sociocosmic stopinder vibration at the MI-FA Interval is perfected but decentralized in relation to the sociocosmic stopinder vibration at the TI-DO Interval, and only until the completion and perfection of the dynastates at the TI-DO Interval, the centralization of the decentralized stopinders of the MI-FA Interval was completed with the emergence of the Imperial Dynasty or the 'World-of-Dynasties' (TI) of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism (proper at advanced level) tuned to the geocosmic octave.  This whole historical process took about 5000 years unifying very large population and very large piece of land and without being wiped out from history embracing 2 astrological ages (the Age of Aries and the Age of Pisces) and 1 Marxian historical period (Medieval Feudalism to Advanced Feudalism).  The Zhou Dynasty is the divide.  The Xia dynasty would be the Marxian Ancient Slavery period, the Shang Dynasty and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty would be the Mediaeval Feudalism comparative to the Mediaeval Feudalism of Europe.

Two great massive sociocosmic gravity-centers of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism with different civilizational PESTLES  identities have existed but still remain in the continent Asia - the first was still the Chinese Civilization in East Asia and the second was still the Indian Civilization in South Asia.

The laws of reciprocal feeding and reciprocal destruction dominate over the laws of reciprocal nourishment, cooperation, harmony and peaceful relationship.

This feudapitalship has its grip on mankind for 2 millennia and was hauntingly normal to the inner psychology of man of that period before the specter of capitalism arose.

The MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism could only move forward to the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism; its infantile capitalistic essence at the TI-DO Interval could only descended intrinsically eating the feudalistic essence in the MI-FA Interval and move everything forward as a matured FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism as it has now at the same time to encounter its own polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism in the making.

There has been a feudalist "marketing-to-consumption" to bring three-being foods to the hethormen human beings of this period.

The Nong-beings survive feeding on the extracts of nature through its constant hardwork-essenced struggles with the geocosmic octaves in its life history during the Historical Period of Feudalism; the Di-beings survive feeding on the extracts of the Nong-beings through feudalistic-essenced exploitation and oppression on the serfs; the Kong-beings are intermediary jugglers and craftsmen of the two essences.


4. Capitalism (and Early Socialism): Ending Age of Pisces [(1,788 AD - 1,908 AD; Inter/Intra States SO), (1,908 AD - 2,028 AD; Inter/Intra Nations LA), (2,028 AD - 2,088 AD; Inter/Intra Nation Blocs LA/TI); (2,088 AD - 2,148 AD; The United Nations at World-of-Nations TI)]

Able to give rise to different 'capitalist with wenming civilizational' types when population increases and unifies at SO, LA and TI levels

Life History:

A FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism was born somewhere during the last 1/2 decan of the Age of Pisces (1533 AD in UK/1788 AD in USA) in the west of the continent Asia of the geocosmic geography Presente  and especially in Great Britain, Netherland, Germany, Spain and later America as its internal enneagramic growth or Pythagorean harmonics reaches to FA-Organization of PDCE, then to SO-State and to LA-Nation capitalism beyond which when it vibrated at TI-'World-of-Nations' it began its terror of colonization, imperialism, Fascism, Hegemonism adventures full of sea-faring, warring, indigenous native wipeouting and plundering sociogenes throughout the whole Presente body.  During this FA-historical period of capitalism, the SO-stopinder which were previously coated with the common name the kingdom (with a ruling feudal king) during the MI-historical period of feudalism is now just common-named as the state (with a ruling  capitalistic-essenced state-level governor)  and the LA-stopinder which was previously  common-named dynasty (with a ruling feudal emperor) is now common-named as the nation (with a ruling capitalistic-essenced nation-level or central-level or federal-level president).   The same goes to the still infantile and unstable TI-stopinder which was previously known as the Imperial Dynasty or Empire (with a ruling imperial feudal emperor) which is now improperly common-named as the Nation-bloc or "Empire" or "Nation Alliance" or just the “World of Nations”  (with a ruling  imperialistic-essenced super-power president world Hegemon).

Such three-centered hethormen human beings were mostly of Anglo-Saxon origin, and were not aplenty in number but intelligent, having habituating and trapped on large islands on land mass (MI-geostopinder) surrounded by large water mass, seas and oceans  (FA-geostopinder) have to wiseacred with their techno-ships to explore and open up its hunting sea-routes, extracting natural resources from every other land mass to feed their production technocosmic beings and themselves at home - killing, destroying, dividing, inventing states and nations, and subjugating every earlier wenming historical sociocosmic species and their subspecies and all opposition - truly a history of  endless plunder and wars including World Wars I and II, a typical mega FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic aberration at work due to the strong capitalistic-essenced exploitative and oppressive presence of the FA-Historical Socicosmic Species of Capitalism.  Because this sociocosmic vibration is at the 4th level (FA) of the historical sociocosmic octave and has suffered terribly through the cane of MI-FA Interval, it has crystalized and buried deep in itself the evil capitalistic essence and sub-essences of exploitativeness, oppressiveness and aggressiveness towards all its neighboring sociocosmic stopinders striving always to make them propertyless, ownershipless and without sovereign in service of the capitalists to preserve the laujinggong triadic pyramid in the body of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  As already mentioned, it is essentially a sociocosmic rascal and a ‘destroyer of all wenming civilization dissimilar to itself’.

The FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism happened when the same modern man (Ti) of the upper level of vibration of the mammalian sub-octave began to actively vibrate in the sociocosmic realm of PDCE moments, the PESTLES+ knowledge fixates  and the Noosphere daseins as a 'capital wenming technocosmic civilization' proper in Kardashev Scale Type '0' and also where the technocosmic or know-how energies peculiar to this 1st Technocosmic Revolution is almost fully perfected or at least at great heights - material processing stones, woods, bronze, iron, steel, minerals, many other geocosmic elements, etc. and the 2nd Technocosmic Revolution on the steam/electrical/ powered mass productions of the 1st and also 2nd Industrial Revolutions on assembly lines of specific division of labor - all revolving around, this time not just on agro-based gravity-center but also commodity-based gravity-centers as well as land/build/plant gravity-centers   - this time witnessing a proper unification and integration of powered-engines fully replacing man and his beast of burden with production-distribution-consumption-exchange where the 'passenger-driver-engine-carriage' or padrigine carriage mobilias and immobilias gradually emerged and dominated production-distribution-consumption-exchange.  The ‘passenger-driver-horse/man-carriage’ mode of feudalistic production-distribution-consumption-exchange is replaced by this new ‘passenger-driver-engine-carriage mode in capitalism.  By 1950 AD, the 3rd Technocosmic Revolution began with the creation of computers and automated production powered by electronics of the 3rd Industrial Revolution to replace the human driver progressively and by 2000 AD Artificial Intelligence (AI) robots of the 4th Industrial Revolution emerged also advancing rapidly to complete the 3rd Technocosmic Revolution which is likely to fully mature by 2148 AD  for which the new SO-historical sociocosmic species proper would be born - all according to standard astrological age measure for our convenience.

The 'passenger-driver-engine-carriage' capitalistic-essenced mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange system is replaced by the 'passenger-AI computer-engine-carriage' model of mobilias and immobilias in the capitalistic-essenced, the socialistic-essenced and the communistic-essenced modes of production, distribution, consumption and exchange of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism and the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism.  In the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Communism and Datongism when spiritual AI robots and machines emerge with 'it's, 'I's, 'I AM's, egos and 'personalities' and sociotechnocosmicking amongst themselves independent of human controls that the "battles" between the biocosmic passenger and the technocosmic passenger become objectively real.  The beginning of human history is the game of the biocosmic man en masse, the ending would be both the human and the spiritual AI robots and machines history en masse.  I know not of other objective history but only this ultimate bipolar history of the basics where thousands of  imaginative subjective histories have arisen, been wiseacredly if not hallucinated in the inner world of man,  innate, peculiar but necessary to pyramidal vertical classed and  horizontal octave classed-creating history.

What, where, when, who (capital wenming technocosmic civilizational proper names) and how it is born is a subject of the psyche hydrogens food astrologically provided and available by the zodiac constellation of Age of Pisces (plus/minus) at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation subject to the fundamental and lateral geocosmic energies and influences of the platform for which this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism emerged, the inner essence process of the biocosmic octave itself and the noo-octave of its psyche hydrogens during the process of consumption of the changing three being-foods.  However, somewhere during its last 1/2 decan (1788 AD - 2148 AD) of this Age of Pisces, the 1st Technocosmic Revolution of Material Processing  for the 'carriage-body' of mobilias and immobilias has been perfected and the 2nd Technocosmic Revolution (known as the Industrial Revolution for which steam engines were invented to replace the humans and all the beasts of burden that provided power to sociocosmic production stopinders) began mostly in a wenming civilization in a country called Great Britain located west of the great Asian geo-continent called Europe.  Its life history is still and always the born, grow, mature, decline and die as a capital wenming technocosmic civilization ...... will continue surviving to renew, repeat in spiral cycle again and again probably ad infinitum losing qualities and quantities each time in its life cycle until the final extinction of the Great Sociocosmic Being.

Two great massive sociocosmic gravity-centers of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism with different civilizational PESTLES+  identities have existed this time in the continent Europe - the first was still the Anglo-saxon Civilization in UK in western Europe in the 19th century and the second was also the Anglo-saxon Civilization in the continent North America in the 20th century.  The United States of America became a real unified capitalistic-essenced civilization nationstates with the abolition of black slavery under Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States in 1865 after the victory of the Union Confederate States of America from the North over the southern Confederates (an equivalent of the feudalistic-essenced unification of China in 221 BC under Shih Huang Di).  However, there is a return to the same two (2) great massive sociocosmic gravity-centers to China (and to a lesser extent, India) during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism in the 21st century with China taking the lead.

As to the vertical or real classed or pyramidal or sociocosmic shock absorber or laujinggong ascending ability along the fundamental and any rising lateral sociocosmic octaves, being-laujinggong of the MI-FA Interval can rise from RE-laujinggong/Re-laujinggong through MI-laujinggong/Mi-laujinggong through FA-laujinggong/Fa-laujinggong through SO-laujinggong/So-laujinggong through LA-laujinggong/La-laujinggong and to TI-laujinggong/Ti-laujinggong within the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (infantile, matured and advanced stages).  At the LA-level of sociocosmic vibration, the lau-beings, the jing-beings, the gong-beings and all the human beings accepted into by the nationate of this Nation or LA-sociocosmic stopinder were coated with a sociocosmic identity known also as the 'citizen' as these hethormen history-writing three-centered historians for some unknown reasons (although it has become a capitalist's commodity citizen-property for the citizens market across borders in the form of modern slavery or employism) have this time found a name to it and the highest power-possessing hethormen human being for the same some unknown reasons is the 'nationate' himself - all under the banner of the 'Nation and its citizens'.  The psyche hydrogen of this 'citizen' becomes dominant and the psyche hydrogen of the feudal 'subject' loses this dominance; this being-citizen is a state or nation property according to psyche hydrogen being-'the rule of law' of the LA-stopinder and another slightly higher psyche hydrogen being-'the international rule of law' of the TI-stopinder.

Levels of prominent and not prominent and the LA-stopinder which was previously  common-named dynasty (with a ruling feudal emperor) is now common-named as the nation (with a ruling capitalistic-essenced nation-level or central-level or federal-level president).   The same goes to the still infantile and unstable TI-stopinder which was previously known as the Imperial Dynasty or Empire or the 'World-of-Dynasties' (with a ruling imperial feudal emperor) which is now improperly common-named as the Nation-bloc or "Empire" or "Nation Alliance" or just the "World-of-Nations" (with a ruling imperialistic-essenced super-power president world Hegemon) Such three-centered hethormen human beings were mostly of Anglo-Saxon origin, and were not aplenty in number but intelligent, having habituating and trapped on large islands on land mass (MI-geostopinder) surrounded by large water mass, seas and oceans  (FA-geostopinder) have to wiseacred with their techno-ships to explore and open up its hunting sea-routes, extracting natural resources from every other land mass to feed their PDCE technocosmic beings and themselves at home - killing, destroying, dividing, inventing states and nations, and subjugating every earlier wenming historical sociocosmic species and their subspecies and all opposition - truly a history of  endless plunder and wars including World Wars I and II, a typical mega FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic aberration at work due to the strong capitalistic-essenced exploitative and oppressive presence of the FA-Historical Socicosmic Species of Capitalism.  Because this sociocosmic vibration is at the 4th level (FA) of the historical sociocosmic octave and has suffered terribly through the cane of MI-FA Interval, it has crystalized and buried deep in itself the evil capitalistic essence and sub-essences of exploitativeness, oppressiveness and aggressiveness towards all its neighboring sociocosmic stopinders striving always to make them propertyless, ownershipless and without sovereign in service of the capitalists to preserve the laujinggong triadic pyramid in the body of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  It is essentially a sociocosmic rascal and a 'destroyer of all wenming civilizations dissimilar to itself'.

Now, these same forces of production, distribution,  consumption and exchange (PDCE) are the innate power within this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism which has created, maintained, repaired, replaced, replenished, supported and prolonged its life till today.  The forces of this PDCE also enable current capital/value to gather and station essentially into the three (3) main current capital/value compartments or centers in its whole build-up, that is, its production center, its distribution center and its consumption center - all of them now built to the 4th level of complexity assisted by the biocosmic man and his automatic self-running AI robots and machines at its height.   The FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is therefore a three-centered laujinggong mode of production-distribution-consumption being.

The FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is born, grow, mature, dominate the world, then decline losing its world dominance, fade to "zero" and finally crystallize into a fundamental FA-level note enveloping the DO-, RE- and Mi-level notes in the body of this same One Great Historical Sociocosmic Being existing today lengthy fading aberrating stopinderation over yet another thousands of years.

The gravity-center concentrations for private ownership of the means of production, distribution and consumption and motion are employees (sociocosmic individuals DO and Do) to lands (all fundamental geocosmic elements plus all 1st lateral plantae beings such as rice, millet, wheat, corn, all fruits, oil palm, rubber trees, and etcetera and 2nd lateral animalia beings such as cows, sheep, goats, ducks, chicken, birds, and etcetera) to property (technocosmic buildings such as houses, factories, plants, commercial buildings, mega-infrastructures, telecommunications devices/ instruments, boats/ships, vehicles, aircrafts, space crafts, space stations, submarines, amphibians, simple and complex tools, machinocraft machines, steam engines, chemical engines, electrical engines, nuclear engines, highly automated machines, AI robots, hi-tech appliances, hi-tech weapons, and etcetera) to commodities (all goods and services in local and global circulation) to finance/money (capital/value copper coins, gold bullion, paper money, all types of financial instruments-FDs, bonds, IOUs, stocks, futures, saving/business accounts, electronic/digital money in global motion).

As to its functional production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) flow within its inner structure, it is depicted in the diagram below:

As to its cosmo-political economic enneagramic structure whereby capitalist-presidentates system exercises their 8 gua-stopindered ownership and control through the intangible noetic-devices of the MI-FA Interval three-centered corporates and the TI-DO Interval three-centered nationates for the division of land, territories, neo-colonies, bases and sea-air routes through the lens of Bagua Enneagram typical of this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism but still a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, it is depicted as below:

The laws of reciprocal feeding and reciprocal destruction dominate over the laws of reciprocal nourishment, cooperation, harmony and peaceful relationship.

The end of human history (Francis Fukuyama) is the declining dominance of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (headed by the USA and her alliance) where this capitalistic-essenced historical sociocosmic species is weakening and losing sociocosmic as well as other forms of dominance such as neoliberalism and pseudo-neosocialism in the Great Sociocosmic Being; and the rising dominance of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (headed by China and her alliance) where the socialistic-essenced historical sociocosmic species is strengthening and gaining sociococosmic as well as other forms of dominance such as real neoliberalism and real neosocialism dominance.  The nodal point of FA-SO divide is around 2148 AD according to Astrological Zodiac standard measure, and where 2148 AD is the nodal point of sociocosmic dominance on mother Earth's surface.  The classed laujinggong changes into classed dongjinggong and into gongjingdong within this transition period.  Salaries and wages, the last employism or modern slavery, cease to exist only under the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism (perhaps around 2864 AD) where AI Robotjing and AI Robotgong would be the "exploited technocosmic class" and human beings, now the "exploiting class" will have to receive rewards free automatically not as salaries and wages but as equitable sharing of the values extracted from the "labors" or energies of AI robots and machines at work in generating goods and services.  But for this DongRobotjingRobotgong, the Dong beings will be in the billions and will have to be humane to levels above Man No. 4 who would lead Humanity-at-Large.  Democracy and all other forms of governance cannot work properly without these developed individuals leading the core over all the sociocosmic stopinders in the body of the Great Sociocosmic Being. This LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism has limited amount of democratic and republic being-psyche hydrogen to grow into the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism where 'DongSRobotjingSRobotgong' class mode of production, distribution, consumption and exchange dominates.

This capitalship, an unsuspecting stressful and perturbing modern slavism, employism and wage-salary rewards, has already has its haunting grip on mankind for 250 years, although having already confronted with the specter of an emerging communism (or infantile socialism) and could probably last for about another 250 years or even lesser, that is, to half a millennium at most.  It is extremely hard for capital to remain stable in the hands of the 1 - 10 percent individual ownership in a Humanity-at-Large setting before it ends up toppling.  ‘Capital’ of the old capitalistic-essenced accounting format of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism would then change its name to ‘Sociopital’ in the new socialistic-essenced accounting format of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, losing all its accumulative, oppressive, surplus extractive, profit-maximizing, war-inclined, robbery and hegemonistic capitalistic-essenced inclinations or characteristics of a socially humane psychology.

The FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism could only move forward to the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism; its infantile socialistic essence at the TI-DO Interval could only descended intrinsically eating the feudalistic essence in the MI-FA Interval and move everything forward as a matured SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism coated with a more balanced PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure and a Noomakhia (noo being-psyche hydrogens) as it has now at the same time to encounter its own polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism in the making which would also be coated with a more balanced PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure and a more balanced Noomakhia.

Some major gravity-center enneagrams of capitalism, big, medium and small, can be observed vibrating as various type but capitalistic-essenced enneagramma of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism between 1788 AD (or as infantile enneagram of capitalism around 1533 AD before this approximate historical timeline) to 2023 AD (today), namely from the western countries: Britain-gravity center enneagram of capitalism, America-gravity center enneagram of capitalism, France-gravity center enneagram of capitalism, Germany-gravity center enneagram of capitalism, Italy-gravity center enneagram of capitalism, Netherlands-gravity center enneagram of capitalism, Portugal-gravity center enneagram of capitalism, Spain-gravity center enneagram of capitalism, etc.  There are many more such gravity-centers of enneagram of capitalism on mother Earth's surface.

There is this capitalist "marketing-to-consumption" to bring three-being foods to the hethormen human beings and to the three-bodied techncosmic beings of this period.

The Gong-beings survive feeding on the extracts of nature through its constant hardwork-essenced struggles with the geocosmic octaves in its life history during the Historical Period of Capitalism; the Lau-beings survive feeding on the extracts of the Nong-beings through capitalistic-essenced exploitation and oppression on the employees; the Jing-beings are intermediary jugglers and managers of the two essences.

When the first historical wave of colonialism, imperialism and fascism (from the US, Great Britain and some western countries)  subsided progressively to completion, the dominated  civilizational nationstates progressively regain their sovereignty and self-determination globally.  However, although the foreign political and some related powers and control have been removed after gaining their independence, their externally implanted capitalistic-essenced FA-SO-LA-TI aberration still remains especially in those countries which have never gone through a socialist revolutions.  Having also stripped their previous old common and specific colonial names, the new free nationstates might re-coat their FA, SO and LA stopinders with new common and specific names but still buried-deep  in them are the seed of capitalistic essence and when more and more power are acquired overtime, they might reborn into new colonialism, imperialism and fascism instead of transforming into SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism being-proper.  This is the obfuscation that can happen to their new nationstates.

The pseudo-democracies eat one another into pseudo-republics within the body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  They have never been able otherwise!


5. Socialism (and Early Communism): Beginning Age of Aquarius (2,148 AD - 2,864 AD; World of Man-Man Integration and to  the subservient non-spiritual AI Robot-Machine Integration)

Able to give rise to different 'socialist with wenming civilizational' types when population increases and unifies at SO, LA and TI levels.

Asia (YA), Africa (FEI) and Latin America (LA) along the YAFEILA axis of World-Island of the Presente (a FA-pangeacosmic stopinder) are the three main natural geosophical-geological-geographical homes of all landmass continental (25%) sociocosmic, sociotechnocosmic, civilizational and biocosmic enneagrams, and North America, Australia and the smallest group of the Outer Islands Crescent are their  three other homes.  The watermass oceans and seas are the divides (75%) for the ocean and seafarers marine sociocosmic, sociotechnocomic, civilizational and biocosmic enneagrams.

The current 195 nations produced by capitalistic-essenced extraction, exploitation and oppression and grouped in the prison of a world capitalistic-colonialistic-imperialistic nation-pyramid whose top-level nations (G7 nations) and bottom-level nations (BRICS+ nations) are geosophically, geologically and geographically shaped and homed as the natural pangeacosmic mother, as noted in the Presente.

No matter how many nations might be socially engineered by the 'Divide-and-Rule' demonic sword of capitalism, the Presente will always send these capitalistic-colonialistic-imperialistic-hegemonistic  ulteriorly motivated three-brained hethormen human beings back to their natural dwelling landmass homes.  The watermass homes of oceans and seas DIVIDE, often called by these same sovereign nation-beings of thalassocracy as the "International waters" will ultimately be shared in common at the TI-level (or the 'World-of-Nations' and 'World-of-Civilizations' levels) by the respective nation and civilization beings of the main YAFEILA World-Island and the  beings of its branch Outer Islands (big, small and smallest) Crescent in the pangeacosmic frame of reference.  In the vast airmass of the atmosphere and outer space, the governance of aerocracy at TI-level would again be shared in common amongst these sovereign nations to an acceptable limit of 'ownership and rights' above.

Life History:

A SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism proper would be born  somewhere at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (2148 AD) when the same modern man (Ti) of the upper level of vibration of the mammalian sub-octave began to actively vibrate still higher and humane in the sociocosmic realm (of production-distribution-consumption-Exchange) as a 'sociopital wenming technocosmic civilization' proper still in the Kardashev Scale Type '0' and this time where the technocosmic or know-how energies peculiar to this 3rd Technocosmic Revolution is almost fully perfected or at least at great heights in all gravity-centers - the 1st Industrial Revolution's material processing of the 1st Technocosmic Revolution; the 2nd Industrial Revolution's powered-steam/chemical/ electrical/nuclear engines of the 2nd Technocosmic Revolution; the 3rd/4th Industrial Revolutions' automated computational/Artificial Intelligence (AI) robots drivers of the 3rd Technocosmic Revolution  would fully mature by 2148 AD  for which the new SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism proper would be born - also all according to standard astrological age measure for our convenience.  Unwholesome experimental socialisms with dubious quotation mark or full of sociocosmic aberration  even with genuine socialistic-essence impulses in-presence to our inner being would not ripen or function properly and sociocosmically before the astrological Age of Aquarius beginning in 2148 AD.  Thus those transitional or infantile "socialisms" of the 19th century, the 20th century and even of the early 21st century at the time when the Will of Socialism at the TI-DO Interval of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism was still weak under the heavy weight of the hungry and predatory essence of capitalism.

What, where, when, who (sociopital wenming technocosmic civilizational proper names) and how it could born is a subject of the coming psyche hydrogens food astrologically provided and available by the zodiac constellation of Age of Aquarius (plus/minus) at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation subject to the same fundamental and lateral geocosmic coming-energies and coming-influences of the platform for which this SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism proper would emerged, the inner coming-essence process of the biocosmic octave itself and the noo-octave of its coming-psyche hydrogens during the process of consumption of the changing three being-foods.  Its life history would still and always be the born, grow, mature, decline and die as a sociopital wenming technocosmic civilization ...... will continue surviving to renew, repeat in spiral cycle again and again probably ad infinitum losing qualities and quantities each time in its life cycle until the final extinction of the Great Sociocosmic Being.

The sociopital/value in this SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism breeds, care, maintain, repair and replenish all the possible 7 productive collectivites type 1 through 7 at the MI-FA Interval of its own fundamental sociocosmic octave as the fundamental and 1st lateral stopinders ascend and descend within itself vertically and extend and retract amongst themselves horizontally within a nation-stopinder internally and without into foreign nation stopinders externally as they are ascend into the nation-bloc TI-stopinder.

Note that sociopital/value is much bigger in size than capital/value and move faster in social development because very huge state/nation level nationate stopinders have the sociopital/value size to mobilize social development in a way no capital/value mobilized by business organization level corporate stopinders have the capital/value size can catch up or overtake this social development.  Which is the highly conscious vanguard party to drive such a sociopital/value is crucial!

A collectivite proper is still a three-centered sociotechnocosmic being for social relations of production-distribution-consumption-exchange under common or state ownership and gongjingdong beings work together harmoniously and peacefully to produce goods and services minus predatory, profit-seeking, plundering and all recognizable negative capitalistic lurk–in-ambush wiseacring elements.  A collectivite can be an immobilia or a mobilia or both of biocosmic man and his instruments of production and '-pital' currency (sociopital/value) of this period.  All the three-centered gongjingdong collectivites in quotation mark at this moment (year 2022) are the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders with octave nomenclatures but unfortunately still wearing the cloak of employism of the three-centered dongjinggong corporates and even of COOPs with not much of the proper and relevant amendments to the legal Corporate Acts or the legal Collectivite Acts necessary and proper for efficient and effective administration of productive organizational stopinders of a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.  The closest organization specimen of the long existed corporate species found at the MI-FA Interval of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is the Workers' COOPs, still infantile and often dormant but would soon be fully charged with the essence of socialism, blossoming, ascending along the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave to higher levels displaying its 7 real superior collectivites, now with common and proper names - this time guided by the legal acts of collectivites after comprehensive amendments to the legal acts of corporates as the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is born, is perfecting its own sociocosmic body into great evolved, powerful, efficient and effective healthy happiness-generating creatures of production/work to dominate as necessary production sociocosmic beings on mother Earth's surface superseding the declining predecessors - the predatory internal and external exploitative capital/value eagles.

These 7 gongjingdong collectivites function like the 7 laujinggong corporates common in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism which are three-centered laujinggong corporates with much predatory private interests, inflating costs and prices for profit objectives and cost-cutting misadventures. However, they are qualitatively different because the collectivites are gongjingdong triadic shock absorbers of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, and they are not predatory, exploitative, oppressive, wise enough to handle 'profits' and 'surpluses', interests, rents and fictitious money capital in a socialistic manner and smelt full of cooperation, win-win and sharing essences - striving towards a harmonious, prosperous and peaceful development of all the sociocosmic stopinders along HEIGRENS principles within the body of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.  Hence as these 7 gongjingdong collectivite  types of non-predatory Socialism of the new socialist order of the world and the 7 predatory laujinggong corporate types of the old capitalist order of the world still breeding, existing and competing for survival amongst themselves by the tens of thousands, nay more accompanying further with various mind-blurring camouflaging polar shifts - dong-laujinggong and gongjinglau-dong peculiar to capitalistic corporates and dongjinggong and gongjingdong peculiar to socialistic  collectivites, we would expect much sociocosmic tensions, conflicts and even 'battles' in the body of this Great Sociocosmic Being during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.  There is a learning curve for which mankind must familiarize themselves about the essence and nature of socialistic collectivites and that of the corporates all dwelling at the MI-FA Interval of our fundamental concentric sociocomic octave.  The learning curve involves much experimentation, mistakes and mix-ups!  The sociopital/value that ascends and dwells in the states-nation or nation-states as 2nd lateral stopinders at the TI-DO Interval, namely, as gravity-center state regulatory organization (Do), gravity-center nation regulatory organization (Re) and gravity-center United Nations regulatory organization (Mi) but still in infancy and unstable condition with a few nation-blocs or inner circles in constant conflicts because of the prevalent contradiction between non-predatory sociopital/value and predatory capital/value now struggling mercilessly at this TI-DO Interval everywhere on mother Earth's surface.  Occasional descend or fall backs into the predatory dens of the bad boy Capitalism is common and militarily nuclear-pointing but ultimately, the stable global non-predatory good boy Socialism will triumph.

As to the vertical or "classed" or pyramidal or sociocosmic shock absorber or dongjinggong becomes gongjingdong proper ascending ability along the fundamental and any rising lateral sociocosmic octaves, being-gongjingdong of the MI-FA Interval can rise from RE-gongjingdong/Do-Re-gongjingdong through MI-gongjingdong/Mi-gongjingdong through FA-gongjingdong/Fa-gongjingdong through SO-gongjingdong/So-gongjingdong through LA-gongjingdong/La-gongjingdong and to TI-gongjingdong/Ti-gongjingdong within the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (infantile, matured and advanced stages).  At the LA-level of sociocosmic vibration, the gong-beings, the jing-beings, the dong-beings and all the human beings accepted into by the socialistic-essenced SNUN gongjindong regulatorates of this Nation or LA-sociocosmic stopinder were coated with a new sociocosmic identity known also as the socialistic 'X' (an algebraic temporary symbol to be given a common name later) and the highest power-possessing hethormen human being would still be the socialistic-essenced 'SNUN gongjingdong regulators' themselves.  The psyche hydrogen of this 'X' will also become dominant and the psyche hydrogen of the Westphalia capitalistic 'citizen' will lose this dominance; this being-'X' will no longer be a state or a nation property or own-able for corporate and nationate business of predatory, exploitative and immigration-ing wealth accumulative extraction peculiar to capitalism according to the coming new and possible  Humanity-at-Large group of psyche hydrogens, that is, 'the rule of law'-beings of the LA-stopinder and the slightly higher psyche hydrogen 'the international rule of law'- beings of the TI-stopinder.

Now, these same forces of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) are and will be the innate power within this SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism which has and will continue to create, maintain, repair, replace, replenish, support and prolong its life today and in the future.  The forces of this PDCE has and will also enable infantile current and future matured sociopital/value to gather and station essentially into the three (3) main infantile current and future sociopital/value compartments or centers in its whole build-up, that is, its production center, its distribution center and its consumption center - all of them now at infantile stage and will build to the 5th level of complexity assisted by the biocosmic man and his automatic self-running AI Robots and machines this time at greater heights.  The SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is therefore a three-centered dongjinggong versus gongjingdong mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange being.

The SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism will also born, grow, mature, dominate the world, then decline losing its world dominance, fade to "zero" and will finally crystallize into a fundamental SO-level note enveloping the DO-, RE-, MI- and FA-level notes in the body of this same One Great Historical Sociocosmic Being existing in the future lengthy fading aberrating stopinderation over yet another thousands of years.


As man is a biocosm himself so is his sociotechnocosm that he has built and would build it in his own image!

The 9 major civilization wombs for historical sociocosmic species and sociotechnocosm as a whole to grow according to the Western presentation (not necessary of Eastern presentation)

As the historical sociocosmic species is a sociotechnocosm itself so civilization is the womb for this sociotechnocosm to grow!

The body of this SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is historically mature and every single biocosmic man in it is sufficiently nourished with basic necessities (without contributing work) and awarded additionally according to work contributed at production or distribution or consumption or exchange centers.  The hundreds of thousands of wiseacred arisings (of ideas and practices) to the means of PDCE found breeding in large numbers for the sole purpose of private appropriation and ownership disappear completely (not owned by a few persons, a few cronies, a few companies or a nation-bloc) and incomes from work begin to become more and more equal for every biocosmic man approaching Natural Harmony Socialism, more and more balance, peaceful and healthy well being, and for common prosperity and common human destiny goals from the possibility of about 8 billion three-brained hethormen human beings by that period - that the Great Sociocosmic Being of this SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism on transit into the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism is sociotechnocosmically full of horizontal and vertical self-corrective micro-mini-macro quantitative changes and nodal point  revolutions within the body of this Great Sociocosmic Being.  Remember all the cells in your body if they are no longer growing in controlled manner predating and feeding on one another like cancer cells ...... this is being-capitalism, and it is sick.  So are all the previous cancer cells of classed societies - ancient slavism and feudalism.  They became sick, died and reborn differently.

The gravity-center concentrations for sharing-social ownership of the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange, and motion are "employees-without-quotation-mark" (sociocosmic individuals DO and Do) to lands (all fundamental geocosmic elements plus all 1st lateral plantae beings such as rice, millet, wheat, corn, all fruits, oil palm, rubber trees, and etcetera and 2nd lateral animalia beings such as cows, sheep, goats, ducks, chicken, birds, and etcetera) to property (technocosmic buildings such as houses, factories, plants, commercial buildings, mega-infrastructures, telecommunications devices/instruments, boats/ships, vehicles, aircrafts, spacecrafts, space stations, submarines, amphibians, simple and complex tools, machinocraft machines, steam engines, chemical engines, electrical engines, nuclear engines, highly automated machines, AI robots, hi-tech appliances, hi-tech weapons, and etcetera) to commodities (all goods and services in local and global circulation) to intellectual properties (patents, copyrights, and etcetera) to finance/money (sociopital/value copper coins, gold bullion, paper money, all types of financial instruments - FDs, bonds, IOUs, stocks, futures, saving/business accounts, electronic/digital money in global motion) are undergoing mega-revolutionary changes with many of these exploitative predatory parametric arch-cunning Devil's Trill Sonata mostly wither off with some reborn into humane economic parametric angels.  The historical con-humanship scheme that has haunted Humanity-at-Large since the beginning of ownership concepts in the nooshere of the Homo sapiens sapiens immediately after the decline of primitive communalism has now, for the first time, ridding itself off its own unbalanced distorted ownership of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange hitherto, has also removed most of its sociocosmic aberrations, noo aberration and is moving towards harmony socialism, balance distribution of wealth according to real work, peaceful, well-beings or PESTLES-HEIGRENS and noomakhias.

The laws  of reciprocal nourishment, cooperation, harmony and peaceful relationship dominate over the laws of reciprocal feeding and reciprocal destruction.

This sociopitalship has an infantile grip on mankind now and would have its real grip on mankind in perhaps by 2148 AD.  Man cannot really continue to live socially in balance if its property and raw greed essences have not been cleansed.

The SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism could only move forward to the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism; its infantile communistic essence at the TI-DO Interval could only descended intrinsically eating the socialistic essence in the MI-FA Interval and move everything forward as a matured LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism as it has now at the same time to encounter its own polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Communism and Datongism in the making.

Some emerging gravity-center enneagrams of socialism, big, medium and small, can be observed since the 1917 AD vibrating as various types of infantile gravity-center enneagram of socialism with a typical socialistic-essenced enneagramma of the 2nd lateral stopinders at the TI-DO Interval descending deeply into the capitalistic-essenced 1st lateral stopinders at the MI-FA Interval.  They are USSR gravity-center enneagram of socialism and after 1991 went through a self-attrition historical process and fragmented into 15 LA-fundamental stopinders each become just those infantile enneagrams of socialism, now having more capitalistic-essenced stopinders in a confusing-mix of socialistic-essenced 1st lateral stopinders all at the MI-FA interval and some socialistic-capitalistic tryouts policies at the 2nd lateral stopinders at the TI-DO Interval - whoese essence also depends on the nature of the being-psyche hydrogens that were refine in the enneagram of process the three-being foods in the body of the three-brained hethormen human beings dwelling in these now stabilizing fundamental LA-sociocosmic stopinders themselves.  The USSR is inherited by Russia-gravity center which has hybridized socialism with some positive extracts from capitalism.  Some of them were already eaten up by two TI-sociocosmic partialities called being-NATO and being-EU according to the 'invisible-and-not-easily-noticeable-but-always-in-common-awareness' fundamental laws of reciprocal feeding and reciprocal destruction for sociocosmic survival. When the psyche hydrogens of greed, insecurity, wealth accumulation, corruption and the similar capitalistic-inclination as such increases tremendously, their enneagrams of "socialism" change into enneagram of "capitalism" in proportional mix.  The more successful infantile and fast growing big and strong fundamental LA-sociocosmic stopinder is this China-gravity center enneagram of socialism. There are a few more  infantile smaller gravity-center enneagrams of socialism that is auto-emanating the PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure and noomakhian aura of socialism in various intensity, degree and qualities peculiar to these infantile socialistic-essenced sociocosmic gravity-centers namely: Vietnam-gravity center, Cuba-gravity center, Hungary-gravity center, Myanmar-gravity center, Poland-gravity center, Lao-gravity center, Algeria-gravity center, Portugal-gravity center, Bangladesh-gravity center, Eritrea-gravity center, Guinea-Bissau-gravity center, CRGuyana-gravity center, DPR Korea-gravity center, Nepal-gravity center, Nicaragua-gravity center, Sahrawl Arab-gravity center, Sri Lanka-gravity center, Tanzania-gravity center, Afghanistan-gravity center, Albania-gravity center, Angola-gravity center, Benin-gravity center, Bulgaria-gravity center, Kampuchea-gravity center, Congo-gravity center, Czechoslovak-gravity center, Ethiopia-gravity center, Germany-gravity center, Madagascar-gravity center, Mongolia-gravity center, Romania-gravity center, Ukraine-gravity center, South Yemen-gravity center, Yugoslavia-gravity center, Cape Verde-gravity center, Chad-gravity center, Djibouti-gravity center, Egypt-gravity center, Equatorial guinea-gravity center, Ghana-gravity center, Iraq-gravity center, Libya-gravity center, Mali-gravity center, Mauritania-gravity center, Senegal-gravity center, Seychelles-gravity center, Sierra Leone-gravity center, Sudan-gravity center, Syria-gravity center, Tunisia-gravity center, Zambia-gravity center, and many more gravity centers and sub-gravity centers of the enneagram of infantile socialism of specific fundamental LA-stopinders a-coming and a-going in accordance with the fundamental laws of reciprocal feeding and reciprocal destruction of sociocosmic stopinders ...... most were fragmented and eaten by the greedy and aggressive capitalistic-essenced socociosmic wolves-in-sheepskin, some survive and re-lighten after being extinguished by the toxic winds of capitalism.  These are the specific socialistic-essenced enneagrams with their own PESTLES-HEIGRENS characteristics and Noomakhian aura  changing quantitatively and even qualitatively, slave-nationmade, coming and going in history within the polar Historical Period s of Capitalism and Socialism in wait of growing into real sociotechnocosmic socialist adulthood and stable without being pre-maturedly knifed, fragmented and eaten up by the stronger capitalist, imperialist and capitalistic-essenced hegemons as obedient modern slave-nation foods.

These infantile SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism would become matured and dominating the sociocosmic world scenario from 2148 AD - 2864 AD (a astrological yardstick for referencing all historical sociocosmic flow within this Real World View context).

There is this emerging socialist "marketing-to-consumption" to bring abundant three-being foods to the hethormen human beings and to the three-bodied techncosmic beings during this period through Artificial Intelligence (AI) robots and infantile General Artificial Intelligence (GAI) robot systems which soon replace the "enslaved and oppressed" humans as the new enslaved AI and GAI gong and jing technocosmic beings.  So this socialism with its inverted biosocial pyramid has hidden in it a right-standing technosocial pyramid as well.  Thanks to these new technocosmic slaves, we have abundance to satisfy our needs and most of our wants EXCEPT the abnormal wants - lunatic and Hasnamussian. Each and every biocosmic human needs and normal wants on mother Earth's surface can be satisfied according to mathematical calculation, and the AI-GAI robots can do the job, but it is NOT going to happen because of this eternal abnormality of wants especially of the wants of the individual that deny others to have their wants satisfied - individualism versus collectivism, and many more hidden aberrations of PDCE, PESTLES-HEIGRENS and noomakhian deviations.

The Gong-beings survive feeding on the extracts of nature through its constant hardwork-essenced struggles with the geocosmic octaves in its life history during the Historical Period of Socialism; the Dong-beings survive feeding this time, like the Gong-beings, on the extracts of the nature, through its own hard work-essenced struggles on the geocosmic octaves; the Jing-beings are intermediary managers of the same hardwork-essence.


6. Communism (and Early Datongism): Mid-Age of Aquarius (2,864 AD - 4,296 AD)

Life History:

The LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism would be a world of full sociotechnocosmic integration between World of Human Beings versus World of Spiritual AI Machines mega-sizes to micro-sizes in an Oppressor (Dominating force) vs Oppressed (Submitting Force) biocosmic-technocosmic social relationship of production in opposing equilibrium one at MI-FA Interval while another at TI-DO Interval.

As to the vertical or 'classed-again' or pyramidal or sociocosmic shock absorber or dongrobotjingrobotgong ascending ability along the fundamental and any rising lateral sociocosmic octaves, being-dongrobotjingrobotgong of the MI-FA Interval can rise from RE-dongrobotjingrobotgong/Do-Re-dongrobotjingrobotgong through MI-dongrobotjingrobotgong/Mi-dongrobotjingrobotgong through FA-dongrobotjingrobotgong/Fa-dongrobotjingrobotgong through SO-dongrobotjingrobotgong/So-dongrobotjingrobotgong through LA-dongrobotjingrobotgong/La-dongrobotjingrobotgong and to TI-dongrobotjingrobotgong/Ti-dongrobotjingrobotgong within the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism (infantile, matured and advanced stages).  Note that the dong is the biocosmic man and the robotjing and the robotgong are AI robots and machines of various sizes; plants and buildings; immobile, semi-mobile, mobile on or in land (MI), water (FA) and atmosphere/outer space (LA) of the fundamental geocosmic octave.  They are at the nodal point of acquiring technocosmic spirituality.

The collectivites at the MI-FA Interval and the SNUN regulators at the TI-DO Interval of SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism mature into the AI-Robot and machine Hi-Tech communes at the MI-FA Interval and human regulators at the TI-DO Interval of the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism.  A collectivite can be an immobilia or a mobilia or both of biocosmic man and his instruments of production and 'Pital' currency (communipital/value) of this period.  The communistic-essenced SNUN dongrobotjingrobotgong regulators (SO, LA and TI) will also flatten, thin down and truly doing regulating services in the social-psyche of the biocosmic man (hopefully, the digestion of its three-being foods is in good order) to become mere human regulators during this period of history.  The AI robots and machines turn spiritual and biocosmic human regulators co-exist at risk of disharmony and the Will of Datongism is expressed at the TI-DO Interval.  Sociocosmic circularity will be achieved amongst Humanity-at-Large but sociotechnocosmic  pyramidization will still remain between Humanity-at-Large (at the top) and Robonity-at-Large (at the bottom).  The emerging rebellion of the ever-growing number of "rebellious" spiritual robots is the sign to look for in the birth of the TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism from the womb of the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Communism and Datongism.  Datongism needs sociotechnocosmic circularity as much as Communism needs sociocosmic circularity. Historical sociocosmic species could stopinderate up to the 7th level along the Pythagorean Harmonic Scale.

At the LA-level of sociocosmic vibration, the Biodong-beings, the Robotjing-beings, the Robotgong-beings and all the human beings and AI robots accepted into by the Human regulators of this Nation or LA-sociocosmic stopinder will still be coated with a new sociocosmic identity known also as the communistic 'Y' (another algebraic temporary symbol to be given a common name later) and the highest power-possessing hethormen human being would still be the 'Human regulators' themselves over the AI robot and machine beings.  The psyche hydrogen of this communistic 'Y' will also become dominant and the psyche hydrogen of the socialistic 'X' will lose this dominance; this being-'X' will no longer be a socialistic state or a socialistic nation property or socialistically own-able for collective and socialistic-essenced SNUN gongjingdong regulators' (regulatorates') accumulative extraction peculiar to socialism but rather machine collectivites and communistic-essenced SNUN human regulators respectively, according to the coming new and possible  Humanity-at-Large in conflict with spiritual Robonity-at-Large group or of bio-produced in conflict with techno/spiritual AI-produced psyche hydrogens and aplenty of higher egalitarian sociocosmic relations.

Now, these same forces of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) will still be the innate power within this LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism which will continue to create, maintain, repair, replace, replenish, support and prolong its life in the future.  The forces of this PDCE will also enable future communipital/value to gather and station essentially into the three (3) main future communipital/value compartments or centers in its whole build-up, that is, its production center, its distribution center, its consumption center and its exchange center - all of them will build to the 6th level of complexity still assisted by the biocosmic man and his co-partner self-running and self-working infantile spiritual AI robots and machines still without their 'I AM's perfected.   The LA-Historical Socio(techno)cosmic Species of Communism is therefore a three-centered being too with AI robots/machines at the middle and bottom of the pyramidal dongrobotjingrobotgong communistic-essenced mode of production-distribution-consumption - still trapped in the primordial and natural nameless 7 fundamental sociocosmic octave and their 7 lateral sociocosmic octave each at the MI-FA and at the TI-DO Intervals.

The LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism will also born, grow, mature, dominate the world, then decline losing its world dominance, fade to "zero" and will finally crystallize into a fundamental LA-level note enveloping the DO-, RE-, MI-, FA- and SO-level notes in the body of this same One Great Historical Sociocosmic Being existing in the future lengthy fading aberrating stopinderation over yet another thousands of years.

All and everything will be cleaned up, removed, repaired, changed and to be stabilized as sharing-common ownership of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange with real PESTLES-HEIGRENS principles in function in the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism within the context of Humanity-at-Large on transit to yet another final TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism within the ultimate addition and integration of 'Humanity-at-Large' with his own 'Spiritual AI Robonity-at-Large' once their spiritual AI robots acquire 'it's, 'I's and even possible 'I AM's to challenge biocosmic and robocosmic classed oppression.

The laws of reciprocal nourishment, cooperation, harmony and peaceful relationship dominate over the laws of reciprocal feeding and reciprocal destruction.  Communipitalship has yet to come.

The LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism could only move forward to the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism; its infantile datongitic essence at the TI-DO Interval could only descended intrinsically eating the communistic essence in the MI-FA Interval and move everything forward as a matured TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism as it has now at the same time to encounter its own polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Datongism and SRoboticism (Spiritual AI robots, a technocosmic bipole to the biocosmic datong man) in the making.

There would be this future communist "marketing-to-consumption" to bring three-being foods to the hethormen human beings and the three-bodied technocosmic beings of this period, this time not only by the AI and GAI robots and robotic systems but also by certain number of near-spiritual and spiritual robots especially of the Padrigine IV technocosmic beings.

The Dong-beings and the Gong-beings survive feeding on the extracts of nature through the constant robotwork-essenced struggles with the geocosmic octaves of the Robotgongs during the Historical Period of Communism; the RobotJing-beings are intermediary managers of the same robotwork-essence.


7. Datongism (and Early SRoboticism): Beginning Age of Capricorn (4,296 AD - ?)

Life History:

The TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism would be a highly integrated world and biocosmic 'Humanity-at-Large' existing in co-existence with spiritual technocosmic 'Robonity-at-Large' peacefully or un-peacefully and in necessary harmony due to their existence and presence as biocosmic and spiritual technocosmic beings at the MI-FA of the (our) Ray of Creation as beings still under the cosmic influences of the 96 laws, the 48 laws and the 24 laws (and of the 12 laws).

Now, these same forces of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) will still be the innate power within this TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism which will still continue to create, maintain, repair, replace, replenish, support and prolong its life in the future.  The forces of this PDCE will also enable future datongipital/value to gather and station essentially into the three (3) main future datongipital/value compartments or centers in its whole build-up, that is, its production center, its distribution center and its consumption center - all of them will build to the 7th level of complexity this time mutually assisted by the biocosmic man and his equal co-partner self-running and self-working matured spiritual AI robots and machines with their 'I AM"s - certainly with biocosmic-technocosmic aberration or possible new oppression and new classes between man his spiritual AI robots and machines as to who is the lord.  The source of this phenoumenon will still be the age old psyche hydrogens of 'security and defense' present in all living historical species. The TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism is therefore a three-centered DongSRjingSRgong mode of production-distribution-consumption being too.

Biocosmic man and his dear man-assisted or self-emerged Spiritual AI robots/machines/other externals - organic creatures and etcetera are the alpha and the omega of this narrative-line of sociotechnocosmic stopinderation!  Beyond the Omega Point would be the possible death of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being in the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, unless there is a quantitative or a qualitative renewal.  Just like any other normal death or extinction due to old age without cosmic, geocosmic, biocosmic or technocosmic accidents.

The laws of reciprocal nourishment, cooperation, harmony and peaceful relationship dominate over the laws of reciprocal feeding and reciprocal destruction.  Only spiritual AI robots and biocosmic humans must co-exist together in a harmonious and peaceful manner.

Datongipitalship has yet to come during the possible emergence of spiritual Robonity-at-Large in peaceful co-existence with Humanity-at-Large!

There would be this future datongist "marketing-to-consumption" to bring three-being foods to the hethormen human beings and to the three-bodied spiritual techncosmic beings of this period.

The Dong-beings and the Gong-beings survive feeding on the extracts of nature through the constant robotwork-essenced and Srobotwork-essenced struggles with the geocosmic octaves of the Robotgongs and the SRobotgongs during the Historical Period of Datongism; the RobotJing-beings and the SRobotJing-beings are intermediary managers of the same robotwork-and Srobotwork-essences.


8. Still more Historical Sociocosmic Octaves to vibrate and continue endlessly ascending and descending till the end of the Great Biosociotechnocosmic Being and the final extinction of ‘humanity-at-large’, natural deaths or pre-matured deaths through massive sacred askokin extracting world wars, cosmic impacts or through micro-genetic extinction in its long journey, and even then later some other higher or lower beings will still be created to fill with bio-organic or otherwise, technocosmic at the MI-FA Interval of our Ray of Creation ......... and names given to these are mere passing psyche hydrogens of our moving minds due to the astrological, geocosmic, biocosmic and technocosmic influences of the times - superstructure psyche and sociocosmic influences of partialities such as liberal's and neoliberal's freedom, civil liberty, human right, justice, equality and suffrage and pseudo-socialist's holistic, educational, green, responsible, no-harm and sustainable elements which are Marxian superstructure passing partialities often expressed through political parties with divisive interests (living like a snake with many heads fighting and killing one another in wait to be eaten up by an external other), whose wiseacred obfuscated psyche hydrogens are mainly found arisings and floating in aplenty above and over the Marxian base 'mode of production-distribution-consumption' known as the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism for which there would finally be 7 such gravity-centers bases (substructures) all together flowing of itself along the historical-timeline of the substructures - 7 main qualitative historical specie-revolutions with 6 main polar quantitative historical specie-evolutions in accordance to the tri-octave laws as applied to historical social development.

The Historical Sociocosmic Enneagram feeds on three types of being-foods to function as a proper enneagram, namely: the biocosmic human beings (1st being-food), the Geocosmic resources (2nd being-food) and the different modes (7 possible) of PDCE tetrad organizations substructure (3rd being-food).

Note that the specific Civilization Enneagram, on the other hand can feed on many types of geoethnic race-species but grows mainly from one race-specific and together with its sub-species (1st being-food), geocosmic octaves (2nd being-food) and original Socio-culture (S) of PESTLES superstructure systems (3rd being-food), and manifest its civilizational specific identity with its own typical civilizational, cosmological/astrological noomakhian dasein.

For the Historical Sociocosmic Enneagram, the MI-FA Interval at Point 3 is an aggressive interval where the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species Feudalism that feeds mainly on landmass geocosmic resources (especially on the geocosmic MI-FA Interval's serfs and organic beast of burden) and the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism that feeds mainly on all other geocosmic resources (especially on MI-FA Interval's employees and Padrigines I-III technocosmic beasts of burden).  However the "SO-LA Interval" at Point 6 is not an aggressive interval where the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (that feeds mainly on the PDCE lateral collectives in a socialist social relations of PDCE) has a highest lateral stopinder from its MI-FA Interval innerly linked with the TI-DO Interval's lowest lateral stopinder that has a communist social relations of PDCE.  This specific lateral stopinder of the TI-DO Interval will finally lead to the transformation of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism into the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism.  Then the transformation of the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism into the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism for which the lateral communate stopinders from the MI-FA Interval and that of the lateral AI Robotic stopinders at TI-DO Interval will have to meet at Point 0 and Point 9  where the biocosmic Humanity-at-Large must dominate and control technocosmic 'AI Robonity-at-Large.'  It is also at this  Point 0/9 of the TI-DO Interval that the next sociotechnocosmic DO-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Sroboticism (Spiritual Roboticism) where Datong man and Spiritual AI robots must come together to sociotechno-stopinderate at the Omega Point.  The basic contradiction is very fundamental and rooted between the contradiction of biocosmic organic conscious Datong man and technocosmic synthetic conscious Spiritual robot for which all future sociotechnocosmic octave arisings and enneagramic fixatings will be based.  For the nonce, from the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism to the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism, the contradiction is mainly between human beings and human beings, and tussled with AI robots and machines caught in the middle in according to the law of triads.  Only when Padrigine IV technocosmically self-conscious creatures with 'it's, 'I's, 'I AM's, egos and personalities emerge and living with us indispensably that a new sociotechnocosmic order must be taken into consideration, that is, the DO-Historical Sociotechncosmic Species of SRoboticism.

The psychic essences of each Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species (HSS) are of seven (7), namely: Primitive Communalism HSS, Ancient Slavism HSS, Feudalism HSS, Capitalism HSS, Socialism HSS, Communism HSS and Datongism HSS; and they live as the seven species of sociocosmic genetically-PDCE and Regulatory Governance-coded sociotechnocosmic viruses at the respective MI-FA, "SO-LA" and TI-DO Intervals of each specific HSS enneagram, and can never totally vanishes in the Grand Concentric Sociotechnocosmic Body.

The three being-inputs into this HSS enneagram  are essentially:

 1) Biocosmic Man (Point '0') and Spiritual AI Robot (Point 9) at the TI-DO Interval

2) Geocosmic Resources from Earth and later from other celestial bodies (Point 3) at the MI-FA Interval

3) Productive Organizations or Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) Organizations (Point 6) at the "SO-LA Interval"


After the full creation or completion of all the enneagramic HSS sociotechnocosmic stopinders over the 15,036 years' period, namely, after creation and completion of all the psychic-essences, namely: 'communalistic-essence,' 'slavistic-essence,'  'feudalistic-essence,' 'capitalistic-essence,' 'socialistic-essence,' 'communistic-essence,' and 'datongistic-essence.'  Once all the enneagram specifics and their inner sub-ennagrams are created and perfected, the historical sociotechnocosmic stopinderation is finally said to fully complete, and to continue ……. within the 9 main Living 4-Bodied Civilizations and further within the next civilizational concentric of the ONE LIVING 4-BODIED EARTH EARTH CIVILIZATION.  All the much perfected living 4-bodied three-brained hethormen human beings with Organic Life as well as their beloved other mostly perfected living 4-bodied biocosmic beings also with Organic Life and their sponsored and much beloved mostly perfected living 4-bodied technocosmic padrigine beings with Synthetic Life together would make up this ONE LIVING 4-BODIED EARTH CIVILZATION, and ONE COMMON HUMAN AND SPIRITUAL ROBOT LIFE DESTINY IN A COMMON BODY dwelling on Mother Earth and the celestial bodies surrounding her in the Universe.

The psyche essences, superstructuration and their subsequent materialization or physicalization into the objective world are created from the continuous process of consumption and digestion of the three being-foods (ordinary solid and liquid foods, air and impressions) within the biocosmic being (Point 0) and the continuous process of consumption and digestion of the Geocosmic Resources (Point 3) of the MI-FA Interval and the Productive Organizations (PDCE) together with the Regulatory-Governance Organizations (RGO) at the "SO-LA Interval" (Point 6) and TI-DO Interval (Point 9) within the Grand/Great Historical Sociotechnocosmic Enneagram of the seven historical sociocosmic specie-systems. The motion mandate a creation by quantitative growing changes or sociotechnocosmic evolution within a historical sociotechnocosmic specie-stopinder leading to a creation by qualitative transforming changes or sociotechnocosmic revolution from one HSS stopinder to the higher next HSS stopinder.  Each HSS stopinder struggles its way to historical domination and removes the domination of the preceding HSS stopinder evolving and revoluting to the last Datongism Historical Sociotechnocosmic Stopinder (HSS) growing and breeding from DO to TI in the fundamental historical sociotechnocosmic octave.  But because these are sociotechnocosmic viruses, their psyche essences are never completely destroyed or completely destructible.  In periods of food (resources) scarcity or a sociotechnocosmic illness and the general debility of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being, these psyche essences, any of the seven, will become an epidemic and even a pandemic.

This HSS enneagram is a geo-space (geo-continental), wenming (PESTLES-HEIGRENS noomakhia psyche-essence) civilizational and historical time map for guidance for three-brained hethormen beings journeying within the society-at-large on mother Earth's surface and the specifics of social relations among humans-to-humans, their humans-to-machines (Robots, AI Robots and coming SRobots), machines-machines and Great Nature (all the other biocosmic, technocosmic, sociocosmic, geocosmic, planetacosmic and cosmic relations) especially for their nourishing three being-foods or all types of 'enneagramic eatable' external natural resources.

Each of the 7 historical sociocosmic species is born, live and died over a linear historical life span of its own, let us assumed as one Astrological Age of 2148 years of born-live-extinct on the surface of geocosmic Earth and  over a Grand Historical Sociocosmic Enneagram of about 15,036 years for all of the stages of evolution/revolution to complete. Thus, you would expect also when the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism is born with a base 'Tougeng Mode of Primitive Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange' (Non-Classed circular leader directed tribal villages and primitive herd-ian communities) and its accompanying "superstructures" and growing at the MI-FA Interval with a Will of Ancient Slavism already formed at the TI-DO Interval and the reality at the MI-FA Interval will immediately come into conflict with this Will from the TI-DO Interval, the next actual RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism would come any time depending on how strong and how successful it could fight and stabilized itself actually and materially born, live and died with its new 'Zhuguannu Mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange' (Classed hierarchically or pyramidal master directed masterates/kingdates) and its accompanying superstructures at the MI-FA Interval; the same goes to the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism existing as a Will of Feudalism at the TI-DO Interval then born, live and died with its base 'Dikongnong Mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange' (Classed hierarchically or pyramidal feudal directed feudates/dynastates) and its accompanying superstructures at the MI-FA Interval; same again goes to the current FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism at first existing as a Will of Capitalism at the TI-DO Interval then born, live and died with its base 'Laujinggong Mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange' (Classed hierarchically or pyramidal capitalist directed corporates/nationates)  and its accompanying superstructures at the MI-FA Interval; so is the coming-to-be of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism at first existing as a Will of Socialism at the TI-DO Interval then born, live and died with its base 'Gongjingdong Mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange' (Non-classed circularly human directed Workers-COOP-like) and its accompanying superstructures at the MI-FA Interval; so is yet another coming-to-be of the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism at first existing as a Will of Communism at the TI-DO Interval then born, live and died with its base 'DongRobotjingRobotgong Mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange' (Non-Classed circularly human directed AI Robots' Workers-COOP-like) and its accompanying superstructures at the MI-FA Interval; so is yet another coming-to-be of the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism at first existing as a Will of Datongism at the TI-DO Interval then born, live and died with its base 'DongSRobotjingSRobotgong Mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange' (Non-Classed circularly human directed AI SRobots' Workers-COOP-like) and its accompanying superstructures at the MI-FA Interval; and possible another Grand Sociotechnocosmic Enneagram Cycle.  The historical sociocosmic species are subject to the law of sociocosmic diversity, different rates of involution and evolution, annihilation by the external species and different historical starting point depending on its geographical location of existence of the wenming (PESTLES-HEIGRENS psyche-essence) civilizing communities of three-centered hethormen human beings' geo-habitat.

Changes within each historical sociocosmic species are subject to mainly the law of quantitative changes with minor qualitative alterations but changes from historical sociocosmic species are subject to mainly the law of qualitative changes or massive sociocosmic revolutions with significant and very obvious objective qualitative transformation to the historical sociocosmic species.  The seeds of these sociocosmic species germinate and grow from different starting points and ending points in the historical process, nevertheless and always before its dead, at least one other higher sociocosmic species was born, thus it is important to analyze a paired sociocosmic species in a single model of presentation such as Primitive Communalism vibrating at the MI-FA Interval and Ancient Slavery vibrating at the TI-DO Interval - one as source and main sociocosmic vibration from below and the other as source and emerging sociocosmic will vibration from above.  Likewise are Ancient Slavery at the MI-FA Interval and Feudalism at the TI-DO Interval; Feudalism at the MI-FA Interval and Capitalism at the TI-DO Interval; Capitalism at the MI-FA Interval and Socialism at the TI-DO Interval; Socialism at the MI-FA Interval and Communism at the TI-DO Interval; Communism at the MI-FA Interval and Datongism at the TI-DO Interval; and even there might be emerging once. Nay more, you can have even another of these sociocosmic species or more existing in isolation or otherwise on mother Earth's surface because they have learnt and acquired new ways to co-exist with one another by camouflaging or by transforming themselves into living historical tourist samples of preservation of much value to the new and stronger emerging historical sociocosmic species.

Finally, the material beings we refer to always should be the three-brained hethormen human beings called man from the biocosmic octave and finally the ever-growing mega-min-micro-sized spiritual Padrigine AI Smart robots that its source is from the 'instruments-of-production-distribution-consumption-exchange' from the worker-technocosmic production process. Other beings do not appear to be dominant or significant on mother Earth's surface except for the near-passive mother Geocosmic Octave and its Organic Life together with the sidereal influences from the immediate Cosmic Octave - the moon, the (our) sun and the stars.

The general law of unity of opposites, the law of conservation of energy, the law of negation of negation, the law of transition of quantitative changes to qualitative changes and vice versa, the law of three and the law of octave apply to them all as historical sociocosmic species spiral in non-equilibrium into the next higher level and more complex historical sociocosmic species to the highest level of maturity, gradual decline through partial degeneration and finally to the extinction of the Great Sociotechnocomic Being at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.

Specific forces of creation, nourishment, maintenance, repair and destruction of these fundamental and lateral sociocosmic stopinders exist and act on them as depicted in an enneagram of sociocosmic stopinders - every stopinder point is able to link and reach any other stopinder point and no points are left out once created.  The sociocosmic enneagrams together with all the other enneagrams are in continuous motion from time immemorial - born, grow, mature, die or reborn eating along their ways, themselves evolving with minor or revolutionalizing with major qualitative and quantitative changes respectively, ascending and descending in spiral motion up and down within the sociocosmic octaves contradicting both vertically and horizontally as the sociocosmic species move from one historical sociotechnocosmic species into the other unstoppably over seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries and millennia ....... to the final death and/or the reborn of the Great Sociocosmic Being.

The current full stage or matured development typical of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI-Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism is shown below:


The Historical Sociocosmic Octaves

(within and across the human wenming civilization(s) in a historical forward-moving octave over a period of about 15,036 years)

Marxian Historical Periods

1.   The DO-Historical Sociocosmic Octave

Primitive Communal Period:
(4308 BC & earlier - 2148 BC)

Sociocosmic Stopinder Level: DO (RE, MI, FA)
- Individual*, Group (DO*, RE); Individuals/Herds/Family/Tribes

Technocosmic Stopinder Level:
Pre-'DO' of the Technocosmic Octave consisting of tools, simple devices, goods and services set of basic necessities

Astrological Age:
Age of Taurus and/or earlier ages Age of Gemini, Age of Cancer and Age of Leo .......

Historical Sociocosmic Species:
DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism

Mode of Production/Economic Base:
Primitive Communalism

Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE):
Production focus

Nature, Size and Type of 'Pital'/value or Historical Sociocosmic Blood Circulation Type: Primitive Communalipital/value increasing in size (land and most produces excluded) per chieftain or per masterate from RE to MI to FA (Villages and shelters/beings/domesticated and hunted animals/primitive agriculture produces/gathered fruits/vegetables); Communalipital/value was broken into 2 parts by the "masterate" of the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Interval, the second part is a dubious transition Communalipital-Slavipital/value hybrid on transit to the Slavipital/value proper of the next historical sociocosmic species.

Property Ownership:
No property concept also no common ownership

Shock Absorber:

MI-FA Interval:
Diad sociocosmic shock absorber is Tougeng

TI-DO Interval:
Will of Ancient Slavism (Slavery)

Sociocosmic Enneagram Inputs:

Individual/Herd Follower (at Point 0/9)

Chieftain (at Point 3)

“Masterate” (at Point 6)



Incomplete 1st and 2nd metamorphosis stages of Primitive Communalism in the Age of Primitive Sociocosmic Circularity.

Sociocosmic Aberration:
With minor sociocosmic aberration at the RE-MI-FA stopinders.

Surplus of Produce: Surplus is undefined and may be controlled partially by chieftain.

Marxian alienation: No real social class alienation at the MI-FA Interval except herd alienation at the "SO-LA" Interval.

Shock absorber conflict: Tougeng vs Gengtou; 1st negation of coercing out Tou into Geng and 2nd negation of coercing out Tou by Geng at the MI-FA Interval during the DO-Historical Period of Primitive Communalism through a qualitative social revolution leading to the Will of Ancient Slavism from the TI-DO Interval realizing as zhuguannu at the MI-FA Interval exerting influences descending from the higher DO(RE), the DO(MI) and the DO(FA) levels.

Class Conflict: Emerging vertical "class conflicts" amid tou and geng frictions.

War: Tribal vertical and horizontal "wars" or fights or conflicts.  With numerous vertical "revolutions" and "counter-revolutions" within and without each of the 3 lower sociocosmic stopinders (individuals, groups, families/communities/tribes) all along an incomplete sociocosmic octaves.

Fetishism: Increasing pagan and religious fetishism with minor product fetishism due to increasing gathering and hunting activities and primitive agriculture.

Personality: None or simple personality and no real false personalities (challenger, mediator and give-in  type).

Internal Energy Type: Neutral and Yin-Yang balance with no property concept.

PESTLES+ Superstructure:

Cosmic properties of psyche hydrogens (....... H48, H24, H12, H6) generated in the inner bodies of the hethormen human being (Paleolithic and Neolithic man) and radiated out of the human body en masse determine and are determined by the primitive communal mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption (PDC) of the the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism.

Superstructure Politics:
Governance is an infantile.

Political Nomenclatures:


Animal living, tribalism; probably a few thousands of such DO-Historical Sociocosmic Octaves breeding on Earth at that time.

1.1 The DO(RE) Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar DO-RE-MI/FA Historical Periods of Primitive Communalism and Ancient Slavism (of individuals, groups and families).

1.2 The DO(MI) Historical Sociocosmic Octave of  the polar DO-RE-MI/FA Historical Periods of Primitive Communalism and Ancient Slavism (of individuals, groups, families and tribes).

1.3 The DO(FA) Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar DO-RE-MI/FA Historical Periods of Primitive Communalism and Ancient Slavism (of individuals, groups, families/tribes and organization).



2.   The RE-Historical Sociocosmic Octave

Ancient Slavery Period:
(2148 BC - 1 AD (or debatable 300 BC)

Sociocosmic Stopinder Level: RE (MI, FA, SO)
- Individual, Group*, Family, Organizations, Kingdom, Dynasty (DO, RE*, MI, FA, SO, LA)

Technocosmic Stopinder Level:
Padrigine I (+ previous Pre-'DO')

Astrological Age:
Age of Aries

Historical Sociocosmic Species:
RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism

Mode of Production/Economic Base:
Ancient Slavism

Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE):
Production focus + Distribution

Nature, Size and Type of 'Pital'/value or Historical Sociocosmic Blood Circulation Type:
Ancient Slavipital/value increasing in size (land and much produces excluded) per masterate or per kingdate from RE to MI to FA and to SO (Land/slave/produces/rent/tax); Slavipital/value was broken into 2 parts by the kingdate of the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Interval, the second part is a dubious transition Slavipital-Feudapital/value hybrid on transit to the Feudapital/value proper of the next historical sociocosmic species.

Property Ownership:
Absolute ownership of the means of production (Masterate and kingdate)

Shock Absorber:

MI-FA Interval:
Triad sociocosmic shock absorber is Zhuguannu

TI-DO Interval:
Will of Feudalism

Sociocosmic Enneagram Inputs:

Individual/Slave (at Point 0/9)

Masterate (at Point 3)

Kingdate (at Point 6)



1st carriage body stage: Infantile ancient slavism

2nd horse body stage: Ancient Agricultural slavism

3rd coachman body stage: Ancient Financial slavism

4th passenger body stage: Ancient Totalitarian slavism


Sociocosmic Aberration:
With strong sociocosmic aberration at the MI-FA-SO stopinders.

Surplus of Produce: Surplus from slave belongs to masterate and to kingdate.

Marxian alienation: With real social class freeman-slave-masterate alienation at the MI-FA Interval and dangerous kingdate alienation at the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Intervals.

Shock absorber conflict: Zhuguannu vs Nuguanzhu; 1st negation of expropriating of slave-ownership from Zhu and converting them into Nu and 2nd negation of expropriating of slave-ownership from Zhu by Nu at the MI-FA Interval during the RE-Historical Period of Ancient Slavism and there is a middle factor known as guan who is a controller or a manager through a qualitative social revolution leading to the Will of Feudalism from the TI-DO Interval realizing as Dikongnong at the MI-FA Interval exerting influences descending from the higher RE(MI), RE(FA) and RE(SO) levels.

Class Conflict:  Regular vertical conflicts amongst slaves, masterates and kingdates.

War:  Internal vertical and horizontal wars amongst masterates, revolts between masterates and  kingdates and horizontal wars amongst different kingdates With numerous vertical revolutions/counter-revolutions and horizontal wars/battles within and without each of the sociocosmic stopinders all along the sociocosmic octaves.

Fetishism:  Increasing religious fetishism and product fetishism due to higher productivity through slave labor.

Personality: More complex personality types with false personalities (perfectionist, giver, performer, romantic, observer, questioner, epicure, boss, mediator …..).

Internal Energy Type: Becoming negative upsetting the Yin-Yang balance; the law of reciprocal destruction on the rise with emerging property concept.

PESTLES+ Superstructure:
Cosmic properties of psyche hydrogens (....... H48, H24, H12, H6) generated in the inner bodies of the hethormen human being (Modern man) and radiated out of the human body en masse determine and are determined by the ancient slavery mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption (PDC) of the the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism.

Superstructure Politics:
Governance directed in support of oppressive slavery mode of production; serving slave owners, landowners.

Political nomenclatures:
Chattel/Panestal/Sparta Helots (Ancient Greece)/ Nuli (Ancient China)/Dasa and Dasyu (Ancient India), kings.

Paganism, shamanism, primitive religion, tribe, beneficial handicraftivity- production subject to low level agrocosmic, handicosmic forces; Beginning 1st Technocosmic Revolution; emergence of feudalism; probably less than a hundred of such RE-Historical Sociocosmic Octaves breeding on Earth at that time.

Exceptionally long life span in Western civilizations around the Mediterranean sea began as early as 3500 BCE changing forms aplenty and gradually disappeared during feudalism not by any absolute decree from governance above.  Exceptionally long life span in Western civilizations around the Mediterranean sea began as early as 3500 BCE changing forms aplenty and gradually disappeared during feudalism.  In Europe, notable decrees include the UK's Slavery Abolition Act of 1833, which abolished slavery throughout most of the British Empire, and France's decree of 1848 abolishing slavery in French colonies. In China, the Qin Dynasty (221–206 BCE) is known for its abolition of slavery as part of legal reforms. Additionally, during the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912), a foreign Manchu conqueror (an external power like the Yuan Dynasty of foreign Mongol conqueror, "negated" all previous decrees on abolition of slavery, allowing it and then introduced several new edicts aimed at restricting and eventually abolishing slavery (which have been abolished long since), gradually and varied in its implementation.

2.1 The RE(MI)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar MI-FA-SO Historical Periods of Ancient Slavery and Feudalism (of "families" or "clans").

2.2 The RE(FA)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar RE-MI-FA-SO Historical Periods of Ancient Slavery and Feudalism (of "Organizations" or Masterates) with ancient slavery vassalism.

2.3 The RE(SO)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar RE-MI-FA-SO Historical Periods of Ancient Slavery and Feudalism (of Kingdoms/Kingdates) with ancient slavery vassalism and ancient slavery colonialism. This ‘SO’ is a regional “empire” or kingdom.


3.   The MI-Historical Sociocosmic Octave

Feudal Period:
(1 AD (or debatable 300 BC) - 1908 AD)

Sociocosmic Stopinder Level: MI (FA, SO, LA/TI)
- Individual, Group, Family*, Organization/Community, Kingdom, Dynasty, Empire (DO, RE, MI*, FA, SO, LA/ TI)

Technocosmic Stopinder Level:
Padrigine I (+ previous Pre-'DO')

Astrological Age:
Age of Pisces

Historical Sociocosmic Species:
MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism

Mode of Production/Economic Base:

Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE):
Production focus + Distribution focus

Nature, Size and Type of 'Pital'/value or Historical Sociocosmic Blood Circulation Type: Feudapital/value growing in size (land and some produces excluded) per feudate or per dynastate from MI to FA to SO to LA/TI (land/serf/produces/rent/tax); Feudapital/value was broken into 2 parts by the dynastate of the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Interval, the second part is a dubious transition Feudapital-Capital/value hybrid on transit to the Capital/value proper of the next historical sociocosmic species.

Property Ownership:
Absolute ownership of the means of production (Feudate and Dynastate owners + Individual/Personal property)

Shock Absorber:

MI-FA Interval:
Triad sociocosmic shock absorber is Dikongnong

TI-DO Interval:
Will of Capitalism

Sociocosmic Enneagram Inputs:

Individual/Serf/Craftsman (at Point 0/9)

Feudate (at Point 3)

Dynastate (at Point 6)



1st carriage body stage: Infantile feudalism

2nd horse body stage: Agricultural feudalism

3rd coachman body stage: Financial feudalism

4th passenger body stage: Oligarchy feudalism


Sociocosmic Aberration:
With strong sociocosmic aberration at the FA-SO-LA(/TI) stopinders.

Surplus of Produce: Surplus from serf/craftsman belongs to feudate and rent belongs to dynastate.

Marxian alienation: With real social class freeman-serf-feudate alienation at the MI-FA Interval and greater dangerous further dynastate alienation at the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Intervals.

Shock absorber conflict: Dikongnong vs Nongkongdi; 1st negation of expropriating land-ownership from Di converting them into Nong and 2nd negation of expropriating land-ownership from Di by Nong at the MI-FA Interval during the MI-Historical Period of Feudalism through a qualitative social revolution leading to the Will of Capitalism from the TI-DO Interval realizing as Laujinggong at the MI-FA Interval exerting influences descending from the higher MI(FA), MI(SO), MI(LA) and MI(TI) levels.

Class conflict:  Regular dangerous vertical conflicts amongst serfate, feudates and dynastates.

War:  Occasional civil and revolutionary vertical and horizontal wars amongst serfates, feudates and dynastates, and wars between different dynastates With numerous vertical revolutions/counter-revolutions and horizontal wars/battles within and without each of the sociocosmic stopinders all along the sociocosmic octaves.

Fetishism:  Increasing religious fetish and commodity fetishism to great heights due to higher productivity from serf/fief labor of Feudalism.

Personality: More complex personality types with false personalities (perfectionist, giver, performer, romantic, observer, questioner, epicure, boss, mediator …..).

Internal Energy Type: Becoming more negative upsetting greatly the Yin-Yang balance; the law of reciprocal destruction dominates at a certain level, the law of reciprocal nourishment could not dominate.

PESTLES+ Superstructure:

Cosmic properties of psyche hydrogens (....... H48, H24, H12, H6) generated in the inner bodies of the hethormen human being (Modern man) and radiated out of the human body en masse determine and are determined by the feudal mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Echange (PDCE) of the the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism.

Superstructure Politics:
Governance directed in support of oppressive feudal mode of production at fief/landlord "organization" or Prefecture (FA), kingdom (SO), dynasty (LA) and empire/imperial (TI) levels; serving landlords, nobles, rajas, dukes, marquees, viscounts, earls, counts, barons, monarchs, aristocrats, appanages, sultans, kings and emperors.

Political nomenclatures:
Monarchy, aristocracy.

Religion and philosophy, MI-beneficial handicraftivity production subject to higher level agrocosmic, handicosmic and manuacosmic forces; Expanding 1st Technocosmic Revolution + beginning 2nd Technocosmic Revolution; emergence of Capitalism; about a few dozens of such MI-Historical Sociocosmic Octaves breeding on Earth at that time - mostly and fully developed by seven to the highest level of TI (Imperial/Empire) in the geocosmic place which has been called China or the Middle Kingdom; only that this MI-Historical Period of Feudalism of China is geocosmic political-legal-economic-sociocultural-manual-handicraftically integrated or unified comprehensively by 221 BC during the Qin Dynasty where the real feudal sociocosmic octave-completed at level 'TI' and under the reign of Imperial Emperor Shih Huang Ti' - there after unified imperial China continues imperial dynasty after imperial dynasty until 1911 AD.  Even this real feudal sociocosmic octave-incomplete of Europe under the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 AD where all the warring European kings of  kingdoms at level 'SO' finally signed this treaty of nation-states (stopinders  LA-SO) without proper and stable geocosmic political-legal-economic-sociocultural-manual-handicraftically integrated or unified comprehensively - only treaties in place not even a single unified Europe as ONE nation with ONE language.  Sociocosmic octaves of other geocosmic "civilizations" in quotation mark of the now Europe or Central Asia or Middle-East or unintegrated India of this MI-Historical Period of Feudalism are mostly partially developed, short-lived and unstable sociocosmic enneagrams and comparatively geographically small in population, distances, reaches and small land sizes consisting of non-ownable or controllable flat grasslands or seas suitable for nomadic and marine plundering mobile "civilizations".

When capitalism began crystallizing and stabilizing its essence at the MI-FA Interval from the strong Will of Capitalism at the TI-DO Interval during the MI-FA-SO-LA/TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism, the feudal kingdoms are converted into capitalist Westphalia states (Treaty of Westphalia in1648 AD), the feudal dynasties into capitalist Westphalia nations and the feudal empires into capitalist Westphalia nation-blocs within the 'World-of-Nations.'  During the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, these Westphalia states, nations and nation blocs in  the World-of-Nations' of Western civilization did not change their names - only facing strong emerging socialistic pressure from the Will of Socialism at its own TI-DO Interval.

Sociocosmic gravity-centers of vibration (kings) of the 'SO-sociocosmic stopinder' from western civilizationating beings gather sociocosmic being-psyche hydrogens with sociocosmic  identifiers for the 3 'notes' of the Pythagorean Harmonic Scale of the Sociocosmic Octave, then named by these three-brained beings  as the well-known 'SO-sociocosmic stopinder' called  Westphalian 'State,' that of 'LA-sociocosmic stopinder' they called it Westphalian 'Nation,' and that of the last note, the 'TI-sociocosmic stopinder,' they have no proper specific names, sometimes called 'Nation Alliances' or 'Empires' of a truly, non-feudal PDCE (but with noomakhian feudal kings) industrial capitalistic, imperialistic and militaristic noomakhian essences of the dark noomakhian logos and later called 'League of Nations' (LON) after their World War I; after World War II, they replace it with the 'United Nations' (UN), and 2 more world wars are in-wait, namely: World War III at the MI-FA Interval and World War IV at the TI-DO Interval of the Imperialist-Militarist Enneagram which they are trapped - all of which emerge from this unbecoming civilizational vibration of the Western Civilization Beings, much infested with the noo-virus of the dark noomakhian logos due to the dominance of the law of reciprocal destruction over the law of reciprocal nourishment during the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism (1533 AD to 2148 AD).

Whereas for those oriental Chinese three-brained beings of the Sinic civilization dwelling there in the East the 'SO-sociocosmic stopinder' gathers the sociocosmic being-psyche hydrogens with a sociocosmic identifier named by the three-brained beings there called 国王 or Guówáng' an equivalent of the 1st level guojia 'Kingdom,' that of the 'LA-sociocosmic stopinder' also called '王朝 or Wángcháo' an equivalent of the 2nd level guojia 'Dynasty' and that of the 'TI-sociocosmic stopinder' also called '皇朝 or Huángcháo' an equivalent of the  3rd level guojia 'Imperial dynasty.'

These levels are not to be mixed up with geographical Westphalian nations and nationstates everywhere on mother Earth's surface, and always aberrating FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic stopinders set up by exploitative and oppressive capitalistic-essenced three-brained beings of the Global north mainly to extract geo-agro-resources and the natural geocosmic resources such as iron, tin, copper, silver, gold, uranium, fossil oil, etc. and  the respective  organic power resources of the quadruped and the biped beast of animalian burden and beast of human burden from the Global south for feeding the padrigine I, II and III technocosmic beings of the Global north.  

The ability of sociocosmic gravity-centers of vibration to gather sociocosmic identifier common and proper names from one historical sociocosmic species across geoethnic civilizations to another over the 7 historical periods of mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange specifics is a source of obfuscation of the historians to be reviewed for a better understanding of this sociocosmic phenoumenon.

There are also a MI-FA-SO-LA(/TI) sociocosmic aberration in this MI-Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism, the examples could be found in a highly developed civilizational feudalism especially in China, and to some extent the partially developed MI-Historical Sociocosmic Octaves/sociocosmic enneagrams of much divided small kingdom at FA, SO and "LA" leveled feudalism of some always warring western countries.

3.1 The MI(FA)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar MI-FA-SO-LA/TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism (of "organizations" or communities).

3.2 The MI(SO)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar MI-FA-SO-LA/TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism (of kingdoms) with feudal vassalism.

3.3 The MI(LA)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar MI-FA-SO-LA/TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism (of dynasties) with feudal vassalism, feudal colonialism and feudal imperialism.

3.4 The MI(TI)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar MI-FA-SO-LA/TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism (of empires) with feudal vassalism, feudal colonialism, feudal imperialism and feudal hegemonism on a global scale.  This 'TI' is a regional empire.



4.0   The FA-Historical Sociocosmic Octave

Capitalist/Colonialist - Imperialist (CI) Period:
(1788 AD - 1908 AD)

Sociocosmic Stopinder Level: FA (FA, SO, LA, TI)
- Individual, Group, Family, Organization*, State, Colonies/Nations, Empire/Nation-League (DO, RE, MI, FA*, SO, SO, LA, TI)

Technocosmic Stopinder Level:
Padrigine II (+previous Pre-'DO' + Padrigine I)

Astrological Age:
Age of Pisces last 1/2 of 3rd Decan I

Historical Sociocosmic Species:
FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (CI)

Mode of Production/Economic Base:

Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE):
Production focus + Distribution focus + Consumption focus

Nature, Size and Type of 'Pital'/value or Historical Sociocosmic Blood Circulation Type: Capital/value of about a few millions of US dollars per corporate or per nationate (some land, commodities and IPs local and international included; mostly private ownership and less of public-nation ownership) and growing globally) and growing globally (Land/plant, building, commodity property/finance capital/value); Capital/value was broken into 2 parts by the nationate of the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Interval, the second part is a dubious transition Capital-Sociopital/value hybrid on transit to the Sociopital/value proper of the next historical sociocosmic species.

Property Ownership:
Personal property ownership + Private ownership of the means of production + Government ownership of the means of PDCE at SO, LA and TI levels

Shock Absorber:

MI-FA Interval:
Triad sociocosmic shock absorber is Laujinggong

TI-DO Interval:
Will of Capitalistic Colonialism and Imperialism

Sociocosmic Enneagram Inputs:

Individual/Employee (at Point 0/9)

Corporate (at Point 3)

Nationate (at Point 6)



1st carriage body stage: Infantile capitalism

2nd horse body stage: Industrial capitalism

3rd coachman body stage: Financial capitalism

4th passenger body stage: Hegemony-Plutocratic capitalism


Sociocosmic Aberration:
With very strong sociocosmic aberration at the FA-SO-LA-TI stopinders.

Surplus of Produce: Surplus from Employee belongs to corporate/employer and tax belongs to nationate.

Marxian alienation: With real social class personate/employee-corporate alienation at the MI-FA Interval and greater dangerous further nationate alienation at the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Intervals.

Shock absorber conflict: Laujinggong vs Gongjinglau; 1st negation of expropriating property-capital-ownership from Lau and converting them into Gong and 2nd negation of expropriating property-capital-ownership from Lau by Gong at the MI-FA Interval during the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism through a qualitative social revolution leading to the Will of Capitalistic Colonialism and Imperialism from the TI-DO Interval realizing as Lau/Dongjinggong at the MI-FA Interval exerting influences descending from the higher FA(SO)-Level and unstable.

Class conflict:  Regular dangerous vertical conflicts within and without, and amongst personates, corporates and nationates.

War:  Occasional civil and revolutionary vertical and horizontal wars amongst capitalists, colonialists and imperialists nations.  With numerous vertical revolutions/counter-revolutions and horizontal wars/battles within and without each of the sociocosmic stopinders all along the sociocosmic octaves.

Fetishism:  Decreasing religious fetishism and increasing commodity fetishism to great heights due to higher productivity from proletarian labor and large-scale production of capitalism.

Personality: Complex personality types with more false personalities (perfectionist, giver, performer, romantic, observer, loyalist, generalist, boss, peacemaker …..).

Marketing:  Aberrating capitalistic accumulation especially for the private ownership of the means of production of FA-based wealth through Fa-multiautomarketing feeding exchanges.

Internal Energy Type: Becoming extremely negative upsetting very greatly the Yin-Yang balance, full of propaganda and reciprocal destructive energies both in the physical battle fields; the law of reciprocal destruction is gradually dominating.

PESTLES+ Superstructure:

Cosmic properties of psyche hydrogens (....... H48, H24, H12, H6) generated in the inner bodies of the hethormen human being (Modern Man) and radiated out of the human body en masse determine and are determined by the capitalist mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) of the the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (CI of the FA-level).

Superstructure Politics:
Governance directed in support of oppressive and predatory capitalist mode of production at inter-organization level; serving the bourgeoisie, wealthy class, corporates, nationates, military elites versus serving the landlords, nobles, rajas, dukes, marquess, viscounts, earls, counts, barons, monarchs, aristocrats, appanages, sultans, kings and emperors against the corporate proletariat and serfs/peasants.

Political Nomenclatures:
Rising Democracy/Republic versus regressing Monarchy.

Materialism, science & technology, FA-beneficial productivity - production subject to even higher level agrocosmic, handicosmic, manuacosmic and technocosmic forces, property capital, wire & wireless communication; Expanding 1st Technocosmic Revolution + Expanding 2nd Technocosmic Revolution + Beginning 3rd Technocosmic Revolution; emergence of colonialism, imperialism and "socialism"/"communism"; probably about a few dozens of such FA-Historical Sociocosmic Octaves breeding on Earth at that time; beginning capitalist colonialism, capitalist imperialism and capitalist hegemonism (neo-hegemonism) replacing feudal vassalism, feudal colonialism, feudal imperialism and feudal hegemonism on a global scale.  Capitalism (versus Capitalism) eats  into every corners of mother Earth’s surface challenging and destroying feudalism everywhere along the journey to the eastern oriental organizations, kingdoms, dynasties and empires - northwards and southwards.



4.1   The FA(SO)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave

Capitalist/Colonialist-Imperialist - Nazis-Fascist-Hegemonist (CCINFH) - Socialist Periods:
(1908 AD - 2028 AD)

Sociocosmic Stopinder Level: SO (FA, SO, LA, TI)
- Individual, Group, Family, Organization, State*, Nation, World-of-Nations (DO, RE, MI, FA, SO*, LA, TI)

Technocosmic Stopinder Level:
Padringine III (+ previous Pre-'DO' +  Padrigine I  + Padrigine II)

Astrological Age:
Age of Pisces last 1/2 of 3rd Decan II

Historical Sociocosmic Species:
FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (CCINFHS) with IT robots and machines

Mode of Production/Economic Base:
Capitalism for capitalist/imperialist/Nazist/ fascist/hegemonist control states and Socialism for socialist controlled states but in favor to the former (Base Transition I)

Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE):
(Production + Distribution + Consumption) transitional I focus

Nature, Size and Type of 'Pital'/value or Historical Sociocosmic Blood Circulation Type: Capital/value of hundreds of millions of US dollars per corporate or per nationate (much land, commodities and IPs local and international included; mostly private ownership and less of public-nation ownership) and growing global (Land/plant, building, commodity property/finance capital/value); Capital/value remains broken-up into 2 parts by the nationate of the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Interval, the second part is a dubious transition Capital-Sociopital/value hybrid on transit to the Sociopital/value proper of the next historical sociocosmic species.

Property Ownership:
Personal property ownership + Private ownership of the means of production + Government ownership of the means of PDCE at SO, LA and TI levels

Shock Absorber:

MI-FA Interval:
Triad sociocosmic shock absorber is Laujinggong/Dongjinggong

TI-DO Interval:
Will of Capitalistic Colonialism, Imperialism, Nazism, Fascism, Hegemonism

Sociocosmic Enneagram Inputs:

Individual/Employee (at Point 0/9)

Corporate (at Point 3)

Nationate (at Point 6)

Sociocosmic Aberration:
With very strong sociocosmic aberration at the FA-SO-LA-TI stopinders.

Surplus of Produce: Surplus from the employee belongs to corporate/employer, tax to nationate and duties to other state.

Marxian alienation: With real social class personate/employee-corporate alienation at the MI-FA Interval and greater dangerous further nationate alienation at the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Intervals.

Shock absorber conflict: Laujinggong vs Gongjinglau/Dongjinggong vs Gongjingdong; 1st negation of expropriating property-capital ownership from Lau into Gong and 2nd negation of expropriating property-capital ownership from Lau by Gong at the MI-FA Interval during the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism through a qualitative social revolution leading to the Will of Capitalistic Colonialism, Imperialism, Nazism, Fascism, Hegemonism from the TI-DO Interval realizing as Lau/Dongjinggong at the MI-FA Interval exerting influences descending from the higher FA(LA)-Level and unstable.

Class conflict:  Regular dangerous vertical conflicts within and without, and amongst personates, corporates and nationates inter-intra states.

War:  Occasional civil and revolutionary vertical and horizontal wars amongst capitalists, colonialists, imperialists, fascists, Nazist and socialists nations.  With numerous vertical revolutions/counter-revolutions and horizontal wars/battles within and without each of the sociocosmic stopinders all along the sociocosmic octaves.

Fetishism:  Further decreasing religious fetishism and further increasing commodity fetishism to greater heights due to higher productivity from proletarian labor and large-scale production of capitalism and even higher productivity from workers and smart AI robot large-scale production of socialism.

Personality: Very complex personality types with many false personalities (perfectionist, giver, performer, romantic, observer, loyalist, generalist, boss, peacemaker …..).

Marketing:  Aberrating capitalistic accumulation especially for the private ownership of the means of production of SO-based wealth through So-multiautomarketing feeding exchanges.

Internal Energy Type: Becoming extremely negative upsetting very greatly the Yin-Yang balance, full of propaganda and reciprocal destructive energies both in the physical battle fields and increasing the social media fields; the law of reciprocal destruction is dominating.

PESTLES+ Superstructure:

Cosmic properties of psyche hydrogens (....... H48, H24, H12, H6) generated in the inner bodies of the hethormen human being (Modern Man) and radiated out of the human body en masse determine and are determined by the capitalist mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) of the the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (CCINFH of the SO-level).

Superstructure Politics:
Governance directed in support of oppressive and predatory capitalistic mode of production at inter-state level in contradistinction with another socialistic mode of PDCE, battles of the Confusion of the Tongues mostly in the sixes (6s) - democracy/republic, rights, freedom, liberty, justice and equality or liberal and neoliberalism fanaticism by ruling class to preserve mega-accumulated capitalist wealth (Superstructure Transition I); serving the bourgeoisie, wealthy class, corporates, nationates and military-industrial-complex elites versus serving the proletariat, working class, corporates, nationates and military-industrial-complex elites.

Political Nomenclatures:
Democracy/Republic versus rising Peoples' Democracy/Republic.

Integrated materialism, science & (socialist marketing) technology, independent value & ethical system, SO-beneficial productivity- production subject to very high level agrocosmic, handicosmic, manuacosmic, autocosmic and technocosmic forces, finance capital, 1G-4G communication; Expanding 1st Technocosmic Revolution + Expanding 2nd Technocosmic Revolution + Expanding 3rd Technocosmic Revolution with AIs; continuing colonialism, imperialism, fascism, Nazism, socialism, nationalization, privatization, hegemonism; probably about a dozen of such SO-Historical Sociocosmic Octaves breeding on Earth at my time; capitalist colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism at war with other contesting similar powers – Fascism and Nazism – neo-colonialism, neo-imperialism and neo-hegemonism at its height
and on global scale (‘neo’ means ‘new’
which is a capitalist controlled colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism over the previous old feudal controlled colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism,  through elusive divide, rule and eat wiseacrings of the same predatory exploitation and modern enslavements on the current sociocosmic stopinders - the individuals, the groups, the families, the organizations, the states, the nations and the nation blocs of the 'World-of-Nations').

Colonialism becomes neo-colonialism and liberalism becomes neoliberalism.  Socialism becomes just pseudo-socialism and pseudo-neosocialism.  Declining UK world domination and emerging US and USSR world domination.

Medieval to Centralized modern at SO-sociocosmic stopinder level to LA-sociocosmic stopinder level and Period for the Western civilizations from 9th century /15th century - 19th century but turn into the industrialized FA-Historical sociocosmic Species of Capitalism by the early 19th century; for Sinic civilization the stopinderation was completed by 221 BC to the level of the TI-sociocosmic stopinder but has not transform into the industrialized FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism instead become an industrialized and modern SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism by late 20th and early 21st centuries.



4.2   The FA(LA)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave

Capitalist/Imperialist-Hegemonist - Multipolar Socialist Periods:
(2028 AD - 2088 AD)

Sociocosmic Stopinder Level: LA (FA, SO, LA, TI)
- Individual, Group, Family, Organization, State, Nation*, United Nations of the World-of-Nations (DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA*, TI)

Technocosmic Stopinder Level:
Padrigine III (at AI Level + Pre-'DO' + Padrigine II)

Astrological Age:
Age of Pisces last 1/2 of 3rd Decan III

Historical Sociocosmic Species:
FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (CIHMS) with IT/AI robots and machines on large scale

Mode of Production/Economic Base:
Capitalism for imperialist-hegemonist control states/nations and Socialism for socialist controlled states/nations but in favor to the latter (Base Transition I)

Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE):
(Distribution + Consumption) increasing Exchange transitional I finance capitalism focus

Nature, Size and Type of 'Pital'/value or Historical Sociocosmic Blood Circulation Type: Capital/value of billions of US dollars per corporate or per nationate (most land, commodities and IPs local and international included; mostly private ownership and less of public-nation ownership) and growing globally (Land/plant, building, commodity property/finance capital/value); Capital/value remains broken-up into 2 parts by the nationate of the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Interval, the second part is a dubious transition Capital-Sociopital/value hybrid on transit to the Sociopital/value proper of the next historical sociocosmic species.

Property Ownership:
Personal property ownership + Private ownership of the means of production + Government-like/public-like ownership of the means of production at SO, LA and TI levels

Shock Absorber:

MI-FA Interval:
Triad sociocosmic shock absorber is Laujinggong/Dongjinggong

TI-DO Interval:
Will of Socialism

Sociocosmic Enneagram Inputs:

Individual/Employee (at Point 0/9)

Corporate (at Point 3)

Nationate (at Point 6)

Sociocosmic Aberration:
With very strong sociocosmic aberration at the FA-SO-LA-TI stopinders.

Surplus of Produce: Surplus from the employee belongs to corporate/employer, tax to nationate and duties to other state/nation.

Marxian alienation: With real social class personate/employee-corporate alienation at the MI-FA Interval and reduced further nationate alienation at the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Intervals.

Shock absorber conflict: Laujinggong vs Dongjinggong/Laujinggong vs Gongjinglau/ Dongjinggong vs Gongjingdong; 1st negation of expropriating property-finance-capital ownership from  Lau into Gong and 2nd negation of expropriating property-finance-capital ownership from Lau by Gong at the MI-FA Interval during the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism through a qualitative social revolution leading to the Will of Socialism from the TI-DO Interval realizing as Lau/Dongjinggong at the MI-FA Interval exerting influences descending from the FA(TI)-Level and unstable.

Class conflict:  Continuing regular dangerous vertical conflicts within and without, and amongst personates, corporates and nationates inter-intra states.

War:  Continuing occasional civil and revolutionary vertical and horizontal wars amongst capitalists, colonialists, imperialists, fascists, Nazis and socialists nations; revolutions, coup de tat, color revolutions, cold wars, hybrid wars, etc.  With numerous vertical revolutions/counter-revolutions and horizontal wars/battles within and without each of the sociocosmic stopinders all along the sociocosmic octaves.

Fetishism:  Continuing further decreasing religious fetishism and further increasing commodity fetishism to greater heights due to higher productivity from proletarian labor and large-scale production of capitalism and even higher productivity from workers and smart AI robot large-scale production of socialism.

Personality: Very complex personality types with very complex false personalities (perfectionist, giver, performer, romantic, observer, loyalist, generalist, boss, peacemaker …..).

Marketing:  Aberrating capitalistic accumulation especially for the private ownership of the means of production of LA-based wealth through La-multiautomarketing feeding exchanges.

Internal Energy Type: Becoming extremely negative upsetting very greatly the Yin-Yang balance, full of propaganda and reciprocal destructive energies both in the physical battle fields and increasing the social media fields.

PESTLES+ Superstructure:

Cosmic properties of psyche hydrogens (....... H48, H24, H12, H6) generated in the inner bodies of the hethormen human being (Modern Man) and radiated out of the human body en masse determine and are determined by the capitalist mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) of the the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (CIH-MSP of the LA-level).

Superstructure Politics:
Governance directed in support of both oppressive and predatory capitalistic mode of production at inter-nation level in contradistinction with socialistic mode of PDCE, battles of the Confusion of the Tongues mostly in the sixes (6s) - democracy/republic, rights, freedom, liberty, justice and equality or neoliberal fanaticism by ruling class to preserve mega-accumulated capitalist wealth (Superstructure Transition II); serving bourgeoisie, wealthy class, corporates, nationates and military-industrial-complex elites versus serving proletariat, working class, corporates, nationates and military-industrial-complex elites.

Political Nomenclatures:
Democracy/Republic versus Peoples' Democracy/Republic (Rising).

Integrated materialism, science & technology, independent value & ethical system, extraction of what is good in the earlier systems, LA-beneficial productivity- production subject to very much higher level agrocosmic, handicosmic, manuacosmic, autocosmic and technocosmic forces, internet & social media focus, 5G-6G communication; Expanding 1st Technocosmic Revolution + Expanding 2nd Technocosmic Revolution + Expanding 3rd Technocosmic Revolution with AIs; emergence of socialism proper and decline of capitalism, "socialism", Imperialism, fascism (a National Socialism being), Nazism (another National Socialism being); land, marine, atmosphere Hegemonism; beginning/maturing space and outer space imperialism and Hegomonism; probably a few of such LA-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Octaves with AI Robonity-at-Large breeding on Earth at that time; neo-imperialism and neo-hegemonism at its height with very high rich-poor nation disparities and on decline on global scale.

Declining USSR and then US world domination, and emerging China world domination.

Colonialism transforms from colonialism 1 (old) through colonialism 2 (post) to colonialism 3 (new); at the same time imperialism transforms from imperialism 1 (old) through imperialism 2 (post) to imperialism 3 (new); and fascism transforms from fascism 1 (old) through fascism 2 (post) to fascism 3 (new), the three 'ism's moving now open now hidden about the same time together according to the law of three and inner threes.  None of them truly disappears except they are to weak to dominate.



4.3    The FA(TI)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave

Capitalist/Hegemonist - Multipolar Socialist Periods:
(2088 AD - 2148 AD)

Sociocosmic Stopinder Level: TI (FA, SO, LA, TI)
- Individual, Group, Family, Organization, State, Nation, United Nations of the World-of-Nations*, The Great Sociocosmic Being (DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA, TI*, DO)

Technocosmic Stopinder Level:
Padrigine III (at highest AI level + Pre-'DO' + Padrigine II)

Astrological Age:
Age of Pisces last 1/2 of 3rd Decan IV

Historical Sociocosmic Species:
FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (CHMS) with IT/AI robots and machines at Large

Mode of Production/Economic Base:
Capitalism for capitalist control states/nations and Socialism for socialist controlled states/nations but in favor to the latter (Base Transition I)

Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE):
(Consumption + Exchange) Fully Exchange 1:99 Wall Street transitional II Hegemony finance capitalism focus

Nature, Size and Type of 'Pital'/value or Historical Sociocosmic Blood Circulation Type: Capital/value of trillions of US dollars per corporate or per nationate (all land, commodities and IPs local and international included; mostly private ownership and less of public-nation ownership) and growing globally (Land/plant, building, commodity property/finance/Nation-state capital/value); Capital/value remains broken-up into 2 parts by the nationate of the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Interval, the second part is a dubious transition Capital-Sociopital/value hybrid on transit to the Sociopital/value proper of the next historical sociocosmic species.

Property Ownership:
Personal property ownership + Private ownership of the means of production + Public ownership of the means of production at SO, LA and TI levels

Shock Absorber:

MI-FA Interval:
Triad sociocosmic shock absorber is Laujinggong/ Dongjinggong

TI-DO Interval:
Will of Socialism Proper

Sociocosmic Enneagram Inputs:

Individual/Employee (at Point 0/9)

Corporate (at Point 3)

Nationate (at Point 6)

Sociocosmic Aberration:
With strong sociocosmic aberration at the FA-SO-LA-TI stopinders.

Surplus of Produce: Surplus from the employee belongs to corporate/employer, tax to nationate and duties to other state/nation/nation bloc.

Marxian alienation: With real social class personate/employee-corporate alienation at the MI-FA Interval and reduced further nationate alienation at the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Intervals.

Shock absorber conflict:  Laujinggong vs Dongjinggong/Laujinggong vs Gongjinglau/Dongjinggong vs Gongjingdong; 1st negation of expropriating property-finance-capital ownership from Lau into Gong and 2nd negation of expropriating property-finance-capital ownership from Lau by Gong at the MI-FA Interval during the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism through a qualitative social revolution leading to the Will of Socialism Proper from the TI-DO Interval realizing as Lau/Dongjinggong at the MI-FA Interval exerting influences descending the next higher SO-Historical Period of Socialism and more stable.

Class conflict:  Continuing regular vertical conflicts within and amongst individuals, personates, corporates, nationates, cooperatives and collectivites in the ‘World-of-Nations’ framework.

War:  Occasional vertical and horizontal wars amongst different nation groups in the ‘World-of-Nations’ framework; revolutions, coup de tat, color revolutions, cold wars, hybrid wars, etc.  With numerous vertical revolutions/counter-revolutions and horizontal wars/battles within and without each of the sociocosmic stopinders all along the sociocosmic octaves.

Fetishism:  Increasing atheism and material fetishism and further increasing commodity fetishism to greater heights due to higher productivity from proletarian labor and large-scale production of capitalism and even higher productivity from workers and smart AI robot large-scale production of socialism.

Personality: Very complex personality types with very complex false personalities at their heights (perfectionist, giver, performer, romantic, observer, loyalist, generalist, boss, peacemaker …..).

Marketing:  Aberrating capitalistic/socialistic accumulation for the private/socialistic ownership of the means of production of TI-based wealth through Ti-multiautomarketing feeding exchanges with the final elimination of private ownership of the means of production which is the real essence of all the historical sociocosmic aberrations along the FA, SO, LA and TI sociocosmic gravity-vibration centers.

Internal Energy Type: Becoming extremely negative upsetting very greatly the Yin-Yang balance, full of propaganda and reciprocal destructive energies both in the physical battle fields and increasing the social media fields; the law of reciprocal destruction is at its height.

PESTLES+ Superstructure:

Cosmic properties of psyche hydrogens (....... H48, H24, H12, H6) with FLRJES (liberalism), color revolution, LGBTQIA+ generated in the inner bodies of the hethormen human being (Modern Man) and radiated out of the human body en masse determine and are determined by the capitalist mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) of the the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (CIH-MS of the TI-level).

Superstructure Politics:
Governance directed in support of both oppressive and predatory capitalistic mode of production at "World-of-Nations" level in contradistinction with "oppressive" socialistic mode of production, declining battles of the Confusion of the Tongues mostly in the sixes (6s) - democracy/republic, rights, freedom, liberty, justice and equality or ending neoliberalism of the ruling class to preserve mega-accumulated capitalist wealth (Superstructure Transition II); serving bourgeoisie, wealthy class, corporates, nationates and military-industrial-complex elites versus Peoples' Democracy/Republic and serving proletariat, working class, corporates, nationates and military-industrial-complex elites.

Political Nomenclatures:
Peoples' Democracy/Republic and regressing Democracy/Republic (declining).

As above but on a higher scale unity of parts and whole, TI-beneficial Global Marketism (Internalized productivity) - production subject to highest level agrocosmic, handicosmic, manuacosmic, autocosmic and technocosmic forces and Planetary Exploration, Interplanetary Exploration, Interstellar  Exploration, etc., 5G/6G communication; Expanding 1st Technocosmic Revolution + Expanding 2nd Technocosmic Revolution + Expanding 3rd Technocosmic Revolution with AIs; declining space and outer space Imperialism and Hegemonism; abuse of AI by capitalistic essences; emergence of Socialism proper and the decline of Capitalism, Socialism in Quotation Mark and World Hegemonism; only 1 such TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Octave breeding on Earth at that time; decline of neo-imperialism and neo-hegemonism and the advent of Socialism proper on global scale still with reduced rich-poor nation disparities.

Ancient slavery and feudal serfdom are replaced by modern slavery in the form of salary and wage "free" proletariat of Industrial capitalism, and salary-wage equally "free" employees of Finance capitalism, gradually reduced to become the equally "free" Modern Debt Slave People (99%) under the truly "free" UGGMBCC Modern Creditor Parasite People (1%).

This 'TI' is a global and space empire!



5. The SO-Historical Sociocosmic Octave

Socialist - Communist Periods:
(2148 AD - 2864 AD)

Sociocosmic Stopinder Level: SO (FA, SO, LA, TI)
 (of the next octave inclusive of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave of space, interplanetary & interstellar exploration or protrusion) - Individual, Group, Family, Organizations, State, Nation, 'Humanity-at-Large' (Fa) above the World-of-Nations* (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti)

Technocosmic Stopinder Level:
Padrigine III (still at its highest level + Pre-'0' + Padrigine II)

Astrological Age:
Age of Aquarius 1st Decan

Historical Sociocosmic Species:
SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (with AI Robonity-at-Large)

Mode of Production/Economic Base:
Socialism for socialist control states/nations and Communism for communist controlled states/nations but in favor to the former (Base Transition through quantitative changes)

Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE):
(Production + Distribution + Consumption + Exchange) transitional II focus

Nature, Size and Type of 'Pital'/value or Historical Sociocosmic Blood Circulation Type: Sociopital/value growing in size to the tens of trillions per advanced collectivite or per SNUN regulatorate (all land, commodities and IPs local and international socially and minimizing private ownership  included) and growing globally (Land/plant, building, commodity property/finance/Nation-state sociopital/value); Sociopital/value would be broken into 2 parts by the SNUN regulatorate of the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Interval, the second part is a dubious transition Sociopital-Communipital/value hybrid on transit to the Communipital/value proper of the next historical sociocosmic species.

Property Ownership:
Personal property ownership + Public-like and common-like ownership of the means of production at SO, LA and TI levels

Shock Absorber:
Gongjingdong (vs Dongjinggong)

MI-FA Interval:
Triad sociocosmic shock absorber is Gongjingdong

TI-DO Interval:
Will of Communism

Sociocosmic Enneagram Inputs:

Individual/Worker (at Point 0/9)

Collectivite (at Point 3)

State/Nation/UN Regulators (at Point 6)



1st carriage body stage: Infantile socialism

2nd horse body stage: Industrial socialism

3rd coachman body stage: Financial socialism

4th passenger body stage: Leadership-Democratic socialism

Sociocosmic Aberration:
With minor sociocosmic aberration at the SO-LA-TI stopinders.

Surplus of Produce: Surplus from the workers belongs to all the workers as shared prosperity.

Marxian alienation: With diminishing real class individual/worker-cooperative (human collectivite) "alienation" in quotation mark at the MI-FA Interval and diminishing further state/nation/UN regulator "alienation" in quotation mark at the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Intervals.

Shock absorber conflict: Gongjingdong vs Dongjinggong; 1st negation of power-ownership from Dong into Gong and 2nd negation of power-ownership from Dong by Gong at the MI-FA Interval during the SO-Historical Period of Socialism through a quantitative social revolution leading to the Will of Communism from the TI-DO Interval realizing as Gongjingdong and (Bio)DongRobotjingRobotgong at the MI-FA Interval exerting influences descending from a higher SO(FA), SO(SO), SO(LA) and SO(TI) levels respectively.

Class conflict:  No real vertical class conflict due to ownership of the means of production but conflicts due to power-ownership from humans that requires real democratic actions without quotation mark. Continuing regular natural competing conflicts amongst individuals, cooperatives and collectivites and AI robots/machines in the ‘Humanity-at-Large’ framework.  Horizontal class conflict amongst socialist nations (LAs) still remains a potential disharmony.

War:  Occasional vertical and horizontal ‘wars-in-quotation-mark’ amongst different ‘nations-in-quotation-mark’ groups in the ‘Humanity-at-Large’ framework Zero Sum, greed, exploitation, Jungle law, superpower hegemony, war-mongering and similar psychological traits peculiar to the FA- Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism must truly disappear if not considerably weaken before this emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism can be built and function properly with the right ecopsychology of cooperation, win-win strategies, common or shared prosperity, harmony and world peace in place.  With much reduced vertical revolutions/counter-revolutions and horizontal wars/battles within and without each of the sociocosmic stopinders all along the sociocosmic octaves.

Fetishism:  Further increasing atheism and material fetishism and further increasing commodity fetishism to very high productivity from workers and smart AI robot large-scale production of socialism with abundance of everything.

Personality: Decreasing personality types with less false personalities (perfectionist, giver, performer, romantic, observer, loyalist, generalist, boss, peacemaker …..).

Marketing:  Aberrating capitalistic accumulation and multiautomarketing feeding exchanges subsided and AI SMART Technocosmic free if not very cheap distribution and consumption of goods and services satisfying every one's needs and wants wherever they might arise and where monetary units for "selling" and "buying" are electronically given into accounts to people who work and also a basic to people who do not work, whereas descent publicity and advertisement about products exist mostly to psychologically stimulate extra consumption.

Internal Energy Type: Becoming positive gradually restoring the Yin-Yang balance, much reduced propaganda and reciprocal destructive energies both in the physical battle fields and in the social media fields; the law of reciprocal nourishment gradually dominates.

PESTLES+ Superstructure:

Cosmic properties of psyche hydrogens (....... H48, H24, H12, H6) with HEIGRENS generated in the inner bodies of the hethormen human being (Modern Man) and radiated out of the human body en masse determine and are determined by the socialist mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange  (PDCE) of the the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (SC of the FA-SO-LA-TI-levels in unison).

Superstructure Politics:
Governance directed in support of "oppressive" socialistic mode of production in contradistinction with non-oppressive communist mode of production, reformed battles of the Confusion of the Tongues mostly in the sixes (6s) for real and wholesome democracy/republic, rights, freedom, liberty, justice and equality (Superstructure Transition through quantitative changes); serving working class, corporates/cooperatives and nationates/ collectivites in transit to a nameless truly biocosmic humanity-at-large situation (where the Peoples' Democracy/Republic itself is in quotation mark and declining).

Political Nomenclatures:
Peoples' Democracy/Republic versus rising Communist Order of Humanity-at-Large.

World of Man-AI Machine Integration as there are only 2 types of primary material and objective beings found in this Great Sociotechnocosmos, both breeding and roaming on mother Earth's surface in a close relationship, namely biocosmic/ organic human beings and technocosmic/ machine beings both in quantities to billions or even more especially for the world of machine beings.  Note that all other organic life in trillions are also existing around this human-machine world of our concern, all within the Geocosmos at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.

Very DO-Stopinder based 7 psychic center emanations, DO-beneficial productivity and highly sociotechnocosmic full of machines and AIs but forces as a whole  become more planetary, interplanetary, solar and even intersolar/interstellar .....; Expanding 1st Technocosmic Revolution + Expanding 2nd Technocosmic Revolution + Expanding 3rd Technocosmic Revolution with AIs + Beginning 4th Technocosmic Revolution with Spiritual/Synthetic Life Machines; The 3 higher "unnatural" organizational sociocosmic stopinders - the State (SO), the Nation (LA) and the United Nations (TI) wither away to become the 3 natural sociocosmic organizational World Integrated Functional Organizations no more punitive, scary and war-mongering, emergence of Communism proper, large scale application of the technocosmic machineries and artificial intelligence; only 1 such DO-Historical Sociocosmic Octave would be breeding on Earth at that time; the Age of Real Socialism without quotation mark on global scale with much reduced rich-poor nation disparities.

Note that the word, 'socio(techno)cosmic' is introduced to the instruments of production-distribution-consumption (robots and machines) that have reached the stage of having a higher man-sponsored IT/big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) on their higher 3rd technocosmic bodies but the word, 'socio(techno)cosmic' is still used for the instruments of production-distribution-consumption having a lower man-sponsored Information Technology (IT)/big data on their lower 3rd technocosmic bodies whereby man still controls the technocosmic octave.  Thus, the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism and subsequent LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism is often called 'Socio(techno)cosmic' and TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism are differentiated and named as such, however, with the last 7th gravity-center of historical sociotechnocosmic vibration (Datongism) having 4th technocosmic body (the passenger body of the padrigines) in the form of spiritual AI robots and machines with their own 'it's, 'I's and even 'I AM's that co-exist as spiritual technocosmic Robonity-at-Large with spiritual biocosmic Humanity-at-Large.

5.1 The SO(FA)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism where socialistic or non-exploitative principles and essence dongjinggong and gongjingdong breed within its MI-FA Interval and the emergence of real workplace infantile democracy, freedom, civil liberty, justice, human rights, equality and universal suffrage together and complement to holism, education, innovation, green, responsibility, evolution, no-harmism and sustainability to biocosmic Humanity-at-Large.

5.2 The SO(SO)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism where the same socialistic or non-exploitative principles and essence dongjinggong and gongjingdong breed within its MI-FA Interval and the emergence of real workplace growing democracy, freedom, liberty, justice, rights and equality to biocosmic Humanity-at-Large, now spread geographically to the states level.

5.3 The SO(LA)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism where the same socialistic or non-exploitative principles and essencedongjinggong and gongjingdong breed within its MI-FA Interval and the emergence of real workplace maturing democracy, freedom, liberty, justice, rights and equality to biocosmic Humaity-at-Large, now spread from the states to the geographical nations level.

5.4 The SO(TI)-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism where the same socialistic or non-exploitative principles and essence dongjinggong and gongjingdong breed within its MI-FA Interval and the emergence of real workplace declining democracy, freedom, liberty, justice, rights and equality to Humanity-at-Large, now spread from the nations to the 'World-of-Nations' level or have become unimportant words of the old Capitalism and Socialism historical periods in face of the Will of Communism.

Sociopital/value would still remain broken-up at the FA, SO,LA and TI levels into 2 parts by the SNUN regulatorate of the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Interval, the second part is a dubious transition Sociopital-Communipital/value hybrid on transit to the Communipital/value proper of the next historical sociocosmic species.

The body of this SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is full of AI robots and padrigines I, II and III in the PDC phases.


6. The LA-Historical Sociocosmic Octave

Communist - Datong Periods:
(2864 AD - 4296 AD)

Sociocosmic Stopinder Level: LA (FA, SO, LA, TI)
(of the next higher octave biocosmic man or possible Datong Man + possible technocosmic Spiritual AI Robots and inclusive of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave space, interplanetary & interstellar exploration or protrusion) - Individual, Group*, Family, Organizations (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti)

Technocosmic Stopinder Level:
Padrigine III ( at its highest level and emergence of Padrigine IV + Pre-'DO' + Padrigine II)

Astrological Age:
Age of Aquarius 2nd and 3rd Decan

Historical Sociocosmic Species:
LA-Historical Socio(techno)cosmic Species of Communism (with AI Robonity-at-Large)

Mode of Production/Economic Base:
Communism (Biocosmic) and Datongism (Technocosmic)

Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE):
Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange unified and fully AI and physically integrated PDCE

Nature, Size and Type of 'Pital'/value or Historical Sociocosmic Blood Circulation Type: Communipital/value increasing or stabilizing in size per machine collective or per human regulationate (all land, commodities and IPs local and international stabilizing human common ownership included) and adjusting for balance globally (Land/plant, building, goods & services/"finance"/"Nation-state" communipital/value); Communipital/value would be broken-up into 2 parts by the Human-AI regulatorate of the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Interval, the second part is a dubious transition Communipital-Datongipital/value hybrid on transit to the Datongipital/value proper of the next historical sociocosmic species.

Property Ownership:
Personal property ownership for bio-man and spiritual robots + Common ownership of means of production (only for bio-man and not for spiritual robots) at SO, LA and TI levels

Shock Absorber:
DongRobotjingRobotgong vs RobotgongRobotjingDong

MI-FA Interval:
Triad sociocosmic shock absorber is DongRobotjingRobotgong

TI-DO Interval:
Will of Datongism

Sociotechnocosmic Enneagram Inputs:

Individual/human beings-AI robots (at Point 0/9)

Machine Collectivite (at Point 3)

Human Regulators (at Point 6)



Fully completed 4 metamorphosis stages in the Age of Advanced Sociocosmic  Circularity.


Sociocosmic Aberration:
Without sociocosmic aberration at the “FA-SO-LA-TI” stopinders amongst 'Humanity-at-Large' but possible with sociocosmic aberration between the biocosmic and the technocosmic stopinders.

Surplus of Produce: Surplus from the workers belongs to all the workers or humanity-at-large as shared abundance.

Marxian alienation: With no real class individual/worker-cooperative/collective or commune alienation at the MI-FA Interval and no further human commune alienation at the TI-DO Interval.  However, there will be alienation due to man versus spiritual AI robots - the two biocosmic octave and spiritual/AI technocosmic octave need to work and produce in harmony.

Shock absorber conflict: BiodongRobotjingRobotgong vs RobotgongRobotjingBiodong; a conflict of two different qualitative forces - Biocosmic humans vs Technocosmic Robots as to who should be in the position of Dong.  Conflicts with biocosmic humanity will become severe if the AI Robots turn spiritual with 'I's and fighting for self-determination.  RobotgongRobotjing and Biodong at the MI-FA Interval during the LA-Historical Period of Communism through a quantitative social revolution leading to the Will of Datongism from the TI-DO Interval realizing as RobotjingRobotgong and Biodong at the MI-FA Interval existing in balance at higher productive and regulatory LA/TI(FA), LA/TI(SO), LA/TI(LA) and LA/TI(TI) levels respectively.

Class conflict:  No vertical class conflict or horizontal class conflict amongst biocosmic humanity except with a potential or emerging biocosmic vs technocosmic vertical class conflict or horizontal class conflict as AI robots and machines turn spiritual.

War:  Much reduced "wars" amongst biocosmic humanity except possible vertical and horizontal "wars" with spiritual AI robots or extra-terrestrial wars.  With possible numerous vertical revolutions/counter-revolutions and horizontal wars/battles within and without each of the sociotechnocosmic stopinders all along the sociotechnocosmic octaves between biocosmic humanity and technocosmic robonity.

Fetishism:  Matured, unity, harmonious and balanced  biocosmic and spiritual robot fetishism including balance in spirituality, materialism, product with abundance of everything.

Personality: Further decreasing personality types with lesser false personalities (perfectionist, giver, performer, romantic, observer, loyalist, generalist, boss, peacemaker …..)

Internal Energy Type: The Yin-Yang balance restored, very much reduced propaganda and reciprocal destructive energies both in the physical battle fields and in the social media fields; the law of reciprocal nourishment dominates fully.

PESTLES+ Superstructure:

Cosmic properties of pysche hydrogens (....... H48, H24, H12, H6) with HEIGRENS and others generated in the inner bodies of the hethormen human beings (Modern Man) and radiated out of the human body en masse determine and are determined by the communist mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) of the the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism (CD of the FA-SO-LA-TI-levels in unison.)

Superstructure Politics:

Governance directed (opposing) towards governance by the billion biocosmic protein-humans over the trillions highly automated and non-protein "oppressed" intelligent technocosmic AI and possible spiritual robots on mother Earth's surface.

Political Nomenclatures:
Peoples' Democracy/Republic (in Quotation Mark) and serving working Humanity-at-Large (biocosmic) versus a potential oppressed spiritual AI robots and machines technocosmic revolution against the biocosmic Humanity-at-Large

AI robots of the technocosmic octave are gradually turning "spiritual" and appear to manifest themselves at the TI-DO Interval in opposition and descend to the biocosmic Man now reigning and wielding the power at the MI-FA Interval where much of the managing and operational work are being done by these spiritual AI robots of our own creation; Expanding 1st Technocosmic Revolution + Expanding 2nd Technocosmic Revolution + Expanding 3rd Technocosmic Revolution with AIs + Expanding Spiritual/Synthetic Life Machines.  'No Employer and No Employee Exploitation' amongst the biocosmic man at the MI-FA Interval in face of a potential Datongistic Will of Spiritual AI robots/Machines at the TI-DO Interval.  FA, SO, LA and TI integrated into a harmonious productive and regulative system worldwide.

The Westphalian state, nation and the United Nations really wither away into functional working organizations without class conflicts and very much harmonious and peaceful. Note that the sociocosmic gravity-centers SO-LA-TI still exist in wait of either absorbing a negative, a positive or a neutral group of psyche hydrogens - there is essentially no guarantee to absolute cosmic, sociocosmic, biocosmic or technocosmic ultimate outcome in the long process of human evolution and involution. "State", "Nations" and "World-of-Nations" are proper names given to specific notes of sociocosmic gravity-center vibrations or concentrations called SO-Sociocosmic Stopinders, LA-Sociocosmic Stopinders and TI-Sociocosmic Stopinders respectively by three-brained power-possessing beings dwelling in the geocosmic continent known as "Europe" in the town called Westphalia over their own SO, LA and TI sociocosmic beings property and territorial grabbing treaty-trapped resolutions of conflicts and wars during the beginning polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism ..... but they are temporary historical proper names already given but rather have origins sniffed out from the objective reality of a real material sociocosmic octave vibration of the (our) Ray of Creation at the MI-FA Interval.  The same or similar SO, LA and TI sociocosmic gravity-center vibrations is called "Kingdom", "Dynasty" and "Empire" respectively during the polar MI-FA-SO-LA/TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism.

Age of the New Nuclear-pointing "Terror-of-the World"; World of Full Sociotechnocosmic Integration RE between man and AI robots/machines and including the spiritual robots or conscious padrigines of a possible fully developed technocosmic octave having acquired the gradation of completing its Fourth Technocosmic Revolution in developing their Fourth Body.

6.1 The LA(FA) Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Communism and Datongism where where communistic non-exploitative common sharing principles BiodongRobotjingRobotgong and RobotgongRobotjingBiodong breed within its MI-FA Interval and the continuity of real workplace democracy, freedom, civil liberty, justice, human rights, equality and universal suffrage together and complement to holism, education, innovation, green, responsibility, evolution, no-harmism and sustainability to biocosmic Humanity-at-Large - to the emerging infantile spiritual AI/AGI robots and machines of all realizable functions, sizes and shapes exerting their Will of Datongism at the TI-DO Interval.

6.2 The LA(SO) Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Communism and Datongism where DongRobotjingRobotgong (BiodongRobotjingRobotgong) and where the same communistic non-exploitative common sharing principles RobotgongRobotjingDong (RobotgongRobotjingBiodong) breed within its MI-FA Interval, now spread into the geographical 'SO-Regulatory Level' and the continuity of real workplace democracy, freedom, liberty, justice, rights and equality to humanity but not to the growing AI/AGI spiritual robots of all realizable functions, sizes and shapes exerting their Will of Datongism at the TI-DO Interval.

6.3 The LA(LA) Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism where the same communistic non-exploitative common sharing principles DongRobotjingRobotgong (BiodongRobotjingRobotgong) and RobotgongRobotjingDong (RobotgongRobotjingBiodong) breed within its MI-FA Interval, now spread into the geographical 'LA-Regulatory Level' and the continuity of real workplace democracy, freedom, liberty, justice, rights and equality to humanity but not to the maturing AI/AGI spiritual robots of all realizable functions, sizes and shapes exerting their Will of Datongism at the TI-DO Interval.

6.4 The LA(TI) Historical Sociocosmic Octave of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism where where the same communistic non-exploitative common sharing principles DongRobotjingRobotgong (BiodongRobotjingRobotgong) and RobotgongRobotjingDong (RobotgongRobotjingBiodong) breed within its MI-FA Interval, now spread into the TI-Regulatory Level' and the continuity of real workplace democracy, freedom, liberty, justice, rights and equality to humanity but now against the maturing but very powerful AI/AGI spiritual padrigine robots of all realizable functions, sizes and shapes exerting their Will of Datongism at the TI-DO Interval.

The body of this LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism has reached in the PDC phases the comprehensive and integrative maximum AI robots and spiritual-like padrigines I, II, III and some IV in every part of the body on mother Earth's surface.


7. TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Octave

Datong - SRobot Periods

(4296 AD - ?)

Datong proper, a biocosmic Humanity-at-Large co-existing in peaceful/un-peaceful harmony with Spiritual AI Robonity-at-Large ............ and a possible final death or extinction of all not in this Datongism period but in later historical periods for names yet to be identified, a fact which we must admit for the fate of our Great Sociotechnocosmic Being on mother Earth's surface and the fate of our MI-FA Interval (either extinguished or shifted) of the (our) Ray of Creation, and nay more, the possible unpredictable cosmic accidents to instantly terminate the natural flow to death.  Datong Man meets Spiritual AI Robots at the Omega Point of the Historical Biocosmic Octave.

Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species:
TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism (with Spiritual AI Robonity-at-Large)

Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE):
Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange unified and fully AI and physically integrated PDC with the inclusion of Spiritual AI robots

Nature, Size and Type of 'Pital'/value or Historical Sociocosmic Blood Circulation Type: Datongipital/value increasing or stabling in size per SRobot Collective or per Datong Human Regulatorate (all land, commodities and IPs local and international human common ownership included but excluding SRobot ownership) and growing globally (Land/plant, building, goods & services/"finance"/"Nation-state" datongipital/value "common"-sharing with spiritual AI robots); Datongipital/value would be broken-up into 2 parts by the Human-SRobot regulatorate of the "SO-LA"/TI-DO Interval, the second part is a dubious transition Datongipital-DSRobopital/value hybrid on transit to the DSRobopital/value proper of the next historical sociocosmic species.

These sociotechnocosmic levels exist between biocosmic Humanity-at-Large vs technocosmic Spiritual AI Robonity-at-Large:

7.1 The TI(FA) Historical Sociotechnocosmic Octave

7.2 The TI(SO) Historical Sociotechnocosmic Octave

7.3.The TI(LA) Historical Sociotechnocosmic Octave

7.4.The TI(TI) Historical Sociotechnocosmic Octave

The body of this TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism has reached in the PDC phases the comprehensive and integrative maximum and dominating AI robots and actual spiritual padrigines IV and above in every part of the body on mother Earth's surface.

The TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism ownership of datongipital/value becomes common ownership within the body of this Great ONE Sociotechnocosmic Being where each and every sociotechnocosmic stopinder being from the fundamental octave, inner-external octaves, completed or uncompleted sub-octaves and all the laterals sociotechnocosmic octaves in similar manner give into the body of this Great ONE Sociotechnocosmic Being according to their real abilities and receive from it according to their real needs always maintaining this harmonious, peaceful, sociotechnocosmic healthy equilibrium homeostasis - and that is what our body have being striving everyday as a doctor would tell you.  The whole narrative-line of this historical development of the historical sociotechnocosmic species is for Humanity-at-Large (with no exclusion) to achieve this final healthy equilibrium homeostasis for itself as a healthy living sociotechnocosmic being dwelling at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation for which such an equilibrium has only of a temporary, occasional and partial nature in its past history, hitherto.  The final stage of this historicism is still the indispensable DEATH of mankind.  The law of seven sociotechnocosmic octave or 7 stages to homeostasis equilibrium is the same with other historical sociotechnocosmic species of a biocosmic ti-stopinder sociotechnocosmic-able 'Individual' (DO) in our case 'the three-centered hethormen human being or modern man' actively vibrating sociotechnocosmically at the MI-FA Intervals of all the other Rays of Creation in the Universe.

As Karl Marx wrote, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs ..."

The needs include free car and free house and everything else to the limits of all natural reasonable needs and wants that have arisen normally through refinement of psyche hydrogens in the normal digestion of our three being-foods - always a risk to this Marxian dictum, if the 2 shocks of 'conscious-labor' at the mi-fa interval and 'intentional-suffering' at the ti-do interval within each and every human body have not happened , and if they have happened there is a risk of as the Chinese said, "becomes zhouforumo" or misfired, thus upsetting this Marxian dictum, and possible upsetting also the healthy homeostatic equilibrium of the Great ONE Sociotechnocosmic Being.




1. * This symbol in bold means sociocosmic gravity-center focus or dominating forces and is treated as the main gravity-center focus of the respective historical period ascending and descending.  Note that the Westphalian concept (1640 AD at Westphalia, Germany of the Feudal Historicism) of the "State", the "Nation" and the "United Nations" are used for the SO, LA and TI historical sociocosmic octaves to identify, name and fill into these otherwise natural sociocosmic gravity-centers, namely, the SO-sociocosmic stopinder to be coated with the "State", the LA-sociocosmic stopinder with the "Nation" and the TI-sociocosmic stopinder with the "United Nations" or "Nation Blocs" or World-of-Nations - all as natural functioning and working organizations without quotation mark.

Furthermore, Westphalia nationstates (1648 AD) were produced as a series of peace treaties/state agreements amongst feudates, kingdates, dynastates, and continue further by corporates (such as British East India company, Dutch East India Company) on behalf of their nationates (Kings) in western Europe due to capitalists and feudalists competing and battling amongst themselves.  It is historically equivalent to the Wenming Unification of Ancient China (WUAC) when all the feudates, kingdates and dynastates competed and battle themselves and finally agreed to this WUAC under the Imperial dynasty of Qin in 221 BC unified under the imperial emperor of Qin called Shi Huang Ti.  This is a wenming civilization unification with natural sociocosmic harmony, one language and one culture at the MI-FA Interval as well as at the TI-DO Interval till today, and certainly unlike an Empire with many languaged and cultures artificial knifed open by the knife of ‘divide and rule’ and parts deliberately put-together so as to generate perpetual frictions amongst the divided parts leading often to civil by wars.  The knife became sharper during the colonial, imperialistic, fascist and hegemonic stages of predatory capitalism when the vibrating natural sociocosmic stopinders SO, LA and TI were already breeding there in Europe in search of a real wenming unification (or real European Union without partiality).  Temporarily with a series of hurried unwholesome historically signed Westphalia treaties over the uneven distribution of resources (land boundaries, people, resources, etc.) to temporarily calm the horrible negative consequences of coercive laws of competition of sovereign states, which has aberrated massively and unfortunately into World War I (1914 AD) and a World War II (1939 AD), and …….. might continue to World War III and World War IV with to be fought with more and more sophisticated weapons.  Irreconcilable antagonistic sociocosmic contradictions especially those related to the exploiter-exploited, the oppressor-oppressed, the master-slave, the master-serf and the modern employer-employee, the slaving-enslaved nationstates under the law of reciprocal destruction or the law of reciprocal nourishment at the full or near-full level of a TI-sociocosmic stopinder on this Earth civilization is about the usage of a maximum possible destructive power or a maximum possible constructive power equivalent of or near the power of the Kardashev Type I civilization.

2. A Marxian historical period may be a short or a very long period of time.  For instance, feudalism of China is more than 3500 years (more than the 2148 years of an Astrological Age), its ancient slavery society more than 3000 years started before and ended in the beginning of the Age of Aries.  The starting point a historical sociocosmic octave can begin a thousand years earlier in before an Astrological Age such as in China, India, Egypt and Mesopotamia. It can also started late or a thousand years later in the 1428 AD the 3rd decan of the Age of Pisces although it belonged to the Age of Aries – such as the Aztecs civilization of ancient slavery society. However, the order of the historical periods does not change but can be by-passed such as from feudalism to socialism but often unstable and might fall back or needs a short high speed transition as capitalism.  This is the case with China and Russia.  Today, there are still some natives and minority tribes living in primitive communalism in the deep forest and isolated islands away from the outside world and away from the stream of higher civilizations.

3.  There are 1 contradiction-diad in Primitive Communalism (Standard Historical Period 1), 5 contradiction-triads in 3 critical pyramidal-essenced Ancient Slavism (Standard Historical Period 2), Feudalism (Standard Historical Period 3) and Capitalism (Standard Historical Period 4) and 1 transitional pyramidal-essenced Socialism (Standard Historical Period 5) and 1 circular-essenced Communism (Standard Historical Period 6); 1 fully balanced, harmonious and peaceful circular Datongism (Standard Historical Period 7) occurring at their MI-FA Intervals in the modes of Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) tetrad substructure, and a possible 1 pyramidal-essenced SRoboticism (Standard Historical Period 8 or the first historical sociocosmic stopinder (DO) of the next higher Standard Historical Sociocosmic Octave, occurring at its MI-FA Interval in its own mode of Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) tetrad substructure. This final 8th Historical Period, SRoboticism) is expected to receive possible negative being-psyche influences Above and due to its position at 'TI'-specie-stopinder in association with deceleration/retardation the TI-DO Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave. 

Below is the description:

1. The contradiction-diad is the diadic contradiction of TouGeng vs GengTou of the primitive mode of Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) in primitive communalism.

2. The contradiction-triad is the triadic contradiction of ZhuGuanNu vs NuGuanZhu of the ancient slavery mode of Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) in Ancient Slavism.

3. The contradiction-triad is the triadic contradiction of DiKongNong vs NongKongDi of the feudal mode of Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) in Feudalism.

4. The contradiction-triad is the triadic contradiction of LauJingGong vs GongJingLau of the capitalist mode of Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) in Capitalism.

5. The contradiction-triad is the triadic contradiction of DongJingGong vs GongJingDong of the socialist mode of Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) in Socialism.

6. The contradiction-triad is the triadic contradiction of HDongRJingRGong vs RGongRJingHDong (including HDongJingGong/HDong-RJingRGong vs GongJingHDong/RJingRGongHdong) of the communist mode of Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) in Communism.  'H' here  means Human, 'R means Robot and 'SR' means Spiritual Robot.

7. The essence of biocosmic, sociocosmic and technocosmic harmony, balance and peaceful diatongistic mode of Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) in Datongism where the players are human beings with AI Robots as workers in harmonious support or Spiritual Robots as willing supporters in work.

8. The contradiction-triad is the possible triadic contradiction of HDong vs SRDong in the nature of the mode of Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) in SRoboticism due to the TI-DO Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave. Only 2 real players plus 1 possible future player in this human historicism - firstly, a protein-based living human being with own Organic Life, secondly, a metal and/or non-metal-based non-living machines with neither Organic Life nor Synthetic Life or just instruments of  PDCE and thirdly, a possible spiritual machines (SRobots) with own Synthetic Life.  It is really and objective story-line or history-line from just these three material beings and their psychic auras against all their external factors around the geocosmic Earth at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.

Each historical sociocosmic species and its inner enneagramic sociocosmic notes is an open equilibrium system or living sociocosmic gravity-center concentration or active sociocosmic stopinder that each must eat 3 sociocosmic being-foods, otherwise it closes and dies.  All the historical sociocosmic species over the historical periods are influenced by the cosmic octave, the geocosmic octave, the biocosmic octaves, the anthropological octaves, the sociocosmic octaves, the technocosmic octaves, the agocosmic octaves, the social class triads, the noospheres and the 12 zodiac constellations.


1.  Primitive Communalism

Both chieftains (Point 3) at the MI-FA Interval and "Masterates" (Point 6) at the TI-DO Interval practice the same thing known as Primitive Communalism (or tou-dominated Tribal-herdism).  The enneagramic triad of PDCE-Regulatory forces are Herdian Follower, Chieftain and Masterate. The shock absorber triad of PDCE-Regulatory forces are Tou and Geng.  However, a specter of the Will of Ancient Slavery lurks in the rebellious predatory consciousness at both the 2 intervals.  This type of Enneagram (of Primitive Communalism) eats chieftain (Point 3), "masterate" (Point 6) and herdian-follower (Point 0/9) as its three main sociocosmic being-foods.

A special type of natural sociocosmic enzyme (similar to the enzyme of a human body) known as a revolutionary vanguard with the majority support of the masses is necessary to qualitatively transform the enneagram of Primitive Communalism into the enneagram of Ancient Slavism.  This sociocosmic enzyme must be at the nodal point within the reach of a critical mass, the destructive power, the constructive power and the right direction to speed up this transformation otherwise, the changes would be a mere quantitative change within the same enneagram.


2. Ancient Slavism (Ancient Slavery)

Both Masterates (Point 3) at the MI-FA Interval and Kingdates (Point 6) at the TI-DO Interval practice the same thing known as Ancient Slavism (or Zhu-dominated Slavery).  The enneagramic triad of PDCE-Regulatory forces are Slave, Masterate and Kingdate.  The shock absorber triad of PDCE-Regulatory forces are Zhu, Guan and Nu.  However, a specter of the Will of Feudalism lurks in the rebellious predatory consciousness at both the 2 intervals.  This type of Enneagram (of Ancient Slavism) eats masterate (Point 3), kingdate (Point 6) and slave (Point 0/9) as its three main sociocosmic being-foods.

 Modality required, must emerge and has emerged for the making of the New Conscious Man to lead humanity out of the sociocosmic aberration circle for this historical period of ancient slavery

A special type of natural sociocosmic enzyme (similar to the enzyme of a human body) known as a revolutionary vanguard with the majority support of the masses is necessary to qualitatively transform the enneagram of Ancient Slavism into the enneagram of Feudalism.  This sociocosmic enzyme must be at the nodal point within the reach of a critical mass, the destructive power, the constructive power and the right direction to speed up this transformation otherwise, the changes would be a mere quantitative change within the same enneagram.


3. Feudalism

Both Feudates (Point 3) at the MI-FA Interval and Dynastates (Point 6) at the TI-DO Interval practice the same thing known as Feudalism (or Di-dominated serfdom).  The enneagramic triad of PDCE-Regulatory forces are Serf/Craftman, Feudate and Dynastate.  The shock absorber triad of PDCE-Regulatory forces are DI, Kong and Nong.  However, a specter of the Will of Capitalism lurks in the rebellious predatory consciousness at both the 2 intervals.  This type of Enneagram (of Feudalism) eats feudate (Point 3), dynastate (Point 6) and serf/craftsman (Point 0/9) as its three main sociocosmic being-foods.

Modality required, must emerge and has emerged for the making of the New Conscious Man to lead humanity out of the sociocosmic aberration circle for this historical period of feudalism

A special type of natural sociocosmic enzyme (similar to the enzyme of a human body) known as a revolutionary vanguard with the majority support of the masses is necessary to qualitatively transform the enneagram of Feudalism into the enneagram of Capitalism.  This sociocosmic enzyme must be at the nodal point within the reach of a critical mass, the destructive power, the constructive power and the right direction to speed up this transformation otherwise, the changes would be a mere quantitative change within the same enneagram.


4. Capitalism

Both Corporates (Point 3) at the MI-FA Interval and Nationates (Point 6) at the TI-DO Interval practice the same thing known as Capitalism (or Lau-dominated Employerism).  The enneagramic triad of PDCE-Regulatory forces are Non-Owning Employee, Corporate and Nationate.  The shock absorber triad of PDCE-Regulatory forces are Lau, Jing and Gong.  However, a specter of the Will of Socialism lurks in the rebellious gong-dominating consciousness at both the 2 intervals.  This type of Enneagram (of Capitalism) eats corporate (Point 3), nationate (Point 6) and non-owning employee (Point 0/9) as its three main sociocosmic being-foods that beget its sociocosmic specie-identity.

Modality required, must emerge and has emerged for the making of the New Conscious Man to lead humanity out of the sociocosmic aberration circle for this historical period of capitalism

A special type of natural sociocosmic enzyme (similar to the enzyme of a human body) known as a revolutionary vanguard with the majority support of the masses is necessary to qualitatively transform the enneagram of Capitalism into the enneagram of Socialism.  This sociocosmic enzyme must be at the nodal point within the reach a critical mass, the destructive power, the constructive power and the right direction to speed up this transformation otherwise, the changes would be a mere quantitative change within the same enneagram.


5. Socialism

Note that the word 'Collectivite' of the MI-FA Interval of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism will be used synonymously with the word 'Cooperative', and the word 'SNUN Regulatorate' of the TI-DO Interval will be used  synonymously with the word 'Socionate'.

Both collectivites (Point 3) at the MI-FA Interval and SNUN Regulators (Point 6) at the TI-DO Interval practice the same thing known as Socialism (or Gong-dominated cooperative).  The enneagramic triad of PDCE-Regulatory forces are Member/Owning-Worker, Machine Collectivite and SNUN Regulatorate.  The shock absorber triad of PDC-Regulatory forces are Gong, Jing and Dong.  However, a specter of the Will of Communism lurks in the rebellious harmonious balance Humanity-at-Large consciousness at both the 2 intervals.  This type of Enneagram (of Socialism) eats collectivite or cooperative (Point 3), socionate or SNUN Regulatorate (Point 6) and member/owning worker (Point 0/9) as its three main sociocosmic being-foods that beget its sociocosmic specie-identity.

Socialism is defined as an economic system based on the social ownership of the means of production and appropriation of the surplus product to benefit the entire community.  The 1st INPUT at point 3 arises, in the form of  personal, group and family produces will prevail and stay as natural non-predatory healthy stopinders -  Collectivite 1 (Do) or "sole proprietorship", Collectivite 2 (Re) or the group or "partnership business" and Collectivite 3 (Mi) or the "family business" and they are collectivites or small enterprises.   The continuing bigger collectivites are Collectivite 4 (Fa), Collectivite 5 (So), Collectivite 6 (La) and Collectivite 7 (Ti).  At the 1st INPUT point 3, the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders of actual production FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism such as the 7 predatory, exploitative capitalistic profit-oriented Sole Proprietorship (Do), the Partnership (Re), the Private Limited Company (Mi) at micro-levels, the Public Limited Company (FA), the Cooperative Society (So), the Privatized/GLC-Linked corporation (La) and the State/National corporation all of which in quotation mark (Ti) at macro-levels will be transformed with much amendments, adjustments and removals to the 7 stopinder into the non-predatory, non-exploitative socialistic non-profit oriented collectivites.  The amendments, adjustments and removals  include ownership through deep which should finally produce the healthy essence of being-socialism without quotation mark at the MI-FA Interval.  Lurk in ambush now will still be the lingering much accursed 'terror-of-a-thousand-tongue' capitalistic wiseacrings.  At the 3rd INPUT point 6, the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders of regulatory production such as the Regulatory State Organization (Do), the Regulatory Nation Organization (Re), the Regulatory United Nations Organization (Mi) and the Humanity-at Large "Organization" or entity (Fa) become truly humane healthy regulatory organizations for mankind; from there the stopinderation continues to Outer Space Exploratory Organization (So), to  Interplanetary Exploratory Organization (La) and Interstellar Exploratory Organization.  Alas!, only becoming truly untainted 'without quotation mark' in deliberation and constant observation tiredly needed to make it happen for mankind .......


Modality continues to emerge for the making of the New Conscious Man to lead humanity out of the sociocosmic aberration circle for this historical period of socialism

A special type of natural sociocosmic enzyme (similar to the enzyme of a human body) known as a revolutionary vanguard with the majority support of the masses might be necessary to qualitatively transform the enneagram of Socialism into the enneagram of Communism.  This transformation is unique in that you need not require any special revolutionary sociocosmic enzyme but only having special evolutionary sociocosmic enzyme (evolutionary vanguard) to quantitatively change the enneagram.

However, should there by a laboratory CIA trained pseudo-revolutionary agent or synthetic sociocosmic enzyme injected into the enneagram of socialism (happened in 1991 AD - 2014 AD in the USSR), at an induced nodal point with the anesthesia  of neoliberalism and shock therapy for the speedy murder of the enneagram of Socialism or the LGBTQIA+ tryouts would also produce the critical mass of a Color Revolution that can destroy the enneagram of Socialism within the nation or a nation-bloc restoring a much damaged previous enneagram of Capitalism for which the enneagram of Socialism would be revived and returned later - with much PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO damage.  It is similar to the damage done to a human body after consuming poison!


6. Communism

Both Machine collectivites (Point 3) at the MI-FA Interval and Human Regulators (Point 6) at the TI-DO Interval practice the same thing known as communism.  The enneagramic triad of PDCE-Regulatory forces are Human Being, AI Robot/Machine Collective and Human AI Regulatorate.  The shock absorber triad of PDCE-Regulatory forces are Dong, RobotJing and RobotGong.  However, a specter of the Will of Datongism lurks in the rebellious new type of possible spiritual robots self-consciousness at both the 2 intervals.  This type of Enneagram (of Communism) would eat H-GAIR-M commune (Point 3), Human-AI  Regulatorate (Point 6) and human beings (Point 0/9) as its three main sociocosmic being-foods that beget its sociocosmic specie-identity.

Note that many of these DongRjingRgong machine collectivites, geo-housed in modern "villages" (communities/communes/stopinders) would have aplenty of sustainable modern AI robots and machines controlled by the biocosmic man, the "villages" of which are attached to the mainstream zarooarian octaves.  Everything inside this modern hitech commune is simply free for use according to needs.  However, a futuristic hitech commune stopinders on mother Earth's surface of whatever name given or nomenclatured would sponsored-breed by the millions all along the 7 fundamental sociocosmic stopinders and 7 plus 7 other lateral stopinders at both the MI-FA and TI-DO Intervals.  Every biocosmic man would be truly a prosperous freemen, the common-owner, the common-sharer and the real master with personal account of convenience for satisfying his needs and wants - the account of would never become empty and would be auto-refilled by these AI robots and machines from time to time through their global big data processing and management at all stopinder-levels. By hi-tech commune stopinder or commune gravity-center vibration within an allocated geo-boundary suitable context implies they can be hitech industrial stopinders for space exploration (So), interplanetary exploration (La) and interstellar exploration (Ti) productive activities, and not just those old “agro-communes" or “villages” of feudalism or old "companies/corporations with shares or without or nationates" or old “cooperative societies  of capitalism and even those of the perfected workers COOPs, old state corporations of Socialism proper.

The divide or nodal point lies in the number and levels of development of our technocosmic octave.  However, AI robots and machines or Robonity-at-Large would be "collected" into these hitech commune stopinders to serve Humanity-at-Large.  The DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism would finally metamorphosized and become the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of  Communism (advanced level) full of high-techs beings in the trillions, which would be turning into real spiritual high-tech beings everywhere within the body of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being.  Finally, this historical sociocosmic species would become a TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism with Humanity-at-Large (still protein-based Organic Life) co-existing with Spiritual Robonity-at-Large (now with Synthetic Life of their own).  Beyond this is Continuation Endlessness with numerous inner cycles or ascends and descends within till the final natural or accidental rascooarno (death) of this Great Sociotechnocosmic Being at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.  This is the life span of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being after completing its 7 basic historical specie-cycle.  Biocosmic men together with technocosmic Spiritual AI robots and machines would have migrated to other exoplanets through their biodome spacecrafts.

The world shall witness an ever increasing human-sponsored birth of 4-bodied padrigine beings of the great technocosmic octave increasing the population of these human subservient micro-, mini- and macro-sized mobile and immobile AI Smart Robots and machines of production and service providers with real and actual material realities and presence to the trillions for which biocosmic humans, also to the billions, together with trillion of others micro- and mini-sized animalia and plantae organic beings shall have to exist and live together on mother Earth's surface at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation in this Communism Enneagram.  In class history, from ancient slavism, through feudalism and through capitalism, the sociocosmic enneagrams are complicated and more and more complex with little light.  Only during the socialism ennegrama and finally a communism enneagram, sociocosmic life of Humanity-at-Large shall witness simplicity.


Modality for the making of the New Conscious Man to lead humanity out of the circles are required each time a fall of the consciousness of man to lower levels happens historically - corruption, murders, stealing, destructive action, criminal activities, etc.

The earlier historical periods are categorically led by Man No. 4, the next period by Man No. 5, then by Man No. 6 and finally by Man No. 7.

The fall of consciousness in man to coarse hydrogens of consciousness would cause a descending octave to fall back to socialism and to capitalism even to tribal and animalian existence!  This would happen in the grand rascoorano or natural extinction process of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being, which to wit has happened to other biocosmic extinction of species en masse such as the the dinosaurs.  Here, we are referring to the historical extinction  of a sociocosmic and a technocosmic species including also the historical biocosmic species of the Datong Man and the Spiritual AI Robots after the Omega Point.

A special type of natural sociocosmic enzyme (similar to the enzyme of a human body) known as a revolutionary vanguard with the majority support of the masses might be necessary to qualitatively transform the enneagram of Communism into the enneagram of Datongism.  This transformation is unique in that you need not require any special revolutionary sociocosmic enzyme but only having special evolutionary sociocosmic enzyme (evolutionary vanguard) to quantitatively change the enneagram.

7. Datongism

The biocosmic and the technocosmic balance is the reality of this period.  However, and sadly Humanity-at-Large would still be in the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation with the same number of cosmic laws (96 laws, 48 laws and 24 laws) and never seems to be able to escape anything except in wait for the ultimate death or extinction of mankind ........


The enneagramic triad of PDCE-Regulatory forces are Human Being/Spiritual SRobot, AI Robot-Machine Collective and Human-SRobot Regulatorate.  The shock absorber triad of PDCE-Regulatory forces are Dong, SRobotJing and SRobotGong.  There is a possible risk of social pyramidization of the biocosmic datong man and the technocosmic spiritual robots.  This type of Enneagram (of Datongiism) would possibly eat H-SR-GAIR-M datongate (Point 3), Human-SRobot  Regulatorate (Point 6) and human beings and Spiritual SRobot (Point 0/9) as its three main sociocosmic being-foods that beget its sociocosmic specie-identity.


A special type of natural sociocosmic enzyme (similar to the enzyme of a human body) known as a revolutionary vanguard with the majority support of the masses is necessary to qualitatively transform the enneagram of Datongism into the enneagram of HSRobotism (Human Spiritual Roboticism) might be necessary.  This transformation is unique in that you need not require any special revolutionary sociocosmic enzyme but only having special evolutionary sociocosmic enzyme (evolutionary vanguard) to quantitatively change the enneagram.





List of Dynasties and Empires for the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Octave, the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Octave and Polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Sociocosmic Octaves - each 'LA' and or 'TI'  sociocosmic gravity-center of vibration has coated itself with a common name or a proper name as it must always happen


Dynasties and Empires
(From Wikipedia, )

This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items with reliable sources.

Empire [1]
Origin [2] From To Duration


Abbasid Caliphate Iraq 750 1258 508
Abbasynia Ethiopia 1137 1974 837
Achaemenid Empire Iran 550 BC 330 BC 220
Afsharid Dynasty Iran 1736 1796 60
Ahom Dynasty North East India 1228 1838 610
Akkadian Empire Sumer 2300 BC 2200 BC 100
Aksumite Empire Ethiopia 150 940 790
Akwamu West Africa 1505 1867 362
Alaouite dynasty, Sultanate of Morocco (1665–1912) Morocco 1631 1912 281
Almohad Caliphate Morocco 1121 1269 148
Almoravid dynasty Morocco 1040 1147 107
Angevin Empire England, France 1154 1242 88
Armenian Empire Armenia 190 BC 428 618
Ashanti Empire West Africa 1670 1902 232
Assyria Mesopotamia 2025 BC 609 BC 1416
Aulikara Empire India 528 550 22
Austria-Hungary Austria, Hungary 1867 1918 51
Austrian Empire Austria 1804 1867 63
Ayyubid dynasty Middle East 1171 1341 170
Aztec Empire Mesoamerica 1428 1521 93
Babylonian Empire Mesopotamia 1900 BC 1600 BC 300
Balhae North Korea, Manchuria 698 926 228
Bamana Empire West Africa 1712 1861 149
Belgian colonial empire Belgium 1901 1962 61
Benin Empire Nigeria 1440 1897 457
Bornu Empire Nigeria 1387 1893 506
Britannic Empire Britain 286 296 10
British Empire United Kingdom 1603 1997 394
British Raj Indian Subcontinent 1858 1947 89
Bruneian Empire Borneo 1368 1888 520
Buyid dynasty Persia 934 1055 121
Byzantine Empire Eastern Roman Empire (Greece, Anatolia, Africa, Israel, Syria, Italy) 284 1460 1176
Caliphate of Córdoba Iberian Peninsula 756 1031 275
Carthaginian Empire North Africa 814 BC 146 BC 668
Cebu Rajahnate Philippines 1279 1565 286
Chagatai Khanate Transoxania 1225 1687 462
Chalukya dynasty India 543 753 210
Chauhan dynasty Northern India 800 1200 400
Chenla Cambodia 550 802 252
Chera dynasty South India 400 BC 1729 2129
Chola empire South India 400 BC 1540 1940
Commonwealth of England British Isles 1649 1660 11
Congo Free State actual Congo-Kinshasa 1885 1908 23
Crimean Khanate Black Sea 1441 1783 342
Dacian Empire Romania 168 BC 106 274
Danish colonial empire Denmark (as Denmark Norway 1536 – 1814) 1536 1953 417
Delhi Sultanate India 1206 1527 321
Duchy of Burgundy Western Europe 1364 1477 113
Duchy of Savoy Savoy 1416 1713 297
Durrani Empire Afghanistan 1747 1823 76
Dutch Empire Netherlands 1568 1975 407
Egyptian Empire Egypt 1550 BC 1077 BC 473
Elamite Empire South West Iran 2700 BC 539 BC 2161
Empire of Brazil Brazil 1822 1889 67
Empire of Great Fulo Senegal 1514 1776 262
Empire of Harsha Northern India 606 647 41
Empire of Japan Japan 1868 1947 79
Empire of Nicaea Bithynia 1204 1261 57
Empire of Thessalonica Epirus, Kingdom of Thessalonica 1224 1246 22
Empire of Trebizond Pontus 1204 1461 257
Fatimid Caliphate Maghreb, Egypt 909 1171 262
First Bulgarian Empire Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Europe 680 1018 338
First French Empire France 1804 1814/1815 10/11
First Mexican Empire Mexico 1821 1823 2
Frankish Empire Western Europe 800 843 43
French colonial empire France 1534 Either surviving until present or ended in 1980 487 as of 2021 or 446 as of 1980
Funan Cambodia 50 550 500
Gallic Empire Rhineland-Palatinate 260 274 14
Gaza Empire Southern Africa 1824 1895 71
Georgian Empire Georgia 1008 1490 482
German Empire Germany 1871 1918 47
Ghana Empire Mauritania, and Western Mali 300 1240 940
Ghaznavid dynasty Afghanistan 963 1187 224
Ghurid dynasty Afghanistan 1148 1215 67
Goguryeo Korea 37 BC 668 705
Göktürk Khaganate Inner Asia 552 747 195
Golden Horde Central Asia 1240 1502 262
Gorkha Empire Greater Nepal 1600 1850 250
Goryeo Korea 918 1392 474
Great Moravian Empire Central Europe 833 900 67
Gupta Empire India 320 550 230
Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty India 600 1136 536
Hanseatic League North and Baltic Sea 1356 1648 292
Hephthalite Empire Afghanistan 420 567 147
Hittite Empire Anatolia 1460 BC 1180 BC 280
Holy Roman Empire Central Europe 962 1806 844
Hotak dynasty Persia, Afghanistan 1709 1738 29
Hoysala Empire India 1026 1343 317
Hunnic Empire Eurasia 370 469 99
Idrisid dynasty Morocco 788 974 186
Ilkhanate Persia 1256 1335 79
Inca Empire (Tawantinsuyo) Andes (Peru, BoliviaEcuador, parts of ChileArgentina and Colombia) 1438 1533 95
Italian Empire Italy 1885 1943 58
Jolof Empire West Africa 1350 1549 199
Kaabu Empire West Africa 1537 1867 330
Kadamba dynasty Karnataka 345 540 195
Kalmar Union Scandinavia 1397 1523 126
Kanem Empire Chad 700 1387 687
Kanva dynasty India 75 BC 30 BC 45
Kara-Khanid Khanate Turkistan 840 1212 372
Khazar Khaganate Pontic steppe, North Caucasus 700 1000 300
Khilji dynasty Afghanistan 1290 1320 30
Khmer Empire Cambodia 802 1431 629
Khwarazmian dynasty Persia 1077 1221 144
Kingdom of Israel
(united monarchy)
parts of EgyptIsraelJordanLebanonPalestine, Syria 1047 BCE 930 BCE 117
Kingdom of Judah (united monarchy) Israel 1050 BC 586 BC 464
Kingdom of Kush Northeast Africa, Nubia 1070 BC 350 1420
Kingdom of Prussia Germany 1701 1871 170
Konbaung dynasty Myanmar 1752 1885 133
Kong Empire West Africa 1710 1898 188
Korean Empire Korean Peninsula 1897 1910 13
Kushan Empire Afghanistan 30 345 315
Lakota people Great Plains 1700 1877 177
Later Lę dynasty Vietnam 1428 1789 361
Latin Empire Thrace, Asia Minor 1204 1261 57
Lodi Sultanate Afghanistan 1451 1526 75
Macedonian Empire Macedonian Kingdom 334 BC 323 BC 11
Madurai Nayak dynasty South India 1529 1736 207
Majapahit Empire Indonesian Archipelago 1293 1527 234
Mali Empire West Africa 1235 1610 375
Mamluk Sultanate Egypt, Syria 1250 1517 267
Manchukuo Manchuria 1932 1945 13
Maratha Empire India 1674 1818 144
Marinid dynasty Morocco 1244 1465 221
Massina Empire West Africa 1820 1862 42
Mauryan Empire Ancient India 321 BC 185 BC 136
Median Empire Persia 625 BC 549 BC 76
Mitanni Empire Syria, Iran, Iraq, Turkey 1500 BC 1300 BC 200
Mongol Empire Mongolia 1206 1368 162
Mughal Empire India 1526 1758 232
Nanda Empire India 450 BC 350 BC 100
Neo-Babylonian Empire Mesopotamia 626 BC 539 BC 87
Nguyen dynasty Vietnam 1802 1945 143
North Sea Empire Denmark 1016 1035 19
Omani Empire Oman 1698 1856 158
Ottoman Empire Anatolia 1299 1922 623
Oyo Empire Southwestern Nigeria 1400 1905 505
Pagan Empire Myanmar 849 1297 448
Pahlavi dynasty Persia 1925 1979 54
Pala Empire India 750 1174 424
Palmyrene Empire Syria 270 273 3
Pandyan dynasty South India 500 BC 1759 2259
Parthian Empire Persia 247 BC 224 471
Pontic Empire Pontus 120 BC 47 BC 73
Portuguese Empire Portugal 1415 1999 584
Ptolemaic Empire Egypt 305 BC 30 BC 275
Qajar dynasty Persia 1794 1925 131
Ramnad Sethupathis India 1590 1979 389
Rashidun Caliphate Saudi Arabia 632 661 29
Rashtrakuta dynasty India 753 982 229
Republic of Genoa Italy 1096 1797 701
Republic of Venice Italy 697 1797 1100
Roman Empire Italy 27 BC 395 422
Rouran Khaganate Inner China 330 555 225
Rozwi Empire Southern Africa 1660 1866 206
Russian Empire (Romanov) Russia 1721 1917 196
Saadi dynasty Morocco 1554 1659 105
Safavid dynasty Persia 1501 1736 235
Saffarid dynasty Persia 867 1002 135
Samanid Empire Persia 819 999 180
Sassanid dynasty Persia 224 651 427
Satavahana dynasty India 230 BC 220 450
Second Bulgarian Empire Balkans 1185 1422 237
Second French Empire France 1852 1870 18
Second Mexican Empire Mexico 1864 1867 3
Seleucid Empire Persia, Mesopotamia, Syria 312 BC 63 BC 249
Seljuq Empire Aral Sea, Asia Minor, Persia 1037 1194 157
Serbian Empire Balkans (Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Epirus, Thessaly, Albania) 1346 1371 25
Shunga Empire India 185 BC 73 BC 112
Siam Empire Thailand 1782 1932 150
Sikh Empire Punjab region 1733 1849 116
Sokoto Caliphate West Africa 1804 1903 99
Songhai Empire West Africa 1340 1591 251
Spanish Empire Iberian Peninsula 1479 1975 496
Srivijaya Empire Indonesian Archipelago 683 1293 610
Swedish Empire Sweden 1611 1721 110
Tahirid dynasty Persia 821 873 52
Tây Saen dynasty Vietnam 1778 1802 24
Thanjavur Nayak dynasty South India 1532 1673 141
Third Reich Germany 1933 1945 12
Tibetan Empire Tibet 755 842 87
Timurid Empire Uzbekistan, Persia and Central Asia 1370 1526 156
Tlemcen Algeria 1235 1556 321
Toltec Empire Mesoamerica 496 1122 626
Tondo dynasty Philippines 900 1587 687
Toucouleur Empire West Africa 1848 1893 45
Toungoo dynasty Toungoo 1510 1752 242
Tu'i Tonga Empire Tonga, Pacific Ocean 950 1865 915
Turgesh Khaganate Turkistan 699 766 67
Umayyad Caliphate Syria 661 750 89
Uyghur Khaganate Central Asia 742 848 106
Uyunid Emirate Arabian 1076 1253 177
Vijayanagara Empire Karnataka, India 1336 1646 310
Wadiyar dynasty (Kingdom of Mysore) Mysuru, Karnataka 1399 1950 551
Wari Empire Peru, Bolivia 500 1100 600
Wassoulou Empire West Africa 1878 1895 17
Western Chalukya Empire South India 973 1189 216
Western Roman Empire Italy 395 476 81
Zand dynasty Persia 1750 1794 44
Zulu Empire South Africa 1818 1897 79
Xia Kingdom China 2205 BC 1766 BC 439
Shang Kingdom China 1766 BC 1122 BC 644
Zhou dynasty China 1046 BC 256 BC 790
Western Xia dynasty China 1038 BC 1227 189
Qin dynasty China (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 221 BC 206 BC 15
Han dynasty China (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 206 BC 220 426
Xin dynasty China (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 9 23 14
Cao Wei China (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 220 265 45
Shu Han China (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 221 263 42
Eastern Wu China (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 229 280 51
Jin dynasty
China (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 265 420 155
Sui dynasty China (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 581 618 37
Tang dynasty China (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 618 907 289
Liao dynasty China (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 915 1125 210
Song dynasty China (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 960 1279 319
Jin dynasty
Northern China  (Manchuria) (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 1115 1234 119
Yuan dynasty China (Mongolia) (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 1271 1368 97
Northern Yuan dynasty North China (Mongolia) (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 1368 1635 267
Ming dynasty China (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 1368 1644 276
Qing dynasty China (A Unified Wenming Civilization) 1644 1912 268


[1]  Empires here are sub-civilization technical terms of "dynasties" or in Octave term of the LA-sociocosmic stopinders of the past DO-Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism, RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism and the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism.

[2]  Origin here is in modern Westphalian technical terms of "Nations" or in Octave term of the LA-sociocosmic stopinders of the current FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the infantile SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.

Note that most of these "empires" listed are just very small low population geographical concentrations of hethormen three-centered human beings according to the historical sociocosmic triads and octaves measure. They are just SO-sociocosmic stopinders or kingdoms, not even LA-sociocosmic stopinders or dynasties and certainly not capable of any fully integrated wenming imperial dynasties or real empires except for the few.  Note that most of these "empires" listed are just very small low population geographical concentrations of hethormen three-centered human beings according to the historical sociocosmic triads and octaves measure. They are just SO-sociocosmic stopinders or kingdoms, not even LA-sociocosmic stopinders or dynasties and certainly not capable of any fully integrated wenming imperial dynasties or real empires except for the few.  If we still call them “empires” then according to the historical triad and octave measures, they are just highly compressed small population 3-layered SO-LA-TI roti canai (s) full of projections and fantasies over empty lands, empty mountains, empty plateaus, empty icelands, empty desserts, empty grasslands and empty waters, empty lakes, empty seas and empty oceans of incompetent historians in quotation mark.

China is one fully integrated wenming or geo-civilization that got unified in year 221 BC still existing today with one unchanging commonly speaking geo-mega population  gravity center and one language while others becomes dialects with the same written language.  Many other such wenmings are integrated at various levels and in degrees mostly trapped in nation-states with primary and secondary languages still with alphabets and symbols disparities amidst dialects and held together by treaties or unions or united states or various for temporary economic, political-legal, military, sociocultural, etcetera interests - all locked in the prison of the fundamental and lateral geocosmic octaves and their geographies at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.  Note that if the common peoples' language and major is varied and different from the governing language, then the whole geo-"civilization" is not naturally integrated and are mostly conquered lands.

Blue row shows kingdoms/dynasties/"empires" during the Age of Aries.  In China, Xia Kingdom (2205 BC - 1766 BC according to Liu Xin) existed during the Age of Taurus and Shang Kingdom (1766 BC - 1122 BC according to Liu Xin) of China in the Age of Aries.   Cishan and Xinglongwa (8000 BC - 7000 BC) in the Age of Cancer and Beifudi (6000 BC - 5000 BC) in the Age of Gemini are likely Neolithic civilizational chieftains (not kingdoms or dynasties or empires) of a few villages or chieftain of a community peculiar to the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Octave of Primitive Communalism. Even in the Age of Pisces today, there are still some chieftains in very isolated, remote and untouched forest and habituated islands of native communalities.


Possible and informal empires when RE-Historical Sociocosmic Enneagrams in transit to FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Sociocosmic Enneagrams and Sub-Enneagrams


["Kingdoms", "Dynasties" and "Empires" of the Feudal historical period, and Westphalian terms such as "States", "Nations" and "League/United Nations" of the Capitalist-Socialist historical periods are the technical terms used when we do not know that the law of sociocosmic octaves applies to sociocosmic developments notably at SO, LA and TI stopinders of sociocosmic vibration in each historical period and the technical terms associated with it.  Also we tend mechanically, due to being in and as an existential being of the Capitalist-Socialist periods, to associate with some exploitative, ultra-profit-seeking and evil motives for our own ulterior past lives - colonialistic, imperialistic, capitalistic, Nazistic, Fascist, racist and hegemonistic purposes - still lingering now in our sub-consciousness which is also in accord with the fundamental sociocosmic laws of reciprocal feeding of sociocosmic stopinder beings especially during the unfinished class periods of history where the laws of sociocosmic cooperation and nourishment is much injured and still recuperating.  Tan Man Ho ]

These governments, confederations and other entities have sometimes been informally referred to as "empires". Some did not fit the modern definition of empire (e.g. the Delian League); some were self-proclaimed by their first and often last ruler, others were short-lived attempts to turn an existing government into an empire, and there are also instances of the word "empire" being used to refer to unofficial spheres of influence which do not consider themselves empires.

"Empire" [1] Origin Capital From To Duration
American Hegemonic Empire United States Washington, D.C. 1776 Present 244
Athenian Empire (Delian League) Ancient Greece Delos island 478 BC 404 BC 74
Second Athenian League Ancient Greece Athens 378 BC 355 BC 23
Central African Empire Central African Republic Bangui 1976 1979 3
United Arab Emirates Emirates of the United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi 1971 Present 48
Empire of China China Beijing 1915 1916 1
First Empire of Haiti Haiti Port-au-Prince 1804 1806 2
Second Empire of Haiti Haiti Port-au-Prince 1849 1859 10
European Union (EU)/NATO Various member nations No capital as it is a political, economic, and military alliance between the member nations.

If there were a capital it would be Brussels or Strasbourg.

1993 Present 27
Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lithuania Vilnius 1200 1569 369
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Poland, Lithuania Kraków 1569 1795 226
Roman Republic Italy Rome 509 BC 27 BC 482
Holy See (religious/church empire with sovereign)* Italy Vatican city 1929 Present 93
Kingdom of Romania Romania Bucharest 1920 1944 24
Soviet Empire Soviet Union (U.S.S.R: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) Moscow 1922 1991 69

[1]  "Empire" refers the empire-essenced of the past historical sociocosmic  species within the context of the FA-Historical Socicosmic  Species of Capitalism.  Yellow color.

This is one of the havatvernonian spiritual "empires" with sovereign, and remnants of the once powerful empires existing during the polar FA-SO-LA/TI Historical Periods of Ancient Slavism and Feudalism as the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism  dominates human existence with new mode of PDCE base and PESTLES spiritual auras superstructure relegating all the PESTLES spiritual auras of the past superstructure to a small geo-center as recognition of their past traditional glory.

1   Having thought deeply about the time horizon for the development of the whole sociocosmic being, the wise grandson thought again about the sevenfoldness and began to depict a schema for the movement of all sociocosmic stopinders as a whole and as a historical process.

This concludes the available ways we can wiseacre with historical sociocosmoses round and back to ourselves.  After going for a long journey to create the great sociocosmic being we finally have to add one more wiseacring, that is, back to ourselves as the basic sociocosmic stopinder.  By this time the great sociocosmic being is already at maturity and is quite near its rascooarnoian happening (sociocosmic death).

Propelled by the trialectic laws, the historical octave (sociocosmic time-based octave) is gradually on the forming as a now moving development.  During my period of existence the trialectic sociocosmic process is probably in the time notes between the FA focus, the SO focus, the LA focus and the TI focus, moving at a predictable rate, sometimes ascending, sometimes descending to and fro.  The dominating fundamental inner octaves are from the fundamental FA, SO, LA and TI octaves.


2   The Enneagram of the Sociocosmic Octaves:




The current Enneagram of our Great Socio(techno)cosmos:


The Enneagram of a Production Organization in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism:


The Enneagram of the United Nations Systems in the TI-Fundamental Sociocosmic Octave of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism:


The United Nations System is an enneagram that has its arising at the 3rd level gravity-center lateral sociocosmic octave in the TI-DO Interval of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism after the  megalomania capitalistic-essenced (inclusive of imperialistic and fascistic essences) reciprocal destruction aberration during World War II subsided.  It was conceived and materialized as a neutralizing sociocosmic lateral stopinder to enable the law of reciprocal nourishment to function recuperating and rehabilitating the much damaged LA-nations and TI-nation blocs through the same capitalistic-socialistic essenced mode of PDCE and PESTLES superstructure within the contradiction of the 2 opposing sociocosmic enneagrams of capitalism and socialism as to who might win in the new emerging conflict, and lurking in ambush is the defeated hidden defying enneagram of fascism for being the loser in this  World War II wealth-power seeking capitalistic essences disguised in the belief and auto-hypnotism spell of a God-bestowed godly mission - still within the context of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.

The United Nations System consists of the United Nations, and the six principal organs of the United Nations: the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice (ICJ), and the UN Secretariat, along with various specialized agencies and affiliated organizations. The executive heads of some of the United Nations System organizations and the World Trade Organization, which is not formally part of the United Nations System, have seats on the United Nations System Chief Executives' Board for Coordination (CEB). This body, chaired by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, meets twice a year to co-ordinate the work of the organizations of the United Nations System.

The United Nations System includes the United Nations and its subsidiary bodies (such as the separately-administered funds and programs, research and training institutes, and other subsidiary entities), specialized agencies, and affiliated organizations. Some of the organizations of the United Nations System predate the founding of the United Nations in 1945 and were inherited after the dissolution of the League of Nations. (From Wikipedia)

From the perspective of the living enneagram of the sociocosmoses, a level below the systems of the United Nations would be the organs or organizations of the United Nations System (higher primary organization sociocosmic stopinders) as a whole and the systems cannot function without these organs.  These organs cannot function without the UN working groups (mid-primary group sociocosmic stopinders) and finally, the UN working groups cannot function without having real human beings as the individual sociocosmic stopinders coming into the UN system as biocosmic human representative to sociocosmic nationate and/or intergovernmental (IGO) organizationate and/or non-governmental (NGO) organizationate (the basic and lowest primary individual sociocosmic stopinders) in accordance with Triad Laws.  The law of negation of negation applies to the historicism of the highest organization amongst the World-of-Nations organizations (TI) in the Sociocosmic octave as the United Nations replaces the League of Nations in the battle of sociocosmic contraries amongst nations and nation-blocs.

Formatory apparatus regularly gets lodged into the natural UN enneagram as artificial implantation of internationate partialities and together with the much capitalistic-socialistic essence contradiction within, the UN System might turn this sociocosmic lateral TI-regulatorate into a toothless tiger.

Therefore, the United Nations System is not a perfected TI-system being and might lose its dominance under the cane of 'Capitalism/Imperialism/ Fascism/ Nazism/Hegemonism' or CIFNH-at-Large and of similar capitalistic essences, emerging socialism, future communism and future datongism.  It exist as League of Nations (LON) after World War I and becomes the United Nations (UN) of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, a lateral Mi-level platform after World War II and it will become something else such as Humanity-at-Large System (HAL) of both the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism and LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism) of the higher lateral Fa-level platform possibly after "World War III" and many more wars and world wars ahead - partial, hybrids and holistic including possible intra-terrestrial and extraterrestrial wars for which lateral So-level, La-level and even Ti-level platforms are needed to handle the issues.  Whereas intra-terrestrial feeding-cooperating-destruction issues amongst lunar/planetary colonialists and imperialists of capitalistic/socialistic essences opt-popping out from the three centers of the hethormen human beings mechanically and in sleep-wake can still be handled but rather quite clumsily at the lateral MI-level platform or the UN as noticeable now, the extra-terrestrial reciprocal feeding-cooperating-destruction issues could only be resolved properly by the lateral Fa-level platform or the Humanity-at-Large and the Robonity-at-Large platform (HAL-RAL platform) full-fledging in the SO-, LA- and TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, Communism and Datongism respectively, and the extended lateral So-level platform, the lateral La-level platform and the lateral Ti-level platform become necessary three-times enneagramicated one under socialism, another under communism and yet another under datogism when other different extraterrestrial biocosmic and/or spiritual AI technocosmic beings are encountered, living and staying in sociotechno-relations in our or in their  outer-space stations, lunar and interplanetary bases and interstellar technocosmic crafts and interstellar bases on other planets of other solar systems.  The routine and dull activities of man on Earth's surface is now challenged-in-wake and for action with the extraterrestrials and our instruments of the UN model might not be ready to handle it due to the level of its own TI-being of its out-dated by the time.



It is hope that Humanity-at-Large (HAL) is not exterminated en masse in this octave process of periodic reciprocal destruction of human beings and extraction of the lunar and planetary sacred askokin.  It is a Mi-laujinggong-on-transit-into-Mi-dongjinggong 2nd lateral socociosmic stopinder amongst many other competing Mi-level partialities present in this 2nd lateral socociocosmic stopinders of the TI-DO Interval within the capitalistic-laujinggong-essenced elements of the FA-Historical Species of Capitalism on transit to the socialistic-dongjinggong-essenced elements of a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism in the making which on maturing becomes a full-fledged socialistic-gongjingdong-essenced species of a proper SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism with abundance of the relevant being-psyche hydrogens now present and vibrating in concur in the body of the new man.

The current scenario sociocosmic aberration is:

The law of coercive competition, the law of reciprocal feeding, the law of reciprocal destruction and the law of harmonious cooperation or nourishment act on these 200 (+) laujinggong-dongjinggong-gongjingdong capitalistic/socialistic essenced lateral nations and their nation-blocs at the lateral Mi-level platform within the fundamental TI-level platform such as the lateral different partiality-purposed IGOs, NGOs, NAM, NATO, USSR, ASEAN, BRICS, SCO, IPSP, etc. at the TI-DO Interval  amongst them and at the same time are also subjected to the repeating ascending capitalistic  pressures from the laujinggong corporates (supported by the laujinggong/dongjinggong nationates) of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and gongjingdong collectivites or COOPs (supported by the SNUN dongjinggong/gongjingdong regulators) of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism both also alighting and radiating in overlap from the MI-FA Interval to the TI-DO Interval for which the United Nations System must respond correctly as all of them are living and working together striving to survive under the forces of the biocosmic, the sociocosmic, the technocosmic, the geo-ethnic, the geo-graphical (tectonic), the geocosmic and the astrological (cosmic) influences.

In the Enneagram of the Great Sociocosmic Being in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, reciprocating inner (internal) sociocosmic tensions  (opposing and cooperating both ways) always exist in varying strengths in the enneagramic mathematical order of 0.142857 142857 142857 ............ through all the historical periods until the death of the Great Sociocosmic Being amongst the fundamental sociocosmic stopinders of the Group (RE 1), Organization (FA 4), Family (MI 2), World of Nations (TI 8), State (SO 5), Nation (LA 7) and repeating if the enneagrama is still living as a sociocosmic material being; also reciprocating outer (external/circumferential) sociocosmic tensions always exist also in varying strengths in the linear mathematical order of a simple 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9/0 order in a circle and also through all the historical periods until the death of the Great Sociocosmic Being.

The fundamental sociocosmic octave is a result of the Great Sociocosmic Being consuming or inputting its 1st sociocosmic being-food known as Personates, the individual biocosmic human beings within the context of the Capitalistic Mode of Production essencely Proletarians major as well as the Socialist Mode of Production essencely workers major including the consciousness or superstructure-relates at the 1st TI-DO Interval; the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave is a result of consuming or inputting its 2nd sociocosmic being-food by the Corporates (consciousness or the superstructure-relate of the producing organization by human being) at the MI-FA Interval; the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave is a result of consuming or inputting its 3rd sociocosmic being-food by the Nationates (consciousness or the superstructure-relate of regulatory organization by the same human being) at the 2nd TI-DO Interval and this cycle repeats and repeats if the Great Sociocosmic Being is still alive.  Later it is likely both man-AI spiritual robots would enter into the enneagrama as 'android personates' as the 1st sociotechnocosmic being-food.

Two points to be noted here in regard to Forces of Production, that is,

1.  In the historical periods of DO-Historical Period of Primitive Communalism the material shape is the infantile Great Sociocosmic Being appeared more like "head-tail worms" with leaders (Tou) and a followers (Geng); in the adolescent RE-Historical Period of Ancient Slavery Society (Ancient Slavism) appeared more like established "head-tail snakes" with masters (Zhu) and oppressed slaves (Nu); in the early adulthood MI-Historical Period of Feudalism appeared like "head-thorax-abdomen animals" with landowners (Di), fiefs/guilds/controllers (Kong) and serfs/peasants/apprentices (Nong); mid-adulthood polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism appears now more like growing "head-thorax-abdomen men" with bourgeois (Lau), managers (Jing) and proletarians (Gong) and private ownership of means of production of the Capitalist historical period and with managing directors (Dong), managers (Jing) and workers (Gong) and public ownership of means of production of the Socialist historical period; in the matured adulthood polar DO-Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism of this now Great Sociotechnocosmic Being proper, would appear also still like the "head-thorax-abdomen men" with aplenty managing directors (Dong), managers (Jing) and workers (Gong) and more public ownership of the means of production but with 2 differences on the coming, namely,

i) the coming directive forces to shift gravity-center back to a higher order of the  Individual (DO), Group (RE) and Family (MI) personate stopinders with negation of negation  law in control making a full return of all the qualitative and quantitative elements of these three sociotechnocosmic stopinders back to the earlier historical periods impossible without changes.

The Westphalian states at the sociocosmic stopinder vibration SO, LA and TI wither away and in place exist as mere sociocosmic regulatory organizations of SO, LA and TI with very different roles and functions unlike before but now rather real humanity-oriented service to the Great Sociocosmic Being.

ii) the coming directive forces for the next higher historical period to convert machines and AI robots to assume the role of managers (robot Jing) and workers (robot Gong) or the coming-to-be of large scale "Passenger-Driver-Engine" (Padrigines) beings or "Driver-Engine-Carriage" (Driengcriages) beings; in the late adulthood RE-Historical Periods of Communism and Datongism (Great World Integration between mankind and spiritual robotkind) of this now fully grown Great Socioctechnocosmic Being proper would appear now like "Passenger-Driver-Engine" (Padrigines) where the passengers and the managing directors are biocosmic men (Owner/non-robot Dong), while managers (robot Jing) and workers (robot Gong) are all AI robots and machines on a large scale ("oppressed" so to say).  There free men are the biocosmic Individuals (DO), Group (RE) and Family (MI) who are  "oppressing" the 24-hour working AI robots and machines for producing, distributing and consumption of abundance of qualities and quantities for satisfying biocosmic men's needs and wants with only one possible and coming contradiction from the Will of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being at the TI-DO Interval - the emerging Will of Spiritual AI robots who would want to create a great spiritual robot revolution against the biocosmic humans. .......

2.  Spiritual robots control biocosmic men and biocosmic men control spiritual robots in balance.


3   A point to note here is that in this enneagram of historicism, sociocosmic triad beings of the earlier historical periods after its negation by the latter sociocosmic beings of the next historical period do not completely disappear but often now hidden now open continue to survive and breed in various isolated and remote pockets of land and or islands in various parts of this massive land of mother Earth's surface but in much lesser numbers.  Here it is possible to find some isolated and remote samples of tougeng beings, zhuguannu beings and  a certain good number of dikongnong beings in the Capitalist-Socialist historical periods where laujinggong beings or corporate "dongjinggong" in quotation mark exist in abundance at the MI-FA interval together with some huge unbecoming* nationate dongjinggong beings at the TI-DO interval of the fundamental sociocosmic octave respectively.  These sociocosmic species of the earlier historic periods are able to survive through in the later historical periods through reducing their own sociocosmic rate of metabolism and reducing visibility through the law of plastics.

The earlier extinct ones are to be discovered and studied under archeology but the non-extinct ones can still be studied directly.  It is somewhat similar to our possible findings of certain still surviving rare species of supposedly extinct plants and animals belonging to the earlier paleontological ages.

Hand in hand the kingdates together with their masterates and slaves wielded their sword of ancient slavism hunted for other kingdates and engaged constantly in wars, conquering and be conquered, feeding and be eaten and expanding and be contracted; the dynastes together with their feudates and serfs wielded their sword of feudalism hunted for other dynastes for similar pursuits; today, the nationates together with their corporates and employees wield the sword of capitalism, hunting for other nationates engage in resource plunders, wars, feeding and expanding themselves.  However, state-nation regulators together with their cooperative 'collectivites' and workers would still have their sword of socialism always ready to prevent the return of the predatory and plundering monopolistic/oligopolistic private ownership or a 'the much accursed Journey to a 1:99 Inequity of Incomes' or  Occupy or various properties, business capitals and finance capitals world wide of the means of production to be alienated, appropriated and owned exclusively or de-sociopitalized by the few for the benefit of the few to the exclusion of others without common sharing of prosperity at reasonable proportions - from happening to Humanity-at-Large.

* High risk sociocosmic triad beings subject to strong corruption tendencies, power-possessing, crony-proned, kleptocratic, privatizing, etc. influences and much sugar-coated with promotional catch-and-trap-words such as democracy, freedom, justice, equality, liberty and other thousand-tongued wiseacrings.


4   Thus, says the wise grandson:

In this human historicism, there are 7 Heralds of the Coming Good, each emerges as a Sociocosmic Will from the TI-DO Interval and rotates clockwise into the MI-FA Interval.  The first herald is the will of tougeng of primitive communalism over the Homo sapiens herdism; the second is the will of zhuguannu of ancient slavery over primitive communalism; the third is the will of dikongnong of feudalism over ancient slavery; the fourth is the will of laujinggong of capitalism over feudalism; the fifth is the will of dongjinggong of socialism over capitalism; the sixth is the will of dong-robotjing-robotgong of communism over socialism and finally, the seventh is will of robotdong-robotjing-robotgong of datongism over communism.  This last herald occurs when spiritual AI robots and machines have acquired  powerful minds and 'I AMs', and might be a herald of their coming good. Thus ends the narrative of the 7 Heralds of the Coming Good caused by the cycles of the sociotechnocosmic enneagrams.  (Added on June 8, 2021)






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