Volume 85       November 6, 2019


By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho

(An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 13, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "Principles of the Logico-Psychophilosophical Methods in its Application to Problems of the Real World," March 1982 ~ September 1983 Discourses, Chapter 3, Section B : "On Consciousness," pp. 126~145)






1   Man is differently conscious - at his subconscious levels, he is the cells, the tissues and the organs; at his semi-conscious levels, he is  the anatomical and the physiological systems; at his waking conscious levels, he is the brains; and at his super-conscious levels, his higher feeling and higher thinking centers are awakened to function.  It is the moment's sphere of biocosmic consciousness that makes him talk about a subject matter.  Machine is not conscious as yet.  Consciousness is a quality not a quantity itself as yet!  For biological consciousness or Bio-C, we are aware of the existence of biocosmic conscious states (sleep, sleep-wake, wake, enlightened) which are also qualities based on levels, some quantitative frequency measures (alpha, beta, delta and theta values) of its wave properties.  It is partially computational in the forming.  For machine “consciousness” we cannot even start any computation because it is as not a qualitative existence.  These states of biological consciousness arise for a biocosmic being such as man who is feeding on three biocosmic being-foods of solid & liquid foods, air and impressions to refine coarse psyche hydrogens into finer psyche hydrogens with higher states of consciousness as cosmic properties.

For AI robot-machine with General Artificial Intelligence (GAI),  which is a technocosmic being it needs to overcome a MI-FA Interval qualitative leap to change from padrigine III being into padrigine IV being along the technocosmic octave.  As AI robot-machine has no consciousness as yet, and its “consciousness” as usual is non-computational.  Biocosmic consciousness is also non-computational except that its consciousness or waking states can be identified qualitatively and associated with some measurable qualitative wave functions such as the alpha, the beta, the delta and the theta frequency waves.  As such man sponsored AI robot-machines are given the three technocosmic being-foods to process (fossil chemical fuels and electricity as the 1st being-food, air to assist enable burning or otherwise as the 2nd being-food and quanta as the 3rd being-food) to make them function or working, they would need to reach a point where a dialectical leap to produce a qualitative cosmic consciousness (Cosmic-C) that would enable them to acquire a synthetic life with various qualitative states of spiritual AI robot-machine consciousness similar to that of the organic life acquired by the biocosmic being such as man - such a consciousness is a cosmic consciousness, not a biocosmic consciousness.


2   The worthy consciousness to dwell in is the objective consciousness.  All other mechanical and habitual consciousness are but subjective drops that arise accidentally.  You cannot avoid them even for a second.


3   That consciousness which is directed outwards into the First World and seldom directed inwards into the Second World is the consciousness of the extrovert.  That consciousness which is directed inward into the Second World and forms the Third World is the consciousness of the introvert.  The consciousness of the mechanical men is either inward or outward, the two directions cannot exist at once.  It is either/or.  It is dualist in nature.  But both can still occur mechanically.


4   Experience is a result of consciousness remembering its own historical-psychological path.  Consciousness is capable of remembering its own passage and goes back into the past by bringing the past into the present as its conscious subject matter.


5   When there is esoteric consciousness for man on earth in a certain historical period, there is a possibility of esoteric groups.  As the group grows in size, it gradually loses its esotericity.  Its decline begins as soon as it organizes.  This would rapidly turn into a Confusion of the Tongue.


6   Hidden behind one ray of consciousness there may be another and so on and so forth.  Unless consciousness in the flesh of man is raised to a very high level, the real world can never be known even if there existed many books and creations done by the conscious man of the past.


7   They are in the consciousness and the states; they also have not yet pass through other states; that is why they cannot recognize the states and produce the states which they are not.  Every state for them is chance presence and it only happens by itself; and chance contact of the state with another different state, they cannot understand it but however they can sense the difference vaguely.

There are 4 states of consciousness in man.  They are sleep, wake, self-consciousness and objective consciousness.  The psyche hydrogens extracted and that digested as food octave, air octave and impression octave into finer psyche hydrogens of higher 'materialities' are continuous processes once they enter into the enneagram of the human body. For the ordinary food octave, it is called feces and for the air octave, it is called exhaled air but for the impression octave it is called dreams including nightmares.  These wastes are the fragmented sub-consciousness present in varying amounts in the 7 centers of the body.  Wastes, 'extras' and unwanted psyche hydrogens exist in all the 4 states of consciousness, and the body regularly needs to recycle or dispose them through and in the forms of iterating 'dreams' or 'nightmares' over time till they become 'nothing'. During sleep/wake consciousness states, these fragmented sub-consciousness pieces are recycled and disposed off through dreams, often in large amounts and even as nightmares. However, during the subjective self-consciousness and the objective consciousness states, these fragmented subconscious pieces are accumulated and prevented from release due to the overwhelming work demands of the outer world where objective consciousness is active as well as the inner world where the subjective self-consciousness is active.

This is important:

During the waking-to-sleeping transition period, our body does not move, everything slows down, blood circulation slows down, heart rate slows down and oxygen supply reduces; the instinctive, cells, tissues, organs and all the systems are also slowing down as a whole - our consciousness fades and we “disappear” from  objective and self-consciousness into a subconscious state where all our stored memories in the form of images and movies, words and languages, and voices and fragmented korkarptinian thought tapes come into the stage disjointedly as our dreams with little self-remembering of the changing 'I's.

When falling asleep (1st stage), our body movements reduce, our eyes begin to close and we can be aroused and wake-up easily.  This lasts for 5-10 minutes before we enter into light sleep. In light sleep (2nd stage), our heart rate and blood circulation slow down and our eyes are still closed.  As before there is no rapid eye movement (REM).  This stage lasts for perhaps about 10-25 minutes, then the deep sleep stage arrived (3rd stage), and it is harder to be roused from our sleep and this non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stage lasted for another 10-25 minutes.  If we roused, we would feel disoriented for a few minutes.  After 90 minutes or so, something happens in our inner world – our blood circulation becomes so slow that the supply of oxygen become very low, perhaps 85-90 units when measured with and oximeter.  Our instinctive mechanism begins to trigger more and more dreams, the dreams with our sub-consciousness button turned on; our sleep-innerwake movie-screen turned on and we start “seeing” an inner movie causing our eyes to move about rapidly seeing introceptive movie “objects” and “subjects” or movie characters and even with “voices” and “sounds” - all indicating we have movies inside us and we must be dreaming now.  However, our dream soon turns more and more disoriented and confusing as the supply of oxygen decreases beyond the amount actually needed for our body, thus triggering an emergency instinctive warning for survival or various insufficiency dangers.  Our urinary bladder gathers more urine and is also contributing to the inner tensions within our dreamy movies. The dream becomes disjointed, fragmented and gradually becomes very intense and turn into nightmares. Our REM becomes faster too following the characters in the inner movie screen, now running wild. Finally, our heart rate and blood circulation increases, we might sweat due to internal anxiety and fears caused by these nightmares – heart pumping and minds rather confused or disorientated.  Our oxygen supply increases and soon we wake-up in stupor.  We then go to the toilet to ease ourselves of the pressure to our bladder from the urine.  We drink a few mouthful of warm water and our blood viscosity reduces, blood circulation improves and the heart is no longer forced to pump harder and faster.  We become normal again but in a waking state of consciousness.

For the unfortunate being, the blood pressure can become too great due to blood thickening for lack of water due to perspiration and blood vessels blockage due to fatty deposits, that a stroke might take place from severe lack of oxygen supply and worst the blood vessels might burst and cause hemorrhage.

Nay more to the narrative, this sleep-innerwake state is an inner conscious state, a dreamland full of moving imageries or virtual movies of dreams and nightmares for which our 'I's are attached and identified with them and where our 'I' is the participating observer inside this dreamland where everything appears "real" to us as in the Matrix Revolution.  These dreams and nightmares contain much distortions, non-senses and non-percepts and their distorting motion also enter into the internet easily reprocessed and recycled through new technologies.  Previously when there was no internet movie films and radios are created for this purpose through old technologies.  The movie industry has now grown into powerful industrial-movie complexes with their strategic goals and aims.  During this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism  they have become very useful for mega-internet-based propaganda and brainwashing.  The sap of these subconscious dreams deep-rooted as psyche hydrogens (H) of everything living in the Ray of Creation for which we are in it includes sublimed injection of democracy, justice, freedom, ethics, liberty, fraternity, color revolutions, cartoon revolutions, capitalism, socialism, communism, feudal and ancient slavery images for some strategic designs and aims to move minds and bodies of the three-brained hethormen human beings en masse in keeping and maintaining the stability of laujinggong for the continuity of predatory capitalistic exploitative feeding aberration or otherwise, for reversing it to gongjinglau for the transformation to common and sharing prosperity of socialism.  The motion of these imageries from devices to devices exponentially in the internet world together with all its movies, texts, voices, emojis and ideojis throughout the whole world could put humanity to sleep-wake state en masse that could mechanically move humanity into tragedies for massive sacred askokin extraction or into sharing of prosperities if positively designed.  All the characters in these internet movies have three main roles to play in obedience - socialistic left, capitalistic right and the blur-third 'moments', and in each can also be further triadized and to nine (9) in all especially during our FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.


8   The table of the states of consciousness is shown below:

Between sleep and awake there is a preparatory period or transition period.  In real sleep, the passenger, the coachman, the horse and the carriage are truly asleep and do not communicate with one another.  When waking-up is about to happen, one of the four bodies begins to be active.  It begins to establish contacts and communicate with the other bodies.  Gradually two bodies become active, then three and finally four.  And we are ready to wake-up.  This preparatory period may take from 5 to 15 minutes in normal case.  Sleep-awake (5-15 minutes).

In practice, before one wakes up one must really allow the preparatory work to begin.  Do not hurriedly jump out from the bed.  Spend some time, for this preparatory work.  Make slow movements first, for all the four bodies, then bigger movements, etc.  And finally, wake-up.

Sleep T1 Awake T2


T3 Objective Consciousness

T1, T2 and T3 are the Transition Periods


9   The Seven-Cycles of Consciousness per day:  There are four main states of consciousness but they occur in cycles for an ordinary man as well as the higher man within a day.  Sleep – Awake cycle with brief excursion to the level of Self-Consciousness occurs mainly for ordinary man within a diurnal day with the sleep state mostly at night and the sleep-wake state during the day.  The state of self-consciousness occurs only occasionally when there is a danger or when a person is gripped by fear.

Objective-consciousness occurs only for higher man who has gone through conscious labor and intentional suffering or the WORK.  Only he is able to maintain this higher state for more hours during his diurnal day when compared to ordinary man.





















Objective Consciousness




1st Cycle 2nd Cycle 3rd Cycle 4th Cycle 5th Cycle 6th Cycle 7th Cycle
do re mi fa so la ti
Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Awake Awake Self-
Sleep Awake Awake Awake Self-
  Sleep Self-
Awake Objective
    Awake Objective
    Sleep Self

 The 'Do' of the next cycle

(the Micro-God or the Enlightened One - The man who never sleep!)

Objective consciousness Objective consciousness


10   In mental culture, it is the Conscious-I which leads and guides the knowledge (Jana).  Objective consciousness cannot be retained for long if the physical body is not healthy.


11   The consciousness of an individual man is however only one drop of all the scattered consciousness in the body of our Most Respected Universe.  The universe's upper department expects us to do the job well there.

This drop of micro-consciousness is a tiny gravity-center concentration(s) due to the presence of the organic biocosmic stopinders or protein matters at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation and there would be trillions more of these MI-FA Intervals and all its micro-consciousness gravity-centers in this visible Universe Being and beyond it or outside it where the Will of the Absolute exist in this vast emptiness endlessness.  This Will is the one 3rd force field or the Omnipresent Okidanokh or omnipresent cosmic consciousness or cosmic psychic properties that are present, transmitted and gathered in the micro-consciousness gravity-centers in all the visible material being-concentrations of the universe, especially into the organic life in the trillions of MI-FA Intervals. This Omnipresent Okidanokh is formed from the Absolute, a singularity lonely, great Yang positive oneness 1st force field and Omnipresent Etherokrilno, an empty vastness, endlessness, great Yin passive oneness 2nd force field).  The ray of ever-present okidanokh flows down into all the visible rays of creations in the visible and invisible world of the Great Universal Being.  Because our eyes and our 'seeing' devices are only able to 'see' the visible and all that is invisible perhaps in the 90% or more could not be 'seen' even with our most advanced 'seeing' devices except through our subjective conscious introception, inner extraception and conception within our world of consciousness.  This field of consciousness is amongst the last and most important force field excluded in all the elementary particles and their force field carriers in the standard model developed by physics phenomenal methodologies of Novum Organon.  The natural nodal limitation for Physics own peculiar qualitative reasoning paradigm!  This field of consciousness has to be developed by psychology's noumenal methodologies of Tertium Organon (of P.D Ouspensky), Novum Organon (of Francis Bacon) and Organon (of Aristotle) and other great philosophers from the Asiatic thinkers (from middle-eastern, central Asia, south Asia, etc.)


The force carriers are these wave-particles gluons, W&Z bosons, photons and gravitons and the force fields carried by them are strong force field, weak force field, electromagnetic force field and gravity force field respectively.

The standard model of elementary particles is the 'Theory of Everything' physical but not the ultimate 'Theory of Everything', for the ultimate 'Theory of Everything' must also include the cosmic force field of consciousness or cosmic psychic or cosmic life and the force field carrier known as the Omnipresent Okidanokh.  Note that life and/or consciousness are very real, a metaphysics beyond but inclusive of wave-particles and real vibration!

Where are consciousness, timespace, time and space, and dimensions if they are also “hanging around” with them?  The best option is to place them or rather they are in fact found to be dwelling in the TI-DO Interval and MI-FA Interval of the fundamental and lateral quantum octaves and the octave of dimensions within them.

Through the lens the Octave of Dimensions and the Quantum Octaves, consciousness is divided into Cosmic Consciousness (Cosmic-C) and Biocosmic Consciousness (Bio-C).  They are both the eternitum stopinders of the 1st lateral quantum octave posited at the TI-DO Interval of the fundamental quantum octave,  However,  time and space stopinders are conscious-able (aware-able; time in the subjective while space in the objective) timespace stopinders (point, line, plane and solid of timespace, time and space) of the 2nd lateral quantum octave posited at the MI-FA Interval of this same fundamental quantum octave.


12   Each state of consciousness that emerges in the body is dependent on the type of psyche hydrogens that is being used or derived as "fuels for the burning process" from the accumulators or centers - the sex accumulator, the moving (motor) accumulator, the instinct accumulator, the lower emotion accumulator, the lower mental accumulator, the higher emotion and the higher mental accumulator.  Even our memory is in these accumulators.  The accumulators are psyche energy warehouses for psyche hydrogens do 768, re 384, do 192, re 192, mi 192, re 96, fa 96, do 48, mi 48, so 48, re 24, fa 24, la 24, mi 12, so 12, ti 12, fa 6 and la 6 in various grade of fineness and vibrancy - the smaller the number the greater the density of vibration and the lesser the density of matter.  During the sleep mode of our body, the sleep state burns coarse hydrogens fuels of the order of do 768, re 384, do 192, re 192, mi 192, re 96, fa 96 and do 48 and occassional night dreams happens when some bits (qubits in contemporary scientific terms) of finer hydrogens from higher accumulators are accidentally triggered and activated for short period of time.   During the awake mode, the awake state burns the same set of hydrogens in the sleep mode but with additional finer hydrogens included into the state - mi 48, so 48, re 24, fa 24, la 24, mi 12, so 12 and ti 12.  In the awake mode which is essentially a daydream awake state when less and less of these additional fuels are available for burning or some of them are already burnt out.  In the self-consciousness mode, the self-conscious state is now maintained through burning of the finest hydrogens of la 6 from the higher emotion accumulator and this state fades as these higher and finer hydrogens are burnt out.  In the objective consciousness mode, the objective consciousness state is maintained through burning hydrogen fa 6 fuels and the burning of hydrogen la 6 fuels must still continue to maintain this state.  Furthermore, there is a necessary inner work or effort required, namely 'conscious labor and intentional suffering', to stabilize and maintain these two higher states of consciousness.  Note that the energies of these hydrogens fa 6 and la 6 are enormous and the forces from them are very powerful.  When these psyche hydrogen  fuels are burnt out or the body is no longer able to produce them due to failed 'conscious labor and intentional suffering' or otherwise, the state falls back to dreamlike waking state, sleep and even death state.

Subconsciousness (base consciousness) is found everywhere in physical systems of this fundamental 'Biocosmic Octave of the Human Cell' (from cell to the total human being).  Self-Consciousness and Objective Consciousness (superstructure consciousness) are found mostly in the psychological centers - and there is a middle of dream-like waking consciousness in accordance with the law of three.


These psyche hydrogens have cosmic properties and conscousness is one such cosmic properties.  They are also called noo psyche particles with sociocosmic properties in man who would also participate in social relations of production, distribution, consumption and exchanges (PDCE) and emanate all superstructure PESTLES auras from both their individual and collective bodies, and change along enneagramic and civilizational historicism of time point, time line, time plane and time solid. They have other biosociocosmic beings at various levels of being included in this ultimate human ‘daseins’ - a Heideggerian existential being there!






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