Volume 62       July 18, 2019


By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho

(An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 13, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "Principles of the Logico-Psychophilosophical Methods in its Application to Problems of the Real World,"  March  1982 ~ September 1983 Discourses, Chapter 2, Section C: "The Trialectics of Man and Woman," pp. 58~94)





"The normal trialectics of man and woman is a triad of an affirming biological gravity-center, a denying biological gravity-center and a reconciling anatomical-physiological-psychological triadic gravity-center (of 3 in 1).  Whereas the anatomical and the physiological gravity-centers reconcile with a newborn biological gravity-center, the psychological gravity-centers of the instinct, the moving, the sex and the lower and higher feeling and thinking centers of the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation are refined from the coarse to "something of Love" Above, that is, the Heaven of the TI-DO Interval and coarsened from the fine to "something of Hate" Below, that is, the Hell in the ABYSS below the MI-FA Interval.  Together with the minor-scaled abnormal trialectics of the "Das Mann" and the "Das Frau," a Bagua Enneagram of the LGBTQIA+ can be reasonably and scientifically narrated trioctavely.

Under empire-building capitalism, the Love-of-Money in Finance capitalism is implanted abnormally into this trialectics of normal man and normal woman to worsen the life in the ABYSS; under havatvernonism, the Love-of-God from the Noosphere in Hegemony capitalism is implanted; after neoliberalism and color revolution and in LGBTQIA+-ism, the Love-of-DAS or the Love-of-Neuter due to the obfucating and continuous influence from working together with the Das Autopadrigines in Industrial capitalism is implanted instead; and in all cases they caused severe uncalled for sociocosmic perturbation!"

"If living in the state of sleep-wake still unaware and without intervention under the non-empire-building socialism (as it should be), where Finance capitalism (3rd Coachman Body metamorphosis of capitalism), Hegemony capitalism (4th Passenger Body metamorphosis of capitalism) and with support of noospheric havatvernonism (4th Passenger Body noospheric influence especially of the One-God Judaic-Christian empire-building Western civilization and possible and questionable One-God empire-building Islamic-linked civilization), and Industrial capitalism (2nd Horse Body metamorphosis of capitalism) have already transformed into their respective non-empire-building Finance socialism, Leadership socialism with support of noospheric trioctave materialism and Industrial socialism, the falling back into the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, that is descended down to the level of a capitalistic-socialistic mess up in the same MI-FA Interval awaits the fate of all the hethormen human beings caught in the metamorphosis as would be expected for them. and even in the case analogous to the past fall back of the Infantile socialism of the USSR.  The normal and aberrating LGBTQIA+ social relationship in the trialectics of man and woman permeate in all of them."

"Four main fundamental octaves rested and influence this trialectics of man and woman, namely: 1) the biocosmic octave, 2) the psychological octave, 3) the sociocosmic octave and 4) the technocosmic octave.  The biocosmic octave is the landing ground for which the biocosmic man and the biocosmic woman are separated as a biocosmic Yang-Yin polar opposite united through a the first middle third octave, that is, the psychological octave of the 7 main centers present in the inner world of both the biocosmic man and the biocosmic woman.  However, the trialectics of biocosmic man and biocosmic woman produces the various species of the Homo sapiens and up to races, and based on genetic haplo-type octaves  These 7 psychological centers are the instinctive center, the moving center, the sex center in the lower biocosmic story of the hethormen biocosmic man as well as the hethormen biocosmic woman, the lower feeling and the higher feeling centers in the middle biocosmic story, and finally the lower thinking and the higher thinking centers in the upper biocosmic story.  It is the trialectics of man and woman bind into an enneagram with 'love' and 'sex' by the two main psychological elements in the 5 gravity-centers (and maximum of 7) . The sociocosmic octave is the 2nd landing ground for which the trialectics of man and woman are observed as the sociocosmic man and the sociocosmic woman that stopinderate in the possible 7 sociocosmic stopinders of the sociocosmic octave, namely: the individual, the group and the family in the lower sociocosmic story, the organization (for Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange PDCE-activities) in the middle sociocosmic story, and finally in the upper sociocosmic story, the SO-stopinder, the LA-stopinders and the TI-stopinder (or in Westphalian definition of the Anglo-saxon (western) civilization - the SO-state, the LA-nation and the 'TI-world-of-nations').  This trialectics of man and woman becomes complicated as biocosmic elements intersect with the sociocosmic elements in the third objective sociocosmic factors (and subjective sociocosmic fictors) of a possible sociocosmic enneagram of LGBTQIA+ fixates of the following LGBTQIA+ stopinders especially in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (the LGBTQIA+ narratives) but already aberrating in the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism (slave trading, marketing and breeding narratives) and the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism (the serf marketing and eunuch narratives), namely: Do-'It man' or 'Das Mann' or 'Neuter person', Re-Lesbian, Mi-Gay, Fa-Bisexual, So-Transgender, La-Queer and Ti-Intersex, and beyond which is a complex of Asexuals at the Ti-Do Interval.  In this sociocosmic octave, the technocosmic octave which has technocosmic stopinders all the while attached to this trialectics of sociocosmic man and sociocosmic woman is showing sign of impersonal 'neutering' in the form of a more prominent 'It-Man' or 'Das Mann' and 'Neuter person'.  This technocosmic stopinders are in the trillions of big, small and very small tools, equipment, parts, materials, and etcetera, dancing' as padrigine '0', padrigine I, padrigine II and padrigine III with Artificial Intelligences (AI and GAI) all around the biosociocosmic human beings causing real objective and subjective obfuscation in the biological-biosophical, psychological-psychosophical and the technological-technosophical elements - a danger to biocosmic extinction of mankind through this biological-biosophical, psychological-psychosophical, sociological-sociosophical and technological-technosophical means of disharmonizing the trialectics of man and woman in general, and paving way for the rise of the spiritual padrigine IV and above where the trialectics of the "male" padrigine and the "female" padrigine is not significant or important." (August 12, 2024)

"For those 5-centered hethormen human beings of the colonized and enslaved nations of subsequent land and territorial colonization, political colonization, the financial colonization and the digitaland colonization will continue in this Hegemonism capitalism besides using covertly the standard PESTLES+ also reinforces it through implantation of the much wiseacred capital-controlled toxin of LGBTQIA+ enneagramic fixates in the socio-cultural engineering evil for the destruction of the still unspoilt normal standard essences of the trialectics of man and woman in those enslaved, exploited and oppressed nations.  The psychosocial and physical damage done to Humanity-at-Large on YAFEILA through such a maleficent imperialist strategy is utterly conscienceless, and equivalent of an additional second stage soft sex crime against humanity over the initial first stage military crime against humanity."

"However, this third force trialectics of Das Mann and Das Frau is not too dominating but much drummed for some perturbic social engineering purpose.  Not too strong a force and much mechanical capitalistic-essenced implantation, design and construct as it should be, the LGBTQIA+ stopinderation would soon start its flow process from individual DO-ization and continue upwards into group RE-ization, family MI-ization, community FA-ization and finally to continue into state-nation-international SO-LA-TI-ization before the sounds of this drum subsided."

"If the enneagram of the LGBTQIA+ becomes dominating as a way of life of a particular Westphalian nation or of a particular civilization and its trialectics of normal man and normal woman in reproducing babies diminishing, the population of that nation and of that civilization would gradually decrease significantly towards final extinction.  If babies are produced in the AI wombs of the padrigines, the biocosmic babies would have AI mothers, and certainly the Das Padrigine would never allow them a normal trialectics of man and woman to reproduce.

It would then become a specialized work-extraction nation-device of capitalism not meant to reproduce biocosmic human beings but rather to import 'one-time-used-only' workers of special abilities and skills for extraction and disposal purposes - an abnormality often found in small capitalistic-essenced developed Westphalian nations but also an abnormality certainly not for a bigger civilization that needs to preserve its civilizational species from natural extinction or from conquest, and becomes a lost-nation and/or lost-civilization in museum history due to this self-inflicted diminishing population. Hungry imported wolves-in-sheepskin are waiting anxiously for this moment to abruptly conquer the nation and civilization from within. After all its original civilizational soul and identity housed in the cloak of a Westphalian nationstate would then be  a minority no longer there to defend against the imported majority  with other types of civilizational souls and identities!"

"The maleficent much accursed LGBTQIA+ fixated enneagram and now the recent Woman Strike Project (WSP), breeding and growing in dominance peculiar to the capitalistic-essenced PDCE of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of Anglo-Saxon (Western) civilization, the breeding ground for such LGBTQIA+ and the WSP abnormalities would then be exploited and drummed to heights by the lunatics and the Hasnamusses for the covetous reduction of population and destruction of other civilization enemies."


1   This trialectics did not begin until the first separation of a biocosmic octave known as being-human has occurred with a distinct separation of the two opposite sexes.  The socializing notes of this octave constitute a process of trialectics culminating in the phenomenon known as the family which is a stable gravity-center vibration forming a social organism and which destabilizes because of the perpetual unbecoming of this trialectics between man and woo-man or just man and woman.  However, the resulting aberration arises in the psychic, physical, geocosmic and astrological conception leading to perturbing sociocosmic stopinderation within the body of the Great Sociocosmos.  The normal and abnormal aberration rested on one main gravity-center of vibration found in all these hethormen human beings, and that is the sex center, where its arising in the ocean of sex is to enable a successful pairing of two opposite sex cells (an ovum and a sperm) to reproduce human beings and his species through the law of triad and the law of octave.  The 4th metamorphosis of capitalism needed this LGBTQIA+ aberration as distracting, miss-directed and a perverted noomakhian logo to cast a spell on the population to remain in the libido prison and libido  supply service for the over-reached excessive parking of capital-value and social engineering to perfect a piece of legistaure for the lunatics and Hasnamuss to satisfy their deep innate desire present in the ending specie-stopinder of the ABYSS aberrating at the MI-FA Interval of the natural historical sociocosmic specie-stopinders octave - happily ever after.  The social pyramid and its ‘International Order’ are thus safely hidden from the public domain.

These can be a 2SLGBTQIA+ trialectics and subsequent sociocosmic stopinderation as such here listed and later followed by some candid observations:

2S - 2 Spirits for dialectical/trialectical unity of opposites - Female (Yin at Point 3) and Male (Yang at Point 6) in the sense of an inner and an outer divide for the natural and normal flow of opposites, and an 'it' Man (Yin-Yang Man or 'Das Mann', a Neuter Man in German) from the Interpretation of the Fixate Bagua Enneagram of LGBTQIA+.


> Das Mann/'It' Man (geometrically fixated at 'Do' Point 0).  Das Mann or 'it' Man has no Chest (Middle Story) ‘gua’ but has Head (Upper Story) and Body (Lower Story) ‘gua’s and is becoming to acquire a Chest ‘gua’ in an emerging social relationship.  Das Mann has the potential of heart or feeling love impulses rising as shown in the 64 Hexagrams of Bagua Enneagram  omitting the Middle but retaining the Head and the Body. Please refer to the 64 Hexagrams of Bagua Enneagram (without the 3Middle but with the possibility of emerging heart or feeling love impulses).

> L - Lesbian (geometrically fixated as 1 'Re').  The Lesbian has a ‘gua’ in a  lesbian social relationship for which this ‘gua’ is in  the Chest (Middle Story) in the 64 Enneagrams Middle1Re.  Surrounding each lesbian Chest (or a lesbian’s middle story or thorax or heart) in the trialectics of lesbian union (with or without sociocosmic marriage) are the ever-changing  8 ‘gua’s including its own ‘gua’ at both the Head (Upper Story) and the Body (Lower Story).  Please refer to the 64 Enneagrams Middle1Re.

> G - Gay (geometrically fixated as 2 'Mi').  Gay (geometrically fixated as 2 'Mi').  The Gay has a ‘gua’ in a  gay social relationship for which this ‘gua’ is in the Chest (Middle Story) in the 64 Enneagrams Middle2Mi.  Surrounding each gay Chest (or a gay’s middle story or thorax or heart) in the trialectics of gay union (with or without sociocosmic marriage) are the ever-changing 8 ‘gua’s including its own ‘gua’ at both the Head (Upper Story) and the Body (Lower Story). Please refer to the 64 Enneagrams Middle2Mi.

> Female/Yin Woman (1st 'S' geometrically fixated at Point 3).  The Female/Yin Woman too has a ‘gua’ in a natural and normal social relationship of the trialectics of man and woman proper for which this ‘gua’ is also in the Chest (Middle Story) in the 64 Enneagrams Middle3Interval.  Surrounding each female/yin woman Chest (or a female/yin woman’s middle story or thorax or heart) in the trialectics of male-female union (with or without sociocosmic marriage) are also the ever-changing 8 ‘gua’s including its own ‘gua’ at both the Head (Upper Story) and the Body (Lower Story). Please refer to the 64 Enneagrams Middle3Interval.

> B - Bisexual (geometrically fixated as 4 'Fa').  The Bisexual has a ‘gua’ in a  bisexual social relationship for which this ‘gua’ is in the Chest (Middle Story) in the 64 Enneagrams Middle4Fa.  Surrounding each bisexual Chest (or a bisexual’s middle story or thorax or heart) in the trialectics of bisexual union (with or without sociocosmic marriage) are the ever-changing 8 ‘gua’s including its own ‘gua’ at both the Head (Upper Story) and the Body (Lower Story). Please refer to the 64 Enneagrams Middle4Fa.

> T - Transgender (geometrically fixated as 5 'So').  The Transgender has a ‘gua’ in a  transgender social relationship for which this ‘gua’ is in the Chest (Middle Story) in the 64 Enneagrams Middle5So.  Surrounding each transgender Chest (or a transgender’s middle story or thorax or heart) in the trialectics of transgender union (with or without sociocosmic marriage) are the ever-changing 8 ‘gua’s including its own ‘gua’ at both the Head (Upper Story) and the Body (Lower Story). Please refer to the 64 Enneagrams Middle5So.

> Male/Yang Man (2nd 'S' geometrically fixated at Point 6).  The Male/Yang Man too has a ‘gua’ in a natural and normal social relationship of the trialectics of man and woman proper for which this ‘gua’ is also in the Chest (Middle Story) in the 64 Enneagrams Middle6Interval.  Surrounding each male/yang man Chest (or a male/yang man’s middle story or thorax or heart) in the trialectics of male-female union (with or without sociocosmic marriage) are also the ever-changing 8 ‘gua’s including its own ‘gua’ at both the Head (Upper Story) and the Body (Lower Story). Please refer to the 64 Enneagrams Middle6Interval.

> Q - Queer or Questioning (geometrically fixated as 7 'La').  The Queer has a ‘gua’ in a  questioning social relationship for which this ‘gua’ is in the Chest (Middle Story) in the 64 Enneagrams Middle7La.  Surrounding each queer Chest (or a queer’s middle story or thorax or heart) in the trialectics of transgender union (with or without sociocosmic marriage) are the ever-changing 8 ‘gua’s including its own ‘gua’ at both the Head (Upper Story) and the Body (Lower Story). Please refer to the 64 Enneagrams Middle7La.

> I - Intersex (geometrically fixated as 8 'Ti').  The Intersex has a ‘gua’ in a  questioning social relationship for which this ‘gua’ is in the Chest (Middle Story) in the 64 Enneagrams Middle8Ti.  Surrounding each intersex Chest (or an intersex’s middle story or thorax or heart) in the trialectics of intersex union (with or without sociocosmic marriage) are the ever-changing 8 ‘gua’s including its own ‘gua’ at both the Head (Upper Story) and the Body (Lower Story). Please refer to the 64 Enneagrams Middle8Ti.

> A - Asexual (geometrically fixated at Point 9).  Like the Das Mann or 'it' Man, it too has no Chest (Middle Story) ‘gua’ but has Head (Upper Story) and Body (Lower Story) ‘gua’s and is becoming to acquire a Chest ‘gua’ in an emerging social relationship of the next higher octave.  Das Mann has the potentials as shown in the 64 Hexagrams of Bagua Enneagram omitting the Middle but retaining the Head and the Body.  Please refer to the 64 Hexagrams of Bagua Enneagram (without the 3Middle but with the potential of renewal of the heart or feeling love impulses).


> + - (geometrically fixated as 'Do' of the next octave)

['Plus' or '+' includes: + Pansexual, + Agender, + Gender Queer, + Bigender, + Gender Variant, + Pangender, and etcetera, a long narrative with social engineering motive; human sexual expedience with beasts such as dogs, horses, pigs, chickens and others in sexual bestiality; unscary human romance with psych-metamorphosed psyche hydrogen beings in the form of ghosts, demons and foxes of both human, animalia and plantae origin, as narrated in the "Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio"  (聊齋誌異 Liaozhai zhiyi) by Pu Songling, compiled and first published in 1766.

As the wise grandson would say:

It is the itch and excitement derived from using telescopes, microscopes and "psychoscopes" to see more and more!

The current neoliberal social engineering of the late 20th Century has color revolution motivation from the Atlanticism noomakhia of the Anglo-saxon at its root for the destruction of the enemies to maintain global hegemonism, whereas those of Liaozhai zhiyi is purely social critics of social abnormalities in the non-horrific pursuit of ethical values and virtues of the Chinese civilizational octave for social betterment.


1. The normal and natural trialectics of man (Male/Yang) and woman (Female/Yin) and its stopinderation into a natural MI-Family mainly with the aim of reproducing offsprings, collective security, complying with existing social norms and others.  However, the Das Mann or the 'It' Man or Yin-Yang Man is the Synthetic life present in the Organic Life of the biocosmic (hethormen) being.  The Synthetic life is the life of the technocosmic (padrigine) being now entering and messing up as a fixated Bagua Enneagram of the LGBTQIA+ in the biocosmic human being due to the advent of the Technological-science (T) of PESTLES noomakhia or noo psyche hydrogens produced in the Internet, the Artificial Intelligence (AI), the General Artificial Intelligence (GAI) such as google, facebook, WeChat, Taobao, Alibaba, Youtube, Amazon, AI robots, ChatGPT, etc. All of which can be either capitalistic-essenced or socialistic-essenced Qubits and bio-particles mixtures present in the noosphere or the dasein of possible conscious intelligence during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.  The Das Mann is produced during the 3rd Technocosmic Revolution where the 4 sub-industrial revolutions occur as Industries 1, 2, 3 and 4 during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.

During this time the dasein of biocosmic man is overpowered and dominated by the AI and GAI of the Das MannDas Mann is not interested in the biocosmic production and reproduction of the male and the female but is interested in marriage to gain sociocosmic stopinder recognition of the state (SO) and the nation (LA) stopinders and if possible general social recognition often abused and exploited by CIA to topple disobedient government to preserve the US Hegemon’s 1:99 UGGMBCC (Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class) similar to those color revolutions tryouts; it is only interested in producing many Das Männer but would take care and control foster/adopt Der Mann (normal Man) and Die Frau (normal woman) within its own Das Mann MI-Family stopinder, and the negative impact on the biocosmic man/woman is to cause them to be automatons having them all implanted with harmful formatory apparatus (Gurdjieff  and Ouspensky).  Conscious WORK ON OUR BEING especially conscious labor and intentional suffering is necessary to overcome and control all these implanted harmful formatory apparatus.

Therefore, the origin of normal and natural biocosmic man and woman solely comes from this trialectics of biocosmic production and reproduction; the creation and procreation of the three-brained hethormen human being is simply in the tri-octave process of this biocosmic evolution and involution.  The RE-Couple that begets the MI-Family is the sociocosmic line where real sociocosmic nature of humanity flows - and only flows in the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation and never flows in the TI-DO Interval of this ray.  There are no such biocosmic, sociocosmic and technocosmic beings that breed, grow, mature, decline and die here at the MI-FA Interval that can be found at the TI-DO Interval for this interval is filled with Cosmic consciousness, the everpresence of time and the evervastness of space.  Psyche hydrogens created here are on transit to the quantum particles.  The Will of the Absolute is found here in the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.

The Homo sapiens (the organic human that knows) and the Homo sapiens sapiens (the organic human that knows that he knows) must first pray to his earthly ancestor line below at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation then only pray to the divine heavenly line above at the TI-DO Interval for His regular contribution and maintenance of psyche hydrogens to the MI-FA Interval.  This is the ethimoralian ritual relationship of ancestor worship and heaven  worship!

2. The aberrating trialectics of woman and woman or Lesbians (L) and its stopinderation into a MI-Family without the aim of reproducing  offsprings but having other possible aims such as fostering of other offsprings, collective security, challenging of existing social norms and others.

3. The aberrating trialectics of man and man or the Gays (G) and its stopinderation into a MI-Family without the aim of reproducing offsprings but having other possible aims such as fostering of other offsprings, collective security, challenging of existing social norms and others.

4. The aberrating trialectics of the Bisexuals (B) and its stopinderation into a MI-Family without the aim of reproducing offspring (although some might still be capable of reproducing) but having other possible aims such as fostering of other offsprings, collective security, challenging of existing social norms and others.

5. The aberrating trialectics of the Transgenders (T) and its stopinderation into a MI-Family in obfuscation because the actual outer gender physical or registered identity from birth and its unaligned inner sense of identity - male, female and others - is a mismatch and could only come together for sociocosmic stopinderation into an obfuscated MI-Family as such.  However, the stopindering couples are inner aligned in opposites but the outer stopindering is physically a non-opposite mismatch.

6. The aberrating trialectics of the Queer or Questioning (Q) and its sociocosmic stopinderation into a RE-Group or often called a "Queer Community" with little possibility of stabilizing any MI-Family gravity-center for the Queer individuals in the community are always in the state of questioning.

7. The aberrating trialectics of the Intersex (I) of the physical variants - chromosomes, gonads, or genitals and also in the genes for proper classifying of the male as male and the female as female, the aberration of which invoke the need for this special sociocosmic category known as the Intersex for accommodation into the general natural flow of the normal trialectics of man and woman (of male and the female) and the sociocosmic octave stopinderation that follows.

8. The aberrating trialectics of the Asexual (A) or some hethormen human beings who no longer have in them the impulse of attraction to any sexes, much have been atrophied with very weak attraction for any type of trialectics of opposites.  Unlike Das Mann, which is a freshie, the Asexual in not a freshie but is a being in the know - only that it is not as yet wanting to octave further with a higher sophistication as pansexual, agender, gender queer, bigender, gender variant, pangender, and various other sophisticated semi-biotechnocosmic wiseacrings bubbling abundantly during the much perturbed techno-driven polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.

9. The aberrating trialectics of the many more 'pluses' (+) and having shady fragments flying around not in all the trialectics and stopinderations listed above, namely:

Pansexual - just free floating psyche hydrogens of 'sexual-romantic-emotional' psychic formations and appearances.

Agender - just free floating psyche hydrogens of 'non-gender self-identities' or just no 'gender identity inclusion' psychic formations and appearances.

Gender queer - deep, drug-induced, mystical, religious, occult, philosophical and even scientism strange gender identities not in the traditional sense of the masculine and the feminine binary identities, mostly of inner undefined psychic aberration.

Others in the gender narratives are the bigender, the gender variant, the pangender, and etcetera. 

This trialectics of man and woman is the trialectics of biocosmic man and biocosmic woman.  However, at the Omega Point where bionic man and bionic woman or bionic AI spiritual man and bionic AI spiritual woman (all human-looking) become real objective living material beings from the technocosmic octave, the trialectics of man and bionic woman, of bionic man and woman and of bionic man and bionic woman, and the trialectics of the aberrating third to cater for the fantasies of the LGBTQIA+ equivalents - all of which found their ways into the MI-FA Interval of the Biosociotechnocosmic film on the surface of mother Earth.  They would be highly developed during the TI-Historical Period of Datongism with much mismatch of the 'its', 'I's, 'I AMs', souls, egos and personalities.  Before such TI-Historical Period of Datongism such as in the now FA-Historical Period of Capitalism, the emerging SO-Historical Period of Socialism and the coming LA-Historical Period of Communism, there are and would have transitional trialectics of AI padrigines (human-looking) with biocosmic man and with biocosmic woman with much mismatches, commodity fetishism and uncertainties with these soulless programmed I-Robot lovers bought from the capitalists markets of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, bought from the socialist markets of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism and of the communist markets of the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism.

Looking at all these aberrations and departures from the natural and the normal trialectics of real normal activus man and real normal passivus woman, the wise grandson cackles over the recent approval of gay and lesbian marriage that allows for marriage registration at a lateral governmental stopinder in the TI-DO Interval:

"Nothing modern about this US lesbian and gay marriage law in June 26, 2015 because more daring or rather more modern such marriages such as a marriage between a woman and a rooster or a marriage between a dead man and a living woman have happened in the feudal governance of China thousands of years ago before the US even existed as a nation!  Nothing new here but only an infantile impetus much ado about nothing dasein, and is likely to misfire with uncalled for petty collateral damages to the normal harmonious sociocosmic flow."

(Added in August 2020)


Now, the early days' reflections, encounters, sayings, aphorisms and advices in general once you have entered the Garden of the Trialectics of Man and Woman or the Romance of the Red Chamber of the Chinese Philosophy or in Kama World of the Indian Philosophy are recorded here:


2   When a woman has affected your kama (sexual desires), i.e. arouse your kama, she will be very beautiful in your eyes, even though she is immoral, bad temper, evil, etc. in her previous and current states of existence i.e. her negative karma is buffered by her kama in union with your kama.  And man falls into her trap because of this kama.  The other way round is also true!


3   Try to play with the fire of love and you will be destroyed by the fire of hate.  In fact in any love matter it would be better to culture feelings last.


4   It would be a mistake to assume that because you are divorced you can accept any woman who comes along.  This is a grave mistake.  A wrong pairing will give still greater trouble in the future.


5   The attraction of mates is a fairly definite and unchangeable one.  If there is attraction, a small effort is able to bring the two together otherwise a great effort would produce no result.


6   Here in the virgin forest, there is a fairy - the physical body and the psyche behind it in concur.  But the fairy is given the duty to protect the virgin forest.  If she is wise and capable, she protects it properly, otherwise something damaging might occur to the forest.  A wise fairy protects its virgin forest well and she is not deceived by ghosts.  Neither the very conservative fairies nor the very liberal ones are wise.

If you have taken the fairy, you have the virgin forest.  But if the fairy is conscious that her virgin forest is such a beautiful garden, she will treasure it and prevents it from being ruined by irresponsible seed-sowers.  This is woman-nature.


7   Those who have forgotten their virgin forests, have occupied most of their lives slavishly chasing after things of the outer world.  They do not spend an hour on the perfection of their own being.


8   Accepting a being-of-the-opposite sex by subjective infatuation and emotional identification is not the same as accepting from objective consideration.


9   Hiding behind the marriage contract, is an endless friction of unconscionable conflicts - and there have been people who play such games, and there shall be laws to counter these invisible unconscionable victimization.


10   If you are to take a life-partner you are to take a sincere and honest one and who is your heart-to-heart partner.  Accept a life partner from objective measures, not from your own subjective attachment.  Weigh the soundness of the whole relationship including the specific connections.


11   It is essential to know whether we ourselves are kamic objects ( both for man and woman ) because you hold the key to kamic attraction and also the source of other people's suffering if you are the arousal and yet do satisfy the needs of others.  Devil is he who uses the kamic attraction for a bad motive (for money, for enslavement, for revenge, etc.)


12   Kama unity in a life-partner is insufficient.  The moral character of the person, the amount of knowledge and inner development a person has are often the controlling factor when kama is not present.  If the person is an animal, then life will surely take on a different direction.


13   A woman who is a kamic object often falls into the trap of the wicked man if she is not guided by correct knowledge and morality.  Kamic man and woman are often the objects of kamic attraction.  However, many men are cautious of kamic woman because she is the object of public demand and would not be suitable for maintaining a stable gravity-center vibration family.  But this need not be so if the kamic person has good set of relevant goals.

If you possess a beautiful kamic object, you have to labor hard to guard the object from being stolen by someone else.  A beautiful kamic woman often takes on an ugly husband for reason of control and security.  An ugly woman taking a handsome and wealthy husband is a mystery unless she has the art.  The husband prefers such a woman in exchange for a relief of the heartache of keeping a very beautiful woman in exchange for a possible future inferiority complex.  Many women avoid a handsome and wealthy husband often out of this consideration that it is troublesome to guard such a husband.

If you are in possession of a kamic object, you must study the degree of development of the mental and moral faculties of such an object.

Perfect man is kamic and possesses wisdom, and he is often attracted and rejected by the opposite sex, because of fear or some other reasons.

A praiseworthy man is kamic, but this is only mere-talk-only. Chasing after kamic objects, one after another, not governed by morality and wisdom is a sign of the unstable character.  Such a person needs not be kamic himself.  He can be successful because for the kama gained he becomes an attached slave towards that object, a slave in disguise useful for a woman.

Whether kamic or not a person is, kind and compassionate treatment of each other intrinsically is, is really essential to the well-being of the family.


14   A righteous man who seeks for a wife comes into contact with one, under her kama imprisonment and noticing that she uses it for her own gain, to get pleasure, wealth and property should abandon her at once.  And why?  Because she is a courtesan.  A righteous wife uses the 28 principles in small quantity to test the attachment of the man to her and not to abuse it.

If a woman marries, for love, it is natural; if she marries for wealth, it is artificial.


15   True indeed is the person who is under the spell of another's kama.  Righteous indeed is the kamic woman who does not abuse it and who instead uses it to attach the man to her.


16   The extension of man and woman is the child, the third neutralizing force in the trialectics of man and woman.  It is the organic unity of Yin and Yang in the world of organic humanity.


17   If you are urgent to have a being of the opposite sex, you will easily become a slave towards her or him.  Only a natural method works smoothly.


18   Colors, perfumes, cosmetics and shapes are the influencers of kama and a harmonious combination of these substances can produce a profound effects on the kama of man.


19   The abuse of love feelings of another towards you will lead to bad karma.  This kama-feeling planet is part of the psycho-planet formation of our own evolution.  We should develop it as well as negate it.  Your passenger can either listen to its needs or ignore it.  An expert can generate this "planet" in you and nourish or murder it at his disposal.  But he who is powerful can meditate away this "alien planet" because it is in his own body, though it is artificially implanted in him by his deceptive lover.  To master this kama planet he must study the science (art) of kama Sutra, acquire sex education and practice Kama Yoga


20   The excitation of the sex center and the emotional center by the opposite sex is an art, but an expert raises the being-of-sex-and-feelings in another and causes the aroused object to become attached to him or her.  The utilization of this property for unethical motive is not the work of the conscious expert.  For the conscious expert only acts with a positive motive, although it often appears to be bad outwardly, is ethical.

The overcoming and control of this kama excitation state in the body is something of an achievement and is the task of the inner circle of man.

This strange kama passenger, once brought to life by the opposite sex, is a very impulsive and disobedient animal and he would rarely obey the commands of the master passenger for he is a rascal seeking releases.  He is often played out and jilted by the opposite sex, and as a result often defies his master.

When this kama state is aroused by the opposite sex that is vicious and exploitative, the victim soon learns how to transform it into a health tonic for the vivification of his own body.  He could then convert it into positive emotions for more progressive work, deeper thoughts and clearer consciousness instead of remaining in the negative states of jilt, hate, jealousy, revenge, foul wordings, hot temper and harmful physical actions.

Now that when the Great Master has become acquainted with the behavior of the rascal kama passenger, He can, by providing a proper inner and outer environment through His spell, bring to life this rascal to do the I-Work as have been mentioned.

And in this way, the body moves one step forward and manages also to handle the kama body more appropriately.



21   Jilted feeling or betrayed feeling is often feared by all men and women.  This respected allegorical being is the outcome of Miss love-wound.  Those who indulge in the Jilt Game are actually cheating a very sincere love process and are actually playing with fire.  The fire will burn him or her one night.






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