By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho
(An excerpt from the original work,
Real World Views, Book 8,
by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled,
Know, To Understand, To Be; The 'I's and 'it's of Man; Commentaries,
Thoughts and Aphorisms on the Social Life of Man," April
1977 - September 1977 Discourses, Chapter 6, Section A & B: "The
Visible and the Invisible; Esotericity and the Real Esoteric
School," pp. 188~193)
"Esoteric Teaching is a school of three teaching concentric
circles where the innermost core of the masters is the Esoteric
circle, followed by an outer concentric of initiates called the
Mesoteric circle, another outer concentric of associated students
called Exoteric circle and outside these circles is the circle of
the "Confusion of the Tongue". The Esoteric circle and
teaching begins in the NOO of the noosphere in the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE
Carriages of the 7 main civilizations and subsequent stopinderation
into branches of numerous sub-civilizational species from the
original main, expanding itself through the concentric circles of
esoteric-mesoteric-esoteric teaching through these schools or
oskiano-carriages of the design and construct of enneagram
educational fixates of the PESTLES+
superstructure such as the now physical forms of schools,
colleges and universities with their missionaries and gurus of the
noetic education teachers, lecturers, tutors, trainers, professors
and various named educators breeding in abundance and actively
teaching during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of
Capitalism and Socialism. As oskiano-transmitters of being-psyche
hydrogens in the form of teaching within each of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE
Carriages of civilization in preserving its identity and
being-existence (dasein), it has to actively propagate and
reproduces itself in order to survive. This noetic circle of
the NOO expanded outwards in concentric to all the far corners of
the World in the Presente, often beyond its physical reaches, often
clashing with the other oski-ano systems of other civilizations
resulting in a synthesis of reciprocal merging and integration,
reciprocal enrichment of their combined oski-ano systems and in most
cases, reciprocal destruction due to the severe aberration of
antagonistic extraction, exploitation and oppression of in the
social pyramids typical of ancient slavism, feudalism and capitalism
present in the ABYSS at the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Histroical
Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave. The contemporary
oski-ano system becomes a psychosophical weapon of the noomakhias."
1 ‘I’s
are amongst the most peculiar sides of man’s activity and behavior.
They are quite invisible. Two persons coming together normally do not
have the same ‘I’s. Both are often invisible to each other.
The Visible and the Invisible 'I's
Two ‘I’s
One external, the other essenced
Of the same visible exterior
One can be made visible
While the other invisible.
3 “A
man may appear very silent and almost invisible but when you “touch”
him he could suddenly explode and disperse out with tremendous power a huge
storm of psychic debris to your fear. Exteriorly he is silent; innerly
he is highly vibrant and explosive.
The higher will accept the
lower and will become visible to it only when the lower has reached a
certain stage to be able to see and feel the presence of the higher.
When essence men become too visible, they may become the suspicious men and
may loose their freedom of movement if they are controlled by the state.
5 Highly
conscious men become visible so
long as there is enough awareness in people to see.
You cannot just want to be visible in one day because, as you are, you are
not as yet. Visibility means
consciousness that can see and
recognize the higher.
Many great historic figures became visible for
a period, did some great deed for humanity and disappeared. Others
prefer invisibility forever, and never intend to be visible for fear of
becoming a shooting duck.
6 I
will tell you the meaning of being
Now, you visit some friends. You enter their house. Your body
generates an atmosphere, and theirs too. They watch you “consciously”
and you watch them “consciously”. After some time of “seeing”
the seeing disappears. There is no more “seeing”,
and you become invisible to them and they become invisible to you.
Anything you do, no one bothers. Their behaviors harmonize with your
behavior. This is being
1 Can
you teach esoteric knowledge to the public directly? Well! If
you can, thanks. Otherwise, if you try, there will be trouble both for
yourself and for the public.
2 As
to the classical and
the esoteric schools,
there is a difference. Previously, I often talk as if classics and esoterics are
the same thing, but, in fact, I mean and I must stress, they cannot be the
same. Classics is
exoteric and is a B influence but falls short of an A influence in the
understanding of fourth way. Esoterics
is C influence. People whose work belongs to the classics are
people who are either influenced by an esoteric school or
through conscious labor and intentional suffering, become an esoteric school
in themselves at a certain level near to man no.4. But it must be
remembered that many of these so-called classical pieces are not truly
classical pieces. They are just names given to something “queer”
by men who are themselves lower than the “classics”.
A school is all centered; classics may
still be one-centered or two-centered. School is leveled, has levels.
A school concentrates on the development of the individual rather than on
the other sociocosmic entities. Its level is determined by the level
of the individuals forming it. The school is so much as the people who
made it. It cannot go beyond that which it cannot. Great figures
are always a product of a school.
When a school meets a man, it only sees him in his possibility of higher
manifestation and helps him to accomplish his mission. A
school may also eliminate certain tendencies in men which are harmful to
objective conscience.
3 I
dreamt that the holy books were “story
but then I made a mistake – they were books written by more than the
mysteriously hardworking people. To write a bible, a person must have
undergone very great inner and outer suffering, and innerly yoked to be
identified as a distinct spirit.
4 Whoever
shoulders the mission of a school can
5 Without
highly conscious individuals, a school ceases to be an esoteric school. It
becomes only an esoteric school in name.
6 An
esoteric school must have real men, not ‘it’s.
A school is a 3-centered integrated movement with one master 'I' center.
It simply has its own peculiarly branded language, music and dances, ways of
life, etc. and therefore
7 A
university may not produce all-rounded development for an individual because
it is normally, in esoteric sense, not equivalent to a real esoteric school.
A real esoteric school only produces “great” individuals. It does not
produce “bright” students. The commitment to graduation, or if you
like, from any real esoteric school is throughout your whole life span.
8 Many
of the so-called contemporary music are “highly
technical music”
‑ they are not subjected to school influences. They may sound
wonderful and nice to the ears and even to the hearts but their hidden
meaning has not reached the level of esotericity. Certain
paintings or sculptures may only be representatives of quite a low
level of understanding and with quite meaningless themes although their
expression is often excellent with a wonderful display of technics and the “minutae".
9 Many
of these music are just those, I have already said, automatically and
mechanically produced toxic vibrations. First, we must listen and
understand technical and school music, then we must produce school music
with the best technique. Great music like great knowledge is schooled.
10 Esoteric
schools are historic. Famous scientists and certainly great men are
often also historic men. To be able to build a new school, a true
essence school, you have to know many other schools. It must be
understood that schools are from school itself. No school is purely
its own without any “pain”
from other schools. If it is not schooled it is “Confusion of the
11 A
school domain, often includes:
i. Theory
ii. Music and songs
iii. Paintings
iv. Literature (novels)
v. Sculptures and architectural buildings
vi. Dances
vii. Gymnastics and games
viii. Work and production
ix. Military and politics
x. Science and arts, etc.
12 Intellectual
and the emotional domain:
Cassette tapes, records are “books” of the emotional center
Books are “records and cassette tapes” of the intellectual center
A record player or a cassette player is a “book reading machine”. It
reads music – you must feel the meaning.
13 A
school cannot become too visible otherwise, it would lose its strength or be
destroyed by mechanical forces.
14 When
one enters “essences”
all false faced qualifications at whatever level must be put aside.
Can you compare a PhD holder with a prophet or a great individual? Who
is higher? In esotericity, qualifications should not be a barrier.
Certificates are some of these “toys” which in the hands of many could cloud
your mind. Certificates are finally vanity certificates. The sly
ones use them for status and recognition others as show-offs.
15 To
the esoteric circle, well, now man and woman! They come to you.
Let them bring out the problems and you show them the “paths.
Esoteric individuals have a line. He is on the “way”.
He sacrifices his whole life for it. He cannot give away the way and
be lead astray again. The attitude of an esoteric man to people of
other circles will always be the same.
16 The
movements of ordinary man can never be schooled in a conscious way because
they are not aware of it. A school only uses them through
identification of religion no. 1 to 3. It gives work to the ordinary
men and yet remains quite invisible to them.