Volume 28       June 20, 2018


By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho

(An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 8, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "To Know, To Understand, To Be; The 'I's And 'it's Of Man; Commentaries, Thoughts And Aphorisms On The Social Life Of Man," April 1977 - September 1977 Discourses, Chapter 1, Section E, F & G: "The Life of Man No. , 2 & 3; Man No. 4 & Above; Man's Seeing," pp. 16~32)



E.    THE LIFE OF MAN NO. 1, 2 & 3


1   Man No. 1, 2 & 3 do not have harmonious centers.  They often appear quiet as if nothing is wrong with their centers but this is artificial.  Man No. 4, 5, 6 & 7 have great mastery over their centers and all inner forces.  I may call a “silent”, good and “perfect” man No.1, 2 & 3 essence-positive individuals, while the disharmonious ones, personality-positive individuals.

Man No. 1, 2 and 3 cannot attain a right function in their centers without school help because they are in one of the gravity-centers each time and could not integrate them correctly.  For the thinking man the divine predominates and will continue to dominate even in the automatic moving function.  The feeling man will try to feel a mathematical problem and develops aesthetic and artistic mathematics.

You are born man No. 1, or 2 or 3 but you are never born man No. 4.  However, you can be man No.4 and above.


2   For the ordinary man (man No. 1, 2 or 3) everything flows and disappears in their first world ‑ both the astral music and the divine language – and will be gone forever.  Nothing would be purely his; most would be imitation.  Here even a Ph.D. holder may not produce anything purely his.  The path of his first world will be in another stream.  The most beautiful industry is never the function of one man and the ownership of the producer.  If anything is produced, it is always under the ownership of a “robber” who has never even done anything or the true authors of the industry are concealed and sent to “prison” and the pseudo-authors become the marketing authors.

Building a factory is like writing a book.  A factory is “written” by many “authors” and a book “build” normally by one or two hardworking “workers”.  You write a book but others rename the content and even chase you away.  Such is the fact of plagiarism.  When a great task is accomplished, the names of the producers and the planners should also be recorded on a special slap to recognize their deed.  The achievement should be given due recognition, and not just the task leader alone who gets the sole recognition for the “dollars” given.  Recognition seekers, title seekers and rank seekers ‑ all of them have intentions and practices which are conscienceless.  An inner world of this type with the “planners” around the “devil” and which flows semi-consciously in this manner for a prolonged period will surely have to suffer.


3   An ordinary man cannot even exhibit at will a real controlled of any inner forces of his body.  Man number 1, 2 and 3 is by nature dualistic in their approach to reality.


F.   MAN NO. 4 & ABOVE


1   Man number 4 is not a dualist but a triadist with three forces - two opposing with a third force struggling to move out of himself.  He is a transition man and has a stable direction due to a strong magnetic center.  He is in a ‘Nihilist Fall of Man’ who has in the near yonder a light of hope in the journey to the inaccessible inner place.  This light is his magnetic center and the steward to his inner pilgrimage to become a developed man or an Übermensch.  He is the man in the making on a path to become man no. 5, 6 and 7.

Man number 5 has a being with self-consciousness, almost perpetual even though the body undergoes inner and outer transformation.  The higher feeling center (HF) is active.

Man number 6 has a being with objective consciousness.  The two lines of focus never seem to disappear even after much bodily transformation.  The higher thinking center (HT) is active.

Man number 7 is a crystallized man number 6, stable and with a developed Fourth Body (FB) and with a Real ‘I’ indestructible within Our Solar System, even though the physical body has disappeared a long time ago.

Man No. 4, 5, 6 and 7 comes from THE WORK or some forms of similar 'THE WORK' where 1) Conscious Labor and 2) Intentional suffering and the similar has happened in his inner world for a long period of time.


2   On man No. 4, Prophets, Great Individuals and Geniuses:  In fact, all existing “schools” with visible coatings and good names are actor schools.  By themselves they cannot offer much to humanity, for they have none ‑ they are internally empty but wearing the cloak of Great Individuals.  And the worst thing is:  Those pseudo-great individuals are often projected as great individuals to be worshipped upon.  True esoteric individuals are few.  They come and perish and when they perish the esoteric school often loses its helmsman.  It becomes a “school” operating at a lower level, and when the second helmsman perishes, the level may become still lower and so on and so forth.  Like others, it has experienced this sham phenomenon because there are no more prophets in them (not supposed to have any recognized).  Wrong people have taken the helmspersonship and sought coverage for ulterior motives.  Ordinary ‘I’s cannot really form an esoteric school.  Highly conscious men can but there are few highly conscious men in the world.

It is difficult to be continuously Jesus ‑ Jesus every minute and every second, from birth to death.  But the followers will probably spend one or two hours a day for their school.  Gradually and owing to the usual chronic mechanical habit, transforms the school into a school of “parrots”, all the members now wearing the mask of the school.  If your school is made up of such people, it is best to bail yourself out before you got eaten to the bones.

The main aim for a school is to create real Buddhas and ensure it remains a real school.  So long as members choose to avoid working on themselves, on others and to remove the negatives (evils) both in themselves and in others, there is no meaning gathering here.

Every gathering is ‘I’-ied.  And it depends on the type of ‘I’ gathered around you.  In every gathering, there are always some relevant ‘I’s, some irrelevant ‘I’ and some partially relevant ‘I’s, and to distinguish them is essential.  Labor is always consumed in an ‘I’ gathering.  It can flow from the empty into the empty or it can bear fruits.

Lower ‘I’s is bound to roam abundantly as an essential substratum of the world of human psyche forming at the periphery of planet earth.  It is impossible to be removed ‑ the ‘Confusion of the Tongue’ cannot vanish into thin air; nor is the ‘exo-meso circle’.  The esoteric circle often disappears when man no. 4 disappears from the school.  It is only in historical upheavals that it appears and when an esoteric circle becomes bigger, more people are subjugated to its influence.  When an esoteric circle becomes smaller, the integration and identity of the group disappears.  The carriages are quite beautiful there on earth’s surface, but the man in them will not care a hair on their function.


3   Newton, Galileo, writers of the Holy Bible and the Koran (I said ‘writers’ because it is an objective common sense fact that cannot be denied by all sane man.), prophets of communism, Gurdjieffism and Buddhism — all these are produced by people with essences.  And essence repeats in different forms at different time and with different people.  Essences inevitably overlap with one another.

Essences really begin with man No.4.  To be man No.4 is to be an Infant Jesus of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic species of Feudalism.  In the opinion of Real World views, Man No.4 is a historic man from conscious labor and intentional suffering of an inner work that is closely integrated with the external work in the society body of that time in history but not necessary the individual man who is thought to actually move and change society or the history of that society. Because the stages of societies are created and move by ordinary man en masse as the horses (2nd body) and carriage (1st body) of creation of the Great Sociocosmic Being according to the laws of society itself independent of human will, the consciousness and the voices coming from inner centers of Man No. 4, 5, 6 and 7 who are conscious members of this same Great Sociocosmic Being could only point directions that the societies are actually heading towards since they have become drivers and passengers or the 3rd and 4th bodies of this Great Sociocosmic Being.  We have to attribute societal transformation to all the 4 contributors – the passengers, the drivers, the horses and the carriages instead of the just ONE Great Individual – certainly not just those few private individuals (individualism) peculiar to all the popular narrative partialities or inaccuracies grandiosement radiating abnormally in the noo-world of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.


4   All great men ‑ thinkers, inventors, artists, etc., indicate the levels of the being of the fourth body.  The thoughts of Mao Zedong, writers of the fourth way, the Gospel, the Koran, the Buddhist scriptures, all works by great men, etc. are all higher thoughts or works.


5   Conscious labor is the inner work that refine the matters in the moving center, the instinctive center, the sex center, the lower feeling center and the lower thinking center always ensuring and maintaining our awareness of their existence and keeping them active and always present in and to us.  The higher feeling and the higher thinking centers are not active under conscious labor.  Conscious Labor requires the effort or lower strength Will of the Man in THE WORK at the MI-FA Interval.  It is the necessary inner work at the MI-FA Interval to ultimately linked with Intentional suffering of the TI-DO Interval to form an innerly unified WORK OCTAVE in the activation of the higher feeling and higher thinking centers to become functional, receptive, active to receive and process cosmic matters and astrological psyche hydrogens from the stars above or from the (our) Ray of Creation .

Intentional suffering is the work-of-inner-intentional suffering, requires the Will of the Man in THE WORK at the TI-DO Interval on the moving, instinctive, sex, lower feeling and lower thinking centers, transforming them into positives if they are negatives and negatives if they are positives to maintain the necessary resolution of the two opposites in the centers through a long-term intentional suffering work process and at the same time keeping the work (labor) conscious so that in the journey the fine matters from the external Above or from the (our) Ray of Creation together with the fine matters developed from internal Below in our body, through both conscious labor and intentional suffering are able to integrate and developed harmoniously to produce and perfect Man No. 7 proper.  There are no negative states in the higher feeling center and the higher thinking center - only positive states!  Man No. 7 is the Superman as depicted in Nietzche's Superman (Ubermensch).


6   Through the physical input of sexual intercourse, the anatomical, physiological and psychological motion began and a human being is created and developed.  All the psychic centers - sex center, instinctive center, moving center, lower feeling center, lower thinking center, higher feeling center and higher thinking center are crated and the types of man such as Man No. 2, Man No. 2, Man No. 3, Man No. 4, Man no. 5, Man No. 6 and Man No. 7 are gradually created. The fundamental Octave of Man Types, namely Man No. 1 (DO), Man No. 2 (RE) and Man No. 3 (MI) are Ordinary Man. Man No. 1 is an ordinary physical man and sex, instinctive and moving center active.  Man No. 2 is also an ordinary feeling man with an active lower feeling center overshadowing all the passive sex, instinctive and moving centers.  Man No. 3 is also an ordinary thinking man with an active thinking center overshadowing all the passive sex, instinctive, moving and lower feeling centers.  The ordinary man is experiencing mechanical shocks like automatons from his own consumption of the three being-foods of ordinary solid/liquid food, air and impression at point 3 at the MI-FA Interval which helps him to maintain the continuous functioning of his lower feeling and thinking centers in the enneagram of the psychic forces which move inside his ordinary body.



Man No. 4 is a transition man with a “magnetic center” and a seeker of truth or something else, and normally has a steward and a map which help him to identify, guide and keep him a-going. He is experiencing vividly and deliberately through more intense and more prolonged Conscious Labor or conscious shocks from his own MI-FA Interval, that keeps him as a weird ‘spiritual pilgrimage man’ or ‘devotee’ or ‘inner journeyman’ all his life.

Man No. 5 is a product of both Conscious Labor and Intentional Suffering receiving Inputs at point 6 of the “SO-LA Interval” in the enneagram of psychic centers and certain higher cosmic inputs at point 9 (not point 0) of the  TI-DO Interval.  Man No. 5 is higher feeling active which overshadows all the other passive centers.  His higher feeling center is opened and started to function so to say.  Man No. 6 comes into being to the opening and functioning of his existing higher thinking center for the same reason like Man No. 5 to his higher feeling.

Man No. 7 comes into being as the ‘perfect man’ after this prolong, integration and alchemy of all the higher feeling and thinking centers, the lower feeling and thinking centers and the moving, instinctive and sex centers become successful and stabilizes.

The hypothetical Man No. 8 is a US Hollywood movie’s fantasy of psyche hydrogens of the superman, batman, aqua man, green lantern, all the League of Justice, all kinds of zootopia-cyborgs crippled-beings in fantasias and hegemonic fighter beings that have since become tools for the brainwashing and latent-hidden promotion of liberal democratic without-responsibility mere vote-only-partiality values to young unsuspecting hethormen human beings to maintain capitalistic-essenced global hegemony a going.

However, there is a truth somewhere here!  Because man is biocosmic stopinder and has sociocosmic and technocosmic capabilities.  He is able to produce  or create for the nonce, only Padrigine AIRobot types I, II and III (never Padrigine Srobot IV, V, VI or VII or just technocosmic Hypothetical “Man” No. 8).  These moving on land, in water sea and in the outer space techno-beings would belong to the enneagram of the technocosmic octave of AI robots and SRobots, and certainly not of the biocosmic man which belongs to the enneagram of the biocosmic octave and the sociocosmic octave. (Febraury, 2022)




1   We do not see with our eyes but with our inner brain dimensions and brain dimensions are material insofar as they are cosmic hydrogen.  Man could see otherwise with the slightest change in the composition of these cosmic hydrogens.  He sees something else while looking at the same thing for some time.  It is possible therefore to make man see that which is not, and not see that which is.


2   Strive to see that which is already there; strive to study its motion and possibility of evolution and its to-be; strive then to hasten or change the existing state.  Always strive to see more than just the mere cover.


3   The different inner angle of seeing the same thing by different people leads to different outcomes.


4   If your eyes are sharp, you shall see.  If you shall see, you shall not see as soon as you are not.  When certain conscious hydrogen concentrate enters your body, you begin to see.  But you are neither able to direct and control them nor attract the hydrogen you need.  Because of the weak psychic attraction, you would soon lose them, and they would link up with your other contradictory psyche hydrogen.  As a result, you could not trace the path.  The conscious force comes again, inserts some more of other psyche hydrogen.  The psyche concentrate again enters your body.  You get a shock and you begin to see further.  You are put on the right path again.  Again, this time because you are lazy, you have not exerted yourself.  The hydrogen concentrate degrades further and soon loses all its conscious characteristics.


5   Impression falling on the body of an ordinary man is ‘do’ and it would refine to ‘re’ and even ‘mi’ but for a higher type of man, man no.4 and above, it goes beyond all these.  He becomes ‘fa’, ‘so’, ‘la’ and ‘ti’.  A mystic always sees beyond ‘mi’.


6   Move about quietly.  Keep everything inside you, very silently and watch.  Slowly you will begin to see the real world.  Only those who see the real world shall not fall prey to the suggestion of others.


7   I will tell you the meaning of being invisible.  Now, you visit some friends.  You enter their house.  Your body generates an atmosphere and others too.  They watch you “consciously” and you watch them “consciously”.  After some time of “seeing” the seeing disappears.  There is no more “seeing”, and you become invisible to them and they become invisible to you.  Anything you do, no one bothers.  Their behaviors harmonize with your behavior.  This is being invisible.


8   You can only “see” school when your level of being, not really knowledge is near the level of being in the school.  If your level is higher, you must start out from her angle and flow with her inner octave.  Only at the right point can you tap on her inner octave flow, so that its direction can be changed.


9   Ah! Just these human seeds like myself, which they called man.  I saw herds of planetary bipeds on the planet Earth.  And loss in their social instinct they could not escape into the dimensions of the three Sees ‑ Conscious See, their Anklad See (seeing through the highest grade of objective reasoning) and Holy See (seeing through the highest grade of objective feeling).


10   To make a person see exactly the way you see, exactly from the angle you intended is the way to your invisibility.  If she stands non-antagonistically external to you, then she is not in your stand at the moment.  If she opposes you, the angle and octave thereof would be opposite and antagonistic.  She will be antagonistically external to you.  If she can see exactly the way you see and you can see exactly the way she sees, then both of you will be “one”.



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