Volume 164       June 22, 2023


By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho

(An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 22 by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The HEIGRENS Era of Sociotechnocosmic Development, The Future of the Organic Film on Mother Earth and the Special Mysteries of Concern,"  March  2002 ~ December 2009 Discourses, Chapter 4, Section B: "A Universal and General Understanding of Boundaries, Borders and Relations in All Stopinder Centers" pp. 174~187)




1  Examples of Boundaries and Borders:

When we speak of boundaries, borders and their relationship of localized encounters, we mean those listings of what they are from our own encounters in life here.  There are hundreds of thousands here around us for our visible spectrum of consciousness.  In reality, there are more than a googolplex of them in the whole universe.

Some wee bits of boundary types common to our much aroused consciousness, is likely to incompletely listed here, without detailing the inner sub-boundaries which are also limitless if your awareness sharpens:


Boundary Types (To name a few):

Physical boundaries

Physiological boundaries

Psychic boundaries

Boundaries in sounds

Boundaries in light

Boundaries in matter

Boundaries in liquid

Boundaries in gases

Gravity-center boundaries

Cosmic stopinder boundaries

Sociocosmic stopinder boundaries

Psychological boundaries

Technocosmic stopinder boundaries

Biocosmic stopinder boundaries

Geographical boundaries

Sea boundaries

Agricultural borders

Atmospheric boundaries

Climatic boundaries

Boundaries between time periods

Boundaries of concepts and ideas

Political boundaries

Economic boundaries

Socio-cultural boundaries

Technological boundaries

Legal boundaries

Ethical boundaries

Security-defense boundaries

Geo-ethnic or race boundaries

Boundaries and borders of civilizations

Geographical boundaries of World-Island, Outer Islands Crescent (big, small and smallest)

Westphalian state and nation boundaries and borders. [There are 195 Westphalian nations and their enclosed boundaries and borders, all recognized Westphalianly and registered by the United Nations which is also a Westphalian Nation-bloc representative for all the 195 nations.  Nationstates arise because of capitalistic, colonialistic and imperialistic grabization by the nationates and the corporates for land territories and water spaces from the existing natural civilizational boundaries and borders, and converting the civilization individuals within such colonized Westphalian nationstates into nationstate citizens as an additionally imposed Westphalian individual identity over the natural civilization individual identity to extract benefits from the ‘divide-and-rule’ strategic pool.  Such boundaries and borders are sociocosmic anomalies in the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, and always aberrating dangerously with endless border disputes and wars.  These boundaries and borders result from the ambitious grabization over-reaches amongst the less populated states and nations formin g the so-called Anglo-saxon (Western) civilizations breeding and growing in Europe.  Fighting endless all throughout the European history until the Treaty of Westphalia  were signed amongst the SO-di and LA-di kings and "emperors" in 1648 AD during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism. After this treaty, the SO-Dikongnong and the LA-Dikongnong of antiquity and the SO-Laujinggong and LA-Laujinggong of the blossom together "unite" for global expansion and conquest beyond the European boundaries and borders give rise to the sociocosmic phenomenon of colonialism, imperialism, fascism and hegemonism. With subsequent colonialistic and imperialistic frantic grabization of all the lands and territories from all the other natural main and sub-species of civilizations in the yonders all over the world, the current 195 Westphalian nations over-reaches arise precisely due to this grabization, dividing and ruling of the Westphalian wiseacring process.  Because of the abnormality of such a imperialistic-essenced division, the coming sociocosmic history of the now and the future would still be aberrating until the great leap out from the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval into the mainstream (FA-stopinder of Socialism) Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave has completed worldwide.  The 'socialism' mentioned here is not the same as the one mentioned and described in the Westphalian narratives but rather the unique objective socialism necessary for the fulfillment of a harmony stopinder in the Pythagorean Harmonic Scale of the natural historical sociocosmic specie-stopinders octave - the accumulation of global wealth to the individualistic few individuals now would necessary be compensated in the form of the accumulation of global wealth to the collective many.]

Digital and quantum boundaries of the Internet Platforms or Digital Land (World Wide Web, applications, Websites, Google, Clouds, SWIFT, CIPS (China), SEPA, ACH, BACS, SPFS (Russia) Banking APIs, fintech, blockchains, XRP, etc.).  Because this Digital Land consist of technologically-microprocessed quantum bits in a domain of a full spectrum natural quanta to googleplex in magnitude, the aboundarization of a little of these technologically-microprocessed natural quanta into capitalistic-essenced ownership qubits (or IPs) or  into socialistic-essenced ownership qubirs (or IPs) in the production of an owned digital ecology in this Digital Land is still a comparatively very small piece of property for grabization.

….… and the listing will continue to more than a googolplex and in fact the concept number 'infinity' (∞). 

Are you interested in privatizing them (capitalism/now) or collectivizing them (socialism/now and future) or Hitech communate them (communism/future) or datongate them (datongism/future, and in-wait for the ultimate technocosmic octave to be perfected itself (Das Selbst) and supported by us)?


Boundary Characteristics or What goes on at the Borders? (To name a few):

Relating – unrelating

Touching – not touching


Linking in Negation

Linking in negation of negation

Linking having the internals and externals



Wedging in-between






Antagonistic unity

Non-Antagonistic unity



Reciprocally destructive

Reciprocally nourishing








Wall building

Moat constructing


Feeding exchanging


History denies fixed state and national borders - only changing borders from time to time.  Winning a war might increase their sizes and borders and losing it might decrease them, even fixed as Westphalian states or as Westphalian nations by Western "civilization" at the HQ there.  But from the Pythagorean Harmonic Scale of the sociocosmic octave the common name for the SO-sociocosmic stopinder is "state" and for LA-sociocosmic stopinder is "Nation" and the specific names can be "Indiana" (state) and "USA" (nation) for Westphalian civilization concepts. As for Chinese civilization concepts, this state is "Wang Guo" (Kingdom) and nation is "Wang Chao" (Dynasty).

Parasitic capitalistic-essenced colonies or entry/exit points with military bases around are set up at the borders or boundaries of unsuspecting nation-hosts victims for extracting nourishments such as the rich natural resources, rich labor resources, goods, services and even intangible noo-resources of the targeted hosts in terms their imposed cheap values, sucking dry the hosts into chronic poverty and even the ultimate death of the nation or the civilization.

So, during the Age of Dominance of global capitalism, mega-comprehensive sanctions with full blockage of nation-borders applied recklessly and mercilessly by a Hegemon capitalistic-essenced nation-stopinder being such as the US and its satellites against those infantile just born socialistic-essenced nation-stopinder beings or better opined as nation-cells have proved futile in the long run. This is because those nations such as Russia and its 15 LA-nation stopindered beings within the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) as well as China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba and many more just born sociocosmic socialistic-essenced LA-nation stopinder beings of the 20th century that have already had sufficient number of lower sociocosmic stopinders (DO-individuals, RE-groups, MI-families, FA-PDCE organizations, SO-states and itself the LA-nation as its outermost boundary) over a geographical landmass size to be able to become a PDCE base (Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange) and PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure noomakhia (Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological-science, Legal, Ethical-value and Security-defense -Holistic, Educational, Innovative, Green, Responsible, evolutional, no-harm and Sustainable) of its own, and nay more, able to open their borders to one another even if there are dangerous capitalistic-essenced military blockages at geographical choke points in the Presente of mother Earth' surface.

The law of reciprocal destruction is strongest, aberrating and critical at the disputed boundaries among westphalian nationstates generated by the western colonialists.  However, the law of reciprocal nourishment is also a likely opportunity generator of mutual cooperation for benefits among the conflicting nationstates through creating buffer zones of conflict resolution.  Disputed areas such as Arunachal Pradesh of India vs South Tibet of China can become such buffer zone of mutual beneficial zone of peaceful development.

Through the lens of this real world views, these mega-comprehensive sanctions are very good for 3 main reasons:

1. It forces the nation-stopindered sociocosmic beings to learn how to become prokaryotic nation-cells (somewhat resembling the Juche being of North Korea) which is a good preparation clear test-ground for the new SO-Historical Sociociocosmic Species of Socialism to breed and grow along the historical sociocosmic octave within real, stable and natural civilizational borders without much quotation marks tainted with mere naming or capitalistic-essenced Wesphalian nationstate boundaries or their various forms of PESTLES pollution.

2. It also forces these nation-stopindered sociocosmic beings to learn how to become eukaryotic nation-cells which enable them to socialize with one another in a more cooperative, less pyramidal, less exploitative and less oppressive through the use of proper PDCE- PESTLES socialist systems in a more coherent manner.

3. Noomakhian boundaries - the boundaries of geoethnic, geosophical and cosmological civilizations present in the noosphere of man, including the aberrating geographical sets, subsets and set intersections of the distorted  REF-based (Resource-Extraction-and-Feed based) of noosphere Westphalia states, nations and 'the United Nations' in quotation mark, and actual  geographical and territorial capitalism, colonialism, imperialism-fascism and Hegemonism.

4. The white menace terror-of-the-situation mega-sanctions and military interventions by the Hegemon US and her North Atlantic nation-allies of the Outer Islands against the "red menace terror-of-the-situation" enslaved-nations of World Island is an acid test of the penetrative, hostile environments imposed on these infantile growing and breeding SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism especially at their borders.

Being infantile babies, the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism often falls ill due to accidental consumption of capitalistic-essenced toxins  regularly emanating from these wolves-in-sheepskin in the form of nuclear-threats, neoliberalism, color revolutions,  exoteric Havatvernonism, LGBTQIA+, propaganda, faked news, consmanship, money-mania and even fake HEIGRENS.  The disintegration of USSR is one such catastrophe due to this endemic which also turn pandemic to both the capitalistic-essenced and the socialistic-essenced nation-stopinders rotting both essences and killing the Humanity-at-Large during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.

Outside the nation and nation-bloc borders and boundaries, there are international regions with varying sizes and choking points or bottlenecks with ever increasing number of maritime routes over time.  The maritime primary choke points are the Strait of Malacca, the Panama Canal, the Strait of Hormuz, the Bab el-Mandeb, the Suez Canal, the Turkish Straits and the Strait of Gibraltar.


Other strategic military choke points are geographical features such as valleys, mountain passes, high grounds, man-made bridges, etc.

They are potential choke points for the concentration of the terror of the situation of all kinds of reciprocal destruction from the smallest to the possible biggest nuclear wars with mega-extraction of the sacred askokin from the biocosmic beings as well as the sacred cyberin from the technocosmic beings to the moon or other neighboring planetary bodies in our solar system.  As I live at this vital Straits of Malacca choke point, I have a reason to become perturbed and with chronic burst of unbecomings!


2  Internals/Externals and Inner/Outer in Human Experience:

Internals or inner (from you) moving and directed outwards becomes externals or outer (to others), and the same occurs from others to you.  Externals or outer (from others/objects coming and directed towards you, then enter into you in digestion and refined to become your internals or inner, and the same occurs with others into them.  This is the true meaning of inner and outer or internals and externals.


3  The initial shape of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being was more like many scattered geographical colonies or clusters of thin film of humans and machines that trioctavizes in the zarooarian notes or gravity-center sociotechnocosmic concentrations in a network of villages, towns, cities, metropolitans, etc into states, nations, and geographical nation-blocs penetrating one another, getting enclaved and geo-boundaried especially during and after the colonial and imperialist historical periods on the surface of Mother Earth.

As an example, hundreds of nation-enclaves both sides exist between India and Bangladesh border region existed, land border overlaps, maritime overlaps, airspace overlaps and subsequent disputes, conflicts, wars and resettlement, name them you have them all over mother Earth’s surface.  Roaming resources hunters constructing projects for exploitation and setting up administration to them, religious and cultural identities and identifications penetrations, organic racial species movements across borders, supra-racialism education and transmission, religious missionaries, etc.  The fundamental modes of production, distribution and consumption (PDC) determinants such as those already existed in Primitive Communalism, Ancient Slavism, Feudalism, Capitalism, those existing and emerging in Socialism,  the coming-to-be future Communism and Datongism concentric all of them use and would use cross-national borders and cross-national PESTLES noo-borders reciprocal influences.  All these is the nature of the life of humankind on mother Earth.

Later and gradually, more and more of the avian sociotechnocosmic beings of varying sizes begin to explore  or rather protrude/intrude into space and outer space borders, and creating temporary and permanent space stations along the path leading to other planets and some move even farther through their spaceships and resting in these planetary sociotechnocosmic stations occasionally to continue conquering and colonizing into the yonder in the capitalistic-imperialistic-hegemonic essences typical found in the current capitalistic-essenced mode of PDC of today; and/or mere exploring into the same yonder in the socialistic-communistic-datongistic essences to be uncovered in the emerging socialistic-essenced mode of PDC now emerging.

Why do our currency notably, the US dollars, must keep on expanding even to the extent of cheaply printing them at will?  To have the financial amount to enable harvest as much of the limited resources, commodities, services, and so on on Earth through the multiautomarketing feeding exchange and downright plunder in the geobiosociotechnocosmos to satisfy the unlimited thirst (needs and wants) of wealth of through finance capital instruments far over the available limit is up for you to ponder.  And it is also up to you to ponder why it must collapse ultimately holding this ever increasing pile of cheap empties of a perverted financial psychology trapped in this boundary unable to escape from the borders.


4  Race belongs to the biocosmic octave, the root cause of its birth and being; races are formed through the forces from the biocosmoses and geo-ethnicities.  A solution to all racial problems can be “permanently” resolved through ensuring a trialectic process of man and woman of different races or in common language – a process of continuous inter-racial marriages to give birth to off springs that blurs the boundary of geo-ethnic conflicts through diversity and integrating divisibility.  Strong PESTLES boundary needs ice-breaking.  PESTLES process is part of the lateral sociocosmic processes.  It has to be differentiated from the racial process of the biocosmic octave and the geo-ethnic octaves.  The foundation for change in biocosmic races is the ‘genes while that of PESTLES culture is memes.  Both genes and memes are rooted in the biocosmic-geoethnic essences and are not easily changed or transformed by environmental changes.  To be able to successfully regulate PESTLES memes in race, culture, economy, politics,  law, ethics, religion, technology and security is a sensitive and difficult task across their boundaries.


5  Fundamental sociocosmic octave is objective reality with material existence; lateral sociocosmic octave is objective too but the noosphere is subjective, ideal and often rest in ideology and beliefs but dependent on the fundamental sociocosmic octave for its own PESTLES sociocosmic stopindering process – from an individual with PESTLES identity, to a group of people with similar PESTLES identity, to an organization with the same or related PESTLES identity and all the way to from the state, to the nation and to the ‘World-of-Nations’.  Each individual sociocosmic stopinder would certainly have its own boundary surrounding his ‘I AM’ and one of his hundreds of his inner ‘I’s, thousands of his inner ‘it’s.  Perhaps a hundred but would cross a thousand and more of his social relationship among the 7 billions of individuals on mother Earth’ surface at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.


6  Every mind centers in the human body such as the thinking center, the feeling center, the moving center, the instinctive center and the sex center and their sub-centers have psychological boundaries - open boundary or close boundary.

Negative thinking and negative feelings attract the same in the world of social boundaries and interaction.  The conscious awakening can change them to positive without the use of a reverse negative push for a positive leap across the boundary – one acts like water while the other an explosion.


7  Those beings that spun Immigration Cobweb Acts for the nation-stopinder boundary regulation and military national border control must also find ways to source an income flow by extracting from the mobility into and out of the boundary as a necessity of their own survival or crossing over the borders through battles either looting the cross-border wealth or occupying the territories.  In case of friendly border crossings, foreign investors, tourists and foreign workers alike are the best cows for milking and for stroking in disguise.


8   Man has outer world known through the inner world.  The universe has no outer world but only inner world.  It has no outer parts and cannot be plural.  Any external part to a universe is also its internal world.  Man as a part of the universe must have an outer world, and he is finite and limited due to being a part.  He has an outer world because of this.  Man is complete when he is able to consciously act outwardly and inwardly.

At the boundary of the nation-stopinder being are developed various control systems such as border fencing, walls and moats. At the input/entry and output/exit points various operating and control systems to manage those outlets and inlets of both local and foreign bipeds have been implemented.  Those systems that create visas, passes and permits of various types, and detain the biped offenders into ‘depots’ are systems bearing the name being-immigration.  Those systems that collect and safeguard custom duties and control the flow of goods including animals, personal affects and hazardous items, and commercial goods not yet cleared are held in a custom area often called bonded warehouse, until processed, are systems bearing the name being-customs.  Those systems that are on the boundary not at the input-out points are managed by the border guards, coaster guards and air defense military forces.


9   A Summary of Entry/Input and Exit/Output Points on the Boundary and of the boundary surface of the Biocosmic Stopinders, the Sociocosmic Stopinders, the Technocosmic Stopinders and the Cosmic stopinders:


Biocosmic Stopinders (Man)

1. Solid foods/water at digestive orifice (mouth)

2. Solid/liquid Wastes at excretory orifices (urethra)

3. Air at Respiratory orifices (nose)

4. Expired air at Excretory (nose)

5. Impressions at sense organs (Eyes, Ears, Skin, Nose, Tongue)

6. Expressions at psychomotor inner and outer activities (limbs)

7. Sexual orifices (Penis/Vagina)

8. The boundary besides the Input/Output points is the skin


Sociocosmic Stopinders

1. Individual (accepting/rejecting a friend and others, and the biocosmic entry-exit points)

2. Group (accepting/rejecting members of the groups or other individuals if with workplace, doors and windows)

3. Family (if with house, gates, doors and windows

4. Organization (if with premises, gates, doors and windows)

5. State, if autonomous includes geocosmic-relate entry/exit points such as state level border road checkpoints or landports, waterway ports and airports

6. Nation includes nation-level geocosmic-relate land ports, waterway ports/seaports, airports and space-launch ports (pads)

7. World of Nations includes continental waterways and canals such as the Suez canal and the Panama canal and geocosmic-relate mountain passes and Earth's launch-pad and space stations and spaceports

8. The boundary besides the input/output points is the geocosmi-relate border fences

9. PESTLES noo-stopinder boundaries are all the boundaries of political, economic, socioculural, technological, legal, ethical and security-defense entities in the human noosphere.


Technocosmic stopinders

1. Doors and windows for all or one  of the objects, airs and lights intake/inputs found in houses, factories, vehicles, ships, aeroplanes, spacecrafts, satellites, etc.

2. The boundary besides the input/output points is the physical body cover.


Cosmic stopinders

1. The points on the celestial bodies where the lines linked are the main focuses of the input/entry and output/exit points on the cosmic stopinders.

2. The boundary as a whole where the input/output points are of an infinite nature is the celestial body surface.  However, for celestial bodies, every part of the surface can be the entry/exit points.

3. The boundaries of each celestial body are concentric in unique manner, the smallest most inner boundary of the concentric Absolute is also the biggest most outer boundary, so are the moons being the smallest inner most boundary concentric and yet the biggest outer most boundary concentric lie just beyond these moons in contradicting presence.


Note that inside all the boundary stopinders (bodies) there are quantitative stopinder-metries, the well know one is the Euclid’s geometry or static Earth measures. The biggest real finite number of boundary in all the rays of creation would be more than a googolplex in the World or Universe.  It can be expressed as 10googol or 10^10^100. However, and infinity (  ) is just a concept number definitely bigger than a googolplex.  All the boundaries would be just contributing to this mega googolplex number and the biggest would still not be the biggest because infinity is the biggest concept number.






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