THE FOURTHWAY MANHO E-JOURNAL Volume 163 April 30, 2023 |
THE RECIPROCAL FEEDING AMONGST THE COSMIC STOPINDERS, NAMELY: THE EARTH, THE PLANETS, THE SUN AND THE MOON IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho (A revised excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 19, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The Enneagram of the Sociocosmic Stopinders, Laujinggong and the Epoch of the Increasing Aggressiveness of the Business Stopinders Beings," March 1996 - June 1996 Discourses, Chapter 5, Section A: "The Reciprocal Feeding Amongst the Cosmic Stopinders, Namely: The Earth, The Planets, the Sun and the Moon in our Solar system," pp. 89~113)
1 There are four gigantic objects in the (our) Ray of Creation which have a great impact on us as we are part of the Organic Life at the mi-fa Interval of this ray, and are of immediate concern to us. They are the sun-stopinder, the planet-stopinders, the Earth-stopinder and the moon-stopinder. Although contemporary scientists called this influence gravitation and cosmic radiation, they vaguely suspect that there also occurs a reciprocal feeding process. The passage of forces is not just a passage for physical forces but is also a passage for cosmic forces, cosmic properties and everything in the universe. The sun-stopinder nourishes the organic beings on Earth and the Earth must nourish the moon-stopinder. The sun gives photons plus many more materials with cosmic properties to Earth. The Earth must give sacred askokin to the moon and must maintain unbroken cycles with all relevant fundamental cosmic stopinders such as carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, silicon and hydrogen in the periodic octaves of elements (or atoms).
2 Now this last cosmic stopinder, moon, comes into being to fulfilled the law of cosmic octave that requires 7 gravity-center cosmic positions in the (our) Ray of Creation to become complete and harmonious. The 6th cosmic gravity-center of cosmic harmony, mother Earth split from within itself at its weakest fault-line into the 7th cosmic gravity-center position for the sitting of the moon or the moons, if the cosmic balance is still not right. However, the self-achievable delivery was difficult because the fault-line is not weak enough to enable a cosmic detachment from the womb of Mother Earth, so the Will of the Absolute from the TI-DO Interval had sent a cosmic midwife, comet Kondoor to hit at the weakest fault-line to assist in this detachment and the birth of this moon. However, cosmic food (cosmic milk) is required to feed this newly born baby moon to keep it alive and continuously presence as a growing cosmic being at the tip of the (our) Ray of Creation in accordance with the law of reciprocal nourishment. This cosmic milk must come from the organic life present at MI-FA Interval of this cosmic ray of creation, and this milk is the sacred askokin extracted from time to time at the expense of the Organic Life on mother Earth. Sacred askokin is the liberated psyche hydrogens, a unique cosmic property, that have left the planetary body of all organic psyche hydrogen processing beings roaming the surface of the Earth during their death. The moon-stopinder demands greater amount of denser askokin to be positioned within the “atmosphere” of itself in preparation for spiritual coating to form future organic beings for the moon. However, as compared to the geocosmic octave of our Earth, the lunacosmic octave of our moon is designed in similar way with Metal (DO), Mineral (RE), Soil (MI), Water (FA) which is almost zero or non-existent, Air or atmosphere (SO) which is also almost zero or non-existent, Fire and Light (LA) which is also zero or non-existent and Light exists but only comes from outside celestial bodies such as the sun and the stars, and finally Spirit (TI) which spirit does not exist at all except by the attraction or stealing of the sacred askokin forced upon from the Organic Life at the MI-FA Interval on Mother Earth through their death - notably through massive deaths through wars and geocosmic calamities. In such a terrible state of existence as the last celestial being in the cosmic octave, it can only “hope” for some kind of miracle cosmic change where the Earth loses its Organic Life especially in a mega nuclear war or a mega-cosmic accident where the MI-FA Interval bestowed by the Absolute from the the TI-DO Interval of the Ray of Creation for filling organic and synthetic lives is fully destroyed without any possibility of revival. When this happens, the moon’s lunacosmic octave will then gather all the elements in the right quality and quantity and in the right proportion for the formation the essential life supporting elements of their own lunacosmic mi-fa and ti-do intervals standbys. Only then the possibility of the lunacosmic octave transforms into a geocosmic octave and the moon upgrades its status as an earth-level exo-planet ready to be bestowed a MI-FA Interval by the Absolute above from the (our) Ray of Creation for the emergence of organic life there, as observed through the real cultivation of organic and synthetic life by the "external" space-faring hethormen human beings from Earth. At this moment, it is always the “wish” and the "hope" of the Sun Absolute by giving substantial sun-radiation to earthly organic beings that the psyche hydrogens so alchemized by them would be always enough for the nourishment of its last luna-stopinder. However, organic beings preferably from man that can produce very high quality psyche hydrogens (H6) with permanent ‘I’ through conscious labor and intentional suffering would have the chance to have them sent to locations everywhere within the body of our Solar system in the (our) Ray of Creation. In the diagram of the Passage of the Forces in the (our) Ray of Creation, where active feeding and reciprocating passive feeding take place, shows 4 triads of nourishment forces in the following manner: The 4 Cosmic Bodies of the Ray of Creation and the grand design and construct of the 4-bodied Universe Being according the Universal Law of the Four Body Mandate. The geometry of the shape is multidimensional and the motion is in octaves - descending and ascending!
Legend: 1. Density of matter in the 'atoms' with cosmic properties increases moving from World 1 to World 96 2. Density of vibration in the 'atoms' with cosmic properties decreases moving from World 1 to World 96 3. The degree of 'freedom' of the 'atoms' decreases as the number of laws subjected to increases from World 1 to World 96 4. The 'atoms' here is not equivalent to the atoms as known to contemporary scientists and chemists as their atoms are atoms of physical and chemical properties without any inclusion of cosmic properties such as psyche, consciousness, life, cybernetics, certain sub-atomic particles effects and the effects of dimensionalities. Not even of the sub-atomic particles of quantum physics and quantum chemistry (nuclear chemistry). 5. Only three types of 'atoms' are considered, symbolized and represented, namely: Carbon (C), Oxygen (O) and Nitrogen (N) for the fundamental Rays of Creation as well as for the lateral cosmic octave of Organic Life. As to the lateral cosmic octave of Synthetic Life, Silicon (Si) is considered, symbolized and represented. However, contemporary physical and physical-chemistry's understanding without any inclusion of cosmic properties are also used to illustrated atomic bondings, and the carbon, silicon, oxygen, nitrogen and carbonate-silicate cycles present in the Organic-Synthetic Life at the MI-FA Interval. The cosmic properties especially that of psyche, consciousness, life, cybernetics, quantum bits and dimensionalities are to obvious facts that cannot be brushed aside as if there are nothing there, as they are always there. Humanity needs a few new subjects to discuss them and connect them correctly to one another and to the existing established records of contemporary physics, chemistry, biology, paleontology, psychology, sociology, history, etc. ...... without unconnected fragmentation. Cosmic properties by generated by CON in terms of Hydrogen (H) Indices:
Diagram of Everything Living:
6. The smallest atom is Hydrogen (H) which have the symbol and physical properties as denoted:
1st Triad: The active feeding started from the Absolute (‘atomic-materiality’ of law 1 with the high strength ‘maximum 4-bonding potentials’ of ‘Carbon-C’) through the Will of the Absolute feeds the All Suns (‘atom-materiality’ of law 6 with the lower 3-bonding potentials of ‘Nitrogen-N’) then feeds the All Worlds (‘atomic-materiality’ of law 3 with the lowest bond-strength ‘maximum 2-bonding potentials’ of ‘Oxygen-O’) which passively and reciprocally complete the feed cycle with the All Suns. The physical backbone of the Will of the Absolute is the quantum tri-octaves, both fundamental and the laterals. This physical backbone is invisible to our naked eyes as well as to our microscopes and hardly visible to our electron microscope. We have only to imagine what the Quantum Garden might look like. 2nd Triad: The active feeding started from the All Suns (‘atomic-materiality’ of law 6 with the high strength ‘maximum 4-bonding potentials’ of ‘Carbon-C’) through interval-less smooth passage of forces feeds the All Planets (‘atomic-materiality’ of law 24 with the lower 3-bonding potentials of ‘Nitrogen-N’) then feeds the our Suns (‘atom-materiality’ of law 12 with the lowest bond-strength ‘maximum 2-bonding potentials’ of ‘Oxygen-O’) which passively and reciprocally complete the feed cycle with the All Planets. 3rd Triad: There is a mi-fa interval of the (our) Ray of Creation that needed the arising of Organic Life (and now also of the infantile Synthetic Life) on Earth which is also a planet in the All Planets except that it is unique with life. The active feeding starts from the All Planets (‘atomic-materiality’ of law 24 with the high strength ‘maximum 4-bonding potentials’ of ‘Carbon-C’) and also the Earth (‘atom-materiality of law 48 this time with lowest strength ‘maximum 2-bonding potentials’ of ‘Oxygen-O’) also passively and reciprocally feed the Organic Life (also the infantile Synthetic Life) which have real mi-fa interval Carbon, C (also with high strength 4 bonding potentials), real oxygen, O ( with fairly high strength 2-bonding potentials) real nitrogen, N (with high strength 3-bonding potentials) for the organic chemistry of all the carbon, oxygen and nitrogen atoms found in the organic life on mother Earth’s crust and real Silicon, Si (also with high strength 4 bonding potentials) for the silicon chemistry of all the silicon atoms found in the Synthetic Life on mother Earth’s crust, certainly inclusive of all the existing biocosmic, sociocosmic and the technocosmic octaves and others that might emerged as beings of the Organic-Synthetic Life at this mi-fa interval of the (our) Ray of Creation. The ill-fated Earth passively and reciprocally complete the feed cycle with the Organic Life and infantile Synthetic Life by providing them the three being-foods of ordinary food (carbohydrates, proteins, water, etc.), air (oxygen, nitrogen, etc.) and impressions (light, sounds, fragrance, tastes, etc.) to Organic Life of hethormen beings and the three-being foods for the technocosmic padrigines, namely fossil fuels, power-producing agents water, wind, uranium, etc. (1st being-food), airs (2nd being-food) and electrical/electromagnetic impression impulses, etc. (3rd being-food) to Synthetic Life of padrigine beings. The electromagnetic waves in the form of quantum bits (qubits) amongst all the other non-electromagnetic elementary quantum particles can be separated and micro-processed by those microchips in the 3rd body of the AI Padrigine III beings. These microchips are initially made of silicon (inorganic) and carbon (organic) designed, combined and constructed according to known technologies and improved periodically from a purely silicon-based materials to a possible silicon-carbon mix materials such as elastic plastic ceramic material (as developed by the Chinese research scientists, 2023) with the right physical properties of strength, elasticity, hardness, deformation and re-cyclable, that can effectively and efficiently process these qubits in large quantities and at the speed of light. The biocosmic hethormen human beings of the sociocosmic octaves in their routine automatic wake and sleep-wake conscious PDCE activities and happenings carried along by the forces from the padrigines of the technocosmic octaves as the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (the 4th historical sociotechnocosmic gravity-center of vibration) transforms into the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (the 5th historical sociotechnocosmic gravity-center of vibration). Mother Earth lived passively like an exploited, oppressed and mistreated mother who never seems to punish her mischievous cosmic children even though she has the power to do so - only to show occasionally through floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, thunderstorms, fires, drastic and climatic changes, etc. as a warning to organic-synthetic life. The Organic-Synthetic Life is something coming from outside, either from the lateral rays of creation or the fundamental branch rays of creation elsewhere or even from the Will of the Absolute. It does not have an atomic-materiality law number, its atomic-materiality is wedged between the Planets (of law 24) and the Earth (of law 48) and can only be an Interval but full of cosmic properties especially of psyche and consciousness. The terror-of-the-situation is that Organic life seems to feed the moon through the specter of unending backdrop of PESTLES conflicts (due to self-creation of political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal, ethical and security-defense being-psyche hydrogens) and occasional life destructive wars and world wars (especially the highly lunatic- and Hasnamuss-inclined nuclear war) producing large amount of sacred askokin during rascooarno (death) and releasing it to the moon along the passage of forces in the (our) Ray of Creation. The generation octave is a centennial cycle of 0-100 years generation cycle based on the standard life span of man, and after the end of a massive destructive war(s) such as World War 1 and 2 beginning in 1918 and ending in 1945, there will be a notable Baby Boomer period where large of babies are born. Before this generation octave there must have been a previous generation octave (also a century) reaching an excessive over-population full of sociocosmic aberration in the octave especially peculiar to the polar FA-SO-LA-TI-Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism (1788-2148), where the massive sacred askokin available in this over-population for lunar extraction to restore cosmic balance of life energy in the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation. So WW 1&2 arose to release massive sacred askokin. After that massive destruction baby booming begins. Contemporary western jargon peculiar and specific to this western civilization is different to the octavist jargon. A section of this 20th century (1900 - 2000) is divided as such: Do: Greatest Generation, born pre-1928 Re: Silent Generation (Traditional), born 1928 - 1946 Mi: Baby Boomers, born in 1946-1964 (between 53–71 years of age in 2017) Fa: Generation X, born in1965-1974 (between 43–52 years of age in 2017) So: Generation Y (Millenials), born 1977 - 1995 La: Generation Z (iGen or Centennials), born 1995 - 2010 Ti : Generation Alpha, born 2010 - ? The law of reciprocal destruction of beings
on a large scale is about to begin in the first quarter of the 21st Century
(2000-2100). As I have mentioned before, there is the atomic-materiality of Organic Life, and later of Synthetic Life has no law number, and that is, they might be filled periodically with atomic-materialities of some other orders direct from above or below the (our) fundamental ray - direct from our Earth, our planets, our sun or our moon in our Solar System; and laterally/sidereally indirect from other fundamental branch rays - some other suns in other sun-systems in the Milky Way Galaxy or some other All Suns in other galaxies. Two psychic centers in the hethormen human beings exist but often not activated - they are the higher feeling center and the higher thinking center which are receptive stations for the transmission of these higher atomic-materialities from elsewhere. Their reception results in the creation and ultimate transmission of different cosmic properties by the hethormen human beings especially in the vivifying radiations of specific and unique PESTLES being-psyche hydrogens or specific and unique qubits of different dimensions of the fundamental and lateral quantum octaves in the Quantum World. PESTLES specifics and uniqueness are changing periodically in these receptive higher feeling and thinking centers creating various wenming civilizations on an en masses scale. PESTLES is an abbreviation of Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological-science, Legal, Ethical-value and Security-defense subjective factors that vivify from these higher centers into all the lower centers - radiation of the lower thinking and feeling centers and all the other centers such as the instinctive, moving and the sex centers. The positive consequence is the rise of powerful, glorious and vivifying specific and unique wenming civilizations at various continents with suitable geographical locations and environments in the Marxian historicism of the mode and means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange factors, in the same epoch and in various epoch of the human history; the negative consequence is the ultimate deadly clash of civilizations, of the Marxian modes of PDCE and of the PESTLES factors, and the NOO dasein within the wenming civilizations of mother Earth itself dialectically, trialectically and octavely; and this is the possible future terrible interstellar and intergalactic clashes without against interstellar and intergalactic wenming civilizations from extraterrestrial beings at other mi-fa intervals in the branch rays of creation. Nay more, the negative consequences of our moon's hunger for sacred askokin from the rascooarno process of the sudden unnatural death of man is always there!
Contemporary physicists and chemists have an ingenious organic physical and chemical discovery and models for this type of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen here at the mi-fa interval of the (our) Ray of Creation where mother Earth has its crust and the atmosphere above coated with the organic-synthetic film as biocosmic, sociocosmic and technocosmic beings breeding, growing, reproducing or re-engineeered, and stating that: 1. Carbon, C, has a very high or maximum 4-bonding potentials in the Periodic 2 of the Periodic Table (of Atoms) and comparatively light in the group with silicon, Si, very high bonding strength for maintaining bondage in creating organic creatures without facing easy bondage-break, are complex, exist in abundance and stable once formed into organic creatures. Carbon in the carbohydrate and protein forms are essential first ordinary being-foods for organic creatures.
The Carbon Cycle 2. Nitrogen, N, also has a comparable high 3-bonding potentials and bonding strength, lightest atom of a group of 14 members in the Periodic Table, also complex, exist in abundance estimated to be seventh in our Solar system and the Milky Way and about 78% (the most uncombined elements) of Earth’s atmosphere, and fairly stable. Together with oxygen, they are essential second air being-foods for organic creatures. Nitrogen is a good co-partner to carbon triadicalization and octavization in creating organic creatures. The human body contains about 3% nitrogen by mass, the fourth most abundant element in the body after oxygen (O), carbon (C) and hydrogen (H); by abundance of cosmic properties they are the most abundant. There is a nitrogen cycle between organic beings and mother Earth where mother Earth (atomic-materiality law 48) interchange nitrogen (N) with the organic beings.
The Nitrogen Cycle 3. Oxygen, O, has 2-bonding potentials and fairly high bond strength, less complex but is Earth's third most abundant in the universe, and after hydrogen and helium, and found in the atmosphere (20.95%) and water, and stable. Together with nitrogen, they are essential second air being-foods for organic creatures. It is another good co-partner to carbon triadicalization and octavization in creating organic creatures.
The Oxygen Cycle As to silicon, Si, although it, like carbon, has the maximum of 4-bonding potentials in Period 3 and the 2nd lightest atom in a group of 14 members in the Periodic Table. It is not easily accessible, being found second in abundance (after carbon) deep in the Earth’s crust, rocks, seabeds and sandy rivers of mother Earth and needs organic life’s industrial assisted extraction of chemical processing by the hethormen human beings. That is why it is difficult to have it naturally selected to for silicon beings except for sea sponges and microorganisms in those silicon deposit areas. However, it is found useful for making integrated circuitry lithographed into silicon-based microchip for creating the driver-bodies of AI robots of the technocosmic octave by the organic beings.
The Silicon Cycle There is also a peculiar Carbonate-Silicate Cycle to bridge the carbon-silicon divide. The Carbonate-Silicate Cycle These carbon cycle, oxygen cycle, nitrogen cycle and carbonate-silicate cycle as an associated cycle of carbon and silicon to geocosmic Earth is a way to maintain cosmic harmony and balance between Earth stopinder of atomic-material of law 48 and the inner stopinders of Organic-Synthetic Life at the mi-fa interval of the (our) Ray of Creation. The contents of the mi-fa interval are mainly dependent on the production and reproduction of the original species of the historical sociocosmic octaves - born, grow and die on mother Earth, and partially dependent on extraterrestrial atomic-materialities givers that are brought along to fill this mi-fa interval by other more advanced or more colonialistic, capitalistic, imperialistic and hegemonistic extraterrestrial beings and their associated wenming civilizations that might be encountered in future interstellar and intergalactic wars of extraterrestrial conquest. 4th Triad: The active feeding started from the Organic Life but without ‘atomic-materiality’ from the (our) Ray of Creation as already mentioned, that is: the Organic Life is something coming from outside, either from the lateral rays of creation or the fundamental branch rays of creation elsewhere or even from the Will of the Absolute, and moreover, the atomic-materiality is wedged between the Planets (of law 24) and the Earth (of law 48). Organic Life, you and I being part of it, has have to be Carbon-C and be a giver, painful to us for having to accept by cosmic mandate this very taxing burden of being a Carbon-C role player without being bestowed an atomic-materiality law number by the decree in the (our) Ray of Creation. However, because of this no law number, we are also blessed a substitute of freedom of receiving, storing, using and transmitting other atomic-materialities that might come from anywhere. For instance, this Organic Life of atomic-materiality of no law number, has been found by our contemporary physicists and chemists, also to have maximum 4-bonding potentials and high strength, quantum energies, complexity, stability and is a good ‘Carbon’-C, now able to feed the moon (atomic-materiality of law 96 with very high density of matter and very density of vibration) with the sacred askokin created especially from the FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic aberration and perturbation of the Organic Life itself, increasing sacred askokin production at the expense of life reproduction to serve the moon. To restore any imbalances, disharmonies and to comply with the law of conservation of vital energies caused by over-extraction of the sacred askokin by the moon, the moon often returns some cosmic properties of the sacred askokin of the feared darkness, vampire-like and spookiness to mother Earth.
1 Each sociocosmic stopinder operates on the law of the survival of the fittest. It is not just seeking self-reliance for survival, it is also seeking 'dependency' on neighbors as part of its feeding exploitation instinct. Because of the ever-demanding FA and SO stopinder needs upon the time of the individuals, the individuals could not have a stable group or a family or even to work on himself. The great sacrifice for the FA-engine could not make them rich, but if they did not sacrifice they could not survive. So they have to march forward holding high the banner for a 'FA' and a 'SO' for which they also need a 'LA' and a 'TI' but finally to realize that they are in fact a ONE Common Human Entity at the closing 'DO'. They together are the engines, the drivers and the passengers of the Great Sociocosmic Being.
2 I have observed that each sociocosmic stopinder such as a total man (Do-Individual) is divided for him into having an inner world and an outer world or in management terms today, it is just called an internal environment and an external environment of an organization, except with a difference in that this internal environment is approached from a physical and structural point of view, whereas the meaning for the inner world of a sociocosmic stopinder would be the psyche content proper existing within the boundary of the stopinder including also any intermediate coarsing of psyche into the physical body outside which is the outer world. As to steering through the outer world under the helmsmanship of the sociocosmic passengers and the socoicosmic drivers, the drivers use all kinds of 'maps' to fulfill the 'wants' of the inner and outer passengers. And the outer world is full of dangerous beings called competitors. Being-customers, being-suppliers, being-strategic allies, being-unions, being-owners and being-regulators of the latest inventions, and the less manipulatable being-variables such as the fluid effects or toxic liquid from what is called the sociocosmic systems namely being-economy, being-technology, being-socioculture, being-politics, being-legislation, and being-international dimensions and various subtle spots. As the internal organization of each higher sociocosmic stopinder is also made of smaller stopinders together with their own dangerous laujinggongs the helms-passenger would expect stray shots from being-BOD, being-employees and the being-managers itself and all external competitors. As there is a continuous interchange between the organization and its environment the helms-driver is particularly wary of sociocosmic perturbations proceeding from within or in the environment of his stopinder-of-major-concern. In order to steer his stopinder in the 'I' set earlier for the tortuous environment, the helms-driver requires a map to align his 4 sociocosmic bodies including himself. This map has been created to its current stage known as Strategic Management. Yet the true purpose of existence of the FA -sociocosmic stopinder remains a mystery. Many have the thought of how to get rid of the FA-being, and yet they are in it each time. As the sociocosmic stopinder which the
helms-driver has taken charge of is also an enneagram, it must ensure it is
open to feed on being-foods (inputs) and excrete gold-bars (outputs)
or goods, services and ideas for other sociocosmic beings. Through the use
of the already MI-FA Interval created laujinggong, he sets himself the
production-operation system to ensure that the feeding transformation of all
input-foods, proper to this peculiar stopinder, has been successfully
completed and transformed into the foods-for-others (outputs).