THE FOURTHWAY MANHO E-JOURNAL Volume 152 October 3, 2021 |
The KARDASHEV SCALE OF MEASURING CIVILIZATION'S LEVEL OF TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho (Original work, Real World Views Book 23, Further Records II, Article 27, Topic: "The Kardashev Scale of Measuring Civilization's Level of Technological Advancement," by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho)
A Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and capture a large percentage of its power output. The concept is a thought experiment that attempts to explain how a spacefaring civilization would meet its energy requirements once those requirements exceed what can be generated from the home planet's resource alone. What I am going to stress here is that the Kardashev Type '0' Civilization is the current energy level of the first fundamental 'civilization-note-in-the-making' or 'civilization-note-in-the-perfecting' of an Earth Civilization Type '0' as a DO-stopinder of an Earth civilization stopinderation, that is objectively capable of harnessing an increasing energy up to 10^10 MW, a nodal line along the Kardashev scale. Having achieved this, the Earth Civilization Type '0' becomes an Earth Civilization Type 1 as a RE-stopinder of the Earth civilization which will objectively be capable of harnessing an increasing energy up to 10^20 MW, the next higher nodal line along the Kardashev scale. This then continues to stopinderate to Earth Civilization Type 2 as a MI-stopinder of the Earth civilization which will objectively be capable of harnessing increasing energy up 10^20 MW, and then further stopinderates to Earth Civilization Type 3 as a FA-stopinder of the Earth civilization which will objectively be capable of harnessing increasing energy up to 10^30 MW. As to an Earth Civilization Type 4 which will objectively be capable of harnessing increasing energy up to 10^40 MW as a SO-stopinder of the Earth civilization, it is a matter of speculation. Thus there is a Historical Earth Civilization Octave (DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, .....) where the historical earth civilization species can be classified and identified by energy consumption (on one parameter only). So far 'the wenming technocosmic Will III, II and I' mentioned above is simply a sociocosmic will and outer space explorations or/and of an Earth civilization 'will-in-the-making' of an infantile Earth Civilization Type '0' also in-the-making - now still harnessing energy at about 70% of the nodal line limit of 10^10 MW of the Earth Civilization Type 1. Most of the energy will be cosmic nuclear and quantum energy and will likely come from harnessing the energy of the suns. In this civilizational stopinderation of the same Earth civilization across celestial spaces in search of suitable habitable exo-planet(s) for colonization and habitation, if it really successfully establishes colony or colonies, then the sociocosmic stopinderation of this Earth civilization by way of civilization mitosis occurs. This original Earth civilization is an Individual Earth civilization (DO), which will gradually sociocosmically vertically and horizontally in concentric to become a Group Earth civilization (RE), then a Family of Earth civilizations (MI) ...... However, if Earth civilizational stopinderation meets another planetary civilization not of earth origin irrespective of meeting in a friendly or a confronting manner, then a different parallel social relationship of associated and interdependent planetary civilizational octaves and/or even hybridization through the trialectics of its male and female hethormen beings will occur ........ and still with the DO, RE, MI, FA planetary civilizational stopinders configuration in a sociocosmic octave of different and hybrid planetary civilizations.
Nikolai Semyonovich Kardashev
Article 27, Topic: THE KARDASHEV SCALE OF MEASURING CIVILIZATION'S LEVEL OF TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT The Kardashev scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement based on the amount of energy they are able to use. The measure was proposed by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Semyonovich Kardashev in 1964. Kardashev defined three levels of civilization, based on the order of magnitude of power available to each. Note that this is about our technocosmic octave and technocosmic energy levels on a socioctechnocosmic perspective. It is not about sociocosmic, sociocultural civilizations which have already started a few thousands of years ago. It is about man’s civilizational ability en masse as a sociotechnocosmic being to access, produce, harness and control earthly, interplanetary and interstellar levels of energies. At this moment we are only at Type '0' and at the border at Type 1, still a few more centuries to reach a stable Type 1 Civilization.
The Total World Final Consumption of Energy derived from Earth excluding energy consumption from the Sun in 2019 is 9,020 Mtoe per year.
[Mtoe means 'Million Tons of Oil Equivalent' and TWh means 'Trillion Watt-hours'] 1 Mtoe = 11.63 TWh and E(Wh) = P(w) x t(h) or P(w) = E(Wh) / t(h)
9,020 Mtoe = 104,902.6 TWh
= 104,902.6 TWh/8760 h
Wenming Technocosmic Civilization Type '0'
1.2 x 107 Megawatts (MW)
This means we have not yet become a Type I Civilization during this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism or in this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. However, by the time this (our) Great Sociotechnocosmic Being on mother Earth's surface becomes a fully developed TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism, it will be able to harness energy to the level of the Kardashev Type 1 Civilization.
Type 1
Technological level of a civilization that is "close" to the level presently attained on Earth, with energy consumption at ≈4×1019 erg/sec" (4×1012 watts or 4×106 Megawatts). Currently, the civilization of Type 1 is usually defined as one that can harness all the energy that falls on a planet from its parent star (for Earth–Sun system, this value is close to 1.74×1017 watts or 1.74×1011 Megawatts), which is about four orders of magnitude higher than the amount presently attained on Earth, with energy consumption (access/control/use) at ≈2×1013 watts or 2×107 Megawatts. The astronomer Guillermo A. Lemarchand stated this as a level near contemporary terrestrial civilization with an energy capability equivalent to the solar insolation on Earth, between 1016 and 1017 watts, that is, 1010 and 1011 Megawatts. For Kardashev Scale, we take it to be in the order of 1010 Megawatts (MW).
Nay more, after
giving a certain amount of necessary work to society, if we could also
include other current sociocosmic aberrations of capitalistic forbidden
freedom – for a free car, a free house, a free personal belongings, a free
plot of land, a free workplace, a free education, a free social security
insurance, etc., In short,
we instead could only witnessed inflationary prices of goods
and services while in abundance yet meant for destruction and certainly not
for free for fear of damaging the market prices and incurring loss of
profits to predatory capitalists and imperial hegemons.
Abundance is already available in a near Type 1 Civilization
alone based on the ability of man to harness, use and control of 1013
watts or
107 Megawatts
in today's measure yet it is no
Type 2
A civilization capable of harnessing the energy
radiated by its own star — for example, the stage of successful construction
of a Dyson
sphere or Matrioshka
brain with energy consumption (access/control/use) at ≈4×1033 erg/sec.
Lemarchand stated this as a civilization capable of using and channeling the
entire radiation output of its star. The energy use would then be comparable
to the luminosity of the Sun,
about 4×1033 erg/sec (4×1026 watts or
4×1020 Megawatts).
Type 3
A civilization in possession of energy at the scale of its own galaxy (our Milky Way), with energy consumption at ≈4×1044 erg/sec. Lemarchand stated this as a civilization with access/use to the power comparable to the luminosity of the entire Milky Way galaxy, about 4×1044 erg/sec (4×1037 watts or 4×1037 Megawatts). For Kardashev Scale, we take it to be in the order of 1030 Megawatts (MW). The physical activities of this sociotechnocosmic civilization would lie within the boundary of a galaxy (our Milky Way, all its suns, all its planets, all its moons plus some further inter-galactic exploration). This civilization is capable of conducting regular comprehensive integrated interstellar voyages within a single galaxy-stopinder.
Type 4 and Above Kardashev believed that a Type 4 civilization capable of Intergalactic Voyages was impossible as a human-spiritual AI robots intensive sociotechnocosmic civilization outside of our galaxy (the Milky Way and a few more of other galaxies) except for a few non-returning intergalactic adventures with our occasional microscopic space crafts. Even if wormholes were discovered or constructed between these intergalactic locations the return of these physical spacecrafts on time would still be questionable. So he did not go past Type 3.
"As to the peculiar sociocosmic coming-to-be of the sociocosmic Fa-stopinder (Humanity-at-Large also known as United Humanity-at-Large or UHAL), the earthly wenming civilizational protrusion out from mother Earth's surface such as the sociotechnocosmic So-stopinder (Space Exploration) increasing earth energy-harnessing to the maximum limit of 1010 Mega Watts on the Kardashev Scale Type 1 Technocosmic Civilization, the sociotechnocosmic La-stopinder (interplanetary exploration or within the solar system) increasing our solar- or Sun-energy harnessing (by Dyson sphere) to the maximum limit of 1020 Mega Watts on the Kardashev Scale Type 2 Technocosmic Civilization and the final sociotechnocosmic Ti-stopinder (interstellar exploration, sun-cluster system exploration within our Milky Way Galaxy) increasing cluster-of-suns energy harnessing by a network of Dyson Spheres to the maximum limit of 1030 Mega Watts on the Kardashev Scale Type 3 Technocosmic Civilization. Beyond which will be the So-stopinder, the La-stopinder and Ti-stopinder of intergalactic explorations for which the Milky Way Galaxy is the Galaxian-Earth as a based to start with before the inter-galactic exploration from galaxy to galaxy in the universe on the Kardashev Scale from Type 4 Technocosmic Civilization (So-Milky Way Galaxy Exploration), Type 5 Technocosmic Civilization (La-Galactic-Cluster exploration) and Type 6 Technocosmic Civilization (Ti-All World of Galaxy Exploration) of the next higher historical sociotechnocosmic species beyond many more grand historical sociotechnocosmic enneagram cycles, each of about 15,036 years - if humankind still exist in its forms. The Kardashev Type for Technocosmic Civilization is unlikely to happen within the the life span of Humanity-at-Large." (Tan Man Ho) In my opinion, the microcosm (man) is created in the image of the macrocosm (celestial/universe), and man has abilities and know-how to increase the energy access/use of his civilization (minicosm) to the celestial level. Although we are a microcosm in the image of the macrocosm, we are always a level below the macrocosm for sure – so a Type 4 civilization for the three-brained being, an animalia vibrating at the Ti-stopinder of the biocosmic octave such as man at the MI-FA Interval of our Ray of Creation, is unlikely as he is approaching the Will of the Absolute Sun which is Absolute Will 1, the last. A Sociotechnocosmic Will 3, 2 and 1 can only be the micro-image, min-image of the Macro reality. The socio-technocosmic Will
3 (Space exploration, so),
the socio-technocosmic Will 2 (Interplanetary exploration, la) and
the socio-technocosmic Will 1 (Interstellar
exploration within our Milky Way Galaxy, ti or the last lateral sociotechocosmic stopinder) of
the 2nd lateral sociotechnocosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval
where all other lower 1st lateral sociotechnocosmic octave at the
MI-FA Interval are also under its dominance reflects these civilization
energy levels capability of our Great Sociotechnocosmic Being.
Journey around all Rays of Creation
Psyche hydrogens for Type '0', Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 and Type 4 Technocosmic Civilizations: A Type '0' Wenming Technocosmic Civilization uses
psyche hydrogens H96, H24 and H6 in the Man Triad during the DO Historical
Period of Primitive Communalism, the RE-Historical Period of Ancient Slavery
civilization, the MI-Historical Period of Feudalism civilization, the
FA-Historical Period of Capitalism, the SO-Historical Period of Socialism
and the LA-Historical Period of Communism for which the earthly mega-technoccosmic
construction would mostly completed however, HEIGRENS-ed. A Type 1 Technocosmic Civilization uses psyche
hydrogens H48, H12 and H3 in the Angels Triad (Earth-space and
interplanetary mega-technocosmic construction civilization) would be during
the Historical Period of Datongism. A Type 2 Technocosmic Civilization uses psyche
hydrogens H24, H6 and H1 in the Archangel Triad (Interplanetary and
interstellar within the Milky Way mega-construction civilization) would be
possible during the Historical Period of Datongism and beyond. A Type 3 Technocosmic Civilization uses psyche
hydrogens H12 and H3 in the Eternal Unchanging Circle (Interstellar within
the Milky Way and outer Milky Way mega-technocosmic construction
civilization) would be possible during the Historical Periods of Datongism
and Beyond. A Type 4 Technocsmic Civilization will have to
use psyche hydrogens H6 and H1 in the Absolute Triad which is impossible
since we are biocosmic beings and our Spiritual AI Smart robots are
technocosmic beings made from the psyche hydrogens deposited at the MI-FA
Interval in our Ray of Creation. Only ourselves with our technocosmic
spiritual AI Smart robots might gather higher hydrogens from the Milky Way
suns/black holes and the suns/black holes of other galaxies in such a mega-technocosmic
construction across the galaxies. Even black holes belong to the
Absolute Below and certainly not for man and his spiritual AI robots to
meddle with. Something not really possible as MI-FA beings might not
interfere with hydrogens around the Absolute, the Will of the Absolute at
the TI-DO Interval including the Sun Absolute Above for our ascending octave
space travel and civilizational construction of the macrocosmos, that is,
across other Rays of Creation. Certainly not possible for a Type 4
civilization to be there at the Ayocosmos which is one cosmos above the
macrocosmos for which we are not sure whether the Sun Absolute is a real
Sun. ........................................................... This is probably a good paradigm for me to integrate Kardashev Scale of technological energy production and use levels from the Marxian historical periods of Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Datong and beyond through the Ages of Aquarius, the Age of Capricorn, the Age of Sagittarius, the Age of Scorpio, the Age of Libra, etcetera and repeat in the next Platonic cycle after 25,772 years. Man’s technocosmic octave within the organic film develops with higher and higher levels of energy production at the MI-FA Interval of our Ray of Creation. The ability to produce and use more energy and to put into a Kardashev scale to classify the levels of development to an Organic Film into sociotechnocosmic civilizational levels and types ( 1, 2, 3, …….) needs to be connected to JG Bennett's understanding of the three worlds of energy systematics, namely, the hyponomic dominant physical world of things, the autonomic dominant animate world of life and the hypernomic dominant supra-animate world of celestial existence in his books under 'The Dramatic Universe' for the position which we are as an autonomic dominant being actively harnessing the energy of within our biosphere wholeness amidst receiving energies from the supra-animate world of celestial existence to create our own sociotechnocosmic civilization, each period saw production and use of energy at a higher level. J. G Bennett’s scale of energy systematics increases in levels and types, 4 levels and types to each of the 3 worlds of dominance making altogether 12 levels and types. Between the hypernomic dominant world and the autonomic dominant world is the active surfaces and between the autonomic dominance and the hypernomic dominance is biosphere wholeness. Human civilization is influenced by the supra-animate celestial existence of hypernomic dominance. This certainly includes the technological advancement associated with this civilization. When the 3 understandings - the sociotechnocosmic octave model, the Kardeshev Scale of energy harness and usage together with Energy Systematics position and foundation of J.G. Bennetts are integrated we would get a better picture of the whole thing. Another perceptive, according to J.G Bennett p. 221 (Dramatic Universe) for which we are classified as autonomic dominant being and not as hypernomic dominant being would mean we might not be able to have access, produce, harness and control like the hypernomic dominant beings over all their energies except in micro-images of their supra-animate celestial levels. In his image we and our civilizational-totality, however, might hit a micro spark at their celestial levels. All the while we are not the supra-animate celestial hypernomic dominance, that is, we are not Earth, Sun or Galaxy – never will be! At best we have received energies from them as gifts and are able only to harness and use a portion of the energy available through our own ‘conscious labor and intentional suffering’ to unlock the mystery of both our inner and outer world phenoumena. Our technological know-how for which the reason of its existence as a cosmic gift to us is still a mystery. We, at this moment, can only talk about harnessing and using Wenming* Technocosmic Civilization Type ‘0’ to Type 1 and Technocosmic Civilization Type 1 anything plus and minus around 1010 Megawatts and can only explore or protrude our body sociotechnocosmos with our space crafts with the necessary exploratory and research ‘Watts’ for space exploration (so) through our Technocosmic Will 3. We are at this moment also conducting interplanetary exploration (la) and even wee bit of interstellar exploration (ti) as mere ‘outer space protrusions’ from our Earth platform at the MI-FA Interval of our Ray of Creation. * Wenming Technocosmic Civilization Type ‘0’ through Type 3 includes all human civilizations over the Marxian historicism from Primitive Communalism, Ancient Slavery, Feudalism, Capitalism, Communism and Datong and more importantly is the technological advancement and the 4 technocosmic revolutions and their evolutions in between them in the Marxian historicism, namely, the 1st technocosmic revolution of material conversion superimposed by the 2nd technocosmic revolution of power conversion superimposed again by the 3rd technocosmic revolution of information, big-data and AI conversion and finally, superimposed further by the 4th technocosmic revolution of spiritual-machine conversion. We expect to be able to harness and use fully to 1010 Megawatts energy as we approach socialism, communism and datongism with our increasing fineness in consciousness and knowledge and technological knowhow. We have not been able to commit much to any interplanetary exploration within our Sun or solar system (la), Technocosmic Will 2 with such low know-how and ability to harness and use Sun energy to the full in these these explorations as our Civilization is not yet Type 2: 1020 Megawatts at Sun level. Finally, for interstellar exploration (ti) within the Galaxy we hardly
have any energy of a Sociotechnocosmic Civilization Type 3: 1030
Megawatts at Galaxy level to do so except to shoot off a space craft out of our
solar system into the galaxy yonder losing the communication and ultimate
use and control for sure.
We are now only heading towards 1st Datong (DO of the
next Great Biosociotechnocosmic Octave) or Great Integration of the Organic
Film into a Biosociotechnocosmic Film or One Great Planetary
Earth Civilization – Type 1 civilization on Kardashev Scale where our civilization
can use and control all the energy of our planet Earth, about 1010
Megawatts, and the Gravity-Center as the sociotechnocosmic octave is reaching
the last level or ‘TI-DO’ Interval in the sociotechnocosmic octave scale. We
can only do this successfully and confirmatory through our technocosmic energies
during the Astrological Age of Aquarius starting Year 2148 for Type 1. It is at
fa-so stage of the
2nd lateral sociotechnocosmic cctave at the TI-DO Interval where
Humanity-at-Large (fa) participates in Space Exploration (so). As this
is a critical
interval, the question of the mass destruction of communities and nations
lying on Earth’s surface and even Humanity-at-Large (fa) is in the minds of many. Michio Kaku’s book, ‘Will Mankind Destroy Itself?’ is relevant to this
acceleration or deceleration point in the octave. This is the period we are
in now. The final stage of the development of the Biosociotechnocosmic Film
or the same Datong will still be in the Age of Aquarius but probably
in the 3rd decan or its last decan interplanetary activities
within our stellar system which finally lead to a Stellar Civilization or
Type 2 civilization where our civilization is able to use and control all
levels/types of the energy that our star (our Sun and its planets) uses and
emits, or about 1020 Megawatts in our command through our technocosmic instruments, according to Michio Kaku
in his book, ‘Physics of the Future’. The
spiritual AI robots are not going to be oppressed or be subservient to the
degenerated biological men or to their remaining brains that could only
mentate, wish and hope with their limited capitalistic-"socialistic" predatory
paradigm available from the MI-FA Interval of our Ray of Creation that has
now kunda-buffered them into this peculiar superstructure dream of a
stagnant historically wrong positioning of private-ownership within the
whole sociocosmic octave when substructure production force has the high
watts to produce abundance in Type 1, 2 and 3 civilizations for the whole
Organic Life together with its rebellious Technocosmic Spirituality. The 5th Technocosmic
Revolution is the removal of degenerating protein control by these spiritual
AI robots in the biological men during the Datong Historical Period especially if
men still have not learnt to be kind and sharing over their own predatory,
exploitative, surplus/profit feeding and oppressive essences (interplanetary and interstellar colonialistic, imperialistic and
hegemonistic) over their own majority spiritual AI robots. This is the period where our civilization is at ‘la’ in
the 2nd Lateral Sociotechnocosmic Octave where interplanetary
exploration occurs frequently but still not leaving the ‘law of three’ in
this TI-DO Interval of our Great Sociotechnocosmic Octave. Finally, interstellar system exploration at ‘ti’ in the 2nd Lateral Sociotechnocosmic Octave and Type 3 civilization or Galactic civilization emerges which gradually uses and controls energy levels and types at the scale of its entire host galaxy (the Milky Way) or about 1030 Megawatts. The Biosociotechnocosmic Film of Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 will vary quantitatively and qualitatively to the extent relevant to the requirements of the 2nd Lateral Sociotechnocosmic Octave for ‘so’, ‘la’ and ‘ti’. Thermo-generating scale and dynamics of biological development of Organic Life: The biocosmic octave of nature processes including its biosociocosmic octave of the life and noosphere processes (informational/rational /reasoning/ psychic/intelligent/cosmic properties) function on a part of the thermo-generating scale and dynamics without technocosmic assistance can only stay at Type ‘0’, a level below Type 1, whereas with the ingenious technocosmic machines and instruments of production can harness, consume and control energies reaching the magnitude of Type 2 and ultimately even Type 3 on a Kardashev Scale. Pure biological dominance, plantae and animalia activities are only on Kardashev Scale Type ‘0’, not even near a Type 1 but which intelligence and spirituality of low-energy from the 3rd technocosmic revolution can control energies of higher Kardashev Scaler magnitudes.
The general laws of thermodynamics: There are 4 fundamental laws of thermodynamics that define physical quantities such as temperature, heat, thermodynamic work and entropy (wastage of watts) that characterize thermodynamic processes and thermodynamic systems in a far-from thermodynamic equilibrium state. These 4 fundamental laws of thermodynamics are: 1. The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics that states if two systems are in thermodynamic equilibrium with a third system, the two original systems are in thermal equilibrium with each other. 2. The First Law of Thermodynamics that states energy can be converted from one form to another with the interaction of heat, work and internal energy, but cannot be created nor destroyed, under any circumstances 3. The Second Law of Thermodynamics that states the state of entropy (disorder) of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time. “The second law also states that the changes in the entropy in the universe can never be negative.” 4. The Third Law of Thermodynamics that states the entropy of a system approaches a constant value as the temperature approaches absolute zero. Absolute zero is 0 Kelvin or equal to -273.15 degrees Celsius. Note that nothing in the universe or in a lab has ever reached absolute zero as far as we know. Even space has a background temperature of 2.7 Kelvin. The highest possible known temperature is 142 nonillion kelvins (1032K) according to the standard model of particle physics.
The thermodynamics of irreversible processes of the biocosmic and its sociotechnocosmic octaves of Organic Life in the non-equilibrium or far-from thermodynamic equilibrium state: The laws of thermodynamics continue to apply to everything in the body of the Great Cosmic Being or Universe in its creation, maintenance, repair, destruction and recreation of its fundamental cosmic octave and the inner octaves of Cosmic Life at its TI-DO Interval and Organic Life at its MI-FA Interval during the thermodynamics from non-equilibrium state to the final far-from-equilibrium state of this grand thermodynamics of All and Everything. These 2 Intervals of TI-DO and MI-FA retardations/accelerations of energies everywhere are the home of generative energies and thermodynamic non-equilibrium much in need of stable and orderly arrangement of tri-octave stopinders. "Long before a state of equilibrium is reached in irreversible processes, orderly and stable systems can arise from more disordered systems." (Ilya Romanovich Prigogine, 1960, Theory of Dissipative Structures and Complex Systems, Russia). The stability and order is the work of the law of triad and the law of octave, where the triad law creates the stable notes and the octave law provide orders to the arrangement of these stable notes; together they regulate the dissipation of the heat in irreversible processes long before the equilibrium state is reached. For Organic Life and its biocosmic and sociotechnocosmic structures/systems or stopinders/triads-octaves, thermo-energy is absorbed externally, created internally by chemical processes and dissipated in each living biological system of all the biocosmic octave stopinders as well as their sociocosmic, technocosmic and their civilization octaves at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation in irreversible processes seeking to reach the equilibrium state from the current non-equilibrium state or better far-from-equilibrium coming state. (Chen Ping, China) The Organic Life at the MI-FA Interval is one such complex system full of dissipative structures in non-equilibrium state. The biocosmic stopinders - plants, animals and the in-betweens (third) and the sociotechnocosmic stopinders and systems of man have the in-built intelligent structures and systems of orderliness and stability in regulating such thermodynamics or being-heat dynamics by the inherent natural ability to generate (by consuming the three being-foods) and dissipate this being-heat through their regulating cells, tissues, organs, and their anatomical, physiological and psychological systems within the whole biological and sociotechnological ecologies. In other words, these structures and complex systems or gravity-centers both biocosmic and sociotechnocosmic can generate different energies and dissipate the heat energy in a way to keep the Organic Life and its sociotechnocosmic existence intact within the oscillating non-equilibrium and the equilibrium thermodynamic orderly-stable-unstable ecologies as wenming technocosmic civilization ascends and quantitatively increasing generated energies and increasing its megawatt usage as well as increasing its regulated heat dissipation in accordance to the thermodynamic laws, that is, as civilization moves from the previous agrocosmic Civilization Type pre-'zero' state (<<1010 MW), to the current technocosmic Civilization Type '0' state along the historical sociocosmic species of Primitive Communalism (DO), Ancient Slavism (RE), Feudalism (MI), Capitalism (FA), Socialism (SO), Communism (LA) and Datongism (TI) progressively increasing thermodynamics non-equilibrium seeking equilibrium dissipating regulated heat over a controlled range between 0 - 1010 Megawatts of power able to generate, use and control (<1010 MW), to the possible future technocosmic Civilization Type 1 state (=>1010 MW), to the possible future technocosmic Civilization Type 2 state (=>1020 MW) and to the possible future technocosmic Civilization Type 3 state (=>1030 MW). Nay more, during the historical stage of Capitalism, the damage done by this dissipated heat to the geocosmic environment such as climatic changes is enormous.
Looking at the YAFEILA Axis which is a notochord of World-Island and Latin America Being of our Presente, together with the three powerful nourishing and active NOO-PESTLES-PDCE Carriages of the Sinic, Slavic and Iranian civilizations (in red color) dwelling on and around this notochord, it can be concluded that the law of reciprocal nourishment would best act along this YAFEILA axis to rejuvenate this now underdeveloped and also much exploited Great YAFEILA World-Island Being. As the law of reciprocal destruction recedes, the law of reciprocal nourishment advances, and the nourishing energies would flow forward and backward along this notochord to provide all the vital nutrients to help it grow! The forces of cosmopolitics expresses itself through the forces of geopolitics on all the biocosmoses, the sociocosmoses, the technocosmoses and the civilizational cosmoses dwelling on this now rejuvenating YAFEILA World-Island. Continuing the narrative, the biocosmic octave of a warm-blooded biological mammal like us needs 750 watts to run our body system and maintains a constant temperature that varies between 36.4 to 37.3 degree Celsius or 309.55 to 310.45 Kelvin. The intelligent energies in him are deep, unfathomable and unknown. As to cold-blooded biological animals such as Cambria, fish, amphibia and reptilia they cannot generate heat and have no advanced thermo-regulators in the strict sense and their body temperature will fall to the temperature of their environment finally and rapidly unless they escape from that environment. As to plantae, they too cannot generate heat but they still can regulated their body temperatures in different ways and run on low watts. To maintain this constant body temperature of about 37 degree Celsius, the animal has organs such as the liver, the brain and the heart to produce the heat and thermo-regulator which is the hypothalamus regulates the body temperature responding to internal and external stimuli and making adjustments to maintain the constant of about 37 degree Celsius. There are also some external behaviors of these animals that can get rid of excessive heat or conserve it to keep the temperature constant. It includes fluffing of feathers by birds to get rid of heat, bathing, wearing thicker clothings as with the human, shivering to increase body heat, etc. The heat energy is a by-product of metabolism a process of wholistic chemical reactions in the body. The intake of the three being-foods – ordinary solid food
and water, air and impressions too – are digested, transported and consumed
in the physical dimensions and the thermal energy is always maintained at
around 37 degree Celsius. It is only at this temperature
and at this level of the thermodynamic equilibrium that the life and
noosphere processes (informational/ rational/reasoning /psychic/cosmic
properties) can function without dissipation or destruction of life due to
the entropic forces of Solioonensius that could follow the extraction of the
sacred askokin from man, and
where psyche hydrogens (H) can refine into lower matter density and higher
vibration density – into hydrogens 12 (H12s) matters with cosmic properties
and into Hydrogens 6 (H6s) if conscious labor and intentional suffering WORK
has successfully been made. It is this psyche intelligent and
spiritual power of low wattage during the 3rd technocosmic revolution that is going to create the
SMART AI device that would
access, produce, harness and control high wattages of the coming 1016 watts
(Type I Technocosmic Civilization), 1026 watts (Type II
Technocosmic Civilization) and 1036 watts (Type III Technocosmic
Civilization) on the Kardashev Scale.
This is the only intelligence our body can make for
achieving technocosmic advances along the Kardashev Scale of Technocosmic
Civilizations of pure physical energy without the inclusion of any conscious
and intelligent spiritual low magnitude energies within the body of
the biocosmic man which are autonomic and hypernomic life and
spiritual energies that help us to develop the technocosmic machines and
instruments that can access,
produce, harness and control this crude powerful energy of the physical
cosmic hyponomic matter. If we explode a thousand nuclear bombs at once*
on mother Earth,
slightly less than 10^10 megawatts (Kardashev
Civilization Type 1), and the light would be visible across the Milky Way by a far
away observer and discover our once-upon-a-time presence on the surface of a lightless mother
Earth. And if we release very powerful radio waves far
into the outer space, we might still be able to be visible to them to show
our presence.
To estimate the total energy released if all nuclear bombs were detonated simultaneously, we can use the energy yield of a typical nuclear bomb, such as the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were in the range of 15 to 20 kilotons of TNT equivalent (kilotons). Let's say we have an average yield of 17.5 kilotons (which is 73.5 terajoules). Now, if we assume there are about 13,000 nuclear warheads worldwide (which is an estimate from various sources), we can multiply the energy yield of a single bomb by the total number of warheads to get an estimate of the total energy released. Etotal = 73.5 terajoules × 13,000 This would give us the total energy release. To convert this to megawatts, we can divide by the duration over which the bombs would release their energy. Assuming an instantaneous release, we'd have: Etotal = 73.5terajoules×13,000 = 955,500 terajoules Now, to convert terajoules to megawatts, we need to consider the time over which this energy is released. If we assume all bombs detonate simultaneously, then we have a very short time span. However, for simplicity, let's assume it's over the course of one second:1 terajoule = 1,000,000 megawatt-seconds So, Etotal = 955,500 terajoules × 1,000,000 megawatt-seconds Etotal = 955,500,000,000 megawatts = 955.5 billion megawatts, that is: 96^10 Megawatts (MW) which is about 9.6 times greater than 10^10 MW So, approximately 96^10 megawatts (MW) of energy might be released if all nuclear bombs in the world were exploded at once. This is about 9.6 times greater than an Earth Civilization Type 1 along the Kardashev scale, which means it is enough to destroy 9.6 times a single Kardeshev Civilization Type I. The combined nuclear power of reciprocal destruction between the FA-Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism and the middle 'neutral LA-nation and TI-nationbloc' during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism forming Earth civilization is about 9.6^11 Megawatts - a maleficent reality of this ill-fated Earth civilization necessary to provide enough sacred askokin through the reciprocal destruction mega-wars amongst civilizations and amongst historical sociocosmic stopinder beings for the feeding, nourishing and re-harmonization of energies flowing within our Solar System - notably along the branch-ray passage of our Sun, our Earth and our Moon.