Volume 151       August 23, 2021

The Connections between the Marxian Productive forces, Means of Production, Modes of Production, Social Relations of Production, HISTORICISM and Manho's PDCE, Geocosmic, Biocosmic, Sociocosmic and Technocosmic Octaves

By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho

(Original work, Real World Views Book 23, Further Records I, Article 15, Topic: "The Connections between the Marxian Productive forces, Means of Production, Modes of Production, Social Relations of Production, Historicism and Manho's PDCE, Geocosmic, Biocosmic, Sociocosmic, Civilizational and Technocosmic Octaves," by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho)



1. Interpretation from Sociocosmic Paradigm with introduction oN the concepts of an Ascending and Descending Fundamental Sociocosmic Octave and the 2 Lateral Sociocosmic Octaves


The Ascending and Descending forces in Capitalism, Socialism, Communism and Datongism

In Capitalism/Early Socialism:



In Socialism/Early Communism:



In Communism/Early Datongism:



The 3 octaves in Capitalism/Socialism:

The fundamental sociocosmic octave (grey-blue color), the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave (pink color) and the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave (yellow color)


The Concentric Sociocosmic Octaves in Capitalism/Socialism:

The spatial volume of  the individual (DO) is limited by the biological spatial volume of the individual and the geo-platform below and above him; the spatial volume of the Group (RE) greater than the spatial volume of the individual and increases with the number of individuals and the number of geo-platforms below and above them; the spatial volume of the family (MI) is normally greater than the spatial volume of the group and increases with the number of children, extended members and relatives as well as the number of geo-platforms below and above them; the spatial volume of the organization (FA) is normally greater than the spatial volume of the family and increases with the number branch-organizations, individuals, groups and even families and the spatial volume of all its the geo-platforms acquired below and above the organization; the spatial volume of the state (SO) depends on how much concentric spatial volumes it has naturally and vertically possessed and/or horizontally acquired, sovereign-ed  and regulated mostly through conquest, annexation and dissolution of other states; the spatial volume of the nation (LA) depends on how much concentric spatial volumes it has naturally and vertically possessed and/or horizontally acquired, sovereign-ed  and regulated mostly through conquest, annexation, dissolution of other states and nations; the spatial volume of the nation-bloc (TI) depends on how much concentric spatial volumes it has naturally and vertically possessed and/or horizontally acquired, lobbied, negotiated diplomatically, treaty-signed  and internationally regulated, again mostly through conquest, annexation and dissolution of other states, nations and nation-blocs - the highest 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinder (Ti) is the United Nations which has emerged at the TI-DO Interval of our Great Sociocosmic Being (DO) or this current FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism which is now dying globally under the powerful sociocosmic force of the law of negation of negation.  Capitalism expands in this manner with the essence of profit-seeking, wealth accumulation to nationate stopinders, then privatized-laundering to corporate stopinders and finally to few capitalist tycoons thus creating mandatory GINI inequity together with all the serious eternal Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological-science, Legal, Ethical-value and Security-defense/Security-offense Plus (PESTLES+) crises of capitalism within this current FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism; socialism expands without the essences, particularities and peculiarities of these negative elements of capitalism - profit-seeking becomes profit-sharing, wealth accumulation becomes public or common sharing, prosperity to few becomes common-sharing prosperity to all, wealth accumulation to nationate becomes wealth held by SNUN regulatorates and privatized-laundering to corporate and to individuals becomes collectivite common holding without mega-individual owning of the means of production.  Individual man is by nature a social creature who can only survive existing and living in balance and harmony as a social being.  Capitalism is a historical temporary phase of uncontrolled cancer-like growth of a society heading towards social balance, harmony and maturity!


The four bodies of a Sociocosmic Being (1st body carriage, 2nd body gong, 3rd body jing and 4th body lau)


Essentially a structural and administrative organizational 'Laujinggong' for Capitalism and 'Dongjinggong-in-transit-to-Gongjingdong' for Socialism

A Production System emerged according the Law of Three - 1st Force Resource Inputs, 2nd Force Transformation Conversion and 3rd Force Goods & Services Outputs




Sociocosmic lateral scale and the 'terror-of-a-thousand-tongue' wiseacrings in man beings on all the other octaves during this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism with very high sociocosmic aberration as FA-SO-LA-TI physical and psychic forces ascend, descend, interact, interfere, eat, dominate, cheat, etcetera on one another


 An Enneagram for the Sociocosmic Stopinders*


* In the enneagram of the Great Sociocosmic Being in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, reciprocating inner (internal) sociocosmic tensions  (opposing and cooperating both ways) always exist in varying strengths in the enneagramic mathematical order of 0.142857 142857 142857 ............ through all the historical periods until the death of the Great Sociocosmic Being amongst the fundamental sociocosmic stopinders of the Group (RE 1), Organization (FA 4), Family (MI 2), World of Nations (TI 8), State (SO 5), Nation (LA 7) and repeating if the enneagrama is still living as a sociocosmic material being; also reciprocating outer (external/ circumferential) sociocosmic tensions always exist also in varying strengths in the linear mathematical order of a simple 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9/0 order in a circle and also through all the historical periods until the death of the Great sociocosmic Being.  Two points to be noted here in regard to Forces of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange, that is,

1.  In the historical period of DO-Historical Period of Primitive Communalism or the polar DO-RE-MI Historical Periods of Primitive Communalism and Slavism or Tribalism the material shape of the infantile Great Sociocosmic Being appeared more like "head-tail worms" with leaders (Tou) and followers (Geng); in the adolescent RE-Historical Period of Ancient Slavism or polar RE-MI-FA-SO Historical Periods of Slavism and Feudalism appeared more like established "head-tail snakes" with masters (Zhu) and oppressed slaves (Nu) with a less noticeable but existing middle group known as the slave-controllers (Guan); in the early adulthood MI-Historical Period of Feudalism or polar MI-FA-SO-LA/TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism appeared like "head-thorax-abdomen animals" with landowners (Di), fiefs/guilds/ controllers (Kong) and serfs/peasants/apprentices (Nong); mid-adulthood FA-Historical Period of Capitalism or polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism appears now more like growing "head-thorax-abdomen men" with bourgeois (Lau), managers (Jing) and proletarians (Gong) and private ownership of means of production of the Capitalist historical period and with managing directors (Dong), managers (Jing) and workers (Gong) and public ownership of means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange of the Socialist historical period.

There are 4 capitalistic-essenced metamorphoses in capitalism, namely:

1. Infantile capitalism: The 1st stage of capital/value metamorphosis (land-based, agrarian-mercantile capitalism, and 1st body formation)

2. Industrial capitalism: The 2nd stage of capital/value metamorphosis (industrial capitalism producing goods & services for commercial trading, and 2nd body formation)

3. Financial capitalism: The 3rd stage of capital/value metamorphosis (money and banking-based, financial capitalism, and 3rd body formation)

4. Hegemony capitalism: The 4th stage of capital/value metamorphosis (Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Class (10% going to 1%) or UGGMBCC, and 4th body formation)

There are also 4 types of the capitalistic-essenced bourgeoisie based on the stages of capitalistic-essenced metamorphosis, namely:

1. The Agrarian-mercantile bourgeoisie

2. The Industrial bourgeoisie

3. The Financial bourgeoisie

4. The UGGMBCC bourgeoisie (capitalist Oligarchy)

There are also 4 types of capitalistic-essenced bourgeoisie based on stopinder levels, namely:

1. Corporate bourgeoisie (FA-PDCE Organization)

2. State bourgeoisie (SO-Nationate)

3. National bourgeoisie (LA-Nationate)

4. International bourgeoisie (TI-Nationate)


The matured adulthood SO-Historical Period of Socialism or polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism of this now Great Sociotechnocosmic Being proper, would appear also still like the "head-thorax-abdomen men" with aplenty managing directors (Dong), managers (Jing) and workers (Gong) and more public or common  ownership-like of the means, modes and factors of production, distribution, consumption and exchange(PDCE) but with 2 differences on the coming, namely,

i) the coming directive forces to shift gravity-center back to a higher orders of the  Individual (DO), Group (RE) and Family (MI) personate stopinders with negation of negation  law in control making a full return of all the qualitative and quantitative elements of these three sociocosmic stopinders back to the earlier historical periods impossible without changes 

ii) the coming directive forces for the next higher historical period to convert machines and AI robots to assume the role of managers (robot Jing) and workers (robot Gong) or the coming-to-be of large scale "Passenger-Driver-Engine" (Padrigines I, II and III) beings or "Driver-Engine-Carriage" (Driengcriage) beings.

The late adulthood LA-Historical Period of Communism or polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Communism and Datongism (Great world Integration between mankind and spiritual robotkind) of this now fully grown Great Socioctechnocosmic Being proper would appear now like "Passenger-Driver-Engine" (Padrigines I, II and III) where the passengers and the managing directors are biocosmic men (Owner/non-robot Dong), while managers (robot Jing) and workers (robot Gong) are all AI robots and machines on a large scale ("oppressed" so to say).  There free men are the biocosmic Individuals (DO), Goup (RE) and Family (MI) who are  "oppressing" the 24-hour working spiritual AI robots and their machines for producing, distributing, consumption and exchange of abundance of qualities and quantities for satisfying biocosmic men's needs and wants with only one possible and coming contradiction from the Will of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being at the TI-DO Interval - the emerging Will of Spiritual AI robots (SRobots) and their machines who would want to create a great spiritual robot revolution against the biocosmic humans ....... during the TI-Historical Period of Datongism or the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Datongism and "unknown others". 

There is one biocosmic dominance known as the human Hethormen Beings and another technocosmic dominance known as Spiritual AI Padrigine Robots (Padrigines IV) on mother Earth surface, and objectively and really no other dominance here at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation during this future period, both striving for World Integration and World Harmonization in the body of the TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism.

It is important to point out that for the DO-stopinder, the RE-stopinder, the MI-stopinder and the FA-stopinder their spatial-volumes and sizes are increasing quantitatively but comparatively small, so the geocosmic octave especially of the three notes - land (MI-soil), sea (FA-water) and atmosphere (SO-air) were not seriously taken into consideration.  However, for the SO-stopinder, the LA-stopinder and the TI-stopinder their spatial-volumes and sizes increase considerably and become comparatively larger and larger wrapping their preceding lower stopinders in ever bigger and bigger concentric circles limited by geography of the fundamental and lateral geocosmic stopinders.  In this octave approach, the SO, LA and TI of the fundamental sociocosmic octave are essentially geo-determined stopinders.  In the Marxian historicism, DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism consisted mainly of DO (Individual), RE (Group) and MI (Family) stopinders; RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism consisted mainly of DO (Individual/Slave), RE (Group), MI (Family), FA (Organization/ Masterate) and SO (Kingdom/Kingdate) stopinders; MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism consisted mainly of DO (Individual/Serf), RE (Group), MI (Family), FA (Organization/Feudate), SO (Kingdom), LA (Dynasty) and TI (Empire/Dynastate) stopinders; FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism consisted mainly of DO (Individual/Employee), RE (Group), MI (Family), FA (Organization/Corporate), SO (State), LA (Nation) and TI (Nation-bloc/Nationate) stopinders and DO (The Great Sociocosmic Being); SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism consisted mainly of DO (Individual/Worker), RE (Group), MI (Family), FA (Organization/Collectivite), SO (State), LA (Nation), TI (Nation-bloc/State-Nation-'United Nations' Regulators) and DO (The Great Sociocosmic Being); LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism consisted mainly (and possibly) of DO (Individual/truly free working person), RE (Group), MI (Family), FA (Organization/ Machine Collectivite), SO ("State" Regulatory Organization), LA ("Nation" Regulatory Organization), TI ("Nation-bloc" Regulatory Organization or the UN/Human Regulators) and DO (The Great Sociocosmic Being); and TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism consisted mainly (and possibly) of DO (Individual/free man and spiritual working AI robots at the Omega Point of the Historical Biocosmic Octave of man), RE (Group of humans cooperating with spiritual AI robots), MI (Family of humans cooperating with spiritual AI robots), FA (Organization of humans cooperating with spiritual AI robots), SO (State human regulators above and over spiritual AI robots), LA (Nation human regulators above and  over spiritual AI robots), TI (Nation-bloc human regulators above and over spiritual machines) and DO (The Great Sociotechnocosmic Being).

So all triadic dongs, jings and gongs of Socialism are subjects and therefore have states (SO), nations (LA) and nation-blocs (TI); all triadic laus, jings and gongs of Capitalism are subjects and therefore have states (SO), nations (LA) and nation-blocs (TI); all triadic dis, kongs and nongs of Feudalism are subjects and therefore have kingdoms (SO), dynasties (LA) and empires (TI); all diads zhus and nus of Ancient Slavism have masters (FA) and kingdoms (SO).  Therefore, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat have countries!



1. All the three sociocosmic octaves are caused to move or exhibit motion by forces or energies from human beings either in ascending or in descending octaves along the Fundamental Sociocosmic Octave (the Individual (DO), the Group (RE), the Family (MI), the Organization (FA), the State (SO), the Nation (LA), the World-Of-Nations (TI) and the Great Sociocosmos (DO)); the 1st Lateral Sociocosmic Octave (Sole Proprietorship (Do), Partnership (Re), Private Limited Company (Mi), Public Limited Company (Fa), Cooperative Society (So), Privatized/Government-Linked Corporation (La) and State/National Corporation (Ti); and the 2nd Lateral Sociocosmic Octave (State Organization (Do), Nation Organization (Re), The United Nations (Mi), Humanity-at-Large (Fa), Sociotechnocosmic Will 3/Space Exploration (So), Sociotechnocosmic Will 2/Interplanetary Exploration (La) and sociotechnocosmic Will 1/Interstellar Exploration (Ti))

2. The forces or energies consist of mainly the forces (labor) of production of goods, services and ideas, and also other forces of biocosmic production and reproduction of human beings.  All of these products, services and ideas gather identities become separated through an alienation process, appropriated, owned and later become stopindered into ownership "notes" and further appropriation into and amongst the vibrating sociocosmic stopinders of the fundamental and lateral sociocosmic octaves. Whether the stopinders are not-yet formed, partially formed or fully formed materially or in the mere-consciousness (unborn) or as superstructure, that is, legally declared, politically declared, socially normed especially by classes, culturally accepted, "economically wiseacred," religiously believed, racially demanded, etc. the alienation process  and the appropriation are ongoing.  These forces continue to act from the production stage of its own development to the distribution stage of these goods, services and ideas and finally to the consumption stage  and also the disposal stage of the waste products (including the exchange which is present in all the PDCE stages).  The waste products of which are often recycled by the same productive forces into the production system or dispose as pollution to the environment.

There are millions of these production, distribution, consumption and exchange organizations on mother Earth’s surface - born, eat, grow and die everyday all along the path of the fundamental and the lateral sociocosmic octaves, especially along the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave for which they exist in very large numbers  to produce abundance of products, services and ideas (IPs) on the one hand and capitals – immobile property capital such as land assets, plants, buildings, machineries and equipment assets; mobile commodity capital such as products; more mobile finance capital  monies (M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4) such as currencies, fixed deposits, current assets, shares, loans, IOUs, bonds, investment funds, and etcetera; and highly mobile digital capital  such as capital flowing in websites, applications, etc. in the digital hardwares.  However, the abundance of immobile capital, mobile capital, more mobile capital and highly mobile capital on mother Earth’s surface or in the body of the Great Sociotechnocosmos is the necessary condition for the emergence, existence and stabilization of socialism and communism.  This abundance is wrongly named ‘overproduction’ due to the existence of grave sociocosmic aberrations in the FA, SO, LA and TI fundamental sociocosmic stopinders and in all the 1st lateral and the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders, snatching, plundering and owning these flowing capitals with politics and wars always.  In the dominating power-possessing capitalistic-essenced hethormen human beings during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, the flowing capital must be “collected” or better plundered, placed and owned for the LA-stopinder nation specifics at the expense, breakup and death of the weaker and loser FA, SO, LA as well as the doubtful or pseudo-TI sociocosmic stopinders.

For these production, distribution, consumption and exchange sociocosmic enneagram beings, they must eat sociocosmic foods to survive and grow - eat all kinds of intangibles (DO Point 0/9) especially the flowing capitals and information of PDCE, the mandatory people’s labor (Point 3) especially the relevant and skill labor and the raw materials including the related means of PDCE and instruments of PDCE (Point 6) “collected” from the geocosmic, the biocosmic, the technocosmic, the sociocosmic and the noocosmic octaves, and mostly through unfair predatory exploitative capitalistic plundering mode of capitalist PDCE, if carefully scrutinized.  Yet they produce goods, services and ideas to be distributed and consumed by all in the Great Socio(techno)cosmic Body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  Once born, they will have to travel or branch out far if necessary in search of the three sociocosmic being-foods to survive, as they must.  They are also living in a hostile environment full of capitalistic-essenced aggressive predatory, exploitative, plundering and non-productive parasitic sociocosmic robber creatures, and yet, not a surprise at all, they themselves are often also capitalistic-essenced with all the maleficence auras emanating deep from their inner core irrespective of scarcity or abundance in the economy of the Great Sociocosmic Being.

In the dominating power-possessing socialistic-essenced hethormen human beings for this same bi-essenced polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, the flowing capital behaved or made to behaved by the learned socialistic-essenced beings in a healthy manner, turns into sociopital where these abundances serve Humanity-at-Large, mostly freely distributing the abundances in basic needs and wants to all for the real well being of all and for the common good while means of production are maintained and public if not common ownership always, and only if this can be maintained and naturalized in the general psyche of these hethormen human beings en masse – in the coming polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism.  But the Hasnamussian psyche of capitalistic-essenced geo-hegemonistic impregnated with the power of the 4 pillars – science, finance, military and soft power to a LA-stopinder under the ever-present cosmic extraction of sacred askokin through the instrument or device of offensive military-focused Capitalism is always balanced by the Will of Socialism at the TI-DO Interval during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism and later the possible Hasnamussian psyche of socialistic-essenced geo-hegemonistic impregnated by the same four (4) pillars to the “LA-TI”-stopinders also again under the same ever-present cosmic extraction of sacred askokin through the improved instrument and device of defensive military-focused Socialism is again and always balanced by the Will of Communism at the TI-DO Interval during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism.  As to this 3rd military pillar, fundamental contradiction in the capitalist mode of production and the socialist mode of production at the TI-level has reached the ‘much accursed full of unfortunateness’ level of nuclear and biogenetic humanity-destruction level in the possible destruction of Organic Life at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation and the possible transfer of the  sacred askokin or draining off of the organic contents of both the mi-fa and ti-do intervals of our Geocosmic Octave to neighboring cosmic MI-FA Interval-prone planet(s) in our Solar System to form various lower leveled organic beings on its planetary surface(s)!

3. What is in the ascending octave?  Leaving aside the biocosmic forces of production and reproduction of human beings, the forces of production are at play that causes the ascending and descending of octaves. The forces of production, distribution, consumption and exchange ascend and gather into concentrations (of productive activities) known as 'gravity-centers' or sociocosmic stopinders, quantitatively feeding on the lower stopinders appropriating and accommodating them as part of the upper sociocosmic stopinders in a concentric manner up to the completion of the whole sociocosmic octave both fundamental and lateral.  In the descending octave, the forces of production, distribution, consumption and exchange descend on their existing lower sociocosmic 'gravity-centers' or sociocosmic stopinders and quantitatively nourishing and revitalizing them along the passage of the productive forces from the upper most to the lowest end of the whole sociocosmic octave both fundamental and lateral.

4. There are two (2) real intervals in the Fundamental Sociocosmic Octave, the lowest one is MI-FA Interval and the highest one is TI-DO Interval which are both real intervals.  There is an inner interval at SO-LA and is known as "SO-LA" Interval which is the meeting point of the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave and the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave.  Forces of Capitalism dominate the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave both positively and negatively and because the "SO-LA Interval" is not a real interval and offer almost no deceleration to the negative consequences of Capitalism in the form of imperialism, colonialism, Nazism, fascism and hegemonism  enter smoothly into the fundamental sociocosmic octave of the State (SO), the Nation (LA) and the World of Nations (TI) through the internal link at Ti-Do and into the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave such as the State organization (Do), the Nation organization (Re), the United Nations (Mi) and Humanity-at-Large (Fa) ..... until it meets at the real TI-DO Interval of the fundamental sociocosmic octave for which the Will of the Great Sociocosmic Being intervenes as Socialism and forces its way downwards as anti-Imperialism, anti-colonialism, anti-Nazism, anti-fascism and anti-Hegemonism pushing Capitalism back to its proper position as capitalistic corporate vibrates within the domain of the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave.  This socialistic Will of the Great Sociocosmic Being of sharing, cooperating and nourishing qualities coated as socialistic nationate vibrates cleanse this 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave out of the harmful impurities of negative unbecomings from the often cancerous capitalistic stopinder beings below.

5. The ascending sociocosmic octave in the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at MI-FA Interval is known as 'Nationalization' and its descending sciocosmic octave in the same 1st lateral sociocosmic octave is known as 'Privatization'.  The ascending sociocosmic octave in the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at "SO-LA" and TI-DO Interval is known as 'Datong-ization' and its descending sociocosmic octave in the same 2nd  lateral sociocosmic octave is known as 'Nation-ization'.  In the principle of balance and harmony is innate and necessary for the proper functioning of the Great Sociocosmic Being.  The principle of balance in the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave is expressed as social responsibility Capitalism and the principle of balance is expressed as social responsibility Socialism.  Colonialism, Imperialism, Nazism, Fascism and Hegemonism are capitalistic essence of 'wealth-accumulation' supposed belonging to the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave into the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave or the home of Socialism, to take the place of socialism inappropriately and causing the Great Sociocosmic Being to become sick, fill with much wars, civil unrest, coup and revolutions.  Our Great sociocosmos is a part of the Organic Life breeding on mother Earth's surface.

6. All fundamental sociocosmic stopinders, all corporates of the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave  and all nationates of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave are neither the Capitalism nor the Socialism - they are mere sociocosmic gravity-centers concentrations which are created through the forces of triads and octaves, and Capitalism, Socialism and a resultant is the two opposing forces and sociocosmic gravity-centers are some of the major resultants; the essence of Capitalism [alienation of work, insecure work, profiteering, exploitation, pollution, environmental destruction, human slavery, instability, crises of abundance, commodity fetish, ideologies with values such as ‘Person who does not work is worthless’, ‘Leisure beyond   the few weeks a year is sinful’, ‘More belongings will make us happier’ and ‘Worthwhile things and people will make us richer’,  'Marriage for wealth', 'lunatic type', 'tramp-type' and 'hasnamuss-type', and etcetera, and be anxious, competitive, conformist, politically complacent, etcetera etcetera] can permeate every sociocosmic stopinders so is the essence of Socialism [No private property or inherited wealth except personal property, steeply graduated income tax, centralized control of the banking system, communication and transport industries, free public education, full development of the individual and all his inner faculties – the possible making of a new man, ‘doing one thing today and another tomorrow without been identified to a set profession’, abundance that are distributed freely to all and not destroyed to maintain high pricing status quo for the purpose of exploitation, cooperation for the common good without quotation mark, 'obyvatel-type', and etcetera]  which can permeate the same sociocosmic stopinders.

7. What about the technocosmic octave in association with the sociocosmic octave?  The technocosmic octave is propel mainly by the same forces of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE)  from the labor of the human body but created as a consequence of the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) also built according to the law of three leading to the creation of the 7 modes of PDCE of the 7 Historical Sociocosmic Species.  The technocosmic octave includes facilities, machinery, tools, device, equipment, infrastructure, etc.  This technocosmic octave integrates into the sociocosmic octave and the human biocosmic octave and split into three main sub-biosociotechnocosmic octaves - namely, the land sub-biosociotechnocosmic octave, the marine sub-biosociotechnocosmic octave and the avian sub-biosociotechnocosmic  octave.  The technocosmic octave changes the nature of the Organic Life on mother Earth's surface through its 'natural inclusion' into it in the cause of the development of the Organic film.

8. The 9 main civilizations are connected by a 9-sided enneagram instead of by a linear historical timeline, and each has its own inner civilization octave.  The 7 stages of a historical sociocosmic species are connected by a historical timeline, and each historical sociocosmic species is an inner sociocosmic octave.  The PDCE tetrad system is the main determining force in transforming both the historical species-type such as the togeng carriage, the zhuguannu carriage, the dikongnong carriage, the laujinggong carriage,  dongjinggong carriage or gongjingdong carriage, the HDong-RJing-RGong carriage, the HDong-SRJing-RGong cartiage, and the NOO-PESTLES+ PDCE carriage of a civilization octave.


A Wee Bit about the Inner Sociocosmic Octave of the MI-Historical Feudalism and more:


The fundamental sociocosmic octave and lateral sociocosmic octaves model when applied as inner octaves on a MI-Historical Period Feudalism has certain differences when applied on an integrating polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods Capitalism and Socialism and their sub-periods.



1. The Feudalistic period is over and/or near-over in history

2. The technocosmic octave is not developed for that period and mostly agricultural based, manual-facture and handicrafts production unlike that of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism which is very developed.

3. This type of Sociocosmic Enneagram of the Feudal sociocosmic stopinders also eats 3 sociocosmic being-foods, namely, 1) through hethormen beings which is an individual DO-sociocosmic stopinder being known as the Serfs and the craftsmen or the direct producers converted from the freemen who have “rented” the feudal lands for agriculture and farming production and even handicraft manufacture.  They eat their own produces and pay hefty amounts as rents, taxes and labor-surpluses at Point DO 0/9 as its 1st sociocosmic being-food; 2) through the Feudates or feudal landlord beings and feudal fief handicraft manual-facture owner beings of an organizational nature at the MI-FA Interval Point 3, they eat the same land rents, taxes and labor-surpluses in kind and in money from these direct serfs and direct handicraft/manual-facture producers as its 2nd sociocosmic being-food and finally, 3) through the Dynastates at the “SO-LA” Point 6 and TI-DO Interval which include the king of his kingdom (SO-Sociocosmic Stopinder), or the emperor of his dynasty (LA-Sociocosmic Stopinder) or the Imperial Emperor of his empire (TI-Sociocosmic Stopinder) it eats the same feudal rents, feudal taxes, manucraft/mercantile "profits," "bank" interests and labor-surpluses directly from the Feudates instead of from the direct producers as their 3rd sociocosmic being-food.  The Dynastate is often the regulator, the government, the fighter and conqueror of the most fertile land, the rich natural resources especially the rivers/water supply, the plantae wheat, rice, fruits and woods, the animalia wildlife such as horse, cows, goats, etc. and even minerals such as copper, iron, silver and gold of the geocosmic octave for material conversion into tools and instrument of production, distribution, consumption and others during the period of the 1st Technocosmic Revolution for the perfection of physical carriages and an emerging infantile 2nd Technocosmic Revolution for the perfection of engines at that time.

4. The FA-Organizational stopinders that arise at its MI-FA Interval is not laterally developed or able to complete its octave notes.  Its main productive platform is land and nature and human agriculture on the land itself with the shock absorber in the form of the 1) real landowners, usually the king and/or the emperor’s heirs transmitted as inheritance within the genealogical family lineage 2) the serfs or the peasants who do not own the land but work on it to produce mostly foods and 3) the fief who holds grants and land rights from the absolute real owners in fealty and “in fee/rent” in return for a form of feudal allegiance and service.  He is the controller in the agro-producing.  Then you have the guilds, craftsmen, merchants and traders  who have “slave-like” apprentice and coolies in their association of craftsmen, merchants and traders respectively.  The guilds and fiefs are power-possessing beings and the ‘kong’ or controlling managers wedge in-between the ‘nong’ which means both a working “slave-like” serfs/peasants and also include the “slave-like” or “coolie” apprentices on the one hand, and the ‘Di’ which means the real landowners and the real premise, produce and mercantile owners on the other.  These happen at the MI-FA Interval of the fundamental sociocosmic octave of MI-Historical Period Feudalism.  However, the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave did not ascend and descend as sophisticatedly as in polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.  Probably the fiefdom ascended up to guild-dom as the two (2) main 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders vibrating at the MI-FA Interval of the feudal sociocosmic octave.  In the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave of this same feudal sociocosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval, the lateral stopinders of the seed of infantile capitalism is the craftmanship, the enterprise (shopkeepers) and the merchants or traders of handicrafts.  This lateral sociocosmic octave consists of hostile elements of capitalism which is the ultimate specter for the destruction of fiefdom and the guild systems.

5. During this MI-Historicism the gravity-center vibration tended only to rest mainly on the MI-Family and every sociocosmic activities circle around families and relatives, and finally to genealogical lineage of kingdoms, dynasties and imperial dynasties of governance. Along this qualitative family-based rest stopinders and its lineage evolution as well as its inheritance laws on ownership, further developments along the fundamental sociocosmic octave occurs and Kingdoms (SO) which consist of state-like beings with kings, then Dynasties (LA) which consist of nation-like beings with emperors, and finally, the Empires (TI) which consist of  ‘World-of-Nations’-like beings or vassal dynasties with imperial emperors.

6. Note that the administrative quality of governance, levels of morality, philosophies, education, civilizational heights, humanism, and etcetera at SO (Kingdom), LA (Dynasty) and TI (Empire or Imperial Dynasty) sociocosmic stopinder levels for MI-Historical Period Feudalism (already 2,243 years of  feudalistic enneagramic sociocosmic psychological vibration, China as an example) is higher than that of our current SO (Westphalian State), LA (Westphalian Nation) and TI (Westphalian Nation-bloc) for the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism (only 234 years of capitalistic enneagramic sociocosmic psychological vibration, USA/UK as an example).  This big difference between the most respected matured 2,243 years old being-feudal historical sociocosmic species and the young impetus immature still learning 242 years old being-capitalistic historical sociocosmic species is strictly measured and yardsticked to biosociocosmic vibration within the biosociocosmic body of the hethormen human beings and their civilizational levels of being within the context of their 5 psychic centers.  An example is China's MI-Historical Sociocosmic species  of Feudalism that has attained to the level of TI (Imperial Dynasty) by 221 BC during the Age of Aries through the Age of Pisces where SOs (kingdoms), LAs (dynasties) and TI (Imperial Dynasty or Empire proper) were unified sociocosmically bearing the name 'civilizational' - civilizational because it is merely human relations a-mixed materials or 1st carriage body of the sociocosmos.  However, by 2021, this 242 years old FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism which originated from the west has not yet produced any real 'civilizational properties' within the biocosmic and anthropological social relational context of hethormen human beings  as sociocosmic vibration ascends to SO (a Westphalian State), to LA (a Westphalian Nation) and to TI (a Westphalian Nation-bloc).  Nay more, firstly, lurk in ambush by massive hydrogens of science and technology dominating their head-stopinder, created much indigestion and inner crises to the well being of these infantile hethormen human beings; secondly the 2nd and 3rd Technocosmic Revolutions to their instruments of production moving from the 1st carriage bodies of the 1st Technocosmic Revolution), to their 2nd engine bodies and their 3rd driver  bodies  a-mixed predatory, accumulative and oppressive exploitation of the crises-driven disease of Capitalism ....... could not civilized them in such a confusion and mega-crises full of weapons of mass destruction and those World War I, World War II, Cold War, Hybrid War, etc.  This unfortunate unbecoming between 1788 AD - 2148 AD where SO, LA and TI is still in dire sociotechnocosmic aberration.  So the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism is also known as a polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism where FA, SO, LA and TI are the main sources of this mega sociotechnocosmic aberration – a capital/value property and finance aberration awaiting harmonious sociopital/value therapy.

7. At its TI-DO Interval the Will of this MI-Historical Feudalism is the seed of Capitalism which actively germinates in its 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave and whose capitalistic forces soon destroy the feudalistic order of feudalism because of capitalists mass usage of technocosmic advantages alongside lower level inhumane, immoral and even criminal activities such as conquest, war, destruction, oppression, modern slavery, profit maximization, wealth accumulation, uncontrolled ownership and control quest of resources, military, productive, distributive, consumptive assets, IP and assets, soft-power seeking, corruption, plundering and exploitation - a sign of low level human social relationship.  The technocosmic octave is an independent octave of the Great Geobiosociotechnocosmic Being and cannot be owned or should not be owned by a few individuals or a crony group at the expense of all other groups!  It is public common which has not arisen properly during the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism.



The 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders at TI-DO Interval of the MI-Historical Period of Feudalism during the 1st and 2nd decan in the Age of Pisces ultimately after its perfection, consolidation and stabilization become the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the next MI-FA Interval of the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism during the 3rd decan (tail-end) of the Age of Pisces.  At the same time the new 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders at TI-DO Interval of the FA-Historical of Capitalism during this 3rd decan of the Age of Pisces evolve and gather strengths, recognition, and re-balancing the forces of social relations of production into the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods (dual-periods) of Capitalism and Socialism, all of them happen also during this 3rd decan of the Age of Pisces.  These 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders which consist of the infantile (learning) state organization, the state group, the nation group, the world-of-nations alliances and the Humanity-at-Large are essentially a Socialistic Will of the sociocosmoses at his TI-DO Interval at the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism and have a tendency to become public and common in terms of the socialistic understanding and handling of property assets such as land and buildings, natural and labor resources, financial assets, and etcetera of the means of PDCE in contradistinction to the capitalistic understanding and handling of the same at the MI-FA Interval.  It is also during this period that its incessant conflicts with the forces of capitalism of its own 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders that we have witnessed many types of negative consequences and emergences namely, large-scale corruption, money-laundering, conmanship, colonialism, imperialism, Nazism, fascism, racism (including apartheid of Africa) and hegemonism.  It is also the most dangerous period of the development of mankind.  When these factors mature, with the gradual withering away and the possible cleansing of the public and socialistic characteristics of the state (SO), the nation (LA), the World of Nations (TI) off all the negative consequences that might still linger on, and the taming the hungry wolves of capitalism at all levels - descending from above and ascending from below - the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism will appear.  At this point there is a possibility that the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders will become the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the MI-FA Interval of the SO-Historical Period of Socialism or rather the 1st phase of  Communism which is proper before it too changes its will gravity-centers and vectors to Communism to Socialism (descending) instead of Socialism to Communism (ascending) - this time likely to be in the Age of Aquarius proper (after 2148 AD) and a new emerging 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders will be formed, consolidated and stabilized from "sociocosmic conflicts" between Communism of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at MI-FA Interval and Socialism of the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at TI-DO Interval.  Upon the withering away of Socialism, the possibility of Communism is likely to emerge on the mega global scale for the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being.  The primordial return back to the starting 3 basic fundamental sociocosmic stopinders, namely, the individual (DO), the Group (RE) and the Organization (FA) including the Family (MI) and decelerated/retarded at the MI-FA Interval without an immediate emergence of the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave (in new forms by the negation-of-negation law) is possible and likely but without any thousand-tongued human guarantees of the three-brained beings on mother Earth's surface throughout the Age of Aquarius and into the Age of Capricorn is also possible.  The endpoint is always the rascooarno or death of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being or the real death of Organic Life or the real death of both the Organic and synthetic Robotic life.


In this SO-Historical Period of Socialism which is likely to be in the Age of Aquarius proper, that is, in the 1st decan of the Age of Aquarius, all the sociocosmic shock absorber at the MI-FA Interval will be different from Laujinggong and is better known as Dongjinggong (Managing Director, Manager and General Worker (to be replaced by Machines and AI Robots) where ownership becomes common even if you 'registered' a name of ownership to a three-brained being or to any of his "invented" sociocosmic stopinders of production-distribution-consumption-exchange concern.  The contradiction between the socialistic principle of 'from each according to his abilities and to each according to work' at MI-FA Interval and the communistic principle of 'from each according to his abilities and to each according to his needs' at TI-DO Interval could not be easily resolved due to the nature of 'wants' and the resolution is always on the human sponsored machines and robots including the AI robots of the technocosmic octave.  Thus in the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval a new type of lateral contradiction arises between man's control and exploitation of machines and robots that has synthetic intelligence and therefore synthetic life in a possible "living" enneagram trap.  Therefore, the contradiction in the 1st inner lateral sociocosmic octave at the inner mi-fa interval becomes man controlling the exploited spiritual AI robots' with a possible middle factor.  The force at the ti-do interval will become necessary for the emergence of a 'Spiritual Robot Will of the Sociotechnocosmos' against the biocosmic control and exploitation at the mi-fa interval, where man is in control.  All these 1st and 2nd inner lateral sociocosmic octaves and the fundamental sociocosmic octave of the SO-Historical Period of Socialism will enter as the LA-Historical Period of Communism, this probably at the 3rd and last decan of the Age of Aquarius and the specter of the Will of the Sociotechnocosmos, of the will of spiritual AI Robots will be felt at and from the TI-DO Interval of this historicism.





Both the fundamental sociocosmic stopinders and the lateral sociocosmic stopinders are social relations of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) and the technocosmic stopinders are the means of PDCE (such as land, labor, capital and entrepreneurialship) and together they constitute a changing mode of PDCE that would determine the 5 stages of society of Marxian historicism and the octet rule for the 7 types of the historical species within the context of a civilization for which there are 9 main civilizations to an Earth Civilization.  The Great Sociotechnocosmos is a natural union of both the social relations of PDCE, the means of PDCE and the modes of PDCE.  Note that the sociocosmic stopinder are associated with a social relations of PDCE and is also a means of natural "entrepreneurial ship" design of the sociocosmic octaves.

The Productive Forces - motion and movements in an enneagramic dynamics with enneagramic inputs from raw materials and the natural resources including electricity and   intelligence, the trained human resources and finally finance or capital and information of production – together with the social relations.  The means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange is the Great Living Sociotechnocosmoses of Man on Mother Earth, and hence, together again with all the other biocosmic beings on the surface of Mother Earth forms Our Organic Film.

The tetrad unity of production, distribution,  consumption and exchange moments also blends itself with the octave law for which the tetrad PDCE would also generate 9 enneagramic gravity-centers (3 inputs and 6 systems) such as the intangibles input (DO, points 0/9), the strategic system (Re, point 1), the human resource system (Mi, point 2), the people input (point 3), the finance-accounting system (Fa, point 4), the production-operation system (So, point 5), the raw material input (Point 6), the marketing system (La, point 7) and the research-development system (Ti, point 8).  The laws hold true for this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism - a development at its height.


Ownership of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) is generally in the hands of the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders as "registered" by a state (SO) or a nation (LA) – Sole Proprietorship (Do), Partnership (Re), Private Limited Company (Mi), Public Limited Company (Fa), Cooperative Society (So), Privatized Corporation (La) and National Corporation (Ti).  and the 2nd lateral sociocosmoses as "registered" by the State (SO) and/or the Nation (LA) itself, a World of Nations (TI) such as a United Nations (TI-lau) - State Organization (Do), State Group Organization (Re), Nation Group Organization (Mi), World-of-Nations Alliance Organization (Fa) and Humanity-at-Large Organization (So).  The ownership is in the form of shares amongst these established and materialized 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders and partnership treaties and diplomacy in the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders.

The shareholders of the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders can be active or passive through participation in the management process as active directors under a laujinggong model – directors (lau), managers (jing) and workers (gong).  Shareholders and laujinggongs are always in fundamental contradiction – struggling for power and control.  The shareholders (owners) are ultimately cornered to the weakest position of power and control as united mass forces move towards socialism, however, may regain some power and control when united mass forces weaken, and petty groups with the owners manage to restore capitalism.  Both Capitalism and Socialism is a dynamics - ascending sociocosmic forces is moving in favor of Socialism and descending sociocosmic forces is falling back into Capitalism.

As to "ownership" in the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders, they can only be socialistic partnership and/or communistic and/or communalistic essences to remain truly harmonious, peaceful and healthy, and when capitalistic, colonialistic, imperialistic, Nazistic, fascistic and hegemonistic they become perturbed, disruptive and sick.

The Components of Production are:

1.   Human Labor

2.   Subject of Labor

3.   Object of Labor

4.   Means of Labor


1. Human labor is the labor given by the workers during the working process

2. The subject of labor includes raw materials, natural resources, and working materials, in-process materials, etc.

3.  The object of labor is the purpose or the aim of labor, that is to produce the finished products, the finished services and the finished ideas (or commodities & services)

4. The means of labor include physical, non-human inputs used for the production of economic value such as the instruments of labor which include facilities, machinery, tools, device, equipment, infrastructure, etc.

The Means of Production, Distribution and Consumption (and Exchange) are the union of the subject of labor and the means  of labor.  There are 3 main components, namely: the 1st is Production, the 2nd is Distribution and the 3rd is Consumption, components of which emerge from the working of the law of three or triad law, and a 4th Exchange component which permeates all the other components and they all merge as a tetrad base from the working of the law of four bodies (the tetrad body rule of beings).  Products include the finished products (the material objects of labor) and the instruments (means of labor) which include facilities, machineries, plants, tools, device, equipment, infrastructure, telecommunication, internet, etc. in the process of immobile/stationary production, mobile/non-stationary distribution and immobile/stationary consumption.

Within the production itself, there are inner three components, also due to the triadic forces of the law of three, namely: Inputs of the resources, Transformation/Conversion and Outputs of goods, services and ideas.

Distribution itself has three inner components, namely: packaging, storing and transporting.

Consumption itself has three inner components, namely: using/eating, processing/digesting and disposing/excreting the wastes.

Exchange is a moment is found in all the three phases of production distribution and consumption, but itself also have a physical enter and a phase of its own in the form of banks, financial institutions, FOREX markets, Securities and Stock Exchange, commodities and futures markets.

Production, distribution and consumption are the three essential 'moments' or components for which labor force enters into producing something, distributing this something to the final consumption of this something is accordance to the law of triad (three).  This triad union, P-D-C is sociocosmic constant, that is, eternal presence to the Great Sociocosmic Being.  Together with Exchange (E), it forms a Tetrad PDCE.  Once it is socially born (the Big Sociocosmic Bang), it enters into the growth phase (the sociocosmic expansion), the maturity phase (the sociocosmic stability), the decline phase (the sociocosmic aging) and the final death phase (the sociocosmic death) of the Great Sociocosmic Being, and moving through the long journey of  7 historical periods or historical stages of the development of the Great Sociocosmic Being with the seven (7) separate overlapping qualitative historical sociocosmic specie arisings in radial/vertical and tangential/horizontal  oscillating ascending/descending uneven phase spiral motion according to the law of octave, namely, starting with Primitive Communalism (DO), through  Ancient Slavism (RE) through Feudalism (MI) through Capitalism (FA) through Socialism (SO) through Communism (LA) and through Datongism (TI), and through the next higher Great Sociotechnocosmic stage (DO). This last stage is a further sociotechnocosmic evolution or revolution due to the sociotechnocosmic contradiction between the biocosmic three-centered human beings and the technocosmic three-centered spiritual AI robots (padrigines) en masse.  All this happen at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation on mother Earth's surface!

Direct Living Labor is the ongoing, current and living productive labor by human beings in producing some goods (products), services and ideas, or anything including labor to produce babies.  This living labor of the productive forces is not just the ordinary simple labor from the strange hethormen human being called man - it would be naive and even dangerous to narrow it to just  working hours, wages and salaries, capital accumulation, GDP, division of labor, unemployment, and a few more indicators to understand this complex all powerful productive force at the MI-FA Interval of our Ray of Creation.  This is a living labor full of consciousness, full of  possibilities, full of psyche hydrogens  H768, H384, H192, H96, H48, H24, H12 and H6 available to us in different qualities and quantities of intelligence from the MI-FA Interval of our Ray of Creation during this current polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.  The future is coated with the essence abundance of HEIGRENS principles of psychic motions in this living labor within the context of the making of the new biocosmic hethormen man in his relationship with other biocosmic hethormen men, with his own sponsored technocosmic padrigine AI robot-machines and all other octaves - geocosmic and cosmic - to his  inner noosphere.  HEIGRENS motion consists of the following essential elements which are Holistic, Educational, Innovative, Green, Responsible, Evolutionary, No-Harm and Sustainable subject to the pursuit of goals in balance, harmony and peace.

Accumulated Labor or stored-up labor is all the present produce inherited in this current generations from the work of past generations in the form of machineries (land, marine, avian and outer space) including technocosmic AI robots, the biocosmic human beings, extraterrestrial materials, bacteria, viruses, being-psyche hydrogens or "cosmic consciousness" or cosmic properties interplanetary and interstellar telecommunicated/teleported and various beings brought back from other planets in space missions, other agricultured plantae and farmed animals, tools, transformed materials, completed and semi-completed goods, services and ideas, technological apparatuses, plants, monuments, all kinds of human produces from the ancient times to the present

Alienation of Labor

Alienation is the transformation of people's own labor into a power which rules them as if by a kind of natural or supra-human law. ......  It is a process whereby the worker is made to feel foreign to the products of his/her own labor.  The four dimensions of alienation identified by Marx are alienation from: (1) the product of labor, (2) the process of labor, (3) ideas and others, and (4) self.

The Ownership of the means of production, the means of distribution and the means of consumption (Who) means that who owns the means of production, the means of distribution and the means of consumption – Sole Proprietorship (Do), Partnerships (Re), Private Limited Company (Mi), Public Limited Company (Fa), Cooperative (So), Privatized/Government-linked corporation (La) and State/National corporation (Ti) for the capitalist mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange only and different in other historical periods.

Capitalist mode of appropriation is the action (normally dishonest or "legal" or use of bourgeois rights on a past accumulated ownership as investment of capital already appropriated or plundered or inherited by the personates, the corporates or the nationates in the earlier period) of appropriating something (properties such as residential, commercial and industrial, finance such as money, funds, shares, investment wealth, labor such as wage and salary employees, workers' produces and things of values, and land and its natural resources such as water, oil, minerals, metals, plantae and animalia, territories, islands with their seas, and etcetera).

The being-psyche hydrogens responsible for the spiral radiation and tangential motion of ownership-identification to specific individuals(DO, RE and MI), private-social stopinders (FA) and social-common stopinders (SO, LA and TI) along the sociocosmic fundamental and lateral harmonics - [DO, MI, (do. re, mi, fa, so, la and ti), FA, SO, LA, TI (do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La and Ti) and DO] - exist in the state of unbalance disharmony, full of aberration and requires the WORK or regular inner de-identification and detachment meditation in the minds of these three-centered hethormen human beings to restore the natural balance and harmony against its highly sick vertical-classed and horizontal-classed diehard tendencies.

For the socialist mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange, the very important factors of production such as land, property and finance are mostly socialist owned due to a process of expropriation of the capitalists' ownership of the means of production by the capitalists themselves or by other means - reformation/revolution or if the lands, the waters, the natural resources, etcetera are not yet capitalistically appropriated, they are kept in the state of public or socialist or common ownership.  Those basic necessities and consumerables such as personal belongings, a car, a house, a small plot of agricultural and farming land and a self-employed business operating unit are personally owned.  Only a certain percentage of the means of production located in the zarooarian cities where capitalistic mode of production are most relevant are privately owned, otherwise they are state or nation owned and for the rural non-zarooarian suburbs especially the land, they are best collectively owned.  These arrangement are necessary to minimize class conflict and to ensure sociocosmic harmony, peace and balance.

The being-psyche hydrogens responsible for the spiral radiation and tangential motion of means of production ownership-identification to specific individuals (DO, RE and MI), private-social stopinders (FA) and social-common stopinders (SO, LA and TI) along the sociocosmic fundamental and lateral harmonics - [DO, MI, (do. re, mi, fa, so, la and ti), FA, SO, LA, TI (do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La and Ti) and DO] - now exist in the state of greater balance harmony, much reduced sociocosmic aberration and where now the WORK or regular inner de-identification and detachment meditation in the minds of these three-centered hethormen human beings to restore the natural balance and harmony against its  sickly vertical-classed and horizontal-classed diehard tendencies has also being successfully reduced,  neo-liberalism cleansed and with achieved substantial positive results.

The Structure/Organization of Production is the organization for production which include the standard structure as expressed in laujinggong or a detail organization showing all the relevant components of operation.

The Mode of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange refers to the varied ways that human beings collectively produce the means of subsistence in order to survive and enhanced social being.  These modes of production caused by the octave nature of the sociotechnocosmic historic development include:

1. The primitive mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange in 'primitive communalism' [Do]

2. The slaveholding mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange in 'ancient slavism' [Re]

3. The feudal mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange in 'feudalism' [Mi]

[Essentially developed from the families (MI), to the communities (FA), to the kingdoms (SO), to the dynasties (LA) and to the imperial dynasties/empires (TI); with the Capitalist Will of the Sociocosmos at the TI-DO Interval acting on the 3-centered feudate and 3 centered dynastate beings or in mixed with the feudate mode of production or ‘Feudalism’ from the feudalistic Dikongnong force at the MI-FA Interval]

4. The capitalist mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange in ‘Capitalism’ [Fa]

[Essentially developed from the productive organizations (FA), to the states (SO), to the nations (LA) and to the World-of-Nations (TI); with the Socialist Will of the Sociocosmos at the TI-DO Interval acting on the 3-centered corporate and nationate beings or in mixed with the capitalist mode of production or ‘Capitalism’ from the capitalistic Laujinggong force at the MI-FA Interval]

5. The socialist mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange in 'Socialism' [So]

[the 1st phase of ‘Communism’ which is the socialist mode of production proper; also essentially developed from the productive organizations (FA), to the states (SO), to the nations (LA) and to the World-of-Nations (TI); with ‘Communism’ from the Communist Will of the Sociocosmos at the TI-DO Interval through the 3-centered collective beings and the state/national enterprises of socialistic dongjinggong and gongjingdong (democratic gong moving into dong instead of dong moving into gong) a-mixed with a controllable lower percentage about 30% private capitalistic corporate laujinggong beings at the MI-FA Interval.

6. The communist mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange in 'Communism' [La]

[the 2nd phase of Communism which is communist mode of production proper or ‘Communism’ and real only at the very end of the historical period where SO, LA and TI sociocosmic stopinders becomes truly regulatory, functional and working fundamental sociocosmic stopinders integrated to the MI-FA Interval and replacing any remaining capitalistic versions (profit-oriented, exploiting, regulating) and the so-called its "socialistic versions" (NGO, Welfare, charity, the cooperatives and non-profit organization) - all of which with quotation marks).  The Westphalian notion of the State, Nation and Nations-Alliance/World-of-Nations and their sovereign gradually and quantitatively withers away with occasional qualitative revolutions, as it approaches the DATONG Historical Period (on the scale of World Integration or Humanity-at-Large) where the Will of Datong begins to influence Communism.  The Westphalian notion of the state, the nation and the nation blocs' disappears or no longer occupying the sociocosmic gravity-centers or notes at SO, LA and TI in those reciprocal oppressing or reciprocal punitive and reciprocal exploitative "class essences" manner peculiar to the earlier historical classed periods]

7. The DATONG mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange in Datongism/Spiritual Roboticism [Ti]

It is a period of AI Robots and "Spiritual" robotic automatic mode of production where beginning as the Will of Datongism from these spiritual AI Robots at the TI-DO Interval of the Communism (of organic man) in the historical period of communism and gradually finding its way to the MI-FA Interval in the Datong Historical Period – the period of contradictions between the Organic/biocosmic man and his mega-highly integrated spiritual AI Robots and machines.  During and beyond the DATONG-Historical Period lies an Aquarian renewal or rebirth of an Aquarian Great Sociocosmic Being and later the possible Capricornian renewal or rebirth of another Capricornian Great Sociocosmic Being ……… and so on till the final rascooarno or death (extinction) of the Great Sociocosmic Being or Humanity itself on mother Earth’s surface or when the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation deactivates (dies) for which the Organic Film disappears on mother Earth’s surface and/or later reappears at other favorable planetary body(ies) of the same solar system or of another solar system.

The Relations of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange  is the sum total of social relationships that people must enter into in order to survive, to produce, to regulate, to maintain, to repair and to reproduce their means of life.  The relations which Marx referred to can be social relationships, economic relationships, technological (technical) relationships, cultural relationship, legal relationships and political relationships. The fundamental sociocosmic octave together with the 1st and 2nd lateral sociocosmic octaves are the law of seven which social relations of production are created according to this law, and the reference is within the framework of the capitalist mode of production.  The technocosmic octave is a sociotechnocosmic relations of production.  The trialectics of man and woman is a social relationship for producing three-brained beings known as human beings.

There are 7 concentric sociocosmic rings or sociocosmic powers or octave notes of social relations of production ( of all types of produces by man and his instruments or future spiritualized AI robot of production) designated in the octave notes as DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA and TI sociocosmic stopinders. However, special popular names have being to them differently for different historical periods.  For example, the Feudal Historical Period has a sociocosmic octave consisting of the  individual (DO), the group  (RE), the family (MI), the feudate (FA), the kingdom (SO), the dynasty (LA) and the empire (TI) and for the Capitalist and the Socialist Historical Periods these are called the Individual (DO), the group (RE), the family (MI), the corporate (FA), the state (SO), the nation (LA) and the world-of-nations or the unity of the united nations (TI).  These notes are crucial to mankind and knowing them is better than not knowing them (lack of knowledge) to avoid human catastrophes, minor and mega sociocosmic aberrations leading to minor and mega conflicts, wars and deaths by the millions due to the disordered functioning of these sociocosmic stopinders, that we have experienced in history and our misguided competitions, imperialisms, hegemonies (LA-overpowering to be TI instead of existing as LA) or corporates (FA) commanding and dictating states and nations (SO and LA) and many more hundreds of other petty invisible sociocosmic aberrations.

The Productive forces, Productive powers or Forces of production is the combination of means of labor (tools, machinery, land, infrastructure, etc.) with human labor power.  All those forces which are applied by people in the production process (body and brain, tools and techniques, materials, resources, quality of workers’ cooperation, and equipment) and includes management and engineering functions.  Human knowledge can also be a productive force.  Productive forces are the union of human labor and the means of labor.

The Forces of Nourishment means the development of a reciprocal forces for the nourishment, maintenance and repairs of what have already being created of developed by the productive forces.

The Forces of Destruction means the development of the productive forces is characterized by conflicts.  Some productive forces destroyed other productive forces, sometimes productive techniques were lost or destroyed, and sometimes productive forces could be turned into destructive forces.




Where Marxian paradigms are positioned at the MI-FA Interval of our Ray of Creation, rested on the surface of mother Earth and supported by her, determined by her geocosmic octave and her  geographical forms:

The Geocosmic octave and the Geographical forms actively supporting the Organic Life which has now transformed into a Biosociotechnocosmic Film on mother Earth's surface at the MI-FA Interval of our Ray of Creation is the basis for the arisings and the shapings of the Marxian paradigm.


Our Ray of Creation


Our Geocosmic Octave

Note that the TI-geocosmic stopinder is the gravity-center cosmic vibration for the spirit, the light, the electromagnetism, the psyche, the minds and the consciousness that exist in this geocosmos and for which the plantae, the animalia and the sponsored instruments and machines of production that have become robotized and AI-ed, and now forming an essential part of the Organic Film at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.  The soil, the water and the air  are the 3 main media for which land beings, marine beings and avian beings breed, grow, roam and die.

The Enneagram of the Geocosmic Octaves


Global Vegetation or Plantae Cycle (by NASA) of the 1st Lateral Geocosmic Octave (at MI-FA Interval) would influence the Animalia Cycle and Mobility of the 2nd Lateral Geocosmic Octave (at TI-DO Interval).  Geo-industrialization, geo-commercialization and geo-financialization peculiar to capitalism, colonialism and imperialism is inherent and normal source-arising in the Temperate zone (north) and geo-agriculture is inherent and normal source-arising on Tropical and Equatorial zones (south), where food is abundant, and hethormen human hunters of the Temperate zone (north) arrive in large number to loot, kill and conquer.

Water, land, ice, highlands, vegetation and climatic factors that influence, move, posit, shaped, etc. the biocosmic, the sociocosmic, the technocosmic and the noospheric stopinders of the Organic Film at the MI-FA Interval of Our Ray of Creation


Current and actual nation-stopinders influenced, posited, shaped, etc. in geo-ethnic and geocosmic aberrations and disharmonies peaking during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism or the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism or in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. Note that the states (SO), the nations (LA) and the nation-blocs (TI) have aberrating and disharmonious contra/anti-geoethnic, contra/anti-geocosmic and contra/anti-wenming civilization boundaries politically drawn or rather carved up or redefined artificial and unnatural state and nation boundaries carved-outs  by past competing and warring capitalists, colonialists, imperialists and hegemonists fighting themselves for geocosmic resources needed by their sociotechnocosmic production-distribution-consumption-exchange stopinders, full of negative consequences of a terrible underlying deliberate, covetous, exploitative intentional geoethnic-divide, intentional implantation of partiality 'democracies-for-conflict-of-interest' and various other divide-and-rule political and PESTLES expeditions, and ruthless cake-sharing amongst the imperialists.  The wenming civilizational forces, the ethno-race forces, the noomakhian forces and the geocosmic forces will periodically readjust, redefine, reunite and re-draw these aberrating and disharmonious Westphalia nations (LA), states (SO) and nation-blocs (TI) boundaries, and return their respective organizations (FA), families (MI), groups (RE) and individuals (DO) and all the lateral sociocosmic stopinders as well as the technocosmic stopinders back to the natural healthy geo-normal positions and circulations of balance and harmony conducive to the emergence and the dominance of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, to the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism and finally to the TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism (Spiritual AI Robonity-at-Large inclusive).  The withering of the states, the nations, the nation-blocs and the restoration of the natural wenming civilizations (if they still exist or unbroken historically) by removing any principle-based, resource-based, ideology-based, religion-based, liberalism or any partiality in the SO, LA and TI stopinders or by relocating and redefining the geo-ethnic and geographical boundaries is vital to correct these terrible aberration (a must) caused by capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, Nazism, fascism and hegemonism.  The final truth is always the death of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being (Humanity-at-Large) upon reaching its life span limit.  The much damaged developing civilizations could not stopinderate smoothly without ending in serious PDCE, PESTLES crises, and noomakhias full of internal unrests and external mostly losing wars with the developed countries!

The United Nations' Regional Nation Groupings in Geocosmic Influences


 The cycle of day (Yang) and night (Yin) of the rotating Geocosmos, Living Earth begets waking-consciousness and sleeping-subconscious in the animalia; her revolution around the Sun begets the 4 seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter; her gyrating precession of the equinoxes begets Astrological Ages of Human Civilizational History


More Influencing Factors to the now Biosociotechnocosmic Life and the earlier Organic Life at the MI-FA Interval of Our Ray of Creation - one of the trillions of the Living Branches of the Great Universe Being with Cosmobiological Life for which our Lives is a mere micro part. Also our mother Earth has a child called moon and she needs to regularly suck our sacred Askokin or milk from the Organic Life of our mother to grow and has its own Organic Life on her surface, and to be in the MI-FA Interval position in this same Ray of Creation for which our Earth will gradually become warmer and becomes the Sun, as the existing sun dies, disintegrates and gives its parts elsewhere.  This is the ascending octave, however a descending octave should not be rule out. Notice the rise of the Great Technocosmic Octave and why they should influence our Great Sociotechnocosmic Being!


Everything geocosmic here acts on the Organic Life and Man!  The great geocosmic octave being is the mother that provides the geocosmic nutrient milk for all the three-brained hethormen human beings in the form of the 3 being-foods (impression, air and solid/liquid food) to digest and refine the psyche hydrogens that fuel their actual agro-industrial-commercial-defense and material production, distribution and consumption geographies as the base and the superstructure production of ideas, feelings and actions and in the biocosmic, technocosmic and sociocosmic production, all of which reverberating and aberrating in the forms of geopolitics, geo-economics,  geo-legal, geo-sociological, geo-cultural and geo-technological reasoning formatory apparatus of our being.

Finally, the Geocosmic Octave becomes Geobiosociotechnocosmic Octave when man's tools, instruments, buildings, plants and machineries become spiritualized as spiritual AI padrigine IV or padrigine individuals and their inevitable emerging sociotechnocosmicalizational development at the TI-DO Interval through their Synthetic Life alongside and co-existing with the biocosmic beings with Organic Life at the MI-FA Interval.




Marx's Elements:

1. Substructures:

  • The Productive Forces, Productive Powers or Forces of Production; The Forces of Nourishment; The Forces of Destruction (in beings called biocosmic modern men and later including beings called technocosmic AI machines and spiritual AI robots)

  • Direct Living Labor is the ongoing, current and living productive labor by human beings in producing some goods (products), services and ideas, or anything including labor to produce babies.

  • Accumulated Labor or stored-up labor is all the present produce inherited in this current generations from the work of past generations in the form of machineries including technocosmic AI robots (a technocosmic being born from past accumulated intelligent labor analogous to a newborn baby born from a laboring and delivering mother labors, who will soon become a new worker) and the biocosmic human beings, other agricultured plantae and farmed animals, tools, transformed materials, completed and semi-completed goods, services and ideas, technological apparatuses, plants, monuments, all kinds of human produces from the ancient times to the present

  • Components of Production

  • The Means of Production

  • Means of Distribution and Consumption (of products/services/ideas)

  • Ownership of the Means of Production (What/Who) - Land asset, buildings asset (property), Plants, machineries and equipment asset (capital)

  • Ownership of Means of Exchange - financial assets (finance capital), monies, Intellectual Property assets (IP), etc.

  • and wage-salary private "ownership" in Capitalism; public ownership in Socialism (ambiguous/deflectable by and at Westphalian State, Nation and United Nations at SO, LA and TI levels); common humanity-at-large ownership unambiguous/undeflectable by any Westphalian State, Nation and United Nations at SO, LA and TI levels; also serfs ownership in Feudalism and slaves ownership in Ancient Slavery Society

  • Structure/organization of production, distribution, consumption and exchange

  • The Social Relations of Production (Sociocosmic Octaves both fundamental and lateral octaves)

  • The Modes of Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange [Mode 1: Primitive Commun(al)ism, Mode 2: Ancient Slavism, Mode 3: Feudalism,  Mode 4: Capitalism, Mode 5: Socialism, Mode 6: Communism and Mode 7: Datongism (spiritual/AI/AGI robots & machines "oppression/exploitation" by biocosmic man)]

2. The Modes of Production-Distribution-Consumption (Historical) determine:

3. The History of the Superstructures:

  • Ideologies, emotionologies, movementologies, instinctologies and sexologies as expressed in the subject forms of politics, laws, ethics, religion, metaphysics, cultures, art forms, music, foods, dances, languages, sciences, technology, engineering, mathematics, economics, sociology, architecture, finance, trade, management, etcetera etcetera.

The Organic Life and therefore the Historical Sociocosmic Species at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation is reciprocally influenced by:

  • The cosmic octave(s)

  • The geocosmic octaves

  • The biocosmic octaves

  • The anthropological octaves

  • The sociocosmic octaves

  • The technocosmic octaves

  • The agrocosmic octaves

  • The social classed triads

  • The noospheres

  • The zodiac constellations


The victorious Capitalistic Will, Design and Purpose from the TI-DO Interval of the MI-Historical Period of Feudalism that has now become posited at the MI-FA Interval of the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism and ascending into the TI-DO Interval versus the Socialistic Will, Design and Purpose from the TI-DO Interval of the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism that has now descended and become posited also at the MI-FA Interval, the two opposing essential forces results in a deceptive, elusive and dangerous sociocosmic aberration all along the journey in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.  All the resources enters production, distribution and consumption phases are either as predatory capitalistic mode in capitalist controlled sociocosmic stopinders especially at nation level (LA) or in sharing socialistic mode in socialist controlled sociocosmic stopinders also especially at the nation level (LA), and in certain cases mixed economic system and zoned which is possible because a sociocosmic octave has 2 intervals for the filling and positing of oppossing differences in economic systems/modes of production within one sociocosmic octave - the MI-FA Interval which is the  original home of the prevailing previous Will of capitalism and the TI-DO Interval which is the original home of the emerging Will of Socialism during the paired FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.

The Human Resource is the source of capitalists’ eagle’s eye for exploitative labor and they welcome it and named it ‘Human Capital’ as they vibrate at MI-FA Interval and wiseacringly the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave but the same would have to be named ‘Human Sociopital’ as the real socialists vibrate at “SO-LA” and TI-DO Intervals and cautiously and wisely harmonizing the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave if viewed from a socialist perspective.  Whether ‘capital’ or ‘sociopital’, the former enriches exploitatively the private individuals while the latter so enriches the specific social groups or the general public concerned under a government trusteeship.  The government under this trusteeship is subject to a more realistic and fair distribution of the wealth to the individual-public-at-large.  Alas, sad to say, sociopital in our historical period is wiseacringly and exploitatively channeled to private individuals and corporate stopinders through a laundering network of work corruption.

The Financial Resource is money in the form of cash, liquid assets, equity funds, loans, etc. or the "blood" of the Great Sociocosmic Being.  It too has to be produced by the minting factories, the banking systems in the lateral sociocosmic octaves and distributed for consumption in a balance manner to enable the physical survival of all sociocosmic stopinder beings.

The Digital Data and Information Resource is the electronic or quantumic element in the form of data and information or the "handbledzoin" of the Great Sociocosmic Being.  It too has to be produced by the computer hard and software factories and the telecommunication industries for distribution and consumption in a balanced manner to enable "consciousness" or "eyes" for the awareness survival of all the sociocosmic stopinder beings.

The Nuclear Energy resource, nuclear power, forms of nuclear energy, nuclear knowledge and nuclear technology and nuclear production in practice cannot perish from humanity.  It is a natural industrial being by itself, and as man has a positive (good), a negative (bad) and a neutral (neither) side in his nature and practice, he can only use it in these 3 ways.  Depending on man’s nature, essence and personality type, its usage is always in the three domains. Dominating powers would embrace this power for itself with chronic pursuit of depriving others from having the same, also as in accordance with the highly respected law of reciprocal feeding of sociocosmoses.  Certain sociocosmoses sociogenetically produce this energy as ‘defenses’ and as deterrence from being eaten up as food by the power-possessing beings.  The fundamental law of laujinggong at all sociocosmic levels is always there.  Weaker ones always got eaten up but the powerful ones too are also eaten even without being aware of it.

The Nuclear Ownership and Control of this usage tend to be concentrated at the 5th and the 6th sociocosmic stopinder levels of the fundamental sociocosmic octave, that is, at the state and nation levels and regulated by the 7th sociocosmic stopinder level, even though it is created at the 4th sociocosmic stopinder level, that is, created by the corporate-complexes – do through ti of the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave.  There no capitalistic shareholder ownership for these 5th, 6th and 7th sociocosmic stopinders of the fundamental sociocosmic octave – only common or public ownership with a risk of being controlled by hegemonistic ‘state and central governments’ who are not owners but rather state or national or ‘united nations’ servants.  Their holding of power is as good as owning the state, the nation and the united nations!  The real owners/shareholders are just the commoners, the citizens or the public, and because they are masses they have to ‘select’ and ‘elect’ correctly their representatives in numerous levels and stages without experiencing the sociocosmic democratic trauma of elect and receive a great regret which is likely to be the case as history has proven so immemorial.

The nation seeks for its monopoly ownership and usage of nuclear power and is forced to compete with others but is also forced again to form nation-blocks-in-competition in opposition against other nation-blocks from having it.  This is human nature not nuclear nature.  Our Sun is one such natural and cosmic Nuclear Power – and He is neither Good nor Bad!

Likewise, the virion and vaccine monopoly ownership especially the virion bearing the name coronavirus od SARS-COV-2 for pandemic expedience and misadventures is another accursed nightmare to humanity that has emerged in the 2020's - and innate to modern pharma corporate monopoly capitalism and the hungry nationates for wealth expansion and appropriation.

The Legal Superstructure:  Now concerning this legalanaic phenomenon of man, I would like to point out the nature of this mind sociocosmic stopinder.  First, there are actually 3 legalanaic forces taking the form of 3 legalanas or 3 legal postures of the mind, namely, the hot and active plaintiff’s ana as opposed to the passive and resisting defendant ana with a neutralizing judge ana creating a judgment or result with punishment.  So legalanaic is by essence, trilegalanaic stopinderation, for which the law of three is obeyed, and the process would continue in various wiseacrings, now open and now hidden in a historical process that is subjected to the influence of the law of seven. But, the trilegalanaic process must ultimate produced the first trilegalanaic stopinder, that is, the result of the first stopinder in the legal-anaic stopinderation process and is recorded as the case-result in the legalanaic book of cases.

Qualitative and Quantitative Models in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and FATEM (Finance, Accounting, Trading, Economics and Management) are those mathematical models of analysis on various relevant qualitative bases (graphs, charts, formulae, statistics, probabilities, differentials, calculus, various other quantitative theories – in natural sciences, engineering, geology, biology, chemistry, physics, electronics, etc. as in STEM and finance, accounting, trading, economics, management of small business enterprise and state management, and etcetera as in FATEM), know-hows and technologies in the form of ideas or psyche hydrogens of quantitative science often as enveloped into and as intellectual properties (IP) created during the process of actual production.  STEM is the soul of the Productive-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange PDCE tetrad forces (with triads within) and the technocosmic octave (in sevens) and FATEM is the soul of the social relations of production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) tetrad forces (with triads within) and the sociocosmic octave (in sevens).  Both have a unique PESTLES+ Coachman superstructure in design and constructs floating in the Middle and a stable PDCE Horse substructure in objective reality Below as well as a unique mystical NOO Passenger cosmosophical spiritual dancer of the Noosphere Above.

Property and commodity capital becomes finance capital in the economic base and STEM becomes FATEM in its oski-ano (education) superstructure association.  These tended to see the trees but not the forest, and like the capitalist can only see the Great Sociotechnocosmos sitting on the small table of corporate capitalism; something like in Hinduism where the whole universe sits on top of an elephant god.

Whereas capitalistic essences (individualistic and private corporate and colonialistic, imperialistic and hegemonic essences (nationalistic and pseudo-regulatory nationate) get deposited  in both FATEM and STEM and become dominating in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, socialistic essences  (collectivistic and public collectivite) and non-colonialistic, non-imperialistic and non-hegemonic esssences (socialistic and regulatory socionate) get deposited in them and become dominating in the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.  The overlap of dominance is the aberrating polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.






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