THE FOURTHWAY MANHO E-JOURNAL Volume 146 June 23, 2021 |
IN SEARCH OF THE VIROCOSMIC OCTAVE, BIOCOSMIC DOMINANCE AND THE HARMFUL PANDEMICS By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho (An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 23, Further Records II, Article 35, Topic "In Search of the Virocosmic Octave, Biocosmic Dominance and the Harmful Pandemics," June 23, 2021, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho)
(Written and completed on June 23, 2021) "Whereas a virocosmic octave is a natural octave that will create natural virocosmic species of virus of the three host-domains over a very long period of time, namely: eukaryotic, bacteria and archaeal viruses, intervention by genetic engineering and its virocosmic mRNA production would create many more artificial or man-made viruses for the same three host-domains, at a rapid pace. Nay more, those created for the eukaryotic, the bacteria and the archaeal domains are equally dangerous to human beings either directly or indirectly due to the short pace of their coming-to-be in the real world for which the human beings might not be able to learn to overcome fast enough to survive through such a quick and dangerous exposure. Over-confident genetic experimentation and those scientific manipulation with the DNA, the RNA, the mRNA and the five standard bases in DNA and RNA oligonucleotides needs moral guidance for conscience from the geosophical wisdom of both those natural NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of civilization dwelling on YAFEILA World-Island extended in antagonistic contradiction with the exploitative and oppressive Anglo-saxon (western) civilizations dwelling on the Outer Island Crescent. The capitalistic-essenced impulses of profit maximization, wealth accumulation, social pyramidization and motivated uneven development of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism still emanate strongly hitherto." "The liabilities of such a genetic laboratory experimentation and dangerous vaccines produced may be pushed to the YAFEILA World-Island, the dangerous things placed there or near the extraction sources, but not on the Outer Islands Crescent which wants to hold the assets in control; nay more to the other small dangerous nuclear and quantum things too would also face the same fate."
The world of the very fine microbiocosmic
viruses has been in our
ecosystem for billions of years and they evolve and mutate periodically.
The virocosmic octave, the biocosmic octave and the sociocosmic octave exist
in unison, as a one evolution in the history with periodic changes in
gravity-center dominances. In 2019, there was a surge of virocosmic
dominance from a type of virus known as the coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 and
its variants causing a coronavirus pandemic or a COVID-19 pandemic. These
coronavirus replicate themselves in the human host cells by the billions and
infected millions of human beings on mother Earth’s surface leading to
millions of deaths as they gain dominance in the world of 3 octaves - virocosmic,
biocosmic and sociocosmic octaves. These microscopic coronaviruses and their
variants became the dominating lau beings for reducing the number
of human hethormen beings on mother Earth's surface at the MI-FA Interval of
our Ray of Creation somewhere before 2019 with uncertainty of man's ability to
overcome their temporary lau power. The resulting number of
death tolls has it accumulated an abundance of sacred askokin
to be released and stored as food for lunar (moon) and planetary
(planets) maintenance and repair in our Ray of Creation in accordance
with the fundamental law of conservation of psychic energy. The human cells seem to be the most favorable host or nest for this replication process due to the mitotic engine present in the human cells. The human kind was very much disturbed by this global catastrophe. Scientists, philosophers, politicians and many others world-wide are much drawn into overcoming this ill-fated COVID-19 tragedy as these coronaviruses target the system of Archangel Hariton’s breathing apparatus in the human body that digests the 2nd being-food, air, and any mishap that cause this breathing apparatus to malfunction will lead to speedy death because humans will progressively die as their 2nd being-food is reduced in stages to the death line. Humans could hardly live without oxygen (air) for 10 minutes. While other virus beings enter into the human body through the fluids and ordinary solid food and water as part of the 1st being-food, and even through the very fine and moist surface of the sexual organs via the reproductive system into the system, this particular coronavirus being enters the human body through the breathing system as well as other moist surface of the organs especially the eyes as the 2nd being-food. The virus being can also be viewed from a broad-based philosophy of the general laws of nature to obey certain “rules” and “orders” such as the law of three and the law of octaves, and philosophies tend to dwell in the most general laws of nature. An octave model to view it from the microbiological octave as shown below:
A Historical Microbiocosmic Octave 1. Do: Virus (genetic particles or virions with capsid/envelope)
2. Re:
Mi-Fa Interval [1st lateral anatomical/physiological Octave Sperm(+) & Ovum(-) unity of sexual opposites required to become spores and etcetera, pollinated seeds or fertilized eggs. They generate through meiosis and mitosis as they sociocosmically stopinder in the world of social cells.] 4. Fa: Our Cell
As the law of unity of opposite sex is a fundamental most general law of the organic life, the virus being also needed to obey this fundamental law to have a “sexual opposite” in quotation mark or what is called a host in contemporary scientific terminology. These hosts are “sexual partners” in quotation mark. Virus is the ‘First Before Biological Life’ and exists as a chain of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) with a transitional ‘Protein Life’ (Do) in the organic chemistry. Prokaryotes such as archaea and bacteria are are unicellular organisms without a true nucleus are regarded as the 'First True Biological Life'. A eukaryote is the next unicellular organism such as yeast and certain unicellular protist with a true nucleus. At a higher level of the eukaryote development when the male and female principles are separating progressively amongst multicellular organism further evolution occurs at the Mi-Fa Interval of the Historical Microbiocosmic Octave. A ray in this very long period of evolution of this historical microcosmic octave is the formation of our human eukaryotic cell at point 'Fa' in this ray. A virus acts more like an infective agent and is host-dependent sexless ‘organelle’ that needs host “cell” to replicate itself to complement its missing sex factor proper but rather needs a host as imperfect “sex partner” to replicate and bear “little children” - like “husband sperm” live together symbiotically with its 3 “wife ova” natural hosts, namely, the prokaryote (Re) (unicellular archaea/bacteria micro-organism) and the eukaryota (unicelluar/multicellular micro-organism (Mi). So viruses are normally grouped into the archaeal viruses, the bacterial viruses and the eukaryotic viruses. Viruses exist with the archaeal (a prokaryote), bacterial (a prokaryote) and eukaryotic hosts perhaps for a 2.4 billion years by now (Gustavo Caetano-Anelles) as the first organic life on mother Earth’s surface, and found at the MI-FA Interval of our Ray of Creation. They cannot stay independently for long without a host and their life energies would further downgrade further to nano chemical protein particles with no real biological octaving life. As a summary, their natural hosts are the archaea, the bacteria and the independent eukaryota including the non-independent mitoting cells from spores and etcetera and up to the pollinated seed or the fertilized egg of the higher level Plantae and Animalia. Prokaryotes and some eukaryotes are single-cell organisms such as Amoeba, Stentor coeruleus, Gromia sphaerica, Spiculosiphon oceana, Valonia ventricosa, Acetabularia, Caulerpa, etc. All of which are mostly found in water.
2 Some diagrams for visual discourses on the first 3 notes in the Historical Microbiocosmic Octave – the archaeal viruses, the bacterial viruses and the eukaryotic viruses (independent organism or dependent cells of higher organism). Viruses contain either DNA or RNA as their nucleic acids, and some other protein molecules for their outer membranes. The enneagram of fixates in mRNA production An enneagram of the messenger Ribonuclei Acid (mRNA) is possible but deserves further observation. We have no real control of the smallest biocosmic units that constitute all Organic Life discovered in the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation. Our noomakhian logos could hurried us into such a meddling of the smallest unit of uncertain chemical or biological nodal line for outwitting real and/or invented capitalistic-essenced competitors and/or enemies, but man's outsmarting of nature can also be outsmarted by nature. Description: Input Point '0': It is the first fixated (Do) of a single-stranded DNA positive sense [ssDNA(+)] from a virocosmic stopinder of a typical DNA virus to enter into the enneagram of the mRNA of production fixates as the basic unit for the enneagram cycle, and at the same time in a triad of three inputs, namely: Input Point '0/9', Input Point 3 and Input Point 6. 1 Re: It is a second fixate (Re) of a double-stranded DNA positive/negative sense or ambisense [dsDNA(+/-)] to stopinderate in the enneagram of the mRNA of fixates. 2 Mi: It is a third fixate (Mi) of a single-stranded RNA positive sense [ssRNA(+)] to stopinderate in this same mRNA enneagram of the mRNA fixates. Input Point 3: It is the 1st input at the Mi-Fa Interval after the original starter Input Point '0'which consists of RNA viruses. 4 Fa: It is the fourth fixate (Fa) of a double-stranded RNA positive/negative sense or ambisense [dsRNA(+/-)] to stopinderate after the Mi-Fa Interval. 5 So: It is the fifth fixate (So) of a single-stranded RNA negative sense [ssRNA(-)] to stopinderate further. Input Point 6: Here is the 2nd input at the "So-La Interval" for the unique reverse transcribing virus of the three inputs at point '0', point 3 and point 6. 7 La: It is the sixth fixate (La) of a single-stranded RNA positive sense [ssRNA(+)] in a reverse transcribing process collective from ssRNA(+) to ssRNA(+)-ssRNA(-) to dsDNA(+/-). 8 Ti: It is the seventh fixate (Ti) of a double-stranded DNA positive/negative sense or ambisense [dsDNA(+/-)] in a further reverse transcribing process to complete the final double-stranded DNA positive/negative sense or ambisense [dsDNA(+/-)] to produce a new DNA virus which can enter as Input Point 9 for the next mRNA enneagramic cycle to produce more and more variants or polypeptides, to the terror of an uncontrollable situation. Input Point 9: The rising of a new variant DNA virus for the next possible enneagramic mRNA cycle, stopinderation happens with the right incumbent mRNA fixates or any other right RNA viruses.
RNA virus (coronavirus) replication of virus in the host cell and
release - the host cell becomes an infected cell and also a factory for
producing more RNA viruses. The areas of infection
Standard Taxonomical
Classification Various Groups of RNA Viruses
It can be noticed that the viruses are
host-dependent nano genetic materials which have already innerly
stopindered into the DNA virus and the RNA virus before seeking for hosts,
and it is placed in the virocosmic octave awaiting hosts. They
have their own stable gravity-center of chemico-protein vibration, and it is a one-centered (naked)
being or a two-centered (enveloped) being or a third one-two-centered
(naked-enveloped) being in accordance to the law of three. The virus
needs a host or “house” for which it needs the replicating machines in the
“house” to replicate itself by the millions if not billions. This was
done with the archaea, the bacteria and the eukarya
micro organisms since ancient times. The dependent eukaryotic cells of
plants and animals are also common hosts as the microbiological octave
continues to produce higher organic beings. The 3 fundamental hosts (houses) of the viruses in
line with the law of three have helped us in classifying them into 1. Archaeal viruses
2. Bacterial viruses and 3. Eukaryotic viruses. But how do we octavize based on the law of octave
to this basic triadic 3 host-domain classification of the archaeal, the
bacterial and the eukaryotic viruses according to the law of triad that have
been observed so far? The standard 3 host-domain classification has shown
to be in line with the law of triad and other classifications have also been
used and they are good in a limited way, only that the logic used to
classify them is the formal logical approach and the primary datas are still
incomplete to justify anything ‘octave.’ The best approach from my observation is the Baltimore Classification of viruses (1971) based on the way the viruses produce the messenger (mRNA). The use of the 4 properties and their parameters of viruses in the way they are combined and processed to produce messenger RNA (mRNA) has made it possible to identify One (1) octave of 7 groups of viruses (DO for Group I, RE for Group II, MI for Group III, FA for Group IV, SO for Group V, LA for Group VI and TI for Group VII). This approach leads to a new standard scientific (non-philosophic) and formal logical model of classifying the world of viruses – a standard scientific classification and is more octave-conforming but not as yet having a true ‘octave periodic’ inclusion or even enneagrammic as yet. However, here, the logic used for this approach is the tri-octave dialectical materialist’s approach which does not seek to alter any findings already enshrined in this standard virus classification of the respected biologist, David Baltimore (a 1975 Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medcine), for which this search of the virocosmic octave is found but subject to further observation. And even this virocosmic octave finding will be subjected to much future scrutiny and over many more years …….. whether it will or will not withstand the test of time in the realm of the general laws of philosophy or musings with the most general laws on the world of viruses.
Fundamental Virocosmic Octave Now the virocosmic octave with octave
periodicity, runs thus: From the various inner elements or parameters
found in the 4 main properties of the genomic diversity of viruses observed,
namely, from property group related to the their nucleic acid (DNA, RNA or
DNA-RNA at various stages in their life cycle), their shape (linear,
circular or segmented), their strandedness (single-stranded, double-stranded
or mixed single-double stranded) and their sense (positive, negative or
ambisense) these genomic being-virus discovered are grouped into 7
virocosmic stopinders of a virocosmic octave.
VIRUS The 7 enneagram fixates mRNA are produced by the virus groups The Fundamental Virocosmic Octave I. Virocosmic Stopinder (DO)
Single stranded (ssDNA) DNA viruses (+ strand or sense) such as
II. Virocosmic Stopinder (RE)
Double stranded (dsDNA) DNA viruses such as Adenoviruses, Herpesviruses
and Poxiviruses
III. Virocosmic Stopinder (MI)
Single stranded ((+) ssRNA viruses) (+ strand or sense) RNA viruses such
as Picornaviruses, Togaviruses
MI-FA Interval [DNA Virus and RNA Virus in Transition of a DNA-RNA-Base contradiction]
IV. Virocosmic Stopinder (FA)
Double stranded (dsRNA) RNA viruses such as Reoviruses
V. Virocosmic Stopinder (SO) Single stranded (-)ssRNA viruses (- strand or
antisense) such as Orthomyxoviruses, Rhabdovirsuses
"SO-LA Interval" [RNA in Transcription begins]
VI. Virocosmic Stopinder (LA)
Single stranded ssRNA-RT viruses (+ strand or sense, RT = reverse
transcriptase) RNA with DNA intermediate in life-cycle such as Retroviruses
VII. Virocosmic Stopinder (TI) Double stranded dsDNA-RT viruses such as Hepadnaviruses
TI-DO Interval [RNA-RT and DNA-RT reverse transcription ends, and translation with host cells begins]
VIII. Virocosmic Stopinder (DO of the next
higher octave ) mRNA translation ends with a new RNA virus or a DNA virus or infected cell mess-up (polluted cell) or virocell or some variants created in the previous man-intervened outcome viruses of the human-engineered enneagram cycle, and of other natural evolving nature-generated enneagram cycles. Description: The first virocosmic stopinder
called the DO-Virocosmic Stopinder where virocosmic beings such as
parvoviruses which have the following inner property elements or parameters
single stranded (ssDNA) DNA viruses
with positive strand or sense - are considered Group II
(in the Baltimore Classification) virocosmic beings.
The third virocosmic stopinder is called the MI-Virocosmic Stopinder where virocosmic beings such as picornaviruses, togaviruses, polioviruses which have the following inner property elements or parameters - single stranded (+)ssRNA viruses) (+ strand or sense) RNA viruses - are considered Group III (in the Baltimore Classification) virocosmic beings. The fourth virocosmic stopinder
called the FA-Virocosmic Stopinder where virocosmic beings such
as reoviruses which have the following inner property elements or
parameters - double stranded (dsRNA) RNA viruses - are considered
Group III (in the Baltimore Classification) virocosmic beings. The fifth virocosmic stopinder is called the SO-Virocosmic Stopinder where virocosmic beings such as orthomyxoviruses, rhabdovirsuses, influenza viruses which have the following inner property elements or parameters - single stranded (-)ssRNA viruses (- strand or antisense) RNA - are considered Group V (in the Baltimore Classification) virocosmic beings. The sixth virocosmic stopinder is called the LA-virocosmic Stopinder where virocosmic beings such as retroviruses, HIV which have the following inner property elements or parameters - single stranded ssRNA-RT viruses (+ strand or sense, RT = reverse transcriptase) RNA with DNA intermediate in life-cycle - are considered Group VI (in the Baltimore Classification) virocosmic beings. The seventh virocosmic stopinder is called the TI-virocosmic Stopinder where virocosmic beings such as hepadnaviruses, hepatitis B virus which have the following inner property elements or parameters - double stranded dsDNA-RT viruses - are considered Group VII (in the Baltimore Classification) virocosmic beings. The eighth virocosmic stopinder will be the end and also the begining of the next higher octave of this virocosmic octave after completion of the translation process, that is, with a new RNA virus or a DNA virus or infected cell mess-up (polluted wolfhead sheep cell) or some variants due to both natural and human genetic engineering or DO-virocosmic Stopinder of the next higher octave. These virocosmic stopinders are so minute chemo-bio nodal points between biological/biosophical life and chemical/chemosophical life for our ever-curious three-brained beings to wiseacre endlessly with great nature, and like a genocosmic rascal often mess up with nature. The study of the Intervals is important but we do not have much information for now: At the MI-FA Interval are the DNA virus and the RNA virus that have entered into a union of opposites and subjected to the law of unity of opposites between two permanent poles of material presence and perhaps even a middle forming a triad union device. Forces flow in-between DNA and RNA reciprocally influencing and affecting each other as virocosmic shock absorbers. The messenger RNA is the middle useful "color revolution office boy" of the triad between the more stable DNA virus and the less stable RNA virus. At the "SO-LA Interval" and the TI-DO Interval are the Reverse Transcribing Virus for which ssRNA-RT(+) strands and the dsDNA-RT(+/-) would come stopindered together through a transcription process at the "SO-LA Interval". Later at the TI-DO Interval, where the mRNA transcript is formed, the translation stopinderation would take place in the host domain (as eukaryotic viruses, bacterial viruses and/or archaeal viruses) till completion of the translation process where the next 'DO'-stopinder of the virocosmic octave would begin with a new virus or variants including the mess-up wolfhead sheep cells after the unbecoming completion of the disruptive translation with the host cells of these unfortunate hetheromen human beings or any head-thorax-abdomen animalian beings and even of those of leaf-trunk-root plantae beings found at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, and also of other MI-FA Intervals in the other branch ray of creation. They have also entered into a union of opposites and subject to the law of unity of opposites between two permanent higher level poles of a higher material presence and perhaps still even a higher middle triad union device, and also due to a higher level transformation of the DNA and the RNA viruses into DNA-RNA hybrid individualities that were not formed at the MI-FA Interval. Reverse transcribing (RT) viruses have genomes made of either DNA or RNA and replicate via reverse transcription. These two groups of transcribing viruses exist in the form of single-stranded RNA-RT (ssRNA-RT) viruses or double-stranded DNA-RT (dsDNA-RT) viruses and emerge because of their proximity to the TI-DO Interval of the virocosmic octave where translation can be completed for the virocosmic octave. The triadic virocosmic shock absorber between the DNA-RT virus and the RNA-RT virus has a third factor, also in according to the law of three where this factor is known as the messenger RNA (mRNA), and these protein molecules and factors reciprocally interact and act on one another, in a certain balance or equilibrium if not imbalances. The TI-DO Interval is the interval of possible possibilities for the budding of the next higher virocosmic octave that would bud a different series of virocosmic beings in the great biocosmic octave at large. Virocosmic Aberration exists between the DNA and the RNA virocosmic notes at the MI-FA Interval as well as the RNA-RT and DNA-RT virocosmic notes at the TI-DO Interval of the virocosmic Octave producing the virocosmic aberration that is likely to shock the scientists and us due to this aberrating phenomenon of the virus in producing mutants of all kinds after the completing of the translation process with all kinds of human and other accidental ill-fated host cells of different genetic origins, (more than 12,700 coronavirus mutants from 2019 – 2020), and the historical (or time-spread or history-spread) would register their possible arisings in the evolutionary process of these viruses. The messenger RNA "color revolution office boy" is considered a virocosmic rascal to all the virocosmic aberration that might happen later due to this genetic engineering without moral guidance typical of a certain type of civilizational being prone to this curiosity. He comes with the mRNA vaccines claiming with these unbecoming disobedient virocosmic rascal of the very small chemo-bio mRNA, would behave obediently according to the law and the rule imposed to them, and once injected into your innocent body would be fine to your chemo-bio immunity system and its subsequent socio-cell security defense system and the enneagrama of your whole Human Design and Construct. But unfortunately to these ill-fated experimental human guinea pigs, their 37.2 trillion cells and their 372 trillion microbes have additional eukrayotic, bacterial, archaeal microbes in their human cell population (at DO).
Some of the randomly mutated coronaviruses especially in its S-protein (spike protein) amino acids structure are more viral and critical to humans, many are not. The random mutations can all be generated and analyzed through computer simulation, nay more, mRNA "vaccines" or any other "vaccines" by mRNA method or otherwise can be developed to stimulate antibody production in our body over and over again at each endless outbreaks of mutants in the real world. Even pre-planned programs can now be developed to enable early discussions, studies and more researches, to develop vaccines, to test vaccines on the human guinea pigs, to promote vaccination through capitalistic predatory/socialistic non-predatory marketing much aberration in political, legal and fear psychology - a peculiar 'something-wrong-somewhere' psychological and sociocosmic anomaly always felt by everyone in the world. Computer simulated coronavirus variants now all generated from computer analysis subsequently useful for new vaccine patenting and new IPs rights for their production and selling of "vaccines" by the profit-seeking predatory capitalistic-essenced Big Pharma companies that have not yet immature into non-profit seeking and non-predatory socialistic-essenced Big Pharma companies during this highly aberrating polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. The technocosmic engineering on these natural virocosmic stopinders has created the synthetic CoViD-19 virus and its uncontrollable auto-mutation into many variants henceforth due to our overconfidence in controlling great nature. Many mRNA vaccines are developed without much confidence to message/instruct our cells to become virocells to produce the varying spike proteins to further confuse our leucocytes and lymphocytes in responding effectively to these internal enemies caused by our messenger "color revolution office boys".
A Wee
Bit on RNA Transcription The nucleus of a cell where DNA and RNA exists together in the same ‘house’, RNA transcription takes place to produce mRNA. During the process of transcription, RNA polymerases in a 6-staged RNA transcription process to produce messenger RNA (mRNA) and the subsequent 3 stage process of translation to alter the host cells into a different wolfhead sheep cells everywhere in the human body or in other biological beings when these mRNA vaccines brought to you a virocosmic rascal "color revolution office boys" of dubious capabilities, to wreck and mess up your biological system, and might permanently damage or kill you.
The completed mRNA strand comes along with a carrier lipid nanoparticle 5’ cap exits the nucleus and enters the cytoplasm and later attaches to ribosomes where genetic message translation takes place to make the amino acids or proteins inside the cytoplasm which later move out of the cell to be either stored or to be translated. Once the mRNA has created a protein during translation, it is then repressed and broken down into individual nucleotides to be degraded or reused by the cell for creating or repairing some other organelles within the cell. mRNA Translation to Polypeptide (Proteins) If mRNA is introduced from outside into the body in the blood stream during vaccination, it still needs to enter into the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell in our body where the ribosome is found in order to do any translation into polypeptide.
A special type of living mitotic corona virocell (Wolf-head sheep cell) whose main function is to produce mutating toxic spike proteins
Injecting mRNA into the human body is like injecting a snippet of genetic code of this coronavirus into the body to function-washed the cells to become the abnormal corona virocells and into doing what this coronavirus has always been doing, that is to produce the deadly S-protein toxins like the coronavirus themselves for which the white blood cells have to recognize and destroy them. The creation of these unfortunate function-washed abnormal corona virocells or wolf-head sheep cells emerge from the good curiosity-prone scientists' mRNA vaccine but alas, soon becomes a peculiar Hasnamussian psychophilosophy with the mechanical particularities similar to "the implantation of a snippet of neoliberalism code into some nation-bodies to produce the toxin to ferment color revolution illness." The similarity in the sociological dimension is also reflected in the microbiological dimension - the same psychophilosophy from the same Hasnamuss makes the same thing. And the good, sincere and honest scientists are innocently blamed for it. It is safer and better to use inactivated coronavirus produced by the traditional method of vaccine production which are actual 'outside-of-our' cells instead of scape-goating our own cells by converting them first into mitoting (in mitosis) and even meios-ing (in meiosis) corona virocells which are actual 'inside-of-our' cells that will be attacked and destroyed by our our own white blood cells. Man is certainly wise enough to know this stupidity of killing our own cells in our own body and at the same time confusing and risking our immunity system intelligence and damaging (auto-immuning) it. The more doses you are injected with these corona virocell-producing mRNA vaccines, the more your body parts would be destroyed, your immunity system and life risked - all just for the sake of experimentation and data collection, paying money for predatory pharma-industrial military complex and pharma-business as well as military genetic bio-weapon development.
The vaccine mRNA instructs the ribosome in the cell to create the spikes
proteins of the coronavirus (S-Proteins) which act as the antigens, and on
protruding out of the cell wall will trigger the
body’s immune system to produce neutralizing antibodies and kill this good
cell. The antigens
(S-protein) produced by the mRNA are biologically inert and found to be
quite harmless – only that it is a wolf-head with a sheep body ready
to be killed or devoured. After translation, the mRNA becomes unstable and disintegrates sooner into “harmless” non-messaging protein nucleotides for which they can re-enter the cell nucleus. The instability of mRNA is why public health experts have been concerned about its storage and logistic temperature, and whether there are nano-pollutants that could easily disturb the stability.
The mRNA vaccine developed and collected are
unstable and has to be stored in hostile conditions such as the disorder energy
caused by heat.
The Pfizer-BioNTech SARS-CoV-2 virus mRNA
vaccines must be stored at the temperature of -70°C. The Moderna and
the AstraZeneca replication competent viral vector vaccines remain stable in
under freezer of -20°C for up to six months, under refrigeration (2-8°C) for
up to 30 days and at room temperature for up to 12 hours. The Sinovac
Biotech live attenuated (weakened live) or deactivated SARS-CoV-2 virus
vaccines are more easily developed on a large scale, collected and stored at
room temperature. Higher temperatures, solar radiation, ultraviolet light and used of certain chemicals such as formalin, formaldehyde, ivermectin, etc. can deactivate coronaviruses and destabilize vaccines especially the mRNA. How many mRNA strands are there in a single dose of the CoViD-19 vaccine such as in BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine? The amount of mRNA per dose has been reported as containing 30 micrograms of mRNA strands. So the number of mRNA strands according to calculation is 11.8 x 10^12 or 11.8 trillion mRNA strand. Each mRNA strand has the potential to produce 1 spike protein (S-protein) and also 1 spike protein has 1,273 amino acids. Assuming after storage damage and other factors only 50% of these mRNA strands have been translated into S-proteins, we have 5.9 x 10^12 or 5.9 trillion S-proteins found mostly inside the cells with some freed from the cells. From this you can visualized how many of these 'wolf-head sheep' cells might have to be killed by the lymphocytes if not the leucocytes in our body and how much of the freed lone and outside-of-the-cell S-protein antigen-antibody agglutination into blood clots might happen for just 1 dose of mRNA BioNTech/Pfizer vaccination. The more doses you take, the more the risk, and yet you also need to balance the pros and cons of having infected with CoViD-19 if not vaccinated.
Proof of
Vaccine Safety
To learn more, you can find out from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, MD at The SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes the COVID-19 pandemic and it is a RNA virus with long genome (27-31kb). Although the mRNA vaccines injected into the muscles of the body to demand the cells there to produce S-proteins by the millions in the muscle tissue, the continuous circulation of the fluids in the living body will transport all these millions of mRNA and S-proteins to every parts of the body in a matter of days from cell level (do), to tissue level (re), to organ level (mi), to anatomical system level (fa), to physiological level (so), to psychophysical level (la) and finally to the psycho-physical body level (ti) increasing the dimension of fatal comorbidities (the look-like not caused by the virus or the vaccines phenomenon). The S-protein antigens in the cytoplasm of normal cells (sheep) that have transformed into ‘wolf-head sheep’ is always inside with protrusion outside and not outside the cells - therefore S-protein "infected" cells become 'wolf-head sheep' for a fairly long period of time in wait for detection by the immune system to produce the antibodies to destroy the S-protein antigen directly if outside the cells but unfortunately the S-protein is inside the cells themselves and in their S-protein protrusion out of the cell membrane will soon be capped by the antibodies in order to make them recognizable and tasty for the T-cells and the B-cells (lymphocytes and leukocytes) to destroy or eat them. Both antibodies and lymphocytes/leucocytes have to work hand in hand in search for the lone unattached S-proteins (for which the potential antigen-antibody binding often leads to blood clots) and cell-attached S-proteins or ‘wolf-head sheep’ cells to recognize and destroy them before the messenger RNA and the S-Protein inside the cells naturally degraded and the 'wolf-head sheep' cells to return to normal cells again after successfully removing the toxin of S-protein without the help of antibodies or otherwise, if this ever happen. There is also a long-term hunting battle if vaccination doses are continued doses after doses, somewhat a long-term searching for the real coronavirus and the fake coronavirus all over the body of man – this time the battle ground is everywhere in the body of man and not just in his respiratory system alone. Although the mRNA have self-disintegrated into nucleotides or even otherwise, the spike proteins that have being called forth in the normal cells have not and might still be hidden in the cells of the essential organs such as the ovaries, the bone marrow, the brains, the lungs, the kidneys, the blood, and the lymph and all the other systems. If you search for them (S-protein antigens) within the 'wolf-head sheep' at any places in the body, you might find them but if you did not search for them they need not have to be not there! The unfortunate fertilized eggs in the ovary, the stem cells in the bone marrow and others might be misidentified for destruction by the body itself for the battle ground for the organelle, the virus or the cells is truly vast in the universe of the human body. The S-protein antigens, the degraded mRNA nucleotides and the remaining mRNA will further add to confusion in identification between a fake coronavirus and a real coronavirus. An important good guy might be mistaken for the bad guy and get destroyed. Capitalistic-essenced and neoliberalistic-essenced counter-revolutionaries of color revolutions might be mistaken for as socialistic-essenced revolutionaries of the proletarian revolutions! This spike protein enabler or mRNA are not necessary the good guys as they are also the deceptive messengers and instructors for ribosomes to do something of a false alarm and to mislead the immune system of our body into believing the shepherd’s cry, ‘Wolf, wolf, wolf!’ but not forever. The mRNA vaccine creates wolf-head sheep and its mutants in the S-proteins, nay more, the coronavirus itself mutates into coronavirus mutants, the real wolf variants have already computer simulated in the virus lab long since - Alpha, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Ksi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega, etc. Note that the variants are essentially of the spike protein, either created through the instruction by the messenger RNA to our own cells or created through slow natural evolution of the original coronavirus itself. The starter is the transcript messenger RNA and the translated result is the spike proteins, and the place where mutation and variants are studied, whether from the coronavirus due to nature or from our wolf-head cell due to the mRNA vaccine - there are 2 sources of mutation here!
Mutation and variants here are on the spike proteins (or the corona or crown of a virus and including the “crown” on our normal cells due to mRNA translation in the cytoplasm). Viruses, whether DNA viruses or RNA virus themselves evolve or octavize according to Baltimore virus classification principles. Both wolf-head sheep cells or mRNA vaccine-caused vaccells (vaccine-cells) and infected virus-caused virocells (virus-cells) and their variants cause normal protein to misfold into abnormal three-dimensional structure collapsing nearby protein molecules into similar shape. These misfolded proteins (prions) are proteinaceous infectious particles that cause microscopic “holes” that characterize a “sponge-like” architecture in prion-affected tissues in the brain and other neural tissue cause transmissible spongiform encephalopaththies (TSEs). TSEs diseases include scrapie in sheep, chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle or “mad cow disease” and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans – all of which have no known effective treatment. CJD and its variants vCJD, GSS (Gertmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome), FFI (fatal familial insomnia), kuru and Parkinson’s disease are prion-related and prion-like diseases in humans. Unlike other bacteria and viruses which
enter the human body through the 1st being-food, now this
coronavirus comes into the human biocosmic enneagrammic body as the 2nd
being-food while in-taking air, reaches the lungs and attacks, spreading
toxins everywhere in the blood stream and also to the three-brains and its
nervous system leading to possible Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in
Microscopic “holes” and sponge-like architecture of brain tissue due to prion diseases
The spike proteins (S-proteins) in the bone marrow that bring forth the many white cell armies to the region could possibly lead people to developing leukemia which can take up to 9 years before it surfaces. So it can be unsafe for the pregnant women to get these mRNA vaccines as the S-Protein antigens would also called forth the same white army to the ovarian battle ground to destroyed S-protein producing non-infected 'wolf-head sheep' cells. It can also lead to a reactivation of latent viruses such as shingles in this biocosmic confusion to bring forth a health disaster.
Now, the proteins in our body (each atoms and molecules) have psychic
intelligence in the form of H6, H12, H24, H48, H96, H384, H192 and H768 (Ouspenskian
H indices of psychic elements or cosmic properties) and could misdirect in different
noetic ways through the cosmic consciousness and bio consciousness (Bio-C)
in the quantum octaves and the social stopinderation of the cells into
tissues, organs and systems ....... besides the observed physical mechanical
bonding chemical ways, and the
coronavirus or even the independentized RNA nucleotides and the mRNA too have
intelligence for which we might not know exactly using our current
scientific or phenomenal methodologies. Didn't you notice that of all the vaccines that humanity has encountered in history only this coronavirus and its mRNA vaccines have caused such a socio-economic, political-legal, socio-cultural, social media and even military aberrations between the 2 sociocosmic essences of capitalism and socialism for our FA-SO-LA-TI historical periods and only peculiar to this period and not other periods? And did you ever suspect something amiss, ever questioned for something that never seems to happen in human history over vaccines and this special virus, and especially this type of high-valued virus? Firstly, this virus both of natural origin as well as synthetic technocosmic natural is of high-value military grade-able bio-nucleic substances. Secondly, it is lung epithelium targeted through our consumption of the 2nd being food (air) a repeat breathe-in and breathe-out of a few seconds. Thirdly, messenger RNA or mRNA vaccine (color revolution messenger office boy) asks your cells to wiseacre and produce 'wolfhead-sheep' to alert your lymphocytes and the leucocytes (armies) to kill your own 'infected' cells (successfully noetic-washed wolfhead sheep cells or virocells) and at the same time produce antibodies in ever greater amounts from dose to dose, endlessly - thus a high-value opportune commodity for capitalistic business or pharma corporates' continuous wealth accumulation with these gene-ocides of the human enneagram like the past sociogene-ocides and wipeouts of the indigenous natives in the known history of the Anglo-saxon (western) civilizational enneagram. Fourthly, it soon becomes the nationates' soft-power vaccine bioweapon and bio-savior yin-yang elements paradox suitable for the reciprocally destruction and healing process globally and across country borders. So this mRNA is a unique vaccine after all and a good candidate of a new kind of biopsychosociocosmic vaccine-dependency like all others alcohol, cigarettes, opium, panadol, drugs, etcetera - an unbecoming history of pressured-sociocosmic perturbation yet not entirely unprecedented for it is a vaccine in quotation mark of our hungry capitalistic pharma corporates having similar predatory and manipulative philosophy of 'divide-and-rule' to perturb the the world-of-cells in man's body, to perturb various human communities in the body of the Great Sociotechocosmic Being through social determinants of disparities and comorbidities, to the death of many 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the MI-FA Interval and heavy causalities to the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders in the TI-DO Interval. The proof of vaccine safety will be known only through many years of testing, perhaps decades to discover the truth of its genuine safety! But the ultimate herd immunity by nature will still happen, and you need to thank great nature more than you thank the technocosmic vaccination but vaccination still should receive a thank anyway for the real scientific essence it has alongside the much perturbed, drummed and magnified role with ulterior predatory motives of capitalism it has been coated with.
To kill the wolf, the sheep is also killed But soon our immune system discovered that this 'wolf-head' is harmless and so has learnt to accept it. But what happens if it encounters another "wolf-head" without knowing that this time it is a real coronavirus? The mRNA method is born
Getting into the World of Proteins A protein being, so to say, is the 2nd level of development of the octave of the microcosmos. There are 3 primary stopinders or gravity-centers of vibration along the microocosmic octave. The 1st primary microcosmic stopinder is the atom(s), the 2nd stopinder is the molecule and the 3rd is the compound stopinder. The protein atoms are limited only to a certain type of atoms, namely, Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O) and Phosphate (P) and others such as sulfur (S), etc. They combined into many linked molecular groups known as the amino acids, grouped only in a specific manner and structured physically into 4 levels of qualitative differences through quantitative increments, namely, 1. The primary level, 2. The secondary level, 3. The tertiary level and 4. The quaternary level. 'C-H-N-O-P' together with nitrogen (N) as its base, they stopinderate along the fundamental natural genetic octave for which the 1st lateral DNA octave and the 2nd lateral RNA octave are generated from their MI-FA and TI-DO Intervals respectively. All these present in the organic beings, including the DNA and RNA viruses dwelling at the MI-FA Interval at the (our) Ray of Creation. The world of proteins consist of polymers made up
of nitrogen-containing monomers called amino acids. An amino acid is
a molecule composed of an amino group and a carboxyl group, together with a
variable side chain. Just 20 different amino acids contribute to nearly all
of the thousands of different proteins important in human anatomy and
physiology. The world of plantae and animalian proteins contain a unique
combination of a few dozen to a few hundred of these 20 amino acid monomers. All 20 of these amino acids share a similar structure. All consist of a
central carbon atom ( carbon) to which the following are bonded: · a hydrogen atom
1. The Chemical Nature of Protein Chemical structure of the DNA oligonucleotide dAGCT (left)
and the RNA oligonucleotide AGCU (right)
Under physiological conditions, the phosphate oxygen atoms are
deprotonated Chemical formulae of the standard bases in DNA
and RNA oligonucleotides
This means that there is a harmony octave of five (5) functional fundamental harmony 'notes' of the genetic code harmony octave (an idea from the findings according to the Chinese musical octave of 5 harmonious notes - DO, RE, MI, SO and LA), namely: The Fundamental Natural Genetic Octave DO-Adenine (A) - 5 Nitrogen atoms (N5) RE-Guanine (G) - 5 Nitrogen atoms (N5) MI-Cytosine (C) - 3 Nitrogen atoms (N3) and 2 nitrogen atoms missing MI-FA Interval (DNA) in association with the missing FA of 2 nitrogen atoms SO-Thymine (T) - 2 Nitrogen atoms (N2) to restore and maintain 5 in total of 15 required to balance harmonious vibration and to complete a harmony DNA gene LA-Uracil (U) - 2 Nitrogen atoms (N2) to restore and maintain 5 in total of 15 required to balance harmonious vibration and to complete the other harmony RNA gene companion TI-DO Interval (RNA) in association with the missing TI of 2 nitrogen atoms
So, the full fundamental natural genetic code octave with the 5 fundamental harmony units (harmony notes) begets two harmonious genes - DNA and RNA, and in accordance to the law of three, there should be a third. This would be natural aberrations coming from the two MI-FA Interval and the TI-DO Interval and their respective 'FA' and 'TI' notes or nature's own intervention to inputting of changes and mutation and/or human synthetic genetic engineering inputs to make changes.
Chemical formulae of the DNA oligonucleotide
dAGCT and the RNA oligonucleotide AGCU
Human Intervention and Human Engineering:
Modified purine nucleobases These are examples of modified adenosine or guanosine
Modified pyrimidine nucleobases These are examples of modified cytosine, thymine or uridine
DNA structure
The Dimensionalities of Nano Protein
But this dimension can also be viewed from a dialectical and octave
perspective instead of just viewing it from a formal logical approach
without motion or movements and also functions in evolution.
This is approached thus: The microcosmic atom(s) is a no-dimensional monad
or a point in the microcosmic scale in constant motion. It did not start its motion
today or yesterday but has been in motion long since. As it moves and
bonds with the other microcosmic protein atoms – hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen
and phosphate (and others such as sulfur, etc.) it becomes a one-dimensional
chain or line or a primary structure of different types; as the chain(s)
moves and bonds with other protein chains it becomes a two-dimensional sheet
or surface or a secondary structure of similar and different types (alpha
helix or beta pleated sheet); as this sheet(s) moves and bonds with other
sheet or surface or secondary structure of similar and different types
in a planar manner it becomes a bigger two-dimensional surface network
or a tertiary structure; and as the surface network moves and bonds with
other surface networks it becomes a three-dimensional solid or body or a
quaternary structure. Beyond that this dimension will be a time-based dimension and is of
psychic and cosmic properties with possible intelligence within for the
motion of this solid body of protein beside its motion in space as
expressed. 3. The Cells Then the organelles of a human cell whose origin is from the mitotic zygote (a typical non-independent eukaroytic cell) shown in the diagram certainly with functions are formed and perfected which further grow and integrate in specific manner to form a perfect cell. The Eukaryotic Animalia cell is considered as having anatomical
gravity-centers or organelle with physiological functions Now, what about psychic gravity-centers or minds within and behind the anatomy and its psychological functions? They are in the fourth dimension is the time dimension of these nano protein molecules. 4. The Organocosmic Octave of the higher plantae and animalia The cell is the 1st primary stopinder of the organocosmos and from the cells emerged the 2nd primary tissue stopinder which later from the tissues emerged the 3rd primary organ stopinder of the organocosmic octave.
A Fundamental (Internal) Biocosmic Octave
or An Organocosmic Octave of the higher Plantae and the Animalias
Do: Cell
(Fertilized egg or pollinated seed in mitosis)
2. Re: Tissue
Ti-Do Interval
For details on the anatomical systems of human
being, refer to: 7 Nay More of Other Biocosmic Dominances and Harmful Pandemics
1. The current coronavirus variants
By now the inner octaves of this SAR-CoV-2 variants due to virocosmic aberration have reached a staggering 12,700 and more in a short period of about 1 year. The duplicating error is common with this RNA virus as it enters the nucleus of a human cell to be replicated into the same virus or the mutated variants which are expelled from the cells. Some of these variant groups such as B.1.1.7 (UK), B.1.351 (South Africa), P.1 (Brazil), D614G (India/China), Cluster 5 (Mink from Denmark/Spain/US), E484K (South Africa/Indonesia) and etcetera are more binding to the cell wall and therefore more dangerous. There are at least 7 billion human beings in the world and the trillion trillion cells of unexplored nature would witness a large number of possible variants. Natural immunization and vaccination to achieve herd immunization: The purpose of the existence of the human being
like all the other natural organic material beings is to keep itself intact
as a living entity and survive, while at the same time achieving herd
immunity to also keep the herd intact as man himself is a herd and social
animal. When harmful viruses (or bacteria) attack the cells in the
body, the T-cells will come in large number to counter the attacks and
neutralizes the antigens (or toxin of the bacteria) of the viruses with
their antibodies until the body is immune to them. The long struggle
for survival as a whole is a natural immunization and the body must fight
for survival together with the technocosmic assistance of vaccines and the technique for vaccination. The inner
octaves of
the body is created to be maintained, replicated, repaired and replaced, and
reproduces in an orderly, harmonious and balance manner into posterity.
The coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 has recently (2019) become a lau being to awake our consciousness because it has chosen a liking for a new host in the dependent eukaryotic cell of the human body, that is you and me. This negative-energized CoVID-19 virus becomes a biocosmic dominance and hydrogens of religion which might have accumulated in your body in abundance would easily make it your feared god to be prayed as you would pray for the dreadful negative-energized Cobra god, the fearful mercy-energized Christian Cross of the Roman Empire, savior-energized Elephant god, the almighty celestial-energized Moon-Star god of Islam, etc. The military-industrial complex as a stable gravity-center of sociotechnocosmic vibration has a sociocosmic inborn unquenchable hunger and thirst, always following to the closest every fine twist and turn of such a "useful" coronavirus in terms of invisible warfare and wealth accumulation through the use of the paired human-virus vaccine dependency strategy - somewhat like human-psychedelic drug dependency, the minor human-tobacco dependency, even more minor human-alcohol dependency or just human-coffee dependency and so on - all linked to the money-making opportunists' and Hasnamusses' peculiar psychology of capitalism. So you need to study the appropriation of the Intellectual Property (IP) of near hundreds of pseudo “novel-like” patents to the ownership of the private three-centered hungry corporates at the MI-FA Interval, where the house of the predatory capitalists breed during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. The private ownership of the means of production of vaccine and synthetic SAR-CoV-2 should not be allowed but should be public and under the control of the real not-for-profit socialist beings at the TI-DO Interval. Having made this mistake on IP appropriation gained through corruption as is always common to capitalistic, colonialistic, imperialistic and hegemonistic culture of money-making, a huge pandemic becomes a plaything of the private corporates and many innocent lives have been risked – is becoming crime-against-humanity - virus pandemic hand-in-hand with vaccine in quotation mark pandemic. These law-of-three obedient corporate beings of predatory capitalistic profit-inclined (negative type) and occasional non-predatory socialistic and non-profit-inclined (positive type), and in ambiguous (both positive and negative type in one) essenced called Pfizer, Moderna and a few others have wiseacred intelligently on viruses and cell modification through their virus-enhancement genetic instructional or messenger RNA (half-DNA) of spike protein or spike poison variants in good faith but naive and unaware of a possible dual purpose of bioweapon and/or bio-friendly vaccine research technologies inherency, now still in test and in massive data collection world wide, where messenger RNA vaccine becomes the gravity-center (or ruler) of long hegemonistic, habitual and abnormal 'Divide-and-Rule' Philosophy Trap and the Cell Deception Strategy peculiar to the intrinsic inner psychology of a polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, this time over not just the competing nations but on the innocent good normal and obedient cells of our body especially starting from the cell walls of our inner blood vessels and later everywhere in the body octaves from cells (do), tissues (re), organs (mi), anatomy systems (fa), physiological systems (so), psychological systems (la) and the psychophysical body (ti) to the final human being as a whole depending on how much or how many doses of messenger or instructional RNA we have been injected to produce spike proteins in-mistake and in-error risks leading to variants and ultimate confusion of our white blood cells of our immune system to search everywhere in our body, to identify and kill or destroy or eat our own messengered 'made-to-be-freak' cells that wear spike protein and their mutated variants on their membrane (exterior) together with the real natural virus variants (natural real wolves) and the human-made mRNA generator of spike protein variants of our cells (instructional wolf-head sheep), a high valued genetic technology of science and of great interest to the military-industrial complex that might be around. The more doses of vaccines the more to kill and to kill our own cells until we finally died of actual coronavirus or often in association to comorbidities in medical records. With more and more money-making doses the search-to-kill goes on through months and years with aplenty white blood cells accumulated in our body leading us to mysteriously die of leukemia. The lipid nano particles of spike protein
vaccines and spike-protein-induced mRNAs developed from techno-engineering on
the original SAR and SAR-CoV-2 genome sequencing and hand-in-hand mutually vaccine-virus computer
simulation and pre-programed as a bioweapon-in-action for making a lot of
money, attract investment, media manipulation, killing people for
depopulating “enemies” and also enable the release of the cosmic substance
called the sacred askokin to the rejuvenation of our moon and our planetary
neighbors. As the wise grandson says about these three-brained Hasnamussian beings for which scientists and technologists are converted into their modern slaves: After wiseacring the nuclear bombs, the virus bombs and the current vaccine-disguised genetic mRNA experimented future mRNA micro-bombs would come naturally and inborn as their next hasnamussian venture and mis-adventure! As nuclear bomb so is biogenetic bomb! As nature so is synthetic! As natural disaster so is industrial accident! All the highly esteemed results of scientific, industrial, biological and social revolutions within Organic Life are limited by the hydrogens of the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, and overconfident scientists cannot fully control the three bombs - the nuclear bombs from wiseacring the materials of the cosmic world, the virus bombs from the wiseacring of the ancient protein-life virus and the genetic mRNA micro-bombs from our application of science and technology certainly limited by the hydrogens of science allowed to the being of man at whatever levels within this MI-FA Interval.
Fort Detrick in Maryland, USA, a 13,000 acre US Military Bioweapon Grade Farm built 1931 has a long history for the medical research and development of viruses such as Spanish Flu virus (A/H1N1), Swine Flu virus (H1N1), Japanese Encephalitis virus (JE), Nipah virus (NIV), Ebola virus (EVD), Smallpox Variola virus (VARV), Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and its Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Middle East Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome virus (SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2), all other types of RNA and DNA viruses and all kinds of candidate bioweapon grade germs such as Bacillus anthracis, Brucella, Francisella Tularensis, Clostridium Botulinum, Yersinia Pestis, Leptospira, Pasteurella Multocida, Borrelia Burgdorferi, Coxiella Burnetii, Rickettsia, etc. It works in association with the vaccine production Pharma corporations in USA. It was abruptly shut down following a ‘cease and desist order’ by the Us Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in August 2019 following serious safety violations in particular related to the disposal of dangerous materials. However, this novel coronavirus virus came originally from an ongoing and octaving H1N1 coronavirus or Spanish Flu whose origin was traced to the USA which was an aggressive harmful pandemic lau being once in the 1918. Later it mutated into SARS, MERS, and etcetera with more variants, both in nature and in the good scientists labs and virioculture farms for harvesting their de-activated viruses or for extraction of their mRNAs or of making the synthetic mRNAs as well as in the bad military-indusrial complex labs for the production of biogenetic-virus variant weapons to destroy socialism at the TI-DO Interval of our great sociocosmic octave by capitalism of the MI-FA Interval of this same great sociocosmic octave, and enabling hegemony of the few powerful nation-stopinder beings to live longer. They have been mutating non-stop in the coronavirus octave many decades ago before they become a-consciousness, a-thinking and a-politicking. Any one type of these biological beings can turn progressively from epidemic, to endemic and then to pandemic to become the current aggressive pandemic lau being of the biocosmic octave. Those who have the
technology to produce mRNA vaccines have the technology to produce RNA virus
which is the SARS-CoV-2 and their variants. Hurray! A
genetic-based vaccine-in-quotation-mark has been successfully created in the
sociocosmic womb of the military-pharmaceutical-industrial complex, and now
becomes famous. Ah! Just like the nuclear bomb which wiseacred on the
nucleus content of the Uranium through an enrichment process to create the
military grade nuclear bomb that explodes in fission chain, so here a new
smart mRNA vaccine “bomb” is created through the successful wiseacring on
the nucleic acid content of the human protein-cell creating the “vaccine”
during the process of transcription and imploding them through translation
chain of the mRNAs in the human body, a pioneer genetic bomb technology is
born, and now has become famous too after the earlier nuclear bomb invention
that can and has once wreak havoc to all materials its tens of kilometers
surrounding through its hyper-powerful strong as well as weak quantum force
field. However, this new type of gene-based “nuclear bomb” works in
different modus operandi;
it does not explode and produces mega-energy that can be calculated by and
Einstein's E=mc2
equation but rather imploded evolutionary, mutatively, smartly,
intelligently, quietly and “naughtily” destroying the human biocosmic octave
from starting from the cell level (Do), to the tissue level (RE), to the
organ level (MI), to the anatomical-physiological levels (FA & SO), to the
psychological-physical levels (La & Ti) and finally to the death of the
human body including the genetic transmission into the posterity of this
human species through these still-in-test gene-based vaccine “bombs” which
have already “exploded” and still exploding-in-chain from 2019 onwards. The
data of this elusive mutative implosion world-wide is still actively
collected for the devastating results by the innocent, naďve and curious
scientists, under the predatory watchful capitalistic-essenced eyes of the
capitalists at the MI-FA Interval of the sociocosmic octave and the
capitalistic-essenced cane of the power-possessing military beings of the
TI-DO Interval of the same octave – still existing-at-large in this
unfortunate and much accursed ‘laujinggong/dongjinggong’ mode of production
classed-based FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. A false over-confidence of our Hasnamussian power-possessing beings over these modest seekers of the truth scientists regarding the understanding of these very ancient billion-years virus beings existing at the borderline between the living cells and the non-living proteins. In the same tempo of inner excitement, the bioweapon developers of the military-industrial complex, the power-possessing beings then took some off these newly developed invisible bioweapon virus through the human body itself as carrier of these "infected" three-brained beings to enemy-targeted places where their enemies-of-invention sociocosmic three-brained beings exist in large numbers with very high sociocosmic concentration, that is, those big zarooaries in some nation-sociocosmic stopinders such as Iran and China, and as usual their habitual careless leaks of these invisibles from the source-carrying "infected" three-brained beings have also "infected" other unintended friendly beings as well in other nation-stopinders - certainly all along the journey to natural doomsday. Regarding this invisible mission, after all like a hide-and-seek child play in manners that look like natural pandemics and indeed what is wrong with neither natural nor unnatural for the Hasnamussian souls that derive happiness from the misery of others and fun from politicking over this political virus where there is a full of confidence Hi-Tech mRNA vaccine(s) already patented during the 1st outbreak from source and before the 2nd subsequent out break in China. No wonder, the predatory exploitative corporate wealth accumulators to make more money out of these IP patents seem to gain full media promotion overshadowing the voice of truth by the honest scientists. As the fire of this coronavirus pandemic spread globally even to the source of its arising, the Fall of Capitalism instead of the Fall of Socialism takes place. This creative over-confident scientific wiseacring on viruses, our three-brained hethormen human cells and experimental vaccines that also creates new mutated viruses and virocells within the biocosmic ecosystem of the hethormen human being and his sociotechnocosmos has led to this MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation's auto-induced "accidents" with terrible negative consequences to the natural and harmonious tri-octave development within the system of this great biosociotechnocosmos, namely, the mega deaths and reduction of the population within a short specified period of time. Another earlier similar creative over-confident scientific wiseacring was done to the nucleus of the atoms Uranium, Plutonium and other transition elements of the mi-fa interval of the fundamental octave of elements to create atomic, nuclear and thermonuclear bombs and tested a few thousand times, two of which, the Little Boy and the Fat Man, were also tested on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 ending World War II and killing more than 300,000 thousands Japanese three-brained hethormen human beings instantly in the geo-nation stopinder bearing the name Japan. In this World War II, biological viruses such as Bunyaviridae, Ebolavirus, Japanese encephalitis Flaviviridae, Machupo virus, Coronaviruses, Marburg virus, Variola virus, etcetera were also used. This happened during the monopoly capitalists' imperialist wars of hegemony in 'seeking-for-global-TI-laujinggong-hegemony' peculiar genosociocosmically coded to this predatory and exploitative FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. Note that during World War I, chemical weapons such as Chlorine, Phosgene, Chlorarsine and mustard gas, and bacterial weapons such as anthrax, were also similarly tested and used on enemies in the geo-continents Europe, Africa, Asia, Middle East, Pacific Islands in 1914. However, this MI-FA Interval wars of reciprocal destruction of hethormen beings and two- and three-centered fundamental, 1st lateral and 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders are mostly from near Absolute Below Abyss negative-induced cosmic influenced wars of reciprocal destruction for sacred askokin extraction and distribution to other planetary and lunar gravity-center concentrations, the work of some lower messenger psyche hydrogen beings – H768, H1536 or H3072 from the planetary and lunar cosmic rascal thieves dwelling near the Absolute Below Abyss. In contradistinction to another 'rising-of-psyche-hydrogens' during natural death of those three-brained hethormen human beings who have already completed the work of 'conscious labor' and 'intentional suffering' and now during their death have received "instruction" or "decree" sent through some higher celestial messenger beings or higher messenger-able psyche hydrogen beings - H1, H3, H6 by the Will of the Absolute Above dwelling at the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation to allow them to leave the MI-FA Interval and have a place in the Solar System for higher "being-duties". (Psyche hydrogens or cosmic H-values according to the 2nd Step Down Ray of Creation) While the normal biocosmic enneagram of this three-brained hethormen human being eats H48, H192 and H768 as their 3 being-foods to keep him living, his production-distribution sociotechnocosmic enneagram has a particular and peculiar love for lower being-foods H768, H1536 and H3072 in his list of necessary and vital 'wants' mysteriously implanted in him by the neighboring planets and our moon and somewhat giving them pleasure, happiness and satisfaction in his biosociocosmic psyche. Money/digital electronic money is H768 the essence-lau of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism has acquired and become the god and the gravity-center of finance capital, property capital and land capital. Capitalistic management and administration is H1536 the essence-jing has become the ministers of capitalism and finally, capitalistic army is H3072 the essence-gong has also become the modern slave soldiers of this same FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. The three-brained hethormen human beings for this period full of H768, H1536 and H3072 are already candidates of MI-FA Interval wars for releasing this sacred askokin en masse to return the implanted/borrowed psyche hydrogens to their respective places in the Ray of Creation during the rascooarnoian war happenings and the planetary neighbors and the moon prefer stealing some if there is a chance of the higher psyche hydrogens H384, H192 and H96 from plants and animals including Man. No. 1, 2 & 3 only partially successful; H48, H24, H12 of Man No. 4, 5 & 6 and the highest H6 from Man No. 7 totally unsuccessful as their psyche fineness have them all ascended as ordained by the Absolute above at the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation. Wuhan City in China, the size of 80 Paris, one of the biggest metropolitan cities on earth directly related to the Fall of the China's Monarchy before became a suitable "test" ground by external forces in a coronavirus outbreak in December 2019 identified as the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and to be named as the "Wuhan Virus," by politicking of certain power-possessing Hasnamussian beings. Of course, this city is unlikely to be the source and cause to deliberately trigger its own similar Fall of China’s Socialism when its success is a miracle for which the citizens have fully enjoyed over the decades - it is illogical for this to be the cause when it is the effect of another cause. Besides previous origin elsewhere denials for this virus weapon (2019) whether technocosmically or otherwise, a possible continuation of hybrid wars in another subtle form or naturally in the form of natural pandemic in the world of the human biocosmic octave and later as it enters the sociocosmic octave globally leads to a peculiar social phenomenon existing in the form of human mask-dependency, human-distancing dependency, human-MCO (Movement Control Order) dependency, human-SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) dependency where the Hasnamussians of the highest fourth type conduct profitable businesses. However, instead of the Great Fall of Socialism intended, the Great Fall of Capitalism happened with heavy casualties and many deaths of business organizations of the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval the original home of capitalistic essences of all kinds, and their controlled state and nation stopinders above at the pseudo-“SO-LA” Interval also belonging to capitalism in quotation mark but not of that at the TI-DO Interval. The death of many business organizations releases many unemployed proletarians including proletarianized bosses! Nay more, with the activation of the technocosmic octave on this vaccine ingenious invention and the medical concept of herd immunity, the technocosmic intervention leads to another sociotechnocosmic phenomenon known as human-virus vaccine dependency. This leads to a much repeat vaccine business and the necessary superstructure politicking and vaccine nationalism peculiar only to the abnormally strong capital accumulation urge existing in three-brained beings during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. Thus we can observe how intimately connected are the 3 worlds of the virocosmic octave, the micro-macrobiocosmic octave and the socio-technocosmic octave. Just as Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the biggest industrial hub of Imperial Japan had once being "tested" with atomic-nuclear 2 bombs (1945) with data-collected for further analysis and development by these fourth level type of Hasnamussian beings of the Military-industrial complex of the US. The same goes for dioxin herbicide and Agent Orange, where plantae beings and certainly human three-brained beings in Vietnam were sprayed on a very large scale by those Hasnamussian-directed three-brained war beings from the US army during the Vietnam-US war (1961-1971). The excitement of discovery by the good scientists is soon abnormally hasnamussiated into testing on other sociocosmic stopinders! Within a short period of about 2 years, the coronavirus has killed a few millions of human lives and wiped out by the hundreds of thousands or more than half of the world's 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders (the small and medium-sized organizations) due to lockdowns and movement control orders. Next the vaccine weapon itself becomes real messenger commander for normal cells to transform into 'wolf-head sheep' cells to be destroyed and devoured by the body's own lymphocytes and leuococytes. The Great Plague caused by Yersinia pestis bacterium transmitted by the bite of human flea or louse resulting in more 100,000 deaths (in London alone) during this harmful pandemics in Europe in 1665 to 1666 and other plagues pandemics such as Black Death in Central Asia (1331) and pneumonic plague in 1750. Nay more, for the bigger beings, the dinosaurs of the reptilian octave had once roam mother Earth’s surface, turned into aggressive dominance as lau beings feeding frantically on other biological beings. They dominated the Jurassic Period. During the Holocene epoch which began 10,000 years ago till today, the Homo sapiens or modern man is the dominating species amongst all other species in the Organic Film but recently in 2019 this dominance is challenged by the coronavirus beings quite severely but not to the extent that it will be come real temporary dominance for human population reduction. So is our current aggressively human-sponsored machine-robot beings of the technocosmic octave now gradually, peacefully and obediently sponsored by ourselves truly by the millions for the future “pandemic” scenario when they have “mutated” their cyberin or subatomic divine particles and acquired their fourth body artificial intelligence and spirituality, that is, their spirituality and independence which in turn might one day become hostile to us – initially using us to control us and finally they directly control us. Protein intelligence begets the cosmic (subatomic) intelligence will unite in opposition in accordance to the law of unity of opposites between man and his spiritual machine. Both protein intelligence and cosmic intelligence are natural intelligences that reciprocally feed on each other if not reciprocally negating each other. Instead of eating nutritional impressions we have
now eaten and continue to eat harmful wireless technocosmic radiation from
the capitalistic-essenced Electromagnetic Farm of extraction and procession of quanta or digital
bits (Qubits) for the production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE)
of all the 3rd padrigine III bodies' products (data, information, images,
videos, AI, GAI, internet, clouds, and all other virtual digital platforms
infrastructures, and their respective physical 2nd padrigine III bodies in
the 'World of Padrigines') of our the technocosmic padrigine III beings, that
will aberrate or upset our own microbiocosmic octave - its genes and their
morphic resonance of design and construct within an eukaryotic cell and its
mitosis, and the morphic resonance of further design and construct of the
sociocosmic trioctaving of these eukaryotic cells. These type of radiating impulses
attack the cosmic (subatomic) world of the biological beings and are
analogous to what the viruses do to the microbiological world. These
micro-protein-cooking wireless impulse-radiating harmful pandemic technocosmic beings called mobile phones, tablets, telecommunicating
platforms and stations, computers and other communicators’ pinging
harmful carcinogenic EMI impulse constantly are hidden unassuming “friends”
if not enemies of man. We are also experiencing a latent radiation
pandemic world wide without being alerted. Analogously, we need
“vaccines” for filtering the harmful “viruses” that might come into our
bodies targeting the brains, sperms, ova, in the form the 3rd
being-food or impression food. We need technocosmic filters to remove
such impulse-radiation (electromagnetic or ionic radiation) before feeding
with the ears or through the skin-in-contact. Why this study is important is partly due to a
possible potential coming genetic misdirection and ill-fatedness arising
from man’s own strange psyche of deep-fear, Hasnamussian and aggressive
tendencies amongst themselves in the pursuit of this knowledge and
technologies. Their continuous manipulation on these virocosmic nano-proteins
of the microbiological world is likely to bring about a mega-disaster to
mankind on a subtle scale, even more dangerous than the nuclear disasters.
The hasnamussian and hegemonistic influences from the
military-industrial complex of the sociotechnocosmic octave
are especially
intrinsic ultimate development of the harmful aggressive genetic and virus
weapons just as they have already done to the nuclear research on the
Uranium 235, one of the transition elements of the actinide octave of the 2nd
lateral octave of the elements (atoms).
This military-industrial complex is a peculiar sacred human askokin
sacrificial cosmic engineered gravity-center system for the fast,
large-scale extraction and release of this askokin through ‘death-by-wars’
to the neighboring lunar and planetary celestial bodies. Such a psychic tendency of man
is peculiar to our capitalistic sociocosmic beings whose origin is from the
MI-FA Interval, comes into irreconcilable conflicts among themselves at the
same MI-FA Interval and antagonistically with the socialist beings of the
TI-DO Interval of the sociocosmic octave during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical
Periods of Capitalism and Socialism – whose 1st lateral
sociocosmic stopinder beings are now on a decline for its sociocosmic