Volume 145       June 13, 2021



By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho

(An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 5, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The Canon of Discovery, The Search for Spiritual Certainty and a Glimpse of the Real World Views," December 1975 - April 1976, Chapter 6, Section B: "The Political Canon," pp. 272~392)

Votes fished for free can be skinned for sale in the vote-market!  The point is why did the fisherman go a-fishing?  The Socio-cultural (S) rituals of vote harvesting of political neoliberalism (P) has been successfully promoted in the market, and the economic (E) rituals of bitcoin mining of Financial capitalism has been mere tryouts.  One is a casino festival and the other a mere virtual mining game of luck.  Both costs have been hiking fast and high!  Both costs have been hiking fast and high!  The stock and securities market, the FOREX market, the vote market and others belong to the same capitalistic-essenced casino family!



(Revised on June 13, 2021)

"The democratization of the PDCE substructure is the higher democracy of real necessity than any existing democracy of the peripheral politics and economics partialities in the PESTLES+ superstructure fixates. It is the democracy of the whole that mankind should seek and practice."

"While procedural democracy can play political dice, capitalism which is based on PDCE principles cannot!"

"The LA-nation stopinder United States has its capitalistic-essenced LA-lau Presidents on a per 4 years rate of quantitative changes starting from April 30, 1789 through 2025, up to 45 real Do-stopinder Individual Presidents in its 47 Presidencies - all of which were mere quantitative changes of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  All these presidential LA-lau beings quantitative changes took place over a comparative short period of a mere 236 years measured on a historical sociocosmic octave scale. This period of the Republic or Gonghe is somewhat only of a period equivalent to one feudalistic-essenced LA-Di Emperor of a per lifespan rate of quantitative changes in a Huangcao (Imperial) China starting from 221 BC through 1917 AD and up to 25 official imperial dynasties to-date measured on a historical civilization octave scale.  China became a very short-life Republic or Gonghe after 1917 AD and finally became a Peoples' Republic or Renmin Gonghe in 1949 AD.  But the United States started as Republic after a successful revolution in overthrowing the capitalistic-essenced cum monarchic UK colonial power and has never undergone enough of any real long-term cooking process of a real civilization history.  It thus can only housed a cosmological/astrological NOO chance passerby passenger as her noomakhian Master 'I' on a shallow and lip-service basis such as from the One-God Christianic havatvernoni as a historically hurried incumbent Passenger for receiving cosmic blessing, forgiveness and pardon for all the capitalistic-imperialistic-fascistic misadventures and misdeeds of its NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage body of her infantile full of empire over-reaches "Anglo-American civilization,"  which is also taken in convenience from the more stable Anglo-Saxon (UK) civilization and some ancient European (Greek) civilization elements from civilizational beings dwelling in the continent Europe of World-Island Eurasia - once upon a time."


1   Here the political reference is MAINLY for the non-election-able historical economic mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) tetrad system known as the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism or the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism or the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism or the mi-capitalism, fa-colonialism, so-imperialism, la-fascism and ti-hegemonism of the 1st lateral antagonistic sociocosmic specie-stopinders at the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, and SOME civilizational, geopolitical/geosophical, cosmopolitical/cosmosophical reference.

The historical period of reference is between the 2 poles of a time-stopinder in the Gregorian calendar, that is, between 1533 AD of pole 1 to 2148 AD of pole 2.

LITTLE political narrative reference for the MI-Historical Period of Feudalism or the polar FA-SO-LA/TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism or the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism, LITTLE political reference for the SO-Historical Period of Socialism or the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and  Communism or the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, NONE for the LA-Historical Period of Communism or the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Communism and Datongism or the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism, NONE for the TI-Historical Period of Datongism or the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Datongism and SRobotism, and finally NONE for any other possible historical periods with pairing or without pairing of sub-historical periods caused by the presence of the MI-FA and the TI-DO Intervals of the great sociocosmic octave, and with or without sociocosmic aberration or quotation mark when paired – heralding nothing new yet but still in hope of the coming good for mankind.

The general approach in summary consists of cosmosophical-cosmological, pangeasophical-pangealogical, geosophical-geological, pangea histosophical-historical, sociocosmical-sociological, technosophical-technological, enneasophical-enneagramical, logico-psychophilosophical  and merge with the contemporarly structural, professional and the formatory apparatus peculiar to our mentation  acquired and learnt from the Anglo-saxon Western civilizational oskianoian education.

All sociocosmic stopinder beings or sociocosmic existences or 'DASEIN's, be they in the fundamental octave or in the lateral inner octaves at the MI-FA Interval and "SO-LA"/TI-DO Intervals with all the triadic classed or pyramidal stopinders are sociocosmic DASEIN beings for all three-brained hethormen human beings existing within the body of the Great Sociocosmic Being of a historical sociocosmic species.  This contemporary politics of governance of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is a mere partiality of the TI-DO Interval governance (3-leveled SO-LA-TI governance) and an existential DASEIN of low level political constitution of a 3-in-1 polity of reciprocal destruction consisting mainly of capitalist-neoliberalism (1st Political Theory), infantile-Socialism/Communism (2nd Political Theory) and state-Fascism/Nazism-race+ (3rd Political Theory) being-practices full of distortion, partiality and missing concepts of civilization and spirituality by itself, if scrutinized deeply through the lens of the DASEIN of Martin Heidegger, Julius Evola and the 4th Political Theory of Alexander Dugin where the negation of the 3-in-1 polity of the triad has all their positive essences extracted and integrated as the new triad (astrologically/astrosophically or cosmologically/ cosmosophically and geologically/geosophically influenced NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization inclusive) of this Fourth Way harmonious development of the inner man and Fourth Political Theory harmonious development of civilizational society or Earth civilization.  The current much obfuscated DASEIN of which is just this messed-up of neoliberalism politics, some color revolutions, LGBTQIA+, pseudo-neosocialism, shallow-havatvernonism and LA-nation stopindered capitalist-serving state fascism and capitalist-serving state with race+ Nazism mutually assured destructive engagement - all are passing-bys in the history of politics, and certainly not the end of history with a 1:99 Wall Street Pyramid resting eternally and robustly by itself (Francis Fukuyama).  They are likely to be fully rascooarnoed by 2148 AD within the dasein collective reality in the body of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism according to standard astrological calibration.

The noetic political ambition of the nationates and the economic ambition of the corporates, and their subsequent Westphalian carving of the world into colonies, states and nations in their own image, dream and dark noomakhia from its Anglo-Saxon (Western) civilization from 1648 AD onwards that left a legacy of the current boundaries and borders, designed and constructed of the PESTLES+ fixates and mode of PDCE typical of all the capitalistic and imperialistic-essenced Westphalian nations and states is still in chronic dispute and aberrating abnormally. Having also stopinderate one level higher to the recognition by a still-aberrating the (our) United Nations under the chronic cane of the wealthy and powerful capitalistic-essenced of a united-of-states hegemon of the lower sociocosmic stopinder, the real democratic functions is still held in dispute.  A geosophical and geopolitical consultancy to seek real practical solutions and interventions in removing, reforming and transforming the maleficence and ill-fated capitalization consequences of such dominating Westphalian empire and petty empire-infantile is much needed.

In the epoch when revolutionary end is formulated as a necessary historical law, when the end justifies every means to that end, no counter-revolutionary forces can genuinely overthrow the revolutionary forces.  In another epoch when peace, harmony and real freedom and other societal health factors prevail, both the revolutionary and the counter-revolutionary forces cease to be and the forces become smaller quantitative forces of change, and auto-hypnotizing many three-brained beings into a new state of sleep-wake – in wait to be awaken again.  In their sick and dying stage, the passengers fight amongst themselves and the coachmen, the coachmen fight amongst themselves and the horses, the horses fight amongst themselves and the carriages; the carriages break down, and a large number of the four-bodied laujinggong carriages of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism finally collapse in whole.

In the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism which has no pyramidal triads or shock absorbers and only diadic tougeng for the production-distribution-consumption-exchange moments there are no 'falling-apart-capitalistic-political-parties' concepts present in the wenming Governance with only primitive communalistic social contradictions of the biocosmic and sociocosmic stopinder beings of the time, and the governance is the MI-Primitive Family Governance (PFG) with Yang (father) and Yin (mother) and the sons and daughters as Jia (家) in a primitive commune at the MI-FA Interval and the wenming civilizational FA-Primitive Community Governance (PCG) with chieftains and "masterates" at the "SO-LA Interval" not linked to the TI-DO Interval which is just posited sociocosmic gravity-center vibration without gathering any objective coatings or material content as yet.  Vertical tribal civil wars vertically among the chieftains and “masterates” within a tribal enneagramic community and horizontal tribal wars amongst tribal communities are common.

In the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism which now has pyramidal zhuguannu triads or shock absorbers for the production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) moments there are no 'falling-apart-capitalistic-political-parties' concepts present in the wenming Governance with ancient slavistic social contradictions of the biocosmic and sociocosmic stopinder beings of the time, and the governance is the RE-Family Governance (FG) with Yang (father) and Yin (mother) and the sons and daughters as Jia (家) in a RE-Family of Governance and now with more conflicts in the FA-Organizational Slavery Governance (OSG) with masterates (lords of family-relates) at the MI-FA Interval and kingdates (also of family-relate kings and ruling class) at the "SO-LA Interval" and now internally linked to an upper internal stopinder proper (state organization) belonging to the TI-DO Interval of that historical period, and is now a posited sociocosmic gravity-center vibration actively gathering objective material coatings or material content of a wenming state organization or wenming Guojia (国家) still much filled with the sociocosmic vibrations and gravity-centers of extended family auras.

Reciprocal destruction wars among the continental civilizational states are common within World-Island at that time where these Ancient Slavery PDCE, Feudal Serf PDCE systems prevailed. However, in the capitalist Non-owning Employee system or in the FA-Historical Species of Capitalism and Socialism, these wars become the war of colonialization, imperialism, fascism, Nazism and Hegemonism where the sea powers of the Anglo-Atlantic civilizations now dwelling in the Outer Islands Crescent (Big, small and smallest) together with some subordinated and obedient European states in cahoots turn to aggressively feeding and enslaving the all the continental civilizations in World-Island and Latin America or the YAFEILA continents. From thence, emerges the Socialist Owning-Workers or cooperative system of the SO-Historical sociocosmic Species of Socialism.

Biogenetic weapon tryouts numerous times in the history of imperialistic, fascistic and hegemonic capitalism notably by the Anglo-Atlantic hegemon sociocosmic and civilization beings dwelling on the Outer Islands against the rebellious and disobedient majority sociocosmic and civilization beings dwelling on YAFEILA World-Island, but each tryout has ended up the intended endemic outcome into an unfortunately pandemic, killing both the perpetuators  and the intended victims.

In the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism which now has pyramidal dikongnong triads or shock absorbers for the production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) moments there are signs of emerging 'falling-apart-capitalistic-political-parties' concepts in the matured stage of this feudalism's species life history present in the wenming Governance with much and more intense social contradictions of the biocosmic and sociocosmic stopinder beings of the time, and the governance although still, the RE-Family Governance (FG) with Yang (father) and Yin (mother) and the sons and daughters as Jia (家) in a MI-Family of Governance and now with more conflicts in the FA-Organizational Feudal Governance (OFG) with feudates (landlords of royal family-relates) at the MI-FA Interval and dynastates (also of royal family-relate kings and imperial emperors, vassal kings and ruling class) at the "SO-LA Interval" and now internally linked to another upper internal stopinder proper (nation organization) belonging to the TI-DO Interval of that historical period, and is now a posited sociocosmic gravity-center vibration actively gathering more and more objective material coatings or material content of a wenming state and also nation organization-leveled or wenming Guojia (国家) still much filled with the sociocosmic vibrations and gravity-centers of extended royal family and even of vassal family-and-royal-linked state and nation, war relate auras.

In the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism which now has pyramidal laujinggong triads or shock absorbers for the production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) moments the 'falling-apart-capitalistic-political-parties' concepts and warring 'political part-ies' in the infantile stage of this capitalism's species life history present in the 'liberal-democratic cum mess-up' vote-based FA-Organizational Capitalistic Governance (OCG) solely amongst the SO-lau, the LA-lau and the TI-lau capitalist beings to serve the capitalist FA-lau beings themselves for which the people, the gong beings in general have hardly been served under such a vote-only election political business scheme, where its evermore expensive competitive select by capitalist appointment and promotion of "selected obedient representative candidates" to serve only themselves after the end of this peculiar maleficent One-Day Democracy - and always losing all the respect for NOT being able to become a quality whole-process democracy or a quality whole-process republic.

In an aberrating FA-SO-LA-TI laujinggong paradigm of such a partiality democracy or a partiality republic, it is absolutely useful especially for the all powerful money-and-power-possessing beings to maintain its hegemony  by keeping the subordinated modern slave-corporations (FA-gong corporations), the modern slave-states (SO-gong states), the modern slave-nations (LA-gong nations) and the modern slave-nation-blocs (TI-gong nation-blocs  such as the Global South countries or the YAFEILA countries) in perpetual fear, servility and political disharmonies of the ever-divisive conflicting interests of the political parties easy for the very rich minority Hegemons to hold their grip on these FA-SO-LA-TI gong beings through surgical implantation of obedient FA-lau, SO-lau and LA-lau beings for the fulfillment of the law of feeding, and the spell of democracy juggling to keep them always divided.

The process has witnessed the ever more deceptive and deep-rooted intense social contradictions of the biocosmic and sociocosmic stopinder beings of the time, together with the fast disintegrating MI-Family Governance (FG) with Yang (father) and Yin (mother) and the sons and daughters as Jia (家) in a FA-Household of Governance and the very intense conflicts in the FA-Organizational Capitalistic Governance (OCG) with corporates (capitalists of family-household-crony relates) at the MI-FA Interval and nationates (also of royal family-household and crony relate capitalists, presidents and ministers, colony rulers and the ruled colony and representative capitalists in quotation mark) at the "SO-LA Interval" which is also internally linked to an upper internal stopinder proper (nation-bloc organization) but to the TI-DO Interval of that historical period.  Finally, three SO, LA and TI sociocosmic gravity-centers vibration are positioned along the fundamental sociocosmic octave.  They gather more and more external material for building their content and coating and actively radiate as stable gravity-centers of sociocosmic vibration. The now declining neoliberal-pseudo-democratic cum mess-up abberrating wenming-like state, nation and nation-bloc organization-leveled or 'Humanity' renleijia (人类家) of this specie-capitalism still much filled with the PESTLES+ auras of their main and sub-gravity-centers of their extended capitalists, royal families and even of colony capitalist cronies, families and royal-linked state, nation, nation-alliance and including the deadly world-war relate noomakhian auras.  These intensive, expansive and extensive PESTLES+ and noomakhian auras floated aplenty in the world of Social Medias full of cosmic heroes descending from the Universe above and descended to Earth to help the Hegemons solely to break up, rule by-division and destroy, but essentially to permanently enslave every other sociocosmic stopinders EXCEPT the minority 1-5% capitalistic-imperialistic-essenced Hegemons themselves.

And the wise grandson said, “The wars between the 99% and the 1% begin first in the wars within the 99% and might not even begin after the wars are over!”

The 1688 AD treaty of Westphalian is the Anglo-saxon (Western) civilization's awareness of the existence and presence of the manifestation of the SO-sociocosmic stopinder and LA-sociocomic stopinder of the sociocosmic octave for the two independent words under the name of the 'state' and the 'nation'  both of westphalia origin were respectively coated to gravity-center 'SO' and gravity-center 'LA', the continent of their arising was Europe which is a Eurasian World-Island.  Its rising was when the Anglo-Saxon (western) civilization has bred a large number reciprocally warring capitalistic-imperialistic-essenced lalaujinggong carriages of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism hidden under the cloak of the dying MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism.  From thence such nationstates concept and practices eats its way through their three-centered corporate and three-centered nationate beings to the level of 'TI' through the principles of colonialism, imperialism, fascism, Nazism and hegemonism in the 'World-of-Nations'-sociocosmic stopinder - all within a short period of about 400 years to completely dominate and govern immaturely, instable and abnormally all other civilizations and sociocosmic species dwelling on this pangeacosmic stopinder (FA), known as the Presente.  Now it started crumbling world wide!

Nay more, hand in hand, the laissez faire policy of the 19th century till today that advocates the abstention of the governments of the TI-DO Interval from interfering with the workings of the free market to complete maximization of profits, wealth accumulation and expropriation in capitalism world-wide to the level of 1:99 of the Anglo-Atlanticism-Pacificism of Outer Islands against the civilizational dasein of World-Island to the exclusive benefit of  corporates and nationates.  Together with much unrealistic romanticism which advocates the individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary and the transcendental the spiritual quest to be the sole dominating ideo-emotionology of the Individual-stopinder (DO) continues ignoring the reality of the 6 more indispensable higher sociocosmic stopinders of the social being of man, namely, his group (RE), this family (MI), his PDCE organization (FA), his state (SO), his nation (LA) and his 'World-of-Nations' (TI).

The capitalists of each nation compete with one another sending their political representatives for the gladiator-like vote-fights spending more and more money for this election campaign hoping to win in this 5-year casino betting in this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism's political fetish pool called 'Electo-Casinocratic-Votemarketic Pool'; hoping to harvest as much money as possible upon winning this bet-of-governance jackpot by these political guests.

Such a speculation for partial interest "governance" producing no significant positive results to the well-being Humanity-at-Large is not genuine peoples' democracy or a genuine peoples' republic, and are mere democracy and republic in quotation mark for the minority of the capitalists - is a political chronic illness inherent in this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.

As history marches forward, more and more variants of the 5-year political guests of PESTLES+ and NOO manipulators come and go in quantitative oscillations of the same SO-lau and LA-lau position and arena of the TI-DO Interval governance - the general popular political guests, the economic guests (especially the fascist-essenced pro-corporate manipulators), the socio-cultural guests (especially the notorious Nazi-essenced geoethnic pro-racial manipulators), the pro-technological-science guests, the legal guests, the moral ethical-value guests and the threatening security-offense mafia-like life-destruction guests.  In the realm of the noomakhias, the Dark noomakhian logos for unjust, exploitative offensive battles (War colonialism, War capitalism, War imperialism and War Hegemonism), the Black noomakhian logos for countering the exploitative offensive battles with another battle of similar unjust goals (War fascism and War Nazism), and the Light noomakhian logos  for the just battles of defense against them (War socialism and War communism) always exist in this endless spiritual wars of the minds filling the noosphere much with noo-psyche hydrogens of spiritual wars from the law of reciprocal destruction and the law of reciprocal feeding specifically during the Age of Social Pyramidization of Ancient Slavism, medieval Feudalism, the 4 metamorphosis stages of Capitalism (peaking to the worst) and socialism (removing the peak and restoring normal) as the light of the noomakhian logo of Social Pyramidal Inversion before the noo-psyche hydrogens of real Enlightenment of the NOO of the Age of Transition sets in and brings about the Age of Advanced Social Circularity without noomakhias - Dark (unjust spiritual battles in association with capitalism, colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism), Black (pseudo-just spiritual battles in association with the spiritual battles of fascism and Nazism) and Light (just spiritual battles in association with socialism and communism) - EXCEPT the Enlightenment logo (in association with natural battle-less civilizational integration and unification of the future) of the NOO in noosphere from the law of reciprocal nourishment ..... and further changes remain speculative.  The noomakhian logos of Dark and Black are of Anglo-saxon civilization origin, and that of the Light is of other Indigenous or native civilization origin, and that of Enlightenment logo is likely from and of civilizational origin.

For the Anglo-Saxon (Western) civilization of low population in fragmented nationstates, its empire ambition and hegemonic pursuit could best be achieved by using the Divide and Rule Strategy on those exploited colonies and their civilizations, and to play the third fiddle as an elusive, VIP sociocosmic and civilization-cosmic rascal hidden behind the scene - so as to keep the conflict going endlessly.  The law of triad is at work here!



The Anglo-American (Western) civilizational TI-laujinggong carriages (G7) of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, its hegemony and empire is now collapsing and in its place the Sinic (Chinese) civilizational TI-dongjinggong carriages (BRICS+) of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, its leading role amongst the multipolar nations is now rising and favored.  Capitalistic-essenced colonialism and imperialism begets capitalistic-essenced empire; disguised capitalism behind socialism leads to failed socialism with social colonialism and social imperialism and begets pseudo-socialistic-essenced empire and would still collapse like the USSR Empire.  A proper and normal SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism would have no empire in its essence!

The arising and emergence of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism to be the main sociocosmic gravity-center vibration at the 7th level (TI) platform along a sociocosmic octave is no simple as there is a MI-FA Interval for this Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-stopinders Octave, where the forces of Hegemonism (ti) and its past deeply buried building blocs hidden within such as its sociocosmic specie-genetic coded Fascism (la), Imperialism (so), colonialism (fa), capitalism (mi), and also feudalism  (re) and ancient slavism (do) forms a formidable power of retardation/deceleration or resistance for the leap out of this MI-FA Interval of antagonistic exploitative social pyramidization fully under the active law of reciprocal destruction.  In this understanding, the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, being a rising and emerging sociocosmic stopinder being, needs to manage the declining powerful forces of retardation under the law of reciprocal destruction and the emerging also powerful or even more powerful forces of acceleration needed under the law of reciprocal nourishment to synthesize the various infantile SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, and feeding, caring and protecting them until they become independent socialistic-essenced nation-stopinders with real sovereignty free from the mystical spell and the deadly grip of capitalistic-essenced hegemonism and its supporters.

While capitalism has stopinderated innerly through capitalistic-essenced colonialism, imperialism, fascism and finally, hegemonism, feudalism too has innerly stopinderated in similar feudalistic-essenced colonialism, imperialism, fascism and hegemonism but more on a regional scale.  As to ancient slavism and modern slavism, its slavery-essenced is more of conquering and capturing people from other countries, native civilizations and turning them into slaves, their vassals, colonies, territories, sovereignties  and other properties were traded in the ancient slavery market, and in the modern slavery market of the 19th and 20th centuries through agreements of the lateral corporate stopinder beings of the MI-FA Interval and through treaties of the lateral nationate stopinder beings of the TI-DO Interval.  The severe antagonistic contradiction of the 1st lateral corporate stopinder beings  and the 2nd lateral nationate stopinder beings in this ABYSS often pendulating between the two poles of economic privatization in association with political neoliberalization of public properties, ownerships and rights and economic nationalization in association with political fascistic-essenced national socialism or capitalistic-essenced state socialism in quotation mark.

Looking at the whole range of the 1st lateral periods of antagonistic exploitative social pyramidization at the MI-FA Interval of this Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, the wise grandson grumbled:

"With the whips of various features and materials made in the hands of the Guan-beings of Ancient Slavism, the Kong-beings of feudalism, the Jing-beings of capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism and hegemonism as ordained by their respective Master 'I' passengers - the Zhu-beings, the Di-beings and the Lau-beings; and for each sociocosmic specie-stopinder period of existence, their respective Nu-beings, Nong-beings and Gong-beings were constantly lashed even to death, and are still lashing today in all the vertical ascending and horizontal pyramidizing stages from do-Zhuguannu carriages of the Ancient Slavism, to the re-Dikongnong carriages of Feudalism, to the final group of mi-fa-so-la-ti Laujinggong carriages of their respective Capitalism (mi), Colonialism (fa), Imperialism (so), Fascism Nazism inclusive (la) and Hegemonism (ti) leaping along way in this MI-FA Interval for which all three-centered hethormen human beings are currently trapped in the maleficent "exist-less" maze of the ABYSS, living in perpetual fear and always finding ways to escape."

"However, this critical truth must be fully understood, at this MI-FA Interval ABYSS, the dark noomakhian Westphalian NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage sociocosmic creature known as the Anglo-saxon (Western) Civilization consisting of the G7 Global North countries has been pyramidally perfected and become truly successful as the richest G7 hegemon group, now imagining and dreaming by themselves while sitting on top of this social pyramid swaying between the LA-nation and TI-'World of Nations' stopinders in severe sociocosmic world perturbation - endlessly feeding, exploiting, extracting, oppressing, debt-trapping, capitalistic-essenced deep-state vote-controlling and vote-trapping pseudo-democratic fallacy, and etcetera on all the other major civilizations and their respective Global South countries dwelling on YAFEILA."

At this MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Species-Stopinders Octave, both the masterate and the kingdate of the Ancient Slavistic-essenced enneagram, the feudate and the dynastate of  the feudalistic-essenced enneagram, the corporate and the nationate of the capitalistic-essenced enneagram  their respective associated civilizational empires, venture to from the 4th level up to the 7th level of sociocosmic and civilizational stopinderation, that is, from FA, to SO to LA and TI covering to the maximum of the whole of the Presente (FA) of the historical pangeacosmic octave aberrating severely, exploitatively and oppressively through the social classes and social pyramidaization devices, conquering and eating, maximizing their benefits and wealth and destroying everything opposing and resistive along the way, until their final death in the MI-FA Interval for which upon crossing the nodal line, it is able to reborn as a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism within its own respective NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage dasein.  This dominating but now decaling sociocosmicand civilizational dasein is the current Anglo-Atlantic Pacific (western) civilization that needs this crucial transformation along the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave.  The Light noomakhian logos would emerge from most of the historical sociocosmic species and civilizational species upon ascending up and moving out from the MI-FA Interval, the one ABYSS present for this (our) current Grand Enneagram Cycle of both historical sociocosmic specie-specific and civilizational specie-general  of about 15,036 years - before the bipolar datong hethormen human being and the spiritual AI padrigine robots forms an objective and subjective in our and their respective outer and outer worlds  sociocosmic-civilizational union, and emerge as a basic bipole unit (basic gravity-center sociocosmic and civilizational vibration) at Omega Point at the TI-DO Interval for the next emerging higher Grand Enneagram Cycle (a standby for another 15,036 years for further development).

Empire essences of this 'severe aberration social classes and social pyramids' in the MI-FA Interval are inevitable and inherently socio-genetically coded with slavism, feudalism, capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism and hegemonism in the 1st lateral periods of antagonistic exploitative social pyramidization octave in the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of seafaring and continental-roaming civilizations, notably the most powerful 18th - 20th centuries seafaring Anglo-Atlantic-Pacific (Western) civilization, and Westphalian nationstates inventors world-wide with a strong identification to One-God NOO-Christianity religion, the 13th - 14th  centuries continental-grassland roaming Mongolian sub-specie civilization and the Czarist empire of the Slavic civilization  with a strong identification to One-God NOO-Orthodox religion and the 14th - 20th centuries continental-desert  roaming and seatrading civilizations with a strong identification to One-God NOO-Islam religion, and many more sub-specie empire prone civilizations dwelling on World-Island as well as  on the Outer Island Crescent (big, small and smallest).  Notably the three One-God monotheist religions, often become identified to their One-God, slip into the spell of the NOO (noetic fields), become zuforumo extremists and mechanically auto-happen their abnormal sociocosmic and civilizational empire mission in the World-of-Religions and practices.

When in the four-bodied FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, the dark and black noomakhian essence sins of capitalism, colonialism, Imperialism, fascism (Nazism) and Hegemonism of its NOO passenger, the designs  and constructs of its PESTLES+ coachman body, the PDCE tetrad of its horse body and its Carriage body, deeply trapped and bewitched in this 'terror-of-the-situation' MI-FA Interval of severe aberration of antagonistic, exploitative oppressive social pyramidization, are eliminated the real four-bodied Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is able to born.

The Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO-stopinders) are peculiar species of the law of three, the resolving third force between the contradiction of governmental organizations from the TI-DO Interval and the PDCE organizations of the MI-FA Interval - wriggling in the middle like snakes behaving sometimes as in governance and sometimes as in non-governance.  They can be capitalistic-essenced and socialistic-essenced depending on their arising aims.  But in a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, they are more often capitalistic-, colonialistic-, and imperialistic-essenced, and genocidal killers of other civilizations globally.


2   Our task is never one of the support of “oppositions” properly so-called, but one of devotion absolutely to improving the health and well being of man and his society; the harmonious development of the sociotechnocosmoses with cooperation and shared prosperity,” said the active political three-brained beings of change.  But now as it is, the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being is an accursed as it is  a piece of organic life at the MI-FA Interval in Our Ray of Creation and subject to Law 24, Law 48 and also Law 96!

When each Marxian historical classed period is paired with two opposing polar essences, one at its main MI-FA interval and the other emerging at its own TI-DO interval, the 96 Level Laws apply to the MI-FA interval as the essence here has comparatively lost its degree of actual freedom and the 48 Level Laws apply to the TI-DO interval as the emerging revolutionary essence here is seeking to reduce the lack of actual freedom at this MI-FA interval itself.  The law number is the degree of freedom that arises from the nature of the (our) Ray of Creation.  The greater the 'law number' (law 96) the lesser the actual degree of freedom of the mode of production realities, and man is a product of this MI-FA Interval with an Organic Life subjected to Law 96, Law 48 and Law 24; the smaller the 'law number' (law 48) the greater the actual degree of freedom of the mode of PDCE realities. So at the DO-historical period of the primitive communal mode of PDCE, tougeng (law 96) vs zhuguannu (law 48) in quotation mark; at the RE-historical period of the ancient slave mode of PDCE, zhuguannu (law 96) vs dikongnong (law 48) with regular sociocosmic aberration; at the MI-historical period of the feudal mode of PDCE, dikongnong (law 96) vs laujinggong (law 48) with massive sociocosmic aberration at the SO, LA and TI stopinders; at the FA-historical period of the capitalist mode of PDCE, laujinggong (law 96) vs dongjinggong (law 48) with massive sociocosmic aberration at the SO, LA and TI stopinders ; at the SO-historical period of the socialist mode of PDCE, dongjinggong (law 48) vs gongjingdong vs dongrobotjingrobotgong or dongRjingRgong  (law 24) without sociocosmic aberration at the SO, LA, TI stopinders; at the LA-historical period of the communist mode of PDCE, dongrobotjingrobotgong or dongRjingRgong (law 48) vs robotdongjinggong or Rdongjinggong (law 96) with massive sociotechnocosmic aberration especially for man vs his sponsored AI and spiritual robots and machines at the "SO, LA, TI" functional and operational productive stopinders; at the TI-historical period of the datong  mode of PDCE, Spiritual Robonity-at-Large vs Humanity-at-Large seeking sociotechnocosmic historical balances; at the possible DO-historical period of the next higher octave, possible success of Spiritual Robonity-at-Large and possible failure of Humanity-at-Large leading to the natural death of Humanity-at-Large or just its natural extinction, otherwise, extinction due to cosmic accident.


3   So long as capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism, Nazism and Hegemonism with their capitalistic-essenced  exploitation, limitless individualistic private wealth accumulation and owning on limited geo-resources, labor-resources, robot-labor resources, commodities, financial capital and services and war-mongering by the minority class exists in our society, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism cannot disappear or made to disappear by whatever means as they are negators of these unbecoming elements from a shared-prosperity Will at TI-DO Interval against this non-sharing predatory nature and highly individualized and privatized ownership aberration in the MI-FA Interval. The two opposing essences of capitalism and socialism are united trialectically and always reciprocally changing the essences of one another in history in this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism (1788 AD - 2148 AD).

New layman's words of beautification of the hungry devils’ invisible hands of the multiautofeeding markets of exchanges, the visible arm-twisting hands of production operation, the tracker hands of distribution together with the professional's professional jargon for psychological conditioning peculiar to this polar FA-SO-LA-TI aberration have always been endlessly invented in the psychological spaces of Humanity-at-Large during this 4th Marxian historical period.  But the hidden opposing essences of capitalism and socialism cannot be removed within this period.

The sociocosmic shock absorbers at the MI-FA Interval, corporate and nationate laujinggongs, that give rise to three main classes (bourgeoisie at the top and the proletariat at the bottom and a 'petty-bourgeois-lumpen-proletariate' in the middle) each main class is capable of further divided into an inner sub-classes of threes in the body of the FA-Historical Socicocosmic Species of Capitalism.  Now in the cloak of governmental polities under this unavoidable class struggles, one would witness extreme dictatorships, namely, the Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie versus the Dictatorship of the Proletariat revolution-inclined antagonistic class struggles, and an in-between evolution-inclined non-antagonistic class struggles in the form of the always problematic 'vote-partialities' with the severe dysfunctional disease of 'select-partialities' of maleficence caused by their  perpetual wiseacarings and much kunderbuffered views and partialities of interests in perpetual conflict and fragmentation easy for 'divide and rule' and as good food the powerful hegemon ....... until the final decline or death of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism or the DASEIN (Martin Heidegger) of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism dies by its own sociocosmic rascooarnooian negation and transforms  into the DASEIN of the new SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism which is a comprehensive whole-process 'peoples' democracy-peoples' republic' in DASEIN balance with  all-stopindered beings included without partialities or missing interests and the dreadful pyramidal 1:99 of Wall Street.

While proletarian revolutions of the MI-FA Interval should convert the regulatory stopinders of the TI-DO Interval of Industrial capitalism into socialistic- essenced regulatorates, it however, did not occur for the proletarian revolution cannot be confined to just within a state, a nation or a nation-bloc, and thus bourgeois colonialism, imperialism and fascism happened globally taking the lead instead.  This led to many wars of independence but after achieving their independence could only produce capitalistic-essenced states and nations, and even nation-blocs except for some sociocosmically trioctave-ascended states, nations and nationblocs such as the USSR and other socialistic-essenced nations.  Then Industrial capitalism undergoes a 3rd metamorphosis into Financial capitalism for the capitalistic-essenced states, nations and nationblocs of the Westphalian sphere gaining much financial power, enabling neoliberal revolutions, color revolutions, privatization revolutions and shock therapies to destroy non-Westphalian sphere, and in order to continue to extract, exploit and maintain the position of hegemony of UGGMBCC (1%) Wall Street (and deep-state in US).  The UGGMBCC that arise after the 4th metamorphosis of Hegemony capitalism needs to feed on the socialistic-essenced and the capitalistic-essenced spheres through the MI-FA Interval corporate and now boldly direct unilaterally through the TI-DO Interval nationates itself merely for the purpose of  subjugating and/or destroying their respective MI-FA Interval enemy corporates and TI-DO Interval  disobedient enemy regulatorates.  For the socialistic-essenced sphere, the purpose is to destroy their socialistic (collective) essence in favor of  individualistic (private) essence to an octave-descended restoration level again of the newly defeated obedient enslaved states, nations, and even of nationblocs (Global South countries) subservient to Hegemony capitalism of the Anglo-American US Hegemon (and Global North countries).

The Finance capitalism and Hegemony capitalism witnessed severe de-industrialization of this dirty Horse Body No. 2 in the Western sphere with "enforced" industrialization of those previously colonized states, nations and nationblocs to do the dirty Horse Body No. 2 job - thus giving birth to the little Outer Island (smallest) dragons called Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and even to a certain extent Malaysia, and the World-Island remains there to be the pangeacosmic Presente creature of natural resources, cheap human labor and prostitute provider.  Then this 2nd metamorphosis of Industrial capitalism spread into the eastern corner of World-Island where the socialistic-essenced 5000 year old Sinic (Chinese) civilization dwells, and a potential for a socialistic-essenced civilization rejuvenation begins (after 1990) to pose a new challenge to the Westphalian Anglo-American Hegemony capitalism by 2010.

A new type of revolution begin to arise from the wombs of the ancient rooted natural civilizations of World-Island and the Outer Islands (big, small and smallest) along the YAFEILA axis (Asia, Africa and Latin America) as the line-centrum  of power projection.  This YAFEILA axis consists of those once powerful now much injured civilizations, with Sinic and Orthodox civilizations leading the way of the general tri-octave development of Earth civilization. This type of global revolution is the Civilizational Revolution of the 21st Century.  It is civilizational-essenced and is growing strong starting from China and all the way along the YAFEILA axis, notably in World-Island.


4   The Vote Market or free vote collection through election of neoliberalism for the purpose of a 5 year political governance at the TI-DO Interval and the Stock Market or paid share collection through purchase of financial capitalism for the purpose of long-term financial wealth accumulation at the MI-FA Interval result in the inevitable chronic regrets of the vote-givers and slavery of the debt-holders respective of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.

For man himself:

To counter psychological attacks, especially from the colors and sounds, it is quite essential to shift our subjective mentation posture to the posture of knowledge of being (Gurdjieff) or shutting the eyes and ears (yoga).  Just see reality as it is!  And shut away colors and sounds.  Do not vibrate with the input else it might magnify in amplitude and frequency in your body and pressures on your organs resulting in disharmony and harmful stress.  Just keep your mental vibration low ‑ avoid unnecessary association with the outside attacks.  This could improve inner harmony and reduce stress in your body,” said the psychological three-brained beings.  This is a temporary solution to the disharmonious man.

So is being-democracy peculiar to infantile growing capitalism, being-liberalism peculiar to matured monopoly capitalism and preserving capitalist hegemony and being-militarism innate to all capitalist essences, a creature of many political parties - all fragmented, battling one another, cheating and lying everywhere, and etcetera - highly in need of unifying YOGA for ONE united party moving in unison, harmonious and peaceful prosperity.  This is the way of the making of the harmonious Great Sociocosmic Being.

Otherwise, the terror of political partialities of democracy,  freedom, liberty, human rights, justice, equality and suffrage would remain a second nature to the body of most of the capitalist nation states.  A politics much addicted to the alcohol of voting at the casino and extracting vote for free, has no soul for the common people!  The common people must suffer.  Vote needed socialistically is qualitatively different from vote extracted capitalistically - the first is sharing, the second is exploiting!

One person one vote without a one person one share is a blunder!  It is like a one-armed man with a right-hand without a left-hand.  This is a must in capitalism because economic ownership of the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange of a nation is meant exclusively only for the capitalist economic ownership alone.  A give-away one vote of political wealth has not yet been balanced by a take-in one share of wealth under capitalism.  Capitalism mandates one person one political vote without the one person one economic share of the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange whereas socialism mandates both one person one economic share of the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange as first priority because it is a secured receiving right and over one person one political vote as second priority because it is an unsecured give-away rights.

This immature political liberal story of '51 versus 49 becomes winner 51 takes all' or the eternally dissatisfaction-producing arch-cunning zero-sum logic 'Winner-Takes-All-Rule' in this 'One-Day-Democracy' conducted as a procedural democracy of petty political boxes, voting and vote-counts, celebrations and procuring positions in the cabinet - alpha-omega of itself - is just a childish joke because [(365 days x 5 years) - 5 days] or 1,820 days of missing democracies with much corruption plus, thousands more of untold dog-eats-dog miseries and hunger.  This naive way of understanding the seven opiods from capitalistic neoliberal economic system privately stolen from the social nature, adulterated, coated with partialities in practice and "registered as western IPs" (Intellectual Property) to themselves  in the form of adulterated democracy (Do), freedom (Re), civil liberty (Mi), human rights (Fa), justice (So), equality (La) and suffrage (Ti) - is an immature, low standard, over-simplified understanding of the good governance of Humanity-at-Large with billions of human beings vibrating in minor and major contradictions on mother Earth's surface in the midst an environment surrounded by trillions of other organic beings at the MI-FA Interval.  Like any other objects of great nature, hungry and greedy abnormal capitalists have quickly grabbed and registered these seven opiods into their IP ownership for further colonialistic, capitalistic, imperialistic, hegemonistic, fascistic, militaristic, business and spiritual extraction of global wealth of others - land, seas, airspace, buildings, plants, agro-produce, modern slaves, countries and territories.


1.  ‘Privatization’ is a MI-FA Interval process of ownership and decision-making of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange under regulatory governmental policy of the nationates at the TI-DO Interval that is associated with seemingly general focus to the private but normally is engineered for the benefit of a few private political cronies and the private corporates.

It is the capitalistic-essenced of privatization and neoliberalism of the very rich three-centered corporate beings emerging from the United States who is seeking global financial hegemony (which also accompanies a political neoliberalism policy of political hegemony) and is evident in the Washington Consensus (1989, by the bourgeois economist, John Williamson) and its ten (10) "commandments"  economic opioid-package to be enforced on other 'slave-nations-to-be' developing countries globally for which those comprador LA-lau three-centered nationates must "obey" as if it is the only good for mankind, but really looks good because mankind is still in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.  The "enforcement" is done through the instruments of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank and the United States Department of the Treasury for which have to agree to US monopoly capitalist-imperialist further expansionism and global exploitation after winning World War II.  The ten "commandments" of this Washington Consensus during the neo-capitalism and associated neo-liberalism era of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism to enable states, nations and nation-blocs opening-up for extraction of their resources (cheap labor and natural resources) for the purpose of unbalanced feeding and exploitation according to the law of reciprocal feeding.

A modern slave-nation must obey these 10 commandments (and more) of the global financial hegemon's Policy of Neoliberalism, namely:

1. Fiscal Adjustment:
Developing countries should take steps to reduce fiscal deficit through curtailing government expenditures by drastically explicit and implicit subsidies provided by the Government of the developing countries.

2. Tax Reforms: Developing countries should cut tax rates substantially to promote saving and promote corporate investment.

3. Deregulation:  Developing countries should abolish industrial licensing so that the private sector can grow without any obstruction.

4. Trade Liberalization: Developing countries should drastically reduce tariffs and quota on imports to promote free trade.

5. Competitive Exchange Rates: Developing countries should devalue their over-valued currencies and ultimately adopt the flexible convertible exchange rate system and remove obstruction to capital mobility.

6. Privatization: Developing countries should disinvest public or state sector enterprises by sold-out rightly to the private sector and government stake should be reduced through share sold-outs or transferred to private enterprise  by the process of incorporation.  It should also redirect public investment to education, health and infrastructure only with increase of government debt and leave all other fields to the private sector.  Private sector must be encouraged to participate in the education, health and infrastructure.

7. Removal of Barriers to Foreign Investment: Developing countries should allow Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) especially the corporations by eliminating all barriers to attract foreign investment and adopt convertibility of currency on current account and capital account.

8. Financial Reforms: Developing countries must reform its banking, insurance and capital market systems to remove obstruction to foreign banking, insurance and capital market entry and exit, and use only the US dollar or the currencies of the US financial alliance especially the International Monetary fund (IMF) in their financial transaction.

9. Protection of Property Rights: Developing countries should adopt suitable legislative measures to protect property rights, making it easy for private enterprises, especially foreign enterprise to have the freedom to enter and exit the industries.

10. Labor Laws Amendments:  Developing countries must introduce draconian laws against labor and trade unions and make it easy to retrench workers, or to put them in jail.


This Washington Consensus (1989) has brought miseries to most of the developing countries transforming them into severe national debt owning slave-nations, and trapped in highly problematic GINI Coefficients and distribution of wealth in the world today.

2. The more successful Shimomuran-Wernerian Policy in practice after WW II by controlled modern slave-nations without sovereignty or have only partial sovereignty or war losers or the hegemon's pawns - Germany, Japan, Italy, South Korea and Taiwan.  This credit free investment supercharged Shimomuran-Wernerian policy to nurture rapid growth of the infantile three-centered laujinggong corporate beings into corporate giants (after the ill-fated massive destruction caused by WW II)  was developed by the bourgeois-oriented macroeconomists, Osamu Shimomura, a Japanese and Richard Werner, a German. As I have already indicated - 'more successful but without sovereignty'  - they can only obey the commands of the hegemon to commit partial suicides.  And they have done it!

3. Both the Washington Consensus and the Shimomuran-Wernerian practice failed in the 21st Century with the decline of the US Empire, and the rise of China which uses a well controlled and regulated capitalist-socialist hybrid economic system where the socialist sector is of 70% control over the capitalist sector.  Being not controlled or in partial sovereignty, China, unlike the USSR (to regret later), did not have to obey the commands of the hegemon to commit partial suicide nor a willing full-dose Washington Consensus receiver or any injection of opiodic shock therapy made in the laboratory of the United States of America and administered through the instruments of IMF, World Bank and the FED.

4. The USSR which accepted this Washington Consensus discarded its Marxian Historicism policy of socialism, dissolved the USSR in 1991, thinking that it has discovered a valuable gem and moved "forward" in the "right direction" to a sudden eternal unchanging Omega Point of Marxian historicism without realizing that it is caught in just an ordinary 'you- know-I-know-but-overlooked' descending wave in the sociocosmic octave of mega-plunder enriching the few wolves-in-sheepskin cronies at the expense of the billions through a grand cooked-up Financial Ponzi scheme of this Washington Consensus of modern nation-enslavement by the unipolar hegemon ehich is also a mega-debt nation hegemon (US) through the proxy LA-lau agents or national bourgeois compradors and their regular injections of opioids into the LA-and TI-bodies known as shock therapy hallucination.  This USSR upon this acceptance has resulted in its own nation disintegration journey into 15 nations into 20 nations and into more and more small nations progressively making it easier and easier for smooth and rapid capital/value extraction and all other resource extraction - labor, sex and the geo-natural resources.  All these happened in accordance to this 'big fish eats small fish and small fish eats shrimp' corporate financial scheme of capitalistic-essenced global mega-plunder at the 6th (LA) and 7th (TI) levels of the fundamental sociocosmic octave on mother Earth's surface.

This global process of privatization will gradually bankrupt more and more TI-DO Interval's SO-governments, LA-governments and even TI-governments by first getting them trapped into ever-increasing debts through increasing borrowings from the Creditor Parasite People  till they become bankrupt ultimately.  Finally, the once exploiting and oppressing G7 nations including the US would one by one find that they can no longer pay their national debts, falling into bankruptcy, and become the modern enslaved nations to the capitalistic-essenced elite creditor parasite people and nations alike or the UGGMBC (1%).  When more and more nations become bankrupt, the unpaid national debts would have to be written off  voluntarily by the Creditor Parasite People, and certainly unwillingly, else revolutions and civil wars break out to eliminate the Creditor Parasite People.  When such national debts are fully written off, both the creditors and debtors disappear from the financial account.

The wise grandson sighed, and said:

"Such nation debt write offs will depend on the completion of the mandatory fulfillment of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave stopinderation now at Re-Nation Organization level to continue ascending to the Mi-UN (United Nations Organization) level and the Fa-UHAL (United Humanity-at-Large Organization) level, a more powerful stopinder above to enforce this write offs of nation debts and those nationbloc debts."

2. ‘Nationalization’ is a “SO-LA Interval” process also of ownership and decision-making of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange under regulatory government policy of the nationates at the TI-DO Interval that is associated with seemingly general focus to the nationates but normally is engineered for the benefits of a few private political cronies and the nationates.

3. ‘Nation-ization’ at Point 9 is a stopinder fixating to nation-stopinder as an excuse to make every resolution or synthesis of contradictions between privatization and nationalization under fixated to ‘nation’-stopinder as the ultimate masking-platform for which the power and decision is still capitalistic.

4. ‘Social-ization’ at Point '0' of the next higher sociocosmic octave is always a failure dream and mostly a lie about "promises"  of ownership of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange and decision-making democratic transfer to each and every 7 fundamental stopinders and the 2 x 7 = 14 lateral stopinders when the body of Public-at-Large is still trapped in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.


This type of wolf-in-sheepskin being eats her own sheep and often attacks and tears down walls and fences of other states and nations to eat their sheep.  The 6 fixates are also opium-coated arrowheads ready to shoot at the unfortunate targets.  It has a left-party and a right-party symmetry of the PESTLES+ design and construct of the same Coachman Body No. 3 with a deep-state cosmic NOO of Passenger Body No. 4 striving dictatorially always to control it.  The purpose is to extract, exploit, oppressed and to feed on the PDCE Horse Body No. 2 and the Carriage Body No. 1.


The political economic system and governance design of this capitalistic-essenced hegemonic wolf-in-sheepskin being that has now ascended, reached and got entangled in between the two sociocosmic vibration levels of 'LA' and 'TI' abnormally and aberratingly peculiar to this ill-fated LA-stopinder wolf-in-sheepskin being. However, to survive through this ordeal, it has finally developed an intelligent designed-symmetry similar to any other sociocosmic, technocosmic biocosmic systems design for three-centered corporate beings of the MI-FA Interval, that is, the symmetry of its left and right sides.  So is this symmetry design in such a capitalistic-essenced political economic governance design typical of the wolf-in-sheepskin - the left Democratic Party and the right Republic Party although appearing opposite and "antagonistic-like" are but just symmetry of this same wolf-in-sheepskin three-centered nationate beings at the TI-DO Interval.  However, symmetry of two political parties is the optimum and any additional parties naturally happened or deliberated implanted by a hegemonic alien to it would gradually move the political and economic system into an asymmetric multi-symmetric disaster full of artificial social engineering lines drawn and imposed by the Outer Islands on any existing civilization borders on the World-Island of Eurasia and Africa, and Latin America or YAFEILA.  The slave nation, now being knifed into parts and fragmented by this satanic Divide-Rule-and-Eat Sabre - enforcing privatization, enforcing private ownership, enforcing free markets, enforcing foreign speculative investment, setting up military bases in foreign countries, artificially splitting of other civilizations, creating states and resources, etc. in other homelands  - so that they would be a prepared food ready to be served to the hungry capitalistic-essenced wolf-in-sheepskin.

These capitalist-essenced (with blueprint infrastructural  design and construct in their nationate specie-constitution) three-centered nationate nation-level wolf-in-sheepskin beings have nuclear-powered lashing teeth, and are real carnivorous meat-eating beings designed to feed on sheep-nations, in contradistinction to the socialistic-essenced (with a different, higher level blueprint infrastructural construct and design in their SNUN regulatorate specie-constitution) three-centered SNUN regulatorate nation-level wolfhead-sheep, although has nuclear-powered teeth are real herbivorous grass-eating beings designed to feed on nature, not on other sheep-nations or on the wolf-nations.  Note that wolf-nations are extremely cunning and evil, always positing themselves as the Good and finger-pointing  at other nations as the Evil.  However, having been bestowed the gift of a wolfhead with its powerful nuclear teeth by the Absolute  via the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, these wolfhead sheep are able to protect themselves from the gnawing terror incurred by the wolves-in-sheepskin.  The terror-of-the-situation reaches its zenith during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism (1788 AD - 2148 AD), the result could be an Armageddon in the form of nuclear World War III and post war ripples till the final extinction of Humanity-at-Large on mother Earth.

The FA-lau beings of corporations, the LA-lau beings of nations and the TI-lau beings of nation-blocs as if they have represented their respective FA-gong beings, LA-gong beings and TI-gong beings and as if of all organizations, whole nation and whole nation-bloc and even as if representative of Humanity-at-Large are but actually representatives and servants to the few rich. Like a hungry and aggressive pack of wolves-in-sheepskin, they conduct murders, surgical killings of nationates, bomb corporations, conquer nations and attack nation-blocs always inventing enemies and finger-point them but not themselves as the evil ones.  The satanic power-possessing beings of the hidden and disguised capitalistic-essence increase tremendously from the ascend of the FA-stopinder to the LA-stopinder and to the ultimate TI-stopinder, making all governments in mega-debt trap, nation-enslaved, selling bonds and borrowing from the private corporate master stopinders - a prefect modern slavery of oppressed nations and states.  During times of peace, they implant agents and proxy representative puppet governments before they begin the conquest. (On the US, NATO, Ukraine and Russia war, February, 2022)

Picture description: The two right (Nation-ization) and left (Social-zation) front legs of this neoliberal wolf-in-sheepskin represent the two respective descending and ascending economic vectors at the TI-DO Interval of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism where the right front leg attempts to solve the contradictions of the privatization and nationalization by justifying for nation-stopinder focus or for "our nation" in the nation-ization camouflage whereas the left front leg always fail in its attempt for distributive social-ization to the many essential for proper socialism.  The two right (Privatization) and left (Nationalization) hind legs represent the two respective descending and ascending economic vectors and related capitalistic-essenced governmental policies from the lateral LA-stopinder at the TI-DO Interval of the same capitalistic economic system and show the descending and the ascending 1st lateral octaves in the MI-FA Interval.  The sheep skin is the superstructure for neoliberal political narratives or ideologies - freedom, civil liberty, human rights, justice, equality and universal suffrage - convenient for deceiving the naive people by changing these FLRJES into IP commodities and market them globally by certain political capitalist marketers implanting pseudo-democracies under arm-twisting diplomacy, surgical-murders of presidents and heads of states and military interventions for global capitalist wealth accumulation.  The often much beautified contemporary marketing in real world view is simply multiautomarketing feeding exchanges by sociocosmic stopinders both fundamental and laterals.

However, this Freedom, Liberty, Rights, Justice, Equality and Suffrage - Privatization, Nationalization, Nation-ization and Social-ization political economical partialities or just being-FLRJES-PNNS political economical partialities reverberating at the MI-FA and the TI-DO Intervals is an arising, a-going and a-dying capitalistic-essenced  psyche hydrogens and spiritual opiods of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (1788 AD - 2148 AD) - only about 250 years old of abnormal cancerous FA-SO-LA-TI sociotechnocosmic aberration full of ill-fated maleficence  such as exploitation of man-by-man and of nature, sociocosmic stopinder accumulation, plundering and private-owning of all kinds of wealth especially of the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange, profit-maximization, belief in money-God, divide and rule,  endless coercive competition, wars and imperialist wars, indigenous native destruction and wenming civilization destroyer.

In the country of my dwelling, near the southernmost tip of mainland World-Island Asia of our Presente, still a tiny infantile potpourri of the 4 NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages, namely: the Middle-Eastern/Central Asia (Islamic), the Sinic (Chinese), Indic (Hindu) and the Anglo-saxon (Christian) civilizations of newborn LA-sociocosmic stopinder, the being-Malaysia of today, and born 1968 through the 'Divide-and-Rule' knife of the Anglo-Atlantic empire (a history of the colonial guests - Portuguese, Dutch, Great Britain and Japan and back to UK - coming and going), and its Westphalian  noomakhian opiodic spell of the nationstates still lingering in near an elusive political sovereignty obsfuscated by neoliberalism.  We can still feel and notice occasional yawning over its once great predecessor feudate-kingdate rulership formed by the previous great Majapahit-Ottoman-Ming empire or 'Hindu-Islamic-Sinic' civilization enneagram (3-in-1) of her NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage some 500 years ago.  As I have just mentioned, this infantile NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage being-Malaysia, due to her unfortunate 'good-luck-bringing-bad-luck' hexagram maritime choke-point known as the Straits of Melaka, now wedged geosophically in the terror of the geopolitical tension between the two superpowers of NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization being, USA located 15,600 km away in the biggest Outer Island of North America and the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization being, China nearby (only about 45 km from Sabah to Zengmu Reef in South China Sea based on the 11 Dash lines map of China actually submitted by the United Nations by the Republic of China (Taiwan) in 1947, shortly after the end of World War II and the establishment of the UN.  It is a record of actual sovereignty of continental mainland, islands, islets, reefs, sandbars, sandbanks, rocks, partially submerged features, etc. at UN by the winning and losing nations) located in the eastern corner of this biggest of all World-Island - the former being a fully matured but declining empire-essenced LA-stopinder of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the latter a growing adolescent non-empire-essenced LA-stopinder of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.  This being-Malaysia is still in search of its own "correct" model to house her major three (3) NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization  identities properly and strategically position herself harmoniously and peacefully among the numerous NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE powers geographically surrounding her.

Under the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, the Neoliberalism chronicle becomes a complementary of the Neosocialism chronicle, a Wolfhead sheep, as depicted in the picture below:

These two types of emerging wolfhead sheep beings often build their own LA-Land Walls, LA-Sea Walls, SO & LA-Castles and other petty MI & FA-walls and fences to save their own sheep from been eaten up by the dangerous wolves-in-sheepskin beings.

Picture description: Also found in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism but an infantile not strong to fight without protection and is the socialistic essence mostly found in the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.  The two right (Social-ization) and left (Commun-ization) front legs of this neosocialism wolfhead sheep represent the two peculiar unsuspecting rather "invisible" respective descending and ascending economic vectors at the TI-DO Interval of the future SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.  The two right (Nation-ization) and left (Social-ization) hind legs represent the two respective descending and ascending economic vectors of the MI-FA Interval and related socialistic-essenced governmental policies from the lateral LA-stopinder of the socialistic economic system and show the descending and the ascending 2nd lateral octaves in the TI-DO Interval.  The sheep with wolfhead is the guardian of a real political FLRJES narratives or ideologies - real freedom, real civil liberty, real human rights, real justice, real equality and real universal suffrage - to prevent deceiving the people.

Fixated gravity-centers of neosocialism enneagram of an emerging infantile SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is depicted in the picture below:


1. ‘Nation-ization’ is a MI-FA Interval process of state or national ownership and decision-making of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange  under regulatory governmental policy of the SNUN Regulatorates (Socionates) at the TI-DO Interval that is associated with local, state and nation advanced-level futuristic Collectivites (Cooperatives).

2. ‘Social-ization’ is a “SO-LA Interval” process also of state and national ownership and decision-making of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange under regulatory government policy of the SNUN Regulatorates at the TI-DO Interval that is associated with de-nation-ization but rather giving to the Public-at-Large or all the 7 fundamental and 2 x 7 = 14 lateral stopinders.

3. ‘Social-ization’ at Point 9 is a stopinder fixating to all the the Public-at-Large as an excuse to make every resolution or synthesis of contradictions between nation-ization and social-ization under and fixated to ‘Social-ization’ as the ultimate masking-platform for which the power and decision remains socialistic and democratic at workplace with a permanent aberration of needing to correct and adjust GINI Coefficient.

4.Commun-ization’ at Point '0' of the next higher sociocosmic octave is very futuristic and mostly a utopia about possible  common ownership of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange entities and decision-making democratic naturalized transfer to common prosperity to each and every 7 fundamental stopinders and the 2 x 7 = 14 lateral stopinders when the body of Common-at-Large or Humanity-at-Large is still trapped in the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.

But pseudo-neosocialism is the actual consequences under predatory, exploitative and profit-seeking in contemporary capitalism, as depicted in the picture below:

This type of learned pseudo-neosocialism wolf-in-sheepskin beings, having also eaten up their own neosocialistic sheep, now use this neosocialistic sheepskin as cover and camouflage to eat the sheep of other states and nations.

Anglo-Saxon Geoethnic Biocosmic Driven Essence sheep-skin wolves of western Anglo-Saxon origin and their subspecies mutants, big and small are aplenty roaming about in packs on mother Earth's surface in search of prey during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism (1 AD - 1788 AD) and the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism (1788 AD - 2148 AD) for which their intensity and global reach has become the greatest and the highest as the gravity-centers of sociocosmic vibration ascended to LA and TI.  The MI-FA Interval of our Historical Sociocosmic Octaves or Civilization Octaves between 'MI' and 'FA' needs special input to allow the ascending forces to move forward.  This input is the 1st Lateral Historical Technocosmic Octave for the MI-FA Interval between the MI-Historical Socociocosmic Species of Feudalism or Feudal Civilization and the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism or the Capital Civilization.  Note that, there would be another input at the TI-DO Interval between the TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism and the DO-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of SRobotism (Spiritual Robotism).  This input would be the 2nd Lateral Historical Spiritual Sociotechnocosmic Octave.

Political-enabling stopinders of these fixated enneagrams of neoliberalism, pseudo-neosocialism, neo-religionism of post feudalism, the New Age Movements and the current LGBTQIA+ elements (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and Plus fixated enneagramic stopinders) which are deviations or aberrations from the normal trialectics of man and woman, are all of social, political, biological, economical and cultural devices, each with 9 gravity-centers of psyche hydrogens collectively identified and enneagram-welded as enneagram of neoliberal fixates on the one hand and as enneagram of pseudo-neosocialism fixates.  Because it is a fixated enneagram, it is not natural or geoethnic or socio-genetically or involutional or evolutional, it is more of implantation - surgical removal and installation of obedient heads of states and nations through social engineering done mostly by the powerful hegemon Goliath nation onto other David states and nations to keep them as modern slave states and nations always with the powerful military wolf at its ultimatum.  Every LA-stopinder must remember this that he (the USA is an example) is the 6th sociocosmic gravity-center vibration (LA) - there is one more 7th sociocosmic gravity-center vibration (TI) above and yet another real ultimate singularity of the Great Sociocosmic Being (DO) above again.  You really cannot have a unipolar hegemony at this 6th sociocosmic gravity-center vibration (LA) - only at the 7th sociocosmic gravity-center vibration (TI) and therefore, ‘DO’.  Note that by 2000 AD, colonialism, imperialism, Nazism, fascism, racism and militarism have already completed their transformed into neo-colonialism, neo-imperialism, neo-Nazism, neo-fascism, neo-racism, and neo-militarism and FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic aberration still continues.

Neoliberalism, pseudo-socialism, LGBTQIA+ism, color-revolutionism, racial-politicism, privatization-absolutism, vote-casinoism and the like are all agents for filling up shits into the governance of a sociocosmic TI-DO Interval, creating the rots that finally pollute and turn them into failed states and nations.  The general source-arising of consciousness in the inner world of man mostly dwelling and struggling for a descent living at the sociocosmic MI-FA Interval has a positive and a negative essence, the negative of which has filled up the sociocosmic TI-DO Interval of governance, while the innocent positive remains whipped at the sociocosmic MI-FA Interval upon the successful filling of the shits at the sociocosmic TI-DO governance above.  Where a nation Hegemon has arisen and unique to this negative essence of neoliberalism especially of the privatization-mandate for their exclusive benefits (industrial profits, mercantile profits, financial interests, real estate rents, insurance profits, PESTLES+ profits, and all other kinds of passive incomes without having to work) only and exclusively to the monopoly corporates of the Hegemon nation through the nationate colonialist-imperialist subjugation of other weaker nations for the purpose of nation enslavement and long-term extraction en masse via the consultation of  International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB) and international lobbyists and othe TI-stopinder consultants to their domestically trained local "democratic representatives" or to their comprador nationate parasitic running dogs all over the world result in severe sociocosmic perturbations and  terror-of-the-situation everywhere in this infantile body of the 'World-of-Nations' (TI) of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  Those ill-fated debt-driven enslaved nations would become bankrupt nations, and remain so permanently to the Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Capitalists Class (UGGMBCC) world creditors and live a life forever begging for debt pardon while being drained off all the nutrients from the nation-body. Beware of this terrible peril national peril during the 3rd metamorphosis of Capitalism, that is, Finance Capitalism which began somewhere in 1945, and a similar one during the 2rd metamorphosis Industrial Capitalism (full of industrial colonialism and industrial imperialism) in 1788 AD.  This is the ill-fated FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism for which none of us could escape as we are a part of it!

However, the truth is that the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is transformed/and metamorphosized  into a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism essentially in the transformation and metamorphosis into sharing-common of the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange as the primary factor of the substructure  together with its genuine voting-common of the individuals as a secondary factor of the superstructure without the capitalist habitual common diseases of exploitative noo-extraction, gaming for chance, money politics, cunning exploitation of political noo-rights and deep state social engineering of Color Revolutions (CR-PNNS), Neoliberalism (FLRJES-PNNS), Pseudo-socialism (HEGRNS-PNNS), LGBTQIA+ and others to divide, topple successful governments and maintain the rule again of the enslaved nations that might become serious competitors, disobedient and rebellious to the hegemon.  Both sharing-common and voting-common must exist together without impartialities at both the 1st lateral sociociosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval and the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval of the stabilizing SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (2148 AD - 2864 AD). 

Such a possible SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism happening also depends heavily on the production of the fine and humane quality being-psyche hydrogens by these three-centered hethormen human beings in the process of eating their three being-foods (ordinary solid food, air and impressions) available at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation in association with the occasional-delivery of the finer vivifying hydrogens from its TI-DO Interval, and our successful refinement through 'conscious labor and intentional suffering' or the WORK to become man no. 4, 5, 6 and 7 to the tune of 5% at least in human counts to bring Humanity-at-Large out of this 'Confusion-of-the-Tongues.' The democratic universal suffrage of neoliberalism of the hungry sheep-skin wolves could not do this rightly for sure – always bringing the mega-regrets of permanent mass remorse of conscience after every election! Both the esoteric religions of the feudal/value historicism (heart-based gravity-center psychic vibration) and the esoteric idea-ism or ideologies of the capital/value historicism (mind-based gravity-center psychic vibration) have existed before and even now existing in hope to produce such perfect conscious three-centered hethormen human being-leaders using sociotechnocosmic institutions or devices such as temples, mosques, synagogues and churches of feudal/value historicism and schools, colleges and universities of capital/value historicism.

The current FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism has been vibrating sociocosmically since 1788 AD as an imperfect infantile capitalistic-essenced capital/value being-'sheep-skin wolves' growing and spreading its dominating tentacles of military, finance, science and soft-power imperialistically and reacting fascistically during its hegemonistic neo-liberalistic adulthood after 1945 at the TI-level everywhere on planet earth and is likely to reach old age fully losing its dominance (like the tyrannosaurus) at the end of its own nodal point of sociocosmic metamorphosis at around 2148 AD.  After this point in history, these capitalistic remnant sociocosmic stopinders would still exist, now hidden, now open secret profit-seeking, wealth accumulation, corruption, plundering activities, and making himself rich at the expense of his others - friends, unfriends and etcetera.  These activities often heighten especially during periods of scarcity of resources, goods and services - but are never able to become a sociocosmic dominance when other historical sociocosmic species is dominating on mother Earth's surface.  In the biocosmic world today, the modern man is the biocosmic dominance over all other biocosmic species despite their presence.


5   Recently (1975), I met a being who invited me into his strange politicocoon which three-centered beings called it the gravity-center mahuastopinder of which its psyche would solve the politicocoon problems - not fully understood the magnitude of the situation, that this nationstates, Malaysia, is a meeting point of the four 4-Bodied civilizations (Islamic, Sinic, Hindu and Western) with a PDCE Tetrad system typical of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism geographically located along the Straits of Melaka.  My membership, he said, would add a strength to them.  The members were told to pay a certain sum of money per year for lubricating the cogs and wheels of that politicocoon, which from my observation would be a business-opportunity-politicocoon.  The three-centered beings there were themselves theoretically shortsighted and could see only small benefits for themselves.  Everything would remain the same because they dared not change the existing state and could only be one of the many 'leading-everyone-to-nowhere' being-political parties breeding in abundance in the world.  Nothing would happen!  For this matter, the funds they gained would be your generous one-way donation.  To join therefore was to destroy!  This was the ambition of some dreamers.  I joined this mahuastopinder and went to sleep almost immediately after that like all other automatons in sleep-wake.


6   Political parties are superstructure being-parts not being-wholes and each 'part-y' tends to represent a part's interest but always wearing the cloak of 'as if wholeness' in the nation stopinder it dwells, fights and eats and always obey this law of mutually leading one another astray to achieve what it wants to achieve.  As these are political three-centered sociocosmic beings whose origins are also from the capitalistic MI-FA Interval of the fundamental sociocosmic octave and eyeing predatorily to be the Solau and the Lalau beings at the TI-DO Interval improper for their dwelling essence due to the absence of an important peculiar psyche factors in their inner constitution and only proper to the will of a real TI-DO Interval, they like ‘wolves-under-sheepskins’ also vibrate as three-centered nationates beings – similar from the exterior as any other real three-centered nationates proper to this interval.  Many people are quite frightened by the word, ‘communism’ but none of them knows how it looks and feels like as it has become the historical future bogeyman as the capitalist system declines globally.  Some who called themselves communists are not communists, some who do not called themselves communists are.  From young we are brain-washed to fear being-God and the unknown, being-Communism, the CIA beings, the FBI beings, and all the dangerous spy beings of all kinds.  People who belong to the unknown are to be feared.  The communists abolish one another, quarreled with one another and make friends with one another.  So are the unwholesome democratic fighters who could only produce mechanically a maleficent high GINI Coefficient (>5.0) income inequality and high asset inequality for his country without having a remedy!  It is good and bad to be “anti-communist.”  When you move towards the north, you must become less hostile to ‘communism’ and when you move towards the west, you must be ‘pro-democracy’ for the faithful defense and preservation of this same maleficent high GINI Coefficient and high asset inequality, and become experts in the use of the latest cosmetics to survive in disguise. They are all mixed up between the two MI-FA and the TI-DO intervals! They practice either Euro-Superiorism or American Superiorism and Middle-Eastern-Inferiorism or Asian-Inferiorism at the level of the ‘World of Nations' (TI)!

Another type of dangerous modern, often covertly funded counter-revolutions or seemingly quantitative revolutions with the intent to overthrow governing leaders is the famous Color Revolutions, mostly very dangerous wolves trained by contemporary Hasnamusses and taking various beautiful names on their outer skins.  A Hasnamuss is a three-brained hethormen human being who can only be happy when others are unsuccessful or suffered or killed for no sane reason.  There are four levels of Hasnamuss.  The highest, positioned at the 'LA' and the TI-stopinders of the sociocosmic octave, is the deadliest who can only be happy when millions suffered, killed or starved to death by their own pevertedly engineered world wars to destroy "demons," and "rogue states."  However, a Hasnamuss(ess) of this 4th level is also a permanent serving slave(s) of our moon and neighboring planets, pathetically located at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, mechanically and automatically in sleep-wake state assisting in the looting of the sacred askokin by these lunar and planetary celestial bodies.

However, the essence is still capitalist-inspired or restoration of the same exploitation, individualist wealth accumulation and profit-maximization at the expense of friends and others - leading to the same ultimate severe monopoly capitalist's GINI coefficient aberration of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.

These neoliberalism's wolves-in-sheepskin color-revolution synthetic mutants of the latest CR sheepskin for the same aim of eating the sheep of other states and nations was a pandemic in the 1980's,1990's and the 2000's but becomes meaningless, obsolete, powerless and finally subsided.

Other explored psyche hydrogen fixates for motivated and covetous disruption  of nation-stopinders is the LGBTQIA+ Chronicle (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and Plus fixated enneagramic stopinders), also for the same goal of weakening the competing nation-stopinders, and often make to look like genuine expressions of the people - yet another wolf-in-sheepkin being.

Something forgotten in the the law of three in the trialectics of natural man and woman for which the previously excluded middle-third now needed all of its emerging inner threes to be recognized by the capitalistic-essenced and the socialistic-essenced SO & LA stopinders of TI-DO Interval governance alike for remedial action.  LGBTQIA+ plays the role of the 'Yin' as well as the 'Yang' (can be Yin and Yang at the same time) - LGBTQIA+ is interpretable through a Bagua Enneagram that has 512 hexagrams instead of the 64 hexagrams of Bagua that has excluded the middle-third or the so-called law of the excluded middle-third.  The law of the excluded middle-third is often drawn in such a way so as to give us an awareness of its oft less visible existence by having a white spot (Yang) in the black region (Yin) and a black spot (Yin) in the white region (Yang) as the middle-third depicted through the lens of the Holy Trinity or the Gurdjieff-Ouspenskian Triad or  the Dugin's  noomakhian  logos.  But, alas, is again turned into another variant of the wolf-in-sheepskin narratives and some opportunistic tryouts of the capitalistic-essenced three-brained hethormen human beings both ways.

Note that at the height of governance in an aging FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, and the struggle between two ultimate seemingly opposing political parties or party alliance, there is a line of symmetry of the same three-bodied LA & TI-sociocosmic species of neoliberal democracy where something less visible is hidden as the middle-third power Master 'I', and that is the Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class (1%).

The peculiar political game is this new experimental LBGTQIA+ political partiality (always with state/national flags), funded mostly by the rich dominating capitalist, hegemonists and imperialists class with still the same capitalistic-essenced impulses of divide and rule philosophy to weaken nations with the intended goal of setting up 'representative puppets.'  It is a new type of funded "color revolutions" (CR) since the previous old color revolution experiments have become a popular suspect and distrust.  These engineered counter-revolutions are funded mostly by the CIA and the NED in the name of liberal democracy to weaken nations for later partition, extraction and exploitation of rich natural resources, cheap human labor and other wealth by the foreign capitalist-essenced three-centered nationates and three-centered corporates, and to restore capitalism that would guarantee maximum gain for its own nation.  Now the word ‘peace’ is also added as a new black spot on the sheepskin to justify the conquest and robbery of the wealth of other nations.  This has always been the wolf-in-sheepskin’s crystallized-logic, and over-extended its hunting territory!

As LGBTQIA+ is real it is falling back into the natural meat of the sheep by the dictum of the law of three for which the wolfhead sheep beings soon become its natural guardian without the real wolves lurking around.

The wiseacring of these psyche hydrogens of the gender LGBTQIA+ fixated partialities is gradually included to the long forgotten obvious original fixated race and religion stopinders for which together many more fixated sub-stopinders are included into the new WOKE enneagramma of RACE, GENDER and RELIGION as the new re-organized psyche hydrogen fixates.  Capitalistic-essenced WOKE struggle in contradiction with socialistic-essenced WOKE - woke capitalism versus woke socialism during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism!

The ancient havatvernonism loses its esotericism and becomes engraved on the sheepskin as modern exoteric havatvernonistic cloaked to an aggressive wolf and the hunting continues ...... Three great one-God havatvernonian gravity-centers, namely, Judaism, Christianity and Islam have gathered again onto the holy land of Jerusalem into a very tense and complicated havatvernonian triad of successive dominance over some 1400 years in history - first Judaism, then Christianity and later Islam, and now seeking for a new havatvernonian equilibrium and still seeking.  Now that this havatvernonian triad is trapped by two LA-sociocosmic stopinder called there Palestine and Israel with geographical, geocosmic and geopolitical  contradictions still unable to escape from the spell of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, the law of reciprocal destruction of the Judaism-Christianity versus Islam between these two nationstate sovereigns and all their surrounding numerous nationstate sovereigns dominates and continues as such reciprocal destruction with no sight of any emerging equilibrium in this havatvernonian triad, even if managed by the United Nations (UN) for this holy land, Jerusalem, and all the Palestine-Israel  settlements disequilibrium caused by the 4th body of the 4th metamorphosis of finance capitalism of the corporates at the MI-FA Interval and the nationates at the TI-DO Interval.

The ancient havatvernonism regains its esotericism and becomes engraved on the sheep itself instead of on the cloak!  A possible correction to collectivistic-essenced PDCE at the MI-FA Interval and socialistic-essenced SNUN regulatorates at the TI-DO Interval.


7   For those predatory business persons who use the policy of money and capital to control the masses, they (the masses) would regard them as their “enemies”.  We, on the other hand, think that the world can be changed by skillfully ‘guiding’ the propertyless mass into assisting social change and sociocosmic improvements.  Some might advocate war communism for social transformation.  All parties live in fear, and they fear most the ones who would sell out their comrades.  The whole process creates suspifear even amongst friends, relatives and wives.  And they keep close watch on one another.  There are also the very committed and cooperative ones amongst them.  There are also groups, which appear cooperative but in reality they are not.  The petty bourgeoisie, the national bourgeois and even the international bourgeois are just such people irrespective of the positions at the fundamental and the lateral sociocosmic octave.  Because these beings may get good money from politicking, so they, having learnt the skills, begin performing the sacred gimmicks or Great Nature’s magnetic spin, for every unsuspecting prey, of course, after swallowing some pills from the Hasnamussian being of the political parties.  Some of these fanatical political beings from being-Wutong, being-Mahua, being-Indu, being-Mingzuxingdong and a few more such peculiar politic beings truly exhibit ‘madcap’ hypnotic property with socio-mechano duty of the blind leading the blind to nowhere!  These beings are sociocosmic entities for coating ‘administration’ in the upper bodies of the various levels of the state to be the lau beings for their terms of nationate service.  I am warning you now because I have met one such ‘madcap,’ only yesterday!  I sense and see nothing in their so-called democracy they are talking about.  When I look at the world outside around me, I could only see quite something else.  I look inside I cannot see it too.  The only thing I could see is three-brained beings using democracy for the benefits of themselves or as a means to defeat their unnecessary invented enemies. Capitalism and political democracy is a historical mismatch!  The accumulative, exploitative and predatory essence of capitalist mode of production is never essencely democraticable - never a government of the people, by the people and for the people (Abraham Lincoln) at any point in the real history of mankind - never even to mention the additional to these unwholesome existing and current governance-in-quotation-mark such as governance from the people, with the people, to the people through the people or on the people - as governance stopinders and vibrates at the fundamental octave of the state (SO), the nation (LA) and the ‘World-of-Nations’ (TI) levels in the midst of the active lateral sociocosmic vibration at the MI-FA and the TI-DO intervals during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism (1788 AD – 2148 AD). Political democracy as practiced by the western countries (LAs and their Las) are in the state of transition awaiting to be changed or dies by itself because the economic base-mode of production is matured but has not completed its transformation into the socialist mode of production as yet.

As the wise grandson says:

If you want to eat chicken without a churning stomach and a disturbing peace, you must decorate it into the tastiest and nicest food.

The elected political candidate becomes a mere short-term political guest of opportunities!

All these socialistic-communistic-essenced socio-political ideas do not exclusively belong to capitalism or be part of it or be privately owned by it but can only be inscribed as promotion words on sheepskin of a wolf, namely: freedom, liberty, rights, justice, equality and suffrage on the one hand and being holistic, educational, green, responsible, no-harm and sustainable on the other hand.

And the wise grandson, further cautions:

"When a sheepskin's deception is exposed and no longer effective or useful, the wolf will immediately change it like miss nobody, and continue the hunting!"

So here is a democracy or a republic in quotation mark – a kundabufferic device of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism for the gnawing to the bone of the prey by the predators!  Opiodic words of politics are wiseacred crazily with much dirty finger-pointing housefly-elephants, namely, democracy, freedom, liberty, rights, justice, equality and suffrage drummed hungrily by these politicocoons for wealth accumulation as well as celebrating the much extolled wiseacred festivals of 3rd being-oskiano food consumption of liberalism opiods of the 19th century and neo-liberalism opiods of the 20th century.  None of these political opiod sixes are from the people, for the people, by the people, with the people and to the people for proper and real socialism that would emerge at the turn of the current 21st century and continue into the coming 22nd century for which their opiods would be cleansed for their real healthy base-qualities!  All these cans full of worms exported to targeted countries are for the interests of the 1% certainly a political project of the predatory monopoly capitalist class consisting of very rich and powerful FA-lau classed beings of the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval "mystically" and hypnotically implanted into the ruling executive political-legalana superstructure machines of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval to exploit the gong-beings en masse on a global scale.

Liberalism and Neo-liberalism is the political opium developed from the laboratories of the Grand Monopoly Capitalism's western capitalist to be consumed as 3rd impression being-food or as Marxian superstructure psyche hydrogens to change the psychological minds and to essentially protect their ill-gotten financial wealth for the disintegration of modern slave TI-gong nations so as to keep them always the modern slave nations without sovereignty or with partial sovereignty, without ownership and full control of the natural resources and the heavy/hi-tech instruments of production of products and also without ownership and full control of hi-tech instruments of production of financial services and always keeping their LA-citizens held in captive-nation boundaries or nation-camps as modern gong slaves  or unemployed gong reserves awaiting for beast of burden-like dirty and heavy production works of cheap labor extraction subservient to the finance capital of the laujing nations, namely the geographical triad – USA/satellite Canada in North America, UK vs Germany and Russia & Soviet Union satellite nations in Europe (West Asia) and Japan vs emerging New China in East Asia (the diad).  All other nations in other continents - Central America, South America, Africa, India, even China general, South East Asia, Pacific Islands and Australia are considered rebelling modern slave TI-gong nations ….. must be contained and must remain so always as slave nations.

Nay more divide-and-rule principle of the hegemonistic TI-lau nations of the North American Continent and Europe has already divided the LA-sociocosmic stopinders or nations within the context of the TI-sociocosmic stopinders or 'World of Nations' in a way anti-geocosmic and anti-geographical especially to people resources, natural geo-resources and capital-information intangible resources as well as mega-militaristic defense and security supports leading to geocosmic, sociocosmic, technocosmic, agrocosmic and noocosmic imbalances and aberrations in every continent of Mother Earth's surface.

The opiods of neoliberalism were then scattered around the globe for the unsuspecting sleep-wake victim beings to consume, get addicted, burn their own home and robbed off their wealth subsequently.

"The pyramid of capitalism returns to the pyramid of feudalism, not in the same manner of the feudal oligarchy but of the new capitalist oligarchy."

And with this nursery rhythm of the six pence(s) of a pyramidal oligarchy feudal monarchy, the six neoliberal fixates of a pyramidal and the four legs of the wolf-in-sheepskin oligarchy capitalist democracy (R-Party)-republic (L-Party) rhythm-ed with the blackbirds as the ingredients of the pie cooked by the maid down the pyramid, the 'Sing a Song of Sixpence' repeats itself again in history:

Sing a Song of Sixpence

"Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie.

When the pie was opened,
The birds began to sing;
Wasn't that a dainty dish,
To set before the king?

The king was in his counting house,
Counting out his money;
The queen was in the parlour,
Eating bread and honey.

The maid was in the garden,
Hanging out the clothes,
When down came a blackbird
And pecked off her nose."


The above neoliberal enneagram of political economical fixates of conditioning in neoliberalism paradigm consists of the universal political being-psyche hydrogens (un-ownable universal properties) neither belonging to a capitalist or a socialist but are truly common and universal.  These sixes are political gravity-centers, namely, freedom, liberty, rights, justice, equality and suffrage with a Yin-Yang base input DO (Point 0 or 9) either as Democracy (influenced by sociocosmic vibrations from the MI-FA Interval) or Republic (influenced by sociocosmic vibrations from the TI-DO Interval) or some other suitable political personality pairs such as ‘democracy’/‘autocracy’ (Yin-Yang), and etcetera.  The forces at the 1st and 2nd intervals are the ascending and descending economic forces that come as 1st lateral economic privatization parameters in the form of Input 3 and 2nd lateral economic nationalization parameters in the form of Input 6, all of which moving in aberrating opposite directions in perpetual conflicts seeking for resolution, balances, equilibrium and harmony at point 9 and point '0' or neoliberal note ‘DO’ for repeating and recycling into further decline or  for a qualitative transformation into the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.  Note that this happens at the matured stage of a declining and dying FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, just one of the "unfortunate" historical passing-byes of the seven main historical socociosmic species.

The capitalist economic system is unable to deliver a genuine political democracy or a republic, any real freedom, civil liberty, human rights, justice,  equality and suffrage.  The devil hidden behind these unwholesome political sixes is the merciless or heartless alienation, appropriation and expropriation of properties and finance capital from all the sociocosmic stopinders in accordance to the law of negation of negation from the individual, the group, the family, the state, the nation and the nation-bloc levels for which the final capitalistic-essenced Hegemonists or appropriators/expropriators are also expropriated alongside all their tools of exploitation deeply disguised in selling, buying, trading, legalizing, training, marketing, planning, leading, organizing, controlling, defending, offending daily activities, and etcetera – the result is the ultimate transformation of capitalism into real socialism on-transit-to real communism of common human destiny and common sharing of prosperity, notably on the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange both at the economic base and at its political superstructure. The socialist economic system would and must be able to deliver the genuine ones both economically and politically.


8   Now, the three-centered beings were puzzled due to the sudden active movement of one being-political party called Mahua and which, strangely enough were actively ‘collecting English-educated members’ by merely filling in being-forms.  Eagles and chickens were then bound together with these papers as if they were friends without quotation mark.  If the eagles’ claws were revealed and the lau beings showed their ‘guns’, the chickens would run away like little timid mice. In other nation-beings, these politic beings with such similar psychic issuings are given other political names, which names must spin in a manner creating a visible attractive aura to its political predatory targets all for the sake of catching votes.  In every country being, we have a few such being-parties and we called them, under objective observation and objective qualifying, ‘……. that which comes from the non-antagonistic class’. This ‘non-antagonistic class’ that arouse your curiosity is universal and repeats the same always within the same historical period so that the historical sociocosmic species did not evolve into another historical species and continue to retain its original form.  It is also called ‘opposition classes’, and its holy existence has long been identified although, it is not totally aware of its historical position or its ultimate destiny.  It is not esoteric nor has it the ability to become one.   Sometimes, such a political being-party can become so powerful that it can become a truly ruling being-party without quotation mark.  It can truly become independent because it has captured both the state machinery and the other higher level-notes of the sociocosmic octave and begin its governance of the people, for the people, and by the people with/without quotation mark.  Both the existing state power and the peoples’ power are captured in this manner. And our internal left-overs Mahua beings and Indu beings and the external left-outs Mingzuxingdong beings, Iselan beings and the others could only ‘cooperate’ or ‘oppose’ for the rest of their period of existence – all reciprocally eating one another till they become the Solau and Lalau being-party one day but as of now remain as they are and still wondering ‘Why it is is’.  Often they could unite ‘en masse’ as a united front against the dominating ruling power who historically rarely loses in that ill-fated ‘electocratic-casinocratic-votemarketic’ system that has emerged from the forces of PDCE and the relations of PDCE.  All these political struggles are superstructure and noomakhia struggles within the lateral capitalist mode of PDCE at the existing MI-FA interval, not even coming any closer to the lateral socialist will of the mode of PDCE regulated at the TI-DO interval that would transform the nature of PDCE at the next new and upgraded MI-FA Interval of a clockwise spinning sociotechnocosmic enneagram.  However, despite all these political struggles of PESTLES+, life would still continue as usual amongst the ordinary people intermixing and communicating daily in other sociocosmic octaves and variables. Their political Solau and Lalau leaders would soon relax their ‘struggles’ and become corrupted awaiting their final fall in the emerging reforms.

So, my dear brave reader, you would somehow sense something fishy in all these political processes all the time, and you would always wonder and even consider ‘votes’ are appropriable and ex-appropriable political power-resources to be harvested for sale from the 7 fundamental sociocosmic stopinder beings and all those lateral sociocosmic stopinder beings for “voluntary” and “free” extraction, alienation, appropriation and expropriation of this political marketable property (votes) to the ‘lau-to-be’  opportunistic political leader of governance peculiar ONLY to this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism and not  in the next higher polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism.  It is such a nicety for much predatory drumming that this naïve vote-giver has now become wise and makes the harvest no longer a free harvest - that now voters will "buy and sell" votes in the black market for an inflating price, will "buy and sell" any legal-ana constraint that might forbid this marketing and will also cause the legal-ana enforcers to contract this same "buy and sell" disease on their services. These1-year, 2-years, 3-years, 4-years, 5-years and more political power duration usage, once expired the next cycle starts.  The deep states of Capitalism and the deep state of Socialism are the two eternal opposing and contradictory essences peculiar to this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.  All other secondary contradictions such as the psyche hydrogens of racism, LGBTQIA+ism, greenism, democracism, liberalism, freedism, equalism, justicism, suffrage-ism, cultural-specifics, rightism, legalism, NGOism, charity-ism, nudism, religionism, pacifism, etc. of whatever reasoning-feeling-moral and imagination origins are subordinated to these primary essences of mode of production (PDCE) and its social relations needed for the survival of Humanity-at-Large – truly peculiar and necessary for these modes of production, distribution, consumption and exchange.

These peculiar and aberrating much accursed capitalistic-essenced often Left-party or Right-party champions of savior-racism, LGBTQIAism, greenism, democracism, liberalism, freedism, equalism, justicism, suffrage-ism, cultural-specificism, rightism, legalism, NGOism, charity-ism, nudism, religionism, pacificism, etc. formed Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) and expand in large numbers at the TI-DO Interval and at the same time there are many more peculiar and also much accursed aberrating same capitalistic-essenced "socialistic-like" personalities also formed Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and breed in large numbers at the MI-FA Interval of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.  These IGOs and NGOs are sociocosmic governmental and non-governmental three-centered sociocosmic beings that must eat 3 sociocosmic being foods to survive under the harsh terror-of-the-situation of this historical period.  Having learnt from this harshness and  terror experience they have become learned and wiseacred but always with moral negative issues.  They are pretty good political traders of these opium-coated hydrogens of racism, LGBTQIAism, greenism, democracism, liberalism, freedism, equalism, justicism, suffrage-ism, cultural-specifics, rightism, legalism, NGOism, charity-ism, nudism, religionism, pacifism, etc.  After a military conquest and surgical removal of a "rogue" head of state/nation, a neoliberal political sixes and a legalana constitution implanted-in-misfit to enable the predatory capitalistic private/corporate personalities or cultural "souls" to the existing civilizational system to dominate and oppress the people emerged - in most cases resulting in continuous sociocosmic aberration thereafter even with much beautification wiseacred.  According to the reciprocal feeding law, the foreign eaters always evoke local resistance from the eaten!  The stupid, brain-washed and naïve buyers soon become the taxi gong beings to these SO-lau and LA-lau IGOs and the FA-lau NGOs passengers.  Having bought the tickets to ride these sociocosmic taxis, they swiftly hop into them, teach and give "directions" on how to go to the wonderful Promised Land - the place where they never suspected to be horribly skinned alive and slaughtered in stupor bliss - for the ulterior goal of extracting their rich resources to make someone else rich.

When you swim in this more and more expensive business or higher and higher political investment cost controlled solely by the very rich capitalists' for political pro-capitalist guests of ‘candidaturization-for-pure-fishing-of-stupidified-free-vote-giver-fishes’ in this mystical Electocratic-Casinocratic-Votemarketic Pool during the period of ‘the law of quantitative evolution before the nodal point of qualitative revolution’, the Select-and-Regret specter will cling to your soul for life if you have selected and elected always bad un-performing governance in favor of the capitalists.  SELECT because you have selected blindly and without a series of comprehensive examinations, proven track records at all sociocosmic octave stopinder levels and proper objective screening, an unqualified, dishonest and irresponsible candidates of governance and REGRET because you have already elected a bad governance who turns out to be incompatible, inefficient and ineffective, does not care for its citizens except in words, does not keep promises, exploits and oppresses its own citizens, sells out the nation and colludes with the enemies, puts his people in heavy debts, steals public funds, engages in corrupt practices, imprisons oppositions, terrorizing his own citizens and listing them into wars of unjust plundering of wealth of other nations.  And REGRET again after about every ultra-short 5 years of disastrous repeating reciprocal party-annihilation ELECTION  full of  negative and irresponsible consequences in the casino pool of capitalism with a cancer tumor buried deep in the essence of the western model politics of an infantile, immature, experimental and unwholesome democracy that still needs further upgrades and improvements to avoid blind selection without a series of prior comprehensive examinations, proven track records at all sociocosmic octave stopinder levels and proper objective screening to ensure the continuation of capitalism.  The ultra-short experimental 5-year election for quantitative SO-lau and LA-lau succession within this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism always encounters the specter of risky and costly aberration to the original philosophy, purpose, mission, goals and objectives for which this nation-stopinder was initially founded in most cases through a qualitative revolutions or a coup de tat or a surgical assassination or any other covetous means.


9   Mechanical happenings are varied; we have happenings of the political type typical of these earth roaming political being-parties increasing and  decreasing in numbers over our current historical capitalist mode of production making only quantitative changes to the same model such as improving, maintaining and repairing the same superstructure of capitalistic politicocoons without changing the substructure within the lifespan of this capitalist mode of production.

They politically exploit, use and “gobble” up all resources to their corporates and corporate-dominated nationates in their hungry mission, sometimes believing they are championing humanity-at-large.  They can only do this when they have “free” time for hunting, when they become exploiters and also when there are ready exploitable unemployed free preys loitering around on mother Earth’s surface in search to-become the modern slave.


10   Political revolution has to solve political, economic, social, legal and cultural problems too while political evolution only need to change them petty quantitatively.  However, the methods used would be different for each major problem and for each major change in the mode of production.  The political canon will be in dystopia when three political parties and/or more knife one another to death for governance at the LA-stopinder level; in the worst scenario dystopia case military powers become Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) at the TI-stopinder level during the later stage of the evolution of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  The political and military dystopia always has a bulb of dim light at its nodal point of possible great 'Humanity-at-Large' enlightenment in front where economic powers now will become Mutually Assured Prosperity (MAP) at the TI-stopinder level in the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.


11   Although well-planned imperialism and hegemonism of our contemporary era and has been successful in wreaking havoc to the Soviet Union and certain disobedient capitalist slave-nations, color revolutions are reactionary revolutions to restore a previous political economic system, though unlikely to succeed, there are only used for weakening a political economic systems for wealth extraction purposes by the colonialistic-essenced, the imperialistic-essenced and the hegemonistic-essenced nations and nation-blocs.

Between the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, the descending revolutions of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI aberration are the color revolutions (CR-PNNS).  The ultimate goal of a color revolution is a wolf-in-sheepskin attempt to wreak an existing political economic system for the exploitation of both natural and human resources for private individualistic in favor of an exploitative capitalistic-essenced political system.  The purpose of a wolf-in-sheepskin neoliberalism or FRJES-PNNS is to engineer color revolutions and has shown some beneficial destructive results and gains but somehow the wolves were discovered hidden under the sheepskin, later color revolutions could not take off.  The purpose of wolf-in-sheepskin pseudo-neosocialism or capitalistic-essenced HEGRNS-PNNS is also the same but this is not experimented in the form of revolutions but rather in the form of economic manipulation, advertisements, promotions and price inflating by the capitalists, and shifting waste pollution costs and liabilities to the general public or to the slave-nations.  The purpose of the LGBTQIA+ - PNNS is to make for political mileage, securing more votes, having more 'says'  and challenging existing social order typical of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.


12   To be a capitalist whose origin is from the MI-FA Interval, you need to exploit, make maximum profit, own and ensure ownership and control of all kinds of resource to your personal, group or corporate benefits especially economic, to use politics, to fight, to compete, to plan wars and sanctions against another country (at SO, LA and TI levels), full of cunningness, and most importantly to change both GINI Coefficient and Asset Coefficient into ONE (1)* or Perfect Inequality if it can be done, etc.  Nothing will be spared in this madcap predatory capitalistic accumulation; even the intellectual, emotional and psychomotor  properties are a-plundered. Individual IPs are immediately "collected" through the instruments of copyrights and patents by these non-human legalana corporates and nationates of the lateral sociocosmic stopinders for the same accumulation goals.  And your competitors and enemies give more laws to you too …... making 96 Laws unto you.

A socialist proper whose origin is from the TI-DO Interval is supposed to be 24 Laws to 48 Laws unto them - sharing prosperity, caring, cooperative and harmonious, and not of the capitalist whose origin is from the  48 Laws to 96 Laws, born to be unscrupulously and greedily riches accumulators,  and most importantly are natural agents who perpetuated changing both GINI Coefficient and Asset Coefficient* into ZERO (0) or Perfect Equality if it can be done, etc. and only achievable if all the sociocosmic stopinders around him are less and less capitalistic, losing its exploitativeness and aggressiveness ........

To be a socialist proper at the TI-DO Interval is much accursed unfortunately due simply our position in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism especially still at its low ascending level and can only be "socialist" in quotation mark, that is, those providing social welfare, charities, etc. where receivers are unemployed like beggars without dignity but beautified through cosmeticism peculiar to capitalism  and the "socialist" givers are the good men but still having very strong deeply hidden capitalist psychic impulses, with concealed claws.  The socialist proper is only a subject of 24 Laws to 48 Laws without quotation mark and would be truly Laws if the sociocosmic enneagram reaches its TI-DO zenith turning clockwise historically to be the dwellers of the coming new MI-FA Interval where capitalism is no longer the lord of the house there.

The 1st lateral sociocosmic vibration at the TI-DO Interval is 'nationate' or 'collective' by nature and the 2nd lateral sociocosmic vibration at the MI-FA Interval is 'corporate' or 'private' by nature.

If octave and intervals are not studied carefully and understood, our politicking would be lopsided.  If we divide it into 2 worlds - Capitalism and Socialism - we will still make the same mistake of dualistic thinking.

* Asset Coefficient is even more important than GINI Coefficient because Asset Coefficient measures ownership of productive, distributive, consumptive and exchange factors such as how many acres of land, houses, high-rise commercial buildings, banks, factories, warehouses, infrastructures, plants, machineries (vehicles, ships, aero planes, rockets, military hard wares, etc.), equipment, intangible financial instruments (shares, FDs, savings, etc.), intellectual properties, power ownership including termed vote asset and foremost islands and territories you own or use one of those DO, RE, MI, FA, SO and LA sociocosmic stopinders to collect and own them by law.


13   Now as is the case, the psyche hydrogens within the Law 48 and Law 96 at the MI-FA Interval of Our Ray of Creation for Aquarian cosmic reception and transmission within the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, all of which are run essentially by 'capitalist', 'socialist' or 'nationalist' political systems with different personality center-of-gravity focus respectively and some 23 governmental personality types (LA-lau personality beings) much identified, endowed, extoled and practiced by these cloak-wearing politic beings historically. The following sociocosmic personality gravity-centers of political polities, due also to the way 3 sociocosmic being-foods and 3 biocosmic being-foods are digested in the human body to produce such politicocoon psyche hydrogen of cloak-wearing and motivated finger-pointing governance adjectives - all of which are opiodic words of the Wittgenstein's Language Game refined in the enneagram fixate 'P' or 'political fixate' of PESTLES+ enneagram, only peculiar to those original three-brained beings and brained-washed three-brained beings of Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-American (western) civilization.  These 'busy-with-word-playing' words (and many more such float-around words), namely, are:

1. Republic 

2. Theocratic

3. Technocratic

4. Anarchic 

5. Oligarchic 

6. Tyrannic

7. Federal 

8. Junta 

9. Democratic

10. Autocratic

11. Nazistic

12. Fascistic

13. Monarchic

14. Plutocratic

15. Totalitarian

16. Kleptocratic

17. Socialistic

18. Nationalistic

19. Dictatorial 

20. Colonialistic

21. Imperialistic

22. Hegemonistic

23. Racist, and etcetera


Capitalism and Socialism are the contradicting sociocosmic base Essences at work during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism while the 23 government type polities of these politicocoons are their changing cloak-wears for sociocosmic superstructure Personalities of political convenience.  The game of finger-pointing if not missile-pointing also becomes a way to continue the sociocosmic eating by the same hungry sociocosmic beings.


14   And the wise grandson says:

Your politics does vibrate from your cells!  It is in your essence for which you have become.  And the word, “people” is only a cheap stuff always for your convenience!  Every big and small things you tickle become big hollow elephants!

The phony opportunity-seeking political election enigma obeys only the first stage of the law of quantitative changes (social evolution) and never the second stage of the law of qualitative change (social revolution) of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism on transformation to the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.

And the wise grandson says:

After the election, now what?


15   According to Alexander Dugin, in his Fourth Political Theory (4PT), a triad of political theories has arisen and matured in the political canon from the 19th Century to the 2Oth Century, namely:

1) the rise of the 1st Political Theory - Dictatorial and totalitarian essence-undeclared or bourgeois-democratic  Liberalism (Individualism, privatization and absolute corporate ownership focus policy at the TI-DO Interval of governance impeding collective ownership in favor of corporate private ownership on the MI-FA Interval of PDCE).  The sea power of Western civilization beings, that of the USA, the UK, the French, the Dutch, Spain, the German, the Portuguese, the Japanese (militarism), etc. dominates the world of the seas and the the landed colonies.

2)  the rise of the 2nd Political Theory - Dictatorial and totalitarian essence-declared peoples' democracy Socialism on transit to Communism (Collectivism, nationalization and classless state corporate ownership and revolutionary focus policy  at the  TI-DO Interval of governance impeding private corporate on transit to individual ownership in favor of collective to common ownership on the MI-FA Interval of PDCE).  The Continental power of USSR, China, Vietnam, Cuba,  Kampuchea, and some Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist and Maoist socialist countries dominates the world of the Eurasian continent and the pockets of socialism in some other continents.

3) the rise of the 3rd Political Theory - Dictatorial and totalitarian essence-declared bourgeois dictatorship sociocosmic pyramid of Fascism and Nazism or National Socialism (State and Race focus policy in favor of state-like private corporate ownership and militarism policy at the TI-DO Interval of governance impeding private competition, workers union and collective communism development on the MI-FA Interval of PDCE).  The continental power the the Third Reich (Germany) and Italy, as well as the militarist imperialist of Japan dominates the world as axis power against the allied power.

Note that a nationstate is a wholeness body and therefore totalitarian by essence, and if partialities have knifed in as pseudo-democracies into the total body as ‘Divide and Rule’ for the purpose of external intrusion and extraction/exploitation and feeding, the wholeness of the body is lost, and peaceful and harmonious cooperation both internally and externally must be sought to ensure the survival of all.

In the 21st Century there would be a new triad for which the 4th Political Theory would be the re-emergence of a collective of quality Dasein derived from all past traditional civilizations, PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure, Noosphere emanations and the three political theories that have arisen during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism:

1) the rise of the 4th Political Theory - Dasein focus or existential beings to include essential daseins from past civilizations, religions, cultures, ........ and the time concept of the timespace stopinders in the 2nd lateral  quantum octave is no longer conceived as one-dimensional and irreversible, there is recurrence of the past in the presence and the future in the presence, the consciousness of Tertium Organon (of PD Ouspensky) is reckoned as earlier than the Organum (of Aristotle) and Novum Organum (of Francis Bacon).  It seeks for WOKEISM as one of the numerous relevant tools of change.  The emerging Continental civilization power of the land and its emerging sea and air powers of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea begins to rise and progressively dominate the world.

2) the further development of the same 4th Political Theory - Whole-Process focus.  The respective 3 ancient ways of the fakirs, the Monks and Yogis for the making of conscious man in the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism (Instinctive, Moving-physical and sex centers focus), the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism  (lower and higher emote-feeling centers focus) and the FA-Historical Socicosmic Species of Capitalism (lower and higher reason-thinking centers focus) are integrated into a Fourth Way in the making of the New Man suitable of the sociocosmic creation of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.

It aims to create a new governance at the TI-DO Interval and a new being at the MI-FA Interval and transforming all Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) forces, Political, Economics, Socio-cultural, Technological-science, Legal-ethics, Education-environmental and Security-defensive (PESTLES+) superstructures and Noomakhian dasein.

The immediate goal of which is to prevent and weaken the powerful hungry wolves-in-sheepskin now occupying the lands of the Outer or Insular Crescent (full of nuclear weapons, bioweapons and chemical weapons; finance, science-technology, soft-power and military powers) from cutting (divide-and-rule to weaken) and eating up (excessive extracting-exploiting rights to ownership, profits, rents and interests, bankrupting, PESTLES+ wisacrings, etc.)  the oppressed civilizations and sociocosmic species indigenous to YAFEILA or Extended World-Island of the Heartland (Pivot area) and Inner or Marginal Crescent of Islands - big, small and smallest.

Approaching 2148 AD:

Growing socialistic-essenced gravity-centers on main World-Island YAFEILA Body

Retaining capitalistic-essenced gravity-centers Outer Islands Crescent Wings

The infantile socialistic-essenced dongjinggong carriages and gongjingdong of the various NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of the Sinic (Chinese), the Slavic (Orthodox), Middle-Eastern/Central Asia (Islamic), the various African and Latin American civilizations pulsated more and more vigorously from year to year into the 2148 AD and would form a multiple gravity-centers within this YAFEILA countries.  The Eurasian civilization will also join this vigorous socialistic-essenced pulsation within this same YAFEILA body of the Pangeacosmic Presente.

Socialistic-essenced or collective-essenced pulsation is most active along the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) initiated by China, and starting from Asia, Africa and also Latin America.

North Pole and Greenland together is a buffer wedged between the Canada-Alaska nationbloc and the Russia-Norway nationbloc in the Artic Circle.  As the Iccy landmass melts, it will become a buffer for corporate and nationate grabization.

ASEAN countries or rather the nationbloc Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines being a geographical buffer between World-Island Asia and Outer Island Australia is a potential target for which capitalistic-essenced hegemonic grabization might occur at the nation with the weakest linkpin.

The natural immediate goal of YAFEILA, in the midst of YAFEILA versus Non-YAFEILA antagonistic conflicts or also known as Global South countries (80% population) versus Global North countries (20% population) or developing countries versus developed countries or pyramidal-base versus pyramidal-top countries, and oppressed/exploited slave countries/civilizations versus  oppressing/exploiting enslaving countries, is to build, stabilize and perfect its comprehensive four bodies, namely: 1) the first YAFEILA Carriage Body of physical infrastructure (BRI) and physical connectivity, 2) the second YAFEILA Horse Body of the power, the PDCE industries and the shaft interconnectivity of the substructure, 3) the third YAFEILA Coachman Body of Digital Infrastructure, financial connectivity, and PESTLES-HEIGRENS design and constructs of the superstructure, and its finally, 4) the fourth YAFEILA Passenger Body of Light Noomakhian logos.  All of which are to be operating under the law of reciprocal nourishment, the law of unity of non-antagonistic contradiction, the law of peaceful cooperation, the law of the harmonious development, the law of friendship and others within the stabilizing and perfecting 4-Bodied YAFEILA World-Island-Latin American being of the pnageacosmic stopinder Presente (FA).

The current abnormal Rimland Boundary (RB) formed between YAFEILA World-Island and Outer Islands Crescent as the geographically-bounded meeting-line of the third force has been broken from the dawn of civilizations, penetrated deep and choked in numerous hot spots with the curse of wars and endless conflicts imposed by the dominating hegemonistic forces from the Outer Islands Crescent over the dominated submissive forces of YAFEILA World-Island.  By 2148 AD when the Zodiac constellation of Aquarius  exerted its astrological influences during the Age of Aquarius, the Rimland Boundary (RB) will need to be healed and restored back to its proper unified border first for which YAFEILA World-Island become truly a strong and healthy chick in its own pangeacosmic eggshell and ready to break out from it as a second to unify with the Outer Islands Crescent to finally unify an Earth Civilization.  Currently, these broken eggshell border Divides at numerous  geographical trouble spots such as the 1st and the 2nd Island Chains Divide, the Rimlands of Europe-Russia Divide, Europe-Central Asia Divide, Africa-Eurasia-Middle-East Divide, China-South Asia Divide and the Latin America-Africa Divide will gradually mend and the 6 main civilizations unify as a single civilizational diversity-in-one and finally to unify with the last 7th main civilization from the Outer Islands Crescent in another higher single civilizational diversity-in-one known as Earth Civilization.

Liberalism, according to the observation of the 4th Political Theory, dominates the world by the end of the 20th Century, gradually declines and now dying in the much obfuscated 'Confusion of the Tongue.'  Liberalism (1st Political Theory) becomes imperialism when the monopoly capitalist class and the military  work hand in hand to dominate the world; becomes fascism (or national socialism, 3rd Political Theory) when the monopoly capitalist class, the state (sociocosmic stopinders 'SO' and/or 'LA' focus), the finance capital and the military work hand in hand to dominate the world; becomes Nazism (national socialism) when the monopoly capitalist class, the state, the finance capital, the race (any supra-racial geo-ethnic stopinder selected) and the military work hand in hand to dominate the world.

Marxism, socialism and communism (2nd Political Theory) work hand in hand with the landless serf peasants (nong beings) and also with capitalism to overthrow the landlord class (di beings) by an agrarian-mercantile revolution with an inversion of class pyramid in the feudalistic-essenced feudate and dynastate of landed oligarchy and gentry of the 1st stage agrarian/mercantile metamorphosis of capitalism occurs; work hand in hand with the landless and propertyless industrial proletariat (gong beings) to overthrow bourgeois landed and industrial class (lau beings) by an industrial proletarian revolution with an inversion of class pyramid in the capitalistic-essenced corporates and nationates of landed and industrial oligarchy of the 2nd stage industrial metamorphosis of capitalism occurs; finally, work hand in hand with the real-estate propertyless and the debt-bearer industrial proletariat (employee and gong beings) to overthrow the financial bourgeois real-estate rentiers, the industrial/trading profiteers, the excessive goernment taxes and the financial interest compounding creditor class (lau beings) and excessive government taxes by a financial debtor revolution with an inversion of the financial class pyramid in the capitalistic-essenced corporates and nationates of real-estate and banking oligarchy class (the 1% Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Capitalist Class) of the 3rd and 4th stage financial metamorphosis of capitalism on the LA-stopinder level and the TI-stopinder level together within the 9 geo-continental civilization dasein on Mother Earth's surface; ultimately transforming standard pyramid versus the inverted pyramid and all the contradictions laujinggong-gongjinglau versus dongjinggong-gongjingdong configurations of sociocosmic shock absorbers into various levels of sociocosmic circularity necessary to harmonious and development of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being, and to every MI-FA Interval and TI-DO Interval including the "SO-LA Interval" lateral stopinder beings in the sociocosmic creation of the LA-Historical sociocosmic Species of Communism and the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism, the final completion of a ONE (over a few more) grand sociocosmic enneagram within the span of about 15,036 years per cycle over about 6 ages of the total of 12 Astrological Ages or Cosmic Ages of 25,776 years or one (1) Platonic year.  This would recur after this half and full platonic cycle in various essences and forms if Humanity-at-Large still exists on mother Earth's surface. 

The 7 historical sociocosmic species of creation for this reference based on the mode of PDCE of three-brained hethormen human beings in the dasein of both individual and collective social relations (Pythagorean Harmonic Scale DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA and TI of the sociocosmic fundamental and lateral octaves) or all & everything dasein on human and Spiritual AI robots as the sole basic sociotechnocosmic cell-bloc for all sociotechnocosmic PDCE and PESTLES-HEIGRENS daseins (existences).

Such three-brained hethormen human beings that have emerged as at the zenith or nodal point of the mammalian sub-octave in the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation is but one such daseins or existential presence for this MI-FA Interval but certainly would not be the only one in the continuous filling of biocosmic beings and being psyche hydrogens at this interval so long as the interval continue to exist on the surface of this planet Earth.

Although the descend of historical sociocosmic gravity-centers always come as ascending DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA and TI and often in reverse descending order without a common name or any proper specific names, it is for the biocosmic beings of the highest level to give both the common and the proper specific names in the Wittgenstein language game - the language terminological identities of language convenience are the 7 historical sociocosmic species, namely: the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism, the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism, the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism and the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism all of which are housed into the 7 main geoethnic civilizations and their sub-civilizations for octave stopinderation breeding, growing, maturing, dying and ultimate death within the World-Island and its big and small Outer Islands .......... the language and terms could all be replaced by a Wittgenstein language game of naughty wiseacred naming of names with just these algebraic symbols of A, B, C, D, E, F and G through a semantic spell in the language game.  Their daseins need not have to be moving always along a uni-flow in timespace, they are dasein emergence of gravity-centers from deep in the 1st and 2nd lateral quantum octaves of the fundamental quantum octave presence deep within our three existential worlds - an Outer World 1 and an Inner World 2 for which the observing and acting 'I-You-We' or 'Individual-Collective' or 'I AM' is a DASEIN in World 3 which is both inside and outside or at the border of the two worlds.

The inside bodies of the 'multi-dasein' man (Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3):

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

The DASEIN foundation of deep understanding in the Making of the New Man for future


1.  These historical species are classified sociocosmic daseins (existence or presence) based on the mode of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) in the body of the Great Sociocosmic Being within any of the 7 main civilizational dasein context, and for which psyche hydrogens or spiritual forces are musical notes ascending and descending along the sociocosmic octave branches with this SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.

2. The fully developed sociocosmic pyramidization of the 195 horizontal LA-nation stopinders is completed after 1991 AD with the USA resting at the tip of the aberrating TI-laujinggong sociocosmic pyramid as the sole LA-unipolar hegemonic being in the 'World of Nations' (TI) in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism as identified by the determining capitalist mode of PDCE that powers this historical species.

3. However, unipolarity breaks down after 2010 AD and multipolarity sets into the 'World of Nations' (TI).  As I have already mentioned before, all the Westphalian nations are housed in the wombs of the 9 major civilizations and their Socio-cultural (S) essences of the PESTLES+ and Noosphere psyche auras emanate and dominate the existing Political (P) essences of the 1st Political Theory, the 2nd Political Theory and the 3rd Political Theory leading to the emergence of the 4th Political Theory.  Each previously abnormally created Westphalian nation on a capitalistic-essenced principle of 'divide and rule for wealth extraction and enslavement' peculiar to the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (Individualism - strong abnormal, unnatural, unreasonable and illogical behaviors and actions to favor solely to the individual 'DO-stopinder' and/or corporate 'FA-stopinder and/or to a few elite human daseins over the collective whole) is now actively seeking and exerting its own LA-sociocosmic 'I AM' and its own PESTLES-HEIGRENS sociocosmic identity within their original civilization context, and is likely to redrawn its abnormal colonial Westphalian nationstate political boundary in favor of its own original civilization-based "nationstate" geo-ethnic boundary on transit to a possible socialist mode of PDCE of the new SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (Collectivism - strong normal, natural, reasonable and logical consideration for all the fundamental and lateral sociocosmic stopinders and all human daseins).

The NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of this Western Civilization full of the laujinggong carriages reciprocally feeding and destroying one another peculiar to the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism has a rising and falling during its TI-laujinggong empire building mis-adventure and hegemonic world domination from 1588 AD, and its development from the original Anglo-saxon (UK) origin to the latest Anglo-American (US) descendent which began in the 1788 AD and has reached its height by 1991 AD, and now also declining after 2010 AD. The capitalistic-imperialistic-hegemonic-essenced dasein of its group of westphalian alliance nationstates (G7) has LA-lau sociocosmic 'I's now falling apart and fragmenting into numerous LA-lau sociocosmic 'its'.  The NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Sinic (Chinese) Civilization has rejuvenated, now with more and more dongjinggong and gongjingdong carriages formed and stabilizing peculiar and proper to a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.  The capitalistic-imperialistic-hegemonic-essenced dasein of its growing group nationstate countries (BRICS+) disappears as the law of reciprocal nourishment dominates the receding earlier law of reciprocal destruction, the re-yoking of the fragmented sociocosmic 'it's and 'I's gradually stabilizes after 2024 AD.  All the other much weaken, exploited and oppressed NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of the remaining 6 major civilizations of the YAFEILA World-Island world begin to rejuvenate.

When sociocosmic 'I AM' is harmoniously achieved in all the four bodies of a nation in the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, all the parts act and function in unison to the whole as a single sociocosmic 'I AM' positive dictatorship becomes BEING.  When there are no sociocosmic 'I AM' in a disharmonious 4-bodied nation peculiar to the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, always under the cloak of liberalism - fake democracy, freedom, civil liberty, human right, justice, equality and universal suffrage - at its 1:99 position, any heavy hand imposition of liberalism and individualism is simply a highly negative totalitarian dictatorship of the very few monopoly capitalists imposing their dictates through high political engineering for the appointment of obedient political representatives.

4.  Multipolarity of all the previous horizontal or same level 195 LA-stopinders with much re-adjustments in terms of numbers and sizes of stopinders, the nature and content of the MI-FA Interval, the “SO-LA Interval” and the TI-DO Interval, and of the PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure and Noosphere dasein worldwide would take place creating a "International Order" of civilization states preparing itself to cross the historical specie-nodal line into the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (Collectivism) as the mode of capitalistic-essenced PDCE base is transformed into the new mode of socialistic-essenced PDCE base (perhaps by 2148 AD) on a worldwide basis.  Man needs centuries to objectively transform PDCE bases and PESTLES+ superstructure, and a few millennia to transform the noosphere dasein!

Neoliberal modernity based on capitalistic-essenced individualism that exists during the period between traditionalism and post-modernity (Alexander Dugin) is a degeneration in the noosphere.  PDCE and PESTLES+ modernization based on capitalistic-essenced individualism (of liberalism) have always been exclusive, expropriative and regressive; socialistic-essenced collectivism (of socialism and communism) has always been inclusive, appropriative and progressive; and capitalistic-essenced pseudo-collectivism (of Fascism or National Socialism) is a mask in this triad.  This triad constitutes the 1st Political Theory, the 2nd Political Theory and the 3rd Political Theory and is the Triad 1 Political Theory during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism (1788 AD - 2148 AD).  The Triad 2 Political Theory begins at the end of this polar period (about 100 years before 2148 AD) with the introduction of the 4th Political Theory into Triad 2 Political Theory, this time bringing back all the already existing cosmic, the biocosmic, the sociocosmic, the technocosmic, the geocosmic, the civilizational-cosmic triads and octaves of vibrations into consciousness in the noosphere of these three-brained hethormen human beings to give history a new future direction.  In the noomakhian concepts and language of Alexander Dugin, to bring back into consciousness the logos of Apollo, Dionysus and Cybele of Western civilization, the many more logos of other major and minor civilizations such as the logos of the Mediterranean civilization of western Europe, the logos of the Indo-European civilizations of Iran and Northern India, the logos of Sinic civilization in China and Japan, the logos of civilizations in Africa, the logos of the civilizations in the Oceania, the logos of Islamic civilizations in the Middle-East, the logos of Hindu civilization in India, the logos of Buddhist civilization in northern India, Tibet, Mongolia and China, the logos of the Russian civilization, the logos of the Aztec and the Mayan civilizations in Latin America, etc.  The motion of the logos is in accordance with the law of three and the law of seven, and they have vertical, horizontal and concentric directions of motion. ..........  The Fourth Political Theory will be inclusive of the whole PDCE, PESTLES+ and the NOO daseins as a fourth way of development  for the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being.

The current geopolitical abnormal LA-nation map of 195 Westphalian nation narratives (2O11 AD) of a highly aberrating FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism - nation-division by all types of resource extraction (geo-resources of metals, minerals, plantae and animalias especially for African slaves and artificial induced migrants for modern employistic-essenced human labor exploitation), colony-setups in each LA-nation for import and export profitable trading, FA-corporate private ownership grabization and imposed liberal privatization in foreign LA-nations, capitalistic-comprador installations for colonial rulership, divide-and-rule of the 7 pieces of major civilization cakes of dasein for neocolonial and neoliberal capitalistic-imperialistic-essenced exploitation, setting up of military bases in foreign nations for policing and military ambitions of private wealth grabbed during the global process of grabization, etc. (1788 AD - 2148 AD by astrological calendar for civilizational and historical sociocosmic species creation).

Note that the United Nations (or 2nd lateral Mi-UN stopinder of the fundamental sociocosmic octave) is setup and controlled by a LA-nation called the United States of America in 1945 AD by these captive logicnestrian reasonings and deep nation-state psychology of capitalism and imperialism,  which is however, still a highly controversial dominating dasein among some 20 partialities of daseins of the fundamental TI-'World of Nations' stopinder.  Because of this control of the lower fundamental sociocosmic stopinder over the higher sociocosmic stopinder, sociocosmic FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic aberration is indispensable.

The terror-of-the-situation of this severe being-pyramidization of being TI-laujinggong being in contradiction with  severe being de-pyramidization of being TI-gongjingdong being will resolve to a new synthesis with greater and greater circularity and de-pyramidization of all same level horizontal sociocosmic and civilization stopinders.  The de-pyramidizing of same level horizontal spiritual supreme beings, the intermediate  beings and the lowest beings due to man's abnormal belief, reasoning and inner natures captivity from the 2nd historical period through the 5th historical period of Marxian historicism being-experiences, from the 1st primitive sociocosmic circularity to the 6th advanced sociocosmic circularity of beings within a civilization being is dependent on the type of astrological or cosmic being-pysche hydrogen fillings present throughout the MI-FA Interval life span in the (our) Ray of Creation.  If such psyche hydrogen of man has fallen to the lowest density of vibration of a high density of coarse matter materiality, then such man would be able with all his being power only to produce again just this DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism (plus Intermediate Communalism and Advanced Communalism).

There is only one (1) World-Island with a big Outer Islands, a smaller Outer Islands and finally 2 more small Outer Islands.  The 7 main civilizations are again housed in very big continental land mass called World-Island and its surrounding Outer Islands.

There is a YA-FEI-LA axis (YA = Whole of Asia continent, FEI = Africa continent and LA = Latin America continent including Central America) running along the body of World-Island.  This YAFEILA is the natural line of HEIGRENS growth needing nourishing nutrients for PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO for World-Island's healthy and well being, as a geosophically harmonious central line of symmetry for the proper growth and healthy development of this pangeacosmic being called the Presente, the current FA-pangeacosmic stopinder of the Pangeacosmic octaveNote that Europe is geosphically an Asiatic World-Island being, once under the spell of its own psycho-ethno-superiority known as Eurocentrism.  Europe has yet to receive enough of pangeacosmic World-Island noetic psyche-quanta of the Presente to become aware that she is dwells on the Western part of Asia and is part of her existential civilizational being - a hard journey to this noomakhian enlightenment.  Now still living under the spell of NATO and the US Hegemonic master-passsenger peculiar to the three-brained hethormen human beings of Anglo-saxon origin dwelling on the occupied-land of the biggest Outer Island along the Outer Islands Crescent, she (they) has yet to wake up from the spell and acquire her (their) own LA-sociocosmic ‘I AM’(s) and as a conscious sociocosmic being(s) of World-Island.

This YAFEILA axis and all the surrounding countries on and along this line is the much exploited, much divided, much forced nationstates aboundarization, much oppressed, much colonialized, implanted with the toxin of divisive political democracy of the many political parties, etcetera typical of the underdeveloped Third World Country always prevented by their colonial masters and/or neo-colonial masters from having a 2nd capitalistic metamorphosis of Industrial capitalism and certainly prevented from having a 3rd capitalistic metamorphosis into Financial capitalism.  The Outer Islands of the US and Australia, and those areas the coastal areas of World-Island and Latin America such as Europe and USSR are the First and Second World countries.  As a matter of fact, there are always kept as a much obstructed metamorphosis of an Infantile capitalism with much of their land, fundamental geocosmic resources and lateral organic-agro resources owned exclusively by the foreign corporate masters; nay more the YAFEILA's nationates could have real sovereignty under the cane of their foreign masters.

China's Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) is based on the philosophy and geosophy of collectivism, vision and mission of establishing and geo-connecting continents, seas & oceans  and airspaces geographically through infrastructure development and networking so that many suitable regions, existing zarooaries & new zarooaries and some rural areas  become developed and integrated.  This development can only be conducted successfully by such socialistic-essenced  MI-FA Interval state and nation owned PDCE ti-stopinders and regulated by the Do- & Re-stopinders (state & national corporations) of the TI-DO Interval SNUN regulatorates on a long-term non-profiting, non-exploitative and non-oppressive basis and therefore least costly, typical of a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.  The historical mission is to finally connect and integrating PESTLES-HEIGRENS and noo-psyche hydrogens of civilizations in association with the Noomakhian Opus Magnum of Alexander Dugin for the ultimate Afro-Eurasianism and Latinism (or YAFEILA) connectivity on the one World-Island and an Outer Island of Latin America  which has been currently divided, exploited and oppressed by Alanticism of MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism and the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism of seapower-based colonialization and imperialism of the Outer Islands through their powerful and dominating sea power during the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th Century.

Looking at the opt-geosophical calamities of being-China as a meaty fat chicken Sinic civilizational creature again, especially during its prospering periods ripe for harvesting the fruits of  her civilizational labors, those wolves with their padrigine vehicles of the land and marine creatures with their padrigine navies of the sea that have arisen in her geographical surroundings come hungrily with the hunter spears ready to strike on her vulnerable weak spots - her back (through Russia), her throat (through Japan), her belly (in Taiwan), her legs (through Vietnam), her womb (through India), her anus (through Afghanistan) and her tail (in Xinjiang).  This fate or bad and good fengshui is a chronic geosophy for the Chinese dasein!

Atlanticism with its individualism, whose dasein depends on capitalistic-essenced MI-FA Interval privately-owned corporate PDCE fa-stopinders and regulated by the Do- & Re-stopinders (also capitalistic-essenced liberalism nationates) of the TI-DO Interval on a preferable short-term profiting, exploitative and oppressive basis is not suitable for undertaking such BRI projects not aligned to its noosphere essence, and therefore essentially forced and would be costly projects if undertaken, especially now that has tried by all means to implant unwillingly this collectivism into its inner PESTLES+ superstructure and noo-psyche hydrogen apparatus deeply buried in the body of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.

Geopolitical powers are essentially based on land power (of the cavalries, land vehicles, tanks) then sea power (of the navies) and now air power (of the planes, cruise missiles and rockets).  The noosphere of civilization receives being-psyche hydrogens delivered through the Will of the Absolute in the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation to the MI-FA Interval on mother Earth.  The noomakhia is the metaphysical battle, the “war of nous” conflict between the structures of the three different logos - the Logos of Apollo, the Logos of Dionysus and the Logos of Cybele - generated by the cosmic law of triad and deposited on the World-Island and the Outer Islands on mother Earth’s surface, and the subsequent battles are for creating the sacred askokin necessary for nourishing and maintaining that lunar celestial (cosmic) stopinder (RE-stopinder of the (our) Ray of Creation) once part but split-off from the Earth celestial (cosmic) stopinder (MI-stopinder of this same ray) to create and posit this last celestial stopinder so as to  ensure the completion of all the 7 stopinders of this octave ray of creation.

5. The World-Island and its big, small and smallest Outer Islands  are shown in the geopolitical map below:

"An indispensable common human civilization destiny of an independent undivided, unexploitable, respectable and with dignity World-Island with new socialistic-essenced mode of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) flowing at its base, a flexible PESTLES-HEIGRENS and a noosphere without quotation mark, in contradiction with the old capitalistic-essenced mode of PDCE, PESTLES+ and noosphere with quotation mark still flowing in all the Outer Islands - big and small - except for Latin America in search of three being-sociotechnocosmic foods (all kinds of resources) found in World-Island and Latin America their only hunting ground which does not belong to them.  The 500 years old process of eating, colonizing, exploiting, dominating, extracting, bullying, destroying, plundering, killing and oppressing World-Island three-brained hethormen human beings, their sociotechnocsmic octaves and their civilizations by the Outer Islands Anglo-Saxon capitalistic-essenced neoliberal dasein beings is over.  From a military perspective the World-Island, the Outer Islands are all stationary mega-sized Pangeacosmic 'land-&-air-crafts' carriers unsinkable even when nuked a few thousand times.  Yet World-Island and the Outer Islands big and small are continental geocosmic organisms with independent geopolitical sovereignty and civilization dasein that have dignity and need to be respected.  The diagonal dotted line is an axis that divide all the Outer Islands into 2 groups for which the YAFEILA (World-Island Extended) is a natural and powerful geosophical landmass divide of the Atlanticism-Pacifism vs Afro-Latin-Eurasianism noomakhia logos.  Major civilizations of World-Island have been the unfortunate oppressed civilizational creatures of the Atlanticism-Pacificism civilization from the Outer Islands.  The terror of the situation of mega-reciprocal destruction of "enemies" - rebellious workers (PDCE class) en masse, ethnic population (bio-racial) genocides and civilization (Sociocultural) wipeouts - to serve Western Anglo-Atlantic-Pacific capitalistic, colonialistic, imperialistic, fascistic and hegemonic  ends has now come from the 3 military-industrial complexes or Security-defense and Technological-science gravity-centers that produce: 1) Nuclear weapons 2) Chemical weapons and 3) Biological weapons (more than 336 bio-labs) strategically positioned on Inner or Marginal Crescent (preferred) against World-Island by the Lands of Outer or Insular Crescent.  As to naval power and military bases (more than 800 bases), it is concentrated on all choke-points in the world.  As to security and defense of space, space forces and space stations become indispensable. The World-Island will return to glory ultimately after taming the Outer Islands Crescent!

The nuclear arming of the 5-eyes countries (US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand) of the 6th level LA-sociocosmic stopinder of the Anglo-saxon (western) civilization to form a partial 7th level TI-sociocosmic stopinder dwelling on the Outer Islands Crescent (big, small and smallest) against the ever rising civilizations dwelling on YAFEILA heartland, rimland and World-Island and South American countries becomes necessary and unavoidable to ensure that it never become more powerful and challenging to the dominating 5-eyes countries.

The ill-fated civilizations of the two smallest Outer Islands - one Great Britain on the Western corner of World-Island facing Europe and the other  Japan on the Eastern corner of World-Island facing China - is always written in the geographical location and geosophy of the aberration of World-Island and its Outer Islands of the pangeacosmic Presente, and worsen by the additional aberration from their specie-historicism from ancient slavism to feudalism and to capitalism."

"The League of Nations (LON) can hardly be the successful neutralizing third lateral nationate stopinder for all the nations in the world being an establishment of the Western civilization, and only to end up in World War I and II, the latest US Empire and her "United Nations (UN)" too could hardly be the successful neutralizing third lateral nationate stopinder.  A world War III might become a reality for which a possible Chinese "Empire" might emerge as a socialistic-essenced Passenger together with all her socialistic-essenced allies as the nationate United Nations (UN) turns into the regulatorate United Humanity-at-Large (UHAL) from the pressures of this new socialistic-essenced BRICS+ Ti-stopinder from the "Socialistic-essenced Will" of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and Socialism against the old and weak will fragments of the existing capitalistic-essenced G7 Ti-stopinder.  If the UN lateral stopinder could not transform into the UHAL lateral stopinder, its ability to be the successful neutralizing third lateral stopinder is likely to fail to "regulate" those remaining capitalistic-essenced super-power-seeking big nation-stopinder such as capitalistic-essenced Passenger India, and the ambiguous capitalistic- and socialistic-essenced Passenger Russia and their smaller allies of similar petty passengers due to a sociocosmic passenger navigation obfuscation leading to a catastrophic mishap and the 1991 demise of the socialistic-essenced over-reached dong-beings of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage being-USSR.  Because the UN has not being able to rid itself off the sociocosmic diseases of capitalistic essences from the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, and is limited in terms of Mi-level position it could not leap leap out of this hypnotic Mi-circle unless it transforms into the next higher lateral sociocosmic stopinder UHAL-stopinder from its current UN-stopinder.  Failing which the result of this weak handling of these highly antagonistic sociocosmic contradictions might lead to World War III and World IV at Input Point 3 and Input Point 6 respectively of the sociocosmic enneagram intervals as the sociocosmic enneagram cycle repeats itself to prolong its continuity to oscillate in pendulum the private-public ownership and control of the PDCE tetrad system."

Looking at Eurasia as a continental geocosmic being of world-Island as a huge melting pot of fragmented nations in the European Union (EU), and the 2 smallest Outer Islands, UK on the Western flank and Japan on the Eastern flank as the two handles of this huge melting pot of delicious foods, the wise grandson reflected on all these geosophically ill-fated Westphalian civilizations that chance arise there in bad fengshui, where both the wolves-in-sheepskin which have caught hold of the handles, one on each side have always been very hungry and desperately wanted to eat the delicious foods in the huge melting pot.  Eurasianism as a divided civilization under the tight claws of NATO will ultimately pangeasophically return to its pangeacosmic home in World-Island Asia.  At the western flank, the wise grandson said that there dwelled till today a hungry wolf-in-sheepskin and at the Eastern flank there also dwelled another hungry wolf-in-sheepskin to pounce on eastern corner of World-Island Asia.  Both of them till today are waiting hungrily in ambush to pounce on this ill-fated Eurasia when the time is ripe!  However, worst is it the wise grandson further said that there is an even bigger more hungry and more aggressive wolf-in-sheepskin hiding behind these two smallest wolves-in-sheepskin.


The current two (3) socialistic-essenced Sinic, Slavic and Islamic civilizational powers in World-Island and two (2) capitalistic-colonialistic-imperialistic-hegemonistic-essenced Anglo-Atlantic superpowers in the biggest Outer Islands (after wiping out completely the indigenous natives there, North America, and also another in the 2nd biggest Outer Island, Australia).  For the ultimate destruction of all civilizations dwelling in YAFEI World-Island to secure hegemony of this Great Pyramid of domination, oppression and exploitation, the Anglo-American civilization must ensure that all battles of destruction must be made to happen endlessly only in the body of this YAFEI World-Island but not on the biggest Outer Island of North America whose Anglo-American civilization is thought to be safely protected by the two great watermasses of the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, and for those smallest Outer Islands proxies sub-civilizations of Japan, Philippines, Great Britain and others they can be sacrificed.  However, there is a Central and South America where civilizational Latin Americas dwells and purportedly considered the Anglo-American's backyard, they may become the launch pad for the ultimate destruction or taming of this maleficent Anglo-American civilization.


And the wise grandson says: "Wait not for the Anglo-Saxon beings from Outer Islands to whole heartedly and sincerely build a Belt and Road Project for World-Island.  They have in the past only build roads, rails leading to seaports to serve the convenience of rapid extraction, exploitation and plunder of resources and PDCE slavery (ancient and modern) to swiftly move them to the Outer Islands.  The sociogenes of colonialism, imperialism, fascism and Hegemonism still remain essentially deep-rooted in their sociocosmic enneagram.  The World-Island-'I AM' is not the same as Outer Islands-'I AM's.  Only World-Island can take care of herself as geosophy and geography approves it, and does not allow the Outer Islands to misguide it pretentiously with non-geosophical promises!"


Based on Halford John Mackinder 1904


The Presente or the FA-historical pangeacosmic stopinder is geographical formed into a continental landmass morphology of World-Island (with 6 + 1 major civilization beings, this 1 major Eurasianism civilization being is the remnant Europe-Western Atlanticism civilization being) and Outer Islands (with 2 major civilization beings) big and small divided by the vast Atlantic, Pacific, Indian oceans for which geosophy, geoethnic civilization and geo-PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO  sociotechnocosmic being took on an antagonistic-essenced contradiction between the 4-bodied beings from the World-Islands and the 4-bodied beings from the Outer Islands with the 4-bodied beings from North America of the biggest Outer Islands became the dominance and unipolar superpower World Hegemon  on top of the social pyramid in the 19th Century, but now declining and losing this unipolarity in the 21st Century.  Horizontal multipolarity of the LA-stopinders and of the TI-stopinders are both returned back and restored to the normal and appropriate positions of sociocosmic balance and harmony proper to the healthy, natural and growth of the Great Sociocosmic Being as it should be.  The physical separation of World-Islands and all the Outer Islands is also a physical separation of the 1st geocosmic carriage body of the PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO configuration for which PDCE is its 2nd sociotechnocosmic horse body, the 3rd sociotechnocosmic coachman body for which Noomakhian 'it's, 'I's, 'I AM's, souls, egos and civilizational personalities is its 4th noosphere body.  This design and constructs of  Presente (a FA-historical pangeacosmic stopinder) need a second returned back and restored multipolarity to the normal and appropriate positions of the Presente's World-Island and Outer Islands balance and harmony proper to the healthy, natural and growth of the Great Sociocosmic Being and the Great Civilizational Being as it should be.  Despite all the aberration and catastrophic  calamities facing Humanity-at-Large to often go against or meddle or impose artificial world order or to plutocracy (UGGMBCC of 1%) especially the Anglo-saxon noomakhia (capitalistic-essenced Atlanticism) with these cosmic, pangeacosmic, civilizational, sociotechnocosmic and biocosmic natural world order, and the natural world order will restore and triumph. 

Upon the completion and perfection of all the four bodies (the 2nd Body PDCE, the 3rd Body PESTLES+, the 4th Body NOO and the 1st Carriage Body of the BRI) of World-Island both for its heartland (the  Yellow river in China up to the Ukraine and Russia in the Pivot Region) through the BRI, all the civilizations both major and minor in the body of this World-Island creature would regain its power and dominance and roar like powerful beings full of land, marine and avian strength and force.  The Atlanticism-Pacificism civilization on the Outer Islands would have to behave as a proper civilized civilizational being should be - by ridding off all its colonialistic, capitalistic, imperialistic, bullying, militaristic, hegemonistic and wolf-in-sheepskin essences, and learn to live properly among the other civilizations both in World-Island and Outer Islands big and small as a cooperative, constructive, balance-seeking and harmonious peripheral civilization being.

Alas!  This is not possible for Atlanticism-Pacificism  PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO civilizational being as her geosophy (the geography her dwelling on the occupied Outer Islands), the astrology (especially of her karma caused by her misdeed past genocidal destruction of indigenous or native civilizations previously dwelling there on the Outer Islands), the capitalistic-essence colonialism, imperialism, Fascism and Hegemonism, and her abuse of its superior sea power that offends the natural direction and behaviors of the technocosmic padrigine ships will trap her under the spell of the active law of reciprocal destruction, and disallow her to be otherwise.  Sad to say that, the much neglected law of reciprocal nourishment, cosmologically duty-bound would have to seek the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI from the just rejuvenated Sinic civilization, after being a historical victim of this same Atlanticism-Pacifism forces) to materialize itself to do the good deed of World-Island rejuvenation through the much neglected YAFEILA axis of World-Island being to counter-balance the ill-fated negative consequences of the dominating law of reciprocal destruction peculiar to all classed societies - essences of which are deep-rooted in the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism and the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.


Civilizations dwelling on World-Island and Outer Islands both going through a long history of conflicts and wars now desperately in search of integration, peace and world harmony


Note that this  land-based continental World-Island civilization power-possessing beings, collective-essenced human dasein and the emerging padrigine III being essences of  the geopolitical concept of Eurasianism of the 4th Political Theory (or more comprehensively, Afro-Latin-Eurasianism) must necessary come into protracted conflict with the geopolitical concept of sea and ocean-based ocean Outer Islands civilization of Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-American Atlanticism-Pacificism of the current sea and ocean power-possessing hegemonic Westphalian nationstates and nation-blocs/alliances which is based essentially on capitalistic-essenced profit maximization, wealth accumulation, resource exploitation, oppression and enslavement through the capitalistic-essenced mode of PDCE base and PESTLES+ superstructure, propelled by Atlanticism-Pacificism noomakhian spirit, and secured by having the World-Island including South America (Latin America) with some 800 plus military bases and numerous freely ocean-faring blue-water navies and aircraft carriers against those awakened, rebellious and disobedient "terrorist savage" civilizations and sub-specie-civilizations.

Atlanticism-Pacificism has its source of arising from Eurocentrism in what is known as Western civilization located in Europe which is part of World-Island.  Having stopinderated through the historical periods of primitive communalism,  ancient slavery and medieval feudalism, it has finally emerged in the historical period of capitalism with many infantile capitalistic-essenced kingdoms reciprocally destroying one another  endlessly and finally agreeing through the two treaties of Westphalia signed in October 1648 in the Westphalian cities of Osnabrück and Münster regarding the Westphalian nationstates basis of peaceful co-existence to reduce negative consequences of endless wars.  Then the capitalistic-essenced nations turn into global colonialists and imperialists moving outside its Eurocentric Western civilization reaching other civilizations both in World-Island and the Outer Islands - all of them for exploitation, wealth accumulation, oppression and plunder,  and struggling for world domination. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean out of World-Island to other parts of this World-Island and to the Outer Islands destroying the natives and civilizations and setting up colonies everywhere.  This is the Atlanticism noomakhian logo with Great Britain leading as the biggest colonial empire on Earth before World War II.  However, its gravity-center is on the smallest Outer Islands in North Atlantic Ocean west of World-Island.  Within Europe on World-Island an unsuccessful power, Germany, and Japan, another military power in the smallest Outer Island in the East emerged and began conquering neighboring nations. Later on after World War II, all other powers lost their dominance and the USA became the world hegemonic power on Earth, and this power is located not on World-Island but rather on the Outer Island of North America for which she has wiped out the natives there and permanently occupied their land.  This power is not the biggest colonial power but rather a super imperialist power.  Its power extends out far from the existing Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, and her noomakhian logo becomes the new Anglo-American Atlanticism-Pacificism (Anglo-Americanism).  Now, the Anglo-Americanism begins feeding on European Eurasianism of Europe which is originally part of World-Island.

Many power-seeking nation-blocs and nation-alliances will emerge (or be invented) out of the geopolitical interests from the Anglo-Americanism of the power-possessing beings from the Outer Islands with ulterior motives to the detriment of this World-Island from time to time - some might have positive outcomes instead.  Those ill-fated exploited and oppressed civilization beings dwelling on World-Island and the South America Latin part of the Outer Island having its FA-pangeacosmic body implanted with these 800 plus parasitic military bases from the Anglo-American Atlanticists have from time to time tried to get rid of these dubious harmful military bases or forcing them to return to their own Outer Island in order to gain their self-identity, self-determination, sovereignty, circularity of social PDCE and real freedom, liberty, justice, rights, equality and suffrage without quotation mark; and to continue their civilizational life as healthy, well-nourished, respected civilizational beings with dignity on World-Island.  They await the day when the Anglo-Saxon geoethnic beings return to their respective Outer Islands homeland to roost!

The Anglo-Saxon original geoethnic Atlanticism civilization being having later became an Anglo-American double-faced Altanticism-Pacificism being-civilization after a major shifting of the gravity center of power projection from UK to US and successfully exterminated the indigenous native non-Altanticism civilization  originally dwelling in North America and now permanently established itself as the Anglo-American Altanticism-Pacificism civilization there with the proper Westphalian nation  names - the United States of America and Canada - on this biggest Outer Islands of World-Island and later also successfully wipeout the indigenous native aborigine non-Pacificism civilization in another but second biggest Outer Islands as its second wing Anglo-Australian Pacificism civilization, and named westphalianly as the nation Australia and a peripheral New Zealand.  As has already been mentioned, this Atlanticism and Pacificism are actually on two side of the same coin (US) and are essenced with the same capitalism, imperialism, neocolonialism and individualism maleficence, and  power-projecting this Atlanticism maleficence eastward across the Atlantic Ocean to west Eurasian and west African, and power-projecting this same maleficence but in the form of Pacificism across the Pacific Ocean to the second largest Outer Islands as well as the smallest Outer Islands and Island chains surrounding East and southeast Asia.

However, the US has never been successfully able to wipe out all the indigenous natives of non-Atlanticism and non-Pacificism Latin America civilization resting on the south of this biggest Outer Islands.  The capitalistic-imperialistic-essenced Atlanticism-Pacificism civilization has destroyed a substantial part of the non-Altanticism civilization of Africa resting on the south-west of the great World-Island, and damaging also a substantial western and eastern coastal corners of this great World-Island through their establishment of colonies and military basis in the thousands there to ensure the capitalistic-essenced profit maximization extraction, exploitation and oppression and continuous wealth accumulation of all the resources there with little care of the mega-damages to mother Earth - her massive destruction, resource depletion, pollution, global warming and climatic calamity.

The destruction of mega-civilizations on World-Island and on the Outer  Islands enable the powers of this megalomania Atlanticism-Pacificism Western civilization truly and fully manifested globally during this end stage polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism (approaching 2148 AD).  When all actual physical infrastructure have developed to the full through Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) led by China to a nodal point around 2148 AD through the constructive forces of World-Island herself under the constant threat of the destructive forces of the Outer Islands led by the United States of America, socialism becomes the socialistic-essenced PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO dominance in the World-Island (and therefore the world) over the capitalism of the Outer Islands - the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism now is truly formed on Earth civilization.

A three gravity-centers civilizational two aged-old civilizations and one Westphalian nation-bloc known as the China-India-ASEAN triad needs arose historically and seems permanently vibrating.  The triad has a very high vibrant population, to wit: the Sinic Civilization (China, 1.412 billion in 2021), the Hindu Civilization (India, 1.408 billion in 2021) and the Indonesian sub-Civilization (Indonesia, 273.8 million in 2021) with very dense population - China at the East and India at the South both being on World-Island and Indonesia at the Southeast just on its fringe and confronting Australia, a huge second largest Outer Islands at its fringe. Almost half the world population is located here.  The modes of PDCE tetrad base are not the same with different sociocosmic stopinderation characteristics, different aberration at the MI-FA and the TI-DO Intervals, and different phases of development as a historical sociocosmic species of capitalism and socialism, so are their PESTLES superstructure and noomakhias of their noosphere.  If the PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO growth and harmonious development is not managed properly, and it gets divided as it has happened in the 20th Century, it will end up as a puppet again to Atlanticism-Pacificism noomakhia of the world Hegemon in the 21st Century - although this is unlikely to happen.  I mentioned noomakhia instead associating it to the US  because a noomakhia is a spiritual ghost more dangerous than a nation.  A noomakhia such as the spell of neoliberalism can kill a nation or a nation-bloc such as the USSR (1991) swiftly, invisibly and  effectively at low costs over a short period of time!

China belongs to the World-Island but America belongs now to the biggest Outer Islands after the Anglo-saxons have migrated from Europe got rid of the indigenous natives there and became the Anglo-Americans.  The Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean separate the Outer Islands from the World-Island.  Historically, the Outer Islands cannot get rid of its hegemonic ambition on World-Island due to their dark logos noomakhia, and geosophically it is very difficult to dominate and control World-Island due to these two great oceans without having superior sea-powers and the use of puppet states of the numerous small Outer Islands surrounding the World-Island or military bases setup at various maritime choke points to control the supply through its surrounding maritime routes.  The much feared ever-growing, ever-expanding and consolidating land routes and hypersonic space power inside and outside of World-Island would soon destroy such US hegemonic ambition.

A dark noomakhian logos is in the noosphere of a NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization full of sociocosmic lunatic, Hasnamussian and trampic individuals living in the state of sleep under the negative consequences of organ kundabuffer which still linger on in the inner world of these lunatics, Hasnamusses and tramps full of colonialism, capitalism, imperialism, fascism and Nazism enjoying wealth accumulation, ownership, possession, power, profit maximization, exclusive rights, etc.

The US Hegemony, being a superpower nation-stopinder dwelling on the Outer Island of North America surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean in the East and by the Pacific Ocean in West can only achieve her own 7th level (empire level) by ascending along her own sociocosmic octave to over-stretch herself in this 'TI-ization'  horizontally to create the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) zones - both mostly water-mass as a geo-base.  These two water-mass blocs are led by the LA-lau beings of the US Hegemon as an unavoidable way to expand herself.  She also needs to include all the coastal landmass of Western Europe, North-east Latin America, North-west Africa, East and South-east Asia and some small Outer Islands and island chains countries of World-Island to come within her hegemonic grip, and finally, to implant her neoliberalism spell, her financial capitalistic-essenced dollar and/or PESTLES systems, and its noomakhian hegemony, and further reinforced by military bases, blue navy carrier fleets and satellites all around World-Island.  The hegemonic ambition goes as far to include also another unconnected miss-out vast water-mass region known as the Indian Ocean, which is too faraway from the North America to dominate this South Asia corner of World-Island - truly an unbecoming wiseacre.  So just call it the 'Indo-Pacific' will be 'Okay' so long as the word 'Indian Ocean' and India be not shine.  But alas!  Everything is collapsing.  Her population (5%) is too small to control the global TILAUJINGGONG pyramid for which she is now trapped; the Earth is too big for her to eat and could only be shared by all.

Atlanticism of the US hegemony fears most Afro-Latin unification, her Pacificism fears most losing this hegemony because of her great distance to the east and southeast Asia therefore always needing to rely on the Island landmass, Australia of the 2nd largest Outer Islands and the few smallest Outer Islands and Island chains of Japan, Philippines, South Korea, “Taiwan” and “Singapore” as bases for pivoting to Asia - to realized her capitalistic-essenced inner natures or dasein of her individualistic purpose of existence to preserve the originality of FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism so beneficial to herself.  Her illusion of having huge army of technocosmic military hardwares placed on these 800 military bases all around outside and some inside on the Great Afro-Latin-Eurasia World-Island (extended) to nuke and wipeout other civilizations who dare to challenge the Anglo-saxon Hegemony (5 % population) of the Outer Islands, with her low population is a wishful and an impossible noomakhian lunatic and 4th level Hasnamussian world mission, and strictly speaking unnecessary for Civilization-at-Large and Humanity as a whole.  She has willingly conditioned herself into an ill-fated enslaved cosmic tool and therefore an innocent cosmic rascal for facilitating the rapid mega-extraction of the sacred askokin for the cosmic purpose regular lunar nourishment, maintenance and repair of the celestial being called Moon.

These 800 military LA-Laujinggong carriages from the United States are military enneagrams implanted into the nation-bodies of her nation pyramidal bases for which she remains at the top.  However, such military bases are military enneagrams that require three-foods on a daily basis for their military biocosmic beings and technocosmic padrigines II & III as well as the Master 'I' above to continue surviving and function properly.  These three-being foods have to be supplied by their host nation-stopinders as well as the hegemonic parasite at rising costs.

Finally, a point is reached when the hosts and the parasite can no longer maintain the supply, and these military bases start dying in groups - which the US Empire is now shrinking and will soon have to return to his only successfully occupied North American continent of the biggest Outer Island to rehabilitate still with the lingering dream of restoring World Capitalism, and perhaps now to roost only in hope to produce the necessary capitalistic, colonialistic and imperialistic being-psyche hydrogens for the future restoration of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism within the reality of the growing SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.

F = US Navy Fleet

Why the world is not peaceful!  Look at the many much toxic hegemony of the US Military bases implanted at all the strategic  maritime-choked points on the body of this ill-fated much injured and exploited World-Island, YAFEILA, with a further octave of 7 US Navy Fleets to support the parasitic imperialistic-essenced colonizing military bases and gnawing to the death of YAFEILA by parts.  There is little chance of World-Island civilizations and Outer Islands civilizations escaping the ultimate nuclear mandate of World War III and World War IV due just to the presence of these highly aberrating MI-FA and TI-DO Intervals.  The frontline running dogs and the now real old and hairless hunter Wolf-in-Sheepkin US Hegemon behind from the Outer Islands as well as in YAFEILA are now barking more loudly and aggressively around and within YAFEILA despite her frail body. These nuclear World Wars are simply real and possible due to increasing cosmic and astrological demands of the sacred askokin and their subsequent global negative outcomes.  (Real World Views)


Being always a being-civilization species among all civilization beings on mother Earth's surface, and having essentially exclusive sea powers at their disposal,  Atlanticism-Pacificism has developed itself through the astrological ages a maleficence deep conscienceless essence buried deep in their inner being and existences during its quest for a bigger Outer Islands landmass for posterity, and could not upgrade itself to a higher level being of the being of the huge and vast World-Island being.  So this terrible lunatic psychology often manifests itself mercilessly and fully Hasnamussianly  when confronting those three-brained hethormen human beings from any civilization from the World-Island, be they the Orthodox, the Islamic, the Buddhist, the Hindu and the African civilizations, and in sleep-wake consciousness also those disobedient indigenous hethormen human beings, those once captured, purchased now "free slaves" and those immigrating cheap modern slave-employees of the flight and of the job-seek caused by its own wars and exploitation on the World-Island landmass.  Their fading civilizational auras of non-Atlanticism still dwelling in their conquered big, small and smallest Outer Islands would also be ostracized.   Atlanticism has fought hundreds of wars to be the lau being of every class pyramid on World-Islands and Outer Islands, and to continue modern slavery essence in its PDCE, PESTLES+ and Noomakhian socio-genes as a fully matured and now aging FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.

Since its arising with the non-Atlanticism  of the great World-Island and all other big, small and smallest Outer Islands as an existential being in the form of Atlanticism it has eaten many parts of the Rimland of this World-Island from the Scandinavian north-west, to Europe to the Middle East to Asia Minor to Central Asia to South Asia to South-East Asia and all the way to to the East Asia.  It has captured most of the Outer Islands big, small and the smallest as well as devastated much of the coastal African continent and Latin America over the 500 years of its Atlanticism evil being-arising as a maleficent civilization cosmic rascal - conquering and possessing them exclusively for their technocosmic beings, their sociocosmic beings and for themselves but could not control them due to its low population of about 11% (G7 reference), and also due to a majority of oppressed people at the base of the pyramids within the countries in their Outer Islands domain.  Its powerful enemy now is the trinity powers of the dasein man, the angel and the archangel  (or divine powers) of three-brained hethormen human beings and their technocosmic beings from the united Afro-Latin-Eurasianism civilization from the great World-Island - solely exists now to prevent the US Hegemony of merciless wars, removing disobedient governments, massive extraction and plunder of its rich resources.

Till today, the deadly wars have not ended and the Anglo-Americanism of the North Atlantic American Outer Island has not learnt any lesson of history and continues its old ambition on World-Island.  The return of this sea power-possessing Atlanticism-Pacificism beings back to their "original source" (from the North American Natives there) of its arising from these Outer Island realities must happen to ensure the harmonious and peaceful development of all the civilizational, the sociocosmic, the technocosmic, the biocosmic, the PDCE  and PESTLES knowledge fixate stopinder beings including the Noomakhian dasein existing on mother Earth's surface!  But ill-fatedly, all the gravity-centers of PESTLES+ superstructure are activated, and now the military-industrial complex of Anglo-Americanism noomakhia is on the security-defense station (S) and all the other military-industrial complexes of World-Islands and Outer Islands alike are also activated to critical point - nuclear standby and all securities and defenses in place.  Numerous prison-complexes are set up to imprison the criminals, for periods -  years, decades or for life - useful for the slavery and capitalistic-exploitation of the cheapest labor from these ill-fated prisoners, and to put them into frontline fighters for imperialist wars.

All of these sociocosmic stopinders and all other stopinders in the (our) Ray of Creation have an Affirmation-Denial-Reconciliation (ADR) triad of forces in them, and mostly octave stopinderable if they are still growing within themselves and/or triadicking in three-within-three if they pyramidize among horizontal stopinders within and without!

Geosophically, the hegemonic imperialistic-essenced  Atlanticism-Pacifism dasein of the US TI-lau beings dwelling and breeding on the biggest Outer Island (North America) would not last for half a decan (358 years after its arising in 1788 AD).  The anti-geosophy to dominate, exploit, extract resources and oppress all the human beings, their sociocosmic stopinders and civilizations dwelling and breeding on World-Island by surrounding it with all the 800+ military bases stationed on the smallest Outer Islands at its front-door and all vital maritime choke points in the world to destroy the disobedient nation-and civilization-slaves, to contain and to maintain by a routine divide-and-rule principle by this US hegemony will come to an end soon, and World-Island would soon regain its strength, rejuvenate and grow into a powerful healthy geosophically-restored being capable of taking the lead of both beings of the World-Island and Outer Islands in this geosophical and cosmosophical tri-octave logic.

However, the last few years before the final stage of decline of US Hegemony shall witnessed the maintenance of this sociocosmic pyramid at TI-level with a risk of nuclear war as the law of reciprocal destruction still outweighs the law of reciprocal nourishment, and there will also be a few "renewals" of the similar along quantitative changes in the trialectics of the same sociocosmic pyramids.  An ultimate final renewal would be imminent sociocosmic revolution(s) with the ultimate transformation of its own PDCE-PESTLES-NOO essences from the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (capital-value and pyramidal-individualistic in essence) into the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism independent of the human will in the Great Sociocosmic Being as a whole, for which the law of reciprocal nourishment outweighs the law of reciprocal destruction, and for which names given are not of essence.  As for a leading China, if it continues to pulsate in the seven (7) fundamental, seven (7) 1st lateral and seven (7) 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism and move forward from the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (sociopital-value and circular-collective in essence) along the historical sociocosmic specie-line she will also enter into the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism (communipital-value and circular-communitive in essence) of the next historical specie-stopinder 'LA' and subsequent historical specie-stopinder 'TI' of the historical sociocosmic octave - certainly with ascends and descends along the journey of struggles.  Nay more, the motion of the historical sociocosmic species exists within the surrounds of the 7 main civilizations of the Earth civilization being, the geography of Presente with its World-Island and Outer Islands big, small and smallest, and the geobiosociotechnocosmic octaves on mother Earth at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation. This historicism is now under the law of reciprocal feeding and the law or reciprocal destruction, and real peaceful harmonious development is not possible as yet under these dominance.  This historicism needs to exist in harmony with them under the law of reciprocal cooperation and the law of reciprocal nourishment to keep going - which is possible and necessary for all still existing major civilizations and sub-civilizations along the YA-FEI-LA axis of this Great World-Island Being for their ultimate PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO civilizational rejuvenation against the exploitative, oppressive, enslaving, capitalistic-essenced colonialistic, imperialistic, Hegemonistic and destructive PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO civilizational unbecoming Atlanticist-Pacifist powers stationing on the big, small and smallest Outer Islands crescent as well as on the 800 plus strategic maritime choke-points in the YAFEILA landmass continents and its surrounding seas and oceans.

The landmass that houses the hethormen human being is always the only original, natural and geosophical sovereign to all human beings, NEVER the watermass which is the home of the hethormen fish beings, NOT the hethormen human beings.  Only these hethormen fish beings have the exclusive "sovereign" right to it - neither the humans nor his associated passing padrigine ships and submarines  can give you a sovereign right to a water instead of a thing of land!  When talking about sovereignty for human beings we talk about landmass sovereign first and the seamass as just as secondary territorial waters or an accepted distance from an actual landmass such as a land-water divide of a continent, an island, an islet or a sand beach of an atoll.  If this sand beach is not considered a landmass, then no nation or state can claim a rightful landmass sovereignty.  The sea is not about sovereignty, only the land is!  The sea is always second to land and this should not be obfuscated or connived in cooked up narratives! (About the Nansha Islands)

6. A wee bit to note about the sociocosmic pyramids of the Age of social pyramidization of  pyramids (vertical and right-standing) and the Age of transition of pyramids (inverted).

The dissolution of the USSR is not a transformation to a higher level of socialism or a forward dialectics but rather a catastrophic descend and a fall to poverty, and into 15 colonize-able, imperialize-able, exploit-able, extract-able and oppress-able lamenting, regretting and failed ex-socialist government nation-stopinders by the winning imperialist nation-groups - all in hope, search and wait for some promising socialistic essences to rejuvenate their much-wrecked nation bodies.  Only China came out from this catastrophe to open a door for her also much-wrecked YAFEILA (BRICS+) exploited and oppressed socialistic-essenced or capitalistic-essenced nation-group to come out from this peril.  This new China undergoes a quantitative change to a socialism with Chinese characteristics especially from its 5000 years civilizational experience.  With a communist vanguard party and a socialist government it continues to move forward all-round together with the other willing socialistic-inclined nations to overtake the US Imperialist alliance in every aspects.

As a result the neoliberalism, LGBTQIA+, color revolutions, democracy and capitalism of the US hegemonic ambition for a unipolar world controlled by her has failed, and the decline is inevitable. Socialism still remains ever stronger resetting all nations to a balance of powers on a multipolar platform at 'LA-level' this time with NOO-PESTLES(HEIGRENS)-PDCE Carriage civilization alternatives for the many.  There is a still a 'TI-level' platform and an Earth civilization level to stopinderate for this is the last stopinder of both the sociocosmic and the civilization octaves.  Because of this still unstable infantile last TI-stopinder of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and Socialism, and the emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, the pyramidization of horizontal leveled nations (200+) can still auto-happens or be revived intentionally form ICU because the receded capitalist, colonialist, imperialist, fascist and hegemonic essences could not be purified completely in the three-brained hethormen human beings and well as in all her derivative sociocosmic and civilizational stopinders.


At the MI-FA Interval of this Fundamental Natural Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, there are acceleration and deceleration in oscillations or pendulum-ing where dark noomakhian logos acceleration ascends from Ancient slavism, to Feudalism to Capitalism to Colonialism to Imperialism to Fascism and to the now Hegemonism from such NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Anglo-Saxon (Western) Civilization now dwelling in the Outer Island  Crescent of the North American continent wiping out the natives there, are occasionally countered by deceleration of the conservatives within this same civilization, and much of the other 6 main civilizations have been ruined and many subspecies civilizations are genocidally wipe-out by this accelerating dark noomakhias.  The strongest survival of these ill-fated natural civilizations is the Sinic (Chinese) civilization being full of possible light noomakhias with a NOO, a PESTLES+, a PDCE tetrad system and a civilizational Carriage with the essences of Socialism proper will be able to help the other main civilizations and their civilization subspecies, historical sociocosmic species, the specific FA-SO-LA-TI-laujinggong carriages and their associated sociotechnocosmic enneagramic beings to leap out of this MI-FA Interval and continue leading the civilizations flowing smoothly non-antagonistically, non-exploitatively and non-oppressively along this Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave.

Having noticed the essence of the social pyramid configuration in the body the Great Sociocosmic Being of the right-standing social pyramids in the past to the current and having also sensed the possibility of the  emerging inverted social pyramid of the future, where these aberrating Israelitic LA-Lau-beings of the newly formed LA-stopinder Israel (May 14, 1948), and much fancied by the truth of the two social pyramids formed in according to the sacred law of three began to put together the right-standing and the inverted social pyramids into their LA-nation flag as their sacred national symbol - only that they  could have also placed, in the middle of the symbol of their LA-nation flag, an anti-clockwise right Swastika of early Christianity (of the incarnation and re-incarnation of esoteric fertility of reciprocal nourishment) which she could have sought for or a clockwise inverted Swastika of Nazism (of Askokin Soul-Harvesting through the fire-ice and the hollow-earth theories of reciprocal destruction) which she is now ill-fatedly trapped.  The terror of the situation of this Transition Age where all the three political ways or three political theories  are trapped and the deep desire to desperately escape has caused all the geopolitical and cosmopolitical power-possessing beings to search for a fourth political way and a fourth political theory (Alexander Dugin) of governance at the TI-DO Interval this time without forgetting or ignoring what is going on at the MI-FA Interval of the sociocosmic octave.

The three most dangerous capitalistic-essenced sociocosmic enneagrams of our time!  The first two Economic Power Nations of Capitalism are geometrical enneagram of nation fixates in essence within the Western civilization. However, the Imperialist-Militarist Enneagram is not a geometry of fixates, it is sociocosmic cum "civilizational" enneagram and octave with two intervals and eating of the 1st War-resources being-food at the MI-FA Interval, the 2nd Security-offense being-food at the "SO-LA Interval" and the 3rd Dark Noomakhian logos astrological being-food at the TI-DO Interval.  This type of Imperialist-Military Enneagram has dominated at 'TI'-stopinder level twice as World War I and World War II, and it will dominate at the 'TI'-stopinder level twice again for World War III and World War IV in the geometrical fixated enneagram of the economic nation-powers.  This is truly worrying, and we are treading along this path reaching its threshold now!

2 pyramids in balance -Right Standing and Inverted

What noomakhia might be inside the 2 pyramids

The 2 possible direction-dominance of Israel after acquiring a noomakhia - Reciprocal nourishment direction-dominance of the incarnation and re-incarnation of esoteric fertility of reciprocal nourishment or Reciprocal destruction direction-dominance of Askokin Soul-Harvesting through the fire-ice and the hollow-earth theories of reciprocal destruction.

Reciprocal nourishment direction-dominance in an Affirmation-Denial-Reconciliation Triad

Reciprocal destruction direction-dominance in an Affirmation-Denial-Reconciliation Triad

As to the Fire-Ice Theory and the Hollow-Earth Theory, the noomakhian lunatic and Hasnamuss power-possessing beings will be very much attracted to colonize Antarctica and the North Pole too as the fire of nuclear power could possibly create a hollow below and ice mass above Earth colony for themselves - yet another ill-fated fate for these three-centered hethormen human beings of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.

The endless battles within the cosmological NOO or being-psyche hydrogens in the noosphere of human civilizations or between the Dark noomakhian logos and the Light noomakhian logos is tied according to the principle of the indestructibility of Yin and Yang or the indestructibility of opposites such as the affirmative and the denials, the law of reciprocal destruction and the law of reciprocal nourishment.  Removing Yin, the Yang also disappears and removing Yang, the Yin disappears, this could not be done and everything has to be there in the pot of changes and transformations.  The reconciliation  is the a third factor in the endless dance to balance the Yin and the Yang, the negative and the positive, the denial and the affirmation, the reciprocal destruction and the reciprocal nourishment - which exist periodically in the state of off-balance.  When the reciprocal destruction law heightens to its peak within Earth civilization and exists in dasein dominance, the reciprocal nourishment law will also automatically heightens to its peak and restore the imbalance in resolution before this reciprocal law of nourishment grows in abundance and become dominant at a certain nodal line and remains dominant over a certain period of time in the state of off-balance, for which the then reciprocal destruction law will automatically return to correct it.  Finally, the law of death (or rascooarno) is the ultimate truth for the dasein of Earth civilization where everything constituting the civilization dies within the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.

The dark noomakhian logos of the right-standing pyramid of contemporary NOO-PESTLES-PDCE Carriage civilization(s) has only partially invert or partially transformed into the Light noomakhian logos of advanced circularity of sociocosmic relations of all the parameters present in the PDCE-PESTLES-NOO Carriage Earth civilization.


Dangerous World 3 nearly triggered around 1983 between the USA and the USSR, and ignited again between USA and Russia on 2022 through Ukraine and in 2024 in GAZA through Israel with the Islamic civilization states.  The thesis: If a NOO-PDCE-PESTLES Carriage civilization being has within itself the essence of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism actively dominating or hidden, these war and peace cycles will unceasingly continue. All the 4 metamorphosis of capitalism can repeat in varying appearances under the same essence of capitalism, and World War 3 and World War 4 must happen and true for Point 3 and Point 6 in the Imperialist-Militarist Enneagram!


And the wise grandson said:

All are sailing in a single ship of endless bickering parties! Whether you leave the hull or the superstructures or the deck, you are still in the same ship...... Unless you jump into the sea and swim to another ship if you can find it, and stay in another hull, another superstructure and another deck in another ship to repeat the same!

And the wise grandson further said:

Both the law of reciprocal destruction of civilizations and the law of reciprocal nourishment of civilizations have the same chance to dominate in the history of civilizations - the 'either' and 'or' has always an inclusive transition middle for wiseacrings of the sly man!

A Wee Bit of the current geographical and geosophical implication for Singapore, a geographical choke point of the Presente:

The trouble for Singapore is 'Far  away water cannot put out near Fire'. Although the desire and ambition of the US has managed to put out small Fire in the past, she is now unable to put out big near Fire from China. After all Singapore is part of World-Island and would permanently be geologically and geosophically under this World-Island pangeacosmic influences in the PRESENTE. The dark noomakhian winds of the Anglo-Saxon (Western) civilization with its typical NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE dominance is fading rapidly after about 500 years of blossoming.

It is why the United States and the Anglo-Saxon civilization will never allow Singapore to join BRICS+ to continue neo-colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism of extractive, exploitative, oppressive domination of World-Island by the biggest Outer Island (North America) through the capitalistic-essenced financial system of the IMF and the World Bank of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism rather than the alternative non-extractive, non-exploitative and non-oppressive socialistic-essenced Financial cum Industrial system of the BRICS+ and SCO of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.

The benefit of maximization of financial gains through global and professional financial wiseacring systems developed over some 500 years of western capitalism history by aligning with the hungry financial and militaristic expansion of the hegemon as a useful pawn is still important but only for the nonce. Singapore is still fearful of the Islamic civilization, the last One-God religion out of the exceptional and mutually exclusive antagonistic three - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But Americanized spirit implanted in the Chinese physical body amidst a Sinic (Chinese) civilization noomakhian co-existence is a state of chronic worries for Singaporeans. If China becomes overwhelmingly powerful and strong in the YAFEILA World Island world of the Global South Countries, she too has no historical choice but to join BRICS+ to survive through the historical realities - for she is still a World-Island sociocosmic stopinder, and would never be a geographical sociocosmic creature of the Outer Islands Crescent's sociocosmic creature.  Her pro-western and pro-US stance arising from successful past spiritual implantation of colonialism and imperialism of the Global North Countries is certainly   diminishing as the fall of the US empire continues. She is needed to be an essential military base of the US hegemon at this vital geographical choke point - the lucky ill-fated hotpot where the battle of reciprocal destruction is likely to take place.

Note also the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism has lost its historical battle to  the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, and now the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is losing to the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. The law of octave applies to the historical process of the development of society.


For a glimpse of a geopolitical canon of the 4th Political Theory underlying all the ethno-anthropological civilizations, the sociocosmic octaves and their historical socio(techno)cosmic species and all other relevant octaves, please click this link:






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