THE FOURTHWAY MANHO E-JOURNAL Volume 143 April 25, 2021 |
BEING-CAPITALISM By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho (An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 18, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The Sociocosmic Octave, the Biocosmic Octave and the Cosmic Octave: A Revolution in Scientific Thoughts," October 1993 - March 1996, Chapter 5, Section A: "Being-Capitalism," pp. 507~698)
(Revised in April 25, 2021, August 27, 2023) "Occupy Wall Street 1:99" refers to the Occupy Wall Street movement, which began in 2011. The "1:99" ratio highlights the perceived economic inequality between the wealthiest 1% of the population and the remaining 99%. Protesters argued that a small elite held a disproportionate share of power and wealth, leading to social and economic disparities. The movement sought to address issues like corporate influence, income inequality, and financial system reform. The "1:99" in the context of Occupy Wall Street doesn't represent a precise mathematical calculation but is rather a symbolic way of highlighting economic inequality. It is a shorthand way of saying that a small percentage (1%) of the population is perceived to control a significantly larger share of wealth and power compared to the rest (99%). This ratio emerged from the broader sentiment that economic policies and systems disproportionately favored the wealthiest individuals and corporations at the expense of the majority. The figures themselves are not derived from a specific formula but rather serve as a metaphorical expression of the perceived imbalance in wealth distribution. (ChatGPT Quote) "The ownership of the many becomes the exclusive ownership of one is the individualization of a collectivite ownership, a capitalistic-essenced individualism over a socialistic-essenced collectivism, and descending octave to the MI-FA Interval over and ascending octave to the TI-DO Interval." "This type of quantitative ratio of 1:99 is a tripping point or a nodal point of a 100oC boiling point of water for steam to come into being more and more. Continuing at this 1:99 ratio for as long as it might take capitalism (water) is gradually boiled away and what is left is more and more socialism (steam) in dominance in the real world as it is. Note that there is still water but there will be much more steam! The 99% just continue to walk forward independently this time with its own and new four-bodied socialism with their typical characteristics in the real world as if there is no 1% UGGMBCC hanging around to be listen to, to be directed by, to be obeyed to, and to be laujinggong and NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE spooky-ed with for all that can be found in the subjectives and the objectives of the inner and outer world of man at this tripping point of only the further mini-expropriation left of the completion of the whole expropriation at the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave - and many thanks to the UGGMBCC (1%) for doing the great job of the first mega-expropriation on Mother Earth's surface!" "The winds of being-socialism at its 4th metamorphosis stage of Leadership socialism of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism inevitably blows up to the 7th level (TI) stopinderation of all the TI-sociocosmic stopinders moving along the sociocosmic octave in her all-corners NOO-PESTLESHEIGRENS-PDCE Carriage of the Sinic (Chinese) civilization dwelling on World-Island, and the power of up 1010 megawatts or up to Kardashev Type 1 technocosmic civilization to keep on nourishing the majority in Earth civilization - through the socialistic-essenced sociopital-value collective-flow principles of pital-value in a stable way as she has learnt from the past experiences of this declining being-capitalism where the capitalistic-essenced capital-value individual and private-flow principles of pital-value have dominated the world. The winds of being-capitalism at its 4th metamorphosis stage of Hegemony capitalism of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism has once blown up to the 7th level (TI) stopinderation of all the TI-sociocosmic stopinders moving along the sociotechnocosmic octave in her all-corners NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Anglo-American civilization (also of power up 1010 megawatts or up to Kardashev Type 1 technocosmic civilization to keep on reciprocal destroying the minority in Earth civilization) dwelling on the biggest Outer Islands crescent to keep on pyramidizing, exploiting and oppressing other historical sociocosmic species and civilizations both in the YAFEILA World-Island as well as in the Outer Islands, has proven this to be true in history, in a revelation of the hegemonic power of the military might and nuclear bombs needed to maintain this abnormal capitalistic essence as a stable social pyramid of permanent exploitation by the minority UGGMBCC (1%) on the majority. Its original noomakhian logos of the Greco-Roman civilization remnants of European classical antiquity, of the Cross of Christian havatvernoni, of the stolen pentagon symbolism of the Tarot much for the design and construct of the US HQ Office of the War Department, of the stolen noomkhian logos of the pyramid from ancient civilization in Egypt have all gone exoteric without much esoteric in-depth into its four pillars of finance, military, science and the Hollywood's, and it has now become the most obedient servant to the dark noomakhian NOO forces of reciprocal destruction found abundantly in its own NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Anglo-American (Western) civilization dasein accelerating into the Abyss of civilization for possible enlightenment and reborn of a new Light noomakhian logos that could hop and exit from the MI-FA Interval Abyss, and return to the mainstream normal and Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-stopinders Octave of sociocosmic and civilizational circularity under the law of reciprocal nourishment." "Before the nodal line of dominance of capital-value and sociopital-value divide (2148 AD), it is: Wherever capital-value gathers at any of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization fixates to extract, exploit and oppress, sociopital-value also gathers there to oppose this extraction, exploitation and oppression; and after this nodal line, it is: "Wherever sociopital-value gathers at any of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization fixates to lead, construct and nourish, capital-value also gathers there in elusive disguise, now hidden now open, to oppose and/or to erode and/or to revise and/or to corrupt this leadership, construction and nourishment." All that has come into being is in accordance to the trioctave laws of the sociotechnocosmoses and the civilization cosmoses under cosmic influences." "Hegemonism in capitalism begins in the corporates at the MI-FA Interval of the sociocosmic octave with a domestic monopolization of the products and services from the PDCE tetrad system within a nation, and continues as Hegemonism in colonialism and imperialism of other nations by the nationates at the TI-DO Interval of the sociocosmic octave with further global international monopolization of the products and services by the destruction and elimination of foreign corporates and nationates' vital elements - including diminution and final elimination of their nationate's life lines of their 3rd Coachman Body of Financial capitalism - monies, currencies, financial derivatives including the nationates' life lines of their 4th Passenger Body of Hegemony capitalism, that is, an important one of which is their sovereign 'I-AM's. The destiny of which is to achieve the dream of a single Great Social Pyramid where the Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class (UGGMBCC 1 %) world asset owners is on the top. This is the essence noomakhian dream of the Anglo-American Civilization coded in the social and civilizational genetics, which permeates and reverberates all over its own NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage mother womb - only typical of this peculiar abnormal capitalistic-essenced FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, and especially those with a connected and associated One-God Belief psyche hydrogens with the same cosmic property produced in the inner world of these strange three-brained hethormen human beings and nourished by its own regular havavernonian worship and prayer to this sole God for its civilization to the point of exclusive zuoforumo extremism. Notably, with the many conscienceless and empathy-less evil-god believers full of tramps, lunatics and Hasnamusses capitalistic-value hegemonistic individuals (UGGMBCC 1% over the Obyvatels 99%) who quickly stopinderate to all the 7th sociocosmic level and populate her four-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage Anglo-Atlantic civilizational mother womb in the real world. However, this is not necessarily the noomakhian dream of the other historical sociocosmic species and their civilization dasein who are not prone to the psychosis disease of mechanical sociocosmic pyramid worship. It is also not necessarily the noomakhian dreams of the other historical sociocosmic species, notably with the many-gods believers in their civilization mother wombs in the real world." "Capitalistic essence is prone to nationate and corporate grabization and privatization of wealth to the few LA-lau nationates and FA-lau corporates, and to some families, cronies and individuals without any socialistic essence of common collective sharing of the wealth and common collective prosperity of all the capitalistic loot. This capitalistic-essenced grabization has 7 sociocosmic levels, full of endless tricks, all mercilessly crushing everyone without common collective sharing of the wealth and common collective prosperity." "Whereas the corporates of the
MI-FA Interval and the nationates of the TI-DO Interval of the FA-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism individualistic-private profit-maximize and wealth-accumulate -
exploitative and oppressive being capitalistic-essenced - with their
capital-value, the cooperatives of the MI-FA Interval and the socionates of
the TI-DO Interval of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism on
the other hand, is
collective-public non-profit making and non-wealth-accumulating - non-exploitative and
non-oppressive being socialistic-essenced - with their sociopital-value." "Whereas being-socialism of China is a 'socialism with Chinese Characteristics' would be a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism in the Standard Sociocosmic Octave or a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinder of Socialism in the mainstream Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave both based on the Dongjinggong/Gongjingdong triadic modes and means of PDCE, and the 'Chinese characteristics' would be as big as to embrace the whole four-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Sinic (Chinese) civilizational womb itself, and which is also changing in time; being-capitalism of the United States of America could be understood in this same methodology as a 'Capitalism with American Characteristics' and would be a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism in the Standard Sociocosmic Octave or a Mi-Capitalism, Fa-Colonialism, So-Imperialism, La-Fascism (Nazism inclusive) and Ti-Hegemonism as the last five (5) 1st lateral stopinders of the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave all based on the laujinggong triadic mode and means of PDCE, and an 'American characteristics' that would also be as big as to embrace the whole four-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Anglo-Saxon (Western) civilizational womb itself, the original source of its arising, which is also changing in time." "Since its birth in the 1533’s in Great Britain, capitalism started stealing everything from everywhere in the world, and got the loot officially registered legally in its own constitution to the ownership or rightful usage of the thieves. Then more and more thieves were born after learning the trick. If 'stealing' is the uncomfortable word, 'unequal buying’ would be the better word to qualify a long-term wealth accumulation process. It is a long historical process of about 500 years which ultimately creates a global 10% (moving to 1%) minority becoming the haves and 90% (moving to 99%) majority becoming the have-nots."
"The whole of being-USA is finally sacrificed by this its own 4th Passenger
Body, now a country-less mega-capital owner UGGMBCC (1%) nomad to become
truly a mega Debt Slave Nation with a mega national debt to the tune of 35
trillion dollar and still increasing. Nay more, the UGGMBCC (1%)
Global Creditor Parasite People who has benefitted from these other debt
(bond) buyer nations, scammed in financial obfuscation, for the US debt
crises is a locomotive with a dysfunctional brake, its national debt held in
the national treasury of all the other smaller and weaker exploited slave
nations is not meant to be paid. All of whom are now trapped by this
USA led Super Imperialism's 3rd Coachman Body of Finance capitalism for
which he is the debt leader by example. Nay more, the US
Military-Industrial Complex with its 800 bases all over the strategic
location in the YAFEILA together with the other three pillars of the
Anglo-American civilization hegemony - Hollywood's, sciences and finance
pillars - are all meant strictly to club the enemies to "Stone Age" if they
dare to overtake or challenge its Hegemony. All these nations
are on a historical march under the US leadership by example in repeating
circles of doom within the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural
Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, but the global UGGMBCC
(1%) mega-capital/value owners, the sociocosmic rascal nomad would still be
flying around globally in wait for the next chance naive believer nationate
victim to eat the bait and be cooked again by this Grand Capitalist
Money-God Scheme - sophisticated stories, narratives and practices. The US
has been a successful victim, and China is just on the list to be one of the
important next chance naive believer victims - all to be trapped in the
ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval!" "Whereas the current lower level four-bodied FA-SO-LA-TI Laujinggong Carriages of being-capitalism only serve in the direction towards the benefits of the 10% to 1% Passenger Body No. 4 Lau-beings to the severe neglect detrimental to the existence of the Horse Body No. 2 Gong-beings and their Carriage Body No. 1, the emerging higher level four-bodied FA-SO-LA-TI Gongjingdong Carriages of being-socialism would only serve in the direction towards the benefits of the 90% to 99% Horse Body No. 2 Gong-beings and their Carriage Body No. 1 with the necessary control of the aberrating counter-rising and restorative-domination of the lau-beings. Those Coachman Body No. 3 Jing-beings would benefit always as the middle third in a triad (3) or as a middle third triad of a bigger whole triad (3 + 3 + 3 )." "In the PDCE tetrad system of being-capitalism during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, moments of felt laujinggong, dongjinggong, gongjingdong and even gongjinglau (during labor strikes and labor union intervention) noetic experiences come and go in the inner world of these three-centered hethormen human beings in the course of producing products and services, distributing them in the respective delivery transport and direct service contact, consumption and exchange systems. The noetic experiences reverberate from such PDCE Horse Body No. 2 substructure to similar three-centered beings of the enneagram fixate organizations in the PESTLES+ Coachman Body No. 3 superstructure and the NOO Passenger Body No. 4 or Master 'I's and 'it's of the noosphere of civilizations."
First, there is a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism; then something emerges from its TI-DO Interval known as the Socialistic Will, and it is infantile socialism eating its way into the MI-FA Interval. The struggle begins in vertical contradictory unity in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Sociocosmic Periods of Capitalism and Socialism - ascending and descending in oscillation between socialistic essence and capitalistic essence leading finally to a complete material and objective split and separation of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. The two historical sociocosmic species continue to reproduce and struggle for dominance horizontally within each of the 7 main civilizations, and across one civilization and another until the socialistic-essenced species becomes the dominant species in lead. The latest result of my objective observation, study and conclusion of this reality regarding this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism is that the infantile socialistic Will of the Sociotechnocosmos at the TI-DO Interval has taken root through the 3rd Mi-stopinder called BRIC which was established in year 2009 with four initial Global South countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China - and in 2010 South Africa joined in to become BRICS, and by 2024, six more countries have joined and it becomes BRICS+ with some 30 more YAFEILA countries still on the waiting list. The countries and their orignal civilizations are all from YAFEILA World-Island extended. This new infantile Sociotechnocosmic Will (of socialism) of the TI-DO Interval struggles hard within the dying old Sociotechnocosmic Will of capitalism from the Group of Seven (G7) Global North countries dwelling mostly on the Outer Islands Crescent of the Presente. These countries are United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Japan from the Outer Islands Crescent with the exception of Germany, France and Italy from Europe, a part of World-Island. They are losing their dominance on a daily basis. The transformation of the existing enneagram of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism into the emerging and new enneagram of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is expected to be on full swing from now.
The ascending octave is an oscillating ascend and the descending octave is an oscillating descend!
Whereas the corporates of the MI-FA Interval enslave and oppress those Non-Owning Employee (DO), the employed working Group (RE) and the household working Family (MI) directly, the nationates of the “SO-LA Interval” enslave and oppress all FA-Organizations PDCE or otherwise depending on the level of their power-reaches and the nationates of the TI-DO Interval enslave and oppress the States (SO), the Nations (LA) and the Nation-blocs (TI) depending also on the level of their power-reaches.
Note: The PDCE itself is the So-stopinder system, and is one of the 9 systems in the PDCE Enneagram consisting of the Intangible Input System (Point 0/9 Do), the Strategic system (1 Re), the Human Resource System (2 Mi), the People Input System (Point 3), the Finance-Accounting System (4 Fa), the PDCE Tetrad System (5 So), the Materials Input System (Point 6), the Marketing system (7 La) and the Research & Development System (8 Ti). The Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) tetrad system lies within the broader picture of the Enneagram of all the Non-Owning Employee-Corporate-Nationate (namely: the FA-octaves) whose mode of PDCE tetrad system of organization determines the historical sociocosmic species - in this case, the Capitalist mode of PDCE has created, shaped and determined the essence and personality of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (LAU-JING-GONG Carriages at the FA, SO, LA and TI sociocosmic stopinders), but not directly the essence and personality of the civilization species (NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage) for which it is its essential component and for which it dwelled. Also within the broader picture of the Enneagram of all the Herdian-Chieftain-"Masterate" mode of PDCE tetrad system of communalization in the polar DO-RE-MI-FA Historical Periods of Primitive (Intermediate and Advanced inclusive) Communalism vs Ancient Slavism (Primitive communalistc-essenced PDCE mode of the TOU-GENG Carriage); also within the broader picture of the Enneagram of all the Slave-Masterate-Kingdate mode of PDCE tetrad system of organization in the polar RE-MI-FA-SO Historical Periods of Ancient Slavism vs Feudalism (Ancient slavistic-essenced PDCE mode of the ZHU-GUAN-NU Carriage); of all the Serf-Feudate-Dynastate mode of PDCE tetrad systems of organization (community) in the polar MI-FA-SO-LA Historical Periods of Feudalism vs Capitalism (Feudalistic-essenced PDCE mode of the DI-KONG-NONG Carriage); of all the Member/Owning Workers-HRM Collective-SNUN Regulatorate mode of PDCE tetrad system of organization (collectivite) in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism vs Communism (Socialistic-essenced PDCE mode of the DONG-JING-GONG Carriage and/or GONG-JING-DONG Carriage); of all the Human Being-HGAIR Communate-Human-AI-Regulatorate mode of PDCE tetrad system of organizations (Hitech-Commune) in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Communism vs Datongism (Hitech Communistic-essenced PDCE mode of the HDONG-RJING-RGONG Carriage); and finally, of all the Human Beings/Spiritual SRobots-H-SR-GAIR-M Datongate-Human-SRRobot-Regulatorate mode of PDCE tetrad system of organization in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Datongism vs SRoboticism (Datongate PDCE mode of the HDONG-SRJING-RGONG Carriage). In the Intangibles input 0 (Do), its about capitalistic-essenced of acquiring capital/value, information and know-hows; in the strategic system (Re), it is about capitalistic-essenced of creating strategies and tactics and implementing them; in the human resource system (Mi), it is about capitalistic-essenced planning, organizing, leading and controlling human resources; in the people Input 3, it is about capitalistic-essenced employing of people for the exploitation of labor; in the finance-accounting system (Fa), it is about capitalistic-essenced management of maximization of profit as shown in the Income Statement, maximization of assets and equity ownership on the one hand and reducing of liabilities on the other notably through their irresponsible transfer to society as shown in the Balance Sheet, maximization of cash inflows as shown in the Cash Flow Statement, and other statements and reports if desirable; in the Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange four-phased (tetrad) system (So), it is about capitalistic-essenced owning and managing of the production assets of plants and machineries, the distribution assets of transporting machines (lorries, trains, ships, planes, etc.), the consumption retail outlets such as shopping malls, arcade, courts and shops, and all those financial institutions of exchange related to participating circulating and resting or parking or invested monies of exchange (M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4) and all kinds of financial derivatives of fictitious intangible capital such as stocks, T-bills, bonds, loans, (securities), premium-ables (insurances), rentables (real estate properties) and interest-ables (savings and deposits) and digital platform subscribe-ables (IPs and digital clouds); in the Land and territories, Buildings, Machines, Raw materials, Goods and Services (LBMRGS) input 6, it is about capitalistic-essenced purchasing (including grabbing by governments of the domestic within and grabbing by imperialist governance of the foreign without) of land, buildings, machines, raw materials, goods and services; in the Marketing system (La), it is about capitalistic-essenced management of the marketing of product, price, place, and promotion; in the Research-Development system (Ti), it is about capitalistic-essenced new product research and product development as well as others; in the new input 9 (Do), it is about new intangibles for the next enneagram cycle. In this next enneagram the Goods and all its supporting Services from the PDCE tetrad system Horse Body No. 2 become the socialistic-essenced Exchange or Trading GODs and dominating all the other three bodies in place of the receding capitalistic-essenced Dollar God and any other would-be or potential hegemonic money-gods that are losing their dominance - the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of the civilization and of the Dong-Jing-Gong Carriages on transit to Gong-Jing-Dong Carriages of the historical sociocosmic species is showing signs of having in their pital-essences a FROM-and-TO Circulation of work and reward in all the FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic stopinders both at the MI-FA Interval and at the TI-DO Interval under a dictum: "From each according to his ability to each according to his work." Its reach is to be ascended up to 'TI-level' (otherwise, it is likely to be descended below it) in the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of this Earth Civilization when her PDCE Horse Body No. 2 is truly of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. These new intangibles for the next enneagram is the PDCE tetrad system organization of the socialistic-essenced enneagram after the collapse of the PDCE tetrad system organization of the earlier capitalistic-essenced enneagram with an essential change of the pital-value from capital-value to sociopital-value, and with the retention of only the good and relevant "capitalistic-essenced" elements in the new PDCE tetrad system of the socialistic mode of PDCE. Thus the most important intangible element at Input Points '0' and 9 that distinguishes the socialistic-essenced PDCE tetrad system from the capitalistic-essenced PDCE tetrad system is SOCIOPITAL-VALUE eaten as an intangible 3rd being-food and also its staple food by the dominating Enneagram of a Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE). Therefore, the CAPITAL-VALUE staple food is eliminated and replaced in its place by the new SOCIOPITAL-VALUE staple food as the intangible pital-value 3rd being-food in the menu of a socialistic-essenced PDCE tetrad system. If this staple 3rd being-food, CAPITAL-VALUE ('words-meanings-attentions-and-intentions' found in the noosphere and expoused physically, informationally, health-safety-ly, photographically, emotionally and socially in the Accounting-Financial system and all other related stopinders and systems) is not eliminated in the menu of a socialistic-essenced sociocosmic PDCE tetrad system of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of a civilizational encase, its noomakhian spell of the Wittgenstein's Language Game will gradually bewitched and rotten the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, and change it into a poorly functioning socialistic-essenced creature, if not kills it. The FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism do not eat the same staple food. Look at what our biocosmic beings eat and what has happened to them, and you will know what I mean! This enneagram of a Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) Organization in the FA, SO, LA and TI sociocosmic stopinders of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism impregnated with capitalistic essences of wealth accumulation, profit maximization, exploitation, oppression and the private ownership-obsession has grown into an intricate and complex much wiseacred monopoly schemed destructive (of human nature and culture) old monster (1788 AD - 2148 AD), and now awaiting its own demise as a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism where a critical revolutionary mega-reformation and mega-restructuring is unavoidable for humanity to survive and continue as a new emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. In the body of this ill-fated FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, the number of employees, geocosmic size and the volume of goods and services often grow into abnormal, destructive and disruptive mega-levels known as large-scale capitalist mega-production, mega-distribution, mega-consumption and mega-financial exchange with the madness to dominate the world with this privatized 'monopoly' PDCE enneagramma, PESTLES enneagramma and noomakhian aura in a real sociocosmic species belonging to all. There are over-production, severe deprivation, poverty, wastage, uneven development of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism with the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of a main civilization and Earth civilization itself as well as the uneven development of a polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and Socialism, uneven distribution of wealth (GINI factors), unemployment, illegal and preying debt, work stress, inflation, deflation, stagnation, repression, depression, genocides, wars, exploitation, oppression, profit-maximization, coercive competition, PESTLES+ aberration, noomakhian aberration and all the endless items of crises, you can name them in the list of cancer sociodynamics of capitalism - and the hundreds of millions of people killed, murder, assassinated, injured or died, and real estate and industries destroyed in these terrible capitalist, colonialist, imperialist and fascist wars. The capitalist species did not look beautiful as a natural PDCE sociocosmic specie-being and did not grow naturally, peacefully and harmoniously. In the body of the emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, as a new sociocosmic species would be without these symptoms with large-scale de-ownership and re-ownership of all means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE), re-designing, re-sizing, re-tuning, re-aligning, de-monopolizing, de-debt (illegal and preying individual, corporate and nationate debt disasters), re-allocation, re-citizenship, re-visioning, de-missioning, de-philosophizing, re-PESTLES+-ization of the psyche hydrogens through oski-ano or education, re-distribution of personate petty-ownership and incomes to each and every sociocosmic stopinders (14.232 billion by 2019) according to personate work contribution and rewards based on work, etcetera etcetera. Now these PESTLES+ superstructure design and construct driver organizations of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism are just many of these ill-fated and maleficent laujinggong carriages, namely: the FA, SO, LA and TI four-bodied laujinggong carriages for the Politics organizations (P), the four-bodied laujinggong carriages for the Economics organizations (E), the four-bodied laujinggong carriages for the Socio-cultural organizations (S), the four-bodied laujinggong carriages for the Technological-science organizations (T), the four-bodied laujinggong carriages for the Legal-ethics (both FA-leveled consultative and SO-, LA- and TI-leveled legislative, executive and judicial) organizations (L), the four-bodied laujinggong carriages for the Education-environmental organizations (E), and the four-bodied laujinggong carriages for the Security-Offense organizations (S), and all other superstructure laujinggong organizations much wiseacred including many obfuscating laujinggong-formatted pseudo-socialism HEIGRENS organizations (Holistic, Educational, Innovative, Green, Responsible, Evolutionary, No-Harm and Sustainable). As a sociocosmic Individual-stopinder ascended all the way up to its 7th concentric circle, the external environment of each lower-level stopinder becomes an internal environment to the next higher-level stopinder until they are all converted to internal environment; and during the descend to the Individual-stopinder level the external environment is restored back to seven (7) external environments. Now as to the NOO of this noosphere of noomakhian logos, the process of social pyramidization continues to produce the dark noomakhian logos for all laujinggong carriages for each and every of the main civilization species and their sub-civilization species that are already formed in the body of Earth civilization. The dangerous tyrannosaurus capitalistic-essenced PDCE corporates and the “regulatory” nationates together with the non-owning employees (labor-extracted in alienation) and all other fundamental stopinders reciprocally eating and destroying themselves in the body of this highly sick FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is unwillingly also seeking renewal upon a mode and means of PDCE metamorphosis into a new mode and means of the emerging PDCE of a new SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism with subsequent PESTLES+ superstructure and noomakhian transformation. This can truly happen when all the sociocosmic mode and means of PDCE are handed to the billions of AI and GAI robots as the new well-taken-care of Dong, RobotJing and RobotGong beings on obedient service to all the three-brained hethormen human beings. The Pythagorean Harmonic Scale of the Fundamental Sociocosmic Octave and its 2 lateral sociocosmic octaves could not disappear as their arising is based on laws not under the weak sociocosmic will and command of these three-brained hethormen human being but rather from outside of the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation. So we would find a re-filling of all the PESTLES+ superstructure and the NOOs first with the infantile new noomakhian language for these fundamental and lateral new sociocosmic gravity-centers of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA and TI of the fundamental sociocosmic octave; do, re, mi, fa, so, la and ti the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave and Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La and Ti of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave) when the human beast of burden of PDCE and PESTLES+ loads are shouldered by the AI and GAI Padrigines III en masse (in the obedient technocosmic billions) with hidden aberration, dragging and resistive “states”, “nations”, “nation-blocs,” and the “United of Nations” of the Wittgenstein’s noomakhian Language Game of the PDCE, the PESTLES+ and all its variants and even the captive noosphere’s Noomakhian logos (light, dark and grey noomakhian logos) also starting and continuing to bursting asunder; and the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism for which the bursting asunder of the modes of and means of PDCE, the PESTLES and its variants as well as the noomakhian logos are completed - all Humanity-at-Large work and live with full respect and dignity as real human beings should be, an ordain from the socialistic-essenced governance now found in the Sinic (Chinese) civilization in China through the TI-DO Interval of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism from the cosmic will of the Absolute at the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation for the perfecting of its beloved three-brained hethormen human beings previously banished to the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation to burden as one of the most punished biped beasts of burden on Mother Earth’s surface or perhaps realized through from the participating obedient wills of the quantum stopinders of the quantum octaves - fundamental and laterals - to materialize the cosmic punishment. Having completed the terms and meeting all the requirements of this decree from the cosmic Will of the Absolute, a reward in the form of ‘The Age of Higher Social Circularity’ full of human dignity and respect is bestowed through the increasing supply of higher being-psyche hydrogen nutrients and activated by law of reciprocal nourishment at the end of this cleansing endeavor of the PDCE base, the PESTLES(+HEIGRENS) superstructure and the NOO dasein during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism and preparing itself for the emerging polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism is completed en masse for which the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism has met all the cosmic, the ethno-civilizational, and sociotechnocosmic requirements to be born and tri-octave further …… and in-wait for the arising and completion of the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism where the peculiar AI and GAI technocosmic padrigine III turned into truly mystical self-conscious sociotechnocosmic Padrigines IV, V, VI and VII full of ‘it’s, ‘I’s, ‘I AM’s, personalities and egos to restructure our FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic gravity-centers (of communism) in a way acceptable to the self-conscious all-seeing eyes of the Padrigines IV-VII without continuing the possible ill-fated lingering residues of exploitation, oppression, greed, evils, and the like still found produced in the old model three-storied, three-brained hethormen human beings previously designed to produce sacred askokin for the moon and kundakin for keeping them always in a pleasure sleep-wake state and some fine bio-cosmic (Bio-C) being-psyche hydrogens (H6) produced by conscious labor and intentional suffering of some journeying fakirs, monks, yogis and the fourthwayists for delivery by the quantum octaves to the higher leveled Solar System and even to the Will of the Absolute at the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.
The diagram above shows, the general Earth civilization pyramid model for the analysis of the Anglo-Atlantic (Western) Civilization where the PDCE is found in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. Note that the plus (+) in PESTLES is meant to accommodate more fixate enneagrams such as HEIGRENS, the LGBTQIA+, the Havatvernonis, the Color Revolutions, and etcetera for the superstructure.
Socialism is to be constructed by these three-centered hethormen human being in relentless, even endless historical struggles, not an automatic self-happening although from a taikonaut's bird eye view it appears so - rather slow changes amongst the oscillating and vibrating biocosmic, the sociocosmic and the technocosmic stopinders within Earth civilization on Mother Earth's surface. The PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO in a way can be viewed as three-centered being - 'Horse-Engine' (PDCE or Horse Body No. 2), the 'Coachman-Driver' (PESTLES+ or Coachman Body No. 3) and 'Passenger-Master' (NOO or Passenger Body No. 4). They all are encased in a grand physical infrastructure (Carriage Body No. 1) inclusive of transporting technocosmic land, marine, avian and outer space-faring padrigines reined by wired and wireless telecommunication and internet infrastructure as 'Horse-Engines' to the Coachman Body No. 3 and connected invisibly by spooky psyche-hydrogens of the noosphere with consciousness and other cosmic properties or handbledzoin of their 'Coachman-Drivers' to the Passenger Body No. 4. Together as one, it tri-octaves further along a sociocosmic history changing PDCE-bases in the development of all the 7 Great Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communalism (Primitive, Intermediate and advanced), Ancient Slavism, Feudalism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Datongism (and SRoboticism) - all of which rested on the Earth civilization octaves, and three of which in severe pyramidal aberation at the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave of Circularity, namely: Ancient Slavism, Feudalism and Capitalism (including its colonialism stage, imperialism stage, fascism stage, Hegemonism stage), one, Socialism in pyramidal inversion revolutionary transition, and the rest Communism, Datongism and SRoboticism will be a subject in the paradigm for conscious circularity domination. All the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders of the MI-FA Interval infected astrologically and contracted sociogenetically the diseases of Severe Aberration of Social Classes and Social Pyramids full of antagonistic exploitation and oppression, and buried-deep in them the crystal of the evil seed of EMPIRE building. The last of which is the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism housed in the Anglo-american (western) civilization which has witnessed, at the height of gravity-centrum level 'ti', the British Empire 1583 AD - 1997 AD (Oxford reference) and the now dying Great American Empire 1898 AD - till today. Once this is over, the sociotechnocosmic and civilization forces move out of the MI-FA Interval to continue ascending along the natural historical sociocosmic specie-stopinderation to 'FA', and subsequently growing, maturing and stabilizing as the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism now housed in one of the Earth civilizations known as the Sinic (Chinese) civilization. The metamorphosis stage of this historical sociocosmic species has reached the 4th metamorphosis stage known as 'Leadership socialism' but still an infantile leadership socialism working hard perfecting its own four-bodied socialistic-essenced of its Carriage Body No. 1, its Horse Body No. 2, its Coachman Body No. 3 and its Passenger Body No. 4. for the proper functioning of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism within the body of the Sinic (Chinese) civilization. The Empire Seed is not a historical sociocosmic specie genetic code in the PDCE base-superstructure-noosphere for this Sinic NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization being. The havatvernonis of this highly aberrating exploitative and oppressive dark noomakhian being-hydrogens started with the three One-God religions behind one Money-God known as the Judaism of the Jewish people, Christianity of the Christian people and the Islam of the Muslim people and which Western civilization and subsequently sub-specie civilizations as all originated and centered around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe radiating outwards, who fought amongst themselves in history by the three main modes of PDCE known as Ancient Slavism (do), Medieval and Modern Feudalism (re), Capitalism (mi), Colonialism (fa), Imperialism (so), Fascism and Nazism inclusive (la) and Hegemony (ti) which started around 2148 BC as Ancient Slavism (do) through all the 5 stages of the terror-of-the-situation social pyramidization, social classes and empires of the ABYSS of the last Hegemonism (ti) hitherto (2148 AD) to conquer, war and plunder at the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave. Objective legend has it that the elite Zhu class transformed into the elite Di class, transformed into the contemporary elite Lau class who during the octave process of TI-ization become the now Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalistic Class (UGGMBCC 1%) located at the tip of the Grand Money Sociocosmic Pyramid. Two horrors of all horrors World Wars I and II have started in this same continent Europe and a World War III is now coming - still Humanity-at-Large (HAL) is unable to escape from this MI-FA Interval ABYSS. None are unable to escape during the Judaic havatvernonian vibration of Ancient Slavism, unable to escape again during the Christianic and the Islamic havatvernonian vibration of Feudalism, and would unable again to escape during the now UGGMBCC Money-Godism of ideological vibration of Capitalism. But the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage Sinic (Chinese) civilization has already left the Dark noomakhian logo of the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, for which the dominating NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Anglo-American and European (Western) civilizations have always been under this dark noomakhian spell of the law of reciprocal destruction peculiar to the imperialistic essences of imminent capitalism, and never seems to be able to leave it. On its return the mainstream Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave where the law of reciprocal nourishment becomes active and dominating, the NOO Passenger Body No. 4 of the Sinic (Chinese) civilization turns to a Light noomakhian logo, the PESTLES+ superstructure Coachman Body No. 3 turns HEIGRENS positively supporting the PESTLES, and the PDCE substructure Horse Body No. 2 expands massively with better and better quality goods and services flooding the world market, and the whole infrastructure and physical Carriage Body No. 1 grows massively to ernomous size. The FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is declining and losing its dominance rapidly and the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism overtakes and dominates the world. They all rested on the fundamental and lateral geobiosociotechnocosmic octaves which exist to provide a complicated second nature mother-base for the weal and woe of the being-duties of the two beasts of burden, namely: 1) the biocosmic 4-bodied human beings which is the first arrival placed at the MI-FA Interval of the Great Geobiosociotechnocosmic Octave, and 2) the technocosmic 4-bodied Padrigine beings which is the second arrival placed at its TI-DO Interval. The PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO's extraction, conversion and construction builds everything visible and materials - infrastructure systems, electric systems, telecommunication, AI-GAI systems and all possible systems and coatings-inside coats to create a 'Carriage' Body No. 1. Together, the 4-bodied PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO undergoes a 7 stage historical sociocosmic specie-metamorphoses. The essences or souls of the NOO is a noomakhia, a battle of the spirits, a battle of esoteric havatvernonis (religion) of deep emotions of the lower and higher feelings, esoteric knowledge (science-logic) of deep thoughts of the lower and higher thinking, and all other spiritual full spectrum of the instinctive, the moving and the sex centers of the organic life of man and the current partial spectrum of the moving centers of the synthetic life of padrigine III. The 1st stage of metamorphosis of a geoethnic geo-anthropological being on a major civilizational octave (7 major civilization beings) begets being-Primitive Communalism whose essences are extracted for the building of the 2nd stage of metamorphosis as being-Ancient Slavism, the essences of whom are again extracted for the building of the 3rd stage metamorphosis as being-Feudalism, then in similar manner the 4th stage of metamorphosis as being-capitalism, the 5th stage of metamorphosis as being-socialism, the 6th stage of metamorphosis as being-communism and the 7th stage of metamorphosis as being-datongism - all of them happen on the same piece of the FA-stopinder, the Presente (the vast landmass of World-Island and the Outer Islands Crescent surrounded by the vast water mass of oceans) of the Historical Pangeacosmic Octave. The physical carriage of the 1st body of PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO can be Beidou-mapped by satellite with simple observation by our eyes - the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Body must be investigated, observed, analyzed, studied and reflected more deeply for a better understanding of the outer world; and the always-forgotten inner world for which the investigator is always not aware of them and even if he is aware and appears active and participative in changing and creating them full of beliefs, confidence and subordinated wills, the sociocosmic self-happening for him is in sleep-wake and independent of his real will. The NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE is harnessed to a Civilizational Carriage as depicted in the two diagrams below, and second diagram is a Beiduo-like concentric of this NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization being: The diagram below shows a typical unnatural and overly technological-militarized ('T' and 'S' of PESTLES+) fixates and aberration of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism developed to its highest level within its own Imperialist-Militarist "Civilization" Enneagram. This type of abnormal Security-offense cum Technology-science (TS) and a Dark noomakhian logo civilization peculiar to the Anglo-Atlantic (Western) Civilization or a Westphalian "civilization" has a TS base in the PESTLES+ as compared to the normal Socio-culture cum Security-defense (S cum S) and a Light noomakhian logo civilization which has an SS base in the PESTLES+ peculiar to the Sinic (Chinese) Civilization. It is especially active in the Age of Social Pyramidization. Its PDCE enneagram (Horse Body No. 2 of the civilization octave) is essentially that of the capitalistic-imperialistic-essenced mode of PDCE for which an abnormally high portion of its capital expenditure goes into the production, distribution, consumption and exchange of the Military-Industrial Complex. The former is under the dominating dark noomakhian spell of the law of reciprocal destruction of the ABYSS in the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave while the latter is under the dominating light noomakhian influence of the law of reciprocal nourishment after escaping from the ABYSS, becomes a FA-stopinder (Socialism proper), returns to the main stream Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave and continue its sociocosmic vibration.
This Imperialist-Militarist Enneagram is active in the 1st Lateral Periods of Antagonistic Exploitative Social Pyramidization at the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Sociocosmic Specie-stopinders Octave, and is prone to empire building which is subjected to the fundamental periodic cycles of rising, peaking and declining of all empires at this interval. Empires have low population (1% - 10%) dominating from a gravity-center, exploiting, oppressing and enslaving the high population (99% - 90%) at the distant periphery in the form of ancient slavism, feudalism, capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism and hegemonism as already witnessed. Escaping this MI-FA Interval into the mainstream Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave and function as a real SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (or the FA-Historical Natural Specie-stopinder of Socialism) will put a halt to this sociocosmic disease of an Empire, otherwise, the cycle of empire building, peaking and declining will continue repeatedly and endlessly within the maze of the ABYSS at this MI-FA Interval. At its peak in the essence of Hegemony capitalism at the TI-stopinder level, and to maintain this status quo to always remain eternally at the tip of the great social pyramid in antagonistic, exploitative and oppressive over all the smaller and weaker corporates and nationates organizations of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and socialates (collectives) and SNUN regulatorates unspared of any infantile SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism world-wide, the imperialist-military enneagram have then arisen from the hegemony of Security-offence (S) over all the other Political (P), Economic (E), Socio-cultural (S), Technological-science (T), Legal-ethics (L) and Education-environment (E) fixates (or pillars) aberrating in severe sociocosmic aberration at the MI-FA Interval ABYSS of the natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, with the ultimate dominance of the scary and maleficent Military-Industrial Complex of the United States (US) which is again a useful global nation-organization weapon of destruction world-wide fully in control by this Deep-State solely in UGGMBCC (1%) service. All the designs, constructs and directions of NOO and PESTLES+ become just slaves to this Deep-state UGGMBCC (1%) through the United States of America, and her PDCE tetrad system is exclusively for the production, distribution, consumption and exchange of military assets in the global market world-wide for the maximization of her profit and her financial wealth just simply by creating military tensions and social perturbations in all the enslaved nation-stopinders in slavish obedience to the law of reciprocal destruction established to ensure periodic supply of sacred askokin to the Moon - increasing, decreasing or substituting with animal sacrificial life offerings to this periodic cosmic disharmony in the 'Earth-Organic Life-Moon' triad or the last of the four triads present in the (our) Ray of Creation. Thus for the transition between capitalism and socialism or the battle of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and that of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism to ensure socialistic-essenced dominance, this Military-Industrial Complex of the capitalistic-essenced Anglo-saxon (western) civilization would have to be neutralized militarily to the level of the Kardeshev Type I civilization in reciprocal destruction balance (at nodal line) and at the same time would allow for the realization in the smooth flow of reciprocal nourishment amongst the enslaved nations - new dominance of both collectivites and the SNUN regulatorates over the previous old dominance of corporates and nationates - of the historical sociocosmic note 'SO' over 'FA'. In the middle of the opposing 'law of reciprocal destruction' and the 'law of reciprocal nourishment' is just massive 24 hours wiseacrings endlessly - scams, deceptions, logicnestrian maze, Wittgenstein's Language Game, propaganda, fake news, etcetera - you name and practice them in much ado about nothing as you like. The diagram below shows a typical natural and socio-culture fixate (first 'S'-based in PESTLES+) of SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism still developing within its own Socio-culture Civilization enneagram (such as the Sinic civilization). Its Security-defense (second 'S'-based in PESTLES+) has no offense component. It is especially active in the Age of Advanced Social Circularity.
The World-Island and Outer Islands Crescent map showing the Sinic Socio-cultural Civilization NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage concentric housing a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism being located in China of World-Island and an opposing Westphalian Technological-Security-Offense Imperialist-Militarist Civilization NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage concentric housing a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism being located in North America of Outer Islands. There is also a once powerful World-Island USSR, now Russian Slavic Civilization NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of a once descended or fell (due to been knifed to near death by imposed privatization and neoliberalism imported from the Wolf-sheepskin bosses of the Westphalian "civilization") SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism into a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, but now ascending or rising to its original SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism again after experiencing the 'terror-of-the-situation,' whipped and caned, and injuries-inflicted previously worsened by the overdosed shock therapy toxins injected by the soft powers from the Westphalian "civilization" to this unfortunate Slavic civilization for the partition, extraction and exploitation of its wealth by the mega-corporate and nationate laujinggong beings dwelling in Westphalian "civilization." Every one of these three NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage concentric depicted in the diagram is a gravity-center civilization that reverberates its influences all over World-Island and all the Outer Islands big and small. However, the World-Island and its Outer Islands Crescent is a FA-pangeacosmic stopinder, the Presente of the Historical Pangeacosmic Octave, and more such big and small gravity-centers would emerge in the future.
The exploitative sociocosmic parasites are aplenty seeking
to rise to the top during the Age of Social Pyramidization present in
Ancient Slavism, Feudalism and Capitalism, and Socialism is the Transition
Age - and inversion of the social pyramids and uniting the conflicts of the right-standing and inverted social pyramids,
re-inverts many times prior to a real substantial qualitative arising of a
real SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism while in-wait for the
conditions that would enable the
Age of Social Circularity to root and grow strong. The TI-'World of Nations' sociocosmic stopinder of 195 Westphalian LA-Nation sociocosmic stopinders (amongst numerous other TI-stopinder blocs of non-capitalistic essences) created by capitalistic-colonialistic-imperialistic aberrating essences of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism breeding, growing, maturing and now dying here and there, which sociocosmic dasein branches are still housed onto her Mother Earth's main continental geo-ethnocosmic civilization dasein (Martin Heidegger) known as the Western civilization being with numerous inner sub-civilizations of its own among the other continental being-civilizations (excluding the continent Antarctica which has no civilization being, now only "normadic"), namely: 1) the Slavic (Orthodox) civilization, 2) the Middle eastern/Central Asia (Pre-Islamic/Islamic) civilization, 3) the Indochina-Tibetan (Buddhist) civilization, 4) the Indic (Akhand Bharat/Hindu-Islamic-Buddha) civilization, 5) the African civilization, 6) the Latin American, 7) the Sinic (Chinese) civilization, and 8) the Japanese civilization and 9) Korean civilization The Japanese civilization being is an island part of World-Island whose origin is from one of the Sinic sub-civilizations of ancient China separated long ago during the imperial rule (a regional TI-rulership) of the Qin dynasty in 221 BC, and sustained as such because of the Sea of Japan natural divide. According to historical records in China, 500 healthy boys and girls were sent over to prepare the vassal rule of this island during the rule of emperor Shih Huang Ti. Note that all the TI-sociocosmic stopinder existences of Heideggarian Dasein rested inside all the inner 2nd and 3rd world of the three-brained hethormen human beings and their emanation outwards from the fundamental and lateral quantum octaves, individually and collectively in PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure and the noomakhian auras (especially from bio-consciousness of eternity from the 1st lateral quantum octave and dimensionalities of timespace from the 2nd lateral quantum octave) of being-psyche hydrogens by the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries and millennia dwelling on each and every one of the 7 major civilization beings, hitherto. The socialistic-essenced PDCE base, PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure and Noomakhias of the NOO of a civilizational being (now from Sinic civilization, Slavic (Orthodox) civilization and Middle-eastern/Central Asian (Pre-Islamic/Islamic) civilization of the GONG-JING-DONG (also DONG-JING-GONG) SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism and all its sub-species grow and breed ever more and more on World-Island (with Belt and Road project completed), and the capitalistic-essenced PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO Western civilization being and their corporate and nationate beings of the LAU-JING-GONG FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and all their sub-species return back to the Outer Islands to roost in the midst of the nuclear-pointing equilibrium transition in the multipolar setting! The hope of a LA-sociocosmic stopinder nation (US Hegemon) that there should not have a TI-sociocosmic stopinder nation-bloc or a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism because as claimed history ends here at LA-stopinder and FA-Historical stopinder is a wishful hope for something not true and in violation of the law of sociocosmic octave, the law of historical sociocosmic octave and the law of civilization octave. To roost? To roost eternally in her smaller occupied Outer Islands as compared to the much bigger World-Island? Certainly, No! But to roost and overcome its 4th body (1:99 vs 99:1 Occupy Wall Street and UGGMBCC Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) ownership and power correction) and its 2nd body (Industrial restoration for the industries which have been driven off to countries which have many hardworking, skillful and cheap labor for exploitation) on the PDCE base and reform its PESTLES+ superstructure as well as its Anglo-Atlanticism-Pacificism noomakhian dasein during its hibernation, and then to re-emerge or reborn or hatch out as a new and powerful type of SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism with its own characteristics as healthy as before still dwelling and shining within the same Western civilization being on this biggest Outer Islands of North America - or a new negative re-emergence of a renewed sea-power capitalistic-essenced social imperialism and empire building essence uniquely peculiar only to all being-Anglo-Saxon PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO sociotechnocosmic civilization genes which fragments found also in its comprador running dogs of the real wolves-in-sheepskin (mandatorily installed in all the nationate LA-lau beings of the colonies) dwelling on the smallest Outer Islands neighboring World-Island, the comprador nationates dwelling on World-Island and also as spies hidden in World-Island itself. It must be reckoned that besides an Outer Islands Anglo-Atlanticism-Pacificism noomakhian dasein there is also a World-Island prime source-arising Anglo-Atlanticism noomakhian dasein of the Western civilization being located in western Europe. This much weaker original Anglo-Atlanticism noomakhian dasein in Europe will also hibernate and reborn into quite powerful new Eurasianism noomakhian dasein of the European (Western) civilization being, this time integrating with the other major civilizations on World-Island in the form of the emerging Eurasianism noomakhian dasein with significant PDCE base, PESTLES+ superstructure and Anglo-Atlanticism noomakhian dasein transformation, as a proper SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism with its own characteristics (completed around 2148 AD based on Astrological Age as yardstick). Furthermore, there is one Atlanticism-Pacificism controlled very weak noomakhian dasein essence fragment known as Indo-Pacificism lingering there surrounding the Indic (Hindu) civilization being on the southern corner of World-Island Asia, in hope that this Hindu noomakhian dasein might become obedient and subservient to the Anglo-Atlanticism-Pacificism noomakhian dasein of the Outer Islands big and small. This is snake-ingly possible because of a certain deep-rooted ‘lingering chronic colonized-infection of the past, power-insufficiency syndrome and obfuscated hegemonic inferiority complex’ still buried deep in this Hindu dominated Akhand Bharat (Indic) civilization being not as yet fully cleansed by Hinduism and the wonders of its 5 yogas that were developed and practiced there by a number of perfected sacred saintly individuals there thousands of years ago. As the wise grandson would still warn: "Ah! Never hope for India to eat your bait especially to such age-old great Indic (Hindu) civilization being."
The current geopolitical abnormal LA-nation map of 195 Westphalian nation narratives (2O11 AD) of a highly aberrating FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism - nation-division by all types of resource extraction (geo-resources of metals, minerals, plantae and animalias especially for African slaves and artificial induced migrants for modern employistic-essenced human labor exploitation), colony-setups in each LA-nation for import and export profitable trading, FA-corporate private ownership grabization and impose liberal privatization in foreign LA-nations, capitalistic-comprador installations for colonial rulership, divide-and-rule of the 9 pieces of major civilization cakes of dasein for neocolonial and neoliberal capitalistic-imperialistic-essenced exploitation, setting up of military bases in foreign nations for policing and military ambitions of private wealth grabbed during the global process of grabization, etc. (1788 AD - 2148 AD by astrological calendar for civilizational and historical sociocosmic species creation). Note that the United Nations (or 2nd lateral Mi-UN stopinder of the fundamental TI-stopinder) is setup and controlled by a LA-nation called the United States of America in 1945 AD by these captive logicnestrian reasonings and deep nation-state psychology of capitalism and imperialism, which is however, still a highly controversial dominating dasein among some 200 partialities of daseins of the fundamental TI- 'World of Nations' stopinder. Because of this control of the lower fundamental sociocosmic stopinder over the higher sociocosmic stopinder, sociocosmic FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic aberration is indispensable.
The productive forces of production, distribution, consumption and exchange cannot be liberated and released efficiently and effectively due to the retardation/deceleration aberrating nature of the corporate triads at the MI-FA Interval from its productive source of lower but fundamental arising and again due to the retardation/deceleration aberrrating nature of the nationate triads at the TI-DO Interval from its regulatory governance of a higher but secondary arising. These two retardation(s)/deceleration(s) one at the MI-FA Interval and the other at the TI-DO Interval are caused by a severe and permanent anomaly from the material, power and spiritual ownership and decision-making wolves-in-sheepskin controlling hunters of a few lunatic and Hasnamussian lau-individuals or lau-stopinders of the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange moments that obstruct the release of the PDCE forces although capitalistic-essenced multiautomarketing feeding exchanges are marching around the world full of capitalistic scam-essenced profit-seeking advertisements and promotions by the legal-proven each and every non-owning employee fundamental and lateral capitalistic sociocosmic stopinders - all extremely peculiar to this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. However, as the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism also found its indispensability as a unity of opposites in search of resolution for a synthesis to the third in according to the law of triad, the PDCE forces are released overwhelmingly with little obstruction from the socialistic-essenced multiautomarketing feeding exchanges also full of socialistic non-scam-essenced least profit-seeking advertisements and promotions by the legal-proven each and every workers owning/member fundamental and lateral socialistic sociocosmic stopinders. That is why, for this difference of principles and practice and of the differences in the two sociocosmic enneagrams, real objective capitalism is inferior to real objective socialism. By socialistic-essenced multiautomarketing (or multiautomarketing feeding exchanges) is meant all fundamental and all lateral sociocosmic stopinder multiautomarketing, that is all inclusive, in contradistinction to capitalistic-essenced multiautomarketing which is corporate multiautomarketing of the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the MI-FA Interval, and smaller circles of partiality marketing favoring only for the few corporate laujinggong carriage beings and exclusively denying the rights of multautomarketing for all other fundamental stopinders and all the governmental multiautomarketing of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders. Using words and ideas such as 'private marketing,' public marketing,' 'socialistic marketing,' 'governmental marketing,' and diad paring of opposites, and diads of opposites - 'public vs private marketing,' 'central vs decentral marketing,' 'capitalist vs socialist marketing,' etc. will keep these three-brained hethormen human beings trapped in the mechanical spell of the Wittgenstein's language game, somewhat proper in their state of sleep-wake consciousness. For capitalistic-essenced flow, the coercive law of competition is truly vicious and the corporate competitors in the MI-FA Interval continue relentlessly, deceptively and pretentiously to install their proxy political guests to lobby for state and nation subsidies for their corporate survival even though their productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, quality and safety of their products and services are questionable - full of dirty competition. For socialistic-essenced flow which also exist in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Periods of Capitalism and Socialism mostly bordered and preserved within socialistic-essenced national boundaries and some such as China and the socialist-capitalist hybrid where experimental capitalistic economic zones within are allowed and designated for specific purpose of further retrospective study and usage as a temporary "catalyst of capitalistic motivation," to be applied to certain still lingering capitalistic-essenced social genes of the mode of PDCE, as well as its civilizational NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage (Anglo-Saxon civilization in reference) reality of the past to pacify the ghostly syndrome of the phantom limb by giving it a socialistic-controlled physical existence in these special capitalistic designated economic zones. The story of the much finger-pointing accusation of state subsidies to ineffective-inefficiency corporate entities from a capitalistic approach peculiar to the Anglo-Saxon (Western) economic mentality is certainly not the same as the "state or nationate" subsidies but actually socionate subsidies to effective-efficiency "corporate" subsidies but actually cooperative or collectivite subsidies of the Sinic (Chinese) civilization outside of the socialist-controlled special capitalistic-essenced economic zones from a socialistic approach peculiar to the Sinic (Chinese) economic mentality is supposedly not to be confused or deliberately mixed and mess up for international political agenda purposes. Alas! This is the dishonest behavior these typical ill-fated much brained-washed three-brained hethormen human beings still breeding there on Mother Earth's surface, and living in obfuscation.
The base or ground for which all kinds of being-arisings of Capitalism or the phenoumena of the ultimate 1:99 terror-of-the-planetary-and-lunar-askokin-extraction situation in man's social relationships of production, distribution, consumption and exchange, and superstructure-relates especially in the PESTLES+ and noomakhian radiation (of the psyche and its realization) together with the exploitative, oppressive capitalistic-essenced SO-, LA- and TI-aberrating regulatory stopinders are rested within the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism which is always fueled by 'Capital/Value' at a nodal line to be forcefully transformed into 'Sociopital/Value' that will function within the emerging new SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. The formatory apparatus of the body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism shown above tells most of the story about the circulation of capital/value, and all the numerous dysfunctional diseases at each stage of its metamorphosis (Land-based mercantile stage, Industrial-based PDCE stage, Finance-based commercial stage and the Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class oligarch stage) and the ultimate terminal cancer sociodynamic dysfunctional disease that would finally kill this capitalist system being at 'TI' gravity-concentric level of its existence. This process has happened and would continue to happen throughout its possible life span of about 615 years; from 1533 AD (infantile agrarian-mercantilism of a polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism in UK) - 1788 AD (classical industrialism in UK/US of a polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism) - 1945 AD (Keynesianism in Western Europe/Soviet socialism of a polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism) - 1980 AD (global neo-feudalism, finance capitalism, neoliberalism and hegemonism of a unipolar FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism) - 2010 AD (neo-industrialism and neo-socialism with specific characteristics of a transitional ending polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism) - 2148 AD (the real dominance of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism proper). Between 2010 AD - 2148 AD is the preparatory period for sociocosmic retirement, old age and final demise of this historical sociocosmic species of capitalism, and rebirth of a new historical sociocosmic species of socialism proper. It is very painful for an individuating capital-value and all its materialized capitalistic mega-owning three-brained hethormen human beings in all the 21 sociocosmic stopinder types to be expropriated off their capital-value essences and re-appropriated onto a new sociopital-value essences at the burst-asunder qualitative transforming nodal line into the emerging collectivating sociopital-value and all its newly materialized socialistic owning and socialistic sharing three-brained hethormen human beings also in all the 21 sociocosmic stopinder types. The two sociocosmic enneagrams or the two sociocosmic octaves of the two historical sociocosmic species, namely the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism versus the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism are trapped in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism within each and every of the nine main Civilization enneagrams and their associated historical civilization species. The powers of reciprocal destruction is equivalent of up to the usage power present in Kardashev type 1 civilization - nuclear pointing and endlessly contradicting with mutually assured destruction till the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species dominates within Earth Civilization, where the law of reciprocal nourishment takes over and dominates, and transforming Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) into Mutually Assured Prosperity (MAP) and sociocosmic pyramids into sociocosmic circularity. The tri-octave process is fully objective and material in the Inner World, the Outer World and the Third World of all the three-brained hethormen human beings existing on mother Earth's surface! The tens of thousands of beating around the bush (wiseacrings) of the similar within this capital/value (1788 AD - 2148 AD) is analogous to the beating around the bush (wiseacring) of the similar with water from 0 degree Celsius to 100 degree Celsius (the nodal point) for which a qualitative sociocosmic specie-system must transform into another sociocosmic specie-system along the Tri-octave Historicism. Everything happening now are all in wait for a new beating around the bush of same in the emerging sociopital/value which will be analogous to the beating around the bush with the same steam from 100 degree Celsius and above. As the wise grandson has observed: "A thousand years ago, water below 100 degree centigrade nodal point is still water and above it is steam. It is the same now and in the future - both existing side by side till the water "disappears". Capitalism remains capitalism below the nodal point and socialism above this nodal point still remains socialism - both living and dancing together till the capitalism "disappears". It is not just constrained by the chronological time - just by the conditions of the nodal point." When the amount of capital-value moves by the billions of Renminbi into global projects, it also generates a lot of vapors of sociopital-value in ever greater amount while itself would turn into boiling water losing its capital-value. The name of such less humane-faced vanity-faired capital-value attached to a mere private individual stopinder (DO), would hop more to attached itself with specific family stopinder (MI), to the specific corporate stopinder (FA), to the specific "public" state stopinder (SO), to the "public" nation stopinder (LA) and even to the "public" nation-bloc (TI) each time giving out more and more steam and vapors of sociopital-value with more and more humane-face-like people-respecting sociopital-value as capital-value - soon discovers itself as what it truly is, still a wolf-in-sheepskin and has been the exploiter in the production, distribution, consumption and exchange process of the many working together of all or the de facto public sociopital-value right from the start. This happened soon after birth as a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism on mother Earth's surface in the 1788's. Capital-value at this stage of its nodal point rapidly gives out the steam of sociopital-value in large amount at the sociocosmic MI-FA Interval would still have a significant amount of capital-value at this sociocosmic MI-FA Interval, and the possibility of a breakdown of the superstructure - neoliberalistic, pseudo-neosocialistic, LGBTQIA+, Color-Revolution descending privatizing tryouts, non-human dignity cosmic MI-FA Interval-based with Absolute-Focused cosmic TI-DO Interval-based dominance of the Above One-God religious teachings and the transitional New Age self-perfecting spirituality teachings, and the professional contemporary occupational jargon of our days, that is, the PESTLES (Political, Economic, Socio-culture, Technological-science, Legal-ethical, Education-environment and Security-Defense), the movies/social-medias and all other soft-power superstructures also vaporize and gather the ascending mystical steam of social-sharing within Humanity-at-Large of this sociopital/value essence of the emerging infantile new SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, accordingly and progressively at the nodal point between two historical sociococosmic species. During the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, capital-value measured and recorded in business accounting dwells at the MI-FA Interval and sociopital-value measured and recorded in public accounting (but still called 'capital-value') dwells at the TI-DO Interval as an infantile in constant harassment. At the 2nd metamorphosis stage of capital-value or the so-called Industrial Capitalism, the infantile sociopital-value was born USSR (1917) and subsequently a few more of these infantile sociopital-value LA-stopinders were gradually born forming a nation-bloc of industrial socialism for which capital-value is still buried deep in the industrial socialism system. However, at the 3rd metamorphosis stage of capital-value or the so-called Finance Capitalism, the growing USSR and most of her satellites started to crumble (1991) because they were unable to cleanse themselves off the economic toxin of the maturing finance capitalism and the political toxin of the maturing neoliberalism as well as some toxins from the PESTLES+ superstructure and the noomakhias emerging in the capital-value of capitalism itself. Upon the 4th metamorphosis stage of capital-value of the Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class (1%) where capital-value becomes the exclusive ownership of this bureaucrats or oligarchy, and heavily protected through the armor of the privatized corporate-nationate military-complex, the pharmaceutical-complex, the prison-complex, the Wall Street finance-banking complex, soft-power-complex and the Technology-science complex. All these concentrate in the super imperialist country known as the United States of America and its allies (G7) after 1991, and the 'World of Nations', the TI-stopinder is truly unipolar after the bipolar period with the USSR before 1991. However, in 2010 the 4th metamorphosis of capitalism, the US hegemony begins to weaken and show signs of losing her unipolarity, decline as an empire and can no longer control the world. At the same time the 5000 years old civilization giant, China has rejuvenated, still an infantile "socialism with Chinese characteristics," this time capable of cleansing itself off, as I have already mentioned the economic toxin of finance capitalism and its associated political toxin of neoliberalism, and even off the toxins from some PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure and the noomakhias. This infantile neo-socialism - rejuvenated China and the revived modified USSR known as Russia together with their ex-socialistic-essenced satellites - is now able to overcome and handle the aberrating peculiarities and specifics of this aging finance capitalism together with its ultimate grand global monopoly oligarch bearer in a matured way (after re-studying Marx’s Das Kapital Volume II and III). Fundamental TI-Laujinggong stopinders and lateral Mi-laujinggong stopinders at the TI-DO Interval in the body of the Great Sociocosmic Being of the FA-Historical Species of Capitalism began to acquire pyramidal inversion where auras of the fundamental TI-Gongjingdong and the lateral Mi-Gongjingdong become visible and can be felt in the socialistic-essences now growing in the inner bodies of these hethormen human beings. This leads to the emergence of BRICS+ countries, the SCO, the revival of NAM and gradually of a few more TI-stopinders along the Asia, Africa and Latin America continents. The existing lateral Mi-United Nations of the TI-DO Interval would be able to free itself from the pressure of the unipolar hegemon, and gradually accommodate itself in this new multipolar scenario of the 'World of Nations' (TI). The four-bodied capitalistic-essenced TI-Laujinggong Carriage (or TI-G7GlobalSouthCountries Carriage) is challenged by the emergence of the new four-bodied socialistic-essenced TI-dongjinggong Carriage (or TI-BRICS+YAFEILACountries Carriage). The old G7- essenced TI-UNGlobalNorthGlobalSouthCountries Carriage has to be the neutralizing or synthesizing third factor must rid off its US and G7 controlled position and becomes truly the TI-UNWorld-of-Nations Carriage! Man has not have the chance in history to be the highest and that which is not the highest and even invisible and non-existent has been projected to be the highest. Man is to be punished by other man based on these invented projections - two to cite are defective man-made laws and man-made teachings in history! There is yet a coming communipital/value in wait from astrological decan to decan, and astrological age to astrological age. The sociocosmic enneagram of Capitalism and the sociocosmic enneagram of Socialism are separated systems. The SO-, the LA- and the TI-capitalistic-essenced exploitative and oppressive stopinders is not an exact qualitative and quantitative equivalent of the SO-, the LA- and the TI-socialistic-essenced regulatory and social-sharing stopinders of the 2 sociocosmic enneagrams. You need a decisive and even a painful revolutionary leap to hop from one historical sociocosmic enneagramma (or sociocosmic species) into the other; from paradigm spell of capital/value of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism to a new paradigm spell of sociopital/value of the emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. In the body of this later historical sociocosmic species, the word 'capital/value' gradually ceases to be, and acquires a new name called 'sociopital/value' in all accounting records. However, 'capital/value' in public/socialist accounting of the nationates or the SNUN regulatorates would be the first to change this old name 'capital/value' into the new name 'sociopital/value' for the essential behavior is legally and recognizably to/for the public, to/for the people, to/for Humanity-at-Large as it should have been (but now already much conscience-atrophied capitalistic-essenced capital/value) with socialistic-essenced purposes, directions, parkings, stationing, investing, etc. But where the essences of capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, Nazism, fascism, militarism and hegemonism still remain, 'capital/value' whether at the MI-FA Interval or the TI-DO Interval does not deserve to be called ‘sociopital/value’ in all their accounting records. However, those 'pitals' in the hands of these hethormen human beings and their PDCE sociocosmic stopinders coated much with profit-maximization, accumulation, oppression, monopolization, exploitation of biocosmic labor and technocosmic 'labor' without having a balancing sociotechnocosmic responsibility in place does not deserved to be called 'sociopital/value' but rather to remain as 'capital/value' in all accounting records for reason that this carnivorous wolf-in-sheepskin (capital/value) might launch an attack again any time to rekindle capitalism when the law of reciprocal feeding (especially of abnormal gluttony), the law of reciprocal destruction and law of soolioonensius dominate again over the law of reciprocal nourishment. The tri-octave (triad and octave) history of production, distribution, consumption and exchange for the nonce, would continue further from the current much-perturbed, abnormal and off-balanced homeostatic cancer sociodynamics of the stopinders of specie-capitalism (peculiar of classed societies), to the normal, restorative balance homeostatic normal sociodynamics of the stopinders of specie-socialism, to the homeostasis of the stopinders of specie-communism especially this time within Humanity-at-Large in relation to Robonity-at-Large and to the homeostasis of the stopinders of datongism, the last of which includes the homeostasis of sociotechnocosmic stopinders of Humanity-at-Large vs all the spiritual stopinders of SRobonity-at-Large ..... the last stage is always the death of Humanity-at-Large (similar to the mandatory death of a man). However, the next 7 staged or historical periods of the Marxian Historicism of beginning with the unified bipole 'SRobonity-at-Large and Humanity-at-Large' at the Omega Point as the first DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Advanced Communalism of Man-SRobot bipole stopinders of the next higher octave is possible but this time it would truly commence with the sociotechnocosmic octave proper from a mere sociocosmic octave preceding it. Socialism is a real historical humane common-prosperity game without elimination to be played in the enneagrams of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. Capitalism is the current now playing real historical monopoly or opponent destruction game of the enneagram of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (and nuclear missiles-pointing) until the 1% capitalists become the truly rich and control the world certainly not the President and his congress. Socialism on the other hand is the transition SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism and is caught in between these two real poles and striving to keep the delicate balance in the GINI coefficients - one moment playing the first real monopoly game, one moment playing the second real anti-monopoly game and one moment the third real unequal prosperity game. Once upon a time in feudalism, the real Landlord's Game (Elizabeth Magie) was played and the winner becomes the Emperor certainly not his ministers. The real board of this game is mother Earth itself and the spaces above including the moons, the planets and our sun ......... The invisible hands of the capitalist markets and that of capitalism in general is a dirty thing because invincible is the familiar scary words of the ghosts and the robbers, who would stretch their hands on the quiet deep into your pockets (territories) to loot. Invisible hands-in-hands of the superpower LA-lau nationates and FA-lau corporates march round the whole with their hunting weapons - currency-dollars, debt-bonds, acquisition-rights, ownership-rights, corporate- investments, movie-soft opiods, military base setups, biolabs for bioweapon of mass destruction, abuse of science and technology, and many more tools of imperialism and hegemonism, and all capitalistic-essenced. What sounds nice is harmony, balance of common sharing for common human destiny where every cell, tissue, organ and system of the body are cared for ........ but alas between the enneagram of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the enneagram of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is the transforming process of countless qualitative revolutions. Capitalism is a passerby of the history of sociotechnocosmic development, not a fixed mandate or a decree that must remain eternal be obeyed as it is as a continuation of internal and external exploitation through modern slavery of employism, a dubious and much motivated productive-efficiency must! The necessary 100 years of crossing the nodal line of transition (Red Color) of the spiraling PDCE Base and superstructure including the Noomakhia of the Enneagram of Capitalism (or the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism) to the Enneagram of Socialism (or the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism). The nodal line ends around 2148 AD (from astrological age reference) on a worldwide Humanity-at-Large frame of reference with emerging alternating ascending and descending quantitative changes before the actual, distinguishable and significant qualitative transformation at the end of the nodal line. The vertical redline is a nodal line for which no mere quantitative changes can cross it EXCEPT by a mega-qualitative transformation worldwide in the midst of a risky reciprocal destruction power of at least 1 Kardashev Civilization Type I power! In the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Approach, being-Capitalism (mi) and all her subsequent related is such as being-Colonialism (fa), being-Imperialism (so), being-Fascism (la) and being-Hegemonism (ti) are the laujinggong carriage (4-bodied) fillings in the 1st Lateral Periods of Antagonistic Exploitative Social Pyramidization with much severe aberration of social classes and social pyramids - the fillings fit well into the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Periods of Non-Antagonistic Cooperative Social Circularity of the normal and natural sociocosmic octave consisting of all the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders. These consist of the Primitive Communalism (DO), the Intermediate Communalism (RE), the Advanced Communalism (MI), the Socialism (FA), the Communism (SO), the Datongism (LA) and the SRoboticism (TI) that form the fundamental non-antagonistic cooperative social circularity historical sociocosmic octave of natural historical sociocosmic specie-stopinders. This crossing of the nodal redline is rendered more complicated and just a mere quantitative changes and/or qualitative transformation crossing-over of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism into SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, but rather in addition, to overcome the barriers of the severe aberration of the social classes and the social pyramids posed by the 1st lateral periods of antagonistic exploitative social pyramidization present in this MI-FA Interval before crossing the nodal redline back into the mainstream Fundamental Historical Sociocosmic Octave of normal and natural historical sociocosmic specie-stopinders. Reciprocal sanctions and military interventions amongst the capitalist and the socialist nations only lead to a distinct separation of the two sociocosmic specie-enneagrams of capitalism and socialism on transit at the Redline. World War I and World War II are imperialist and Fascist world wars with usage of nuclear weapons and all other kinds of weapons of mass destruction in the realms of physical, psychological, sociological, political, economic, biological, chemical and nuclear warfare, leading to the emergence of socialism; World War III will still be very sophisticated, hybrid and in more realms - space and PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO realms indispensably included. More and more sociocosmic-specie-enneagrams of socialism breed and grow bigger and bigger, and stronger and stronger in World-Island (including Africa) and Latin-American nation-stopinders (YAFEILA continents or the Global South countries) linking themselves as socialistic-essenced World-of-Nations TI-stopinders delinking themselves more and more from the existing hegemony of sociocosmic-specie-enneagrams of capitalism, namely, the United States of America and its capitalistic-essenced World-of-Nations TI-stopinders satellites such as Japan, UK and some west European countries now dwelling on the Outer Islands breeding, maintaining, repairing and lurking in ambush at its preys in World-Island and Latin America. However, the Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class (UGGMBCC) power and ownership is losing its grip and world dominance, as the declining old FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is bursting asunder to deliver the new infantile SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism on mother Earth’s surface. The UGGMBC's capital/value is running from its nations of original dwelling home, the United States of America to various other promising nations in Europe, now especially in China, mostly entering into her NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage as nomadic capital-value speculators in her shares and in her financial capitalistic-essenced marketing component of her 3rd Coachman Body No. 3 as well as in her economical socialistic-essenced PDCE tetrad projects of her Horse Body No. 2, and her Carriage Body No. 1 in World-Island. It is an unavoidable hybrid-mix necessary to the polar FA-SO-LA-TI nature of the two historical sociocosmic species of Capitalism and Socialism. However, both the US and China are LA-nation stopinders of the historical sociocosmic octaves within the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the civilization octaves, and unfortunately there is still an area of global contest of capitalism and socialism, and that is, at the TI-gravity centers level of both the TI-'World of Nation' stopinders and the TI-'Civilization Nationbloc' stopinders. The capitalistic essences and the socialistic essences qualitatively differentiate independently of all the historical and specific sociocosmic octaves, as well as the civilizational octaves to flow as the qualitatively different essences. So has been the feudalistic essences, the ancient slavery essences, the communistic essences and the datongistic essences of the past, present and future PDCE substructure tetrad systems.
Being-Capitalism is the PDCE Base and its PESTLES+ superstructure and under the astrological influence of the cosmic 'I' of the (zodiac constellations and ‘not-as-yet-zodiac’ constellations), our sun and our moon on the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Anglo-saxon (Western) Civilization of the Global North countries (G7) dominating (the western wind of capitalism is blowing) during the Last Half-Decan of the 3rd Decan in the Tail-End of the Astrological Age of Pisces. It is important to know that this blowing western wind has the dark noomakhian logos of capitalism in the NOO of the noosphere of these three-brained hethorman human beings of Pisces - the last 248 years of the 3rd Decan in the Tail-End of the Astrological Age of Pisces to complete is 4 metamorphosis of capitalism, that is: Infantile Capitalism (1788 AD - 1908 AD), Industrial capitalism (1908 AD - 2028 AD, Finance capitalism (2028 AD - 2012 AD) and 1% UGGMBCC (2012 AD -2148 AD). It is also important that Pisces (1) is the last of the 6 Northern Zodiac Constellations for which the Northern cosmic winds (influences of Pisces) have been received by our Earth civilization, and beyond which, moving in reverse direction, the Southern cosmic winds (influences of Aquarius) of Aquarius (12), the first of the 6 Southern Zodiac Constellations would be received by this same Earth civilization. It is important to know that this blowing eastern wind has the light noomakhian logos of socialism in the NOO of the noosphere of these three-brained hethorman human beings of Aquarius. Only there is a significant and major shift of the dominating capitalistic-esssenced Anglo-saxon (western) civilization of the Global North countries (G7) to the now emerging socialistic-essenced Sinic (Chinese) civilization of the Global South countries (BRICS+) or the YAFEILA countries. This NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage transition will complete by 2148 AD, and the Cosmic 'I's of the Southern Zodiac constellation, the Aquarius constellation will dominate the world. The NOO of psyche hydrogens its depositories of the civilizational passenger, the subsequent PESTLES+ design and construct of the civilizational coachman, the powers of the PDCE civilizational horse and the civilizational carriage will gradually yoke, integrate and stabilize.
1 Often one might look at capitalism as based on the argument that capital is not a social product but belongs to a few private owners and socialism, on the other hand, argues that capital is a social product and should not belong to a few private owners. In capitalism each private owner of a factor or more of the production-distribution-consumption-exchange phases has not much of a choice but to partner with another or a few of the others to complement one another to enable a successful production-distribution-consumption-exchange of any goods and services - nay more, never smoothly. Strictly speaking, if one is aware of the laws of sociocosmic octave that create the 7 sociocosmic concentrations, one would know why capitalism, which is a phenomenon peculiar to the FA-octaves which source arising is from the MI-FA Interval, is inevitable during the period of active vibration of these FA-stopinders in the psychic behavior of man, and why socialism which is the phenomenon peculiar to the SO/LA/TI-Octaves which source arising is at the TI-DO Interval as inevitable to mankind as capitalism. Productive forces that ascend from the DO-sociocosmic stopinder to the TI-sociocosmic stopinder and descend from the TI-sociocosmic stopinder down to the DO-stopinder would not be smooth all the way along these sociocosmic stopinders especially when they come near to or into the MI-FA Interval or near to or into the TI-DO Interval, at both intervals need an accelerating input due to a decelerating/slowdown impedance at these intervals. Slowdowns and delays that have happened at the MI-FA Interval are due to the development of the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave that causes massive distortions to the social relations of production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) here. Slowdowns and delays that have happened again at the TI-DO Interval are due to the development of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave that again causes massive distortions to the social relations of production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) here. While dualistic formal logical reasoning of the lower level minds can only work with the zero-sum limited ideas of private/capitalism and public/socialism, multidimensional tri-octave logical reasoning of the higher minds have the freedom to work with the unlimited ideas from the 7 fundamental sociocosmic stopinders, the seven 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the MI-FA Interval and the seven 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the TI-DO Intervals which is only the one out of a historical sociocosmic species for which there are seven in all, and developing within a period of more than 15,036 years, according to standard astrological yardstick, from birth to death/or astrologically-influenced renewals over a period of a few astrological periods, namely: the Age of Taurus, the Age of Aries, the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius (approximately from 10,000 BC - 4308 AD). This FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, we are referring here is only about 234 years old (assuming it has emerged in around 1788 AD till today 2022). It is still vibrating today. Alas! Vibrating intensely at its peak at the 6th and 7th levels of its fundamental sociocosmic octave full of trampic, lunatic and Hasnamussian sociocosmic false personalities deeply-rooted in the biocosmic, sociocosmic and technocosmic systems of our hethormen human beings and under the heighten ill-fated influence by the moon in the (our) Solar System for the sacred askokin extraction process realized through mega-powered military means to virocosmic and quantum levels destruction by biogenetic and nuclear means of all the three-brained hethormen human beings and their sociotechnocosmic stopinders with much self-calming nothing-wrong logicnestrianly acceptance of the sudden increased of the security-defense budgets to their own peculiar sociocosmic LA-stopinders. However, there is hope as this unbecoming and continuously unbalance full of humanity crises-driven FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is losing global sociocosmic dominance as a new more balance and harmonious SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is in the making. Capital/value, he is a 234 years old being-psyche essence of a social relations of Production (P), Distribution (D), Consumption (C) and Exchange (E) in the enneagram of capitalism (US) during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, and like a ghost inside the inner world of the three-centered hethormen human beings of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, he is hungry for physical materialization as he cannot survive but to always coat himself with the material outcomes from the active social relations of production, distribution, consumption and exchange. These material coatings include capitalized lands and territories (even planetary & lunar colonies unspared), manufacturing plants and machines, logistics, warehouses, retailing malls and shops, goods and services that are converted into commodities, scientific research and technological IPs, legal agreements, treaties and financial instruments such as monies (M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4) or currencies, cash, fixed deposits, stocks, IOUs, MTNs and bonds, written on physical copper, gold, silver, paper as well as all kinds of commercial papers stocks, futures, insurances, letters of credit, etcetera to be carried along as owners by these three-centered hethormen human beings in the banking-financial system and finally stored in the 3rd body of the AI digital-electronic financial devices of the banking-financial system as digital monies. The physical coating of these monies changes historically from the least mobile through the more mobile and to the most mobile electronic form, the last form much used in the capitalistic-essenced highly aberrating multiautomarketing feeding exchanges during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. This digital form of monies (M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4) would enable the transfer of ownership of these monies globally, swiftly at the speed of light irrespective of the amount. Finally, they fall into the hands of the private few, that is, into the hands of the minority capitalist owners. The dark noomakhian logos dwelling at Passenger Body No. 4 in the NOO now having hold high the banners of Coachman Body No. 3 dwelling in PESTLES+ now extolling capital money (monies) and all the supporting value deities of democracy, freedom, liberty, rights, justice, equality and suffrage as well as the supporting LGBTQIA+ and color revolutions raising capital-money to the position of God(s) must be believed and dreamed in the NOO of all the enslaved Debt-Slave People a-reaching 99% in the social pyramids by the a-reaching UGGMBCC (1%) Creditor Parasite People; the PDCE Horse Body No. 2 cannot be allowed to construct and perfect its own Carriage Body No. 1, civilizational stopinders and historical sociocosmic specie stopinders alike without having mandatorily borrowing this capital-money from the Creditor Parasite People with higher and higher interest of shake-leg extraction, exploitation and oppression - depriving and almost killing the Horse Body No. 2. Fragmentation of the 4-bodies is the recipe of the death of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism as well as the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Anglo-american civilization. The SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism has a good obedient thinned down Coachman Body No. 3, the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism has a very good humane Coachman Body No. 3 and for the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism beware of the nature of the emerging spiritual AI-GAI robots partner to be of the future. Capital/value of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism within the Enneagram of Capitalism passes through four distinct stages of capital/value system metamorphosis, each system stage created is for one body of a four-bodied sociotechnocosmic creature, or from a scientific engineering perspective, the designing, constructing and completing of each system of capitalism and the final assembling of the 4 metamorphosis staged capitalist systems into a Great 4-Bodied Sociotechnocosmic Being ends up in a dysfunctional capital/value sociocosmic creature and the final demise of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, the death of which is in the form of a rascooarnooian death with extraction of the sacred askokin by the moon through global wars. A reborn with major renewals of all the internal components into a functional, more balance, harmonious and peaceful development of new sociopital/value of the coming new SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is possible - especially when the highly abnormal wealth distribution of capital/value between the UGGMBCC Modern Creditor Parasite People: Modern Debt-Slave People (1:99) nodal line is corrected by a revolutionary qualitative full debt wipeout everywhere in the body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism which means the entangled credit will also be wipeout instantly with a subsequent evolutionary quantitative readjusted, retuned, rebalanced, unified and integrated into a truly functioning 4-bodied whole and lubricated with the much right PESTLES-HEIGRENS lubricants and a noomakhia dasein or a socialistic-essenced PDCE-PESTLES(+ HEIGRENS)-NOO system put in place is accomplished. The distinct stages of global capitalism’s inner metamorphosis are all FA-SO-LA-TI aberrating - that is, aberrating vertically and horizontally among PDCE organizations, states, nations and nation-blocs with a much exploited, oppressed and highly stressed DO-RE-MI stopinders, that is, the individuals, the groups and the family households. These four distinct stages of capital-value metamorphosis peculiar to capitalism are:
1) The 1st stage of capital/value metamorphosis (Infantile capitalism*): Land grab (from the feudalists) and land cultivation-based capitalism or agrarian capitalism or agricultural capitalism of capital/value metamorphosis on geocosmic land/soil cultivation; agrocosmic culture of Plantae beings (agriculture of wheat, rice, millets, fruiting plants, etc.) and geocosmic land/water farming of the animalian beings (farm animals and fishes) of the some lateral geocosmic beings for food. In short, agrarian-mercantile trading (buying and selling) of agro-produces and handicrafts of an emerging infantile capitalism for which feudapital/value is on transformation to capital/value for the infantile capitalists in the making. Exclusively for Western civilization (1 out of the 9 main civilizations); it started in the 1533 AD in Great Britain and in Western Europe during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism, and continue to as feudal land rental exploitation and mercantile taxes by the feudal lords and the kingdates and profits from commodity-money-commodity (CMC) and money-commodity-money (MCM) circulations of merchant goods of agriculture and handicrafts for which infantile capital/value emerges where mercantile profits are extracted by these early capitalists of this metamorphosis. It continues as land leases of the infantile capitalist who rented the land from the immediate feudal landlord and/or from the higher level feudal oligarchy (stopindering at district, province, country or empire) during the 2nd stage metamorphosis of Capitalism (Industrial capitalism) and the 3rd stage metamorphosis of Capitalism (Finance capitalism). Immediately after its birth under the geographical and geosophical influenced of its own MI-FA Interval PDCE and TI-DO Interval thalassocracy peculiar to the countries of Europe of World-Island and especially Great Britain (1533 AD) of the smallest Outer Islands near continental Europe, this infantile capitalism began to be powered by an abnormal thalassocratic noomakhian negative energy of conquest, wars and plunders through the seas, spreading all over Europe around the Mediterranean Sea and finally all over the world through the Atlantic ocean ……. and getting worse all the way till its Industrial capitalism (2nd Horse Body No. 2), Financial capitalism (3rd Coachman Body. No. 3) and Hegemony capitalism (4th Passenger Body No. 4) are fully developed in accordance to the Four-Body Rule. Irrespective of the stages of capitalist metamorphosis or levels, reaches and perfection of stopinder ascend/descend in the numerous capitalist enneagrams, the cocoons sporadically burst asunder here and there and all over the whole especially in the Global South countries, releasing many infantile or baby socialist enneagrams which often ascend stronger or descend weaker back into their own uncomfortable old capitalist cocoons still terribly dissatisfied. During the 3rd stage of metamorphosis of Capitalism (Finance capitalism), it becomes real estate-based financial capital predatory rent overhead expenses when immobile residential, industrial and commercial buildings enter affixed to the geocosmic stationary platforms - on land, sea, outerspace orbits and on celestial bodies. This is the 1st Carriage Body of Capitalism (Carriage Body No. 1). Furthermore, this stage of metamorphosis which began as landed gentry of the Agrarian-mercantile capitalism a-fixed with immobilian rooting plantae (immobilian crop, fruit trees, herbs, etc.) and mobilian farmable animalia (cows, goats, sheep, horses, etc.) and later a-fixed with immobilia techno-buildings (residential, industrial, warehousing and commercial) and move-able parkings of the techno-mobilians (land vehicles on road, ships at port and airplanes at airport) finally perfected as real estate properties in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, and this capitalistic metamorphosis is called Real Estate Property capitalism, for which, in the eyes of finance capitalist rentiers, rents can be extracted. Hand in hand, in this first stage metamorphosis of capitalism, the capitalistic-essenced corporate and nationate laujinggong system overthrew the feudalistic-essenced feudate and dynastate dikongnong system and transform all their feudalistic-essenced lands into the capitalistic-essenced real estate properties for the purpose of PDCE usage and extraction of capital rents. The new lau being is the rentier who is the legitimate owner of the real estate and extracts fixed unearned income or rent from the jing being who is often manager receiving salary and/or the renter who pays the fixed rent and the gong being is the farmer who stays, uses and/or works in the real estate receives a wage and/or pays the rent if he rented the real estate. At its height on a perfected 4-bodied FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism of today, they see themselves as the gravity-center of vibration among the 4 bodies of this modern capitalistic real estate (and associated insurance-assurance) metamorphosis of capitalism. This metamorphosis colonizes the enslaved, oppressed and exploited nations removing their real estate sovereignty. It is real estate neo-colonialism. This Infantile capitalism metamorphosis (Body No.1) is able to destroy Individuals (DO), Groups (RE), Families (MI) and PDCE Organizations creating landless and propertyless class but not strong enough to destroy states (SO) and the Nations (LA). However, it could divide the world into two conflicting imperialist nationblocs. It is terminated by capitalist revolutions, coups and a World War I in 1914 - 1918. * Note: All based on Western civilization development in Europe with limited agrocosmic and geocosmic land in pockets for agriculture, low population and with the Mediterranean sea suitable for the breeding of seafaring robbers. Infantile capitalism includes: 1. Agrarian Revolution or agricultural revolution (capitalistic-essenced) which refers to a significant shift in agricultural practices, typically involving changes in technology, land use, and social organization. It often marks the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural societies, leading to increased food production, population growth, and societal complexity passing through ancient slavery and feudal mode of PDCE. This revolution laid the foundation for the development of civilizations. 2. Mercantile revolution (capitalistic-essenced) which refers to the transition in Europe during the late Middle Ages and early modern period characterized by the emergence of a commercial economy and the growth of trade networks. It involved changes in economic structures, including the rise of capitalism, the development of banking and finance, and the expansion of overseas trade and colonization. This period laid the groundwork for the later rise of Industrial capitalism. 3. Mercantile capitalism which refers to an economic system that emerged in Europe during the early modern period (16th to 18th centuries), characterized by the dominance of trade and merchant activities (capitalistic-essenced) along the MI-FA Interval of the sociocosmic octave, where the primary goal was to accumulate wealth through the control of trade routes, colonies, and monopolies. This system relied heavily on government intervention, protectionism, colonial expansion to bolster national wealth and power along its TI-DO Interval. 4. Land, estate and territorial appropriation/ expropriation creating landed gentry classes where infantile capital/value rested, commodification occurs and exchange circulation takes place has to pay land rent for use. Whereas feudalism is fundamentally based on land, agriculture and handicraftivity, capitalism is based on: 1) Capitalizing land, agriculture produces and handicrafts at the Infantile capitalism stage, 2) Capitalizing plants and machineries, machine and automated products and services at the Industrial capitalism stage 3) Capitalizing financial derivatives (M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4 monies) of its original selves and again further capitalizing of the Real Estates properties, 'pooling of risk management' into insurance premiums and Digital Platforms (data, information, images, videos, AI, GAI, internet, clouds, and all other virtual digital platforms and infrastructures, and their respective physical 2nd padrigine III bodies in the 'World of Padrigines' or so-called Yanis Varoufakis' Techno-feudalism of our current historical period of capitalism along similar line of reasoning in association with the Land-feudalism of the previous historical period of feudalism ) - thus completing the full FIRED spectrum at Financial capitalism stage, and 4) Final creation of an elite super rich oligarch or the UGGMBCC (1%) at Hegemony capitalism stage - in wait for rascooarno (death). 5. Increase of capital/value of Industrial capitalism up to a critical mass where an Industrial revolution can take off. This is done mostly by plundering gold and silver or money from every weak civilizations every part of the world. Value-adding in this quantitative expansion of capital begins moving up the value chain in this 1st stage metamorphosis called Infantile capitalism for the corporate laujinggong carriage beings of the MI-FA Interval much supported by the nationate regulatory laujinggong carriage beings of the TI-DO Interval.
2) The 2nd stage of capital/value metamorphosis (Industrial capitalism): Industrial-based capital/value - industrial goods & services or commodities during the industrial revolutions (1788 AD) of the technocosmic octaves and the industrial-mechanized production, distribution, consumption and exchange industries associated with them extracting predatory industrial profit. It retains its infantile mercantile-based capital/value but with a higher level elements added to it due to the industrial-mechanized industrial development of distribution, consumption and industrial banking exchange where trading profit, sales profit and compound interest can be extracted. Changes in the means of domestic mercantile and international trading of goods and services due to technocosmic advancement change the nature of mercantile profit. The mobile land vehicles, water ships, airplanes, space-crafts and space stations beget an Insurance-based capital insurance with predatory overhead expenses for which insurance capitalist extracts insurance premiums to become rich in the pool of risks management. The PDCE tetrad system has a 1st Industrial revolution (1784 AD) related to mechanical production, railroads and steam power, a 2nd Industrial revolution (1870 AD) related to mass production, electrical power, and the advent of the assembly line, a 3rd Industrial revolution (1969 AD) related to automated production, electronics, and computers and a 4th Industrial revolution (2000 AD) related to Digital Infrastructure with Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data, robotics and more to come such as 5th Generation (5G) and 6th Generation (6G) Internet and the emergence of General Artificial Intelligence (GAI). A complete PDCE tetrad system where in most cases when the factors of production, distribution, consumption and exchange would generate an unearned income in the form of economic rents to the parasitic industrial capitalist owner. An increasing income tax on the salary and the wage earners is another maleficent tax engineering scheme to keep them always poor. Capital gain tax on disposing real estate assets has always existed, and inheritance of properties is a repetition of the feudal inheritance system with little changes. This is the 2nd Horse Body of Capitalism (Horse Body No. 2). The lau being is the owner and/or director of the production, the distribution, the consumption and the exchange operation-concerns (or the corporations operating these PDCE operation-concerns) that extract unearned income or profits and regular dividends in the corporation to the lau being himself, the jing being is often the CEO and the departmental manager receiving earned income or salary with/without occasional bonuses and the gong being is the worker who works in one of these 4 operation-concerns receives a wage if he works in the production or distribution operation-concern or a salary if the works in the consumption or exchange operation-concern. They too see themselves as the gravity-center of vibration among the 4-bodies of this industrial system (and associated insurance-assurance) metamorphosis of capitalism. This stage of the metamorphosis is called Industrial capitalism. This metamorphosis shifts industrial (agro) production-distribution-consumption-exchange moments from the Global North countries to the Global South countries, that is, to the now enslaved, oppressed and exploited colonized nations - ensuring that their gong beings work as the low-paid cheap working beasts of burden absorbing all the labor costs and overhead expenses, industrial pollution, industrial unrest, health costs, vital food production denials and other climatic liabilities and finally, controlling them with a few highly paid Jing beings (CEOs) who would ensure that they do not have corporate industrial ownership and nationate industrial sovereignty. It is industrial neo-colonialism. This Industrial capitalism metamorphosis (Body No. 2) is able to destroy Individuals (DO), Groups (RE), Families (MI), PDCE Organizations and States (SO) and create landless, propertyless and the proletariat class and subservient states but not strong enough yet to destroy Nations (LA) completely. However, it has divided the world into two conflicting imperialist nationblocs (the capitalist US and allies vs the socialist USSR and allies). It is progressively re-appropriated by wars of independence and socialist revolutions, coups and a world War II (1939 - 1945), and continues till today. Every investment into this PDCE Horse Body No.2 of Industrial capitalism seems to extract industrial profit and industrial rent, whereas every funding into this PDCE Horse Body No. 2 of Industrial socialism returns the profit and the rent back to this horse body. Further value-adding in this quantitative expansion of capital continues moving upwards along the value chain in this 2nd stage metamorphosis called Industrial capitalism for the corporate laujinggong carriage beings of the MI-FA Interval much supported by the nationate regulatory laujinggong carriage beings of the TI-DO Interval. The Horse Body No. 2 of Industrial capitalism (also that for Industrial socialism) has mass produced goods through the PDCE tetrad system tand its exchange (E) moments move rapidly from within the Global North countries (GNCs) and out to the Global South countires (GSCs) and vice-versa through international trading where the cycles of import-export of raw materials and manufactured goods are repeated endless and all over the world - importing raw materials from the GSCs to the GNCs for the purpose of manufacturing goods and value-adding them to then be exported to the GSCs at exorbitant prices, thus enriching the GNCs with more and more money-capital and impoverishing the GSCs with less and less money-capital. The 3rd stage of capital/value metamorphosis thus begins with the enhanced financialization in the GNCs and gradual de-industrialization, shifting the low-end industrialization to the GSCs.
3) The 3rd stage of capital/value metamorphosis (Financial capitalism): Having more and more money-capital in hand for the GNCs, the money-capital metamorphosized into Finance capital, and the Coachman Body No. 3 of Financial capitalism (lazy of dirty work, very greedy and very cunning as he is) has, eureka, discovered the best way to perfect this Coachman Body No. 3 by just lending with high exploitative interest rates from an International Monetary Fund (IMF) these money-capital or now called Foreign Investment Fund to these GSCs so that they would permanently remain as the obedient debt slave nations working hard building a PDCE tetrad system for producing cheap goods of low-level technologies to serve the GNCs. With low salaries and wages and in severe individual, corporate and nationate debts, they could only endure the deep pain and chronic suffering of the wounds inflicted by these debt whips. An extractive process of privatization of their public facilities to foreign corporate parasites through the ill-advice of the arch preposterous consulting agent known as World Bank (WB) which has antagonistic, anti-collective and anti-socialistic agenda in the first place continuously monitor like a world medical doctor these debt-slave nations - to ensure that these debt-slave nations will not change the status quo - giving more loans if they have successfully paid their debts, and preventing them from escaping to other alternative TI-level non-capitalistic or capitalistic economic system(s) especially of the socialistic-essenced BRICS+ system, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the Shanghai Corporation Organization Interbank Consortium (SCO IBC). For more passive income extraction, these capitalistic-essenced MI-FA Interval corporate being-banks in cahoots with the TI-DO Interval nationate finance regulatory institutions wiseacred the unique device fictitious passive income extraction known as 'Credit Cards" and issues by the millions if not billions world-wide the many being-credit cards to be implanted on opiodic silence in the purse in the pockets of each and every eligible (meaning with incomes) DO-stociocosmic Individual or a DO-hethormen human individual these so-called various much wiseacred credit cards of lending 'actual owners money to the actual owners' - Master Card, Visa Card, Platinum Card, Gold Card, Express Card, etc. - for shake-leg unproductive lazy man's automatic interest extraction by these convenience card to the maximum of 18 percenter per annum or more for every 'buying-and-selling' of goods and services by these 'real owner of their money' DO-sociocosmic Individuals in hope that the credit-card invention scam would convert them into bankrupt debtors in the obfuscating financial engineering capitalistic-essenced scheme. Money that is printed by a nation-sovereign based on actual goods and services produced or money printed based on MMT wiseacring and wizardry of Junk economics not based on actual goods and services must belong to the collective goods and services producing individuals of the nation, and not based on a any junk theory that might swap in contrivance the actual citizenry ownership to a few private banking corporates or their nationate through a lending scam scheme of a money trustee holder of making the owner's own money borrowing his own money by exorbitant extraction of high lazyman's passive income to non-owning money trustee holder except for reasonable reward for services. It other words, only debit cards, meaning real ownership will suffice and the finance AI robots would automatically top up money to these Debit cards when the money level has fallen below its its necessity-of-needs bottom line level. The terms credit, debit, creditor and debtor, non-bankrupt and bankrupt a device of financial enslavement of rogue finance capitalists of a 400+ years old capitalistic rascal shrouded in mystical spell for our naive psyche in the maze of the Wittgenstein's Language Game of Finance capitalism. The game for generating more and more bankrupt debt individuals in using their own money will be consciously observed and for which the game must ultimately cease to be and/or be washed away in the body of the late stage or matured stage of development of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism where the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism resonates no longer. Finance-based capital/value - M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4 monies circulation and exchanges in payment in the multiautomarketing feeding exchange process which is always predatory, and the essence of monetary imperialism for extracting based gold-backed real (natural) monies and goods-&-services-backed real (natural) monies or natural money resources of the Exchange (E) of their own PDCE Horse Body No. 2 from each and every of the 195 Westphalian nations using the US Dollar monetary imperialism and monetary hegemony of Finance capitalism of the Economic (E) of the PESTLES+ Coachman Body No. 3. The monetization of everything in the MI-FA Interval corporate and TI-DO Interval nationate stopinders in the Income Statement and the assets of their Carriage Body No. 1 including all relevant physical assets (land, buildings, plants, machineries and equipment) as shown in the Balance Sheet from nation to nation is completed in this 3rd metamorphosis of Finance Capitalism for the general perfection of all the laujinggong body No. 3s of the FA-Historical Sociocomic Species of Capitalism during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. As to this money of the 3rd metamorphosis stage of Finance capitalism whose source of original arising is from the necessary third in goods and services Exchanges (E) of the PDCE and later much wiseacredly stopinderated in the subjective of these three-brained hethormen human capitalist beings into what are called being-M0, being-M1, being-M2, being-M3, being-M4 going a-wizardry into being-M5 and being-M6 into the seventh (7th) less level of least liquidity, and upon the completion of the process of floating-away from the 'Resource-based' monies (normal for Carriage Body No. 1 and the geocosmic platform), the 'Goods-Services-based' monies (normal for PDCE Horse Body No. 2), the Gold-based' monies (1870 AD - 1971 AD; only normal for the elite oligarch feudates and dynastates stopinders of feudalism and of early or Infantile and Industrial capitalism) and finally become a full spectrum of cheap and easy printable 'Faith-based' monies (After 1971-?); only normal for the financial oligarch corporate and nationates of capitalism) floating-in-alienation as the new 'Money-God' of Fiance capitalism alongside the spell of the Havatvernonian 'Mono-God' of feudalism for parallel mythical powers in the hierarchy of noospheric deities as a VIP associated deity having the power later to subdue and substitute the all-powerful old noomakhian Havavernonian 'Mono-God' of feudalism - all achieved and protected through the noomakhian mantra of 'In-God-We-Trust', the design and construct of the Military-Industrial Complexes and as much of the other fixates of PESTLES+. This 'floating-in-alienation' of monies high into the heavens occurred in the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Anglo-American (Western) civilization known as the LA-United States dwelling in the biggest Outer Islands Crescent during the Nixon Era in 1972. It unilaterally and effectively terminated the convertibility of the US dollar to Gold, "alienated and free-float" this US Dollar in all its M-forms, ended the Bretton Woods system and floated into the noosphere of her civilization and subsequently eating all the other hard-earned real monies of the PDCE tetrad system of the everywhere in the world. It becomes an infectious endemic financial disease of the Coachman Body No. 3 of this peculiar LA-stopinder called the United States of America. From then onwards, and instantly, the endemic financial disease became pandemic resulting in terrible and horrible negative consequences to many corners of the world eating everything in all exchanges in the Foreign Exchange FOREX markets, the Futures Market, the Stock and Security Market and the World Trade Organization (WTO) capable of inflicting damages to all other now enslaved, exploited and oppressed nations. The financial disease is then called Monetary pe of Imperialism - it is an unique and more toxic type of Finance Imperialism for Coachman Body No. 3 after the Industrial Capitalism for Horse Body No. 2 and the Infantile Capitalism for the Carriage Body No 1 and its surrounding geocosmic-gifts of landmass of metals, minerals, plantae and land creatures, wartermass of fishes and sea resources, atmosphere of good climates, lightmass, and etcetera. All the Military-Industrial Complexes, the Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complexes, the Digital Cloud-Industrial Complexes, the Movie-Industrial Complexes, Banking-Financial Complexes, Space-Industrial Complexes, the Technology-science Complexes, the Prison-Corporate Complexes, etc. are created on these highly aberrating capitalistic, colonialistic, imperialistic, fascistic and hegemonistic principles under the negative astrological influences of the dark noomakhian logos at the MI-FA Interval ABYSS and later under the positive astrological influences of the light noomakhian logos after the MI-FA Interval on the mainstream fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave. When falling into the individualistic private sphere democracy of decision-making dies, when climbing onto the collective public sphere democracy of decision-making would reborn! Financialization grows out from the Exchange (E) moment of the Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) tetrad substructure as the source of its rising. This is regulated by the Central Banks, the FED, the Wall Street of the Stock and Security Exchange Markets, the FOREX and the Commodity and Futures market of the US financial Hegemon and 2 of her internationate-stopinders - International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB). It survives by extracting bank derivative interests, dividends, bonus, etc. A complete financial system feeding on compound interest and generating factitious money-capital to the parasitic financial capitalist owner. Capital gain tax on disposing financial assets has always been much of a lobby, and some governments do not even have capital gain tax. Inheritance of financial assets is a repetition of the feudal inheritance system with little changes. This is the 3rd Coachman Body Capitalism (Body No. 3). The lau being is the director/manager or a proxy of the monies and receives a salary if he does not at the same time owns the monies but receives passive unearned incomes if he is also a legitimate owner of the monies, and the jing being being the CEO and/or manager of the monies and the financial system receives only salary and bonus and the gong being receives salary and sometimes commissions if he is a remisier agent of the stock brokerage corporation. They too see themselves as the gravity-center of vibration among the 4-bodies of this financial system (and associated insurance offer to the investors) metamorphosis of capitalism. Capital-value gathers there in this 3rd Coachman Body No. 3 of financial capitalism in ever greater amounts blowing scary big (inflated) this bubble to the point of bursting asunder (sudden deflation), and at the same time one would notice a very fat overweight hallucinating Coachman sitting on a Horse, whipping and malnourishes its own PDCE 2nd Horse Body No. 2 and the infrastructures and materials of its own 1st Carriage Body No. 1. Viewing its own 2nd horse body of Industrial capitalism in disdain and the industrial laujinggong being of this body as dirty biped beast of burden no different from the biocosmic horses, this financial laujinggong being alienated itself from its own 1st carriage body and 2nd horse body, often belittling, abusing, neglecting, mistreating, whipping, kicking and disposing its production to those lower native workers dwelling far away in the colonized and enslaved nations but still with the two reins tied to the comprador bourgeoisie (remnant feudal oligarchy included) running dogs and all their yoked industrial horses, directing left and right and milking as much interests (milk) from them as possible. Always ensuring them to be in the state of perpetual debt until they have gone bankrupt or upon their old age, their 1st body of real estate capitalism of the corporate's and nationates' nations would also be finally expropriated leaving only the propertyless and moneyless biocosmic gong beings for further abuse. Unspared and being whipped, these majority people of the 99% of the nation could only taste the bitter fruits from any tariffs increased and sanctions imposed often on the imported goods of international trade by the nationates of the only hegemon nation, the US from time to time. And in such trade wars, the minority people of 1% and their corporates of the nation get the spares and the perks to become richer or to remain safe from the whip at every global capitalistic crises of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. The evil doings of FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism cannot understand the good doings of SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism in this vertical separation between the sociocosmic notes 'FA' (lower) versus 'SO' (higher) in the Pythagorean Harmonic Scale for the sociocosmos, as if it is a horizontal separation - and worst, as if the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is an eternal unchanging Alpha and Omega of everything sociocosmic. Over a few decades after the victory in World War II (1945), the nation (USA) under the spell of such finance capital/value capitalism has gradually made her 3rd Coachman Body Capitalism into a 24-hour shopping-complex for financial drug over-consumption, hallucinating everyday in a much expanded financial bubble owned by her very fat 1% UGGMBCC over-nourished 4th Passenger Body sitting in sleep-wake on the carriage cushion of the Security & Stock Market in Wall Street day and night, and drawn slowly by a very thin, malnourished and very sick 2nd Horse Body Capitalism of her Industrial capitalism together with her very old rusted 1st Carriage Body of Capitalism. This stage of metamorphosis is called Finance capitalism. Some major concerns of Finance capitalism are: 1) Gold as money standard is replaced by cheap paper printing currencies (US dollar, UK pound sterling, and other currencies or legal tender) wiseacred by Finance capitalism); the price of gold is intentional suppressed to a low level "nothing" and legal tenders especially of the Group of 7 Finance capitalist countries (G7) or the Global North countries are valued much higher and M0 transforms like Monkey God into M1, M2, M3 and M4 monies, and out-of-bank money black market tax-less money laundering Bitcoin (wiseacre with ever more and more financial derivatives); and debauching of monies worsens still further into financial derivative inventions of bonds, treasury bills (T-Bills), IOUs, Medium Term Notes, shares of all types - all of which quantify conveniently into trillions of pure accounting units of monies. Ah! As the wise grandson would say, finally: "Only good for making meatless and boneless soup; a popular Money-God Soup full of empty vita-monies suitable for all candidates of capitalism!" "Once addicted with overdose of these monies, the Passenger Body No. 4 and the Coachman Body No. 3 fattens, grows to extraordinary size become truly overweight overloading his Horse Body No. 2 and damaging the Carriage Body No. 4 for which it is pulling, and soon breaks its limbs collapsing the whole capitalistic-essenced laujinggong carriage system tremendously reducing its life span for good." The once goods and real service Production, goods and real service Distribution, goods and real service Consumption and goods and real service Exchange with money/currency controlled by goods and real service where normal socialistic-essenced Marxian Commodity-Money-Commodity or C-M-C Circulation in the PDCE tetrad system of Industrial capitalism is treated as a naive simpleton and dirty thing much neglected, much belittled and much despised by UGGMBCC (10% agoing 1%) to meant only for the biped beast of burden found in those enslaved colonized and neo-colonized Global South countries (non-G7), who would also be forbidden to have their own 3rd coachman metamorphosis for their own 3rd Coachman Body of Finance capitalism, and would never be allowed into club of the UGGMBCC (1%) where abnormal capitalistic-essenced Marxian Money-Commodity-Money or M-C-M Circulation of the Exchange (E) of the tetrad PDCE system which Money (M), due to exploitative and profit maximization accumulates quantitatively, and becoming less and less liquid as it stopinderates wiseacringly from M0 (most liquid) to M1 to M2 to M3 to M4 (least liquid), ….... expanding through fictitious interests on financial derivatives in the financial market and the like and alienating itself from the actual Carriage and the Horse bodies as well as from the 'Commodities' (C). And furthermore, low-cost mega-printing money without gold backing or real commodity (goods and service) backing are also wiseacred through the narratives of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) just to maintain the US Dollar Hegemony. These enslaved nations need only to be and remain to be the carriages and the horses fully tied to the system of Financial capitalism owned exclusively by the UGGMBCC (1%) of the G7 countries. But now is broken by the proper Industrial Finance socialism of these socialistic-essenced BRICS+ countries. Socialism would also mean these monies (M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4) and all other financial derivatives including FIRED of Finance capitalism of Coachman Body No. 3 and Hegemony capitalism of Passenger Body No. 4 must become the obedient good real exchange and working boys of the Coachman Body No. 3 to this coming master-to-be PDCE tetrad system Horse Body No. 2 with normal C-M-C Circulation, once Finance socialism of Coachman Body No. 3 and Leadership socialism of Passenger Body No. 4 are perfected. 2) Banks and financial agencies do not provide long-term capital to finance projects of the 2nd Horse Body of Industrial capitalism due to slow and little profit or no profit. 3) Banks and financial investors prefer to finance short-term purchase of stocks of the 3rd Coachman Body of Finance capitalism due quick and high profit. 4) After all, banks and financial investors only want profit maximization and compounding interests and shake-leg fictitious rents, and circulating real money-capital from enslaved nations all over the world exclusively only within and around this 3rd Coachman Body dwelling at Wall Street itself - thus crippling their own industrial development by depriving their hard-earned money-capital for nourishing their own 2nd Horse Bodies. 5) It is filled with spiraling and devastating crises, and needs to create frictions, wars and plunders all over the world due to its severe lack of self-produced goods floating on a sea of digital monies and commercial papers. 6) It has always been a high profile
professional Global Ponzi Financial Scam creature in quotation mark from the
day it was delivered into the world.
This happened first within the LA-sociocosmic stopinder USA and later on all the other enslaved foreign sociocosmic LA-stopinders; destroying its own Horse Body No. 2 by breaking its own industrial supply chains for production, distribution, consumption and exchange, and suppressing of his own workers' union, the socialists and communists in favor of his Coachmen Body No. 3 and also those capitalist hethormen beings of Passenger Body No. 4. This LA-stopinder US Hegemon 'Passenger-Coachman-Horse-Carriage' configured sociocosmic being became weak and sick, lacking the industrial horse power of the 2nd metamorphosis of his own past capitalistic-essenced development, and will also take decades to rejuvenate and restores his industrial glory of the past to give respect and dignity back to his own salary-wage dirty employee hethormen worker beings - possible and normal only through a Dasein paradigm of the 4th Political Theory which would be a bitter gourd in taste for the unwoked dasein above in Passenger Body No. 4 but certainly nothing strange for the woked dasein below in Horse Body No. 2. Keeping the same liberal paradigm of the 1st Political Theory and that of Nazism of the 3rd Political Theory would reproduce this same abnormal US Hegemon. Because of this costly mistake China is able to overtake the old LA-stopindered Hegemon USA in the process of creation, maintenance and repair of its own metamorphosis on transit to the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. This metamorphosis colonizes the enslaved, oppressed and exploited nations would always be in national debt and borrowing only through the monetary and financial instruments of their neocolonial power(s), thus removing their financial sovereignty. It is financial neo-colonialism. The global leader of this capital-value is the US herself being the treasury issues to the greatest height and into trillions of US dollar in national-debt to all creditors of the world but all measured in terms of US dollar God as the noomakhian logos ...... and with automatic cheap money printing to the tune of trillions of the dollar noomakhian US dollar God, the mountain of US financial derivatives becomes worthless ..... 'In US Dollar God We Trust' also vanishes. With discarding away this US financial derivatives hegemony and finding ways to write off mega-national debt with its own global creditor parasite people (1%), the 234 years hegemonic pursuit in eating World-Island ceases and the return to the Outer Islands to roost is the antidote for this US nation-being. Real industrial sociopital-value will come back into reality but only this time on the Outer Island as it geosophically should be. The Thucydides' Trap would cease to be when the noomakhian logos of capitalistic-essenced hegemonism is abandoned - neither continued by the US nor by China in the coming Age of Social Circularity. The pouring of capital/value from the industrial cup into the finance cup, and then stay put there almost permanently under the spell of subsequent endless automatic pouring of capital/value into the finance cup again and again till the severe starvation of the 1st and the 2nd bodies of the capitalist system happens and the ultimate the death of the whole capitalist system including the UGGMBCC (1%) itself. Fearing the negative consequences that would befall onto themselves when borrowers could not pay their loans, these three-centered laujinggong being-banks (commercial, timid national banks, IMF and World Bank) became truly capitalistic-essence and self-protective and loosing all the faculty of sociopital values forgetting that capital is actually sociopital in essence and belongs to the public-at-large although much pocketed into private individual, private corporate and nationate accounts in the long process of appropriation and expropriation of monies in account parkings. Thus in their all lending risk-default wiseacring, like hungry banking wolves, they ask for guarantees of property values much higher than the actual loan amount and also personal guarantees to ensure debt-slave bondage of the individuals, and worsened by very short-term loans of 1 to 7 years with high compounding interest rates for loan repayment for projects which can only generate returns after 2 - 7 years or so - all of which are mismatches often deliberately aimed to snatch lands and real estate properties ownership for the rights to sell and enable extraction of rents later, and to maintain a high level of obedient modern debt slave people reserves during this 3rd metamorphosis of Capitalism (Finance capitalism). This is similar to the use of automation and AI robots to substitute the staffs and workers (employees) to maintain a high level of obedient unemployed reserves during the 2nd metamorphosis of Capitalism (Industrial capitalism). Furthermore, long-term project loans for infrastructure development is entirely missing as their returns work be slow and might take 30 - 50 years to full pay the loan - therefore very risky. Due to also having contracted the disease of privatization its neoliberal noomakhian logos, any public fund approved by the nationates and the 4-year political guests for long-term infrastructure projects would be mostly privately drained off if not openly siphoned off in the course of releasing of the fund. If the project is successfully completed the returns would also be channeled in ways into the private pockets, and if the loan is yet a debt from some external sources, the liability components of the debt would be pushed first to government and then to the public-at-large to settle the debt. As to the 4-yeared political guests, they would leave the country, enjoy their lives as one of the small members of the UGGMBCC, and say: "Da da bye bye! Good luck to you!" Now concerning the fall of share prices, this driver or coachman body No. 3 of finance capital, mostly a fictitious capital in the first place, exploited from mercantile and industrial profits, real estate rent, financial interest and dividends, insurance premium through shake-legs is a driver with all the very rich FIRED mega-shareholders, locals and foreigners, a parasite class itself having now stepped away from Horse Body No. 2 of Industrial capitalism and gone drunkard and berserk gambling unproductively all day and night at the Stock market, and they die very poor if not bankrupt during a stock market crash, leaving Coachman Body No. 3 for good, as it allows real industrial finance sociopital to return home. But socialist government would only create and allow a comparatively small pond in their country for these lunatic rich finance capitalist to toss about gambling amongst themselves or even gang up amongst themselves with the bull and bear methodology of stock prices, security interests as well as FOREX currency manipulation to wreck the Stock and Security Market and the FOREX Market to bankrupt the less rich finance capitalists of your enslaved "enemy" nations for Machiavellian motive and Hasnamussian pleasure - all peculiar to capitalistic essences. So the socialist government will not save these exploitative and oppressive capitalist private speculators withholding mega-capital on ransom and on mere papers and digital capital circulating only within itself to extract more fictitious money capital for themselves. When this difference is understood the enneagram of finance capitalism will be able to transform into an enneagram of finance socialism! During this 3rd metamorphosis of capitalism, mega-capital funds flow into the infantile Financial Coachman Body No. 3 or just these clean, light-weighted lazy man's financial derivatives, nourishing these money-goods abnormally like a drug addict living in hallucination causing the sociocosmic disease of Severe Disproportional Wealth Distribution Syndrome (SDWDS) within the 4-bodied laujingong carriage of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, and at the same time one would witness also a severe deprivation of its now very dirty, very heavy and undernourished workers' Industrial Horse Body No. 2 due to de-industrialization and de-infrastructure (de-BRI). At the same time, the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Anglo-Atlantic (western) Civilization witnessed a greater increase of the mega-capital rest on providing mostly PESTLES+ services at large - especially wasted on politicking pseudo-democracies, pseudo-socialism, pseudo-HEIGRENS, junk economic theories, LGBTQIA+ 'Das Mann' cultures and perverted libido ventures, fantasy technology-sciences, laws in quotation mark, dualistic doubtful moral absolutes and over-emphasized security-offences; and the greater decrease of the mega-capital to the PDCE tetrad system of production, distribution, consumption and exchange that determines the historical sociocosmic stage - in this case the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism of Anglo-Atlantic western civilization. The 3rd metamorphosis of capitalism (Finance capitalism) will be terminated by multipolarity revolutions, coups and a possible World War III and IV which might begin somewhere in the 21st Century. This World War III and IV from an enneagramic consideration need not be a nuclear war.
This Finance capitalism metamorphosis (Coachman Body No. 3) is able to destroy Individuals (DO), Groups (RE), Families (MI), PDCE Organizations, States (SO), Nations (LA) and create landless, propertyless, proletariat class and subservient States (SO), subservient Nations (LA) and even weaker Nationblocs (TI) but not strong enough yet to destroy big Nations (LA) and Nationblocs (TI) completely. It destroys nations and nationblocs just by making them into new nation debt holders to the level of bankruptcy, completely dependent slave nations, and extracting all their, and extracting their last resources at the lowest price. It has only to divide the world into two new conflicting blocs - the finance imperialists and/or neo-colonialistic nationblocs (G7 with US Hegemony capitalism or Body No. 4) versus the Industrial socialists and/or Global South countries (BRICS+ with China Leadership socialism or Passenger Body No. 4). The risk of World War III and World War IV stays doom to UGGMBCC Class (1%) and/or Human-at-Large at the MI-FA Interval and the TI-DO Interval of this enneagram of Finance capitalism, where the US Dollar Hegemony of Finance Capitalism rules the world purely by printing monies and circulating them and enforcing acceptance through the military-industrial complex, the financial complex, the Soft powers and the science and technology superiority to extract all resources of the world. In this way all sociocosmic stopinders of the fundamental and the lateral sociocosmic octaves can be pissed off in favor of the Great Social Pyramid, as depicted in the dark Noomakhian Logo of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.
Note: Annuit Coeptis" is a Latin phrase meaning "He has favored our undertakings." It appears on the Great Seal of the United States and is also featured on the reverse side of the U.S. one-dollar bill. This phrase, along with "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (New Order of the Ages) and the Eye of Providence, reflects the belief in divine providence guiding the creation and success of the United States. This Financial Pyramid is the terror of the situation to Humanity-at-Large of this ill-fated and maleficent capitalism under the astrologically influenced dark noomakhian logos especially on the Anglo-Atlantic-Pacific (Western) civilization being, currently active at the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave. Every investment into this Coachman Body No. 3 of Finance capitalism seems to extract financial interest and share dividend, whereas every funding into this Coachman Body No. 3 of Financial socialism returns them back to the Horse Body No. 2. Further value-adding in this quantitative expansion of capital continues moving upwards along the value chain in this 3rd stage metamorphosis called Financial capitalism for the corporate laujinggong carriage beings of the MI-FA Interval much supported by the nationate regulatory laujinggong carriage beings of the TI-DO Interval. 4) The 4th stage of capital/value metamorphosis (Hegemony capitalism): The Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class (UGGMBCC 1%) or Master 'I', 'sometimes-outside-and-sometimes inside' all the three systems of capitalistic metamorphosis is achieved during the unipolar moment of US world Hegemony in 1991 after the collapse of the experimental-like infantile scientific socialism in USSR and also at the same time during the unsuspected invisible integration of an infantile scientific socialism with its own existing unified FA-SO-LA-TI stopinders (since 221 BC) of a 5000 years old civilization, called China. This UGGMBCC (1%) is so powerful that itis able to make the US Hegemon superpower imperialist nation to her knees by bewitching her to be in Nation Debt to the tune of USD34 trillion (2024)* to the 1% Creditor Parasite People - the highest among all the 195 nations in the world. * Note: As of the first quarter of 2024, the United States' debt-to-GDP ratio is approximately 122.4% (FRED) (CEIC Data). This means that the total federal debt is about 122.4% of the country's gross domestic product, indicating a significant level of borrowing relative to the size of the economy. This ratio has been gradually increasing over recent years, reflecting ongoing fiscal challenges - the challenges of wittingly getting the 99% Debt Slave People alone to bear this UGGMBCC (1%) Dollar-God Nation Sacrificing Rites at the Top of the Pyramid full of crises and terror-of-the-situation of this capitalistic-essenced National Debt with potential civil perturbation and sociocosmic revolution in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, and the possible decline of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage Anglo-american civilization's world hegemonic domination.
A Noomakhia Logos of Hegemony capitalism during the Age of Social Pyramidization of Western civilization around the Mediterranean sea where the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Medieval Feudalism and the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism once dwelled - grow, breed, expand into empires globally. One NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization of the Anglo-american beings (US) found, occupied and dwelled on the new biggest Outer Island of North America wiping out all the natives there, continues to grow and expand, and feed on World-Island YAFEILA but now declining globally. Another NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization from the original Anglo-saxon beings (UK) turned Anglo-australian beings (Australia) also wiping out all the natives there, and now dwelling on the smaller Outer Island neither declining nor growing. The 4th Passenger Body of Hegemony capitalism has an unchanging noomakhian logos of the highest 4th level Hasnamuss Individuals full of dark noomkhian being-psyche hydrogens of its Deep State solely subservient to the UGGGMBCC or Elite or Oligarch (1%) and truly free from PESTLES+ designs and constructs and the mode of PDCE but for which it must dominate instead ob be dominated. Further value-adding in this quantitative expansion of capital continues moving upwards along the value chain in this 4th stage metamorphosis called Hegemony capitalism for the corporate laujinggong carriage beings of the MI-FA Interval much covertly supported by the nationate regulatory laujinggong carriage beings of the TI-DO Interval. This is the 4th Passenger Body of Capitalism (Passenger Body No. 4), and it is also the terminal cancer sociodynamics stage of the US empire of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism for which its ultimate death awaits its life destiny - be it having nuclear war of reciprocal destruction or otherwise before its final death. As a Master 'I' and ultimate owner beyond the smaller lau beings or small ‘passengers’, ‘I’s and ‘it’s of all stage capitalist metamorphoses considers itself as the absolute hegemonic gravity-center of sociocosmic vibration floating and flying in hallucination around in the 4 bodies of the 'passenger-coachman-horse-carriage' great sociocosmic being of now Machiavellianistic, casino-like, scam and mafia capitalism. Hegemony capitalism's greatest mistake in the history of capitalism is its alienation from all his three lower bodies of capitalistic metamorphosis, its inability to accept the reality of the all powerful sociocosmic forces from the fundamental and the lateral sociocosmic octaves, totally neglecting and irresponsible for its lower bodies, social and natural environment, and instead indulging in the Darwinian individualistic, private-corporate, anti-social, anti-collective, exploitative, extractive and oppressive quest for the design and construction of a Great Pyramidal Classed Society with himself as the only absolute hethormen human hegemon class supported by the military-industrial complex and the military-financial complex, softpower-financial complex and the bureaucratic-corporate complex. The powers from the sociocosmic octaves are always disobedient, rebellious and a danger to his hegemonic pursuit. So the UGGMBCC (1%) and their corporates turn into nomad wolves-in-sheepskin capital-values, and their finance capital-valued assets (sheep) also turn nomadic moving around in the world is search of a temporary home to purportedly safe haven everywhere on World-Island YAFEILA and Outer Islands Crescent (big, small and the smallest outer islands) by some power-possessing LA-lau beings willing to offer them long-term visas, permanent residency (PR), citizenship and/or passports to avert from the terrible consequences of sociocosmic perturbations befalling on the many almost everywhere ..... in hope of reviving capitalism neo-colonialism, imperialism, fascism and hegemonism again or any capitalistic-essenced repetition after the dominance of socialism everywhere (if there is an opportunity in the weakness in the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism). This class is intimately encased in a bureaucratic-essence capital/value bureau purely of finance-based nationate banking corporate oligarchy feudalism-like capitalism as compared to its predecessor feudapital/value purely Land-based dynastate/kingdate banking feudate medieval monarchial feudalism. It dictates and grooms only two main symmetrical left-side shoulder and right-side shoulder political parties to regulate the governance to protect itself from being wipe-out in the course of history. It is a sociocosmic parasite that sucks the sociocosmic blood long-termed from its host, hides itself perfectly from detection by regularly releasing neoliberal opioids+ and movie anti-rejection immunosuppressants into the sociocosmic hanbledzoin of the host, and finally kills it! The capitalist class eats on Finance, Insurance, Real Estates and Digital infrastructure or platforms or Clouds (FIRED) and has a fictitious Unearned Income of interests, premiums, rents and fees. The capitalistic-essenced PDCE corporates of the MI-FA Interval and the capitalistic-essenced nationate of the TI-DO Interval governance of a FA-Historical sociocosmic Species of Capitalism are cunningly educated to accept and not to tax on unearned FIRED incomes such as real estate rents, bank interest and insurance premiums and digital cloud fees, but to tax heavily on salary and wage earned incomes, and all other earned industrial incomes! Whereas Real Estate was initially rested on property-concept of the physical land lots, the physical buildings of the residential home (MI-stopinder) of the living hethormen human beings (DO- and RE-stopinders), of the commercial and industrial "homes" (FA-, SO-, LA- and TI-stopinders) of the corporate and nationate sociocosmic stopinders, now, due to the inherent ill-fated capitalistic essences the rascooarno "home" of the dead hethormen human beings is fast becoming a piece of property for long-term extraction of rent and of service profit. The spooky invisible hand of the dead is raised from the coffin to dive deep into the pockets of the living to pilfer! An important aspect to observe in the 3rd metamorphosis of capitalism, that is, Finance capitalism with regard to each and every of the fundamental and lateral natural geocosmic stopinders, they are selectively grabbed and appropriated by the capitalistic-essenced three-centered corporates and the three-centered nationates in cahoots to shaft their obedient 2nd PDCE Horse Bodies to 1st Carriage Bodies for the complementation of their own three-centered laujinggong carriages. Thus all these bordered, aboundaried, walled, fenced and caged capitalistic-owned capital-valued natural geocosmic stopinders of mother Earth, namely: the Metals (DO), the Minerals (RE), the Soils (MI), the Water (FA), the Air (SO), the Fire (LA) and the Light and the Spirit (TI) of the fundamental geocosmic octave, the Protista (do), the Monera (re), the Fungi (mi), the Algae (fa), the Mosses (so), the Ferns (la) and the Plants (ti) of the 1st lateral geocosmic octaves and the Insecta (Do), the Vermes (Re), the Pisces (Mi), the Amphibia (Fa), the Reptilia (So), the Aves (La), the Mammalia including the three-brained hethormen human beings (Ti), once successfully alienated and appropriated/re-appropriated for cultivation (especially of the living stopinders), for extraction (the non-living stopinders), for exploitation (the human labor), for processing and conversion into use values, whether these moments have happened or not, would become the Finance, the Real Estate, the Insurance, and the Digital Cloud (FIRED) elements for the rightful collection of fictitious passive rental incomes (interests, rents, premiums and fees) by any of the lau beings of the 21 fundamental and lateral sociocosmic stopinders to enrich the capitalistic-essenced owning sociocosmic stopinder beings. For interplanetary, interstellar and intergalactic imperialism, the highest UGGMBCC (1%) 4th Passenger Body would continue to be so long as the sociocosmic creature is still a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the civilization essences is also that of the same dark noomakhian being-psyche hydrogens with the same cosmic hydrogen index derived from the 12 triads of forces. This metamorphosis finalizes the position of the Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class (1%) at the MI-FA Interval consisting of the comprador local capitalist class and the TI-DO Interval consisting of the master global capitalist class. It, Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class (UGGMBCC), also feeds on all the private competing banks and financial institutions through financial crises such as the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis (currency devaluation and massive capital flight away from Asian countries), the Lehman Brothers Investment Bank (2008) and eaten up by Nomura Holdings, a week later on October 13, 2008 after the bankruptcy, and the Silicon Valley Bank (shut down on March 2023), the First Republic Bank (shut down on May 1, 2023) and Credit Suisse (collapsed in March 2023 and eaten up by Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS)) through creative systematic scapegoating, corrupting and bankrupting them. All those investors loses lots of money so long as they are capitalistic-trapped in the financial system that has permeated in all those nations during the time when capital money circulates through the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), Quantitative Easing (QE) and Quantitative Harvesting (QH) loop of the 'terror-of-the-financial-situation' where the US private FED and private "Central Bank" and its Dollar Hegemony are able to circulate the dollars back to themselves in this horrible Dollar Hegemon Loop. The 1% UGGMBCC continues to play this global financial monopoly game. Ah! A few more steps in the eating and unconscionable ridding of financial corporate and nationate competitors before the end of this game! Day and night they speculate in the stock market investment with their fictitious capital in wiseacring for more fictitious capital gains - de-industrializing and neglecting the own Carriage Body No. 1 and killing their own Horse Body No. 2 for which they depended in the real world to survive. The US's own horses are converted into the unemployed, the self-employed and the reserved workers, in wait for the UGGMBCC (1%) and the coachmen to employed them, otherwise to be left to rot. Whereas all the other enslaved nations in YAFEILA are converted into Horse Body No. 2, the Coachman Body No. 3 is kept in the US nation for which reins are tied to these horse-nations for the US coachman-nation to guide and control the direction of motion of the horse-nations to its favor. The irony is Passenger Body No. 4, that is, the UGGMBCC (1%) lived luxuriously like a hidden deep state global master 'I' of World Creditor Parasite People who has also kept the US coachman-nation through the mystical handbledzoin spell of doom as the most debt-driven nation on mother Earth's surface chained to the four pillars of Dollar Hegemony, Science & Technology, Military-Industrial Complex and the Hollywood Movie Softpower Complex - the alpha and omega of the current terror of the situation of the world. It will only be terminated when this Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class (1%) or the Modern Global Creditor Parasite People renounces its private global ownership of credits, financial institutions, insurances, real estate properties, industrial properties, infrastructure properties and digital clouds, and has its power-possessing positions and rights removed in favor of public global ownership - could it happen peacefully as an exception free from the tri-octave laws? The same 4 capitalistic-essenced metamorphoses of capitalism redesign, reconstruct, readjust, repair and re-maintain all its four bodies for the continuation of the upgraded version of the new 4 socialistic-essenced metamorphoses of socialism. The capitalistic-essenced passenger and the master 'I' beings of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism become the socialistic-essenced passenger and master 'I' beings of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. The 4 bodies that result from the metamorphoses of the capitalistic-essenced PDCE tetrad base have in them a unique built-in PESTLES+ superstructure identity and rooted deep from a unique Noomakhian dasein of its own with a sociocosmic identity known as the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. All the 4 bodies of capitalism are not functioning properly, they are fragmented, disjointed eating and battling one another from within destroying themselves by parts. As the Indian Yogi would say: They need to practice yoga! All four bodies must be examined for the still lingering capitalistic essences even in the so-called SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (infantile, growing, maturing and transiting). Note that all the 7 historical sociocosmic species of primitive communalism, ancient slavery, feudalism, capitalism, socialism, communism and datongism would still have these 4 metamorphoses at various levels of development, degree of perfection and distinction of the 4 bodies, and with essence preservation of the relevant positive elements for the new historical sociocosmic species.
When the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism completed its 4 metamorphosis it begins to weaken, disintegrate and collapse locked and trapped in its own 3rd coachman body of Financial capitalism and the 4th passenger body of UGGMBCC (%) reined to a very starved and sick 2nd horse body and shafted to a rusted and long neglected 1st carriage body under an equally decaying NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage Western Anglo-saxon civilization. In it decline, we have witnessed a rising SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism also completing its 2nd metamorphosis of Industrial socialism cautiously avoiding falling into the locks and traps of previous capitalistic-essenced 3rd and 4th metamorphosis, and has now preferred creating its own 3rd Coachman body of Financial socialism and the 4th passenger body of socialist ownership and socialistic-essenced management instead under a rising NOO-PESTLES-HEIGRENS -PDCE Carriage Sinic civilization. ......................................................................... As to boss profit-sharing with workers who also receive wages, it is possible and common especially for important key workers just to keep them in the organization, otherwise they might leave. It is not really socialism but more of strategic rewards. Socialism is more of common ownership of means of Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) tetrad system and has always the element of equal pay reward for equal work wherever feasible. Socialism is an alternative PDCE system different from the existing PDCE system of Capitalism on a national and worldwide perspective. Socialism is essentially sociopital-valued and seeks for dominance starting from the nationates above at the TI-DO Interval of its original dwelling place for which its sociocosmic will emanates in the nest higher enneagramic cycle. Whereas capitalism is essentially capital-valued and also seeks for dominance starting from the corporates below at the MI-FA Interval of its original dwelling place for which its sociocosmic will is struggling on decline during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. Capitalism sits on a philosophy of Individualism and socialism on the philosophy of collectivism, but actually a human society is really a collective with the individual as one of its component. Ownership of PDCE would belong to the common instead of just a few rich Individuals in the ultimate private quest of a landlord game or a monopoly game........ Capitalism is essentially exploitative, oppressive, profit-maximizing and wealth- accumulation using corporation as a tool and shares in the corporation to move wealth to the individuals. Socialism proper, on the other hand, would use collectives or Workers' COOP to hold wealth in common and industrial profits shared according to work. However, Capitalist system has metamorphosized into its 3rd Stage which we called Financial capitalism and it is feeding on shake-legs bank interest, share dividend, bond interests, economic rent, land rent, insurance premium and Digital Infrastructure platform rent and/or fee, and/or subscription of google, Amazon, ebay, Paypal, Alibaba, etc. All owned by corporates and a few private individuals ..... Not collective or public as yet. All extracting unearned incomes without work or stolen from somewhere through genuine but mostly corrupt activities. Finance capitalism no longer exploits the workers. It does not want to invest into industries or industrial corporates causing industries to stop growing, corporate go bankrupt and industrial staffs & workers to lose jobs and become angry unemployed reserve workers Whereas funds move in and out speculatively in the financial system and leaving the industrial system in ruin causing it to leave to safer countries. Socialism must find good ways to tame this dangerous and disastrous Finance capitalism that busy itself with unproductive fictitious money capital circulating round itself in the same pool or beating around the bush producing no goods or services EXCEPT papers and digital records of value and for extracting real goods and services, real estate properties and industrial infrastructures. By itself finance capital is for making soup with no ingredients. The US dollar hegemony is such financial legal tender for which many nations are avoiding it - seeking de-dollarization. Finance capitalism has also alienated itself from its own PDCE body considered as a dirty and polluting body suitable only for the low class laboring slaves of other civilizations, hence driving industries away to other nations such as China and others. Its industry is hollowed out and its military-industrial complex is also hollowed out too to the extent that its rate of production is much reduced. As a result, the US becomes vulnerable to internal diseases due to this fragmentation of all its four bodies. Yet she is a nation-stopinder seeking hegemony among all the other nation-stopinders as if she is a standalone TI-stopinder above all others in a unipolar setting. In fact it is just the FA-lau, the LA-lau and the TI-lau beings seeking to remain their status quo as a global deep-state Master ‘I’ in this imperialistic-essenced US Hegemony sociocosmic phenoumenon. As to their FA-Finance & Accounting system stopinder of this Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) sociocosmic enneagram of Capitalism, there are three professionally perfected being-financial statements of significance, and very dear to the capitalistic-essenced beings, namely: 1) the Being-Income Statement which clearly shows the Collective Profit generated but alas, to be privately grabbed as a financial food. 2) the Being-Balance Sheet Statement which clearly shows the Collective Equity created but alas, also to be privately grabbed as another financial food. 3) the Being-Cash Flow Statement which clearly shows the inflows and outflows of the Cash situation (flow of the sociocosmic blood) to ensure its not falling into collective insolvency and/or into bankruptcy collective survival not losing its ability to continue its coercive competition, and without much ado about its collective reality seeking always to find a private escape route by scape-goating the collective. The unearned income has to be restored in the Socialist Accounting Format as this special account known as Unearned Income not found or rather deliberately deleted in the Capitalistic Accounting Format or deliberately altered, changed and misinterpreted or renamed and considered always as Earned Income by the neoclassical economists of the late 19th Century to the early 20th Century such as Alfred Marshall, Arthur Cecil Pigou, Ralph George Hawtrey and Dennis Holme for which classical economists of the early and mid-19th Century such as Adam Smith, David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, Jean-Baptiste Say, Thomas Robert Malthus and the most important of all, Karl Marx would not accept them as Earned Income. The so-called Marginal revolution, a transition from classical political economy to neoclassical economy is also an alienation of the third metamorphosis of financial capitalism from the second metamorphosis of industrial capitalism. No general equilibrium could be reached EXCEPT leading the four metamorphosized bodies into the ultimate dead-locked 1:99 objective realities of the distribution of wealth protected through a very thick deceptive fog of PESTLES+ wiseacrings and a mystical spell of the NOO. Both microeconomics (classical and neoclassical) of the economic PDCE activities of MI-FA Interval's 1st lateral sociocosmic corporate stopinders and the macroeconomics (Keynesian) of the economic regulatory policy-making activities of TI-DO Interval's 2nd lateral sociocosmic nationate stopinders still could not correct the anomaly of this 1:99 cancer sociodynamics to the formation of a malignant tumor in the fourth metamorphosis of this 4-bodied 'passenger-coachman-horse-carriage' tri-octave sociocosmic creature during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism (1788 AD - 2148 AD). These are parasitic shake-leg, no work and unearned income from dubious inheritance owning of financial instruments such as dividends, bonuses, and interests and/or of insurance policy producer receiving insurance-installment payments and/or of real estates such as market rents, economic rents and/or of fictitious market-up profits from selling goods and services and/or of capital gains from selling financial instruments and real estate assets, and even all those real incomes from plundering, smuggling, selling of illegal drugs, murder charges, conquest of weak nations, stealing of resources, etcetera in the black markets. The Socialist Accounting Format needs this Unearned Income to be taxed heavily or be confiscated if illegal for distribution to the benefit of all, for correcting GINI coefficients and/or re-entering into the production-distribution-consumption-exchange phases. Through the TI-International Monetary Fund and the TI-World Bank, the LA-central banks and all TI- and LA- financial institutions and their financial consultants, this Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class exclusive power-possessing owner(s) is able to successfully convert many small modern debt slave-nations into modern bankrupt slave nations ready to privatize their public resources and infrastructures, and transfer their sovereign ownership to the foreign corporate wolves-sheepskin ownership. The nationates of the TI-DO Interval do not worry much as national debts are to be paid by all the citizens; so are the corporates of the MI-FA Interval over the debtors. So long as no debts are being allowed to be written off fooled through the wiseacred device of bankrupt certificates, it is also OK. EXCEPT by an incumbent new qualitative power where the once sacred havavernonian individual, Jesus who dared voiced the real inner voice of a real suffering soul: ‘Forgive us our debts’ is truly heard and forgiveness truly bestowed, instead of the quantitative wiseacred repeat of the similar quantitative power who bestows forgiveness only to all the sins of the modern slaves but never the debt! (Michael Hudson) The 4-bodied Great Sociotechnocosmic Being of a matured FA-Historical Socioccosmic Species of Capitalism can be depicted below: Financial Exchanges on Immobile Land and Real Estate System (1st Carriage Body) and Industrial Production and Consumption System (2nd Horse Body), Financial System (3rd coachman Body) and Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class (4th Passenger Body or Master ‘I’?)
Financial Exchanges on Mobile Industrial Driencariage System (1st Carriage Body), Industrial Distribution System (2nd Horse Body), Financial System (3rd Coachman Body) and Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class (4th Passenger Body or Master ‘I’?). Note: Capitalistic-essenced FA-Lau beings of the three-centered Corporates at MI-FA Interval are always hungry for Exclusive Ownership and/or Right (EOR) of Profit, Interest, Rent, Equity and Assets (PIREA), and those ill-fated FA-Gong beings they have NONE, EXCEPT the lowest Salaries and Wages. As to the FA-Jing beings they also have NONE, EXCEPT the higher if not the highest Salaries. As to the SO-Lau beings of the three-centered Nationates at TI-DO Interval they are always hungry for the maximization of quit rents of SO-Governance on land and building Assets within their EOR. As to the LA-Lau beings at this same TI-DO Imnterval, they are always hungry for the maximization of income tax of LA-Governance on both the FA-Jing and the FA-Gong beings in general and other income receiving three-brained individuals, minimization if not maximization of three-centered corporate tax within and/or outside national boundaries, taxes and/or duties on goods and services in trade and exchanges and for all "protection monies" from other nations and states. As to the TI-Lau beings at this same TI-DO Interval, they want to collect subscriptions and participation of the nations and states who have become members. As to the SO-Jing and SO-Gong beings, LA-Jing and LA-Gong beings and the TI-Jing and TI-Gong beings, they are just modern slaves in the Pyramidal Laujinggong Scheme. Finally, All these are functioning within the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism's historical timeline (before 2148 AD), and NOT of the Polar FA-SO-LA-TI Periods of Socialism and Communism's historical timeline (after 2148 AD) based on Astrological Age as reference. Such a happening for society and Humanity-at-Large is thus explained with clarity, and with understanding when the triad and octave laws together with sociocosmic octave and the sociocosmic enneagram methodologies are used. Note that these four capital/values are coated with the four physical bodies of the passenger-coachman-horse-carriage design and construct besides the 4 virtual psyche hydrogens created in each of them. The physical (or material) bodies are inseparable parts of the geobiosociotechnocosmic octaves as well as the natural geocosmic octaves. The Master 'I', being the Passenger controls the Coachman (Executive director, Managing director and CEO and the departmental managers) through the capitalistic-essenced noomakhian being-psyche hydrogens that are produced in abundance in the noosphere of FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism as well as a salary, allowance, director's fee, bonus, profit-sharing (often) and non-financial benefits design and construct; the Coachman controls the Horse (worker and employee) through a financial money flowing through the two reins in the form of wage and salary; and the Horse controls the Carriage through using its labor or energy from the three-being foods they eat. All the surpluses and accumulated corporate wealth belong to the capitalistic-essenced corporate Master 'I' or the corporate owners sitting at the top of the social pyramids of the FA-laujinggong carriages at the MI-FA Interval; and all governmental taxes (tariffs, import-export duties, rents, penalties, etc.) and accumulated capitalistic-essenced nationate wealth belong to the nationate Master 'I' or nationate trustees sitting at the top of the social pyramids of the SO-laujinggong carriages and the LA-laujinggong carriages - all to be siphoned to the benefits of the minority capitalistic class in a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. All the surpluses and accumulated worker cooperative or collectivite wealth does not belong to any socialistic-essenced cooperative or collectivite trustee or owned by the beholders sitting not at the top of the right-standing social pyramids but rather sitting at the top of the inverted social pyramids of the the FA-gongjingdong carriages at the MI-FA Interval of the transitional SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism; and all socialistic-essenced governmental taxes (tariffs, import-export duties, rents, penalties, etc.) and accumulated socionate wealth does not belong to the socionate leaders as they socialistic-essenced trustees sitting at the top of the inverted social pyramids of the SO-gongjingdong carriages and the LA-gongjingdong carriages - all to be distributed with HEIGRENS to the benefits of the majority or people in general a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. This hegemon sociocosmic rascal madcap self-proclaimed Master 'I' together with his lau beings sitting on paper and electronic infinite digital molehill of monies are the parasites who kill their own hosts gradually! Mega-land, marine and avian military wastrel assets and wastrel nuclear arsenals especially are regularly exhibited by this madcap naive Master 'I' (1%) that He could destroy His own other 3 sociotechnocosmic bodies (99%) below Him forgetting that 'He kills Himself' during the destruction of His Ownself, and produces large quantity of low quality sacred askokin for lunar extraction during His terrible terrible rascooarno process of Himself. The sociocosmic rascal Master 'I' believes in only One-God and One-God religion of Himself, and scratching His heads wondering why there are many more master 'I's, 'I's and even 'it's or many gods itching obfuscatedly all over His own 4-sociocosmic bodies and even inner wish that His own self-trialectical leaping of Himself as a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism into Himself as a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism - reborn unscathed during its own final metamorphosis. At this 4th metamorphosis stage, Finance, Insurance, Real Estates and Digital Infrastructure (FIRED) come together as a financial triad, full of military bases strategically selected and positioned in numerous choke points and trouble spots all over the world to destroy or punish disobedient financially enslaved-nations and to create occasional petty military tensions so as to drive back more capital and very cheap labor from the modern refugee-immigrants into the Hegemon country for further profitable exploitation. However, there is an in-wait for the ultimate specie-transformation through sociocosmic revolutions into the historical sociotechnocosmic species. Capital/value goes to the parasitic ownership of the 1% creditor minority population (US Hegemon and its alliances, known as the 'Global North countries') in the Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Digital Infrastructure (FIRED) sectors that create, manages and control money, and all personal digital information and knowledge owning them privately and extracting rents from them at the expense of the hosts debt-owning 99% debtor majority population (known as the 'Global South countries') of the Industrial sector that produces goods and services, the Real Estate sector that produces residential, industrial and commercial buildings, and the Digital Infrastructure that produces the Big Data, the Internet, the Online Platforms, the Applications, the Information, the AI and the GAI. In short, in the opinion of and through the lens of the Real World Views, the Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class (1%) becomes the 4th Passenger Body radiating hanbledzoin instruction to his 3rd Coachman Body (Finance Capitalism) as a navigational parasitic finance-drivers reining with insurance-assurance policies of the actuarial science over the 2nd Horse Body (Industrial Capitalism) as his first host industrial-horses shafting in turn with further insurance-assurance policies of the actuarial science over the 1st Hackney-Carriage Body (Real Estate Capitalism) as the second host hackney-carriages. This world creditor, non-debt monopoly capitalist class oligarch preaches and practices a highly dangerous and anti-social arch preposterous and arch cunning satanic wisdom of continuously loading unlimitedly His financial enslaved highly debt-driven jing beings, gong beings and all competing corporates and nationates stopinder beings all over the world, keeping them as biped beasts of burden always as His financial captive modern slaves and ensuring that they would carry their debts into their graveyards. This is the Grand Debt Trap of the hegemon's capitalistic-essenced financial system for which all slave-nations would be permanently imprisoned in this trap with occasional offer of mini-treats to keep them dreaming, dividing and putting them into a gladiator's arena to keep them buying obsolete military weapons for perpetual wars and political-economic destruction among themselves, and none should be allowed to escape without severe caning and whipping! The Industrial capital/value system produces goods and services and the Real Estate capital/value system is the platform of geocosmic land, sea, space and celestial bodies for the production, distribution, consumption and exchange activities of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. This would be the same with the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism where the 1:99 % abnormality, maleficence and ill-fatedness is corrected or eliminated or redistributed for the harmonious development of all the natural vibrating sociocosmic stopinders existing in this Great Sociotechnocosmic Being itself as part of its own sociotechnocosmic inner 'meditation, cleansing and detoxing' happenings, especially in the body of the 1% three-brained hethormen human beings being-oligarchs on mother Earth's surface. Each capital/value ascended extends its ascending reaches separately but interconnected along the fundamental sociocosmic octave from the FA-stopinders, to the SO-stopinders, to the LA-stopinders and to the TI-stopinders, and ascending along both the 1st and lateral sociocosmic octaves. Finally, this being-financial system (stage 3 metamorphosis) and being-bureaucratic finance-military malignant tumor (stage 4 metamorphosis) and its debt and compound interest-driven cancer sociodynamics could only remain eternally stagnant as capital/value at 1:99 nodal point in this capitalistic-essenced sociocosmic pyramid - full of fragmentations from within and unyoke-able as a single harmonious 4-bodied 'passenger-coachman-horse-carriage' being. Only after its bursting asunder by a revolution or a surgical malignant operation or by natural drying up of this financial system in the body of the Great Sociocosmic Being, capital/value would never transform into a normal, real and proper sociopital/value of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism within the enneagram of socialism. The first bursting is on predatory fictitious finance capital but not of non-predatory real industrial finance capital. The next two bursting asunder of predatory real estates rents and insurance which are on the free-lunch rents of land, and of real estate, of plant and of machinery assets insurances, and a final one, is on the ownership of the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange by the UGGBMC (1%). The fundamental and lateral sociocosmic stopinders are all drained off their nourishing nutrients till empty shells by the 1% through this FED, financial banks, Wall Street and above all, the arch preposterous political guests, their parties and their governance at the TI-DO Interval together their much wiseacred junky economics. The powerful hegemon super-nation sovereign of finance capitalism of this 4-bodied sociocosmic being will not collapse as it is a sovereign and a sovereign can print its own money, but will grow stronger after eating more of the nutrient from its surrounding enslaved nations for which two opposing TI-stopinder financial system camps are formed, that is, the petrodollar-based neocolonialist TI-blocs called G7 against an emerging basket of local dignity-currencies tied together in a new unique non-hegemonic special function truly TI-based currency (not the current hegemonic US Dollar LA-based currency) or ‘Unit-of-Account’-based socialistic-people-essenced TI-blocs known as BRICS+ and together with the new Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) consisting of the 134 more countries (G134) they form a new formidable force for the future development of the 4 bodies of the Great Sociocosmic Being. Socialistic-essenced BRICS Pay and BRICS Crypto currency financial payment system, all blockchained is thus created to replace the existing terrible antagonistic contradictions in the capitalistic-essenced SWIFT financial payment system of the G7 countries for international trading (export and import) for and amongst the BRICS+ countries as the only escape from the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval back into the mainstream stopinderation of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave. There are 195 currency species still circulating around in each of the 195 sovereign nations struggling very hard to keep themselves alive in the international FOREX Market. The US Dollar is still the hegemon currency amongst them in the world of finance capitalism when the 3rd body metamorphosis is developed globally, and many other currencies are trying to escape from this US financial prison nation debt-slaves. The US dollar must preserve its global currency hegemon position as the Master Passenger ‘I’ amongst all 195 smaller currency sovereign master passenger ‘I’s in the passenger seat of the grand PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of our Earth civilization. When such nutrient is less available due to the process of 'escape-from-the-financial-debt-trap' of capitalism, the 4th metamorphosis of the Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class will go all out with its military might to kill its preys for the nutrient, failing which it will have to eat its own inner bodies which it has always been doing it before until it becomes an ordinary harmless old wolf without its teeth, no longer a danger to the surrounding nation-beings. All these fixed and variable overhead expenses - Finance derivatives interest/dividend (F), Insurance policies premium (I), Real Estate rent (RE) and Digital Infrastructure rent (D) or FIRED loaded as an evil spell onto the 99 % population burdens them into modern debt slaves of Finance Capitalism in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. The fall of the soul, spirit and consciousness of man in neoliberalism, in neosocialism, in LGBTQIA+, in color revolutions, in LSD-ism, in druggism, in sex orgy-ism, and etcetera is necessary for delaying the real objective bursting from happening! In the body of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, all the four sociotechnocosmic bodies so formed by the metamorphosis reciprocally eat and destroy one another till its own death. The worst perpetrators is the 3rd driver body of finance capital and the 4th passenger body of the super-rich financial capitalist class and their neoliberal hegemony and a mega-finance military whip. Continuing inflating this grand Ponzi scheme of this financial system of capitalism begets the grand debt bubble of the modern debt-slaves, the real estate bubble, the goods and services bubble and all the other associated bubbles to the nodal point of bursting asunder in the body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. The ultimate grand global monopoly creation of this 4th body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is considered completed only at the TI-stopinder level of the FA-sociocosmic enneagramma, both for the global remaining feudalistic-essenced landlord feudate-dynastate game and the global now dominating colonialistic-capitalistic-imperialistic-essenced monopoly corporate-nationate game is about to be over for which this surface of mother Earth is the mega-chessboard. The capitalistic-imperialistic-essenced game enters the period of the 'terror-of-the-situation' - global sporadic revolutions in the making world wide - for Humanity-at-Large now full of mega quantitative digital ownership to the 1 percenter, full of paper agreements of 'related-to-everything-corporate-ownership-possible' for the few corporate beings at the MI-FA Interval and full of paper treaties of 'related-everything-nationate-power-possessing-rights-and-rulership-possible' for the few nationate beings at the TI-DO Interval, and all in accordance to the principle of moving towards the ultimate 1:99 Wall Street type paradigm. Either the capitalistic-essenced oligarchy bureaucratic ownership of this global monopoly game is reset and replayed in this same capitalistic-imperialistic-essenced game again, and over again if human soul is still hungry for a 1:99 paradigm repeats through color revolutions and the various experimental tryouts till the negation and negation law successfully actively cleanse our souls off the sins and debts from the negative consequences of capitalistic-imperialistic essences still remaining in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism at the terminal nodal point of transition or just to break asunder at this nodal point for the indispensable birth of the real SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism with all the nourishments and cares provided that are necessary its growth or Earth civilization can still continue the same capitalistic-imperialistic-colonialistic-essenced sharing-unable pursuit or the different socialistic-essenced sharing-able pursuit in the (our) cosmic Ray of Creation in the form of interplanetary, interstellar and intergalactic imperialism or interplanetary, interstellar and intergalactic socialism. The new SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism would still be an infantile living and growing in a hostile environment of capitalistic-essenced beings, striving very hard to consolidate and stabilize itself within its geocosmic constraints without being killed, and moving towards: 1) Industrial Socialism (an improved version of Industrial Capitalism), Agricultural Socialism, Financial Socialism and the elimination of the UGGMBCC (1%) and all its ‘Colonialistic-Capitalistic-Imperialistic-Hegemonistic’ essences 2) Finance Socialism with central bank issuing and controlling digital currency to all sociocosmic stopinders including to the level of all individuals within a nation-stopinder, digital currencies are public goods with socialist characteristics and benefit the public - and eliminating private bank interest. Blockchain currency*, like Bitcoin, is special primarily due to its decentralized nature. Unlike traditional currencies controlled by governments or banks, blockchain currencies operate on a decentralized network of computers, making them resistant to censorship and fraud. Additionally, blockchain technology ensures transparency and immutability of transactions, providing a high level of security and trust. Is Blockchain relevant for Finance socialism?
* Note:
1. What kind of computer application program is used for creating a blockchain currency? To create a blockchain currency, developers typically use specialized software frameworks and protocols designed for blockchain development. Some popular choices include: Bitcoin Core: The original software implementation for Bitcoin, which includes the full Bitcoin protocol. Ethereum: A platform that allows developers to build and deploy smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps), including custom cryptocurrencies. Hyperledger Fabric: An open-source framework for enterprise blockchain solutions, providing tools for building permissioned blockchain networks. Ripple: A payment protocol and cryptocurrency designed for fast and low-cost cross-border transactions. Stellar: A decentralized payment network and protocol for fast and low-cost money transfers, often used for creating custom assets and currencies. Developers can also use programming languages like Solidity (for Ethereum smart contracts) or languages compatible with Hyperledger Fabric to write the code for their blockchain currency. Additionally, various development tools and libraries are available to aid in the creation and deployment of blockchain-based applications. 2. Is Blockchain currency useful for finance for BRICS countries? Blockchain currency can offer various benefits for finance in BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), including: Cross-border transactions: Blockchain currencies can facilitate faster and cheaper cross-border transactions, reducing reliance on traditional banking systems and their associated fees and delays. Financial inclusion: Blockchain technology can help extend financial services to underserved populations by providing access to banking, payments, and other financial services through digital wallets and decentralized applications. Transparency and accountability: The transparent nature of blockchain technology can help improve transparency and accountability in financial transactions, reducing the risk of corruption and fraud. Economic growth: By enabling more efficient and accessible financial services, blockchain currencies can contribute to economic growth and development in BRICS countries. However, challenges such as regulatory uncertainty, scalability issues, and energy consumption need to be addressed for widespread adoption of blockchain currencies in BRICS countries' finance sectors. Additionally, each country may have its own unique considerations and challenges related to adopting blockchain technology in finance. 3) Resetting all debts still found in capitalistic-essenced finance socialism; ensuring after full zeroing and resetting of debts-credits financial diad, no abnormal predatory financial debts-credits should reappear in the SO-Historical sociocosmic Species of Socialism. 4) Land Socialism where rent goes mostly to the public 5) Tax all unearned incomes such as rent, profit, capital gain, etc. 6) Socialist ownership of all means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange at MI-FA and TI-DO Interval EXCEPT for personal enterprises (or personate micro-personate PDCE). These include the ultimate public ownership of digital application such as chatGPT, Sora openai, WeChat, WhatsApp and all digital big data platforms and infrastructure network of the machine or technocosmic noosphere that are plagiarized and appropriated by man-sponsored technocosmic GAI, AI, GPU, etc. from the hands of the public many (the 99% of the billions sociocosmic stopinders) into the hands of the private few (the 1% of the billions of sociocosmic stopinders). Note that such ownership within a nation-stopinder is merely a Nation Capitalism or a temporary parking of a supposedly sociopital/value as a capital/value on a LA-sociocosmic stopinder or the 6th sociocosmic stopinder on transit to the TI-sociocosmic stopinder or the emerging 7th sociocosmic stopinder - where all collective belongings housed in questionable private-owned digital platforms are still being extracted for private rents to the few exceptional. 7) Political, Economical, Socio-cultural, Technological-science, Legal, Ethical-value and Security-defense, and Holistic, Educational, Innovative, Green, Responsible, Evolutionary, No-Harm and Sustainability or PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructures. 8) Serving the working (employee) class if class pyramid is still standing right or already an inverted class pyramid not as yet become circular. Whereas Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Digital Infrastructure (Digital Clouds) (FIRED) has been severely capitalized, privatized and pyramidized to the exclusive ownership and benefits of the UGGMBCC (10% moving towards 1%) in the fully 4th stage metamorphosis of the FA-Historical Socicosmic Species of Capitalism, the same FIRED would be heavily sociopitalized, collectivized and circularized to inclusive ownership and benefits of the HAL (Humanity-at-Large) in the fully 4th stage metamorphosis of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, and still moving on forward along the sociocosmic octave to more advanced levels of sociocosmic circularity - certainly with all the risks of falling. Regarding the TIK TOK Banned Case of the US Supreme Court on 19th January 2025 and the new Canada-Greenland-Panama Canal US Hegemonic Strategy for its Outer Islands Crescent North America continent for its national security now contracted to regional hegemonic level, the wise grandson observed and narrated: "Looking with a sigh on this terror-of-the-situation grabization of Digital clouds (D), the Driver AI and GAI Platform Body No. 3 of the technocosmic being for feudalistic-essenced and capitalistic-essenced 2-in-1 grabization of the ownership and extraction of parasitic fictitious and passive incomes through digital renting rights or subscription and fee collection on the one hand, and again with the same sigh on this other terror-of-the-situation grabization of landmass and territories (RE), the Carriage Platform Body No. 1 of the geocosmic being for the same feudalistic-essenced and capitalistic-essenced 2-in-1 grabization of ownership from other weaker nations in World-Island YAFEILA and in the Outer Islands Crescent and extraction of parasitic fictitious and passive incomes by these lunatic and Hasnamussian three-brained hethormen human beings and their peculiar capitalistic-colonialistic-imperialistic-essenced sociocosmic and civilizational-cosmic enneagrams 2-in-1 ganged-up three-centered corporate and three-centered nationate, the wise grandson cautioned you of the something hidden behind, and that is: CAUTION! The hungry leopard never losses its spots! Seeing the spots, the leopard is concluded. Seeing more carefully the words on the sheepskin, the hungry wolf is uncovered." 9) Reconsider objective international barter with a higher understanding for it is able to break the financial chains and escape the trap of finance capitalism at least during the transition period. 10) Reversed social engineering of hijacked Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), Quantitative Easing (QE) and Quantitative Harvesting (QH) favoring the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the MI-FA Interval back to favoring the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the TI-DO Interval. According to this wonderful modern monetary theory (MMT), massive printing of the US dollars and also of the M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4 monies fictitiously increasing and expanding their pure "value" money-capital bubbles to bursting asunder for the UGGMBCC or the Oligarch (1%) Passenger Body No. 4 and the running dog Driver or Coachman Body No. 3 and both of these fatties riding on the very thin PDCE Horse Body No. 2 and all of them on the much hollowed out Carriage Body No. 1. After all, said the wise grandson: "The monies printed en masse need not have to be chained to any real objective goods in the Exchange of PDCE tetrad system of the real world, ....... just chained them to themselves, that is, amongst the money brothers M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4 and to the PESTLES+ design-construct services with the UGGMBCC (1%) approval. In this way, it can quantitatively ease the chosen ones and harvest all real objective PDCE goods and services, normal monies of exchange, Real Estates and Digital properties, machineries, plants and equipment, lands and territories in the world through international trading, FOREX markets, Securities and Stocks markets, Futures markets, and all types of other emerging markets, only if the magic spell - 'In Dollar We Trust' - still has its grip in the noosphere of these LA-nation stopinders, and subsequently all other stopinders." 11) Removal of existing US financial colonies, de-dollarization, de-linking and de-colonization of all mutants of capitalistic-essenced cheap and quick money-printing (CQMP) finance capital globally risky military intervention from the 800 military bases surrounding World-Islands for this financial exploitation system (for example: the destruction of Libya for using Gold as exchange for oil transaction; the destruction Iraq for using Euro as exchange for oil transaction instead of US dollar; the US sanction imposed on North Korea for using Euro as exchange instead of the US dollar; and many more countries). 12) Currency of each and every sovereign nation (ill-fated Wesphalian 'knifed-and-chop-chop' nations much damaged by the negative consequences of Divide-and-Rule practice of Westphalian colonialism) must be de-regulated and re-regulated in a circular way not remaking a pyramid way or reconnecting to the previous pyramidal US currency (dollar) hegemonic nation that once exploits, enslaves and oppresses the many enslaved nations of the global south. Balance of payment surpluses and balance of payment deficits due to international import and export imbalances (in account) need to be corrected through a powerful nation(s) such as China to have hold treasury of all the nation-currencies, gold, products and services that can satisfy the needs and wants of each and every nation, and able to intervene in this surpluses-deficits financial correction (adjustments) and produced the socialistic-essenced principle of satisfaction to all the Nations-at-Large proper in the Age of Socialism of a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism without slavishly falling back to the trap of the Age of Capitalism typical of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (of capitalistic-essenced principle of finance capitalism especially). The aim of this socialistic-essenced principle is to make sure that no nation would be bankrupted or enslaved due to the Creditor-Debtor Anomaly going haywire in the body of the FA-Historical Sociocomic Species of Capitalism. 13) The need to introduce the Fourth Political Theory (Alexander Dugin) with the geopolitical, civilizational, noomakhian and cosmopolitical inclusion. 14) Restoring yoga to the much fragmented four bodies of the nation being due to the negative consequences of past capitalism, colonialism, fascism, imperialism and Hegemonism as much as possible rebuilding of self-sustainable nation beings which would be yoked into the common ‘World-of-Nations’ with self-sufficiency, honor, respect and dignity. 15) A noomakhian logos of NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the civilization being of more enlightened with ever-rising and ever-great art forms from the Socio-cultural (S) fixates and bright civilizational spirit of the NOO moving progressively towards collective civilizational enlightenment, full of bright colors, designs and constructs, positive art forms and subject to more and more of the law of reciprocal nourishment of Humanity-at-Large - on a path to inverting and removing social pyramids especially the Illuminati Pyramid with an All-Seeing Eye in achieving advanced social circularity (or good behavior pyramids), constructiveness, cooperativeness, progressiveness, real HEIGRENS, real democracy, shared prosperity, real objective common human destiny, and nourishing NOO-HARMONY-PEACE logos. 16) The birth, growth, mature and decline of the 4 metamorphosis stages of Socialism or the 4 bodies of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism will materialize from the real society as it is within the same 4 bodies of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, just like any other creation of biocosmic species within the biocosmic octave - the geoethnic species of the modern man too is not much different from the geoethnic species of the Paleolithic man; and socialism may appear like capitalism except the essences that distinguishes them have qualitative differences due to their quantitative reaches. The 4 metamorphosis of socialism that will grow out from the womb of capitalism of all existing species and subspecies civilizations of the Earth Civilization Being are still the same, namely: 1. A 1st stage of sociopital/value metamorphosis (Infantile socialism) within its own socialistic-essenced context and reaches as an enneagramic sociocosmic species, and having to undergo of dissimilar agrarian revolution, mercantile revolution, mercantile socialism, land-estate-territorial appropriation/appropriation (liberation) from UGGMBCC (1%) and increasing of sociopital/value up to a critical mass to the reach of the TI-sociocosmic stopinder level where an Industrial socialism can take off. It is still the Body No. 1 of the Passenger-Coachman-Horse-Carriage but this time socialistic-essenced. However, in reality both the USSR and China have a socialistic-essenced revolution on suburban land (rural agricultural land) directly transferring feudapital-value of the fengjiang system on land and its agricultural produces into sociopital-value of the collective system with socialistic essences from three-centered feudate landlord beings and three-centered kingdate beings (including the three-centered dynastate beings). Because of this accelerated leaping from the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism directly into the new SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, the missing yawning-to-be ghostly capitalistic-essence dark noomakhian logos of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the revengeful grey noomakhian logos of the lingering feudalism still continue to haunt the latter (the new infantile socialism) causing instability and various kinds of resistances to the transformation - collapsing one, the USSR but scratches with injuries the other, China. So this NOO-PESTLESHEIGRENS-PDCE Carriage of civilization, China is able to rise successfully but through the two-staged capitalistic-socialistic polar FA-SO-LA-TI aberration hybrid paradigm on transition together with a zarooarian contradiction between the capitalistic-essenced industrial-finance dominating zarooarian cities and the socialistic-essenced agro-industrial dominating rural regions of this contradiction peculiar to all zarooarian tri-octave stopinderation. According to the opinions of Real World Views, the Belt and Road Initiative is the socialistic-essenced rejuvenating and strengthening the physical sociotechnocosmic body of World-Island being along the YAFEILA Axis of Symmetry where the law of reciprocal nourishment of the pangeacosmic stopinder begins to dominate along this symmetrical line. Whereas the receding capitalistic, colonialistic, imperialistic, fascistic (Nazistic inclusive) and hegemonistic of the Anglo-Atlantic Westphalian civilization which has always being dominated by the law of reciprocal destruction for about 500 years peculiar to FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, the non-capitalistic, non-colonialistic, non-imperialistic, non-fascistic and non-hegemonistic Sinic (Chinese) civilization of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is dominated by the law of reciprocal nourishment for the design and construct of this Carriage Body No. 1 of World-Island - land, marine, avian and its World-Island telecommunication infrastructure (digital cloud infrastructure) and being-psyche hydrogens in its noosphere. 2. A 2nd stage of sociopital/value metamorphosis (Industrial socialism) also within its own socialistic-essenced context and reaches as an independent living enneagramic sociocosmic species where all where the 4 Industrial revolutions (especially in connection to the 2nd body AI and GAI) actually materializes to the reach of the TI-sociocosmic stopinder level. It is still the Horse Body No. 2 of the Passenger-Coachman-Horse-Carriage but this time socialistic-essenced. 3. A 3rd stage of capital/value metamprophosis (Financial socialism) also within its own socialistic-essenced context and reaches as an independent living enneagramic sociocosmic species where its financial derivatives are also materialized to the reach of the TI-sociocosmic stopinder level. It is still the Coachman Body No. 3 of the Passenger-Coachman-Horse-Carriage but this time socialistic-essenced. 4. A 4th stage metamorphosis (Leadership socialism) also within its own socialistic-essenced context and reaches as an independent living enneagramic sociocosmic species where its leadership diversification are also materialized to the reach of the TI-sociocosmic stopinder level. It is still the Passenger Body No. 4 of the Passenger-Coachman-Horse-Carriage but this socialistic-essenced, as most PDCE properties are simply collective or socialist property belonging to the public-at-large or people or are common. The leadership becomes truly democratic proper in the politics of PESTLES+ superstructure to what socialism is supposed to be, and not what capitalism has previously stolen and worn as the cloak of the wolf-in-sheepskin. In the jungle of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism has to struggle, survive through the ordeal and breaks through the jungle husk and acquires all her natural 7 fundamental stopinders plus 2 x 7 lateral stopinders with the socialistic-essenced sociocosmic stopinder 'I AM's amidst all other existing and dangerous capitalistic-essenced sociocosmic stopinder 'I AM's. The 4-Bodied Sociocosmic Species is a natural happening and an indispensable Universal Law of the Four Body Mandate. Not that a human being has never being created with just one, and/or two and/or three bodies - always with 4 bodies! So is his sociocosmic species, specific or historical. The truth of the difference lies in the essences of the sociocosmic stopinder beings, although the outer personalities looks nearly the same or even the same. Violating the Universal Law of the 4 Body Mandate, you get an implosion of USSR and a coming implosion of the USA as well, otherwise, you await a natural death.
The four stages of metamorphosis of capitalism are 1) the land-based capitalism 2) the industrial-based capitalism 3) the finance-based capitalism 4) the bureaucratic-based finance capitalism (finance-military) in wait of bursting asunder. The visible (or invisible) capitalistic-essenced party-bureaucrats of the TI-DO Interval under the Will of Socialism in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism fought hard with the invisible (or visible) socialistic-essenced party-bureaucrats power and control intervention to the nodal point of unconscionable bloody revolution vs counter-revolution to ensure either the capital/value or the sociopital/value stream to flow exclusively in one direction - breaking and dividing the normal ascending socialistic-essenced force from the descending capitalistic-essenced force, and choosing one of them in favor of the other forgetting the possibility of a hybrid of transition to survive in the sociocosmic octave. This happens throughout all the four (4) capital/value metamorphosis stages - all special and partial but main aspects of a full 4-Bodied Passenger-Coachman-Horse Carriage of a full capitalism itself. At the bureaucratic-based finance-military capitalism metamorphosis stage which is the one now functioning in obfuscation in the 'Circle of Confusion of the Tongue,' for which the capitalist party-bureaucrats would sneak into every sociocosmic stopinders trying every opportunity to privatize finance capital/value of the financial system to themselves and to the few oligarchic crony corporations from the TI-DO Interval to the MI-FA Interval, whereas the socialist party-bureaucrats would do exactly the same, leading to the demise of geo-western USSR trapped in this communist party-bureaucrats or other socialist party-bureaucrats of the western ideologies. The bureaucrats have already lost touch with the masses in all cases, a unique stage of this 4th stage metamorphosis as bureaucratic-based finance-military capitalism on transit to socialism proper. Monarchs and oligarchs in the pyramids of feudalism or comprador democrats and republicans in the pyramids of capitalism of the enslaved nations highly in national debts at the TI-DO Interval are required to obey the 'international order' of finance-military capitalism now having successfully set up by the few capitalists and the central bankers of the hegemony of the United States of America to ensure permanent modern slavery of nations through the financial device of mega national debt till nation-bankruptcy chronically suffering under the cane of negative consequences. This mysterious malfeasance called 'Price Inflation' or 'Price Increases' to everything often happens in all the 4 bodies of this 'Passenger-Coachman-Horse-Carriage' configuration with much wiseacre and petty motivated interventions. Only that it is inflating often liberating-like of capitalistic opportunism in a highly disharmonious way in the body of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. The assets held by the 1-10 percenter UGGMBCC will only inflate progressively in the life time of this species so that the assets price will be so high that it cannot be bought or be able to be bought by the process of selling-and-buying multiautomarking feeding exchanges by three-brained hethorman human beings and all their Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange stopinders at the MI-FA Interval and their regulatory governance stopinders at the TI-DO Interval. This inflation especially of the consumer price and the neoliberal privatization of public systems - education, transportation, energy, state held assets - is simply a 'nationate-to-corporate-to-the-UGGMBCC-individual (1%)' and/or vice versa process of further squeezing of wealth from and loading of debts to everyone especially the beast of burden salary-and-wage receiving class beings growing and breeding with little prospect of rising within the 1st, 2nd and 3rd bodies of this passenger-coachman-horse-carriage until the financial capital system dies, and replaced by the balanced and harmonious rejuvenating socialist system. The reason and intervention is of a thousand tongues and of a thousand cuts of the knives ....... you name them in layman words, professional jargon and even in "scientific" terminologies, they are aplenty. All are partialities and with profit-seeking, further wealth accumulation, further printing of currency, further exploitation, further slavery and further oppression by the 4th body punishing, torturing, depriving all his lower three bodies off nutrients, starving, rotting, unemploying, severing and killing them, that is, ill-treating his ownself to his own final death. Severe capitalistic crises occur when capital/values in properties, in goods & services (commodities), in financial instruments and in nationate bureaucrats over-expanded into mega surpluses (owned privately) unable to be smoothly absorbed by the "free markets" into all the sociotechnocosmic stopinders on mother Earth surface especially aberrating at FA-SO-LA-TI that is, fascistic-essenced and militarily-essenced at each stages in the metamorphosis of capital/value. A class of being-capitalists is a class of sociocosmic three-brained hethormen human beings of the 4th stage of development of the seven historical sociocosmic species known as the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, an inevitable historical passer-by of high techno-noo density stage of Organic Life's development at all MI-FA Intervals in all the Rays of Creation endlessness, that is everywhere in the universe with sociocosmic Organic Life at a certain higher stage of development, especially at its ti-stopinder in the form of a three-brained hethormen human being specimen in its mammalian octave. Its special unique essences are that it is always under the influence of the triadic lau/dong-jinggong mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) to always seeking to be the above of the lau and/or the dong beings hidden, semi-visible and visible within the FA-production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) organizations; always during its horizontal encounters with other three-centered corporates, nationates, states, nations and nation-blocs of the same level must realize, according to this same triad law, to also be the lau/dong hegemon nation over the smaller gong slave nations with the jing in-between nations of lower powers and wealth; has a very high physical property plundering and possessing affinities for produces of labor and for anything of good/value from nature's work land, territories, rivers, lakes, seas and even oceans, atmospheres and spaces high above in the geocosmic octaves converting them into measurable quantities seeking always to alienate, expropriating and privately re-appropriating them with legal-anaic locks and procedures - individual agreements, corporate agreements, nationate treaties, other forms of legal documents, and etcetera to solely and to the private ownership of a few among the many; always ascending (descending later) from the immobile physical properties private ownership to slow mobility commodity properties private ownership and finally to the high mobility intangible/finance/capital private ownership such as stocks, bonds, accounts, deposits, loans, credits, monies, currencies and etcetera from physical paper to digital electronics; has a very high scientific and technological push for exploitative production and accumulation; has a very high soft-power deception, lying and tricky spell for camouflage; has a very high destructive and irresponsible behavior to the geo-environment polluting and damaging it; has a very high affinity to nationate power-possession in the military to seek for a nationate ownership on a laundering-transit to this private corporate ownership and preserving the status quo; and finally attracting permanently for itself an antagonistic contradiction to common sharing of wealth necessary to all social three-brained hethormen human beings living within the body of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being itself. During the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, the many sociocosmic 'I's present in these 4-bodied sociocosmic stopinder beings are essenced with the alienation and property/ownership accumulation of the fundamental geocosmic resource elements especially metals, minerals, soils or land properties, water or rivers, lakes, seas and international ocean "properties," air or space and outer-space "properties," fire or burning industrial, chemical and military fire "properties" from fossils and light/'consciousness' or quanta and intellectual "properties" in the form of 'IP's imprinted on paper or on data and image-screen; and all the useful geocosmic lateral plantae and animalia resources on mother Earth's surface at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation. While this 1st stage property accumulation thunders forward historically, the 2nd stage of alienation and capitalist accumulation emerges with productive business property/ownership accumulation through the 1st lateral sociocosmic octaves owning more business and corporate entities as share properties together which also naturally include the ownership of their 1st carriage-body capital assets from the growing science, engineering and technological labor produces or instruments of production from the technocosmic octave, that is, all the physical coatings belonging to the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinder beings - industrial plants, commercial buildings, machineries, equipment and labor-time owned assets bought from the three-brained "free" employees or modern slaves. Nay more, while these 1st stage and 2nd stage of capital metamorphosis end, the new stage or the 3rd stage of capitalism's metamorphosis emerges. This stage is known as finance capital where financial system ownership and control accumulation on money/currencies, public shares, bonds, paper commodities of commodity-products, etc. and the military powers, soft powers, hi-tech powers and financial powers work hand-in-hand to establish world hegemony not of the coming at the TI-sociocosmic stopinder level which is naturally supposed to be but rather of a single LA-nation stopinder and its satellites nation group. Hence, a grave sociocosmic and much accursed nuclear-pointing severe sociocosmic aberration and tensions thereof happened independently of our will for Humanity-at-Large, and now in wait, in hope and in action for a balanced multilateral-based, harmonious and peaceful resolution within the context and at 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinder platform of the United Nations Organizations. Beyond which capitalism bursts asunder to socialism, meaning private-alienation of capital/value transforms into de-alienated sociopital/value with common-ownership and common-sharing of all the properties of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange phases for a common-prosperity to 'Humanity-at-Large', and to the new sociocosmic enneagram of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism which will then be designed and constructed step by step with much sweat and labor by the Will of Socialism proper. As to appropriation and expropriation, capitalistic-essenced three-centered laujinggong corporates are inborn micro appropriators and expropriators of private ownerships of the means of production-distribution-consumption at the MI-FA Interval and capitalistic-essenced three-centered laujinggong nationates are inborn macro appropriators and expropriators of capitalist sovereignties of the means of capital rulership at the TI-DO Interval both whether laujinggong vs gongjinglau revolutionary aberration; whereas feudalistic-essenced three-centered dikongnong feudates were the inborn micro appropriators and expropriators of feudal ownership of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange at its MI-FA Interval and feudalistic-essenced three-centered dikongnong dynastates were the inborn macro appropriators and expropriators of feudal sovereignties of the means feudal ownership at its TI-DO Interval both with dikongnong vs nongkongdi revolutionary aberration; so the socialistic-essenced three-centered gongjingdong collectivites will also be the inborn micro appropriators and expropriators, and balancers of social-common ownership over private capitalist ownership of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange of the MI-FA Interval and socialistic-essenced three-centered gongjingdong SNUN regulatorates will also be the inborn macro appropriators and expropriators of the socialist sovereignties of the means of social-common ownership at the TI-DO Interval regularly falling into the capitalistic-sovereignty historical spree often through color revolutions, the neoliberal political and pseudo-neosocialism pursuits of similar nature and certainly the nuclear diplomacy to keep slave nations as permanent slave nations – all with potential gongjingdong vs dongjinggong wolfhead-sheep vs wolves-in-sheepskin aberration. Nay more, sociocosmic expropriation is also the chasing out of the expropriated individual (DO), the group (RE), the family (MI), the organization or community (FA), the state (SO), the nation (LA) and the nation-bloc (TI) and the respective expropriated lateral sociocosmic stopinders out of the stopinder borders and boundaries to any un-owned region of the owned region, loitering around as reserved sociocosmic stopinders - be it specifically as the unemployed reserve workers of capitalism within a nation or as the unemployed foreign reserve workers of capitalism of another nation in wait as 'alienated creatures of punishment' to be permitted to work again if they can bring a mandatory profit to the existing appropriated sociocosmic stopinders. If these are foreign workers, a foreign work permit or immigration working pass is required; if politically persecuted individuals of another country, a refugee pass from the immigration or a refugee status pass from UNHCR (a Mi-lateral sub-stopinder of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave) to be settled later in an approved UN member nation-stopinder for renewal periods of stay. Otherwise, lived in exile of uncertainty; any other stay in a nation-stopinder would be illegal, once caught would be detained, jailed (even fully destroyed) or deported out of the country into the nation of domicile or into any international region notably international waters. The broad concept of expropriation and appropriation of up to 21 categories of sociocosmic beings in the body of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is mystifying as it has gone beyond the simplistic concept of appropriation, expropriation and re-appropriation of ownership of properties in businesses. As to being-banks and all types of being-financial institutions, they are the homes of creation of monies in coalition with the FED or a Central Bank especially for M0 money, creation of credits and IOUs, storage of the incoming, rest and outgoing of monies and all financial derivative instruments of capital/values in circulation. These three-centered corporate laujinggong bank stopinders of the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval are mostly of the fa-type (public banks), so-type (cooperative banks), la-type (state banks) and ti-type (national or central banks). In the body of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, more than 70% of the banks are of the private fa-type, and certain pseudo-central bank-stopinders such as Federal Reserve Bank of America (the FED) is essencely a cartel of private fa-type bank and a wanton money-printing cartel above the national bank regulatory agency at the TI-DO Interval, and the remaining 30% are of the "public-type" (in fact corporate with fascist and feudal oligarchy essences) still regulated by the regulatory bank stopinders such as the IMF and the World Bank of the TI-DO Interval and controlled by the corporate-nationate of the hegemon US. All of which are capitalistic-essenced at corporate (FA), state (SO), nation (LA) and nation-bloc (TI) levels. By capitalistic-essenced is meant to include neo-colonialistic, neo-imperialistic, neo-fascistic and hegemonistic essences of profiteering, capital accumulation, coercive competition, interest exploitation, planned-bank collapses, natural financial crises peculiar to finance capitalism and financial debt-trap oppression. The hegemon eats from within its own orbit of enslaved states, nations and nation-blocs, sucking ritualistically from time to time on its preys. Outside its orbit is its hunting ground for new preys. When one such oft capitalist financial crisis occurs putting the US and those associated capitalist financial systems in other countries where the money supply is very much reduced in most of the other sociocosmic stopinders causing them to be in the intensive care unit within the boundary of this captive finance capital, the FED often perform a Quantitative Easing (QE) to the financial system as depicted in the diagram below, where the FED, a private banking MI-FA Interval corporate associates of the oligarchy through its QE Monetary Policy purchases securities from the open market through printing a lot of money that would release a lot of fictitious money capital into the open markets which would then re-enter the MI-FA Interval private banks and at the same time the banks will release the money through new loans of fictitious fund at a lower interest rates. This keeps the banks which are owned by the oligopoly rich capitalists always in the position of a lender (of lower interest in this QE) and the non-bank PDCE corporates and regulatory nationates in the always in the position of a borrower in debt: Description: Sociocosmic Macroeconomic Formatory Apparatus I of the host-killing sociocosmic parasite of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism: A monetary policy of finance capitalism in the main (unlikely outside the main which consists of the enslaved LA-nations) growing and breeding cancer sociodynamically in exploitation and disharmony in the 3rd body metamorphosis stage of being-capitalism in general, and serving essentially the 4th body Modern Creditor Parasite People (1%) Looking deeply at this Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and Quantitative Easing (QE), the wise grandson, stroking his goat beard, sighing and then cackled something about this great money printing discovery or the law of printing money by the lateral corporate capitalistic-essenced FED bank cartel stopinder at the MI-FA Interval and that of printing money by the lateral nationate pseudo-socialistic-essenced government stopinder at the TI-DO Interval stopinder in association to a peculiar inherent weakness of the private corporate in this 'Gila' man's fantasy: "How fantastic is my grand strategic financial plan, from gold and silver as money, to gold-backed money, to fiat money and now just printing cheap fiat money to infinite amounts as I wish, just through my magic cup of endlessly pouring from the empty into the empty; from my "Sovereign-ed Private FED" crediting to my exclusive private banks and debtor-positioning first "my-Ah" people and "my-Ah" small and medium-sized corporations alike, and then second, for your own good please invest and world-harvest as much resources, real goods and real services from all my targeted nation slaves around the world including my allies so that I can print more new cheap long-term treasury securities with higher interest rates to also launch a second world-harvest extracting off their real hard-earned money-capital and to keep them always as underdeveloped debt slave nations ....... and 'I' can then become the real God of Credits to save all the real lowly Beast of Debts in the real world again!" "The process of dedollarization has begun after half a century of abnormal departure from the previous Gold-Standard of commodity money into fiat money due to this metamorphosis of capitalism into Financial capitalism in the creation of Coachman Body No. 3 and over fattening it with much M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4 monies at the expensive of depriving the needs of PDCE Horse Body No. 2 of Industrial capitalism leaning it to skeletal frame with little meat or fats left. The 5000 years age-old commodity money, gold and her gold-standard status returns together her other companion commodities of the goods and services from this PDCE Horse Body No. 2 and those of the Carriage Body No. 1 tied to it, and also those currencies such as the Yuan (of China) - all of which would now become a national treasury for most nation-stopinders to normalize this abnormal departure of Exchange (E) of PDCE of the natural C-M-C Marxian circulation into the ill-fated abnormal M-CM Marxian circulation. Those M-C-M Marxian circulation for more and more M to uncontrolled limits, into the possession of the UGGMBCC (1%) would return to normal - with the possibility for what is proper of the coming Age of Social Circularity (instead of the previous Age of Pyramid with Thucydides Trap unavoidable), where socialism, communism, datongism and Sroboticism in the mode of PDCE might emerge."
“Whereas socialism could perceive and
conceive social circularity as a possible alternative, capitalism could only
perceive and conceive social pyramid as the only truth without acceptable
alternatives!” This marks the real decline and ultimate death of the capitalist system and replacement by a better alternative system, that is, the real socialist system. Description: Sociocosmic Macroeconomic Formatory Apparatus II of the main host-killing sociocosmic parasite of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism: Another monetary policy of finance capitalism in the main (also outside the main on a smaller scale) growing and breeding cancer sociodynamically in exploitation and disharmony in the 3rd body metamorphosis stage of being-capitalism in general, and serving essentially the 4th body Modern Creditor Parasite People (1%) The cycle of quantitative harvest (QH) of Finance capitalism continues periodically till the transformation of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism to the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is complete world wide or within the body of Earth civilization. The main powerful NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Anglo-Atlantic civilization of USA is located in Wall Street in the Outer Island of North America, and it would periodically have to initiate this quantitative harvest of finance capital of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of the Slavic (Russian)civilization of Russia, the Sinic (Chinese) civilization of China, the Eurasian civilization of Europe, the Islamic civilization of the Middle East, and including also its own friendly alliances such NATO, Japan and Australia, and all other nations of the Global North and the Global South countries trapped within this US Dollar dominated Financial system of the 3rd body metamorphosis of capitalism. A number of such cycles of quantitative harvest (QH) have occurred before in the Panic of 1907, the Great Depression of 1929-1939, the Western Economic Stagnation of 1973 - 1975, the Latin America Debt Crisis of 1980s, the Financial crisis of the 1990s with supply-side economics, the housing bubble, the collapse of saving and loan institutions, and increased interest rates includes also the financial crisis of USSR for taking the path of capitalism leading to her collapse in 1991, the Global Financial Crises (GFC) of 2007-2009 with excessive mortgage lending to subprime borrowers, the recent and the coming financial crises would remove the Anglo-Atlantic Financial Hegemony and replaces it with multipolar financial systems of where each country and/or country groups such as the BRICS+ filling ways to escape from being a debt-slave nation, and striving for financial independence, economic sovereignty, and national respect and dignity, as well as pursuing harmonious national development. The wise grandson sighed and said: "Aha! You in national debt and now going bankrupt, we the Creditor Parasite People will take away your PDCE and your carriage, and will continue endlessly to enslave and torture you, the Modern Debt Slave People through our PESTLES+ and NOO devices to ride around on your back to do our evil bid against our competitors, enemies and friends without ever wanting to forgive your national debt. Whereas PESTLES+ originally houses capital-value in a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism HEIGRENS would originally house sociopital-value in a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism!"
"Sorry for those unfortunate corporates and nationates of the debtor slave nations, that they might soon become insolvent and bankrupt, having their public assets in the socialistic-willed TI-DO Interval - energy, public transport, telecommunication, banking, real estate sectors and other vital ports and infrastructure - be privatized and auctioned off and purchased by the foreign modern creditor parasite people (1% and 10%) with the same money-capital funds from the purchase of high interest bonds by the naive and unfortunate debtor slave nations (99% and 90%) themselves everywhere. Through borrowing large amount of foreign and local funds, the ugly image of borrowing needs to be beautified into the acceptable and pleasing manner as "selling of securities" (such as long-term bonds) and thus can be used as 'Add-On' to the GDP of US economy - long-term national debt added to increase GDP and boost US economy! The new incumbent foreign private corporate owners would then go for a price hike to rip off more from the consumers there. Ah! Who cares about the TI-DO Interval lateral stopinders, just destroy them all with my MI-FA Interval lateral stopinders. But for all these good-for-financial hegemon's ‘rule-based order and international order” to happen, you need a powerful military-industrial complex and having some 800 military bases at various strategic spots around the World-Island and certainly with nuclear weapons to support it! Unfortunately for those enslaved financial colonies still trapped within the spell of this capitalistic-essenced financial system who are unable to create an alternative financial system to this ill-fated exploitative and oppressive capitalistic-essenced financial system due to their lack of critical PDCE mass, and worst of all are often stubbornly unwilling to join the already existing new alternative socialistic-essenced financial system headed by China - the only country with huge landmass, high population, big PDCE base, the right PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure and a right Noomakhian logos. Being an ill-fated enslaved capitalist system captive nation having their currency pegged to the US dollar and unable or does not know how to unpeg or escape from this FA-capitalist system into other alternative economic system, they would often try their little experiments of 1) buying and selling of their foreign currency (US$) from the US$ currency reserve in their own miserable treasury to stabilize their FOREX Rate, and/or 2) stopping any local or foreign speculative capital flight out of the country should there be repeatedly increase of bond interest by the US financial hegemony. Both beating-around-the-capitalist-system could only temporary "stabilize" local currency depreciation with greater disasters ahead, unless the escape to the safe ground of the available socialistic-essenced financial system happens. However, in socialism, governments can and must have the sole authority to print reasonable amount of socialist (public) money for infrastructure and public projects for the benefit of the collective sociocosmic entities within the limits of its own concentric sociocosmic octave. Whereas, in capitalism, private "governments" or the strategic ambiguity of the FED have always have the exclusive authority to print as much money as they deemed reasonably justified to the private bank and then on loan to the other corporates also owned by the few private Master 'I's to buy the financial derivatives especially those already printed treasury bonds at a higher interest rate at the securities market in Wall Street. If the tax payer's money is insufficient to cover all public expenditures and the principal repayment of bonds, loans, etc. or to bailout any private corporations owned by these few private Master 'I's in financial difficulty, printing money to buy back these bonds becomes a financial ritual leading always to endless cycles of financial crises in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism till all the money-god pilgrims have reached the kingdom of money-god at the top of the illuminati's pyramid, indicating their accomplished mission work ready to be recognized and bestowed HIS (Money-god's) UGGMBCC Award as the truly successful canonized noomakhian warriors - the Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class (1%). Capitalism has completed its 4th stage of capitalist metamorphosis! In these metamorphoses of the Coachman Body No. 3 of Finance capitalism and the Passenger Body No. 4 of Hegemony capitalism, these neocolonialistic-imperialistic-essenced learned and "civilized" three-brained hethormen human beings so-created in the Imperialist-Military "Civilization" enneagram, now having full global hegemonic powers of a master passenger 'deep state' hidden behind the global scene as corporate FA-Laujinggong carriages, and nationate LA-Laujinggong and TI-Laujinggong carriages of the highly aberrating polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and Socialism, could only pray and worship their Money-God on a daily basis to have this abundance to themselves. So in such a deep belief-hypnotism and with the support of its own NOO-PESTLES+ wiseacring this mega-money printing through the central banking instrument of its sovereign automatically happens for the UGGMBCC (1%) Hegemony capitalism. Whereas the Commodity-Money-Commodity (C-M-C) Circulation of a healthy and normal functioning PDCE tetrad system of the working class Horse Body No. 2 sounded its Commodity-God (C-God) first as the note 'DO' and determines the quantity of money creation in a normal way, the Money-Commodity-Money (M-C-M) Circulation of a sick and abnormal NOO-PESTLES+ UGGMBC (1%) Passenger Body No. 4 sounded Money-God (M-God) as the note 'DO' does not want to be controlled and regulated by the Commodity-God and thus increases it quantity of money creation by a 9-1 fractional money creation rule: for every 10% of real Commodity-God found securely saved in their being-bank, 90% of fictitious Money-God can be created as IOUs or tender Monies (M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4) fixated and exchanged swiftly in the multiautomarketing feeding exchange process for global scam purposes so as to rise fast up in the social class pyramid to be with the Money-God at the top. Finally, there would be much monies choking the world with little self-produced Commodities (C) or goods and real services produced in the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE carriage of the Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-American civilization, EXCEPT if found in abundance are just stolen commodities plundered from the YAFEILA World-Island and from the PDCE Horses or the 1970's little dragons of vengeful enslaved manufacturing colonized nations dwelling on the smallest Outer Islands - Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea as an example - and much beautified weal-and-woe of the same recycled 1:99 chronic diseases producing a replica of the Creditor Parasite People (1%) and the Debt Slave People (99%) there. The so-called partiality Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), the Modern Quantitative Easing (QE) and the Modern Quantitative Harvesting (QH) that originates from the TI-DO Interval but hijacked by the private stopinders need to be impartially inclusive with the LA-Stopinder of governance having now learn of its sovereign rights to reverse engineers the content and direction of the previously proposed abnormal MMT, QE and QH TI-policies which favors privatization, this time to reverse engineer all the contents and direction to favor the nation and keep them always at its own TI-DO Interval build as much socialist (public) facilities through reversed privatization and reversed neoliberalism social engineering as necessary and as appropriate moving means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) private ownership and wealth as necessary and as appropriately at the MI-FA Interval back to the TI-DO Interval within its own sovereign borders, ensuring that the MI-FA Interval stopinders do not have the exclusive private ownership of the means of PDCE removing all the extremes of privatization and oligarchy ownership of the private few and preventing all the extremes of a SO statelization or a LA nationization; having done this public construction of facilities the services so offered would always be near free or absolutely free education, near free or absolutely free transport, near free or absolutely free health care, near free or absolutely free infrastructure facilities services. This should also calm the private for the all free they will get after giving up most of their sins of greed! However, when the cosmic forces of reciprocal destruction become active and dominate the essence of the Great Sociocosmic Being, this printing of money and printing of securities and moving the fund from the TI-DO Interval ownership and control into the private corporate military-industrial complex increase abruptly; when the cosmic forces of reciprocal destruction become passive and the cosmic forces of reciprocal nourishment become active and dominate, this printing of money and printing of securities and moving them and keeping the public ownership and control as it is in socialist ownership for infrastructure and public facility complex increase abruptly. But unfortunately, and ill-fatedly, there is an unsettled national debt anomaly full of TI-level resistances, interference and obstacles from the existing declining hegemonic forces of the 'predatory LA-international order' and the 'rule of LA-law'' to this reversed privatization and reversed neoliberalism tilted towards the TI-DO Interval from the existing MI-FA tilted privatization and neoliberalism, that is, the prevailing International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank policies, and all the current hijacked Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), Quantitative Easing (QE) and Quantitative Harvesting (QH) partiality policies for LA-stopinders and TI-stopinders worldwide in favor for moving PDC and wealth exclusively to the few corporations fully nation-owned, partial nation-owned and fully private-owned 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders, that is, aberratingly to the 1% Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Bureaucratic Capitalist Class (Oligarch) in the world at the MI-FA Interval. This aberration is inevitable for a final resolution in accordance to the mandate of the law of three. The ascending of 'capital/value' within the sociocosmic octave is a nationalization after a descending privatization in stagnation. All 'pital/values' in the body of each and every historical sociocosmic species ascend and descend along their own sociocosmic octaves. Only in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, we have called it 'capital/value'. For the coming SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, we might as well called it 'sociopital/value,' giving it an appropriate dressing to reveal a truth about the mortality and impermanent existence of man-made 'capital/value' as an economic concept - born, live and die. In a polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism both capital-value of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and sociopital-value of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism move about in body civilizations of the Earth civilization both dependently and independently on each other, and where necessary changes from one left hand into another right hand and vice versa almost indistinguishable and often obfuscated. Just like primitive communalipital/value, ancient slavipital/value and feudapital/value which was born, lived and died, and capital/value, the dirty thing, is born, live and about to die, and finally the emerging sociopital/value, communipital/value and datongipital/value would all be born, live and die! A nation has a name and a date of birth (for example: 'Burma' to 'Myanmar' born on 18 June 1989) so would be a 'pital/value' of a historical sociocosmic species - a name and a date of birth! Note that the 'increases in money supply' based on the newly much wiseacred 'Modern Monetary Theory' (MMT) that decrees that governing nationates of monetary sovereign countries (US, UK, Japan and Canada) do not rely on taxes or borrowing for spending since they can print as much money (currency) as they need and are monopoly issuers of the currency. After all, this currency like any other currencies has by now stopinderated to195 nation-currency types according to the source of its LA-nation womb of birth in the body of our highly aberrating polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism full of wolves-in-sheepskin stopinder beings. They are just legal tender debt instruments, like any other IOUs, MTNs, bonds and securities, and giving them in printed "cash" housed in well-documented cheap paper materials and "cash" housed in highly secured digital accounts. Should these currencies be presented for the multiautomarketing feeding exchanges in the house of the stocks and security markets or in the banks or in FOREX outlets and to corporates, to shops everywhere in the country of domicile for purchases and payments the unfailing trust and promise to pay goods and services or in something assets and resources found in their home of domicile must be fulfilled. Otherwise the unfailing trust and promise will be broken forever. In order to always fulfill such unfailing trust and promise, terrible things happened to these hethormen human beings. Instead of working hard to create goods and services, they would rather resort through capitalistic exploitation, colonialistic, imperialistic and fascistic plunder of other nations. So all the currency (US dollar) printed are delivered in whatever amount credits to the pleasure of the 1% very rich corporate capitalists, to their banks and from there lent to even with zero-interest to some selected lucky obedient modern slaves or window dressing, but mostly to the industrial-military corporate complex and the industrial-pharmaceutical corporate complex through the Wall Street market platform, and not much to the production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) small and medium-sized corporations unless they can show maximum profit, maximum exploitation and oppression. As to the 'People' (my-Ah) nothing really is improving except witnessing greater exploitation as an ongoing modern debt slave more like a modern debt beast of burden. Recently (2023), under the cosmic forces of Solioonensius and the forces of sacred askokin extraction, the Anglo-Saxon and the Anglo-American geoethnic beings of the Western nation-hegemon (the US and her allies) through the command of its cosmic-obedient US hegemon again switches on its US Treasury printing machine and print large quantity of US Treasury instruments many times each time increasing their interest rates. The sociocosmic meaning of this is to eat capital/value held by smaller capitalist beings of the willing small and/or enslaved nation automatons all over the world to willingly depart their capital/value in favor of holding the questionable high interest US treasury. These rich LA-lau beings of the small nations, instead of nourishing their own nation-bodies with the capital/value nutrient or sociocosmic financial blood in their possession, their madcap head full of sociocosmic hanbledzoin greedy negative psychicities departed their real questionable hard-earned money-capital to the US hegemon at the expense of the development of their own four-nation-bodies - thus starving the nation increasing unemployment, increasing poverty, increasing social unrest, increasing rebellion, etcetera. As I have already mentioned regarding the cosmic forces of Solioonensius and the forces of sacred askokin extraction, the US hegemon could only act like a cosmic automaton in a single sociocosmic LA-'I AM' because of this sociocosmic geno-imprint by these cosmic two forces to serve the purpose of releasing the sacred askokin much needed by the moon in the (our) Ray of Creation. Thus, these sociocosmic rascal capital/value is eaten up en masse by the US military industrial complex and their 800 hundred or more military bases to surround all the rebellious "invented" enemies in World-Island and and Latin America, especially China - the 5000 years old, very old great grandfather of specie-civilization amongst all the other civilizations. According to the law of reciprocal destruction, this ill-fated US hegemon reciprocate the same with 300 mega-military bases to surround this old great grandfather into subservience - truly a nice meal in the making of World War III, just right for mega sacred askokin extraction from the dead bodies - and all of them! Well, as to paying back of these borrowed money-capital, just print more and more cheap US paper dollars to buy back all the securities at Wall Street and, this is better - sanction, freeze and confiscate all valuable assets including the remaining debt-mandated human slave resources of the defeated nations and load them with more debts and 'forfeit' the US treasury through legalanaic devices. Thus this one devil's sociocosmic and cosmic-associated dance and narratives of MMT and QE among many others of finance capitalism is noted here! Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is a wiseacring and a narrative of Monetary Imperialism - transforming normal healthy real goods and services-based local and international trading money in payment settlement or the blood-flow of the Exchanges (E) of the PDCE Horse Body No. 2 and the Carriage Body No. 1 along the shafts into the much wiseacred sophisticated abnormal unhealthy self-expanding unreal or fictitious non-goods and non-services-based to participate in predatory parasitic exploitation in the local and international trading and payment settlement or hanbledzoin-flow of the Exchanges (E) at the PESTLES+ Coachman Body No. 3 along the reins into the Horse Body No 2 and the 'UGGMBCC Master 'I' Command-flow of the NOO of the Passenger Body No. 4 along the "voices to the Coachman Body No. 3, monetary power of US dollar, monetary colonialization of other nations notably the Global South Debt-Enslaved Countries and the US Treasury Holder nations and ways and means to preserve the US Dollar Hegemony in the World. Although, imperialism is capable of hopping like a dangerous poisonous frog of the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave from the possible enneagramic fixates or parking-grounds or centers-of-gravity or stepping stones of Politics (P), Economics/Finance/Monetary (E), Socio-cultural (S), Technology-science (T), Legal-ethics (L), Education-environment (E), Security-offense (S) and plus (+), its Dark noomakhian logos do not change. Capitalistic-essenced Monetary Imperialism is just one of the partialities of the full spectrum imperialism. Socialistic-essenced BRICS+ alternatives could easily fall into this trap, and unable to escape from the mystical spell of the MI-FA Interval ABYSS. The US capitalist financial system is a sociocosmic black hole resembling a cosmic black hole, that would eat everything in its orbit and at its periphery. Therefore, upon this mega-printing of low cost currencies and fiat money, all the countries not in this TI-monetary sovereign circle whose hard earned money such as salaries and wages tied to actual production of goods and services would run away as fast as possible to any alternative monetary system that values an industrial-based socialistic-essenced system now in the making. Otherwise, this cheap currencies of the money-printing finance hegemon would buy up all and emptying out their nations off their land, agro-produces, natural resources, human resources, real estates, infrastructures, means of PDCE, real goods and services through the international multiautomarketing feeding exchanges. Those in the debt trap under the Neo-liberal cane of the IMF and the World Bank would become long-term bankrupt or chronically suffering slave nations. Description: A Sociocosmic Macroeconomic Formatory Apparatus III of the host-killing sociocosmic parasite of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism: A government fiscal policy of the main and of the obedient comprador bourgeoisie government's fiscal policy of finance capitalism imposed by the main to outside-the-main growing and breeding cancer sociodynamically in exploitation and disharmony in the 3rd body metamorphosis stage of being-capitalism in general, and serving essentially the 4th body Modern Creditor Parasite People (1%). It is a fiscal policy under the control of global privatization and neoliberal policy from debts with IMF and World Bank consultancy.
The UGGMBCC becomes the global creditor parasite people holding much of the liquidity of the world at those 3rd body Finance capital hubs mainly at Wall Street (US), City of London (UK) and a few more other G7 countries of global North. The world liquidity of which is hypnotized to circulate only within this 3rd body of Finance capitalism again and again endlessly, denying it to industrialization and to the final killing all the 2nd body of Industrial capitalism within the Anglo-saxon’s LA-nation-stopinder (US) (Canada, Australia, UK, Japan, South Korea) and also the other G7 TI-nation-bloc stopinders. The once powerful US Hegemon nation is also surprisingly lured and made scapegoatedly to borrow from these UGGMBCC (1%) the greatest amount of money through the tune of 32 trillions of US dollar (2023) through very clever advice of world consulting agencies (McKinsey, World Bank, Deloitte, etc.), inventing, consumption of the "drugs and addiction" of those financial instrument of the stock and the US treasury known as securities (short-term T-Treasuries, medium-term Notes and long-term Bonds) for which this debt instrument mystically extolled and beautified through an oski-ano or special education into something sale-able, commercial-able and discountable and a financial asset in the stock and security exchange markets. Furthermore, when the maturity date of the bonds becomes due, the money-borrowed by the US government must be paid. Scratching the heads for a wise solution to this, some options have been wiseacred, namely: 1) just to print more US dollar to settle the payment and dispose off the securities and to home these US dollar by increasing the bond interest rate in the next cycle, and in endless tautological cycle of financial capital/value doom world-wide 2) give it to its own international financial agency known as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for safe custody, and through the advice of its consultative agency known as the World Bank, revive them into new IOU as a clever way out of not intending to pay the debt by converting them into new loan instrument for which enslaved nations can borrow them again for international mega-projects through government guarantees and repayment of the funds "borrowed" from the operations of these international mega-projects themselves and willing banks which can accept and release the funds - to relief the US government off these security debts - that is pure shifting liabilities and debts to willing enslave nations which badly need financial devices to continue industrial activities. As have been mentioned before, this is a black hole of debts and many of these enslaved nations would gradually increase their national debts and march down along the debt-journey to national bankruptcy. So like father like son, the corporates take on more and more loans and the individuals live on with more credit cards gradually change themselves into debt zombies! The debtors including the ill-fated terror being-Hegemon USA, also a victim and an obedient debt-slave nation in sleep tied to a wagon full of nuclear bombs has also fallen into the abyss pool of the 99% Debt Slave People whereas the creditors rise up to the tip of the social pyramid of the 1% Creditor Parasite People. The US cannot continue to do the same once the trust of other sovereign monetary authorities is lost as their currencies would truly fall just to save the US dollar. The de-dollarization of their own financial system is urgent and attempts to re-dollarize to restore old finance capitalism is always on a come back. Slave nations run for your life if you have found your alternatives! The collapsing US empire needs to continue to revamp herself for the next enneagramic cycle of the same FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, as she has already metamorphozized to Hegemony capitalism stages, and now needs badly by hook or by crook, by war and nuke or by all other means as a drowning woman will do to restore her mega-Greatness like before as a nation with sovereign 'I AM' not under the national debt grip and all other NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE spells cast upon her by the old deep-state - her old Military-Industrial complex, her old Pharmaceutical-Industrial complex, her old movie complex and everything that her has brought her to this horrible calamity. Her dollar must never be allowed to collapse, her national debt must be reduced, the runaway slave nations (to BRICS+) must be fully punished, disobedient oil producing nation-blocs (OPEC) must have their oil re-channeled back into her economic system and control to keep restore the dollar control of the world's most important energy, her financial capital market must be preserved with a PDCE of her own as a backup. For this her PDCE must be rebuilt while the PDCE of other competing nations contained, if not destroyed! The UGGMBCC (1%) must be revived fast for the next capitalistic-essenced enneagram to get another enneagramic cycle to continue the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, instead of been destroyed by a mega-revolution from the masses below the soical pyramid that would transform her into the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism with a new socialistic-essenced enneagram. Countries of cheap labor, Mexico, disobedient oil producing countries, Iran and many other oil producing nations - beware! In the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism such critical and highly sociocosmic life threatening MI-FA Interval private banks and their financial system should not dwell at the MI-FA Interval but as a public wealth belonging to the people, be severed and relocate to its proper home at the TI-DO Interval under the control of the government regulatorate. Money would be printed by the TI-DO government based on real production of material goods and actual services from the industrial and mercantile sectors instead of printing fictitious money resting on a financial system of product-less intangibles by the oligarchy, from the oligarchy, for the oligarchy and to the oligarchy. Global harvesting can also be done by increasing loan interest on an ongoing loan concern to corporate or even by increasing bond interest to move money and attract this fictitious money capital back respectively into the US financial oligarchy orbit. The process of printing large amount of fictitious dollars in the millions, billions and trillions from time to time by a private MI-FA Interval 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinder being, and releasing them to the world in this manner expands the US financial system in a very cheap way, and begets the biggest financial hegemon on mother Earth surface under the exclusive ownership and control of ONE FED global financial monopoly. Such a quantitative easing is only one of the few global expansion enabling the US corporates to march into the world harvesting real properties, real goods and services, other corporate PDCE requires in a subtle financial way. Another way is the ever larger expansion of its military assets especially of the indispensable military immobilia bases and mobilia aircraft carriers everywhere in the world to attack, destroy and prevent small enslaved nations from rebelling against or refusing to depart their valuables natural resources, labor and agro-produces to this terrible hegemon's global extraction and harvesting methodologies, or as a warning to those disobedient enslaved nations who dare to challenge, disrespecting or show any sign of distrusting the values in this dollar ($). The more than 250 wars against such nations conducted immediately and routinely after its rising some 234 years ago is unforgettable and a track record of historical evidence and nightmares of the history of capitalism - a real humanity crises of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. The nationates have to obey the dictate of the corporates; the nationate presidents of the hegemon LA-nation are regularly assassinated or murdered for this disobedience of attempting to restore the power of the nationate to its rightful place in the enneagram of capitalism; the presidents or prime ministers of other nationates in other weaker nations who disobey this dictate are often surgically assassinated physically or removed off their nationate position through a coup de tat or color revolution or else through special wars on the so-called "rogue" states. All of which happen during the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.
In the body of an emerging infantile SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, more than 70% of the banks are of the socialist of public-type at the MI-FA Interval such as the collective 4 (fa-type), the collective 5 (so-type), the collective 6 (la-type) and the collective 7 (ti-type) and they are all socialistically regulated by the regulatory bank stopinders at the TI-DO Interval. The remaining 30% are privately allowed at the MI-FA Interval only for the purpose of fulfilling a specific law of inheritance of pital/value essences of bank-stopinders when they evolve from a capitalistic-essenced capital/value bank species into a socialistic-essenced sociopital/value bank species for the creation and management of these two different financial circulation species of pital/value. While capital/value is about 234 years old as a special type sociocosmic "blood" circulating in the body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, sociopital/value would emerge probably after 2148 AD. For the nonce (year 2023), there are probably some infantile pittance sociopital/value of some good guy corporates and nationates a-turning socialistic who suddenly become awaken for some human-faced showmanship of social responsibility before, like automatons going to sleep again in the same capitalistic essences. As to project funding from being-capitalism and being-socialism they are essencely different, the former is a bad boy predatory capital/value whereas the latter is a good boy non-predatory sociopital/value although both appear superficially the same like the big bumble black bees - one male type with hairy black hairs on its feet with a powerful deadly sting behind and certainly very dangerous to catch and another a female type with hairy white hairs on its feet without any powerful deadly sting behind and certainly very safe for catching with the palm. Both of them look very similar and you have to see their legs carefully, otherwise you will risk the severe pain from the deadly sting behind. So like project fund of capital/value or sociopital/value, you too have to very carefully observe their hairy feet (for fine and deep links in the terms and conditions of fund usage) to ascertain if it is has a deadly hidden sting (with a debt trap) or none (without any debt trap). So the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) project fund from socialist China with its sociopital/value essence and that from capitalist countries with its capital/value essence might be observed through this lens. As to corporate comparative advantages in international trade, free trade (meaning free unfair trade), import-export price inflation (meaning intentional-and-serial price inflation) and higher nationate duties-imposed, they are in the eyes of the capitalistic-essenced, colonialistic-essenced and imperialistic-essenced three-centered hethorman capitalist beings mere one-sided reasons, partiality theories and ulterior-motivated excuses for maximization of their own profit and social irresponsibility to the exploited, oppressed and enslaved nations and peoples; a curse to the toiling agricultural and industrial workers, and truly an incurable greedy crystallization found buried deep in their essence. As to the recent US FED nationates' Ponzi-essenced policy (2022 and onward) of the capitalistic-essenced hegemon through increasing bank interest rate on bonds, medium-term loans and short-term loans more than 7 times in 2022 and even more in 2023, ....... it is just to lure as much global capital/value investment funds resting on high-value individuals and the corporate PDCEs as well as the global private and state bank intermediaries as possible and placing the food on the gourmet table for the grand ceremonial feast of the US hegemon for which the pack of global little wolves around the world would face financial crises and suffered collapses - a sure recipe for global crises, revolutions and wars. As to personal homeownership vital to the natural and harmonious functioning of a MI-family stopinder preceding the speculative and rampant investment of the FA-corporate stopinder into the real estate sector full of abnormal inflation of prices of residential products to the tune of no buyers and ultimate real estate bubble bursting. Worst is it that the TI-DO Interval of governance controlled by these rich capitalist investors of the MI-FA Interval of capitalist mode of PDCE mode would just bailout this private real estate sector to save the rich capitalists with the tax payers public money, shifting the liability of the housing problem of the capitalists to the liability of the housing problem of the poor. It is a natural human right that has now also lost this homeownership right to the parasitic speculative investors and become permanent home-renters to be exploited and manners which will ultimately results in massive family breakdowns which also disrupt the normal trialectics of male and woman, create a reserve of potential prostitutes, juvenile deliquencies and all kinds of social issues - a severe sociocosmic perturbation in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, no words can describe about this horrible situation. For the TI-DO Interval governance of the socialistic essence such bailouts and transfers of liabilities will not be allowed! As the wise grandson says: All birds shall have no nest to lay their eggs and roost their chicks if they are unable to buy expensive residential unit and did not pay expensive rent. However, the number of eggs laid is much reduced and those having bought the ultra-expensive nests turn rapidly into debt slave birds. Nay more, copulation has turned prostitution! As to lottology devices known as lottery
ticket sales, mega printed cheaply, it is yet another nationate ‘tax’ scam,
only not called a ‘tax’ but rather a tippance of a chance to the very few
lucky strikers and the bulk of a bad luck to the middle and lower classes to
be taxed. Where this fund goes is always a elusive.
As to corporate share ownership of the private and public companies of the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave, the capitalistic-essenced driven psyche hydrogens present in these hethormen human beings could only move all the share ownership to a few cronies, families and individuals to the 99% ownership level, ultimately cornered to an ultra rich capitalists whose political liberal-democratic partialities of capitalistic governance would be constituted by real holistic-democracy of impartiality of socialistic governance. The wealth of the geocosmic octaves and even of the cosmic octaves were extracted and owned by the great sociocosmic being then began descending and ascending alternatively and repeatedly its ownership factors en masse along all the branches of this great sociocosmic being. Nation-ization of the TI-DO Interval turned privatization of the MI-FA Interval which is a two-step descending sociocosmic octave is the process of moving this wealth extracted and/or plundered from other nation-stopinders and/or great nature to a few branches (to the 10% and to the final 1%) at the deprivation and expense of the other 7.674 billion individuals (current maximum of 'DO's) in the body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. The corporate (mi- and fa-lateral stopinders) of the FA-Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is a natural PDCE sociocosmic stopinder and is one thing, the number of share-ownership is another, but the accumulation of shares into the hands of only a few people or its pretentious or greed-motivated legal allowance that would ultimately lead to the millions of have-nots (without share-ownership) modern-slaves to the few 1-10 percenters and yet working in all these corporates would be an unjustifiable and unpardonable humanitarian crises, and the corporate acts that allow this to happen would be a legal crime against humanity. Once this 1-10 percent ownership of global wealth happens, the terror-of-the-situation no words can describe would happen. Unless socialistic-essenced legal amendments are made over this capitalistic-essenced legislature, the ill-fated and negative consequences for Humanity-at-Large is destined. Historically, these descending-ascending or decelerating-accelerating or retarding-releasing ownership by appropriation and expropriation, buying and selling, confiscation and outright plundering process created the zhuguannu class strata of the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism. After numerous qualitative social revolutions and subsequently, the same process created the dikongnong class strata of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism and the lau(dong)jinggong class strata of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism; then the coming and emerging gongjingdong classless strata of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, the future dongRjingRgong (or dongrobotjingrobotgong) classless strata of the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism and the final bipole Biodong versus Spiritual-AIrobotdong (or SRdong) at the Omega Point of the historical biocosmic octave of the ultimate TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism. As to social responsibility of capitalism based on the principle of balance, it arises not from the essence of capitalism per se but rather from the infantile essence Will of Socialism present in the nationate beings at the TI-DO Interval and descending to the corporate beings at the MI-FA Interval and ascending, and then descending again; which also vibrating deep in the human souls at the same time. This infantile socialistic will that might still be found buried ever deeper in their conscience is now triggered and expressed outwards sociocosmically in the form of producing, distributing and consuming of charities, humanitarian aids, welfare lottery proceeds, pittance, subsidies, free services, other philanthropic welfare, and etcetera by the 1st and 2nd lateral organizations - a beggar socialism without human dignity under the cane of predatory shepherd capitalism through sheep pittance charities, all in accordance with the fundamental law of reciprocal feeding. The havatvernonian shepherd of the One-God religion is duty-bound to look after his sheep for food during the MI-Historical Period of Feudalism, so the idiosyncratic philanthropist of the One Dollar-God philosophy of capitalism is also duty-bound to occasionally eat this guilt-relieving pill by "taking care" of his unemployed or reserve workers or proletariat in exchange for cheaper and more obedient willing life-shortening labor-extracts during the 2nd metamorphosis of industrial capitalism of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism! As to inflation and work remuneration, it is man-made on occasion especially when the peculiar fear and an accompanying itch of not losing money and profit, these FA-lau beings would get together with the SO-lau and/or the LA-lau beings always without any participating FA-gong beings would meet and set a higher price to the goods and services in the country, not for the benefit of any gong beings or citizens in the country but only for themselves. Various reasons are then invented and partialities for flaw logics, beautified or pseudo-sharing of common weal and woe with the gong beings-at-large amplified to cover up the price hijack. Ah! Such a being-capitalism exists always with the innate capitalistic essence of generating inflation and exporting inflation, whereas only being-socialism would have the innate socialistic essence of generating and exporting deflation. Ah! Nay more, for such futuristic being-socialism, generating deflation to the optimum lowest and exporting deflation to optimum lowest is possible. These same lau beings also set salaries and wages on the quiet to the means of subsidy level or even lower to reduce the cost of production, distribution, consumption and exchange, and to maximize profit. The sole purpose of biocosmic workers and the technocosmic padrigines to the capitalists is to produce surpluses - profits, benefits and wealth for them. The means to achieve this is to create mountains of theories, models, reasonings, excuses and all types of layman, professional, legal and illegal scams. As to these FA-lau corporate PDCE at the MI-FA Interval, they become the sociocosmic rascals controlling and dictating on 'what-to-do' for those SO-, LA- and TI-lau nationate governance at the TI-DO Interval, the horrors of the terror-of-the-situation surface on a large scale during the last throes of capitalism thus giving rise to poverty and endless crises to the World-at-Large. As to ideas, technological know-know and all types of intellectual and noo-psyche hydrogens, they become intellectual properties (IPs) deposited in the Digital Infrastructure to be extracted or harvested from the psyche centers of the hethormen working gong beings and end up privatized into corporate ownership of the monopoly 1% and with a meager of fees to the actual original producer individual or team of hardworking gong beings, for which the IPs in the Digital Infrastructure are realized/materialized through the PDCE into commodities for mass consumption and maximum profits. When IP-ed by the US hegemony, the enslaved nations without the IP approval and IP rents full of terms and conditions will not be allowed to developed their own nations, and would continue to live as made-poor nations forbidden to escape from this modern debt-nation slavery prison. As to capitalism's crises, they happened endlessly about every seven years, a minor quantitative capitalistic crises and every 7 x 7 = 49 years, a major quantitative crises where a capitalist empire dies and is replaced by another capitalist empire such as the capitalist empire of France, of Spain, of Portugal, of the Netherlands, of the United Kingdom and the current empire of the United States of America but in repeated recycling of the same enneagram of capitalism. Since its birth somewhere in 1788 AD in England and spread in an aberrating FA-SO-LA-TI ascending octave to every corner of the globe till today, some infantile socialist systems did emerge such as the Paris Commune of 1848, the Soviet System of 1917-1991, the many more socialist systems in China, Cuba, Vietnam, etc. During these capitalist system crises, like wolf-in-sheepskin or chameleon, predatory capital/value selfish individuation of each nation temporarily disguises itself as collective, selfless sociopital/value for their own survival in face of being overthrown by a revolution. After some 300 years of its sociocosmic existence and presence for mankind, it is now on decline as a historical sociocosmic species. The critical crises that arise periodically is inbuilt in its sociocosmic system itself, in the very historical species this capitalism for which it eats or suck internally its own inner sociocosmic stopinders vertically and horizontally through a process of capital/value accumulation heading to 10% and to 1% exclusive ownership and possession of wealth, still profit-maximization, still exploitative and oppressive. Here it goes and worsening the capitalist crises, a series of catastrophic mishaps from the geocosmic earthquakes on the earth's surface here and there, from the climatic change in the geocosmic atmosphere, from the virocosmic emergence of some deadly pandemic viruses, from the sudden technocosmic obsolescence of technocosmic species that have being exploited by the capitalists to increase their wealth that now facing a more efficient and better technocosmic species in the hands of their other capitalists, and finally, from a burst of biocosmic population increased and a sudden increased of kundakin in the kundabuffer so as to reduce the pain that would arise during massive deaths. Also by now, the sacred askokin is in great abundance in the psychic noosphere, ripe and ready for cosmic lunar and planetary harvest. Cosmic-influenced wars and world wars often disguised as economic, political and military contradictions amongst corporates & nationates (FA), states (SO), nations (LA) and nation-blocs (TI) in the body of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism becomes out-of-control and unmanageable. Depending on the amount of sacred askokin present hidden in the kundabuffer layers of the three-brained hethormen human beings - if the amount of sacred askokin present in the body or needed in the lunar and planetary diet menu is small civil wars, vertical revolutions and horizontal wars results and if the amount present and needed is huge, world wars are necessary. The cosmic-induced wars and world wars will be over only when the biocosmic, the sociotechnocosmic, the geocosmic and the cosmic reach a new balance and a new equilibrium. As to the capitalist marketing being and directions which is always a wolf-in-sheepskin multiautomarketing feeding exchanges being-of-suspect going regularly on hunting sprees everywhere on mother Earth's surface. The market is a hunting field where the preys will be hunted down, and the high-psychology and beautified killing field is an abnormality always reveals itself in any GINI-coefficient measure of the days during this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism or just in this system of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. There emerged accordingly, a being-market capitalism of MI-FA Interval origin for production-distribution-consumption-exchange fetishism peculiarly veering in aberration of a multiautomarketing feeding exchanges in the consumption phase of the 4-phased production-distribution-consumption-exchange tetrad towards commodity with prices serving essentially the wealthy and the rich who have the high income to buy and satisfy all their deviating dreams and abnormal fantasies in opposition to a being-market socialism of TI-DO Interval origin of the same different-looking production, distribution, consumption and exchange commodity fetishism. Irrespective of capitalism or socialism, the tetrad PDCE revolves within itself only on those three-brained hethormen human biped beings dwelling in all the sociocosmic stopinders active in the fundamental and lateral sociocosmic octave. As to Foodservice for the for the satisfaction of the 1st being-foods of ordinary solid food and water to all three-centered hethormen human beings all over the world, the capitalistic-essenced Foodservice cycle is characterized solely for maximization of profit, maximization of money accumulation, maximization of labor service deliveries (exploitation) in terms of quality, quantity and service hours with lowest labor service costs, and inflating prices directed towards serving the few high money-possessing market. Socialistic-essenced Foodservice is characterized solely for providing good social and non-money pursuits, and reasonable prices directed towards serving the well-being of the Society-at-Large market. As these biped beings by the billions on mother Earth's surface, consume three being-foods, notably: 1) Ordinary Food & Beverage (F & B) at a rate of 3 times a day, 2) Air at a rate of 1 time every three seconds of their breathe-in and 3) Impressions at a rate known as 'instance,' this PDCE industry is extremely active to every biped beings everywhere to provide primary F & B service with the secondary well-tuned free air-food and free impression-food as well as an automatically happening tertiary noomakhian aura from superstructure PESTLES radiation (fetishism inclusive of F&B fetishistic and the 5 impressions of sight, hearing, taste, tactile and odor services) - to ensure this Great Sociocosmic Being remains alive! This F&B industry is also subject of this PDCE enneagram as an important base during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. However, the Foodservice to these biocosmic three-brained hethormen human beings is more important than the Foodservice to all the emerging now almost equally important technocosmic three-bodied driver-engine-carriage (Driencriage) padrigine beings (padrigines I, II and III), this F & B foodservice PDCE phases to humans and to padrigines would be different. The Foodservice Operation Cycle of a particular tetrad system related to the handling of the three being-foods for serving all the three-brained hethormen human beings also follows an octet rule or an enneagram of the Foodservice Operation Cycle (as observed from Cracknell and Kaufmann, foodservice cycle):
Do (Input Points 0/9): Consumers and market – the existing and future consumer needs and the potential market being served by the operation. Re (1): Formulation of policy and objectives – guiding the choice of the operational methods that are used. Mi (2): Customer service specification – decisions on the range and type of menu and beverage lists to be provided, as well as other services, and the service levels to be offered and the prices to be charged. Input Point 3 : Convergence of facilities – the planning and design, and operational capability of the facilities, plant and equipment to support the customer service specification. Fa (4): Cost and revenue study – conducting a study of costs, revenue and budgeting, and designing a robust systems for the accounting of revenue and the monitoring of costs of materials, labor and overheads. So (5): Purchasing and provisioning – developing purchasing, storage and stock control methods to meet the needs of the food production, beverage provision and other services being provided. Input Point 6: Production and service – using efficient food production and food and beverage service methods to support the requirements of the customer service specification in actual production-service activities. La (7): Monitoring of customer satisfaction – regular checking on the extent to which the operation is meeting customer needs and achieving customer satisfaction. Ti (8): Intervention and Remedial Action - immediate intervention, correction and necessary remedial action to resolve customer issues.
This socialistic-essenced being-marketing (customer-oriented or people-oriented) also peculiarly veering away from the abnormal-suspect capitalistic-essenced marketing with quotation mark (with extraction on customers outside this Foodservice operation PDCE enneagram and on the employee gong beings inside this same enneagram) but this time also being-marketing-like without quotation mark as a more normal transitional multiautomarketing feeding exchanges (MFE), and this time to truly serving the general public, the society-at-large or just towards serving the low-income poor Humanity-at-Large consumers with much cheaper and even free goods and services without a capitalistic cane hidden behind, and mainly for the delivery of real money’s worth quality of food and beverage (F&B fetishistic plus) services. Its success is due to the availability of big data and high-speed online internet. In between the two horned-marketing capitalistic maleficence devils and socialistic benevolent devils a third neutralizing non-marketing purely normal consumption main-roader synthesis is needed to soften the terror of the two marketing opposites leading to mandatory systemic historical explosion and the ultimate transformation of the political-economic plus system from capitalism to socialism, to communism and to datongism. In the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism and TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism, there is varying and with little aberrating multiautomarketing feeding exchanges without 'selling and buying' and 'marketing-in-suspect' ….. on in short just order from a human serving AI sociotechnical robotic system according to needs and regulated essential wants and get free all the necessaries for each and every human being inside the body of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being in exact replica of what is actually happening in our physiological and psychological functions - as for the microcosm below so is for the sociocosm above. All in wait for occasional 'octave-descends' or mishaps or illnesses, minor and killing-major of various kinds such as alienating/distorting ownership privatization, pseudo-liberalism, pseudo-socialism, greed-governance, robberies, inner psychological declines, and etcetera to befall onto this Great Sociotechnocosmic Being for which hospitalization and re-habitation would always be needed for this Humanity (and Robonity)-at-Large …… till the final rascooarno (death and extinction) of this Great Sociotechnocosmic Being on Mother Earth’s surface. As to the stakeholder beings peculiar to the essence of capitalism there emerged two types stakeholder beings each with different being-interests that will influence the strategic vision, mission, goal, objectives and actions of every lau/dong-jinggong production or any busy-ness stopinder, namely: 1. The internal stakeholder beings known as the shareholders or the investors who is often a lau and sometimes a dong being for which the jing beings of CEOs, general managers, department managers and the supervisors are also the jing employees and the workers or the operators are the lowest level gong employee beings. The game is about exploitation interest of maximizing gains to shareholders and minimizing losses in terms of dollar to the employees. It is about the endless struggle between maximizing the profits/surpluses for the shareholders and the minimizing salary/wages loss to ‘zero’ of the employees within a productive stopinder. However, if more and more employees are given more and more shares to become the owners together with some naive scapegoat shareholders, you expect that this corporation is likely to have already set itself to a mega debt insolvency to a bank to be bankrupted, for which the money would be siphoned out before the actual bankruptcy. Remember, share is also a financial instrument of the 3rd body of the 4 bodies of capitalism. 2. The external stakeholder
beings whose interests are closely connected to this productive stopinder,
namely, the customers whose interest is for cheaper and higher quality
products and services; the contractors and suppliers whose interests are for
more contracts/supply hires and more profits; the local and internal
community of other sociocosmic stopinders including the competitive/
non-competitive FA-stopinders who have social responsibility interests
derived from the Will of Socialism at the TI-DO Interval of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI
Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. The Falaujing-corporates and the accomplices Solaujing-, the Lalaujing- and the Tilaujing-nationates in their global search for "customers" in the global capitalist market for "selling" their products and services (especially now of the highly mobile financial services and military destruction of competitors' production, distribution, consumption and exchange facilities after the previously control/ownership let-goes of totally immobile geocosmic land, territory, resource, strategic location properties, and partially mobile commodities, labor, and resource supplies) to the level of monopoly and hegemony, and in this same global search for securing natural resource supplies to feed their productive organizations for more production of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism must naturally come into numerous merciless conflicts, nuclear-pointing, bioweapon secret releases, surgical lau and jing murders, AI drone strikes and hybrid wars with their FA, SO, LA and TI competing counterparts as ascending forces of reciprocal feeding move upwards from gravity-center FA through gravity-center SO through gravity-center LA and finally to gravity-center TI to the ultimate geographical limit of the spatial-volume size of the Earth's surface and must also fly outwards into space and outer space for planetary and lunar resources to keep just these same three-center corporates surviving in this uncontrolled cancer-sociodynamics of capital/value in capitalism, which badly needs the brake of socialism and transformation of this abnormally behaving capital/value into a normal behaving sociopital/value and a redirection of their services to 'Humanity-at-Large' instead of serving the few themselves and their unbecoming whimsies and abnormal fantasies, to accomplish only by the Sodongjing-, the Ladongjing- and the Tidongjing-"nationates" that have totally and incorrectly absorbed and digested the essence milk of the Will of Socialism that has bubbled up from the spring of their own TI-DO Interval, and has become very toxic and deadly race-hating being-fascism/Nazism or being-"National Socialism" deep-essence-militarism against and forbid any gong-workers union to exist in its LA-sociocosmic body, truly oligopolistic/monopolistic LA-lau owned nation-stopinder. It has always deluded and even repeatedly deluding the most intelligent wisdom of mankind regarding this peculiar dongjinggong triadic sociocosmic short absorber during this final stage of development of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, where bad boy capital/value in the form of private property has fully transformed into its ultimate form of private finance property and become truly evil for which it can only die in a very difficult full of opposition manner and always ending with terrible internal and/or external wars and numerous spiraling mega-sociocosmic doubled-directional revolutions - proletarian revolution, color revolution, bourgeois revolution, coup de tat, regime change, etcetera and endlessness. However, there is always a silver lining in the dark cloud or fascism/Nazism as it dies, that is, provided that nuclear weapons are not used, it will come out of this cocoon into and as a reincarnated gongjingdong socialistic-essenced being with a heart full of sociopital/value with great global presence of the new and proper SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism or being-socialism without quotation mark, that is, perhaps after year 2148 AD according the astrological calibration. The opposing essence of capitalism in the form of laujinggong and socialism in the form of democratic gongjingdong with a double-headed middle shock absorber in the form of "neither-democratic-nor-undemocratic" dongjinggong are essencely a meeting of irreconcilable opposites all along the fundamental and the lateral sociocosmic octaves of this period of capitalist-socialist history. The countless battles of opposites from these immobilias and mobilias sociocosmic beings living on mother Earth's surface within the organic film would continue at corporate versus collective organization levels and nationate versus SNUN (State-Nation-United Nation) regulatorate or SO-LA-TI regulative levels till the ascending process of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism completes its transformation into the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism globally and stabilizing its global-presence-at-large on mother Earth's surface alongside some rebellious weak occasional resistances from the remnant historical sociocosmic species of predatory Capitalism especially when the historical sociocosmic species of non-predatory Socialism falls sick and temporarily descended/fell due to natural disasters that disrupted abundance of resources for production and product abundance for balanced distribution to consumers, and also due to occasional cosmic psychic noo-aberration of the thinking-feeling-instinctive-moving-sex centrums of the human brains caused by the need to release sacred askokin and its extraction as food by our moon and planetary neighbors in accordance to the law of reciprocal cosmic feeding. Predatory and aggressive accumulative capitalism soaked deep in the exploitative sap of capitalism seeks to alienate, legalize, give 'ownership-in-disastrous-imbalances,' to accumulate assets and profits while transferring costs and liabilities to other private and public sociocosmic stopinders and creating inequity especially of the means of PDCE to a few lateral and fundamental sociocosmic stopinders such as to only a few individuals (DOs), a few groups (RE), a few families (MI), a few corporations (FA), a few states (SO), a few countries (LA) and a few nation blocs (TI) of all products, services and creative mind production of laboring three-centered hethormen human beings; other organic three-centered, two-centered and one-centered animalia and plantae beings; the organic no-centered transition beings of the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation together with useful geocosmic resources especially of the Earth and other cosmic radiations especially from the sun and even of the stars; and finally from their own technocosmic laboratories. The ultimate state of the Great Sociocosmic Being becomes an oligopolistic sick world full of the much accursed ultimate grand global monopoly capitalism wealth ratios of 1:99 population receiving 40:60 income respectively or Top 1% population occupying 40% of the total income : Bottom 99% population occupying 60% of the total income at all levels, known as "Occupy Wall Street Movement 1:99" that started in September 2011 in Liberty Square in the United States of America or more simply the 10% richest individuals' severe GINI syndrome - a potential outcome of mega capitalist accumulation on a global scale surrounded by the insane ghost of nuclear war. In 1989, the bottom 50% shared 2% of all the US
wealth. By 2019 or 30 years' later, the top 1% owned 33% of all the
wealth of US (stocks, bonds, cash, land and everything you name it) and the
top 10% owned 72%. The least wealthy 50% have lived on 2% of all the
US wealth. Within this 30 years, the middle class lost their wealth to
the top 1%. (US Congress Budget Office Report, September
2019, entitled, "Trends in the Distribution of Family Wealth 1989 to
2019") The removal of all these predatory and accumulative essences of capitalism rooted in the sociocosmic aberration whose origin is in the MI-FA Interval of our sociocosmic octave by the de-predatory, de-accumulative, de-exploitative and de-corruptive essences of an untainted socialism without bourgeoistic quotation mark and whose origin is from the TI-DO Interval of the same sociocosmic octave, especially from source 'Humanity-at-Large' (fa) of its 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism is the historical mandatory antidote to cure this deadly disease of grand global private monopoly of production, monodistny of distribution and monopsony of consumption (oligopoly, oligodistny and oligopsony) capitalism. Their transformation into state-owned or public ownership entities of the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders (Ti) at the MI-FA Interval of our fundamental sociocosmic octave is necessary in order to reduce the perpetual terror of reciprocal struggles and destruction aberrating along the vertical inner laujinggong classes, the horizontal coercive competition/elimination and hegemonic private preservation amongst organizations, states and nations, and the constant disharmonies in the global production-distribution-consumption-exchange network in most cases leading to wars. The hundreds of thousands of sociocosmic and civilizational MI-FA Interval agreements and TI-DO Interval treaties (you named all from the list after 1533 AD till today) signed amongst these coercive and warring or seemingly cooperative and alliancing laujinggong sociocosmic stopinder and civilizational mechanical automatons, signed self-happening more or less in their dreamy sleep-wake state during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism easily burst asunder over time causing further reciprocal destruction. But maleficently and unfortunately for Humanity-at-Large, there is a mandatory indispensable mega-global military industrial complex full of nuclear, chemical and bioweapons solely created to protect this mad ill-gotten global wealth "legalized" plunder and subsequent inheritance lineage in the hands of the few global monopoly corporate capitalists breeding at the MI-FA Interval stubbornly unwilling to give or share to Humanity-at-Large except for continuous aggressive military expansion for corporate profits, stagnant and very hot at boiling point in the last historical sociocosmic enneagram of the global fundamental FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (heading towards monopoly in production, monodistny in distribution, monosopny in consumption and financial monopoly in exchange) (1788 AD - 2148 AD) where the spell of global finance capital matures and now existing in-wait for its final global expropriation or global sporadic spiral enneagramic bursting asunder for which capital/value must change into sociopital/value and stabilized in the next upper historical sociocosmic enneagram of the fundamental SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (heading towards sharing-common and common human destiny) (2148 AD - 2864 AD). When these accursed essences of being-capitalism lose their historical struggles, prosperity sharing socialistic essences begin to crystallize into the body of the Great Sociocosmic Being where peace, harmony and well-being begin to shine on mother Earth's surface under the active dominating law of reciprocal nourishment and a passive dominated law of reciprocal destruction for which neutral harmonious growth of the sociocosmic living enneagrams would take place ....... in wait of possible reversal of domination. Concerning this predatory capitalistic mega Military-Industrial Complex, the most dangerous tyrannosaurus to 'Humanity-at-Large' on planet Earth in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, already fully perfected after World War II, for which it needs to survive as a mega Military-Industrial Complex being could only do so by murdering presidents and military leaders of smaller nations, destroying vital productive and supply lines of invented enemies from individuals up to nations, provoking wars endlessly, dividing and ruling nations, spying on friends and enemies instilling fears into them so as to sell more and more high-price weapons, building more and more weapons, innovating and upgrading them, increasing markets and marketing shares, ensuring war exist always here and there on mother Earth, triggering wars if there is peace, searching always for enemies to finger-point and start an ideological, political and legal disparity, finding ways to destroy the army assets of enemies and ensuring that they purchase their military assets, etcetera. This situation is so bad that the mega Military-Industrial Complex became the biggest capitalist business amongst all the other corporate beings - ridding off goods and services for itself in favor of weapons production and just ensure dollar dominance and hegemony merely by using its war machines and conducting wars to ensure mega-plunder that is reaping the profit and digital finance accumulation. Alas! These predatory military corporates, full of omnipresent humanity's misfortunes and terror-of-the-situation endlessness due to its capitalist essence of profit and wealth seeking is a real sorrow of all the hethormen human beings on Mother Earth's surface and a real blessing to our cunning moon and Mars for the large amount of quality sacred askokin released by the dead-actions of this mega Military-Industrial Complex of being-Capitalism would offer as gift to the MI-FA Interval that would be forming on the surface of our moon and Mars. The transition of being-Capitalism to being-Socialism at this nodal point is truly an indispensable painful delivery of the infantile socialistic-essenced socialism being for the collective benefit of Humanity-at-Large both vertically and horizontally along the sociocosmic octaves. Capitalists are expropriators of ownership of land, labor, capital/finance/funds, instruments of production, managementship and the corporates necessary for production; they are negators according to the general dialectic law of negation. As they negate, they accumulate that which they are negating ascending in the fundamental sociocosmic octave as well as in the lateral sociocosmic octaves firstly at the MI-FA Interval and secondly at the TI-DO Interval decreasing incomes and wealth on the one side and increasing the same on the other side in the rapid process of productive expansion of goods and services from every sociocosmic stopinders both fundamental and laterals irrespective of whether they are productive (at DO, RE and MI and especially FA) or regulative (at SO, LA and TI). As the first negation and one-sided accumulation process occur, new happenings arises in the body of this being-capitalism or FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism for which more and more economic measurables or indicators are invented by economic doctors of the time so as to know, understand and address this potential ‘terror-of-the-situation’ diseases which might become very alarming to the health, wellbeing and existence of being-capitalism as a whole. Such measurables on the various fundamental and lateral stopinders are regularly taken from this being-capitalism’s body by the economic statisticians for philosophical musing, professional wiseacring and covetous actions, namely, the GDPs, the GNPs of the 195 LA-nation stopinders, the per capital, the GINI Coefficients amongst various population sectors or geo-regions, the personate/corporate/nationate debts, inflation/deflation rates, stagnation, bank interest rates, retirement funds, rents, duties & taxes, unemployment percentages, consumer price indices (CPI), producer price indices (PPI), stock and commodity prices, the FOREX, insurances, corporate/nationate or government guarantees – all such peculiar qualitative and quantitative parameters and various forms of presentation pictures, charts, graphs and movies indicating the psychopathologies of the alienation of capital/value versus that of alienation of labor, the complicated gong extraction and the reciprocal feeding amounts going within the laujinggong sociocosmic triadic shock absorber at both the MI-FA and the TI-DO Intervals of the fundamental sociocosmic octave and the sociocosmic octave stopinders. Dozens more of such measurables and indicators are born and creatively discovered by some of these conscious three-brained beings in the growing body of this Great Sociocosmic Being as it reaches this passerby stage bearing today and now the named 'Capitalism' and the historical period known as the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism, also named the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism for which capital/value increases, ascends and parks from DO to RE to MI to FA to SO to LA and to TI of the fundamental sociocosmic stopinders as well as all the lateral sociocosmic stopinders of the 2 lateral sociocosmic octaves ....... and producing also tons of books at this historical stage, truly peculiar and necessary for this historical stage – always expropriating capital/value from the surrounding owners and appropriating liability/debt to them while expropriating liability/debt off themselves and appropriating capital/value to themselves, that is, to the final exclusive ownership of the few using legal devices of agreements of state (SO) and nation (LA) regulators and treaties of the world-of-nations and nation-blocs (TI) regulators or just war instruments originated from the terrible essence of reciprocal destruction. In order to keep the large number of padrigines I, II and III "alive" and working productively, effectively and efficiently and to ensure the capitalist class survive and accumulating enormous amount of wealth, human resources (modern slaves) and natural resources are by hook or by crook mercilessly extracted from all nation-stopinders on mother Earth's surface NOT to feed these sociocosmic and technocosmic stopinders but rather to limit, threaten, exploit, arm-twisting, oppress and enslave them to maximize its profit. This is done by colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism to increase land and sea masses and control which change, after numerous wars of independence, into neo-colonialism, neo-imperialism and neo-hegemonism later, and the clever usage of the mystical spells of liberalism and pseudo-socialism, neoliberalism and pseudo-neosocialism, color revolutions and LGBTQIA+, etc. As to the previous DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of
Primitive Communalism,
the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism and MI-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of
Feudalism (old and new) such indicators were not born or required except as
‘emerging’ and for the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism most of the
indicators would no longer be required due the strong and dominating
presence of this socialistic-essence sociocosmic opposing 'from-to' currents
of circulation known as “From
each according to his ability to each according to his work” over the
declining or disappearing capitalistic-essence sociocosmic opposing
'from-to' currents of circulation bearing
the name, “From each according to the maximum extraction of surpluses by
the few over the many to each according to the minimum of his pay.”
circulation rests during the low-tide of the working capital/value, the
private ownership rocks of fixed capital/value resurfaces to tell you who
the real bosses are – individualized private owners of capital/value in the
means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) or common-ownership of sociopital/value in this same
means of PDCE. In the battling historical species of capitalism and socialism, the unfortunate third of “exploited” and “oppressed” AI Robots and their connected machines beasts of burden, still-in-wait to acquire personality and spirituality with ‘I’s “suffered” and could only receive the care from a certain omnipresent psyche hydrogens weakness buried deep in biocosmic man known as the ‘burden-of-greed’ for which he automatically works very hard truly like a happy slave taking care of his dear regimented and strict technocosmic robots which will stop work instantly if any of the slightest terms and conditions for their proper functioning is removed or neglected or not met, and they are so dearly created to be owned by the biocosmic man that they will kill one another if anyone of them tries to harm or damage them. Those offensive and defensive military AI robots and machines are able to manipulate the biocosmic man through another omnipresent psyche hydrogens weakness also buried deep in him known as the ‘burden-of-fear-and-suspicion’ for which they too would battle to their deaths together with their military technocosmic armies. But the general dialectic law of negation is a law of negation of negation for which the expropriators are finally expropriated by the expropriated through a chain of social revolutions and counter revolutions (color revolutions) much complicated by very strong sociocosmic aberration along the tortuous path of social relations of production from the individuals (DO), the groups (RE), the families (MI), the organizations (FA), the states (SO), the nations (LA) and the world-of-nations (TI) and interfering overlapping of the old and new emerging historical sociocosmic species for example from the old MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism tainted with traces of the older RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism and the new emerging specter of SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. On careful observation of the future of global dominance of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism Marxian superstructure of the enneagram of the 7 fixates or the PESTLES enneagram of the superstructure fixates, it only shows losing of global dominance in 21st Century, and losing completely its global dominance by 2148 AD on an astrological age yardstick: The Marxian superstructure enneagram of PESTLES system fixates are: 1. Political system (Do) 2. Economic system (Re) 3. Socio-cultural system (Mi) 4. Technological-science system (Fa) 5. Legal-ethical system (So) 6. Education-environmental system (La) 7. Security-defense system (Ti)
It must be noted, the current dominating LA-stopinder hegemon of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism has its sociocosmic gravity-center in the continent known as North America, now still deeply-rooted with the highly unstable capitalistic essence impregnated with FA-SO-LA-TI aberration. This hegemon LA-stopinder has a proper name: The United States of America. It is a declining "empire" (TI) in a slipping down descending sociocosmic octave for which the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is gradually being eaten up in the emerging new SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism - a mega-FA historical capitalistic-essenced base-superstructure-noomakhia system is gradually been replaced by another new and emerging mega-SO historical socialistic-essenced base-superstructure-noomakhia system. Nay more, superstructures peculiarities or symptoms of social ills of the political sixes stupefy and weaken the already sick regulative governments breeding at the TI-DO Interval - freely-hanging-in-the-sky democracy, freedom, liberty, human rights, justice, suffrage and equality, and now include also the LGBTQIA+, drowning religious extremism, terrorism, neo-racism, neo-great depressions, legalanaism, racism, greenism, unionism, mega-militarism, labor strike-ism, protest-ism, colored-revolutionism, fascism, NGO-ism, and etcetera full of abnormal sociocosmic aberration and quotation mark breed in large number, spread, eat like hungry worms and rotting the body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism located in the USA and Europe - the toxin from which also penetrate, polluted and poison many other developing capitalistic-essenced nation-stopinders in the whole world and also the emerging infantile socialistic-essence HEIGRENS-based nation-stopinders of the infantile SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. The CIA and the FBI, being three-centered covetous nationates full of Hasnamussian delights, social irresponsibility and indeed slavish obedient servants of the monopoly capitalists' or the 1% hegemon could only find happened to themselves this automatically and mechanically participation of strategic-toxin-spilling alongside mega-military out-of-control adventure in this ill-fated process of polluting, poisoning and killing of the whole world - always in the belief that they have been doing "Good to the World." All these happenings are merely only in one historical period, that is, for the one polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism (1788 AD - 2148 AD) or just within the body of this current FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. When many capitalistic three-centered corporates from being-America, being-Europe and being-Japan ran away to invest en masse in being-China in the 1980's due mainly to her cheap, skillful, intelligent and discipline gong beings, the so-called friendly protective socialism offered by the communistic three-centered nationates and also hardworking beautiful ladies hanging out there as compared to their own unfriendly three-centered nationates and demanding gong beings in their original homelands, there bred rapidly a large number of 1st lateral sociocosmic corporate beings with a-mixed of laujinggong and dongjinggong behaviors in conducting management processes of production in all these experimenting special economic zones in being-China. As I have mentioned before, this lau has split into 2 parts during its formation, namely, a lau (boss with ownership) original part and a dong (director without or with ownership) because of the ownership of private means of production issue amongst laujinggong and dongjinggong. Because of this phenomenon, ownership and sharing of prosperity become interchangeable and even proportion-able amongst these lau, dong, jing and gong beings. Capital is value in motion and has many identities or stopinder gravity-centers of vibration, and as moving capital/value rests, it becomes latent capital/value gravity-center or a stopinder of capital/value in wait for consumers and distribution to consumers in the market. Where this capital/value enters in a country, the country flourishes under the hegemonic capital dictate principle with a comprador bourgeoisie class bridging the exploitation and oppression of the enslaved country; when it leaves the country is left in ruin and severe poverty. With other capitals/values, they are their competitors and enemies, and so the first force of capital/value now has a second force to oppose and to be challenged with and a synthesizing force is the resolution the rest of which is the first note of parking the capital/value at this fundamental sociocosmic stopinder called the Individual (a DO-fundamental stopinder) and at the same time recognized and parked at the sole proprietorship stopinder (a Do-lateral stopinder) of the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinder at the MI-FA Interval. Therefore, the fundamental law of three is active and obeyed. From this rest gravity-center Do-sole proprietorship stopinder, the capital/value moves, eats and accumulated through this same law of three and at certain point in the growth it becomes necessary to eat together with others as a next note of the fundamental sociocosmic stopinder called the RE-Group with its new rest gravity-center (a Re-lateral stopinder) called the partnership stopinder of the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinder, a further rest at fundamental MI-Family and 1st lateral Mi-private company, then further rest at fundamental FA-Organization and 1st lateral Fa-public company, yet another rest at fundamental SO-State and 1st lateral So-Coop, then further rest at fundamental LA-Nation and 1st lateral La-Privatized-GLC, and also final rest at fundamental TI-nation-bloc and 1st lateral Ti-State-Nation Enterprise ....... then there is here a TI-DO Interval where regulatory 2nd lateral stopinders emerge such as Do-State regulatory organization, Re-Nation regulatory organization and Mi-United Nations regulatory organization breed and grow to collect these ‘capitals/values’. The capital/value moves predatorily horizontally, diagonally and vertically ascending-descending according the law of seven or the law of octave in concentric circles. The essence of capital is not things but a social relations of production-distribution-consumption-exchange; so was the essences of communalipital, ancient slavipital and feudapital; so is the essence of the emerging sociopital of today; so will be the essences of communipital and datongipital. While the first six fundamental 'pitals'-values/essences have been and will be flowing within the bodies of the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism, the RE-Historical Socioocsmic Species of Ancient Slavism, the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism, the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism and the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism respectively, the last fundamental 'pital'-value/essence would have an added spiritual AI robots and machines that has synthetic life with 'it's, 'I's and 'I AM's to the existing biocosmic man that has organic life also with 'it's, 'I's and 'I AM' in a bipolar 'Higher Man vs Spiritual Robot' or 'Humanity-at-Large vs Robonity-at-Large' sociotechnocosmic relations of production-distribution-consumption-exchange at the Omega Point in the historical biocosmic octave and would be flowing within the body of the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism. Starting from primitive communalipital/value as an essence of the social relations of production-distribution-consumption-exchange it grows and experience quantitative and qualitative changes in ascending (occasional descending) spiraling along vertically and horizontally in octave concentric circles with nodal points of qualitative distinction at the MI-FA Interval as well as at the TI-DO Interval of the fundamental sociocosmic octave.
Note that before capital/value history-line is the feudapital/value history-line and after it would be the sociopital/value history-line, and feudapital/value history-line emerged in the Age of Pisces and capital/value history-line began at the last 1/2 decan of the end of the Age of Pisces. Sociopital/value proper would begin in the Age of Aquarius. All these 3 'pitals' including neo-feudapital/value and capital/value let us say also modern 'slavipital' of terminal Capitalism are qualitatively different in essence, functions, personalities, ethical values (good or bad or neutral behavior 'pitals'), illegal prostitute-parked 'pitals', military-parked 'pitals', IT/Internet-parked 'pitals', AI-parked 'pitals', color-revolution-parked 'pitals', illegal drug-parked 'pitals', "free" market-parked 'pitals', neoliberal-parked 'pitals', fake news-parked 'pitals', prison-slave-labor-parked 'pitals', Top 1% richman-parked 'pitals', upper-class-parked 'pitals', preferred-safe-nation parked 'pitals,' ....... 'pitals' parked in each and every of the fundamental and lateral sociocosmic stopinders existing to the tune of 7 billions on mother earth's surface for which the concept of the private and the public property ownership would be too simple, partial, lopsided and naive – full of lunatic, Hasnamussian and opportunity-seeking psychic hydrogens indicative of a digestive disorder in the consumption of man’s three being-foods. Currencies of and from each LA-stopinder issued are quantitatively stopindered, chopped and delivered as fixed or parked 'capital' or revolving operating 'capital' to some selected lucky nutrient-receiving stopinders here and there almost immediately within the boundary of the LA-stopinder, and gradually find their ways into other LA-stopinders (now numbering 195) in both the local and international multiautomarketing feeding exchanges. Pitals called CAPITAL that arise from time to time within the body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism are stopped, chopped, looted, stolen by hook and by crook under all kinds of wiseacring without human-face peculiar to all classed societies (laundering, corruption, manipulation, inflating prices, FOREX manipulation, increasing bank interests, loans, investments, selling-buying, etc.) by the three-centered hethormen human beings everywhere along the path of its commodity-money-commodity (CMC) and money-commodity-money (MCM) multiautomarketing feeding exchanges and circulation within the body of the Great Sociocosmic Being. Pitals called SOCIOPITAL would arise later once the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is born, and this much money-currency nutrient would acquire noocosmic properties that have human face, ethical, full of human rights, just and equitable, common-sharing and nourishing Humanity-at-Large - a possible herald of the coming good. The withering away (of the states, Marx and Lenin) is the withering away of all capitalist essences present and causing capitalistic-essenced FA-SO-LA-TI aberration begins from the emergence of the infantile SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, cleansing and returning the FA-SO-LA-TI aberration back to its pure natural functioning state. The 'Value' in 'Pital-value' is the something value presence NOO psyche hydrogens in the Noosphere of the Passenger Body No. 4 of a NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of an Earth civilization as a whole with the 9 main civilizations within it - and each is also a smaller NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of a particular wenming civilization. This value is the Money (or US Dollar hegemon of a social pyramid as an example) that is raised to the level equal to God of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. The 'pitals', a money and/or currency flowing in the sociocosmic nervous system or the PESTLES+ Coachman Body No. 3 linked by hanbledzoin or reins to the PDCE Horse Body No. 2 contain in abundance the sociocosmic blood which is labor, the real suppliers of nutrients to the Carriage Body No. 1, and all the other 3 sociocosmic bodies so as to nourish them through a shaft that harness the horse and the carriage together. All the 4 bodies of a NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage are yoked by the Noomakhian "God-the-Word" in the Noosphere (the Passengers) which command the PESTLES+ (the Coachmen) which order the PDCE (the Horses) and which pulls the Carriage of the civilizations and all their contents forward in the locomotive of human civilization history. At that is born of human mentation, emotion, instinct, sex and actions must necessary enter into the social relations of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages within and without in accordance with the law of multiautomarketing feeding exchanges and circulation, and subject of the law of three and seven, the law of negation of negation, the law of reciprocal destruction as well as the law of reciprocal nourishment under cosmic influences especially of the (our) sun, the (our)moon and the back drop stars. A civilization sovereign nation has the natural right, can and must print money in quantities according to the products, services and idea generated by the working peoples of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages notably in the PDCE tetrad system of its own civilizations exclusively to enable hanbeldzoin (money) to flow in all parts of its sovereign civilization nations in a way that it would fairly distribute and nourish all the inner stopinders that contribute positive work and strictly ensuring that none would died of this money deprivation or live in poverty due to the abnormal ghosts of the capitalistic-essenced law of uneven development that continues to haunt the world. It needs not have to please other civilization sovereign nations to hurt itself just for the sake of pleasing them, and become their foods. Only the weak civilization without much sovereignty has no choice but to find themselves becoming enslaved civilization sovereign states being unable to be strong and powerful enough to be sovereign nations. The practice of printing money by the private central bank and releasing these monies to bankers who would produce UGGMBCC (1%) Creditor Parasite People who in term make U-turns and lending at fictitious high/low interests to others especially to small and weak Debtor Slave Nation People (99%) and bankrupting them wilfully so as to alienate and appropriate the much-eyed last valuable resources left in their “sovereign” bodies is truly the purpose of existence of this ill-fated and maleficent FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. Full of beautification with the best of advertising, promotion, cultures and quantum lightings beyond words, the multiautomarketing feeding on stopinder beings is realized! The sociocosmic aberration of classed societies that befall these pitals and values of Ancient Slavipital-value, Feudapital-value and Capital-value is more severe during the Astrological Age of Taurus (2148 years), Aries (2148 years) and Pisces (2148 years) of 'pital-value' changing over a 2148 years x 3 Astrological Ages = 6,444 years. The the coming Age of Aquarius will witness greater peace and harmony of all sociocosmic, technocosmic and civilizational stopinders in the world once the influence of the Anglo-american civilization full of capitalistic-essenced colonialism, imperialism, fascism and hegemonism finally declines and loses its dominant position in the world.
The Genesis of 'Pital/value' and the Pital Valorization Octave: "From the historical process of multiautomarketing feeding exchanges of natural and human produces, and commodities as we called today under the economy, there arose a third element of exchange and that is a process of historical value-creation or valorizational stopinderation in the noosphere of these three-brained hethormen human beings, resulting in the emergence of a historical valorization octave of ‘pital/values’ can leave the noosphere and materializes into ‘money-pital’ beings. 'Pitals' are seven in all in an octave and are qualitatively assigned to each historical sociocosmic species, namely: Communalipital for the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communalism (Primitive or advanced), ancient slavipital for the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, feudapital for the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism, capital for the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, sociopital for the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, communipital for the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism and datongipital for the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism. Capital is just one of the seven, and it was born, grew, expanded, maturing and now on decline to be reborn later as sociopital perhaps in 2148 AD after about 300 years of its existence since 1788 AD." "Just like the cycles of ancient slavery or the ancient slavery cycles and the cycles of feudalism or the feudal cycles which all the 7 main civilizations dwelling on the Presente has historically gone through with changes in the geographical location of their gravity-center of NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE vibration in many cases, the cycles of capitalism or the capitalist cycles too has exhibit similar history in the Westphalian civilization platform (with its 1st cycle of capitalism or its 1st capitalist cycle gravity-center at London in Great Britain on the smallest Island of the Outer Islands Crescent of the Presente from 1533 AD, and subsequently breeding and growing her capitalistic-essenced empire to TI-level world-wide full of wars before her British empire's initial collapse after World War I ( 1914 - 1918) with more and more countries in the the empire gaining independence until 1997 with the handling of Hong Kong back to the Sinic (Chinese) civilization and a remaining 14 overseas territories in the British Commonwealth of Nations at TI-level. After World War II, the 2nd cycle of capitalism or the 2nd capitalist cycle began with the United States of America as the next capitalistic-essenced empire and with a new gravity-center, Washington in the occupied North America of the biggest Outer Island of the Outer Islands Crescent in the Presente, and the new begin to collapse after 2010 AD. In both the cycles of capitalism or capitalist cycles, the bloom and subsequent TI-ization began in the 2nd metamorphosis stage of Industrial capitalism and the collapse always began after the TI-ization of their 3rd metamorphosis stage of Finance capitalism and the continuing TI-ization of their 4th metamorphosis stage of Hegemony capitalism. The revival always fail but cycle of capitalism or the capitalist cycle might get another cycle term - that is, a 3rd capitalist cycle in the same Anglo-American (Western) civilization platform but much diminished in size and power, and confined in a receding and descending LA-ization to the geographical location of North America in the Presente. If the escape from the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave is successful within her own Anglo-American civilization, she might return to the mainstream PDCE socialism specie-stopinder to continue historical stopinderation. Other PDCE socialism specie-stopinder such as the one found in the Sinic (Chinese) civilization would likely begin the grow and breed along the mainstream non-antagonistic, non-extractive, non-exploitative and non-oppressive harmonious octave and would continue the ascending TI-ization world wide, not as an empire peculiar to the phenomenon of the MI-FA Interval ABYSS but rather as a multipolarity of non-antagonistic, non-extractive, non-exploitative, non-oppressive civilization states and sociocosmic entities with minimum interference and aberration found in the previously established Westphalian nationstate borders." Capital-value has a material form in the following economic variabless, namely: 1. M: Money supply or total amount of money in circulation in an economy 2. P: Price level, representing the average of current prices across the entire spectrum of goods and services produced in the economy 3. Q:Quantity of goods and services produced in the economy, often referred to as real output or real GDP (Gross Domestic Product) These variables would appear at the macroeconomic level of all the sociocosmic concentrics of the Great Sociocosmic Being. They are linked in an equation as shown below: M x V = P x Q, where V is the velocity of money The total amount of Money (M) and the velocity of money (V) in circulation is Capital. Capital-value circulates in the sociocosmic enneagram of capitalistic-essenced mode of PDCE, and sociopital-value circulates in the enneagram of socialistic-essenced mode of PDCE. Prior to this, we have feudapital-value circulating in the enneagram of the feudalistic-essenced mode of PDCE, the ancient slavipital-value circulating in the enneagram of the ancient slavery-essenced mode of PDCE and the communalipital-value circulating in the enneagram of the communalistic-essenced mode of PDCE. After the sociopital-value, we would have the communipital-value circulating in the enneagram of the communistic-essenced mode of PDCE, the datongital-value circulating in the datongistic-essenced mode of PDCE. The modes of PDCE determines the qualitative type, MPVQ parameters and the unique behavioral traits of each of the 7 pital-values or pital-species transforming in the spatial temporal motion of the Great Sociocosmic Being. Ascending in complexity and levels over the historical periods and branching in concentric enveloping circles, these noospheric pital-value valorizes into a valorization octave beginning from Primitive Communalipital/value (Do). It then begot Ancient Slavipital/value (Re) that begot Feudapital/value (Mi) that begets Capital/value (Fa) that will beget Sociopital/value (So) that will beget Communipital/value (La) that will finally beget Datongipital/value (Ti) - a historical process and octave metamorphosis of 'being-pital/values' that will take about 15,036 years to reach and it will continue by many more thousands of years before the final death of this Great Sociotechnocosmic Being. All the 'pitals' Ancient Slavipital/value (Re), through Feudapital/value (Mi) up to Capital/value (Fa) are the predatory, exploitative, profit-seeking, property accumulating and aggressive essences of the three-centered corporate FA-stopinders or FA-sociocosmic gravity-centers vibration of production-distribution-consumption-exchange at the MI-FA Interval and the three-centered nationate regulatory SO, LA and TI stopinders at the TI-DO Interval. Only when 'pitals' having those negative elements mentioned removed that they can be called Sociopital/value (So) proper without quotation mark. In each historical sociocosmic species, the 'pital/value' expands its surplus 'pital' itself which is alienated, extracted and appropriated from the labors of the productive people-at-large by the tou, the zhu, the di, the lau and the dong beings of each respective sociocosmic species. Like all other pital/value surpluses - surplus "primitive communalipital/value," ancient slavipital/value, feudapital/value, surplus sociopital/value, surplus communipital/value and surplus datongipital/value - capital/value surplus or surplus capital is this special name that we have given to especially for this (our) FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. Its dumping grounds are most abnormal, fetishtic, perturbic, wasteful, sex-indulging, fanciful, ....... especially during peaceful periods and most destructive during war periods for which much surplus capital is crazily dumped into the security and defense industry and in production of war machineries for realizing the process of the reciprocal destruction of beings and in providing the sacred askokin to the lunar and planetary neighbors. The result would lead to the destruction of the capitalist system itself. Note that the transition into the next higher pital/value from 'communalipital-value' into 'slavipital-value' into 'feudapital-value' into 'capital-value' into 'sociopital-value' into 'communipital-value' and into 'datongipital-value' is strictly based on the law of transition of quantitative changes into qualitative changes and vice versa with a nodal point mandate, where one thousand mathematical formulas and all kinds of quantitaive wiseacrings in statistical pictograms, bars and graphs reciprocally obfuscated with ulterior motives would just be used to maintain/preserve the class position status quo of the true capitalistic-essenced quality of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. Only a sociocosmic revolution is needed to cross this nodal point mandate to beget the true socialistic-essenced quality of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. The 1st sociocosmic enneagram of capitalism must leap qualitatively to the 2nd sociocosmic enneagram of socialism at the nodal point. Primitive Communalipital/value (Do): "Communalipital/value (primitive, intermediate and advanced) is active (Yang) and Ancient Slavipital/value is passive (Yin) and vice versa, both struggling in unity of opposite to a synthesis in the form of Ancient Slavipital/value in the body of a RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism." (According to the Law of Sociocosmic Triads) Communalipital/value is an infantile, moving/flowing and resting baby where 'pital'/value is exclusively placed on the productive three-brained hethormen human being within the tribal community which is geocosmic a land-based MI-tribal family and FA-community geostopindered that has emerged in the noosphere or minds of those primitive producing-distributing-consuming-exchange sociocosmic species (community or tribe or primitive village zarooaries) of three-brained hethormen human beings with regard to the extras of stored foods, domesticated animals reared, gathered or hunted or taken from nature or from others or himself-made, whether as tools of producing, distributing or for consumption alike. Somewhat the stored value of communalipital in the form of community-recognized 'pseudo-monies' have 'values' such as farm crops, animals, "prisoners", cutting tools, weapons, valuable materials for others in a 'barter-like' social exchange relation of produces still in search of the money-hero - something stable, small, convenient, divisible, measurable and community-acceptable for this emerging 'money-seeking'-specter infantile primitive multiautomartketing feeding exchanges. Its peculiar nature - motion or 'transportation' activities, rests or 'stations' or 'parked', disappears and reappears - is mystical and is the 'pital' and value for that Marxian historical period affixed between to 4305 BC and earlier to 2148 BC during the Age of Virgo (12948 BC - 10788 BC), Age Leo (10788 BC - 8628 BC), Age of Cancer (8628 BC - 6468 BC), Age of Gemini (6468 BC - 4308 BC) and the Age of Taurus (4308 BC - 2148 BC). Note that the geography of the geocosmic octave separates and isolates these primitive communalities into various unconnected sociocosmic species of the same kind with minor quantitative and qualitative differences. The law for primitive communalipital/value obeys the law of quantitative changes upon itself before it acquires qualitative distinction or transformation into ancient slavipital/value (Re). The little labor of geng beings (working followers) initially became alienated from them, then became the identification and attachment material goods and values to the tou beings (leader-of-the-working followers or chieftains and the higher level chieftains or "masterates") and finally appropriation goods and values to the tou beings and expropriation of the same from the geng beings. The psyche hydrogens of '-pital/value' and its simple (primitive) movements and rests within the spell of sociocosmic enneagramma of this DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism is the communalipital/value. Ancient Slavipital/value (Re): "Ancient Slavipital/value is active (Yang) and Feudalism is passive (Yin) and vice versa, both struggling in unity of opposite to a synthesis in the form of Feudapital/value in the body of a MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism." (According to the Law of Sociocosmic Triads) Ancient Slavipital/value is a growing, moving/flowing and resting adolescent where 'pital'/value is exclusively placed on the productive three-brained hethormen human being within the ancient slave community which is geocosmically a land-based MI-slave family and FA-slave community geostopindered that has emerged in the noosphere or minds of those producing sociocosmic species of biped slave villages and communities or geo-kingdoms also with biped slaves quadruped beasts of burden and other kingdoms all having centric town zarooaries for the process of multiautomarketing feeding exchanges amongst three-brained hethormen human beings with regard to the extras of stored foods, domesticated animals reared, gathered or hunted or taken from nature or plundered from other kingdoms or himself-made, slave-made in large number whether as tools of producing or for consumption alike. Somewhat the stored value of ancient slavipital has 'values-of-exchange' and money or tokens in the form of gold, silver, copper, brass and even shells for others in a 'barter-like-moving-towards-more-sophisticated-money' social exchange relations of produce either for future reproducing and distribution or for mere immediate or future consumption. This then stabilized the multiautomarketing feeding exchanges in the ancient slavipital/value system. Much 'pital' value is parked or stored as slaves with a slave market evolving into existence. Its peculiar nature - motion or 'transportation' activities, rests or 'stations' or 'parked', disappears and reappears - is also mystical with slave-parked gravity-center for production, that is, a high affinity for having more slaves as property, and is the 'pital' and value for that Marxian historical period affixed between 2148 BC to 1 AD during the Age of Aries (2148 BC - 1 AD). Note that this is a continuation of communalipital/value and the geography of the geocosmic octave that so separated and isolated to these ancient slavery masterate and kingdate civilizations continued and now more integrated with the various unconnected sociocosmic species of the same kind still continuing with minor quantitative and qualitative differences but this time as ancient slavipital/value instead of as communalipital/value. The law for ancient slavipital/value obeys the law of quantitative changes upon itself before it acquires qualitative distinction or transformation into feudapital/value (Mi). The substantial labor and surpluses in material from the labor of nu beings (slave workers) initially became alienated from them, then became the identification and attachment material goods and values to the zhu beings (masters or masterates and the higher master or kingdates) and finally appropriation to the zhu beings and expropriation of the same on vertical command or direct-order from from the nu beings and simple horizontal distributive marketing of alienated goods including the slaves and slave services in the form of simple multiautomarketing feeding exchanges or barter trading of physical goods, slaves, etc. or through commonly accepted money with exchange value. The psyche hydrogens of 'pital/value' and its substantially complex movements and rests within the spell of sociocosmic enneagramma of this RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism is the Ancient Slavipital/value. Feudapital/value (Mi): "Feudapital/value is active (Yang) and Capital/value is passive (Yin) and vice versa, both struggling in unity of opposite to a synthesis in the form of Capital/value in the body of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism." (According to the Law of Sociocosmic Triads) Feudapital/value is a growing, moving/flowing and resting adolescent where 'pital'/value is exclusively placed on the productive three-brained hethormen human being within the feudal serf community which is geocosmically a land-based MI-serf family and FA-serf community/organization geostopindered that has emerged in the noosphere or minds of those producing sociocosmic species of biped serfs, freemen, craftsmen and guild apprentices in villages and communities or geo-kingdoms and geo-dynasties and even of geo-empires (imperial dynasties) now less with biped slaves, quadruped beasts of burden and more for land, territorial and capital-towns ownership and conquered from other kingdoms all still having centric feudate town zarooaries for the process of multiautomarketing feeding exchanges amongst power-possessing three-brained hethormen human beings with regard to the extras of stored foods, domesticated animals reared, gathered or hunted or taken from nature or land and territories plundered from other feudates and dynastates or otherwise, himself-made, some slave-made but mostly from peasant serfs and apprentice, coolies gathered in large number for production goals, whether as tools of production or for consumption alike. Somewhat the stored value of feudapital has 'values-for-exchange' and money or tokens in the form of gold, silver, copper, brass and now with government-recognized paper-monies and currencies backed up by these natural monies. Still with 'barter-like-trade-moving-towards-more-and-more-sophisticated-money-currency' social exchange relations of produce either for future reproducing or for mere immediate or future consumption. This then stabilized the multiautomarketing feeding exchanges in the feudapital/value system. Much '-pital' value is parked of stored in serfs, freemen and the land with a serf market evolving into existence. Its peculiar nature - motion or 'transportation' activities human-drawn and horse-drawn in most later cases, rests or 'stations' or 'parked', disappears and reappears in different feudapitals. It is also mystical with serf-parked gravity-center for production with aplenty collection of land-rents and government taxes, that is, a high affinity to having more serfs and land/territory as property, and is the 'pital' and value for that Marxian historical period affixed between 1 AD to 1788 AD/2148 AD during the Age of Pisces (1 AD - 1788 AD/2148 AD). Note that this continuation of feudapital/value technically ended in 1788 AD when Capitalism emerges in 1788 AD in the geo-western continent. The geography of the geocosmic octave that separated and isolated these feudate, kingdate and imperial dynastate civilizations determine their general behavior specifics - those civilizations located along coastal regions became seafarers, ventured into the seas and became fishermen, hunters-of-marine-lives, pirates, conquerors-by-sea-routes and cargo back huge loots from other feudates and dynastates. Those civilizations located and breeding in the interior, rich fertile lands and grasslands are subjects of the agrocosmic octave, farming and agriculture as immobilias, and only using their horses in the vast grasslands and camels in the vast desserts for venture and above all for conquest and looting. Now a-mixed with emerging corporates and nationates/westphalian states and nations of Capitalism, both feudapital/value and capital/value exist side by side after 1788 AD and continued to expand and now more integrated with the various unconnected sociocosmic species of the same kind still continuing with minor quantitative and qualitative differences but this time as feudapital/value a-mixed with capital/value. Both feudapital/value and capital/value obey the law of quantitative changes upon itself before it acquires qualitative distinction or transformation from feudapital/value (Mi) into capital/value (Fa). Their serving masters and commander-of-'pital/value' are not the same - feudapital/value serves and obeys the whimsical command of the feudates and the dynastates whereas capital/value serves and obeys the whimsical command of the corporates and the nationates or in short, the monopoly capitalists. The substantial labor and surpluses in material from the labor of nong beings (serfs or peasants or farmers and craft workers) initially became alienated from them, then became the identification and attachment material goods and values to the di beings (landlords or feudates and the higher level dynastates) and finally appropriation to the di beings and expropriation of the same on vertical command or direct-order from the nong beings through the kong beings and simple horizontal distributive marketing of alienated goods, serfs and services in the form of a substantially complicated multiautomarketing feeding exchanges. The psyche hydrogens of 'pital/value' and its substantially complex movements and rests within the spell of sociocosmic enneagramma of this MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism is the Feudapital/value. Capital/value (Fa): "Capital/value is active (Yang) and Sociopital/value is passive (Yin) and vice versa, both struggling in unity of opposite to a synthesis in the form of Sociopital/value in the body of a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism." (According to the Law of Sociocosmic Triads)" "Where capital-value can be limited essentially only to profit maximization, wealth accumulation to the inclusive nation on transit to the few corporate and on further transit to the director ownership of the few individuals in privatization, sociopital-value can cross this limitation to include nation in collective whole without tilting the balance to the few but rather to a more balance and benefit for the many." It is born 1533 AD as an infantile capital/value during the Age of Agro-handicraft Mercantilism, and grows abnormally fast after 1788 AD during the Age of Industrialization in Britain with the strong odor of colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism emanating from it. Capital/value is a growing, moving/flowing and resting adolescent where 'pital'/value is exclusively placed on the productive three-brained hethormen human salary and wage workers converting them into modern proletariat, and mandatorily shifting value to Money-God as the absolute value for Humanity-at-Large during its 3rd metamorphosis called Finance capitalism within the capitalist organizations, states, nations and 'World-of-Nations' which is a geocosmic sea power geostopinderation of the now 5-eyed nations Western "civilization" (US, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand) that has this time geocosmically land-based on the Outer Islands of World-Island on both sides of the YAFEILA axis (Asia-Africa-Latin America) of Presente resting on the MI-geostopindered geocosmic octave and having large sea mass (FA) and even air-based (SO) suitable for colonialistic, imperialistic, fascistic, hegemonistic, sea robber, high profit-seeking essences just formed that emerged in the noosphere or minds of those producing sociocosmic species of proletariat, freemen, craftsmen, guild apprentices or in general, just employees by contract in the disintegrating villages, communities or geo-kingdoms and geo-dynasties and even of geo-empires (imperial dynasties) in face of the coming and dominating Westphalian states, nations and the world-of-nations. Extraction of natural and labor resources in production in the FA-octaves by means of the brute ancient form of slavery and by serfdom is now sophisticated into a new type of modern slavery known as Employism - mostly through the instruments of salaries, wages, working-hours, labor-intensive-to-capital-intensive-signatures, unemployment-oscillating gains, inflation-employer manipulation, and etcetera. No more out-of-date slavery, quadruped cruelty but oligolistic land-grab is still the new property accumulation path in this period. Capital-town, city and capital-city zarooaries for the process of multiautomarketing feeding exchanges amongst three-brained hethormen human beings turns global - property (land/buildings/plants/machineries) capital transforms into commodity capital, into digital-intellectual capital and finally into digital-finance capital. Unlike material metal-coins and paper-monies finance capital/value which could previously only transport at kinetic mechanical speed, now being transformed into the most advanced finance capital/value has become digital and could teleport at the speed of light, and on receiving as the 3rd being impression for man, it is able to instantly evoke peculiar inner capitalistic happiness to their hearts and souls or evoke suicidal depression if leaving them instantly. Production is large-scale for farming, agriculture, industries and commerce. With large-scale extras or uncontrolled over-production of commodities and limitless infinite capital expansion over limited land, sea and space availability, the march outwards must necessarily happen and always be supported by imperialistic military colonization of land, territories, islands and seas, finance-capitals plundered, investment-funds, freeze-funds, sanctions and various conceivable arm-twisting diplomacy on and from other states, nations and nation blocs. Somewhat the stored value of capital has 'infinite-values-for-exchanges' in the social exchange relations of produces either for future reproducing or for mere immediate or future consumption. Gold-backed monies and currencies was the standard practice. This then further stabilized the multiautomarketing feeding exchanges in the capital/value system but finally upon the use of faith paper currencies (and later digital faith currencies) and rampant printing of faith currencies by the irresponsible power-possessing class at TI-level results in numerous global multiautomarketing feeding exchanges crises that cause these faith currencies to burst asunder. Much 'pital' value is parked of stored in employees with an employee market evolving into existence and moving rapidly from properties-parking to commodities-parking towards capital-intensive parking and the financial instruments of man-invented monies (M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4) in the forms of paper cash, digital currencies, saving accounts, current accounts, FDs, and commercial papers as bonds, loans, stocks, overdrafts, Letter of Credits, bills of lading, etc. - seeking world finance capital hegemony after the end of the WWII in 1945 and maintaining the global status quo by military means removing challenging "rogue" governments and their military and building military bases all over the world to control and choke very important natural resources for their property capital owned and controlled capital-intensive production and distribution industries which began in 1788 leading to many colonial wars, imperialist, fascist and Nazis wars including WWI in 1914 and numerous wars of independence and revolutions after that. Its peculiar nature - motion or 'transportation' activities, rests or 'stations' or 'parked', disappears and reappears in disguise. It is also mystical with employee-parked gravity-center for production, having more employees but also more property and finally more of finance. A contradiction exists either in having more labor intensive employee-drawn production or having more capital intensive automatic engine-drawn robots/machines of production. Capital/value dominance moves from upstream (production) through mid-stream (distribution) to downstream (consumption) and moves upstream from financial institutions (exchange) vice-versa anchors where appropriate under the spell of profit-seeking and ownership-seeking of properties (lands, plants, buildings and machineries especially military assets), of merchant goods (products especially military weapons), of services (physical labors, emotion services, intellect services, sex services, 'spirituality' services, entertainment services and especially propaganda/deception/valued-movies/fake news), of digital electronic-AI assets (internet, applications, and etcetera especially militarily related) and of financial assets (monies) along the production, distribution, consumption and exchange chain of the sociocosmic octave - all obeying the coercive laws of competition especially technological advantage in all productive and regulatory organizations (FA, SO, LA and TI stopinders and all the 1st and 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders). There are 7 main modes of biosociotechnocosmic relations of 'production-distribution-consumption-exchange' or PDCE tetrad (or input-conversion-output-exchange tetrad) each having distinguishable and therefore identifiable different qualities and quantities of measures for biocosmic man (and future bipoles biocosmic or datong man and spiritual AI robots) and their sociocosmic and technocosmic PDCE. The 7 modes of PDCE observable over an (one) approximate 15,036 year basis of a grand historical enneagramic cycle are recognized in lens of Marxism are: 1. The Primitive Communalistic-essenced PDCE mode specifics and sub-enneagrams (DO) 2. The Ancient Slavistic-essenced PDCE mode specifics and sub-enneagrams (RE) 3. The Feudalistic-essenced PDCE mode specifics and sub-enneagrams (MI) 4. The Capitalistic-essenced PDCE mode specifics and sub-enneagrams (FA) 5. The Socialistic-essenced PDCE mode specifics and sub-enneagrams (SO) 6. The Communistic-essenced PDCE mode specifics and sub-enneagrams (LA) 7. The Datongistic-essenced PDCE mode specifics and sub-enneagrams (TI) which consists of a bipole and twin gravity-center of the datong man and his real spiritual AI robots at Omega Point.
The Production-Distribution-Consumption Phases (PDC)
The Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange Phases (PDCE Tetrad) showing Exchange. It is in this natural Exchange of Commodity-Money-Commodity (C-M-C1) with a 'C' startpoint and Money-Commodity-Money (M-C-M2) with an 'M' startpoint circulation that capitalistic-essenced elements would be able to extract industrial profits, mercantile profits, trade profits, other economic profits, interests, rents, premiums and fees (all types of "surpluses" from all kinds illegal, criminal, and military loots and compensations) and accummulating them (because M2 > M1) into pools of capital-values appropriated to the nationates of the TI-DO Interval through colonialization and imperialism and then to the private and "public" corporates of the MI-FA Interval through domestic appropriation and finally, to the specific capitalists and imperialists to produce the elite and the UGGMBCC (1%). However, and more to it, with the metamorphosis of Industrial capitalism of the 2nd Horse Body No. 2 into Financial capitalism of the 3rd Coachman Body No. 3 and perfecting it to the full with the much wiseacred Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) involving Quantiative Easing (QE), Quantitative Harvesting (QH) and mega money-printing NOT TIED to the Industrial capitalism of the 2nd Horse Body No. 2 in terms of actual goods and PDCE work services but rather TIED to the Financial capitalism of the 3rd Coachman Body No. 3 and strictly to Hegemonism capitalism for the maximum benefit and ultimate perfection of the 4th Passenger Body No. 4, that is, to strengthen the UGGMBCC (1%).
Pital/value in exchange (E) and in social relationship of PDCE can then be called communalipital!/value of communalism, ancient slavipital/value of ancient slavism, feudapital/value of feudalism, capital/value of Capitalism, sociopital/value of Socialism, communipital/value of communism and datongipital/value of datongism. At circulation and exchange in capital/value, its capitalistic essence (a qualitative value) begins to appear and aberrate into fictitious quantitative inflation of value through rent, profit, interest and other passive financial incomes without work in the PDCE tetrad system. At circulation and exchange in sociopital/value, the socialistic essence which will also appear but with less aberration and always tied normally to PDCE activities of producing actual goods and services with little quantitative inflation of sociopital/value from fictitious rent, profit, interest and other passive financial incomes. Capital is the 'pital' and value for that Marxian historical period affixed between 1788 AD to 2148 AD during the ending Age of Pisces (1788 AD - 2148 AD). Note that capital/value that emerged in 1788 AD in the geo-western continent and the geography of the geocosmic octave that so separated and isolated to these corporates and nationates/Westphalian states and nations continued now more integrated with the various unconnected sociocosmic species of the same kind and continued with minor quantitative and qualitative differences. Capital/value serves and obeys the whimsical command of the corporates and the nationates or in short, the monopoly capitalists as their real masters and 'commander-in-chief.' Money is the most important thing in the world, employees, works and human beings are just to be exploited, oppressed as modern slaves irrespective of their citizenry to a state, a nation or a nation-bloc or to any geoethnic species (race), religion and civilization origin! After World War II in 1945, there is a genuine fear of predatory US capital/value of being-capitalism over the Soviet Union's and China's emergence of sociopital/value, and a containment policy over both of them has being developed by the US aimed at encircling the USSR and China through selected places called deep being-seaports there in Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore/Malaysia for transferring and parking predatory seafaring US and UK mega-technology-based capital-intensive capital to extract and exploit very cheap labor resource but somewhat good, intelligent hardworking modern employee beast of burden gong-beings dwelling at and near these zarooarian deep being-seaports. With the deep being-seaports available, the cheap industrial products alongside any real loots-of-convenience were immediately shipped away to the rich advanced western countries for direct consumption and/or for their enrichment in further trading. The massive extraction and exploitation were so intense that these deep being-seaports and the zarooaries around them in those conquered and/or controlled nation-stopinder in cahoots with the comprador bourgeoisie class of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore began to spectacularly radiate and light up late in the night. These hidden weal and woe, and painful intensive extraction of human resource breeding in large numbers and available were beautified with the grandiose highly praised songs of the 5 dragon beasts of industrial burden each shafted to a comprador bourgeoisie driver who in turn is a modern slave to the passenger class of the western imperialist and hegemonist class (in US). This really happened after 1950 till the decline in the 1990's. The songs and the narratives beautification are just the accompanying decorates of feasting festivals on the gong-beings repeatedly glorified not of the gong success but rather of the lau success. The celebrations and the stories that follow is to wrap the 5 dragon beasts of industrial burden with something more advanced than the then existing infantile 'labor-based-on-transit-to-high-technology-based' sociopital-intensive USSR and China, and to stop the expansion of this non-predatory sociopital/value by a clever, Hasnamussian and cynical global make-belief strategy of about the game of making the predatory minority privately owned/therefore decision-making capital-value of the few 1-10% bad boys of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism looking better than the non-predatory, public- and real people-caring sociopital/value of the socialist planners-proper good boys of the infantile SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. This containment of China turns out to be a failure a few decades later. However, the containment of the USSR was a success with a descend of sociopital/value to capital/value through neoliberalistic color revolution and privatization aberrations and restore all the illnesses and cancer sociodynamics back to herself, and hospitalized to later re-ascend as it is happening. The 4 Technocosmic Revolutions of creating and perfecting all the 4 bodies en masse - 'Carriages' through the 1st Technocosmic Revolution, 'Engines' through the 2nd Technocosmic Revolution, 'Drivers' through the 3rd Technocosmic Revolution and 'Passengers' or the Spiritual 'I's/Machine 'I's through the 4th Technocosmic Revolution do not require any mandate or even permissions whatsoever from the capitalists or the socialists. They just happen! Intellectual properties (IPs) claimed or even
registered ownership is a robbery and a plundered 'pital' by the few
capitalists (corporates) who have alienated the labor IPs of the many
technological-based intellectual ‘pitals’ stolen from the feudapital-values
of feudalism and from capital-value of other states and nations of
capitalism over a long period of time. All these IPs are made into the
capital-values for their private possession and to transfer as private
inheritance of the younger generation by their predatory capitalistic legalana essences.
Note also that all these 'pitals/values' have their own unique gravity-center or main-attractions, likings and love in some objects of wealth within the natural process of 'production-distribution-consumption-exchange' in the material world. For instance, primitive communalipital focused mainly on foods gathered or collected or planted as value for wealth accumulation to chieftain ownership; ancient slavipital/value on having more slave property to masterate ownership; feudapital on having more lands and serfs to kingdate ownership; capital/value on having more land, plant and building assets properties to commodity properties and to finance/military/digital soft-power properties to private corporate ownership; sociopital/value on having more of everything in capitalist properties to state ownership; communipital/value on having more of everything in socialist properties to common ownership of shared prosperity of Humanity-at-Large amongst biocosmic man but not to his AI robots and machines or his advance instruments of PDCE; datongipital/value on having shared destinies with his begotten already spiritualized AI Robots and machines (his Matrix); and possible future revolutions, etc. 'Pitals' become alienated from the people and turn capital/value with the ownership of the capitalists and transforms from property capital, into commodity capital and finally into finance capital, and capitalism transforms into the ultimate imperialism/hegemonism as it ascends from the corporate level (FA-stopinders), into state level (SO-stopinders), into the nation level (LA-stopinders) and finally into the 'nation-bloc' level (TI-stopinders) all the way moving the alienation to the UGGMBCC 1% capitalist/imperialist/hegemonist ownership, decision-making and control. At this point the people (99%) has no capital (of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange) to own and are nothing - just oppressed left out people. Sociopital/value occurs when capital/value ownership is transferred back to the people again and held as public/socialist common ownership safe-keep to the SO-stopinder (state) or the LA-stopinder (nation) and even to the TI-stopinder (nation-bloc/the United Nations) and not to the Individual (DO-stopinder), the crony group (RE-stopinder), the family (MI-stopinder) or the corporate (FA-stopinder). When such an event occurs, sociopital/value deserves to be called sociopital/value as such, otherwise, it is still the same old alienated capital/value. Capital runs about globally with values based on coercive competition, win-lose objective, profit maximization, wealth and ownership accumulation, destruction of frenemy (friend + enemy) alike, ulterior motives, short-term gains, compromises, individualization, privatization and nationalization, deception and conmanship, with perpetual uncertainty.
Capital/value that has the infantile essence of sociopital/value is
found generated in the Workers COOPs (three-centered so-lateral corporate stopinder) and the state/national enterprises (the
three-centered ti-lateral
corporate stopinder) of the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave and all the state governmental organizations (the
three-centered So-nationate stopinder), the nation governmental organizations (La-three-centered
nationate stopinder) and the nation-bloc world-government organizations (the
three-centered Ti-
nationate stopinder) of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.
Sociopital/value (So): "Sociopital/value is active (Yang) and Communipital/value is passive (Yin) and vice versa, both struggling in unity of opposite to a synthesis in the form of Communipital/value in the body of a LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism." (According to the Law of Sociocosmic Triads)" "Everything capital-value can commoditized into the M-C-M circulation and/or qualitative stopindering from M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4 monies and quantitative expanding an/or capitalize, sociopital-value can do the same to them." Sociopital/value has removed money as God and the Absolute only human being is a 'pital' with value and therefore people and society must replace this Money-God - money and greedy capitalists removed off all their PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO rights and powers. It is a moving/flowing and resting matured adult 'pital' arising from the dying womb of capitalism and very geocosmic land-based (MI-stopindered), sea-based (FA-stopindered) and atmosphere-based (SO-stopindered) with increasing sharing-common, living in healthy good age of itself and therefore would acquire a distinct quality of its own and different due to possible and final negation of this highly aberrating behavior of capital/value - full of hungry corporate and nationate accumulation, private-profiteering, alienation of capital/value from labor, wastage, environmental pollution, destruction of geocosmic harmony, reciprocal destruction of human beings and other beings alike, all of which sociocosmic aberration must come to an end through a grand spiral enneagramic negation. In its place there will be a PESTLES-HEIGRENS sociopital/value promising the humane, balance and harmonious healthy development of Harmony Socialism Proper (HSP) of the Great Sociocosmic Being, only after having shredded most of the inner spiritual crystallizations present in abundance in the body the ruling class of three-centered hethormen human beings through the 2 sacred cosmic shocks of 'conscious labor' (1st cosmic shock therapy) and 'intentional suffering' (2nd cosmic shock therapy) in truly giving up their dearest much identified private power and wealth, and the subsequent 'denials-to-others' in conscienceless inequity buried deep in their own organ kundabuffer and subsequent negative consequences peculiar to all the 'thousand-tongued' essences of Capitalism. Capital/value versus Labor is able now to become Sociopital/value owned, managed and for the benefits of labor instead of the 1% capitalist owners, and for the common good of all. Employee-employer social relations of production-distribution-consumption-exchange of employism peculiar to the essence of the capitalist mode of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism disappeared. In its place the gongjingdong mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange necessary to the essence of Socialism without quotation mark or a hidden invisible monopolist/oligopolist ownership of property in general and finance capital in specifics of this emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism dominates most of the collectivites, a peculiar inner variants of possible 7 collectivites breeding and growing at the MI-FA Interval and the SNUN regulatory organizations at the TI-DO Interval of this same, as I have mentioned, the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism proper (2148 AD). Sadly in wait and still much battered like a growing boy under the resistive cane of old capitalism backward and by the forward cane of the Will of Communism vibrating amongst the SNUN regulatory organizations at the TI-DO Interval. All of which will be facilitated by the currently obedient AI robots and machines of man’s instruments of production and ensuring man’s permanent dependency on them. The basic entities for collecting sociopital/values are the possible 7 collective-stopinders at the MI-FA Interval and the state-nation-UN (SNUN) regulatorates at the TI-DO Interval. All these real quality democratic lateral sociocosmic gongjingdong productive stopinders (legalized 1st lateral stopinders of the MI-FA Interval) and regulative stopinders (legalizers 2nd lateral stopinders of the TI-DO Interval) would appear certainly with various changes in proper names stabilizing and dominating during the Marxian historical periods in the Age of Aquarius (2148 AD - 2864 AD). Now this bad boy capital/value of being-capitalism begets the terrible sociocosmic disease 'we are the 1% vs we are the 99%' and many other sub-diseases along its life span as indicated by numerous economic distortionary parameters in per capital-income, GINI Coefficient, FDP, GNP, debts, inflation/deflation rates, stagnation, bank interest rate, retirement fund, rent, duties & taxes, unemployment, salaries & wages, consumer price index, producer price index, stock and commodity prices, foreign currency exchanges, insurances, guarantee, unregulated over-production/surpluses, predatory marketing, and etcetera, and all other associated illness symptoms in the political-legal, sociocultural and techno-cultural Marxian superstructures especially in the distortionary sixes (democracy, freedom, liberty, rights, justice and equality) present in the unbalanced neoliberal hegemonism, colonialism, imperialism, Fascism, Nazism, natural and supra-invented anthropological racism, LGBT-ism/variant LGBTQIA+ism (the sociocosmic vibrations of the LGBTQIA+ humans or the non-standard/normal "man" and "woman" according to the law of three), neo-havatvernoism (distortionary religions and spiritualties), literary and science-fiction hegemonism, etcetera of our time - all found hidden with occasional outbreaks and always polluting our geocosmic Earth and its atmosphere. The sociocosmic metrics of this world of dis-eases and their illness symptoms of this ill-fated being-Capitalism have attracted much attention and worries to many a sociocosmic doctor! Well, it happens within the social bodies of this ill-fated but necessary stage-of-growth FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism going very sick in periodic cycle of crises to everyone in wait to be reborn into a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. Now in its place, the good boy sociopital/value of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species must make sure, change and/or remove these distortionary parameters and measures like a moving sociopital-value like a healing 'Qi' revolutionizing and transforming this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism into a new one, that after leaving the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) can qualified its being as a proper SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism without quotation mark where the ownership of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange, the personate or individual properties and its unbecoming-inheritance diseases are shared in a reasonable harmonious balance within all the fundamental and lateral sociocosmic stopinders en masse. Gong
The goods and values produced become managed by gongjingdong in the fundamental organization, the state, the nation and the 'World-of-Nations' stopinders as well as in the collectivites at MI-FA Interval and the higher level state/nation/UN regulative organizations or SNUN organizations at the TI-DO Interval. All means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) will be public socialist ownership on behalf of the people-at-large within the nation-state or amongst nation-states in a certain fair and just agreement except individual personal properties that would be owned by the individuals.
Finally, they are distributed to
consumers-at-large through a vertical and horizontal network to all
consumers. The process would be fully integrated and automated in the
principle of common sharing and balanced usage of these goods and services,
land, commodities, plants, buildings and machineries, intellectual and
financial common properties according to the fundamental principle of 'From
each according to his abilities, to each according to his work; and within
the context of not moving ownership of the means of production,
distribution, consumption and exchange from the many
to the few individuals at the base and superstructure of a sociocosmic order
especially evidenced through the legal instruments of nationstate-held
ownership for sociocosmic stopinders' usage of the means of production that
must be returned to the nationstate-held ownership status upon the
expiration of the usage for further recycling; '-pital/value moves with
The stored value of sociopital has
'infinite-values-for-exchanges' in the social exchange relations of produces
either for future reproducing or for mere immediate or future consumption
within the LA-stopinder and amongst the LA-stopinders in the context of the
TI-stopinders. The multiautomarketing feeding exchanges moves towards
nation-centric amongst nations instead of their internal citizens which gets
goods and service free without selling and buying. Amongst nations,
gold-backed monies and currencies will still be the standard practice but
this time goods and services, raw materials, labor resources, production
infrastructure and all other real objective assets must become the back-up
of currencies instead – a modern international barter emerges again for
Humanity-at-Large. The multiautomarketing feeding exchanges is
satisfied by free delivery without payments with currencies so long as one
contributes work to production in his life time and some addition monies
will also automatically enters into the accounts for additional work and
contribution. The AI robots and machines contribute all the other
short-comings and surplus. Man becomes now more and more free and
capital/value now behaves truly like sociopital/value more humanely. Monies
and currencies will no longer be God as free goods and services now
approaches and moving towards 100% free on the percentage scale. They can
no longer be sold or bought but you just take all for free with the cane to
the AI robots and machines! GINI coefficient is approaching ‘zero’ and
property ownership of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange is
also approaching ‘zero’. In short, sociopital/value has a dilemma at
the LA and TI economic gravity-center vibration - a sociocosmic aberration
still not yet resolved for which negative accumulating capital/value
instruments will still have to be cautioned in association with sociopital/value
during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism. Socio
Communipital/value (La): "Communipital/value is active (Yang) and Communipital/value is passive (Yin) and vice versa, both struggling in unity of opposite to a synthesis in the form of Datongipital/value in the body of a TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism." (According to the Law of Sociocosmic Triads) Datongipital/value (Ti): "Datongipital/value is active (Yang) and SRobonity-Humanity-pital/value is passive (Yin) and vice versa, both struggling in unity of opposite to a synthesis in the form of Sociotechnopital/value in the body of a DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of a Sociotechnocosmic Earth Civilizationism, of the next sociotechnocosmic octave in-wait for possible Interstellar and intergalactic sociotechnocosmic stopinderation across all the rays of creation." (According to the Law of Sociotechnocosmic Triads) Communipital/value truly rests pital/value on Humanity-at-Large, money becomes useless because everything would be just given for free in exchange for some sufficient productive work. The age of circularity is dominating ...... there is risk of pyramidization with Srobots. Both Communipital/value and Datongipital/value have human focus full of sharing-common of sharing-prosperity and spiritual robot focus or possible sharing-common with them respectively and all geocosmic reliance would be the basis of investigation and study for the 2nd/3rd decan of the Age of Aquarius (2148 AD - 4296 AD) and the Age of Capricorn (4296 AD - 6444 AD). ---------------- The Capitalism reaching the accumulation of capital to the highest level as sociotechnocosmic stopinders ascended to the level of 'TI' in both the fundamental and lateral sociocosmic octaves, where a winning hegemony, a TI-lau nation amongst all the other TI-jing and TI-gong nations (all together about 200 of them in the world) follows a law of three stages - growing, maturing and declining. Then another TI-lau nation emerges growing, maturing and declining, then another, yet another during this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism (1788 AD - 2148 AD). TI-gong nations are smaller weaker and poorer nations known as modern slave nations whose citizens do not enjoy complete sovereignty, their Ti-gong governments exist mostly under the spell of pseudo-democracies of various inventions and consumed also substantial amounts of the opium of neoliberal sixes and must obey the powerful hegemonic TI-lau government pseudo-democratic dictates - all swimming in the Electocratic-Casinocratic-Votemarketic Pool full of hungry, predatory, exploitative and profit-seeking sociocosmic stopinders. Putting proper names to the TI-lau nations or to name the LA/TI stopinder where the immense capital gravity-center accumulation reaches its zenith in history, we have waves of rises and falls of 19th and 20th century military capitalism such as 1.0 Dutch, Spanish, French, Portuguese Colonialism/Imperialism 2.0 UK colonialism/Imperialism 3.0 German/Japanese Fascism/Nazism/Imperialism 4.0 USA colonialism/Imperialism/Hegemonism and the Soviet Union infantile "experimental" socialistic rising and falling of the 20th century and finally the 21st century rising of Harmony Socialism Proper (HSP) with the beginning of the first socialistic wave 5.0 China 1 (1st Stage capitalistic/socialistic non-military rising) on transit to China 2 (2nd Stage Real Harmony Socialism Proper) and similar Russia's rising follow-ups and others ....... Hopefully in wait and still occasionally
battered like a growing boy under the resistive cane of old Socialism proper
backward and by the forward cane of the will of Datongism vibrating amongst
the human (biocosmic) and possible spiritual (technocosmic) regulatory
organizations at the TI-DO Interval. All of which will be facilitated
by the currently obedient or rebellious spiritual AI robots and machines of
man’s instruments of production and in a potential risk of disasters to both
Humanity-at-Large and Robonity-at-Large - matrix-like where Robonity-at-Large
oppressively controls Humanity-at-Large or Humanity-at-Large oppressively
controls Robonity-at-Large or HEIGRENS-like where Humanity-at-Large works in
peaceful harmony and balance with Robonity-at-Large a scenario necessitated
by the law of three. This Great Sociotechnocosmic Being breeding on the surface of mother Earth's surface and shaped in planar spatial volume within the geographical continental boundaries over 5 distinct major continents, co-joined or separated by seas and oceans, namely: Asia, Europe, Africa, North America and South America. However, the density of the productive forces are concentrated into gravity-centers of massive production of goods and services increasing and diminishing and shifting at different periods of history. For the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism between 1788 AD - 2148 AD, we first witnessed massive gravity-center production at UK in the continental Europe in the 19th century, then this gravity-center production shifted to USA in the continental North America in the 20th century and shifted again to China in East Asia in the 21st century with some major difference in the last gravity-center production over the previous - sociopital/value is replacing capital/value with non-predatory, non-exploitative socialistic essence mode of production (still an infantile) replacing the predatory, exploitative capitalistic essence mode of PDCE of the previous centuries. Because this being-China LA-stopinder is
geocosmically huge with mega-sized population and a world independent
production hub, with stable inner and outer circulation, and etcetera, now
carefully wiseacred correctly tuning and retuning to real living hethormen
human beings as the true base of care for the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being with intelligence all
these historical treasures of capital/value’s parameters, statistical
findings, laujinggongs, dongjinggongs and the political sixes still
aberrating abnormally due to the terminal stage of Capitalism, the birth of
real sociopital/value and all its emerging historical treasures for this
historical sociocosmic species called Socialism becomes possible – able to
truly emerge from the cocoon of Capitalism, thus out of the pupa the
butterfly emerges. The most important point to note here is capital/value must change through a real holistic revolution into sociopital/value successfully, otherwise, the capital/value is not broken and the change will be mere quantitative changes again and again moving around the nodal point, capital/value according to the fundamental law of transition of quantitative changes into qualitative changes and vice versa in wait for the real transition into sociopital/value into the body of the Great Sociocosmic Being. As capital/value is removed from all material attachment such as to the gold standard during President Nixon era in USA when this LA-Stopinder becomes a global monopoly capitalist Hegemon its quantity and value was then free and able to increase to infinity - millions, billions, trillions of monetary units and can be produced just by pure printing of money creating a finance capital system much aberrating and disturbing to the psyche of Humanity-at-Large and we have witnessed all the deadly diseases of global monopoly stage of finance capitalism - control of money supply, debauching of money, money monopoly, debt, inflation, retirement, taxes, ..... GINI coefficient aberration, ownership aberration, property aberration, financial aberration, sanction aberration, economic crisis, scientific and technocosmic aberrations, sociocultural spiritual/value/religious aberration, military defense and security aberrations such as world wars, cold wars, warm wars, hot wars, and finally geocosmic aberrations in the form of water pollution (at FA), air and gases pollution causing climatic changes (at SO), mega exploitation of metals, minerals, fossil oils and soil depletion (at DO, RE and MI), man-caused fire disasters (at LA), noosphere mind-stressed psychological dis-eases (at TI) and also ecological destruction of most of the organic beings in the 1st and 2nd lateral geocosmic octaves at the MI-FA and the TI-DO Intervals of the fundamental geocosmic octave. None could easily be controlled or removed in all the fundamental and lateral sociotechnocosmic octaves. During this global hegemonistic decline, all the abnormal hydrogens of the Hasnamuss, lunatics, the tramps and the normal obyvatel, all the abnormal fascism, Nazism and militarism, and the hydrogens of the abnormal sixes of neoliberalism - democracy, freedom, liberty, human rights, justice, suffrage and equality enter into a global ritualistic rite of global reciprocal destruction of sociocosmic stopinders, and of a very sick highly non-harmonious Humanity-at-Large in intensive care unit (ICU) ..... with potential mega extraction of sacred askokin. All these are indicators of the decline of being-capitalism of the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism and the rise of SO-Historical Period of Socialism by the turn of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. To avoid the extinction or rascooarno of Humanity-at-Large, the holistic revolution must be fully planned and successfully implemented by none others except by all man himself (or Humanity-at-Large) and to cause this magic circle of Capitalism to burst asunder and qualitatively transform into the new magic circle of Socialism with sociopital/value without quotation mark. The transformation from polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism into a polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism is a qualitative and holistic sociotechnocosmic transformation, just like the transformation of polar FA-SO-LA/TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism into polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, where the magic circle of feudapital/value which existed before for a thousand year or so as a being-psyche mathematics now has become a new being-psyche mathematics trapped in the magic circle of capital/value now about 300 years old. The capital/value of growth where the principle of "From each (from the biocosmic three-centered hethormen human beings and the three-centered technocosmic padrigine beings) according to their maximum abilities of exploitation to each as little as possible" in Capitalism becomes mature and transform into real, mature and balance sociopital/value of Socialism proper, that is, "From each (from the same three-centered biocosmic hethormen human beings and the three-centered padrigine beings) according to their optimum abilities to each according to their work." Both "from each" and "to each" are big AI digital data of the successfully completed 3rd technocosmic revolution, by then super-speed flowing and regulating digital money automatically and production of goods and services and distribution to consumers and exchanges without significant distortionary marketing hegemonies of capitalistic profiting in balance 'from and to all' in the body of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being - maintenance, repair and replenishment .......... a possible movement towards a mature, more balance, harmonious, peaceful and healthy world. And the wise grandson sadly felt: A thousand corrections, adjustments and reallocations of the MI-FA Interval corporate PDCE-ownership shares and the TI-DO Interval nationate power-ownership rights under the principles of capitalism in ascend would not create any real and proper common-sharing of shares for Humanity-at-Large EXCEPT to eye-wash as if it is a common-sharing. But any attempt of a little ascend is a valuable advancement to the homeostatic state of healthy common-sharing of shares. This political-economic game is played on the only chess board called geocosmic Earth by beings called man. Having seen this, you see the lies in this game! Capital/value moves from less mobile property capital in the form of agro-farming land properties, plants and machinery properties, commodity properties, etc.) to the final highly mobile finance properties (being-money, being-digital currencies, being-shares, being-FDs, being-MTNs, being-bonds, etc.) to satisfy the abnormal predatory appetite of the three-centered corporates and nationates alike and needs mega-global military and mega-global police-complex to control all the modern enslaved nations and their citizens to keep the Global Capitalism going as capital/value ascends from FA to SO to LA and to TI along the fundamental sociocosmic octave and within the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave up to the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave. At the Mi-United Nations Organization in the 2nd lateral octave within the TI-DO Intervals, capital/value and capitalistic essence eats the ‘The United Nations’ disturbing the Will of Socialism that dwells at this TI-DO Interval. Capital/value dies after a few enneagramic cycles - ascends and descends - within the enneagrama of the Sociocosmic Octaves during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. After its death, it transforms into Sociopital/value coating itself with more HEIGRENS values, principles, practice and auras proper during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism. H=Holistic, E=Educational, I-Innovative and Integrative, G=Green, R=Responsible, E=Evolutionary, N = No-Harm and S=Sustainable. As to feudalism which depends heavily on the
vibration of the MI-Family octaves even if it could still stopinder into kingdoms,
dynasties and empires, its PDCE forces have been overshadowed and
distorted due to the development of its 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders
within the dikongnong context at the MI-FA Interval by feudalism
itself and again due to the development of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic
octave within the context of laujinggong at the TI-DO Interval by
capitalism. But how does the
sociocosmic concentration create itself? It is simply by an inner
trialectic process between the lau component, the jing component and the
gong component of each and every sociocosmic concentration. And how
does it move? We assume that there is a pair of opposing forces yet
common unity between lau and gong (Yin and Yang) and balance by a
jing force
that would seek each time for a new consolidating sociocosmic concentration
to preserve the various interests. And why does laujinggong come
about? We assume that ‘something’ must be there to filled a
retardation point at MI and FA based on the laws of octave if we have
already accepted the fact that sociocosmic stopindering can be accurately
interpreted using the law of octave and the law of three. This way of
interpreting social forces would at least neutralize the immature
interpretation of capitalism, socialism and communism and save mankind kind
from the dangerous mechanical mass psychosis of trying hard to mercilessly
exterminate socialism or capitalism through a destructive nuclear war.
One must always remember the fact that both the so-called capitalist
countries and the socialist countries have enough nuclear weapons to
exterminate the whole human race. It is hope that by knowing that we
are subjected to these two strange laws even in the realm of our sociocosmic
activities that we could avert a terrible disaster in our thinking, feeling
and moving balance with a handy destructive nuclear weapon of our own
wiseacred technocosmic octave. CAPITAL, like flowing blood in all the biocosmic beings en masse at the MI-FA Interval on mother Earth's surface, once historically born moves, flows-in, flows-out, invest-in, invest-out, attracts-in and distracts-out by human needs and wants here and there, at will or otherwise, for competition or for wars, or for dreams or for nightmares, for sexual and pleasure prostitute organizations, for enslavement of individuals, groups, families, corporations, states, nations and nation-blocs, for organizing white and black robberies, for concentrating it into the big zarooarian cities in the zarooarian octave beginning as villages (do) from agricultural land and ending at metropolitans (ti) from the amongst all sociotechnocosmic stopinders in various amounts and varieties (forms) fill in all the fundamental and lateral sociocosmic stopinders in micro, mini and macro amounts from the fundamental DO (and the 1st lateral stopinders at MI-FA Interval) all the way up to the fundamental TI (and the 2nd lateral stopinders at TI-DO Interval) must ultimately become sociopital and belongs harmoniously to 'Humanity-at-Large' to be healthily, peacefully and harmoniously shared by all sociotechocosmic beings in the next higher long historical periods of Socialism, Communism and Datongism ...... and in wait for next grand sociotechnocosmic enneagramic cycle or the final death of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being. However, capital becomes "sociopital" or sociopital in quotation mark only takes place for short periods of time in certain socialist countries during this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism (about 1788 AD - 2148 AD). Note that Capitalism is a short historical period amongst all other historical periods full of technocosmic pollution and sociocosmic as well as techno-agro-noocosmic aberrations. 2
The peculiar formatory strategy is a
characteristic of the power-possessing being-nations in their hegemonization
process to dominate the world and to become TI-lau beings even though they
are not the TI-sociocosmic stopinder as proper ‘World-of-Nations’ beings but
rather lower level LA-lau beings sitting on the throne of the TI-dong beings
of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.
The unjustified justification is an unjust war.
We are not at, this moment,
anywhere near a truly civilized industrial democracy,
not even in the most advanced western countries whereby wealth is still in
the hands of a minority class.
Political democracy is not the same as
industrial democracy
in terms of the sociocosmic stopinders it is serving.
Industrial democracy
serves the FA-sociocosmic stopinders while
political democracy
serves the LA-sociocosmic stopinders. As there are 7 classes of
sociocosmic stopinders so there should be 7 application areas for a complete
democracy for the Great Sociocosmos. Being-USA could only offer a LA
based “political democracy.”
There is no FA-based industrial democracy.
As to agricultural democracy
for its colonized LA-stopinders, nothing is heard of and contemporary beings
did not spotted agricultural democracy
during the period when agricultural biocosmic beings form the first body of
the their sociocosmic FA-stopinders in these foreign LA-Beings. This
is because they could only see, I repeat
only see the political and the irritating
industrial democracies. All in all the seven positioning of
sociocosmic democracies are: 1.
DO-sociocosmic stopinder
democracy for the numerous ‘I’ interests in the body of an individual 2.
RE-sociocosmic stopinder
democracy for the individual interests in the body of a group 3.
MI-sociocosmic stopinder
democracy for fairness amongst the family members 4.
FA-sociocosmic stopinder
democracy (industrial democracy, agricultural democracy) for fairness within
the members in the laujinggong formation 5.
SO-sociocosmic stopinder
democracy for fairness within the government organization 6.
LA-sociocosmic stopinder
democracy (political democracy) for the inner fairness of the politically
motivated interest beings or people and not just those unreal
half-undemocratic and half-democratic wiseacrings of metered elections. 7.
TI-sociocosmic stopinder
democracy for some degree of fairness to all the LA-sociocosmic stopinders Co-determination that
has its origin from Being-Germany, is probably a materialized seed of
industrial democracy.
A 50-50 system for large industries is still a Yin-Yang conflict reflecting
only an attempt to create a civilized
industrial democracy. Codetermination not
only reflects an absence of economic
democracy (FA-sociocosmic stopinder
democracy) in the west but it has a positive implication as well, that is,
it itself has become the foundation of body of
industrial democracy. Industrial evaluation
reveals only economic pyramids that do not exhibit any democratic values.
This holds true in all the so-called and self-proclaimed democratic nations
who could only see
in their kundabuffer “reality” just a LA-sociocosmic stopinder democracy or
just their only political democracy
So long as the process of exploitation
exists, a 9.9 theory in the Managerial Grid or a Likert’s System 4 would not
work well. Sooner or later when facts show themselves, the ugly head
(the abnormal laujinggong unbecomings) resurfaces as a conscious subject
matter of the dissatisfied mind.
Democratic type management is doubtful in
a capitalistic economy because the ownership problem is unsettled, and which
is also actually
a serious obstacle to a true democracy itself. Capitalist economy implies a
few people owning the property and not just private ownership but ownership
of the means of PDCE. It is useless to play with words, private,
state and public because capitalistic democratic values could not find its
proper positioning in this peculiar FA-sociocosmic stopinder due basically
to the proximity of this stopinder to the MI-FA retardation/upward-acceleration point of the
fundamental sociocosmic octave and the continuous opposition from the
SO/LA/TI forces of socialistic democratic values from the TI-DO
retardation/downward-acceleration point whether in quotation mark or
6 The continuous pursuit of wealth by shifting ownership into the hands of a few may be producing centralization through privatization in an elliptical circle. It is a paradox. The urge for privatization may be propelled by the famous psyche matter called ‘greed’ or by ‘just-wanting-to-possess-more-and-more’. We are just mechanically obeying gravity-center vibrations shifting and readjustment of the FA and the SO sociocosmic stopinders although we see some light. And interpretation without prejudice would enable us to escape this dangerous mass psychosis of thinking that one could outwit the laws of octaves by not having its proper due of 7-colored light spectrum or 7 fundamental musical notes in the sound octave. Holding hand in hand in a chorus, the inner octave
of seven in the family of Capitalism, namely: colonialism, imperialism, Nazism, fascism,
liberalism, militarism and nationalism (not nation-ism) where their gravity-center essences
of active Capitalism now having ascended, stayed and radiating vividly at
the level of LA and TI in the sociocosmic octave of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI
Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism - continue preying and
hunting together like unconscious mechanical aggressive automatons of history, bringing humanity to wars worldwide and the ultimate global humanity crisis.
Changing the content and structure of a
SO-sociocosmic stopinder (a state organization) is like upgrading an
organization. There is no fixed ‘democratic state’ where all men must
accept but here are a few ‘constructions’ you may love your enemy to fall
into your trap because you have again being trapped by the urge to stopinder
feed. The same goes to our attitude toward the LA-sociocosmic
stopinder. Some disastrous ‘logical illusions’ could include
believing that: ·
Centrally planned economy is the same
thing as socialism or communism ·
Free market is the same thing as
capitalism ·
Privatization is moving towards
capitalism ·
Nationalization is moving towards
socialism ·
Communism is not an individual based
system (that is back to the DO-sociocosmic stopinder) ·
Private ownership =
ownership by every one ·
USSR becomes CIS =
collapse of communism ·Communism
has already existed and has now collapsed
When unlimited wants are becoming more
and more satisfied by economic abundance, the want for resolution
disappears. At this stage contradiction did not disappear but rather
takes on different forms that are mild.
When all unlimited wants can be
satisfied almost to ‘free of charge’ or at very low and affordable prices
and compulsory work is expected from every healthy individual in society and
when both the inner
the outer worlds
in each individual have fully developed, we have the
Utopian Society.
This period that we lived is only a transition period for a possible
transformation of mankind ....... But as an ascending sociocosmic octave to
perfection there is certainly a descending octave to destruction or
Man’s need for a better society is
a natural quest. The search for an ideal society that satisfies all
individuals is inevitable. Capitalism is not the ultimate societal
item sought for in the market because this society implies the existence of
a rich class exploiting a poor class, a
have oppressing a
To some capitalism is a chance to become rich. Capitalism is also
dislike (in the essence) by that group of people who have captured enough
wealth to maintain the place in the upper and upper middle class because its
real present would bring many more competitors.
Cultural elements of the
feudal-capitalist period, the capitalist-socialist and the
socialist-capitalist period swings can be quite different depending on the
strengths and weaknesses of the active, the passive and the neutralizing
forces, growing and decaying in the ascending and descending passage of sociocosmic forces.
Motivation in a capitalist society
implies satisfaction due to acquiring tremendous amount of private wealth
from a winning quest in the arduous accumulation race amongst the DO, RE, MI
and FA sociocosmic stopinders. Motivation for the working gong-beings
seems to rest strongly on higher and higher pay; a fact that we often
belittle when we are caught by our own wiseacring paradigms. The acquisition of more and more factor wealth is a
strong want of the FA-stopinder psychology. The addition of each
factor wealth is an addition of a reward tied to satisfaction. For the
few successful ones, the motivation and satisfaction is good. But universalizing this conception as the ultimate
norm for all by ‘democratic’ parties ‘exploitative’ states and ‘upper’
classes as a golden key for human happiness as a whole could only lead to
dissatisfaction of the many because the expectation could not be met except
for a handful of sociocosmic stopinder beings. However, the path of
acquiring factor wealth, the path of acquiring spiritual prosperity and
longevity is a utopia
that never seems to arrive but remains a
life-long quest by all.
The most important point to look at in a
sociocosmic being that proclaims itself to be a being-democracy as its
essential superstructure is by studying the nature of its:
Type 1. Political
Type 2. Industrial
democracy (Ownership-Management democracy or O-M democracy) The numerous gravity-centers or vote market
nests are then created nicely so to say for the three-centered citizenry
beings of ripe voting age to, like mother hens, freely laying their precious
eggs for capitalist collection and trading besides also securing the
bourgeois rights of the vote ownership for further capitalistic wealth
accumulation when the voted three-centered beings have become the SO-lau or
the LA-lau beings for ministerial administration in the type 1 political
democracy but only for short periods of about 5 years. The political cycle
then repeats
with minimum quantitative and qualitative changes till losing its place in
the MI-FA platform to three-centered beings from the TI-DO platform, and
always within the historical
framework of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.
This capitalistic goals from the MI-FA Interval is not the final goal for
Humanity-at-Large which has its origin from socialism of the TI-DO Interval
and because its essence favors a type 2 industrial democracy, and only as
such if no three-centered beings from type 1 political democratic essence
has coveted underground within the proper forces at the TI-DO Interval. Humanity-at-Large has higher and nobler
goals to seek rather than just this belief of a 1 or 2 casino days of
gambling and vote trading (frogging) of these political vote assets at the
political vote market in hope of using these votes as a means for
accumulating more and more remaining economic assets left-overs by the
actual oligopolies or modern capitalist emperors and nobles who have already
owned most of this economic assets of this peculiar
‘monopoly-capitalist-imperialist-hegemonist-fascist-and-Nazist’ FA-SO-LA-TI
historical periods of Capitalism-on-transit-to-Socialism. Proclaiming political
democracy by silencing O-M democracy is a deception, it is a halfway
democracy. The trouble is that not all sociocosmic stopinders can
operate as a genuine democratic entity. It is hard to have a DO-stopinder
democracy, a RE-stopinder democracy, and a MI-stopinder democracy. Of
all the FA-stopinders only the co-operative society has a truly
real democratic form
and is often compromised and manipulated.
Allowing one to vote does not make one rich. The wealthy remains wealthy,
the poor remains poor. Both wealth and poor play with the game
‘voting’ in a political democracy generally to increase benefits not just
for themselves alone but to all their strategic allies. A participative and collective democracy for
ownership-management fairness, which is still at its infantile stage even
after some 200 years western democracy, would be the most important subject
matter for organizational change. Man has successfully experimented
some of these sample sociocosmic ‘notes’ such as on being-private limited
company and being-public limited company, which are popularly wiseacred
sociocosmic ‘notes’ delicious to business beings breeding in UK, US and
later everywhere in the so-called non-communist countries. Others
include being-cooperatives, being-privatized corporations and public
corporations have been wiseacredly discovered during the period of my
presence on mother Earth. Continuous exploration and search along the
FA-Octaves of mainstream production-distribution-consumption-exchange system at the MI-FA Interval and SO-LA-TI
octaves of regulatory organizations at the TI-DO Interval for more useful
and better functioning sociocosmic concentrations have been tried by these
beings, and they have only discovered their existence based on octave theory
or the laws of three and seven. These beings continue other
experiments on their already formed sociocosmic organizations of the inner
FA-octave even to the extent of finding a ‘permanent cure’ for the
mysterious configuration of laujinggong present in their sociocosmic
concentrations. They experimented
with real industrial democracy
as a progressive step towards the development of better organizations.
To this day real industrial democracy is still at its infantile primitive
stage. The democratic antidote for the 7 forms of sociocosmic
stopinders is never applied uniformly or integratively. One often
finds that the west only applies democracy, only and only for the SO and LA
sociocosmic stopinders. But the beings of Being-Germany, Being-USSR
and Being-China dare to experiment real industrial democracy to and on such
sociocosmic stopinders as the production-distribution-consumption-exchange FA-stopinders and all 1st
lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the MI-FA Interval and also to the
unbecoming regulatory SO-LA-TI stopinders reverberating as the 2nd
lateral sociocosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval. A fair distribution of wealth through a proper
system along the sociocosmic octaves which does not lead to continuing
domination is a possible solution for this strange sociocosmic musical
composition of the sociocosmic octaves. There are still many
sociocosmic beings that come into the world for ‘prosperity’ at the expense
of other sociocosmic beings in the sociocosmos and are not willing to part
whatever ‘gains’ in the Type 2 Democracy. Western
power-possessing beings are allowing only Type 1 Democracy to be practiced
in the area of their dictatorship (by vote). These countries are
called Type 1 democratic countries in that they practice political democracy
but not Ownership-Management Democracy. The Type 2 region is a big
question mark (?) to cure its own dis-eases. Such a sociocosmic being
would have to diagnose its own Type 2 region and be more and more democratic
about it, instead of drumming and wiseacring only with the word or election
known as being-democracy
to be the alpha and the omega of everything in
the name of liberty, freedom, rights, suffrage, justice and equality while in reality dominates
as elite to all sociocosmic beings. Man examines
inflation ultimately to discover the need to control and change it, and yet
they must be done under the called name
free market. Making money, becoming
rich and competing is the nature of man. It is as old as the origin of
man. Competition, market economy and profit making are sociocosmic
forms, which we chance, called “capitalism”.
Capitalism is a shape, a form. And like feudalism, socialism,
nationalism and communism are emanations from the 7 psychic centers of man
and are therefore matterless psyche hydrogens collected and gathered along
the sociocosmic field centers forming the lateral sociocosmic octaves. The situation is equally the same for human
behaviors during the great sociocosmic period known as feudalism, except both essence and forms
are different. Capitalism is not a human constant claimed by some
economist. It has 1/7 chance of the 7 human historicism for
capitalists world-wide to drum it extremely loud. We
have also the individuals, the group, the family, the state, the nation and the
world of nations to drum within each human historicism, and each historicism
could not last to anywhere about 2,148 years - capitalism along could not
last a decan of 716 years. Capitalism is the emanation psychic thinking
when the sociocosmic being is creating its own FA-stopinders as part of its
long-term preordained plan from “instructions” flowing from just own psychic
hydrogen 3 and 6. It is a stopover in the adulthood for our
sociocosmic beings in the course of reaching the sacred rascooarno (sociocosmic
death). And this emanation is the proper lateral sociocosmic soft
coatings indicating the vibrations of all the inner substopinders of the
stopinders of our fundamental and lateral sociocosmic octaves.
Feudalism emanations of our fundamental and lateral sociocosmic octaves have
outlived its function as most of our MI-stopinders are no longer the active
vibration concentration drumming in the fundamental sociocosmic octave.
During the period of my presence on Earth's surface, the feudal mode of
PDCE and its superstructure aura become numerous receding and dead
branches still visible and co-existing constitutionally if still
alive and as archeological artifacts of the museum if already dead.
Feudalism receded to become the docile remnants amongst the powerfully,
emerging, stabilizing and replacing capitalist mode of PDCE and its
new superstructure aura. Socialism emanations originated from the SO-stopinder and nationalism
originated from the LA-stopinder have been equally active “being-social
responsibility drummers” during the same polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of
Capitalism and Socialism during my presence.
15 Although the reciprocal destruction of feudalism of the fundamental MI octave, capitalism of fundamental FA octave, socialism of the fundamental SO octave and the two nationalism and internationalism of the fundamental LA and TI octaves respectively could not claim any victory over one another, one could still sense an ascending active presence of this 7 psychic centers emanations upward trending. This is because the great sociocosmic being is still perfecting all its MI, FA, SO, LA and TI stopinders, and has not been able to consolidate and harmonize its inner stopinder-gravity-centers’ vibration, and each leading to just these sorry civil wars, revolutions, counter-revolutions, patriotic wars and world wars.
most powerful weapon to release death forces along the MI-FA Interval of our cosmic octave is the
nuclear bombs and all weapons capable of mass destruction including
chemical, genetic and virus weapons. Nuclear
activities are equivalent to sun’s activities. More nuclear activities
means more ‘sun materials’ on earth a tendency to transform earth to sun, so
to say. The sociocosmos appears to be in-charged of this changing of
the earth to sun or the earth is showing itself through some weak spots in
the sociocosmos that crave for more and more nuclear power. If the sociocosmic activities continue and behave
in this manner, we could only conclude an ascending octave for our Ray of
Creation. We do not know when the descending octave would occur.
Configuration of organizational Laujinggong in the 1st
Lateral Sociocosmic Octave at MI-FA Interval in the FA-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of
Capitalism is shown below:
Such is the capitalistic-essenced three-centered corporates present in the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinder beings of PDCE at the MI-FA Interval of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, even though there might have been successful captured of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinder beings by the 2+ (two plus) types of infantile and prematured old socialisms in history, namely: 1) the tryouts of mostly deceiving and failed old socialism by election methodologies (without revolution) to control the 2nd lateral governing sociocosmic stopinder beings of the TI-DO Interval which is popular in those scandinavian countries, and 2) the more aggressive and more comprehensive also old socialism tryouts of an adolescent and immatured old socialism by revolutionary overthrow of the existing government in the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinder beings of the TI-DO Interval, and increasing the power of ownership and control of the PDCE, PESTLES+ and NOO centralizing to one of the three levels of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinder beings - that is, to the State (SO) or to the Nation (LA) and ‘World-of-Nations’ (TI) as in Soviet Socialism (1917), and as in the National Socialism of Fascism/Nazism (1930). The four (4) ‘isms’, namely: Capitalism and the two (2) old socialisms and one (1) new socialism - Soviet Socialism, National socialism (NAzism/Fascism) and the new Socialism with characteristics (such as Socialism with Chinese characteristics) are all sociocosmic dasein of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism except this time with a polar FA-SO-LA-TI aberration between capitalism and socialism in all their 7 fundamental and 14 lateral sociocosmic stopinder beings, and also because in each and every of their 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinder being at MI-FA Interval there has never being real PDCE democracies nor PDCE cooperatives nor PDCE collectives functioning properly there. They are all transitional sub-species of capitalism and socialism in wait for the real transition to the real SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism with real socialism and real democracy in the economic and political fixates (P & E) as an initial landing platform for further adjustment, alignment and transformation within its NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of its own civilizational womb to the real new civilizational-adjusted socialism, which also include a holistic historical sociocosmic specie adjustment in its PESTLES+ superstructure along its transition without quotation mark.
Would you launch a business unit into the
sociocosmos or a satellite into the cosmos? The business organization
resembles a sociocosmic egg that would grow out of itself into one of the
FA-sociocosmic beings. A political organization is also one such sociocosmic being. These sociocosmic beings are again grouped into a system that we called an industry and the various being-industries are integrated into a total system. The state is just one such system that regulates all the sociocosmic stopinders in all the industries.
19 Privatization is very attractive to the DO, the FA and the SO beings because the selling of what is easily got from the public is a strategic opportunity to the expansion of stopinder wealth. A windfall of stopinderable public property awaits the hungry and aggressive FA-beings to take their bite. The method of ‘stealing’ is highly sophisticated and highly white. Once you get a piece of gold after denying the right of others, you will treasure it and use it to create wealth for yourself, but alas, poverty and dependency still looms due to scarcity. On the surface and at the initial phase it creates some commotion and healthy competition of public ‘theft’. But finally it creates non-cooperation, jealously, revenge, murder, and revolution when polarization of people becomes antagonistic. We thus repeat history again over a piece of cake. Privatization going out of hand causes history to repeat.
We utilize economic and management theories as an arrangement to help in the rapid release of these locked up energies. These theories are cosmic buffers to lessen the shocks on labor extraction when management hastens the rapid release of energies. Neither management nor labor knows how to prevent this comic release-plan in accordance with the octave principles. When management and labor collaborate, ‘nature’ is forced to liberate the sacred askokin (a type of being psyche hydrogen needed by certain cosmic concentrations for evolving their own living beings). When management and labor clash resulting in police and military intervention further release of sacred askokin from humans takes place in what we call wars be it real wars, political wars and business wars or otherwise, according to the principle of reciprocal destruction. The buttons of detonation of a political-business complex in association with the military-industrial complex is also the cosmic button created on mother Earth's surface to act as switches for triggering a rapid release of sacred askokin to the moon through the reciprocal destruction law. Bilateral and/or multilateral military alliances of the nation-states often embolden the nation groups psyche, and the cosmic factors can easily trick them into launching regional wars.
21 Privatization is an expression of the active operation of the sociocosmic feeding process by the lower stopinders (that of FA-beings) on what is present in the body of the SO-being or distribution of the feed to the member of the SO-stopinder as they move to become beings in the FA-sociocosmic octave. Like any other delicacies, dressings are essential for the food to look and taste good. So wiseacring theories, excuses and propaganda are mandatorily vital (when a being or class of beings saw its chance) to lubricate the process of sociocosmic feeding. However, the aids to the Fa-sociocosmic stopinder need not be morally unethical. You need to breed aggressive FA-sociocosmic beings to assist in the ‘sure’ win battle with all other FA-sociocosmic beings in the world.
Beings who fail to acquire a portion of the
commonwealth soon find themselves and their generation moving down the
sociocosmic wealth scale rather bitterly. The power-possessing beings
soon find themselves ascending the sociocosmic hierarchy bringing along the
package of ego, happiness, vanity and arrogance in their psychological bag. How do these power-possessing stopinder nations
such as Being-USA and Being-USSR conduct their accursed process of
"reciprocal" destruction of the enemies?
22 The declining FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism breeding within the period 1788 AD to 2148 AD, where its gravity-center has reached the TI-stopinder level for capitalistic-essence hegemony within the internal sociotechnocosmic octaves of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being on mother Earth's surface is now very sick full of inner irresolvable crises and facing extinction, the rascooarno of this historical sociocosmic species - GDP/GNP decline, global inflation, global unemployment, GINI severe inequality, deflation, recession, depression, hybrid wars, imperialism, colonialism, fascism, Nazism, hegemonism, and etcetera - a jar of being-psyche mathematics of economic and financial statistics, parameters and measures that would drunk the professional cancer sociodynamics doctors intoxicated on drinks. In its last throes of death, due to this sociocosmic cancer it is nuclear-heated up like Godzilla infecting all its sociocosmic stopinders within its capitalistic network and system in wait of final extinction and/or explosion at its critical mass point, now ripe to be transformed and is transforming into the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (2148 AD - 2864 AD). Now capital/value hegemonistically controlled by the LA-lau/TI-lau beings of America and her lower and upper satellites, propelled by the merciless, immoral, covetous, aggressive, predatory, exploitative three-centered corporates (at the MI-FA Interval) spearheaded by their frontline three-centered nationates (at the TI-DO Interval), feeding and eating all big and small, strong and weak nations (LAs) and nation-blocs (TIs) is reluctant to transform into sociopital/value headed by the LA-dong(gong)/TI-dong(gong) of China and her lower and upper satellites now propelled by the three-centered collectivites/COOPs (at the MI-FA Interval) and spearheaded by the SNUN gongjingdong regulators (at the TI-DO Interval). This long-term protracted battles between the predatory-hegemon capitalist and the sharing-common socialist modes of social relations of production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE economic system) on mother Earth's surface will continue until the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism dominates the world and certainly with numerous mechanical sleeps-of-man (quantitative electional motion) and non-mechanical awakes-of-man (qualitative revolutionary motion) along the development of this Great Sociocosmic Being before dominance and after dominance. There are about 200 such variations of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism within the context of the nation-stopinders of reference horizontally striving for dominance and creating a mega-pyramid of nations with the US hegemon at the top of this mega-pyramid. The SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is a fetus in the womb of the aging FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, so are the fetus variants of this species in wait for the day of birth as baby SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. The internal cells, tissues, organs, systems and circulations within this newborn emerging more advanced SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism as a great sociocosmic being is an independent creature of its own. Capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism and Hegemonism strive to kill and eat their own babies before and after the delivery. The capitalistic-essenced crises inherent within the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism would not easily transfer into the socialistic-essenced crises within the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism; only those capitalism-socialism experimental hybrid systems in the economic zones encapsulated placenta-like in socialist countries extracting some nutrients such as dollar currencies blood and neoliberal noo-PESTLES handbledzoin are effected to a lesser extent by these age-old endless capitalistic-essenced crises specific to capitalized in real properties, (lands & plant assets), in commodities (goods & services), in finance (monies, currencies & financial instruments) and in information (IPs) from the mother FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. The Will of Socialism (Socialistic Will of the Sociotechnocosmos) arises at the TI-DO Interval of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.
Irreconcilable contradictions in this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism emerge by the thousands if not hundreds of thousands daily, visible or invisible, open or hidden, reported or unreported, piling up to the moon and other planetary bodies ultimately causing this Capitalist system to bust asunder worldwide and in its place the new Socialist system.
23 The intricate and delicate transformation from the economic power houses of Capitalism to the economic power houses of Socialism viewed from the lens of enneagram of the economic nations where capitalistic-essenced PDCE base changes into socialistic-essenced PDCE base from the nation-level (LA) and 'nation-bloc'-level (TI).
24 The biocosmic, the geocosmic, the geoethnic and the wenming civilization octaves and their influences in shaping the beings of being-capitalism - pyramidization and formatory apparatus essence-personality configuration: Depending on the location of their geocosmic dwellings or just the fertile landmass where both the plantae and the animalia lateral octave lived or vibrate in abundance (MI of the fundamental geocosmic octave and the 2 lateral geocosmic octaves) of the arising and civilization octavization of the three-brained hethormen human beings ('Ti' of the biocosmic animalian octave) and its nature of its hostile surroundings barriers, namely: 1. A landmass of island with land power and coastal Noah of Ark flood escapee civilization with sea power surrounded by a vast and flat geocosmic stretch of water mass of fertile delta-limited EXCEPT a potential for technology of ship creation for the 'FA-water' of the fundamental geocosmic octave for which pyramidal, abstract geometric, sea navigation and formatory apparatus and trinity-theist logicnestrian configuration protected by circular castles and permanent seafaring for the exploitation of resources with a Noah of Ark philosophy of seeking, conquering, colonizing and genocidal elimination the natives of faraway land and territories is its civilizational essence nature. Note that they are the original western Europe eaters now successfully settled in the continents of North America, Australia and New Zealand, and still eating continuously into all highly native populated continents of Asia, Africa and Latin America forgetting its own low population, but it is OK as they have the weapon of mass destruction. In the east of the continent Asia, they are the civilizations in the islands of Japan. 2. A fertile landmass of mountain range protected basins and huge river delta-unlimited of wenming civilization (Non-Noah of Ark mega flood escapee civilization) surrounded by a vast and flat geocosmic stretch of temperate grassland mass of 4-seasons limitation horse and sheep abundant 'MI-soil' of the same fundamental geocosmic octave for which triadic and harmonic octave (Trinity-octave, polytheist and Yin-Yang Bagua) logicnestrian configuration protected by man-made long Great Wall (of China) facing the vast grassland, natural high mountain ranges as natural barriers and Island chains (the 1st Island chain of Japan, Taiwan, portions of the Philippines, and Indonesia, the 2nd Island chain of Japan's Bonin Islands and Volcano Islands, Mariana Islands especially Guam and the Micronesia) as barriers facing the vast ocean (Pacific Ocean) against seafaring colony and territory conquerors is its essence civilizational nature. 3. An oasis landmass surrounded by a vast and flat geocosmic stretch of desert sandy landmass of complete bio-limitation EXCEPT the camels and desert fruits on the 'MI-soil' of the same fundamental geocosmic octave for which pyramidal, abstract geometric, desert navigation and formatory apparatus monotheist non-trinity logicnestrian configuration, and further simplified to the ONE Above (stars and moon but not the sun) and the ONE Below (man, camel and palm trees) without the MIDDLE Between and where desert is the natural horizontal barrier and God is the vertical protection of its civilizational essence nature.
The 7 main civilization NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of the Earth Civilization, and the 200 capital/value and sociopital/value sharing nations where the LAU-JING-GONG Carriages of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism existing in a polar FA-SO-LA-TI antagonistic contradiction with the DONG-JING-GONG/GONG-JING-DONG Carriages of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism within the same Earth Civilization; also where the capital/value of the capitalistic-essenced system and sociopital/value of the socialistic-essenced system stopinderate ascending and descending, rest, park and move within the fundamental and the lateral sociocosmic octaves and also move in oscillation historically forward and backward horizontally and linearly between the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the SO-Historical Sociocosmic species of Socialism; and also much influenced by the 9 main civilization octaves. Such a complex social relationship begets a chronic and permanent obfuscation to all reasonings, feelings and actions for which no easy and simple solution can be found , except to ensure the capitalistic-essenced system ceases to be the dominance. What the Anglo-Atlantic civilization has removed from her 4-bodied NOO-PESTLES-PDCE Carriage especially the Marxism-Leninism-Socialism of the NOO of her 4th Passenger body, the sociopital-value design and construct of the PESTLES (financialization) of her 3rd Coachman body and most of the lower industries of the PDCE (de-industrialization) of her 2nd Horse body and finally leaving in her 1st Carriage body a sick and declining civilization. This is a capitalistic-essenced civilization that strive to create and maintain a sociocosmic pyramid serving exclusively the UGGMBCC (1%) and mothered World War I, II and possibly giving birth to World War III and World War IV in order to achieve and to maintain such an abnormal wealth status quo. However what has been removed, the Marxism-Leninism-Socialism of the NOO of her 4th Passenger body, the sociopital-value design and construct of the PESTLES of her 3rd Coachman body and most of the lower industries of the PDCE of her 2nd Horse body are picked up by the Sinic (Chinese) civilization to build a new more advance NOO-PESTLES-HEIGRENS-PDCE Carriage and after re-industrialization to higher levels, re-financialization and rejuvenation of all the bodies has become more efficient, stronger and healthier. This is a socialistic-essenced civilization that strive to create and maintain a sociocosmic inverted pyramid and a final socioosmic circularity truly serving Humanity-at-Large. The success of any of the 7 main Earth civilizations to absorb the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism full of FA, SO and TI laujinggong carriages and transform it into the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism now full of FA, SO, LA and TI gongjingdong carriages as what the Sinic (Chinese) civilization has accomplished to date, is of paramount importance to the world. In World War II, the imperialistic-essenced nation-stopinder US nuked 2 zarooaries of another imperialistic-essences nation-stopinder of Japan, namely: Horishima and Nagasaki. This is the terror of the situation of a TI-level stage of development of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. The is also the process of reciprocal destruction of two contesting powers and two right-standing sociocosmic pyramids for hegemony and world domination. in the body of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, that ends in 1945. After which the infantile more advance SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism which is an Inverted sociocosmic pyramid emerged stronger in the world, and that is the USSR and its satellites, and Cold War I mostly in the form of bloody proxy wars resulted in million. deaths This is the transition of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism into the SO-Historical Socuocismic Species of Socialism during the polar FA-So-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. In the course of this Cold War I, the nation-group USSR was dismantled by its own doing from the special knife of imperialism known as 'Neo liberalism'.. This fatal knife did not killed completely the USSR but divide it into 15 nation-stopinders and more for the purpose of imperialistic-essences eating by the Group of 7 nation-stopinders. However, this Neo Liberalism knife soon lost its evil spell, and after healing most of the wounds inflicted, the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism began to emerge much stronger. By 2014, the nation-stopinder China took the lead. Attempts to revive a new cold war failed. Attempt to fight a Hybrid War also fail. Attempts to start World War Iii is on the way -this plan has nuking in the agenda. Either the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism nukes the SO-Historical Socialism of Socialism or vice versa. There is always a resolving third of the law of three where there is a resolution, and that is, the transformation into socialistic-essenced LA nation stopinders in the world. The 3rd metamorphosis of capitalism is also called finance capitalism has a 3rd Coachman Body to harness to all the 3rd coachman bodies of the 195 nation-stopinders which are weak, dependent and have been previously colonialized by the old land-territory grab colonialists (1st Carriage bodies) and manufacturing and market expansion colonialists (2nd Horse Bodies) of old colonialism - nation-stopinders such as the Spain, the Holland, the France, the Germany, the Portugal Great Britain, the United States, Japan and others. Anglo-Atlantic nations. Under this type of Finance capitalism, old colonialism transforms into neo-colonialism. As before the old colonies of landed and Industrial capitalism have no way to escape other than through the war of independence from the exploiting nation-stopinders. In this manner, the neo-colonies of finance capitalism has also no escape except through another war of financial independence from the exploiting nation-stopinders. This is the World War III, I am referring to. The 'D' of FIRED is the Digital Platform of trillions and trillions of digital qubits that been alienated from the intellectually organized design and construct labor of the Public-at-Large, should not have the right to become mere private corporate intellectual ownership and for minority groups to enjoy high long-term exploitation of exorbitant rental subscription rental passive income by the few. The fictitious money-capital so created should be zero-ed off or be taxed for the benefit of the Public-at-Large and to transform this capital into sociopital instead. This is also a transformation of fictitious money-capital into factious money-sociopital. However, this sociopital can be misdirected to some corrupt corporations further laundered and pocketed by the corrupt few individuals. 25 The multimarketing feeding exchanges involves getting the products to the consumers in an marketing enneagram of fixates: Traditionally the Marketing Mix consisted of 4 P’s (Product, Price, Place and Promotion), but as marketing became more sophisticated over the years another ‘P’ for People was added to the mix and specifically for the service industry, the Physical Environment and Process were added as well. These are now known as the extended ‘P’s’ and altogether as the 7 P’s of Marketing. This 7 Ps of Marketing has not reached an octave of marketing fixates." "Claimed not a pyramidal extraction of distribution(D) extraction of monetary units of gains in the multiautomarketing feeding exchanges (E) of both the traditional method and the modern multilevel marketing (MLM) or direct selling methods of distribution of goods and services supported by the law of triad of the three direct selling (DS) fixated processes (Selling, Sponsoring and Servicing) to just these three-brained hethormen human beings of the American Way, and subsequently all other MLM money-god noomakhian, designs and constructs of this multilevel marketing Sales and Marketing Plans of similar wiseacring and smell of the related distribution (D) and consumption (C) of the PDCE tetrad substructure system, the emerging AI padrigine online marketing system now wedged between the Producers (P) of products and services and the Consumers (C) is the new synthesis that would eliminate the mystical spell of the overly extractive and exploitative fastlane roots of traditional and modern marketing middle stopinders via Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) gimmicks of the Great American Money-God Dream and restore the natural flow and behavior of delivery transportation and warehousing as well as transforming their aberrating capitalistic-essenced GINI Coefficients in terms of individual-stopinder allocation of work benefits in this distribution-consumption (DC) marketing fixates into their acceptable least aberrating socialistic-essenced GINI Coefficients in this DC. Hopeful dreams of the few and certainly also nightmares of the many, as it always is in the Age of Social Pyramids and Hierarchy at the MI-FA Interval ABYSS, some minority would also become a Crown Ambassador Oligarch and join the membership of the corporate-nationate union UGGMBCC 1% Deep-State."