Volume 142       March 30, 2021


By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho

(An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views Book 23, Further Records II, Article 14, Topic: "The Genesis of the Hethormen Being Called Man" by Professor  Dr. Tan Man-Ho



Article 14, Topic:


There is a genesis of hethormen (Head-Thorax-Abdomen) in the formation of man beings through trioctave materialist scientific and philosophic principles, and it begins thus.  It all began and continues to re-begin in an almost perpetual biocosmic cycle each time a successful conception of the sperm and the ovum during an intercourse between members of the opposite sex in the trialectics of man and woman.

From the fertilized egg through its microscopic odyssey a blastocyst, to an embryo and to complete fetus by mitosis (cell division) based on the Principle of Three that gives rise to 3 fundamental layers of stopindering stem cells; each might not look different initially but soon becomes 3 different compartments and certainly have different functions and roles, namely, as gravity-centers for digesting the three being-foods from the external world later.  In this microscopic odyssey, there are 2 critical stages to exit from the 2  ‘houses’ – the blastocyst needs to get out or free itself from the ‘zona pellucida’ or egg shell (blastocyst’s 1st house) to survive as an individual being by implanting and feeding with its placenta on the foods that come from the blood of the mother’s uterus. Then the long gestation period of 9 months or so for the creation and perfecting of a baby which must get out or free itself from the mother’s womb (baby’s 2nd house) into the outside world to continue the individual odyssey as a three-story human being.

We shall begin from microscopic odyssey of the blastocyst for this purpose for our understanding of the genesis of hethormen based on the action of the 3 principles or Law of Three, and a wee bit of Law of Octave for mere mention.

At the beginning of gestation which is the process of forming and perfecting the embryo and its placenta after the exit of the blastocyst which has now lodged deep into the uterine wall of the mother, the blastocyst (as embryo now) creates 2 oblong bubbles (1st and 2nd forces) one on top of the other.  Sandwiched between them is a thin layer of cells (3rd force).  These are the cells that one day may become a baby.  Then some cells begin moving towards the center.  Then they dive downwards creating a new lower layer. More cells plunge through squeezing in between forming a third layer.  Only 3 fundamental layers are formed due to a general model of the Law of Three.  The cells in the 3 layers may not look different but for each layer a very different future lies ahead.  The lower cells are destined to form structures like the lung, liver and the lining of the digestive tract. The middle layer will form the heart, muscles, bones and blood.  And the top layer will create the nervous system including the spinal cord and the brain as well as the outer covering of the skin and eventually, hair.

Gradually, the 3 layers become the cause and the source for the arising of the 3 compartments of a baby and thus the human hethormen being is formed with the head, thorax and the abdomen intact – all integrated by the model of the Law of Three .  Man is therefore a three-storied human hethormen being!

The  embryo is formed and is perfecting into a fetus according to the code of command of the genes which comes from the male as well as the female and through a complicated genetic process - the creation and perfection continues into a complete functioning and function-able baby.  Cells, tissues and organs communicate and talk psychically as if having 'it's and 'I's modeling with instinctive consciousness, chemically, physically and socially within the developing systems, the systems of which are subjected to the general Laws of Octave.  As to this 'it's and ‘I’s modeling, cells communicate psychically or spiritually with one another even ‘socially’ or within the context of a ‘sociocosmic octave of cells’.  Cells seem to ‘know’ from genes, and genes from ‘being psyche hydrogens’ or ‘elementary particles’.

The cells, the tissues and the organs which then continue to become the chemical factories as their role to produce hormones with ‘cosmic properties’ to regulate the coordination of all organs through the 8 regulatory systems of a fully functioning human being in an enneagrama.

Within a miracle short period of 9 months from the perfecting of this human hethormen being in the mother's womb, embryo's 2nd house, the millions of years of the historical odyssey of evolution and involution of the specific type of hethormen beings of the biocosmic octave from the vermes (Do), the insecta (Re), the pisces (Mi), the amphibia (Fa), the reptilia (So), the aves (La) and the mammalia (Ti) that has been remembered, genetically coded and stored in the DNA/RNA is quickly retraced, released and rapidly "pass over" in the womb of the mother - about a month allocated for each specific type of hethormen being. By the time this hethormen being frees itself from the mother's womb it has become a truly subspecies baby Homo sapiens sapiens of a TI-hethormen three-storied and three-brained (cerebrum, cerebellum and spinal brain) human baby being.  With a little quantitative and minor evolutionary qualitative changes or alteration, also in accordance to the fundamental law of quantitative changes to qualitative changes and vice versa, the baby (Do) changes into an altered biocosmic cum sociocosmic child (Re), an adolescent (Mi), a youth (Fa), an adult (So), a matured adult (La) and a final old person (Ti) within a period of about 80 years.

The Human Hethromen Beings on Mother Earth's surface (the last womb) is their 3rd house

Upon leaving the last womb of the mother, these baby hethormen human beings enter into the outer world on Mother Earth's surface which is their 4th and last house of dwelling.  They enter into this new outer world home as three in accordance to the law of triad mainly as the normal man (male) and  the normal woman (female) but unfortunately, some abnormal neuters (LGBTQIA+) or just those 'would-become' neuters.  The trialectics of man and woman reproduces the number of these hethormen human beings quantitatively in a populating process called population, and by year 2023, the world population has already reached 8.025 billion.  The quantitative populating of these hethormen human beings is the population collective to the world of these hethormen human beings.  Many quantitative population parameters and demographics such as growth rate, life expectancy, median age, dependency ratio, fertility rate, mortality rate, morbidly, comorbidity and population density have been uncovered and their statistics analyzed for greater understanding by the learned three-brained hethormen human beings.  At the same time, the civilization octaves and the sociocosmic octaves stopinderate the population growth into concentric collective stopinders binding them into a collective whole.

Gathering technocosmic energies and developing sociotechnocosmic octaves with an inner coded laujinggong triad sociocosmic shock absorber

These hethormen human beings or biocosmic man and his inner genetic/race octaves of 3 main races (Caucasoid, Mongoliod and Negroid,  and the uncertain to more than 60 sub-races) soon acquire anthropological, sociological and technological characteristics.  Their technocosmic energy is later subjected to technocosmic trioctave laws in the creation of many technocosmic beings for his fundamental sociotechnocosmic octave and all its lateral sociotechnocosmic stopinders.  All of them finally gather at their MI-FA Intervals for their sociocosmic social relations of production-distribution created the necessary triadic sociocosmic shock absorbers changing qualitative essences historically into and starting as a diadic Tougeng sociocosmic being of the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism (emerging 4296 BC and earlier), a diadic-becoming-triadic zhuguannu sociocosmic being of the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism (emerging 2148 BC and earlier), a triadic  Dikongnong sociocosmic being of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism (emerging 1 AD or earlier), a triadic Laujinggong sociocosmic being of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (emerging 1788 AD or earlier), a triadic Gongjingdong sociocosmic being of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (to emerge in 2148 AD or earlier), a triadic BiodongRobotjingRobotgong semi-sociotechnocosmic being of the LA-Historical Species of Communism (to emerge in 2864 AD or earlier) and a triadic Bio/RobotdongRobotjingRobotgong sociotechnocosmic being of the TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism (to emerge in 3580 AD or earlier).

The external geocosmic and geographical conditions suitable and determining the arisings of these biocosmic genetic-races at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation is shown on the map below:

1. Caucasoid: Aryan, Semitic, Hamitic

2. Mongoloid: North Mongol, Chinese & Indochinese, Korean & Japanese, Tibetan & Burmese, Malay, Polynesian, Maori, Micronesian, Eskimo & Inuit, American

3. Negroid: African Negro, Khoikhoi, Melanesian, Negrito, Australoid

4. Uncertain: Dravida & Sinhalese

Their historical development through a Marxian historicism and a trioctave sociocosmic enneagram lens is shown below:

A tou being is three-centered hethormen human being with anthropological characteristics and functions as a 'head' or 'chief' to the 'geng' being who is a follower in the production-distribution process in the  DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism.  The law of three has not fully created a distinct class in sociocosmic relations to production-distribution at the MI-FA Interval in this fundamental sociocosmic octave, and it remains diadic, something of a chieftain center and a follower surrounding periphery.  At the higher TI-DO Interval in this same fundamental sociocosmic octave the tou being rises to the higher level of 'masterate' with the other less powerful tou beings still remaining as they are on a lower level.  The  DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism full of three-centered hethormen human beings is a sociocosmic enneagramic species breeding in large numbers and scattered everywhere on suitable geocosmic lands (Mi) on mother Earth's surface.

A zhu being is three-centered hethormen human being with anthropological characteristics and functions as a 'master' or 'lord' to the 'nu' being who is a slave in the production-distribution process in the  RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism.  The law of three has partially created a distinct class of a middle often 'slave-controllers' in sociocosmic relations to production-distribution at the MI-FA Interval in this fundamental sociocosmic octave, and it remains triadic-like, something of a lord/masterate center and a slave surrounding periphery with a thin 'slave-controller slave' shealth.  At the higher TI-DO Interval in this same fundamental sociocosmic octave the zhu being rises to the higher level of 'king' or a 'kingdate' of a kingdom with the other less powerful zhu beings still remaining as they are on a lower level but with sub-levels of becoming 'masterate' beings.  The  RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism full of three-centered hethormen human beings is a sociocosmic enneagramic species breeding in substantial numbers and scattered everywhere on suitable geocosmic lands (Mi) on mother Earth's surface.  Most were one or a few kingdate-off as in the  pharaoh civilization of Egypt, Mesopotamia civilization, Sumer Civilization, Xia civilization of ancient China, etc.

A di being is three-centered hethormen human being with anthropological characteristics and functions as a 'feudal landlord' or feudate to the 'nong' being who is a serf or a peasant in the production-distribution process mainly of agrocosmic nature land (Mi)/water (Fa) and land/farm products of agroculture in the  MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism.  The law of three has fully created a distinct upper class (elite or favored) of land owners who fief land from the king above and pay a fee or tax in return, another distinct lowest class  of serfs and peasants who till the land for produces and pay due in money or kinds and a middle fief guild class (also paying tax or fee to landowners) who control the apprentice in manufacturing and/or handicraft works of creativity and others  in sociocosmic relations to production-distribution at the MI-FA Interval in this fundamental sociocosmic octave, and it remains triadic, something of a pyramid with an upper feudate (di), a middle fief-guild (kong)  and a lowest serf-appentice (nong).  At the higher TI-DO Interval in this same fundamental sociocosmic octave the feudate being rises to the higher level of a 'king' or 'dynastate king-of-kings' or a dynastate imperial emperor full of governing powers while the other less powerful feudate beings still remaining as a power-possessing beings at the MI-FA Interval with their dikongnong sub-levels struggling to be the future beings of the TI-DO Interval.  The  MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism full of three-centered hethormen human beings is a sociocosmic enneagramic species breeding in substantial numbers and scattered everywhere on suitable geocosmic lands (Mi) on mother Earth's surface.  However, this feudal sociocosmic enneagramic species recycled spirally many times during the MI-FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalist depending on the sizes of the population, the land mass/continents, soil type/fertility, size of grassland  and the size of the surrounding seas, climatic atmospheres and the nature of the fundamental and lateral organic plantae and animalia of our geocosmic octaves.  Some short-lived or having a few dynastate-off as in the  Roman slavery cum feudal civilization, the Ottoman slavery cum feudal civilization, etc.  A long-lived slavery cum feudal civilization is the Chinese civilization which experiences tens of enneagramic dynastate cycles changing imperial dynasties one after another without much qualitative changes in language, sociocultural and other anthropological characteristics over 2,132 years from 221 BC (under the imperial emperor Shi Huang Ti) till 1911 AD.

A lau being is three-centered hethormen human being with anthropological characteristics and functions as a 'capitalist private wealth' or corporate to the 'gong' being who is an employee or a work contractor in the production-distribution process of agriculture, industrial and commercial activities in the  FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  The law of three has now fully established with very distinct upper class of capitalists who lease and even own land/plants/buildings/goods/businesses/capital-values/monies/ intangibles of all conceivable kinds from the nation-state above and pay  many types of fees or taxes and duties in return to the nation-state, another distinct lowest class  of employees who work as they were told to with no control of decision-making as to production-distribution of goods and services, even of ideas in their sociocosmic relations to production-distribution and to the lau beings at the MI-FA Interval in this fundamental sociocosmic octave, and it remains triadic, something of a powerful fully consolidated pyramid with an upper corporate (lau), a middle 3-layered director-CEO-manager (jing) and a lowest near-propertyless employee-worker specifics caused by the division of labor (gong).  At the higher TI-DO Interval in this same fundamental sociocosmic octave the nationate being rises to the higher level of an 'international' global laujinggong hegemonists or 'nationate' in the nation-bloc (TI) in a TI-platform, the UN full of governing powers amongst others in this nation-bloc while the other less powerful corporate beings still remaining as a power-possessing beings full of mega-shares of their corporations at the MI-FA Interval with their corporate laujinggong sub-levels struggling to be the future beings of the TI-DO Interval.  The  MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism full of three-centered hethormen human beings is a sociocosmic enneagramic species breeding in substantial numbers and scattered everywhere on suitable geocosmic lands (Mi) on mother Earth's surface.  However, this feudal sociocosmic enneagramic species recycled spirally many times during the MI-FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalist depending on the sizes of the population, the land mass/continents, soil type/fertility, size of grassland  and the size of the surrounding seas, climatic atmospheres and the nature of the fundamental and lateral organic plantae and animalia of our geocosmic octaves.  Some short-lived or having a few dynastate-off as in the  Roman slavery cum feudal civilization, the Ottoman slavery cum feudal civilization, etc.  A long-lived slavery cum feudal civilization is the Chinese civilization which experiences tens of enneagramic dynastate cycles changing imperial dynasties one after another without much qualitative changes in language, sociocultural and other anthropological characteristics over 2,132 years from 221 BC (under the imperial emperor Shi Huang Ti) till 1911 AD.

As to the next coming and emerging 'dong' being of dongjinggong-on-transit-to-gongjinggdong of the FA-SO-LA-TI-Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism into future 'gong' being the SO-Historical Period of Socialism proper, the inner spiritual essences within the making of the new man become the necessary psychological factor of unfreezing and refreezing psyche hydrogens in these three-centered hethormen human beings from the psyche hydrogens of Capitalism to the psyche hydrogens of  Socialism, otherwise, the psyche hydrogens 'dong' at the top of the triadic pyramid could not be transformed into the psyche hydrogens 'gong' at the bottom and vice versa within the psychology of all the sociocosmic stopinders both fundamental and laterals.  A conscious labor and intentional suffering inner work is necessary to eat-digest this piece of bitter fruit to develop the inner bodies old three-centered hethormen human being of Capitalism to the new three-centered hethormen human being of Socialism proper at the MI-FA Interval to the inner "SO-LA" Interval and to the TI-DO Interval of this sociocosmic enneagram from the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism to the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. ........

As for their sociotechnocosmic beings and the necessary triad technocosmic shock absorbers (passenger-driver-engine (padrigine) or driver-engine-carriage (driengcriage)) technocosmic beings or machine hethormen (padrigine) beings, these hethormen human beings in their social relations of production-distribution are attached in specific ways with the padrigines for which the bio-anthroplogical gong beings were gradually replaced by technocosmic robots, then the bio-anthropological jing beings too would gradually be replaced by the technocosmic robots and finally there would be a historical wrestle for power and control as to whether the bio-anthroplogical hethormen human dong beings should still lead the technocosmic spiritual AI robots in production-distribution and in daily life within the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being.

The body of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species is the current anthro-sociocosmic 3rd house of this human hethormen being after leaving the biocosmic 1st house in its zygote/blastocyst form and entering the 2nd house in its embryo/fetus form and leaving it (this biocosmic 2nd house) as a baby/adult human hethormen being in its earlier odyssey.  Death would be the last stage after leaving this 3rd house - the mother Earth's surface and in the womb of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being. Also included are those diad and triad sociocosmic shock aborbers of the earlier historical periods of Tougeng DO-historicism of Primitive Commun(al)ism, zhuguannu RE-historicism of Ancient Slavery Society and of Dikongnong MI-historicism of Feudalism. The being psyche-hydrogens or cosmic properties so formed are sociogenetically and technogenetically encoded in the biocosmic brains of the human hethormen being or modern man also for the purpose of shortening this long historical periods or historical odyssey of some 6000+ years of "human civilizations" into this same 9 months period in the womb.  Each new homo sapiens sapiens or modern man once born is able in a very short period of time, independent of their will made-to-enrol for a sociotechnogenetic information training and rehearsal,  for their oskiano or contemporary education that could quickly, retraced, released and rapidly "pass over" efficiently in the full 18 years period of oskiano or education in the institutional womb of the oskianic or the so-called educational institutions of our time - in order to quickly prepare these young human hethormen beings upon graduation to successfully handle and manage the existing sociotechnocosmic base and superstructure that has been created by their ancestors on mother Earth's surface en masse.

That the experiences gained in the course of handling and managing these base and superstructure of the FA/FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism might later re-enter into the sociotechnogenetic code in these hethormen human being to continue the same base and superstructure of the same historical period(s) or from it arises a revolutionary new hethormen human being for designing, architecturing, handling and managing a new future base and superstructure of the respective SO- and LA-Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism.

Man's Anatomical and Physiological Enneagram


The head houses mainly the nervous system at the TI-DO Interval (Point 0/9) which has its main gravity-center of biocosmic vibration called the brains (Cerebrum and Cerebellum) and it eats impressions (light, sound, odor, taste, touch and other perceptions and receptions); the thorax houses the respiratory system at the “SO-LA Interval” (Point 6) which has its main gravity-center of biocosmic vibration called the lungs and it eats air (mainly for oxygen); and the abdomen houses the digestive system at the MI-FA Interval (Point 3) which has its main gravity-center of biocosmic vibration called the alimentary canal and it eats ordinary solid foods and water.  Putting the three together gives a truly head-thorax-abdomen being – a human Hethormen Being.

Now concerning what goes on with the 3 being-foods intake at points 0/9, 3 and 6 and the digestion or the refinement of our foods' cosmic properties or psyche hydrogens. The solid or ordinary food octave (do 768) are refined into finer and finer being psyche hydrogens in the course of digestion, and this digestion is not just our contemporary scientists digestion of the physical solid food but also a refinement of being-psyche hydrogens in the food itself, for which these being-psyche hydrogens are shocked at mi 192 (1st shock) by do 192 from the air octave and shocked again at ti 12 by mi 12 from the impression octave (2nd shock) and so 12 again from the air octave for the 2nd time.  In the reproductive system, psyche hydrogens ti 12 fuse with portions of psyche hydrogen so 12 and mi 12 to form a real triadic organic being with 'mental-feeling-physical' potentials - mental potential from mi 12, feeling potential from so 12 and physical potential from ti 12. This triadic organic being is either a haploid gamete (yin ovum) if the source being is a female  or a haploid gamete (yang sperm) if the source being is a male. During mating when sperm enters unfertilized ovum, a fusion process or meiosis takes place that complete in a few days where a diploid fertilized ovum or zygote is formed. The zygote then through mitosis changes into a being called 'blastocyst' with a 'placenta' to be attached to the mother's womb to eat from there psyche hydrogens and other nutrients present in the blood of the mother like an accepted alien. Later to grow into a fully matured fetus in about 9 months ready to leave the mother as a newborn baby that must soon discard its ‘placenta’, eat air food and process its nutrients for its own survival.  This baby is either a yin type (female) or a yang type (male) and might be a future in-between yin-yang proportional or disproportional sharing type of hethormen human being if yin and yang forces did not separate strongly in him.

In this trialectics of man and woman, a quantitative repeat newborn baby (do of the next quantitative repeat of the same cycle) and also after hundreds of thousands of years, a revolutionary  transformed new type of newborn baby species will soon begin from the same lineage.  The cycle continues .....



Before the genesis of the human hethormen beings, witnessed many other hethormen beings in a long historical evolutionary process and subject to inner genetic principles of much quantitative and statistical discoveries of our contemporary genetic scientists and engineers after having formed the ‘being-psyche hydrogens of quantitative analysis’ also from their foods consumption and refinement of cosmic properties in them.

The essence of vermes (Do) of the 2nd lateral geocosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval of the fundamental geocosmic octave enters into the biocosmic exoskeletal hethormen insecta (Re) [which separate into the  insecta radiations to serve pollination function to the higher plantae beings or the plants of the 1st lateral geocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval] into the biocosmic endoskeletal animalia hethormen  beings of the 2nd lateral geocosmic octave - fishes (Mi); the essence of fishes enters into the amphibians (Fa); the essence of the amphibians enters into the reptiles (So); the essence of the reptiles enters into the avians (La); the essence of the avians enters into the mammals (Ti); the essence of the mammals enters into the Homo sapiens through qualitative changes and after undergoing gradual transformation from Australopithecus (3.5 million years ago) through the Homo halibis, Homo ergaster, Homo erectus, Neanderthal and all the way along the biocosmic journey to the ultimate Homo sapiens, the development of the Homo sapiens changes quantitatively with minor qualitative changes till today and finally to the last Ti-form (subspecies) of which is the Homo sapiens sapiens (Modern Man), the Human Hethormen Being.

Other Hethormen Beings

Each and every one of these  other dear hethormen beings also, like the human hethormen beings, continue to eat regularly  their peculiar sacred 3 being-foods, namely, ordinary solid or liquid food, air and impressions to keep their enneagrams living.

The Human Hethormen Being


Modern scientific nomenclature, classification and structure of the three-brained and three-story hethormen human being:


Familia: Hominidae
Subfamilia: Homininae
Tribus: Hominini
Subtribus: Hominina
Homo sapiens

Homo sapiens sapiens

Anterior view of human female and male with labels

Posterior view of human female and male, without labels


Thus the genesis of the hethormen being called man is explained and revealed through these scientific cum philosophic trioctave materialist principles.






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