Volume 139       January 15, 2021


By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho

(An revised excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 13, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "Principles of the Logico-psychophilosophical Method in its Application to Problems of the Real World," March 1982 - September 1983 Discourses, Chapter 5, Section E: "On Being-Religion," pp. 181~198)




(Revised on January 15, 2021)

"The three One-God religions of monotheism who do not recognize the dasein (being-existences) of many gods but fanatically recognize in denial and caught in a deadly entrapment of external dualism in the Only-One-God vs the Many-gods and the contradictions among the three monotheistic religions result in endless Havatvernoian noomakhian battles.  A crack and a weakness appears where the law of reciprocal destruction alongside a Darwinian law of reciprocal feeding for survival enters in full participation resulting in endless noomakhian battles with all other gods below itself in the Noosphere of man and often actual physical battles.  This occurs when the inner involution in an ordinary man (Man No. 1, 2 and 3 and also of Man No. 4) from any of the four ways - the way of the Fakir, the way of the monk, the way of the yogi and the fourth way - in his attempt to digest higher being-psyche hydrogens from above but goes zuoforumo (misfires).  Western-Atlanticistic noomakhias during the RE-Historical Period of Ancient Slavism, the MI-Historical Period of Feudalism and the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism is prone to such exclusive zuoforumo.  In the Darwinian involution and evolution history of the seapower-possessing beings of the western Civilization octave, it leads to much perturbed such sociocosmic and civilizational disharmony."

"Along the Old Silk Road of World Island, where the cradle of major civilizations arose thousands of years ago and stopinderated vertically civilizationally ascended to higher civilizational stopinders, namely: from the DO-Civilization Individuals to the RE-civilization Groups to the MI-civilizational Families to the FA-civilization Communities and to a SO-civilizational states in the civilization octave, and stopinderated further horizontally along the Old Silk Road many centuries before the Common Era (CE) and later along the Old Silk Routes - across Lands and Seas (after the Common Era) and now the new Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) initiated by the Sinic (Chinese) civilization to rekindle the noetic energies of all the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages found along this BRI for the rejuvenation of World Island to counter the terror-of-the-situation and all the negative consequences of Anglo-Atlantic-Pacific Dark Noomakhian logos.  The physical motion as civilization daseins of these civilizational enneagrams stretched horizontally from North Africa through the Middle East through Central Asia and to East Asia, and vertically along this YAFEI axis North to Russia and South to India and South East Asia of World Island enable such regular noomakhian meets and discussions where the law of nourishment can be activated again.

At the Western flank there is now a havatvernonian triad consisting of three One God Religion - Judaism, Christianity and Islam; on the Eastern flank there is now another havatvernonian triad of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism; in Central Asia there was a mix of all havavernonis including atheism.  The havatvernonian gravity-center vibration and the philosophy gravity-center vibration are important foundations in the noosphere of all civilizational NOO.  For Europe, also in World Island, which houses the Anglo-(western) civilization, and in Latin America and Central-Southern Africa there are many more civilization enneagrams there.  The Fourth Way is not a civilization but an independent Way that includes all the three traditional ways found in all civilizations.  Because of this independent position, it is able to accurately see and interpret with understanding all the other traditional ways from these civilizations.

Old Silk Road

The age-old NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of the Persian, Arabian, Turkish, Egyptian and the Slavic civilizations, and the Indian civilizations once met, communicated and traded with the Chinese civilizations along this Old Silk Road for thousands of years.  But was later severely disrupted with massive sociocosmic and civilizational and technocosmic disasters for only a few centuries by the seafaring Anglo-saxon (Western) civilizations. However, now the New Silk Road or the Belt and Road Initiation (BRI) from the Chinese civilization would revive and renovate this Old Silk Road.  The geosophy of World-Island in Presente would be restored as it should be with this revival in pangesophy.  The HU of the Islam, the OM of Hinduism, the Perun of the Slavs and the Tao of the Chinese have once met, communicated and exchanged in learning along this Old Silk Road and would met, communicated and exchanged in learning again in this New Silk Road.

Old Silk Routes - Landmass and Watermass in the Outer World of man

The Modern Silk Routes - Landmass and Watermass of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of the Sinic (Chinese) Civilization to rejuvenate World Island for which NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of Civilization meet and unionize, and for which the noetics meet and unionize to understand one another and work together.  Unless PESTLES+, PDCE and Carriages are discovered and integrated with the NOO in a four-bodied configuration where outer objective and inner subjective psyche hydrogens meet and refine in him - the religion, the philosophy and the ways in him - would be just stopindering along the 1st, the 2nd and the 3rd Line of Work in its own alienated prison self with only one alienated very high Master Passenger (the God or the Absolute Above) sitting by his side on his journey to this inaccessible place.

"Whereas the eater feels the light noomakhia, the eaten, however, could only feel the dark noomakhia.  This is a truth of life for all sociocosmic, civilizational specie-stopinders and their mystical noo-havatvernonian experience as it flows in the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval through ancient slavism, feudalism, capitalism and their mutates in colonialism, imperialism, fascism and hegemonism."


1   Religion is the womb which brings forth an esoteric child.  As in accordance with the law, the esoteric child has ultimately to detach from the womb.  The slow birth of the esoteric child may render it unable to detach from it.  Even if it is born it will still need the milk from its mother, and so it is not able to separate from her.

Animism (of the indigenous people) is born in and from an 'instinctive-moving-sex'  trifocal development in the abdomen body and all the limbs of man and a partiality of the sociocosmic PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure and especially the noomakhias of a civilization being rising here and there above the Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) base also here and there within the body of a DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism.  Organized animism is born in and from an 'instinctive-moving-sex and lower feeling'  trifocal plus development in the abdomen body and all the limbs of man and a partiality of the sociocosmic PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure and especially the noomakhias of a civilization being rising here and there above the Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) base also here and there within the body of a RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism.  Organizational religion is born in and from a lower-higher feeling bifocal development in the  thorax body of man and a partiality of the sociocosmic PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure and especially the noomakhias of a civilization being rising here and there above the Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) base also here and there within the body of a MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism.  Organizational ideology is born in and from a lower-higher thinking bifocal development in the head body of man and a partiality of the sociocosmic PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure and especially he noomakhias of a civilization being rising here and there above the Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) base also here and there within the body of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  Emerging Organizational spiritual holism will be born in and from a 'thinking(L&H)-feeling(L&H)-instinctive-moving-sex'  heptafocal development in all the three head, thorax and abdomen bodies of man together with the attached limbs and an holistic integration-in-seek in the sociocosmic PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure now rising here and there above the Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) base also here and there within the body of an emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (proper). Animism fades in feudalism while organized religion blossoms; organizational religion fades in capitalism while organizational ideology blossoms; organizational ideology fades is socialism while organizational spiritual holism blossoms.  As to the pre-animism  of the Paleolithic people before the 1st historical sociocosmic species of Primitive Communalism and the respective 6th and 7th historical sociocosmic species of Communism and Datongism, it is for our research on the past and for our mind projections on the future.


2   It, religion, is an emotional lesson, an exercise of the mental, the heart and the action postures - a perfect set of spiritual cake.  Deep in it are the weal and woe of an infantile conscious labor and intentional suffering being who is an easy prey to the unscrupulous exploiters around while in pursuit of the promised land of blessings and grace often implanted by the same unscrupulous exploiters.  The religious exploiters such as the politicians, the economists, the pseudo-religious teachers, and etcetera, could easily take advantage of you, use you for their benefit and even use you for war.  If you do not want to fall into their trap ....... Be awake always!

Religion is the deep sociocosmic dasein present among others in the NOO of a the Great Sociocosmic Being.  It is caught in the PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO (base-superstructure-noo) social pyramid.


3   Real Buddhism like all other real Piscean religions and Aquarius ideologies too is a map, a blueprint of emotional, intellectual and motor postural map originated from ancient time.  Following this map, fine matters in us can be transformed accordingly into a material-psychic system of the higher orders which eventually created the sacred individuals. In order TO BE, the process requires separation of oneself from oneself many times over our own inner layers of materiality.

We must be able to be outside each layer of materiality as we ascend to enable separation of oneself from one's own havatvernonian Self to be able truly To Be the real sacred individual and not just those personality “saints”, “priests”, “monks”, “imans”, “gurus”, “achans”, … etc. who can only depend on titles  to continue their dubious path.  They learn like parrots where their voices are just imitations.  Following them you will be misled sooner or later.


4   A religion is a button which can cause the rich to be less greedy.  It can ensure a flow of money out of their pockets to help the poor.  But the rich needs a greater return from such a help – and unlikely to part his money except for a more terrible hidden sinister plot in the guise of charity.  Each specific essence-species religion soon becomes a ruling tool of oppressive dominating havatvernonian hegemony through its organized sociocosmic stopinderation.


5   The bourgeoisie, besides having many other private businesses, also builds and organizes such religious institutions to hide some of the dirty work of their businesses.  Charity is often a cover-up.  Mind you they are part and parcel of a strategic marketing plan in action.  Often, it is a compensating balance between the ethical and the unethical business.  The directors and managers who do not own the means of production stand in between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat and become the double-headed religious and ideological preachers in the famous laujinggong configuration and in accord with the general law of three.  It is of my opinion such objective phenomenon is a motivated one.  It is a misleading factor for which havatvernonis or religions are the tools.


6   Didn't you notice that even the heads of various secular institutions who have enrolled themselves in the religious institutions and have become active through them soon realize that they have become mere functioning appendages of their higher ranking the monks?  Didn't you notice the different powers in the hierarchy soon dissatisfied these people and lead to power struggle causing occasion social perturbations?  They have become the main agents of many of the disagreements, conflicts, mishaps, coup and revolutions?  Become culprits themselves?


7   People's thoughts are likely to be conditioned by the phenomenon of group thinking which is common to most socialization.  An organizational-inclined religion concentrating on social expansion soon becomes sociocosmic in nature and would exhibit more societal characteristics as the sociocosmic laws of three and seven already act through it.  [This is a point not direct from Gurdjieff. It is a description about our thought as a reflection of our real actual social being where the sociocosmic law of three and seven have already acted on us not as an individual alone but rather as social beings we really are.  The wonders of all the social institutions today are due to the work of these two basic laws together with their huge supportive families of superstructures, and whose source of power is derived from the laboring productive forces of man himself.]


8   Some 7,000 years ago, a psycho-solar system from the zodiac constellations of the Aries and then the Pisces, known as religion descended and dwelled in the three centers of man, and regularly controlled and sometimes even enslaved him.  This system, like all other psycho-sociosystem, has been truly active for quite some time creating numerous sacred individuals before losing its cosmic influence after their demise as our Earth enters the zodiac constellation of Aquarius in wait of new Aquarius sacred individuals.

The Piscean sacred and saintly individuals arose together with their havatvernonian religious teachings are the chronic causes and effects in sociocosmic havatvernonian perturbation full of illogical deep inner terror of all kinds of evil emotional extremes that continue to reverberate across the three historical bi-periods and periods, namely: the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Ancient Slavism and Feudalism, the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism and to the current polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.


9   Religion is a hypnotizing dance.  Like any art of black magic-in-white, it is learnt and transmitted.  Through training and exercise, you perfect the horn.


10   Even religions are tree branches for monkeys to dwell and play games.  They may even come to a point whereby they will refuse to leave the branches absolutely for an unknown fear.  Recognize your ‘I’s all the time and everywhere especially when they, like these monkeys, perch on one of these religious branches.  However, the roots above of religions is in the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation - feeding on essences there, and the branches below is reaching the MI-FA Interval of this same the (our) Ray of Creation - purportedly nourishing the extracted essences to the beings here below.

Religion is a group of havatvernonian gravity-centers of psychosociocosmic vibration which cosmic vibration implies having their 1st higher level origin from the TI-DO Interval (subject of 1 law, 3 Laws, 6 laws, 9 laws and 12 laws of freedom of the Absolute Will) and a subsequent 2nd lower level sub-origin at the MI-FA Interval (subject of 24 laws, 28 laws, 48 laws and 96 laws).  All religious teaching have two groups of gravity-centers of reference, one above implying a Will of the Absolute at the TI-DO Interval (governance) of the (our) Ray of Creation and one below implying the life or consciousness or psyche of man at the MI-FA Interval (common citizenry).  You have the teaching of God and the teaching of man in the Western and religions, the Mahayana and the Hinayana teaching of the oriental "religions" or philosophies.

For the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, God is the God above the slaves, and the masterate and the kingdate act on behalf of the God; for the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism, land-wealth is the God above the serfs, and the feudate and the dynastate act on behalf of the God; for the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, property and money is the God above the workers, and the corporate and the nationate act on behalf of the God; for the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, common-sharing of prosperity is the 'Common Human Destiny'  (a substitute of God) above the people, and the collectivite and the SNUN regulorate act on behalf of the 'Common Human Destiny.'

For the free floating and finger-pointing pure religions sitting high on the throne of Noo above the superstructure below in tautological argument, Good is the God and Evil is the Satan - all at the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, looking down with His All Seeing Eye pyramid on all his beings at the MI-FA Interval. Good are the men from God and Evil are the men from Satan.  Man at the MI-FA Interval lives in the Confusion of the Tongue in the Tower of Babel full of weal and woe, contradictions, tension and intense suffering within himself - getting worse and worse from the oft automatic unconscious mechanical happenings as they stopinder vertically and horizontally, enneagramically and historically along the sociotechnocosmic octaves.

Now let us explore the starting points of the descending forces vertically down in triads and octaves to the ending points and the starting points (at the ending points) of the ascending forces vertically up in triads and octaves to the ending points (at the starting point) in cycles of down and up vertically.  When this happens for the sociocosmoses, it give rise to the notion of social classes and pyramidal hierarchies and all the negative consequences of the terror-of-the-situation of sickly imbalanced, conflicting, oppressive, enslaving, exploiting, warring and disharmonious system in accord with the law of reciprocal destruction and only turn healthy when the law of reciprocal nourishment  overcome these negative consequences.  The law of triad in triad generates the upper classes (upper-upper class, upper-middle class and lower-middle class in accord with the law of triad), the  middle classes (upper-middle class, middle-middle class and lower-middle class in accord with the law of triad) and the lower classes (upper-lower class, middle-lower class and the lower-lower class also in accord with the law of triad)  ...... this is the negative consequences of the vertical flow of forces.  There is also a negative consequences to the horizontal association of forces whereby horizontal stopinders of the same level in association turns into a vertical flow of force giving rise to pyramidization and hegemonism (at individual, group, family, corporate, state, nation and nation-bloc levels) and all the negative subsequence terror-of-the-situation of the same sickly imbalanced, conflicting, oppressive, enslaving, exploiting, warring and disharmonious system.

The deep spiritual extremes of havatvernonian wars and the money-god wars often produce the highest amount and quality of the sacred askokin release during lunar askokin extraction and cosmic balancing of life forces in the 'All Planets-Earth-Organic Life' 2nd Cosmic Body Triad and the 'Organic Life-Earth-Moon'1st Cosmic Body (lowest) Triad.


The transition between Capitalism (lau, jing and gong classes) and Socialism (gong, jing and dong classes) or between the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism

From another approach, this historical sociocosmic octave has aberrations to be taken into consideration. So a Natural Historical Sociocosmic Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave is developed to house and also to contain these aberrating stopinders at its own MI-FA Interval and also its TI-DO Interval, as depicted:

"Whereas the light noomakhian logos move along the Fundamental Periods of Non-Antagonistic Cooperative Social Circulatory, the dark noomakhian logos move along the 1st Lateral Periods of Antagonistic Exploitative Social Pyramidization at the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave."

"So the God(s) of every havatvernoian religion also move along the the Fundamental Periods of Non-Antagonistic Cooperative Social Circularity, the Satan (s) also move along this same 1st Lateral Periods of Antagonistic Exploitative Social Pyramidization at the MI-FA Interval of this same Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave."


From the lens of late Christianity, man is crucified to the Cross, so is he crucified to the Vertical and the Horizontal; from the lens of the Egyptian Pharaohs, the pyramid is the tomb of the death, so  is man be buried in the pyramid under the spell of the Vertical and the Horizontal; from the lens of the Ray of Creation, may you be cautioned not to fall into the spell of the Vertical and the Horizontal; from the lens of Capitalism, it has become the magic hierarchy of efficient and effective management of the social relations of production, distribution and consumption to the benefits of the capitalists at the expense of the exploited laborers en masse.  The morning of the Vertical and the Horizontal in the inner world of man arose after the fall of the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism and the rise of the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, continued into the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism and fell giving way to rise of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, the most aggressive and the worst of its kind peaking to the extreme of GINI Coefficient in terms of wealth distribution and private ownership to the corporates and the few individuals, oligopoly capitalists, plutocrats and cronies.  The terror of the situation of this Vertical and Horizontal Spell trapped deep in the pagan, the religious, the atheistic, the new ageistic souls of man  and emerges repeatedly through sociocosmic stopinderation always into maleficent classes and hierarchies of exploitation, oppression and others would soon see its evening, breaks asunder, crumbles and become sociocosmically circular in the social relations of production, distribution and consumption without significant Verticals and Pyramids, and would be consciously contained, maintained and managed in the new  emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism proper en masse, ........ and more of the later historical sociocosmic specie-rises of the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism and the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism for which the Vertical and the Horizontal was on conscious vanguard.

All havatvernoian systems especially of the degenerated religious systems are subjected to the same tri-octave laws for the genesis of havatvernoian social classes and subject to the law of reciprocal destruction with negative consequences and the law of reciprocal nourishment with positive consequences.


11   Differentiate between a religion with exploitative, oppressive motives and the one without them.  Differentiate the TI-DO and MI-FA Intervals of religions of the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism, of the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism, of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, of the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism and the final of the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism.  See what happens if you combine man’s inner TI-DO Interval with his inner MI-FA Interval and then combine them with the TI-DO Interval and the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.  Adding the “SO-LA Interval” to this you will know why man’s religion is and has been a dangerous fracas of the Confusion of the Tongue.

To a business person of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, religion is but the useful art of spiritual opiating of the minds of the exploited workers for monetary gains.  Preaching and praying imposed are but the art of imposed self-calming of the nervous system of the unsuspecting victims.  They cultivate one’s unquestionable submission to the exploitative above, increase productive obedience and enrich the wicked private few through the instrumentation of the private ownership law ultimate looting of the surplus wealth from the natural and common ownership pool.


12   A snake temple, properly so-called the snake house, is a way of rearing such and such beings which is no different from the rearing of beings known as chicken in my own backyard.  The mystical husk of religion is but expressions of visions through the instrumentation of a snake temple.  Other religio-beings could include tortoises, being-idols, old trees, rocks and mystical objects.


13   Gods create and are created, whether plural or singular......

The Gurdjieff's Points:

  1. Many existing forms of religious and spiritual tradition on Earth had lost connection with the original meaning and vitality of the real sacred individual and so could no longer serve humanity in the way that had been intended at their inception

  2. Humans were failing to realize the truths of ancient teachings and were instead becoming more and more like automatons, susceptible to control from outside and increasingly capable of otherwise unthinkable acts of mass psychosis  such as world war I & II, cold wars with the USSR and the recent hybrid wars with China.  Irresponsibly and hasnamussianly implanting fake news to the sleep-wake many through social medias and the internet in the sinister hope of producing automatic mass psychosis leading to countless deaths........

  3. The current surviving sects and schools are mostly meso- or exoteric and could only provide a one-sided development which could not produce a fully integrated human being.

The Gurdjieff Quotes:

  1. The greatest untold story is the evolution of God.

  2. Conscious faith is freedom. Emotional faith is slavery.  Mechanical faith is foolishness.

  3. Awakening begins when a man realizes that he is going nowhere and does not know where to go.

  4. The crowd neither wants nor seeks knowledge, and the leaders of the crowd, in their own interests, try to strengthen its fear and dislike of everything new and unknown.  The slavery in which mankind lives is based upon this fear.

  5. A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually dead.  It is unfortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it.  If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.

  6. If you meditate and the Devil comes, make the Devil meditate.

  7. You can never awaken using the same system that put you to sleep in the first place.  [Commentary: This system that can ever put you to sleep in the first place is always your special system that you have been unaware of.  so you will always be put to sleep again and again till the day when your miracle shock of awareness happens. If you can ever able to use it then it will become the aware and known shock that will gradually bring you out from this sleep.  It is also at this point that you can begin your Work-On-Self ........]

  8. Real love is a cosmic force which goes through us.  If we crystallize it, it beomes the greatest power in the world.

  9. If a man could understand all the horror of the lives of ordinary people who are turning around in a circle of insignificant interests and insignificant aims, if he could understand what they are losing, he would understand that there can only be one thing that is serious for him - to escape from the general law, to be free.  What can be serious for a man in prison who is condemned to death?  Only one thing: How to save himself, how to escape; nothing else is serious.






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