THE FOURTHWAY MANHO E-JOURNAL Volume 136 December 1, 2020 |
BEING-ZAROOARIES AND THE ZAROOARIAN OCTAVE; THE NEW YEAR SUPERSTRUCTURE AURAS By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho (An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 21, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The Sociotechnocosmic World Outside Us, The Sociotechnocosmic World Inside Us and Our General Inner World Conditions," September 1997 ~ December 2001 Discourses, Chapter 4, Section E & F: "Being-Zarooaries and the Zarooarian Octave; The New Year Superstructure Auras," pp. 184~213)
"The zarooarian octave, the biocosmic octave, the sociocosmic octave, the technocosmic octave and the civilization octave breed, grow and move dependently, merge, integrate and intertwine one another in stopinderate morphological and morphosophical complex design and construct of a society into a Great NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of a Great Earth Civilization dwelling on Mother Earth's surface."
"The nuclei of the zarooarian stopinders are the active gravity-centers of the zarooarian octave. Those Belt and Road Inititative (BRI) enables more and more of such nuclei to zarooarianly mitote from a single large sociocosmic and civilizing egg cell, subdividing itself by such zarooanian mitosis into many similar cells within the PDCE of the MI-F Interval and regulated by the sovereign or a governance of the TI-DO Interval. Such governance is again geocosmically and geosophically, pangeacosmically and pangeasophically, and cosmically and comosophically influenced giving rise to the consciousness of sovereign and governance in the form of progressive stopinderation along the zarooarian octave and others such as:
1) the Tellurocracy of governance because of the landmass islands and continents, 2) the Thalassocracy of governance because of the watermass seas and oceans, 3) the Aerocracy of governance because of the airmass atmosphere, 4) the Cosmocracy of governance because of the spacemass vacuum outerspace now fill with man-made space crafts, the geostationary satellites and the space stations and the coming planetary bases on the moon and later other celestial bodies neigboring the (our) planetary Earth which necessitate the cosmocratic governance and finally, 5) the Cyberocracy of governance because of the presence of the noomass in the TI-DO Interval and MI-FA Interval of the Quantum Octave - the noetic being-psyche hydrogens mass present in all the biocosmic, sociocosmic, civilizational cosmic, the technocosmic, the geocosmic and the cosmic noospheres (noetic fields)."
"Left depleted off the plantae forest in the abnormal and imbalances of the zarooarian octave, the zarooarian stopinders need to restore their plantae forest to return to their natural selves....... thus we have Forest Cities of the future! The combination of the biocosmic organic life at the MI-FA Interval in the Geobiosociotechnocosmic octaves must ultimately balance with its technocosmic synthetic life at the TI-DO Interval. This is the harmonious developmental way of the zarooarian objective history and destiny." (Tan Man Ho)
Pital/value accumulates at the nucleus at each and every of the 7 nuclei of the 7 sociotechnocosmic cells of the historical sociocosmic specie-types; the hundreds of thousands of nuclei in all the zarooarian stopinders (big, small and smallest) on Mother Earth's surface move their pital/value within the infrastructure network of these zarooarian nuclei. In the three Ages of Social Pyramidization from where ancient slavipital/value moves amongst the slavipitalistic-essenced zarooarian nuclei within the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, where feudapital/value moves amongst the feudapitalistic-essenced zarooarian nuclei within the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism, and where capital/value moves amongst the capitalistic-essenced zarooarian nuclei within the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, the contradiction between the nuclei and the rural suburbs and amongst zarooaries is antagonistic and severe with much exploitation and oppression both vertically within the classes above and below in the nucleus, and horizontally among different nuclei for fear of being reduced to the level of the lower classes and various other reasons.
Ill-fatedly, at the MI-FA Interval ABYSS of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, the zarooarian stopinder eats aggressively pital-value in bulky tomes irrespective of its forms - ancient slavipital-value, feudapital-value and capital-value - thus severely depriving the suburbs off pital-values keeping them truly money-poor and low in the social pyramids. However, the emerging sociopital-value, the future communipital-value and the future datongipital-value will progressively and circularly move pital-values outwards and distribute to the peripheries, spreading collectives-cooperatives and Hi-tech communes or zarooarian gravity-centers by the millions in terms of geographically locations for concentrating, accumulating, storing and emanating pital-values from these ever-expanding hubs to everywhere in the Presente. The zarooarian octave is real and has to be managed to ensure its harmonious stopinderation without depriving the hethormen human beings dwelling in the suburbs off their incomes, means of livelihood, pital-value insufficiency, heighten antagonistic contradiction between the zarooarian nucleus and its cytoplasmic periphery and risk reciprocal destruction.
For a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, sociopital/value flow is more distributive and more fair in good GINI coefficients plus between the nuclei and the suburbs as the capitalistic-essenced Age of Social Pyramidization is negated by the socialistic-essenced Age of Inverted Social Pyramidization, which is on transition in favor of an incoming communistic-essenced Age of Advanced Social Circularity of the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism, where exploitation and oppression within and without each and every sociocosmic stopinders in all the seven fundamental sociocosmic octave, the seven 1st lateral sociocosmic octave and the seven 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave have been removed, become a sociocosmic and civilizational second nature of the noomakhias which could not easily be returned or restored a dominating position of exploitation and oppression again.
The peculiar growth of being-zarooaries through Marxian historical periods is essentially a Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) nuclear growth with a Consumption-Exchange (CE) focus as a starting seed of growth for a sociotechnocosmic cell within a surrounding cell border limit for which hunting, agriculture and industrial PDCE take place. The historical sociocosmic specie-genetic code of the mode of PDCE in a sociotechnocosmic cell determines the historical sociocosmic specie-type, namely: the primitive communal communalipital/value specie-code, the ancient slavery ancient slavipital/value specie-code, the feudal feudapital/value specie-code, the capitalist capital/value specie-code, the socialist sociopital/value specie-code, the communist communipital/value specie-code and the datongist datongipital/value specie-code. Traditionally, this specie-code is designed to manifest as a zarooarian nucleus of the sociotechnocosmic cell, and a zarooarian storehouse of pital/values to be geosophically located on the Presente of the Pangeacosmic Octave.
The specie-code enables a mega-pital/value storage nucleus (storehouse) to generate a primitive small communalipital-valued zarooarian storehouse of a DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism; later an mini-ancient slavipital-valued zarooarian storehouse of a RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism; then a large feudapital-valued zarooarian storehouse of a MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism; then a mega-capital-valued zarooarian storehouse of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism; an emerging mega-sociopital-valued zorooarian storehouse of a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism; later another coming mega-communipital-valued zarooarian storehouse of a LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism; and finally the future mega-datongipital-valued zarooarian storehouse of a TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism. Each zarooarian storehouse is eating and might still be eating everything value-able from outside its border in the future showing its true essence nature.
Outside the zarooary cell border, there are often other zarooaries located at varying distances and at different stage of development. Historically, it started from a gravity-center or nucleus of the first note (Do-Sociotechnocosmic nucleus) within a "cytoplasm" and the cell-border - the seed of a sociotechnocosmic commune or a zarooary, the sociocosmic cell that contains the individuals (DO-Individual stopinders), the groups (RE-Group stopinders), the families (MI-amily stopinders) and the PDCE organizations (FA-Organization stopinders) with a community-governance in the zarooary where a cradle of civilization of a community began. This cradle of civilization is composed of land-based three-brained hethormen human beings with a beginning mode of PDCE substructure and an evolving PESTLES superstructure designs (architecture and the like) and constructs, and together with its NOO dasein lead to a full being-existence of a zarooary to our eyes and the visible outcome of the opt highly visible civilization-focus collectives of civilizationing zarooaries. The civilizationing zarooary has concentrated on a suitable location, fertile soil and conducive climatic environment under the daily diurnal of day and night, the yearly four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter and the 12 Astrological Ages influences for which a civilizationing zarooarian with distinct NOO-PESTLES-PDCE Carriage would have its civilizational-focus arising, presence and stopinderation from within, namely: from Do to Re to Mi to Fa to So to La to Ti and ultimately "stops" at Do of the higher next zarooarian octave (Interplanetary zarooaries on our moon or other planetary bodies in our Solar system or Interstellar zarooaries on exo-planets in other solar systems).
As zarooaries stopinderate along the historical sociotechnocosmic octaves, the civilization octaves within the platform of the geocosmic octaves of the (our) Presente, many ill-fated zarooaries were conquered, extracted off "wealth" and destroyed or destroyed in a disaster or died naturally in the process of history! This is the case during the age of social pyramidization when the primitive social circularity of the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism disappears as it involute and evolute into the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism into the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism and finally into the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, and where the conquest, wealth extraction and destruction in the greatest, and where world wars occurred.
While the nuclei of the zarooarian stopinders of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism impoverize their cytoplasm, the nuclei of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism nourish their cytoplasm. Private capital, sociopital, state capital and state sociopital would flow into the small-holder laujinggong carriages (capitalitc-essenced), dongjinggong carriages (semi-capitalistic-public-essenced) and gongjingdong carriages (socialistic-essenced) to develop small-holder agriculture surrounding each nuclei of the stopinders of the zarooarian octave within a LA-nation stopinder of the sociocosmic octave to help in the poverty elevation of the often much neglected rural cytoplasm. The principle of sustainability and independence is necessary for both the nucleus and its cytoplasm of a zarooarian stopinder., thus rejuvenating both the nucleus and its immediate cytoplasm. The zarooarian stopinder becomes stronger ever after.
Like meiosis in a gamete and/or the the mitosis of an eukaryotic cell, this nucleus is always surrounded by an external cytoplasm or environment as it creates itself into a bigger zarooarian being fastened by road, sea-route, air-route and telecommunication infrastructure expansion linkpins on mother earth's surface to many other zarooarian beings from the different 9 main civilization species and the thousands of sub-civilization species on the World-Island, the 2 big Outer Islands and the few small Outer Islands. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of China is one such infrastructure strategy for connectivity, infrastructure network and new developments among existing zarooarian stopinders and their immediate surrounding cytoplasm within geographical boundaries that are found growing at various stages in the body of World-Island along the YAFEILA axis and all the Outer Islands surrounding it.
The two smallest Outer Islands homing UK and Japan and the two bigger Outer Islands of Australia and North America homing the United States, often called the Global North countries, and upon reaching and acquiring the essence of capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism and Hegemonism of its inner historicism and the noomakhias peculiar to the Anglo-Atlantic Westphalia civilization, always yearning to be the owner and controller of the rich resources of the World-Island YAFEILA Axis World-Island civilizations and civilization states, slicing and dividing it from their home office in various abnormal ways leading to a highly unstable political map of contemporary states, nations and nation-blocs and spheres of influence for exclusive rights of ownership, control, exploitation and oppression.
Once completed, the integration of the mode of Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) and PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure and all relevant daseins (Noomakhia) in all the World-Island and its Outer Islands becomes ready for further involution and evolution of the higher historical sociocosmic species to the final integration into the (our) Earth civilization and her common human destiny. ....................................................
"Today, the old concepts about suburbs outside of these mega-city zarooaries divide become irrelevant as the divide disappears! Accordingly, the law of triad and the law of octave for zarooaries have created, maintained, transformed and/or destroyed zarooaries at whatever stages of development aplenty but only and always up to the population and size limits defined and allowed by the fundamental and lateral geobiosociotechnocosmic octaves and the cosmic MI-FA Interval restraints acting on the body of mother Earth herself! "What happens outside of these being-zarooaries? Outside the zarooarian octave lies the vast geocosmic land for the real socialistic-essenced arisings, real communistic-essenced arisings and real datongistic-essenced arisings for the respective SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism and the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism; in the zarooarian megacities you need inversion of the class pyramid and the circularization of social relations in PDCE among the three-brained hethormen human beings and their sociocosmic stopinders. Easy to conceive but extremely hard to materialized! Development to Hitech Spiritual AI Robotic machine collectivites (Ti) in the millions of natural HEIGRENS collectivites (Holistic, Educational, Innovative, Green, Evolutionary, No-Harm and Sustainability) - from the socialistic human-controlled over AI robotic machine HEIGRENS-oriented collectivities (So) to communistic human-controlled over spiritual AI robotic machine HEIGRENS-stabilized communes (La) again in the millions of the same natural HEIGRENS AI-Hitech communes and to the final datongistic diadic human-controlled versus spiritual AI robotic machine controlled HEIGRENS-inclusive collectivities (Ti). The zarooarian octave with mega-extractive and exploitation of corporate mega-agroestate land and millions of unsustainable pockets of capitalist-owned lots locked/trapped in sleep and ruin all over the surface of mother Earth peculiar the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is destructive to the whole construct and survival of the Great Sociocosmic Being. However, it will continue to grow as a capitalistic-essenced, socialistic-essenced, communistic-essenced and datongistic-essenced zarooarian octave like the nervous system of man all along from the 1st to the 7th historical sociocosmic species. What is unique is the breeding, growing, and renewing cell-like natural HEIGRENS AI-Hitech collectivites and natural HEIGRENS AI-Hitech communes in the millions around this zarooarian octaves of a few tens of thousands of ‘once-upon-a-time' capitalistic-essenced abnormal city-rural laugong pyramidal zarooarian cities. All of which with base PDCE and superstructure PESTLES-HEIGRENS qualitative changes along the historical specie periods." "The geocosmic octaves influence their arisings, sizes, shapes, lifespans, and etcetera and the cosmological or astrological octaves influence their civilizational periods of the historical sociocosmic species. The biocosmic octave influences the biocosmic specie-type plantae and animalian variations, the population sizes, mobilities, and the types and variants of their 3 being-foods intake. The techncosmic octaves due especially to their ever-increasing scientific, technological and general knowledge about his own inner and outer subjective nature, his external objective environment and the skills have enable him to transform this nature and environment. His knowledge and ability to harness the geocosmic stopinder, light/spirit (TI) and produce, distribute and consume is ever-increasing amount within his control has resulted in the lighting and brightening of his ever-growing and expanding zarooaries or cities that has variated and disturbed the natural geocosmic diurnal rhythms (his daily activities during day and during night) of himself as harmoniously tuned by the rotation of the geocosmic mother Earth in relation to the sun of the (our) Ray of Creation and the natural role of the moon during the night, keeping himself awake during much of the night and asleep during the much of his the day. "Under capitalistic-essenced accumulation, alienation, exploitation, oppression and mega-production, distribution and consumption mandate, extraction of human labor through the technocsmic instruments becomes 24 hour to machines and as much hours from human labor. If human labor fails to give more hours such as 12, 15 and 18 hours per day per individual and in shifts to make a 24 hour human labor extraction by providing the artificial daylight for this extraction and thus disturbing his natural diurnalities, he will be thrown out into the wilderness as unemployed reserved workers to rot - as capitalism has no humane face, only existing in the individual essence with minimum collective essence. The carriages of civilizational NOO-PESTLES-PDCE and the carriages historicismic LAU-JING-GONG found in the developed zarooraries are all ultimately designed, constructed and architectured on collecitivistic principles, off course with a proper and correctly balanced and harmonious individualism - EXCEPT for the UGGMBCC (1%). The only motive of its relationship with the collective is but to exploit and oppress it. The ever-increasing reliance and extraction of machine labor on the AI robots to substitute human labor in favor of robotic labor and mega-accumulation of capital/value to the few capitalists (the few kings and emperors equivalent of feudalism) has created an abundance of man-made, greed-based, jack-up and high-priced corporate owned goods and commodities in the hunting field of "free markets" coated much with logicnestrian reasoning partialities and pseudo-justification, and for which the human labor would not be paid enough to buy and consume them. The capitalists would have to buy them by themselves or otherwise dispose them. As to the reserve unemployed workers, they are truly left to rot. Capitalism has no humane face!" "The zarooarian octave generates the octave of being-zarooaries or zarooarian sociotechnocosmic stopinders or zarooarian gravity-centers (nuclei) which together give physical forms and geometrical boundaries, shapes and their linkages or networks of "nuclei" over a vast cytoplasmic space of states, nations, nation-blocs or 'world-of-nations' and the ONE Great Sociotechnocosmos ........ all objectively defined within the physical boundary on mother earth's crust together with the atmosphere above and the water-and-soil beneath. Outside it, is the external environment or the pure empty outside. The Great Sociotechnocosmic Being is the one big "cell" consisting of all the hethormen human beings and all other propertied agro-plantae beings and farmed-animalian hethormen beings (land, marine and avian), the propertied physical goods, commodities and digital electromagnetic waves and quanta and finally, all the mobile and immobile padrigine beings that constitute the physical and quantumic infrastructure of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being existing on mother earth's surface."
"The 7 major
geographical continents and the 7 geographical seas (the Seven Seas in the 5
oceans)* of
mother Earth will geocosmically tune all the sociotechnocosmic stopinders
elements and parameters through these sociotechnocosmic zarooaries unifying,
aligning, integrating and harmonizing them within the body of the
TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism, the last stage
historicism of a particular grand historical enneagram. This process
of global integration started in the 18th century from the western European
continent on expanding globally on a large scale and highly aberrating in
the form of capitalistic-essenced corporate and nationate colonialism,
imperialism, fascism and hegemonism during polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical
Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. Notably, it is observed that a
Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) by the infantile collectivites and SNUN
regulatorates' sociotechnocosmic will at the TI-DO Interval of the polar
FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism through various ‘FA-SO-LA-TI’-isms or FA-ism, SO-ism, LA-ism and
Ti-ism still nameless-in-seek for proper names to differentiate them from
the well-recognized ill-fated curse of colonial-ism, imperial-ism,
fascist-ism and hegemon-ism of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of
Capitalism. This BRI typical of the socialistic-essenced infantile
SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (Gravity-centered in China)
has already begun linking zarooaries from Eastern continental Asia (China) to further
complement this neglected Asia-Europe-Africa-LatinAmerica continental and oceanic geographical zarooarian networking, tuning
and balancing of all the elements of the geobiosociotechnocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval of
the (our) Ray of Creation.
The zarooarian linking of sea and air port-beings along ship and air routes
with ships and airplanes of the exploitative and oppressive capital/value
expansive colonial and imperialist era of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic
Species of Capitalism is now entering into the higher new common-sharing and common
human-destiny sociopital/value era of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species
of Socialism in-the-making with the complementary new Belt and Road
Initiative." (April, 2023) * The seven (7) continents are, from the largest to the smallest: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe (a subjective anomaly prone western geographerian beings but actually Europe is objectively the unseparated land mass continent of Asia), and Australia. The current sea-mythological 'Seven Seas' (7) include the Artic, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian and Southern oceans; in Greek literature, it includes the Agean, Adriatic, Mediterranean, Black, Red, and Caspian seas with the Persian Gulf considered as "sea"; in the Medieval European literature, it include the North sea, Baltic, Atlantic, Mediterranean, Black, Red, and Arabian seas. The 5 oceans are the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Southern (Antarctic). '7' is the magic number of mother Earth's design and construct of her land and water on her crust!
The formation of being-zarooaries of a
sociotechnocosmic nature bearing the name villages, towns and cities by
those beings everywhere on those “fertile” places on the surface of Mother
Earth also called there nucleus or gravity-centers of being-districts, was
rapidly materializing as our Great Sociotechnocosmos within the organic
These being-zarooaries have become more and more like the ‘acupoints’
of this great sociotechnocosmic construction. The points of active
emanation of sociotechnocosmic labor and rapid physical coating, and become
the habitat for all power-possessing beings and multicenter distribution of
zarooarian power - the power of being the active principle to the suburb or
the periphery of themselves. The bigger these being-cities are the
greater their status and the greater their chance to become the capital of a
SO- or even a LA-sociocosmic stopinder being.
Although these power and status hungry being-zarooarian cities have
still not bestowed themselves to be the “capital-city” in the world or
unlike some declared "city-states" (a
Piscean-like Putrajaya, a Piscean-like Islamabad, an Aquarian Singapore, a
Piscean-like Holy See or Vatican-City, an Aquarian Federal Territory, etc.) nevertheless their pursuit to outwit one another to be the
capital city of the world could not be easily stopped. Through the rapid
expansion of their existing sizes, they soon reciprocally swallow up other
cities or what is the same thing in modern language, city-merging.
While the rural areas or the passive principle areas, owing to their slow
development of their sociotechnocosmic octave, tend to assume the status of
the periphery or poverty-end being-city-rural paradigm being, nevertheless
they were active in the passive position for developing the agricultural and
natural octaves.
The active function of the law of three principles still continues hitherto, in these zarooaries, with the being-cities as the “lau” beings, the being-outskirters as the “gong” beings and the “in-betweens” or suburbans as the “jing” beings.
The zarooaries themselves breed, grow and expand from the powers of the sociocosmic laujinggong with the "lau" beings taking the lead to anchor a suitable gravity-center-location for more wealth accumulation, wealth ownership and domination of the means of production as well as possessing many high-priced commodities, enjoying higher quality services and emanating their own peculiar odors of culture and general life styles. The lau beings differentiated themselves into three or more classes - the upper class and sub-classes (upper-upper, upper-middle, upper-lower), the middle class and sub-classes (middle-upper, middle-middle and middle-lower), the lower class and sub-classes (lower-upper, lower-middle and lower-lower) and natural to invent more and more ego-and-fear names to camouflage themselves from the dangers of the real and imagined "enemies" surrounding them. The zarooaries flourish in larger and larger number on mother Earth's surface and become more and more sophisticated during the FA-SO-LA-TI historical periods of the development of our Great Sociocosmic Being at especially at the end of eighteenth century till today.
Owing to the geographical distances apart, these zarooaries would take
a very long time to merge, but in the meantime, they must constantly
communicate, that is to say they send and receive vibration in accordance to
the sociotechnocosmic laws of “World Integration” and to ensure that the
body of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being remains intact as a living
enneagram with infrastructures such as roads, rails, sea/ocean routes and
air routes being constructed with vehicles, trains, ships and planes running through
them respectively.
The process of multiautomarketing feeding exchanges are so vigorous in these being-cities that the “supply” of goods and services accumulated there is in enormous amount and the “demand” for the same saw no depth. And one has to be a paranoid to prevent oneself from being “eaten” when staying in a zarooary. It is also, I must remind you that in these being-zarooaries various kinds of terrible economic, social, cultural, political and legal dis-eases are periodically endemic for them. The high population and the high concentration of pollution full of toxins in these zarooarian centers is the caused of these dis-eases and short life-span of these hethormen human beings. At the same time, the suburban areas become depopulated, unpolluted, ecologically balanced and green. 2 Each being-zarooary or being-city is a sociocosmic gravity-center of high intensity of activities. That, like the “nerve cells” of the nervous system, would seek to link with all the other zarooaries and yet would prefer to maintain its personality as a sociocosmic being amongst the other gravity-centers in the world of zarooaries. The Zarooarian Octave is itself a 7 stage development. The stages or octave of development are:
1. Tree Dwellers; small group land settlers near the tree dwellers (Do) 2. A small village (Re) 3. A Pekan or a small town (Mi) 4. A Bandar or a town (Fa) 5. A Bandaraya or City (So) 6. A Metropolis (La) 7. A mega-global metropolitan network of cities (Ti) …....
Be cautious three-centered beings, this ever branching zarooarian octaves on mother Earth's surface, growing rapidly within the body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism is certainly a sociotechnocosmic aberration all the way along the octave but the zarooarian network is like an unbalanced runaway system of hungry nerve cells or three-centered beings leaving the massive agro-lands in search of foods to satisfy their needs, wants and money in these capital-intensive zarooarian gravity-centers, losing their massive agro-lands as well. Before any capitalistic crisis that might happen for which they could not even be able to return under the same Capitalism, and only under Socialism that they could return, often with mega revolutionary socialistic plans of re-appropriation that must be launched to prepare many of these potentially ill-fated three-centered beings to return to their own massive agro-lands in an organized and sustainable manner when the great periodic capitalistic crises happen. The tree dwellers (Do), the small group land settlers (Re) and the small village (Mi) have origins from the earlier historicism of a tougeng primitive communalism sociocosmos, a zhuguannu ancient slavery sociocomos and a dikongnong feudal sociocosmos. Only at the Mi-Fa Interval a sociocosmic shock absorber in the zarooarian octave emerged and laujinggong capitalist sociocosmos began to take sociocosmic essence and form. Now what is call measure of the 'wealth' in the zarooarian octave along the zarooarian octave historicism is named as such in this manner to distinguish the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of 'wealth' and riches measurements or '-pital' identification for each stage of the zarooarian growth pioneered by these '-pital' accumulating FA-tou, FA-zhu, FA-di, FA-lau and FA-dong beings in these geographical fertile zarooarian locations chosen by them for the zarooarianing of their zarooaries and subsequent octavization, as such:
1. During the Historical Periods of Primitive Communalism to early Ancient Slavism (Zarooarian gravity-center, Do-Tougeng): Wealth increases with an ever-increasing and gradual concentration of primitive communalipital, an unrecorded measure and unregistered ownership of 'wealth' mostly foods and herd properties. "Ownership" of value is primitive and blur in consciousness and is guided by the fundamental impulses from the instinctive-moving-sex centers of man. 2. During the Historical Periods of Ancient Slavism to early Feudalism (Zarooarian gravity-center, Re-zhuguannu): Wealth increases with an ever-increasing and more concentration of slavipital, an often recorded measure and registered ownership of 'wealth' such as the number of captured slaves, animals owned such as horses, cows, goats, sheep, etc., produces of slaves, human buildings, etc. and land/conquered land or fishing grounds occupied and owned. Ownership takes the forms of slave, masterate and kingdate and generally stopindered fully all along the fundamental and the 2 lateral sociocosmic stopinders. Ownership of value is real and social relationally classed-in-progress but still blur in consciousness and is guided by the fundamental impulses from the instinctive-moving-sex centers, the emotional center and the intellectual center of man. 3. During the Historical Periods of Feudalism to early Capitalism (Zarooarian gravity-center, Mi-Dikongnong): Wealth increases with and ever-increasing and massive concentration of feudapital, a recorded measure and registered mostly of land, conquered territories and colonies, controlled vassal states, water resources, waterways, lakes, etc., fishing grounds, farming land, ships, farm animals, etc. owned and the number and value of "free" peasants/serfs who rented land, water surfaces and fishing grounds from fiefs and also pay fees and/or taxes to the governing kingdates. Ownership of wealth takes the forms of serfate (0), feudate (3) and dynastate (6) ownership, and generally stopindered fully all along the fundamental and the 2 lateral sociocosmic stopinders. Ownership of value is real, more complex and social relationally tri-classed-in-progress, more clear in consciousness and is guided by the fundamental impulses from the instinctive-moving-sex centers, the emotional center and the intellectual center of man. 4. During the Historical Periods of Capitalism to early Socialism (The current 21st Century Zaroarian gravity-center, Fa-laujinggong): Wealth increases with and ever-increasing and massive concentration of capital, a fully recorded measure, registered, accounted for wealth of all types - all land including island, territories conquered and colonies established owned and controlled, water, sea, ocean, lake, river, atmosphere, space, plantae, animalias, human population ....... everything in the geocosmos and even planetary "properties". Nothing is spared and nothing will be spared. Ownership of wealth takes the forms of non-owning employee or owning individual (0), corporate or private (3) and nationate or public (6) but generally stopindered fully with much sociocosmic aberration all along the fundamental and the 2 lateral sociocosmic stopinders. Ownership of value is real, more and more complex and social relationally tri-octave classed-in-progress, more clear in consciousness and is guided by the fundamental impulses from the instinctive-moving-sex centers, the emotional center and the intellectual center of man. 5. During the Historical Periods of Socialism to early Communism (Zarooarian gravity-center, So-dongjinggong): Wealth increases with an ever-increasing and massive all-round networking of digital sociopital, a fully recorded measure, registered, accounted for wealth of all types - all land including island, water, sea, ocean, lake, river, atmosphere, space, plantae, animalias, human population ....... everything in the geocosmos and even planetary "properties". Nothing is spared and nothing will be spared. Ownership of wealth takes the forms of owning worker or owning individual (0/9), and collectivite or sociolate (3) and common ownership SO-LA-TI regulators (6) but generally more or less balanced distribution and more harmoniously stopindered fully with minimum sociocosmic aberration all along the fundamental and the 2 lateral sociocosmic stopinders with SO, LA and TI stopinders and the higher TI-DO Interval's lateral sociocosmic stopinders acting as real regulatory socialistic-essenced working organizations with planned abundance, and much reduced capitalistic-essenced predatory, exploitative, and profit-seeking leech organizations. Ownership of value socialistically owned remains real, more and more complex and social relationally tri-octave classed-in-progress, more clear in consciousness and is guided by the fundamental impulses from the instinctive-moving-sex centers, the emotional center and the intellectual center of man. 6. During the Historical Periods of Communism to early Datongism (Zarooarian gravity-center, La-Dongrobotjingrobotgong): Wealth increases with an ever-increasing and massive all-round networking of digital communipital, a fully recorded measure, registered, accounted for wealth of all types - all land including island, water, sea, ocean, lake, river, atmosphere, space, plantae, animalias, human population, Humanity-at-Large ....... everything in the geocosmos and even planetary "properties". Nothing is spared and nothing will be spared. Ownership of wealth takes the forms of truly owning free biocosmic human beings, non-owning machine collectivite and common ownership SO-LA-TI biocosmic human regulators but generally more or balanced distribution and fully harmoniously stopindered fully all along the fundamental and the 2 lateral sociocosmic stopinders with SO, LA and TI stopinders and the higher TI-DO Interval's lateral sociocosmic stopinders acting as real regulatory with potential "oppressive tendencies" towards obedient AI Robot machines of production. The powerful geocosmic and planetary influences to the great sociotechnocosmos is assumed unchanged, as these changes and influences are essentially the work of the (our) Ray of Creation and controlled by its "Will" at its own MI-FA Interval, and possible destruction through cosmic "accidents." "Ownership" of value communistically owned or common ownership remains real, more and more complex and social relationally tri-octave classless, more clear in consciousness and is guided by the fundamental impulses from the instinctive-moving-sex centers, the emotional center and the intellectual center of man. 7. During the Historical
Periods of Datongism and periods beyond (Zarooarian gravity-center, Ti-DongRobotjingRobotgong): Wealth still increases with an ever-increasing and all-round spreading of digital datongipital, still a fully recorded measure, registered, accounted for wealth of all types - all land including island, water, sea, ocean, lake, river, atmosphere, space, plantae, animalias, human population, Humanity-at-Large ....... everything in the geocosmos and even planetary "properties". Nothing is spared and nothing will be spared. Ownership of wealth takes the forms of truly owning free biocosmic human beings, and non-owning machine collectivite and highly possible owning SO-LA-TI Spiritual AI robots and biocosmic human regulators working hand in hand, in wealth, power, management and control ownership but generally more or less balanced distribution and fully harmoniously stopindered all along the fundamental and the 2 lateral sociocosmic stopinders with SO, LA and TI stopinders and the higher TI-DO Interval's lateral sociocosmic stopinders acting as real regulatory with potential "oppressive tendencies" towards obedient spiritualized AI Robot machines of production. The geocosmic and planetary influences to the great sociotechnocosmos is assumed unchanged, as these changes and influences are essentially the work of the (our) Ray of Creation and controlled by its "Will" at its own MI-FA Interval, and possible destruction through cosmic "accidents." "Ownership" of value communistically owned or common ownership both for biocosmic man and non-human technocosmic spiritual padrigine beings remains real, more and more complex and sociotechnocosmic relationally tri-octave classed-in-progress (between biocosmic vs technocosmic ownership), more clear in consciousness and is guided by the fundamental impulses from the instinctive-moving-sex centers, the emotional center and the intellectual center of man. All the outside of the zarooaries, the boundaries are indistinguishable and every part are fully networked, integrated, balanced and HEIGRENS-ed (Holistic, Educational, Innovative, Green, Responsible, Evolutionary, No-Harm and Sustainable) according to the laws of the sociotechnocosmic octave, and mainly to wait to for the last day in its natural life span - the decay and final death of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being or Organic-Synthetic Life extinction, and also the possible disappearance of the MI-FA Interval allocated for Earth with possible reappearance to other planet. Note that by this time only two types of power-possessing beings exist in large number on mother Earth' surface, if the MI-FA Interval from the (our) Ray of Creation still exist, relevant and avail to planet mother Earth. They are the biocosmic hethormen human beings from the original Organic Life which still vibrates at the ti-level of the animalian octave and the technocosmic padrigine AI spiritual robot beings from the sponsored Synthetic Life which has now vibrate at the t-level of the robot octave.
3 The Zarooarian Octave:
The Zarooarian octave begins with a sociocosmic group or a colony of human
bipeds habituating on trees and living in places where foods can be
found abundantly or at least within routine reach. These places are near the
rivers and on fertile grounds in the mountains or valleys. Living
style of these human bipeds resembles primitive communalism. Unable to build
a hut on the ground or even if they can build one, they would build it on
the tree for better protection against other dangerous bipeds and quadrupeds
roaming about on the land. Later through the process of mitotic reproduction of more and more such human bipeds begin to settle ‘permanently’ in a colony or a village later at one place hunting for their foods or through ‘agri-culture’ and ‘farming’ exploiting the survival resources nearby acting from the directing agrocosmic forces. In the core of the village sprang a Pekan which is a
trading platform therefore a marketplace and also the essence of an infantile capitalistic
seed from which grows gradually into a Bandar, which is a town and later
growing further into a city of a million bipeds. Finally, the whole
area becomes urban and a metropolitan The Zoorarian Octave in the organic film on mother Earth’s surface is summarized here:
– Tree-dwellers Re – A small village or Kampung which is a typical stabilized sociocosmic zarooaries Mi
– // Mi-Fa Interval Fa
– A Bandar which is a bigger town with more active commercial activities and
whose aggressiveness is dependent on the population size, the intensity of
commercialization and exploitative behaviors of the human bipeds So
– A Bandaraya or a City where the town has grown very big with a population
of a million human bipeds in one single sociocosmic gravity-concentration in
a geographic area of substantial size. It is at its adult stage of
development. La – A Metropolitan or a Matured Zarooary one or more urban areas and includes satellite cities, towns and intervening rural areas that are socio-economically tied to the urban core, typically measured by commuting patterns. They are fully developed metropolitans or fully developed zarooarian sociocosmic entities. Ti – A mega-global network of developed zarooaries and integrated by the technocosmic process of completing the zarooarian 1st body (physical infrastructured cities), 2nd body (electric power cities), 3rd body (AI cities) and finally the 4th body (AI-Spiritual Robotic Smart Cities) // Ti-Do
Interval Do – Completion of a fully integrated, smart, AI and "spiritualized" global network of cities
The tree dwellers/the small group land settlers (DO) and the small village (Re) have origins from the earlier historicism of a tougeng primitive communalism, a zhuguannu ancient slavery and a dikongnong feudalism (Mi). Only at the Mi-Fa Interval a sociocosmic shock absorber in the zarooarian octave emerged and laujinggong capitalism (Fa) began to take sociocosmic essence and form. Now at the Ti-Do Interval of this same zarooarian octave of the FA-SO-LA-TI historical periods, the socialistic will of the sociocosmos here emerges as a retardation as well as an acceleration that would descend down to be the coming dongjinggong socialism proper vibrating in the house of the Mi-Fa Interval in place of the now intoxicated and exploitative ownership-crazed laujinggong capitalism during the next coming historical period.
4 Nay more, the physical shells or types of building paradigm or the 1st physical body types for the housing of these three-brained beings and their sociocosmic groupings for stay and rest and for productive work, notably the family stopinder beings breed and grow through various stages in design and architecture also in specific manner, to wit, and increasing additively around specifically selected gravity-centers of the zarooarian octave vibration to coat itself the various physicalities from hutfam, to high-rise flatfam, to tersinstorfam, to doustorfam, to semidetfam, to sky-scrapper condomifam (apartfam), to bungalofam and housing them together in huge cities as well as their suburbs. The powering of zarooaries or the 2nd body development, the Smart AI of controlling the zarooaries or the 3rd body development and the final passengering/'I'-ing of the zarooaries or the 4th body development are all due to the technocosmic forces at work in the octave development of the zarooaries.
Capital stopinders (So
type or La
type) of the zarooarian octave of all the nation-stopinders on the geocosmic
continents on mother Earth’s surface or in contemporary language: Capital
cities map of nations on the continents of the world, 2015)
Zarooaries in communication As a Comparison: What we need to compare and to understand! Just to list the main ones for the specific intended purpose of showing a comparison chiefly between the physical and the non-physical aspects, this whole Earth civilization of the human and padrigine beings which would ultimate br fully integrated as single whole, is networked by: 1. A system of stationary zarooaries grown to various sizes and levels of all the zarooarian octave. This analogous to a system of organs grown to various sizes and maturity of all the Anatomical-physiological octaves of the body of the same hethorman human beings who builds the Earth civilization. 2. A system of mobile transportation of physical goods (and wastes) by the transporting humans and padrigines to and fro from these zarooaries and outside of these stationary zarooaries everywhere designated on the land mass, the watermass, the atmosphere mass as well as the almost infinite "empty" outer space. This analogous to a mobile transportation of nutrients (and wastes) by the blood to and fro from all organs in the hethormen human body. 3. A system of stationary but growing and expanding physical infrastructures - landmass roads (rails and pipes), water mass routes, air mass routes and outer space "routes." This is analogous to a stationary system but growing and expanding biological anatomical infrastructure - tissue mass, fluid mass, air mass, noosphere (physiological-psychological) "mass" in the hethorman human body. 4. A system of stationary but growing wired or physical telecommunication network for such being-electrons to move from within it for communication by both the hethormen human beings and the padrigine beings. This is analogous to our physical nervous system connected by the nerves cells also for the transmission of being-electrons.
5. A meridian system of receiving and transmitting meridian points (not necessarily stationary physical points alone) but rather wireless electromagnetic waves and quantum particles in the Earth civilization being. This is analogous to the wireless internet system of mobile phones, computers, telecommunication satellites, and all other such wireless transmission padrigine devices (beings), not to forget the always wireless communication amongst the hethormen human beings, existed long since the first Earth wenming civilization emerge from the womb of mother Earth at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.
6. The Noosphere System of the Civilization beings has its root in the noosphere of man as well as in the cybersphere of AI-GAI machines. In the Gamestopinder: One of the great dreamland of soft power creativity and/or possible intentional debauchery of the NOO in the human and matrix manipulation of the human noosphere in the noomakhias of Earth civilization peculiar to Studio-Industrial Complex. This one from the Hollywood-Industrial Complex! Another is the real Military-Industrial Complex of the United States - the trouble with it is that it is controlled by the law of destruction from the Security-offense or the 'S' (of PESTLES) designs and constructs due to a Hegemonic NOO present in the dark noomakhian logos. The antidote and a possible resolution to this global ill-fated malfeasance is to ensure an active law of reciprocal nourishment presence in the real objective PDCE tetrad system that would propel the real Earth civilization forward. The Sinic wenming civilization in China with a sufficiently developed Industrial socialism of the socialistic-essenced NOO-PESTLES(+)-PDCE Carriage with a strong stage of its 3rd metamorphosis stage of socialism, namely: Industrial socialism (but now still in a hybrid drawback with Industrial capitalism within itself), would be able to take the Earth civilization lead through the light noomakhia logos without the dark noomakhia logos of capitalistic, colonialistic, imperialistic, fascistic and hegemonistic essences. The fantastic real world distortionary dark noomakhia logos creators could wear the cloaks of the light noomakhia logos!
League of Justice?!!!
Zootopia?!!! Reflections of the NOO in relation to the Socio-cultural Inputs: 1. The capitalistic-essenced westphalian NOO-PESTLES-PDCE Carriage seems to always run faster than the socialistic-essenced Sinic NOO-PESTLES-PDCE Carriage. Ah! The peacock runs but the crow tends to outpace! 2. Ah! Cultural Trojan horses of the Dark noomakhia logos peculiar to the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism fly everywhere in the global noosphere giving little room for the Light noomakhia logos of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism to breed without a struggle. 3. What a wonderful way of extracting license incomes through the much wiseacred franchising process of all latest creative business logos to keep one always in a dreamy stupor!
Many a completion goes for ‘7’. The notes must tie to the sociocosmic octave, otherwise we cannot find the three-brained being if we sit in the body of the Great Sociocosmic Being unless you have a globe in front of you and an eye to see him directly on the globe. The address shows an octave or just ‘7’ lines to complete; strange but why like that! DO - Name of persons, companies, etc. RE - Number & street MI - Avenue, park, garden, etc. FA - City, town, etc. SO - State, province, etc. LA - Country TI - Continent, nation bloc, world.
During this great day of celebration, many varied forms of other
allegorical beings are revived and propagated through the mass media to
every part of the world to reach the psychic world of every being-center.
Santa Claus and the 3-bodied flying reindeer carriage - the 1st body carriage, the 2nd body reindeers and the 3rd body is the driver Santa Claus. All deliver gifts for the children of the future!
2 As to their strong need for periodic releases of tension and renewal of memory and refreshment of life under the law of reciprocal nourishment, various rekindling “days,” “weeks” or even “months” along the chronological time axis are selected and externally implanted into the New Year Octave at various geographical locations and especially in the zarooarian-stopinders to carry out these grand being-celebrations and grand-vivification of our annual New Year life cycles in association with the higher particles from the divine cycles. Various auspicious beings, events (process) and ideas are carefully selected as the gravity-center focus of cultural exteriorization, and these include, in our contemporary presence, those ‘gods’, “devils,” “first” day of the calendar year, ‘gong or labor beings’, ‘fasting-event’, and all other celebrations of the lateral sococosmic stopinders. Those being-celebrations of the ‘gods’ include ‘Christmas’, ‘Hari Raya Puasa’, ‘Deepavali’, etc. Those of the ‘devils’ include ‘the 7th month Ghost Festival’, etc. Those of processes and unique events include the Chinese New Year, the ‘English New Year’, etc. Those of the gong beings include ‘May Day’, ‘Teacher’s day’, and days of various social groups. Those events of birth and rascooarnoian death are also celebrated either in the respective happiness and wish for fu, lu and shou for the newborn on Mother Earth, and ceremoniated in solemn sadness for the fear of a bad afterlife in Hell and in hope for a good afterlife in heaven above.
The New Year Octaves - The Sun-Moon-Earth Revolutions and Rotations and
Man’s Psychic Cycles:
Concerning further their New Year Octave, like all the other octaves that move in time, stopindered by the day and night, which are shocks vital for the healthy periodic awakening of their psychic octave, I must emphasize that it is just one of their four seasoned annual cycle. Even though certain communities and civilizations would want an inner octave of 4 weeks for their New Year Octave celebration (a month) and the Chinese would prefer an inner octave of 2 weeks for the celebration (half month), the spirit of New Year could hardly survive for more than one octave (1 week) and even worsen to 1-3 days due to a sociocosmic aberration favoring more capitalistic-essenced extraction, exploitation and oppression of labor-time in the Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) for the maximization of labor-time for capital accumulation of wealth and growth of the corporates and nationates alike to be achieved as a whole through the coordinated chain of command in the social pyramids. Although they calibrated each note to be equivalent to one of their sunrise
and sunset or day, they still find that shocks are necessary to maintain the
continuity of the spirit of the octave. The first shock occurs at Mi-Fa and I must warn you that it has been forgotten (as it is less
‘obvious’). The second shock at Ti-Do is often celebrated in hope of
continuity to the next octave of spiritual revitalizing. Although the octave is not given the shock on the right day, nevertheless the continuity could still be sustained statistically. A re-tuning of the injection of the shock would improve the quality of these recycling New Year Octaves. For these shocks are often fill with some revitalization ceremonies, festivals and displaying fireworks to some noomakhian gods of nourishment or just those associated reference of reminder to some higher being-pysche hydrogens (H6, H3 and even H1) that were created by the noomakhian octave in the NOO of the civilization during the MI-Historical Period of Feudalism. That they might still be purportedly flying around in coarse forms at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, and in hope that these limited psyche-hydrogen nutrients be eaten, re-digested and refine by the hethormen human beings to nourish their being-bodies again during the current modern slavery employer-employee dark noomakhian period of maximum labor-time extraction and exploitation of the lower classes peculiarly to the FA-Historical Species of Capitalism.
These external shocks are required to prevent the slowdown of psyche motion at the Mi-Fa and Ti-Do intervals in our body by adding a little oil of kimespai to keep the New Year spirit from falling asleep and maintain the vivification needed for continuity of the same. This is done by some rekindling celebrations or prayers or burning of fire crackers and other activities. All noospheric New Year needs of our spiritual life is connected to cosmic, geocosmic, sociocosmic, technocosmic and natural factors. The New Year phenoumenon is a relational device and the cycles necessary for life to keep us from boredom that might lead to the much accursed lunacy and tendencies to destroy our lives and others through some fantasies and real killings for the unsuspecting release of sacred askokin vital to our hungry moon. Once this relational device has been invented to link the cosmic octave, the geocosmic octave, the psyche octave and the sociocosmic octave, ritual celebrations would continue automatically and mechanically. Each New Year of the four-seasoned man is his quantitative renewal at his time. It is a spiritual cycle for him and it repeats itself every four of his seasons. In accordance with his cycle, man should strive to experience and enjoy his renewal each year. In each of their month, the FA-sociocosmic stopinder being pays their jing and gong beings, and in each of their week he relieves them of work. Thanks to this calendar and hydrogens of New Year conditioning, the inner system of all our three-brained beings are noospherically tuned, instinctively and vivified annually, so that sacred askokin remains safe with us through these vivifying Happy New Year celebrations. The impact goes into most understanding organizations, governments and officials, and holidays are much needed, approved and given for this noospheric cycles of the New Year octaves at least up to the note Mi, that is the eve day (Do), the 1st day (Re) and the 2nd day (Mi) to cushion potential planetary and lunar noospheric calamities in man ....... in the midst of having to survive through a highly negative noospheric predatory capitalism of modern slavery in the wanton extraction of administrative staff hours and industrial labor time, extraction of rents from real estate, extraction of compounding interests from financial instruments and abnormal inflating of fictitious money-capital for the ultimate full global wealth accumulation to the few.