Volume 135       November 28, 2020


By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho

(A revised excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 15, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The Dramatic Universe, Black Holes and Wormholes, Post-Imperialist Era, International Networking and Health Exercise," December 1983 ~ December 1986 Discourses, Chapter 2, Section D: "The Historicism of the Inner Development of Modern Man," pp. 80~130)



"Man is not a stand alone three-brained hethormen human being; he is a collective individual and an intrinsically bounded social Individual (DO) of the specific sociocosmic octave, the specific sociotechnocosmic octave, the civilization Individual (DO) of the civilization octave and a microcosm dwelling at the MI-FA Interval under the influence of the macrocosm dwelling at the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Cosmic Ray of Creation. He is also a unique biocosmic stopinder of the biocosmic octaves of the Organic Life found in this MI-FA Interval on Mother Earth's surface; all of which are in motion with changes - born, grow, mature, decline and die.  All these happen to him as the material conditions of his life and all other lives surrounding him!

All the octaves mentioned above are presented to him as his outer world filtered by his own inner world.  However, he is capable of separating himself from himself and staying in his third world, and participating both in his inner world and in his outer world."

"Man has the 'Aces of Heptacles' buried deep in his psychology, his genetics, his biology, his sociology, his technology and his civilization for his possible inner development - individually and collectively." 

"In the contemporary laujinggong and gongjindong carriages of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI-Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism within his NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of his civilizational arising, the contemporary traveler's historicism of inner development is intricately connected to the enneagrams of both his outer world and inner world for which he has to work productively to separate his psychocosmic self from his psychological self and his sociocosmic self from his sociological self and maneuver through this spiritual journey of the WORK in the presence of his inner-outer waters divide till his own subjective and objective demise."

"As the concept of property is not dominantly active but rather progressively coming-into-being (dasein) in Primitive Communalism L1 (DO), Intermediate Communalism L2 (RE) and Advanced Communalism L3 (MI) in the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization, the PESTLES+ and the PDCE as well as the Carriage are also primitive, intermediate and advanced, and the NOO of noosphere of the civilization with the "tou" (the herdian leader, the family head, the community-village head and even of the kingdom king) are mostly grey or dimly lighted and the noomakhias amongst these three-centered hethormen human beings within the three sociocosmic levels of communalism are not severe, exploitative, antagonistic or social classed or social pyramidal merely functioning cooperatively in  sociocosmic association in accordance to the law of the struggle for survival in the hunting and gathering of the first being-foods at the primitive communalism L1, and some dimly lighted going grey and dark noomakhian logos progressively as the sociocosmic stopinderation continues to Intermediate Communalism L2 and to Advanced Communalism L3 for which property and ownership grabization become truly active and dominant at the MI-FA Interval and where the real Dark and Black  noomakhian logos began in the first note of Ancient Slavery (do) of the 1st lateral periods of antagonistic exploitative social pyramidization octave in the Age of Taurus, the Age of Aries and the Age of Pisces.  Since then and likely until the timeline astrological nodal point (2148 AD) when the Age of Pisces ends, a Light noomakhian logo might emerge after the last Hegemonism capitalism (do) ended at the MI-FA Interval and returns to the mainstream natural historical sociocosmic specie-stopinders octave to carry on with a possible enlighten NOO, a new model of PESTLES+ design and constructs, a strong and harmonious gongjingdong configuration to its PDCE and a healthy and well build physical Carriage to the 7 main civilizations as a whole at stopinder 'FA' (objective socialism found in the mode of a real PDCE - not trapped with subjective word-playing).  The noomakhian sacred individual being known as the Dark Wukong (Black Myth: Wukong) of earthly origin at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation and the other noomakhian fallen old but sacred individual known as Mr. Beelzebub of cosmic origin from the TI-DO Interval of this same ray of creation together with many other sacred and saintly noomakhian individuals send from above into the noosphere below to carry out their duties to deliver the babies of the coming natural sociocosmic specie-stopinders of world and save the humankind from the terror of the situation at the MI-FA Interval ABYSS."

"The primordial state of pital-value hidden deep in the inner psychosophy of Exchange (E) in man's collective Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) moments oscillates along in a moral compass of the social relations of PDCE with profit-maximizing, exploitative, extractive and oppressive directions vs their opposites, namely a value historicism as: 1) positive communalipital-value vs negative ancient slavipital-value during the polar RE-MI-FA-SO Historical Periods of Communalism and Ancient Slavism, 2) as negative ancient slavipital-value vs the other "positive" feudapital-value during the polar MI-FA-SO-LA Historical Periods of Ancient Slavism and Feudalism, 3) as "negative" feudapital-value vs the other "positive" capital-value during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical  Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism, 4) as negative capital-value vs the other "positive" sociopital-value during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, 5) as "positive" sociopital-value vs the other positive communipital-value during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism, 6) the neutral and harmonious state of pital-value balance during the multipolar FA-SO-LA-TI  Periods of Communism and Datongism and the final possible emergence of the positive datongipital-value vs the possible future negative srobotic-value of the possible polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Datongism and SRoboticism."

"The enneagram of fixates for each of the PESTLES+ system of design and construct such as the fixates of Politics (P), the fixates of Economics (E), the fixates of Socio-culture (S), the fixates of Technological-science (T), the fixates of Legal-ethics (L), the fixates of Education-environment (E), the fixates of Security-defense (S) and all the other plus fixates of HEIGRENS, LGBTQIA+ and etc dominates or comes onto the inner and outer historical stage to perform its show from time to time as the performing drivers of Coachman Body No. 3 for the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of Civilization.  In the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, the Noomakhian Passenger Body No. 4 is still dark and the PESTLES+ design and construct superstructure has a psychical essence of only the law of destruction leading to its reciprocity of a law of reciprocal destruction with much extraction, exploitation and oppression on the Horse Body No. 2 and a much damaged Carriage Body No. 1.  Unfortunately and ill-fatedly, the number of lunatics and Hasnamusses increases to alarming scale that an Armageddon enabling massive sacred askokin extraction due to the reciprocal destruction of enslaved and oppressed civilizations dwelling in World-Island YAFEILA and enslaving and oppressing civilizations dwelling in the Outer Islands Crescent would ultimately become a reality before the reciprocal nourishment law could even be activated and be given a chance to dominate at the socialistic-essenced FA-Specie-Stopinder of the fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave. The historicism of the inner human development needs to rid itself off its capitalistic essences and move out of this MI-FA Interval ABYSS with more and more constructive noetic, sociocosmic and civilizational energies release from the activation of the law of reciprocal nourishment in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinder (of Socialism)."

"The CONSCIOUS WORK needs to start in the Individual on man's Inner World, Outer World and Third World; continues onto the Carriage Body No. 1 for which the Individual is attached both to his own carriage and his social carriages in all the ascending sociocosmic stopinders from the Individual, the Group, the Family, the Organization, the State, the Nation and the World of Nations and to the DO of his Civilization; continues at the same time onto the Horse Body No. 2 as his PDCE substructure working life amongst other social individuals as such in a mode of PDCE currently named the capitalistic-essenced laujinggong configuration of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism for which it could not be assumed 'Not-There'; continues again then onto the Coachman Body No. 3 as his PESTLES+ superstructure again could not be assumed 'Not-There' and finally onto the last highest collection of civilizational NOO psyche hydrogens in the noosphere as the Passenger Body No. 4 for which the Conscious Work is the most difficult.  The CONSCIOUS WORK in the fourth way could only be a collective-individual inclusive Conscious work of a sly man in the process of the making of a new man for himself, and still under the higher dictate(s) of an invisible higher will of the next biocosmic, sociocosmic, technocosmic and civilization enneagrams.

There are 4 ways for the Civilizational WORK on the four-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of any main civilization, and they are:

1. The WORK on the physical civilizationing Carriage Body No. 1

2. The WORK on the civilizationing PDCE Horse Body No. 2

3. The WORK on the civilizationing PESTLES+ Coachman Body No. 3

4. The WORK on the civilizationing NOO Passenger Body No. 4

Such WORK is always done through man's Outer World (World 1) which will also necessitate changes and transformation in his Inner World (World 2) as well as his independent ALL-SEEING Separated World (World 3)."

The civilizational WORK is also his fourth way WORK!

The man in the fourth way WORK!

The noosphere of man en masse when the waves of tramps, lunatics and Hasnamuss types of man increase in ever rising numbers ultimately lead to wars - civil wars, revolutionary wars, counter-revolutionary wars, color revolution wars, cold wars, hybrid wars, psychological wars, chemical wars, biological wars and nuclear wars!

"A money-hungry falau being often supported by corrupt solau and lalau beings breeding in large numbers all accumulatively “serving” customers en masse in the feed under the mystical spell of Money-God during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism All of whom are trapped in the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Westphalian Western Anglo-Atlantic civilization dasein, and all the 195 Westphalian Western Anglo-Atlantic Nationstate laujinggong carriages of historical sociocosmic specie-dasein.  These geopolitical Westphalian nationstates so created  on body Presente aberrate in dissonances with the existing wenming civilization "nationstates" that have lost their civilizational "nationstates" sovereignty and dominance being delegated now into the Sociocultural (S) position in the PESTLES+ superstructure.  It is deeply trapped in the capitalistic essences of Dollar God, wealth accumulation, profit maximization, exploitation, oppression, pyramidism, Hegemonism, lunaticism, Hasnamussianism, war-mongering and war for which these hethormen human beings could not dance out of this Anglo-Atlantic civilization being."

"Now for each of the 7 main civilization octaves found mainly on the 7 continents of the Presente, there is also for the psychology of its possible inner evolution or the psychometamorphosis octave of the seven possible types of civilizing individuals, namely:  Civilization Individual No. 1, Civilization Individual No. 2, Civilization Individual No. 3, Civilization Individual No. 4, Civilization Individual No. 5, Civilization Individual No. 6 and Civilization Individual No. 7.  Civilization Individual No. 1, 2 and 3 are ordinary Civilization Individuals with instinctive-moving-sex center active (Civilization Individual No. 1) or feeling center active (Civilization Individual No. 2) or thinking center active (Civilization Individual No. 3).  Civilization Individual No. 4 is a transition civilization individual with a magnetic center, a steward navigating a direction and becoming innerly stable.  Civilization Individual No. 5 is higher feeling center active and Civilization Individual No. 6 is higher thinking center active.  Civilization Individual No. 7 is very few, very stable inside and civilizationally unchanging, and he has all his 5 centers and his higher thinking center and higher feeling center active, and working in harmony, balance and fully integrated to permanently form the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of his civilizational identity. Without these higher civilization individuals of at least Civilization Individual No. 4 and above as the astrological/geoethnic input (at Point 9/0) together with the geocosmic input (at Point 3) and the socio-cultural input (at Point 6) of the civilization enneagram in sufficient numbers or reaching the critical mass, these four-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of civilization cannot be properly created and stopinderate in the civilization enneagram.  And in most cases, they died of themselves."


"Only enough of such Civilization Individuals No. 4, 5, 6 and 7 about 5% in the world, who actively participate in all the 4 bodies of Earth civilization and in the major higher stopinders of the fundamental and the lateral sociocosmic octaves of the PDCE tetrad system and of the governance especially after the weakening of the 4th historical sociocosmic species, that is, the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, is able to nullified the forces of the law of the reciprocal destruction and the law of the Darwinian struggle for survival of the fittest amongst humankind and activate the forces of the law of reciprocal nourishment, the law of productive peaceful cooperation and the law of sociocosmic balance and harmony, and overcome this aberrating Age of Sociocosmic Pyramidization to create the coming advanced Age of Sociocosmic Circularity." (Tan Man Ho)

"In between the law of reciprocal destruction and the law of reciprocal nourishment there are many inner laws such as the law of coercive competition, the law of unity of antagonistic contradiction, the law of the conflict of the sphere of stopinder interests, the law of uneven development, the law of unity of non-antagonistic contradiction, the law of peaceful cooperation, the law of reciprocal feeding, the law of reciprocal maintenance, the law of the harmonious development, the law of friendship and others.  However, the law of reciprocal destruction, the law of coercive competition, the law of unity of antagonistic contradiction, the law of uneven development and the law of the conflict of the sphere of stopinder interests dominate the ancient slavery essence, the feudalistic essence and the capitalistic essence of the Production, Distribution, Consumption and Exchange (PDCE) Tetrad system as well as their NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of civilization at the MI-FA Interval with all the severe aberration of exploitation, social classes and social pyramids; and the law of unity of non-antagonistic contradiction, the law of peaceful cooperation, the law of reciprocal feeding, the law of reciprocal maintenance, the law of the harmonious development, the law of friendship and others dominate the FA (Socialism), SO (Communism), LA (Datongism) and TI (SRoboticism) natural historical sociocosmic specie-stopinders after the MI-FA Interval this time in the fundamental periods of non-antagonistic cooperative social circularity normal and natural sociocosmic octave without classes and social pyramids."

The forward moving or historical sociocosmic specie-stopinder of Socialism, ‘FA’ of the natural fundamental non-antagonistic cooperative social circularity octave, would mean the weakening of the forces of reciprocal destruction and the losing of dominance of this law of reciprocal destruction of sociocosmic beings in the world, and the strengthening of the forces of reciprocal nourishment and gaining of dominance of this law of reciprocal nourishment of sociocosmic beings in the world (of 8 billions three-brained hethormen human being).  The reciprocal destruction law is active during the severe aberration of social classes and social pyramids producing the sociocosmic diseases of ancient slavism, feudalism, capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism and hegemonism.  These laws operate in the inner bodies of the basic sociocosmic units (the individuals), and that is just these three-brained hethormen human beings. The WORK could help you to change the dominance of these laws and all the consequences related to them.  But these laws continue to be present in all the civilization tri-octaves, the historical sociocosmic tri-octaves, the sociocosmic species specifics, the biocosmic tri-octaves, the technocosmic tri-octaves, the cosmic tri-octaves, and etcetera.  They are all in your objective Outer World - your indispensable first world of presence for which you are an objective biocosmic man cum sociocosmic individual tri-octaves member in it.  The WORK CIRCLE would be just one of these sociocosmic group-stopinder (RE) in the whole spectrum of the Grand Sociocosmic Octave!


For each of the 7 major civilizations forming the Great Earth Civilization, there are also 7 main NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages and many more other imperfect or incomplete branch NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages  growing from the main civilizations, and in the noosphere of these civilizations there is always an essence cosmosophical and cosmological foundation for which a microcosm (Man below) at the MI-FA Interval and a macrocosm (Absolute above) at the TI-DO Interval refining its inner coarse being-psyche hydrogens, seeking and working itself up in a pilgrimage through one of the traditional three ways (the way of the Fakir, the way of the Monk and the way of the Yogi) to prepare himself to the level of perfection ready to receive additional higher being-pscyhe hydrogens with cosmic properties for the vital connect with Him.  That I meant here through these words is the words in Wittgenstein's Language Game of the way followed by the Sly Man or the Strangers.  It is the Fourth Way for the individual, the fourth political theory for politics and the fourth way for all four-bodied sociocosmic and civilizational stopinders in general.

All the movements in the NOO end up continuing in the PESTLES+ and then into the PDCE and finally to the Carriage and back again .....  That is the movements within the enneagram of a civilization from its civilization individual, its civilization group, its civilization family, its civilization PDCE community, its civilization state, its civilization nation and its civilization world of nations (nation-bloc).  It is the sacred dance of a major civilization that keeps it what it is over centuries and even millennia.  It is very difficult to dance out of once own NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization!  Once fallen into the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Anglo-american civilization with the capitalistic-essenced PDCE mode and that of many of its sociocosmic stopindering laujinggong carriages, one is likely to continue dancing in all its 4 bodies for years if not decades.

As to these 7 major civilization enneagramic fixates of the (our) Earth civilization, the wise grandson was told about the 7 cosmosophical keys that have fallen from the Above and kept deeply hidden in the esoteric circles of humanity Below, and emanating their mystical noomakhian aura in the form of the 7 major civilizations dwelling mainly along the YAFEILA Axis of World-Island continents and its Outer Islands Crescent of Presente.

The wise grandson was also told further that there are 7 dark noomakhian logos haunting these civilizations, and they are the highly aberrating noomakhian logos of Ancient slavism, Feudalism, Capitalism, Colonialism, Imperialism, Fascism and Hegemonism.


A typical capitalistic-essenced organization and its associated social pyramids based on the dark noomakhian logos of an Empire of Capitalism - one of the seven


The Search for the two noomakhian logos of civilization


"As for the microcosm below, there are the four bodies of a hethormen human being, a specific and a general aspects of all the historical sociocosmic species, a specific and general aspects of all the technocosmic species, a four-bodied specific and the overall general aspects of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of Earth Civilization and all her main civilizations and their sub-specie civilizations - all present at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.  Nay, there is a similar 4 bodies of Noomakhian logos consisting of being-psyche hydrogens or fine matters (H1-12288) with cosmic properties in the microcosm's noosphere of the hethormen human beings as well as a greater macrocosm's noosphere of the 4-bodied Universe being - also present at the TI-DO Interval of this same (our) Ray of Creation.

The main Sinic (Chinese), the Indochina-Tibetan (Buddhist) and the Indic (Hindu) Civilizations of the Eastern, Southern and South-Eastern World-Island have brought to the Anglo-atlantic (Western) civilization now dwelling in the North American continent of the Outer Island crescent (big, small and smallest), these unique cosmosophical and cosmological ideas of the four bodies, the law of three and seven together with the Bagua Enneagram, relatively unknown to their existing One-God cosmosophy and cosmology (as expressed in the teaching of Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and pyramidal paradigms dasein for which a severe identification (in the hethormen human being) to this Above at the TI-DO Interval is detrimental to the life dasein Below at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, and to the lives of the surrounding beings who do not believe in the same God.

As above, so below!"


What are the being-psyche hydrogens that influence the NOO of the human noosphere?

They are: H1-H6 (Absolute), H3-H12 (Eternal Unchanging), H1-H6-H24 (Archangels), H3-H12-H48 (Angels) of the Macrocosmos or Cosmic Above; H6-H24-H98 (Man) of the Microcosmos or Man Himself; also H12-H48-H192 (Vertebrates), H24-H96-H384 (Invertebrates), H48-H192-H768 (Plants) of the Tritocosmos or Organic Life Below; and finally, H96-H384-H1536 (Minerals), H192-H768-H3072 (Metals) and H384-H1536-H6144 (Kernel) of the Abyss far Below.  The NOO of the technocosmic robot being's noosphere (clouds and internet outside of the body of man) is a Das Mann but the NOO of biocosmic human being's noosphere (inside of the body of man) is a Dasein.  The divide between the two noomakhian logos in the NOO of the grand noosphere of Earth civilization is blurring!


"Millions upon millions of conscious labors and intentionally suffering of directed work from moment to moment of an EXISTING PRESENCE in us of the inner and outer worlds as they are, changing and lifting the world inside us and the world outside us en masse into as a NEW EXISTING PRESENCE as it is, leaving mystifyingly behind a remnant individualistic capitalistic-essenced Laujinggong Carriages of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism as memory of the EVIL PAST in the REAL WORLD VIEWS of the PRESENCE found itself positioned as an inner historicism en masse of an acceptable normal collectivistic socialistic-essenced Gongjingdong Carriages of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism within the of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage womb of a Civilization Being (currently 9 such main civilization beings) at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.  This is the psych-metamorphosis of transformation of the two periods of man's inner and outer historicism required!"

"If you can see feudalism, feudalism is receding into the PAST in you; if you can see Capitalism, capitalism too is receding into the PAST in you.  Because you have seen them all, they will all be receding into the PAST in you, and you will consciously know how to change them still faster into the PAST.  If you have seen your civilization, your civilization is receding into the PAST, and what you have seen about other civilizations is your own real world views of these other civilizations from your own civilization-'I AM', and will never be the same from what these other civilization-'I AM's.  In most cases, these seeing-'I AM's tend be lopsided, full of noetic impulses, certainly with mostly feeding and destruction motivation, and rarely with reciprocal nourishment motivation.  Each civilization must stabilize its own civilization-'I AM', and talk about itself objectively, clearly, responsibly and accurately, and endlessly - otherwise, its NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of civilization might be fragmented from both its internal and external forces."

The wise grandson said:

"The oil of kimespai keeps on burning in man's inner cauldron preventing one from asleep!  But the consequences of the organ kundabuffer already remove long since when these three-brained hethormen apes who have just lost their tails continue to the later tail-less also three-brained hethormen human being to keep them in the state of hypnotized sleep."

And the wise grandson said further:

Know your civilization and know other civilizations, and you be enlightened!

"Capitalism which is an Anglo-saxon (Anglo-Atlantic) civilization's mere 500 years dasein can only hurriedly study socialism or any main civilizations in both world-Island and Outer Islands in order to fulfill its essences of profit maximization, wealth accumulation, extract their resources, exploit and oppress them."

"The sociocosmic enneagrams and sociotechnocosmic octaves have already being created by these three-brained hethormen human beings, knowingly, mechanically and automatically, either consciously or semi-consciously, and emerging sociocosmic and technocosmic existence seems moving independently of our will.  They are, namely: the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of  Primitive Communalism, the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism and the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism based on the fundamental law of contradiction, law of unity of opposites, the law of quantitative changes to qualitative changes and vice-versa, the law of negation of negation, the law of triad and the law of octave; the now emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, the future emerging LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism and the future emerging TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism within PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO civilizational tetrad system of civilization specifics can now be truly and possibly intervened consciously with a certain degree of conscious human navigation and control.  This can be done by creating healthy sociocosmic stopinders of socialistic essences, communistic essences and datongistic essences and fill them into the empty stopinders (stopinder shells or orbits) of the 1st and 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders and even of the fundamental sociocosmic stopinders - can be done consciously and knowingly as we have done for the filling of protons into the empty shells of the periodic octaves of atoms (elements) to complete all full spectrum of the current Periodic Table of Elements."

Karl Marx once wrote:

The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it.

Guided by these enneagramic models plus (that is, plus the oft useful formatory apparatus of the scientific formatory models) and maps of fundamental laws as discovered and listed above, man now would be able and would have to take care of himself, and to design, construct and navigate his own civilizational and historical sociotechnocosmic common-sharing and common-prosperity destiny at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.


1   The historicism of man’s inner development falls into 4 stages – the ‘moving-instinctive-sex’ period, the ‘emotional’ period, the ‘intellectual’ period and the 'two higher feeling-thinking' period spread over a historical period of more than 15,036 years or more from the Age of Taurus (beginning 4296 BC) and/or earlier Age of Gemini/Age of Cancer and Age of Leo ...... through the Age of Aries (beginning 2148 BC) through the Age of Pisces (beginning 1 AD) through the coming Age of Aquarius (2148 AD) and into the future Age of Capricorn (4296 AD), and crossing over 1) the 7 Marxian Historicism or Historical Sociocosmic Periods - Primitive Communalism, Ancient Slavism, Feudalism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism and Datongism  2) the 3 Historical Biocosmic Periods - Paleolithic Man, Neolithic Man and the Datong Man and finally, 3) the 4 Historical Technocosmic Periods - the Carriage Evolution (Padrigine I), the Engine Evolution (Padrigine II), the Driver Evolution (Padrigine III) and the Passenger Involution (Padrigine IV) and subsequent sociotechnocosmic stopinderation of both the land, marine and avian technocosmic beings with 'it's, 'I's and 'I AM's, padrigine individuality, padrigine essence-personality that live side by side with the higher feeling and higher thinking centers active Datong Man during the Datongism Period.

Due to the law of triad, the inner essence development of the biocosmic man separates into 3 biocosmic wenming civilizations or 3 human spiritual rivers or 3 types of biocosmic man producing 3 wenming civilization types housing as womb for the Marxian historicism all its 7 possible historical sociocosmic species (4 already created and 1 in the making and 2 more not yet) as spiraling and recurring trio-ctaves, namely:

1. The active aggressive Wolf-Type Wenming Civilization that pyramidalizes corporately in organization, kills, fights, plunders, wealth-grabs, power-seeks, conquers, exploits, offenses, oppresses, enslaves, colonizes states/nations, imperializes states/nations, bombs and nukes, and is hegemonistic in nature, etc. analogous to hunting meat-eating wolves, lions, tigers, foxes, hawks, vultures, sharks, crocodiles and all carnivorous animals.


2. The passive defensive Sheep-Type Wenming Civilization that circularizes in organization, does not kill, does not plunder, does not wealth-grab, does not power-seek, does not conquer, does not exploits, defensive, does not oppress, does not enslave, does not colonizes other states/nations, does not imperializes other states/nations, does not bomb and nuke, and is not hegemonistic in nature, etc. analogous to grass-eating sheep, cows, horses, goats, hippopotamus, elephants, panda, tortoises, grass-eating fishes and all herbivorous animals.


3. The neutral Monkey-Type Wenming Civilization that have mixed pyramidal-circular personal busy-ness, working men, mercantile trading organization, sometimes kills, sometimes plunders, sometimes wealth-grabs, sometimes power-seeks, sometimes conquers, sometimes exploits, sometimes offenses, sometimes oppresses, sometimes enslaves, sometimes colonizes other states/nations, sometimes imperializes other states/nations, may bomb and may nuke, and is sometimes hegemonistic in nature, etc. analogous to the omnivorous meat-grain-fruit eating monkeys, grain-worm eating birds, and all omnivorous animals.


The Historical Biocosmic Periods:

The Datong Man, mostly of Man No. 6 and Man No. 7, is a higher mind with the higher feeling center and the higher thinking center active with more psyche hydrogens H6 (fa 6 and la 6) produced in these centers.  As compared to the Modern Man of today, their higher feeling center and thinking center are not fully active as yet.  Only with occasional flashes of unstable H6 production except for the few who are Man No. 6 and Man No. 7.  As to Paleolithic Man and Neolithic Man, their higher feeling center and higher thinking center are not active with rare flashes of higher consciousness and no Man No. 6 or Man No. 7.

Hydrogens H6 produced in the body of these Man No. 6 and Man No. 7 are the source of the arising of the NOO where cosmological/astrological/taikonological NOOMAKHIAS and their typical LOGOS beget Civilization Octaves and Civilization Enneagrams and all their four-bodied organization of their respective Great Civilization Sociocosmic Being - Cosmic 'I', PDCE, PESTLES and NOO inclusive.


The Historical Sociocosmic Periods:

Primitive Communalism Ancient Slavism Feudalism Capitalism Socialism Communism Datongism

Non-Classed Inner/Outer World Period Pyramidal Classed Inner/Outer World Periods

Class-Mixed Inner/Outer  World Period Non-Classed Inner/Outer  World Periods of Datong Man & Spiritual AI Robot

The inner historicism of the dasein man during the RE-Historical Period of Ancient Slavism, the MI-Historical Period of Feudalism, the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism is trapped by deep inner psychologies essences expressed in the form of social pyramidization full of class exploitation, extraction, oppression, uneven distribution of wealth, power and all kinds of benefits in favor almost exclusively to the upper class over the ancient slaves, the serfs and the employees (or modern salary-wage slaves on transit to modern debt-employees).  The inner historicism of man during the SO-Historical Period of Socialism is that of repeated and periodic-like inversion of such social pyramidization, over and over again until these inner souls have cleansed themselves off these ill-fated ghostly inner and outer world of social pyramids into healthy naturalized circular and spiral-like social relations of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE),  PESTLES and noomakhias, tentatively possible during the LA-Historical Period of Communism. This period or Age of Social Circularity would witness the emergence of the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism.  It is also the highest level of social circularity over the similar previous lowest level of social circularity of primitive communalism that has existed in the body of the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of the Primitive, the Intermediate and the Advanced Communalism during the DO-Historical Period of Communalism.  It is where at that time, the private ownership of everything (notably, landed properties, PDCE produces of the stone age, the ceramic age, the bronze age and iron age, and communipital/values) remained mainly at collective ownership levels (COLLECTIVISM noomakhian logos) - from standard personal ownership to family ownership, to intermediate civilization community ownership and to civilization state ownership.  Nothing is truly low or truly high for unwarranted 'look-downs' in the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communalism for this sociocosmic species of tribal civilization community (部落社区 Bùluò Shèqū) and tribal civilization state (部落国 Bùluò Guò) in terms of the quality of social relationship EXCEPT for the missing or underdeveloped technocosmic octave and sociotechnocosmic octave of that period, and for which these same octaves have obfuscated and messed up more of today's social relationship of Cosmic 'I's, PDCE, PESTLES and NOO development (especially due to capitalism,  colonialism, imperialism, hegemonism and privatization-grabization-neoliberal INDIVIDUALISM noomakhian logos).

Note that the whole inner historicism of this dasein man will fall-descending and rise-ascending repeatedly and from time to time in oscillation like the pendulum of its own enneagram stabilizing at these designated 7 historical sociocosmic specie-gravity-centers within a proper and major healthy civilization of the Earth civilization.

The Historical Technocosmic Periods:

This technocosmic octave is a blessing and also a curse to both the social pyramids and the social circularities of all social relations of PDCE, PESTLES and NOO (noomakhias with being-psyche hydrogens H6 in association with Cosmic 'I's) which must ultimately blend with the fundamental and lateral sociocosmic octaves harmoniously, peacefully and cooperatively in the inner historicism of datongism between the dasein of datong man and the das mann of spiritual AI robot at the Omega Point of the biocosmic octave, notably during the creation of the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism.


Historical Evolution of the Essence and the Personality:

Historicism of Man Numbers Octave:


The periods began somewhere when the first group of Homo sapiens was perfected physically for its species proper as a Paleolithic Man, that is, the proper three-centered hethormen human being at paleolithic civilizational level who roamed on planet Earth but unrecorded as only the ‘moving-instinctive-sex’ centers had guided him instead of an existing proper written language tool from an undeveloped thinking center at that time.  It is like what is going on with the apes now except at a higher level.  This period took hundreds of thousands of years of evolution where during the Age of Taurus man existed (Paleolithic Man, Neolithic Man and the emerging Modern Man) in the DO-Historical Period of "Primitive" Communalism.  Within the model of the 4 factors of production available at that period - land, labor, "primitive" communalipital/value and "primitive" entrepreneurship.  However, as known in our current FA-Historical Period of Capitalism, namely: land, labor, capital/value (property, commodity, finance) and entrepreneurship.  None of these trouble-making pseudo-civilized Noomakhian logos nor its being-psyche hydrogens were truly "visible" to the inner world of these three-centered hethormen human being automatons of that time except for the exceptional few more evolved individuals who might see and value more of what resources and simple man-mades that might be available in the geocosmic octave.  The qualitative and quantitative nature of being-psyche mathematics (in the form of values and measures inner capability) in these three-centered hethormen human being is primitive and at most very simple at the mature stage of this DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of "Primitive" Communalism. 'Pital/value' is at most primitive communalipital/value that might occasionally be felt through their instinctive-moving-sex centers with simple animal instinct on possessing them as "physical properties" - sex attraction of togetherness of bio-opposites, social groups, families and communities for security,  and mainly connected to the 1st being-food gathered and hunted with their technocosmic stone, bronze and other metal tools.  At this level, religion in his inner world or noo world was merely paganistic, ritualistic and shamanistic, etc.  A wenming civilization was in the making.

The social relations of production-distribution-consumption-exchange (PDCE) essence of the DO-Historical  Sociocosmic Species of "Primitive" Communalism or the communalipital/value essence is found dominating in all the sociocosmic beings stopindered in this species among the emerging infantile ancient slavipital/value essence up to a community-level or district equivalent  with a few primitive zarooarian villages (SO).

The RE-Historical Period of Ancient Slavism (Ancient Slavery Society) during the Age of Aries with significant evidence of ‘wenming civilization’ but a ‘wenming civilization’ still resting on the instinctive-moving-sex centers as the main focus with exception of emotional and thinking centers operating at higher levels to limited individuals.  Now these 4 factors of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) for all historical periods - geo-land, human-labor, intangible 'pital/values' (such as primitive-communalipital/value, ancient slavipital/value, feudapital/value, capital/value, emerging sociopital/value, future communipital/value and datongipital/value) and know-how managing entrepreneurship - have become more and more real and therefore "visible" to their inner worlds as well as their outer worlds and the possession-ship of geo-land, geo-territories expanded with more fundamental geocosmic elements of metals, minerals, soils, water and fire elements as well as useful/value crops, fruits and vegetables of the 1st lateral geocosmic octaves cultivated for foods and certain beasts of burden cows, goats, sheep, horses, etc. of the 2nd lateral geocosmic octave were brought into this possession-ship for work and for food.  The weaker three-centered hethormen human beings are caught like the other beasts of burden from the same kingdom and other kingdoms to be converted into slaves in this same possession-ship of the power-possessing beings and slave markets also emerged.  The qualitative and quantitative nature of being-psyche mathematics (in the form of values and measures inner capability) in these three-centered hethormen human being has become more advance in this RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism. 'Pital/value' has become slavipital/value felt through their instinctive-moving-sex centers now with the emotional and thinking centers more active.  Still with the simple animal instinct on possession intact - sex attraction of togetherness of bio-opposites, sex-slave class, social groups, families and communities, except now that kingdoms began to form.  At this level, religion has gone beyond paganism, ritualism and shamanism, and the like.  Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and etcetera emerged ......

The social relations of production, distribution, consumption and exchange sub-essences of the RE-Historical  Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism or the slavipital/value essence is found dominating in all the sociocosmic beings stopindered in this species among the emerging infantile feudapital/value essence, all of which move up to the province-level equivalent (SO).

During the Age of Pisces, the significant ‘wenming civilization’ began to stabilize in the inner world of the three-centered hethormen human beings when the higher emotional center began to gradually become active, flourishing and dominating as proper inner ‘gravity-centers’ in the solar plexus or in the thorax region of man’s body en masse.  This ‘emotional enlightenment’ period witnessed ‘wenming civilization’ at great heights in the MI-Historical Period of Feudalism where many great religions blossomed actively.  The 4 factors of production became highly visible for possession-ship.  Land and territories expanded tremendously within specific tectonic plates with more fundamental geocosmic elements of metals, minerals, soils, water and fire elements as well as useful/value crops, fruits and vegetables of the 1st lateral geocosmic octaves cultivated for foods and certain beasts of burden cows, goats, sheep, horses, etc. of the 2nd lateral geocosmic octave were brought into this possession-ship for work and for food - all still intact.  The weaker three-centered hethormen human beings are caught like the other beasts of burden from the same kingdom and other kingdoms to be converted into serfs and often slaves in this same possession-ship of the power-possessing beings.  Serf and indirect slave markets also flourished.  The qualitative and quantitative nature of being-psyche mathematics (in the form of values and measures inner capability) in these three-centered hethormen human being has become much more advance in this MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism. 'Pital/value' has become feudapital/value felt through all their instinctive-moving-sex centers, the emotional and thinking centers ever greater.  Still with the simple animal instinct on possession intact - sex attraction of togetherness of bio-opposites, sex-slave class, social groups, families, communities, organizations, kingdoms and finally dynasties began to form.  Christianity, Islam, Baha'i Faith, Sikhism, and etcetera emerged ......

The social relations of production, distribution, consumption and exchange sub-essences of the MI-Historical  Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism or the feudapital/value essence is found dominating in all the sociocosmic beings stopindered in this species among the emerging infantile capital/value essence, all of which move up to the nation-level equivalent (LA) - a regional geo-continental power.

However, only until about 500 years ago somewhere in the middle of the 3rd decan of the Age of Pisces when the ‘intellectual enlightenment’ period or the Age of Scientific Enlightenment and the Age of Ideologies began to truly appear actively and mature with regard to understanding the outer world as well as the inner world.  At this point, man’s inner gravity-center moves upward from the feeling (higher and lower) centrum to the thinking (higher and lower) centrum in the head of the body.  The world of feelings gives way to the world of thinking, and the world of feeling cannot come back without experiencing negation of negation.  That is to say, mankind may have to re-look into all teachings especially in religions regarding human feelings and philosophies regarding human thinking at a higher level.  The 4 factors or means of PDCE of our current FA-Historical Period of Capitalism, namely: land, labor, capital/value and entrepreneurship, were truly "visible" to the inner world of these three-centered hethormen human being.  All the fundamental and lateral geocosmic stopinders were appropriated to the optimum.  As to the slaves and serfs of the earlier periods, there are replaced and converted into the new type of sociocosmic individuals (with little personal properties) called modern slaves or employees of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  'Pital/value' has now become capital/value.  Both the technocosmic octave and the sociocosmic octave stopinder gravity-centers vibrate to the level of the TI-stopinder almost to full heights and still highly unstable and classed.  The qualitative and quantitative nature of being-psyche mathematics (in the form of values and measures inner capability) in these three-centered hethormen human being is also at its heights.  Thousands if not hundreds of thousands of pure quantitative and measures in the form of graphical or pictorial or tabular or matrix or equation beings have been created in the inner world of man during and in the course of his long-term struggle with the cosmic octaves, the geocosmic octaves, the biocosmic octaves, the sociocosmic octaves and the technocosmic octaves.  This instability and classed 'pital/values) is now transforming from the capital/value into sociopital/value as the inner content of the old flows into and become  the inner content of the new in the course of negation of negation that will create the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, that will emerge out of the cocoon of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism - the necessary sociocosmic metamorphosis that will give rise to the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (perhaps around 2148 AD according to the Astrological Age yardstick).

The social relations of production, distribution, consumption and exchange sub-essences of the FA-Historical  Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism or the capital/value essence is found dominating in all the sociocosmic beings stopindered in this species among the emerging infantile sociopital/value essence, all of which move up to the world-of-nations-level equivalent (TI) - a global geo-multicontinental power.

In general, there is a historicism in the inner development of modern man, not a naïve psychological development for a year 2000 AD model of man but Homo sapiens sapiens of the period 1000’s BCE (Before Common Era) and beyond where such machine-man is truly ‘instinctive-moving-sex’ physical type human beings.  Only around this 300 BCE/1 CE (or 300 BC/1 AD) that you have man-machines that have active ‘feelings’ proper and this active period goes on for a thousand seven hundred years until you have the modern man who were ‘thinking’-active proper.  These three great historical stages of gravity-centers – ‘instinctive-moving-sex’ gravity-centers, ‘lower-higher feeling’ gravity-centers and ‘lower-higher thinking’ gravity-centers negate and negate one another, and interfere with one another until the boundaries become obscured and less and less obvious to our weak understanding.

The departures in the inner world and outer world of man began somewhere in the historical period of primitive communalism (DO) and finally, returns back to a higher inner and outer points in the historical period of Advanced Communism (LA).  Even this is not the end of inner and outer historicism as Spiritual AI Smart Robots of Datongism (TI) are growing in ever larger and larger numbers and might acquire sociotechnocosmic dominance over the human biocosmic Datong Man after the Omega Point of the biocosmic octave.  New technocosmic spiritual AI robots (SRobots or I-Robots) have entered into the sociotechnocosmic stopinderation development

The social relations of production, distribution, consumption and exchange sub-essences of the SO-Historical  Sociocosmic Species of Socialism or the sociopital/value essence is found dominating in all the sociocosmic beings stopindered in this species among the emerging infantile communipital/value essence, all of which move up to the world-of-nations-level equivalent (TI) - a global geo-multicontinental power.

The social relations of production, distribution, consumption and exchange sub-essences of the LA-Historical  Sociocosmic Species of Communism or the communipital/value essence is found dominating in all the sociocosmic beings stopindered in this species among the emerging infantile datongipital/value essence, all of which move up to the world-of-nations-level equivalent (TI & closing DO of the existing octave) - a global geo-multicontinental power.

Finally, the social relations of production, distribution, consumption and exchange sub-essences of the TI-Historical  Sociocosmic Species of Datongism or the datongipital/value essence of both the Human biocosmic beings and the Srobot technocosmic beings is found dominating in all the sociocosmic beings stopindered in this species among the emerging infantile unknown pital/value essence of an interplanetary-interstellar civilization and even intergalactic civilization, all of which move up to the United-Humanity-at-Large level (UHAL) equivalent (DO of the next higher octave and a socio-civilizational cosmology of interstellar (within the Milky Way Galaxy) and intergalactic civilizations beyond -  a rising civilization type 1 to type 2 and to type 3 superpower earth-civilization among other interstellar and intergalactic civilizations.


2   Contemporary men (Man of today in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism in the age of Pisces Tail-End (1788 AD – 2148 AD) appear to be constantly doing something but actually they do nothing, and everything is poured from the empty into the void independent of their will, and are subjects of the strong biocosmic, the technocosmic and the sociocosmic laws of the period that happen to and through him.  At the MI-FA Interval, their registered FA-stopinder beings have predatory essences in all their inner psyche hydrogen crystallizations along the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave - predatory capitalistic accumulation souls - forcing their ways ascending upwards into the SO-LA-TI levels like hungry evil three-brained beings together with their three-centered corporate beings full of Profit-Maximization-cum-Profit-Reaping crystallization, full of colonialism, full of imperialism, full of hegemonism, full of fascism, full of Nazism and full of industrial-military conquest ambitions eating its way into every normal functioning 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders as well as the fundamental SO, LA and TI sociocosmic stopinders ....... only to confront another equally and even stronger forces opposing non-predatory socialistic sharing souls full of Profit-Sharing crystallization descending downwards from the TI-DO Interval all the way down from the TI level to the FA level cleaning the sins and dirty souls of the corporate beings to a transition point when these non-predatory socialistic sharing will  complete their essence deposits there at this MI-FA Interval in a stable manner and as a second nature of human inner historicism, and later transforming this old MI-FA Interval of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism into MI-FA Socialism proper and then into the new Socialism MI-FA  Interval of the next polar polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism after the end of the Age of Pisces (2148 AD) according to the standard astrological calibration of our time accomplished also by the learned three-brained beings.  These base sociotechnocosmic battles of contraries are reflected in the superstructural psychological mirror battles of conflicting thoughts, feelings, instincts, sex and psychomotor impulses.

Thinking can proceed mechanically without any connection with the emotional process or the moving function, as with the outcome of their education; but the emotional process will sooner or later comes into interference with just this thinking process.  But here we are to think with the consistency of feeling and this requires a different language, not mathematics in its mechanical form.  Not only this, the movement of contemporary man is rarely assisted by a right feeling!  When you really see the real world, you will not sleep the rest of your life.  Now why do you think these beings behave strangely? Even to the extent of incomprehensibility.  He has been transformed into a machine, a commodity, a human resource and an exploiting creature by the merciless power of Capitalism of this historicism.

The essence of Capitalism for the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the MI-FA Interval eats deep into the essence of the human psychology, so is the essence of Socialism without quotation mark for the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the TI-DO Interval. These opposing essences could not easily understand each other as it is of a yin-yang nature but the higher socialistic essence from the TI-DO Interval can see the lower capitalistic essence from the MI-FA Interval but not for the lower to see the higher except to sense its incomprehensible presence and even to disbelieve its presence at all.


A money-hungry falau being often supported by corrupt solau and lalau beings breeding in large numbers all accumulatively "serving" customers en masse in the feed during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism


  Man no.4 is ‘a transition man with direction’; man no.5, 6 and 7 gradually strengthen this characteristics.

Two "persons" exist in this contemporary man and become real in him necessary for survival in this complex world:

Mr. P = Personality, a protective coating

Mr. E = Essence but often with a hidden agenda and can be a naive simpleton


Seven centers can be found in this contemporary man but two of them, the higher feeling and the higher thinking center are dormant awaiting to be activated.  Because of these centers you can have a nomenclature for him too:

Man No. 1 is instinctive-moving-sex centered active physical type

Man No. 2 is lower feeling centered active type

Man No. 3 is lower thinking centered active type

Man No. 4 is a transition man in the WORK and has stable direction and 'I'

Man no. 5 is a higher feeling centered active type

Man No. 6 is a higher thinking centered active type

and Man No. 7 is a developed new man with stable 'I AM' and  have psyche hydrogens fine enough to be usefully 'immortal' for our solar system.

The 7 centers are the 7 release gates.  It depends on which gate a person tends to open when there is an upsurge or a replenishment of energy in him for extraction of ‘values’ probably around 10-15 hours a day and 6 or even more days a week of intense extraction by the Capitalist mode of production, distribution, consumption and exchange in this historical period.

Besides his labor energy being extracted by sociocosmic Capitalism, his other processed being-psyche hydrogens from the final complete digestion of his three being-foods are also extracted by the moon in our Ray of Creation as the sacred askokin, a psyche hydrogen released during death caused by extreme capitalistic exploitation, killings, murders, wars, revolutions, capital punishments, etc.

Inside his body, the psyche (consciousness, ‘soul’; fine hydrogen) flows in one’s microcosmos and tritocosmos (atomic-subatomic psyche hydrogens and organic bodies/man) along a micro-tritocosmic ray of creation within him and the organic life on mother Earth's surface - ascending and descending.  Some of these special hydrogen (Ti 12) accumulate at the last stopinder or sex centers, when a being reaches reproductive age, in abundance, undergo a trialectic of the sperm and ovum entities into the zygote to preserve this hydrogen (Ti 12) so that it could ascend and consolidate the new ray of creation in the next being or a new baby micro-tritocosmos.  So the Bardo between death and rebirth access during the period of living of the micro-tritocosmic man, the reincarnation being is the new born baby where the last stopinder (sex center) is subjected to the laws of three regularly to produce babies during intercourse between opposite sexes.  Having accomplished this mission, most of the micro-tritocosmic (man) beings just die without rebirth.  Therefore, they are soul-less and most of man (especially man no.1, 2 & 3) are soul-less.  As to man no.4, 5, 6 & 7, there is a second Bardo law, the hydrogens so created are the ‘it’s and ‘I’s; they are very conscious particles for delivery (after death) to the great cosmic octave in our region i.e. our solar system.

They are needed to create life forms for populating other cosmic concentrations.  This part indicates the Tibetan Bardo approach.  However, we have reason to suspect only some of the beings (microcosmic beings) that have truly accomplished a real being-partkdolg duty could deliver ‘it’s and ‘I’s to the great stream of cosmic life, besides the biocosmic life octave.  Like the cunning moon of the cosmic octave, the capitalistic exploitation by the lau/owner beings at the MI-FA Interval of the fundamental sociocosmic octave also steals contemporary man's labor meant for being-partkdolg work of conscious labor and intentional suffering, meant also to produce high quality fine psyche hydrogens for higher concentrations at the level of 'our sun' and other higher order 'suns'.  This theft is to serve the lau/owner beings and their abnormal wealth accumulation.  This theft of labor from the cosmic reservoir results in a massive  oft phenomenon of reciprocal destruction of beings in our sociocosmos to return these stolen "values" to the cosmic reservoir, .... alas but in a terrible manner, that is, for their sacred askokin in premature death due to extreme capitalistic exploitation, killings, murders, wars, revolutions, capital punishments, etc.

Thus you have the capitalistic-essenced corporate politicians from the MI-FA Interval and the capitalistic cum imperialistic-essenced nationate politicians from the TI-DO Interval of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism investing in heavily into the Electocratic-Casinocratic-Votemarketic Pool 5 yearly on specific "selectively-chosen" and "people-elected" representative political guests sitting on the high chairs of the TI-DO Interval and perform their juggling malice everywhere in the world. On their left hands they hold loudspeakers of power and authority even sound "socialistic" and on their right hands they hold and control yet an elusive capitalistic  crony of corporations ready to rob, steal, corrupt, siphon and launder whatever valuables that might be there, and would not share the loot even amongst other capitalists and capitalists’ politicians of their own kind, except occasionally coming together and join hands for common plunder of their invented “enemies” corporates and nationates overseas notably through their industrial-military complex machineries.

In their sleep and sleep-wake mechanical consciousness, when their upper brains are set to rest while their lower brains dominates their inner world which are moving within each and every individual stopinder's nervous system within the paradigm of their status in the sociocosmic classes - as the lower slaves, serfs, surplus-deprived wage workers and surplus-shared wage workers or as the highest masters, landowners, capitalist and directors without share or as the middle in-betweens classes - these full-of-dreams-and-nightmares individuals with occasional flashes of enlightenment from their subjective and objective consciousness  carry on building, maintaining, repairing and transforming this historicism of our  Great Sociotechnocosmic Being hitherto.  The historicism of the inner development is materialized thus – the real forces that created this world is the productive forces.


  Now the inner development of modern man is subject to 7 basic cosmic influences, which come into the human body as three being-foods and processed to give behaviors, namely from:

1. Our Sun, all suns  and all worlds (influences from the Ray of Creation)

2. Our immediate group of planets in our solar system (planetary influences)

3. Our moon (lunar influences) which regularly steals by causing cosmic wars for sacred askokin extraction from the rascooarno (death) of human beings en masse on mother Earth's surface to fill the Mi-Fa Interval of the 3rd sub-cosmic Earth-Moon octave or the last sub-octave in the Ray of Creation.

4. Our own sociocosmoses and technocosmoses (sociocosmic and technocosmic influences) - Capitalistic and Socialistic together with sociotechnocosmic aberrations at their Marxian PDCE bases and at their superstructures such as in the PESTLES (Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Legal, Ethical and Security-defense).

5. Our plantae and animalia biocosmic beings eaten by us as first being-foods or ordinary foods such as cows, goats, lambs, chicken, pigs, fish, mollusks, worms, insects, frogs, lizards, vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc. and the minerals and metals also eaten by us to keep our planetary body alive (biocosmic ordinary food intake influences)

6. The auras received as third being-food or impressions from these same group of plantae, animalia, minerals, metals, soil, water and fire elements (biogeocosmic influences)

7. The air in our changing atmosphere eaten in the form of second being-foods or air food (air/climatic influences)

  Now the inner development of modern man out of the ABC Influences Circle into the Conscious Circle within the various stages of development of the Marxian historical periods through a psychological model of the inner parameters, namely, 1. Essence 2. Body  3. False Personality (FP)  4. 'it's and 'I's  5. Magnetic Center and 6. Permanent 'I' and an outer social parameters of fetishism namely, 1. Religious fetishism and 2. Product/commodity fetishism are depicted in diagrams below:


....... to 5%

The making of the New "Super" Man in process and perhaps about 5% of the world population are able to leave the ABC Influence Circle to become Conscious Man No. 7 equivalent and to lead Humanity-at-Large out of the ABC Influence Circle for the DO-Historical Period of Primitive Communalism



....... to 5%

The making of the New "Super" Man in process and perhaps about 5% of the world population are able to leave the ABC Influence Circle to become Conscious Man No. 7 equivalent and to lead Humanity-at-Large out of the ABC Influence Circle for the RE-Historical Period of Ancient Slavism



....... to 5%

The making of the New "Super" Man in process and perhaps about 5% of the world population are able to leave the ABC Influence Circle to become Conscious Man No. 7 equivalent and to lead Humanity-at-Large out of the ABC Influence Circle for the MI-Historical Period of Feudalism, FA-Historical Period of Capitalism and SO-Historical Period of Socialism


6   There is an ascending (inner rise) and an descending (inner falling) state in the psychology of man's possible evolution. Only about 5 percent of the population of the Great Sociocosmic Being (or the Earth Civilization) is Man No. 7.  So conscious labor and intentional suffering work of the fourth way, and those first, second and third ways are always necessary to keep the critical mass level necessary for Socialism, Communism and Datongism to continue with minimum regulatory government intervention. Failing to meet this critical mass requirement at both the MI-FA and the TI-DO Intervals, we shall witness an abnormal rise in criminal activities and even legalization of numerous abnormal and unnatural laws in criminal cahoots as well as the severity of draconian punishment to suppress the dangerous negative consequences of this fallen man and his fallen angels and archangels that has led the dark noomakhia logos to dominate their noosphere.  Even though, the PDCE substructure and the PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructure are already in the making and functioning for some time, the NOO might have fallen to a dangerous level.  The making of the new man is truly essential to maintain this critical mass of conscious man!

As to the Havatvernoian chronicle or the chronicle of religion that arise during the class struggle periods of human history, especially through the second, third, fourth and fifth gravity-centers of the historical sociocosmic octave, religion is a an inner automatic mechanical labor and suffering of the people (in contradistinction to a conscious labor and intentional suffering), a self-happening experienced by the working, exploited and oppressed class and various enslaved fundamental and lateral sociocosmic stopinders, and a useful tool of the non-working, exploiting and oppressing class that has the inner essence of love-faith-hope with self-calming and opiodic effects keep the beasts of burden in a perpetual dreamy state of pseudo-bliss while been milked and exploited in their only one life.  Thus this life has to go through a havatvernoian ordeal of weal and woe in a manner as depicted by Karl Marx:

Religion is ……. the sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world and the soul of the soulless conditions.  It is the opium of the people.



Now during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, the many rises and falls of capitalistic and socialistic sociocosmic stopinders here and there such as the capitalistic-essenced fundamental FA-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus, SO-laujinggongs/ gongjinglaus, LA-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus and TI-laujinggongs/ gongjinglaus together with the MI-FA Interval's 1st lateral sociocosmic do-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus, re-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus, mi-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus, fa-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus, so-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus, la-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus as well as the TI-DO Interval's Do-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus, Re-laujinggons/gongjinglaus, Mi-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus, Fa-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus, So-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus, La-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus and Ti-laujinggongs/gongjinglaus in the cauldron of mixes with the occasional rises and falls of the socialistic-essenced fundamental FA-dongjinggongs/gongjindongs, SO-dongjinggongs/ gongjindongs, LA-dongjinggongs/gongjindongs and TI-dongjinggongs/ gongjindongs together with the MI-FA Interval's 1st lateral sociocosmic do-dongjinggongs/gongjindongs, re-dongjinggongs/gongjindongs, mi-dongjinggongs/ gongjindongs, fa-dongjinggongs/ gongjindongs, so-dongjinggongs/ gongjindongs, la-dongjinggongs/ gongjindongs and ti-dongjinggongs/ gongjindongs as well as its 2nd lateral sociocosmic Do-dongjinggongs/gongjindongs, Re-dongjinggongs/gongjindongs, Mi-dongjinggongs/ gongjindongs, Fa-dongjinggongs/gongjindongs, So-dongjinggongs/ gongjindongs, La-dongjinggongs/gongjindongs and Ti-dongjinggongs/gongjindongs  all existing in the diverse billions struggling for survival on mother Earth's surface, nay more, including also a significant number of remnant reactionary psyche-emanating sociocosmic stopinders of vibration from the MI-Historical Periods of Feudalism ........ Noticing such terror-of-the-situation of triadic and octave sociocosmic stopinders and their superstructure psyche-emanating clouds aplenty, arising and falling during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, the wise grandson of Beelzebub with his eyes widely opened, could only say as the blind men would also say:

Let's wait and see!






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