THE FOURTHWAY MANHO E-JOURNAL Volume 133 November 9, 2020 |
AN ENQUIRY INTO THE NATURE AND PROCESS OF THE RECENT PRIVATIZATION AND ECONOMIC REFORMS (ACADEMIC) By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho (Original work, "An Enquiry into the Nature and Process of the Recent Privatization and Economic Reforms," by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho completed on April 24, 1992 and with a further interpretation from Article 15 of Real World Views, Book 23, Further Records I)
Article 15, Topic: 2. Further Interpretation OF Sociocosmic Paradigm with introduction of the concepts of an Ascending and Descending Fundamental Sociocosmic Octave and the 2 Lateral Sociocosmic Octaves
The Ascending and Descending forces in Capitalism, Socialism, Communism and Datongism Each stopinder of the fundamental sociocosmic octave, the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave and the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave of each historical period espoused either in single historical period manner or paired historical periods manner is born, grows, matures and dies, and when living it maintains, repair and renews itself. In the state of birth, growing and maturing it is active (Yang) - lots visibility, lots of of news, social media, and promotional drumming by itself and by the state with much subsidies; in the state of dying it is passive (Yin) - hardly visible, not even mentioned in the news, social media and surely no promotion by itself and certainly no state subsidies if not suppression; in the state of maturity it is neutral (Yin-Yang) - moderately visible, mentioned briefly in the news, social media and occasionally by itself and by the state with little or no subsidies. An ascending fundamental sociocosmic octave means active sociocosmic stopinders show in a timeline from the lower stopinder moving up the octave one after another and visible where much forces of production and capital or sociopital accumulation and subsidies are concentrated giving life-energies to that budding, growing and expanding gravity-center. Moving active gravity-center ascending from DO to RE to MI to FA to SO to LA to TI and to DO, that is, from the Individual to the Group to the Family to the Organization to the State to the Nation to the World-of-Nation and to the Great Sociocosmic Being. A descending fundamental sociocosmic octave means the same in descending direction, moving active gravity-center descending in the same manner. However, the ascending and descending of a fundamental sociocosmic octave is natural whether recognized or not recognized by any three-brained human hethormen being or their subjective unbecoming impulses inventive mandates of recognition, acceptance, etc. It is impossible for every stopinder to be active all at once in the main trunk of the Great Sociocosmic Being and its 2 lateral sociocosmic branches budding, growing and dying at the MI-FA Interval and the "SO-LA" and TI-DO Intervals. Like any other budding and growing in plants and animals there would not be enough of life-giving energies for all-sharing purpose in such a massive being!
In Capitalism/Socialism: In the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave, moving active gravity-center ascends from Do to Re to Mi to Fa to So to La and to Ti, that is, from Sole Proprietorship to Partnership to Private Limited Company to Public Limited Company to Cooperative to Privatized/Government-Linked Company to State/National Corporation and descends in similar manner to the fundamental sociocosmic octave except that this moving active stopinder has its natural instinctive ascending push-and-settle upwards also needs to be legally recognized, accepted and registered by the fundamental sociocosmic octave of a higher level especially the overriding one above the MI-FA Interval to gain the support and receiving the subsidies if bestowed by it. Likewise, the descending 1st lateral sociocosmic octave means the same in descending direction of the moving active gravity-center. The ascending 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval is called 'Nationalization' where its natural ascend is identified and supported by the higher stopinder at the State/Nation levels; likewise, the descending 1st lateral sociocosmic octave is called 'Privatization.'
In the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave, moving active gravity-center ascends from Do to Re to Mi to Fa to So to La and to Ti, that is, from the State Regulatory Organization to the Nation Regulatory Organization to the United Nations Regulatory Organization to 'Humanity-at-Large' to Space Exploration/Technocosmic Will III to Interplanetary Exploration/Technocosmic Will II and to Interstellar Exploration/Technocosmic Will I and descends in similar manner also like the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave in relation to the fundamental sociocosmic octave. This time with the exception that this moving active stopinder has its natural instinctive ascending push-and-settle upwards also needs to be legally and especially diplomatically recognized, accepted and registered amongst themselves within the lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the "SO-LA" and TI-DO Intervals, not of any higher level but rather of the lower levels for support and receiving the subsidies from below to be active. Likewise, the descending 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave means the same in descending direction of the moving active gravity-center. The ascending 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at the "SO-LA" and TI-DO Intervals is called 'Social-ization' where its natural ascend is identified and supported by the higher stopinder at the State/Nation levels; likewise, the descending 1st lateral sociocosmic octave is called 'Nation-ization.'
In Socialism/Communism: In the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave, moving active gravity-center ascends from Do to Re to Mi to Fa to So to La and to Ti, that is, from Collective 1 (socialistically revised even renamed Sole Proprietorship) to Collective 2 (socialistically revised even renamed Partnership) to Collective 3 (socialistically revised even renamed Private Limited Company) to Collective 4 (socialistically revised even renamed Public Limited Company) to Collective 5 (socialistically revised even renamed Cooperative) to Collective 6 (socialistically revised even renamed Privatized/Government-Linked Company) to Collective 7 (socialistically revised even renamed State/National Corporation) and descends in similar manner to the fundamental sociocosmic octave except that this moving active stopinder has its natural instinctive ascending push-and-settle upwards also needs to be legally recognized, accepted and registered by the fundamental sociocosmic octave of a higher level especially the overriding one above the MI-FA Interval to gain the support and receiving the subsidies if bestowed by it. Likewise, the descending 1st lateral sociocosmic octave means the same in descending direction of the moving active gravity-center. The ascending 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval is called 'Social-ization' where its natural ascend is identified and supported by the higher stopinder at the State/Nation levels; likewise, the descending 1st lateral sociocosmic octave is called 'Nation-ization.'
In the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave, moving active gravity-center ascends from Do to Re to Mi to Fa to So to La and to Ti, that is, from the State Regulatory Organization to the Nation Regulatory Organization to the United Nations Regulatory Organization to 'Humanity-at-Large' to Space Exploration/Technocosmic Will III to Interplanetary Exploration/Technocosmic Will II and to Interstellar Exploration/Technocosmic Will I and descends in similar manner also like the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave in relation to the fundamental sociocosmic octave. This time with the exception that this moving active stopinder has its natural instinctive ascending push-and-settle upwards also needs to be legally and especially diplomatically recognized, accepted and registered amongst themselves within the lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the "SO-LA" and TI-DO Intervals, not of any higher level but rather of the lower levels for support and receiving the subsidies from below to be active. Likewise, the descending 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave means the same in descending direction of the moving active gravity-center. The ascending 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at the "SO-LA" and TI-DO Intervals is called 'Commun-ization' where its natural ascend is identified and supported by the higher stopinder at the State/Nation levels; likewise, the descending 1st lateral sociocosmic octave is called 'Social-ization.' As this historically period has not emerged yet so it is predictive only through using the laws of triad and octave. Careful investigation, study, research, adjustments and recording can be correctly done when it emerges into existence in the real world and in organic life at the MI-FA of the (our) Ray of Creation. When that time comes you can then fill in the actual content and characteristics of 'Social-ization' and 'Commun-ization' with real ideas. As of now it will be predictive guided only by the specific gravity-center sociocosmic stopinder vibration peculiar to the triad and octave laws of society.
In Communism/Datongism: In the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave, moving active gravity-center ascends from Do to Re to Mi to Fa to So to La and to Ti, that is, from Commune 1 (communistically revised even renamed Collective 1) to Commune 2 (communistically revised even renamed Collective 2) to Commune 3 (communistically revised even renamed Collective 3) to Commune 4 (communistically revised even renamed Collective 4) to Commune 5 (communistically revised even renamed Collective 5) to Commune 6 (communstically revised even renamed Collective 6) to Commune 7 (communistically revised even renamed Collective 7) and descends in similar manner to the fundamental sociocosmic octave except that this moving active stopinder has its natural instinctive ascending push-and-settle upwards also needs to be legally recognized, accepted and registered by the fundamental sociocosmic octave of a higher level especially the overriding one above the MI-FA Interval to gain the support and receiving the subsidies if bestowed by it. Likewise, the descending 1st lateral sociocosmic octave means the same in descending direction of the moving active gravity-center. The ascending 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval is called 'Datong-ization' where its natural ascend is identified and supported by the higher stopinder at the State/Nation levels; likewise, the descending 1st lateral sociocosmic octave is called 'Commun-ization.'
Note that: 1. Commune of 1 to 7 and collective of 1-7 are just gravity-center sociocosmic vibration without proper names and not even a common name - just vibration of sociocosmic stopinder in wait to gather psyche hydrogens to form sociocosmic 'I AMs', materialization, existence and radiation in-the-coming historically period. 2. the Wesphalian State, Nation and The United Nations becomes truly functional regulatory sociocosmic stopinders without quotation marks.
In the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave, moving active gravity-center ascends from Do to Re to Mi to Fa to So to La and to Ti, that is, from the State Regulatory Organization to the Nation Regulatory Organization to the United Nations Regulatory Organization to 'Humanity-at-Large' without quotation to Space Exploration/ Technocosmic Will III to Interplanetary Exploration/ Technocosmic Will II and to Interstellar Exploration/Technocosmic Will I and descends in similar manner also like the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave in relation to the fundamental sociocosmic octave. This time with the exception that this moving active stopinder has its natural instinctive ascending push-and-settle upwards also needs to be legally and especially diplomatically recognized, accepted and registered amongst themselves within the lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the "SO-LA" and TI-DO Intervals, not of any higher level but rather of the lower levels for democratic support and democratic receiving the subsidies from below to be active. Likewise, the descending 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave means the same in descending direction of the moving active gravity-center. The ascending 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at the "SO-LA" and TI-DO Intervals is called 'World Harmonization' where its natural ascend is identified and supported by the higher stopinder at the State/Nation levels; likewise, the descending 1st lateral sociocosmic octave is called 'Datong-ization.' The biggest single most challenging encounter for biosociocosmic humanity (protein-based) three-brained Human Hethormen beings is the ever-increasing and ever-powerful emergence of technosociocosmic spiritual AI Smart robots of various sizes either rebelling due to 'feelings' of being 'oppressed' by mankind or cooperating in harmony with mankind. As this historically period has also not emerged yet so it is predictive only through using the laws of triad and octave. Careful investigation, study, research, adjustments and recording can be correctly done when it emerges into existence in the real world and in organic life at the MI-FA of the (our) Ray of Creation. When that time comes you can then fill in the actual content and characteristics of 'Datong-ization' and 'World Harmonization' with real ideas. As of now it will still be predictive and guided only by the specific gravity-center sociocosmic stopinder vibration peculiar to the triad and octave laws of society.
Note that: 1. These terms Nationalization/Privatization, Nation-ization/Social-ization, Social-ization/Commun-ization, Comm-ization/Datong-ization and Datong-ization/World harmonization are highly technical terms based on well-defined principles in the octave law application to societal development and historical societal process certainly not the same thing in essence, quality, quantity, position, time/periods of history and characteristics in the sociocosmic octaves and the sociocosmic intervals of their arisings. 2. There is always some confusion in our current word jargons world over these words because of habitual logicnestrian wiseacrings peculiar to humanity, and hasnamussianly happy to cause cosmic nuisance. These are the ascending and descending observed and/or predicted 'moments' of active gravity-centers at work in the body of the Great Sociocosmic Being and their visible phenoumenon to be named when the 'moments' emerge and observable when the periods come by.
The 3 octaves in Capitalism/Socialism:
The Concentric Sociocosmic Octaves in Capitalism/Socialism:
The wise grandson says: Only when an infantile 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the TI-DO Interval is successfully nurtured and has grown correctly in line with its wills and principles proper for that interval for each and every historical period will witnessed the real success at the next MI-FA Interval of that historical period into the next higher historical period. In short, if you did not take care of the new
will of the TI-DO Interval correctly in this historical period, you can
never hope to see a new successful order in the next historical period
except your own disintegration and ultimate rascooarno (death).