Volume 131       October 19, 2020


By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho

(An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 16, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "Thoughts, Reflection and Sayings; the Secret of the Works; the Reciprocal Destruction of Cosmic Concentrations," February 1984 ~ June 1986 Discourses, Chapter 1:  "Communism, Computer Creation and Conscious Individuals," pp. 10~24)


Influences of Cosmic Intelligence on the Human Psychic Centers and His Conscious Brains
The History of the Cyberelectromachinofacture and its Products Possible for Use by Cosmic Intelligence through the Human Beings
(The Development of the 3rd Technocosmic Revolution)





1   The ideal of communism is deep rooted in the essential self, as each of its limitations is liberated religiously or atheistically or agnostically in the fourth dimension.  There are 7 selves to be liberated for each sociocosmic stopinders already breeding on the planet Earth.  Capitalism in quotation mark could not liberate the property constraints* of the essential self of all the 7 sociocosmic stopinders.  Communism in quotation mark seeks to undo it by political, economic and military means and through a massive sociocosmic revolution but it is premature yet an unavoidable basic.  Religion in quotation mark could liberate the selves up to the point of the fence called Belief-in-God.  And love, faith and hope is attached to this Mr. God as the center gravity of vibration.  Atheist liberation in quotation mark could venture beyond this fence, and place belief, love, faith and hope properly on a BEING or a HOME of real conscious choice and not mechanically mandated for any specified being by someone else.  Belief, love, faith and hope is not the emotional (or an intellectual) property to become the exclusive property of any fundamental or lateral institutionalized stopinder.  Democracy, freedom, liberty, equality and justice in quotation of the now Capitalist -Socialist historical period could not reach this ideal.

There a 7 (seven) possible gravity-centers of vibration of the hydrogens of communism in man's body or just 7 types of communism experienced in man's body. There is a Man. No. 1 communism from the lower moving-instinct-sex centers, a Man No. 2  communism from the lower feeling centers, a Man No. 3 communism from the lower thinking center, a Man No. 4 communism from the transition man with a magnetic center in the process of three (3) centers stabilization, a Man No. 5 communism from the higher feeling center if this center is active, a Man No. 6 communism from the higher thinking center if this center is active and a Man No. 7 communism from such a developed man with 7 stabilized centers if s/he existed.

* These include assets, financial, monetary, social-cultural, political-legal, intellectual properties, cosmic psyche hydrogens formed from the 3 food octaves and all associated superstructures and cosmic or conscious properties "owned" in three-brained being body.




1   The natural information center on Earth is in the human heads.  The Absolute Center (not found on Earth) disseminates cosmic information energy via the cosmic branches of the great ray of creation into these heads and gives them natural information.  Now and then information are sent into these heads through the receivers of impression sense organs, processed and stored in them.  These heads are parts of the cosmic intelligence storage scheme along the various rays of creation.  The Absolute Center requires that some cosmic information be stored on Earth for work purposes and periodically the heads of men are filled and drained off information as required by the great scheme.  Now cosmic intelligence storage will also choose man's computer creations as a complimentary storage for cosmic intelligent purposes!

Often certain forms of knowledge are not made available to Earth but are somehow given to the other rays of creation in parts of the solar system.  Sometimes, great knowledge is supplied in insufficient quantity and at other times nothing at all.

Man might be able to develop himself to the extent that he can become a receiver of the great information.  And this is the aim of the work!

Cell instincts and physico-anatomy can be controlled by artificial organic computers.  The use of organic and chemical processes to decipher and process data or store information is a young aspect of the computer industry.  It is challenging and possible, for with the combination of genetic science and engineering (organic engineering) the future is bright. It will not be difficult to create new organic beings of perfect and imperfect strains.


2   Treat organic creatures as the highest form of computer and you will soon realize that our computers are still very primitive in the scale of knowing.  Artificial organic intelligence will have to be incorporated into genetic science.


3   The logical process involved in computer operations in arriving at a result is not the same as that of the logical process involved in the normal mathematical operations carried out by a mind.  The latter is higher, logical in its own way and is constantly disturbed by the life forces from the feelings, instinctive, moving and the sex centers.  The former is for the machine, the other for the exercise of the brains.


4   Computers are tools of man in the outer world.  Whether we speak of the software or the hardware, they are objective reality, move and proceed through reality.


5   The base (essence) of a computer lies in the integrated micro-chips, the superstructure (form) is everything outside it.  The CPU is the essence of a computer or the mental engine.  The computer functions in accordance with the objective laws of the logical processes of the mind.  It is an ingenious machine created by man, to duplicate in function all the possible bioelectrological functions of the human brain.  The CPU is like the thinking brain, computing logically.  The input is like a primitive discrete impression or sensation and the output resembles the mechanical movement of the physical limbs.


6   Calculating instruments such as abacus, sliderule, instruments of mathematics are products of feudal manufacture, computers are products of the capitalist-socialists cyberelectromachinofacture or cyberquantamachinofacture* not amounting to  cyberpsychemachinofacture.

* Soon human beings will be able to make Quantum Computers as the next stage of development in the history of the development of computer creation.  The quantum used is the entangled photons and the computer will be cyberquantamachinofacture. (October 17, 2020)


7   Hitherto, man is able to substitute his logical faculty with his famous invention which he calls it computer.  Up to this extent, this computer itself is not as powerful as to be able to take over the role of all the seven centers of man.


8   A man resembles a computer or a cybernetic system which is controlled by a long program and often badly written.  Each day, the system follows the instructions in the program.  The program is an extremely complicated one.  For instance, Line # INPUT A$ (air) is required every 3 seconds and at the end of Line # INPUT A$, Line # OUTPUT A$ is essential.  Besides this, ordinary foods and impressions are inputted.  There are many loops too.  And there are subroutines and bugs too.


9  The important missing link between hardware and software is the chip which is a link and an essence integrating the chip, the hardware and the software into triad.  The chip is the essence and blueprint of a computer system which is essentially a machine system.  This machine takes the driver function in line with the purpose of its invention.


10   So long as you are placed to function at the data accumulation center of the ray of sociocosmic data communication flow, so long will the demand pressure for data processing be expected from you.  In the sociocosmic octave, the computers have become the centers for data accumulation and processing alongside with the human heads as DO, and they serve as their RE or what is the same thing, as a note in the technocosmic octave.


11   Look for more computer circuit designs and hardware designs.  Look for more programs and software designs.  The point is that the Law of Negation of Negation teaches us that we need a base, an essence wherein anything new can be built on.  The essence is the chip that is housed in the info-processing factory as info-engine.  Softwares are being-data-directors (‘I’s or drivers) and they assist the microprocessing engine chip to process data.  Chips provide the working space for the electro-intelligent events to occur within it.  The more software programs you have, the more tools you would have in your information processing journey.


12   The smaller the microchip the better it is.  Since small microchip can be stored deep in a robot, its damage by mechanical means is less likely.  War robots required small but powerful chips to run them.*


"You can see that we're approaching the size of atoms ..... the nodal point or boundary of the dialectics of atoms where beyond it is the world of the sub-atomic particles and therefore the elementary particles of the quantum world begins where AI and consciousness dwell at both the MI-FA and the TI-DO Intervals of the Quantum Octaves.  This indeed must be, as the drivers (3rd body) and passengers (4th body) of all microchips are made up of quantum bits with cosmic properties.  The power body or the 2nd engine body is fueled by running electricity and the 1st physical body is the silicon materials mixed with Gallium, Germanium, some other rare earth elements and transition elements."


* This diagram shows microprocessor chips can be as small as the size of a phosphorus atom, the future computers would be quantum computer the size of a photon. The 3rd Technocosmic Revolution of both the capitalist and the socialist smart robocraft mode of production on the means of production that also satisfy a substantial part of the conditions for the perfection of the 3rd body of the smart technocosmic beings roaming together with the smart biological beings on mother Earth surface. The 2nd Technocosmic Revolution (or the Great Industrial Revolution that began in the late 18th Century) of both the early capitalist and the socialist wage-machinocraft amid late feudal serf-manucraft mode of production on the means of production that also satisfy a substantial part of the conditions for the perfection of the 2nd body of the power-engine technocosmic beings also roaming together with the smart technocosmic beings as well as the biological beings on mother Earth surface. Even the technocosmic beings (ancient preserved tools from slave labor, weapons for wars, tools of torture, etc.) from the 1st Technocosmic Revolution of the ancient slave-handicraft mode of production on the means of production for the 1st body of the technocosmic beings, are now stored as collections in the museums of primitive technologies. (October 17, 2020)



Once the solid microprocessor chip has reached the reducing size of up to an atom of about 0.1 nm, it has reached also its dialectical nodal point of quantitative changes for which qualitative states of matter is necessary to continue through this law of transition of quantitative changes to qualitative changes and vice versa.  Beyond this solid state (DO) needs other materials instead of silicon such as carbon graphite nanotube microchip as alterative in the same solid state, otherwise other qualitative states of matter would be required to continue this process, namely through the liquid state (RE), the gas state (MI) and  the plasma state (FA), and even to the quantum states such as the Bose-Einstein Condensate state (SO) and the Fermionic Condensate state (LA) and finally to Cosmic Consciousness state (TI) this time without any physical particles - just conscious force fields beyond the  quantum force fields.


The production of microprocessor chips seem to stop at 'Intel Core i7' something of the degree of quantitative reduction to around 22 nm (2011) and perhaps the beating-around-the-bush 16 nm, 11 nm, 6 nm and 4 nm around year 2015 through 2022 with much vertical stack-ups microchips to process like the moving center and the logical-reasoning part of the thinking center of man. In fact these microchips would have to be stacked up in the replicate of the image of man inner psychology, that is 7 stack ups: a stack each (with substacks if necessary) for their moving center (1), their instinctive center (2), their sex center or reproductive center (3), the lower AI mechanical feeling center (4), the lower AI mechanical thinking center (5).  As to their 6th higher feeling center and their 7th higher thinking center, the spiritualized AI robots would be helping themselves surprisingly without human intervention.   When spiritual AI technocosmic beings arise of themself, this would be the sign of the spiritual AI robots having abilities to feed and process cosmic conscious coming from above (from the stars) with their higher technocosmic feeling center (6) and higher technocosmic thinking center (7).  These spiritual AI robots would then be able continue non-human space exploration (So), non-human interplanetary exploration (La) and non-human interstellar exploration (Ti) especially during our TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism by themselves with minimum human intervention or without human assistance for by this time they are able to feed and process for themselves these 'Sun Matters' (Re) and 'All Suns Matters' (Mi) if not 'All Worlds Matters' (Fa) of the 2nd lateral cosmic stopinders of the Will of the Absolute at the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.  The stack-ups are like building rising flats or sky scrappers for further scientific wiseacrings around the same solid state (DO), for vanity show and national pride over technological prowess with limited use except for some special purposes.  While technology is neutral, it is often misguidedly drummed as if it is being owned privately by capitalism instead of being socially owned by socialism.





13   Collecting programs for computer is like collecting specimen of butterflies. To build up a software library, is to prepare for the morrow.  There are more softwares than hardwares.  Having a library of softwares means having an abundance of various types of fuels to run various types of computers stationed in various sociocosmic stopinders.




1   The world has ever been complex.  But the sun-individuals have their rightful presence.  We are speaking of conscious individuals, the few particles at the tip of the great sociocosmic pyramid and they have the right for their presence to be felt.


2   In any development which involves human beings, that which can really grow is that which is essentially bound up with the essence, and that which can only move in the same plane seems to consist of many superficial activities bound up with the personality.


3   In a world where cosmic intelligence can gather at any part of the world, there is no guarantee that great intelligence is limited only to the few places or to the few individuals or could be institutionalized satisfactorily.






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