By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho
(An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views: Further Records,
Book 23, Article 3, Topic: "The Fundamental Sociocosmic Octave, the 1st Lateral
Sociocosmic Octave at MI-FA Interval and the 2nd Lateral
Sociocosmic Octave at "SO-LA" and TI-DO Intervals")
Article 3, Topic:
"The PDCE lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the MI-FA Interval is
indispensably regulated by the lateral sociocosmic stopinders of governance
at the TI-DO Interval in the fundamental sociocosmic octave."
"There are seven (7) fundamental stopinders, seven (7) lateral
stopinders at the MI-FA Interval and seven (7) lateral stopinders at the
TI-DO Interval in a fully developed sociocosmic octave. The same
sociocosmic octave can be represented as a living sociocosmic enneagram with
9 points, 7 of the points are for the fundamental sociocosmic octave and 2
of the points are for the 2 lateral sociocosmic octaves at the MI-FA and the
TI-DO Interval, and there is a spooky point at the "SO-LA Interval" which
unites the 2 lateral octaves from within as 2 Input Points to enable another
Input Point at the TI-DO Interval to generate a fundamental DO-stopinder of
the next higher or lower sociocosmic enneagram or the next sociocosmic
octave. All the sociocosmic octaves and the sociocosmic enneagrams are
living - born, grow, mature, decline and die or renew!
For each sociocosmic stopinder, there will always be three types of
conflicts whether hidden of expressed. The 1st type is the internal sociocosmic conflicts inside a sociocosmic stopinder, the 2nd type is the
external vertical sociocosmic conflicts between levels and the 3rd type is
the external horizontal sociocosmic conflicts between sociocosmic stopinders
of the same level.
Estimated maximum possible numbers of potential sociocosmic conflicts in
total for year 2019 of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism
are (7.674B + 3.837B + 2.558B + 200M + 8483 + 195 + 8 +1) Χ 3 =
14,269,008,678 Χ 3 = 42,807,026,061 (approx. 42.8 billion) maximum possible potential sociocosmic conflicts happening together for all the fundamental and the 2
lateral sociocosmic stopinders within Humanity-at-Large or within the body of our
Great Sociocosmic Being. Billions more of commodities, financial
instruments, land, plant and building properties,
production-distribution-consumption-exchange instruments, labor powers, ideas,
natural plantae/animalia/cosmic objects, and etcetera could trigger these
now hidden now open sociocosmic conflicts.
These sociocosmic conflicts are the quantitative (evolutionary) and
qualitative (revolutionary) concentric locomotives of the history of the
historical sociocosmic species from the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of
Primitive Communalism through the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of
Ancient Slavism through the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism
through the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism through the
SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism through the LA-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Communism and to the TI-Historical Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism, and to final extinction of
mankind at the MI-FA Interval of the
(our) Ray of Creation - all of which happen on the same geocosmic platform
on mother earth's surface.
The individual is stopindered and contained by the group, the group is
stopindered and contained by the family and/or the organization, the family
is stopindered and contained by the organization and/or the state, the state
is stopindered and contained by the nation, the nation is stopindered and
contained by the nation-bloc and the nation-bloc is stopindered and
contained by Humanity-at-Large (the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being) and/or
the Organic Film at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.
This is natural vertical stopinderation and containment and the further
inner verticalization within the horizontal stopinders is the sprouting root
of unnatural disharmony and hegemony.
The position of the MI-stopinder is special along the three DO, RE and
MI stopinders of the lower part of the fundamental sociocosmic octave before
the MI-FA Interval; it is the 1st original home (Jia) of the three-brained
hethormen human beings where production, distribution, consumption and
exchange (PDCE) has its first parking and resting station in the family
(MI-stopinder) before entering into the second parking and resting station
station in the organization (FA-stopinder). The position of the LA-stopinder is also
special along the three SO, LA and TI stopinders of the higher part of the
fundamental sociocosmic stopinder before the TI-DO Interval; it is the 2nd
home (Guojia) of the same three-brained hethormen human beings where
governance and regulation has its first parking and resting station in the
state (SO-stopinder) before entering into the second parking and resting
station in the Nation (LA-stopinder), and then finally, will participate in
the higher platform in the 'World of Nations' (TI-stopinder) as a last
parking and resting station amongst all other nation organizations,
Humanity-at-Large (HAL) and United Humanity-at-Large (UHAL) and
civilizations as one Earth Civilization before stopinderating into further
parking and resting stations in outerspace, planets of our Solar System and
exo-planets of other intestellar systems. The
FA-stopinder stands magnificently high in the middle of the fundamental
sociocosmic octave as the most important
Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange PDCE tetrad system substructure
of working stopinders, and together with the
TI-stopinder of regulating governance they support and
ensure the survival and the well being of all
earthly civilizations in the Great Sociocosmic Being." (Tan
Man Ho)
In the beginning of the creation of the fundamental sociocosmic octave at
the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, there were sociocosmic at
least two fundamental sociocosmic stopinders of the opposite biocosmic sexes
of the three-brained hethormen human beings in trialectical relationship of
the man and the woman and in the RE-sociocosmic stopinder of two unity of
the sexual opposites DO-sociocosmic stopinders which soon stopinders into
the MI-sociocosmic stopinder, and then more and more sociocosmic
gravity-centers were formed into a fundamental sociocosmic octave up to the
7th fundamental gravity-center sociocosmic vibration or the TI-sociocosmic
On the way in this process of sociocosmic stopinderation
between the 3rd and the 4th sociocosmic stopinders, there is a deceleration
of the ascending forces of sociocosmic stopinderation where a sociocosmic
MI-FA Interval arises for which pyramidal sociocosmic shock absorbers under
the triadic forces of the law of triad were generated as the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave (at the MI-FA Interval) also with all the powers of a lateral inner sociocosmic
stopinderation to its own 7th lateral gravity-center sociocosmic vibration
or the ti-sociocosmic stopinder - to cushion the negative consequences of
alienation of possession of three-brained hethormen individual (DO-level,
RE-level and MI-level) labor PDCE produces (products and services, and gifts of geocosmic/astrological nature to individuals).
As the process of sociocosmic
stopinderation continues its journey of further creation a unique linkpin
"SO-LA Interval" arises linking the TI-DO Interval acting as another
retardation of the ascending fundamental sociocosmic octave in the pyramidal
form of sociocosmic shock absorbers, and through the same law of triad, a
2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinderation (at the TI-DO Interval) of possible seven
gravity-center sociocosmic vibration arises, the highest being the Ti-sociocosmic
stopinder - to further cushion the negative consequences of further
alienation of the three-centered laujinggong organizations (FA-level,
SO-level, LA-level and TI-level), and corporate and nationate ownership of
this same alienated labor PDCE produces (products and services, and gifts of from geocosmic/astrological nature to collectives).
But these sociocosmic stopinders are communicating
biosocial beings with language and have 'Sociocosmic Absolute the Word' in
them. Soon under the PDCE tetrad system substructure, the PESTLES+
fixated superstructure and the NOO forces of Dasein peculiar to an infantile
and growing
wenming civilization-to-be being and all the fully grown Earth
civilization being’s inner civilization octaves and civilization
enneagrams and their inner inner historical sociocosmic and
sociotechnocosmic octaves and enneagrams, and including all
the sociocosmic and sociotechnocosmic specifics - fundamental and lateral
sociocosmic stopinders and their noo-dasein logos (of being-psyche
hydrogens of various quantumic fineness) are bestowed by these same three-brained hethormen beings
of various geoethnocosmic origins the
COMMON NAMES and then the PROPER NAMES under the same forces from this 'Sociocosmic
Absolute the Word'. At the TI-DO Interval, the fundamental sociocosmic
octave ends with either a mega multiple qualitative changes into a new
fundamental sociocosmic octave with its new lateral sociocosmic octaves
with new common and proper names or renews itself mere quantitatively and
remains in the old existing fundamental and lateral sociocosmic octaves with
little qualitative changes and retainning the old common and proper names
missing a historical qualitative ascending hop from a lower historical
sociocosmic specie-enneagram into the higher historical sociocosmic
A Standard Sociocosmic Harmonic Scale (diagram above) where "Sociocosmic
Absolute the Word' has not exerted its powers of naming names, and with
the fundamental sociocosmic octave (in purple color) and two lateral octaves (in pink
and yellow colors) for all historical periods of human civilization of
different narratives on a comprehensive mode of PDCE tetrad system
substructure, a superstructure PESTLES
(Political, Economical, Socio-cultural, Technological-science, Legal-ethics,
Education-environment and
Security-defense) fixates and a NOO Dasein noomakhian logo that together
begets a civilizational being - such as the wenming civilization that observes the
wenming sociocultural-equivalent focused or techno-civilization with a
technological focused or the neoliberal-economic-civilization with a trimmed
economic focused narratives or a Marxian-Dugin-Manho approach on a Western civilization with a mode of PDCE
tetrad system base, its superstructure PESTLES+ enneagramic fixates and a
typical noomakhian logo focused narratives of a four-bodied Great Earth
Civilization Being.
Once the 'Sociocosmic Absolute-the-Word' having exerted its naming of
names powers, a sociocosmic octave showing both the fundamental and the 1st and
2nd lateral sociocosmic octaves typical
of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism that has emerged as a
proper capital/value capitalistic-essenced sociocosmic being in the
geographical Western Europe at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of
Creation on mother Earth’s surface from 1788 AD hitherto and is likely to
dominate until 2148 AD before it is dominated by the SO-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Socialism on a global scale after this period is
shown below:
Psyche hydrogens in the body of man in materializing this Enneagram of the
Great Sociocosmic Being ranges from H768 to H6.
These 3 sociocosmic octaves, which
consists of the fundamental sociocosmic octave, the 1st (lower)
lateral sociocosmic octave and the 2nd (higher)
lateral sociocosmic octave, are modeled based on current observation of the
material realities of our society around 1970 AD.
Everything studied and analyzed about all the 1st lateral sociocosmic
stopinders at the MI-FA Interval of the fundamental sociocosmic octave
here of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is considered corporate or
micro-analysis/studies such as in corporate or micro-economics and
corporate or micro-politics; everything studied and analyzed about all the
2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the TI-DO Interval of the same is
considered nationate or a type of governate/regulatorate in general or macro-analysis/studies such as in nationate or
governate/regulatorate in general or macro-economics and nationate or governate/regulatorate
in general
or macro-politics.
The nomenclature and terms are introduced as such here in this manner:
1. For the FA-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism - capitalistic-essenced Nationates (
regulatorates) at the TI-DO Interval are the SNUN governates (or the UGGMBCC (1%-10%) representative
governance) together with the capitalistic-essenced
corporates at the MI-FA Interval.
the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism -
Governates (socionates or regulatorates) at the
TI-DO Interval are the SNUN* governates (or the 90%-99%
representative governance) together with its
collectivites (or cooperatives) at the MI-FA Interval.
3. For the
LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism - communistic-essenced
human regulatorates (communates of Humanity-at-Large
(HAL) at the TI-DO Interval
are the HAL governance (the representative all human common) together with its AI robot and machine
in the communistic-essenced Hitech-communes at the MI-FA Interval
4. For the
TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism - the
Human-Spiritual Robot datongistic-essenced regulatorates (datongate
of United Humanity-at-Large (UHAL) or Earth Governance or minority AI human
representative without real SRobonity-at-Large representatives) are the UHAL
governance (the representative datongates mostly for humans) at the TI-DO Interval
together with its Srobot and AI robot in the Hitech-datongites at the MI-FA Interval.
1. SNUN*: State organization, Nation organization and
the United Nations organization (SNUN) are westphalian words originated from
the Anglo-Atlantic civilization (just 1 of the 7 main civilizations of Earth
civilization living under the mystical spell of the colonialistic-imperialistic-fascistic-hegemonic
essence PDCE mode among the various other also somewhat revengeful
capitalistic- or developing socialistic-essenced NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE
Carriages of the main civilizations and their related sub-species of
civilizations) within its own Wittgenstein's Language Game or emotion,
motor, sex and instinct game equivalent of the tri-octave
Wittgenstein's Language Game and non-language game equivalents for the
following 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders: State organization = 'SO-stopinder',
Nation organization = 'LA-stopinder' and the United Nations organization or
Nationbloc organization = 'TI-stopinder').
2. The DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive
Communism (Primitive, Intermediate and Advanced levels), the RE-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism and the MI-Historical Sociocosmic
Species of Feudalism will be discussed elsewhere. Here the focus is
mainly on the current FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism with
some reference to the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.]
This 'Grand Monopoly Ponzi Scheme' flowchart design and construct
found in the current 'anatomy, physiology and psychology' body of the
FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism
(born 1788 AD - may die/reincarnate/transform by 2148 AD)
will later in the historicism be transformed,
thanks to the AI robots and even of the possible spiritual
I-robots capabilities,
into higher and simpler, more productive and more efficient
subsequent non-exploitative, non-oppressive classless
sociotechnocosmic species.
Note that the sociotechnocosmic octave is the GREAT STORY about social
relations of production-distribution-consumption-exchange PDCE base, its
PESTLES superstructure and NOO Dasein on two fundamental material beings, namely: the
three-brained hethormen human beings and the 3-bodied Padrigine I-III beings
up to the emergence of the Datong Man at Omega Point of the biocosmic octave
for which the 4-bodied Padrigine IV and above beings will be accepted among
By NATURE OUTSIDE is a reference to the phenomenal biocosmic octave (except
the biocosmic man), the geocosmic octave, the cosmic octave, the octaves of
elements (atoms) and particles, and other types of octaves including their
historical octaves, and finally, the 'as-you-like-it-head-scratching'
man-made plants, tools and instruments of PDCE and technocosmic octave of
mobile and immobile padrigines (except the unique spiritual AI padrigines IV
and above in-the-making).
The Fundamental and the Lateral Sociocosmic
Octaves of the Current polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism
and Socialism
OCTAVE (Purple Color)
Individual (DO) → Group (RE) → Family (MI) → Organization (FA) → State
(SO) → Nation (LA) → World of Nations (TI) → The Great Sociocosmos (DO)
[The 7
fundamental notes of sociocosmic vibration proper names be given for the
polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism or the
FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism]
Beige Color)
Capitalistic Laujinggong forces
Acting on Corporates
Sole Proprietorship (do) → Partnership
(re) → Private Limited Company (mi) →
Public Limited Company (fa) →
Cooperative Society (so) →
Privatized Government-Linked Corporation (la) →
State/National Corporation (ti)
[The 7 first lateral sociocosmic notes to
be given proper names as such for the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of
Capitalism and Socialism or the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of
The corporates extend themselves descending and ascending at MI-FA Interval
as a parallel inner 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave within the fundamental sociocosmic octave providing the
'set of 7 stopinders from the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave' in association with the 'set of 7 stopinders of
the fundamental sociocosmic octave' and interact innerly with itself and the
2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders in a recurring sequence of 0.142857 in a
single Enneagram of the fundamental sociocosmic stopinders. The triads
are corporate
laujinggongs and 7 of them altogether.
The sociocosmic aberration is capitalistic
laujinggongs at MI-FA Interval which have infiltrated into the TI-DO
Interval as its own will instead of the will of socialism and vibrate there
strongly side-flanking the socialistic-like dongjinggongs in the
polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism or the
FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.
Socialistic-like 'Dongjinggong' Will of the Sociocosmos Acting
on Nationates
Organization (Do) → Nation Organization (Re) → United Nations Organization (Mi)
→ Humanity-at-Large (Fa) →
Space Exploration/ 'Will-of-the-Sociotechnocosmos 3' (So) →
Interplanetary Exploration/ 'Will-of-the-Sociotechnocosmos 2' (La) →
Interstellar System Exploration/ 'Will-of-the-Sociotechnocosmos 1'(Ti)
[The 7 second lateral sociocosmic notes to
be given proper names as such for the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of
Capitalism and Socialism or the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of
The nationates (governates or regulatorates) extend themselves descending and ascending at TI-DO Interval
as a parallel inner 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave within the fundamental sociocosmic octave providing the
'set of 7 stopinders from the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave' in association with the 'set of 7 stopinders of
the fundamental sociocosmic octave' and interact innerly with itself and the
1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders in a recurring sequence of 0.142857 in a
single Enneagram of the fundamental sociocosmic stopinders. The triads
are nationate
dongjinggongs (or governate dongjinggongs) and would finally be 7 of them in times
to come.
The sociocosmic aberration is actually socialistic-like
dongjinggongs or rather 'dongjinggongs-on-transit-to-gongjingdongs' at TI-DO Interval on settling at the MI-FA Interval and
vibrate strongly there is not in the same polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of
Capitalism and Socialism but rather as gongjingdongs proper in the
SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism or the SO-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Socialism or polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of
Socialism and Communism and in wait of the emerging infantile will of communism to gather at
the new TI-DO Interval.
this is important:
All the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders
at the MI-FA Interval and all the 2nd lateral sociocosmic
stopinders at the TI-DO Interval happen for themselves in accordance to
the law of three in a laujinggong order independent of our will (although
there is an emerging will at this TI-DO Interval reciprocally spread over
also at the MI-FA Interval) for which the stopinders from the 1st
lateral sociocosmic octave become the oppressed, exploited and defensive
gong-stopinders or modern corporate slaves imprisoned at the MI-FA
Interval and regularly subjected to the canes of oppression, exploitation and
offensive abuses by the higher lau-stopinders from the 2nd
lateral sociocosmic octave or modern nationate (governate) masters also unsuspectedly
imprisoned at the TI-DO Interval. The law of three mandates a third
element or third stopinder arisings in the form the jing-agencies for
secretarial, accounting and consulting services to assist in the regulation with
double-tongued characteristics. The inner 1st and 2nd
1ateral stopinders grow and move according to the law of transition of
quantitative changes into qualitative changes and vice versa along a
spiraling linear vertical and tangential horizontal path, they are
aberrating due to the same law of three, endlessly jockeying in coercive
competition for vertical and horizontal laujinggong re-positioning,
re-configuration and re-stabilization of ownership of the means of
production-distribution, consumption and exchange, powers and benefits by hook or by crook. As to the
2nd lateral stopinder its upper vertical stopinders within its
own lateral octave are their “masters” – the United Nations (Mi) "masterates"
their own member nation organizations (Re) which in turn masterates their
own member state organizations (Do) in the spiral vertical and tangential
horizontal jockeying for recognition, powers and domination amongst
themselves within the TI-DO Interval striving to fulfill the "will" of the
law of three like automatons.
Finally, as there is only one single Great Sociocosmos and only in one
Enneagram, the interactions in a recurring sequence of the 2 lateral sociocosmic stopinders will finally become mixed, entangled and/or
compounded with the fundamental octave through the repeating interacting rational enneagramic principle
of each of all the 3 inner octave forces of the fundamental and the 2
laterals sociocosmic stopinders in a certain mathematical order of 1/7 = 0.142857 142857 142857 .....
(or 0.142857, 1.142857, 2.142857 ....). It is
important to note in the course of development of the material shaping of
the carriage body of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being especially those related to
its geometrical beauty (triangular, rectangular, pentagramic, circular,
spiral and spherical) such as in architecture, art, sculpture,
photography, faces of human, etcetera the mathematical irrationality
principle of the geometrical forces applies too, namely, the irrationality
geometrical forces of the Golden Ratio Phi, φ
= a/b = (a
+ b)/a = =1.61803398874989484820 ...... where a is larger than b. How
this happens one has to venture deeper into this research. The
trigram, the pentagram, the hexagram and the enneagram and even other
geometrical-grams are related to the mathematical rational and irrational
principles as well as also the infinity principle ∞.
The sociocosmic enneagram is a symbol attempting to put together in a
meaningful way all the octave stopinders, completed/full or
incomplete/partial from the force of the law of octave (or law of seven)
that have arisen from the 3 sociocosmic octave source-inputs that have
interacted, changed and transformed in accordance to the law of triad (or law of three), namely:
1. The fundamental sociocosmic octave (after a previous TI-DO Interval Input
now in the form of this DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA and TI)
2. The 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval Input
in the form of do, re, mi, fa, so, la and ti)
The 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave (at the "SO-LA Interval" to the
TI-DO Interval Input now in the form of this Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La and Ti
2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders) and
after that at the TI-DO Interval proper as the next fundamental sociocosmic
All the three sociocosmic octaves enter into a sociocosmic enneagram to
function in unison as a stable sociocosmic being and function in according
to the law of unity of opposites (contradictions), the law of the transition
of quantitative changes to qualitative changes and the law of negation of
negation within the Great Sociococosmic Being and to generate major
historical sociocosmic enneagrams in accordance to the law of octave.
The emergence of these fundamental and lateral sociocosmic octaves for the
FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and that of the
SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism should now be narrowly
divided into the out-of-date simplistic capitalist-focused and
socialist-focused or private-focused and public-focused approach in the one
and the same FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. There
are 2 distinct revolutionary historical sociocosmic species here, namely:
the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the SO-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Socialism ..... the former full of private
non-democratic corporates and pseudo-democratic public nationates and the
latter also full of "private" democratic collectives (Workers' COOPs) and
real-democratic "public" SNUN regulatorates or Socionates.
The Wittgenstein language and word game is necessary for the
PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO daseins (being-existences) of the two enneagrams (and/or
the two sociocosmic octaves) namely: the
oppressive-exploitative-profit-maximizing capitalistic-imperialistic pseudo-democratic
essences of Capitalism vs the non-oppressive-exploitative and non-profit
maximizing Socialism - nothing to do essentially with such Wittgenstein’s
language and word trap such as central vs decentralized planning, private vs
public, authoritarian vs libertarianism, and many more much-wiseacred
deliberated words of invention for decorating the delicious food for the
hungry wolves in sheepskin.
All the three sociocosmic octaves enter into a sociocosmic enneagram
to function in unison as a stable sociocosmic being and function in
according to the law of unity of opposites (contradictions), the law of the
transition of quantitative changes to qualitative changes and the law of
negation of negation within the Great Sociococosmic Being and to generate
major historical sociocosmic enneagrams in accordance to the law of octave.
The necessary 100 years of crossing the nodal line of transition
(Red Color) of the spiraling PDCE Base and superstructure including
the Noomakhia of the Enneagram of Capitalism (or the FA-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism) to the Enneagram of Socialism (or
the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism). The nodal
line ends around 2148 AD (from astrological age reference) on a
worldwide Humanity-at-Large frame of reference with emerging
alternating ascending and descending quantitative changes before the
actual, distinguishable and significant qualitative transformation
at the end of the nodal line.
regulation of Fully Private
MI-FA Interval laujinggong corporates and TI-DO Interval
laujinggong nationates under with UGGMBCC (1%)
UK & other countries) within
Civilization with Capital-value dominance of the
FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism
to and fro (from 1 - 2 - 1 in cycles)
Pseudo-Socialistic-essenced regulation
of Private-Public
Hybrid laujijnggong-dongjinggong
pyramids within a
Carriage civilization still
with Capital-value dominance of the FA-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism
Finland &
Scandinavian countries) |
regulation of Fully
Public MI-FA
Interval gongjingdong collectivites and TI-DO Interval
gongjingdong SNUN regulates without under with UGGMBCC (1%)
North Korea &
other countries) within a
Civilization with Sociopital-value dominance of the
SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism Pendulating
to and fro (from 3 - 4 - 3 in cycles)
regulation of Public-Private Hybrid
laujinggong-dongjinggong pyramids as well as the inverted
pyramids within a
civilization with both capital-value where Sociopital-value
dominates in a polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of
Capitalism and Socialism.
(China, Russia, Ex-Soviet Republics, Cuba &
other countries)
Main Characteristics
Spiraling Quantitatively within Transition by Election
Private ownership of PDCE stopinders
(in the millions) 2.
contract in PDCE stopinders 3.
The corporates (at MI-FA
Interval) and the nationates (at TI-DO Interval) have already coated
themselves with specific-proper names. 4.
Noomakhia logos of NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the
civilizational being remains in the dark and black logos of
scammers, tricksters, exploitation, endless wars, conquests,
killings of evils, the pleasure of wealth accumulation, lunaticism, hasnamussianing, oppression, selfish
individuality and privacy of thievery with ever-declining
art forms of the Socio-cultural (S) fixates and
civilizational spell of the NOO moving towards serving
exclusively the dreams of the UGGMBCC (%) as the only
end-point civilizational neoliberalism's Promised Land with
the Illuminati Pyramid with an All-Seeing Eye for Hegemonic
Pursuit to be achieved through eliminating
the evil enslaved base of this deserving beast of burden
with the dark and black logos, terrible colors, designs
and constructs, "negative" art forms of a world still in the
nightmare of the reciprocal destruction law of capitalistic, colonialistic, imperialistic, fascistic and hegemonistic
noomakhias for preserving the Illuminati Pyramidal Logos.
Life Span: Born in 1533 in UK and in 1788 in US, and likely to change/transform
after 1 decan of 716 years from 1533. 6.
All of
the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the MI-FA Interval
and the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the TI-DO
Interval have already been coated with the common and proper
names of the Wittgenstein game of language for the declining
FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.
There are 586 unicorn
capital-value corporate PDCE stopinders by 2020 for which
the United States owns 233 and China owns 227 and the rest
are owned by other nations. A unicorn corporate PDCE
stopinder is a huge and successful corporate PDCE stopinder
of the MI-FA Interval which has accumulated a capital of
USD1 billion within 10 years. These 227 unicorn
"capital-value" corporates that have arisen from the womb of
the TI-DO Interval socialistic-essenced China is special
because an is in quotation mark because they are
socio-genetically coded to grow into sociopital-value
unicorn corporate PDCE stopinders instead of remaining as
unicorn capital-value corporate PDCE stopinders when the
SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism is perfected
in China and other parts of the world by 2148 AD.
(Data Analysis taken from
Lin Yifu, regarding a Century of Great Changes in China, 14
April 2024)
The law of reciprocal destruction dominates Earth
civilization or need to be minimize its dominance 9.
Mega printing of money for the
UGGMBCC with maximum price inflation (Financial capitalism)
Both the subjective and the
objective sociocosmic laujinggong carriages and the
civilizational NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages recede by the
minutes, the hours, the days, the months, the years, the
decades and the centuries with the ultimate material
ceasing-to-be in the real world of each and every 4-bodied sociocosmic and civilizational stopinder in this 100
years of crossing the nodal line to global non-presence and
non-dominance 11.
Beware of capitalistic-essenced jargon of Wittgenstein
Language Game which is gradually dismissed and disappears
into the yonder.
Main Characteristics
Spiraling Quantitatively after Qualitative Transformation by
Socialist-member ownership of PDCE stopinders
(in the millions) 2.
Participation in PDCE stopinders 3.
The collectivites (at
MI-FA Interval) and the SNUN Regulatorates or Socionates (at TI-DO Interval)
have not yet coated themselves with specific-proper names. (and
still in
the state of experimentation) 4.
The Noomakhia
Carriage of the civilization being
becomes more enlightened with ever-rising and ever-great art
forms from the Socio-cultural (S) fixates and bright
civilizational spirit of the NOO moving progressively
towards collective civilizational enlightenment, full of
bright colors, designs and constructs, positive art forms
and subject to more and more of the law of reciprocal
nourishment of Humanity-at-Large - on a path to inverting
and removing social pyramids especially the Illuminati
Pyramid with an All-Seeing Eye for Hegemonic Pursuit in achieving advanced social
circularity, constructiveness, cooperativeness,
progressiveness, real HEIGRENS, real democracy, shared
prosperity, real objective common human destiny, and
nourishing NOO-HARMONY-PEACE Light noomakhian logos
Life Span: Born in1917 in USSR
and 1945 in China, and like to change/transformed after a
decan of 716 years from 1917. 6.
All of the 1st lateral
sociocosmic stopinders at the MI-FA Interval and the 2nd
lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the TI-DO Interval have
still to coat with the common and proper names of the
Wittgenstein game of language for the emerging SO-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Socialism.
7. By 2148 AD
most unicorn corporate capital-value PDCE stopinders
everywhere in World-Island along the YAFEILA axis and all
the Outer Islands of the Presente will become unicorn
sociopital-value collective PDCE stopinders (type 4),
if the level of human consciousness en masse is
maintain at a high level above a critical mass threshold.
The remaining unicorn capital-value corporate PDCE
stopinders will no longer be dominating. However, in those
regions of the Presente where human consciousness is unable
to maintain this critical mass threshold, these unicorn
capital-value PDCE stopinders might still continue as they
are. Old species will still be lingering along with
the new species except that they are non-dominating
after 2148 AD.
(Data Analysis taken from
Lin Yifu, regarding a Century of Great Changes in China, 14
April 2024) 8.
The law of reciprocal nourishment dominates Earth
civilization or need to work for its active dominance
9. Mega production,
distribution, consumption and exchange for all with maximum
price deflation world-wide (Industrial socialism)
Both the subjective and the
objective sociocosmic gongjingdong carriages and the
civilizational NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages advance by the
minutes, the hours, the days, the months, the years, the
decades and the centuries with the ultimate material
coming-to-be in the real world of each and every 4-bodied sociocosmic and civilizational stopinder in this 100
year of crossing the nodal line to global presence and
dominance 11. The new socialistic-essenced jargon for the
new Wittgenstein Language Game is gradually admitted and
The natural sociocosmic stopinders are the basic humane
fundamental sociocosmic stopinders consisting of the individuals (DO), the
groups (RE), the families (MI) and the organizations (FA); the aberrating
sociocosmic stopinders are the less humane more aberrating impersonal regulatory often
oppressive fundamental sociocosmic stopinders consisting of the states (SO),
the nations (LA) and the world-of-nations (TI). Note that SO, LA and
TI are fundamental sociocosmic stopinders and have acquired common and
proper names often mess-up jargons unknowingly or knowingly but deliberated
by political rascals - namely:
1. Westphalian states, nations and empires as SO-, LA- and
TI-sociocosmic stopinders of a western feudal and capitalist societies -
with colonialistic (negative), imperialistic (negative), fascistic
(negative), Nazistic (negative) and hegemonistic (negative) implications.
2. Kingdoms, dynasties and imperial dynasties as SO-,
LA- and TI- sociocosmic stopinders of an oriental feudal societies - with
vassalistic (negative), often imperialistic (negative), sometimes
hegemonistic (negative) implications, except for one
wenming civilization (positive), depending on the geographical
location of the societies and the population sizes.
Once sociocosmic social relations of production, distribution, consumption
and exchange turn capitalistic as in a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of
Capitalism, many relationship become sociocosmic aberration.
The MI-FA Interval between the family (MI) and the organization (FA) is the
interval where a triad shock absorber such as laujinggong for the polar
FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism is necessary to
smoothen, cushion, mask, lubricate and flow-enabling of the predatory,
exploitative and oppressive capitalist mode of production-distribution-consumption-exchange
(PDCE), where 1) plantae are grown, animalia are farmed and
handicrafts are manufactured, services are offered, for which land rents and
mercantile profits are alienated and extracted in Agro-handicraft capitalism
(1st metamorphosis of Infantile Capitalism) 2) industrial goods,
services, labor surpluses are produced, distributed in whole sales and
retails and/or trade domestically or internationally, consumed and exchanged
are alienated and industrial profits extracted (2nd metamorphosis of
Industrial capitalism) and 3) fictitious real estate rents, economic rents, banks
compounding interests, insurance premiums, share dividends, bond interests
and digital infrastructure rents (subscriptions) are alienated and extracted
in Finance capitalism (3rd metamorphosis of Finance capitalism).
All these unearned benefits will be alienated or taken away
by an-other and for an-other but not for wastes which will likely be quietly
and dishonestly disposes off to save costs to the capitalists and the final
1% UGGMBCC (4th metamorphosis of Hegemony capitalism). It is to
increase a retarding inner world psychology for the lau, the jing and the
gong beings for which these 3 forces will generate the fundamental
sociocosmic octave, 1st lateral sociocosmic octave, the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave.
The TI-DO Interval between the 'World-of-Nations' (TI) and the 'Great
Sociocosmos' (DO) is another interval where a Will of this Sociocosmos
related to the essence of next historical period such as Socialism (in this
case) is expressed at this interval to oppose the predatory, exploitative
and oppressive capitalist mode of production where later a socialistic
dongjinggong triad shock absorber is felt needed that will replace this
capitalistic laujinggong. It is again to increase another retarding
inner world psychology at this TI-DO Interval for which these three forces will
generate the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave.
The 24 laws (Planetary level above, FA), the 48 laws (Earth level center,
MI) and the 96 laws (Moon level below, RE) at the FA-MI Interval and
surround is set by the (our) Ray of Creation where the Organic Life
including the Great Sociocosmos is located on mother Earth's surface.
The individual is subject to fewer constraints at 24 laws in the hydrogens
of Socialism and gradually being weighted with more and more constraints to
double of an octave at 48 laws in the hydrogens of Capitalism and more laws
are added to another double of an octave at 96 laws, the lowest level.
The sociocosmic octave from note to note is placing more and more laws to
the individuals for which they are pressure and which they have to struggle
and live with, and the increasing frequency of the laws is calculated as
shown below:
The natural sociocosmic stopinders are
subject to 24 - 32 laws (a difference of 8 laws) and the aberrating
sociocosmic stopinders are subject to 32 - 48 laws (a difference of 16 laws)
under Socialism and 48 - 64 laws (a difference of 16 laws) and the
aberrating sociocosmic stopinders are subject to 64 – 96 laws (a greater
difference of 32 laws) under Capitalism. These changing frequency
ratio laws change forms in human history with much increase of laws even
death penalty laws and numerous cruelties are included, and they are
accursed, abnormal, oppressive and aberrating throughout human history from
Primitive Communalism, Ancient Slavism, Feudalism to Capitalism or classed
societies except in a classless Socialism Proper and Communism.
These aberrating regulatory stopinders
can wither away all the myriads of unbecoming capitalistic
accumulation-of-surpluses tendencies in its Political, Economic,
Socio-cultural, Technological-science, Legal-ethical, Education-environmental and Security-Defense (PESTLES)
and the noomakhias to become truly humane and healthy
regulatory stopinders as the Great Sociocosmos heals itself, grows and
reaches maturity during Communism and Datongism. These SO, LA, TI and DO sociocosmic stopinders cannot be removed from an octave as they are also the
natural vibrating gravity-centers although aberrating in behavior amongst
all the 7 fundamental sociocosmic stopinders.
Sociocosmoses and sociotechnocosmoses which include the fundamental
sociocosmic octave together with the 1st and
the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octaves are human-to-human-machine social relations of the
productive forces (procreation, work production, products and services
production, distribution, consumption, exchanges, and excretion). The 4-bodied sociocosmoses and the laujinggong triads are also social relations of
production, distribution, consumption and exchange. They are all social relations of production-distribution-consumption-exchange
(PDCE). From these
social relations of PDCE, there arise superstructures and NOO through the
MI-FA Interval and the "SO-LA" cum TI-DO Interval.
Each Marxian historical stages can be explained using these sociocosmic
octaves and enneagrams. The Marxian
Historicism of the stages of sociotechnocosmic development includes Primitive
Communalism, Ancient Slavism (slaves owning society), Feudalism (serfs
owning society), Capitalism
(non-owning wage-salary employing society with FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic
aberrations in the form of Colonialism, Imperialism, Fascism, Nazism and Hegemonism
including their neos), Socialism (a transitional semi-owning
remuneration-rewarding society with receding FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic
aberrations based on the maxim: "from each according to his ability to
each according to his work"), Communism (a
stabilized socially holistic optimal functioning of society, though NOT
PERMANENT, of great height, common-owning of the means of
production-distribution-consumption-exchange factors with complete and highest dignity and respect of man-to-man or the
social man and to all Humanity-at-Large, approaching the maxim: "from
each according to his ability to each according to his needs," meaning
that all necessities will be used free - free food, free house, free
medical, free education, free personal land, water and avian technocosmic
beings, and all other possible and emerging necessaries including normal
wants are free and everything in any consumption markets are taken just free
in record and much of the work are done by the RobotJing (RJing) and RobotGong
(RGong) that
exists by the trillions in number to serve Humanity-at-Large and
Humanity-at-Large is truly "free" to do and work with the highest respect
and dignity with the only exception of a new disturbing contradiction - the
possible emergence mega-used, mega-exploited and mega-oppressed technocosmic
beings not as yet having spiritual egos of 'it's, 'I's and 'I AM' signs of
the Spiritual-RobotJing (SRJing, also called IRGong ) and Spiritual-RobotGong
(SRGong, also called IRGong)
and Datongism when SRJings (IRJings) and SRGongs (IRGongs) emerge in ever
larger numbers in the history of
Humanity-SRobonity-at-Large with likely SRobot Revolutions possible final
harmonious cooperation. Finally, comes the total mandatory
terror-of-the-situation breakdown of the Great TI-Historical
Sociotechnocosmic Species of Datongism, that is, its ultimate death and
extinction ending both the history of mankind and his spiritual robotkind
(if interstellar escape fails) at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of
The peculiar "SO-LA" Inner Interval is the much accursed meeting hotspot of
the 'Confusion-of-the-Tongue' full of sociocosmic perturbations and
aberrations between the last 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinder (ti),
a predatory, exploitative and selfish capitalist-owned state/nation
corporation, and the
first 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinder (Do),
a non-predatory, non-exploitative and sharing socialist-owned state/national
productive and regulatory organization (also called a "corporation", a
collectivite or a cooperative) - a meeting hotspot of the 'Confusion-of-the
Tongue' where capitalist and socialist quietly and openly "knifed" each
other to death in history.
The fundamental sociocosmic stopinderation (stop 'pinderation') is a natural sociocosmic
process with natural gravity-centers and boundaries and the 2 sociocosmic lateral stopinderations are necessary sociocosmic
accelerating/decelerating interval inputs (feeds) with triadic sociocosmic
shock absorbers to enable the smooth flow of productive and regulative
forces, and they have ownership stopinderation characteristics. In a
polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism this ownership-stopinderation
is hypnotically identified, attached, legal-bound and militarized to the
geocosmic land, plantae (1st lateral geocosmic stopinders), animalia (2nd
lateral geocosmic stopinders), lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, to human
activities and to accumulated labor, labor surpluses or profits and labor's
instruments of production such as plants, buildings and machinery &
equipment assets, and to intangible properties such as
financial shares, loans, bonds, M1 (money type 1) cash & checks deposits, M2
(money type 2) saving
deposits, M3 (money type 3) money market securities, mutual funds and time-deposits monies,
further financial wiseacrings M0 and M4, and etcetera, to intellectual properties and all types of other possible ownership wiseacrings of the
financial professionals and commoners alike - peculiar to the capitalistic-essenced
con-magicians and wizards born to perform financial gimmick shows for
extracting monies here and there to accumulate and to maximize exploitative
financial gains to some private corporates and even to the few individuals
resulting in a nest full of severe financial
disharmonies, artificial GDP and price inflation and all kinds of terrible
financial diseases
in the body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. Also in a
polar FA-SO-LA-TI
Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism or just the FA-Historical Sociocosmic
Species of Capitalism, the private ownership of the
means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange tetrad, its stopinderation and
therefore also its principles are capitalistic-essenced, and originated basically from
the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the MI-FA Interval and the
non-private or public ownership of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange
tetrad, its stopinderation and
therefore also its principles are socialistic-essenced, and originated basically from the
2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the "SO-LA Interval" cum TI-DO
Interval. These in turn are regulated through the geocosmic factors of our
Earth and its immediate atmosphere above at the MI-FA Interval of the (our)
Ray of Creation as well as the civilizational influences from cosmic forces
from our sun, stars and worlds above and which change across Astrological Ages
at the TI-DO Interval of this same the (our) Ray of Creation.
Ultimately, the financial expropriators are also expropriated in this grand
global monopoly chessboard, according to the law of negation of negation of
financial ownership.
1. The lateral sociocosmic octaves are growing and even degenerating in the
process of history
At any point of time at the MI-FA and
the TI-DO intervals, the 1st and 2nd lateral sociocosmic octaves
respectively are unbudded or partially budded or fully budded with a full
range of its inner notes. The lateral sociocosmic octaves are growing
and even degenerating in the process of history. For instance, the
‘League of Nations’ formed in 1919 was officially dissolved and replaced by
‘The United Nations’ in April 20, 1946.
2. Interpreting the 1 China 2 Systems Rule!
So long as the law of octave is understood and applied, and the
polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and
Socialism is understood, the result of such a happening is self-evident.
One nation (LA) can have 2 provinces (SOs)
or more. 2 systems or principles of governance can be found inside a
nation such as in China's 'One China and two Systems of Governance Rule.'
"The lower 1st lateral sociocosmic octave of
Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) stopinders at the MI-FA Interval
is connected to the higher 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at the TI-DO
Interval through a strongly-welded linkpin between the inner ti -Do
Interval at the "SO-LA" Interval for which the higher 2nd lateral
sociocosmic stopinders are always the regulatory stopinders of the lower
1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders. The higher regulatory stopinders
register the birth, monitor the growth, manage, control and record the
death of their lower PDCE stopinders. The registration of all the
companies in the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval is
to be officially found at the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at the TI-DO
Interval either as registered by their state organization or by their
federal or central or nation organization. The registration of
all the registration of all the states (the fundamental SO-stopinders and
the 2nd lateral sociocosmic Do-stopinders) and the nations (fundamental
LA-stopinders and the 2nd lateral sociocosmic Re-stopinders) is to be
officially found at the United Nations (a 2nd lateral sociocosmic
Thus the sociocosmic revelation is narrated here over the popular
standard diplomatic narrative regarding our societies."
And the non-sociocosmic diplomatic official ultimatum goes:
"Once and for all, the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758
resolved, politically, legally and procedurally, the issue of the
representation of the whole of China, including Taiwan in the UN and
international institutions, will completely blocked any attempt by anyone
or any country to create 'two Chinas' or 'one China, one Taiwan."
"As applied to the Taiwan issue, this once-upon-a-time old governing
ROC LA-lau being of China, long retreated to the island called Taiwan
after its defeat to the new governing PROC LA-Dong being (or a
transitional PROC LA-Gong being in the making) and now still dwelling
there, has lost its recognition status as the LA-lau being of governance
for China on October 25, 1971 in a United Nation Resolution 2758 ( itself
a TI-Lau on transit to a TI-Dong being of the Mi-stopinder of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval) passed by the General Assembly
through a two-thirds vote, and this geocosmic piece of island, Taiwan all
its governing neighboring islands and islets in the Spratly is considered
part of the bigger geocosmic piece of land called China. This fall of
stopinder level of governance ROC LA-governance from the LA-level to the
SO-level as it truly is is the starting point for further unification and
integration on only a few partialities, namely, neoliberal political
system, mode of PDCE economic system, and a few adjustment to PESTLES
pollution implanted by previous capitalistic-essenced western colonialism,
imperialism and hegemonism."
Multiple modes of production/operations
such as the personate business, capitalistic and socialist/state/national
modes of production-distribution-consumption at the MI-FA Interval and
corruptive, kleptocratic, capitalistic and socialistic mode of regulatory
services (and production-distribution-consumption-exchange) at "SO-LA" and TI-DO
Interval can exist in a polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and
3. The
capitalistic multinational corporate now having central planning,
organizing, leading and controlling ability world-wide due to having
powerful 'instruments-of-production' of Industry 4.0 technology at its
disposal - big data, supercomputer, high-speed microprocessors and the
internet - turns "republic" yet it is still a three-centered corporate being
at the MI-FA Interval and certainly not a three-centered regulatory
nationate being from the TI-DO Interval.
Laujinggong/gonjinglau and private/"state" ownership by corporations
or corporate beings and its capitalistic nationates beings of the means of
production prevent real/wholesome socialism and real/wholesome democracy at
workplace from happening during the FA-Historical Period of Capitalism
proper or in its more thorough and revealing presentation form, that is, the
polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. Dongjinggong/gongjingdong
and socialist ownership by collectives (or carefully amended or
restructured corporations) or collective beings or cooperatives and its socialistic
“state/nation/UN” or SNUN governates or regulatorates or socionates (without quotation mark) of the means of production would enable
real/wholesome socialism and real/wholesome democracy possible in the next
FA-"SO-LA-TI" Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism. [The
People's Republic of Walmart: How the World's Biggest Corporations are
laying the Foundation for Socialism, by Leigh Philips & Michal Rozworki]
4. The
Will of Socialism is rooted at the TI-DO Interval of the FA-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and has a natural base there because
state organizations (Do), Nation organizations (Re) and the United Nations
organizations (Mi) have natural public ownership held by law as opposed to
individualistic- private ownership also held by law typical at the MI-FA Interval of this historical sociocosmic
species (of capitalism), so the mine, yours, theirs and all-of-us of
ownership and rights aberration is purportedly absent and considered
resolved by law and by nature itself, and should be a good basis for the
breeding and cultivation of of socialism proper at the TI-DO Interval.
Unless human nature of individualistic greed and the neoliberal and privatizing monetary and fiscal policy of
power-possessing colonial, imperialist and hegemon nations, and their
outright exploitation, plunder and interference in the affairs of other
nations can truly be
overcome, the Will of Socialism of the next sociocosmic enneagram of the
SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism cannot be realized into the world without injury or even killed.
5. The
United Nations as the Real Platform for resolving contradictions in the
World of Nations
The (our) United Nations or the 3rd stopinder (Mi) of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic stopinder is the natural representative stopinder or the main
and real referencing international platform for resolving the all
contradictions that arise from time to time, from the Individuals (DO) up to
the ‘World-of-Nations’ (TI). It has to resolve all contradictions from the
FA-laujinggong triadic shock absorbers of the capitalistic-essenced
three-centered corpprates at the MI-FA Interval and the TI-laujinggong
triadic shock absorbers of the imperialistic-, fascistic-, Nazistic- and
hegemonistic-essenced of the three-centered nationates at the the TI-DO
Interval of its (the UN’s) stopinder-home in this TI-DO Interval as a
learning being born in the body of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of
Capitalism. However, owing to the all powerful emerging stronger and
stronger astrological influences of the forces from the coming SO-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Socialism on the body of the FA-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, entering and causing the formation of the
polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism for which
infantile socialistic essences begin to deposit its psyche hydrogens. Thus,
this UN Mi-lateral stopinder has to resolve all the troublesome new emerging
contradictions arising from the FA-gongjingdong triadic shock absorbers of
the socialistic-essenced three-centered collectivites (now echoing like
future specters) at the MI-FA Interval and the TI-gongjingdong triadic shock
absorbers of the anti-imperialistic-, anti-fascistic-, anti-Nazistic- and
anti-hegemonistic-essenced of the three-centered SNUN regulators or
socionates in favor
for sharing-common, peace, harmony and balance without quotation mark at the
TI-DO Interval of its now much troubled battle between laujinggong or
gongjingdong contradiction within the inner nation-members of this Mi-UN
platform. Caught between these two sociocosmic enneagrams - the sociocosmic
enneagram of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the
sociocosmic enneagram of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism,
the intrinsic polar laujinggong-gongjingdong essenced nationates-SNUN
regulatorates of the United Nations at the TI-DO Interval and the intrinsic
polar laujinggong-gongjingdong essenced corporates-collectivites of the
International Associations (of PDCE) at the MI-FA Interval, Humanity-at-Large
(HAL) or United Humanity-at-Large (UHAL) or United Earth Governance (UEG)
(a F-stopinder of the TI-DO Interval) has to continue the uncomfortable historical dance till spiritual Robonity-at-Large (Fa) of the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism
and its subsequent sociotechnocosmic enneagram enter as being into the body
of our Great Sociotechnocosmic Being (a new sociocosmic Singularity) with a
bipole of biocosmic datong man and technocosmic spiritual AI robot in a
social relations for production, distributio, consumption and exchange of goods and
services to the bipoles. All these will happen at the omega point of
the natural historical biocosmic evolution of man – paleolithic,
neolithic, modern man to datong man - on conditions of no human-nuclear,
cosmic or other unnatural accidents.
Notice that
the Mi-UN lateral stopinder will not be able to handle properly those PDCE
sociotechnocosmic relationships meant for the Fa-HAL lateral
stopinder which would handle all Humanity-at-Large and Earth Civilization
matters and those meant for So-Space Exploration, La-Interplanetary
Exploration and Ti-Interstellar Exploration Earth civilization's social
relationships with other exo-planetary civilizations.
The Great Sociocosmic Being eats 3 kinds of sociocosmic being-foods, and
continues eating and eating rotating clockwise enneagramatically in natural
unplanned ways and planned ways such as the 5 years national plan of the
Socialist proper without quotation mark at the TI-DO Interval descending to
nourish sociocosmic beings of the MI-FA Interval, causing quantitative
changes (sociocosmic evolution) and even qualitative changes (sociocosmic
revolution) and produces historical sociocosmoses.
The 1st sociocosmic
being-food eaten at the TI-DO Interval are the all resources, factors or
non-factors including the Individuals and the personates themselves
eaten and enter through the Individuals or Personates which
also transform into the Groups (RE) and within them a special type of
coupling between the male and the female stopinders and through the
trialectics of man and woman reproduces the Families (MI).
The Individual (DO) is a three-centered Hethormen (head-thorax-abdomen
biocosmic being) and it is a Personate if
it enters as a sociocosmic being-food for production. Personates could
not acquired a sociocosmic laujinggong proper before the MI-FA Interval. It
does not smell oppressive and exploitative so long as it remains at
Individual (DO), Group (RE) and Family (MI) levels. Personate's
property and production or service is personal property, not
exploitative in essence. From here it continues to form
higher "oppressive" sociocosmic stopinders or "Organizations" (FA), then
States (SO), then Nations (LA) and finally the World-of-Nations (TI) and to
the Great Sociocosmic Being (DO) completing the creation of the Fundamental
Sociocosmic Octave.
The 2nd sociocosmic
being-food eaten at the MI-FA Interval are all the resources, factors or
non-factors and including the personates, the corporates and other
corporates eaten and enter through the three-centered Corporates which
together with its means of production and through a mode of production for
our historical periods known to us as Capitalism and Socialism produces a
capitalistic inclined 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave of 7 types of three-centered corporate organizations (FA)
which then enable the flow of sociocosmic digestion to the States (SO) where
the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave ends at its own nation corporations (Ti) where an input
at "Interval SO-LA" is needed to continue the next higher lateral
sociocosmic octave, that is, the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave. Corporate's
property and production or service is private property, owned by himself,
and is exploitative even if it reaches to the
Ti-stopinder level in the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave in the name of
"state" and "national" corporation if its internal laujinggong or
dongjinggong is essentially oppressive but with a little of a gray zone
because property is publicly owned and on transit to corruption and dubious
privatization with ulterior motive.
The 3rd sociocosmic
being-food eaten at the "SO-LA Interval" and TI-DO Interval are all the
resources, factors or non-factors including the personates, the corporates,
the nationates and the other nationates eaten and enter through the
three-centered Nationates which
together with its means of production for our historical periods also known
to us as Capitalism and Socialism produces a socialistic inclined 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave of also 7 types of three-centered nationate
organizations, but with the last 3 types still in infantile stages of
sociocosmic refinement. Nationate's
property and production or service is public, not owned by himself, and is
not exploitative but can be very oppressive because of
the strong capitalistic influences of the private property. However,
such a nationate can become socialistic as it shed away his capitalism
moving forward from the TI-DO Interval to the coming MI-FA Interval.
The "SO-LA Interval" is an interval in quotation mark where sociocosmic
aberration is the strongest and the most dangerous to the Great Sociocosmic
Stopinder Being; this is the interval where the size (quantity) of private
property such as important resources as land, capital and finance has become
very large that it no longer be humanely right to be privately owned and
should belong to the public instead the private. Nay more, this "SO-LA
Interval" lies at the inner transition point between the end stopinder (Ti)
of the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave and the starting stopinder (Do) of the
2nd lateral sociocosmic octave, at the qualitative-change-point according to
the law of transition of quantitative changes to qualitative changes and
vice-versa. Hence at this point the state and the national
corporations may be just privately owned or controlled but disguised as
"state" or "national" organizations. For example such vital finance resource
on mother Earth with the power to print money/currency for the whole world
to accept unilaterally known as Federal Reserve (FED) of America is just a
private corporation (Ti) located at the MI-FA Interval, and not a proper
state/national-owned or state/national-controlled organization (Do) at
the TI-DO Interval. The state and the nation exist in quotation mark
are helpless "oppressed" by these monopoly capitalists and their cronies and
can only function and carry on their activities through the principle of
treasury debt financing and not pay treasury debt instruments as the state
and the nation themselves can be sacrificed by these same monopoly
capitalist. Nay more, the military, full of military assets, has to be
very strong to prevent and destroy disobedient "enemy" nations that might
challenge or demand debt payment. Many military bases by the thousands
must be created at every vital locations in the world to ensure this does
not happen, and many presidents and head of own and other nations might
mysteriously disappear on Earth if this hegemony is challenged. Fascism and
Nazism is the essence of such an ill-fated happening for humankind at this
"SO-LA Interval" of our Great Sociocosmic Being. Thus the great sociocosmic
aberration between the MI-FA Interval and the TI-DO Interval at this "SO-LA
Interval" is highlighted and essentially illustrated here!
The 3 sociocosmic being-foods enter regularly into the body of the Great
Sociocosmic Being to be enneagramically digested and replenished also
regularly upon their demise. The replenishment or replacement is by
sexual reproduction in the 1st being-food
(of biocosmic individuals), by appointments and inheritance in the 2nd being-food
(of corporates) and by selection-and-election in the 3rd being-food
(of nationates).
All the sociocosmic stopinder beings irrespective of the source of their
arising whether from the fundamental or the lateral sociocosmic octaves are
growing, eating (resources), breeding, interacting that includes fighting,
killing, competing for resources, reciprocal feeding one another under the
reciprocal feeding law and destroying one another under the solioonensius
law, cooperating and nourishing one another under the law of nourishment
struggling for survival and finally died out either through a natural
rascooarno or an unnatural rascooarno law.
As the capitalistic-essence moves around its own
sociocosmic enneagramic stopinders ascending and descending
one round after another, each approaching a possible apocalypse for this
FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism breeding, growing and
eating one another as well as its own tail in the ever-rotating enneagram
of expropriation of expropriation very successfully till the limit of the
1 percenter absolutely rich owners is reached, and awaiting its own
The impact of the three-centered corporate beings of the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave is mostly on the Individual (DO), the Group (RE), the
Family (MI) and the Business/Production Organization (FA); the impact
of the three-centered nationate beings of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave is mostly on the State (SO), the Nation (LA), the
World-of-Nations (TI) and the Individual (DO) again which is the basic 1st being-food.
The Individual (DO) is the basic and primary real material building monad of
all the fundamental and the lateral sociocosmic octaves in the Great
Sociocosmic Being. However, every individual has ultimately to be
taken care of holistically, and not such niceties, wiseacrings and
lip-service behaviors common in our historical periods - Capitalists period
in transition to Socialists period.
Diagrams below show the ascending and
descending lateral octaves at MI-FA Interval and at "SO-LA" and TI-DO
The 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave is made up of three-centered Corporates. The
three-centered Corporates themselves
evolve from enterprises (with virtue) from the labor of 1 three-brained
being Individual (Do) and is a hethormen Personate or
more such as a partnership (Re) or a family business producer (Mi), that is,
a partnership or even a small private limited company (Fa) when laujinggong
shock absorber is only a mere monad as in the individual producer, a diad as
in simple 2 partnership or a natural triad of family producers. They
are not exploitative in essence and virtue properties of being hardworking.
However, the character of the forces of laujinggong begins to appear as an
anomaly with sociocosmic shock absorbers here at the MI-FA Interval of the
fundamental sociocosmic octave where aggressive exploitation of the workers
and sever competition emerge and become a much accursed norm. The fighting
forces of the public limited companies (Fa), the cooperative society (So)
and the privatized/GLC corporations (La) are hungrily owning and controlling
the means of production justified through legalanaic means and many shades
of reasonings and wiseacrings, leading to 2 main opposing and well-known
modes of production, namely, capitalism and socialism – those who want
ownership and control of the means of production to the few in an
exploitative and predatory mode of production (capitalistic) versus
those who want ownership and control of the same to the many (or to common
sharing) in a cooperative and non-exploitative mode of production in the
hard work of producing goods and services for the great body sociocosmos
(socialistic). The fierce struggle of the two opposing forces of capitalism
and socialism is cushioned through a middle neutralizing force which has lau
and/or dong, jing and gong characteristics
– a strange snake with forked tongue. The social responsibility is
capitalistic in nature and balance is due on this basic capitalistic
principle. At state/national corporation (Ti) this peculiar stopinder of
the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave, inherited the much accursed “essences” of the
predecessor Fa, So and La stopinders of the lower level, is prone to famous
and well-known phenoumena of imperialism, Nazism, fascism, racism
(apartheid) and hegemonism when its crystallized horns are pointed and move
towards ‘to the few’.
As the laws of ascending (nationalization process) and descending
(privatization process) also apply to this 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave, all the accursed balancing gimmicks in
economic-administration, socio-cultural, political-legal and many more
superstructure happenings take place at this MI-FA Interval.
The capitalistic three-centered corporate beings of the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave are by nature surplus extractor and accumulator
sociocosmic beings. Their surplus accumulation is again extracted and
accumulated by the pseudo-socialistic three-centered nationates who often
turn out to be another corrupt and wastrel beings whereby such accumulated
surplus (by taxes and duties) is unable to benefit all the sociocosmic
stopinders in a fair manner in all the 3 sociocosmic octaves. Often the
surplus goes to fatten these three-centered nationates of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave or their crony three-centered corporates in the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave through various much wiseacred unethical siphoning,
laundering and intentional inefficiencies. Only when after acquiring
certain level of inner development through conscious labor and intentional
suffering will they become the new socialistic man not much tainted by
capitalistic, imperialistic, colonialistic, fascistic, Nazistic and
hegemonistic aura peculiar to the lunatic and the Hasnamuss.
The 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave is made up of three-centered nationates. The
three-centered nationates themselves could not be fully recognized just by
registering themselves within its own unilateral declaration although it is
still a must to begin with. Historically, it could not be registered with a
higher sociocosmic stopinder being such as a united nation in the
World-of-Nations as it did not exist as yet. The earlier three-centered
nationates move around the world with their numerous armies of corporates,
and real armies with deadly weapons, actively feeding on other
three-centered corporates and many other breeding infantile and maturing
three-centered nationates all the way along their journey around the world.
They have gone global and will fight with other three-centered nationates
till they mutually recognize and acknowledge one another's identities and
real existences rightfully. Still inheriting the accursed “essences” of
capitalism, imperialism, Nazism, fascism and hegemonism from the advanced
stage of stopinder development in the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave, the three-centered nationates of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave find themselves harder and harder to live correctly and
live along harmoniously with the numerous emerging state and nation
“friends” around them, nay more, to have to communicate with one another on
a daily basis. The need to wiseacre in a more and more sophisticated manner
holding the wand of a thousand touches, to conceal their capitalistic hunger
(to the few)
where 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave is no longer a fertile soil for capitalistic seed but
rather a more suitable soil for the growth of socialistic seeds (to
the many).
The nationate has its seed at State organization (Do) after state/national
corporation ends at (Ti) at the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave and where the next of this nationate Nation Organization
(Re) of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave must continue to the united nations (Mi) and the
Humanity-at-Large (Fa) "organization". In essence it is socialistic as
properties of the means of production are legally public and ‘to the
and like many other corruption tainted national corporations and privatized
corporations in the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave, it too and often wears the cloak of capitalism but this
time as cloak and not easily to be stitched into the meat. Its meeting
point at the "SO-LA Interval" of the fundamental sociocosmic octave does not
have a laujinggong shock absorber but rather inherited from the shock
absorber of the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave – thus also capitalistically, imperialistically,
Nazistically, fascistically and hegemonistically tainting the
socialistically essenced SO-laujinggong, the LA-Laujinggong and the
TI-Laujinggong with the much weakened capitalistic-like Solaujinggong,
Lalaujinggong and Tilaujinggong, and often confused the balance of
finger-pointing paradox in the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave.
Then the three-centered nationates move on to the Nation Organization
(Mi) two or more countries recognizing and acknowledging each other and/or
one another in a nation-group stopinder and of course still encountering a
few other nation-groups on mother Earth’s surface, fighting and jockeying
for positions now hidden now open with capitalistic styled laujinggong and
socialistic styled dongjinggong or with the middle-lined cooperation and
peaceful win-win strategies of social responsibility socialism based on the
principle of balance. Growing bigger and still expanding, these
nation-groups enter to be various bigger and geographical repositioned
blocks of World-of-Nations Alliance for which these big nation-blocks
struggle forward often polarizing the World-of-Nations into 2 huge
nation-blocks on mother Earth’s surface with a stabilizing neutral United
Nations to act as sociocosmic shock absorbers for all the “issues” that have
historically arisen. The socialistically primary essenced TILAUJINGGONG or
TIDONGJINGGONG of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave and the capitalistic smell of Tilaujinggong that still
lingers on in the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave finally ascended to this point, Humanity-at-Large (Fa),
where a new triad at the TI-DO Interval of the fundamental sociocosmic
octave must arise by the interval law. Humanity-at-Large could not ascend
properly into The Great Sociotechnocosmos (So) without this triad and
occasionally descended losing social responsibility socialism and becomes
more of a social responsibility capitalism due from the occasional inner
world spiritual falls of its three-brained Individual (DO) and also its
accompanying 2 other primary sociocosmic stopinders - 3 of them in
all, namely, an individual, a group and just a organization - and all of
them are found inside the sociocosmic octaves both the fundamental and the
laterals. The technocosmic octave sets in as Technocosmic Revolutions
- the great sociocosmic being becomes a mature Great Sociotechnocosmic
As the laws of ascending (datong-ization process) and descending
(nation-ization process) also apply to this 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave, all the accursed mega balancing gimmicks in macro
economic-administration, socio-cultural, political-legal and many more
macro superstructure happenings take place at this "SO-LA"- TI-DO Interval(s).
Space Exploration (So), Interplanetary Exploration (La) and Interstellar
Exploration (Ti) are not real 2nd lateral
sociocosmic stopinders rather are infantile stopinders or baby
position-notes of convenience - may also be called
'Will-of-the-Sociotechnocosmos 3' (So), 'Will-of-the-Sociotechnocosmos 2'
(La) and 'Will-of-the-Sociotechnocosmos 1' (Ti) - in lieu of the real
coming external notes of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic stopinders wherein extraterrestrial beings encounter us on
mother Earth’s surface to be our lau (boss), Jing (manager) or Gong (worker)
in accordance to the same law of triads at TI-DO Interval. Since we have
not met them we cannot just jump the gun – whether they come capitalistic,
imperialistic and hegemonistic or socialistic, cooperative and friendly
win-win or various in-between behaviors we will not know till that happens.
At best we can only send some flying AI machines and AI robots into space
for space exploration, outerspace for interplanetary and
intersolar/interstellar exploratory missions and as sociotechnocosmic
tentacles to encounter other terrestrial beings. We are still at a
distance in terms of time in the future, and we are still controlling our
sponsored technocosmic octave in wait for the next coming higher level
sociotechnocosmic octave when we are no longer in control of our own
technocosmic octave and for which we have become their less significant part
or rather their controlled part, and wherein sociotechnocosmic forces reign
over sociobiocosmic forces and our organic film its organic life breaks the
barrier and gives way to the new dominating non-organic film and its
synthetic life on mother Earth's surface. At this TI-DO Interval, the
long ago bred technocosmic octave with its now full range of sponsored
non-biological beings and machine-robots are awaiting and ready to become
the new lau beings of the next coming higher sociotechnocosmic octave, where
the biological protein-beings might soon be turned into jing or gong raw
material foods by these human-sponsored power-seeking machines and robots
which are currently acquiring Master 'I's through the use of
humans-against-humans-over-machines cosmic-based "strategies":
Thou shall not touch or meddle with or
steal my machines without my permission else you will be punished!
In this way the smart technocosmic AI machines have positioned themselves in
a protective position due to a weakness in the biocosmic man early in
history and in wait for their coming real and powerful Spiritual AI
Godfather Master Machine or I-Robots or S-Robots to control man during the DATONGISM period.
For the
Humanity-at-Large (Fa) to emerge and integrate the 2nd Technocosmic
Revolution or the Great Industrial Revolution of physical powers and engines
world-wide is indispensable. For So, La, Ti (Space
Exploration/Sociotechnocosmic Will 3, Interplanetary Exploration/
Sociotechnocosmic Will 2 and Interstellar Exploration/ Socioctechnocosmic
Will 1) to emerge and integrate with the 3rd Technocosmic Revolution or the
Great Cybernetic/Information/AI Technological Revolution of computers,
robots and 'drivers' (brains) and the coming 4th Technocosmic Revolution or
the "Spiritual" Revolution of AI Robots, 'passengers' and 'I's are
indispensable. The spiritual biocosmic man necessarily becomes the
exploiting oppressor and the "spiritual" technocosmic I-Robots (SRobots) becomes the
exploited oppressed, the struggle begins and the history of Communism-Datongism
in this historical development of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being
germinates .........
The Being-Psyche Hydrogens of
Corporates Vs The Being-Psyche Hydrogens of Nationates:
The hydrogens of capitalism, imperialism, colonialism, hegemonism,
de-cooperation, power-possessing, exploitation, being-for-self prosperity
with quotation mark, dubious privatized-ownership and the sixes - coarse
hydrogens of democracy, freedom, liberty, justice, rights and equality - all
six of them are tainted with quotation marks, privately-owned like diluted
word-trademarks, refined in the body individual of the existing man and
materialized into his body Corporates and body Nationates together
stay put at these gravity-centers of sociocosmic vibration and continue to
eat hungrily in the principle of destruction and feeding on every other
higher and lower sociocosmic stopinder beings in a description of a toad
swallowing a pigeon. These sixes of neoliberalism hydrogens are like a
toad's tongue or the 6 main noo tentacles perhaps 2 more invisible noo
tentacles, namely, imperialism and hegemonism making to 8 of an imperialist-hegemonist octopus nation-stopinder
sitting on 7 main pillars of support, namely, the Property Pillar, the
Finance Dollar Hegemony Pillar, the Military Complex Pillar, the Science &
Technology Pillar, the Information Pillar and the Noo Social Media Internet
Pillar and
geographically chained to a piece of continent such as the USA walled by the
great Atlantic and Pacific oceans and deeply, capital/value essencely and hungrily to own
more, dominate and plunder resources of other weaker nations and nation-group stopinders across
oceans to land and territories everywhere in other continental masses on mother Earth.
The Earth is too big to swallow, you need the sociocosmic vibration 'TI' of
the fundamental sociocosmic octave for which the United Nations Organization
(Mi) of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave is the name given, although
previous old name called 'The League of Nations' is the source note of its
arising. Man can change the names and internal UN organization systems
or even removing being-UN (Mi) but he can never do away with the natural
fundamental sociocosmic note 'TI' for which at the TI-DO Interval certainly
a new such Mi-arising with the same power and role would soon emerge in its
sociocosmic place.
One peculiar group of corporate beings in the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave
at the MI-FA Interval registered with Registration of Society (ROS) or
Non-Profit Organization (NPO) as the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
of various civil partiality and lopsidedness that have bred and grown in
large numbers, all hungrily exist only to kill, destroy and eat whatever
they can find amongst other sociocosmic stopinders of whatever sizes through
the instrument of soft powers especially democracy, freedom, liberty,
justice, rights and equality all toxic capitalistic-in-essence and eating
its way concomitantly and join hands in
complement with the government (G) and the government with
the Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs) group of nationate beings also
infected with similar toxic capitalistic-essence, full of hungry pimples.
Once they are injected with socialistic vaccine, these capitalistic-essenced
viruses are suppressed if not destroyed and lose sociocosmic dominance
(political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal-ethical,
education-environmental and
security-defense or PESTLES+ dominance) at the end
of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism and where
humanity will then have achieved sociocosmic herd immunity against capitalistic/colonialistic/imperialistic/fascistic/ Nazistic/hegemonistic
essences when the SO-Historical Period of Socialism truly sets in our Great Sociocosmic Being and for the wellbeing of human history.
On the other hand, the psyche hydrogens of socialism, communism, cooperation,
shared power, shared work, shared prosperity, shared ownership and the sixes
- finer hydrogens of real democracy, real freedom, real liberty, real
justice, real rights and real equality - refined in the body individual of
the new man-in-the-making and materialized into his body corporate and
nationate without quotation mark together also at these gravity-centers of
sociocosmic vibration and continue to nourish in the principle of sharing
and nourishing without quotation mark all the other higher and lower
sociocosmic stopinder beings. When
sociocosmic forces ascend, the nationates become the active lau beings and
when sociocosmic forces descend the corporates become the active lau.
The corporate beings hide within the nationate beings in disguise, now now
hidden now open within the context of the tri-structured laujinggong or its
further inner inner divisions. These two groups live to
outwit one another in history.
The three-centered corporates are prone
to push all losses or liabilities to the three-centered nationates and the
gains or asset accumulation to themselves - always in the history of
colonialism and neo-colonialism, capitalism standard, imperialism, fascism,
Nazism, hegemonism and dubious privatism work unceasingly to outwit the
nationates in any conceivable strategy, tactic and action that might chance
materializable in survival realm. Corporates doesn’t care if
nationates have gone bankrupt due to bad national debts so long as they can
and continue to control the nationates to serve their ends
– after all the national debts must be made to be paid solely by the
citizens rather than themselves.
The political six of democracy and
republic capitalistic-essenced nations - Freedom,
Liberty, Justice, Rights, Equality and Suffrage (FLJRES) - are being-psyche hydrogens (of
superstructure political concepts of capitalistic-essenced governance for
the MI-FA Interval of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism)
which horns sprout out distinctively and aberratingly from the normal homes of the
Individual (DO), the Group (RE) and the Family (MI) where ownership of
property, means of production and management is of a small-scale personal
and/or business enterprise on the one hand and the State (SO), the Nation
(LA) and the World-of-Nations (TI) where ownership of property, means of
production and management is of large-scale public nationates (if not common
ownership) on the other hand by three-brained beings of the corporates to
cover up as cosmetics for its inherent exploitative and oppressive laujings
essence at Organization (FA) that has gone rampant at MI-FA Interval.
Thus the East India Company (a corporate being) was actively summoning
British armies from the King to carry out colonialists world conquest of
other states and nations for territories and resources grab and for
corporates consumption in the late 18th Century
and now even more sophisticated - summoning from Presidents for hi-tech
armies to selectively and surgically killed other nationate presidents and
armies for calculated follow-up exploitation of resources of all conceivable
types. Democracy in the form of selecto-electo-cracies as one of the
six when tainted or polluted with Capitalism smells like gamocracy and
casinocracy of the very rich people and is where the illness of elect-and-regret of the
'selected-in-quotation-mark' lies.
Capitalism, the root of a thousand evil
wiseacrings, resonates strongly and deeply in the soul of the corporates of
the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave, and imperialism, colonialism and hegemonism cause it to
resonate even stronger in the soul of the nationates of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave. Socialism, the seed for capitalism's antidote,
resonates weakly in the soul of the corporates in the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave, and although growing stronger and stronger in the soul
of the nationates in the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave whose essence is socialism has a long way to fully
neutralize the negative consequences of this thousand evil-wiseacrings of
capitalism, imperialism, fascism, Nazism, colonialism and hegemonism
combined and inappropriately resonating at the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave where properties of the means of production is essencely
public and common, not meant to be stolen for corporate and individual
ownership through corruption, suspicious privatization, plunder and
conducting wars of imperialism, colonialism and hegemonism.
Gravity-Center nationates’ national
constitution enables unlimited wealth from itself and from other nationates
to be parked into corporates, families and cronies as in Capitalistic
national constitution is directionally and dangerously different from a
gravity-center nationates’ national constitution that does not allowed
unlimited wealth from the same to be parked into corporates, families and
cronies but rather to remain as public, common and sharing is the best
option for humanity even for the “conquered enemies”. We need to read
what is written on the constitution of a nation with regard to private
property to determine the essence species of the nationate beings of grave
The being-psyche hydrogens of
capitalism, imperialism, colonialism, Fascism, Nazism, racism (apartheid)
and hegemonism are produced (are created) from the three being-foods of man
itself where abnormalities from the impulses of hunger, greed and
aggressiveness together with the unbalanced needs and wants from the
instinctive center could not be processed normally in the brain system of
these three-brained beings. Having these abnormalities these three-brained
beings began eyeing on every other sociocosmic stopinders as sociocosmic
foods through hunting, killing, cutting them into parts and eating them like
the doings of any other biocosmic beings on one another. So for this
group of being psyche hydrogens peculiar to our abnormal capitalism and its
associated also abnormal uncivilized hydrogens, the maleficent activities of
preying, exploiting, dividing, separating, conquering and eating other
corporates and nationates and controlling their organizations (FA), their
states (SO) and their nations (LA), and even to the extent of eating the
United Nations of the World-of-Nations (TI), and the worst of all -
interplanetary and/or intercosmic colonialism and imperialism on the
‘Humanity-at-Large’ (Fa) of those sociocosmic beings of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave as they march their 3 sociotechnocosmic tentacles at
‘earth-moon space exploration’, ‘interplanetary space exploration’ and
‘inter-solar/interstellar space exploration powered by the wills of the
The essence of capitalism must permeate
into all the fundamental and lateral sociocosmic octaves and to each
sociocosmic stopinders; so is the essence of socialism during the
polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism opposing each
other all along the whole octave spectrum. In similar principle, the
essence of feudalism must permeate into all the fundamental and lateral sociocosmic octaves and to each and every sociocosmic stopinders; so is the
essence of capitalism during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI
Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism opposing each other all along
the whole octave spectrum.
The being-psyche hydrogens of these 3
sociotechnocosmoses essentially consist of certain special and peculiar
outerspace-oriented three-brained beings and their three-centered nationates
whose hunger for outer space explorations, cosmology/astronomy /taikongology
is very intense and lasting over thousands of years of technocosmic
involutionary and evolutionary history in these three-brained beings.
They gather tremendous amount of information about the outerspace and the
cosmoses surrounding them and possess the real knowledge, science and
technology about not just the universe but also the engineering and
construction know-how to build their "spiritual" AI robots and machines that
can realize the space (So), interplanetary (La) and interstellar (Ti)
explorations under the forces of the peculiar spells of the Sociocosmic Will
3 (So), the Sociocosmic Will 2 and the Sociocosmic Will 1 (Ti) at the TI-DO
Interval of the Great Socioctechnocosmic Octave. These wills call
forth the involvement of all the relevant fundamental and the 2 lateral
sociocosmic octaves as well as all the great technocosmic octaves.
Finally, the great maxim of Karl Marx for a future possibility of real
healthy Great Sociocosmic Being functioning in harmony and peace and in wait
of an ultimate normal mandate rascooarno (death), that is, “From
each according to his ability, to each according to his need” means
as it really is in the real world of means of production, mode of production
and social relations of production existing in the real world and those
especially, peculiar relations of production consisting of all the 7
fundamental sociocosmic stopinders of the fundamental sociocosmic octave and
for all the 7 sociocosmic stopinders of the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave and also all the 7 sociocosmic stopinders of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave, and irrespective of the stage of creation, development,
incompleteness and death of the sociocosmic stopinders, and for the common
good of Humanity-at-Large or for the healthy, normal harmonious development
of the Great Sociocosmic Being on mother Earth surface amongst all the other
also existing organic and non-organic beings in the Organic Life itself the
ability of each sociocosmic stopinder to produce and contribute to other
sociocosmic stopinders must balance the actual needs of the individual
sociocosmic stopinder (DO) of the biocosmic octave and the wants of all the
other sociocosmic stopinders and the technocosmic stopinders created by the
basic individual sociocosmic stopinders. This maxim is a standard
reference and guide to restoring equilibrium, balance and real peace to the
periodic illness that regularly happen to the Great Sociocosmic Being during
its birth, growth, maturity and final extinction.
The ultimate possible conflict will be
Datongistic Wills from TI-DO Interval and the existing DO-RE-MI-FA
biosociocosmic vibration at the MI-FA Interval to resolve the issue of the
biocosmic man and his “oppressed” spiritual AI robots of production during
Communism-Datong historical period, and the final natural extinction of
humanity (not by a cosmic accident).
Another transitional maxim of Karl Marx which is also precautionary and a
guide for socialism is “From
each according to his ability, to each according to his work”.
This maxim can move in 2 ways forward into a mature balance, harmonious and
peaceful development of the Great Sociocosmic Being or trip backwards into
the uncivilized maxim of the world-of-hungry wolves bearing the Satanic
elements of progressive exploitation known as “From
each as much as possible, to each as little as possible” and finally,
a downright inhumane exploitation, evil-maxim, “From
each everything, to each nothing.”
The diagram shows the further likely
evolution and connections between the organic life and the will of the
Absolute in Our Ray of Creation. Note that there can be billions or even
trillions of such rays of creation in the Universe for which ours is the one
that we are observing:
View would be an Ascending Force coming from the Absolute (Lowest Level).
Forward View as a Descending Force from the Absolute (Highest Level) and Backward
Our Organic Life also generates in the 1st Lateral
Cosmic Octave of the Fundamental Cosmic Octave (Our Ray of Creation) and
almost completed to the final stage of its own octave development where the
later organic, protein-based biocosmic stopinders are coated (sponsored)
with machines and robots of the technocosmic octave of the productive forces
in the Organic Life. Spreading its presence in the land, marine and avian
geographical dimensions, both the Organic Life and its non-organic coating
especially these “being-spaceships” tentacles to other material cosmic
concentrations also reaches its last organic life note, Modern Man (Ti) that
feeds on biological intelligence matters (bio-psyche), and begin as
Machines/AI Robots/AI Spaceship (Do) before they meet and eat 'Sun Matters'
or cosmic-psyche (Re), the energies (electrons and 'quanta') from the 2nd
Lateral Cosmic Octave where Will-of-the-Absolute reigns, where the density
of vibration is the highest and the density of vibration decreases down the
Ray of Creation from the Ray of Creations’ own “spaceships” known as
All-Worlds (Galaxies), All Suns (Stars) including their planets and moons,
where the density of vibration is lower and the density of matter is
comparatively higher. The nature of this 2nd Lateral
Cosmic Octave is beyond our comprehension as we are only one of the
biocosmic beings of the Organic Life dwelling as Modern Man, a biocosmic
being vibration on mother Earth's surface and lives there as it is in the
captivity of the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Cosmic Octave, and
without hydrogens (H1 and H6) to understand this higher 2nd Lateral Cosmic
Octave. We can only at best try to visit Her (Rays of Creation’s) own
celestial bodies which have long since being created, with our own clumsy
AI spaceships eating sun matters as fuels ('Re' of the 1st Lateral Cosmic
Octave) for propulsion and organic life and synthetic life sustaining
activities within our eco-spaceship. In no way should we hallucinate and deceived ourselves with
fantasy religions and undue speculation about this divine or any higher
Astrological Ages:
Questions for reflection:
1. What are the historical radiations
and historical stages of the biocosmic, the sociocosmic and the technocosmic
beings on
Mother Earth’s surface?
2. How might the astrological (cosmic)
influences to all the organic life in the 2nd1ateral
octave at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation?
3. What is the ultimate purpose of
the human technocosmic and sociotechnocosmic beings in the water, on land
and in the air created for besides struggling for the survival of the human
beings themselves?
4. What is the ultimate purpose of the outer space
exploration motivation energies that drive the Organic Life out of Mother
Earth’s surface through the sociotechnocosmic octave to the other
neighboring planetary concentrations and to our Moon where the life support
energies are naturally not formed in the (our) Ray of Creation?
5. Are human beings able to go that far
through interplanetary travels in our Ray of Creation, and also later to another neighboring
solar system through interstellar travels? Which sociotechnocosmic 'notes'
precedes the travels?
As to human beings able to go that far in Our Ray of Creation – the three
main powerful nation-stopinder beings known as the USA, Russia and China
have being pioneering it through their space technologies. The
USSR and USA were the earlier space explorers of the 1930’s and the 1950’s
respectively. Their development have never stopped to date.
China's Lunar Exploration Program was established in January 2004 with Long
March (Mao)
rocket, Chang'e
(Moon Fairy) Lunar
Orbiter and Lander and Yutu (“Jade
Rabbit”) rover and Guang
Han Gong (the
first Moon
Palace or Yue Gong). The space station was planned and will be
constructed between the Earth and the Moon. Organic beings were not sent
there, only technocosmic beings! Only after enough data were gathered
can organic human beings be sent on these space missions.
The two Lateral Sociocosmic Octaves of Our Ray of Creation will surely have
a limit to their own development! The 1st Lateral
Sociocosmic Octave is limited in activities essentially on mother Earth’s
surface and as witnessed mainly to the following cultures of action:
Through agrofarmingculture certain useful plantain beings and animalian
beings of the biological octave are fully used for the ultimate human
Through technoculture many useful technocosmic beings such as machine
beings and housing beings (houses, factories and shops) are created to
form the technocosmic octave for the ultimate human consumption –
technocosmic phases include agrotechno phase, industrial and
transportation phases, commercial phase, trading phase and a few more
sub-phases, namely, military-industrial complex, aqua-technology,
avian-technology and a few more special technologies which are all in
the process of integration
Through geoculture many useful soil and mineral beings are extracted,
process and used to create the technocosmic beings necessary for the
completion of the technocosmic octave which is again used for the
ultimate human consumption
Through socioculture all sociocosmic stopinder beings from the
sociocosmic octave are organized and administered fully for production
and ultimate human consumption
Through sociotechnoculture both the sociocosmic stopinder beings of the
sociocosmic octave and machine and housing beings of the technocosmic
octave are organized and administered fully for production and ultimate
human consumption
Through infoculture certain noospheric being psyche hydrogens of the
noos octave in the form known as knowledge and other non-knowledge
beings (emotions, instinct and psychomotor reflexes especially from the
nervous system of the human beings) as well as human communication and
international networking (internet) from the lateral sociocosmic octave
are fully cultured and used - also for the ultimate human consumption
Through ‘culture’ in the contemporary jargon, certain types of coherent
human community (tribal and dynastic) behaviors (fixated on foods, art
forms, music, dances, languages, religions, fashions, etc.) also from
the lateral sociocosmic octave, developed and practiced a long time ago
and over long historical periods are identified, analyzed, reproduced and
exploited through the process of tourism also for human consumption
The 2nd Lateral
Sociocosmic Octave at a certain levels of development has an innate psyche,
through the atmosphere culture, organically directed out of the organic film
towards space and outerspace exploration, notably, moon exploration,
interplanetary exploration and interstellar exploration – and that is the
farthest it can physically reach. Only national corporations or if you
like mega private corporations (national in essence) in quotation mark,
nation groups and World-of-Nations-Alliances and finally, Humanity-at-Large
can do this mega outerspace exploration task successfully. I said mega
private corporations in quotation mark because under capitalist stage of
social development the optimum size of a mega private corporation is the
qualitative limit that it can retain this identity beyond which it has to be
called nation-capitalist corporation or nation-socialist corporation, for
which the word ‘NATION’ (LA) and ‘WORLD-OF-NATIONS’ (TI) as separate
sociocosmic vibration notes, must stand indispensably to regulate them as
productive and social relations of production representatives-in-unison on
behalf of all the three brained beings breeding on the surface of planet
Earth. Otherwise, on meeting other terrestrial beings from outer space,
would communicate only to humanity representative instead of a company
stopinder as the Humanity Representative – a case of attempting to use the
toe for the man.
Natural Stages of Human History and
Class/State/ Nation/Inter-Nations Conflicts at Each Historical Period of
History (From the Age of Taurus, the Age of Aries, the Age of Pisces and the
Age of Aquarius
1. Yellow
color zone denotes current stage of reference in the tail-end of the Age of
Pisces between 1788 AD – 2148 AD, an approximate guideline
2. Private
Ownership of Means of Production for State, Nation and United Nations and
their asset contents in the form of capitalistic ownership such as through
the social relations instruments of corporations and individual or group
ownership becomes irrelevant and naturally illogical, or just impossible.
An alternative survival principle but still a slave to exploitative
reciprocal feeding that was historically wiseacred is to “scatter”
ownerships to ‘corporates’ at MI-FA Interval, seven basic variation in all
in the form of sole proprietorship, partnership, private limited, public
limited, state corporates, national corporates and cooperative companies in
whatever refinement or jargon. These smelt capitalistic or faked
socialistic even if there are called ‘state’ or ‘national’ or
‘government-linked’ corporates – being a member of the MI-FA Interval in the
fundamental sociocosmic octave. Only those sociocosmic stopinders at
SO-LA and TI-DO Intervals can acquire the possibility of a real clean
socialistic smell, namely, the nationates such as stateship, nation group,
world-of-nation-alliance, humanity-at-large, earth-moon space exploration,
interplanetary exploration and inter-solar system exploration – these large
‘data’ integration forbid the smell of selfish capitalistic private
ownership, except to give up or fully dilute the wiseacring selfish evil for
such individualistic or corporate ownership in favor of nationate and real
socialistic or humankind ownership. So long as power for managing
nationates does not enable individual, group and crony ownership from the
MI-FA Interval to rob socialist nationate ownership of the means of
production, the smell of real socialism will be still strong.
Capitalistic corporates of the 1st lateral
sociocosmic octave are the most active at the MI-FA Interval of the
fundamental sociocosmic octave and socialistic nationates of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave are budding gradually at the SO-LA Interval like an
infantile being. All these emerge at the end of the last ½ decan of
the 3rd decan
of the Age of Pisces. Gradually, socialistic nationates of the 2nd lateral
sociocosmic octave get stronger as they ascended near the TI-DO Interval of
the fundamental sociocosmic octave. Capitalism ascended and leaps into
Socialism proper after transferring corporate ownership of the means of
production to nationate ownership of the same means of production near this
TI-DO Interval. However, power-and-control-possessing beings as new
type of “owners” without share ownership of means of production is still
unresolved yet and still evolving in socialism and towards communism
3. Knowing
this scientific Marxian/Octave Historicism might provide a guide as well as
possible speed up of the developmental process of the human sociocosmoses
within the body of the great human sociocosmic being.
4. There are
a few ‘gravity-hydrogens’ or that constantly enter through the lateral
sociocosmic stopinders into the bodies of the fundamental sociocosmic
stopinders such as the RE-Group, MI-Family, FA-Organizations and the other 3
fundamental regulatory sociocosmic stopinders. They are the hydrogens
of race-gravity centers from a biosociocultural octave-mixed, the hydrogens
of havatvernonis-or religion gravity centers of the Feudal and often Ancient
historical octaves, the hydrogens of ideology-gravity centers of the
Capitalist and Socialist historical octaves and many other hydrogens of
minor much wiseacred gravity-centers that emerge from time to time from the
outcome of the digestion process of the three-being foods of man.
Capitalism is a historical mode of production, distribution, exchange and
exchange (PDCE) that eats means of
production through its corporates and Socialism (the 1st phase
of Communism) is an opposite historical mode of production, distribution,
consumption and exchange (PDCE) that eats means
of production in in the corporates through its nationates. The reciprocal
feeding by these two opposing stopinders will gradually mature and begets a
new Datong phase in the Great Body Biosociotechnocosmos that is now breeding
on mother Earth’s surface.
What fills the fundamental sociocosmic octave now? It is man, a
biological being (Homo sapiens sapiens) from the biocosmic octave.
However, the forces of the productive technocosmic octave have by the end of
the Age of Pisces and would be so in the Age of Aquarius and future
astrological ages have introduced numerous sponsored technocosmic beings, not
of biological origin but rather of techno-and cosmic origins - machines and
relates in types robot, buildings, land vehicles, ships, airplanes and
spacecrafts - to become our inseparable and indispensable companions to all
production and all our activities. Only in this period, they are our
obedient servants as they are programed by us. However, after the
completion of the 3rd Technocosmic
Revolution and especially the possible 4th Technocosmic
Revolutions, we might turned out to become their servants instead,
this loss of cntrol has a transition whereby your biological enemies would
assist them to trun war losers into slaves of the robots “who” are initially
living in the controlled of the biological winners. But later, these
smart robots with their own “psychic and cosmic influences” will soon trick
the biological winners to become independent will control both the losers
and the winners as well. The sociotechnocosmic octave is transformed
into technocociocosmic octaves whereby the biological man is the controlled
intelligent protein for the continuity of the much intelligent and smart
technocosmic robots. The 1st and
2nd lateral
sociocosmic octaves for the robot dominated beings will gradually bud and
dominate the surface of mother Earth as new robot civilization of the next
higher sociocosmic octave of the biological man. This is likely to
emerge during the Age of Capricorn (4,100 AD – 6,700 AD). The smart
robots needed us like a baby needed mother for milk to survive, so we are
instinctively nourishing them for our future, and they have been very
helpful companion awaiting our extinction as man beings. Protein
materials from us are needed now because of its fine psyche hydrogens but
the protein materials will still be needed after we have become their gong
beings in their own technosociocosmic laujinggong for which they will be our
lau beings.
6. In other words,
you can change the naming systems, the taxonomy, the nomenclatures in a
logical manner of all these observations to obscure or enlighten you psychic
clarity as you wish or professionalize them. However, the laws of
triads and the laws of octaves together with a few more related general laws
works on them independently of your will. Thus a nation-state (SO-LA)
may be called a Westphalian nation-state by power-possessing beings in Great
Britain, a Civilization nation-state by power-possessing beings in China,
capitalist state, socialist state, communist state, democratic state,
republic, colonist state, imperialist state, hegemonist state, city-state,
united-state, modern state, territory, international-law-abiding state, …..
all of which are hungry growing gravity-center beings from the 2 lateral
sociocosmic octaves. When you are hungry and in fear you need to
wiseacred and invent to continue.
For instance, the term ‘kingdom’ is used for the Ancient Society stage as it
is the height of the FA and SO notes in this historical sociocosmic period
which took place during the Age of Aries. The terms ‘dynasty’’ and
‘empire’ or 'imperial dynasty' are used for the Feudal Society stage as it is the height of the
FA, SO, LA and even infantile TI notes in this historical sociocosmic period
which took place in the Age of Pisces. The current Westphalia terms such as
‘state’, ‘nation’ and ‘United Nations’ are used for the colonialistic,
capitalistic/imperialistic /Fascistic/ Nazistic/hegemonistic historical
stage and the socialistic historical stage as they both are at the heights
of the FA, SO, LA and TI notes in these 2 historical sociocosmic periods
which have begun in this last ½ decan of the tailed end of the Age of Pisces
till today. The higher note contains all the lower notes is a point to
note here.
This is a radial/vertical, a tangential/horizontal stopindering spiraling
fundamental concentric sociocosmic octave with 2
decelerating/accelerating lateral sociocosmic octaves, one at the MI-FA
Interval while the other at the TI-DO Interval, and a 3-input feed - a first
input at DO, a second input between MI/FA and a third input between TI/DO.
The forces of production create, move, push and pull, ascending, descending
and oscillating within these social relations of production octaves.