By Professor Dr. Tan
(A revised excerpt from the
original work,
Real World Views, Book 20, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The Sociocosmic Unbecomings, The Sociocosmic Stopinder Therapeutic Methods And The
Final Exit of the Great Wise Grandson of Beelzebub," July 1996 ~ May
1997 Discourses, Chapter 7, Section E: "Askokin and Kundakin,"
pp. 248~266)
1 Sacred askokin is needed by our ‘moon’ and other planets in our solar system for
future creation of beings. It is extracted during the rascooarnoing
process of beings especially during increasing planetary alignments by the
process of the reciprocal destruction of beings and in the process of
sacrifice of any being to the Gods. Sacred askokin is a type of being psyche
hydrogen that is released into the fourth axis of the (our) Ray of Creation during
the process of the death of beings. The reciprocal destruction of
beings in the form of wars, revolutions, genocides, murders, capital
punishments and animal sacrifices and all natural cosmic disasters is
periodically indispensable to feed the life that is bestowed to beings in
our Ray of Creation. When a man dies, all the psyche hydrogens
inside his 4 bodies such as H768, H384, H192, H96, H48, H12, H6 and all
their cosmic vivification qualities and quantities due to the process of
octavization do, re, mi, fa, so, la and ti at various
stage of refinement are 'collected' and return to various original positions
in the (our) Ray of Creation as depicted in the diagram of everything living.
The sacred askokin is one of the sacred parts of this 'being-psyche hydrogen collection
of cosmic vivification properties' and it is the H12
with those cosmic vivification mi 12, so 12 and ti 12.
Mi 12 present in the impression-food octave stage (mi) called
Abrustdonis for
it can be further refined into
fa 6 or higher thinking hydrogens
so 12 present in the air-food octave stage (so) called
Helkdonis which can be further refined into la 6 or higher
feeling hydrogens. Both the refinement for the fine from the coarse
requires conscious labor and intentional suffering.
As to ti 12 for the Ovum (-) and for the Sperm (+) of the
ordinary solid-food octave stage (ti), it has reached the end stage
of the solid-food octave refinement process, and is unlikely to produce
hydrogen 'do 6' to enter as a new hydrogen of a higher order to its
newborns. Hydrogens of (ti 12) have physical attraction
energies of sexual pleasure and enjoyment in the form of kundakin 1
present in the female three-brained beings and kundakin 2
present in the male three-brained beings both able to unite in coitus to
produce newborns, if otherwise tantric meditative effects. The sacred
askokin hydrogens fa 6 and la 6 are of high value
and direct immediate use for all the Sun and the planets in our Solar
System. The sacred askokin buried in kundakin is released during the
rascooarnoian or death process and is much needed by our moon for its own
vivification to any potential rising of a mi-fa interval there. All
other hydrogens not harvested by our sun and/or the planets or harvested
(stolen) by our moon remain on Earth as part of the food cycle in the
Organic Life.
The quality and quantity of the sacred askokin is dependent
on the results of ‘conscious labor and intentional suffering’ for creation
of higher being bodies – the higher the refinement from these efforts of
‘conscious labor’ and ‘intentional suffering’, the higher the quality and
quantity of ‘askokin’. Sacred askokin is a totality of ti 12, so 12 and
mi 12
that is formed in the lowest story of man (physical body), notably, the instinctive,
moving and sex centers – from the ordinary solid- food octave it is ti 12, from
the air-food octave it is so 12 and from the impression-food octave it is
mi 12.
By continuing the efforts of ‘conscious labor and intentional intentional
suffering’, sacred askokin can be refined into la 6 hydrogens for the higher feeling
center and also fa 6 hydrogens of the higher thinking center, that is, higher
quality hydrogens for serving the upper triads of forces in the (our) Ray of
Creation. Sacred askokin compound consists of abrustdonis (mi 12), helkdonis
(so 12) and kundakin which is the sex energy from ti 12, and
ti 12 has instinctive energy, physical moving energy and sex energy. Abrustdonis and helkdonis
can be separated and removed and the H12 ('askokin') can be further refined
into H6 in the 2nd
and 3rd
upper stories of man. Kundakin stays at ti 12 as it is the finest
possible refinement for this ordinary solid-food octave. As it is his home
in the lowest physical body of man, and without any possibility for transmutation, kundakin function as a long-term vivification of
libido and constantly messing around with abrustdonis and helkdonis as they
are all created in the lowest physical story of the human body, notably, the lumbar
region of man and woman. Kundakin is the magic sex fuel of the world of a
thousand sexual desires teasing the hungry moon (lunatic) and the hungry
neighboring planets (planetic) for the share of sacred askokin needed for their own
procreation and nourishment. Both sacred askokin and kundakin are subjected to the
Laws of Reciprocal Destruction of Everything Living and the Law of
Nourishment of Everything Living. The kundakin of ti 12 is
the seductive attractiveness in wait, at
Ti-Do Interval of the biocosmic octave of man for procreation of new species and new physical biological
beings while abrustdonis and helkdonis are for further refinement in the
making of the New Higher Spiritual Man, without changing the specie-biodata or genetic code
through its psyche index.
Monks would intentionally suffer to transform
kundakin into the higher emotion fa 6 and yogi would suffer to
transform it through kundalini work into higher thought la 6.
The Chinese acrobats and the fakir would seek to transform the remain
instinctive and moving energies of ti 12 into higher
instinct and higher 'moving' do 6.
Furthermore, as to this sacred askokin
present in man at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation, it is
periodically extracted or stolen vertically by our moon and horizontally by
a planetary neighbor known as Mars both of them are "interested" to nurse
some lower level organic beings on their surfaces as there is always a
possibility that the Will of the Absolute from the TI-DO Interval
of the (our) Ray of Creation could have sent for some unknown reasons of our
weak being a small will fragment allowing Mars to own a MI-FA
Interval store house on its geocosmic Mars surface to enable her to become a
baby mother Mars. As the MI-FA
Interval has already been given to Earth, our moon has been denied therefore
a MI-FA Interval. Thus in order to satisfy her hunger, the moon has to
resort to mischievous stealing of this sacred askokin by causing periodic
cosmic wars amongst these three-centered hethormen human beings
dwelling on Earth's geocosmic surface. Such cosmic wars for the
stealing of the sacred askokin happen especially on those war-prone landing
geocosmic platforms for which, through the medium of the biocosmic octaves,
the sociocosmic octaves, the technocosmic octaves and the civilization
octaves based on the law of reciprocal destruction and on the law of
cosmosophical-cosmological reciprocal feeding, the sacred askokin is
At its base in the pangeacosmic Presente, the sacred askokin extraction rested on the chronic reciprocal
destruction of civilizations dwelling on YAFEILA World-Island,
Heartland, Rimland and Icy Islands inclusive on the one side and the Outer
Islands Crescent on the other. The reciprocal destruction of
civilizations and their aberrating Westphalian nations between World-Island
YAFEILA dwellers and her Outer Islands Crescent dwellers is astrosophically,
geocosmically and geopolitically unavoidable!
Kundakin is another type of being pysche hydrogen generated by the man
through its gravity-center called exioëhary
12), regularly released into the
atmosphere and has its origin from the fragments of the breakdown organ
kundabuffer (as its consequences). Kundakin is created and released in
abundance while the being is alive but not during death as the extraction of
sacred askokin is completed in death. All these
mi 12,
so 12 and
ti 12
are kept in the body for continuing digestion of coming foods such as
do 768,
do 192 and
do 48
and refining them to remain alive. They must be
returned to Earth, moon and any other known places from the Ray of Creation
upon death for a purpose - that is, as being foods for other planetary and
moon bodies.
The finest la 6,
fa 6 or
do 6,
also known as H6 will be rewarded to the Sun or the ‘All suns’ higher up in
this Ray of Creation.
Kundakin produces such
effects as seeing-reality-upside-down, pleasure, fun and wild enjoyment,
greed of all kinds and has ‘opium’ properties. It is created to
neutralize the terrible pain in the consciousness of a three-centeredly
sensed, inevitability of one’s own death. Kundakin and its buffering
abilities prevent this sensing and is thus a kind of ‘panadol’
or psychedelic pills or opium. It enables the ‘trick-of-extraction’ of
askokin much smoother in the process of the final death – natural or
artificial. It provides the pleasure and act as a kundabufffer to
enable smoother extraction of an otherwise painful extraction of the sacred
askokin by the moon such as human sacrifice to gods, wars and epidemic
and/or pandemic life threatening diseases. Kundakin is needed by the opposite sexed three-brained
beings to produce newborns and by parallels (planets) and also the
below (moon) especially the moon for purposes of building new life on our
Kundakin Therapy
for all sociocosmic stopinder beings could temporarily elevate human
sufferings and, I repeat, has also become the ill-fated sensitive tool of prostitution,
capitalistic accumulation, money-making, espionage, ruling and strategic works for the hungry
politicians and power-possessing beings who want to consolidate their
positions in the higher stopinders using this “opium-properties”
reverberating in abundance at its original dwelling place in the MI-FA
Interval and eating madly upwards into the TI-DO Interval of the Great
Sociocosmic Being during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism
and Socialism,
and where the infantile Socialism Proper struggle hard to strengthen and
grow its essential self down into the MI-FA Interval and stays there.
Askokin Therapy
is for the opening up of conscience, as being would be deeply disturbed on
consuming some askokin from those rascooarno beings during the process of
natural deaths, wars, accidents, capital punishments, murders, fights and
religious sacrifice of life of selected beings. Absorbing this askokin
also generates the same askokin in you as part of the process of final
digestion of the impression food.
Planets and moons need sacred askokin’s kundakin to
produce subconscious sexual pleasure in the process of creating deaths in large
quantity, that is, life energy. Askokin is served to the ‘moon’ and also to
those hungry planets and sociocosmic stopinders by a less painful extraction
due to the aura of kundakin.
The Law of Reciprocal Nourishment of Everything
Existing is in equilibrium with the Law of Reciprocal Destruction of
Everything Existing. The Law of Conservation of Life Energy holds true and
conserved for all Rays of Creation. In short when human population
size is
high, extraction of sacred askokin becomes necessary to restore and conserved life
energy in our Ray of Creation. It is this law of nourishing and
maintaining cosmic stopinders especially our cosmic stopinder moon and also
our neighboring cosmic stopinder, planets, that sacred hydrogens need to be
sent from Earth's organic film to maintain them - only occasionally, not
enough or of low quality.
When the demand for the vibration, sacred askokin,
increases, there also engineered (by the last cosmic stopinder, the moon)
such psyche vibration within these three-brained beings a fanatic belief of
the self-calming Evil-God known there in forms as ‘in-the-name-of’ the
‘good’, ‘peace’, ‘love’, ‘justice’, ‘democracy’, ‘communism’ and ‘morality’
to outwit enemies and kill them in the name of these being psyche hydrogens.
Although, during their two world wars and revolutions tremendous amount of
sacred askokin was extracted for this last stopinder by the device called
‘democracy’ and the like, the process of destruction could increase through
this sociocosmic lateral instrument. The repayment of life that is
given was demanded occasionally!
And the wise grandson notices this:
The eating of a chicken becomes less noticeable if
we use special names to the slaughter.
Global peace does
not exist in the process of TI-laujinggong. Even wiser, is
the ancient who has tricked the hungry moon or the unsuspected planetary
neighbors by releasing lower grade sacred askokin through the religious
rites of animal sacrifice to the Gods (moons and planets). But the
ancient Mayan used human sacrifice in offering the higher grade sacred askokin
to the gods.
As a vertebrate himself, man eats many vertebrates (H192,
H48 and H12), some invertebrates (H384,
H96 and H24), mostly plants (H768,
H192 and H48),
some minerals (H1536, H384 and H96) and
some of metals (H3072, H768 and
H192). Assuming that his ordinary
food and water is H768, his air food is H192 and his impression food is H48
his creation of being-psyche hydrogens can be depicted in the diagram below:
What about refined abrustdonis (mi 12) and helkdonis (so 12)? They
too will be extracted by our moon in the lower triad of forces and our Earth
as well as the planets in our Solar System during the process of rascooarno or death as they are still
cosmic properties of being psyche hydrogens in the physical body. Only when they are refined further into hydrogens 6 such as
fa 6 from mi 12 at mi-fa interval and la 6 form so 12 at so-la
interval through a second shock called 'Conscious Labor and Intentional
Suffering' and have also acquired a different quality and a
different identity in the higher thinking and higher feeling centers can they be
to the lowest divine order of the gods in the 1st
and 2nd
Triad of Forces, otherwise the hydrogens 12 have to remain in the original 3rd
Triad of Forces in our organic life system. Only those hydrogens 6
offered to the 1st or 2nd Triad of Forces shall stay in our solar system – and I repeat, still confined within our Solar System as its permanent or fourth body of this Solar System itself
and not present anywhere higher to the 1st Triad of Forces.
The remainder sacred askokin will become food for our moon at the 4th Triad of
The monks through 'intentional kunda-suffering' (or what is also the
2nd Conscious Shock) deflect and convert the kundakin sex of the physical being-exioëhary,
ti 12 (sperm or ovum) of this last stopinder of the ordinary food
octave into do 6 and place them in any of the 2nd and 3rd story
of the body and rank them the same finest level with la 6 at the 2nd story
and with fa 6 at the 3rd story but all of them in the higher
centers. An inevitable result is that the 'successful' monks should
appear more fat and chubby and also look younger physically due to this
conscious and astral vivification of do 6 which is often mistaken
from the vivification of ti 12 due to similarity of appearance.
Now, both the Buddhist celibacy, the Taoist 'fangzhongshu' and
the Hindu 'Tantric sex' who make use of the kundakin 1 of the male and
the kundakin 2 of the female together and preventing the release of or
delaying ejaculation or
actual copulation of the sperm and ovum of the positive and the negative exioëharies to produce do 6 are in a state of constant friction and
in dilemma where all the forces and energies of ti 12 - kundakin 1,
kundakin 2, ovum and sperm, man and woman are in constant friction must
return to the state of balance or equilibrium, otherwise, either of the man
or the woman or both become being-zoufuorumo
or as contemporary man would called ‘crazy sexual psychopaths’. Without any 'intentional kunda-suffering' on ti 12 and its charming
hypnotic aura kundakin, the Darwinian law works its way forward, and through
the normal quantitative change law of dialectics, after normal Mechano-Coinciding-Mdnel-In
shock of ti 12 (sperm) with another opposite ti 12 (ovum)
from outside, the sharing of genes from each takes place and a newborn is
created into the physical world, otherwise, in rare case history through a
special qualitative change law of dialectics a special Higher Mechano-Coinciding-Mdnel-In
shock occurs and a newborn species is created. Bruce Lee, the world
famous Kung Fu master and numerous established Chinese acrobats
have converted his lower moving energy and
lower instinctive energy from ti 12 to do 6 and
place it in the Higher Moving Center and the Higher Instinctive Center
Those 'intentional sufferings' can be divided into 1)
'Intentional Conscious-Suffering' on mi 12 of the Impression Octave
for conversion into la 6 in the higher thinking center 2)
'Intentional Astral-Suffering' on so 12 of the Air Octave for
conversion into fa 6 in the higher feeling center and 3)
'Intentional Kunda-Suffering' on ti 12 of the Ordinary Food Octave
for conversion into do 6 in the higher feeling center or in the
higher thinking center.
Besides selling the normal range of its products
or services the sociocosmic stopinder beings are actively promoting their
own kundakin emanations for creating various 'sexual impulses', ‘happiness’ and ‘fun’ for all
other stopinders. Noticing this hedonistic deviation in man or woman,
the anti-sex mediocre monk goes to the other extreme of not having sex to
perfect themselves to the ‘divine’ level - an extreme form of
kundakin-askokin therapy. But without knowledge of hydrogens of mi 12,
so 12 and ti 12 and
the energy balance mandate, the much sociocosmic accursed regulatory laws, rules
and regulations devised by them and their institutions have actually assisted the
planets and the moons for the extraction of askokin.
Somewhere in
the 18th Century of our Calendar during the Great Industrial
Revolution of the European Communities of biped beings, in the period where
many infantile sociotechnocosmic beings were actively feeding, growing,
expanding in size, developing in structure and organization, reproducing
themselves and behaving like those biocosmic beings of our once extinct
Great Reptiles and Dinosaurs ‘ancestors’ in the Mesozoic Period of the Life
of Our Great Biocosmic Being, there emerged this such great hunger to feed
and survive through large scale exploitation of all natural resources.
The Great Sociotechnocosmic Being must live and behaves in the way of
the Reptilia-Dinosaurian Biocosmic Being.
Once such great hunger and large scale
exploitation is ‘electricity’ from the cosmic octave of nature, and this had
forced the whole of the planet Earth to bear all the consequences of the
unbalanced deprivation of this extraction and large scale ‘digestion’ of
electricity for the perfecting of the body of our Great Sociotechnocosmic
Being. With this large amount of processed or
transformable ‘powerful electricity’ consumed, the ‘metabolism’ in the body
of our great being is greatly increased to uncontrollable limit.
But the limitation of this resource is a cause for the imbalance for
which the future bipeds would have to bear the consequences of nature’s own
While electricity is not
life as yet, it is able to reciprocate with life energy according to the law
of conservation of the energy system – especially between life energy and
electrical energy – diminishing one at the expense of increasing the other.
Both the energies of being-psyche kundakin and that of the final
being psyche askokin are subjected to this law.
2 or 3 or more planets or with our moon or other planetary moons are in a
near-straight or partially aligned line (s), the abnormal vivification of
kundakin (while living) and extraction of askokin (when dead) from Earth’s
organic film will be very powerful and you will expect a very high degree of
both lunaticism and planetism in man and other organic beings where
catastrophes such as world wars, earthquakes, tsunamis, diseases, plaques
and other calamities would occur taking countless lives. The life energies so
extracted necessarily flow down our Ray of Creation to the moon.
The closest that 8 planets will come to align approximately 30 degrees is
calculated to be on May 6, 2492 in the Age of Aquarius.
However, 5 planets, namely, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus and Mercury will be
in the same part of the sky on September 8, 2040 at the tail-end of the Age
of Pisces. The last time, the 8 planets appeared aligned
closely to 30 degrees was in 561 BC near the end of the Age of Aries.
In the (our) Ray of Creation, only one (1) MI-FA Interval is allocated
to Mother Earth for breeding and growing an Organic Life and a Synthetic
Life in support. When all these family planets of the Solar System come in
line approximately, the sharing of this one (1) MI-FA Interval is contested,
and both the Organic Life and Synthetic Life constants are stretched if not
stolen and distributed among the planetary family to a certain degree of
severity – lunaticism and Hasnamussian tendencies in man go afloat as if to
fly away in search of other better family planets for dwelling within the
(our) Solar System.
Now, when these three-brained hethormen human
beings die, the laws of destruction, decay and disintegration become the
dominating active law over the law of nourishment. All the atoms and
the cosmic properties (being-psyche hydrogens) associated with them that
constitute the four bodies of man, namely, the 1st physical body, the 2nd
horse body, the 3rd driver body and the 4th passenger body where all the
seven psychic centers stay and where all the psyche hydrogens during a life
time have been produced, stored and regularly emanated outside the bodies
are distributed in the (our) Ray of Creation respectively. Cosmic
properties of the instinct, the moving, the sex, the lower feeling, the
lower thinking and the last special or very fine matters that always stay in
the periphery of the physical body - the higher feeling and the higher
thinking as the aura of the "Yellow Halo" will be distributed rapidly at the
speed of light (Ti) or even at faster that the speed of light as they
(psyche hydrogens) are a special state of matter in the form of Cosmic
Consciousness (TI) associated with the Quantum state of matter (SO and LA)
and all other states of matter, and as independent cosmic properties in
terms the noumenal hydrogen indices purportedly present in them similar to
like time and space.
Now, there are about 7.7 billion hethormen human
beings existing today (2019), and perhaps more than a 100 billions
have died since the dawn of Humanity-at-Large through natural deaths and
wars. How are the physical atoms, quanta and psyche hydrogens (cosmic
properties/consciousnes) distributed? According to the law of
conservation of energy in the forms of matter including the cosmic
properties known as the psyche, the microscopic elementary particles and the
psyche are conserved. The coarse matters with cosmic properties or
psyche hydrogens, H768 (do 768), H384 (re 384) ,
H192 (do 192 and mi 192) that are present in these
three-brained hethormen beings stay in the ground and gradually get
distributed in the geococosmic octave in its 1st lateral geocosmic octave of
plantae beings at the MI-FA Interval and also in its 2nd lateral geocosmic
octave of animalia beings at the TI-DO Interval during the grand process of
reciprocal feeding or in the grand food chain innerly connecting the two
lateral geocosmic octaves of our fundamental geocosmic octave as they have
meet the minimum requirements of being a being-fooda to these three-brained
hethormen human being, so to say.
The finer matters or psyche hydrogens, H96 (re
96 and fa 96) initially refined would be used for the tritocosmos or
the Organic Life in general as foods as the vivifying aura for both the
plantae and the animalia beings on mother Earth's surface but regularly
stolen (extracted) by the moon for nourishing its own insufficiency (hunger)
of this type of H96 psyche hydrogens produced only by the Organic Life at
the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation -
to share out the produces between the Organic Life and the moon. This ids
done by causing occasional wars and unnatural killings by these
three-brained hethormen beings
during the process of rascooarno (dying) and the subsequent
extraction of the sacred askokin from them to correct lunar - organic life
imbalances. Another way of this extraction is the subsequent creation
of intense psychological curiosity and arousals in these three-brained
hethormen human beings to activate the gifted/bestowed infantile hydrogens
of 'Science and Technology' buried deep in their higher feeling and higher
thinking centers ...... and to bring live-energies to lunar and planetary
surfaces through an ongoing long-term plan, first in the form of creating
biodome space stations and later biodome lunar bases (for H96 lunar
being-food), martian biodome bases (for H24 planetary being-food), and
etcetera without pre-matured killings through wars. The occasional
wars through the cosmic method of creating wars for releasing these valuable
hydrogen foods to them for the immediate correction of occasional cosmic
properties of cosmic psychic imbalances are still unavoidable.
The much finer psyche hydrogens with cosmic
properties, H48 (do 48, mi 48 and so 48) would still stay in the
2nd lateral cosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of
Creation. However, those psyche hydrogens with cosmic properties, H24
(re 24, fa 24 and la 24) would be distributed within our planetary
system and our moon.
Those psyche hydrogens, H12 (mi 12, so 12
and ti 12)would stay in our Solar System, and finally some traces of
the very fine psyche hydrogens, H6 (fa 6 and la 6) due mainly to
the success of Conscious Labor and Intentional Suffering from the WORK would
be able to move to the neighboring solar systems or the stars in the
Universe - as proper cosmic "divine" individualities of very high density of
vibration matters in the 1st lateral cosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval of
the (our) Ray of Creation and to play the role in part in the grand design,
creation, nourishment, maintenance,
replenishment and
repair all the dimensions of Great Omipresent Universe Being.