THE FOURTHWAY MANHO E-JOURNAL Volume 114 April 17, 2020 |
TILAUJINGGONG AND BEING-DEMOCRACIES By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho (An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 21, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The Sociotechnocosmic World Outside Us, The Sociotechnocosmic World Inside Us and Our General Inner World Conditions," September 1997 ~ December 2001 Discourses, Chapter 3, Section A & B: "TI-Laujinggong and Being-Democracies," pp. 48~125)
A. TILAUJINGGONG "Gobakchew-Yelersin mechanically dozing with much further blur-blur, dreamy auto-wiseacrings, and finally falling asleep as the political economic system of perestroika and glasnost from the neoliberal sheepskin wolf's shock therapy ingredients for the sedative toxic soup once consumed would be able to breakup all the PDCE organizations, the state, the nation and even the nation-bloc easy for subsequent plunder of the USSR's rich natural resources and vast land. The wolf-in-sheepskin neoliberal low cost project becomes the 'I AM' of the willing naive dongjinggong beings of USSR, miraculously self-destroyed, and preparing her body as cooked food ready to serve the already sick yet extremely hungry and ferocious imperialistic-essenced cross-nation-bloc neoliberal blobs waiting at the front door. The then soviets unable to nurse wisely their own newborn infantile soviet union due to this lack of knowledge, understanding, and handling of contradictions within and without, and only rely on hurried experimental tryouts and burning their own houses in pursuit of a magical falsehood-turned-doom, Reagan's neoliberalism ingredients imported from the US. During this process of abruptly force-feeding the raw foods of the external western capitalistic-essenced sub-systems peculiar only to a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, namely: 1) Privatization, 2) Financial system, 3) Electional or Procedural only Political system, 4) Wolf-in-Sheepskin Neoliberalism and 5) Movie Individualistic Ideologies all at once, without filtering off the parasitic hegemon's toxins,, thus missing the internal quantitative evolution requirements necessary for the intrinsic creation within the Soviet System itself to the higher level SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. The 5 pieces of the abovementioned raw foods generated in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism from the Anglo-Atlantic Western civilization were eaten raw and wholesale without using the pots, the pans, the woks, the special socialistic-essenced ingredients and the unique cooking fire of the existing USSR from the Slavic (Orthodox) civilization, eating and digesting them carefully. Thus ill-fatedly, resulting in indigestion and intoxication where shock therapies soon disintegrated this great being-USSR into a much rascooarnoed being from this 5-in-1 toxin leaving most of the fragmented LA-stopinders badly injured, paralyzed and to be hunted as food by the stronger hegemons. The divided meat of USSR gets itself cooked, and its delicious cooked meat packed into smaller containers to feed most of the rich foreign nationate and corporate creatures, mostly aided by the newly created comprador bourgeoisie that were innerly reborn. Still having some of the containers of ashes in its grip this USSR recedes into a bigger Russian Federation container, losing all the other smaller containers drifting into the hungry mouth of her old Nazism now differently dressed NATO enemy. Then they all change flags to become independent for further conscienceless exploitative extraction to the last standing modern slave at the dictate of US Military-Industrial Complex to push their out of date obsolete military assets, ..... to continue their own multipolar automatic self-happening decaying histories of neoliberalism everywhere in hope to reach some nowhere bright future with this sinking boat of meaningless and directionless neoliberalism polities of converting the infantile and naive socialistic-essenced weaker nations of the fragmented USSR into disoriented, self-deceiving, shock-therapied, opiodicated pseudo-democratic or pseudo-republic modern slave-nations to the enslaving capitalistic-essenced, unipolar-seeking and hegemonistic imperialists in the TILAUJINGGONG PYRAMID of the highly aberrating polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism beginning from 1989 AD hitherto ...... and in contradistinction with the socialistic-essenced TIGONGJINGDONG and its preliminary transitional socialistic-essenced TIDONGJINGGONG which later acquires the civilizational-essenced Fourth Political Theory (Alexander Dugin) and all other PESTLES-HEIGRENS superstructures thus discovering a future direction for “Soviet” Russia for which it has fallen by her own self-deceiving much wiseacred Glasnost and Perestrioka of doom, now to start all over again full of regret from a Third World country status quo, this time dialectically or even tri-octavely to the restore the previous civilizational states much forgotten and neglected understanding of the tri-octave movements of these age old civilizations everywhere in the pangeacosmic Presente in a multi-civilizational gravity-centers of states world-wide. The 'SO', 'LA' and TI' civilization stopinders that would aberrate in future seeking for new world order and new harmony equilibrium. For the civilization octave in general, there would be the civilizational aberration of SO-, LA- and TI- ‘NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages’ of civilizations; in the Westphalian civilization octave in specific, there has always been the sociocosmic aberration of the SO-, LA- and TI-‘LAUJINGGGONG Carriages’ of the Westphalian nationstates. All the 7 main civilizations will ultimately possess nuclear weapons as a Security-defense (S) fixate of their PESTLES+ Coachman Body No. 3; many of the 195 Westphalian nationstates carved outs (from original civilization cakes) are more eager to acquire nuclear weapons because of their Westphalian capitalistic, colonialistic, imperialistic and hegemonistic source of arising in the entrapment of the ABYSS at the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave. The sociocosmic note 'TI' is a 'World of Nations' stopinder an non-nation-pyramidal in essence, and capitalistic-essenced a nationbloc is a peculiar group of 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders aberrating at the TI-DO Interval of a sociocosmic octave. These nationblocs are in most cases, hegemonic imperialist and colonialist nations seeking nation-pyramidization positioning amongst the 195 nations, where a capitalistic-essenced LA-stopinder superpower Hegemon (US) dominates at the top of the Pyramid of Nations. However, where socialistic essence dominates the 'World of Nations' (TI) and tits nationblocs would be just nations and nationblocs of 'World of Nations Circularity. In the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, hegemonic-essenced capitalism infantile, grown-up and ageing with its original essence nature must continuously eat horizontally and vertically downward, and would eat vertically upward if there is a slightest weakness discovered there - with all the subsequent terror-of-the-situation of the manifestations of the law of reciprocal destruction such as conquests, wars, extraction, exploitation oppression, profit-maximization grabization of wealth and natural resources and establishing physical and digital financial colonies. Horizontal eating of the wealth and power-possessing SO-stopinder on the weaker other SO-stopinders is a SO-level empire-building aberration, horizontal eating of the similar wealth and power-possessing LA-stopinder over the weaker other LA-stopinders is a LA-level empire-building aberration and horizontal wealth and power-possessing TI-nationbloc stopinder on the weaker other TI-nationbloc stopinders is a TI-level empire-building, and the empire-building will continue to interplanetary and interstellar levels. The horizontal expansion of empire always moves out of its own geosophical and geographical reach limit and is likely to collapse unable to maintain the empire; the vertical eating of wealth and power rising from the SO-level, to the LA-level and to the TI-level is within the same sociocosmic concentric of the same sociocosmos, and it is about pyramidal and hierarchical struggle (not empire-building) for wealth and power on the one hand or a natural SO-stopinder ascend of within the sociocosmic octave." And the wise grandson sighed and said slowly: "Do not be too happy yet! After leaving the first ABYSS, just be aware and prepare yourself for a possible second ABYSS in the future." "There is a triad of forces at the nodal line from a NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of civilizations dwelling on the Presente at 'TI'-stopinder level - the first affirming force comes from the ex-enslaved BRICS+ countries dwelling on World-Island YAFEILA headed by the socialistic-essenced China Multipole, the second denying force comes from the ex-enslaving G7 countries dwelling on the Outer Islands Crescent headed by the capitalistic-essenced US Empire, and the third resolving force will be a New World Order gravity-centering on the transitional FA-specie-stopinder of socialism upon leaving the MI-FA Interval ABYSS and continues in more affirming, denying and resolving triads in the emerging specie-stopinders along the mainstream Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave." "The ultimate reach of all the infantile "economic zones" that sprouted everywhere on World-Island YAFEILA and the Outer Islands Crescent during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Periods of Capitalism and Socialism is a full spectrum completion and perfection unlimitedly of this NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the One Earth Civilization with its inner trillion micro-, mini- and macro-activities integrated at the pangeacosmic Presente to the gravity-center stopinder level of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. However, there still remains the much needed WORK for the four-bodied NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage dasein for which it is born with weal and woe, growth in imbalances, mature in certain temporary stability, decline painfully and finally died by parts within the context of the Presente. At this moment, its capital and sociopital 'flow-park-and-grow' is in the stage of growing in imbalances - but nevertheless still growing, and passing through the antagonistic contradictions of capitalistic-essenced vs socialistic-essenced phases of non-human-faced Infantile capitalism vs human-faced Infantile socialism, non-human-faced Industrial capitalism vs human-faced Industrial socialism, non-human-faced Financial capitalism vs human-faced Financial socialism and non-human-faced Hegemony capitalism vs human-faced Leadership socialism still be-spelled in corporate (in the MI-FA Interval) and nationate (in the TI-DO Interval) of capitalism vs cooperative (in the MI-FA Interval) and socionate (in the TI-DO Interval) - something which we hope the 'Human Face - WORK with respect and dignity of a real human being' of socialistic essences would become an existential dasein at 50% world-dominance by 2148 AD." There is out there far in the future in the specie-stopinder (TI), SRoboticism at the TI-DO Interval with a possible second ABYSS in the Fundamental Natural Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave where the Padrigine III, IV, V, VII and VIII of the 2nd Lateral Periods of Possible Antagonistic Exploitative Human-SRobotic Sociotechnocosmic Pyramidization of specie-stopinders, now hidden and gravity-centered as the hegemonistic-essenced being-psyche embryos incubating deep in the making of the normal nourishing specie-stopinder socialism (FA), the specie-stopinder communism (SO), the specie-stopinder (LA) and the specie-stopinder SRoboticism (TI) in preparation to burst asunder from its shell to deliver the hegemonic babies at the TI-DO Interval when the time is ripe. Nay more, the wise grandson further sighed and grumbled: "Unfortunately, the process of refinement of cosmic being-psyche hydrogens in the noosphere of the NOO in the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the Anglo-American (Western) civilization dwelling on the Outer Islands Crescent is rather slow and could not produce sufficient fine quality being-psyche hydrogens for itself thus keeping them always in the logicnestrian state of the sleep-wake consciousness in the ABYSS of hegemony capitalism continuing eating the World-Island YAFEILA to destruction. However, the forces of reciprocal nourishment on World-Island YAFEILA will always strive to survive and dominate all the organic and synthetic life of the biocosmic, the sociocosmic and the technocosmic and the civilization beings dwelling on her crust as she should pangeasophically through her own cosmic and natural self-sensing, self-perception, self-observation, self-introconception, self-remembering and self-communicating in the indispensable infrastructural completion and perfection of her own BRI (Belt-and-Road-Initiative) Carriage dasein necessary for the smooth and rapid to-and-fro flow of nutrients amongst all existing and emerging gravity-center stopinders in World-Island YAFEILA." "The one-god Havatvernoni Anglo-American (Western) civilization dwelling on the Outer Islands Crescent (big, small and smallest) has encountered her own Armageddon curse but acts as if it is also the same Armageddon curse for all the other capitalistic- and socialistic-essenced civilizations dwelling on World-Island YAFEILA, in hope of the reciprocal destruction of the Slavic (Russian), Sinic (Chinese) and other Eastern civilizations there that might be beneficial to her and to preserving her capitalistic-essenced world hegemony in the ABYSS. All other one-god havatvernonis which are trapped in their own havatvernoian mystical blind spot maze, moving fanatically around much identified to their own self-proclaimed God(s) - exceptional, exclusive and almighty - will still remain being-zuoforumo extremist beings with little chance of dominating the world." "Capitalistic-essenced empire-proned UGGMBCC (1%) highly profit-maximizing and wealth-accumulating LA-lau corporate and nationate three-brained hethormen human beings dwelling in the Outer Islands Crescent, be-spelt in the lunatic and Hasnamussian spiritual captivity of the MI-FA Interval ABYSS of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave could only view the LAU-JING-GONG carriages of societies and NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE carriages of civilizations dwelling on World-Island YAFEILA full of fundamental and lateral geocosmic stopinders rich in natural and human resources to be owned, controlled and oppressed through implanting 800 military bases there to support and enable successful conquering, parting, extracting, plundering, exploiting, oppressing and eating of this unfortunate World-Island YAFEILA." That which is good might be muddled-headedly disposed off into the dustbin only to discover later that it is good. Alas! Now has to scavenge for it in the dustbin! Only to discover that the dustbin is now, as it always has been, a potpourri of numerous antagonistic and non-antagonistic contradicting FA-SO-LA-TI stopinders from the historical sociocosmic specie-stopinders and the civilization specie-stopinders which are striving for their own each and every historical sociocosmic sovereign 'I AM's and civilizational sovereign 'I AM's, and also of the capitalistic-neoliberal-essenced citizenry type of the highly aberrating empire-prone Westphalian states and nations drawing their nationstate political economic boundaries of the world on paper in the office - conquering, plundering and illegalizing all the age-old existing geosophical and geological sovereign civilization boundaries. Without really having a strong centrally binding NOO that would unionize their now much fragmented falling apart 4th Passenger Body No. 4s of both the sociocosmic and civilizational four-bodied organizational and communal stopinders respectively, the terror-of-the-situation now rules the world. All the Coachman Body No. 3 of the sociocosmic laujinggong carriages, namely, those FA-Jings or the corporate managing CEOs, SO-Jings or the managing statesmen, the LA-Jings or the managing nationmen and TI-Jings or the United Nation managers or the IGO's diplomats gradually lose their powers as the Passenger Body No. 4, namely, those FA-Laus or the corporate owners, SO-Laus or the power-possessing state-level governments, LA-Laus or the power-possessing nation-level governments or federalists and the TI-Laus or the superpower-possessing IGO blocs (such as in the G7 or in the BRICS+), and together called the 'Deep State' Passenger Body No. 4 of Hegemonism (ti) within the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism at the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave and another, a nameless Passenger Body No. 4 forming outside the MI-FA Interval and beyond it, having already leap out of this ABYSS, and actively vibrating as an infantile socialism 4th level sociocosmic being (FA) in the mainstream fundamental periods of non-antagonistic cooperative social circularity sociocosmic being, of this same Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave. Many of these Jing beings could not withstand the aberrating and stressful pressures of having caught between the antagonistic contradiction of the lau and the gong beings of all the FA, SO, LA and TI laujinggong carriages of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, and often speak incoherently in double-tongued and double voices - a contradictory hidden inner voice and an expressed outer voice. At the height of the lau-gong power conflict simultaneously in all the 4 levels of laujinggong carriages from 'FA' to 'TI' and even goes down from 'FA' to 'DO', the Jing beings' behavior could become a shockingly grand spectacular drama and joke in the third force of a triad. As an example, the LA-Jing phenoumenon of the Boris Johnson, the Trump, the Biden, the Zelensky and the Bongbong Marcos, Liz Trust, and many more strange, incomprehensible and spectacular 'fast-coming-and-fast-going' 'electional' political guests' drama and jokes to witness.
The passengers of Passenger Body No. 4 of these specie-stopinders Ancient Slavism, Feudalism, Capitalism, Colonialism, Imperialism, Fascism (Nazism inclusive) and Hegemonism have similar NOO of being-psyche hydrogens in their noetic noospheres, and continue to linger on in denials long after their empires are gone, and after leaving the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave. Every weakness in the running of the new specie-stopinder of socialism found is an opportunity for infiltration, for getting a strategic foothold, for sabotage and for the "revival" of the olds - in festivals, ceremonies, memorials of past "heroes" of the empire, general national meetings, business and non-business meets, in friendly social communication and in much wiseacred diplomatic exchanges. The PDCE tetrad system Horse Body No. 2 together with its Carriage Body No. 1 of the Anglo-Saxon civilization forming the so-called Westphalian G7 countries dwelling on the two wings of the Outer Islands Crescent and the PDCE tetrad system Horse Body No. 2 together with its Carriage Body No. 1 of the non-Anglo-Saxon civilizations forming the so-called "also Westphalianized" BRICS+ countries dwelling on the main body World-Island YAFEILA axis have split into two opposing world camps, namely, an exploitative and oppressive forces against a rebellious exploited and oppressed forces at the 'TI'-level platform where TI-Laujinggong triads of capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism (Nazism inclusive) and hegemonism at the MI-FA Interval is leaping out into the mainstream TI-Gongjingdong triads of socialism, 'FA-sociocosmic specie-stopinder' of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave where the receding forces capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism (Nazism inclusive) and hegemonism present in the G7 countries cease to be the dominant forces on this 'TI' platform, and the rising forces of socialism of the BRICS+ countries dominate and take over after leaping out of the MI-FA Interval. The NOO of Passenger Body No. 4 and the PESTLES+ of Coachman Body No. 3 must change significantly from the exploitative, oppressive and pyramidizing nature into a non-exploitative, non-oppressive circular nature to match the unity (and not to be misfits) of the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of the corresponding civilizations on the wings of the Outer Islands Crescent or the main body of World-Island YAFEILA in the pangeacosmic Presente. There is no absolute certainty of the success of this leap out from the MI-FA interval because there is also a descending force of resistance and reciprocal destruction against this active ascending force of reciprocal nourishment except that the ascending force is currently more energetic and powerful. The hastily overgrown infantile socialistic-essenced USSR which has begun from backward agricultural base economy and the other hastily overgrown infantile socialistic-essenced China which has also begun from backward agricultural base economy have both voluntarily opted for a descend or step backs; the USSR stepped back by 2 steps - one for the economy and one for the politics, whereas for China she has stepped back only by one, that is, for the economic but not for the politics, and even that it is socialistic-dominated and capitalistic-subservient. The former has unfortunately led to a severe collapse of the USSR but has now stood up again as renewed Soviet Russia among many calamities faced by her attrite old soviet republics. Carefully examining the fundamental musical notes in the sociocosmic Pythagorean Harmonic Scale again, this time to understand the position of the ill-fated mishap collapse of this infantile socialistic-essenced USSR along this scale on her inability to leap properly out of the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval, the wise grandson sighed and said: "If you have jumped hard managed to hold on the edge of a high cliff with your hands, you must work even harder to climb over the cliff with your whole body, and move on. Otherwise, you will fall badly and painfully, and have to stand up and try again for a second time or a third time to succeed." However, the 'leap out-fall back' to and fro in oscillating ascend-descent from the ABYSS at SO-LA-TI level to the octave form of the International Workingmen's Association (IWA) often called the 'First International', a gong-class dominated 'Do-stopinder' (1864 -1876) based on Karl Marx's and Engels' working class and class struggle principle and understanding after the failed Paris Commune (1848). It is the first attempted political and economic real socialistic-essenced leap-out from the ABYSS but collapsed! The 'Second International' (1889 - 1916), also called Socialist International is the second attempted political and economic real socialistic-essenced leap-out through union of labor parties and trade unions of the 'Re' stopinder but failed again due to revisionism. The 'Third International' (1919 - 1943), and called Communist International advocating World Communism connected to Marx, Engels and Lenin. It is the third attempted political and economic real socialistic-essenced leap-out but because this is a 'Mi'-stopinder approaching a MI-FA Interval it become complicated and split into an opposing branch octave known as the 'Fourth International' (FI) (1938 - ?) led by Leon Trotsky and his supporters somehow a revisionism which stopinderated within itself ..... as it should be due to internal octivization in the inner MI-FA Interval and at the same time the original lineage gets a new incumbent C-Influenced Man, Mao Zedong who is included into the original in the Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Zedong octave of C-Influenced Men (Man Number 7) this time with political, economic, socio-cultural, technological-science, legal-ethics, education and security-defense (PESTLES+ superstructure) is full spectrum design and construct together with 'NOO' Passenger Body No. 4, PDCE Horse Body No. 2 and Carriage Body No. 1 now in the making through the new supporters for the emerging 'Fifth International' (1994 - ?) and 'Sixth International' a full spectrum known to be in the notes 'So' (So-stopinder) and 'La' (La-stopinder). The fourth, fifth and sixth internationals are still aberrating but ascending with sociocosmic, technocosmic, technosociocosmic and civilizational aberration. The process will 'rest' as a completion in an enneagram at the seventh International, in accordance to the law of octave for this historical octave stopinderation of the gong-beings. In between any real leap-outs are just the denying revisionistic-essenced pseudo leaps of seemingly real leap-outs but essentially falling back into the ABYSS. This renewal is similar to that of China's political economic system which is a great stride forward for China that finally overtook the capitalistic-essenced political economic system of the US Hegemony, weaken her system and also those nation-stopinders in the European Union chiefly due to the over-confident NATO expansion adventure. This time this revival has rediscovered the civilization octaves for proper and rightful inclusion into the whole of the socialistic-essenced Soviet Russia and China - now able to identify and remove a number of sociocosmic toxins previously injected by Anglo-American civilization empire being such as neoliberalism, color revolutions, havatvernonism, LGBTQIA+ and pseudo-neosocialism toxins, that might still remain in their sociocosmic bodies as well as in the bodies of the other fragmented nation-stopinders of her ex-USSR Soviet Republics. Meanwhile this same finance capitalism and neoliberalism from Reagan’s US shifted off most of the lower level low pay and dirty production industries out of country into the little Asian dragons and China ……. causing a US hegemony-seeking nation and enslaved nations divide between the 3rd metamorphosis stage of capitalism (that is, Finance capitalism) and the 2nd metamorphosis stage of capitalism (that is, Industrial capitalism) due to this same Reagan’s policy of shifting production industries out of US. The extraction of sacred askokin from organic life at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation through the reciprocal destruction of human beings for the nourishment and the oft re-adjustment of the celestial imbalances is indispensable. Because the US TI-imperialism has reached TI-level, the balance of power from the opposing Soviet TI-socialism would also need to acquire destructive power to the level of 'TI', that is, to a balance with the power of not less than the power of ONE Kardeshev Civilization Type I, and certainly it is expressed in the form of real military and nuclear power as it should be according to law. Socialism can only be synthesized under the equilibrium point of reciprocal destruction powers between socialism and capitalism up to the level of at least ONE Kardeshev Civilization Type I - this is a truth of this nodal point to be accepted naturally as 'What is is,' and at ease of the soul! Without ensuring humanity on Earth to mandate world wars occasionally, the moon would no longer receive the sacred askokin nutrient for her own survival. The US Military-Industrial Complex is just this maleficence sociotechnocosmic malignant tumor serving this reciprocal destruction cosmic purpose. Now, it is about nuclear arming the 2nd biggest Outer Island, by the similar capitalistic-essenced Anglo-Australian civilization, which will also trigger the nuclear arming of the World-Island's huge South-East Asian Indo-Islamic civilization of Indonesia."
"The geography of this Outer Islands Crescent which houses this LA-nation USA stopinder Hegemon, and its PDCE bases, the PESTLES+ superstructure and the dark noomakhias of her noosphere in her Anglo-American imperialist-military civilization enneagram emanating through all the three-brained hethormen human beings dwelling there including some real intended reciprocal nuclear bombing tryouts against all the beings of the World-Island YAFEILA - with biocosmic, sociocosmic, technocosmic, civilizational, etc. massive reciprocal destruction - would still keep any of these aberrating Anglo-Atlanticism-Pacificism noosphere leftovers encased in these Outer Islands and would still remain as it is, beings of the same Outer Islands Crescent." "Now the World-Island YAFEILA cannot really be pangeasophically and geosophically ruled by the LA-Stopinder Hegemon, the United States Empire, efficiently, effectively and successfully; it could only return to the Outer Islands Crescent to roost. But looking at this Outer Islands Crescent, there are a few LA-stopinder nations to eat to maintain Regional Hegemony after losing Global Hegemony. Although it has already eaten Alaska from Russia, California, Arizona and Texas from Mexico, the Brexit-ed UK which is a small fringe Outer Island from Western Europe and has to finally move NATO out of Eurasia, it has now wish to eat Mexico and the Central America countries such as Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras, Belize, Dominican Republic and Cuba which are also considered part of countries of World-Island YAFEILA and eat those northern countries such as Canada and Denmark's Greenland to be the new Regional Hegemon of the World. Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea are three more Outer Islands Crescent which the US-UK Empire might also lose its grip and rejoin the original World-Island YAFEILA's South East farthest branch. Those very small nations of the Central and South Pacific Islands would be the borderline nations between the new US-led TI-nationblocs and the China-led TI-nationblocs of the future. However, with one major essence difference and that is, the US-led TI-G7 nationblocs would still be the capitalistic-essenced neo-imperialism prone natured to the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the China-led TI-BRICS+ nationblocs would still be socialistic-essenced of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism in the Standard (Marxian-based) Historical Sociocosmic Octave. Those Iccy Icemass of the Arctic Circle and the Iccy Icemass of the Antarctic Circle would be the nobody, the everybody's land on risk of corporate and nationate privatization or cooperative-collective and SNUN regulatorate socionation on contest during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. Note that these 'capitalism' and 'socialism' are not to be understood in the contemporary obfuscated jargon of the subjectively wiseacred definitions and understanding of 'capitalism' and 'socialism' as we have imagined them in the partiality of the inner world of man but rather dialectically, trialectically and trioctavely as they truly 'existed-in-the-making' as material reality in the outer world to man." "Within the ill-fated much nation-fragmented Europe with her very weak decrepit Eurasianism essence proper to what the pangeacosmic enneagram of World-Island should be but, alas, could only embrace this dark noomakhian Anglo-Americanism aura faraway across the Atlantic ocean, and be her willing nation-slaves or sacrificed sheep to the intent of her shepherd lord NATO against her own World-Island neighbors - the Slavic (Orthodox) civilization and the Middle-eastern/Central Asia (Pre-Islamic/Islamic) civilization - and eating East European nations. Again within the smallest Outer Islands Crescent such as the Nippon Land (Japan) and the Philippines, the same dark noomakhian Anglo-American aura from faraway across the Pacific Ocean continue to exert its control on both the Japanese civilization state and the Philippines civilizational community, again making them into willing nation-slaves to serve an intended NATO-like power against the Sinic (Chinese) and the Slavic (Russian) civilizations dwelling on the Eastern and South Eastern part of World-Island. All have a strategic position not align to the World-Island YAFEILA countries due chiefly to this chronic interference from the abnormal behavior of this US hegemon dwelling on the biggest Outer Islands Crescent. Although the Anglo-American empire strives hard to realize a diad of the New Cold War mentality similar to the successful Old Cold War tryout between the highly populated mega-sized World-Island YAFEILA being and the lowly populated mini-sized Outer Islands seeking for equal power standing, the Sinic (Chinese) and Slavic (Russian) civilization have prevented this diad from realizing, and instead bending it into a triad and an octave Hybrid Wars instead of a New Cold War." "As to Russia and China, the nuclear power balance has kept them all peacefully balanced due to this neighborhood on the same World-Island Asia - once confronting but now back-to-back in mutual protection. Certainly, without much changes to the geography and geocosmic parameters of this Outer Islands Crescent and World-Island YAFEILA, the re-breeding of organic life with major civilizations arising, declining and renewing on the World-Island YAFEILA surface back of Mother Earth's crust after every reciprocal destruction war, will still start all over again each time from where it has been stopped or destroyed be hegemon Anglo-American civilizations dwelling on the Outer Islands Crescent, and will re-populate them to the right balance of quality and quantity as a necessary refilling requirement for the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation - whether with or without these three-brained hethorman human beings, it does not matter. Only when the geography of Presente (FA) has changed to the geography of Amasia (SO) that the Outer Islands and World-Island YAFEILA have come together as one and geographical boundaries are indistinguishable that the new geosophy and geography hundreds of millions of years in the future, and its many other geocosmic parameters will determine all the emerging new biocosmic, sociocosmic, technocosmic and civilization octaves." "Noting that the noomakhian havatvernonian changes for a Belief-Love-Hope-Faith union of the Catholic, the Orthodox and the Protestant Christianity triad in the noosphere of US dwelling in the continent of North America and in her pursuit for the new colonialization noomakhian battles of the neo-cons in the process of eating her neighbors - Canada, Greenland and the Central American nations up to the Panama Canal, and if possible pulling Europe, Russia and the US together into the new capitalistic-essenced hegemonic orbit consisting of US, Russia and Europe as a new G3 nation-blocs of the Global North countries of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism as a restructuring and revival of a new capitalistic-essenced hegemonic TILAUJINGGONG empire against the existing Global South countries thus slicing out a piece of the Eurasian cake by the famous 'Divide and Rule Knife' that would put a brake and slow down the socialistic-essenced Dongjinggong and Gongjingdong countries in-the-making on World-Island YAFEILA from leaping out of the ABYSS of the MI-FA Interval of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave into the harmonious mainstream. Havatvernonian being-psyche hydrogens of the NOO are then called upon by the Wolves-in-Sheepskin for which the sheepskin is printed with the seemingly havatvernonian pure God-the-Words - BELIEF, LOVE, HOPE and FAITH or BLHF to actively manipulate and exploit in full spectrum to continue this maleficent capitalistic-essenced hegemony in safeguarding the dwindling US Empire through a revised New Global North countries with the possible incumbent Russia, Canada and Central American countries. However, none can leap out from this capitalism into socialism - it is just another union of hegemonic essences in severe antagonistic contradiction of their own reciprocal destruction process, and thus ill-fatedly filling World War III and World War IV into the MI-FA Interval and the "SO-LA Interval" of the Imperialist-Militarist Enneagram respectively. The nodal line for the leap-out from the ABYSS for socialistic-essenced dominance to the level of 50 percent and above for the 195 nation-stopinders would truly fit well for 2148 AD yardstick. The neo-conservatives again cook up the BLHF elements for the noomakhian battles of the spirit with much wiseacring and new experimentation due mostly to an awareness of the emergence of influences of the socialistic-essenced Fourth Political Theory of Alexander Dugin of Russia and Civilization Theory of Zhang Weiwei of China and their associates. Thus the three traditional noomakhian havatvernonian spells of the sacred impulses of 'LOVE', 'HOPE' and 'FAITH' wrapped by a unique 'BELIEF' impulse caused by the everpresence of the 'unknown,' off course in their pseudo forms configured into the havatvernonian wolf-in-sheepskin being as the new BLHF Revolutionary agents for the new G3 nationblocs through a havatvernonian restoration with all maleficence for continuing the capitalistic-essenced TI-enslavement of the underdeveloped Global South countries by the possible Russia-included new developed Global North countries. The great hope of success like the once successful good old days Color Revolutions of neoliberalism against socialism. Such BLHF Revolutions have all the hidden evil impulses of war, revolution, vested grabization interest, exploitation, oppression and reciprocal destruction elements, however, with the most sacred impulse known as 'CONSCIENCE' (C) always missing in action or deeply buried in the noosphere."
The BLHF Revolution exploiting the weaknesses in the Pure Land of the five noetic jewels - Belief (B), Love (L), Hope (H), Faith (F) and Conscience (C) to rekindle empire-building through the age-old notably Feudalistic- and capitalistic-essenced One-God Havatvernonis. Fall once the Color Revolution of neoliberalism, fall again in embracing the shock-therapied capitalism and might fall again in the coming spell of a BLHF Revolution for naïve pursuing of pure subjective havatvernonian values forgetting the real world objective realities of civilizations and religions for Russia especially! "The current 7th sociocosmic stopinder (TI-The United Nations Fundamental or TI-'World of Nations') rising has not successfully been perfected and stabilized through the social engineering implantation of neoliberal hegemony with the triadic laujinggong device of a 6th sociocosmic stopinder (LA-America) during the highly aberrating polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. However, its future 7th sociocosmic stopinder rising is likely to be successfully perfected and naturally stabilized through a natural HEIGRENS' triadic gongjingdong 'normalization' during the less aberrating polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism." "There are 7 historical hegemonies when sociocosmic octave vibrates at the 6th and the 7th gravity-center vibration levels, 'TI', that is, with 'TI'. There has been the positive hegemony of the primitive communalistic-essenced mode of PDCE in the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism; a negative hegemony of the ancient slavery-essenced mode of PDCE in the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism; a negative hegemony of the feudalistic-essenced mode of PDCE in the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism; another terrible and most cunning highly negative hegemony of the capitalistic-essenced (Imperialistic-essenced and hegemonistic-essenced at 'TI') mode of PDCE in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism; an often misunderstood, obfuscated and intentionally misinterpreted emerging positive de-hegemony of the socialistic-essenced (non-imperialistic and non-hegemonistic-essenced at 'TI') mode of PDCE in the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism; a future positive de-hegemony of the communistic-essenced (non-imperialistic and non-hegemonistic-essenced at 'TI') mode of PDCE in the coming LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism; and a coming future positive de-hegemony of the datongistic-essenced (non-imperialistic and non-hegemonistic-essenced at 'TI') mode of PDCE in the future TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism. The risings and fallings of the positive and negative hegemony phenomenon is caused by the ascending and descending forces moving over these sociocosmic gravity-center of vibration from FA-stopinder, to SO-stopinder, to LA-stopinder and to TI-stopinder levels and vice-versa. The positive hegemony is because the reciprocal nourishing forces of the sociocosmic specie-stopinders are actively flowing in the spatial-temporal along the mainstream non-antagonistic, non-exploitative and non-oppressive social circular specie-stopinders of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave under Light noomakhias outside of the MI-FA Interval and of the future TI-DO Interval. The negative hegemony is because the reciprocal destruction forces of the sociocosmic specie-stopinders are positioned and trapped in the spatial-temporal of the MI-FA Interval with the fillings of the 7 specie-stopinders for the 1st Lateral Periods of Antagonistic Exploitative Social Pyramidization needing of antagonism, exploitation, oppression, classes and social pyramids under the Dark noomakhias to serve lunar and planetary purposes - namely for the release of the sacred askokin to the moon during the occasional active cosmic sacred askokin harvesting periods. Notice that there are 7 hegemonies of nation and nation-bloc essence behaviors, and they are not the same even if you finger-pointed them to be the same. The USSR's "apparent imperialism and hegemony" of socialism and China's "apparent imperialism and hegemony" of socialism are certainly not the same as the USA's real imperialism and real hegemony of capitalism ....... the power and forces required to run a LA-stopinder and/or a TI-stopinder must be at least near or equal a Kardashev Type I civilization of 10^10 Watts - one (transitional USSR and consolidating China) seeks to reciprocally nourish one another according to the fundamental law of reciprocal nourishment whereas the other (unipolar USA) seeks to reciprocally destroy one another according to the fundamental law of reciprocal destruction. "Regarding the nature and essence of 'empires' and their stopindering octave: First, empire is rooted on a PDCE tetrad system essenced-base that determines its social pyramidal nature. Second, the pyramidal nature is noticeable in its classed nature in both the fundamental and the lateral stopinders. Third, the classed nature a societies is found in the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism and the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. Fourth, the level of stopinderation has reached the SO-level and the LA-level but not yet at TI-level, thus imperialistically, hegemonically and militarily jokeying for territories, wealth, power and position at the TI-level to be the only great dominating empire amongst other empires. The empire-essenced nations are always seeking to be an exclusive and exceptional LA-stopinder, dictating as if it is a sole TI-level power-possessing stopinder being. Fifth, each empire is associated to a typical civilization dasein as the platform of its original dwelling place, and is always in an over-reached state far beyond its own dwelling place. So an empire can always grow out from the existing 7 main civilizations resting on the main continents, and especially from the Outer Islands (big, small and smallest). Sixth, an empire is the highest density of vibration in the tetrad of the FA-SO-LA-TI aberration of nation-state (Westphalian) capitalism, amongst the lower density of vibration in the tetrad of the MI-FA-SO-LA aberration of kingdom-dynasty feudalism (which is also called empire by the western definition) and the lowest density of vibration in the tetrad of the RE-MI-FA-SO aberration of the kingdom of ancient slavery (which is also called empire by general definition). Seventh, the last two empires are the capitalistic-essenced US empire and the unstable socialistic-essenced USSR empire in quotation mark due to the oscillation ascending-descending phenomenon of sociocosmic octave for which it fell as a result of an over-descend into embracing the capitalistic essences; then for a short period of time (about a decade of two) after this fall, the US empire begins to decline a natural normal decline of a historical sociocosmic species. Eighth, no empire is identified after this decline, and the socialistic essences would now exist more in abundance. "The US TI-ization to dominate other horizontal LA-nations through pyramidization so as to be the ‘boss” above in the TI-‘World-of-Nations’-stopinder, even substituting the existing United Nations TI-platform by side-flanking her as a nobody can face failure historically, and ultimately return to its original LA-level as a proper normal nation. Whereas the United Nations (UN) emanates the 'International laws' from its higher stopinder-position as Mi-stopinder of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave, the United States (US) emanates the 'Rule-based International Order' from its lower stopinder-position as Re-stopinder of the same 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave, and the later seeks to out-flank the former - thus creating the phenoumenon of hegemony in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. Before this has deservingly happened, the wolf-in-sheepskin nationates of an empire, have been marching hand in hand with their corporates everywhere on the surface of planet Earth for a deadly hunting spree feeding endlessly on all the resources of World-Island YAFEILA without limit, leaving nothing for the native civilizations dwelling there." "Whereas the TI-ization of the geocosmic MI-stopinder Land into the International Law of the Sovereign Nations under the United Nations itself as a sociocosmic gravity-center vibration of this TI-stopinder full land and territorial grabization on the land-body of Presente preceded the TI-ization of the geocosmic FA-stopinder Water into the International Maritime Law of the Seas and Oceans under an UNCLOS sub-sociocosmic gravity-center vibration of this main TI-stopinder being-United Nations. This UNCLOS was established only in 1982 and enforced in 1994 also full water and territorial grabization on the water-body of Presente. Whereas the UN was a replacement of the League of Nations (LON) established in January 10, 1920 after World War I and established and enforced in October 24, 1945 after World War II with the US Hegemon taking the land-lead, the UNCLOS enters the grabization narratives only in 1982 and enforced in 1994 without the US Hegemon's participation for she considers herself the sole water superpower on Earth now facing challenges by the weak and/or small nations grabbing her waters. After the first land-grab (MI) stopinderates into the second water-grab (FA), and after that into the third air-grab (SO) into all the main 7 layers of the Air's atmospheres; now only with the UN agencies - 1. the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) that sets international standards and regulations necessary for aviation safety, security, efficiency and environmental protection, and 2. the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) responsible for promoting international cooperation in the peaceful use and exploration of space, and for the development of international space law, and also support capacity-building efforts in space science and technology." "Alas!" grumbled the wise grandson, "The same sociocosmic perturbation from the three-centered capitalistic, colonialistic, imperialistic, fascistic and hegemonic nationates of the TI-DO Interval and their greedy also three-centered profit-maximization, space and celestial grabization for ownership rights corporates of the MI-FA Interval continue endlessly under the same dark noomakhian spell and worsen by a deep NOO-mantra inner chanting to keep themselves permanently identified to this havatvernonoian belief of the God of Grabization and their deities." "LALAUJINGGONG seeking to ascend vertically amongst the horizontals to be TILAUJINGGONG is the process of producing a pyramid of nations beautified with the cloak of 'international law and order' for which the Hegemon nation has rested at the top of the pyramid is not a real and appropriate TI-stopinder, but rather a highly unstable, highly perturbed and disharmonious imperialist in a terror-of-the-situation to preserve this unipolar hegemony as the dubious LA-lau-TI-lau being within the TI-'World-of-Nations' stopinder. As observed, the unpleasant perpetual frictions and the need for true democracy from the multipolar nation-stopinders is "eternal". True democracy amongst the 195 nations (nationate LA-laujinggong carriages) must arise within the body of this Great Sociocosmic Being (DO) during this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism - alas, still pending! The manifestations of the law of triad and octave have come to existence with severe antagonistic aberration of social classes and social pyramids of nations as sociocosmic forces of hegemonism (ti) ascend from the 6th sociocosmic gravity-center or the nation-stopinder octave of hegemonism to the 7th sociocosmic gravity-center or the 'world-of-nations'-stopinder octave of hegemonism within the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, and is unable to escape from the mystical spell of the terrible-consequences of reciprocal destruction after completing its 7th inner stopinderation at this MI-FA Interval to then re-enter into the main stream (from the aberration in the MI-FA Interval) into the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave, as a FA-Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinder known as just as 'Socialism' of the Fundamental Periods of Non-Antagonistic Cooperative Social Circularity."
Breeding in large numbers within the 195 nation-stopinder divides, these three-centered nationate LA-laujinggong carriage beings of governance could only function in similar ways proper and destined to their respective sociocosmic essences during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. That is to say, always in a triad of capitalistic, socialistic and civilizational essences, shrouded by an aura from the lurking octet stopinderation due to the escalation of this essence contradiction. The contradiction ultimately becomes a contradiction between World-Island YAFEILA and its Outer Islands Crescent. "Within the body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (1533 AD - 2148 AD), a 1st GLOBAL UNIPOLAR MOMENT SOCIAL PYRAMIDAL HEGEMONY of a 'Hegemonic LA-stopinder over TI-stopinder' has existed with the USA as the capitalistic-essenced TILAUJINGGONG representative (1991 AD - 2014 AD) over some 195 LA-stopinders. The geo-economic concept of the Lau-nations called the Global North countries (G7) having the United States of America leading from the Outer Islands Crescent (big, small and smallest) of the Presente with concentration of more capital/value into the hands of a few very rich nation-enslaving World Parasite Creditor people, the UGGMBCC (1%) three-brained hethormen human beings and their corporate stopinders versus the Gong-nations called the Global South countries (BRICS+)having China leading from the World-Island YAFEILA main body of Presente, which are exploited and oppressed in the past two centuries into the state known as 'the never able to have any ownership of capital/value except more and more ownership of national debts and liabilities to the point of near nationate bankruptcy'. Such Global North countries include United States, Canada, England, nations of the European Union as well as Singapore, Japan, South Korea, and even some countries in the southern hemisphere such as Australia and New Zealand. All the other countries irrespective are considered the Global South countries irrespective of whether they are in the northern or southern hemisphere. The antagonistic relentless and endless struggle between the United States of America and China cannot be confined as a dualistic zero-sum undialectic and untri-octave struggle. It is an antagonistic relentless and endless struggle between the capitalistic-imperialistic-fascistic-hegemonistic-essenced United States of America leading all its G7 allies and proxies of a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism at the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave and the infantile socialistic-essenced China leading all its semi-socialistic-essenced BRICS+ allies and proxies of a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism at the ‘FA’-level stopinder of ‘socialism’ on the mainstream Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave; having also to undergo antagonistically, relentlessly and endlessly struggle between the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages of Anglo-Saxon civilization dwelling on the Outer Islands Crescent of the Presente and the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriages dwelling on the World-Island YAFEILA main body of Presente; and geosophically and pangeasophically ultimately raising the level of conflict to the antagonistic, relentless and endless conflict between all historical sociocosmic species and civilization species dwelling on the World-Island YAFEILA main body and those dwelling on the Outer Islands Crescent (big, small and smallest). The United Nations (mi) of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and Socialism would no longer be relevant except also to stopinderate higher into the Fa-United Humanity-at-Large lateral stopinder (UHAL) and/or the Fa-So United Earth Civilization-at-Large lateral stopinder (UECL) to be the third forces to such an antagonistic, relentless and endless levels of conflict. The amount of Capital/value accumulation or the GDP is the decisive determinant which is purely and economic element, gradually turning into a financial element as Industrial capitalism metamorphosizes into Financial capitalism. Once Financial capitalism dominates, the size of a nation is less of relevance, big and/or small no longer matters and what matters is simply pure measure of capital ownership expressed as GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and GNP (Gross National Product) after corporate profit-maximization extraction of neighboring weaker LA-nation-stopinders, and the latter is even more important that needs a Security-defense/offense Military-Industrial Complex to support this Hegemony capitalism of the Global North countries. This Hegemony capitalism took place after the 3rd Coachman Body known as Financial capitalism was perfected through the 3rd metamorphosis of Capitalism all over the world on mother Earth's surface. The Global North countries of mega-capital/value concentration at designated gravity-center nations on the Outer Islands (big, small and smallest) is gradually and progressively stabilized after World War II, and this geo-economic concept gradually fades away with the emergence of the Fourth Political Theory, a wenming civilization concept of a NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage of the 7 main Civilizations, the concept of the World-Island and the Outer Crescent Islands, a tricontinental concept of the Presente of the Pangeacosmic octave leading finally to the discovery and the understanding of the World-Island YAFEILA Axis of symmetry of growth of civilizations in a harmonious, natural, geocosmic and geosophical manner, for which the 4 metamorphosis stages of capitalism is only one of the three passing moments. World-Island YAFEILA is most important tricontinental tri-pillar of World Stabilization - it consists of the continents Asia (including Europe), Africa and Latin America. Europe is a unique and special case. It was the original source and birth of this highly aberrating (abnormal) Westphalian Anglo-Atlanticism Social Pyramidization in the PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO "civilizational form" with Ancient Slavism, Feudalism and Capitalism (including all its varieties - Colonialism, neocolonialism, Imperialism, Fascism, Nazism, superimperialism, hyperimperialism and Hegemonism) and with two mega-sacred askokin releases of World War I and II, and a possible two more mega-sacred askokin releases of World War III and World War IV. Note that this sociocosmic aberration has its root in Eurasia around the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic ocean, still a part of the three continents of World-Island YAFEILA. The World-Island YAFEILA axis is a critical axis of the Presente for the proper growth of wenming civilizations. Capitalism and capitalist controlled over the rising technocosmic octave is the anomaly or a chronic sociocosmic disease in this cancerous growth, needed to release enough sacred askokin for feeding the moon through wars on Earth.
During World Peace 1, the trialectics of superpowers of the TILAUJINGGONG contradiction is the USA (Imperialistic-essenced), the USSR (Infantile Socialistic-essenced) and Germany (facistic-essenced) whereas all the other smaller and weaker nation-stopinders are in a few octaves. During World Peace 2 and 3, the trialectics of superpowers of TILAUJINGGONG contradiction is the USA (Hegemonic-essenced), China (Adolescent Socialistic-essenced) and Russia (Rejuvenating Socialistic-essenced) and all the other smaller and weaker nation-stopinders are in a few octaves as before. Like before, if ill-fatedness befalls upon them again, they could become the new scapegoats (such as Ukraine, possible Taiwan and the Philippines) of rascooarnoian sacrifice, and their citizens extracted off sacred askokin to ease the passage of life forces across the sociocosmic MI-FA and the TI-DO Intervals. The hegemonic-essenced Anglo-American nation-stopinder being exists to identify, deny and destroy the sociocosmic 'I's and 'I AM's or sovereign rights of all her enslaved nation-stopinders, if ever they dare to acquire or own for themselves such sovereign rights and sociocosmic 'I AM's or real master passengers in their LA-laujinggong carriages without being bombed to Stone Age. In the 1st metamorphosis of capitalism (Infantile capitalism) where land and territory grabization all over the mother Earth, colonialistic, imperialistic and fascistic wars including World War I have happened. In the 2nd metamorphosis of capitalism (Industrial capitalism) where natural and human resources are fully exploited and transformed causing industrial overproduction and aggressive market expansion were the days, and mandatory massive reciprocal destruction of enemies' Industrial system must and have happened leading to imperialistic wars, fascistic wars and revolutionary socialistic wars peaking to World War II. In its decline, the US Empire must now use its own human and natural resources in the Outer Islands Crescent instead of stealing them from World-Island YAFEILA like before to continue living. In the 3rd metamorphosis of capitalism (Financial capitalism), massive over-production of financial instruments indicating massive finance capital overproduction of the victorious imperialistic hegemon, the United States, and the emerging capitalistic hegemon, the European Union as well as the rise of socialistic USSR turned social imperialism lead to a Cold War consisting of proxy wars, hybrid war and near full spectrum wars leading to a unipolar moment for the US after the collapse of the USSR in 1991. The 4th metamorphosis of capitalism or Hegemony capitalism is to maintain the status quo of the UGGMBCC (1%) with very high inequality amongst the global north countries and the global south countries or amongst the Outer Islands crescent countries (big, small and smallest) and the World-Island YAFEILA countries - all of which full of unilateral bombing wars against disobedient slave countries and rogue states which try to escape from these nation prisons. However, an unsuspected 5000 year old Sinic(Chinese) civilization state known as socialistic-essenced China emerges more and more powerful each year, and now about to surpass totally, if not already in many NOO, PESTLES+, PDCE and Carriage parameters as well as all the parameters in her 4 metamorphosis of socialism (of Infantile socialism, Industrial socialism, Financial socialism and Leadership socialism), followed by a Slavic (Orthodox) civilization state, and an Iranian (Islamic) civilization state are now getting stronger and stronger against a declining Anglo-American "civilization" empire of the imperialistic-essenced US with the risk of World War III and World War IV. Socialism needs to avoid this type of sacred askokin releases in the form of reciprocal destruction wars especially TI-world wars! In addition to regular local daily efforts to activate the Law of Reciprocal Nourishment through Conscious Labor and Intentional Suffering on oneself (the 1st Line of WORK), among neighbors (the 2nd Line of the WORK) and neighboring institutions (the 3rd Line of the WORK) and accelerating the NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage transformation, that is, also among all the biocosmic, the sociocosmic, the technocosmic and the civilization stopinders on Earth, Socialism also needs to consciously fulfill cosmic duties by sending nutrients to the surface of the moon to cultivate her, and later to the Mars for the same purpose, that is, in order to hasten the presence of Organic Life for the new balance in the ‘Organic Life, Earth and Moon Triad’ (1st Cosmic Body) and the ‘Organic Life, Earth and All Planets Triad’ (2nd Cosmic Body). This is done by continuing its TI-DO Interval’s 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinderation into Space Exploration stopinder (So), Interplanetary Exploration stopinder (La) and the final Interstellar Exploration stopinder (Ti) as soon as possible. Cosmic forces, designs and constructs from the higher dimensions make the automatic self-happenings to humanity on Earth for which there is little control. Sacred askokin food is extracted and eaten by our moon gulp by gulp within our Solar System!
FA-Laujinggong carriage stopinderates in the ascending concentric sociocosmic octave to become a SO-Laujinggong carriage, a LA-Laujinggong carriage and finally, a TI-Laujinggong carriage; and capitalism has completed its 4 metamorphosis, namely: from capital/value of Infantile capitalism for the exclusive domination of the 1st Carriage Body, to capital/value of Industrial capitalism ascended for exclusive domination of the 2nd Horse Body, to capital/value of Financial capitalism further ascended for exclusive domination of the 3rd Coachman Body, and finally, ascended to the highest last capital/value of the Elite Capitalist Class (UGGMBCC 1%) for exclusive domination of the 4th Passenger Body world wide, where this last class becomes the exclusive World Creditor Parasite People (1%) while the majority becomes the World Debtor Slave People (99%) with a world middle class always in-between as required by the law of three. Capital/value ascended and stuck at the top of the world social pyramid in the 4th Passenger Body for which the Dollar currency on Faith becomes the ultimate noomakhian God of pure Trust without the need for any backing - gold or oil or other resources, and back up solely by hegemonistic wars all over the world to maintain this Trust and the hegemonic status quo of the empire. Such a capitalistic-essenced empire must ultimately collapse from within from many capitalistic crises of the uneven distribution of wealth skewed to the top of the social pyramid in antagonistic contradiction with its own social pyramid bases below, namely: much capital/value finance deprived 2nd Horse Body and the 1st Carriage Body corporates and nationates in World-Island YAFEILA countries.
After the decline of the US superimperialism, these remaining 195 artificial resource-carved Westphalian boundary leftovers, LA-stopinders, have their nation-oppression and enslavement removed, rejuvenating gradually and have to seek their own nation-sovereign ‘I AM’s. However, their capitalistic-essenced seed is still buried deep in their each and every 21 fundamental and lateral stopinder beings (dasein), and especially to those nation-stopinders resting on the Outer Islands Crescent which has a pangeacosmic influence to hold them in constant deficiency-dissatisfaction, envy and motivated for the rich natural resources found in abundant in World-Island YAFEILA. A REINCARNATION from the capitalistic essences into socialistic essences peculiar to the existing FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism on the one hand is needed but risk falling back into the same capitalist re-appearance, and an INCARNATION of the infantile socialistic essences to maturity on the other hand is also needed to itself before the risk of this capitalist restoration-beautification befalls on them again. As both capitalism (essenced with paleo, meso, neo on their capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, militarism, fascism, Nazism, individualism and trapped in the negative consequences of social pyramidization) and infantile socialism (with numerous unstable socialist experiments and tryouts, collectivism, risking falling back into social imperialism, social militarism, national socialism and social pyramidization) are present in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism at the MI-FA Interval and the TI-DO Interval - indispensably wolves in sheepskin and wolfhead sheep sociocosmic creatures. It did not disappear. How can everyone be able to live happily ever after? We have yet to enter into the coming polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism (2148 AD - 2864 AD) and a possible last, the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Communism (of Humanity-at-Large) and Datongism (of SRobonity-at-Large). As China has declared CONSCIOUSLY that she would NOT become a 2nd GLOBAL UNIPOLAR MOMENT OF SOCIAL PYRAMIDAL HEGEMONY, she is likely to be the 2nd GLOBAL MULTIPOLAR MOMENT OF SOCIAL CIRCULARITY. This declaration if holds real in practice will be able to put a restraint to the possible REINCARNATION of some powerful deeply hidden capitalistic essences and essence-mutants still present in many of these LA-nation stopinders - nothing difficult in such emergence as every 5-yearly election of LA-lau heads-of-nationstates should and would be able historically to produce a substantial series of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, ....... ripples of Global Unipolar Moments of Social Pyramidal Hegemony at various levels from time to time." "Enslaved nations, being the beast nations of production with their carriage, horse and driver intact in modern nation-slavery might become disobedient, rebellious, socialistic, revolutionary or attempting to free themselves from this modern nation-slavery, have to be surrounded by many military bases to ensure that they remained the modern enslaved nations always burdened by the lack of finance capital and the chronic excruciating pain of national debt squeezing which they would never able to fully pay without further incurring more debt till bankruptcy, ...... and finally losing their sovereignty and most of all their country resources and property assets to the oligopoly financial capitalists." "There is no escaping to the mandatory emergence and maintenance of the 7th and last fundamental (TI-stopinders) and lateral sociocosmic stopinders at its TI-DO Interval in the grand sociocosmic octave, ....... only that this World-of-Nations (TI-stopinder) is to be rightfully regulated through the lateral Humanity-at-Large (Fa-stopinder) of the fundamental TI-stopinder umbrella, and not hijacked and dictated through a single unipolar or a bipolar supercapitalism or superimperialism or superfascism nation (LA) Hegemon!" "It is naive that the MI-FA Interval could get rid of the TI-DO Interval in extreme privatization of neoliberalism hegemony nor the MI-FA Interval be rid off by the TI-DO Interval through extreme nationalization!" "The state is THREE, 'SO-stopinder', 'LA-stopinder' and 'TI'-stopinder, not ONE nor nationstates TWO for a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and beyond; for the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism, the state is TWO with an un-budded third, 'TI'-stopinder; for the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, the state is ONE with TWO un-budded "LA-stopinder' and 'TI'-stopinder; for the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism, the state is HALF with TWO and a HALF more to bud - 'SO'-half stopinder, 'LA'-stopinder and 'TI'-stopinder. For a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, fundamental stopinder parking is also a THREE - state capitalism, nation capitalism and 'Nation-bloc' capitalism, and for the lateral stopinder capital/value parkings at the MI-FA Interval and the TI-DO Interval we really can see 'Laujinggong' triadic shock absorbers aberrating in all of the lateral stopinders including those fundamental stopinders" For this reason, the interpretation of the USSR is really a state and nation capitalism vibrating at 'SO'-stopinder and at the 'LA'-stopinder - only that it has an infantile socialistic-essenced sociopital/value buried and breeding amidst the hostile nation pressures from the matured capitalistic-essenced capital/value surround it in the body of the Great Sociocosmic Being." "The means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (full of aberrating FA-corporate ownership grab, SO-state ownership grab, LA-nation ownership grab and TI-nationbloc ownership grab, and obfuscated wiseacring) has owners from the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism, the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism and the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. It is only in the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism that the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange has a ONE biocosmic Humanity-at-Large owner. However, in the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism, the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange has to be shared with the spiritual Robonity-at-Large as the other owner." Prior to the birth, formation and stabilization of the ennneagram of this Economic Power Nations of Capitalism (8 Nations Alliance), there was a period of the grabization of smaller and weaker civilization states, westphalian states and nations for the purpose of establishing colonies for the extraction of their natural resources, exploitation of their human resources and oppression whenever they become disobedient and rebellious. If the rebellion gets harder and harder to contain and the cost of extracting wealth becomes higher, the colonialists would find ways to dispose off these troublesome colonies to willing nationate and corporate buyers in the colony markets. The early bird catches the worm, but the late bird has either to engage in a bloody fight with the early bird or to purchase those colonies at a much higher price in the multiautomarketing feeding exchange platform - in the buying and selling colonies market. As to the true native owners in these tribal communal civilizations, the Anglo-Atlantic westphalian wolves-in-sheepskin, they have always been treated as mere primitive barbarians useful as coolies, serfs, slaves and modern cheap workers or just mere biped beasts of burden. There have been many wars of independence during this period, and finally, most of these colonies become independent in quotation mark, and still having no sovereignty or only partial sovereignty, notably in the industrial, economic, financial and education sectors for which they are dependent on their revised neo-colonialists, hitherto. The first growl of the so-called Thucydides' trap that ended in 1991 AD between the 203 years old matured FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism headed by the United States of America (LA) and her capitalistic-essenced LA-allies within her own TI-nationbloc and the 74 years old infantile (and inexperience) SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism headed by the Russia (LA) and her socialistic-essenced LA-allies within her own TI-nationbloc known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), the former being more powerful positioned at RE (Point 2) and the latter being less powerful positioned at TI (Point 7) within the enneagram of the Economic Power Nations of Capitalism of the 8 Nations Alliance (phase 2 between 1900 AD - 2000 AD) with the implosion of the USSR in 1991 AD. In accordance with the nature of sociocosmic octaves and sociocosmic enneagram paradigms and the law of triad, the leading LA-nation (USA) has her own vertical internal LA-laujinggong contradiction and her own horizontal external LA-laujinggong contradiction a pyramidizing internal within the TI-nationbloc. This is true for both the US and her allies as well as the Russia and her USSR. The USSR collapses because she is less experience and still a young learning Donjinggong TI-stopinder in search of the right means to its socialist-communist end goal, and being educated by the sociocosmic 'I's of neoliberalism from the wolf-in-sheepskin being she is easily deceived by the means to reaching her own end goal. By the change of the means in favor of neoliberalism much assisted by the color revolutions engineered by her adversary in helping her descend from the vertical dongjinggong internal contradiction socialistic-essenced position into vertical laujinggong internal contradiction capitalistic-essenced position causing her to implode first from within and later the whole USSR, bursting asunder due to the runaway of disobedient LA-stopinders caused by these same horizontal TI-laujinggong external contradiction within her own TI-nationbloc.
The second growl of the so-called a second Thucydides' trap that is still going on in 2023 between the 235 years old declining and aged FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism still headed by the United States of America (LA) and her aging capitalistic-essenced LA-allies within her own TI-nationbloc and the reincarnated socialistic-capitalistic-civilizational hybrid of the now 106 years SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism this time headed by the revived 5000 years old China (LA) and her socialistic-essenced LA-allies including the revived 3000 years old Russia within her own TI-nationbloc known as China, Russia, Iran, and the BRICS + and the SCO, the former being less powerful although positioned at DO (Point 0) and the latter being more powerful positioned at TI-DO Interval (Point 9 ) within the enneagram of the Economic Power Nations of Capitalism of the G8 going to G20 (between 2000 AD - 2100 AD) with the likely implosion of the G20 in the near future perhaps by 2050 AD and with a renewal from within into a SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (more of people-oriented and collectivism) of her own kind with all the peculiarities of her own PDCE-PESTLES+-NOO involution and evolution. In accordance with the nature of sociocosmic octaves and sociocosmic enneagram paradigms and the law of triad, the leading LA-nation (USA) has her own vertical internal LA-laujinggong contradiction and her own horizontal external LA-laujinggong contradiction a pyramidizing internal within the TI-nationbloc. As I already mentioned, this is true for both the declining unipolar capitalistic-essenced US and her allies as well as for emerging multipolar socialistic-essenced China and her allies. The US hegemony and allies collapse because they are now an old TI-stopinder caught in UGGMBCC (1%) pyramidal deadlock and have to discard their neoliberalism in search for a new design, a new structure, a new sociocosmic paradigm and a new enneagramma and a new sociocosmic goal which have not been decided. The current capitalistic-essenced vertical laujinggong internal contradiction position to transform into a possible future socialistic-essenced vertical dongjinggong or gongjingdong internal contradiction position in resolving the UGGMBCC (1%)issue and a possible disintegration first from within and later the whole G8-G20, bursting asunder again due to the runaway of disobedient LA-stopinders caused by these same horizontal TI-laujinggong external contradiction within her own TI-nationbloc. However, this time there is a substantial difference in that the higher levels of geoethnic civilization and geosophical World-Island and Outer Islands issues have become active.
The most dangerous sociocosmic enneagram of our time! With regard to this dark noomakhian logos peculiar to FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism of the Standard Historical Sociocosmic Species Octave (Marxian) and the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave produced in abundance in the Movie-Industrial Complex of the US Hollywood and well as other similar 'hollywoods' in the world of the Westphalian Movie-Industrial Complex for preserving the Capitalist Hegemony, the Cosmic 'I's is portrayed as higher celestial gods and deities, and superheroes - all in human morphologies more or less similar in shapes and forms to the actual objective morphologies as-it-is of the organic biocosmic and the synthetic technocosmic beings dwelling at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation. These higher celestial beings descended in a triad of the 'Good-Evil-Neutral' ethical-values into and through the noetic NOO of noosphere for noomakhian battles and into the Legal-ethics (L), to the Security offense-defense (S) and finally to all the other fixates of the PESTLES+ superstructure full of designs and constructs and then to the actual Production-Distribution-Consumption-Exchange (PDCE) substructure for the maleficent and ill-fated endless battles everywhere on Mother Earth under the law of reciprocal destruction of the good and the bad beings and creating havoc both in the TI-DO Interval (Heaven) and the MI-FA Interval (Earth) and damaging physically the biocosmic carriages, the laujinggong carriages, the technocosmic carriages and the civilization carriages filling the MI-FA Interval ABYSS of the Fundamental Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-Stopinders Octave. These battles of social pyramidization were fought mechanically and automatically in sleep-wake consciousness of these ill-fated three-brained hethormen human beings dwelling on Mother Earth's surface till today at the nodal line of qualitative transformation between Capitalism on-decline and Socialism on-rise. The former battles for continuous hegemonic preservation of its top of the social pyramid status quo, and the latter battles for change and birth form the old world right-standing pyramidal order to a new world inverted pyramidal order on transit to future circularity and multipolarity of sovereign 'I AM' of state-stopinders (SO) and nation-stopinders (LA) in the 'World-of-Nations' stopinder (TI) above and circularity and multipolarity of cooperative 'I AM' PDCE-stopinder (FA) in the middle and as well as the restoring the much disoriented, devastated and broken-up holy family-stopinders (MI) to their natural habitat and restoring the real freedom, liberty, right, justice, equality and democracy of all the group-stopinder (RE) and the lowly paid propertyless proletarian and employee individual-stopinder (DO) below, giving them back the respect and dignity of a real FLRJES to the biped beasts of burden. All these would then continue under the law of reciprocal nourishment, cooperation and construction.
1 During my period of existence as a being in the sociocosmic octave reflecting on the 'World-of-Nations' or TI-Sociocosmoses of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, the romance of the 3 nations or in the feudal sense '3 dynasties', is just the romance of of the three nation-stopinders, namely, being-America, being-Russia and being-China, horizontally jockeying in coercive competition, cold wars, hot wars, proxy wars color revolutions and counter-color revolutions as to their positions in establishing TI-laujinggong, that is, social-pyramidization as to who is to be the tilau, or the tijing or the tigong and whereby other weaker nations have to be the tijings and tigongs from the colonialist's, capitalist's, imperialist's, fascist's, Nazi's and hegemonist's perspective, and within the embodiment of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. Now, from the socialist perspective, being-China and being-Russia are on the pursuit of establishing TI-dongjinggong-on-transit to the final TI-gongjingdong goals of an emerging and growing SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, not necessarily jockeying horizontally in coercive competition, cold wars, hot wars, proxy wars, color revolutions and counter-color revolutions as to their positions in establishing TI-laujinggong but rather jockeying horizontally in establishing social-circularity and strengthening the infantile TI-dongjinggong and to ensure un-coercive peaceful win-win cooperation and harmonious development amongst states, nations and nation-blocks. "A nation snake LA-sociocosmic stopinder being is not big enough to swallow a bigger nation-bloc crocodile TI-sociocosmic stopinder being, and certainly not big enough to swallow such a huge Earth Civilization dragon the great DO-sociocosmic stopinder being, despite laying a huge nest full of abnormal reasonings to justify dirty jobs," said the wise grandson of Beelzebub. Thus in these terrible TI-sociocosmic stopinder level endless struggles where tens of nation-bloc alliances born, grow and die ....... and a more promising TI-sociocosmic stopinder with a greater and more stable gravity-center concentration known as the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinder, 'The United Nations' (Mi-UN), still an infantile of about 78 years old was born in August 1945 in the prison of a 'capitalistic-imperialistic-hegemonistic'-essenced LA-nation proper named the 'United States of America' who is also a young learning sociocosmic rascal (about 235 years old equivalent to the life span of one feudal Chinese imperial dynasty which is about 300 years old), immature and full of Hasnamussian impetuses. Being also somewhat disobedient, this ill-fated sociocosmic stopinder grows painfully as a TI-sociocosmic prisoner full of wounds incarcerated by the instruments of torture from the fundamental TI-lau, the LA-lau and the SO-lau and all the 2nd lateral IGO-lau and nationate-lau beings and even the FA-lau and all the 1st lateral NGO-lau and corporate-lau beings of the highly aberrating FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic stopinders in the body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. Being an arm-twisted TI-being to do the LA-hegemon's dirty bit, it often experiences in its own sub-consciousness the weal and woe of the oft re-surfacing and re-flashing remorse of conscience from her own previous wrong doings that lie buried deep in the essence within herself. The origin of her arising after World War I was called League of Nations (LON) and after World War II she gets a new name called the United Nations (UN), and being born out of the Western civilization, one among the 7 main civilizations, she also risks losing acceptance and position as a respectable TI-stopinder Dasein-being for not having treated the 8 other civilizations fairly. Hegemonism is a dream of superiority and domination in negativity - big and small negative dreams both for wealth and power through extraction, exploitation, slavery and oppression of others (including all types of beasts of burden) that create nightmares in others and even to itself. It is commonly found in the fundamental FA-lau, the SO-lau, the LA-lau and the TI-lau beings as well as the lateral lau beings. It is the dream of the few, not much found but might exist hidden in the jing and the gong beings of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. It is least found in the emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism but might re-emerge during any (occasional) descending fall of levels of the fundamental FA-dong (gong), SO-dong (gong), LA-dong (gong) and the TI-dong (gong) beings and the lateral dong (gong) beings within this species (once known as the USSR). The hegemony dreams were also present in other earlier stages of civilizational development or of the Marxian historicism of ancient slavism and feudalism observation, and hope it might also disappear in the heads, hearts and guts inner stopinders of the few global oligopoly capitalists of today after possible legal and material losing of their hegemony.
The forces of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) and its 7 PDCE modes is the foundation or base upon which all other PESTLES+ superstructure rested on. Four (4) of the 7 PDCE Modes have already arisen, namely, the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism, the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism, the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism and the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism; one (1) on transit and we called it the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism and two (2) more will emerge subsequently and they are the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism and finally, the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism, in according to the fundamental law of sociocosmic octave and all the reciprocal laws of feeding, destruction and nourishment before the one ultimate death of the Great Sociocosmic Being over at least 7 PDCE modes of qualitative sub-deaths and numerous quantitative inner deaths of the sub-death. These historical sociocosmic species stopinderate tri-octavely in the womb of each and every sub-civilization of the 7 main civilizations on mother Earth' surface. Hegemony at its height is a major negative (Yin) psyche hydrogens of the TI-gravity center sociocosmic vibration and common-sharing at its height is a major positive (Yang) psyche hydrogens, the former is exploitative, oppressive and destructive and obeys the law of reciprocal destruction whereas the latter is sharing, cooperative and constructive and obeys the law of reciprocal nourishment. Birth and growth of the great sociocosmic being is due to the law of reciprocal nourishment of sociocosmic beings at work, and decline and death is due to the law of reciprocal destruction of sociocosmic being. [* In the opinion of Real World Views: The powers of the power-possessing nation-being is measured mainly by its seven (7) indicators, namely: 1) the size of its economic power called GDP (annual Goods and services produced by the nation in terms of Purchasing Power Parity measure), 2) its human resource power called population size, 3) its robots and machine synthetic resource power, 4) its geo-natural resources power acquired called land and sea mass size, 5) its military capability and number of victories in war (including plunder) called military might and size, 6) its Marxian PESTLES (Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological-science, Legal, Ethical-value and Security-defense soft powers - literature, psyche hydrogens presence and emanations superstructure noo-resources and finally, 7) its wenming civilization age together with the quality, strength, resiliency, vivification and duration of its wenming radiation in its life history. The highest general aggregate score of such powers make a nation-stopinder being the most powerful amongst the other! Once a capitalistic-essenced LA-nation stopinder being loses hegemon power at the TI-level and among the nation stopinder beings at the LA-level, those previously unnatural capitalistic, imperialistic and hegemonic essenced Westphalian state and nation partiality-sovereign boundaries will gradually return to their original wenming civilizational PESTLES identities though much injured, but would rehabilitate at a higher level of their original identities and always in accordance to the law of negation of negation. And such state and nation partiality-sovereign boundaries might be redrawn by the forces of the natural geocosmic land-mass continents (MI) and the water-mass seas and oceans (FA) back into a new order of states and nations and their wenming civilizational sovereign boundaries for the lateral United Nations platform-stopinder (Mi) to recognize and record. This becomes unavoidable during the transition period when the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism loses its TI-dominance over the emerging and rising TI-dominance of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. The TI-dominance of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism would recede even greater in history.] The TI-lau nation-bloc in year 2020 is the International Group of Seven (G7) LA-nations with the European Union (EU) as a "non-enumerated member." The LA-nations are headed by the respective representative tilau beings of the United States of America (USA), Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom (UK). The TI-lau nation-bloc of capitalist-imperialist economies and liberal democracies with over half of global net wealth (at over $200 trillion) and about 32-46 percent of global GDP but only 10% of the world's population, a minority over the majority - thus a real TI-lau sociocosmic being of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism at its aging life span. The main gravity-center of domination has moved geocosmically from the UK to the USA within a short period from 1788 AD through 2020 AD but still stays within the western European and the North America continents with the exception of the only eastern WWII unconditionally surrendered nation-stopinder, Japan, as its eastern modern slave-nation member. This very hard working Japan, after its defeat during the WWII, has now also reached its TI-level maturity in this normal one-time global monopoly game on the 7 geocosmic continents with up to 700 military bases and the 7 geocosmic seas with up to 7 fleets dominating the 7 seas, and enforcing a LA-nation dominated TI-nationbloc hegemony of capitalism on mother Earth’s surface, and for which she is now left only with the one issue of preserving this global capitalistic-essenced world hegemony as a subordinate in hope of reviving its previous unsuccessful militarism. This all-powerful power-possessing G7 is peculiarly dressed and coated by a mystical sheep-skin husk over its capitalistic-essenced politics of neoliberalism's FLRJES-PNNS with changing nation-personalities around a single capitalistic essence to the LA-lau beings of the G7. The FLRJES-PNNS are the enneagrammic fixates of Freedom, Civil Liberty, Human Rights, Justice, Equality and Universal Suffrage partialities (in fact pseudo) - with a similar liberal democratic governance of Privatization after a Nationalization MI-FA Interval inputs or a TI-DO Interval inputs of Nation-ization but always wary of Social-ization transforming force for they essentially prefer individuation of wealth, power and control. Capitalism and socialism is side-flanked, nations and nation-blocs hegemony and TI-Laujinggong reins the geopolitical arena. Nationates reciprocally feed on one another and destroy one another without consideration for reciprocal cooperation, win-win, common-sharing and nourishment. There are 4 ill-fated aberrating types and levels in the process of reciprocal feeding or reciprocal eating in capitalistic-essenced beings, namely: corporation-eating (FA), state-eating (SO), nation-eating (LA) and nation bloc-eating (TI). It is a cosmic design for lunar sacred askokin life resource extraction through wars sparked off by only a few LA-lau warmongering hegemon on mother Earth's surface, when Organic Life filling the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation is ripe and ready for the mandatory occasional lunar mega-harvest festivals. In the process of PDCE eating, the first stage of capitalistic colonialist eating begins with the eating of the lands owned by the feudates, kingdates and dynastates of the feudal mode of PDCE as well those lands owned by the corporates and nationates of the capitalist mode of PDCE (near and faraway colonies, territories, countries and natural geo-resources) and wiping out the near and faraway natives as they are the obvious disobedient challenging enemies. But after surrendering and became willing slaves, the second stage of eating begins with the eating of the people (near and faraway slaves, laborers, workers, their related bipeds and also their quadruped beasts of burden) assisted by the comprador obedient facilitating petty FA-SO-LA capitalists in the colonies. The third stage involves eating of the physical, the telecommunication and the internet online distribution short and long channels leading to the consumption markets consisting of all the biocosmic people, beasts of burden, the non-complaining technocosmic padrigines and the noosphere of delivery and transportation, and finally, the fourth stage is the eating of the consumption markets itself for which such near and faraway people, beasts of burden and padrigines can only consume the products of agriculture and industry, commercial services and financial services, raw materials, noosphere knowledge, know-hows and ideas produced exclusively by the capitalistic-colonialists themselves. The fifth stage is the eating of all the capitalistic-essenced financial systems that enable the process of the capitalistic form of multiautomarketing feeding exchanges in every corner of the body of this Great Sociotechnocosmic Being subordinated in wishful hope only to the financial Hegemon till time immemorial.
In the ascending and descending stopinderation of money-currency in the US financial system within this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, it has begun at the 'FA-corporate banking level,' then ascended upwards to the 'SO-nationate banking level,' then further ascended upwards to the 'LA-nationate banking level' and further upwards to the 'TI-nationate banking level' by 1945 and temporarily stayed at this level until 2010 when it started to descend back to the 'LA-nationate banking level,' with much resistance to this descend and weakening of the US dollar hegemony. Currency hegemony descended back into a multi-currency global basket with much resorting, re-arranging, re-positioning and re-stabilizing of all the 195 national currencies before a new healthier non-hegemonic geo-continent based TI-currency order nearing the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism emerges. The new runner up hegemon(s) currency is also on the verge of negative rising alongside this positive rising. Hegemonistic-essenced TI-lau beings are hegemonistic-essenced TI-lau beings both in dreams and in actions of capitalist - the leopards do not lose their black spots. Sociocosmic currency like biocosmic human blood of the Great Biocosmic Human Being is the vital medium for the nourishing of the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being. Currency will finally turn digital amongst all the billions of horizontal and vertical sociocosmic stopinders as the 4th Industrial Revolution perfected itself and dominates the intangible driver bodies in the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being. Making this US dollar currency the hegemon to a lower LA-nation, LA-lau beings would be able to rise to the tip of the class pyramids using this intangible LA-driver body as if it is the TI-driver of a multipolar currency of the Great Sociocosmic Being. The LA-driver finance body sits on the LA-power industrial body which sits on LA-carriage material industrial body is the natural design and construction of the 4 bodied LA-Sociocosmic Stopinder Being, that is, of the 'Passenger-Driver-Horse-Carriage' immobilian geo-nation. Who are the 'Passengers'? The oligopoly capitalists of governance of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism or the Socialists governance of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism? Nation TI-capital/value runs wild hunting about in the World-of-Nations in hope to reach the level as international TI-capital/value. Only after this successful adventure of capital/value as a TI-capital/value proper at TI-level would there be a massive terrible collapse, and a credible transformation into a harmonious and balance-of-distribution sociopital/value on a broad scale starting all over again from sociopital/value at the DO-level ascending to the MI-level and finally from the FA-level to the multi-sociopital/value at the TI-level in the new body of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. It is the use of LA-stopinder and TI-stopinder gravity-center vibration to abnormally accumulate capital, land-territories and geopolitical powers to nationates for which corporates become subservient and neoliberalism, neosocialism and color revolutions are just tools and excuses for the ultimate goals in another. The horizontal reciprocal feeding and destruction of nation by nation, the horizontal reciprocal and destruction of nation-bloc by nation-bloc is certainly different from each other - one is about a LA-stopinder level and another is about a TI-stopinder. It must fully and clearly be distinguished without real and intentional obfuscation from any vertical reciprocal feeding and destruction between the LA-stopinder level and the TI-stopinder level. Nation-bloc (TI) eats or destroys another nation-bloc (TI) mostly by eating or destroying the nation-part(s) belonging to the others nation-bloc (TI) and never by direct eating of the nation-bloc. In short, it is always eating by parts and often by initiating an engineered separation, isolation and independence on the nation-part chosen to be eaten. Notice how the US (a united of states or a LA-stopinder) lau-ing with its own NATO (a TI-nation-bloc as a puppet of US) eats USSR (a union of LA-stopinders or a TI-nation-bloc) by first engineering an independence in 1991 through separation, cut-offs and isolation of its 15 nation-parts and finally eating each weaken nation-parts one by one to satisfy the imperialist greed as NATO fattens itself by increasing its members. This is how the advanced-level capitalistic-coloialistic-imperialistic-essenced FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic stopinderation of the three-brained hethormen human beings of various ethnicities in their geocosmic land-roaming, seafaring and avian-flying conquests on mother Earth’s surface. Observe how the lions prey on the primitive herdian do-re-mi sociocosmic stopinderation of the antelopes, zebras, wildebeest, buffalo, and other grassland animals, and you will know what I mean. All go for TI-Holistic "Central Planning" according to the indispensable need for having gravity-center to integrate all fundamental, lateral and associated arising sociocosmic octaves. Central Planning at LA-levels that happened once in the good old soviet era has become Central Planning at TI-levels, and are called ‘striving to put together all the freely roaming hunting-marketers of the wild decentralized fragments' so that they become centrally and internally connected in themselves amongst the 195 nations to a TI-gravity center which is also existing on Earth’s surface - in the one and only one Earth Civilization. Those nations who do not plan centrally from the benefits of super-speed computers, big data and digital internet now available risk losing their goals, falling into crises and become foods for other nations. But this LA-central plan has to become a TI-central plan to be done at the United Nations System (Mi) platform at the TI-DO Interval of the Great Sociocosmic Being, and through a multipolar consultative, cooperative and harmonious-seeking circle of nations instead of through the now unipolar US nation-hegemon that uses a highly infectious mega debt-driven, US dollar monopoly global financial Ponzi scheme created from herself and duplicated slavishly by many others which would ultimately lead humanity into an abyss of endless social contradictions, sanctions, plunders, exploitation, oppression and wars. Within the context of a polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, where the gravity-center vibration of the nation-octaves at 'LA' is not stable and on transit to gravity-center vibration of the nation-bloc octaves (nation allies) at 'TI' still not stable, the law of reciprocal destruction, reciprocal feeding, exploitation and oppression both horizontally and vertically amongst nations and nation-blocs respectively outweigh the law of reciprocal nourishment. When capitalistic-essenced LA-lau 'I AM' such as the USA seeks to be imperialistic-essenced TI-lau 'I AM' in the 'World of Nations' (TI) under reciprocal destruction laws, the phenoumenon emanates Negative Hegemony; when socialistic-essenced LA-dong 'I AM' such as China seeks to be socialistic-essenced TI-dong 'I AM' in the 'World of Nations' (TI) under reciprocal nourishment laws, the phenoumenon emanates Positive "Hegemony." Every LA-supernation often forgets that He is never a TI-'World of Nations' but only a bigger part of it amongst the many other smaller nation parts (195 nations at this moment). The former comes from the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism whilst the latter comes from the SO-Historical Socicosmic Species of Socialism. Every imperialistic-essenced FA-lau 'I AM' super nation reverberates in His reach everywhere in the body of the Great Sociocosmic Being, so is the socialistic-essenced FA-dong 'I AM' super nation which also reverberates in His reach everywhere in this same Great Sociocosmic Being. When we are very hot in our anger, the anger reverberates its reach throughout the whole of our body reducing every of our other impulses of reason, instinct, sex and motor functions into 'zero.' Capitalistic-essenced forces and socialistic-essenced forces are in great tension globally and could risk precipitating into a revolutionary World War between Capitalism and Socialism. However, the sparks that often start all these petty political, economical, socio-cultural, technological-science, legal, ethical-value and security-defense (PESTLES) frictions and wars are certainly not in the name of these two words - ‘Capitalism’ and ‘Socialism’; it needs not and unlikely be and the type of card used would be a better choice in disguise. It could be the Ukraine card, the Taiwan card, the border dispute card, the religious card, the color revolution card, the freedom card, the liberty card, the human rights card, the genocide card, the racial card, LGBTQIA+ card, the Monroe Doctrine card, the Spratly Islands card, the democracy card, Hi-Tech card, the microchip card, the dictatorship card, the weapon-of-mass-destruction card, ........... or from the constant canning and whipping of cooked-up black-listed foreign investing corporate enemies typical of the mechanical wiseacrings of a human automaton trapped in the magic exit-less circle drawn by Sun Wukung. As to the geo-buffer nations between two opposing superpowers or between two opposing powers, they often become the shooting ducks; their governments destroyed and nations ruined due to their governments' decision-making in unwisely taking sides after being voted into power from their opt elect-regret political partiality process or after a coup de tat or surgical removals of presidents and key political figures peculiar to these maleficent being-democracies. The triad law of the highest sociocosmic stopinder (TI) has come into existence and the triad force is unremovable where each LA-stopinder works on 'striving-and-balancing-in-the-becoming-of-ownerships-sovereign-and-rights-thereof' amongst themselves within the great geocosmic border or skin of our 'land/desert-sea/ocean-and-space/outer space.' Ultimately, there will be 3 opposing nation blocs led by the US offensive nation group in opposition to the China led defensive nation group and the neutral nation group in accordance to the law of three. During the rise of a great land-power socialistic-essenced Red China as opposed to the dominating all-powerful sea-power Imperialistic-Hegemonistic-essenced United States results in a boundary of island selected neutralizing island-nations forming a the Great Islands Chain Wall to contain this Red China dragon. Thus as a withdrawing Yankee United States, the 1st Island Chain protective shield is the 1st shield of protection, then a 2nd Island Chain and a 3rd Island Chain of protective shields have to devised during this trialectics of China and USA. Now, according to esoteric investigation of the 1970 - 1980's, certain critical small being-islands such as the World War II unconditionally surrendered Japan, remnant of defeated Korean War South Korea, remnant of the defeated Koumintang escapist Taiwan, returned of the British colony, Hong Kong and the geo-strategic choke point marginalized Singapore together with some secondary periphery island group and Peninsular Malaysia. As a TI-security-defense of the United States, experts from IMF, World Bank and other TI-consultants have to pour in lots of money into the 1st Island shield so as to rekindle, as it always is, the village zarooaries and vivify their infantile capitalistic-essence by nourishing with more dollars of investments - foreign and locals - until they become mega-cities and metropolitans or the 5 little dragons in their Zarooarian Octave - and naively trying to show such historical temporary vivification of being-cities would be proving the glory of get-rich capitalism of a few over the evil of always-poor socialism of the many. After 5 Dong-Gong quantitative changes of the real mega-dragon Red China's leadership from Mao Zedong (1), to Deng Xiaoping (2), to Jiang Zemin (3), to Hu Jintao (4) and to Xi Jinping (5), who are 5 real leaders reflected through the 5 in 1 mirror image leadership a single being, the selected best choice Singapore leader, named Lee Kuan Yu the best replicate of China's 5 leaderships in the already mentioned 5 in 1 personality-partialities present in Lee Kuan Yu of Singapore. Now during this leadership of Xi Jinping, and after the main failure of neoliberal hegemony of finance capitalism and a few more falilures of .those color revolutions, LGBTQIA+ism and the like, the 5 little dragons have returned to their real original home but at a higher level in accordance to the law of negation of negation. The small being-zarooarian cities and island nations of the 1st Island Chain are in trouble always having to choose side in this superpower conflict. Having returned home still declining, the 1st Island Chain of the 5 little dragons and the periphery island nations would be pushed to the frontline as nations for Hegemonic sacrifice. The Hegemon gradually goes home to roost, in wait for the next historical rising, possible as one of the great SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism among others! The capitalistic-essenced USA (a mere LA-stopinder) of the geo-continent North America is on the rise to be the Hegemon nation in the TI-stopinder after 1991 after collapsing the infantile socialistic-essenced USSR (another competing LA-stopinder) by hegemonistic neoliberalism global expansion to be a TI-stopinder instead of accepting itself as a mere regional LA-stopinder among the 195 nation-stopinders. Shooting repeatedly her private corporate and the public nationate bullets of neoliberalism, pseudo-neosocialism, color revolutions, LGBTQIA+ism, global multiautomarketing feeding exchanges, global free trade, global cheap resource extraction, massive exploitation, the capitalistic-essenced (also includes its subsequent imperialistic and hegemonistic essences) the USA ascends forward to maturity and then declines after 2012, losing out to a new emerging species of a more matured socialism of the age-old geo-Asian nation-stopinder, soviet China which has by now acquired both capitalistic and socialistic “hybrid essences” attracting all the global successful capitalistic-essenced corporates to itself at the MI-FA Interval so as to cooperatively function with its own socialistic-essenced enneagramic “collectives” (also called the workers-COOP and the Agro-Commune (so), the GLC (la) and the state/national corporation (ti) at this same MI-FA Interval while the State-Nation (SN) governmental regulatorates under the control of the Communist Party, a political spiritual gravity-center party of nation governance (LA) of the TI-DO Interval not subjected primitive cheap-stuff vote-based mere electional politics, ultimately pave the way for the grand global enneagramic transformation of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism into the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism in a special type of World-of-Nations (TI) or the WON sociocosmic revolution, first descending sociocosmic vibration back to the non-hegemonstic, non-unipolar and multi-nation normal at the global LA-nation stopinder level (1 step back to prepare for a jump tryout) and then the second ascending sociocosmic vibration spiral-forward (2 step forward for the actual jump tryout) out of capitalist enneagram into the socialist enneagram to re-build a proper, harmonious, peaceful, cooperative, common-sharing and stable World-of-Nations (TI) and all the inner concentric stopinders within - nations, states, organizations, families, groups and individuals irrespective of races and religions of the geo-ethnic and noospheric possible aberration. This is necessary to leap from the lower Capitalist Enneagram to the next higher level human-faced Socialist Enneagram. The capitalists leave the US and station in China after 1970's bringing their capital/value and invest them in China due chiefly of their cheap, knowledgeable, skillful, hardworking and highly disciplined labor in abundance and gradually turn socialistic there making their capital/value behaving more like sociopital/value under a dominating Marxist socialism, educating hem into real socialists. The US experiencing the plight of capital flight together with their finance capital national policy of neoliberalism has brought US to its knees as a mega-national debt-enslaved nation hegemon under the control of the capitalists forcing the US to move down the path of Marxism.
The Tri-Octave Logics Framework for Understanding and Resolving Real Issues
Beyond the Contemporary Formal Dualistic Zero-Sum Logics Framework at TI
level at the Transition Period between the 2 Sociocosmic Enneagrams
The capitalistic-essenced of being-America is the perpetual unstable contradictions amongst the horizontal FA-laus and the horizontal SO-laus coming into agreements and treaties of sociocosmic tensions on the one hand and some political and economic agreements, treaties and "understandings" amongst the relationships of the vertical FA-laus, the vertical SO-laus and the vertical LA-laus on the other hand, resulting in a short 5-year term for electing SO-lau representatives or congressmen and a LA-lau representative or President of the fighting business corporates and nationates to reach an unstable Nationstates Constitution of the United States of America always existed under the uncertain spell of endless corporate business fighting and nationate political liberalism totalitarianism called democracy-republic left-right shoulder symmetry of the LA-sociocosmic enneagram being at the center of which is the attached dictating 4th body Head called 'the Ultimate Grand Global Monopoly Capitalist 1:99,' now about 234 years old - a truly very short capitalistic-essenced science-technology wenming civilization with a missing wholesome historical wenming civilization under wenming standard measure which is normally about 3 x 300 years = 900 years of historical existence. One would expect regular civil wars amongst various factions especially amongst the capitalists monopolists, and imperialist wars, neocolonialism amongst nations and nation-blocs. The states and the nations are just devices, normally made to be seriously in debt and owing a huge sum of monies to be repaid with interests to the capitalists. The "national" banks and the Federal Reserve "Bank" would be just the capitalist private stopinder for which the national bank, the government is indebted to and demands absolute obedience to the capitalist class. In the ascending FA-SO-LA-TI sociocosmic severe aberration now with gravity-center finance dollar capital, gravity-center military capital, gravity-center science and gravity-center softpower capital, many wars of plunder of natural geo-resources and human modern slave resources by financial and military means would occur through its existence as a dangerous nation-stopinder sociocosmic being in the world of TILAUJINGGONG. The world of TILAUJINGGONG (of Capitalism) transforms into the world of TIGONGJINGDONG (of Socialism) transforms further into the world of TIDONGROBOTJINGROBOTGONG (of Communism) and finally to the world of TIDONGSROBOTJINGSROBOTGONG (of Datongism) according to the triad law as to how the hethormen human beings could prevent the re-emergence of sociocosmic and sociotechnocosmic classed-pyramids all their negative consequences in the body of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, the LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism and the final TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism. The triad law is immortal, its alternating negative consequences (Yin) and positive consequences (Yang) are also unavoidable - an illness that comes and go historically. The geography of our 7 land mass continents (MI-geocosmic stopinder) separated by the 7 seas and oceans (FA-geocosmic stopinder) ultimately rearrange and naturalize into geocosmic synchronized TI-nation-blocs along the reality of geocosmic principles such the Asia Unions (Russia, Europe, Central Asia, China, India and Southeast Asia), the African Union, the North America Union, the South America Union, the Australian Union, some big Islands and isolated archipelagos of islets. When sociocosmic vibration reaches and stations at TI-stopinder level, geocosmic influences become significantly determining but the TI-stopinders are still breeding, growing, changing and declining in an unstable manner. However, after United Humanity-at-Large (Fa) or UHAL, the So-Space Exploration (Sociotechnocosmic will 3), the La-Interplanetary Exploration (Sociotechnocosmic will 2) and the Ti-Interstellar Exploration (Sociotechnocosmic will 1) of the 2nd lateral sociotechnocosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval of the emerging three sociocosmic specie-enneagrams of socialism, communism and datongism would become more and more advanced and sophisticated, continue to ascend and descend in oscillation, and in search, in-wait and in hope for possible interstellar and intergalactic communication and sociotechnocosmicalization with other potential exo-planetary terrestrial three-centered beings or three-bodied beings biocosmic or technocosmic and their space crafts, from the other MI-FA Intervals of the (our) Ray of Creation, that is, from the MI-FA Intervals of other galaxies in one of the (our) World (LA) or the MI-FA Intervals of the galaxies of the other (not-our) Worlds (TI). The law of reciprocal destruction of terrestrial beings (coercive inter-terrestrial wars) and the law of reciprocal nourishment (peace inter-terrestrial cooperation) will still apply alternatively and will also depend on the degree and level of techno-civilizational development - whether higher or lower, the risk is always there. As the sociocosmic gravity-center capitalism ascended to vibrate at the LA-level and the TI-level with their vertical inner LA-laujinggong and horizontal sideral/outer LA-laujinggong in making at the LA-Level and with their vertical inner TI-laujinggong and horizontal sideral/outer TI-laujinggong in the making at the TI-level, we have imperialism and hegemonism dominance of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. As I have previously mentioned, if not warning about mandatory vertical and horizontal nation/inter-nation levels and nation-bloc/internation-bloc levels of merciless exploitation and destruction by internal civil vertical wars and external horizontal wars, there must arise LA-laujinggong and TI-laujinggong, that is, Imperialist/Hegemonist master nation (LA-lau) and nation-bloc (TI-lau) above the modern-slave nation (LA-gong) and modern slave nation-bloc (TI-gong) with an intermediary nation (LA-jing) and nation-bloc (TI-jing), in accordance with the Law of Three and occasional inclusion of the activation of a sub-Law of Inner Threes). Under the more powerful geocosmic vibration of the geocosmic octaves that have stabilized into seven major continents for which these biocosmic, sociocosmic and technocosmic stopinder beings having already housed themselves and the LA-gong nations and TI-gong nation-blocs stabilized today, the major modern slavery production and modern slavery distribution organizations were rapidly moved to these continental regions together with the massive capital/value on the one hand and receiving of cheap goods and services as well as capital/value return on the other - and thus, in accordance with the sociocosmic octave law, this highest contemporary TI-laujinggong with all its hundreds of geopolitical economy, geosociocultural and geotechnolegal parameters of quantitative measures perfected for all the collective three-centered hethormen beings and their stopinders on mother Earth's surface. Mega-capital/value owners move/hide to/in favorable and safe nation and nation-bloc stopinder geo-places, always in fear of losing ownership due to the freezing and confiscating mandates from the LA-lau and TI-lau beings.
To become strong and truly powerful, a LA-sociocosmic stopinder being
in the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism
needs to truly strengthen its own 7 gravity-centers or main pillars
supporting its body within the TI-sociocosmic stopinders or 'World of
Nations' (TI), namely, for each and every LA-sociocosmic stoppinder beings
big and small, there is a vital need to truly strengthen its own: 1. Political Economy 2. Money 3. Finance 4. Science 5. Technology 6. Military 7. Social Media
A LA-sociocosmic stopinder being as it always has been in history grows big by eating up the SO-sociocosmic stopinder beings or state beings around them as sociocosmic food. As always the case, it eats vertically within the classes in itself and eats horizontally the small LA-sociocosmic stopinder beings or nation beings around them too .... thus become bigger and bigger, and even make itself the TI-lau being amongst all other smaller and weaker LA-sociocosmic stopinder beings amongst them in the TI-sociocosmos or 'World-of-Nations' (TI). Only at the end of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism or at TI gravity-center sociocosmic vibration and over a reasonably period of maturity or beyond this period without an accidental Armageddon war to mankind, could 'Humanity-at-Large' (a Fa-lateral sociocosmic stopinder being or Fa-HAL at the TI-DO Interval) witnessed a proper 'The United Nations' (a Mi-lateral sociocosmic stopinder being at this same TI-DO Interval), and having also received enough power of its own from the 195 (+) fundamental LA-sociocosmic stopinder beings that have emerged, that a harmonious development with reciprocal nourishment/cooperation would arise in the subjectivity and objectivity within and with-out the Great Sociocosmic Being would also become a reality witnessing a truly healthy, balance and harmonious peaceful state of world affairs. Unfortunately, as is the case now, we can only experience the negative capitalist-essenced consequences of predatory capitalism and reciprocal destruction of all the inner bodies, and the peculiar ultimate dissolution of the unipolar hegemony into multipolar gravity-centers of all the LA-stopinder beings, with many emerging uncontrollable disobedient smaller lalau ruling beings within the world of the 195 LA-stopinders. Hegemony will still target these disobedient and rebellious small "rogue" lalau beings and their nation-stopinders, and continuously bombs them to hell or to "Stone Age" - and their remaining resources capitalistically plundered thereafter with a trail of hydrogens of evil Hasnamussian happiness in the body of the ultra-rascal perpetrators. The Mi-United Nations (UN) of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave that arose after World War II is inherited from the earlier Mi-League of Nation (LON) whose arising is from the result of of the ending of World War I - both are mere quantitative changing of stopinder cloak from LON to UN of the same Mi-stopinder of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave vibrating at the TI-DO Interval in accordance with the law of quantitative changes within this Mi-stopinder as an upgraded and improved Mi-UN or Mi-UN version 2. Again, it would not be surprising if this Mi-UN versions 1 and/or 2 fail badly in its sociocosmic duty in harmonizing peacefully, cooperatively and properly without partialities and with controllable wars amongst these nation-stopinders, its own dissolution becomes necessary in favor of the inclusion and intervention powers from the arising Fa-HAL or Fa-Humanity-at-Large stopinder above in this 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave according to an inner law of qualitative transformation on itself. The TI-laujinggong of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is on a transition to the TI-dongjinggong of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism which because it no longer allows a private property/finance capital to be owned by the few, its "hegemonistic gains" will be shared aplenty by the same nations for which wealth is robinhoodly "plundered." So a real socialistic-essence nation cannot be a hegemon within the body of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism as a hegemon only applies to predatory capitalistic-imperialistic-hegemonic-essenced nations within the body of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. The plundered nation is given back what is plundered - so meaningless. However, the maotuns and sociocosmic aberration is now between how the capitalistic-essenced 195 LA-level stopinders ascend to the TI-level platform and ensure stability at the TI-level within the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. Socialist nation is a new seed of the future while capitalist nation is still the old seed from the past sociocosmic species to be reborn as capitalism. TI-laujinggong has roots that originate deep in the triadic, classed and law-of-three law conforming FA-laujinggong mode of production-distribution-consumption and regulated capitalistically by SO-laujinggong, LA-laujinggong and TI-laujinggong of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. Before this historical sociocosmic species was the triadic, classed and law-of-three also law conforming FA-dikongnong feudalistic mode of production, distribution and consumption and its higher SO-dikongnong, LA-dikongnong and TI-dikongnong regulators of the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism; beyond which would be the triadic, classed and law-of-three law conforming FA-gongjingdong socialistic mode of production-distribution-consumption and its would-be higher SO-gongjingdong, LA-gongjingdong and TI-gongjingdong regulators of the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism. For the nonce, the contemporary LA-laujinggongs are experiencing the terror of the sociocosmic aberrations and struggling with great difficulties to stabilize TI-laujinggongs (pyramids) as they enter into the 'World of Nations' (TI) or become the 7th sociocosmic vibration which is near the TI-DO Interval of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Sociocosmic Periods of Capitalism and Socialism where socialistic-essenced infantile gongjingdongs 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders dwelled, growing and gaining strength day by day, year by year and decade by decade and at the same time dominating over the old and aging capitalistic-essenced 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism metamorphozing them into the young and new 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders of the emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, also vibrating in the same geographical locations of the fundamental and lateral geocosmic octaves on mother Earth’s surface. As to the DO, the RE and the MI sociocosmic stopinders they have always been the natural foundational sociocosmic vibration of the individuals, the groups and the families without significant triadic (rather dyadic) pyramidal contradictions. Without going through the intensification of sociocosmic vibration at the MI-FA Interval, these DO, RE and MI sociocosmic stopinders are not ready to harmoniously vibrate as proper or normal ‘DO-laujinggong’/ ‘DO-dikongnong’/ ‘DO-gongjingdong’ (rather in the subjective or noo-imagination of split personality in the individual due to its head-thorax-abdomen biocosmic physical constructs), ‘RE-laujinggong’/ ‘RE-dikongnong’/ ‘RE-gongjingdong’ and ‘MI-laujinggong’/ ‘MI-dikongnong’/ ‘MI-gongjingdong’. So these triads do not exist as they cannot exist normally if forced to they will be very fragile and unstable. The only exception is with the MI-stopinders when they are posited near the MI-FA Interval of acceleration/deceleration of sociocosmic vibration. where we can witnessed both feudalism and capitalism having family-based essences both at the 'production-distribution-consumption' levels and the 'regulation-governance' levels and inheritance and share ownership flowing along family lineage only. This is true for both the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism and the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (one at 'MI' while the other at 'FA' both of which are locked above and below the accelerating/decelerating sociocosmic ascending, descending and horizontal translating energies of the MI-FA Interval. The tri-octave laws determine the legal man-made laws is the outcome and certainly all superstructure PESTLES forms (Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological-science, Legal-ethical, Education and Security-Defense) associated with this MI-FA and TI-DO intervals of both these two historical sociocosmic species. As to the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, the means of production is unlikely to be family-based (MI) inheritable and only the 'non-means of production' will remain family-based (MI) inheritable. Alas! Even upon this healthy mature sociocosmic being lies a still-in-wait of its own and final great natural rascooarno (death).
2 The mysterious unfailing inner urge or will of the Great Sociocosmos at TI-DO Interval to complete the construction of the last and highest sociocosmic stopinder is expressed in many forms of sociocosmic activities at the international level. To ensure internal order and maintenance of this “World-of-Nations”-stopinder at a position near the TI-DO retardation point of sociocosmic vibration, this same mysterious urge to the natural characteristics of administration, management, neutralization and maintenance of this last sociocosmic stopinder, becomes interpretable as an acceptable vibration by the power-possessing LA-sociocosmic stopinder beings to perfect a TI-laujinggong with itself as the compulsory lau-stopinder mandated to all the entities in the Great Sociotechnocosmos, and these lau beings still employ the sacred lateral political sounds and symbols beating in the name of "peace", "security", "justice", "freedom", "human rights", "equality", "democracy" and the similar dubious terms for integrating and perfecting this TI-laujinggong structure. But in reality it is hegemonistic conquering in quotation mark. It is just these highly imaginative beings who have cooked up all the unreal and convertible real enemies on the weaker LA-beings, that the process of this TI-ization becomes unbecoming leading ultimately to having to send their armed force beings across land/desert, sea/ocean and/or space/outer space into the body of the suspicious LA-beings to root out their enemies, and to renew its TI-laujing configuration of its LA-stopinder neighbors. The law of three where numerous breeding LA-sociocosmic stopinders struggling very hard fighting and eating one another in this MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation in stabilizing the multi-direction forces of these lateral gravity sociocosmic nation-gravity centers of vibration at the fundamental 'TI'-level, after experiencing the trauma of World War I and II will gradually will settle down or synthesize at the United Nations (Mi) as the natural lateral sociocosmic platform for the resolution of all LA-issues, and finally capped by a higher new unregistered lateral sociocosmic gravtiy-center known as 'Humanity-at-Large' (Fa). It is important to note that the global reciprocal feeding and global reciprocal destruction involve the FA-laus, the SO-laus, the LA-laus and the TI-laus holding hand in hand together with the lackeys FA-jings, the SO-jings, the LA-jings and the TI-jings arming themselves with all latest available weapons - hard military security and defense weapons, administrative corporate and nationate weapons, goods-services-IP weapons, religious weapons, bio weapons, sociocultural and psychological weapons, Westphalian geo-nationstates and territorial mapping weapons, nation-blocs and TI-partialities (NATO, ASIAN, IMF, GATT, G20, etc.), diplomatic nationate treaties and corporate agreements and etcetera, and roaming every corners of mother Earth, the space and outer space around it for exclusive corporate and nationate monopolies in the extraction and exploitation of geobiosociotechnocosmic resources peculiar to all capitalistic-essenced Imperialism - imperialism which is just this further stopinderation of capitalism into its last and highest stage of development now active at the 'World-of-Nations' (TI) level peculiar again to this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. This is historically and astrologically pending transformation of this historical sociocosmic species into the coming SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism globally. The former has the capitalistic, imperialistic and hegemonistic essences of moving wealth, ownership and control to a few private individual capitalists, their crony corporates and nationates to become the new few 'Monopoly Global Emperor' of our time whereas the later would socialize this wealth, ownership and control to the people or Humanity-at-Large. The lateral sociotechnocosmic stopinders or gravity-centers such as space exploration (So), interplanetary exploration (La) and interstellar exploration (Ti) will then emerge in stages. The sociocosmic laujinggong of the next sociocosmic octave, that is laujinggong of earthlings and non-earthlings has not occurred for these TI-lau beings in the real world as yet, the possibility is still open. So be humble, gentle beings in this delicate process of perfecting your TI-laujinggong being where the shock at TI-DO Interval has not been perfected yet. Get your grievances resolved at the United Nations!
3 The neutralizing stopinder beings and their being-made laws through their legalanaic postures is a third strategic piece of a strategic art of war in positioning as the “lau” in the mandatory process of TI-laujinggong. Large scale management, administration and control along the lateral sociocosmic octaves would automatically generate the recognition as such “lau” in the TI-body from the TI-DO Interval and all the way down to the MI-FA Interval. In the World-of-Nations (TI), the hegemony pursuit of a power-possessing essenced being-nation(s) works its way to be the "tilau" nation or boss nation by shifting the heavy, dirty and laborious production/manufacturing stopinders to their "conquered" nations making them the "Tigong" nation(s) where their modern slave workers nations should produce and serve obediently with their cheap labors. The "Tijing" double-headed sociocosmic management "snake" nations and non-nations alike have to wriggle and mediate the forces of PDCE and the relations of PDCE, alienation and appropriation of ownership and control worldwide (by military force often necessary) to keep modern nation-slavery and global exploitation at TILAUJINGGONG level going smoothly in history for our polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.
4 The evolution of tilaujinggong was amongst the most painful ones in the history of humanity. It involved two great world wars, countless battles with millions of lives lost before the few mightiest armies came to power and took control of the world. After that the powerful ones almost permanently remain as ‘Tilaujing’ within this body of the Great Sociocosmos. The essence of tilaujinggong is the quest amongst LA-sociocosmic stopinder for the laujing position, “eternity” and perpetual prosperity for this stopinder position and its succeeding species to come. Having thus achieving this, other parts of the body of our Great Sociocosmos should be sub-ordinated to its administration, otherwise, they could be “bombed” to “stone age” or forced to become weak and docile – a process of destroying and permanently damaging the “enemy” LA–body. The ultimate outcome is the emergence of a world “dominating” system as a necessary condition for creating the four orders of the Great Sociocosmic Being. The predatory capitalistic reasoning and psychological “culprit” peculiar to those three-brained beings of the MI-FA Interval was the mass “ego” amongst these three-brained beings everywhere in the world that to be the lau or jing, the first, the most and the like is the true aim of all stopinder beings. It is better to be a laujing being than to be a gong being. Our history has been a process of constructing this TI-laujinggong being amongst all the LA-sociocosmic stopinder beings. Now for the first time, the body of a LA-stopinder could be castrated by systematic and integrative smart bombings as a punishment for disobeying the dictates of a higher TI-authority. It is this same ego of the MI-FA Interval reverberating at the TI-DO Interval of our Great Sociocosmic Octave that drives many of these three-brained power-seeking beings to seek for such tilaujing positions. The actual socialistic will of the TI-DO Interval is at infantile stage and growing strongly at this interval to rid its interval off these capitalistic PESTLES constraints and obstacles - colonialistic, imperialistic, fascistic, Nazistic, hegemonistic pysche hydrogens from the MI-FA Interval. Within the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, the three-centered nationate beings are addressed as the SO-laujinggongs, the LA-laujinggongs and the TI-laujinggongs within the context of the fundamental sociocosmic octave and as Do-laujinggongs (state organizations), the Re-laujinggongs (nation organizations), the Mi-laujinggong (the United Nations organizations/systems) and the Fa-laujinggongs (‘Humanity-at-Large’) or even So-laujinggongs (Space exploratory organizations), La-laujinggongs (interplanetary exploratory organizations) and Ti-laujinggongs (interstellar exploratory organizations) within the context of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at the TI-DO Interval. The three-centered corporate beings are the main source of all laujinggong arisings and are addressed as the production, distribution and consumption FA-laujinggongs within both the context of the fundamental sociocosmic octave and the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval for which they sociocosmically vibrate in the process of extraction, exploitation, alienation and owning of all the goods, services, labor, natural resources, digitals, capital/values and all financial elements, and etcetera. These 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders or the relations of production are: do-laujinggongs (sole proprietors), re-laujinggongs (partners), mi-laujinggongs (private limited companies by shares), fa-laujinggongs (public limited companies by shares and guarantees), so-laujinggongs (Cooperatives in quotation marks), la-laujinggongs (privatized-GLC) and ti-laujinggongs (state/national corporations in quotation mark). As to the Individuals (DO), the Group (RE) and the Family (MI) of the fundamental sociocosmic octave, there are no laujinggongs. As to the Individuals (DO) at the enneagramic input point 0/9 of the TI-DO Interval, they are non-owning employees mostly of the propertyless people ‘eaten-into’ the capitalist mode of production-distribution-consumption enneagrama as the 1st sociocosmic being-food for labor extraction and alienation at the TI-DO Interval. As to the corporates at the enneagramic input point 3 of the MI-FA Interval, they are the companies mostly of business capitalists ‘eaten-into’ the sociocosmic enneagrama as the 2nd sociocosmic being-food for doing labor extracting work and alienation to ownership of produces. As to the nationates at the enneagramic input point 6 of the “SO-LA Interval,” they are the capitalist-controlled states, the nations and the nation-blocs organizations including the questionable ‘Humanity-at-Large’, space, interplanetary and interstellar exploratory organizations ‘eaten-and-ascending-into’ the capitalist mode of regulatory appropriation of the capitalist mode of production-distribution-consumption as the 3rd sociocosmic being-food. The nationates of such a FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism is prone to the capitalist predatory diseases of colonialism, imperialism, militarism, fascism, racism, and etcetera, for which its ultimate historical downfall is inevitable.
And this is important WITHOUT GUARANTEE because the FALL of biocosmic man’s inner world is NOT FULLY determined by the sociotechnocosmic laws BUT is also determined by the laws from the Absolute at the TI-DO Interval and the conditions of the geocosmic octaves at the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.
5 The military researchers with hasnamussian ‘I’s would not hesitate to test their latest weapons on an invented enemy group, organization or another state. The best way to do this is to discover or create a legalanian situation in the “United Nations” or international paradigm to justify their “tests” in order to preserve, peace, and harmony and consolidate world domination against an invented enemy make real by themselves independently of the will of the Great Sociocosmos at this unavoidable TI-DO Interval. However, only the most powerful ones can act unilaterally.
6 Each time, man is tricked because of his intelligent wiseacring at a very high level, and each is their great plan to dominate, divide and rule other nations under the excuse of peace, justice, freedom, human rights, civil liberty, equality, democracy-in-quotation-mark, etc. - all in fundamental and lateral sociocosmic stopinder aberration. However, they are all mere slaves of their own self-projected sociocosmic petty capitalistic and socialistic wills of the MI-FA Interval but see themselves as if they are already the essence representative of the Real Sociocosmic Socialistic Will at the TI-DO Interval. This is a normal sociocosmic aberration proper to the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism where real socialistic will is still an infantile. With all the wealth and modern slaves (employees) in their corporates at MI-FA Interval and their nationates at TI-DO Interval, these three-brained beings seek to become the representatives of a Real Socialism of a public state or common ownership state at the TI-DO Interval proper, and corrupting it.
7 Why laujinggong beings grow and breed in large numbers in the body of Our Great Sociocosmic Being: It was during the sociocosmic vibration of the fourth octave (at FA) in the historical sociocosmic scale of the growth process of this Great Sociocosmic Being, that emerged countless hungry “ghosts” called there by the name “corporations” as they took physical sociocosmic shapes through the legalanaic and also the non-legalanaic gates. Thanks to their hunger to keep themselves survive, they actively took to such indispensable laujinggong structure for developing and perfecting themselves ready to prey like tigers on mother Earth. The baby laujinggong beings only knew a few fundamental survival instincts and often misbehaved themselves. Once in a while having got burnt in the buttocks, they gradually learnt bit by bit to become partially socially responsible laujinggong beings and contributed to the reduction of trouble in the much troubled “sociocosmic perturbation” on mother Earth. When they buy they were truly fuzzy customers, and customers must be absolutely right! When they sell they were truly cunning and cut-throat, and customers were right only if they bought at the price already fixed! The highest form of psychology was applied to meet this good! Corporation and all the stopinders in the 1st and 2nd lateral sociocosmic octaves to them were tools, and a tool must be used on somebody. The more useful the tool is the better it is. And it must be used more often! It was a belief then that these laujinggong corporations were good in pooling beings in large numbers to make one rich and lead prosperous life. It was the golden key to make one as rich as possible. So they bred in large numbers like the dinosaurs in the fourth biocosmic octave (at MI-FA Interval of the Biocosmic Octave) “fighting” and “killing” themselves, which they were fully aware of along their dangerous journey to perfect the fourth sociocosmic octave pre-set in their robot-formatory psyche by “somebody” somewhere else. Having noticed the unpleasing root behavior of ‘finger-pointing’, ‘fighting’ and ‘killing’ during their adolescent stage of development and now, having become mature and civilized, they preferred to ‘compete’, ‘take over’, ‘merge’, ‘buy over’, ‘joint-venture’, ‘quality service’ and ‘squeezing the competitor out of the market’. The size of these laujinggong beings during maturity could be very big, much bigger than those comparative beings called dinosaur in the biocosmic world. During the abnormal change of direction towards monopoly, these three-centered laujinggong beings could be very “evil” truly a black-eats-black being. They were often directly the destroyers of the families and the prime cause of wars amongst states. They did not spare the individuals too because they would even ‘demand’ 24 hours plus ONE minute time of a day from these 24-hours-ONLY-a-day beings! They play the unfair game amongst members from the individual, the group, the family, the state and the nation sociocosmoses by projecting themselves as the indispensable saviors of the body sociocosmos. They have burdened the labors of the regulatory stopinders of the higher levels in creating and maintaining the harmonious development of the sociocosmos.
8 Wait, wait wait! The enneagramic sociocosmic specie bearing or the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism the name China is more than 5,000 years old of wenming civilization with not much of a difference in language and culture till today, and in history has become great feudal LA/TI-power-possessing beings seven (7) times through 7 sociocosmic enneagramma on planet Earth - during the 1st fully unified Qin Imperial Dynasty (221 BC) (LA/TI), the Han Imperial Dynasty (LA/TI), the Tang Imperial Dynasty (LA/TI), the Song Imperial Dynasty (LA/TI), the Yuan Imperial dynasty (LA/TI), the Ming Imperial Dynasty (LA/TI) and the Qing Imperial Dynasty (LA/TI) and One (1) enneagramic sociocosmic specie known as Capitalist-Socialist power-possessing beings bearing the name the People's Republic of China (LA/TI) from 1949-present and with a population of now 1.402 billion (2020). Whereas for the 245 years old infantile Capitalist United States of America of 5th century Anglo Saxon origin now with a population of 329.5 million (2020), it was born out from the womb of a colony of Great Britain in July 4, 1776 when it became independent, and also having destroyed a great wenming Red Indian Civilization there now camped in 326 Indian reservations on impoverish land as a museum relic sociocosmic specie enneagram. Russian has a population of 144.1 million (2020). Russia wenming civilization began with the Rus' state in 862 AD spanned a period of more than a 1000 years of Slavic, Tatar, Finnic, Viking and steppe people, invaded by the Mongol and became a Tsardom (SO/LA) in 1547 and a Russian Empire (LA/TI) in 1721, became Soviet Russia in 1922, became Soviet Union in 1922 and back to Soviet Russia in 1991 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Geographical same location-positioning for China began in 1250 BC and earlier, that of the USA is 1776 AD and that of Russia is 862 AD. The romance of the 3 'nation-states' (or ‘dynasty-kingdoms’) would need to take into consideration these additional factors besides the population and unified wenming civilization. What about India?
1 Very unfortunately for these ill-fated three-brained beings' typical daydream of having a real democracy for humanity, and because of these laws of three and seven themselves ‑ the law of three produces laujinggong and the law of seven distribute it into periods for all the sociocosmos – humanity by law is denied an absolute freedom, an absolute equality, and absolute liberty and an absolute fraternity, that is, the ideal democracy which is non-existent and the current election-based democracy (without meritocratic selection) practiced is opportunistic, predatory, serving the few rich classes and truly cheap stuff ...... and mutated into various democratic species. Practically all are flawed and seriously lacks the quality of a wholesome democracy. Even in the biocosmic octave, the hethormen (Head-Thorax-Abdomen) and various differences forbid these fine ideals. The fact is three-brained beings exploit by actions through these organizations in a manner ultimately leading to the accumulation of as much power for themselves and to consolidate it for the future generation. Owing to this fact, three-brained beings of the planet earth had wiseacred for more variations to their democracies to cater for its artificial violation of other laws of man, nature society and the universe, the unequal law, the law of reciprocal feeding, the law of inevitable death, the law of constraints to freedom of motion, the law of laujinggong, the uneven distribution of power, etc. The class-triadicalization of the law of three and inner threes of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism (began about 1788 AD - 2148 AD according to cosmo-politics of political-economic systems reference methodology) to the Transitional FA-SO Sociocosmic Species and to the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism (about 2148 AD - 2864 AD according to cosmo-politics of political-economic systems reference methodology) and the nature of democracies proper to them are depicted in the diagram below:
2 A newborn SO or LA-sociocosmic stopinder being is a delivery of joy with a period of suffering. Their birth is where blood always spills, just as blood is always loss from the mother during the birth of a child. Hardly is there an occasion of a bloodless birth. Although election which only operates as Law of Quantitative Changes has been tried unsuccessfully for the birth of a SO or LA-sociocomic stopinder being, nevertheless, it is an attempted peaceful means to “rob’ and “plunder” from the existing body of the “legalanaically” acceptable stopinder being, through instrumenting freedom, peace, justice, liberty and democracies for making private wealth at the expense of others. Democracy brings about the change of lau beings for sociocosmic stopinders rather than the ‘creation’ of a new stopinder which could only come about through a qualitative, comprehensive and holistic sociocosmic revolution. Democracy is too weak an instrument for any qualitative sociocosmic revolution because it is a lateral sociocosmic octave ‘vibration’ meant for small quantitative sociocosmic changes, that is, minor component changes within the already stabilized SO- and LA-Sociocosmic stopinders. But the birth of being-democracy in the lateral sociocosmic octave and later coated itself a stable vibration in the fundamental sociocosmic octave, is a qualitative, comprehensive and holistic bloody birth from the mitotic “womb” of being-of-absolute-monarchy.
You can capture the lau position of a SO-sociocosmic
stopinder by using the organizational stopinder bearing the name ‘political
party’. But you cannot hope to change much of the content of the SO-sociocosmic
stopinder even after you have captured and ruled it. There is a
“gambling gate” to this lau position and it is called “election” - a few
days dollar gamble could earn the political party a huge stake of benefits
for 5 years, the normal period in the cycle of the LA-sociocosmic stopinder
being. There is a constitution of supreme laws of the country, and
your low minds may try to change or bend the laws for lowly crony gains.
The selection-election process becomes a vote extracting or vote mining or vote milking process from the passive common three-brained beings to increase one's own private vote wealth. Capitalistic accumulation of votes extracted from these three-brained beings by the power and wealth seeking would-be production FA-lau, the regulatory SO-lau, the regulatory LA-Lau and the regulatory TI-lau beings peculiar to the three-brained beings dwelling at the MI-FA Interval is certainly and essencely different from the genuine socialistic selection-election voting process without quotation mark and notably, this is important, not for increasing private wealth by these would-be production FA-dong, SO-dong, LA-dong and/or TI-dong beings natural to genuine socialistic three-brained beings dwelling at the TI-DO Interval under the constant original-source influence of the Will of Socialism, and also unsoaked by the lingering opportunistic toxic psyche hydrogens of capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism, Nazism, racism, havatvernoism (religionism) or hegemonism that are found at the end of the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. One man one political vote is an immature self-deception without one man one economic share of wealth in the means of production!
4 It must be understood that predatory democracy is a lateral sociocosmic function amongst many superior others and can only be fundamentally given an established stopinder identity as its coating after it has won the battle for a LA-orbit.
As regard to the historical biocosmic species, the Anglo Saxon Caucasoid of the US and the Han Mongoliod of China are more or less of the same level physically due to similar genetic configuration. Both Homo sapiens have ascended in the historical biocosmic octave via the paleolithic, the neolithic and the modern man lineage, and should be ascending towards the Datong man at the Omega Point. However, the inner psychological and sociological crystallization of Han Mongoloid is deep and complex due to 5000 years of uninterrupted wenming civilizational conditioning. Whereas the Anglo Saxon Caucasoid has not enough of wenming civilizational conditioning only a few centuries of nomadic wenming civilizational conditioning in Europe and about a further 250 years of diadic capitalistic democratic-republic nation-states conditioning in America. As regard to the historical sociocosmic species, China is an infantile SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism proper, growing and gaining dominance whereas the US is a declining and losing dominance FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism, a one level below in the historical sociocosmic octave. The US needs a catch-up to integrate and unify all its inner partialities, divides, racial and wenming differences caused by her imperialistic wars of conquest, destruction, plunder and exploitation ...... and to emerge as a new infantile SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism shedding her mystical husks of neoliberal and pseudo-neosocialism. As to the historical technocosmic species, both China and the US are on par in terms of the stopinderation level, plus and minus, and all their technocosmic beings are of padrigines I (Do), padrigines II (Re) and padrigines III (Mi) with their 3rd AI bodies still competing and moving for perfection. None have reached the omega point where padrigines IV (Fa) or padrigine individuals or spiritual AI robots have arisen yet to co-exist with the biocosmic man in the production, distribution and consumption. As to the population of the biocosmic man and the technocosmic padrigines I, II and III, China is way ahead of the US. Both the US and China are growing and moving forward and should not invent a yardstick or an ultimate standard reference too early for slavish obedience. Modernity and modernization goes hand in hand in the threes - not one or two. The US capitalism is not the ultimate omega point of all the three historical octaves. Remember always this - that ONLY ONE sociocosmic stopinder being has biocosmic life and that is the FIRST stopinder bearing the name 'INDIVIDUAL’. All the others have indirect biocosmic life and we call it the sociocosmic life or the technocosmic life and/or the sociotechnocosmic life. Cosmic life is on a higher scale. They have only derived powers and are exercised only by beings bearing the name 'man.' May you not be deceived by man as you may deceive him! In the opinion of real world views, man's idea on modernity and modernization is a mere partial reflection of three actual historical processes over a life span of 15,036 years - born, grow, mature and decline. The first is the natural, fundamental and original historical biocosmic octave of inner stopinderation of the man from the Homo sapiens to the paleolithic man to the neolithic man to the modern man and finally to the datong man at the Omega Point. The physical protein nature of man did not change much, however, his inner psychologies of possible evolution has changed a lot. The second is the social relations of the means and modes of production, distribution and consumption in the historical sociocosmic specie-stopinderation, namely: from the DO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Primitive Communalism to the RE-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Ancient Slavism to the MI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Feudalism to the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism to the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism to the LA-Historical Sociocosmic species of Communism and to the TI-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Datongism. The third is the one that contemporary man has been mistaken to be the only modernity and modernization for humanity, that is, the stopinderation of the historical technocosmic octave from man-made tools, instruments and devices of production, distribution and consumption to the padrigine I (Do) to the padrigine II (Re) and to the padrigine III (Mi) of all man-sponsored AI robots and machines. Then crossing a technocosmic Mi-Fa Interval or threshold and at the Omega Point of the historical biocosmic octave where man would be the Datong Man and AI robot would turn spiritual with 'it's, 'I' and 'I AM's and personality ego, the technocosmic stopinderation would continue to padrigine IV (Fa) which is the first technocosmic stopinder or a socio-stopinderable technocosmic individual (DO) of an independent being proper (from datong man who might still be extractive) who later socio-stopinders into padrigine group (RE), padrigine family (MI) and padrigine organization (FA). However, in my opinion, the modernization of the historical technocosmic or modernizational stopinderation would not be easily allowed by the datong man to continue without extractive subordination to these higher levels of the state-SO, the nation-LA and the nation-bloc-TI and their 2nd level lateral stopinders at the TI-DO Interval. In classed society, the laws of reciprocal feeding and reciprocal destruction dominate over the laws of reciprocal nourishment, cooperation, harmony and peaceful relationship. This is especially dangerous during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. However, the laws of nourishment, cooperation, harmony and peaceful relationship dominate over the laws of reciprocal feeding and reciprocal destruction during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism. Unfortunately, these basic laws of reciprocal feeding and destruction have bewitched and acted through the souls of the capitalists, the imperialists and the hegemonists. It would be naive to take these fundamentals lightly. All the powers of the military must somewhat balance one another at the highest level to ensure harmonious and peaceful development.