THE FOURTHWAY MANHO E-JOURNAL Volume 113 April 15, 2020 |
A WEE BIT ABOUT THE BIOCOSMIC OCTAVES By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho (An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 21, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The Sociotechnocosmic World Outside Us, The Sociotechnocosmic World Inside Us and Our General Inner World Conditions," September 1997 ~ December 2001 Discourses, Chapter 3, Section C: "A Wee Bit About The Biocosmic Octaves," pp. 125~131)
Don't damage the surface of mother Earth,
otherwise, the biological beings will have to cover the wounds with
themselves. Our cells grow to reconstruct the damage caused by a
wound, so our biological beings heal a wound on Mother Earth by
reconstructing the damaged wound using organic beings and nature's
processes. 2
The psychic vibrations of the seven
stopinders – ‘higher thinking’, ‘higher feeling’, ‘instinctive’, ‘lower
thinking’, ‘lower feeling’, ‘instinctive’, ‘moving’ and ‘sex’ stopinders -
are found to concentrate in only certain types of beings known as the
organic beings (biological ‘notes’) of the biocosmic octave which are found
on the surface of certain types of planets often known as “earths”. These
“earths” are positioned mostly at the MI-FA intervals of the Rays of
Creation. The artificial intelligent vibrations at this stage
of technocosmic development consists of less than seven stopinders -
“information processing center” and “moving center”- and only these two are
obvious to us. While the technocosmic beings are powered by
electricity, light and various power sources, the organic beings are powered
by ‘psyche hydrogens’ or ‘mind’ or ‘consciousness’ at its essence core. The
latter is more evolved than the former.
The dinosaur active period was over, the
avian active period was over, the mammal active period was also over and
now, the homo sapiens active period. The individual active period was over,
the group active period was over, the family active period was over and now,
the organization active period. The 3 fundamental forces of the biosphere,
the technosphere and the noosphere enter in trinity as the “organization”
phenomenon and together they form the new “creatures” on the surface of the
mother Earth, invading the land, sea, the air and in future the outer space.
These biotechnocosmic beings consist of, like the beings of the living
matter which falls into the great divide of the plant and animal kingdom,
the two “kingdoms” of industrial or “commercial” or sociocosmic plant and
the automobilias. Also, the automobilias, like the animals, fall into the 3
divides - the land, the marine and the air crafts.
The radiation of the invertebrates
(DO-octave of the biocosmic octave) was neither with an internal skeletal
coating nor with the external skeletal coating. The psyche has not
instructed these precambrian beings on the rule of how to use the hard
deposits of their own ingestion, and so they are not capable of the great
invertebrate and vertebrate divide in the flow of forces from the
psyche-directed genes present in the biocosmic octaves. These hard
mineral deposits were gradually instructed by the instinctive being psyche
hydrogens through the gene-octave to gradually coat them into two ways: 1)
As shells (exoskeletal) 2) As backbone (endoskeletal)
And these hard deposits must be used as protective, structure and shape
stabilizing factors in coating all biocosmic beings in future. This
great Aristotelian divide between the vertebrate and the invertebrate begin
to take shape in the race for being creation. But the octave law
places, the DO-biocosmic stopinder for the protozoa beings and their
development into the fully fledged invertebrate as the DO-biocosmic octave,
and the Chordate beings, the amphioxus (or branchiostoma) as the beginning
of the divide for the RE-biocosmic octave which we called the radiation of
the fishes. 5 The psyche functioning in these three-brained beings is active sociocosmicking and the so formed sociocosmoses are its instruments of a fight for dominating all organic and planetary beings in their environment. The psyche’s quest along the biocosmic octave for better higher biological features and more powerful means of survival for these three-brained beings, from my observation, has been, hitherto, on the biological development of a better brain for the ultimate purpose of expanding the sociocosmoses which are instrumental for their survival.
6 A plant is a simple being-“worm” coated heavily with chloroplast, and could not move by itself like the automobilias. The gap between these two beings should not be overly exaggerated or under-exaggerated.
7 The tritocosmic octave could become extinct due from sources in its smallest entity, that is, the inner octave of the cells, virus and ‘radiations’ that destroy the cells by using its nucleus stopinder in it as this nucleus stopinder is the "sun" or gravity control center to the whole cell. 8
The gravity-center of all organic physical
body is the “gene-octave.” It is the center of command for realizing
the type of organic beings for physical construction. The physical
beings are simply the gene's trioctavization. Finer than the “genetic
octave” is the world of psychic octave, the instinctive dimension that
acts as a psychic control center over the changes that go on in the “gene-octave”,
and the changes that go on in this octave lead to changes in the cell-octave
which in turn changes the tissue-octave, the organ-octave and the
system-octave, and finally the organism as a whole. The whole process
enables the gene-octave to complete itself as an organism and the
instinctive-octave to fill the whole organism.
The biocosmic octave shortens its time to
complete its octave for-each higher species. If we study the
embryological process for the construction of a human being, the whole
‘evolution’ or ‘stopindering’ of the historical biocosmic octave is repeated
for its last stopinder (man) in as short as 9 months. Man is an
invertebrate ‘worm’ (do), a ‘fish’ (re), an ‘amphibian’ (mi), a ‘reptile’ (fa),
a ‘bird’ (so), a ‘mammal’ (la) and a “man” (ti) in a period of 9 months in
the womb of the mother after conception. He is a compressed (zipped)
historical biocosmic octave encoded in the gene-dimension. So are
other beings! However, for lower beings, they have lesser historical
biocosmic notes to compress. So their embryological process may take
less than 9 months to complete. As man is the seventh stopinder of the
historical biocosmic octave, the seven months embryological evolution would
be sufficient to enable it to survive. A 7 month baby can survive as a
9 month baby. All mammals would take around these quanta of months to
complete their embryological process in line with the psychic
will encoded in the gene dimension. 10
One or two “drops” of being-psyche
hydrogens with the encoded cosmic properties of sub-wills, information and
instruction energies would have found their presence in any of these
being-planets at FA-MI Interval of any Ray of Creation of which our Earth is
only a mere example. 11
You can therefore collect many more
biological beings in your intergalactic “Voyage of the Beagle”. Depending on how the life force is dominating the
environmental elements in its ability to process their three-being foods,
all types of being-creatures are “logically” possible for the Great
Biocosmic Octave. I would suggest you “create” models of all kinds of
creatures that might be discovered for any part of the body of our great
universe. 12
The cloned beings would only produce
identical physical bodies but certainly nothing much can be done to the
emotional and thinking bodies as the psyche hydrogens come from the cosmic
octave not belonging to earth. 13 The search for the “do” of the reproductive octave - the nucleus of an egg, the seed of a plant, the bud of a plant, etc. these searches become a craze, why? Because one can clone and graft the improved version of new beings by manipulating their gene octaves. 14
systematic creation of octaves for an organic world is the same for all life
forms in all cosmic concentrations capable of sustaining life, namely, from
the octave of independent one-cell beings, to the plant octave and the
animal octave, to the insect octave and the higher mammalian octave, to the
highest tritocosmic octave (man octave) and the sociocosmic octave, and
finally to the technocosmic octave. 15
The plantain octave consists of those
beings that do not have a highly developed moving center as those that are
already vibrating as beings of the animalian octave. As to being whose
exoskeletal structural system lie on the body, they do habitat on land, sea
and air. Those on land and air, contemporary three-brained beings
called them just insects and those in the sea, they called them
“crustaceans”. And those with their eso-skeletal system lodged inside
the body, they are beings of the animalian octave or beings with backbone. 16
The birth, growth, maturity, decline and
death of a sun regulates the birth, growth, maturity, decline and eventual
disappearance of life energy on the planetary system. The psyche
hydrogens that are transmitted to the planetary system are different from
those during birth, growth, maturity, decline and death. 17
The genes were
thoroughly researched on by the turn of the 20th
Century. The human genome library is more accurate in determining physically
based model of the organism but far less accurate for the psychological
model. 18
The Great Biocosmic Seed creates for
itself the same being on a different scale, repeating itself as it develops;
man is part of its passing phase. Cosmic Concentration or planetary spectrum
conditions where life or semi-toners leading to life, that is, 'viruses',
might emerge:
o Activities at the planetary core
o Time factor
o Distance from the sun
o MI-FA position in the Ray of Creation
o Stage of development based on a spectral series
o The period of organic life is one of the spectral
o The environmental conditions
o Inner “bands” of the organic life - the plant
divide and the animal divide. 19
The psyche hydrogens come from the higher
cosmoses, enter as psyche hydrogens of the micorcosm (all organic beings)
re-“instruct” the genetic library, change the body types, the physical type,
the sociocosmic and the technocosmic to create and maintain world order in
the biosociotechnocosmic film.