Volume 108       April 1, 2020


By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho

(An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 19, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The Enneagram of the Sociocosmic Stopinders, Laujinggong and the Epoch of the Increasing Aggressiveness of the Business Stopinder Beings," March 1996 ~ June 1996 Discourses, Chapter 8, Section D: "The Striving for Sociocosmic 'I AM' ," pp. 238~263)


Within this contemporary FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism on transit to the coming SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism


"In his sociocosmic and civilizational life, man is born having in his inner world the possibility of 8 fundamental sociocosmic 'I AM's and 'it's and 'I's inclusive ( Individual DO-'I AM', Group RE-'I AM', Family MI-'I AM', Organization FA-'I AM', State SO-'I AM', Nation LA-'I AM' and World-of-Nations TI-'I AM' and the Great Sociocosmic Being DO-'I AM', and 7 lateral sociocosmic 'I AM's at his MI-FA Interval and 7 more lateral sociocosmic 'I AM's at his TI-DO Interval. The Great Sociocosmic Being DO-'I AM' is housed in each of the 7 Civilization Being-'I AM's and 'it's and 'I's inclusive, and together they live in One Human Earth Civilization Being-'I AM' spiraling and flowing its life along a historical timeline of born, grow, mature, decline and final death of all three-brained hethormen human being in the MI-FA Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.


Outside man, his sociocosmic  and his civilization stopinder beings, there is an outer world consisting of these monochords or octaves with branch monochords or inner octaves:


1. the biocosmic octave, and each biocosmic stopinder being has four bodies for which there are 'it's, 'I's and 'I AM' exist as the passenger 4th body.  Nay more, he is a biocosmic stopinder himself because he is also a product of the creation process of the biocosmic octave.


2. the technocosmic octave, and each technocosmic stopinder being has four bodies for which the passenger 4th body such 'it's,' I's and 'I AM' exist NOT in the technocosmic padrigine III but rather in the passenger 4th body of the man and his sociocosmic stopinders.


3. the geocosmic octave now upgrading into an advanced geocosmic octave (a geobiosociotechnocosmic octave), and each geocosmic stopinder being has geocosmic being-psyche hydrogen properties capable of strongly influencing man and his sociocosmic stopinder beings.


4. the cosmic octave or the (our) Ray of Creation for which our Earth civilization dwelling on the pangeacosmic stopinder, the Presente, is receiving the cosmic properties of being-psyche hydrogens from the major cosmic stopinders above it.



Often on a daily basis, he forgets one and remembers the other, becomes one and then the other, and identifies with one or the other endlessly all his sociocosmic life. Worst is it that before a socociocosmic 'I AM' could ever become a gravity-center in him, he has to journey through this sociocosmic pilgrimage like a sleep-wake automaton as 'it's, 'I's and as an unstable alien master 'I' before he found his Real 'I AM' in the real world of many more cosmoses - biocosmic, sociocosmic, technocosmic, cosmic and others!"


"No matter how far each and every sociocosmic and civilizational stopinder has aberrated itself into itself within, into the world and into the outer space yonder, exploiting, extracting, oppressing, class-pyramidization, and doing all kinds of aberrating Laujinggong Carriage and NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage mis-ventures at the MI-FA Interval of the Natural Historical Sociocosmic Specie-stopinders Octave, ....... it must finally return to its true sociocosmic and civilizational self and identity through its own sociocosmic and civilizational Passenger 'I AM' and be the vanguard to her own Gongjingdong Carriage plus and NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage navigating it through the driving power of its own REAL SOCIOCOSMIC and CIVILIZATION WORK; homing its all-corners carriage assets to the source-arising and gravity-centers of its own actual historical sociocosmic and civilizational original arising in the World-Island and Outer Islands Crescent of the Pangeacosmic Presente.


The current Capitalistic-essenced historical sociocosmic species under the influence of the dark noomakhian logos of reciprocal destruction having thus live off its maleficent life doing not much of good to all externals in the yonder in the whole process of history, would now evaporate and move forward to the next natural historical sociocosmic species of socialism, communism, datongism and SRoboticism along the natural historical sociocosmic specie-stopinder octave and return home and thus allows all the other gravity-centers of civilization to return home too to its own cradle of civilization - thus giving a chance for the Great Sociotechnocosmic Being to heal, to recuperate, to balance, to harmonize, to achieve common prosperity and to realize the ultimate mission of common-sharing human destiny under light noomakian logos of the law of reciprocal nourishment."


"The sociocosmic and civilizational relationship amongst these vertical and horizontal civilizational stopinders and sociocosmic stopinders within Earth civilization in at levels of 'SO', 'LA' and 'TI' is known by these three-brained hethormen human beings as 'diplomatic relationship' amongst states, nations and nation-blocs, and that at the level of 'FA', as 'busy-ness relationship' and that at the level of 'MI' as 'family relationship' and for others just either a 'group and/or personal relationship' for level of 'RE'.  As to relationship of an individual at DO-level within, the being communicates with himself through his own inner voices as if there are two personalities in one body."


"However, the NOO could be the 'it's, the 'I's or the 'I AM's."




However, for each three-brained hethormen human being the WORK is fundamentally necessary.


"Now, the words 1) State 2) Nation and 3) World-of-Nations (sometimes called 'Nation-blocs' or 'The United Nations' of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave) may not be equated with the Westphalian notion of states, nations and nation-blocs which is essentially based on the Divide-and-Rule Principle peculiar to the aberration that has befallen on this so-called Western civilization where Westphalian Anglo-saxon capitalists' partition of the world for the purpose of extraction and plundering of  resources and territories to feed the hunger of its industrial revolution, namely:

1) Human resource ancient slaves, feudal serfs and modern employees principles.

2) Other civilizations through conquering, genocide, wipeouts and various hidden denials and oppression.

3) Fundamental geocosmic resources especially metals, minerals (mineral oils and fossils), fertile soils and valuable waters from lakes and river, good atmospheres (good climates) and from the 2 lateral geocosmic resources especially cheap labor from beings called workers, horses, cows, goats etc. and oil palms, rubber trees, wheat, soya, rice, millet, etc.

4) Territories especially on Outer Islands big and small and colonization of World-Island, its coastal areas for ports, rimland and heartland for hegemonic control.


Such sociocosmic and civilizational happenings peculiar to this FA-Historical Periods of Capitalism, would complicate the process of achieving stable sociocosmic gravity centers of the sociocosmic 'I AM's in man.  The fundamental sociocosmic 'I AM's are possible at DO-'I AM', RE-'I AM', MI-'I AM', FA-'I AM', SO-'I AM', LA-'I AM' and TI-'I AM' but have to accommodate harmoniously with the dasein of the main octave, that is, the Civilization octave.



Sociocosmic 'I AM' takes on DO-Individual civilization-'I AM', RE-Group civilization-'I AM', MI-Family civilization-'I AM' and then Civilization Community 'I AM', Civilization State 'I AM', Civilization Nation 'I AM' and Civilization Nation-bloc 'I AM' for all the 7 main civilization being of the Earth Civilization; and for which the current Westphalian Anglo-Saxon nomenclature of State-'I AM', Nation-'I AM' and Nation-bloc-'I AM' or 'the United Nation-'I AM' is purely from this Western Civilization, and not easily and naturally accepted by the ill-fated, divided and exploited 6 other main civilizational beings.


However, sociocosmic 'I AM' does not arise without the necessary and vital sociocosmic WORK that could give it a sociocosmic way, and therefore sociocosmic stopinders are always in a sleep-wake state full of sociocosmic 'it's, 'I's and 'egos', and false sociocosmic personalities with many untrustworthy political guests coming in  and going out as Passenger Body No. 4 of the LA-Laujinggong Carriages of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism.  In most cases, resulted in an endless regrets due chiefly to their opportunistic, corrupt, irresponsible and warmongering behavior. Hiding  deep in these LA-lau passengers of all the nation-stopinder there is often a greater non-elective participating hegemonic, empire-prone and Eurocentric super powerful spiritual 'deep state' UGGMBCC (10% going to 1%) imperialistic-colonialistic-essenced dark Noomakhia logos of this typical Anglo-saxon (Western) NOO-PESTLES+-PDCE Carriage civilization dasein.  Therefore, the Sociocosmic 'I AM' mentioned subsequently is always Sociocosmic 'I AM' in quotation mark.


Such a civilization-'I AM' is very natural and strong because of the three types of civilization being-foods that were eaten (inputted) and digested by the Civilization Enneagram, namely: 1) astrological or cosmic food eaten and digested by the geoethnic or biocosmic race DO-Individual civilizational being  2) the geocosmic food eaten and digested by the MI-family and FA-Community civilization being  3) the socio-cultural food eaten and digested by the SO-State, LA-Nation and TI-Nationbloc civilization beings."


The civilization nation position (many centuries years old with wipeouts and occupation of civilizations)


Capitalism of the Western Civilization that arose in 1533 AD through 1648 AD (Westphian nationstates creation) through World War I (1914 AD) and II (1939 AD) till today and the emerging World War III and IV will continue to 2148 AD, has now partitioned all the 9 main civilizations in an artificial way causing the current sociocosmic and civilizational aberration including havatvenonian and geoethnic racial aberrations all over World Island and all the Outer Islands of the Presente.


These three sociocosmic enneagrams and a world map of registered nations shown below are:


1. Economic Power Nations of Capitalism (8 Nations Alliance)

2. Economic Power Nations of Capitalism (The G7 to G20)

3. Enneagram of Sociocosmic Octaves as a general principle of tri-octave sociocosmic vibration and historical motion.

4. The World Map of Nations registered nations at the United Nations (UN) showing the supposedly sovereign boundaries of nations.



The current capitalistically divided nations position (a century plus years old) a highly aberrating outcome of the Western civilization colonialism, imperialism and Hegemonism and constant reciprocal destruction wars with all the other civilizations




1   My environment has shot me with four great "bullets" that have eventually molded my inner world.

The first was a bullet shot during the period when I was still an adolescent being at the age of 14 – 16.  The wound inflicted had later led me to a deeper understanding of the hardship of inner life struggles, the terror of poverty, the nature of reciprocal exploitation, feeding and destruction of beings and the favorite "Egyptian Pyramid" or in my word, laujinggong.

The second was a bullet shot by a kin-being or your favorite would call my being-father who was a unique talking machine with a life span of 92 years.  His continuous emanations left me with a bruise that instilled in me the followings:

  • Self-repair for my planetary body

  • Self-sensing

  • Awareness and knowledge of traditional medicine and exercises

  • Awareness and knowledge of nature, society and man transmitted verbally

  • Absorbing criticisms by him continuously

  • A new outlook concerning the world


This being-father of mine passed away on the 2nd of April, 1996 from an old age cardio-pulmonary arrest and was cremated in his own self-culture, and a very simple one.

The third bullet was a shot of immense inner world crises, a great all-centers perturbation and during the periods of minor sociocosmic perturbations in my outer world but major perturbation elsewhere on Earth. This gunshot wound could not be healed by any 'existing' teaching, religion or philosophy and physical medicines available during the period of the 1970`s.  As to religion, especially of the mesoteric and exoteric order, the one-God religions and the many-gods religions for which three-centered hethormen beings strive hard to acquire higher psyche hydrogens H6 always without success due to misfired practice of ‘conscious labor’ and ‘intentional suffering’ work, and end up becoming radical being-zhuoforumos forever confused, firstly by his one-God fine psyche hydrogens H6 belief of the TI-DO Interval and then, secondly by the always-present many-gods coarse psyche hydrogens (H12, H24, H48, H96, H192, H384 and H768, and etcetera) belief of the MI-FA Interval with much mess-ups coming from their trillion-formed material coatings found in their own inner four bodies and their outer worlds - below, above and horizon.  I consume tremendous amount of 'reading food' for the cure.  None of the reading materials are truly effective for my crisis.  For this reason, I have to create the mental, the emotional and the psychophysical motor medicine for rearranging my inner and outer worlds.

The fourth bullet was a shot from a remarkable friend who later turned into my essence friend.  It is this shot that is the most lasting and the most permanent to my inner world construction.  It is also an initiation into the inner circle of humanity and the preparation of a Gurdjeffian being-in-me as one of his great grandson.  His name is Shamsher Singh, an Indo-European being of Aryan descent.


2   Where do our 'passengers' or 'I's stationed?  This is a crucial question to reflect.  I notice that the first and very basic stationing of a group of 'I's lies in the concentration of the individual-stopinder.  This group of 'I's are directed towards basic needs of the body ‑ physiological needs, safety needs, social needs esteem needs and self-actualization needs (Maslow).  These passenger 'I's occur continuously within the context of the individual-stopinder.

In the course of social intercourse with his group of whatever interests and 'committed' directions, the continuous social interactions generate a second group of 'I's concentrated in the activities of this group-stopinder, which functioning would be continuous.

A small but very basic inner octave of vibration needs to be examined in the group-stopinder, that is, the trialectic process of the man and woman which is responsible for the creation of the third sociocosmic stopinder, the family-stopinder.  The group of 'I's would remain active so long as the trialectic of man and woman could not be stopindered essencely, through a social acceptance and a state-recognition in a marriage.

In the event of the "conclusion" of the marriage, a new group of 'I's would emerge creating a concentration known as the family-stopinder.  At this stage, the holiest of all holy acts of I-godly creation of beings would occur as a third factor in the dialectic union of man and woman.

The passenger 'I's grow and breed further owing to the operation of a set of laws such as the multiautomarketing feeding exchanges and the economic demand for accumulation of capital and wealth.  This group of 'I's would station in the concentrations known as the collective (business)-stopinders.

These collective stopinders, according to my observation, extracts labor on an 8 hours day and 5 1/2 days week plus a holiday period per year.  However, careful observation shows that more and more of the collective-stopinders are demanding the stationing of tremendous amount of 'I's into their concentrations for more than just the 8 hours day, 5 1/2 days week plus a holiday plan.  This means that the psyche 'I's of man would have to split further to cater for this fourth collective-stopinder.  Owing to the extremely aggressive and unbecoming but necessary behavior in the essence of this collective-stopinder, the Cosmic Absolute engineers a cushion or a cooler of this stopinder friction.  It commanded a balancer, laujinggong, into its sociocosmic octave to harmonize the unbalanced inner forces of all the collective-stopinders as a filling for the octave gap at MI-FA Interval.

However, this collective-stopinder demands stationing more and more 'I's into itself, occupying most of the limited time allocated to man by great nature.  The merciless aggression on other sociocosmic stopinders creating perturbations and 'I'-disturbances in the individual, the group and the family-stopinders, and finally behaving like sugar-coated benevolent devils, it has brought about a fifth wiseacring leading to the formation of a new and higher level balancer known as the state-stopinder.  This is one of the 'I' eaters.  Like a collective-stopinder, fixed with the three-brained shock absorbers, this state-stopinder's demand for 'I' is absolutely bureaucratic and arch-merciless with powers not of the benevolent devil but of Justice-Beelzebub.

However, as a balancer of all sociocosmic concentrations, the state-stopinder has to be One and a Big One, and the number of 'I’s stationed in it alone would outnumber that of the biggest collective-stopinders.  This is so because the number of lower stopinders it has accumulated would be 'fenced' into what is called its country, and only finally to realize that there are many such state-stopinders everywhere on Earth that have been active in claiming their respective countries.  And this dangerous situation would thus create global sociocosmic perturbations.  Each of these state-stopinders would then marshal all its lower stopinders in unison to battle these other stopinders.  And thus the sixth stopinder is created, that is, the nation-stopinder which is at first directed solely on national defense.

The nation-stopinder would be the next stationing of the 'I's.  However, to the surprise of everyone, the extraction for the nation-stopinder is done mostly on the state-stopinder, and rarely directly on the lower stopinders.  Only a minute per day is being spent by man thinking and reflecting on the nation.

As the state-stopinder, within the context of the nation, it has become now stationed as the "obedient" jing-body number 2 man by our favorite political parties who control the nation-stopinder, and in the process of the inner laujinggongization, the extraction of 'I's from the lower stopinders has been powerfully demanding but only periodically.  Upon consolidation, the nation-stopinder would continue its 'attack' on other nation-stopinders.  The result is a demand in the psyche of man a group of 'I's known as the "International Holy See."  For a majority, the stationing 'I's in the nation-stopinder is felt as demanding especially when they pay their income tax, apply for approval of business, passport, identity cards, license or to abide the supervising police laws.  And in case of an international reciprocal destruction, they might have to contribute their 'I'-life.  Starting from "SO-LA Interval" and ending out at TI-DO Interval, the SO-Laujinggong, the LA-Laujinggong and the TI-Laujinggong are a continuously or periodically, now open now hidden, now covert now righteous source of sociocosmic perturbation and large sociocosmic shock absorbers.

As to the TI-sociocosmic stopinder concentrations, only those stopinder representatives to being-UN are stationing their 'I's there.  A majority of beings probably spend a minute a week glancing with their 'I's on such TI-sociocosmic stopinder without participation.

Upon moving out of the sociocosmic stopinders that hold their 'I's captive, man goes for his freedom as a DO-sociocosmic stopinder being, and then into the wondering world not sociocosmically.  This concentration would be the only non-sociocosmic one for the 'I's to dwell, a Balooian bare necessity of life.

Having moved oneself into all these vital and mandatory sociocosmic stations, one would still not acquire "I AMness" of a man without quotation mark.


3   Man, besides striving for his own 'I AM’’ also strives for 'RE-I AM', ‘MI-I AM’, ‘FA-I AM’, ‘SO-I AM’, ‘LA-I AM’ and ‘TI-I AM’ depending on which stopinder he is attached to and intends to commit himself in his sociocosmic life.

In each and every horizontal fundamental and sociocosmic stopinders, there is a struggle for their own sociocosmic 'I AM's and for each horizontal stopinders of the same position and same type, there is always a striving for a sociocosmic 'I AM' that must strive for a- pyramidization into three for which a the active first, the passive second and the neutralizing third must be identified.  We have have here no DO-Laujinggong, RE-Laujinggong and MI-Laujinggong but  we the fundamental FA, SO, LA and TI laujinggongs as well as laujinggongs in all the 1st and lateral sociocosmic octaves.  FA-laujinggong, SO-laujinggong, LA-laujinggong and TI-laujinggong of the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism is just this sociocosmic strivings amongst the horizontal sociocosmic stopinders to raise itself one level above vertically through this sociocosmic pyramidalization strivings.  The new cold war after the ceasing-to-be of the old cold war for which the US hegemon has once achieved its hegemony, now having to restore in this new cold war a new TI-Laujinggong positioning amongst the many horizontal LA-stopinders by singling out three of them, namely the US, China and Russia, in slavishly obeying the mandate of the sociocosmic law of three, as an indispensable stopping station for the continuation of the sociocosmic strivings.  Full of mechanical propaganda and social media engineering in sleep-wake, the new cold war of a-pyramidization for restoring the position of US as the sole hegemon in this TI-Laujinggong configuration is now much strived for in this aberrating quest for Sociocosmic TI-'I AM'.

Man's seeking for the Absolute yonder departs from his 'i am' and journey away in 'conscious labor and intentional suffering' along an elliptical path closer and closer to his real 'I AM'.  His ‘I’s attach and identify on the way to the final 'I AM' if this could ever happen for him as a hethormen human being at the MI-FA Interval proper to his position in the (our) Ray of Creation.  Upon achieving his own real 'I AM' he is now ready to burst asunder his limited 'I AM', be accepted by the Above, enters and becomes one among all Cosmic 'I AM's at the TI-DO Interval of this same Ray of Creation.


4   The goal of the entrepreneur that arises from the MI-FA Interval is to venture into a new business and accumulate wealth for his own business-stopinder.  The goal of the capitalist (a traditional term) is to accumulate capital or maximize profit in his current or new business and accumulate wealth.  The goal of a management statesperson at "SO-LA Interval" is to centralize and further consolidate power into his own state-stopinder to the power mark known as the real-two-third-more-than-the-total-power-of-the-oppositions combined - the determination of which is dependent on the true accumulation and internal strength, solidarity, integrity and the firepower available.  And not just the "1 day" activity call being-voting as a way to gamble for power.  The genesis of a state or a nation-stopinder is never by vote alone.   Voting is only one such natural way of changing a lau being in the 4th or 3rd body of the same sociocosmic stopinder or as your favorite political terminologists would name it a mere-change-of-leaders-by-an-election-process.  The goal of a revolutionary statesperson is to topple a state-stopinder within a nation-stopinder qualitatively and replaces it with a new state-stopinder.  The goal of an entrepreneurial statesperson is to venture, modify or change the existing state-stopinder quantitatively to its environmental demand especially by the non-antagonistic or the potential antagonistic stopinders.

A politician is a being born of, feed on and centralized its motor-reflexes on the state-stopinder at the "SO-LA Interval" which is his center-gravity-radiation.  Although, he has other psychic centers and sociocosmic stopinders surrounding him as his unremovable sociocosmic part such as his group, his family and his business.  He might be planning on how to use the state-stopinder to fertilize his business-stopinder that arises from MI-FA Interval, his international pursuit or his deep pre-occupation with the cosmic and sociocosmic musings in personal business agenda. Nevertheless, he must willy nilly fulfill his commitment to his state and nation stopinders.


5   Having realized the great potential and power of the sociocosmic stopinders in acquiring for itself wealth and various physical and money-value fatteners, the wise grandson looks at his great grandson and asks:

As you are now already an individual-stopinder continuously acquiring 'something' for yourself in a circle, and since you are being commissioned to Earth to fulfill your duty here, have you made up your mind to be a lau being, a jing being or a gong being?

And the wise grandson adds more to your mission:

To be a lau being, as you are lucky enough to belong to the only great bio-group capable of laujinggonging, you must deliver the babies of the FA, SO, LA and TI sociocosmic stopinders by yourself or adopt one from others, in the course of the multi-automarketing feeding exchange process.


6   This striving for a higher sociocosmic ‘I AM’”, warns the wise grandson, “is never good without also striving for a basic individual-stopinder  ‘I AM’.  That is to say, you must be ‘I AM’ for yourself as well as ‘I AM’ for the group or organizational stopinders you have coated yourself with.

And the wise grandson says:

Just keep on wiseacring around a well-chosen own-stopinder mission, dancing and advertising the ‘need’ all your life and make sure, before your rascooarno day, someone could continue the mission in the same or modified manner.


7   Each sociocosmic stopinder is regularly modified, changed and re-engineered by these beings themselves to increase its power to achieve its intended goal.  Each is always searching, discovering, striving and  stabilizing its own 'I AM' - Individual 'I AM', Group 'I AM', Family 'I AM', State 'I AM', Nation 'I AM', Nation-bloc 'I AM' and Common Humanity 'I AM'.  When USSR dissolves due to its over-consumption of opioids of neoliberalismn, each independent nation have to struggle very hard in search for their own new holistic nation 'I AM' (LA-'I AM') through self-observation, self-sensing, self-remembering and self-actualization through the SOCIOCOSMIC WORK!

In the end the USSR discovered the Civilization octaves and civilization-'I AM', and having herself split much along civilizational lines (geoethnic inclusive) instead - Czechoslovakia into Czech Republic and Slovakia Republic, Yugoslavia into Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia, etc.  The civilizational line becomes the new SO-stopinder and LA-stopinder antidote of the future in correcting the severe negative consequences of sociocosmic aberration caused by all previous colonialistic, capitalistic, imperialistic, fascistic and hegemonic expansion, and making it very difficult but also very weak to prevent these dangerous cunning incoming expedient forces from outside again because of the ever active presence of the fundamental laws of reciprocal feeding and destruction.


8   The vision, mission and goals of a sociocosmic stopinder being are affected not just by the environmental variables but also by the cosmic purpose which a particular sociocosmic stopinder is created for.  In general, the vision, mission and purpose of all sociocosmic, stopinders would embrace creation, maintenance, repair and ensuring the survival of the stopinder, and to use the environment for this purpose.

A RE-sociocosmic stopinder being would embrace the same but with the everpresent visions and missions of the individual-stopinder incorporated.

A MI-sociocosmic stopinder being would embrace the same but with the everpresent visions and missions of the individual and the group stopinders incorporated.

A FA-sociocosmic stopinder being would embrace the same but with due consideration for the prevailing visions and missions from the individual, the group and the family stopinders incorporated.

A SO-sociocosmic stopinder being would embrace the same but with due consideration for the prevailing visions and missions of the individual, the group, the family and the organizational stopinders incorporated.

A LA-sociocosmic stopinder being would embrace the same but with due consideration for the prevailing visions and missions of all the sociocosmic stopinders below itself.

A TI-sociocosmic stopinder being would embrace the same and with due regard to every sociocosmic stopinders.

The Great Sociocosmos seeks to realize all the visions and missions of all its inner stopinders.

The transition and specific visions and missions can be short-listed by every sociocosmic being from period to period, but none are so demanding as that of the state-stopinder.


9   The inner strivings for ‘I AM’ by the various dynamic stopinders create numerous stopinder purposes, identities and characteristics along the sociocosmic octave partially removing individual sociocosmic ‘I’s and ‘I AM’s in favor of collective sociocosmic ‘I’s and ‘I AM’s in its place.  Each sociocosmic 'I' begins to coat itself drivers, horses and carriages, and connects them into a single sociocosmic body with an identity, an essence, a personality and a general mission of its own - unstable initially but becomes stable later.  Thus over a period of time a DO-Sociocosmic stopinder acquires an identity, an essence and a unique personality of its own, so is the group (RE), the family (MI), the organization/company (FA), the state (SO), the nation (LA) and the nation bloc (TI); they are always unstable initially and become stable later.  Losing this identity, essence, personality and purpose may lead to collapse and final disintegration.  For example, when the Soviet Union (LA) lost its identity, essence, personality and purpose, it soon broke up in 15 smaller nations (LAs) in 1991.  Later on, a substantial number of these smaller nations such as Romania, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria, etc. were eaten up by the US controlled NATO (a partial military treaty TI-nation bloc) one by one through a hypnotic spell of decorative sugar-coated friendly invitation to sign mandatory military defense and security treaties with an ulterior motive of further expansion and prosperity accumulation of sociocosmic being-foods as any normal capitalistic-essenced being will always do.  The process of reciprocal eating of the sociocosmic 'I AM's, 'I's and 'it's could not cease to be!


10   The beginning of the vision, mission and purpose necessitate the body coatings, in the course of time by each of the sociocomic stopinders.  The diverse directions would have to be steered and aligned by the higher stopinders.

Having pondered over this difficulty of creation, maintenance and repair, and ensuring stopinder survival, the wise grandson felt a fear for the future of this great sociocosmic system and sighed:

The saddest thing to feel for all the visions and missions of all the sociocosmic subsystems is to discover their own being-entropy.  And the merriest is that it is still a long time away.


11   In the Pseudo-lau type of sociocosmic stopinder where owners park their wealth using the name of other beings or “nominees”, the striving for sociocosmic “I-AM” is tainted always with the word “pseudo”.  The being that got his name used also has to shoulder all the risks – liabilities, guarantee, criminality, fines, etc.

Sociocosmic 'I AM' comes into being from its birth as sociocosmic 'it' in its becoming as sociocosmic 'I' and possible becoming of sociocosmic 'Real I' with possible sociocosmic 'I AM' and finally possible impossible truly and integrated real sociocosmic 'I AM'.  However, all sociocosmic 'it's, sociocosmic 'I's, sociocosmic  'Real I's rand sociocosmic real 'I AM's are the fourth body that is, the 'passenger' body or 'master' body of all the sociocosmic 'passenger-driver-horse-and-carriage' vehicles of the sociocosmic beings, namely, the Individual (DO), the Group (RE), the Family (MI), the Organization (FA), the State (SO), the Nation (LA), the World-of-Nations or nation bloc or small nation circles (LA) and the Great Sociocosmic Being (DO) that exist during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism.  Sociocosmic individuals who have no 'I AM'  but only 'it's and 'I's in their fourth passenger body or fourth master body  normally have their 'it's and 'I's unknowingly, naively and auto-mechanically kicked out from the fourth seats there by alien-passengers, used as 'beasts-of-burden' or used for work, predatory exploitation, etc.  Sociocosmic groups identified or attached to a specific group often loses their own 'I's and 'I AM' in favor of the 'I' and 'I AM' of other hostile sociocosmic entities and taken for a group-ride.  Sociocosmic families too are not spared having to carry hostile and covetous passengers.  So are companies having often carried destructive passengers. As to states and nations, their fourth passengers such as the master SO-lau and LA-lau beings of the fundamental sociocosmic octave and the master solau and the lalau beings of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave, if they unwise or lack the wisdom and having allowed alien-passengers or "hostile" or 'I's taking them for a ride would share the same unfortunate fate to their own states (SO) and nations (LA) - social disorder, cultural conflicts, political divides of the sixes, legal double-standards, massive economic losses and technological losses and possible  state and nation disintegration peculiar to all the main historical periods hitherto.


The capitalist philosophy of Exceptionalism


May you check history for the list of names of the unfortunate states and nations during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism (1788 AD - 2148 AD), the names of the unfortunate kingdoms and dynasties during the polar MI-FA-SO-LA/TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism (1 AD - 1788 AD) and the possible names of the unfortunate masterdoms and kingdoms during the polar RE-MI-FA-SO Historical Periods of Ancient Slavism and Feudalism (2148 BC - 1 AD).

Thus now the revelation is:



DO-'I AM' (Individual-'I AM') is mechanically and unknowingly surrounded by many DO-'I is's and DO-'it is's

RE-'I AM' (Group-'I AM') is friendly and deceptively surrounded with RE-'You Are', RE-'We Are' and a ‘They Are’

MI-'I AM' (Family-'I AM') is lovingly, sincerely and hypnotically surrounded with MI-'You Are', MI-'We Are' and a ‘They Are’

FA-'I AM' (Organization-'I AM') is cooperatively, competitively and covertly filled with FA-'You Are', FA-'We Are' and a ‘They Are’

SO-'I AM' (State-'I AM') is sincerely, faithfully, servingly, patriotically, hideously and cunningly expressed in SO-'You Are', SO-'We Are' and a ‘They Are’

LA-'I AM' (Nation-'I AM') is sincerely, faithfully, servingly, patriotically, hideously and cunningly expressed in LA-'You Are', LA-'We Are' and a ‘They Are’

TI-'I AM' (Nation Bloc-'I AM') is sincerely, faithfully, servingly, worldly, hideously and cunningly expressed in TI-'You Are', TI-'We Are' and a ‘They Are’

DO-'I AM' (The Great Sociocosmos-'I AM' or Humanity-at-Large-'I AM') is finally to be as there should be no more 'You Are' nor 'We Are' nor any 'They Are' but rather 'All of Us Are' - the BIG 'I AM'

Two more levels of sovereign 'I AM's at work-on-sovereignty', and they are: 1) The civilization sovereign 'I AM's of the main civilizations and their common sovereign Earth civilization and 2) the higher sovereign World-Island YAFEILA 'I AM's and Outer Islands sovereign Crescent 'I AM's and their sovereign Presente 'I AM's in the making.  The stability of the last requires sufficient hostile encounters, antagonistic imperialistic exploitation and oppression from other inter-stellar and/or Intergalactic civilizations to stabilize.

Sociocosmic 'I AM' Quotes:

1. A colonialized nation loses most of her sovereign and her own sociocosmic LA-'I AM'.

2. A proxy government also loses most of her SO- or LA-lau rights, powers and sovereignty, and certainly her sociocosmic State- or Nation-'I AM's.

3. The consequences of the process of reciprocal feeding and destruction of sociocosmic stopinders is also a process of reciprocal acquiring and losing of sociocosmic 'I AM's.

4. A puppet government has a SO-lau or a LA-lau pseudo-master passenger taking a free ride on a horse-driven hackney sociocosmic carriage of governance whose driver has been whipping its own body all the time under the order of her other dominating alien master.

5.  A TI-DO Interval nationate hegemony peculiar to imperialism is always hungry for eating sociococosmic SO-, LA- and TI-'I AM's as her main source of food; a MI-FA Interval corporate profit-seeking business peculiar to capitalism is always hungry too for eating sociocosmic DO-, RE-, MI- and FA-'I AM's as her main source of food.






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