THE FOURTHWAY MANHO E-JOURNAL Volume 101 March 6, 2020 |
THE ASCENDING AND THE DESCENDING SOCIOCOSMIC OCTAVES By Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho (An excerpt from the original work, Real World Views, Book 18, by Professor Dr. Tan Man-Ho entitled, "The Sociocosmic Octave, the Biocosmic Octave and the Cosmic Octave: A Revolution in Scientific Thoughts," October 1993 ~ March 1996 Discourses, Chapter 1, Section D: "The Ascending and the Descending Sociocosmic Octaves," pp. 99~147)
On the other hand, the descending sociocosmic octave that occurs at the same time as the ascending octave takes the background scene when the ascending octave is strong. But it soon sets in when this octave weakens. In the descending octave one sees forces moving downwards to destroy and to breakup lower stopinders. Entropy and chaotic activities or gravity-center disintegrating forces moving downwards in a civil war or a world war characterized a negative descend. Various gravity-centers of vibrations are destroyed. When the descending octave weakens, the ascending octave becomes active again.
2 Being-capitalism is the trialectics of the ascending sociocosmic octave moving all the way up to the TI-Sociocosmic Stopinder accumulating and monopolizing all the sociocosmoses into its own centralism within the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical periods of Capitalism and Socialism. Then it burst asunder due to expropriation of expropriation or negation of negation of the ownership of the means of production, distribution, consumption and exchange (PDCE) to socialist ownership. The descending being-socialism occurs an ascend-descend cycle of sociocosmic enneagrama occurs - often called a revolution. This being-socialism is then the trialectics of the descending sociocosmic octave moving all the way down to the DO-sociocosmic stopinder de-constructing and re-constructing of private ownership and control of all the 4 means of PDCE phases along its path to public ownership. It has the retardation effect to re-establishment of being-capitalism of the earlier private ownership and control of all the means of PDCE peculiar to the old capitalism until the octave-descend settle down there at the MI-FA Interval which has been the original dwelling place of being-capitalism but this time it is in the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism instead of in the FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. There can be numerous ascend-descend cycles of this type in a this tie-up polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism such as the collapse of the Dutch ascend-descend colonial/capitalist hegemony of the 18th century, replaced by UK colonial/capitalist hegemony of the 19th century which in turn collapse and replaced by US capitalist hegemony of the 20th century, and a collapse also of the infantile USSR socialist experiment due to the ascend-descend cycle known as color revolutions in the 20th century. There were numerous ascend-descend cycles of the previous tie-up polar FA-SO-LA/TI Historical Periods of Feudalism and Capitalism notably of the ascend-descend cycle collapses of many kingdoms, dynasties and imperial dynasties in the world between 1 AD through 1788 AD (feudalistic) and 1788 AD to 2148 AD (capitalistic and socialistic) before matured being-socialism can happen to human beings. The nationalizational ascending agro-collectivization into agro-collectivite stopinders and ascending industrial-collectivization into industrial-collectivite stopinders (worker COOPs) at the MI-FA Interval of the sociocosmic octave is countered by an oscillating alternatively, historically and periodically privatizational descending agro-decollectivization into agro-private stopinders, so is the descending industrial-decollectivization into industrial-private corporate stopinders, and again re-ascending and re-descending in search of an efficient sociocosmic balance and final equilibrium points of the reasonable and correct ratios of the private-capitalists to the common-socialists stopinders. As to what goes on at the "SO-LA" and TI-DO Intervals of this polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, the regulating policies of the nationates regarding these agro and industrial stopinders of production-distribution-consumption-exchange and also their regulating policies regarding service-distribution-consumption-exchange stopinders tend to favor privatization or nationalization principles within the nation-ization or the social-ization stopinder-context respectively. This is the enneagramic paradigm based on the application of the laws of three and seven towards sociocosmic phenoumena relating Capitalism, Socialism and non-existing "Communism" (CSC-phenomenon). Let us look at the dominating 'essence of capitalism' (over the dominated 'essence of socialism') at the MI-FA Interval breeding and growing now ascending swiftly upwards along the fundamental and the 1st lateral sociocosmic octaves extending its predatory tentacles from the MI-FA Interval into the TI-DO Interval during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI-Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism for which the 'essence of socialism' dwelling at the TI-DO Interval is still in the state of an infantile 'Will of Socialism'. The result is a sociocosmic aberration of 'socialism' caused by 'capitalism' at the TI-DO Interval of the fundamental sociocosmic octave and all the governance happening there at its 2nd lateral socciocomic octave. This aberration of 'socialism' is improperly known as socialist governance. When the 'essence of capitalism' ascended to the level of the SO, LA and TI sociocosmic stopinders, that is, from the MI-FA Interval to the TI-DO Interval it transforms into capitalistic-essence colonialism, imperialism, fascism, Nazism and Hegemonism (CIFNH) or 'Reactions of Capitalism' or Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) in quotation mark overshadowing the 'Will of Socialism' at the TI-DO-Interval; when the 'essence-of-socialism' descended to the level of FA sociocosmic stopinders, that is, from the TI-DO Interval to the MI-FA Interval it transforms into socialistic-essence Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) if the sociocosmic stopinders are influenced by the 'Will of Socialism' at the TI-DO Interval or into capitalistic-essence Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) if the sociocosmic stopinders are influenced by CIFNH. The essence-of-socialism from the emerging 'Will of Socialism' and the essence-of-capitalism from the declining 'Reactions of Capitalism' must necessarily come into constant conflict now hidden, now open and often in camouflage, especially with the famous NGOs breeding in large numbers with much aberrating being-psyche hydrogens bearing the names: neo-liberalism, color revolutions and covetous regime change syndrome - Democracy (D) and/or Republic (R) and their Freedom (F), civil Liberty (L), human Rights (R), Justice (J), Equality (E) and Suffrage (S) or FLRJES, LGBTQIA+, and associated engineered regime changes , havatvernonian revolutions and color revolutions peculiar to the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. In the descended sociocosmic octave to the lowest level of extreme INDIVIDUALISM, the RE-Group, the MI-Family, the FA-PDCE Organization, the SO-State, the LA-Nation, the TI-'World of Nations' and the Humanity-at-Large could NOT be felt and thought of appropriately in a balance and harmonious way as something one's own. In the ascended sociocosmic octave to the highest level of COLLECTIVISIM, all the sociocosmic stopinders from Earth Civilization including the Great Sociocosmic Being and the Humanity-at-Large down to the DO-Individual level would always be appropriately felt and thought of in a balance and harmonious manner as if everything is one's own. The noomakhia or the 'Wars of the Mind' are fought amongst the triadic logos or Noological paradigms (within the Western civilization), namely: 1. The Apollonian Light Logos of patriarchal, hierarchical, andocratic, vertical, exclusive, "heavenly" and transcendent formatory structures of the mind 2. The Dionysian Dark logos of middle, androgyneous, ecstatic, immanent without materialism, balanced and dualistic formatory structures of the mind 3. The Cybelian Black Logos of matriarchal, horizontal, gynekocratic, inclusive, chthonic, immanent, materialistic formatory structures of the mind The logos of 1st Political Theory, the 2nd Political Theory and the 3rd Political Theory, and the ultimate 4th Political Theory (Alexander Dugin). All the logos are fought in the 7 main psyche centers of man, namely: 5 of them in his lower thinking, lower feeling, instinctive, moving and sex centers, and 2 more in his higher thinking and higher feeling centers enneagramically fixated in the Marxian mind superstructure formatory-complex downstream as PESTLES, DFLRJES, HEIGRENS, LGBTQIA+, Neoliberalism, color revolutions, havatvernonian revolutions and the like peaking during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. Further downstream would be into the real physical wars through the moving centers of man and all his material PDCE weapons available and at his disposal in his outer world. There are 3 emerging types of socialism-in-quotation-mark vibrating at the levels of FA, SO, LA and TI governances:
1. The 1st type of socialism is government brought in at the TI-DO Interval by non-antagonistic political parties under the pressure of the petty lau, jing and gong beings of dubious welfare conscience in a certain way to govern and regulate all the private production-distribution-consumption-exchange sociocosmic stopinders vibrating predatorily and exploitatively at the MI-FA Interval and attempting to 'correct' triadic vertical and horizontal aberrations there such as distributing and redistributing of wealth through taxes and government spending, to make private enterprises less self-serving, to ensure minimum wages, to set price limitation, to set profits, etc. - giving capitalism a humane face and with a certain welfare focus. Denmark, Norway, Germany, Italy and France are the LA-stopinders run by LA-dong beings called the 1st kind of socialist governance in the capitalist economic system still with the triadic laujinggong sociocosmic shock absorber fully intact. There is certainly no wholesome democracy in this economic system and its political democracy is vote focus casinocratic and votemarketic in nature still surrounded by the spell of neoliberalism - freedom, civil liberty, human rights, justice, equality and universal suffrage and the spell of pseudo-neosocialism - holistic, educational, green (environmental, climatic, sea and ocean care, etc.), responsible, no-harm and sustainability labeled on the skin of a wolf in sheepskin - all of which serves capitalism in spiraling wealth and income into the 1%. Much wiseacring and getting-around by the capitalist corporates to successfully control the government through bribery, corruption, abuse of political power and money, serving the rich Fa-lau corporates and individuals through the instrument of free marketing and fetishistic consumerism, etc. This is Type I Socialism - all having about 30% socialistic state/coop ownership and 70% capitalistic private and individual/personal ownership of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange mixed economy excluding land/natural geo-resources ownership. As to original capitalism, it is pure exploitation, enslavement, profit-maximization, wild wealth accumulation, war and conquest. Capitalist controlled "Type I socialism" has never had any real democracy in history except its wiseacring of words - democracy of vote-only by the rich, for the rich, to the rich, with the rich and the poor needs only to the vote-donor but not vote-receiver to be the SO-lau or SO-dong beings and/or the LAlau or the LA-dong beings, only their "representatives."
2. The 2nd type of socialism is government brought in at the same TI-DO Interval by the antagonistic revolutionary political parties of professional oppressed gong beings (working) through a qualitative sociocosmic revolution sometimes by decisive election, and directly takes over the private enterprises of production-distribution-consumption-exchange into the exclusive ownership of the state (SO) and/or nation (LA) fully. They then manage (previously not possible but now becomes possible because of big data and super-speed AI computers for which the earth would soon be relatively small for global central management by UN with only about 195 nation-stopinders and 8 billions human beings to manage) by central planning, organizing, leading and controlling the production, distribution, consumption and exchange of some goods and services in what they called a socialist economic system - still with the triadic dongjinggong and occasional gongjingdong sociocosmic shock absorbers not yet stabilized because it is an infantile essence-socialism just born and in most cases from the womb of agro-feudalism instead of from the womb of industrial-capitalism. There is still no wholesome democracy in this type II socialist economic system too, but better than the terror-of-the-situation capitalism. This is Type II Socialism and often called "Communism," an improper misused of the word over something not existing for a polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism. The Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic or USSR (1917 - 1991), China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, Kerala in India, etc. - all having about a 90% socialistic state/coop/collective ownership and a 10% individualistic ownership on the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange mixed economy excluding land/natural geo-resources ownership.
3. The 3rd type of socialism is government brought in at the TI-DO Interval by either the non-antagonistic electional political parties or antagonistic revolutionary political parties or worker’s unions under the new forward moving laujinggong-dongjinggong-gongjingdong pressures creating a socialism with characteristics such as the China’s socialism with Chinese characteristics, and possible Middle-Eastern socialism with Islamic characteristics, Western socialism with Christian characteristics, and also other civilizational and techno-cultural characteristics. This is the middle third that is what is is today according to the law of three. Those 1st lateral sociocosmic organizations at the MI-FA Interval also acquire this type of socialism – all having about a 70% socialistic state/coop/collective ownership and a 30% capitalistic private ownership and individual/personal ownership of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange mixed economy but excluding land/natural geo-resources ownership which must always be state ownership. Perhaps in an equilibrium S:C:F (Socialist: Capitalist: Foreign) of 4:2:1 ownership of the means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange but excluding land/natural geo-resources ownership. There is a negation of negation of Capitalism and "Socialism" into a synthesis with a mixed economic systems in a polar sociocosmic enneagram as it is natural for a transitional polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism pivoting into the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Communism, where socialistic-essences is now seeking to sit at all the seven 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders at the MI-FA Interval with triadic dongjinggong-in-transit-to-gongjingdong shock absorbers in place - keeping and/or replacing all the 1st lateral sociocosmic do-sole proprietorship, re-partnership, mi-private Ltd, fa-public Ltd, so-coops, la-privatized and government-linked companies and ti-state-national enterprises into do-collective 1, re-collective 2, mi-collective 3, fa-collective, so-collective, la-collective 6 and ti-collective 7 ... and to introduce real democracy to the production-distribution-consumption-exchange mixed economic system and for the TI-DO Interval with dongjinggong-in-transit-to-gongjingdong socioocsmic shock absorbers in place to ensure that they (the 2nd lateral sociocosmic Do-state organization, Re-nation organization, Mi-UN organization, Fa-Humanity-at-Large organization, So-Space exploratory organization, La-Interplanetary exploratory organization and Ti-Interstellar exploratory organization) are more wholesome democratic and also more regulatory in the process of production-distribution-consumption-exchange, both 'private' and 'public.' This is Type III Socialism and is only growing to dominate the world economic system by 2148 AD as stable economic system for humanity. Most countries are moving in this mixed economic system models on historical transit to the SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism proper. Note that a mixed economic system models approach is just a naïve convenience jargon for thesis-antithesis-synthesis model of thinking over a very much complicated real objective Pythagorean Monochord Harmonic Scale Model with 7 sociocosmic octave notes, ascending-descending, accelerating-decelerating at two sociocosmic intervals (Mi-Fa Interval and Ti-Do Interval) spiraling by the law of triad at the Ti-Do Interval into 7 historical sociocosmic species and 7 sociocosmic enneagrams within the geocosmic influence of the MI-FA Interval and the astrological influence from the TI-DO Interval of the (our) Ray of Creation.
It is different from the capitalistic wolves-in-sheep-skin Hegemonies which is a LA-nation (USA and even others in the making) by-passing TI-UN and dominating other nations in its way to become the winner superpower TI-lau nation beings and at the same time enslaving the other loser weaker and smaller TI-gong nation beings through circles of TI-jing nation beings - in the body of the current FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism which is expected to lose its presence and world dominance by 2148 AD, and losing most of its current measurable unwholesome parameters that have to be changed, improved, eliminated, added with PESTLES parameters (political, economic, socio-cultural, technological-science, legal, ethical-value and security-defense parameters) and proper neoliberal and neosocialism parameters, restored-of-the-deliberately-eliminated, and etcetera. Measuring the eternally ill-fated parameters of the capitalist economic system such GDP, GNP, inflation, deflation, stagflation, GINI coefficient, unemployment, recession, depression, debts, CPI, PPI, funds, duties, taxes, interest rates, loans, bonds, shares, capitalist crises and wars, and etcetera found in the body of this FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism are overcome, and they would be revised so as to measure the auto-historical emerging SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism, the transition mandate is that man and his captive sociocosmic specie-envelop must struggle and change in order to survive as he has never wanted extinction en masse to himself.
3 The actual forces coming from the cosmic octave and proceeding in a sociocosmic octave, contrary to popular notion is not DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA, TI and DO but DO, TI, LA, SO, FA, MI, RE and DO. This means that the descending octave is from the individual (DO), the group (TI), the family (LA), the organization (SO), the state (FA), the nation (MI), the World of Nations (RE) and the Great Sociocosmos (DO). This notion does not seem to reconcile with the current notion of the ascending octave from the individual (DO), the group (RE), the family (MI), the organization (FA), the state (SO), the nation (LA), the world of nations (TI) and the Great Sociocosmos (DO of the next octave).
In terms of size, the upper most sociocosmic octave note, the Great Sociocosmos is the largest. It contains all the other fundamental and lateral sociocosmic octaves and notes in concentric circles which are all inner sociocosmic octaves and notes of the Great Sociocosmic Being.
If we examine the cosmoses in the Ray of Creation from the world of atoms (DO), the world of cells (RE), the tritocosmos or organic life or the microcosmos or man (MI), the mesocosmos or planets (FA), the Deuterocosmos or sun (SO), the Macrocosmos or milky way (LA), the Ayocosmos or all worlds (TI) and the Protocosmos or Absolute (DO), we will discover that the Absolute contains everything, that is, the cosmic octave. However, forces still come down from the absolute in the descending order of Do, Ti, La, So, Fa, Mi, Re and Do. What moves down is the very fine ‘particles’. You can call it the various notes in the octave of atom. The vibration brings them to us from the Absolute. Massive fragments move in accordance with mechanical laws.
In the sociocosmic octave, the Great Sociocosmos would be able to send forces down into its finest monad and that is the individual who is analogous to the atom. The content of the Great Sociocosmos and all the other sociocosmoses consist of the fundamental vibration of DO, that is, the individual.
Thus cosmic forces can use the monad or individual, to influence the nations which in turn can influence each state and the respective organization(s). This in turn can influence, the family, the group through the individuals. The individuals identified with the cosmic forces would close the paradox or cycle.
4 Nationalization is the process of shifting the active gravity-center MI-stopinder of the FA-sociocosmic octave upwards to the Ti-stopinder or Do-stopinder of the next octave, and privatization returns the active gravity-center to the La-stopinder or even lower down in the same inner FA-sociocosmic octave. The unbecoming of the interfacing process of the sociocosmic notes DO, RE MI and FA in the general sociocosmic octave could trigger state intervention in restoring stability through a shift of the gravity center upwards.
Contemporary political brains from Nation-stopinder are dualistically conditioned to see itself as ‘Nation’ and every sociocosmic stopinders outside it as Private-stopinder. Their brains easily take in the 2 processes – nationalization and privatization processes between the 2 centers of gravity.
5 In the language of Real World Views, John Naisbitt’s championing cause for the individual as the determining factor of social megatrend would be a shift of the human awareness focus back to the DO-sociocosmic stopinder. In fact, in the process of the separation of the sociocosmic seed into its seven notes all the notes are important. The individual is as important as the group. So are the family, the organization, the state, the nation and the world of nations. The symphony laws enable some of the notes to vibrate more actively on the awareness stage and the musical composition played in a harmonious way enable the stopinder players to occupy the 4th body factor in the body of the great sociocosmos. Once the music is over, other stopinder players would insist on their presence on this stage.
As the individual is always present in all the seven sociocosmic levels, he is the basic and ultimate determinant of the sociocosmic trialectics.
Prior to the 1980’s, the great music was played at the level of SO, LA and TI as the basic theme of most thinking in our brains. In the 1990’s the symphony went to the level of SO, FA and DO. Beings of the stopinder, Singapore, has expressed some flashes of the importance of MI because of the process of rapid MI breakups worldwide due to the diminishing being-time available for the creation and maintenance of the MI-sociocosmic stopinder as much being-time is sucked away by the FA-stopinder, and serious sociocosmic perturbation in the trialectical process of man and woman has halted the smooth emergence of this stopinder. The perturbation of the value octave of this trialectics leading to the active functioning of the demonimmoralian octave of this value octave also contributes to its rapid breakup. I must further warn you that most courtship triads of the second sociocosmic stopinder (RE) related to the man-woman triad have broken up even before they are able to consolidate themselves as MI-sociocosmic stopinders.
Where is the equilibrium point of these two descending and ascending octaves? Of the descending essence-of-socialism from the TI-DO Interval to the MI-FA Interval and of the ascending essence-of-capitalism from the MI-FA Interval to the TI-DO Interval in terms of the capital-mass of production sociocosmic stopinders to be considered balance within a a LA-Sociocosmic stopinder? Of the foreign production-distribution stopinders? There is a proposed standard reference S:C:F = 4:2:1 or Socialist:Capitalist:Foreign over means of production-distribution-consumption-exchange mixed economy (good non-predatory sociopital-value or funds used only for social, public or common projects especially by socialists without quotation marks : bad predatory capital-value or funds used for another predatory/exploitative projects or fetishistic personal private activities of self-serving projects not for the benefit of social, public and the common people : foreign investment '-pital'-value extractive and of dubious purposes, all the funds are amixed-in-circulation within a state/nation-stopinder) excluding land/natural geo-resources ownership at:
Now the disequilibrium occurred when the capital-mass PDCE stopinders move away from this equilibrium point - more of socialistic-essence when S is greater than 4/7; more of capitalistic-essence when C is greater than 2/7; more of foreign-domination when F is greater than 1/7. However, this equilibrium stopindered and locked for LA-nations and TI-nation-blocs is meant only for the late polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism as the historical sociocosmic species near 2148 AD (beginning Age of Aquarius) and continues thereafter prior to the vey high sociocosmic aberration years from 1788 AD - pre-2148 AD for the One Great Sociocosmic Being on mother Earth's surface.
Legend: The Fundamental Sociocosmic Octave DO: The Individual RE: The Group MI: The Family
FA: The
Organization SO: The State
LA: The Nation TI: The
World of Nations
DO: The Great Sociocosmos The Inner Octave of the FA-Sociocosmic Stopinder from the 1st Lateral Sociocosmic Shock Do: Sole
Proprietorship Re: Partnership Mi: Private
Limited Company Further Mi-Fa Interval within the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave Fa: Public
Limited Company So: Co-operative society La: Privatized (Government Linked or GL) Corporation Ti: National Corporation or State Enterprise
Do ⇔ SO: State Organization
The Inner Octave of the SO-Sociocosmic Stopinders from the 2nd Lateral Sociocosmic Shock Do: State Organization Re: Nation Organization Mi: The United Nations Organization Further Mi-Fa Interval within the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave Fa: Humanity-at-Large So: The Great Sociotechnocosmos (plus some associated organic creatures besides AI robots & "spiritual" machines) La: Space Exploration/ Sociotechnocosmic Will 3 (spaceships, space stations and satellites plus organic man and non-organic robots or Will of the Sociocosmos 3) Ti: Interplanetary Exploration/Sociotechnocosmic Will 2 (spaceships, space stations, satellites, planetary and moon stations, planets and moon(s) plus organic man and non-organic robots or Will of the Sociocosmos 2) Further Ti-Do Interval within the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave where sociocosmic becomes sociotechnocosmic Do: Inter-Solar System or interstellar Exploration/Sociotechnocosmic Will 1 (all of the above plus sun(s) or Will of the Sociocosmos 1)
Note added in April 8, 2020:
1. In the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, the social relations of production for the purpose of production enters as:
i) the fundamental Individual for production (DO) at the TI-DO Interval and is known as the Personates of the stopinder notes Do (Sole Proprietor production /business), Re (Partnership production/ business) and Mi (family production/business) with descent minimal or without exploited employee of the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave or just lower level corporates before the Fa stopinder. They are naturally non-exploitative, essentially not an origin of the 1st lateral socicosmic octave input and is a 'virtue'.
ii) the fundamental Productive Organization for production (FA) at the MI-FA Interval and is known as the Corporates proper of the stopinder notes of Fa (Public Limited company), So (Cooperative society), La (Privatized corporation/Government-Linked Corporation or GLC) and Ti (State/National Corporation) of the 1st lateral socicosmic octave or just higher level Corporates below the next of Do.
iii) the fundamental Regulatory Organization for production and all others - non-productive forces, wars, etc. at the "SO-LA Interval" and is known as the Nationates of the stopinder notes Do (state organization), Re (Nation Organization), Mi (United Nations Organization), Fa (Humanity-at-Large), So (The Great Sociotechnocosmos) and the three exploratory sociotechnocosmic tentacles notes of La, Ti and Do, namely, the La-Space Exploration (spaceships, space stations and satellites plus organic man and non-organic robots or Sociotechnocosmic Will 3), Ti-Interplanetary Exploration (spaceships, space stations, satellites, planetary and moon stations, planets and moon(s) plus organic man and non-organic robots or Sociotechnocosmic Will 2) and Do-Inter-Solar System or interstellar Exploration (all of the above plus sun(s) or Sociotechnocosmic Will 1)
iv) the fundamental "Spiritual" and AI-Robot Individual for production (DO of the next higher sociotechnocosmic octave) and might be known as the Robot Personates .......
2. The 1st Force of Creation in the sociocosmic octaves is always an ascending force for the purpose of creating the sociocosmic stopinders and is always there till completion although it might not be able to complete them. The 2nd Force of Destruction in the sociocosmic octaves is always a descending force for the purpose of destroying the sociocosmic stopinders and is always there until the full destruction of all the sociocosmic stopinders. As soon as a sociocosmic stopinder or more have being created, two forces emerge, an ascending force and a descending force of nourishment and maintenance for these sociocosmic stopinders. The Ascending Force of Nourishment and Maintenance (the Ascending Octaves) acts by shifting the gravity-center focus of nourishment and maintenance upward along the sociocosmic octaves both fundamental and laterals. The Descending Force of Nourishment and Maintenance (the Descending Octaves) acts by shifting the gravity-center focus downward along the sociocosmic octaves both fundamental and laterals. The unnourished and unmaintained stopinders weaken and often died off from the inherent destructive force within it with negative, positive or neutral consequences to the Great Body Sociocosmos. These forces are the forces for the harmonious development of the Great Sociocosmic Being and in future for the harmonious development of the Great Socioctechnocosmic Being on mother Earth's surface.
3. It is important here to point out the severity of sociocosmic perturbation in the development of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave beginning at SO-LA Interval and ending at TI-DO Interval and possibly beyond.
It is important to note that where the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave ends is also the starting point or beginning of the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave (higher order octave) and this is important - all the notes from the 2 lateral octaves can easily become mess up due to our own abnormal process of digestion of the three being-foods to produce the hydrogens that could have been harmonized easily for normal man. This is the accursed perturbation in the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave!
4. Socialism from Below vs Socialism from Above and Capitalism from Below vs Capitalism from Above
Psyche hydrogens formed in a human being is a subject of the outcome(s) or consciousness social or non-social of the digestion of three being-foods, namely for the non-social individual or biocosmic man - impression food, air food and ordinary foods - and for the social corporates and nationates - intangibles (information, finance, communications, working capital, capital, labor, surplus labor, etc.), people (human beings or workers) and materials (machineries, lands, equipment, buildings, raw materials, materilized accumulated/stored labor, etc.) - and for the Great Sociocosmic Being - the individual (DO) as the 1st sociocosmic being food, the corporates as the 2nd sociocosmic being-food and the nationates as the 3rd sociocosmic being-food. No guarantee as to the exact latent form that might be hidden in the three-brained beings dwelling in all the 1st lateral socicosmic stopinders at MI-FA Interval (the Below) and those dwelling in all the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders at TI-DO Interval (the Above).
If the psyche hydrogens of strong Socialism become the lau forces at the MI-FA Interval of the fundamental sociocosmic octave then such psyche hydrogens of Socialism acquires an ascending power and move up the octave creating the phenoumenon of "Socialism from Below" and if on the other hand, the same psyche hydrogen of Socialism, after a successful revolution and become the lau being dwelling in all the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders at TI-DO Interval having also acquire this same strong power as is normally the case then descend downwards, the phenoumenon becomes "Socialism from Above".
Now as I have already told you that these psyche hydrogens are created from the digestion of the three being-foods, so it can dwell in the bodies of these same three-brained beings anywhere in all the stopinders of all the 3 sociocosmic octaves, fundamental or laterals. When psyche hydrogen of Capitalism at MI-FA Interval continues to ascend like a mad wild horse hungry for wealth, it takes the phenoumenal form of Colonialism, Imperialism, Nazism, Fascism, Hegemonism and of similar traits as they enter into the SO, LA and TI octave notes not a proper natural dwelling place for them but rather meant for the psyche hydrogens of Socialism. This phenoumenon would be "Capitalism from Below", and when the same psyche hydrogens wiseacred covertly into the bodies of the three-brained beings dwelling in all the 2nd lateral sociocosmic stopinders at TI-DO Interval, and from there they "restore Capitalism" downwards as a descending octave, the phenoumenon is known as an aberration of "Capitalism from Above" - an aberration of Fascism because their natural home is not at the proper place where Socialistic Will of TI-DO Interval dwells and where property of the means of production-distribution-consumption is public and belongs to the many or is sharing-common.
"Capitalism from Above" is normal only when it is in the MI-Historical Period of Feudalism where Capitalism dwells at the TI-DO Interval acting from "Above" and Feudalism dwells at the MI-FA Interval acting from "Below".
When three-brained
beings much coated in the essence with being psyche hydrogens bearing the
name Racialism cum Capitalism dwelling either at the MI-FA Interval or at the TI-DO
Interval the same ascending and descending phenoumenon will happen –
Racialism from Below and Racialism from Above; it is Nazism. It is very much
ill-fated for the three-brained beings dwelling on the planet Earth.
The ascending and the descending forces are possible for all the fundamental sociocosmic octave, the 1st lateral sociocosmic octave at the MI-FA Interval and the 2nd lateral sociocosmic octave at "SO-LA Interval" and TI-DO Interval and the direction and goals of each are different from one historical periods to another.
Below is the models of the ascending and descending octave for 1) the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, 2) the DO-Historical Periods of Socialism and Communism and 3) the RE-Historical Periods of Communism and Datongism.
1. The FA-Historical Period of Capitalism (The FA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism)
The original source of the capitalist essence seed of production, distribution, consumption and exchange at the MI-FA Interval
The final reach of the capitalist essence of regulation of production, distribution, consumption and exchange in opposition to the will of the socialist essence at the TI-DO Interval
wolf-in-sheep-skin spell of neoliberalism and pseudo-neosocialism.
These 2 rare political economy species will still breed but in lesser
numbers and roam with limited fuels in the bodies of the emerging
SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism and the future LA-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Communism. Psyche hydrogens such as
individual freedom, civil liberty, human rights, justice, equality and
universal suffrage and holistic, educational, green, responsible, no-harm
and sustainable elements are metabolic social relations (intrinsic social
relations) to the sheep. A wolf can only wear them through sheepskin cloak
thus always independent non-metabolic social relations (extrinsic social
relations). That is why, if you care to listen carefully and quietly,
these psyche hydrogens seem to come out always from the mouth instead of
from the heart of all the wolves-in-sheepskin. Biological and social
relations (or biocosmic and sociocosmic relations) are metabolic relations
and the methods of analysis known as the empirical method of analysis, that
is, a type of research suitable for the independent non-metabolic relations
solely based on evidence obtained through observation or scientific data
collection methods should be used with caution for there is a limitation to
this method for which the psychological methods must be complemented with.
As to what are the psychological methods, one needs to expand this knowledge
and work for the higher level being into one’s ownself and realizing also
for one’s ownself the subsequent know-hows. As a point of interest to
give you the meaning, a snail has not the level of being to know about what
the universe is. So are you sure a man’s level of being is the ultimate
level to know the same?
2. The SO-Historical Period of Socialism (The SO-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Socialism)
The original source of the socialist essence seed of production, distribution, consumption and exchange at the MI-FA Interval
The final reach of the socialist essence of regulation of production, distribution, consumption and exchange in opposition to the will of the communist essence at the TI-DO Interval
Old pseudo-neoliberalism under the wolf-in-sheepskin spell of capitalism needs to be liberated and integrated into the wolf-head sheepskin essence of socialism
3. The LA-Historical Period of Communism (The LA-Historical Sociocosmic Species of Communism)
The original source of the communist essence seed of production, distribution, consumption and exchange at the MI-FA Interval
The final reach of the communist essence of regulation of production, distribution, consumption and exchange in opposition to the will of the datongist essence at the TI-DO Interval. This datongist consists of the biocosmic humans and the Spiritual AI robots and machines.
1. The 2 consensus in macroeconomic policies of nationate economic planners and regulators to accelerate growth of the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders, reduce poverty amongst the masses, stimulate the healthy growth of the Great Sociocosmic Being during the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism
During these MI-FA and TI-DO bounded intervals of our polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism, and also after World War II, 2 consensus appeared for macroeconomic policies models of nationate economic planners and regulators to stimulate and accelerate growth of the 1st lateral sociocosmic stopinders aimed at reducing poverty amongst the masses, ensure the healthy growth of the Great Sociocosmic Being, somewhat wiseacred and appeared on mother earth surface, namely the one called by these three-centered nationate beings as the Washington Consensus (1946 - 1979) based mainly on the Keynesian Model/neo-Keynesian variants and the other more successful one called the Tokyo Consensus (1960 - till today) based on Shimomuran-Werner Model. It must be understood both these macroeconomic models are still under the spell of the capitalistic-socialistic contradiction within the polar FA-SO-LA-TI Historical Periods of Capitalism and Socialism of a diametrically exploitative/oppressive versus anti-exploitative/anti-oppressive modes of PDCE within and without each and every productive sociocosmic stopinders at the MI-FA interval of the Great Sociocosmic Being, and that will mathematically and technically end by astrological measure in 2148 AD. The former Keynesian model of the Washington Consensus which wiseacredly favors the rich exploiting class being the winner of World War II preferred by the US, UK and some other western countries, whereas the loser of this war (Japan/Germany) and the devastated nations (China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, etc.) which dubiously but more in favor of the general populace preferred the Shimomuran-Werner Model.
The Keynesian Model mainly of the Fiscal/Monetary policies and neo-Keynesian variants with imperialistic and hegemonistic gains and various-top ups. Being strong and war winners, they are able to enjoy the benefits of imperialistic and hegemonistic gains and top-ups from other exploited nationates to be included as a contributory support to the macroeconomic agenda. However, their continuing stimulation of the macro economy towards three-centered corporate advantages all positioned at the MI-FA Interval at the expense of the common citizens does make the US great but only to the greater benefit of the upper capitalist class. As to education in the universities this Keynesian Model and its neo-Keynessian variants is the approved macroeconomic model as mandated - others including the Shimomuran-Werner Models or the Marxian Models are not allowed to be taught in the universities except for mere mentioned.
The Shimomuran-Werner model is mainly no-cost credit creation for productive investment purposes to the advantage of baby or infantile three-centered corporates and some still not-killed or bombed established three-centered corporates also all positioned at the MI-FA Interval. Being weak and war losers mostly, they are unable to enjoy the benefits of imperialistic and hegemonistic gains and top-ups from other exploiting nationates to be included as a contributory support to the macroeconomic agenda. It too was much approved and mandated for education at the universities. Growing fast the result is a miracle and has produced some small competing capitalist Asian economic tigers - indeed it should be as there is a feel of peoples' care in this macroeconomic approach initially but unfortunately for Japan and even South Korea were damaged after the 1980's due to the disastrous US and its allies UK, West Germany and France imposed Plaza Accord 1980 (Tokyo Plaza Agreement) and later Louvre Accord 1987 both detrimental to Japan's international finance - the two swords of financial extremes one killing Japan's finance and another stabilizing and “eternalizing” the killed-financial state to Japan. For the other ill-fated competing capitalistic Asian economic tigers their fall is due mainly to the outbreak of their own inner endemic capitalistic disease from their own essence of greed, corruption, moral values and exploitation deep-rooted in their biosociocosmic genes. Except for Singapore of strong biosociocosmic genes which holds strict to meritocracy, strong ethical control, checking on corruption and taking immediate action of remedy most final outcome of these other Asian economic tigers dwindled badly.
China by the 2012 is the only one nation (while the US, the UK and some western nations that uses the Keynesian and the neo-Keynesian variants show evidence of decline) that has grown big and also independent enough in the Shimomuran-Werner venture assisted by the much 'not-allowed-to-be-understood' Marxian socialistic essences of common and shared prosperity instead of the capitalistic essences of only 'prosperity-to-the-few' philosophy with a sugar-coated cloak in disguised. China's production is Shimomuran-Werner for all three-centered urban or zarooarian corporates at the MI-FA intervals as well as the socialistic collectivites (of the rural suburb) and State/National Corporates at the MI-FA Interval and the Will at the TI-DO Interval permeates deep for the Historical Periods of Socialism proper - all-rich and no-poor with minor acceptable rich-rich sociocosmic aberrations and aplenty "oppressed" technocosmic AI smart robotic machine productions of all goods and services to serve the "oppressing" biosociocosmic humanity and whereas biocosmic humanity is only beginning to learn how to share prosperity amongst themselves which is likely to emerge as an infantile en masse starting from 2148 AD according Astrological measure.
However, a point to note in the law of reciprocal destruction and law of nourishment and decay, to this ascending path much perturbed by the already troubled presence of their own military-industrial complexes for defense, the future root of possible ascending failures and a possible descending path to a decadent body of our Great Sociocosmic Being is and must be noted.
Comparative Data on Poverty, 2017, George Tait Edwards Tokyo Consensus Economies (TCE Zone) vs Washington Consensus (WC Zone). GINI Coefficients and ownerships of the means of production that would reveal income and wealth inequalities of the population in each country and/or "country" and zone is excluded.
2. What sociocosmic perturbations or terror in interplanetary imperialism and interplanetary colonalism might occur for this ill-fated growth in the 2nd Lateral Sociocosmic Shock?
Read this TASS news for a wee bit of mental arousing of your thought with regard to the Laws of Appropriation by sociocosmic stopinder beings:
7. /TASS/ Attempts to seize the territories of other planets are harmful to international cooperation, Deputy Director General of Roscosmos for International Cooperation Sergey Saveliev said on Tuesday. "Attempts to expropriate outer space and aggressive plans to actually seize territories of other planets hardly set the countries for fruitful cooperation," Saveliev said. He recalled that there were examples in history when one country decided to start seizing territories in its interests. "Everyone remembers what came of it,"Saveliev added. In turn, Director General of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin on his Twitter page noted that Trump's two decrees "on the actual assignment of the moon and other celestial bodies to the United States" and on the state of emergency in the United States due to coronavirus can be related. "We are trying to understand how these decrees are interconnected," he wrote. US President Donald Trump signed an executive decree on Monday to support commercial exploitation of resources on the moon and other celestial bodies, directing the US administration to resist any attempt to view outer space as the public domain of mankind. The document, in particular, emphasizes that the United States does not recognize the Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, adopted by a resolution of the UN General Assembly in December 1979. According to the resolution, exploration and use of the moon is attributed to all mankind and is carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries, regardless of the degree of their economic or scientific development. Comment: A typical
shameful and selfish hegemon's primitive capitalistic-essenced hegemonian
logical flaw of a LA-lau three-centered nationate being's hunger for
exclusive rights, ownerships and appropriation for Moon and Other Celestial
Bodies in part or in whole to transfer these exclusive rights, ownership and
appropriation to its own lower level crony-essenced Fa-lau three-centered
corporate being(s) of the MI-FA Interval and finally to further transfer now
hidden now disguised to the 1% capitalist three-centered individual(s) or
DO-sociocosmic stopinder(s) within the system of the FA-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Capitalism. A legal-ana and national policy
disease of an individualistic philosophy that denies all other individuals
and sociocosmic stopinders in the world of the rights, ownership and
appropriation of our Moon and Other Celestial Bodies including the wise
advice of learned beings from the higher United Nations of the Mi-lateral
sociocosmic stopinder of the TI-DO Interval and also certainly a terrible
unbecoming mega-cosmic hungry primitivism in the eyes of the higher more
conscious and humane socialistic-essenced Humanity-at-Large of the Fa-lateral
sociocosmic stopinder at the TI-DO Interval as lateral socio(techno)cosmic
vibration ascends to Space Exploration (So), Interplanetary Exploration (La)
and Interstellar Exploration (Ti) of the emerging higher SO-Historical
Sociocosmic Species of Socialism!